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Operating manual
IRC5 Integrator's guide
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Checked in 2023-06-05
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Operating manual
IRC5 Integrator's guide
RobotWare 6.15.03

Document ID: 3HAC050940-001

Revision: N

© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors
that may appear in this manual.
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be
construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damage to persons
or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from
use of this manual and products described herein.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's
written permission.
Keep for future reference.
Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB.
Original instructions.

© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
Table of contents

Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 9
Network security ............................................................................................................................... 13
Open source and 3rd party components ......................................................................................... 14
Product documentation .................................................................................................................... 15

1 Welcome to IRC5 17
1.1 About this section ............................................................................................. 17
1.2 The IRC5 controller ........................................................................................... 18
1.3 The FlexPendant ............................................................................................... 19
1.4 RobotStudio Online ........................................................................................... 26
1.5 RobotStudio ..................................................................................................... 28
1.6 When to use different jogging devices ................................................................... 29
1.7 Buttons and ports on the controller ....................................................................... 32

2 Get started 35
2.1 About this chapter ............................................................................................. 35
2.2 Connections ..................................................................................................... 36
2.2.1 Connecting a FlexPendant ........................................................................ 36
2.2.2 Using the hot plug option .......................................................................... 38
2.2.3 Set up the network connection ................................................................... 41
2.3 Action scenarios ............................................................................................... 43
2.3.1 About action scenarios ............................................................................. 43
2.3.2 System start ........................................................................................... 44
2.3.3 Working with inputs and outputs ................................................................ 46
2.3.4 Backup and restore ................................................................................. 47
2.3.5 Upgrading .............................................................................................. 48
2.3.6 Installing RobotWare add-ins ..................................................................... 49

3 Programming 51
3.1 Before you start programming ............................................................................. 51
3.2 The structure of a RAPID application .................................................................... 52
3.3 Programming ................................................................................................... 54
3.3.1 Handling of programs .............................................................................. 54
3.3.2 Handling of modules ................................................................................ 57
3.3.3 Handling of routines ................................................................................ 60
3.4 Data types ....................................................................................................... 65
3.4.1 Creating new data instance ....................................................................... 65
3.5 Tools .............................................................................................................. 67
3.5.1 Creating a tool ........................................................................................ 67
3.5.2 Defining the tool frame ............................................................................. 70
3.5.3 Editing the tool data ................................................................................. 74
3.5.4 Setup for stationary tools .......................................................................... 77
3.6 Work objects .................................................................................................... 79
3.6.1 Creating a work object ............................................................................. 79
3.6.2 Defining the work object coordinate system ................................................. 80
3.6.3 Editing the work object data ...................................................................... 84
3.6.4 Editing the work object declaration ............................................................. 85
3.7 Payloads ......................................................................................................... 86
3.7.1 Creating a payload .................................................................................. 86
3.7.2 Editing the payload data ........................................................................... 88
3.8 Advanced programming ..................................................................................... 90
3.8.1 Mirroring a program, module, or routine ...................................................... 90
3.8.2 Editing instruction expressions and declarations ........................................... 92
3.8.3 Hiding declarations in program code ........................................................... 95
3.8.4 Deleting programs from memory ................................................................ 96
3.8.5 Deleting programs from hard disk .............................................................. 98

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Table of contents

3.8.6 Activating mechanical units ....................................................................... 99

3.9 Hide RAPID arguments ...................................................................................... 100

4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O 103

4.1 Basic procedures .............................................................................................. 103
4.1.1 Configuring I/O ....................................................................................... 103
4.1.2 Deactivating and activating I/O units ........................................................... 104
4.1.3 Alias I/O signals ...................................................................................... 105
4.2 Safety signals ................................................................................................... 107
4.2.1 Safety I/O signals .................................................................................... 107

5 Systems 111
5.1 What is a system? ............................................................................................. 111
5.2 Memory and file handling .................................................................................... 112
5.2.1 What is “the memory”? ............................................................................. 112
5.2.2 File handling .......................................................................................... 113
5.2.3 Setting default paths ................................................................................ 115
5.3 Restart procedures ............................................................................................ 116
5.3.1 Restart overview ..................................................................................... 116
5.3.2 Using the Boot Application ........................................................................ 117
5.3.3 Restart and use the current system ............................................................ 121
5.3.4 Restart and start boot application ............................................................... 122
5.3.5 Restart and reset RAPID ........................................................................... 123
5.3.6 Restart and reset system .......................................................................... 124
5.3.7 Restart and revert to last auto saved ........................................................... 125
5.3.8 Reflashing firmware ................................................................................. 126
5.4 Installed Systems .............................................................................................. 127
5.4.1 Managing Installed Systems ...................................................................... 127
5.4.2 RobotWare startup error ........................................................................... 129
5.5 Backup and restore systems ............................................................................... 130
5.5.1 What is saved on backup? ........................................................................ 130
5.5.2 Back up the system ................................................................................. 133
5.5.3 Important when performing backups ........................................................... 135
5.5.4 Restore the system .................................................................................. 137
5.6 Diagnostic files ................................................................................................. 140
5.6.1 Creating a diagnostic file .......................................................................... 140
5.7 System configuration ......................................................................................... 141
5.7.1 Configuring system parameters ................................................................. 141

6 RobotWare installation concept 145

6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 145
6.2 Working with the repository ................................................................................. 148
6.2.1 Recommended working procedure ............................................................. 148
6.2.2 Setting up the repository .......................................................................... 150
6.2.3 Creating a base system ............................................................................ 153
6.2.4 Creating an application system .................................................................. 155
6.2.5 Defining controllers ................................................................................. 157
6.2.6 Creating an installation package ................................................................ 159
6.2.7 Creating an update package ...................................................................... 162
6.2.8 Repository folders and file structure ........................................................... 164
6.3 Deploying installation and update packages ........................................................... 170
6.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 170
6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application ................................... 171
6.3.3 Updating a RobotWare system .................................................................. 180
6.4 The recovery disk function .................................................................................. 183
6.5 Limitations ....................................................................................................... 185

6 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide

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Table of contents

7 Calibrating 187
7.1 Robot calibration ............................................................................................... 187
7.2 How to check if the robot needs calibration ............................................................ 188
7.3 Loading calibration data using the FlexPendant ...................................................... 189
7.4 Editing motor calibration offset ............................................................................ 190
7.5 Serial measurement board memory ...................................................................... 191
7.6 4 points XZ calibration ........................................................................................ 194

8 Descriptions of terms and concepts 197

8.1 What is the tool center point? .............................................................................. 197
8.2 What is a work object? ....................................................................................... 199
8.3 What is a coordinate system? .............................................................................. 200
8.4 What is mirroring? ............................................................................................. 206

9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks 213

9.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 213
9.2 Network architecture and communication .............................................................. 215
9.3 Security analysis ............................................................................................... 218
9.4 IRC5 User Authorization System ......................................................................... 219
9.5 Security policy .................................................................................................. 220
9.5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 220
9.5.2 General security requirements ................................................................... 221
9.5.3 ABB Robotics IRC5 product specific requirements ........................................ 225
9.6 IRC5 application protocols .................................................................................. 228
9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer ................................................... 232

Index 239

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Overview of this manual

Overview of this manual

About this manual
This manual contains advanced instructions for IRC5 based robot systems using
a FlexPendant.
The daily operations are described in Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
This manual describes aspects for commissioning, as well as advanced instructions
that are not used by the operator during ordinary operation.


It is the responsibility of the integrator to provide safety and user guides for the
robot system.

This manual should be used during commissioning and when making changes to
the robot system that are outside the scope of everyday operations. This manual
needs to be complemented with Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant that
describes more common operations.


Before any work on or with the robot is performed, the safety information in the
product manual for the controller and manipulator must be read.

Who should read this manual?

This manual is intended for:
• integrators
• product technicians
• service technicians
• robot programmers

The reader should:
• Be familiar with the concepts described in Operating manual - Getting started,
IRC5 and RobotStudio.
• Be trained in robot operation.


Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant 3HAC050941-001

Operating manual - Getting started, IRC5 and RobotStudio 3HAC027097-001
Product manual - IRC5 3HAC021313-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC 639.
Product manual - IRC5 3HAC047136-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000 or later.

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Overview of this manual

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 3HAC027707-001

IRC5 with main computer DSQC 639.
Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller 3HAC047137-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000 or later.
Product manual - IRC5 Compact 3HAC035738-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC 639.
Product manual - IRC5 Compact 3HAC047138-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000 or later.
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001
Operating manual - Service Information System 3HAC050944-001
Operating manual - Troubleshooting IRC5 3HAC020738-001
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC050948-001
Technical reference manual - RAPID Overview 3HAC050947-001
Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data 3HAC050917-001
Application manual - Additional axes and standalone controller 3HAC051016-001
Application manual - MultiMove 3HAC050961-001
Application manual - Controller software IRC5 3HAC050798-001
Application manual - DeviceNet Master/Slave 3HAC050992-001
Application manual - DeviceNet Anybus Slave 3HAC050993-001
Application manual - EtherNet/IP Anybus Adapter 3HAC050997-001
Application manual - EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter 3HAC050998-001
Application manual - PROFIBUS Anybus Device 3HAC050965-001
Application manual - PROFIBUS Controller 3HAC050966-001
Application manual - PROFIenergy Device 3HAC050967-001
Application manual - PROFINET Anybus Device 3HAC050968-001
Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device 3HAC065546-001
Application manual - Functional safety and SafeMove2 3HAC052610-001
Operating manual - Calibration Pendulum 3HAC16578-1


Revision Description
- Released with RobotWare 6.03.
A Released with RobotWare 6.04.
• Added section Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks on page 213.
B Released with RobotWare 6.05.
• Added the section Using the PayLoadsInWristCoords parameter
on page 88.
• Added the section RobotWare installation concept on page 145.
• Added the section Renaming a controller on page 119.
• Updated descriptions of stops.

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10 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide
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Overview of this manual

Revision Description
C Released with RobotWare 6.06.
• Updated the section Loading calibration data using the FlexPendant
on page 189.
• Updated the section Working with the repository on page 148.
• Updated the procedures in the section Installing a RobotWare system
using Boot Application on page 171.
• Updated the section Backup and restore systems on page 130.
• Updated the section 4 points XZ calibration on page 194.
• Added the new section RobotWare startup error on page 129.
D Released with RobotWare 6.07.
• Updated the section When is backup possible? on page 135
• Updated the section Procedure - If the Controller settings does not
matches with the settings in controller manifest file on page 177.
• Added information about Conveyor tracking module in the section,
Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks on page 213.
• Added SFTP to IRC5 application protocols on page 228.
• Safety section restructured.
• Clarified the limitations for Isolated Lan 3 in the section Isolated LAN
3 or LAN 3 as part of the private network on page 233.
E Released with RobotWare 6.08.
• Updated the section Create system using installation package in boot
server mode on page 161.
• Updated the section What is saved on backup? on page 130
• Updated the section The recovery disk function on page 183 with inform-
ation regarding the Write Disk function.
F Released with RobotWare 6.09.
• Section Handling of modules on page 57 updated. Screen shot for
saving a module removed.
• Updated information about update packages, see Updating a Robot-
Ware system on page 180.
G Released with RobotWare 6.10.01.
"Cyber security" replaced by "Cybersecurity" in entire manual.
H Released with RobotWare 6.11.
• The safety information is moved to the product manuals for the con-
troller and the manipulator.
• Updated information about queueing backups.
• Information added regarding UdpUc in section IRC5 application proto-
cols on page 228.
• Updated NOTE regarding IP addresses in section Set up the network
connection on page 41.
• Information added regarding installation media for Add-Ins added in
section RobotWare installation concept on page 145.
• Section Creating an update package on page 162 updated with inform-
ation regarding the downgrade option.
J Released with RobotWare 6.12.
• Minor corrections in section System start on page 44.
• Note regarding anonymous FTP added in section FTP on page 230.
K Released with RobotWare 6.13.02.
• Added information regarding Integrated Vision in the section IRC5
application protocols on page 228.

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Overview of this manual

Revision Description
L Released with RobotWare 6.14.01.
• Added information about a new version of the FlexPendant.
• Removed information about T10.
M Released with RobotWare 6.15.
• Information about communication and application protocols updated
in section Network architecture and communication on page 215 and
IRC5 application protocols on page 228.
N Released with RobotWare 6.15.03.
• Added information about TuneMaster in section Network architecture
and communication on page 215.

12 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide

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Network security

Network security
Network security
This product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface. It is your sole responsibility to provide, and
continuously ensure, a secure connection between the product and to your network
or any other network (as the case may be).
You shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as, but not limited
to, the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption
of data, installation of anti-virus programs, etc) to protect the product, the network,
its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized
access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information. ABB
Ltd and its entities are not liable for damage and/or loss related to such security
breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft
of data or information.

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Open source and 3rd party components

Open source and 3rd party components

Open source and 3rd party components
ABB products use software provided by third parties, including open source
software. The following copyright statements and licenses apply to various
components that are distributed inside the ABB software. Each ABB product does
not necessarily use all of the listed third party software components. Licensee
must fully agree and comply with these license terms or the user is not entitled to
use the product. Start using the ABB software means accepting also referred
license terms. The third party license terms apply only to the respective software
to which the license pertains, and the third party license terms do not apply to ABB
products. With regard to programs provided under the GNU general public license
and the GNU lesser general public license licensor will provide licensee on demand,
a machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code. This offer is valid for
a period of three years after delivery of the product.
ABB software is licensed under the ABB end user license agreement, which is
provided separately.

For RobotWare, there is license information in the folder \licenses in the RobotWare
distribution package.

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the
OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)
This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
([email protected]).
This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ([email protected]).

For OleOS, the Linux based operating system used on the conveyor tracking
module (CTM), a list of copyright statements and licenses is available in the file
/etc/licenses.txt located on the CTM board and accessible via the console port or
by downloading the file over SFTP.
For the CTM application, a list of copyright statements and licenses is available in
the file /opt/ABB.com/ctm/licenses.txt located on the CTM board and accessible
via the console port or by downloading the file over SFTP.

14 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide

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Product documentation

Product documentation
Categories for user documentation from ABB Robotics
The user documentation from ABB Robotics is divided into a number of categories.
This listing is based on the type of information in the documents, regardless of
whether the products are standard or optional.


All documents can be found via myABB Business Portal, www.abb.com/myABB.

Product manuals
Manipulators, controllers, DressPack/SpotPack, and most other hardware is
delivered with a Product manual that generally contains:
• Safety information.
• Installation and commissioning (descriptions of mechanical installation or
electrical connections).
• Maintenance (descriptions of all required preventive maintenance procedures
including intervals and expected life time of parts).
• Repair (descriptions of all recommended repair procedures including spare
• Calibration.
• Troubleshooting.
• Decommissioning.
• Reference information (safety standards, unit conversions, screw joints, lists
of tools).
• Spare parts list with corresponding figures (or references to separate spare
parts lists).
• References to circuit diagrams.

Technical reference manuals

The technical reference manuals describe reference information for robotics
products, for example lubrication, the RAPID language, and system parameters.

Application manuals
Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in
Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several
An application manual generally contains information about:
• The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful).
• What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system
parameters, software).
• How to install included or required hardware.
• How to use the application.

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Product documentation

• Examples of how to use the application.

Operating manuals
The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals
are aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is
production cell operators, programmers, and troubleshooters.

16 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.1 About this section

1 Welcome to IRC5
1.1 About this section

This section presents an overview of the FlexPendant, the IRC5 controller, and
A robot consists of a robot controller, the FlexPendant, RobotStudio, and one or
several manipulators or other mechanical units.
This manual describes a robot without options, not a robot system. However, in a
few places, the manual gives an overview of how options are used or applied. Most
options are described in detail in their respective application manual.

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.2 The IRC5 controller

1.2 The IRC5 controller

The IRC5 controller

The IRC5 controller contains all functions needed to move and control the robot.
The standard IRC5 controller consists of a single cabinet. The controller is also
available in a compact version, IRC5 Compact, and it can also be integrated in an
external cabinet, Panel Mounted Controller.
When running more than one robot with one controller (MultiMove option), an extra
drive module must be added for each additional robot. However, a single control
module is used.

Related information
Product manual - IRC5, IRC5 of design M2004.
Product manual - IRC5, IRC5 of design 14.
Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller, IRC5 of design M2004.
Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller, IRC5 of design 14.
Product manual - IRC5 Compact, IRC5 of design M2004.
Product manual - IRC5 Compact, IRC5 of design 14.
Application manual - MultiMove.

18 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.3 The FlexPendant

1.3 The FlexPendant

Introduction to the FlexPendant

The FlexPendant is a hand held operator unit that is used for many of the tasks
when operating a robot: running programs, jogging the manipulator, modifying
programs, and so on.
The FlexPendant is designed for continuous operation in harsh industrial
environment. Its touchscreen is easy to clean and resistant to water, oil, and
accidental welding splashes.
The FlexPendant consists of both hardware and software and is a complete
computer in itself. It is connected to the robot controller by an integrated cable and
The hot plug button option makes it possible to disconnect the FlexPendant in
automatic mode and continue running without it.
The FlexPendant is available in different versions, as the hardware has been
updated over the years. The exact appearance on the graphics might therefore
differ slightly from reality.


If protective gloves are used, these must be compatible with touchscreens when
using the FlexPendant.

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.3 The FlexPendant

Main parts
These are the main parts of the FlexPendant.
FlexPendant with emergency stop button FlexPendant with emergency stop button
at the connector at the outer edge




A Connector
B Touchscreen
C Emergency stop button
D Joystick
E Reset button
F USB port
G Three-position enabling device
H Thumb button
(Not available on all versions of FlexPendant.)
J Stylus pen
(Not available on all versions of FlexPendant.)

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.3 The FlexPendant

Use the joystick to move the manipulator. This is called jogging the robot. There
are several settings for how the joystick will move the manipulator.

Reset button
If the FlexPendant freezes during operation, press the reset button to restart the
The reset button resets the FlexPendant, not the system on the controller.

USB port
Connect a USB memory to the USB port to read or save files. The USB memory
is displayed as drive /USB:Removable in dialogs and FlexPendant Explorer.


Close the protective cap on the USB port when not used.

Stylus pen
The stylus pen included with the FlexPendant is located on the back. Pull the small
handle to release the pen.
Use the stylus pen to tap on the touch screen when using the FlexPendant. Do not
use screw drivers or other sharp objects.
(Not available on all versions of FlexPendant.)

Hard buttons
The following hard buttons are available on the FlexPendant.
Button Description
Programmable keys, 1 - 4.

Select mechanical unit.

Toggle motion mode, reorient or linear.

Toggle motion mode, axis 1-3 or axis 4-6.

Toggle increments.

Step BACKWARD button. Executes one instruction backward as button

is pressed.

START button. Starts program execution.

Step FORWARD button. Executes one instruction forward as button is


STOP button. Stops program execution.

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.3 The FlexPendant

Three-position enabling device


The person using the three-position enabling device is responsible to observe

the safeguarded space for hazards due to robot motion and any other hazards
related to the robot.
The three-position enabling device is located on the FlexPendant. When
continuously held in center-enabled position, the three-position enabling device
will permit robot motion and any hazards controlled by the robot. Release of or
compression past the center-enabled position will stop the robot motion.


For safe use of the three-position enabling device, the following must be
• The three-position enabling device must never be rendered inoperational
in any way.
• If there is a need to enter safeguarded space, always bring the FlexPendant.
This is to enforce single point of control.

Thumb button
The thumb button is only available on the FlexPendant with emergency stop located
at the connector.
The thumb button is used for hold-to-run.
Hold-to-run is described in Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.

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22 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide
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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.3 The FlexPendant

How to hold the FlexPendant

FlexPendant is typically operated while being held in the hand. The right-handed
users use their left-hand to support the FlexPendant while their right-hand performs
the operations on the touch screen. However, the left-handed users can easily
adapt FlexPendant for their use.
For more details, see Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
FlexPendant with emergency stop button FlexPendant with emergency stop button
at the connector at the outer edge


Touchscreen elements
The illustration shows important elements of the FlexPendant touchscreen.


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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.3 The FlexPendant

A Main menu
B Operator window
C Status bar
D Close button
E Task bar
F Quickset menu

Main menu
The following items can be selected from the Main menu:
• HotEdit
• Inputs and Outputs
• Jogging
• Production Window
• Program Editor
• Program Data
• Backup and Restore
• Calibration
• Control Panel
• Event Log
• FlexPendant Explorer
• System Info
• etc.
This is further described in section The ABB Menu in Operating manual - IRC5
with FlexPendant.

Operator window
The operator window displays messages from robot programs. This usually happens
when the program needs some kind of operator response in order to continue.
This is described in section Operator window in Operating manual - IRC5 with

Status bar
The status bar displays important information about system status, such as
operating mode, motors on/off, program state and so on. This is described in
section Status bar in Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.

Close button
Tapping the close button closes the presently active view or application.

Task bar
You can open several views from the Main menu, but only work with one at a time.
The task bar displays all open views and is used to switch between these.

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24 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide
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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.3 The FlexPendant

Quickset menu
The quickset menu provides settings for jogging and program execution. This is
described in section The Quickset menu in Operating manual - IRC5 with

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.4 RobotStudio Online

1.4 RobotStudio Online

Introduction to RobotStudio Online

RobotStudio Online is a suite of Windows Store applications intended to run on
Windows 10 tablets. It provides functionality for the shop floor commissioning of
robot systems.
You can run these apps on a tablet that communicates with the robot controller
wirelessly. To enable certain functionality, such as entering manual mode and
enabling power to the mechanical unit motors, you need a safety device that is
connected to the robot using the same plug that alternatively is used to connect
the FlexPendant.
The following RobotStudio Online apps are available in the Microsoft Windows


You must have Windows 8.1 to run these Apps.

RobotStudio Online Apps Description

Manage is a tool to manage IRC5 controllers
on a network.


Calibrate is a tool for calibration and defini-

tion of frames with IRC5 controllers.


Jog is a tool for manual positioning (moving

or jogging) with IRC5 controllers.


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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.4 RobotStudio Online

RobotStudio Online Apps Description

Tune is a tool for shop floor editing of RAPID
programs with IRC5 controllers.


Operate is a tool used in production to view

the program code.


YuMi is a tool for programming of the YuMi

robot, IRB 14000 from ABB.
It will help the users to get a fast introduction
to robot programming using lead-thru and
graphical programming.


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1.5 RobotStudio

1.5 RobotStudio

Overview of RobotStudio
RobotStudio is an engineering tool for the configuration and programming of ABB
robots, both real robots on the shop floor and virtual robots in a PC. To achieve
true offline programming, RobotStudio utilizes ABB VirtualRobot™ Technology.
RobotStudio has adopted the Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface. The Office
Fluent UI is also used in Microsoft Office. As in Office, the features of RobotStudio
are designed in a workflow-oriented way.
With add-ins, RobotStudio can be extended and customized to suit the specific
needs. Add-ins are developed using the RobotStudio SDK. With the SDK, it is also
possible to develop custom SmartComponents which exceed the functionality
provided by RobotStudio's base components.
For more information, see Operating manual - RobotStudio.

RobotStudio for real controllers

RobotStudio allows, for example, the following operations when connected to a
real controller:
• Installing and modifying RobotWare systems on controllers, using the
Installation Manager 6.
• Text-based programing and editing, using the RAPID Editor.
• File manager for the controller.
• Administrating the User Authorization System.
• Configuring system parameters.

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.6 When to use different jogging devices

1.6 When to use different jogging devices

For operating and managing the robot, you can use any of the following:
• FlexPendant: Optimized for handling robot motions and ordinary operation
• RobotStudio: Optimized for configuration, programming and other tasks not
related to the daily operation.
• RobotStudio Online Apps : Optimized for jogging, managing, working with
the frames, calibration methods and RAPID programs available in the robot

Start, restart and shut down the controller

To... Use...
Start the controller The power switch on the controller's front panel.
Restart the controller The FlexPendant, RobotStudio, RobotStudio Online Apps
or the power switch on the controller's front panel.
Shut down the controller The power switch on the controller's front panel or the
FlexPendant, tap Restart, then Advanced.
Shut down the main computer The FlexPendant.

Run and control robot programs

To... Use...
Jog a robot The FlexPendant.
Start or stop a robot program The FlexPendant, RobotStudio or RobotStudio Online Apps.
Start and stop background The FlexPendant, RobotStudio or RobotStudio Online Apps.

Communicate with the controller

To... Use...
Acknowledge events The FlexPendant or RobotStudio Online
View and save the controller's event logs RobotStudio, FlexPendant or the RobotStu-
dio Online Apps.
Back up the controller's software to files on RobotStudio, FlexPendant or the RobotStu-
the PC or a server dio Online Apps.
Back up the controller's software to files on The FlexPendant or RobotStudio Online
the controller Apps.
Transfer files between the controller and net- RobotStudio, FlexPendant or the RobotStu-
work drives dio Online Apps.

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1.6 When to use different jogging devices

Program a robot

To... Use...
Create or edit robot programs RobotStudio to create the program's structure and most of
in a flexible way. This is suit- the source code and the FlexPendant to store robot positions
able for complex programs and make final adjustments to the program.
with a lot of logic, I/O signals When programming, RobotStudio provides the following
or action instructions advantages:
• A text editor optimized for RAPID code, with auto-text
and tool-tip information about instructions and para-
• Program check with program error marking.
• Close access to configuration and I/O editing.
Create or edit a robot program The FlexPendant.
in a supportive way. This is When programming, the FlexPendant provides the following
suitable for programs that advantages:
mostly consist of move instruc- • Instruction pick lists
• Program check and debug while writing
• Possibility to create robot positions while program-
Add or edit robot positions The FlexPendant with a combination of suitable RobotStudio
Online Apps.
Modify robot positions The FlexPendant with a combination of suitable RobotStudio
Online Apps.

Configure the robot's system parameters

To... Use...
Edit the system parameters of the running RobotStudio, FlexPendant or the RobotStu-
system dio Online Apps.
Save the robot's system parameters as config- RobotStudio, FlexPendant or the RobotStu-
uration files dio Online Apps.
Load system parameters from configuration RobotStudio, FlexPendant or the RobotStu-
files to the running system dio Online Apps.
Load calibration data RobotStudio, FlexPendant or the RobotStu-
dio Online Apps.

Create, modify and install systems

To... Use...
Create or modify a system RobotStudio together with RobotWare and a valid Ro-
botWare Key for systems based on RobotWare 5.
RobotStudio together with RobotWare and license file
for systems based on RobotWare 6.
Install a system on a controller RobotStudio
Install a system on a controller from The FlexPendant.
a USB memory


To... Use...
Calibrate base frame etc. The FlexPendant or the RobotStudio Online

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.6 When to use different jogging devices

To... Use...
Calibrate tools, work objects etc. The FlexPendant or the RobotStudio Online

Related information
The table below specifies which manuals to read, when performing the various
tasks referred to:
Recommended use... for details, see manual... Document number
FlexPendant Operating manual - IRC5 with Flex- 3HAC050941-001
RobotStudio Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.7 Buttons and ports on the controller

1.7 Buttons and ports on the controller

Buttons and ports on the controller

These are the buttons and ports on an IRC5 controller. Some buttons and ports
are options and might not be available on your controller. The buttons and ports
look the same but the placing can differ depending on the controller model (IRC5
Standard, IRC5 Compact, or IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller) and if there is an
external operator’s panel.


A Main switch
B Emergency stop
C Motors on
D Mode switch
E Safety chain LEDs (option)
G Service port for PC (option)
H Duty time counter (option)
J Service outlet 115/230 V, 200 W (option)
K Hot plug button (option)
L Connector for FlexPendant

Related information
Product manual - IRC5, IRC5 of design 14.

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1 Welcome to IRC5
1.7 Buttons and ports on the controller

Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller, IRC5 of design 14.

Product manual - IRC5 Compact, IRC5 of design 14.
Operating manual - Troubleshooting IRC5.

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2 Get started
2.1 About this chapter

2 Get started
2.1 About this chapter

This chapter describes how to connect the FlexPendant to the controller and how
to set up network connections. It also presents a number of often performed work
tasks with the FlexPendant, described as action scenarios.

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2 Get started
2.2.1 Connecting a FlexPendant

2.2 Connections

2.2.1 Connecting a FlexPendant

Location of FlexPendant connector

The FlexPendant connector is located on the operator’s panel on the controller,
or on an external operator’s panel. The Panel Mounted Controller has a connector
on the front.

Connecting a FlexPendant


Always inspect the connector for dirt or damage before connecting it to the
controller. Clean or replace any damaged parts.

Action Information
1 Locate the FlexPendant socket connector The controller must be in manual mode. If
on the controller or operator’s panel. your system has the option Hot plug, then
you can also disconnect in auto mode. See
section Using the hot plug option on
page 38.
The controller must be in manual mode.
2 Plug in the FlexPendant cable connector.
3 Screw the connector lock ring firmly by
turning it clockwise.
4 The FlexPendant starts automatically when Updating the add-in FlexPendant SxTPU4
connected and verifies that it has the cor- Software on page 36
rect software installed. If an update is
needed, this is shown.

Updating the add-in FlexPendant SxTPU4 Software


The add-in is only available for the FlexPendant with the emergency stop located
at the connector. All other FlexPendant versions will automatically update their
software via the controller (if needed).
The FlexPendant with the emergency stop located at the connector has an add-in
that enables support for different RobotWare versions. This is the FlexPendant
SxTPU4 Software add-in. The version of the add-in is shown during start-up.
When connecting the FlexPendant, the add-in verifies that it has support for the
RobotWare version on the controller. If the RobotWare version is not supported
by default, then the add-in requires an update. There are two method to update
the FlexPendant add-in. The update is distributed as a software package.
• The update can be installed using a USB drive.
• If the update is available on the controller, then the FlexPendant will update
itself when connecting it to the controller.

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2 Get started
2.2.1 Connecting a FlexPendant

Once the add-in is updated, the FlexPendant can be connected to other IRC5
controllers with the same RobotWare version without requiring additional updates.

Update using a USB drive

Use the following procedure to update the add-in using a USB drive.
1 Download the update from RobotStudio, in the tab Add-Ins.
2 Save the software package (.rspak) on a USB drive in the folder SxTPU4,
located in the root folder.
3 With the FlexPendant connected to the controller, reset the FlexPendant with
the USB drive connected.
4 The update starts automatically and takes approximately 3-4 minutes.

Update from the controller

Use the following procedure to update the add-in from the controller.
1 In RobotStudio, use Installation Manager 6 to create or update a system on
your controller. Add the product FlexPendantSxTPU4Software.
2 Connect the FlexPendant to the controller.
3 The update starts automatically and takes approximately 3-4 minutes.

Handling the FlexPendant cables

FlexPendant cables are allowed to be rolled up by hand with a minimum bending
radius of 10 times the cable diameter. This also applies to the extension cable. For
example, if the cable is 9.5 mm then it is allowed to roll it with a radius of 95 mm.
Extension cables are not allowed to be used in chains.

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2 Get started
2.2.2 Using the hot plug option

2.2.2 Using the hot plug option

Hot plug option

The hot plug option makes it possible to:
• Disconnect the FlexPendant from a system in automatic mode and thereby
run the system without a FlexPendant connected.
• Temporarily connect and operate a FlexPendant without interrupting the
application running on the system.


Pressing the hot plug button disables the emergency stop button on the
FlexPendant. Only press the hot plug button while connecting or disconnecting
the FlexPendant.


A disconnected FlexPendant cannot initiate a protective or emergency stop. It

must be stored out of sight so that it cannot be mistaken for being in use.

Connect and disconnect the FlexPendant using the hot plug button
The following procedure describes how to connect or disconnect the FlexPendant
on a system in automatic mode using the hot plug button option.


Do not switch to manual mode (or manual full speed mode) while the system is
running without the FlexPendant. The FlexPendant must be connected when
you switch to automatic mode otherwise you cannot confirm the mode change.

Action Information
1 Make sure that the system is in automatic
2 Press and hold the hot plug button. A red lamp inside the button indicates when

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2 Get started
2.2.2 Using the hot plug option

Action Information
3 Keep pressing the hot plug button and at
the same time, switch the jumper plug with
the FlexPendant plug.


A: Hot plug button

B: FlexPendant connector


Jumper plug
4 Release the hot plug button. Make sure that the button is not stuck in
the actuated position since this disables
the FlexPendant emergency stop button.
5 If the connected FlexPendant does not The three-position enabling device and
have support for the RobotWare version emergency stop button are active even if
running on the controller, then a dialog is the add-in dialog is shown.
shown that the add-in must be updated.
See Updating the add-in FlexPendant Sx-
TPU4 Software on page 36.


When the FlexPendant is disconnected, the jumper plug must be connected in

its place.


If the hot plug button is released while neither the jumper plug, nor the
FlexPendant is connected, the robot movements will be stopped since the
emergency stop chains are opened.

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2 Get started
2.2.2 Using the hot plug option

Limitations for messages on the FlexPendant

When using the hot plug option, the following limitations apply to messages on
the FlexPendant:

Operator messages
Some applications may require input from the operator by using the FlexPendant
(e.g. applications using RAPID instructions TPReadNum, UIMsgBox, etc.). If the
application encounters such an operator message, program execution will wait.
After connecting the FlexPendant you must then stop and start the program
execution to be able to see and respond to these messages. They are not displayed
automatically by just connecting the FlexPendant.
If possible, avoid using these types of instructions when programming systems
that are using the hot plug button option.

Event log messages

When connecting the FlexPendant, event log messages can be viewed also for
the period when the FlexPendant was disconnected, since these are stored on the

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2 Get started
2.2.3 Set up the network connection

2.2.3 Set up the network connection

When do I need to setup the network connection?

You need to setup the controller’s network connection when the controller is
connected to a network for the first time or when the network addressing scheme

If an IP address is to be obtained automatically, make sure there is a server running
that supplies the network with IP addresses (a DHCP server). Otherwise you will
not be able to access the controller via the controller network.
It is still possible to access the controller via the service PC connection.

Network connection dialog box

The illustration shows the network connection dialog box.


Set up the network connection

Regardless of how you choose to set up the network connections, the first steps
are common:
Action Information
1 Perform a restart and select the option Start Boot Application is described in
Start Boot Application. section Restart and start boot application
on page 122.
2 In the Boot Application, tap Settings.
The network connection dialog is dis-
3 If you choose to use no IP address, then In some cases it can be useful to discon-
tap Use no IP address. Otherwise, proceed nect the controller from the network,
below! without disconnecting the network cable.
Without IP address the controller cannot
be accessed from other equipment on the
same network.

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2 Get started
2.2.3 Set up the network connection

Action Information
4 If you choose to obtain an IP address
automatically, then tap Obtain an IP ad-
dress automatically. Otherwise, proceed
5 If you choose to use a fixed IP address,
tap Use the following IP address. Note
Enter the IP address, subnet mask, and
default gateway. Make sure a valid address is used so there
are no conflicts in the network. A conflict
may cause other controllers to malfunction


It is not recommended using leading zeros

in dot-decimal notation of IP addresses.
The numbers may wrongly be interpreted
as octal numbers. Different behaviors on
virtual and real controllers may be experi-

6 Tap OK to save the new setting.

7 In the Boot Application, tap Select System How to select a system is detailed in sec-
and select the system to restart. tion Selecting a system on page 119.
8 In the Boot Application, tap Restart Con-
troller and tap OK to restart the controller Note
with new settings.
You can verify the new settings by tapping
ABB -> System Info -> Controller proper-
ties -> Network connections -> LAN

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2 Get started
2.3.1 About action scenarios

2.3 Action scenarios

2.3.1 About action scenarios

This chapter presents brief procedures, detailing a number of typical actions a
typical user may perform. It also includes references to detailed information about
the same topics.
The brief information given, is intended to be used directly by experienced users,
while the references may be more adequate for novices and for training purposes.

Related information
Note that there may be more information available than the one referred to in the
Information about:
• a specific menu is described in Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
• a specific button on the FlexPendant is described in The FlexPendant on
page 19.
• a specific button is described in the product manual for the controller, for
tasks performed using the controls on the controller cabinet.
• how to perform a specific task is described in Operating manual - IRC5 with
FlexPendant, for example programming or running in production.
Related information can also be found in other manuals:
• Operating manual - RobotStudio
• Product manual for the controller

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2 Get started
2.3.2 System start

2.3.2 System start

Prerequisites before start

This procedure details the main steps required to start the system when the power
has been switched off.
All information is based on the assumption that working system software has
already been installed on the robot controller, as the case would be at first start
directly after delivery.
Note that there may be more information available than the one referred to in the

System start
This procedure details all required steps to start the system for the first time. For
everyday start, step 4 is normally the only required step.
Action Information
1 Install the robot equipment. Mechanical installation and electrical connections
between manipulator and controller is described in
the Product manual of the robot and controller respect-
2 Make sure the safety circuits of How to connect the safety circuits is detailed in the
the system are properly connec- robot’s Product manual.
ted to the robot cell or have
jumper connections installed (if
3 Connect the FlexPendant to the The FlexPendant and its major parts and functions
controller. are detailed in section The FlexPendant on page 19
How to connect the FlexPendant to the controller is
detailed in section Connecting a FlexPendant on
page 36
4 Switch the power on. Use the main switch on the controller.
5 If the controller or manipulator Normally, only the revolution counters require updat-
have been replaced with spare ing, which is to be performed as detailed in the
parts, make sure the calibration product manual for the robot.
values, revolution counters and If required, transfer the calibration data from the
serial numbers are updated serial measurement board as detailed in Serial
correctly. measurement board memory on page 191 for systems
without the Absolute Accuracy option.
If required, enter the calibration data as detailed in
Loading calibration data using the FlexPendant on
page 189 for systems with the Absolute Accuracy op-
6 This step is only required if the Described in section Restart and start boot application
robot system will be connected on page 122.
to a network.
Perform a restart and start the
boot application.
The Boot Application is started.

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2 Get started
2.3.2 System start

Action Information
7 This step is only required if the How to use the Boot Application is detailed in section
robot system will be connected Using the Boot Application on page 117.
to a network. At this point, a single system is available.
Use the Boot Application to:
• set the IP address of the
controller cabinet
• set the network connec-
• select the system
• restart the system
The system is restarted.
8 Install RobotStudio on a PC. Proceed as detailed in Operating manual - RobotStu-
RobotStudio is used to create a system to run on the
controller, but at this point (prior to the first start) a
system is already installed by the manufacturer.
9 Connect the controller to a PC Proceed as detailed in section Connecting a PC to
(through the service port) or to the controller in Operating manual - RobotStudio.
the network (if used). Also see section Set up the network connection on
page 41.
10 Start RobotStudio on the PC. Proceed as detailed in Operating manual - RobotStu-
11 Restart the controller.
12 The robot system is now ready
for operation.

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2 Get started
2.3.3 Working with inputs and outputs

2.3.3 Working with inputs and outputs

Working with inputs and outputs

This procedure details the main steps required to set outputs, read inputs and
configure I/O devices.
For more information about I/O, see section Handling inputs and outputs, I/O on
page 103.

Action Information
1 Create a new I/O. I/O signals are created using system paramet-
2 Before using any input or output, the Configuring the system is done when creating
system must be configured to enable the system. How to do this is described in
the I/O functions. Operating manual - RobotStudio.
3 Set a value to a specific digital output, Described in in section Simulating and chan-
analog output, digital input or analog ging signal values in Operating manual - IRC5
input. with FlexPendant.
4 Set safety signals. Signal explanation is detailed in Safety I/O
signals on page 107
5 Edit an I/O. Described in in section Simulating and chan-
ging signal values in Operating manual - IRC5
with FlexPendant.

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2 Get started
2.3.4 Backup and restore

2.3.4 Backup and restore

Backup and restore

How to perform the backup is described in section Back up the system on page 133.
Re-introducing the previously saved memory contents from the backup into the
robot controller is called performing a restore. How to perform the restore is
described in section Restore the system on page 137.
Note that there may be more information available than the one referred to above.

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2 Get started
2.3.5 Upgrading

2.3.5 Upgrading

This procedure details the main steps required to correctly upgrade the system.
By upgrading we mean changing hardware, such as replacing circuit board with
newer versions, as well as loading software with later releases.
Note that there may be more information available than the one referred to in the
Type of upgrade Information
When replacing circuit boards such as buses,
I/O boards, etc., with newer versions, the
system will automatically reflash the unit.


During reflashing, the system may restart

several times, and it is vital not to shut down
the system, or in any other way interrupt the
automatic process.
When upgrading the robot or controller
mechanically, fitting instructions are normally
delivered with the kit.
If no such instruction are provided, useful
information may be found in the Repair sec-
tion of the Product Manual of the equipment
in question.
When upgrading the system software, the How to modify an existing system is detailed
system must be changed in order to reflect in section How to Modify a System in the
the additions. Operating manual - RobotStudio.
A new license key may be required. How to create a new system is detailed in
section Creating a new system in the Operat-
ing manual - RobotStudio.

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2 Get started
2.3.6 Installing RobotWare add-ins

2.3.6 Installing RobotWare add-ins

Installing RobotWare add-ins

The main steps required to correctly install a RobotWare add-in is described in
Operating manual - RobotStudio.
For instruction on building RobotWare add-ins, visit the ABB Robotics Developer
Center web site at http://developercenter.robotstudio.com.

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3 Programming
3.1 Before you start programming

3 Programming
3.1 Before you start programming

Programming tools
You can use both the FlexPendant and RobotStudio for programming. The
FlexPendant is best suited for modifying programs, such as positions and paths,
while RobotStudio is preferred for more complex programming.
How to program using RobotStudio is described in Operating manual - RobotStudio.

Define tools, payloads, and work objects

Define tools, payloads and work objects before you start programming. You can
always go back and define more objects later, but you should define your basic
objects in advance.


It is important to always define the actual tool load and, when used, the payload
of the robot (for example, a gripped part). Incorrect definitions of load data can
result in overloading of the robot mechanical structure. There is also a risk that
the speed in manual reduced speed mode can be exceeded.
When incorrect load data is specified, it can often lead to the following
• The robot may not use its maximum capacity.
• Impaired path accuracy including a risk of overshooting.
• Risk of overloading the mechanical structure.
The controller continuously monitors the load and writes an event log if the load
is higher than expected. This event log is saved and logged in the controller

Define coordinate systems

Make sure the base and world coordinate systems have been set up properly
during the installation of your robot system. Also make sure that additional axes
have been set up.
Define tool and work object coordinate systems before you start programming. As
you add more objects later you also need to define the corresponding coordinate


For more details about the RAPID language and structure, see Technical reference
manual - RAPID Overview and Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions,
Functions and Data types.

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3 Programming
3.2 The structure of a RAPID application

3.2 The structure of a RAPID application

Illustration of a RAPID application

Task (e.g. "T_ROB1") Task 2

Task property parameter 1

Task property parameter 2
Program Task property parameter X

Program module 1 Program module 2 Program module x

Data Data Data

Value Value Value

Value Value Value

Entry routine Routine Routine

Instruction Instruction Instruction
Instruction Instruction Routine
Instruction Instruction

System module A System module B System module x

Data Data Data

Value Value Value

Routine Routine Routine

Instruction Instruction



Part Function
Task Each task usually contains a RAPID program and system modules aimed
at performing a certain function, e.g. spot welding or manipulator move-
A RAPID application may contain one task. If you have the Multitasking
option installed, then there can be more than one task.
Read more about Multitasking in Application manual - Controller software
Task property The task property parameters set certain properties for all task contents.
parameter Any program stored in a certain task, assumes the properties set for that
The task property parameters are specified in Technical reference
manual - RAPID Overview.
Program Each program usually contains program modules with RAPID code for
different purposes.
Any program must have an entry routine defined to be executable.

Continues on next page

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3 Programming
3.2 The structure of a RAPID application

Part Function
Program module Each program module contains data and routines for a certain purpose.
The program is divided into modules mainly to enhance overview and
facilitate handling the program. Each module typically represents one
particular robot action or similar.
All program modules will be removed when deleting a program from the
controller program memory.
Program modules are usually written by the user.
Data Data are values and definitions set in program or system modules. The
data are referenced by the instructions in the same module or in a number
of modules (availability depending on data type).
Data type definitions are specified in the Technical reference manual - RAP-
ID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
Routine A routine contains sets of instructions, i.e. defines what the robot system
actually does.
A routine may also contain data required for the instructions.
Entry routine A special type of routine, in English sometimes referred to as "main",
defined as the program execution starting point.


Each program must have an entry routine called "main", or it will not be
executable. How to appoint a routine as entry routine is specified in
Technical reference manual - RAPID Overview. The default name for
main can be changed by the system parameter configurations, type Task.
See Technical reference manual - System parameters.

Instruction Each instruction is a request for a certain event to take place, e.g. "Run
the manipulator TCP to a certain position" or "Set a specific digital output".
The instructions, their syntax and function is thoroughly described in the
Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data
System module Each system module contains data and routines to perform a certain
The program is divided into modules mainly to enhance overview and
facilitate handling the program. Each module typically represents one
particular robot action or similar.
All system modules will be retained when "Delete program" is ordered.
System modules are usually written by the robot manufacturer or line

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3 Programming
3.3.1 Handling of programs

3.3 Programming

3.3.1 Handling of programs

This section details how to perform normal handling of robot programs. It describes
how to:
• create a new program
• load an existing program
• save a program
• rename a program
• delete a program
Each task must contain one program, no more, no less. Note that the following
procedures describe a single task system, i.e. only one task is available.
How to create a new program when no program is available is detailed in section
Creating a new program on page 54.

About program files

When saving a program to the controller hard disk, it is by default saved to the
directory HOME in the system’s folder unless otherwise stated. How to set another
default path is detailed in section How to set default paths in Operating
manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
The program is saved as a folder, named as the program, containing the actual
program file, of type pgf.
When loading a program you open the program folder and select the pgf file.
When renaming a program you rename the program folder and the program file.
When saving a loaded program which is already saved to the hard disk, you must
not open the existing program folder. Instead, you should save the program folder
again and overwrite the old version, or rename the program.

Creating a new program

This section describes how to create a new program.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Tasks and Programs.
3 Tap File, then New Program.
If there was already a program loaded, a warning dialog appears.
• Tap Save to save the loaded program.
• Tap Don't Save to close loaded program without saving it, i.e. delete from pro-
gram memory.
• Tap Cancel to leave the program loaded.
4 Continue by adding instructions, routines, or modules.
A new program is created.

Continues on next page

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3 Programming
3.3.1 Handling of programs

Loading an existing program

This section describes how to load an existing program.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Tasks and Programs.
3 Tap File, then Load Program.
If there was already a program loaded, a warning dialog appears.
• Tap Save to save the loaded program.
• Tap Don't save to close loaded program without saving it, i.e. delete from pro-
gram memory.
• Tap Cancel to leave the loaded program.
4 Use the file searching tool to locate the program file to be loaded (file type pgf). Then
tap OK.
The program is loaded and the program code is displayed.


Saving a program
This section describes how to save a loaded program to the controller’s hard disk.
A loaded program is automatically saved in the program memory, but saving to
the controller hard disk is an extra precaution.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Tasks and Programs.
3 Tap File and select Save Program As....
4 Use the suggested program name or tap ... to open the soft keyboard and enter a new
name. Then tap OK.

Continues on next page

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3 Programming
3.3.1 Handling of programs

Renaming a loaded program

This section describes how to rename a loaded program.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Tasks and Programs.
3 Tap File and select Rename Program.
A soft keyboard is displayed.
4 Use the soft keyboard to enter the new name of the program. Then tap OK.

Deleting a program
This section describes how to delete a program.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Tasks and Programs.
3 Tap File and select Delete Program.
A confirmation dialog is displayed.
4 Tap OK to delete, or Cancel to keep the program intact.

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3 Programming
3.3.2 Handling of modules

3.3.2 Handling of modules

This section details how to handle program modules. i.e.:
• create a new module
• load an existing module
• save a module
• rename a module
• delete a module

Creating a new module

This section describes how to create a new module.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Modules.
3 Tap File, then tap New Module.


4 Tap ABC... and use the soft keyboard to enter the new module's name. Then tap OK
to close the soft keyboard.
5 Select which type of module to be created:
• Program
• System
Then tap OK.
How to later switch between these types is detailed in section Changing type of module
on page 59.

Continues on next page

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3 Programming
3.3.2 Handling of modules

Loading an existing module

This section describes how to load an existing module.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Modules.
3 Tap File, then Load Module.


Locate the module to be loaded.

4 Tap OK to load the selected module.
The module is loaded.

Saving a module
This section describes how to save a module.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Modules and tap to select the module you want to load.
3 Tap File, then Save Module As...
4 Tap on the suggested file name and use the soft keyboard to enter the module's name.
Then tap OK.
5 Use the file searching tool to locate where you want to save the module.
Then tap OK.
The module is saved.

Renaming a module
This section describes how to rename a module.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.

Continues on next page

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3 Programming
3.3.2 Handling of modules

2 Tap Modules.
3 Tap File, then Rename Module...
The soft keyboard is displayed.
4 Use the soft keyboard to enter the module's name. Then tap OK.

Changing type of module

This section describes how to change the type of module.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Modules and select the module to be changed.
3 Tap File, then Change declaration...
4 Tap Type and select module type.
5 Tap OK.

Deleting a module
This section describes how to delete a module from memory. If the module has
been saved to disk, it will not be erased from the disk.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Modules and tap to select the module you want to delete.
3 Tap File, then Delete Module...
A dialog box is displayed.
4 Tap OK to delete the module without saving it.
If you want to save the module first, tap Cancel and save the module first.
How to save the module is detailed in section Saving a module on page 58.

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3 Programming
3.3.3 Handling of routines

3.3.3 Handling of routines

This section details how to handle program routines. i.e.:
• create a new routine
• create a copy of a routine
• change the declaration of a routine
• delete a routine

Creating a new routine

This section details how to create a new routine, set the declaration, and add it to
a module.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Routines.
3 Tap File, then New Routine.
A new routine is created and displayed with default declaration values.


4 Tap ABC... and use the soft keyboard to enter the new routines' name. Then tap OK.
5 Select the type of routine:
• Procedure: used for a normal routine without return value
• Function: used for a normal routine with return value
• Trap: used for an interrupt routine
6 Do you need to use any parameters?
If YES; tap ... and proceed as detailed in section Defining parameters in routine on
page 61.
If NO; proceed to the next step.
7 Select module to add the routine to.

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3 Programming
3.3.3 Handling of routines

8 Tap the checkbox to select Local declaration if the routine should be local.
A local routine can only be used in the selected module.
9 Tap OK.

Defining parameters in routine

This section describes how to define parameters in a routine.
1 In the routine declaration, tap ... to define parameters.
A list of defined parameters is displayed.


Continues on next page

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3.3.3 Handling of routines

2 If no parameters are shown, tap Add to add a new parameter.
• Add optional parameter adds a parameter that is optional
• Add optional mutual parameter adds a parameter that is mutually optional with
another parameter
Read more about routine parameters in the RAPID reference manuals.


3 Use the soft keyboard to enter the name of the new parameter and then tap OK.
The new parameter is displayed in the list.


4 Tap to select a parameter. To edit values, tap the value.

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3 Programming
3.3.3 Handling of routines

5 Tap OK to return to the routine declaration.

Creating a copy of a routine

This section describes how to create a copy of a routine.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Routines.
3 Highlight the routine by tapping it.
4 Tap File, then Copy Routine.
The new routine is displayed. The name of the new routine is set to the same as the
original with the suffix Copy.
5 Make any changes in the declarations for the new routine copy. Then tap OK.
How to make all declarations is detailed in section Creating a new routine on page 60.

Changing the declaration of a routine

This section describes how to change the declaration of a routine.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Routines.
3 Highlight the routine by tapping it.
4 Tap File, then Change Declaration
5 Change any declaration values for the routine. Then tap OK.
Declaration settings are described in section Creating a new routine on page 60.

Moving a routine
This section describes how to move a routine to another module.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Routines.
3 Highlight the routine by tapping it.
4 Tap File, then Move Routine...
5 Select task and module. Then tap OK.

Deleting a routine
This section describes how to delete a routine from memory.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Routines.
3 Highlight the routine by tapping it.
4 Tap File, then Delete Routine...
A dialog box is displayed.

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3.3.3 Handling of routines

5 Tap:
• OK to delete the routine without saving any changes made to it.
• Cancel to revert without deleting the routine.

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3 Programming
3.4.1 Creating new data instance

3.4 Data types

3.4.1 Creating new data instance

Creating new data instance

This section details how to create new data instances of data types.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Data.
A list of all available data types is displayed.
2 Tap the data instance type to be created, i.e. bool and then tap Show data.
A list of all instances of the data type is displayed.
3 Tap New.


4 Tap ... the right of Name to define the data instance’s name.Name
5 Tap the Scope menu to set accessibility for the data instance. Select:
• Global - reachable by all tasks
• Local - reachable within the module
• Task - reachable within the task
6 Tap the Storage type menu to select type of memory used for the data instance. Select:
• Persistent if the data instance is persistent
• Variable if the data instance is variable
• Constant if the data instance is constant
7 Tap the Module menu to select module.
8 Tap the Routine menu to select routine.

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3 Programming
3.4.1 Creating new data instance

9 If you want to create an array of data instances, then tap the Dimensions menu and
select the number of dimensions in the array, 1-3.
• 1
• 2
• 3
• None
Then tap ... to set the Size of the array’s axes.
10 Tap OK.

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3 Programming
3.5.1 Creating a tool

3.5 Tools

3.5.1 Creating a tool

What happens when you create a tool?

When you create a new tool a variable of the data type tooldata is created. The
variable name will be the name of the tool. For more information on data types,
see Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
The new tool has initial default values for mass, frame, orientation etc., which must
be defined before the tool can be used.

How to create a tool

The tool center point of the default tool (tool0) is in the center of the robot's
mounting flange and shares the orientation of the robot base.
By creating a new tool you define another tool center point. For more information
about tool center points, see What is the tool center point? on page 197.


A Tool center point, TCP, for tool0

1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Tool to display the list of available tools.

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3 Programming
3.5.1 Creating a tool

3 Tap New to create a new tool.


Enter values for each field, see table below.

4 Tap OK.

Tool declaration settings

If you want to change... then... Recommendation

the name of the tool tap ... button next to Name Tools are automatically
named tool followed by a
running number, for example
tool10 or tool21.
You are recommended to
change this to something
more descriptive such as gun,
gripper or welder.


If you change the name of a

tool after it is referenced in
any program you must also
change all occurrences of that

the scope select the preferred scope Tools should always be glob-
from the menu al, as to be available to all
modules in the program.
the storage type - Tool variables must always
be persistent.
the module select the module in which
this tool should be declared
from the menu

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3.5.1 Creating a tool

If you want to change... then... Recommendation

the size of the data array's tap ... button next to Dimen-
axes sion


The created tool is not useful until you have defined the tool data (TCP
coordinates, orientation, weight etc.). See Editing the tool data on page 74 and
section about LoadIdentify in Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.

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3 Programming
3.5.2 Defining the tool frame

3.5.2 Defining the tool frame

To define the tool frame, you first need a reference point in the world coordinate
system. If you need to set the tool center point orientation, you also need to affix
elongators to the tool.
You also need to decide which method to use for the tool frame definition.

Available methods
There are three different methods which can be used when defining the tool frame.
All three require that you define the cartesian coordinates of the tool center point.
What differs is how the orientation is defined.
If you want to... ...then select
set the orientation the same as the orientation TCP (default orient.)
of the robot’s mounting plate
set the orientation in Z axis TCP&Z
set the orientation in X and Z axes TCP&Z,X

How to select a method

This procedure describes how to select the method to be used when defining the
tool frame.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Tool to display a list of available tools.
3 Select the tool you want to define.
4 In the Edit menu, tap Define

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3.5.2 Defining the tool frame

5 In the dialog box which appears, select the method to use.


6 Select the number of approach points to use. Usually 4 points is enough. If you choose
more points to get a more accurate result, you should be equally careful when defining
all of them.
7 See How to proceed with tool frame definition on page 72 for information on how to
gather positions and perform the tool frame definition.

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3.5.2 Defining the tool frame

How to proceed with tool frame definition

This procedure describes how to define the tool center point in Cartesian


Action Information
1 Jog the robot to an appropriate position, Use small increments to accurately posi-
A, for the first approach point. tion the tool tip as close to the reference
point as possible.
2 Tap Modify Position to define the point.
3 Repeat step 1 and 2 for each approach Jog away from the fixed world point to
point to be defined, positions B, C, and D. achieve the best result. Just changing the
tool orientation will not give as good a
4 If the method you are using is TCP&Z or Follow the instructions in How to define
TCP&Z,X orientation must be defined as elongator points on page 73.
5 If, for some reason, you want to redo the
calibration procedure described in step 1-
4, tap Positions and then Reset All.

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3 Programming
3.5.2 Defining the tool frame

Action Information
6 When all points are defined you can save
them to file, which enables you to reuse
them later. On the Positions menu, tap
7 Tap OK. The Calculation Result dialog box For further information see Is the calcu-
will now be displayed, asking you to cancel lated result good enough? on page 73
or to confirm the result before it is written
to the controller.

How to define elongator points

This procedure describes how to define the orientation of the tool frame by
specifying the direction of the z and/or x axis. You need to do this only if you the
tool orientation should differ from that of the robot base. The tool coordinate system
by default resembles the coordinate system of tool0, as illustrated in Measuring
the tool center point on page 75.

1 Without changing the orientation of the tool, jog the robot so that the reference world
point becomes a point on the desired positive axis of the rotated tool coordinate system.
2 Tap Modify Position to define the point.
3 Repeat step 1 and 2 for the second axis if it should be defined.

Is the calculated result good enough?

The Calculation Result dialog box displays the calculated result of the tool frame
definition. You have to confirm that you accept the result before it can take effect
in the controller. The alternative is to redo the frame definition in order to achieve
a better result. The result Mean Error is the average distance of the approach
points from the calculated TCP (tool center point). Max Error is the maximum error
among all approach points.
It is hard to tell exactly what result is acceptable. It depends on the tool, robot type
etc. you are using. Usually a mean error of a few tenths of a millimeter is a good
result. If the positioning has been undertaken with reasonable accuracy the result
will be okay.
As the robot is used as a measuring machine, the result is also dependent on
where in the robot’s working area the positioning has been done. Variation of the
actual TCP up to a couple of millimeters (for large robots) can be found between
definitions in different parts of the working area.The repeatability of any following
TCP calibrations will thus increase if these are done close to the preceding ones.
Note that the result is the optimal TCP for the robot in that working area, taking
into account any discrepancies of the robot in the configuration at hand.


A common way to check that the tool frame has been correctly defined is to
perform a reorientation test when the definition is ready. Select the reorient
motion mode and the tool coordinate system and jog the robot. Verify that the
tool tip stays very close to the selected reference point as the robot moves.

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3 Programming
3.5.3 Editing the tool data

3.5.3 Editing the tool data

Tool data
Use the value settings to set the tool center point position and physical properties
of the tool such as weight and center of gravity.
This can also be done automatically with the service routine LoadIdentify. See
Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.


If the tooldata is incorrectly defined there is a risk that the speed is higher than
expected. This is particularly important in manual mode.

Displaying the tool data

This section details how to display the tool data.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Tool to display the list of available tools.
3 Tap the tool you want to edit, then tap Edit.
A menu appears.
• Change Declaration
• Change Value
• Delete
• Define
4 In the menu, tap Change Value.
The data that defines the tool appears. Green text indicates that the value can be
5 Proceed with changing the data as described below.

Continues on next page

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3 Programming
3.5.3 Editing the tool data

Measuring the tool center point

The easiest way to define the tool center point, TCP, is usually to use the predefined
method described in Defining the tool frame on page 70. If you use this method,
you do not have to write any values for the frame as these are supplied by the
If you already have the measurements of the tool, or for some reason want to
measure them manually, the values can be entered in the tool data.


X X axis for tool0

Y Y axis for tool0
Z Z axis for tool0
X X axis for the tool you want to define
Y Y axis for the tool you want to define
Z Z axis for the tool you want to define

1 Measure the distance from the center of the robot's mounting flange to the tool's
center point along the X axis of tool0.
2 Measure the distance from the center of the robot's mounting flange to the tool's
center point along the Y axis of tool0.
3 Measure the distance from the center of the robot's mounting flange to the tool's
center point along the Z axis of tool0.

Editing the tool definition

Action Instance Unit

1 Enter the cartesian coordinates of the tool tframe.trans.x [mm]
center point's position. tframe.trans.y

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3.5.3 Editing the tool data

Action Instance Unit

2 If necessary, enter the tool frame orientation. tframe.rot.q1 None
3 Enter the weight of the tool. tload.mass [kg]
4 If necessary, enter the tool's center of gravity. tload.cog.x [mm]
5 If necessary, enter the orientation of the axis tload.aom.q1 None
of moment tload.aom.q2
6 If necessary, enter the tool's moment of inertia. tload.ix [kgm 2 ]
7 Tap OK to use the new values, Cancel to leave
the definition unchanged.

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3 Programming
3.5.4 Setup for stationary tools

3.5.4 Setup for stationary tools

Stationary tools
Stationary tools are used, for instance, in applications that involve large machines
such as cutters, presses and punch cutters. You may use stationary tools to perform
any operation that would be difficult or inconvenient to perform with the tool on
the robot.
With stationary tools, the robot holds the work object.

Make a tool stationary

This section describes how to make a tool stationery.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Tool to display the list of available tools.
3 Tap the tool you want to edit, then tap Edit.
A menu appears.
4 In the menu, tap Change value.
The data that defines the tool appears.
5 Tap the instance robhold.
6 Tap FALSE to make this tool stationary.
7 Tap OK to use the new setup, Cancel to leave the tool unchanged.

Make a work object robot held

This section describes how to make a work object robot held.
1 In the Jogging window, tap Work object to display the list of available work objects.
2 Tap the work object you want to edit, then tap Edit.
A menu appears.
3 In the menu, tap Change value.
The data that defines the work object appears.
4 Tap the instance robhold.
5 Tap TRUE to indicate that this work object is held by the robot.
6 Tap OK to use the new setup, Cancel to leave the work object unchanged.

Differences in coordinate system referencing

This section describes differences in coordinate system referencing.
The... ...normally references the... ...but now references the...
work object coordinate sys- user coordinate system user coordinate system (no
tem change)
user coordinate system world coordinate system robot’s mounting plate
tool coordinate system robot’s mounting plate world coordinate system

Continues on next page

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3 Programming
3.5.4 Setup for stationary tools

Set up the tool coordinate system

You use the same measurement methods to set up a stationary tool coordinate
system as with tools mounted on the robot.
The world reference tip must, in this case, be attached to the robot. Define and
use a tool with the reference tip’s measurements when you create approach points.
You also need to attach elongators to the stationary tool if you need to set up the
You should enter the reference tip’s tool definition manually to minimize errors
when calculating the stationary tool’s coordinate system.
You may enter the stationary tool’s definition manually.


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3 Programming
3.6.1 Creating a work object

3.6 Work objects

3.6.1 Creating a work object

What happens when I create a work object?

A variable of the type wobjdata is created. The variable’s name will be the name
of the work object. For more information on data types, see Technical reference
manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
This is detailed in section What is a work object? on page 199.

Creating a work object

The work object’s coordinate system is now identical with the world coordinate
system. To define the position and orientation of the work object’s coordinate
system, see Editing the work object declaration on page 85.

1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Work Object to display the list of available work objects.
3 Tap New... to create a new work object.
4 Tap OK.

Work object declaration settings

If you want to change... then... Recommendation

the work object’s name tap the ... button next to it Work objects are automatic-
ally named wobj followed by
a running number, for ex-
ample wobj10, wobj27.
You should change this to
something more descriptive.
If you change the name of a
work object after it is refer-
enced in any program you
must also change all occur-
rences of that work object.
the scope select the scope of choice Work objects should always
from the menu be global to be available to all
modules in the program.
the storage type - Work object variables must
always be persistent.
the module select the module in which
this work object should be
declared from the menu

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3 Programming
3.6.2 Defining the work object coordinate system

3.6.2 Defining the work object coordinate system

Defining a work object means that the robot is used to point out the location of it.
This is done by defining three positions, two on the x-axis and one on the y-axis.
When defining a work object you can use either the user frame or the object frame
or both. The user select frame and the object frame usually coincides. If not, the
object frame is displaced from the user frame.

How to select method

This procedure describes how to select method for defining either user frame or
object frame or both. Note that this only works for a user created work object, not
the default work object, wobj0. Defining work object can also be done from the
Program Data window.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging
2 Tap Work object to display the list of available work objects.
3 Tap the work object you want to define, then tap Edit.
4 In the menu, tap Define.....
5 Select method from the User method and/or the Object method menu. See How to
define the user frame on page 81 and How to define the object frame on page 82


Continues on next page

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3 Programming
3.6.2 Defining the work object coordinate system

How to define the user frame

This section details how to define the user frame.


The x axis will go through points X1-X2, and the y axis through Y1.
Action Information
1 In the User method pop up menu, tap 3
2 Press the three-position enabling device Large distance between X1 and X2 is
and jog the robot to the first (X1, X2 or Y1) preferable for a more precise definition.
point that you want to define.
3 Select the point in the list.
4 Tap Modify Position to define the point.
5 Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the remaining

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3 Programming
3.6.2 Defining the work object coordinate system

How to define the object frame

This section describes how to define the object frame if you want to displace it
from the user frame.


The x axis will go through points X1-X2, and the y axis through Y1.
1 In the Object method pop up menu, tap 3 points.
2 See steps 2 to 4 in the description of How to define the user frame on page 81.

How to save the defined positions

Normally the defined positions are only used as temporary positions by the
controller to calculate the position of the work object and are then discarded.
However, the positions can also be saved to a program module for later use or
When saving the positions a new program module is created where the positions
are stored with predefined names given by the controller. The names of the positions
can be changed afterwards, but when loading the positions it is recommended to
use the predefined names.


Only the positions (robtargets) are saved. Make sure to note which tool was used
when modifying the defined positions.

1 When the work object frame definition is completed and all positions have been
modified, tap OK.
2 In the Save Modified Points dialog, tap Yes.
3 Tap ABC to change the name of the program module, tap OK to accept the name.

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3 Programming
3.6.2 Defining the work object coordinate system

4 The names of the positions and the module is displayed in the Save dialog, tap OK.

How to load defined positions

In some cases it is not practical or possible to use the robot to define the positions.
Then the positions can be defined or calculated elsewhere and loaded to the Work
Object Frame Definition dialog.
Positions from any program module can be can be loaded, but is recommended
to use the module from the Save Modified Points dialog with predefined position
names given by the controller.


Make sure that the correct tool and work object is activated in the Work Object
Frame Definition dialog before loading any positions.

1 In the Work Object Frame Definition dialog, tap Positions and Load.
2 Tap the module that holds the calibration points, tap OK.
3 If the controller finds all or any predefined positions in the module, the positions are
automatically loaded to the correct user or object point.
In the Load dialog, tap OK.
4 If some positions are missing or do not have the correct names, the controller cannot
load the positions automatically so the user is asked to match the positions manually.
Tap each point in the list to assign the positions manually from the drop down list. Tap
5 If necessary, use Modify Position to define any remaining points that could not be

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3 Programming
3.6.3 Editing the work object data

3.6.3 Editing the work object data

Use the work object data definition to set the position and rotation of the user and
object frames.

How to display the work object data

1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Work object to display the list of available work objects.
3 Tap the work object you want to edit, then tap Edit.
4 Tap Change Value.
The data that defines the work object appears.

How to set user and object frame values manually

The easiest way to set the work object and user coordinate systems position is to
use the method described in Defining the work object coordinate system on page 80.
You can however edit the values manually using the guide below.
Values Instance Unit
The cartesian coordinates of the position of the object oframe.trans.x mm
frame oframe.trans.y
The object frame orientation oframe.rot.q1 -
The cartesian coordinates of the position of the user uframe.trans.x mm
frame uframe.trans.y
The user frame orientation uframe.rot.q1 -


Editing work object data can also be done from the Program Data window.

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3 Programming
3.6.4 Editing the work object declaration

3.6.4 Editing the work object declaration

Use the declaration to change how the work object variable can be used in the
program’s modules.

Displaying the work object declaration

1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Work object to see the list of available work objects.
3 Tap the work object you want to edit, then tap Edit.
4 In the menu, tap Change Declaration.
5 The work object’s declaration appears.
6 Edit the tool declaration as listed in section Creating a work object on page 79.


If you change the name of a work object after it is referenced in any program you
must also change all occurrences of that work object.

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3 Programming
3.7.1 Creating a payload

3.7 Payloads

3.7.1 Creating a payload

What happens when I create a payload?

A variable of the type loaddata is created. The variables name will be the name
of the payload. For more information on data types, see Technical reference
manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.

Adding a new payload and setting data declaration

The payloads coordinate system will be set to the position, including orientation,
of the world coordinate system.
1 On the ABB menu tap Jogging.
2 Tap Payload or Total Load to display the list of available payloads.


Total Load is displayed only when the value of ModalPayLoadMode is set to 0 and
the mechanical units are TCP robots. See Setting the value for ModalPayLoadMode
on page 87.

3 Tap New to create a new payload and enter the data. See Payload declaration settings
on page 87.
4 Tap OK.


It is important to always define the actual tool load and, when used, the payload
of the robot (for example, a gripped part). Incorrect definitions of load data can
result in overloading of the robot mechanical structure. There is also a risk that
the speed in manual reduced speed mode can be exceeded.
When incorrect load data is specified, it can often lead to the following
• The robot may not use its maximum capacity.
• Impaired path accuracy including a risk of overshooting.
• Risk of overloading the mechanical structure.
The controller continuously monitors the load and writes an event log if the load
is higher than expected. This event log is saved and logged in the controller

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3 Programming
3.7.1 Creating a payload

Payload declaration settings

If you want to change... ...then... Recommendation

the payload’s name tap the ... button next to it Payloads are automatically
named load followed by a
running number, for example
load10, load31.
You should change this to
something more descriptive.
If you change the name of a
payload after it is referenced
in any program you must also
change all occurrences of that
payload’s name.
the scope select the scope of choice Payloads should always be
from the menu global to be available to all
modules in the program.
the storage type - Payload variables must al-
ways be persistent.
the module select the module in which -
this payload should be de-
clared from the menu

Setting the value for ModalPayLoadMode

This procedure describes how to modify the value of ModalPayLoadMode:
1 On the ABB menu, tap Control Panel and then Configuration.
2 Select Controller.
3 Select the type System Misc and tap.
4 Select ModalPayLoadMode and then tap Edit.
5 Tap the parameter Value twice and set to 0.
6 Click OK.
7 Tap Yes to the question The changes will not take effect until the controller
is warm started. Do you want to restart now?.

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3 Programming
3.7.2 Editing the payload data

3.7.2 Editing the payload data

Use the payload data to set physical properties of the payload such as weight and
center of gravity.
This can also be done automatically with the service routine LoadIdentify. See
Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.

Displaying the payload definition

1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Payload to display the list of available payloads.
3 Tap the payload you want to edit, then tap Edit.
4 Tap Change Value.
The data that defines the payload appears.

Changing the payload data

This procedure describes how to manually enter the payload data. This can also
be done automatically by running the service routine LoadIdentify.
Action Instance Unit
1 Enter the weight of the payload. load.mass [kg]
2 Enter the payload’s center of gravity. load.cog.x [mm]
3 Enter the orientation of the axis of moment. load.aom.q1
4 Enter the payload’s moment of inertia. ix [kgm 2 ]
5 Tap OK to use the new values, Cancel to leave the - -
data unchanged.

Using the PayLoadsInWristCoords parameter

By using the PayLoadsInWristCoords parameter, the loaddata for payloads can
be specified relative to the wrist instead of the active TCP or work object. This can
be useful if several tool or TCP or work objects (when tool is stationary) are used
for one payload. In this case only one load identification is needed instead of one
for each tool or TCP or work object. Thus it is possible to use the same payload
loaddata for any robhold or stationary tool being active. This saves the time (for
example, during commissioning).

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3 Programming
3.7.2 Editing the payload data

For more information about PayLoadsInWristCoords, see Technical reference

manual - System parameters and Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions,
Functions and Data types.

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3 Programming
3.8.1 Mirroring a program, module, or routine

3.8 Advanced programming

3.8.1 Mirroring a program, module, or routine

Mirroring creates a copy of a program, module, or routine in a specific mirror plane.
The mirror function can be applied to any program, module, or routine.
Mirroring can be performed in two different ways:
• Default against the base frame coordinate system. The mirror operation will
be performed across the xz-plane in the base frame coordinate system. All
positions and work object frames that are used in an instruction in the
selected program, module or routine are mirrored. The position orientation
axes x and z will be mirrored.
• Advanced against a specific mirror frame. The mirror operation will be
performed across the xy-plane in a specified work object frame, mirror frame.
All positions in the selected program, module or routine are mirrored. If the
work object argument in an instruction is another work object than specified
in the mirror dialog, the work object in the instruction is used in the mirror
operation. It is also possible to specify which axis in the position orientation
that will be mirrored, x and z or y and z.
Mirroring is described in section What is mirroring? on page 206.

Mirroring a routine
This section describes how to mirror a routine.
1 In the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Edit and tap Mirror.
3 To define the mirror.
• Tap the Module menu to select in which module the routine to mirror is used.
• Tap the Routine menu to select which routine you want to mirror.
• Tap ... to open the soft keyboard and enter the name for the new routine.
4 If you want to mirror in base frame then proceed to the next step.
If you want to define another type of mirror then tap Advanced options and proceed
as follows.
To define the type of mirror:
• Deselect the Base Mirror checkbox.
• Tap ... to the right of Work object to select the work object frame to which all
positions which are to be mirrored are related to.
• Tap ... to the right of Mirror frame to select the mirror plane to which all positions
will be mirrored.
• Tap the Axis to mirror menu to specify how to mirror the position orientation.
x means that x and z axes will be mirrored. y means that y and z axes will be
• Tap OK to save the advanced options.
5 Tap OK.
A dialogue box is displayed.
6 Tap Yes to apply the selected mirror to the routine, or tap No to cancel.

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3 Programming
3.8.1 Mirroring a program, module, or routine

Mirroring a module or program

This section describes how to mirror a module or program.
1 In the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Edit and tap Mirror.
3 To define the mirror.
• Tap the Module menu to select module to mirror.
• Tap ... to open the soft keyboard and enter the name for the new module or
4 If you want to mirror in base frame then proceed to the next step.
If you want to define another type of mirror then tap Advanced options and proceed
as follows.
To define the type of mirror:
• Deselect the Base Mirror checkbox.
• Tap ... to the right of Work object to select the work object frame to which all
positions which are to be mirrored are related to.
• Tap ... to the right of Mirror frame to select the mirror plane to which all positions
will be mirrored.
• Tap the Axis to mirror menu to specify how to mirror the position orientation.
x means that x and z axes will be mirrored. y means that y and z axes will be
• Tap OK to save the advanced options.
5 Tap OK.
A dialogue box is displayed.
6 Tap Yes to apply the selected mirror to the module, or tap No to cancel.

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3 Programming
3.8.2 Editing instruction expressions and declarations

3.8.2 Editing instruction expressions and declarations

An expression specifies the evaluation of a value. It can be used, for example:
• as a condition in an IF instruction
• as an argument in an instruction
• as an argument in a function call
Read more in Technical reference manual - RAPID Overview and Technical
reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.

Inserting expressions
This procedure describes how to insert and edit expressions in instructions.
1 In the Program Editor, tap to select the instruction you want to edit and then tap Edit.
2 Tap Change Selected and tap to select the argument to change.
3 Tap Expression.


4 Edit the length of the expression by tapping the keys to the right:
• Arrows: step backward and forward in the expression.
• + to add expression. Tap the new expression to define it.
• - to delete expression.
• () to set a parenthesis around the highlighted expression.
• (o) to delete a parenthesis.

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3 Programming
3.8.2 Editing instruction expressions and declarations

5 Tap:
• New to create a new data declaration, i.e. adding a data declaration not previ-
ously used. This is detailed in section Creating new data declarations on page 93.
• View to change views or change data type. This is detailed in section Changing
data type on page 94.
• ABC displays the soft keyboard.
6 Tap OK to save the expression.

Declarations and data types

When editing an expression, new data can be declared with the button New. More
information about data declarations and how to edit them can be found in Operating
manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.

Creating new data declarations

This procedure describes how to create a new data declaration in an instruction
1 In the Insert Expression view, tap New.


2 Tap and enter desired values:

• Initial value to set the initial value.
• ... to display the soft keyboard and change the data type’s name.
• Scope
• Storage type
• Module
• Routine
• Dimension to set the size of an array if the data type should be an array.
• If a value has been chosen for Dimension, tap ... to set array size.

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3 Programming
3.8.2 Editing instruction expressions and declarations

3 After making all selections, tap OK.
A dialog box is displayed, prompting you to allow resetting of the program pointer and
applying all changes:
• Tap Yes to proceed.
• Tap No to return to the data type view without resetting of the program pointer
or applying changes.

Changing data type

This section describes how to change data type.
1 In the Insert Expression view, tap Change data type, the following screen is displayed:


2 Tap to select the required data type and tap OK.

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3 Programming
3.8.3 Hiding declarations in program code

3.8.3 Hiding declarations in program code

Program declarations can be hidden to make the program code easier to read.

Hiding declarations
This section describes how to hide or show declarations.
1 In the ABB menu, tap Program Editor to view a program.
2 Tap Hide Declarations to hide declarations.
Tap Show Declarations to show declarations.

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3 Programming
3.8.4 Deleting programs from memory

3.8.4 Deleting programs from memory

Deleting a program in a task does not erase the program from the controller mass
memory but only from the program memory.
When you switch programs, the previously used program is deleted from the
program memory, but not removed from the mass memory if it was saved there.
How to save your work is detailed in section Handling of programs on page 54.
The different memories are described in section What is “the memory”? on page 112.

Deleting programs from memory

This section details how to delete programs from the program memory.
1 On the ABB menu tap Program Editor.
2 Tap Tasks and Programs.
3 Tap File.


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3 Programming
3.8.4 Deleting programs from memory

4 Tap Delete Program....
WARNING! Recent program changes will not be saved.


5 Tap OK.
If you don't want to lose information about program changes then use Save Program
before deleting the program. How to save your work is described in section Handling
of programs on page 54.

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3 Programming
3.8.5 Deleting programs from hard disk

3.8.5 Deleting programs from hard disk

Programs are deleted via FlexPendant Explorer or an FTP client. When deleting
programs from the controller hard disk, the currently loaded program in the program
memory is not affected.
The different memories are described in section What is “the memory”? on page 112.

Deleting programs with FlexPendant Explorer

Programs can be deleted using FlexPendant Explorer. For information about the
FlexPendant Explorer, see section Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.

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3 Programming
3.8.6 Activating mechanical units

3.8.6 Activating mechanical units

A mechanical unit can be active or deactive. Only active units are run when
executing a program. Deactivated units will not run. This may be useful when
programming or testing a program.
A robot cannot be deactivated.
The Activate function does not affect jogging. To select mechanical unit for jogging,
use the Mechanical unit property in the Jogging menu.

Activating mechanical units

This procedure describes how to activate a mechanical unit.
Action Information
1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Make sure that the right mechanical unit is selected, then A robot cannot be deactiv-
tap Activate.... ated.
To deactivate an active mechanical unit, tap Deactivate.

Related information
Mechanical units can be active or deactive at start depending on the system setup,
see Technical reference manual - System parameters, topic Motion.

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3 Programming
3.9 Hide RAPID arguments

3.9 Hide RAPID arguments

Instructions with a lot of arguments can be difficult to view on the FlexPendant. To
easily view the program on the FlexPendant it is possible to hide the arguments
(both optional and mandatory) in the Editing window and in the Production window.
The mandatory (required) arguments can be hidden only in the RAPID
Editor/Production Window on the FlexPendant. When a RAPID routine or instruction
is expanded all the mandatory arguments are displayed.

To hide RAPID arguments you need to edit the RAPID metadata XML file
(rapid_edit_rules.xml). The location of this file is $HOME directory of the
The following is an example of RAPID metadata XML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="Instr1">
<Argument name="ReqArg1" showeditor="true" />
<Argument name="ReqArg2" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name="OptArg1" show="false" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name="OptArg2" show="false" showeditor="true" />
<Argument name="OptArg3" show="true" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name="OptArg4" show="true" showeditor="true" />


The purpose of hiding optional/mandatory arguments is ease-of-use. If no value

is specified, by default the parameters are displayed.

Hide optional parameter in the argument window

To hide an optional parameter in the expanded view, set the "show" flag to "false"
in the RAPID metadata xml file.

Hide optional parameter in the RAPID Editor and the Production window
To hide an optional parameter in editors, set the "showeditor" flag to "false" in the
RAPID metadata xml file.

Hide mandatory parameter in the RAPID Editor and the Production window
To hide a mandatory (required) parameter in editors, set the "showeditor" flag to
"false" in the RAPID metadata xml file.

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3 Programming
3.9 Hide RAPID arguments

Example - Edit rapid_edit_rules.xml

To hide arguments present in the MoveL instruction following is the xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Instruction name="MoveL">
<Argument name="Speed" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name="Zone" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name="Tool" showeditor="false" />
<Argument name=”WObj" showeditor="false" show=”true” />
<Argument name=”ID" showeditor="false" show=”false” />

Once this xml is configured only the robtargets are shown for MoveL as the other
arguments are hidden from the XML file.


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3 Programming
3.9 Hide RAPID arguments

When an instruction is expanded only arguments configured are displayed as

shown in the following image.


The optional argument ID is not displayed as shown in the following image, since
its “show” attribute was set to “false”.


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4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O
4.1.1 Configuring I/O

4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O

4.1 Basic procedures

4.1.1 Configuring I/O

Creating and editing buses, units and signals

The configuration of I/O is slightly different for different fieldbuses. How to create
and edit buses, units and signals are described in the respective fieldbus manuals.

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4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O
4.1.2 Deactivating and activating I/O units

4.1.2 Deactivating and activating I/O units

Deactivating an I/O unit makes the controller ignore the unit. This can be useful
during commissioning, for avoiding errors if the I/O unit is not connected to the
controller yet. The signals configured on the unit will still be visible when it is
deactivated, but the signal values will not be available. The controller will not
attempt to send or receive any signals on a deactivated unit.
Activating the unit again will take it back to normal operation.

Deactivating and activating I/O units

This section describes how to activate I/O units.
1 On the ABB menu tap Inputs and outputs.
The list of Most common I/O signals is displayed.
2 Tap View to change the selection of signals in the list. Select I/O Units.
3 Tap an I/O unit in the list.
4 Tap Activate or Deactivate.


All signals on the I/O unit must have an access level that allows local clients (for
instance the FlexPendant) to have write access. If not, then the unit cannot be
activated or deactivated from local clients. The access level is set with system
parameters for each signal, see the types Signal and Access Level in the topic


The unit cannot be deactivated if the system parameter Unit Trustlevel is set to
0 (Required). Unit Trustlevel belongs to the type Unit in the topic I/O.

Related information
For information on how to configure an I/O unit (for instance to add and remove
signals or to set the limits of the signal), see Configuring system parameters on
page 141.
Technical reference manual - System parameters.

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4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O
4.1.3 Alias I/O signals

4.1.3 Alias I/O signals

AliasIO is used to define a signal of any type with an alias name. After the AliasIO
instruction is executed in the RAPID program, the Alias I/O signal can be viewed
from the Alias I/O menu in the same way as the other signals from the View menu.

Creating new signal data

This section describes how to create new signal data instances:
1 On the ABB menu, tap Program Data.
2 Tap View and select All Data Types.
A list of all available data types are displayed.
3 Select signaldi and tap Show Data.
4 Tap New.
The New Data Declaration screen appears.
5 Tap to the right of Name and define the name of data instance. For example, alias_di1.
6 Tap the Scope menu and select Global.
7 Tap OK.
8 Repeat steps 1 to 7 to create signaldo data instance. For example, alias_do1.


Consider the following example,

"AliasIOdo_1, alias_do1;"
VAR declaration must be done global in the module.
After declaring signaldi and signaldo and executing the instruction AliasIO do_1,
alias_do1 the alias_do1 signal is displayed in the AliasI/O menu in the same
way the ordinary signals are displayed in the View menu.
The alias_do1 signal is active as long as the RAPID program is active and is
displayed after the AliasIO instruction is executed.

Adding AliasIO
This section describes how to add AliasIO instructions and to view them on Alias
I/O menu:
1 Load the system parameters file Eio.cfg.
For more information on loading system parameters and adding parameters from a
file, see Configuring system parameters on page 141.
2 Declare the RAPID variables of data type signaldi and signaldo i.e alias_di1 and ali-
as_do1 respectively as described in Creating new signal data on page 105.
3 On the ABB menu, tap Program Editor.

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4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O
4.1.3 Alias I/O signals

4 Tap to highlight the instruction under which you want to add a new instruction.
5 Tap Add Instruction.
A category of instructions is displayed.
A large number of instructions, divided into several categories are available.
6 Tap I/O to display a list of the available categories.
You can also tap Previous/Next at the bottom of the list of instructions to move to
theprevious/next category.
7 Select AliasIO.
8 Select signaldi data type and click OK.
9 Tap <EXP> and select the argument value (for example, di01_Box) for the From Signal
argument from the configuration file.
10 Tap <EXP> for the To Signal argument.
11 Tap Edit and select Change data type.
12 Select signaldi from the list and click OK.
13 Select the argument value (for example, alias_di1) for the To Signal argument as
created from step 1.
14 Tap Debug and select PP to Main from the Program Editor.
15 Press the Start button on the FlexPendant to run the program.
16 On the ABB menu, tap Inputs and Outputs.
17 Tap View and select Alias I/O menu.
The new data declaration created from the RAPID program should be available.
If not, click Refresh.
18 Repeat steps 7 to 16 to add signaldo data type and view from Alias I/O menu.


Currently only digital signals signaldi and signaldo are supported.

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4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O
4.2.1 Safety I/O signals

4.2 Safety signals

4.2.1 Safety I/O signals

In the IRC5 controller's basic and standard form, certain I/O signals are dedicated
to specific safety functions. These are listed below with a brief description of each.
All signals can be viewed in the I/O menu on the FlexPendant.

Safety I/O signals

The list below contains the safety I/O signals as used by the standard system.
Signal name Description Bit value condition From - To
ES1 Emergency stop, chain 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
1 main computer
ES2 Emergency stop, chain 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
2 main computer
SOFTESI Soft Emergency stop 1 = Soft stop enabled From panel board to
main computer
EN1 Enabling device1&2, 1 = Enabled From panel board to
chain 1 main computer
EN2 Enabling device1&2, 1 = Enabled From panel board to
chain 2 main computer
AUTO1 Op mode selector, 1 = Auto selected From panel board to
chain 1 main computer
AUTO2 Op mode selector, 1 = Auto selected From panel board to
chain 2 main computer
MAN1 Op mode selector, 1 = MAN selected From panel board to
chain 1 main computer
MANFS1 Op mode selector, 1 = Man. full speed From panel board to
chain 1 selected main computer
MAN2 Op mode selector, 1 = MAN selected From panel board to
chain 2 main computer
MANFS2 Op mode selector, 1 = Man. full speed From panel board to
chain 2 selected main computer
USERDOOVLD Over load, user DO 1 = Error, 0 = OK From panel board to
main computer
MONPB Motors-on pushbutton 1 = Pushbutton From panel board to
pressed main computer
AS1 Auto stop, chain 1 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
main computer
AS2 Auto stop, chain 2 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
main computer
SOFTASI Soft Auto stop 1 = Soft stop enabled From panel board to
main computer
GS1 General stop, chain 1 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
main computer

Continues on next page

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4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O
4.2.1 Safety I/O signals

Signal name Description Bit value condition From - To

GS2 General stop, chain 2 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
main computer
SOFTGSI Soft General stop 1 = Soft stop enabled From panel board to
main computer
SS1 Superior stop, chain1 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
main computer
SS2 Superior stop, chain2 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
main computer
SOFTSSI Soft Superior stop 1 = Soft stop enabled From panel board to
main computer
CH1 All switches in run 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
chain 1 closed main computer
CH2 All switches in run 1 = Chain closed From panel board to
chain 2 closed main computer
ENABLE1 Enable from MC (read 1 = Enable, 0 = break From panel board to
back) chain 1 main computer
ENABLE2_1 Enable from AXC1 1 = Enable, 0 = break From panel board to
chain 2 main computer
ENABLE2_2 Enable from AXC2 1 = Enable, 0 = break From panel board to
chain 2 main computer
ENABLE2_3 Enable from AXC3 1 = Enable, 0 = break From panel board to
chain 2 main computer
ENABLE2_4 Enable from AXC4 1 = Enable, 0 = break From panel board to
chain 2 main computer
PANEL24OVLD Overload, panel 24V 1 = Error, 0 = OK From panel board to
main computer
DRVOVLD Overload, drive mod- 1 = Error, 0 = OK From panel board to
ules main computer
DRV1LIM1 Read back of chain 1 1 = Chain 1 closed From axis computer to
after limit switches main computer
DRV1LIM2 Read back of chain 2 1 = Chain 2 closed From axis computer to
after limit switches main computer
DRV1K1 Read back of contactor 1 = K1 closed From axis computer to
K1, chain 1 main computer
DRV1K2 Read back of contactor 1 = K2 closed From axis computer to
K2, chain 2 main computer
DRV1EXTCONT External contactors 1 = Contactors closed From axis computer to
closed main computer
DRV1TEST1 A dip in run chain 1 has Toggled From axis computer to
been detected main computer
DRV1TEST2 A dip in run chain 2 has Toggled From axis computer to
been detected main computer
SOFTESO Soft Emergency stop 1 = Set soft E-stop From main computer to
panel board
SOFTASO Soft Auto stop 1 = Set soft Auto stop From main computer to
panel board
SOFTGSO Soft General stop 1 = Set soft General From main computer to
stop panel board

Continues on next page

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4 Handling inputs and outputs, I/O
4.2.1 Safety I/O signals

Signal name Description Bit value condition From - To

SOFTSSO Soft Superior stop 1 = Set soft Sup. E- From main computer to
stop panel board
MOTLMP Motors-on lamp 1 = Lamp on From main computer to
panel board
TESTEN1 Test of Enable1 1 = Start test From main computer to
panel board
DRV1CHAIN1 Signal to interlocking 1 = Close chain 1 From main computer to
circuit axis computer 1
DRV1CHAIN2 Signal to interlocking 1 = Close chain 2 From main computer to
circuit axis computer 1
DRV1BRAKE Signal to brake-release 1 = Release brake From main computer to
coil axis computer 1

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5 Systems
5.1 What is a system?

5 Systems
5.1 What is a system?

The system
A system is the software that runs on a controller. It consists of the specific
RobotWare parts for the robots connected to the controller, configuration files, and
RAPID programs.

The RobotWare license

What parts of RobotWare (supported robot models, options, etc.) that is included
in the system is determined by the RobotWare license.
When running a system on a real controller it has to be built with the license that
was delivered with the robot.
For running a system on a virtual controller (e.g. for simulations in RobotStudio)
either a license from a real robot or a virtual license can be used. Using a license
from a real robot is a quick way to ensure that the system matches that robot.
Using a virtual license provides possibility to simulate and evaluate any robot
model with any configuration. A system built with a virtual license can however
never be run on a real controller.

Empty system
A new system that only contains the RobotWare parts and the default configurations
is called an empty system. When robot or process specific configurations are made,
I/O signals are defined or RAPID programs are created, the system is no longer
considered empty.

Loaded system and stored systems

The loaded system is the system that will run on the controller when it is started.
A controller can only have one system loaded, but additional systems can be stored
on the controller’s disk or any disk on the PC network.
It is when a system is loaded, either in a real controller or a virtual one, you normally
edit its content, like RAPID programs and configurations. For stored systems, you
can make some changes with the System Builder in RobotStudio, like adding and
removing options and replacing whole configuration files.

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5 Systems
5.2.1 What is “the memory”?

5.2 Memory and file handling

5.2.1 What is “the memory”?

When using the term “memory”, different things may be implied:
• The controller mass memory unit (hard disk, flash disk, or other drive)
• The hard disk of some other unit connected to the same LAN as the robot
system, serving as a storage for software.

Controller mass memory unit

This is the main mass storage unit of the controller, i.e. the controller mass memory.
Depending on controller version, it may be a flash disk, hard drive, or other type
and it may vary in size. It contains all necessary software for operating the robot,
and is the unit on which RobotWare is installed.


The default file system of FlexPendant Explorer is:

• /hd0a : file system on a hard disk (persistent)

LAN unit
This may be used as extra mass storage device if the one in the controller is not
sufficient. It is not normally considered a part of the robot system.

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5 Systems
5.2.2 File handling

5.2.2 File handling

File handling and storing

Backups, programs, and configurations etc. are saved as files in the robot system.
These files are handled either in a specific FlexPendant application, such as the
Program Editor, or using the FlexPendant Explorer.
Files can be stored on a number of different drives, or memory devices, such as:
• Controller mass memory unit
• USB device
• Network drive
These drives are all used in the same way and available in the FlexPendant Explorer
or when saving or opening files using an application on the FlexPendant.


The default file system of FlexPendant Explorer is:

• /hd0a : filesystem on a hard disk (persitent)

USB memory information

IRC5 is equipped with a USB port on the FlexPendant, see The FlexPendant on
page 19. There are also USB ports on the main computer in the IRC5 controller.
A USB memory is normally detected by the system and ready to use within a few
seconds from plugging in the hardware. A plugged in USB memory is automatically
detected during system start.
It is possible to plug in and unplug a USB memory while the system is running.
However, observing the following precautions will avoid problems:
• Do not unplug a USB memory immediately after plugging in. Wait at least
five seconds, or until the memory has been detected by the system.
• Do not unplug a USB memory during file operations, such as saving or
copying files. Many USB memories indicate ongoing operations with a flashing
• Do not unplug a USB memory while the system is shutting down. Wait until
shutdown is completed.
Please also note the following limitations with USB memories:
• There is no guarantee that all USB memories are supported.
• Some USB memories have a write protection switch. The system is not able
to detect if a file operation failed due to the write protection switch.

Continues on next page

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5 Systems
5.2.2 File handling

The maximum length for a file name is 99 characters and the maximum length for
a file path including the file name is 247 characters.


Some additional options may have other restrictions on the length of file names
and file paths. For more information see Application manual - Controller software

Related information
Operating manual - Troubleshooting IRC5.
What is “the memory”? on page 112.

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5 Systems
5.2.3 Setting default paths

5.2.3 Setting default paths

Introduction to default paths

You can set individual default paths for some actions using the FlexPendant.
The following default paths can be set:
• Saving and loading RAPID programs.
• Saving and loading RAPID modules.
• Saving and storing configuration files.
This function is available if the user that is logged on is authorized. User
authorization is handled via RobotStudio. See Operating manual - RobotStudio.

Setting default paths

Use this procedure to set a default path.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Control Panel and then FlexPendant.
2 Tap File System Default Path.


3 Tap the File type menu to choose type of default path:

• RAPID programs
• RAPID modules
• Configurations files
4 Type the default path or tap Browse, to choose the desired location.
5 If required, any previously entered path can be removed by tapping Clear.
6 Tap OK.

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5 Systems
5.3.1 Restart overview

5.3 Restart procedures

5.3.1 Restart overview

When do I need to restart a running controller?

ABB robot systems are designed to operate unattended for long times. There is
no need to periodically restart functioning systems.
Restart the robot system when:
• new hardware has been installed.
• the robot system configuration files have been changed.
• a new system has been added and is to be used.
• a system failure (SYSFAIL) has occurred.

Restart types
A number of restart types are available:
Situation: Restart type: Detailed in section:
You want to restart and use the current system. Restart Restart and use the cur-
All programs and configurations will be saved. rent system on page 121.
You want to restart and select another system. Start Boot Ap- Restart and start boot
The Boot Application will be launched at start. plication application on page 122.
NOTE: For system using RobotWare 5.14 or
above, the required system can be directly se-
lected, see Managing Installed Systems on
page 127.
You want to delete all user loaded RAPID pro- Reset RAPID Restart and reset RAPID
grams. on page 123.
Warning! This can not be undone.
You want to return to the default system set- Reset system Restart and reset system
tings. on page 124.
Warning!This will remove all user defined pro-
grams and configurations from memory and
restart with default factory settings.
The system has been restarted and you want Revert to last Restart and revert to last
to restart the current system using the image auto saved auto saved on page 125.
file (system data) from the most recent success-
ful shut down.
You want to shut down and save the current Shutdown main See section Shut down
system and shut down the main computer. computer in Operating manu-
al - IRC5 with FlexPend-

Related information
Operating manual - Troubleshooting IRC5.

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5 Systems
5.3.2 Using the Boot Application

5.3.2 Using the Boot Application

Boot Application
The Boot Application is primarily used to start the system when no RobotWare is
installed, but can also be used for other purposes, such as changing the system
to start. You can also use RobotStudio, see Operating manual - RobotStudio.

Purpose of the Boot Application

The Boot Application is installed at delivery and can be used to:
• Install systems.
• Set or check network settings.
• Rename controller
• Select a system/switch between systems from the mass storage memory.
• Load the system from USB memory units or network connections.
The illustration shows the Boot Application main screen. The buttons and functions
available are described below.


Installing a system
This procedure can take several minutes.
Action Information
1 Perform a restart and select the option Start Boot Application is described in
Start Boot Application. section Restart and start boot application
on page 122.
2 Tap Install System.
3 Connect a USB memory containing a sys- USB ports are found on the FlexPendant
tem to the USB port and tap Continue. and on the main computer in the controller.

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5 Systems
5.3.2 Using the Boot Application

Action Information
4 Tap ... to the right of the Path text box to
locate the system folder on the USB
memory. Select a system folder and then
tap OK.
5 Tap Continue to start the copying.
6 When the copying is complete, tap OK. The USB memory can be disconnected at
this point.
7 When asked to complete the installation,
tap OK.
The controller is now restarted with the
system. The restart can take several

Boot Application settings

The Boot Application settings contain IP and network settings.
Action Information
1 Perform a restart and select the option Start Boot Start Boot Application is
Application. described in section Re-
start and start boot applic-
ation on page 122.
2 Tap Settings.


3 In the Network tab enter the following settings: These settings are detailed
• Use no IP address in section Set up the net-
• Obtain IP address automatically work connection on
page 41.
• Use the following settings
Use the numerical keyboard to enter the desired val-
4 Tap Service PC information to display network set-
tings to be used when connection a service PC to the
controller service port.
5 Tap Misc. to display FlexPendant hardware and soft-
ware versions.

Continues on next page

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5 Systems
5.3.2 Using the Boot Application

Renaming a controller

Action Information
1 Perform a restart and select the Start Boot Application Start Boot Application is
option. described in section Re-
start and start boot applic-
ation on page 122.
2 Tap Settings.
The Settings window is displayed.
3 Tap the Identity tab.


4 In the Controller Name field type a new name for the

5 Tap OK.
The controller is renamed and the changes are saved.

Selecting a system

Action Information
1 Perform a restart and select the option Start Boot Application is described in
Start Boot Application. section Restart and start boot application
on page 122.
2 Tap Select System.
A dialog box is displayed showing the
available installed systems.
3 Tap a system and then tap Select.
The selected system is displayed in the
box Selected System.
4 Tap Close.
A dialog box is shown urging you to restart
to be able to use the selected system.

Restarting controller

Action Information
1 Restart the controller to the Boot Applica- For more details about Boot application
tion mode. mode, see Restart and start boot applica-
tion on page 122.

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5.3.2 Using the Boot Application

Action Information
2 Tap Restart System. To restart the controller and reset the se-
The Restart Controller window is dis- lected system, select the Reset System
played. checkbox.


3 Tap OK. If the Reset System checkbox is selected,

the controller is restarted with the default
system settings. Otherwise the controller
is restarted without any change in the
system settings.

Related information
Operating manual - RobotStudio.

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5 Systems
5.3.3 Restart and use the current system

5.3.3 Restart and use the current system

What happens with my current system?

The current system will be stopped.
All system parameters and programs will be saved to an image file.
During the restart process the system’s state will be resumed. Static and semistatic
tasks will be started. Programs can be started from the point they where stopped.
Restarting this way will activate any configuration changes entered using

Restart and use the current system

This section describes how to restart and use the current system.
Action Information
1 On the ABB menu, tap Restart.
The restart dialog is displayed.
2 Tap Restart to restart the controller using To select another type of start, tap Ad-
the current system. vanced. Detailed information about ad-
vanced starts is given in Restart overview
on page 116.

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5.3.4 Restart and start boot application

5.3.4 Restart and start boot application

What happens with my current system?

The current system will be stopped.
All system parameters and programs will be saved to an image file, so that the
system state can be resumed later.

Restart and select another system

This section describes how to restart and select another system.
Action Information
1 Make sure the power to the controller cab-
inet is switched on.
2 On the ABB menu, tap Restart.
The restart dialog is displayed.
3 Tap Advanced... to select restart method.
The select restart method dialog is dis-
4 Tap Start Boot Application, then tap Next.
A confirmation dialog is displayed.
5 Tap Start Boot Application to restart the
The controller is restarted. After the start
procedure the Boot Application is started.
6 Use the Boot Application to select system. How to use the Boot Application is detailed
in Using the Boot Application on page 117.
7 Tap Close, then OK to return to the Boot
8 Tap Restart to restart the controller using
the selected system.

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5 Systems
5.3.5 Restart and reset RAPID

5.3.5 Restart and reset RAPID

What happens with my current system?

After restart the system’s state will be resumed except for manually loaded
programs and modules. Static and semistatic tasks are started from the beginning,
not from the state they had when the system was stopped.
Modules will be installed and loaded in accordance with the set configuration.
System parameters will not be affected.

Restart and delete programs and modules

This section describes how to restart and delete user loaded programs and modules.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Restart.
The restart dialog is displayed.
2 Tap Advanced... to select restart method.
The select restart method dialog is displayed.
3 Tap Reset RAPID, then tap Next.
A dialog letting you confirm that you really want to restart is displayed.
4 Tap Reset RAPID to restart the controller.
The controller is restarted using the current system. After the start procedure no pro-
grams or modules are open.

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5 Systems
5.3.6 Restart and reset system

5.3.6 Restart and reset system

What happens to my current system?

After restart, the system's state will be resumed but any changes done to system
parameters and other settings will be lost. Instead, system parameters and other
settings are read from the originally installed system on delivery.
For example, this returns the system to the original factory system state.

Restart and return to default settings

This section describes how to restart and return to default settings.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Restart.
The restart dialog is displayed.
2 Tap Advanced... to select restart method.
The select restart method dialog is displayed.
3 Tap Reset system, then tap Next.
A dialog letting you confirm that you really want to restart is displayed.
4 Tap Reset system to restart the controller.
The controller is restarted using the current system. Changes to system parameters
and other settings are lost.

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5 Systems
5.3.7 Restart and revert to last auto saved

5.3.7 Restart and revert to last auto saved

What happens with my current system?

After restart the system uses the backup of the image file from the last successful
shut down. This means that all changes made to the system after that successful
shut down are lost.

When to use revert to last auto saved

Revert to last auto saved should be used if the controller was shut down without
successfully saving the image file and you want to restart the same system again.
However, all changes made to the system since the last successful shut down are
lost, for instance new programs, modified positions, or changes to system
If the system starts up with a corrupt or missing image file then the system is in
system failure mode and an error message is displayed in the event log. The system
must be restarted.
To restore the current system from the last successful shut down, then use Revert
to last auto saved. An alternative is to use Reset system (resume the originally
installed system at delivery).
Using revert to last auto saved when the controller is not in system failure mode
due to a corrupt image file will be the same as a normal restart.

Restart from previously stored system data

This section describes how to restart from previously stored image file.


When restarting using Revert to last auto saved, all changes made to the system
since the last successful shut down are lost and cannot be resumed.

1 On the ABB menu, tap Restart.
The restart dialog is displayed.
2 Tap Advanced... to select restart method.
The select restart method dialog is displayed.
3 Tap Revert to last auto saved, then tap Next.
4 Tap Revert to last auto saved to restart the controller.
The controller is restarted using the image file from the most recent successful shut


After loading a backup the program pointer will most likely not agree with the
actual position of the robot.

Related information
Restart and reset system on page 124.

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5 Systems
5.3.8 Reflashing firmware

5.3.8 Reflashing firmware

Overview of reflashing
After replacing hardware units, such as axis computer, buses, etc., or installing
newer versions of RobotWare, the system will automatically attempt reflashing the
unit in order to maintain hardware/software compatibility if that is needed.
Reflashing is the process of loading appropriate firmware (hardware specific
software) onto a specific unit running this software during operation.
If RobotWare is upgraded on the controller, then the FlexPendant will reflash, i.e.
update to the new version, when connected.
The units currently using the reflash function are:
• Contactor interface board
• Drive units
• FlexPendant
• Profibus master
• Axis computer
• Panel board

Reflashing process
The automatic reflashing process, described below, must not be disturbed by
switching off the controller while running:
Event Information
1 When the system is restarted, the system The result can be:
checks the hardware and firmwares used. • Hardware OK.
• Hardware needs to be reflashed with
new version of firmware.
• Hardware cannot be used.
2 If reflashing of the firmware is required, the During the Update Mode, an attempt is
system restarts itself automatically while made to download appropriate firmware to
going to a specific Update Mode. All hard- the hardware while a message is very
ware that requires firmware update is re- briefly displayed on the FlexPendant.
flashed in the same restart.
3 Was the reflashing successful? A message is very briefly displayed on the
If NO, an event log error message is FlexPendant and stored in the event log.
logged. The actual reflashing can take a few
seconds or up to a few minutes, depending
on the hardware to be reflashed.
4 After performing a successful reflash of all
required hardware, the system performs a
normal restart.
5 Another check is made for any additional
hardware/firmware mismatches.
6 Was any additional mismatches found? If the reflashing fails twice, an error is
If YES, the process is repeated once again. logged.
If NO, the process is complete.

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5 Systems
5.4.1 Managing Installed Systems

5.4 Installed Systems

5.4.1 Managing Installed Systems

The Installed Systems is useful to switch between different systems installed. This
feature in the FlexPendant allows the user to switch directly to different systems
without doing a restart and starting the boot application.

Switching systems
This section describes switching directly to different systems.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Control Panel
2 Tap Installed systems in Control Panel
3 View the list of installed systems.
Click on the system that need to be activated and then tap Activate.
To delete a system from the list, click on the system and tap Delete.


Continues on next page

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5.4.1 Managing Installed Systems

4 While a system is activated, the Activate and Delete controls are greyed out.



It is not possible to activate or delete an already active system.

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5.4.2 RobotWare startup error

5.4.2 RobotWare startup error

RobotWare startup error message

When the RobotWare system is unable to startup then the controller goes back to
Boot Server mode, writes the error details in a log file, and display this log file on
the FlexPendant. When you tap OK, the log file is closed and the Boot Application
window is displayed. A link to this log file is displayed on the Boot Application
To again display the RobotWare startup error message, tap on the View Log icon.



The View Log icon is displayed on the Boot Application window only if there is
an error log present.

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5.5.1 What is saved on backup?

5.5 Backup and restore systems

5.5.1 What is saved on backup?

Introduction to backups
When creating a backup, or restoring a previously made backup, not all data is

What is saved?
The backup function saves all system parameters, system modules, and program
modules in a context.
The data is saved in a directory specified by the user. A default path can be set,
see Setting default paths on page 115.
The directory is divided into the following five subdirectories:
• CS
The file system.xml is also saved in the ../backup (root directory), it contains user


If the SafeMove option is installed, SafeMove files are also included in the system

CS fpsystem.xml

RAPID key.id
system.xml system.guid




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5.5.1 What is saved on backup?

BACKINFO consists of the files backinfo.txt, key.id, program.id, and system.guid,
template.guid, and version.xml.
• backinfo.txt is used when the system is restored. The backup must never
be edited by the user!
• controller.rsf contains information about the options enabled in the backed
up system.
• fpsystem.xml contains information on the settings for the FlexPendant.
• key.id and program.id files can be used to recreate a system, using
RobotStudio, with the same options as the backed up system.
• rw6system.xml contains path information for controller.rsf, system.guid, and
• system.guid is used to identify the unique system the backup was taken
• system.guid and/or template.guid is used in the restore to check that the
backup is loaded to the correct system. If the system.guid and/or
template.guid do not match, the user will be informed.
• version.xml contains detailed information about the RobotWare version.

CS folder contains the following information:
• Date and time settings
• WLAN settings
• Controller name and Id
• UAS settings
• User account settings

HOME is a copy of the files in the HOME directory.

RAPID consists of a subdirectory for each configured task. Each task has one
directory for program modules and one for system modules. The module directory
will keep all installed modules. More information on loading modules and programs
is described in Technical reference manual - System parameters.

SYSPAR contains the configuration files (that is, system parameters).

What is not saved?

A few things are not saved on backup, but can be useful to save separately:
• The environment variable RELEASE: points out the current system pack.
System modules loaded with RELEASE: as its path, are not stored in the
• The current value of a PERS object in a installed module is not stored in a

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5.5.1 What is saved on backup?

Related information
Technical reference manual - System parameters.
Operating manual - RobotStudio.

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5 Systems
5.5.2 Back up the system

5.5.2 Back up the system

When do I need this?

We recommend performing a backup:
• Before installing new RobotWare.
• Before making any major changes to instructions and/or parameters to make
it possible to return to the previous setting.
• After making any major changes to instructions and/or parameters and testing
the new settings to retain the new successful setting.

Back up the system

This section describes how to back up the system.
1 Tap the ABB menu and then tap Backup and Restore.
2 Tap Backup Current System.
The Backup Current System window is displayed.
If a default path has been defined as detailed in the section Setting default paths on
page 115, this is displayed.



• By default, a name for the Backup folder is created which can be renamed by
the user later.
• While renaming, ensure that the name does not start with a space.
• If the folder name starts with a space, a warning dialog appears.

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5.5.2 Back up the system

3 Tap Advanced....
The Controller Settings window is displayed.


Use this step to create the backup as a zip file. If this is not required navigate directly
to the last step.


4 Select the Backup to archive file checkbox.

5 Tap OK.
6 Is the displayed backup path the correct one?
If YES: Tap Backup to perform the backup to the selected directory. A backup file
named according to the current date is created.
If NO: Tap ... to the right of the backup path and select directory. Then tap Backup. A
backup folder named according to the current date is created.

Disable or queue backup

Backing up the system during production can interfere with the RAPID execution.
To avoid that a backup is taken during critical process steps or sensitive robot
movements, a system input (Disable Backup, type System Input) can be set during
these critical steps. When the critical steps are done, the input should be reset to
allow backups again.
If needed, the backup can be queued while Disable Backup is set, using the system
parameter General RAPID, with action value QueueBackup set to TRUE. Then the
backup will be queued until the signal is reset.
Disable Backup and QueueBackup are described in Technical reference
manual - System parameters.

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5.5.3 Important when performing backups

5.5.3 Important when performing backups

BACKUP directory
A local default backup directory, BACKUP, is automatically created by the system.
We recommend using this directory for saving backups.
Such backups are not copied to the directory HOME in following backups.
Never change the name of the BACKUP directory.
Never change the name of the actual backup to BACKUP, since this will cause
interference with this directory.
A default path can be created to any location on the network where the backup
should be stored, see Setting default paths on page 115.

When is backup possible?

A backup of a system can be performed during program execution, with a few
• Start program, load program, load module, close program, and erase module
cannot be done during backup in executing state. The RAPID instructions
Load and StartLoad can, however, be used.
• Do not create backups while performing critical process steps or sensitive
robot movements. This may affect the accuracy and performance of the
movement. To make sure that no backup is requested, use a system input
with the action value Disable Backup (type System Input). When the critical
steps are done, the input should be reset to allow backups again.
If needed, the backup can be queued while Disable Backup is set, using
the system parameter General RAPID, with action value QueueBackup set
to TRUE. Then the backup will be queued until the signal is reset.
(Queueing functionality available from RobotWare 6.11.)
Disable Backup and QueueBackup are described in Technical reference
manual - System parameters.
The system input signal can be set from RAPID for the parts of the code that are
critical for disturbances.

What happens during backup?

During the backup process, background tasks continue to execute.

Duplicated modules?
No save operation is performed in the backup command. This implies that two
revisions of the same module can exist in the backup, one from the program
memory saved in Rapid\Task\Progmod\ directory and one from the HOME directory
copied to the backup’s home directory. Restoring such a backup will restore both
revisions of the module, so the status remains unchanged.

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5.5.3 Important when performing backups

Large data amount

Since the HOME directory is included in the backup, large files contained in this
folder will make the backup larger. To avoid this situation, you should either clean
the HOME directory on regular basis removing the unnecessary files, or keep large
files in some other location.

Faults during backup

If a fault occurs during the backup, for example full disk or power failure, the whole
current backup is deleted to make sure that only valid fully saved backups are
present on the disk.

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5 Systems
5.5.4 Restore the system

5.5.4 Restore the system

When do I need this?

We recommend performing a restore:
• If you suspect that the program file is corrupt.
• If any changes made to the instructions and/or parameters settings did not
prove successful, and you want to return to the previous settings.
During the restore, all system parameters are replaced and all the modules from
the backup directory are loaded.
The Home directory is copied back to the new system’s HOME directory during
the restart.

Restore the system

This section describes how to restore the system.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Backup and Restore.
2 Tap Restore System.
The Restore System page is displayed.



If a default path has been defined as explained in the section Setting default paths on
page 115, that path is displayed in the Backup folder path.

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5.5.4 Restore the system

3 To select the backup folder path or to select the TAR backup file format, tap ....
The Select Folder window is displayed.


4 Select the backup folder or select the backup file which is in TAR format.
5 Tap OK.
The Restore System page is displayed again with the selected backup folder or file
path details.
If you want to replace the current controller and safety settings with the selected
backup controller and safety settings, click Advanced..., select the Controller Settings
and Safety Settings check box, and click OK.


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5.5.4 Restore the system

6 Tap Restore.
The following screen is displayed.


7 Tap Yes.
The restore is performed, and the system is restarted.


If there is a mismatch between the backup and the current system, the following
warning message is displayed.


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5 Systems
5.6.1 Creating a diagnostic file

5.6 Diagnostic files

5.6.1 Creating a diagnostic file

When do I need this?

The diagnostic file can be useful when contacting ABB technical support personnel
for troubleshooting. The diagnostic file contains the setup and a number of test
results from your system. For more information, see Operating
manual - Troubleshooting IRC5, section Instructions, how to correct faults - Filling
an error report.

Create a diagnostic file

This section describes how to create a diagnostic file.
1. On the ABB menu, tap Control Panel.
2. Tap Diagnostic.
A selection screen is displayed.


3. Tap ABC... next to the File name to change the name of the diagnostic file.
4. Tap ... next to the Folder to change the destination for the file name.
5. Tap OK to make a diagnostic file from the current system or tap Cancel to go back to
the Control Panel.

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5 Systems
5.7.1 Configuring system parameters

5.7 System configuration

5.7.1 Configuring system parameters

About system parameters

System parameters define the system configuration. System parameters are edited
using the FlexPendant or RobotStudio.

Viewing system parameters

This procedure describes how to view system parameter configurations.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Control Panel.
2 Tap Configuration.
A list of available types in the selected topic is displayed.


3 Tap Topics to select the topic.

• Controller
• Communication
• I/O
• Man-machine Communication
• Motion
4 Tap File to save, load, or add new parameters from a file. Select folder and save or
load. Proceed to section Saving system parameter configurations on page 143.
5 Tap to select a type and then tap Show All. To edit parameters proceed to section
Editing an instance on page 142. To add instances proceed to section Adding a new
instance on page 142.

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5.7.1 Configuring system parameters

Editing an instance
This section describes how to edit an instance of a system parameter type.
1 In the list of system parameter instances, tap to select an instance and then tap Edit.
The selected instance is displayed.


2 Tap a parameter name or its value to edit the value.

The way to edit values depend on the data type for the value, e.g. the soft keyboard
is displayed for string or numerical values and dropdown menus are displayed for
predefined values.
3 Tap OK.

Adding a new instance

This section describes how to add a new instance of a system parameter type.
1 In the list of system parameter instances, tap Add.
A new instance with default values is displayed.
2 Tap the parameter name or its value to edit the value.
3 Tap OK.

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5.7.1 Configuring system parameters

Saving system parameter configurations

This section describes how to save system parameter configurations. It is
recommended to save the parameter configurations before making larger changes
to the robot system. The parameters are saved automatically when performing
1 In the list of types, tap the File menu and tap:
• Save As to save the selected topic’s parameter configurations.
• Save All As to save all topics’ parameter configurations.
2 Select directory where you want to save the parameters.
3 Tap OK.

Loading system parameters

This section describes how to load system parameter configuration and how to
add parameters from a file.
1 In the list of types, tap the File menu and tap Load Parameters.
2 Select one of these actions, then tap Load:
• Delete existing parameters before loading
• Load parameters if no duplicates
• Load parameters and replace duplicates.


Configuration files and backups shall not be loaded into systems running an older
RobotWare version than in which they were created.
Configuration files and backups are not guaranteed to be compatible between major
releases of RobotWare and may need to be migrated after a RobotWare upgrade.

3 Select the directory and file where you want to load the parameters, then tap OK.

Related information
Technical reference manual - System parameters.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.1 Introduction

6 RobotWare installation concept

6.1 Introduction

Overview of the installation concept

The installation of a new RobotWare system, or the update of an existing RobotWare
system, can be managed in the following ways:
• Use Installation Manager to produce an installation or update package offline
on a USB-stick, which later can be installed from the FlexPendant.
• Use Installation Manager to connect directly to the robot controller online
over the network.
The following sections describe how to produce an installation or update package
offline. For information on how to connect online over the network or using the
Installation Manager in general, see Operating manual - RobotStudio


When selecting the robot in the Installation Manager 6, verify that the correct
manipulator variant is selected.

Working with RobotWare system definitions

The repository editor supports more advanced way of working with RobotWare
system definitions compared to the standard Installation Manager editor.
The repository supports hierarchies of system definitions where one system
definition can inherit from another. The final system that is deployed on the
controller is a result of combining the definitions from the repository.
The approach with a base system and an application system that is used in this
chapter should be seen as an example, and not as a mandatory way of working.
For example a subsystem of the application system can also be defined, where
settings for a specific manipulator type is added.
Depending on the needs, it is possible to use completely different approaches in
the way the repository is used.

Overview of the recovery function

If the SD memory card in the robot controller is damaged or in some other way
made unusable, the Installation Manager disk recovery tool can be used to reformat
or prepare a new ABB SD-card based on a backup of the system.
For more information, see The recovery disk function on page 183.

To distinguish between the software system running on the robot controller, which
manages the manipulators and the whole setup of the controller and its mechanical
units, the following definitions are used:
• RobotWare system - the software system running on the controller.
• Robot system - the controller and its mechanical units.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.1 Introduction

Deployment packages and the repository

The repository is used by Installation Manager and is the storage where all files
needed to create and modify RobotWare systems are placed. There are currently
two types of deployment packages, the Installation Package and the Update


The installation package

The installation package is a set of files with a predefined format and directory
structure that can be used to create RobotWare systems on one or more controllers.
The installation package created by the Installation Manager shall be stored on a
USB-stick that can be inserted into the FlexPendant or the controller USB connector.
The Boot Application on the FlexPendant copies the installation files for the selected
system over to the controller inbox.
The Boot Server application on the robot controller uses the files in the controller
inbox to create a RobotWare system on the memory card in the robot controller.
When the installation is finished the installed RobotWare system is started.

The update package

The update package is a set of files with a predefined format and directory structure
that can be used to update currently active RobotWare systems on one or more
The update package created by Installation Manager is stored on an USB-stick
and inserted into the FlexPendant or the controller USB connector. The FlexPendant
copies the selected update files over to the inbox of the currently active system.
The currently active system on the robot controller uses the files in its inbox to
update itself. When the update is finished the updated active RobotWare system
is started.
Prior to the update, a backup is taken of the active system and normally restored
after the update.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.1 Introduction

Installation media
When creating RobotWare systems, access to the original product installation
media (rmf, rpk files) is always needed. The media files may, for example, be useful
when creating a virtual controller from a real controller ("go-offline"), or when
re-creating a system installation.
All necessary files from the product media package for Add-In products are
preserved on the real controller during system (re)installation and update. The files
are stored in the Add-In product subdirectory named RPK, for example:


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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.1 Recommended working procedure

6.2 Working with the repository

6.2.1 Recommended working procedure

Basic steps
The following description of a workflow, from an empty repository to a complete
repository for a plant in operation, is based on the assumption that the task is to
commission and maintain a large number of robot systems. However, the
recommendation is also applicable on smaller installations.
1 Setup the repository. Select a folder in the file system for the root of the
Installation Manager creates the following standard folders in this folder:
Controllers, Systems, Products, Licenses, Backups, and Additional Files.
Installation Manager also creates the repository_manifest.xml file which
defines the repository.
2 Import products, licenses, backups, and additional files that are intended to
be used when defining systems and controllers in the repository.


Following are the details for selecting the folder or file:

• Products: Navigate to the RobotWare folder location and select the
RobotWare_RPK_xxx folder.
• License: Navigate to the license file location and select the required
license file.
• Backup: Navigate to the backup folder location and select the backup
• Additional files: Navigate to the location and select the folder or file
according to the requirement.

3 Identify the robot application types in the plant and define an application type
system for each of the application types. These are the base systems in the
4 Identify which manipulator types shall be used with which base system and
then create an application system for each combination. These are the
application systems in the repository.
5 Identify the robot systems (controllers) and create their definitions, for
example, name and IP-addresses. Refer to the application system it should


Step 4 can be started at the same time as step 1 and continue in parallel.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.1 Recommended working procedure


It is possible to structure products, backups, additional files as well as systems

and controllers by using an arbitrary directory hierarchy inside of the each of the
top level repository folders. This helps when managing a large number of items.


It is possible to create both installation packages as well as update packages to

use for the installation. For more details, see Creating an installation package
on page 159 and Creating an update package on page 162.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.2 Setting up the repository

6.2.2 Setting up the repository

Enable the repository functionality

To use the repository, it is first necessary to enable the repository functionality in
Installation Manager.
Open the Installation Manager start page and click Preferences. The following
dialog is displayed:


Select the repository and browse to select the repository root folder.

Preparing the repository folder

Before the repository functionality can be used, the repository folder needs to be
The repository folder must have a repository_manifest.xml file, see The
repository_manifest.xml file on page 165. The file is created automatically if it does
not exist.
All category folders are created when a new folder is selected as repository folder,
that is, Controllers, Systems, Products, Licenses, Backups, and Additional Files.
A repository_manifest.xml file is also created to identify the repository.
Select the Repository tab in Installation Manager and start populating the categories
Products, Licenses, Backups, and Additional Files using the Add button on the
corresponding tab.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.2 Setting up the repository

Adding and removing products, licenses, and backups

Select the appropriate tab and use the Add or Remove buttons to add or remove
products, licenses, and backups.


Following are the details for selecting the folder or file:

• Products: Navigate to the RobotWare folder location and select the
RobotWare_RPK_xxx folder.
• License: Navigate to the license file location and select the required license
• Backup: Navigate to the backup folder location and select the backup folder.
• Additional files: Navigate to the location and select the folder or file
according to the requirement.
When adding a product, license, or backup it will be copied into the selected
corresponding folder, or subfolder, in the repository. Note that subfolders must be
created manually when building a hierarchy.
When removing a product, license, or backup it will be deleted from the repository.

Adding and removing additional files

When adding an additional file to the repository it is also necessary to define where
on the controller it shall be copied at installation time.


First select the file to import in the repository using the Browse button for Source.
Then define where in the additional files folder the file shall be stored, i.e. in which
folder under the additional file root folder using the browse button for Repository
path. Default, when no destination is selected, is to store it directly under the
additional files root folder.
The last step is to define where in the controller the file shall be stored upon
installation. The controller destination uses the HOME directory as root and can

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.2 Setting up the repository

only put additional files there. For example, HOME/temp puts the file in the temp

UAS and safety files

Additional files can also contain folders with UAS files and safety controller
configuration files. They are added by using the Add Directory tab of the dialog.
Only a repository location can be specified for these files since the controller side
destination is predefined and cannot be changed.
UAS files must be saved in a separate folder that is only allowed to contain UAS
files. The same limitation is valid for safety files.
A safety files folder can be added as additional files to one or more systems or
controllers. A UAS files folder can be added as additional files to controllers only.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.3 Creating a base system

6.2.3 Creating a base system

The following procedure and example describes how to create a base system.
Action Note
1 Select the Systems tab in Installation Manager
and click the New button to create a new system.
The following right panel view is displayed.


2 Enter a name for the system in the Name text box. The name BaseSystemOne is used
in this example.
3 Click the Browse button for Location to select In this example the sub folder Base
where to store the system. Systems has manually been cre-
The system can either be placed directly under ated and selected via the Browse
the Systems root folder or in any of its sub folders. button.
Create and delete sub folders using the ordinary System path displays the location
explorer functionality. Systems\Base Systems\BaseSys-
System path displays the location of the system temOne.
when its saved.
4 Click the Select button for Products to select
which products to include in the system.
A dialog shows the products that are available in
the repository.


Only the RobotWare product is se-

lected in this example.
5 Select Licenses, Backups, Base system, and Base system is explained further
Additional files in the same way as the products. in section Description on page 155,
where this system is used as a
base system.
6 Click the Next button.


No more selections are made for

this example.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.3 Creating a base system

Action Note
7 Select the options, robots, and applications to be
included in the system.


At this stage it is possible to add options without

having a valid licence file specified. A valid license
file is required when deploying the RobotWare
system to a robot controller. All selections will be
validated at installation time. xx1600001448

8 Click the Save button.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.4 Creating an application system

6.2.4 Creating an application system

The following procedure and example describes how to create an application
system based on a base system.
Action Note
1 Select the Systems tab in Installation Manager
and click the New button to create a new system.
2 Enter a name for the system in the Name text box. The name AppSystemOne is used
in this example.
3 Click the Browse button for Location to select In this example the system is cre-
where to store the system. ated directly under the Systems
The system can either be placed directly under root folder.
the Systems root folder or in any of its sub folders. System path displays the location
Create and delete sub folders using the ordinary Systems.
explorer functionality.
System path displays the location of the system
when its saved.
4 Click the Select button for Products to select
which products to include in the system.
A dialog shows the products that are available in
the repository.


5 Click the Select button for Licenses.


6 Click the Select button for Backups to include a

backup. i
7 Click the Select button for Base system to select
which base system to include.


In this example the base system

from the previous example is used,
seeDescription on page 153.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.4 Creating an application system

Action Note
8 Click the Select button for Additional files to in-
clude any additional files.


In this example a EIO.cfg-file is in-

9 Click the Next button and select the options, ro-
bots, and applications to be included in the sys-


Only options selected in the current system can

be changed.
Options selected in the referred base system are
visible but can only be changed or deselected
from the base system. Note that such a change
will affect all systems using the base system.

10 Click the Save button.

i In the current RobotWare version there is no support for automatic restore of backup.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.5 Defining controllers

6.2.5 Defining controllers

The following procedure and example describes how to apply an application system
to a controller.
Action Note
1 Select the Controllers tab in Installation Manager
and click the New button to create a new control-
2 Enter a name for the controller in the Name text In this example the name ArcSys-
box. tem1 is used.
3 Click the Browse button for Location to select In this example the sub folder
where to store the controller. ArcLine is created under the Con-
The controller can either be placed directly under trollers root folder.
the Controllers root folder or in any of its sub
folders. Create and delete sub folders using the
ordinary explorer functionality.
4 Click the Select button for System to select which
system to include.


In this example the application

system AppSystemOne from the
previous example is used, seeDe-
scription on page 155.
5 Click the Select button for Backups to include a
6 Click the Select button for Additional files to in-
clude any additional file.
7 Enter a serial number for the controller in the
Serial number text box.
8 Select the time zone settings or define a time In this example the time zone
server. Sweden and Europe/Stockholm is

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.5 Defining controllers

Action Note
9 Define the communication settings. In this example the following set-
tings are used:


10 Click the Add button to save and add the control-

ler to the controllers collection.

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6.2.6 Creating an installation package

6.2.6 Creating an installation package

There are two variants of installation packages:
• The installation package defines the controllers on which the installation
shall take place and systems to be installed.
• The installation package defines only the systems. The users select which
system shall be installed at installation time.


To be able to create an installation package with Installation Manager it is required

that the RobotWare version that was released together with the current
RobotStudio version is present. This is required regardless of which RobotWare
version that is used by the deployed RobotWare systems.

Controller installation package

The following procedure and example describes how to create a controller
installation package.
Action Note
1 Select the Create panel in Installation Manager
and click the Installation Package button to create
a new installation package.


2 Select the Controllers tab.

3 Select the controller in the Select controllers list. In this example the controller Arc-
System1 from the previous ex-
ample is used, seeDescription on
page 157.
4 Enter a name for the installation package in the In this example the name ArcCon-
Package name text box. trollerPackage is used.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.6 Creating an installation package

Action Note
5 Click the Browse button for Path to select where
to store the controller package, for example on
the USB-stick that is used to install the system on
the controller.


6 Click the OK button to save and store the install- The OK button is enabled when
ation package. both Package name and Path have
valid values.
7 The installation package is ready to be installed See Deploying installation and up-
on the robot controller. date packages on page 170.

System installation package

The following procedure and example describes how to create a system installation
Action Note
1 Select the Create panel in Installation Manager
and click the Installation Package button to create
a new installation package.


2 Select the Systems tab.

3 Select the system in the Select system list. In this example the application
system AppSystemOne from the
previous example is used, seeDe-
scription on page 155.
4 Enter a name for the installation package in the In this example the name ArcSys-
Package name text box. temPackage is used.

Continues on next page

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6.2.6 Creating an installation package

Action Note
5 Click the Browse button for Path to select where
to store the installation package, for example on
the USB-stick that is used to install the system on
the controller.


6 Click the OK button to save and store the install- The OK button is enabled when
ation package. both Package name and Path have
valid values.
7 The installation package is ready to be installed See Deploying installation and up-
on the robot controller. date packages on page 170.

Create system using installation package in boot server mode

Use the following procedure to create a system using installation package in boot
server mode:
Step Action
1 On FlexPendant tap Restart > Advanced settings.
The Advanced restart window is displayed.
2 Tap Start boot application.
3 Tap Next.
The Restart window is displayed.
4 Tap Start Boot Application.
5 Tap Install System.
The Install System window is displayed.
6 Tap Continue.
The field for selecting the installation package is displayed.
7 Browse and select the installation package from USB stick.


If USB stick is not inserted, an error message is displayed.

8 Tap OK.
9 Tap Continue.
The installation operation validates the installation package, copies the system,
and displays the Install System - Copy Complete window.
10 Tap Continue.
The system is created and the controller is restarted.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.7 Creating an update package

6.2.7 Creating an update package

Update package creation

The following procedure and example describes how to create an update package.
Update packages are used to update currently active RobotWare systems on one
or more controllers. Depending on the selected update package type, the package
can either be used for upgrades, downgrades or a mix of the two.
Action Note
1 Select the Create panel in Installation Manager
and click the Update Package button to create a
new update package.


2 Select one or more products in the Select product

3 In Select Update Package type, select if the The Default type is available for
package type should be default or specific. RobotWare 6.05 and later.
For specific package types, select if an upgrade The Specific type is available for
or downgrade is to be performed, or a mix: RobotWare 6.11 and later.
• Upgrade - Replace products in a controller
only when a newer product version is
present in the package.
• Downgrade – Replace products in a con-
troller only when an older product version
is present in the package.
• Mixed – The products in the package will
always replace the products in a controller
if the versions differ.


This only applies to products in the package that

are currently used in the controller. Other products
are ignored.

4 In Restore the backup, select if the backup should The backup is automatically cre-
be restored at update. ated from the FlexPendant during
the update sequence and is located
on the controller in the folder
hd0a/Backup, see Description on
page 180.
5 In Restore content, select which content of the
backup that shall be restored.
6 In field Package name, enter a name for the up-
date package.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.2.7 Creating an update package

Action Note
7 Click Browse to select the Path indicating where
the update package should be stored, for example
on the USB-stick that is used to update the system
on the controller.


8 Click OK to save and store the update package. The OK button is enabled when the
Path has been selected.
The OK button is enabled when the
product, or products, have been
selected and the Package name
and Path have valid values.
9 The update package is ready to be installed on See Description on page 180.
the robot controller.

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6.2.8 Repository folders and file structure

6.2.8 Repository folders and file structure

File structure
The repository is a file structure with a root folder, the <Repository name> folder.
The repository is defined by a repository_manifest.xml file.
The repository stores products, licenses, system definitions, controller definitions,
backups, and additional files. Each category of files has it's own sub-folder under
the root folder.
The repository root folder has six predefined category root folders:
Folder Description
Products Products can be organized in a hierarchical folder structure. This
makes it possible to store several versions of products. Each product
is represented by a folder.
The recommended name of the folder is <Product name>_<Product
version>. However the product is identified through the product
manifest file (.rmf) in the folder.
The same folder also contains all package files (.rpk) of the product


It is not allowed to mix files from several products in the same folder.

Licenses Each license is a file (.rlf).

Systems Systems can be organized in a hierarchical folder structure. Each
system is represented by a folder with its name. The system is
defined by the systemtemplate_manifest.xml file in the folder.
Controllers Controllers can be organized in a hierarchical folder structure. Each
controller is represented by a folder with its name. The controller is
defined by the controller_manifest.xml file in the folder.
Backups Backups can be organized in a hierarchical folder structure. Each
backup is represented by a folder with its name. The BACKINFO
folder in the backup folder defines the backup.


The default name is <System name>_BACKUP_<Date>, but a better

name may be <Controller name>_<System name>_BACKUP_<Date>,
since the focus should be on the controller name. The system name
may be identical on several controllers.

AdditionalFiles Additional files can be organized in a hierarchical folder structure.

Additional files can be selected to be included in a system or con-

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6.2.8 Repository folders and file structure

The repository_manifest.xml file

The repository_manifest.xml file identifies the root folder of the repository. It can
also hold information to redirect to category root folders outside the repository
folder structure.
If the repository_manifest.xml file does not exist, then it is created by default with
the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RepositoryManifest version="1.0">
<Repository name="RSRepository">
<Controllers path="Controllers" />
<Products path="Products" />
<Systems path="Systems" />
<Backups path="Backups" />
<AdditionalFiles path="AdditionalFiles" />
<Licenses path="Licenses" />

XML-tag Description
RepositoryManifest The tag RepositoryManifest has the attribute version which
defines the format of the manifest.
Repository The tag Repository has the attribute name which defines the
name of the repository. The folder of the repository shall have
this name.
Controllers The tag Controllers defines the controllers folder with the at-
tribute path.
Products The tag Products defines the products folder with the attribute
Systems The tag Systems defines the systems folder with the attribute
Backups The tag Backups defines the backups folder with the attribute
Additional files The tag Additional files defines the additional files folder
with the attribute path.
Licenses The tag Licenses defines the backup licenses with the attribute

A path can be absolute or relative. An absolute path starts with a drive name such
as C:\. A relative path is a path without a drive name or a slash as the first character
in the path string.
The repository path, which is set in the installation manager preferences, is used
as root path of all relative paths. It is recommended to use only relative paths if
you intend to copy or distribute complete repositories.

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6.2.8 Repository folders and file structure

The systemtemplate_manifest.xml file

The systemtemplate_manifest.xml defines a system in the repository. It is
possible to refer to a base system which makes it possible to simplify the build-up
of a large number of systems.
Example of a systemtemplate_manifest.xml file of a base system:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SystemTemplateManifest version="1.0">
<System name="MyBaseSystem"
<Product name="RobotWare" version="6.05.0000"
<Product name="MyProduct" version="0.01.0135.00"
Example of a systemtemplate_manifest.xml file of a system using the above base
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SystemTemplateManifest version="1.0">
<System name="StudWelding1" path="Systems\StudWelding1"/>
<BaseSystem name="MyBaseSystem"
<Product name="POSITIONER" version="6.05.0000"
<File path="Licenses\MyLicense_RobotWare.rlf" />
<Backup path="Backups\MyBackup" />

XML-tag Description
SystemTemplateManifest The tag SystemTemplateManifest has the attribute version
which defines the format of the manifest.
System The tag System has the attribute name which defines the name
of the system. The system folder shall have this name.
BaseSystems The tag BaseSystems defines the base systems referred to.
Currently the limitation is that only one base system can be
referred to.
BaseSystem The tag BaseSystem refers to another system definition and
has the attribute name which defines the name of the base
system, and the attribute path which defines the path to the
base system.
This feature can be used to create a hierarchy/inheritance of
system definitions. Note that definitions from the base system
are inherited/propagated to all subsystem definitions. Changing
properties of a base system affects all other system definitions
that directly or indirectly inherit from it.

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6.2.8 Repository folders and file structure

XML-tag Description
Products The tag Products defines the products in the system.
Product The tag Product has the attribute name which defines the name
of the product and the attribute version which defines the
version of the product.
The attribute path defines to the path to the product folder
Licenses The tag Licenses defines the licenses in the system
Backup The tag Backup defines the backup folder with the attribute
AdditionalFiles The tag AdditionalFiles defines the additional files in the
File The tag File has attribute path which defines the path for the
file. The attribute controllerPath defines the folder on the
controller where the file shall be copied at installation.


In the current release this path must start with "HOME", i.e. all
additional files must be placed under the system HOME folder

Dir The tag Dir has attribute path which defines the repository
path for the directory. It also has attribute type, which defines
the type of information contained in the directory.

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6.2.8 Repository folders and file structure

The controller_manifest.xml file

The controller_manifest.xml contains definition of a controller in the repository. A
controller definition points out the system the controller shall run and also its
specific controller settings. As an option it is also possible to define a backup which
can be copied to the controller during the installation.
Example of a controller_manifest.xml with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ControllerManifest version="1.0">
<Controller name="MyController" serialNumber="6700-123456">
<System name="StudWelding1" path="Systems\StudWelding1">
<Dir path="AdditionalFiles\safety" type="SAFETY"/>
<DateTime timeServer="http://www.pool.ntp.org/zone/se "
<WAN type="FIXED" ip="" subnetMask=""
<UASSettings path="AdditionalFiles\UAS"/>
<Backup path="Backups\MyController_BACKUP"/>

XML-tag Description
ControllerManifest The tag ControllerManifest has the attribute version which
defines the format of the manifest.
Controller The tag Controller has the attribute name which defines the
name of the controller and the attribute serialNumber (optional)
which identifies the serial number of the controller.
System The tag System has the attribute name which defines the name
of the system on the robot controller, and the attribute path
which defines the path to the system relative to the repository
root folder.


It is recommended to keep the default, which is to use the same

name of the system on the robot controller as in the repository.

ControllerSettings The tag ControllerSettings defines the settings of the con-

DateTime The tag DateTime has the attribute timeZone which defines
the time zone to use and the attribute timeServer which defines
the URL to the time server to use for synchronization of the
controller time.


Note that the timeZone value must match the text in column TZ
in file zone.tab under RobotWareXXX/system/timezone.

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XML-tag Description
WAN The tag WAN defines the network settings. It has the attribute
type, with the values "FIXED", "DHCP", and "None". The attrib-
utes ip, defaultGateway, and subnetMask define the connec-


If the value "FIXED" is used then the attributes ip and

subnetMask must not be empty. Value "NONE" means that no
IP address is set.

UASSettings The tag UASSettings has the attribute path which defines the
catalog of the UAS files.
Backup The tag Backup defines the backup to be copied to the
/hd0a/BACKUP folder after installation is ready. i
AdditionalFiles The tag Additional files has the attribute path which defines
the additional files folder, and the attribute type with the value
i In the current release there is no support for automatic restore of backup at the installation time.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.3.1 Overview

6.3 Deploying installation and update packages

6.3.1 Overview

The following two types of deployment packages can be generated from Installation
• Installation package - Used to install a new RobotWare system.
• Update package - Used to update an existing RobotWare system.
The deployment process copies the necessary files to the following locations on
the controller SD-card.
• In the case of installation the files are copied to the controller inbox
• In the case of update the files are copied to the inbox owned by the currently
active system.

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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application



The user needs the following UAS grants to perform an installation:

• Administration of installed systems.
The following procedure provides the steps involved during the installation of the
RobotWare system.
Action Illustration/Note
1 Start the controller in Boot Server



If the installation package is stored else-

where, make sure to copy the installation
package to a USB-stick before starting the
installation procedure.

2 Tap Install System.

The Install System window is dis-
3 Insert the USB-stick with the install-
ation package into the USB-port of
the controller or FlexPendant and
tap Continue.



At least 1 GB free memory on the Controller

hard disk is required to install a system. If
this is not available the installation cannot be
continued and a message is displayed.
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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

Action Illustration/Note
4 Select the installation package loca-
tion using the browse button.
The details of the selected installa-
tion package is displayed.



In case the deployment package contains an

updated version of the Boot Application, then
the Boot Application itself must first be up-
graded and restarted before the installation
can proceed. In this case, the user needs to
repeat this step and select the desired install-
ation package again after the restart.

5 Select the required package.


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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

Action Illustration/Note
6 A verification is started to find a
match between the controller set-
tings in the robot controller and the
controller settings in the controller
manifest file.
Following are the possible scenarios
that arise after this verification:
• Controller manifest file is not
available - In this case contin-
ue with the procedure men-
tioned in Procedure - If there
is no Controller manifest file
on page 173.
• Controller settings (controller xx1600001460

ID or name) matches with the

controller manifest file set- Note
tings - In this case continue
with the procedure men- It is recommended to rename the controller
tioned in Procedure - If the first so that the name matches one of the
Controller settings matches controller entries in the prepared deployment
with the settings in the con- package.
troller manifest file on
page 175. The controller name can be modified from
the Settings page of the Boot Application.
• Controller settings (controller
ID or name) does not match If no controller definition is found in the
with the controller manifest manifest, then a system must be selected
file settings- In this case manually by browsing the installation pack-
continue with the procedure age.
mentioned in Procedure - If
the Controller settings does
not matches with the settings
in controller manifest file on
page 177.

Procedure - If there is no Controller manifest file

Use the following procedure to continue with the installation of manifest file is not
Action Illustration/Note
1 Select a system and tap OK.


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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

Action Illustration/Note
2 The validation of the installation
package is started.


3 Once the validation is successful a

message is displayed.



If the installation package is not valid, a

message is displayed and the installation is

4 Copying of the installation package

to the controller is started.


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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

Action Illustration/Note
5 Once the installation package is
copied to the controller, the Install
System - Copy Complete message
is displayed.


6 Tap Continue.
The system installation process is
started. Once the installation is
complete the controller is restarted
with the new system.

Procedure - If the Controller settings matches with the settings in the controller manifest file
Use the following procedure to continue with the installation if the Controller settings
(controller ID or name) matches with the settings in the controller manifest file:
Action Illustration/Note
1 If the Controller settings (controller
ID or name) matches with the con-
troller manifest file settings tap OK.



It is recommended to rename the controller

first so that the name matches one of the
controller entries in the prepared deployment
The controller name can be modified from
the Settings page of the Boot Application.

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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

Action Illustration/Note
2 Tap Continue.


3 The validation of the installation

package is started.
4 Once the validation is successful a
message is displayed. Note

If the installation package is not valid, a

message is displayed and the installation is

5 Copying of the installation package

to the controller is started.
6 Once the installation package is
copied to the controller, the Install
System - Copy Complete message
is displayed.
7 Tap Continue.
The system installation process is
started. Once the installation is
complete the controller is restarted
with the new system.

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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

Procedure - If the Controller settings does not matches with the settings in controller manifest file
Use the following procedure to continue with the installation if the Controller settings
(controller ID or name) does not match with the settings in controller manifest file:
Action Illustration/Note
1 If the Controller settings (controller
ID or name) does not match with the
settings in controller manifest file
tap Yes.
The Install System-Controller Set-
tings window is displayed.



It is recommended to rename the controller

first so that the name matches one of the
controller entries in the prepared deployment
The controller name can be modified from
the Settings page of the Boot Application.

2 Select a controller from the Control-

lers list and tap OK.


Only the controllers without a

defined serial number are visible in
the list.


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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

Action Illustration/Note
3 Tap Yes.



Tapping No starts the procedure to create a

new system.

4 Tap OK.


5 Tap Continue.


6 The validation of the installation

package is started.
7 Once the validation is successful a
message is displayed. Note

If the installation package is not valid, a

message is displayed and the installation is

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6.3.2 Installing a RobotWare system using Boot Application

Action Illustration/Note
8 Copying of the installation package
to the controller is started.
9 Once the installation package is
copied to the controller, the Install
System - Copy Complete message
is displayed.
10 Tap Continue.
The system installation process is
started. Once the installation is
complete the controller is restarted
with the new system.

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6.3.3 Updating a RobotWare system

6.3.3 Updating a RobotWare system

The most frequent RobotWare system update use case is updating one or more
products, for example, RobotWare Add-Ins. This is a frequent operation during the
commissioning time, especially on large installations. To prepare an update, an
update deployment package is created. It contains only the products that are
The version of the product is used for defining the upgrade. The update mechanism
compares the products already installed on the controller with those of the update
package. A product can be updated only when fulfilling both of the following
• The product already exists on the controller.
• The product version of the update package is higher than the one which is
already installed, in which the order of comparing the version number
components is: first Major, then Minor, then Build, and finally Revision.
The update package can be made available in one or all of the following locations:
• System inbox
• Controller USB-port
• FlexPendant USB-port


Note that update packages may be generated from a repository that contains no
controller or system definitions, since update packages are generic and can be
applied to any number of systems.


To perform a RobotWare system update, the system must be in active state and
the Controller must be in manual mode.


The user needs the following UAS grants to perform an update:

• Administration of installed systems.
• Backup and save.
• Update a RobotWare system.
The following procedure provides the steps involved during the update of the
RobotWare system.
Action Note
1 Insert the USB-stick with the update package into
a USB-port on the controller or the FlexPendant.
If the update package is already available in the
system inbox, start directly with step 2.

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6.3.3 Updating a RobotWare system

Action Note
2 Tap ABB Menu, Control Panel, and Installed
Systems. Note
A search if the update system package is available
at the system inbox, FlexPendant USB-port, and If the Update button is not dis-
controller USB-port is done. Once the search is played, check that the user has the
complete and an update package is found the required UAS grants.
Update button is displayed.
3 Tap Update.
The update packages found at various locations
are displayed.
4 Select the update package from the required loc-
ation and tap Continue.


5 The validation of the update package is started.

Once validated an update summary is displayed. Note
Tap Continue.
If the update package is not valid
an error message is displayed and
the update package process is


A message is displayed if the sys-

tem is already up to date.

6 The update package is copied to the currently

active system's inbox. Once the files are copied
a message is displayed. Tap Continue.
The update confirmation message is displayed.


7 Tap Yes.
The system backup message is displayed. Note

If No is selected, then the update

package is saved in the controller
inbox for later use.

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6.3.3 Updating a RobotWare system

Action Note
8 Tap Continue.
The system update process is started. Once the
update is done, the controller is restarted with the
new updated system.



If the update fails an error message

is displayed and the update pro-
cess is terminated.


During a successful update pro-

cess, the controller is restarted
automatically. If specified so by the
processed update package, the
backup created in the initial phase
of the update process is automatic-
ally loaded back into the updated
system, causing an additional re-

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.4 The recovery disk function

6.4 The recovery disk function

The recovery disk function is for recreating a complete installation of RobotWare
and Add-Ins directly to a SD-card in the PC. The recovery disk function can be
found under both the Controller tab and the Repository tab in Installation Manager.

The recovery disk function uses information from a backup to recreate the
RobotWare system that backup has been generated from.
For successful operation these prerequisites are needed:
• A backup for a system using RobotWare 6.0 or later, but not later than the
version of the currently used RobotStudio.
• All products and Add-Ins used by the backup should be located on the pc
(RPK:s and RMF:s).
• A SD-card reader.
• An original ABB Robotics SD-card.
• Administrative rights on the PC.

SD-card creation procedure

1 When the disk recovery function is started, the user will be asked to browse
for the backup folder. Once a valid backup directory is selected, the Write
Disk button is active.
2 Before the Write Disk process is started, you will be asked if you want to
make a disk image for product defect report. If yes, define a file name and
where the information should be stored and then click Save. All data will be
copied from the disk to the selected location.


If this function is used, RobotWare defect reports defining reasons for disk
recovery can be sent without having to send in the actual disk.

3 The program will then try to locate all products and add-ins referenced in the
selected backup. If one or more product cannot be found, a second directory
browser will appear and the user will be asked to manually locate the product
that could not be found. The program will remember the parent directory of
the selected product, and include this directory in later searches.
4 When all products are located, the user will be asked to insert a SD-card into
the computer, or if already present the user will first be asked to remove the
card. This is to ensure that SD-cards are not overwritten by mistake.
5 Once the SD-card is inserted the user is prompted to confirm that the SD-card
will be permanently overwritten. From this point on and until the operation
is complete, the SD-card will be unusable in any other sense than to be used
by the disk recovery function again.

Continues on next page

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.4 The recovery disk function

6 The operation is completed after about one minute, depending on the SD-card
reader performance, and the user is asked to remove the SD-card.

Installation procedure


Always power off the robot controller before changing the SD-card.
1 Power off the robot controller.
2 Replace the SD-card in the controller with the recovery SD-card.
3 Power on the controller.
4 The controller completes the operation by resetting the system to default
The text Controller is resetting system might appear on the FlexPendant
depending on how long this operation takes.
5 The RobotWare system starts up.
For RobotWare versions greater or equal to 6.04, the backup selected in the
recovery disk creator is automatically restored.
The backup can be found with its original name in the following folder:

Erase data from SD-card

The Clean Disk function will only work on an SD card inserted in the SD card reader
of the PC. All data on the SD card will be deleted and a boot application will be


The SD-card will be formatted and all information on it will be irreversibly deleted.
If any license file shall be saved, please save a backup of the system which
contains the license file on your PC.
1 Insert the SD-card to be emptied into the SD-card reader of the PC.
2 In the Robot Recovery Disk Creator, select Clean Disk and click on Write
The cleaning may take a few minutes (a progress bar shows the progress). When
it is finished the SD-card can be removed from the PC and used in a robot controller.
A new RobotWare system can now be installed on it.

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.5 Limitations

6.5 Limitations

This list of limitations and known issues will help to succeed using the repository,
installation, update, and recovery in it's present state.

Repository limitations
• Each of the products in the Products directory must have its own folder where
all files which belong to the product are stored. That is, sharing folders to
store installation files that belong to different products is not supported.
• A system definition can only refer to one base system.
• Duplicate selections of products and backups are possible in a system, i.e.
the same product or backup is selected in both a base system definition and
a system referring to the base system definition. This can cause a problem
if e.g. RobotWare is referred to in both the base system and the application
system but with different versions.
• All options that exist in all products (licensed and non-licensed) are visible
and available for selection when creating and editing a system definition.
When installing the system, a check is made that the controller contains the
necessary licenses to cover the selected options. It is possible to add licenses
into the system definition in the repository and they will be included in the
installation package, however they will not restrict the user selection
possibilities when defining the system. The license check is always done
during the installation and it is based on licenses that are already present
on the controller together with licenses included in the installation package.
• Products and backups cannot be organized in a hierarchical folder structure.
• Currently the option selection tree structure is collapsed when opening the
panel in the system definition. The preferred way would be to expand the
tree to show the selected options upon entry.

Installation limitations
• Automatic restore of backups is not supported.
• Spaces and special characters in names of files and folders, for example %
and &, are not supported. The installation will fail if such characters are used.
• It is recommended to use the USB slots on the controller rather than the USB
slot on the FlexPendant since the copying is much faster.

Update limitations
• Update only handles update of products. It cannot add or delete products,
neither can it downgrade products nor can it change the option selection.
• An update package must be located directly in the root folder of a USB stick.
No other files than the update package files shall exist on the USB stick,
since that may cause the update package to be rejected by the controller.
• It is recommended to use the USB slots on the controller rather than the USB
slot on the FlexPendant since the copying is much faster.

Continues on next page

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6 RobotWare installation concept
6.5 Limitations

• If a user has insufficient UAS grants to perform an update the Update button
will not be enabled. For description of the required grants, see Deploying
installation and update packages on page 170.

Recovery limitations
• Only an original ABB Robotics SD-card can be used.
• Occasionally the recovery disk tool freezes when closing the window. Use
the Windows Task Manager to close the application.
• Due to a limitation in windows, network drives might not be available for this
function if the UAC function of Windows® is set to prompt. There are
workarounds for this problem posted by Microsoft© and others on diverse
• To be able to manage installation compatibility this function can never make
a recovery disk with a RobotWare of version higher than the version of the
used RobotStudio.

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7 Calibrating
7.1 Robot calibration

7 Calibrating
7.1 Robot calibration

About robot calibration

The procedures for fine calibration of a robot and updating revolution counters are
different for different robots. For instructions, see the product manual for the robot.

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7 Calibrating
7.2 How to check if the robot needs calibration

7.2 How to check if the robot needs calibration

Check robot calibration status

This section describes how to check the robot’s calibration status.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Calibration.
2 In the list of mechanical units, check the calibration status.

What kind of calibration is needed?

If the calibration status is... then...

Not calibrated the robot must be calibrated by a qualified
service technician.
Rev. counter update needed You must update the revolution counters.
How to update the revolution counters is de-
scribed in the product manual for the robot.
Calibrated No calibration is needed.


Do not attempt to perform the fine calibration procedure without the proper
training and tools. Doing so may result in incorrect positioning that may cause
injuries and property damage.

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7 Calibrating
7.3 Loading calibration data using the FlexPendant

7.3 Loading calibration data using the FlexPendant

This section describes how to load calibration data for using the FlexPendant.
The calibration data is normally stored on the serial measurement board of each
robot, regardless of whether the robot runs an absolute measurement system
(Absolute Accuracy option is installed, AbsAcc) or not. This data is normally
transferred automatically to the controller when the system is powered up, and in
such cases no action is required by the operator.
Verify that the correct Serial Measurement Board (SMB) data has been loaded into
the system as detailed below. In a MultiMove system, this procedure must be
repeated for each robot.

Load calibration data

This table describes how to load the calibration data.
1 On the FlexPendant, tap the ABB menu, tap Calibration, and then select a mechanical
2 Tap Manual Method (Advanced).
The calibration window for the selected mechanical unit is displayed.
3 Tap Robot memory and then tap Show status.
The status for controller and robot memory is displayed.
4 If Valid is displayed under the headings Controller Memory and Robot memory, cal-
ibration data is correct.
If not, the data (on the SMB board or in the controller) must be replaced with the correct
data as detailed below:
• If, for instance, the SMB board has been replaced, transfer the data from con-
troller to SMB board. If the controller has been replaced, transfer the data from
the SMB board to the controller.
• Transfer data by tapping Robot Memory, Update, and then selecting which
data to update.
5 After loading the calibration data, proceed with updating the revolution counters.

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7 Calibrating
7.4 Editing motor calibration offset

7.4 Editing motor calibration offset

Editing motor calibration offset

This procedure should be used when no specific file with motor calibration data is
available, but only the numerical values. These values are normally found on a
sticker on the rear of the robot.
Entering motor calibration values can be done in three ways:
• From a disk, using the FlexPendant (as detailed in section Loading calibration
data using the FlexPendant on page 189).
• From a disk, using RobotStudio (as detailed in Operating
manual - RobotStudio).
• Manually entering the values, using the FlexPendant (as detailed in section
Editing motor calibration offset on page 190).

Action Information
1 On the ABB menu, tap Calibration.
2 Tap to select mechanical unit and then tap Calibration
3 Tap Edit motor calibration offset....
A dialog box is displayed, warning that updating the revolu-
tion counters may change programmed robot positions:
• Tap Yes to proceed.
• Tap No to cancel.
Tapping Yes results in displaying a file selection view.
4 Tap the axis to have its motor calibration offset edited.
The offset value box is opened for that particular axis.
5 Use the numerical keyboard to enter the value and then
tap OK.
After entering new offset values, a dialog box is displayed,
urging you to restart the system to make use of the new
Do a warm restart if required.
6 After restarting, the contents of the calibration data in the Described in section Serial
controller cabinet and on the serial measurement board measurement board
will differ. memory on page 191
Update the calibration data.
7 Update the revolution counters. Described in the product
manual for the robot.

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7 Calibrating
7.5 Serial measurement board memory

7.5 Serial measurement board memory

Serial measurement board (SMB)

The serial measurement board (SMB) primarily gathers resolver data from the
robot’s (or additional axes) motors. This data is used to measure the speed and
position of each axis. Each SMB is capable of measuring up to 7 axes. It also stores
a number of data pertaining to each robot.
This data is used by the controller and can be transferred between the SMB and
the controller. Normally, the data is transferred automatically, but it can also be
done manually.
The SMB data is affected when:
• The robot is replaced
• The SMB is replaced
• The controller (or its flash disk or mass memory unit) is replaced.
• Updating with new calibration data
The following data is stored on the SMB:
• Serial number for the mechanical unit
• Joint calibration data
• Absolute accuracy data
• SIS data (Service Information System)
Note that if the IRC5 controller is to be connected to a robot with an older SMB,
not equipped with data storage capability, the SMB must be replaced.

SMB data update

If... then...
the flash disk or mass memory or the com- the data stored in the SMB is automatically
plete controller is new or replaced by an un- copied to the controller memory.
used spare part...
the SMB is replaced by a new, unused, spare the data stored in the controller memory is
part SMB... automatically copied to the robot SMB
the flash disk or the complete controller is the data in the controller memory and the
replaced by a spare part, previously used in robot SMB memory is different. You must
another system... update the controller memory manually
from the the robot SMB memory.
the SMB is replaced by a spare part SMB, the data in the controller memory and the
previously used in another system... robot SMB memory is different. You must
first clear the data in the new robot SMB
memory, and then update the robot SMB
memory with the data from the controller
new calibration data has been loaded via the data in the controller memory and the
RobotStudio or using the FlexPendant and robot SMB memory is different. You must
the system has been restarted... update the robot SMB memory manually
from the controller memory.
Check that the new calibration values belong
to a manipulator with the serial number
defined in your system.

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7 Calibrating
7.5 Serial measurement board memory

View SMB data status

This section describes how to view the data status in the serial measurement board
and the controller.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Calibration and select a mechanical unit.
2 Tap Robot Memory and then tap Show status.
The data is displayed with status on the controller memory and on the robot SMB

Update controller data from robot SMB memory

This section describes how to load data from the serial measurement board to the
Action Information
1 On the ABB menu, tap Calibration and select a mechan-
ical unit.
2 Tap Robot Memory and then tap Update.
3 Tap the button Cabinet or manipulator has been ex- It is vital that you load calib-
changed. ration data correctly.
A warning is displayed. Tap Yes to proceed or No to
4 The data is loaded. Tap Yes to acknowledge and restart The following data is up-
the robot system. dated:
• Serial numbers for
mechanical units
• Calibration data
• Absolute accuracy
• SIS data

Update data in robot SMB memory

This section describes how to update data on the serial measurement board from
the controller. This is e.g. after calibration data has been loaded to the controller
via RobotStudio or using the FlexPendant.
If the SMB already contains data, you must first clear the memory, see Delete SMB
data on page 193.

Action Information
1 On the ABB menu, tap Calibration and select a mechan-
ical unit.
2 Tap Robot Memory and then tap Update.
3 Tap the button Serial measurement board has been It is vital that you load calibra-
replaced. tion data correctly.
A warning is displayed. Tap Yes to proceed or No to
4 The data is updated.

Continues on next page

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7 Calibrating
7.5 Serial measurement board memory

Delete SMB data

This section describes how to delete the data stored on the robot SMB memory or
the controller memory when creating spare parts.
1 On the ABB menu, tap Calibration and tap to select a mechanical unit.
2 Tap Robot Memory and then tap Advanced.
The following functions are available:
• Clear controller memory
• Clear robot memory
3 Tap Clear Controller Memory if the controller should be replaced and used as a spare
A list of the SMB data stored in the controller is displayed. Tap Clear to delete the
controller memory for the selected robot. Repeat the procedure for all robots in the
controller memory.
4 Tap Clear Robot Memory if the SMB should be replaced and used as a spare part.
A list of the SMB data stored in the robot SMB memory is displayed. Tap Clear to delete
the memory for the selected robot. Repeat the procedure for all robots using this SMB

Related information
Operating manual - RobotStudio.
Operating manual - Service Information System.
Application manual - Controller software IRC5

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7 Calibrating
7.6 4 points XZ calibration

7.6 4 points XZ calibration

Base Frame calibration

This section describes the 4 points XZ calibration, in the Base Frame calibration
options. Other calibration methods can be available in this menu depending on
your installed options.

This section describes how to define the base frame using the 4 points XZ method.
This method can move and rotate the base frame in relation to the world frame.
Normally the base frame is centered and aligned with the world frame. Note that
the base frame is fixed to the base of the robot.


A Displacement distance between base frame and world frame

B Elongator point Z’
C Elongator point X’
X X-axis in the base frame
Y Y-axis in the base frame
Z Z-axis in the base frame
X' X-axis in the world frame
Y' Y-axis in the world frame
Z' Z-axis in the world frame

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7 Calibrating
7.6 4 points XZ calibration

Fixed reference Position

The calibration procedure requires that the tip of the tool is calibrated against a
fixed reference position. The fixed position could be a manufactured World fixed
tip device to facilitate finding the elongator points. The fixed reference position is
the distance in meters (in (x,y,z)) between the fixed position and the world frame.


Running 4 points XZ calibration

Action Information
1 On the ABB menu, tap Calibration and select a mechan-
ical unit. Then tap Base Frame.
2 Tap 4 points XZ....
3 Set up a fixed reference position within the working range
of the robot.
4 Tap ... to change reference point. Enter the coordinates
of the fixed reference position (in meters).
A numerical keyboard and boxes for X, Y and Z values
are displayed.
5 If the calibration positions exists in a file, follow the in-
structions below. Otherwise proceed to the next step
• Tap Positions menu and then Load the file con-
taining the values.
6 Tap Point 1 to highlight the line.
7 Manually jog the robot to the previously fixed reference
8 Tap Modify position.
Modified is displayed on the status line.
9 Re-orient the robot and again, run it to the reference point Repeat these steps until
but from a different angle. points 1, 2, 3, and 4 have
been modified.
10 Tap Elongator X and manually run the robot to a position The imaginary X-axis is
where the tool center point (TCP) touches an imaginary shown in the illustration
extension of the X-axis. above.
11 Tap Modify position. Repeat these steps to modify
Modified is displayed on the status line. Elongator Z.
12 To save the entered transformation data to a file, tap the
Positions menu and then Save. Enter the name of the
file and then tap OK.

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7 Calibrating
7.6 4 points XZ calibration

Action Information
13 To delete all entered transformation data, tap the Posi-
tions menu and then Reset All.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.1 What is the tool center point?

8 Descriptions of terms and concepts

8.1 What is the tool center point?

The illustration shows how the tool center point (TCP) is the point around which
the orientation of the tool/manipulator wrist is being defined.


The tool center point (TCP) is the point in relation to which all robot positioning is
defined. Usually the TCP is defined as relative to a position on the manipulator
turning disk.


Incorrect settings for the TCP will result in incorrect speed. Always verify the
speed after changing the settings.
The TCP will be jogged or moved to the programmed target position. The tool
center point also constitutes the origin of the tool coordinate system.
The robot system can handle a number of TCP definitions, but only one can be
active at any one time.
There are two basic types of TCPs: moveable or stationary.

Moving TCP
The vast majority of all applications deal with moving TCP, i.e. a TCP that moves
in space along with the manipulator.
A typical moving TCP can be defined in relation to, for example the tip of a arc
welding gun, the center of a spot welding gun, or the end of a grading tool.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.1 What is the tool center point?

Stationary TCP
In some applications a stationary TCP is used, for example when a stationary spot
welding gun is used. In such cases the TCP can be defined in relation to the
stationary equipment instead of the moving manipulator.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.2 What is a work object?

8.2 What is a work object?






A work object is a coordinate system with specific properties attached to it. It is
mainly used to simplify programming when editing programs due to displacements
of specific tasks, objects processes etc.
The work object coordinate system must be defined in two frames, the user frame
(related to the world frame) and the object frame (related to the user frame).
Work objects are often created to simplify jogging along the object’s surfaces.
There might be several different work objects created so you must choose which
one to use for jogging.
Payloads are important when working with grippers. In order to position and
manipulate an object as accurate as possible its weight must be accounted for.
You must choose which one to use for jogging.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.3 What is a coordinate system?

8.3 What is a coordinate system?

A coordinate system defines a plane or space by axes from a fixed point called
the origin. Robot targets and positions are located by measurements along the
axes of coordinate systems.
A robot uses several coordinate systems, each suitable for specific types of jogging
or programming.
• The base coordinate system is located at the base of the robot. It is the
easiest one for just moving the robot from one position to another. See The
base coordinate system on page 200 for more information.
• The world coordinate system that defines the robot cell, all other coordinate
systems are related to the world coordinate system, either directly or
indirectly. It is useful for jogging, general movements and for handling stations
and cells with several robots or robots moved by external axes. See The
world coordinate system on page 201 for more information.
• The user coordinate system is useful for representing equipment that holds
other coordinate systems, like work objects. See The user coordinate system
on page 202 for more information.
• The work object coordinate system is related to the work piece and is often
the best one for programming the robot. See The work object coordinate
system on page 203 for more information.
• The tool coordinate system defines the position of the tool the robot uses
when reaching the programmed targets. See The tool coordinate system on
page 204 for more information.

The base coordinate system


Continues on next page

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.3 What is a coordinate system?

The base coordinate system has its zero point in the base of the robot, which makes
movements predictable for fixed mounted robots. It is therefore useful for jogging
a robot from one position to another. For programming a robot, other coordinate
systems, like the work object coordinate system are often better choices. See The
work object coordinate system on page 203for more information.
When you are standing in front of the robot and jog in the base coordinate system,
in a normally configured robot system, pulling the joystick towards you will move
the robot along the X axis, while moving the joystick to the sides will move the
robot along the Y axis. Twisting the joystick will move the robot along the Z axis.

The world coordinate system


A Base coordinate system for robot 1

B World coordinate
C Base coordinate system for robot 2

The world coordinate system has its zero point on a fixed position in the cell or
station. This makes it useful for handling several robots or robots moved by external
By default the world coordinate system coincides with the base coordinate system.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.3 What is a coordinate system?

The user coordinate system


A User coordinate system

B World coordinate system
C Base object coordinate system
D Moved user coordinate system
E Work object coordinate system, moved with user coordinate system

The user coordinate system can be used for representing equipment like fixtures,
workbenches. This gives an extra level in the chain of related coordinate systems,
which might be useful for handling equipment that hold work objects or other
coordinate systems.
For information on how to define the user coordinate system, see information about
the data type wobjdata in Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions,
Functions and Data types.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.3 What is a coordinate system?

The work object coordinate system


A World coordinate system

B Work Object coordinate system 1
C Work Object coordinate system 2

The work object coordinate system corresponds to the work piece: It defines the
placement of the work piece in relation to the world coordinate system (or any
other coordinate system).
A robot can have several work object coordinate systems, either for representing
different work pieces or several copies of the same work piece at different locations.
It is in work object coordinate systems you create targets and paths when
programming the robot. This gives a lot of advantages:
• When repositioning the work piece in the station you just change the position
of the work object coordinate system and all paths are updated at once.
• Enables work on work pieces moved by external axes or conveyor tracks,
since the entire work object with its paths can be moved.
For information on how to define the work object coordinate system, see information
about the data type wobjdata in Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions,
Functions and Data types.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.3 What is a coordinate system?

The displacement coordinate system



A Original position
B Object coordinate system
C New position
D Displacement coordinate system

Sometimes, the same path is to be performed at several places on the same object,
or on several work pieces located next to each other. To avoid having to reprogram
all positions each time a displacement coordinate system can be defined.
This coordinate system can also be used in conjunction with searches, to
compensate for differences in the positions of the individual parts.
The displacement coordinate system is defined based on the work object coordinate

The tool coordinate system


The tool coordinate system has its zero position at the center point of the tool. It
thereby defines the position and orientation of the tool. The tool coordinate system

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.3 What is a coordinate system?

is often abbreviated TCPF (Tool Center Point Frame) and the center of the tool
coordinate system is abbreviated TCP (Tool Center Point).
It is the TCP the robot moves to the programmed positions, when executing
programs. This means that if you change the tool (and the tool coordinate system)
the robot’s movements will be changed so that the new TCP will reach the target.
All robots have a predefined tool coordinate system, called tool0, located at the
wrist of the robot. One or many new tool coordinate systems can then defined as
offsets from tool0.
When jogging a robot the tool coordinate system is useful when you don’t want to
change the orientation of the tool during the movement, for instance moving a saw
blade without bending it.
For information on how to define the tool coordinate system, see information about
the data type tooldata in Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions,
Functions and Data types.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.4 What is mirroring?

8.4 What is mirroring?

Mirroring creates a copy of a program, module, or routine in a specific mirror plane.
The mirror function can be applied to any program, module, or routine.
Mirroring can be performed in two different ways:
• Default against the base frame coordinate system. The mirror operation will
be performed across the xz-plane in the base frame coordinate system. All
positions and work object frames that are used in an instruction in the
selected program, module or routine are mirrored. The position orientation
axes x and z will be mirrored.
• Advanced against a specific mirror frame. The mirror operation will be
performed across the xy-plane in a specified work object frame, mirror frame.
All positions in the selected program, module or routine are mirrored. If the
work object argument in an instruction is another work object than specified
in the mirror dialog, the work object in the instruction is used in the mirror
operation. It is also possible to specify which axis in the position orientation
that will be mirrored, x and z or y and z.


The mirroring function recognizes the used workobject in all predefined motion
instructions and in user made procedures with the same argument declaration:
• an argument for the robtarget,
• an argument for the tooldata with name 'Tool' and
• an optional argument for the wobjdata with the name 'Wobj'.
The following descriptions of mirroring describes advanced mirroring.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.4 What is mirroring?

Mirror plane
The mirror function will mirror all positions (robtargets) in the mirror plane, i.e. the
mirrored position will be located symmetrically on the other side of the plane,
relative to the original position. The mirror plane is always the xy-plane of an object
frame, used for mirroring. This object frame is defined by a work object data, e.g.
with the name MIRROR_FRAME.


Ym, Xm Mirror plane

A World frame
B Work object frame
p1 Original point
p1_m Mirrored point

Mirroring routines
Mirroring creates a copy of a routine with all positions (robtargets) mirrored in a
specific mirror plane. In general, all data of the type robtarget used in the routine,
both local and global, will be mirrored. It makes no difference whether the robtarget
data is declared as a constant (which it should be), as a persistent, or as an ordinary
variable. Any other data, e.g. of type pos, pose, orient, etc., will not be mirrored.
Mirroring data only affects the initialization value, i.e. any current value will be
ignored. This means that if a robtarget variable has been defined without an init
value, this variable will not be mirrored.
The new, mirrored routine will be given a new name (a default name is proposed).
All stored data of type robtarget, used in the routine, will be mirrored and stored

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.4 What is mirroring?

with a new name (the old name ending with “_m”). All immediate robtarget data,
shown with an “*”, in movement instructions will also be mirrored.

Mirrored values and arguments

When mirroring a routine, the new routine is scanned for any local robtarget data,
declared inside the routine with an init value. All init values of such data are
mirrored. Then the new routine is scanned for statements with one or more
arguments of type robtarget.
When such a statement is found, the following actions will take place:
• If the argument is programmed with a reference to a local variable or a
constant, this argument will be ignored, since it has already been mirrored
as described above.
• If the argument is programmed with an immediate robtarget data, shown with
an asterisk“ *”, then this value will be mirrored directly.
• If the argument is programmed with a reference to a global variable, persistent
or a constant, defined outside the routine with an init value, then a duplicate
is created and stored in the module with a new name (the old name ending
with “_m”). The init value of this new data is mirrored, and then the argument
in the statement is changed to the new name. This means that the module
data list will expand with a number of new mirrored robtarget data.
Error handlers or backward handlers in the routine are not mirrored.

Work object frame

All positions which are to be mirrored are related to a specific work object frame
(B in figure above). This means that the coordinates of the robtarget data are
expressed relative to this work object frame. Furthermore, the mirrored position
will be related to the same work object frame.
Before mirroring, this specific work object must be stated. This work object will be
used as the reference frame for all variables that are to be mirrored.
Make sure to state the same work object as was originally used when defining the
robtarget data, and which was used as a parameter in the movement instructions.
If no work object was used, the wobj0 should be stated.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.4 What is mirroring?

Orientation of mirrored positions

The orientation of the robtarget position is also mirrored. This mirroring of the
orientation can be done in two different ways, where either the x and z axes are
mirrored or the y and z axes. The method used, x or y axis (the z axis is always
mirrored), is dependent on the tool used and how the tool coordinate system is


Mirroring of x and z axes.


Mirroring of y and z axes.

Arm configurations
The arm configuration will not be mirrored, which means that after mirroring, it has
to be carefully checked by executing the path in manual mode. If the arm
configuration has to be changed, this must be done manually and the position
corrected with a modpos command.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.4 What is mirroring?

Example 1: Mirroring with one robot

A mirrored copy of the routine org is to be created and stored with the name mir.
All positions are related to the work object, wobj3. The mirror plane is known from
three positions in the plane, p1, p2, and p3.
An original position in org, A, is mirrored to A_m.


A Original position
A_m Mirrored position
B Object frame wobj3
C Mirror plane

To perform this mirroring, the mirror frame must first be defined. To do this, create
a new work object and name it (e.g. mirror). Then, use the three points, p1 to p3,
to define the object coordinate system by using the robot. This procedure is
described in Defining the work object coordinate system on page 80 .
After this, the routine, org, can be mirrored using wobj3 and mirror as input data.

Example 2: Mirroring with two robots

The routine org was created on one robot and should be mirrored and used on
another robot. Suppose that a spot welding robot, robot 1, is used for the left side
of a car body. When the program for the left side is done, it should be mirrored
and used again for the right side by robot 2.
The original program, org, is programmed relative to a work object, wobj1, which
is defined with the help of three points, A, B and C on the left side of the car body.
The mirrored program, mir, is to be related to a corresponding work object, wobj1,
defined by the corresponding points D, E and F on the right side of the car body.
Wobj1 for robot 2 is defined with robot 2.

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8 Descriptions of terms and concepts
8.4 What is mirroring?

Note that since the points D, E, F are mirrored images of points A, B, and C, the
wobj1 for robot 2 will also be mirrored. One of the consequences of this is that the
z-axis will point downwards.


R1 Robot 1
R2 Robot 2
G Virtual mirror plane
H wobj1 = mirror frame
J wobj1 for robot 2
K Projection of p1 in xy-plane
p1 Original position
p1_m Mirrored position

After the work object, wobj1, has been defined, all programming is done in this
frame. Then the program is mirrored using the same wobj1 frame as the mirroring
frame. A position, p1, will be mirrored to the new position p1_m.
After this, the mirrored program is moved to robot 2, using the work object wobj1,
as described above. This means that the mirrored position, p1_m, will be “turned
up” as if it were mirrored in a “virtual” mirror plane between the two robots.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.1 Introduction

9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks

9.1 Introduction

About this chapter

This chapter discusses security in a network installation with ABB IRC5 systems.
First, it gives an overview about IRC5 and other products typically deployed in a
network installation and the communications between them. A security analysis
identifies the most critical assets and security threats targeting them. To mitigate
these security threats, every ABB IRC5 controller implements UAS (User
Authorization System).
Security features, however, such as UAS and testing, are only components of an
effective security strategy. It is equally important to define, implement, and maintain
a security policy, which covers security processes, procedures, and mechanisms.
This chapter lists requirements for such a security policy.
Section IRC5 application protocols on page 228 contains descriptions of the
communication protocols used by IRC5 products, which may be useful for
configuring elements of the system security architecture, as well as a list of useful
security tools.

The intent of this chapter is to raise awareness about critical security threats and
to provide guidance to address them as well as to inform how ABB is working on
security assurance. However, due to the high number of different security risks
and complex dependencies within actual installations, this document can neither
cover all possible security risks, nor guarantee the success of the presented security

The benefits and risks of using open networking technology for robot controllers
ABB IRC5 products use standard Internet transport protocols, TCP and UDP. This
means that IRC5 products can be connected to a normal network (TCP/IP/Ethernet)
like any other computer or network product, which reduces costs and unifies
network management. Furthermore, the interconnection of control systems and
"office" systems, such as ERP, enable a wide range of new applications, which
take advantage of such vertical integration from the shop floor up to the enterprise
management. Section Network architecture and communication on page 215
describes a typical IRC5 robot network.
However, the direct connection of control systems to the plant network also creates
security risks (for example, malware infections (viruses, worms, Trojans), denial
of service, disclosure of confidential data). Section Security analysis on page 218
discusses these security threats in detail.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.1 Introduction

Mitigating the risks through a comprehensive security policy and architecture

It is generally accepted that the security features of a product or system are only
one part in a successful protection strategy. It is equally important to define,
implement, and maintain an effective security policy, which covers (among other
issues) risk analysis, procedures, responsibilities, and regular auditing. Section
Security policy on page 220 discusses general and IRC5 specific requirements for
a security policy and shows, how such a security policy can be used to mitigate
critical security threats targeting a robot control system. It is important to note
though that security cannot be achieved by a one-time investment in a product or
process but requires ongoing effort to operate and maintain.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.2 Network architecture and communication

9.2 Network architecture and communication

About this section

This section gives an overview about typical components of an IRC5 installation,
which are attached to the network, and the communication between them.
Furthermore, this section serves as basis for the threat analysis (Security analysis
on page 218) and the requirements to a security policy (Security policy on page 220).

Simplified network with IRC5 products

The following figure shows a simplified network with IRC5 products. The intention
of this picture is to show typical components, which may be part of a robot control
system installation, and where they may be installed.
The objective of the shown network security architecture is to protect the plant
control network from threats, which are originating in the plant office network and
especially in remote networks and which are caused for example by viruses and
worms. Therefore, it is strongly suggested to separate the plant control network
and the plant office network with a protection device, such as a firewall.


Plant Office Network

Firewall RobotStudio RobView

Plant Control

Plant Control Network

Tracking Module
OPC Server Remote Disk


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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.2 Network architecture and communication

Network with PickMaster

The Plant Control Network architecture details with the PickMaster product is
slightly different and has other security aspects as shown in the following figure.
In a PickMaster installation, the cameras are connected directly to the PC or via a
switch to the PC over a separate network than the Plant Control Network.


Camera Network

Supervision PC PickMaster
Control PLC RobotStudio

Plant Control Network

Tracking Module


Network with IRC5P and paint robots

The following figure shows the details of the network in a Paint installation. In these
installations, RobotStudio may be temporarily connected (dotted line) and each
IRC5P control cabinet has 2 connections to the Plant Control Network.
Plant Control RobotStudio
(PLC, OPC Client,...)

Plant Control Network


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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.2 Network architecture and communication

Communication protocols between IRC5 related products

The following figure shows the communication protocols between the IRC5 related
products. For detailed information about the application protocols, see IRC5
application protocols on page 228.

RobotStudio, TuneMaster


I/O Network storage
EtherNet/IP: NFS:
44818/TCP, 2222/UDP 111/UDP, 2049/TCP



Conveyor Integrated
Tracking Module Vision

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.3 Security analysis

9.3 Security analysis

Why do you need a security analysis?

Network architectures, in which the plant control network is attached to an office
network, which in turn is connected to the Internet, potentially expose the plant
control network to cyber attacks. Therefore, it is important to identify the critical
security threats and to implement security mechanisms to prevent or at least
mitigate them.

Critical assets to protect

The main assets to be protected are the main computer of the IRC5 robot controller,
the Integrated Process System (IPS) controller, the RobView PC, the Conveyor
Tracking Module, and the PickMaster PC, because any reduced availability or
unauthorized access may cause significant financial loss due to damaged
semi-finished goods or loss of production. Unauthorized changes to configuration
files on the devices can have a direct impact on the correct functioning and
availability of the controlled robots and processes.
OPC servers also represent critical assets, since they have direct access to the
variables in the robot controllers. Further critical assets are the RobotStudio PCs,
since they communicate directly with the IRC5 robot controllers and, if
compromised, may be used as entry points to the devices.

Critical security threats

The following table summarizes critical security threats specific to ABB Robotics
IRC5 products, the attacks causing them, and the targeted assets.
Threat Attacks causing the threat Targeted assets
Disturbance / DoS Sending of large amount of IRC5 robot controller
data IPS controller
Upload of invalid RAPID pro- Conveyor Tracking Module
Upload of invalid IPS configur-
Unauthorized access Brute force password attack IRC5 robot controller
Unauthorized control Network Sniffing IPS controller in the IRC5P
RobView PC
RobotStudio PC
PickMaster PC
OPC Server
Conveyor Tracking Module

Besides those presented threats, there are also a number of other generic security
threats (for example, media, such as USB sticks, connected to workstations may
introduce viruses or unprotected wireless access may open doors for hackers).
Therefore, the requirements for a security policy described in section Security
policy on page 220 cover both generic and ABB Robotics IRC5 specific requirements
to prevent/mitigate such security risks.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.4 IRC5 User Authorization System

9.4 IRC5 User Authorization System

About the User Authorization System

The User Authorization System (UAS) limits which individuals (with specific roles)
can perform which operations on the controller by defining the users and groups
that can access the controller and the functionality. Depending on which group a
user is assigned to, the user is granted access to certain functionality, while other
functionality will be inaccessible. Which functionality the members of a certain
group have access to, is controlled by assigning a list of grants to that group.
Two types of grants exist: controller grants and application grants. Controller grants
are predefined by ABB, are validated by the robot controller, and apply to all tools
and devices, which access the controller. Application grants may be added by
application developers, may contain an additional value field, and are used and
valid only within a specific application (for example, FlexPendant).

Mastership (write access)

The UAS implementation also supports the so called "mastership" locking concept,
which can be used by a client to guarantee that as long as the client holds the
mastership of the robot controller, no other client is allowed to send commands to
the controller. As default, the mastership is held by the FlexPendant, but other
clients can request write access.

Default User
At delivery, an ABB IRC5 system has a user named "Default User" that has a
number of grants. After creating new user with specific grants, the Default User
can be removed. If the Default User is active, but all grants are removed, there are
still reading rights. So if you want to prevent unauthorized personnel from viewing
any content on the IRC5 controller, deactivate the Default User.


If the Default User is deactivated, it is necessary to login on the FlexPendant

every time you use it.

How to use the User Authorization System

For information about how to configure and use UAS, see Operating
manual - RobotStudio.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.5.1 Introduction

9.5 Security policy

9.5.1 Introduction

Often vulnerabilities are introduced into industrial control systems due to the lack
of a well-defined, accurate, and enforced security policy. Therefore, the security
policy plays an essential role in the reduction of vulnerabilities and the defense
against and mitigation of security threats.
It is the responsibility of the owners of the control systems to define their security
policy according to their specific requirements, such as: how to identify users
(authentication), who is allowed to access what (authorization), and what should
be audited regularly (audit). Once the security policy is defined, it has to be
implemented and applied to all covered software, hardware, systems, data,
networks, and personnel within the control system owner's organization resulting
in a security architecture consisting of technical and procedural means. The security
policy and its implementation in a security architecture have to be maintained
continuously, since organizational changes, upcoming and evolved regulations,
and new technologies have all an impact on the security policy. Therefore, security
is not a one-time initiative, but an on-going process.
This section describes security requirements that should be addressed by the
security policy of the control system owner. The proposed requirements are grouped
into two categories: the first one is generic and the second one is specific to ABB
Robotics IRC5 products. Note that the listed requirements are not exhaustive and
that they should be tailored to the specific requirements, the size, and available
resources of the control system owner's organization.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.5.2 General security requirements

9.5.2 General security requirements

About general security requirements

This section only lists a number of things to consider in any computer network. It
is not a complete list.

Physical security
All operations shall be tracked and servers, backup media, and other associated
equipment shall be placed in locked machine rooms or cabinets. Access to these
areas shall be restricted to dedicated employees. All access levels and
responsibilities shall be explicitly documented.
Further physical security requirements:
• Physical data interfaces, such as CD and DVD drives, and USB ports, are
locked or disabled.
• Network components, like switches and routers, shall be enclosed in locked
• Tamper detection of unauthorized access (for example, inspecting the
• Only authorized personnel gets access to network components and cables.
• Unless necessary, wireless devices should not be connected to the plant
control network. A rationale shall be documented for each exception.


The information on SD card in the robot controller is not encrypted.

Anyone who has access to physical devices, such as SD cards and USB ports,
can get access to information that may be sensitive.

Account management and network/system access

Account management and access control requirements define how user accounts
and passwords are managed and how user rights and access to the network and
the control system are controlled.
Procedures for account management (e.g., adding of a new account, revocation
of an existing account, and changing or assigning of a new password) shall be
documented. Employees, who are assigned to this function, shall be trained in
those procedures.
Further requirements:
• Accounts are locked after a certain period of inactivity.
• Only authorized personnel get access to PCs and its interfaces, especially
to PCs in the plant control network.
• Use the principle of "least privilege", i.e. use roles/grants with only the
necessary rights to perform the task.
• Replace default accounts with personalized accounts.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.5.2 General security requirements

• Only controlled and protected computers are allowed to be connected to the

plant control network.
• The definitions of authorized users, user groups, and access rights are
continuously maintained to reflect properly the current authorities.
• Users lock the screen or log off before leaving the workplace.
• A password-protected screen-saver is activated after a certain idle time.
• After a specified number of consecutive log-on failures, a user account is
locked for a certain time or until it is unlocked by a system administrator.

A password policy should be in place. This may include the following rules:
• Passwords shall expire, forcing users to change passwords regularly.
• All password authentications within the network shall be encrypted.
• Only "strong" passwords are used.
• User and password lists are protected from unauthorized access.
• Passwords are not written down.
• Passwords are not shared between users.

Administration and patching of servers and workstations

All systems shall be kept updated according to the vendor's recommendations
(e.g., new patches addressing critical vulnerabilities shall be applied as soon as
they have been successfully tested and verified).
The hardening of operating systems and applications shall be regularly reviewed
(e.g., unused ports shall be closed, unused services uninstalled, unneeded
application features disabled, and demo or default application data moved or
Only authorized personnel are allowed to change system configuration and to
install new software.

Virus protection
Anti-virus software shall be installed on every workstation and server, for which it
is available. Anti-virus software and virus definitions shall be updated regularly.
All software to be installed on systems in the plant control network, shall be first
checked for malware (viruses, worms) on a separate virus scanning PC, which is
not connected to the plant control network.

Internet and e-mail services may serve as carriers for viruses, worms, spyware,
and other kind of malware to penetrate the plant control network. Therefore, systems
in the plant control network shall not be allowed to access arbitrary Internet sites
and e-mail services.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.5.2 General security requirements

Firewalls that protect plant control networks shall provide stateful filtering and
preferably offer application level support for the forwarded protocols (e.g., deep
packet inspection). To protect plant control networks from flooding and
denial-of-service attacks, the firewalls shall offer rate-limiting functionality.
If a firewall is used as VPN endpoint, it shall support state-of-the-art VPN protocols.
The firewalls shall be configured to allow only authorized traffic from dedicated
source addresses and source ports to dedicated destination addresses and
destination ports. Furthermore, the firewalls shall be locked down and need to be
regularly maintained (i.e., patched, upgraded, and proper change management
including regular audits for access rules).

Backup and recovery

All critical data shall be backed-up periodically and stored in a secure place. For
ABB Robotics IRC5 products, backups should especially cover the data stored on
the IRC5 controller including RAPID and configuration files as well as configurations
on the Integrated Process System (IPS).
A good backup policy should also include the configurations and parameters from
PickMaster, Conveyor Tracking Module, and RobView as well as the host Window
PC configuration.


An IRC5 backup contains unencrypted information. Make sure that all backup
files are stored in a secure location.

Vulnerability scanning and risk assessment

In many IT environments, the use of vulnerability scanners, such as Nessus, NMAP,
Metasploit, etc, are used to find and assess the potential vulnerabilities in IT
equipment. These tools perform extensive probing and conduct a representative
set of attacks on equipment. Because of the potential for disruption to the IRC5
controller, the recommended best-practice in the industry is not to perform these
types of tests on production equipment but only on equipment in a controlled
laboratory environment. Performing these types of scans and tests on the IRC5
controller while in production has the potential of disrupting the normal operation
of the IRC5 and its communications to other devices on the network.

Cybersecurity procedures and policies

• Background checks, instructions and training of personnel and
• Guide on what is allowed to do, using which tools, by who, and when.
• Logging and cybersecurity monitoring methods in automation systems and

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.5.2 General security requirements

Maintenance and audits

Perform maintenance of the ongoing responsibilities and actions to ensure that
the security policy is followed, kept up-to-date, and adapted to organizational
Periodic testing and reviews of the security policy are required.

Before disposal of any storage equipment (anything from an SD card to an IRC5
controller), make sure all sensitive information has been deleted.


To remove all data from the SD card, use the Clean Disk function (part of Recovery
Disk function) in RobotStudio. See Operating manual - RobotStudio.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.5.3 ABB Robotics IRC5 product specific requirements

9.5.3 ABB Robotics IRC5 product specific requirements

Remote access/client
Remote access allows users to access company networks and systems from
computers that are located outside of the protected company. In the context of an
ABB robot control network, these are hosts running RobotStudio. Since the
computers running RobotStudio may directly access systems in the plant control
network, they extend the perimeter of the plant control network and may therefore
create security risks.
To mitigate these risks, the following actions are suggested (in descending order
of preference):
1 Avoid remote clients
2 Use remote terminal services, which are protected within a secure tunnel
3 Tunnel communication protocol(s) through a VPN and authenticate
communication partners
Since remote clients represent security risks, they should be avoided whenever
possible. Any remote connection shall be justified by business reasons.
Any remote host, which has been identified to require connection to the protected
network, has to be hardened according to security host hardening best practices,
which include, but are not limited to:
• Dedicated machine for remote access (i.e., not the same as for daily business)
• No other simultaneous network connections
• Only required services and processes are installed and running
• Only required network ports are active
• Restrictive access control
• Up-to-date patches / services packs / upgrades are applied
• Up-to-date anti malware software, such as a virus scanner, is running
• Regular maintenance intervals

Clients in Plant Office network

RobotStudio and other clients may also exist on hosts in the plant office network.
Conveyor Tracking Module, RobView and PickMaster are not designed to be run
outside the Plant boundary. Therefore, the same suggestions as for the remote
clients (see Remote access/client on page 225) also apply to the clients in the plant
office network.
Although, the plant office network is usually already protected by firewalls against
the Internet and other networks, it still represents a security threat to the plant
control network, since applications with high security risks, such as e-mail and
Web browsers, are run within the plant office network. Therefore, a separation of
the plant control network from all other networks, including the plant office network,
using firewalls and preferably, also a DMZ, is strongly suggested.
The use of terminal services for access from clients in the plant office network to
systems in the plant control network is, with respect to security, still preferred
against the pure tunneling of communication protocols. However, since the risk

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.5.3 ABB Robotics IRC5 product specific requirements

caused by systems in the plant office network is lower than that caused by remote
systems, tunneling may represents an acceptable alternative. It is still strongly
suggested to deny any unprotected communication between the plant office network
and the plant control network.

Clients in Plant Control network

The PickMaster and RobView clients in the Plant Control Network may keep a local
cache of the IRC5 UAS credentials used to authenticate to the IRC5 controller.
This is part of the functionality of these clients when presenting their own levels
of users, groups, and grants specific to the operation of the client product.
Given that credentials are stored on the host Windows PC, these clients are
important clients to secure and ensure that local and remote access is well

Conveyor Tracking Modules in plant control network

RobICI, SFTP, and IEEE1588/PTP v2 are used for the communication with Conveyor
Tracking Modules. RobICI is an internal ABB protocol. For more details, see IRC5
application protocols on page 228.
IEEE1588/PTP v2 is used to improve conveyor tracking performance. SFTP is used
for file transfer with RobotStudio clients.
To improve security and stability, it is recommended to block RobICI and
IEEE1588/PTP v2 network traffic to Conveyor tracking Modules from outside the
plant control network, for example, by using a firewall.
At delivery, a Conveyor Tracking Module has the following two preinstalled users
with default passwords:
Name Default password Description
abbadmin abbadmin abbadmin is used for advanced maintenance
and troubleshooting. For example, this user
is required for firmware upgrades.
ctmuser ctmuser ctmuser is used for everyday maintenance
and troubleshooting.


It is recommended to change the default passwords to improve security.


There is no way to recover a lost password. Make sure passwords are never lost
or forgotten. Appropriate credentials are required to make any modifications to
the CTM configuration and firmware.

RobAPI and Robot Web Services

RobAPI and Robot Web Services are used for the communication to the IRC5 robot
controller. While RobAPI is an internal ABB protocol over TCP/IP, it also includes
FTP traffic as well. For more details, see RobAPI application protocol on page 230.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.5.3 ABB Robotics IRC5 product specific requirements

To improve security, RobAPI and Robot Web Services connections to IRC5 robot
controllers from outside the plant control network should be additionally protected
by an encrypted tunnel (VPN) between the client and the firewall (e.g., IPSec). Note
that the use of a protected terminal server (see Remote access/client on page 225),
which runs a RobotStudio instance which is installed inside the plant control
network, would prevent the need for RobAPI and Robot Web Services packets to
cross network boundaries.

UAS administration
IRC5 UAS provides access control to the controller (as described in section IRC5
User Authorization System on page 219). There are two requirements concerning
UAS administration:
• In the factory configuration, UAS has a built-in "Default User" account that
is assigned to the "Default" group, which holds administrative grants.
Therefore, it is essential to change this association before a controller is
deployed into a productive environment. The access rights of the Default
User are changed by replacing its association to the Default group with
another group, which has only a limited number of grants assigned. It is also
possible to remove the Default User, in order to remove all rights to view
information, but this means a login must always be performed on the
• Since UAS can be disabled by a console command, it is important that only
a limited number of authorized users have access to the console port in the
cabinet of the controller. This can be realized by physical security
mechanisms and procedures.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.6 IRC5 application protocols

9.6 IRC5 application protocols

The IRC5 services and application protocols are presented in separate sections
for default and configured/enabled protocols. The tables also define the network
connections that may be used for each service/application. For detailed information
about all network connections, see Network connections on the IRC5 main computer
on page 232.
For more information about port number assignation, see www.iana.org.

Default services and application protocols

Service, or Application Port number Transport Network Usage/Comments

protocol connection
DHCP server 68 UDP LAN Dynamic Host Configuration.
FTP server 20 TCP WAN File transfer, software installation/up-
21 LAN grade.
NetScan 5512 UDP WAN Detection of available IRC5 robot
5513 LAN controllers on the network.
5514 Service
Robot Network Protocol 5515 TCP WAN Communication with IRC5 robot con-
(RNP/RobAPI) LAN troller.
Robot Web Service 80 TCP WAN Communication with IRC5 robot con-
LAN troller.

Configured/enabled services and application protocols

Service, or Application Port number Transport Network Usage/Comments

protocol connection
ArcLink Ports used are defined in UDP WAN Support Lincoln ArcLinkXT power
the configuration for the LAN sources.
UdpUc device. Enabled by configuration.
Connected Services 553 TCP WAN Secure connection to ABB Ability™
(HTTPS) Cloud.
Enabled by configuration.
DHCP client 67 UDP WAN Dynamic Host Configuration.
Enabled by configuration.
DNS client 53 TCP, UDP WAN ABB Ability™ server name resolution.
Enabled by configuration.
EGM Ports used are defined in UDP WAN Externally Guided Motion.
(Google Protocol Buf- the configuration for the LAN Enabled by configuration.
fers) UdpUc device.
Service Requires option 689-1 Externally
Guided Motion.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.6 IRC5 application protocols

Service, or Application Port number Transport Network Usage/Comments

protocol connection
EtherNet/IP messaging 44818 TCP WAN Enabled by configuration.
EtherNet/IP I/O 2222 TCP WAN Enabled by configuration.
FTP client 20 TCP WAN Remote disk mounting with FTP.
21 LAN Enabled by configuration.
Service Requires option 614-1 FTP SFTP and
NFS client.
IEEE1588/ PTP v1 or v2 319 UDP WAN Time synchronization used by the
320 LAN RobICI protocol.
Service Requires RobICI and the option 1550-
1 Conv.Tracking unit Int. or 1551-1
Conv.Tracking unit Ext.
Integrated Vision 23 TCP, UDP LAN Communication between controller
Telnet client 50000 Service and Cognex cameras.
1069 Enabled by configuration.
Requires option 1341-1/1520-1 Integ-
rated Vision Interface.
NFS client 111 TCP, UDP WAN Remote disk mounting
2049 LAN Enabled by configuration.
Service Requires option 614-1 FTP SFTP and
NFS client.
NFS server 111 TCP, UDP LAN Used by IPS to retrieve configuration
2049 Service files from robot controller.
Requires option RobotWare Paint.
PROFINET RT 34962 UDP WAN Enabled by configuration.
PROFINET RTM 34963 UDP WAN Enabled by configuration.
PROFINET CM 34964 UDP WAN Enabled by configuration.
PROFINET RPC 49152 UDP WAN Enabled by configuration.
RobICI TCP, UDP WAN I/O signals, command, and response.
34981 LAN Required for conveyor tracking mod-
ule (CTM).
Enabled by configuration.
Requires option 1550-1 Conv.Tracking
unit Int. or 1551-1 Conv.Tracking unit
SFTP client 22 TCP WAN Secure remote disk mounting with
Service Enabled by configuration.
Requires option 614-1 FTP SFTP and
NFS client.
SFTP server 22 TCP WAN Secure File transfer – FTP over SSH.
LAN Enabled by configuration.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.6 IRC5 application protocols

RobAPI application protocol

RobAPI uses three different protocols:
• NetScan for discovering industrial robot controllers available on the network
• RobAPI network protocol (RNP) for sending commands to and receiving
events from robot controllers
• FTP for file transfer (see FTP on page 230)
NetScan is an application protocol built on UDP/IP for discovering industrial robot
controllers available on the network and for collecting basic data. The data collected
by NetScan includes version info and unique id of the software loaded on the
The PC-side implementation of NetScan sends out requests, to which all active
controllers respond. Both requests and responses are UDP broadcasts. The
requests are sent to UDP port 5512, and the responses are sent to UDP port 5513.
PC-NetScan also supports the option to configure specific "non-local" IP-addresses
of controllers, i.e., controllers not on the local subnet. This makes it possible to
discover and connect to remote controllers, e.g., over the Internet. The PC-side
NetScan sends out UDP unicast requests to port 5514, and the controller responds
with UDP unicasts to the source address with the (dynamically allocated) source
The RobAPI network protocol (RNP) is an application protocol built on TCP/IP for
communicating with industrial robot controllers over a network. The protocol uses
by default TCP port 5515. The RobAPI network protocol is event-driven, i.e. RobAPI
clients do not need to poll for I/O changes on the controller. Events are sent to the
PC-side, whenever a change has occurred. However, only the PC establishes TCP
The RobAPI network protocol has an are-you-alive (AYA) mechanism. With AYA
it is possible for the robot controllers to detect unexpected disconnection of clients
and for clients to detect unexpected disconnection of robot controllers. AYA
messages are sent every 5 second from both the client and the server.
For file transfers, RobAPI uses standard FTP.

RobAPI Network Protocol uses FTP internally for file transfer. The FTP server of
the IRC5 controller supports both active and passive FTP. However, if RobAPI is
acting as FTP client, it uses only passive mode.
FTP is also used independently of RobAPI, for file transfer and file system access
to the Main Computer and IPS. This requires logging in with a user name and

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.6 IRC5 application protocols

password that is defined for the controller, see IRC5 User Authorization System
on page 219.


The controller supports anonymous FTP login on the LAN/Service Port with any
user name and password to access files on the controller.
The anonymous access is read only and the access is limited to certain directories
located in the RobotWare installation.
Any attempt to read or write to any other location will be denied.

The IRC5 robot controller acts as a SFTP server. The use of the server requires
UAS grants for FTP Read or Write. Although SFTP could offer several logon options,
the IRC5 robot controller only supports logon via user name and password.
SFTP is used internally for file transfer between Robot Studio and Conveyor
Tracking Modules.

The Network File System (NFS) is the de facto standard for file sharing among
UNIX hosts and also supported by Microsoft, e.g. Windows Services for UNIX
(SFU). The IRC5 robot controller implements an NFS client. The supported NFS
version is version 2 as defined in RFC 1094.

Telenet is a network protocol based on TCP/IP to provide bi-directional text-oriented
communications between a Telnet client and a Telnet server. By default, Telnet
uses port 23.

RobICI is an internal ABB application protocol that is used for high speed
communication of I/O signals and other data between ABB products, for example,
Conveyor Tracking Modules, IRC5 robot controllers and RobotStudio.

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer

9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer

The I/O network can be connected to one of the the Ethernet ports WAN, LAN 2,
or LAN 3 on the main computer.
The following figure illustrates where the Ethernet port connectors, are placed on
the main computer.


Connector Label Description

X2 Service Port to the robot's private network. Intended to be left empty
so that service personnel can use it to connect to the com-
puter unit.
X3 LAN 1 Port to the robot's private network. Normally used to connect
the FlexPendant.
X4 LAN 2 Port to the robot's private network.
X5 LAN 3 By default LAN 3 is configured for an isolated LAN3 network.
Can be reconfigured to be a part of the private network.
X6 WAN Wide Area Network that can host a public industrial network.


It is not supported to connect multiple ports of the main computer (X2 - X6) to
the same external switch, unless static VLAN isolation is applied on the external

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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer

Intended use of WAN and LAN ports

The WAN port is a public network interface to the controller, typically connected
to the factory network with a public IP address provided by the network
The LAN ports are intended for connecting network based process equipment to
the controller, for example industrial networks, cameras, and welding equipment.
LAN 2 can only be used as a private network to the IRC5 controller.

Isolated LAN 3 or LAN 3 as part of the private network

The default configuration is that LAN 3 is configured as an isolated network. This
allows several robot controller to be connected to the same network, see EtherNet/IP
on dedicated industrial network on page 236.


The isolated LAN 3 cannot be used to connect to any HMI device (RobotStudio,
Robot Web Services, or PC SDK client) since it does not support the protocol
needed for communication.

Robot Controller

Private Isolated Public


Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN


An alternative configuration is that LAN 3 is part of the private network. The ports
Service, LAN 1, LAN 2, and LAN 3 then belong to the same network and act just
as different ports on the same switch. This is configured by changing the system
parameter Interface, in topic Communication and type Static VLAN, from "LAN 3"
to "LAN". See Technical reference manual - System parameters.

Robot Controller

Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN


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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer

One EtherNet/IP network connected to the robot controller

If EtherNet/IP is used on the public network (WAN port) without an Anybus adapter,
EtherNet/IP cannot be used on the private network. Equipment not using EtherNet/IP
(for example a camera) can be connected to the private network. To use EtherNet/IP
on both the public and private network, an Anybus adapter must be used. See
Using Anybus adapter to connect two EtherNet/IP networks on page 237.

EtherNet/IP on factory network

When the WAN port is used for connecting to an industrial network, the traffic
shares the same media as the factory network and will share bandwith with other
non industrial network traffic.
The following figure illustrates the network when connecting a scanner and an
adapter to the WAN port of the main computer:

Cell I/O

Factory Network & Industrial Network


Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 2

Private Public Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN



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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer

EtherNet/IP on private network

The private network can contain I/O, sensors, etc. for the robot controller. However,
it is not possible to connect several robot controllers to the same private network.
The following illustration shows two robot controllers with EtherNet/IP (and other
IP traffic) on each private network. The factory network cannot communicate with
the robot controller using EtherNet/IP.

Factory Network

Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 2

Private Public Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN

EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP

Switch Switch

Robot I/O
Robot I/O
I/O Camera

I/O Sensor


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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer

EtherNet/IP on dedicated industrial network

By connecting to the isolated LAN 3 port it is possible to connect several robot
controllers to a dedicated industrial network.

Factory Network

Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 2

Isolated Public Isolated Public
Private LAN 3 Private LAN 3

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN

Cell I/O

Sensor Camera

Industrial Network EtherNet/IP



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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer

Using Anybus adapter to connect two EtherNet/IP networks

EtherNet/IP on shared factory network and private network
To be able to use EtherNet/IP on both the public and the private network, an Anybus
adapter must be used. If the same factory network is used both for EtherNet/IP
communication and other communication, both the Anybus adapter and the WAN
port must be connected to the factory network. For information about the EtherNet/IP
Anybus adapter, see Application manual - EtherNet/IP Anybus Adapter.


Factory Network

EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP

Anybus Anybus
adapter adapter
Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 2

Private Public Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN

EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP


Robot I/O Robot I/O


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9 Cyber security for IRC5 robot networks
9.7 Network connections on the IRC5 main computer

EtherNet/IP on dedicated industrial network

If the EtherNet/IP communication shall be separated from other Ethernet
communication, an Anybus adapter must be installed and connected to the public
EtherNet/IP industrial network and the WAN port connected to the factory network.
For information about the EtherNet/IP Anybus adapter, see Application
manual - EtherNet/IP Anybus Adapter.


Industrial Network

Factory Network

Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 1

Private Public Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN

EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP


Robot I/O Robot I/O


238 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide

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Index hiding, 95
default paths
setting, 115
3 Default User, 219
3rd party software, 14
DHCP client, 228
A DHCP server, 41, 228
ABB menu, 24 disable backup, 134
Absolute Accuracy displacements
data storage, 191 work object, 80
account management, 221 disposal, 224
add-ins, 49 DNS client, 228
additional axes
activating, 99
EGM, 228
deactivating, 99
elongator points
anti-virus, 222
define, 73
application protocols, 228
e-mail, 222
approach points, 71
emergency stop button
ArcLink, 228
FlexPendant, 20
B enabling device, 20, 22
backup, 223 entry routine, 53
default file path, 115 erase SD-card, 184
directory, 135 EtherNet/IP I/O, 229
important, 135 EtherNet/IP messaging, 229
system, 133 expressions
system parameters, 143 editing, 92
backward button, 21
boot application, 122
Boot Application
handling, 113
restart, 117
programs, 54
settings, 118
firewall, 223
using, 117
reflashing, 126
controller, 32
flash disk drive, 112
C FlexPendant
cabinets, 18 connecting, 36
calculation result, 73 connecting in operation, 38
calibration, 30 connector, 32
4 points XZ, 194 disconnecting, 38
base frame, 194 hardware buttons, 21
loading data, 189 hot plug, 38
motor calibration offset, 190 how to hold, 23
status, 188 jumper plug, 38
clean disk, 184 left-hander, 23
close button, 24 main parts, 20
communication protocols, 228 overview, 19
Connected Services, 228 reflashing, 126
connection screen, 23
FlexPendant, 36 forward button, 21
to network, 41 FTP, 228, 230
connections, 232 FTP client, 229
connector, 20
hard buttons, 21
buttons, 32
hard disk drive, 112
ports, 32
hold-to-run, 22
single cabinet, 18
hot plug, 38
control tools, overview, 29
cyber security, 213 I
D activating, 104
data instance, 65
deactivating, 104
data types
safety signals, 107
changing type, 94
units, 104
creating new, 65
data types, 65

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system parameters, 141 service outlet, 32

instructions service port, 32
data types and declarations, 93
expressions, 92 P
IP address paint application, 216
fixed, 42 passwords, 222
obtain automatically, 42 payloads
use no address, 41 creating, 86
IRC5 controller, 18 declarations, 87
overview, 18 display definitions, 88
IRC5P, 216 editing, 88
physical security, 221
J PickMaster, 216
joystick, 20 policy, 220
using, 21 ports, 232
jumper plug, 38 controller, 32
private network, 235
LAN unit, 112 PROFINET RPC, 229
licenses, 14 PROFINET RT, 229
M program a robot, 30
main computer, 232 program directory, 54
main module, 53 program execution start button, 21
Main routine, 53 program memory, 96
main switch program module, 53
controller, 32 programs
mastership, 219 about files, 54
mechanical units creating, 54
activating, 99 default file path, 115
deactivating, 99 deleting, 96, 98
memory, 112 handling of, 54
memory, what is?, 112 loading, 55
mirroring, 90 mirroring, 91
mirror plane, 207 renaming, 56
routines, 207 saving, 55
what is, 206 protocols, 228
creating, 57 Q
deleting, 59 queue backup, 134
handling of, 57 quickset menu, 24
loading, 58
mirroring, 91 R
renaming, 58 RAPID, structure, 52
saving, 58 RAPID application, 52
N axis computer, 126
NetScan, 228, 230 contactor interface board, 126
network architecture, 215 drive unit, 126
network connections firmware, 126
setting, 118 FlexPendant, 126
setting up, 41 panel board, 126
network security, 13 profibus, 126
NFS, 231 remote access, 225
NFS client, 229 remote client, 225
NFS server, 229 reset button
location, 20
O using, 21
open source software, OSS, 14 reset RAPID, 123
operator window, 24 reset system, 124
options restart, 121
duty time counter, 32 controller, 119
hot plug button, 32, 38 overview, 116
IRC5 Compact, 18 reset RAPID, 123
IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller, 18 reset system, 124
RobotWare add-ins, 49 revert to last auto saved, 125
safety chain LEDs, 32 start boot application, 122

240 Operating manual - IRC5 Integrator's guide

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system, 119 revert to last auto saved, 125

restore selecting, 119
default file path, 115 start and select, 122
system, 137 starting, 119
revert to last auto saved, 125 starting without software, 117
RNP, 228 system, upgrading, 48
RobAPI, 226, 230 system module, 53
RobICI, 229, 231 system parameters, 30
robots configuring, 141
activating, 99 instances, 141
deactivating, 99 saving, 143
overview, 28 T
RobotStudio Oline Apps, 26 task bar, 24
RobotStudio Online Apps tasks, 52
Calibrate, 26 Telnet, 231
Jog, 26 three-position enabling device, 20, 22
Manage, 26 thumb button
Operate, 27 using, 22
Tune, 27 tool, overview control tools, 29
YuMi, 27 tool center point
RobotWare add-ins, 49 about, 67
Robot Web Service, 228 calculation result, 73
Robot Web Services, 226 define, 72
Routine, 53 defining, 73
routines measuring, 75
changing declarations, 63 TCP, 67
copying, 63 working area variations, 73
creating, 60 tool frame
defining parameters, 61 defining, 70
deleting, 63 methods, 70
handling of, 60 reorientation test, 73
mirroring, 90 tool orientation, 73
run button, 21 tools
creating, 67
S editing definitions, 75
safety I/O signals, 107 editing tool data, 74
serial numbers make stationary, 77
data storage, 191 setting up tool coordinate system, 78
service port, 32 stationary, 77
SFTP, 231 Total Load, 86
SFTP client, 229 touchscreen, 23
SFTP server, 229
SIS, Service Information System U
data storage, 191 UAS, 219, 227
SMB, 191 units
software licenses, 14 activating, 104
start boot application, 122 deactivating, 104
start button, 21 USB, 113
start up, 44 USB port
status bar, 24 FlexPendant, 20
step backward button, 21 User Authentication System, 227
step forward button, 21 User Authorization System, 219
stop button, 21
stylus pen V
location, 20 virus protection, 222
using, 21
system W
backup, 133 work objects
installing, 117 creating, 79
loaded, 111 declarations, 79
overview, 111 defining coordinate system, 80
renaming, 119 displacements, 80
restarting, 119 editing declarations, 85
restore, 137 editing work objects data, 84
return to default settings, 124 write access, 219

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Robotics & Discrete Automation
S-721 68 VÄSTERÅS, Sweden
Telephone +46 10-732 50 00

Robotics & Discrete Automation
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 87 2000

ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.

Robotics & Discrete Automation
No. 4528 Kangxin Highway
PuDong New District
SHANGHAI 201319, China
Telephone: +86 21 6105 6666

ABB Inc.
Robotics & Discrete Automation
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000

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Specifications subject to change without notice.

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