Investing Internet of Things Iot Spotlight On Dairy
Investing Internet of Things Iot Spotlight On Dairy
Investing Internet of Things Iot Spotlight On Dairy
Internet of Things
Spotlight on technology in the dairy industry
The Internet of Things (IoT) is continuing to redefine the potential of everyday items.
In recent years, we’ve seen basic jewellery become a real time fitness tracker, cars that
can alert a tow service when something is wrong, and light bulbs that dim when no
one is around.
Infusing products with smart capabilities has given new life to previously
commoditised markets and enabled manufacturers to differentiate themselves.
Investors are taking notice and with potential applications for the IoT practically
anywhere you look the big question now is: which sectors are most likely to be
transformed by this technology?
In this paper we focus on one of the most traditional of sectors – dairy farming – to
highlight the value creation potential of the IoT.
In arable crops and livestock farms alike, farming 2.0 has arrived. Miniaturisation and
the IoT has allowed sensors to be everywhere, recording data and reporting back.
From drones tracking weather patterns to activity monitors on animals, when used
correctly this data is increasingly enabling farmers to produce more with less.
With private sector investment in food and agriculture innovation on the increase we
have investigated technology growth in one of the largest subsectors: dairy farming.
From the expansive green pastures of New Zealand through to the barns and fields of
Europe and to the ‘mega’ farms of China, the IoT is beginning to crop up.
Sometimes known as ‘precision dairy’, the IoT led Productivity – Global agricultural production will need
revolution in dairy farming practices employs both sensor to double by 2050 to meet growing demand. However,
based tools to identify and manage animal needs and resource constraints will require this demand be met through
robotics to automate farm processes. We estimate that improvements in farm yield (circa 25% globally) as opposed
precision dairy is currently touching around 2.5 million to straight expansion.
dairy cows out of a total global population of more than 250
million. These 2.5 million cows are concentrated in six of Efficiency – Much like other supply chains, volatility of input
the top seven milk producing regions of the world (the EU, prices and falling margins on commoditised products are
the US, China, Brazil, Russia and New Zealand). With at driving the need for efficient and optimised operations.
least another 60 million untouched by technology in these
It is the combination of these factors that has been driving
high producing regions – let alone the rest of the world – the
farmers towards technology. With uptake of precision
market is still full of opportunity.
dairy nearing the tipping point between early adopters and
These high producing regions have been hotspots for widespread adoption, we set out to understand the growth
precision dairy uptake in part due to significant production potential in this industry.
pressure. Two key characteristics of the dairy market are set
This report provides an overview of the most interesting
to continue driving this pressure for the foreseeable future:
technologies available for dairy farms – from the more
Strong demand growth – Particularly from emerging established to the cutting edge. We look first at the drivers
markets has put increasing pressure on established producers of the dairy industry and why technology will be integral
and is driving an attractive export market. to the future success of dairy farms. This is followed by a
deep dive into some of the technologies with the greatest
Government protection – Concerns over food security and the near term growth potential. Lastly, we go on to look at
sustainability of staple categories have governments prioritising key competitive dynamics currently at play. Given the
investment in dairy on their agendas. importance of different farming practices globally, an
appendix profiles key producing geographies poised for
Though these trends reflect positive demand, dairy farmers are growth in the near term.
price takers and their margins are constantly being squeezed
by retailers expecting ever-increasing productivity. In order
to remain profitable when faced with tightening margins and
countless other production challenges (extreme weather, rising 663m c.70%
input costs, and labour shortages to name a few) dairy farms are 282m tonnes of cow’s production from
fundamentally rethinking their model. cows worldwide milk produced in only 50% of
2013 cows
Professionalisation – Sustenance farming is giving way to
larger, industrial operations due to consolidation pressure
from governments and the search for economies of scale.
world population
growth to 36%
increase dairy
8bn demand by
by 2024 2024
Growing demand and production shift They have leveraged the fact that they have some of the
Though overall demand for dairy is positive, production largest dairy cow populations in the world. Thanks to
capacity of emerging markets is a growing issue. Many availability of land, they have been able to scale farms
are ill-equipped to meet demand as they have historically beyond those found in mature geographies and given
relied on fragmented networks of sustenance farms (families rise to the ‘mega farm’ concept (farms with herds greater
with 1-2 cows) to serve local communities. Increasing than 1,000, many with more than 5,000). The full impact
urbanisation has only exacerbated the issue and necessitates of productivity gains of the mega farms is beginning to
fundamental changes to both farm production and dairy show through, though on average it is still masked by large
supply chain infrastructure. volumes of legacy sustenance farms.
To meet demand without relying on imports, some Figure 1 and 2: Expected portion of global
countries have been working to rapidly transform their production by region 2010 – 2020 (tons)
dairy industries. China’s industry in particular has become
significantly more sophisticated over the last five years 2010 2020
and has adopted and evolved best practices from mature
production markets such as the EU, New Zealand and the 3.8% 4.0%
US. Russia, Turkey and increasingly Brazil are following 26.4%
26.6% 18.5%
in China’s footsteps. The success of their efforts thus far 21.3%
are evident in the increasing share of global production
estimated for BRICs by 2020 (see figure 1). T692m T827m
North America
larger, productive average herd
10 United States size though disparity across
9 Canada
Denmark ANZ
8 larger, professional farms, lower
United Kingdom productivity due to seasonal
Germany milking.
7 Netherlands
BRICs + Turkey
6 Italy rapidly growing class of 'mega
Argentina farms', still large volumes of
5 Australia sustenance farms.
4 Russia New Zealand Rest of World
sustenance farming, very low level
3 Turkey Columbia of professionalisation.
India Pakistan
China Kenya
Tanzania Israel
Sudan leads milk yield worldwide and
Bangladesh leads in dairy technology
Ethiopia innovation.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 420 440
The attractiveness of the precision dairy tech market for Domestic protectionism – Interest in reducing export
investors will depend on its potential to grow – and grow dependence has led to heavy subsidisation of local
quickly – in the near term. production and created considerable grants for investment in
productivity enhancing technologies.
Uptake to date has been driven by mature markets where
the dairy industry has been professionalised and farms 3. Consolidation
have encountered pressure from grocery retailers and Economies of scale – To benefit from scale, dairy farms
dairy manufacturers to streamline operations and ensure
are either expanding or exiting the industry. Increasingly
consistency in quality and quantity. Precision dairy has
they fall under one of two categories: industrial mega
been the answer for many in meeting these challenges and
has established a large base of early adopters in key dairy farms (herds >1000) which compete on a volume basis
producing markets such as the EU and US. Emerging markets and employ factory-like farm management practices, and
such as China, Brazil and Russia have begun to feel similar professional farms (herds >50) which compete on the basis
pressures and rapid farm consolidation in these countries has of optimisation and enhanced yields.
added another driver for precision dairy.
Vertical integration – The power of dairy manufacturers
In highly conservative industries such as farming, uptake of is growing and so are their demands for quality and
new technology can be slow initially but rapidly accelerates consistency. To secure their supply, vertical integration is
once a critical mass is reached. Precision dairy has reached increasingly common, particularly across BRICs, with the
this tipping point in several mature markets and the case for likes of dairy giants Nestle and Fonterra buying up farms.
widespread adoption is further supported by five key market
drivers that impact farms for the foreseeable future. 4. Productivity
Optimising yield – Whilst farmers are able to improve
Five key market drivers
production yield by increasing inputs, this also comes at a
1. Strong demand growth high cost. Finding the optimal trade-off between increased
Emerging market demand – Dairy is transitioning from inputs and higher yield can be better achieved with data
a regulated supply-led market to being a demand driven analysis through precision dairy.
product. Sustenance farming can no longer support demand
Every cow counts – In mature markets with already high
in emerging countries and quotas are decreasing.
yields, quick wins for overall farm management such as
Export market & free trade – Disparity in milk production streamlined processes and maximised milking throughput
between developing and mature dairy markets is only have often already been sought. Farmers are now turning
expanding as technology takes hold. Quota abolitions and their attention to the monitoring of each cow and
free trade agreements are levelling the playing field across maximising productivity on an individual basis.
borders and forcing farms to be as competitive as possible to
5. Efficiencies
gain share in the export market.
Lack of resources and sustainability – Though agricultural
2. Government intervention production needs to double, limited availability of land,
Food security – Concerns over security and quality of supply depletion of natural resources and environmental issues
has governments focused on avoiding situations similar to such as effluent disposal and deforestation are constraining
the 2008 Melamine scandal in China. The result has been expansion of livestock production. Consequently, more
enforced industry professionalisation, providing funding and needs to come from less and alternatives methods for yield
incentives for consolidation of farms. improvement are increasingly sought.
The convergence of farming infrastructure giants and small innovative tech houses
has begun in precision dairy. Continued availability of funding for early stage
companies has competition heating up between a growing number of niche players
and established equipment manufacturers making build or buy decisions to join the
fight for share in the precision dairy market.
Farming infrastructure giants Future of investment
Traditional OEMs DeLaval, GEA, BouMatic, Fullwood Venture capital and seed funding continues to propel
and Dairymaster are household names when it comes innovative start ups in this space. AgTech is in the process
to dairy farming infrastructure and equipment and of raising a new $50m fund and, even back in the midst of
their brand recognition is strong. However, like many the crisis, herd management software startup Farmeron
manufacturers, innovation by these companies to date was able to raise $4m in seed financing in 2010 whilst
has been limited and has given rise to a new wave of tech Cultivan Ventures, another VC began investing in 2009
companies entering the space. with a $34m fund and is in the process of raising its second
fund in partnership with Sandbox planned at $150m with
Lely is the first OEM in this sector which is essentially $70m already committed. Earlier this year, Silent Herdsman
a tech company. Having pioneered the milking robot, it (heat detection collar system) raised £3M in funding from
sells only that and continues to spurn traditional parlour an investor syndicate led by Scottish Equity Partners.
equipment with considerable success. Early rounds of innovators who have had time to become
established players are certainly attracting interest for next
Niche technology companies
stage growth funding.
The number of tech companies working at the junction of
the IoT, new sensing technology, analytics and agriculture OEMs have also been focusing R&D efforts on developing
has grown rapidly in the last decade. Venture capital in this proprietary technologies. Ireland based Dairymaster has, in
area has been significant and the early success stories have recent years, developed its own automated feeding systems
now grown into serious competitors in the space. and heat and health monitoring systems.
Success by a few in shaping the market along with the Given the success achieved by these niche players, the
continued miniaturisation of sensing technology has paved infrastructure giants have been increasingly turning their
the way for others to enter and competition is now heating attentions to the technology arena. Historically, they chose
up. Some of the more established technologies like heat to partner with these small specialty manufacturers to
monitoring – led by two Israeli tech companies Afimilk provide add on products to complement their milking and
and SCR – are now seeing a wave of new competition, from parlour infrastructure. However, many have now decided to
recent entrants such as UK based Silent Herdsman and ICE enter the industry themselves and are making build or buy
Robotics, Dutch company Agis and the Austrian brand decisions to develop their technology offering.
In 2013, world leading dairy equipment manufacturer
Figure 3 sets out some of the major players, both established DeLaval acquired Dutch dairy management software
and emerging, in the dairy-tech industry. company Uniform-Agri (the largest such provider in
Europe) and at the end of 2012, GEA Group acquired New
Zealand based dairy technology company Milflos which
focuses on technologies for pasture based farming systems.
32 31 30
16 15
12 14 13
12 12 12 11 11
11 11 10 11
9 8 9 8 7 7 7
5 5 5 6
4 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
New Zealand
The core of the dairy industry lies in the top 20 producing BRIC markets are unique in that they have large populations
nations. There are 9 countries which make the list of top and production volumes, but historically have had low levels
20 population but have some of the lowest production in of productivity per cow. They are poised to leapfrog mature
the world. The dairy industry in these countries is either dairy markets in production if they are able to adopt the best
immature or non existent, and is typically reliant on family of farming practices and deploy them on increasingly popular
sustenance farms that produce for individual or local mega farms.
consumption. These countries often lack the infrastructure
for production and processing facilities, or a consolidated
dairy product industry.
0.9% 0.4%
United Kingdom
0.7% 0.4%
0.6% 1.4%
United States
0.8% 0.8%
0.2% - 0.1%
5.2% 4.4%
- 0.3% 0.3%
Ukraine - 1.0%
Poland - 0.4%
0.6% 7.6% 7.6%
3.2% - 0.4%
Uzbekistan - 1.1%
- 0.7% 10.3% 10.6%
Italy Turkey
- 1.1%
5.3% 5.6% 1.5%
East Africa*
- 0.4% New Zealand
- 7.8%
*East Africa includes Africa’s largest milk producing countries: Sudan Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
**India and Pakistan demand and production include buffalo milk which contributes over 50% of demand and supply
• Strong farm consolidation over the • High incidence of intensive indoor • Denmark has the largest average
past 10 years with a 43% decline in farming, in part due to space herd size of any European country.
farm numbers. limitations.
• Intensive indoor farming is the most
• Large herd sizes (for Europe), • Home of the Lely Astronaut (the common system (70-80% farms)
increasing shortage of skilled labour market leading milking robot) but there is also a sizeable organic
and farmer openness to technology and of Nedap the second largest segment.
make the UK fertile ground for heat detection player globally, the
technology adoption. Netherlands is one of the most • Current priority is on improving
developed countries worldwide farm efficiency and profitability –
• Robots now account for over half of in terms of dairy technology dairy famers are under significant
new installations and heat detection penetration. financial pressure.
technology is used by nearly 40% of
farmers. High milk prices and Farm • Robots are used by >20% dairy • Denmark is the most developed
and Forestry Improvement Scheme farms and account for over half market in Europe for heat detection
grants have boosted investment. of annual milking equipment technology, used by c 50% of dairy
sales. CRV, the largest artificial farms and also has high adoption of
• Current priority is on enhancing insemination cooperative, has been robots.
yields and reducing the risk of pursuing standalone sales of heat
having to rely on unskilled/ • Recent financial pressure has led to
detection technology since 2011
temporary labour. a slowdown in investment and there
with considerable success and its
is continued uncertainty over milk
herd management solutions are now
• Health monitoring and cloud-based price. Farm numbers are anticipated
also gaining traction.
Herd Management are key future to decline due to the high average
growth areas. • Current priority is on expanding age of farmers and lack of succession
farms and increasing productivity in plans.
• Uncertainty over milk price in the
anticipation of EU quota removal.
short to medium term may put • Abolition of EU quotas is
some investment on hold but long • As dairy farmers ramp up expected to lead to larger farms,
term indicators are positive. production with the removal of increasing production and driving
quotas, investment in technology efficiencies – with continued
is expected to grow. investment in technology for their
expanding herds.
• Post the 2008 melamine dairy • Uptake of technology in any • Fragmented dairy farm landscape
scandal, the Chinese farming capacity is low overall with a high proportion of
landscape has changed dramatically subsistence farming. Over 50% of
as the reputation of local brands • The farm base is fragmented with farms have herds of 10 or fewer.
was damaged heavily and the a high proportion of subsistence
government stepped in with the farming, though consolidation has • There has been consolidation in
advent of the “mega farm” concept, been taking place in recent years recent years with the emergence of
providing incentives for farm with the growth of professionalised large herds >500.
consolidation to secure quality farming and the emergence of large
herds (>1,000, similar to China) • There is a ban on milk imports to
supply. There are now 1.45m dairy
which have been promoted by Turkey which, combined with the
farms, down from >2.5m.
government. School Milk Project introduced in
• Herd sizes are polarised, with small 2012 (to provide free milk for >6
or single cow farms still accounting • There has been significant million children), has meant strong
for 50% of production (used in government support on developing domestic demand. The 2013 removal
rural consumption) and mega dairies the dairy industry, and imports of a European ban on Turkish
of herds >5,000 and (often >10,000) of high quality US genetics have milk exports has further boosted
operated by the state or corporates seen strong growth. The Russian production and 2014 production is
as vertically integrated supply government has set a target of 90% set to be 10% up on 2013.
chains. self-sufficiency for fluid milk by
2020 and the 2014 ban on EU dairy • There has been significant
• With mega farms often being run imports (in retaliation for sanctions) government focus and investment
from corporate headquarters, yields has further fuelled the need for in the agricultural sector for the past
and analysis on productivity are increased domestic production. 1-2 years and government grants
paramount. The latest monitoring will cover up to 65% of the cost of
technologies are being sought to • The current priority is on increasing new equipment.
ensure maximum profitability is yields and on improving milk
quality (a higher price is paid for • There has been strong uptake of
achieved as are new infrastructure
higher quality milk) which suggests technology among larger herds
technologies to manage large
technology adoption is set to (>500) in recent years supported
volumes of cows with less skilled
accelerate, though with a focus on by government financial aid and
infrastructure and mechanisation in the continued drive to improve
• Government funding for industrial the near term. standards and to embrace
style farms and technology European farming practices means
investment is great and farms a positive outlook for technology.
are keen to acquire technology.
However, farms often lack the
skills to understand reported
data or operate technology to
best result. ‘Model’ farms are
sponsored by the government
and provisioned for by the largest
brand names in farming equipment
to help instil best practices.
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