Digital Story of Seed
Digital Story of Seed
Digital Story of Seed
From Trials to Inventory - Transforming
End-to-End Operations For Seed
Enterprises With Technology
We’re living through the biggest technology shift In recent years, the agri ecosystem has made a
of our lifetime. As population explosion, climate leap forward embracing new digital capabilities.
change and water scarcity threaten global food Ag companies around the world are adopting
security, promoting sustainable agriculture measures that become imperative to manage
necessitates innovation in research and and efficiently use scarce resources by leveraging
collaborations to ensure that comprehensive digital and AI-driven technology.
solutions are developed and adopted for food
security and improved nutrition.
At CropIn, we believe technology has the power stories from our experience in the seed industry.
to make a positive impact on the life of every These stories demonstrate how technology is
stakeholder in the agri ecosystem. Imagine the being leveraged to optimize operations, make
transformative potential of technology in the data-driven decisions, deliver services seamlessly,
world where about 1 billion people (28% of the connect people in new ways, and unlock
total population) depend on farming as their innovative digital experiences. Together, we are
primary source of livelihood. building a digital future – and delivering a new
in this white paper, we have also included success generation of growth and opportunity for all.
1. Introduction 4
2. Market Trends 6
An outlook to the future
3. Business Challenges 11
Disruptors and Transformers
4. Key Enablers 14
Scoping Growth Opportunities
8. Success Stories 24
A. Savannah Seeds 25
D. East-west Seed 31
9. Engage More 32
Global Population
Seeds are the basic building blocks of the agricultural process.
9.9 billion
Over the past several decades, the significance of seeds in the
agriculture industry has increased rapidly on account of 7.6 billion
advancements in technology and the subsequent
introduction of enhanced seed varieties
Marketing & channel management Quality assurance at all levels Product evaluation trials in multiple environments
& farmer conditions for varietal release
Seed markets are evolving rapidly, let’s explore the key movers and shakers that will shape up the
industry in near future.
The global seeds market size reached a value of almost USD 68 billion in the year 2020 and is estimated
to account for a value of USD 63.0 billion in 2021. The seeds industry is further expected to grow at a
CAGR of 7% between 2021 and 2026 to reach a value of almost USD 102 billion by 2026.
Increasing Adoption of
Transgenic Seeds Conventional plant varieties (hybrid +OPV)
Traits + Plant varieties (GM+GE+etc)
Traits + Plants varieties (GM+GE+etc)%
Farmers across major agricultural countries such
as the United States, China, India and Brazil, are 70 68
increasingly adopting transgenic seeds for yield
benefits and high resistance traits 60 60
54 45
Companies are also focussed on developing 50
transgenic hybrids across crops by adopting 22
40 15 40
breeding technologies such as Assisted Breeding
and Computational Breeding 30
Hybridization also increased in Cotton, Corn and 20
Vegetables rapidly in the past two decades from 28 30
10 33
as low as 25% to 97% in different regions of the 20 32
world 0
Growing Market
The rise ($11.289B in 2017) is due to high demand for quality seed and consolidation of top seed
companies: Monsanto and Bayer, Dupont and Dow, Syngenta and ChemChina, Groupe Limagrain,
Land O’ Lakes
Increase in global seed trade-imports by 22% from USD 9 bn in 2011 to USD 11 bn in 2016-17 opened up
new opportunities for testing and sale of new plant varieties in geographies with similar agro-climatic
Rising end-to-end supply chain management technologies to easily ensure adherence to global export
certifications and compliance standards
The seed & plant variety industry’s narrative was previously Fragmented- Highly competitive
market without dominant players
viewed from the lens of “genetic gains developed by
conventional plant breeding methods” but now this has
shifted to a complicated view driven by competing economic
Market Concentration
interests, especially after the advent of Genetically Modified
crops bundled with advancing technologies. The key
challenge is to technologically transform the seed industry
with conventional plant breeding at their core.
After registering initial exponential growth, the Genetically Modified trait technology market
stagnated since 2012-2016 between USD 32-33 bn due to emergence of resistance among
target pests such as PBW in India. New technologies such as Gene Editing are at its initial
phases which need to be integrated successfully into breeding programs.
Prolonged time & extensive research involved with Increase in R&D investments,
technology costs, labour costs, seed production and supply chain costs has put margin
pressures on conventional plant breeding based seed companies leading to the exit of
small and medium players from the market and high seed prices.
Seed and plant variety are unique as a product, hence the global multilateral treaties have
enabled creation of sui generis plant variety protection systems. Force fitting global
business models without alignment to local regulations and socio-economic conditions
is a huge challenge, which needs to be addressed on all fronts.
The key challenge due to global climate change for the plant breeding/biotech based seed
industry is to develop climate resilient plant varieties which can adapt to the new normal
of changing climate patterns.
Digitisation of field data points for each variety of seed across regions will help
identification of high quality seeds for mass production by providing health,
growth and yield analysis. Sharing advisory and educating farmers strengthen
farming as a profitable enterprise.
Need for assuring food security with sustainable agri practices drives the seed
market. Improving profitability and productivity has been a key challenge for
seed variety development in harmony with effective agronomic methods and
suitable digitalisation
Multiple trials for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) testing, State &
Central/Federal varietal identification, Product registration leads to opportunity
loss for seed industry
Research and
development - R&D
Field Trial Plots Research and
• Data insights to select the best Development
seed varieties for mass
Seed Variety 3 Seed Variety 4
Selection of the best
• Visibility across the seed varieties from
chain to solve issues
faster R&D plots
Seed Variety
Seed Production 2&3
• Produce high yield Production
• Produce high-quality seeds
Production of
• Inadequate farmer engage- high-quality seeds
ment and poor understanding
of ground-level concerns
Warehouse Management
Warehouse &
Warehouse & Traceability
• Inability to deliver high-quality Ensuring seed
seeds to distributors and field
sales staff traceability during Sorting & Grading
warehouse operations
and beyond
Analysing various metrics in order to substantiate grades with respect to seed varieties
Regular performance assessment of each seed variety in different soil or agro-climatic conditions
Seed required for a crop in one region is different from that of other regions. Each variety requires a
long R&D process and adoption of new varieties by producers is a long cycle
Forecasting which product to develop for a market is challenging. Also, seeds are perishable goods so
there is a time limit between production and sale of the product
Maintaining production growth rates and grower efficiencies to reduce crop loss
Setting preemptive protocols to gain insights into seed performance and tracking it across the value
Lack of Access
to Information
Cadestral Maps |
Satellite Data
Multi stakeholders
marketplace where
growers buyers connect
Savannah Seeds is one of the world’s foremost
Digitisation of farming operations across
tech-based seed companies established in 2010. 2000+ acres in Rajasthan & Haryana
The company aims to develop smart rice with
high yields and value-added traits. Their mission
is to drive sustainable food production through 100% of farms digitised
rice seed technology and make a positive impact
on farmers, employees and stakeholders.
99.5% of plots now report the best
The Challenge : in class quality
CropIn Innovation:
Owing to their unique requirements Savannah
‘We have been using CropIn’s solution since 2015 in Rajasthan,
trusted CropIn and partnered with them in 2015 to Haryana and Delhi. With the help of CropIn’s solution, now
leverage SmartFarm for their operations in Indian our team, including our managing director, have visibility on
states of Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan for the entire farm operations. We can access CropIn’s product at
any time from anywhere. It also helps us in taking the right
• Entire supply chain traceability
decisions at the right time throughout the crop production
• Real-time data captur cycle i.e. sowing to harvest. Thus saving us a lot of time and
increasing our team’s productivity. ‘
• Timely cr op advisory
-Rajiv Dabas
• Plot geo-tagging and ar
Senior Manager Production
Enabled the field staff to capture Provided managers with targeted Has been configured to suit Standardised communications
the plot and farmer data, crop information about everyday field diverse regions, each with their and processes across 16
details operations own unique specifications countries
Increasing Productivity
Adopting CropIn’s platform Additionally, users customised and CropIn’s multi-stakeholder CropIn also supported the
brought about ease of operations, generated reports by combining platform also serviced the client with its sustainability
both on and off the field. The field pre-season and in-season data. needs of different departments goals by reducing the amount
staff were able to accurately track These reports and data analytics in the production ecosystem, of paperwork involved in
and capture essential data points, provide the Management and including MOM, SPR, QA, creating and submitting
even from activities that were Leadership teams with business Trialling, by providing access reports. Making the data
unplanned and operational intelligence for to centralised real-time available online for authorised
strategic decision making that cloud data users to access will simplified
enhances business operations administrative processes, and
globally also cut down avoidable
Each of the processes captured in CropIn serves as a centralised The client provided contract This info helped both the farmers
the application at real-time platform where users at multiple farmers with a reliable real-time and the field extension teams to
throughout the seed production levels in various departments can estimation of yield before the start plan their seasonal tasks
cycle access farm-level data and insightful of the season based on historical
reports on the activities, to improve data for a crop variety.
people, process and performance
Pre-Commercial Traceability
By configuring the best package of practices for each crop SmartFarm also enables users to CropIn’s modules also helped the
variety, and creating a detailed activity plan based on the generate customised reports on the organisation’s Good Growth Plan in
crop’s growth cycle, the field staff ensured that the right various activities and processes that the EAME region to monitor parameters
farm practices were being followed. This ensures higher went into producing the seed contributing to sustainable agronomic
quality produce that is compliant with international practices
market regulations and standards
CropIn’s APIs allow seamless integration with existing systems To enable additional data processing, a middleware was used to further calculate
enabling managers globally to customise their dashboards the data filled in CropIn’s platform and write it back into designated areas in
SmartFarm for the field team to consume them
Some of the other notable features that aided the client’s seed production activities include:
In the years to come, CropIn is set to scale up its
operations and expand to other divisions of seed
production, by leveraging its cutting-edge AI- and ML-
based solutions for all-round progress of its operations.
CropIn is utilizing the captured farm data to establish end-to-end value chain traceability from farm-to-
fork for one of the largest seed producing corporations for one of a kind seed potato traceability project.
The Challenge :
Punjab produces 27 lakh tonnes of potatoes every CropIn Innovation :
year, which means that ensuring a high quality of
CropIn partnered with the Punjab Agri Export
seed is absolutely critical. Currently, less than 1% of
Corporation (Pagrexco) in 2019 to leverage
the total potato farm area is certified by the Punjab
technology to utilize the captured farm data to
Seed Certification Authority. The absence of a
establish end-to-end value chain traceability
well-developed certification process has resulted in
from farm-to-fork for one of the largest seed
the rampant sale of spurious and sub-par potato
producing corporations. CropIn deployed its
seeds in the name of Punjab-grown potato seeds,
suite of 4 products for the project - SmartFarm,
which has severely impacted the credibility and the
SmartWare, SmartRisk and AcreSquare to
brand value of the genuine high-quality seeds.
achieve the following-
Seed multiplication
Inconsistent yield insights
Seed Potato
The contents of this pack are certified &
and all the certification protocols can be digitally
traced by scanning the QR code on this label
Certified that the seed potato has been grown in the state of
Punjab, India with end to end traceability
The Impact:
East-West Seed is a privately-owned Dutch com- nurtured relationship with local farmers wherever
pany that is one of the largest vegetable seed it operates. The company holds strong market
companies in the world and a producer of an positions in Asia and is rapidly expanding in Africa
assortment of hybrids and open-pollinated seeds. and Latin America.
East-West Seed is the market leader for tropical East-West Seed is presently enhancing its busi-
vegetable seeds in Asia. It develops, produces and ness operations and the technology they use.
markets hybrid tropical vegetable seeds. The While the organisation has been extremely
company has developed its business over the last successful in their endeavours as a seed company
four decades using superior vegetable breeding in the last 39 years, they envision the crux of busi-
combined with a carefully cultivated and ness transformation in their need to change the
way they operate and in the way they make the
best use of modern technologies.
The Challenge :
The organisation faced the following challenges 2 Production Accuracy
and there was an urgent need for digitization to
Maintain production growth rates and
help the company in their efforts to increase yield
per acre. grower efficiencies
Cumbersome and cost-ineffective process of Set preemptive protocols to gain insights into
the field agents to capture data seed performance and track it across the
value chain
Loss of data due to manual data collection
through forms
CropIn Innovation
EWS has partnered with CropIn to implement
SmartFarm™ for its operations in six regions across 35+ crops 21,624+
Asia - Indonesia, India, Thailand, Philippines, Myan- of area audited
crop varieties
mar and Vietnam. The goal of the partnership is to
achieve -
The Digital Story of a seed
A platform Approach
Shijo Joseph
Group CIO, East-West Seed
Aakash Parekh
Vice President - Europe & Asia,
CropIn Technology
About CropIn
Copyright © 2021 CropIn Technology. All rights reserved. CropIn is an Earth Observation & AI-led AgTech
organization that empowers the farming community to ‘Re-imagine Agriculture with Data’. CropIn is
focused on helping the world’s ag-ecosystem players to sustainably “maximize their per acre value” by
combining pixel-level data derived from satellite imagery, in combination with IoT and field intelligence.
CropIn is positioned to engage in a multi-disciplinary approach towards AI, Earth Observation,
Agriculture, Meteorology and Computer
Sciences, all collaborating together to bring meaningful insight to improve the ag-ecosystem and
impact the livelihood of a farmer. CropIn provides SaaS solutions to 225 agribusinesses and numerous
governments and non-government organizations present in over 52+countries. CropIn thus enables
businesses to leverage technology to effectively drive their initiatives around Digitization, Compliance,
Predictability, Sustainability and Traceability. CropIn has digitized over 13 million acres of farmland,
enriched the lives of nearly 4 million farmers, and gathered data on 388 crops and over 9,500 crop
varieties. CropIn has 92% score on adaptability ,Over 98% client retention rate.