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CG Question bank-1SHUBHAM

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Unit 3

Q1) What is transformation and write transformation matrix for :

(i) 2-D reflection with respect to line Y=X
(ii) 3-D rotation about Y-axis

 0 1 0 
Ref(y =x) =  1 0 0 
 
 0 0 1 
cos  sin 
 0 
0 0

Ry () =
 1 0 0 
 – sin  0 cos  0 
 0 0 0 1 

Q2) Differentiate between Parallel projection and Perspective Projection.


Sr. Parallel Projection Perspective Projection

1. Projectors are parallel to each other. Projectors are not parallel.
2. Need to specify the direction of projection. Need to specify the center of projection.
3. Center of projection is at infinite distance. Center of projection is at a finite distance.
4. Does not produce a realistic view. Produces realistic view.
5. Depth information is lost. Depth information is preserved.
6. Preserve relative proportion of object. Does not Preserve relative proportion of object.
7. Subtypes: Orthographic projection, oblique Subtypes: Single point, two points, three-point
projection. projection

Q3) Explain rotation about an arbitrary point in 2D.

Q4) Find transformation matrix to rotate the object about the origin by 45 degree
i) in the counter-clockwise direction.
ii)Find new coordinates of the point (8,4) after rotation

i) Here, rotation direction is counter-clockwise , so θ is positive.
 = 45
The transformation matrix is,
 cos  – sin  
M =  
 sin  cos  
 cos (45) – sin (45) 
=  
 sin (45) cos (45) 
 1/ 2 – 1/ 2 
=  
 1/ 2 1/ 2 
ii) Find new coordinates of the point (8,4) after rotation.
Let us assume P and P’ are original and transformed coordinates of the object respectively.
 1/ 2 – 1/ 2   8 
 P = M  P =  . 
 1/ 2 1/ 2   4 

 2 2 
= 
 6 2

Q5) Differentiate between Orthographic Projection and Isometric Projection.

Sr. Orthographic Projection Isometric Projection

1. Provides a 2D view of the object Provides a 3D view of the object
2. Each view of orthographic projection shows only Isometric projection displays at least three sides
one side of the object of the object
3. In orthographic projection, the projection plane is In isometric projection, the projection plane is
parallel to one of the principal plane not parallel to any of the principal plane
4. Does not preserve depth Dose include depth
5. True shape and size of an object is preserved The projected object is foreshortened equally in
all three directions.
6. Example : Example :

Q6) What is transformation and write transformation matrix for :

(i) 3D translation using homogenous coordinate system
(ii) 3-D rotation about X-axis

0 
1 0 0 0

(i) X’Y’Z’1]=
 1 0 0
 [X Y Z 1]
0 0 1 0

 tx ty tz 1 

(ii) 3-D rotation about X-axis..

 
1 0 0 0

Rx () =
 0 cos  – sin  0 
 0 sin  cos  0 
 0 0 0 1 

 2 4 4
Q7) A triangle is defined by  . Find transformed coordinates after the
 2 2 4
following transformation
(i) 90 rotation about the origin.
(ii) Reflection about line X = Y

i)90 rotation about origin

Here, = 90
Let us assume P and P’ are original and transformed coordinates of the object respectively.
 P = M.P
 cos 90 – sin 90
 2 4 4 
=  
 sin 90 cos 90   2 2 4 

 0 – 1   2 4 4  =  –2 –2 –4 
 1 0  2 2 4   2 4 4 
Original Coordinate Transformed Coordinate
A(2, 2) A’(– 2, 2)
B(4, 2) B’(– 2, 4)
C(4, 4) C’(– 4, 4)

ii)Reflection about line X = Y

P = M.P
 0 1   – 2 – 2
= 
–4 
 1 0  2 4 4 
 2 4 4 
= 
 –2 –2 –4 
Original Coordinate Transformed Coordinate
A(2, 2) A’(2, – 2)
B(4, 2) B’(4, – 2)
C(4, 4) C’(4, – 4)
Q8) Consider the square A(1,0), B(0,0), C(0,1), D(1,1). Rotate the square ABCD
by 45 anticlockwise about point A(1,0).


 1 0 1   cos (45) – sin (45) 0  1 0 –1  1 0 0 1 

P’ =
 0 1 0   sin (45) cos (45) 0  0 1 0  0 0 1 1 
    
 0 0 1  0 0 1  0 0 1  1 1 1 1 
 1 0 1   0.709 –0.709 0   1 0 – 1   1 0 0 1 
 0 1 0   0.709 0.709 0   0 1 0  0 0 1 1 
    
 0 0 1  0 0 1  0 0 1  1 1 1 1 
Multiply first two and last two matrices,
 0.709 –0.709 1   0 –1 –1 0 
 0.709 0.709 0  0 0 1 1 
  
 0 0 1  1 1 1 1 
 1 0.291 –0.418 0.291 
P’ =
 0 – 0.709 0 0.709 
 
 1 1 1 1 

Original Coordinates Transformed Coordinates

A (1, 0) A’ (1, 0)
B (0, 0) B’ (0.291, – 0.709)
C (0, 1) C’ (– 0.418, 0)
D (1, 1) D’ (0.291, 0.709)

Q9) What are the types of projection and write in brief about each type of
Solution: types of projections

Describe each type of projection

Q10) Derive 3D transformation matrix for rotation about a principal axis

transformation matrix for rotation about z axis in anticlockwise direction

Rotation about X-axis (For Anticlockwise direction)

Rotation about Y-axis For Anticlockwise direction)

Q11) Explain how to perform rotation about an arbitrary axis in 3D with suitable

Step 1 : Translate the rotation axis such that it passes through the origin (Refer Fig. (b)).
Step 2 : Rotate the translation axis such that it coincides one of the principal axes (Refer
Fig. (c)).
Step 3 : Perform the actual rotation operation (Refer Fig. (d)).
Step 4 : Perform inverse rotation to bring rotation axis to the original orientation (Refer Fig. (e)).
Step 5 : Perform inverse translation to move back the rotation axis to its original location (Refer
Fig. (f)).

Q12) Perform 90 degree rotation of triangle with vertices A(2,2), B(4,2) and C(3,3)
i). About origin ii). About reference point (– 2,2)

Rotation about origin :

Here, rotation direction is counter-clockwise . So θ is positive.
 = 90
Let us assume P and P’ are original and transformed coordinates of the object respectively.
 P = M  P
 cos 90 – sin 90   2 4 3 
=   
 sin 90 cos 90   2 2 3 
 0 –1  2 4 3 
=   
 1 0  2 2 3 
 –2 –2 –3 
=  
 2 4 3 

Original Coordinate Transformed Coordinate

A(2, 2) A’(– 2, 2)
B(4, 2) B’(– 2, 4)
C(3, 3) C’(– 3, 3)

2. About reference point (– 2, 2) :

The composite transformation matrix for rotation about some reference point is given as,
M = T– 1  R  T
Let us assume P and P’ are original and transformed coordinates of the object respectively.
 P = M  P
 1 0 –2  0 –1 0   1 0 2  2 4 3 
 0 1 2  1 0 0   0 1 –2  2 2 3 
    
 0 0 1  0 0 1  0 0 1  1 1 1 
Multiply first two and last two matrices
 0 –1 –2  4 6 5 
 1 0 2  0 0 1 
  
 0 0 1  1 1 1 
 –2 –2 –3 
 6 8 7 
 
 1 1 1 

Original Coordinates Transformed Coordinates

A(2, 2) A (– 2, 6)
B(4, 2) B (– 2, 8)
C(3, 3) C (– 3, 7)

Q13) Perform 45 rotation of a triangle A(0, 0), B(1, 1) and C(5, 2). Find
transformed coordinates after rotation, (i) About origin, (ii) About P(– 1, 1).

i) Rotation with respect to the origin.
 cos  – sin  0   0 1 5 
P = M·P = sin  cos  0  .  0 1 2 
   
 0 0 1   1 1 1 
  
2 2 0 1 5 
 1 1
0  .  0 1 2 

  1 
2 2 1 1
0 0 1

 
0 0
 
 
0 2

 
1 1 1

Original coordinates Transformed coordinates

A (0, 0) A (0, 0)
B (1, 1) B (0, 2)
C (5, 2) 3 7
C ( , )
2 2
ii) Rotation with respect to P (– 1, – 1)
Rotated coordinates with respect to some reference point (xr, yr) is given by,
x = xr + (x – xr) cos  – (y – yr)  sin 
y = yr + (x – xr)  sin  + (y – yr) cos 

( ) ( ) and C(x  y )
Let’s consider A x1  y1 , B x2  y2 3 3

1 1
x1 = – 1 + (0 + 1)  – (0 + 1) 
2 2
1 1
= –1+ – =–1
2 2
1 1
y1 = – 1 + (0 + 1)  + (0 + 1)
2 2
1 1
= –1+ + =–1+ 2
2 2
1 1
x2 = – 1 + (1 + 1)  – (1 + 1)
2 2

2 2
= –1+ – =–1
2 2
1 1
y2 = – 1 + (1 + 1)  + (1 + 1)
2 2
2 2
= –1+ + =–1+2 2
2 2
1 1
x3 = – 1 + (5 + 1)  – (2 + 1) 
2 2
6 3 3
= –1+ – =–1+
2 2 2
1 1
y3 = – 1 + (5 + 1) + (2 + 1) 
2 2
6 3 9
= –1+ + =–1+
2 2 2

 A = (– 1 – 1 + 2),
B = (– 1 – 1 + 2 2),
3 9
C = – 1 + – 1 +
 2 2
Original Coordinates Transformed Coordinates
A (0, 0) A(– 1 – 1 + 2)
B (1, 1) B(– 1 – 1 + 2 2)
C (5, 2) 3 9
C– 1 + – 1 + 
 2 2
Unit 4
Q1) Compare RGB and HSV color model

Q2) Explain the following terms with examples:

i)Color gamut
ii)Specular Reflection
iii)Diffuse reflection

Q3) Distinguish between Gauraud shading and Phong Shading

Q4) Explain and compare point source and diffuse illumination

Q5) Explain Halftone shading

Q6) Compare RGB and CMYcolor Models

Q7) Write short note on Warnock’s Algorithm

Q8) What is Backface ? Explain Backface Detection and removal.

Q9) How Painter’s algorithm is useful in hidden surface removal? Explain with
their advantages.

Q10) Write short note on HSV color model

Q11) Explain how Warnock’s algorithm is useful in hidden surface removal?

Explain with their advantages.

Q12) Write short note on Painters Algorithm

Unit 5
Q1) What are fractals? Explain Triadic Koch in detail

Q2) Write a short note on interpolation and approximation

Q3) Explain Hilbert's curve with an example

Q4) Explain Blending function for B-spline curve

Q5) With suitable example write short note on the fractal surfaces

Q6) With suitable example write short note on the fractal lines

Q7) Explain the Bezier curve. List its properties.

Q8) Explain Triadic Koch curve with an example.

Q9) What do you mean by topological and fractal dimension? Define fractals
and give any two examples of fractals
Unit 6
Q1) Explain renaming of a segment with suitable example

Q2) What is Morphing and write the applications of Morphing

Q3) What is a segment? Explain the Segment Table with suitable example

Q4) Write any three important features of NVIDIA gaming platform

Q5) Explain architecture of i860

Q6) Write a short note on motion specification methods based on:

(i) Geometric and kinematics information.
(ii) Animation languages
(iii) physical information.
(iv) behavioral information.
Q7) Explain deletion of segment with suitable example

Q8) Draw block diagram of NVIDIA workstation and explain it in brief

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