Chur Human Resource Process

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Human Resource Procedure

1. Recruitment Procedure

a) Department Head forwards their requirement for a position with

Skills/Competence required for the profile along with Job Description to HR team.

b) On receiving the requirement, HR team assesses the media vis-à-vis education,

skills, location and experience and sources resumes through selected media.

c) HR will shortlist the resumes with reference to the profile and conducts the
preliminary interview.

d) HR shortlists candidates & forwards the resume to the Department Head/ Line

e) Department Head / Line Manager conducts the functional interview & records his/
her assessment on the interview evaluation sheet (Evaluation Sheet) if found
suitable and forwards the same to the HR department

f) The Department Head sends to HR the New Recruit Approval Memo or the
Replacement Approval Memo.

g) The reference check (Reference Check) is conducted for the shortlisted

candidates as identified on the basis of the references provided.

h) Background screening of the selected employee is done only for sensitive

positions as mentioned on Job description.

i) HR will send offer letter to the selected candidate and also share the list of
documents required at the time of joining.

2. Joining Procedure

a) Employee hands over the acknowledgement copy of offer letter to HR dept.

b) HR will conduct the joining process. The employee is given the joining kit [Employee
Form, Axis Bank form, Confidential Undertaking, Investment Declaration Form,
Employee handbook and Temporary Employee Card )

c) Employee fills up all the documents given with the joining kit & submits along with his
personal documents as mentioned in the List of documents required at the time of
joining (address proof, photo identity, residential proof, credentials, acceptance of
resignation letter or relieving letter from the previous company or work experience
d) Employee code and PF & ESIC number (if applicable) will be generated on the day of the

e) Employees/ Workers should be covered under

f) All the documents are filed & the employee’s name is entered in the master data.

g) The duly filled bank opening form or the transfer form is handed over to the Axis bank
representative for the account opening.

h) New Employee is handed over with his/her Access card in 10 working days. Temporary
Employee card is returned back to HR department on receipt of access card.
i) If approved by Management, the authorized Email Id form is scanned & sent to the
System Administrator for creating Email Id for employee.

3. Induction Procedure and Orientation

HR in association with all Department Head will undertake post-recruitment training and
awareness program.

The training & awareness program will include, but not limited to:
(1) Introduction to Chur’s structure and its working (As applicable)
(2) Code of Conduct to be observed while working in Chur.
(3) Introduction to ISO 9001:2000 standard and Quality Management requirements.
(4) Introduction to ISO 27001:2005 standard and Information Security

4. Confirmation procedure

HR will inform about confirmation of employee under probation 15 days before prior to the
completion of 6 months to their respective reporting manager and HOD.

Once HR get approval for the confirmation from HOD, a confirmation letter will be issued to the
employee. And if confirmation is not approved then in that case HR will issue a letter for
extension of probation period to the employee.

5. Training Procedure

The employee selected undergoes the induction program. After joining the respective
department, he/she is given the related on-job training according to the job function by the
reporting supervisor or manager.

Respective department heads maintain the records of the training conducted.

Developmental Plans are discussed after the appraisals by the Reporting Manager with the
employee concern. Accordingly, the training needs are identified after the appraisals.

6. Payroll Procedure
a) Attendance data of the employees will be collected from the attendance machine
on 1st or 2nd of the next month.
b) Attendance data of the worker will be collected fortnightly and the same will be
crossed checked from the data from attendance machine.
c) After collating the attendance data salary will be calculated after all necessary
deductions like statutory compliance (PF, ESIC, PT, MLWF), Advances and Loan.
d) Once salary sheet is ready after dual check, HR will prepare salary transfer sheet
to the directors to the process the payment.

7. Issuing of Identification Badge / Access Card:

a) HR will issue Access card to all employees of Chur

b) HR will maintain the register to this effect and activate the access card. The access to
facility will be given strictly on need-to-know and need-to-do basis.

c) HR will control the access rights to enter into ‘Restricted Area’ through electronic access
control system.

d) In case of complaint of loss of Access card by employee, HR will disable access control
rights for the said card through Electronic controlled access system, and issue new
Access card.

e) In case if employee has forgotten to bring the access card:

(1) The employee will inform the security submit request for issuing of temporary
card to HR Department via his Reporting Manager or HOD.
(2) HR Executive after verification of the request and person’s identity and approval
from the Chief Manager - HR, will issue temporary card to employee.
(3) HR Executive will take necessary action to record the attendance.
(4) Employee will return the temporary card to reception at the end of the day.

8. Performance Appraisal Procedure:

a) KRA and KPI will be defined for all the existing employees.

b) KRA and KPI of new joiners should be defined within 1 week of their joining date.

c) Reporting Manager and employee discuss performance for the year (April to March)

d) On mutual agreement, they complete the following:

i) 1 - Performance Rating
ii) 2 - Support it with Remarks for Achievement

e) The Reporting Manager computes the Average Performance Review Score and writes it
at the bottom.

f) The Reporting Manager circles the appropriate Performance Level Range on page 2

g) He/ She discusses Development Areas and indicates the same in section B.

h) Employee and the Reporting Manager sign off the Form.

i) Section C is confidential and is completed by the Reporting Manager post discussion.

j) Reporting Manager and Head of Department sign off Section C.

k) The signed copy of the completed form is sent to HR

l) The ratings are collated and discussed with Heads of Departments

m) After the final discussion, the Appraisal Letters with the Ratings and Increments are sent
to the respective Head of Departments latest by 15th April of next financial year.

9. Internal Transfer Procedure

a) This procedure applies to all users undergoing internal transfer in location or


b) As per the information from HOD, HR will communicate about such internal transfers to
the employee and email to respective Department Heads.

c) Physical and logical access to information systems for the previous role will be revoked
and reassigned as per new roles and responsibilities by HOD.

d) For Asset transfers, HR will inform Respective Department Head / Representative about
the transfer.

10. Separation Procedure

a) This procedure will be applied to Employee who are on payroll of Chur.

b) Before his/her separation, the employee must obtain the clearance from Concerned
Department Heads (refer Exit-Checklist). This indicates that all the logical and physical
access rights and other facilities which are provided to him as Chur employee are

c) The IT Infra will disable access to Systems such as network & server domain, email,
Internet & other communication systems based on the clearance given as per the Exit-

d) The HR department will also ensure disabling of access card.

e) Respective departments, under which the separated employee, contractor or third party
was working, will ensure return of access keys of workstation, filing cabinets and storage
shelves, laptops, mobile computing device and any Chur’s files, documents, manuals,

f) The person leaving the organization will surrender facilities, property and assets to
Department Head.

g) An exit feedback form will be filled by the exiting employee and submitted to the HR.

h) Full and final settlement would be provided only after the fulfillment of above

i) The access rights of terminated person can be assigned to designated person as

specified by Department Head for monitoring and operational purpose.
11.Disciplinary Action

Any incident of security breach involving an employee, Contractors and Third Party will be
escalated by IT / Admin/HR

Investigating disciplinary matters

When faced with a potential disciplinary matter, full investigation will be carried out before
taking any action. Certain details will be scrutinized to understand:

 the alleged breach of discipline, the circumstances and consequences of the breach.
 the employee’s job, experience, length of service and disciplinary record.
 the evidence of witnesses.
 whether the employee has received appropriate counseling or training.

Once all the above-mentioned facts are taken into account, Review the evidence is done to
determine whether there is:

 a case to answer, or whether the case is serious enough for disciplinary measures
 an alternative to disciplinary action like:
i) Give warning
ii) Ask to undergo Information Security awareness training
iii) Demote
iv) Revoke access
v) Non-Payment of bonuses.
vi) Terminate and forward for Legal action

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