International Standard 11127-l
International Standard 11127-l
International Standard 11127-l
STANDARD 11127-l
First edition
1993-l 2-l 5
Reference number
IS0 11127-1:1993(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
IS0 11127 consists of the following parts, under the general title Prep-
aration of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products - Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives:
- Part 9: Sampling
0 IS0 1993
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 * Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
0 IS0 IS0 11127-1:1993(E)
At the time of publication of this part of IS0 ‘I 1127, part 8 was in course
of preparation.
Annexes A and B of this part of IS0 11127 are for information only.
Part 1:
The types of non-metallic abrasive and require- NOTE 1 In order to obtain a sample quantity which is
ments on each are contained in IS0 11126. suitable for testing, all reduced samples but one are dis-
carded after each reduction; the reduction procedure is then
The IS0 11126 and IS0 11127 series have been repeated if necessary on the sample retained.
drafted as a coherent set of International Standards
on non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Information 2.5 test sample: A reduced sample that comprises
on all parts of both series is given in annex B. a mass or volume sufficient for testing, portions of
which are immediately used for testing.
This part of IS0 11127 specifies a method for the
sampling of non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives from
consignments and for the subdivision of the sample
into quantities suitable for undertaking the appropriate 3 Apparatus
test methods specified in other parts of IS0 11127.
Table 1 - Number of single samples to be taken Be sure to store the sample in a sealed container until
from a consigment required. Remix the test sample before taking
I portions for testing to ensure uniformity is maintained.
Total quantity Number of single Do not remix used portions with remaining sample.
tonnes samples
5 Sample identification
< 50 5
50 to 100 IO Each sample shall be clearly identified as to its origin.
> 100 15 Test samples shall carry at least the following infor-
Guidance on sampling from stockpiles and transpor- a) all details necessary to identify the product in ac-
tation units is given in annex A. cordance with the appropriate part of IS0 11126
(see annex B), if applicable;
4.2 Preparation of the mixed sample b) the consignment identification details, e.g. sup-
plier’s name, order number, date of despatch/re-
Pour all the single samples obtained as described in ceipt, etc.;
4.1 into a suitable container and mix them until a uni-
form distribution of all particle sizes within the mixed c) any product traceability reference which relates to
sample can be expected. the unit sampled.
1 Total q;lontity 1
Single Single
sample sample
w 1st subdivision
2nd s&division
n th subdivision
Annex A
of the pile. For coarse or mixed coarse and fine ag- at various levels and random locations. Where power
gregate, every effort should be made to enlist the equipment is not available, a common procedure re-
services of power equipment to develop a separate, quires excavation of three or more trenches across
small sampling pile composed of materials drawn the unit at points that will, from visual appearance,
from various levels and locations in the main pile, after give a reasonable estimate of the characteristics of
which several increments may be combined to com- the load. The trench bottom should be approximately
pose the field sample. If necessary to indicate the level, at least 0,3 m in width and in depth below the
degree of variability existing within the main pile, surface. A minimum of three increments from ap-
separate samples should be drawn from separate proximately equally spaced points along each trench
areas of the pile. should be taken by pushing a shovel downward into
the material. Coarse aggregate in trucks should be
A.2.2 Where power equipment is not available, sampled in essentially the same manner as for rail
samples from stockpiles should be made up of at cars or barges, except for adjusting the number of in-
least three increments taken from the top third, at the crements according to the size of the truck. For fine
mid-point, and from the bottom third of the volume aggregate in transportation units, sampling tubes as
of the pile. A board pushed vertically into the pile just described in A.2 may be used to extract an appropri-
ate number of increments to form the sample.
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
IS0 11127-1:1993(E)
Annex B
Requirements and test methods for non-metallic IS0 11127 will consist of the following parts, under
blast-cleaning abrasives are contained in IS0 11126 the general title:
and IS0 11127 respectively.
Preparation of steel substrates before application
IS0 11126 will consist of the following parts under of paints and related products - Test methods for
the general title: non-metallic b/as t-cleaning abrasives
UDC 667.648.1:621.7.023:621.921.2/.3:620.11
Descriptors: paints, varnishes, substrates, steel products, blast-cleaning, abrasives, non-metallic abrasives, tests, sampling.