Learning Anatomy Using Ultrasound
Learning Anatomy Using Ultrasound
Learning Anatomy Using Ultrasound
Ultrasound (US) is increasingly used across medical specialities as a diagnostic tool and medical faculties are therefore further
incorporating imaging into their programmes. Using US within undergraduate instruction has several benefits. US, as a learning
instrument, may strengthen existing anatomical knowledge and improve visual understanding of anatomy. The cost-effectiveness,
as well as portability of the US, makes it a valuable means to add to traditional anatomy teaching modalities. Furthermore, students
have an opportunity to develop skills in interpreting US images and this may add a different element to the learning of anatomy.
This study aimed to explore undergraduate clinical anatomy students’ perceptions of the use of US as an add-on to cadaveric
dissection. Students were invited to participate in virtual focus group discussions. Three virtual focus group discussions were
conducted, and 11 participants volunteered to take part. Thematic analysis of the data generated six themes. These are described
as the study of living anatomy, learning cross-sectional anatomy, enhanced relevance of anatomy learning, increased interest in
anatomy, instructional design, and the affective and technical experience of using US. The results suggest that it is feasible and
advantageous to implement US sessions as an add-on to the teaching of anatomy during practical dissection sessions of clinical
anatomy students. The use of innovative technologies such as US enhances the interest of students and allows them to develop
dexterity and competencies in their learning process.
Keywords Ultrasound · Anatomy education · Instructional design, clinical relevance · Integration · Spatial learning
862 Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871
enhancing clinical relevance, body painting, and advanced anatomy learning. The anatomy of the neck and thyroid was
imaging technologies have been described [1]. Strategies used as most anatomical structures can be visualized easily
that encourage interest in anatomy should be advocated and and students can perform the ultrasound on themselves [3].
interventions that assist students to develop a better under- The hands-on session objectives (Fig. 1) were developed in
standing of living and clinical anatomy should be pursued. advance and aligned with the outcomes of the anatomy dis-
Imaging technologies can be used to observe normal and section sessions. The learner-centred, instructional design
anatomical pathologies and variations [4]. Radiographs model for the US session followed the PLHET model
allow students to observe skeletal anatomy, while US images (Table 1) of preparation, linking, hooking, engagement, and
permit students to visualize soft tissues and organs in real- transfer as described by Jurjus et al. [11].
time, which can be used to complement cadaveric dissection A pre-scanned colleague in the Division of Clinical Anat-
[4]. Alternatively, computerized tomography scans and mag- omy volunteered and gave consent to be scanned [12]. The
netic resonance imaging assist particularly in the study of students used the US device to scan themselves as well as the
sectional anatomy, by transforming three-dimensional (3D) pre-scanned colleague. Two labelled diagrams, a transverse,
organs and structures into a two-dimensional (2D) layout and a longitudinal/sagittal section of the neck were placed at
[4, 9]. the US station. The labelled diagrams included an illustration
It is clear from these studies that anatomy learning of the placement of the probe and the subsequently labelled
remains a substantial part of the foundational sciences that transverse and sagittal images produced by probe placement.
must be successfully mastered. US has the potential to offer
a connection between students’ comprehension of anatomy Data Collection and Analysis
and their subsequent evaluation of actual patient anatomy
in clinical practice. According to Maher and Hale [10], US Students were invited to participate in virtual focus group
of the musculoskeletal system used during the teaching and discussions on Microsoft Teams™. Each virtual focus group
learning of anatomy “brings anatomy to life” and highlights discussion lasted approximately 60 min. Three focus group ses-
the clinical significance of why it is relevant to the students. sions were conducted and consisted of 3–5 students. Ten ques-
This study reported on the explored undergraduate clini- tions were posed to each group, which guided the interviews (SI
cal anatomy students’ perceptions of using US as an instruc- 1). Data recording of the focus groups was done through voice
tional strategy. Thematic analysis and interpretive findings recording on Microsoft Teams. Notes were made immediately
contributed to a better understanding of how undergraduate after the virtual focus group sessions by the researcher. The the-
students experience US for the learning of anatomy. matic analysis of the data obtained from the focus groups was
conducted by using the six steps of Creswell: (1) organizing and
preparing the data, (2) reading through all the data, (3) coding
Materials and Methods the data, (4) describing and identifying themes, (5) presenting
the findings, and (6) interpreting the data [13].
dissections and the use of prosections to aid them in their Fig. 1 Learning objectives of the US session
Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871 863
Preparation Provide learners with background information and set Virtual lectures, videos, and outcomes were posted on
expectations SUNLearn before the session
Linkage Stimulate students’ learning: link what is to be learned to Reference to the information from the anatomy lecture
what learners already know and/or have experienced session
Hook Stimulate students by showing the significance of the mate- Clinical scenarios (thyroid biopsy and pathologies) were
rial to their work discussed during the session
Engagement Have students apply the material, integrate it with their prior The demonstration was done by the instructor using the
knowledge/skills, and generate new knowledge/skills ultrasound device (Versana Active)
Transfer Strengthen retaining of recent learning by way of having Students used the ultrasound device themselves and identi-
students apply it to a new situation fied the thyroid gland, common carotid artery, and the
external jugular vein
would be participant 1, male, focus group 1). Table 2 shows Comparison Between US and Cadaveric Dissection
the six main themes and sub-themes generated from the par-
ticipants’ responses. Responses are included in italics in text Participants compared using US to the dissection of a
boxes as direct quotations to reflect participants’ answers. cadaver. Students felt that US was less laborious and
less tedious. They described how the structures could be
observed in real-time, in a non-invasive manner, and with-
The Study of Living Anatomy Using US out dissecting anything. However, participants felt that they
would prefer a combination of US and cadaveric dissection,
US enabled visualisation of the action of anatomical struc-
rather than using a single modality. The cadaveric dissec-
tures and the dynamic state of human anatomy in relation
tions added meaning to and enhanced their understanding
to surface landmarks; elements that might be difficult to
of the images seen in the US.
grasp in the traditional setting of the dissection hall with
cadaveric specimens. This theme describes students’ per- Especially, it was very interesting to know that although
ceptions of how US as an imaging instrument had ena- you're not actually cutting the body, you can still like get
bled them to experience living anatomy. The sub-themes a transverse section and a longitudinal section. P4FG1M
that were relevant compared US to cadaveric dissection, Or you always think you must cut a specimen, so you'll
described functional/moving anatomy, and learning of need a donor body to do it. But now with an ultrasound
surface anatomy. you can view it in real-time. P4FG1M
Themes Subthemes
1. The study of living anatomy using the US • Comparison between US and cadaveric dissection
• Functional/moving anatomy
• Surface anatomy
2. US and learning cross-sectional anatomy • Dimensional learning
• Textbook comparison
3. Enhanced relevance of anatomy learning • Applied anatomy
• Clinical relevance
4. Increased interest in anatomy after the US sessions • Motivation to learn
• Memory/retention
5. Instructional design of the US session • Labelled US diagrams
• Pre-ultrasound material
• Instructional format and group size
6. The technical and affective experience of using the US device • Introduction to the US equipment and sonogram
• Excitement to use the US device
• Hands-on experience using a US device
864 Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871
I think if you have a dissection before the ultrasound cross-section in isolation. We never look at the layers.
and then look at the ultrasound structures ... P7FG2F P8FG2F
I think that the cross-sectional view helps a lot with
Functional/Moving Anatomy getting the relations between the midline and what lies
laterally. P3FG1M
Functional anatomy refers to the study of anatomy concern-
ing function, and several participants reported that it was Textbook Comparison
beneficial to view this in a living person. The dynamic ele-
ment that US added to their learning experience, that cadav- Textbook diagrams were viewed as difficult to interpret as
eric dissection cannot achieve, motivated learning by bring- pictures represent a single and static view of complex ana-
ing anatomy to life. tomical structures; consequently, how the structures posi-
tionally relate to each other can be difficult to visualize from
Living anatomy is so interesting because it's dynamic
these diagrams. The participants perceived the US image to
and you can see exactly what's going on [using the US]
be more realistic and static depictions from textbooks were
and how things are moving and working. P11FG3F
most likely to make more sense to students having viewed
the same cross-sectional image from the US. Most respond-
Surface Anatomy
ents found the US device a valuable aid in improving their
understanding of three-dimensional anatomy.
Surface anatomy is the study of the exterior features of the
body, specifically concerning its interior parts. Participants I think that it helped me visualize the structures in rela-
commented on how using US added to their understanding tion to one another, especially in the cross-section. I
of the visual surface anatomy and linked it to the deeper think it's quite difficult to see how things lie in relation
anatomy. when you're just looking at a picture. P10FG3F
Think a lot of textbooks tend to make structures look
You learn to look for landmarks and you can link the
similar when they illustrate how things look. Whereas
surface anatomy of the neck to the internal structures
in the ultrasound, I was surprised to see that they do
as well. P7FG2F
look very different. P5FG1M
Cross-sections are two-dimensional views of gross anatomi- The US session connected the importance of anatomy to
cal structures in the transverse planes. Thus, a solid under- the clinical field. Furthermore, the participants also applied
standing of the spatial relationship of anatomical structures the new knowledge to different modules, research projects,
is essential in anatomy learning. Two sub-themes were and postgraduate studies. This theme includes all the
identified in this theme namely, dimensional learning and responses relating to ultrasound being potentially helpful
textbook comparison. for integrating anatomy with clinical practice or postgradu-
ate studies, or applied to other aspects of anatomy. The
Dimensional Learning two subthemes in this theme were applied anatomy and
clinical relevance.
Undergraduates frequently experience difficulties in their
spatial understanding of 3D anatomy from 2D images, for Applied Anatomy
example, images found in anatomy textbooks and on the
internet. Participants felt that the US helped them see the Participants had considered introducing US in their research
various layers of skin, tissue, and muscle, which helped them projects or had reflected on how the enhanced clinical rel-
visualize a different dimension compared to cadaveric speci- evance they experienced with the use of US may also be
mens where the layers were already removed. US presented applied in their postgraduate studies.
a reliable approach to understanding the spatial relations I was also thinking about my anatomy [research] pro-
between anatomical structures. posal and trying to find things [applications]… using
Improving our understanding of it [cross-sections] and the ultrasound…P8FG2F
seeing it from a different perspective. P6FG2F Also, to connect your undergraduate [anatomy] to
I think when we do cross-sectional anatomy with your postgraduate [anatomy] to see it clinically and
the cadaveric specimens; we often only look at one to apply your knowledge in a sense. P6FG2F
Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871 865
Clinical Relevance It was easier to study afterwards now that I had seen it
and it was easier to go back to the textbook and study
During the US session, a clinical scenario, thyroid biopsy, it. Then I found that my memory retention was greater
was discussed by the facilitator to stimulate learning by because I saw it like that. P6FG2F
showing the relevance of the US anatomy to the clinical So, adding different things to your study methods, so
setting. Although the participants are non-medical students, the cadaver with images with ultrasound, gives you all
they perceived the value of the US session in bridging the the different views of something and for me, it will help
gap between the basic sciences and the clinical significance me remember things in the long run. P10FG3F
of learning anatomy. A participant also suggested that a
clinician might be brought in to make the session more Instructional Design of the US Session
Ultrasound is that perfect link between the two; con- Before the US session, the introduction to basic ultrasound
necting the textbook notes to what you actually see in physics and knobology was shared with the students. In
the clinical field. And I think definitely this is some- addition, at the US station, labelled sonograms of the neck
thing that all medical professionals (whether you study region were placed to help the students with the identifica-
Anatomy or medicine or anything like that) will benefit tion of the anatomical structures. A demonstration was given
from using to connect the textbook to the actual clini- in small groups and later students were encouraged to use
cal practice. P7FG2F the US device or technology themselves. Connecting the US
I think bringing in a clinician would increase the inter- session to the relevant lecture material and motivating stu-
est that students feel… P3FG1M dents to be active participants in their learning made the ses-
sion more purposeful for them. The categories in this theme
include pre-ultrasound material, labelled US diagrams, and
Increased Interest in Anatomy After the US Sessions instructional format.
Students found the US session influenced their affect even if Pre‑Ultrasound Material
their test scores might not be increased; they were more inter-
ested and motivated to learn anatomy. Two sub-themes were Pre-ultrasound material was made available before the ses-
found in the theme of increased interest in anatomy; motivation sion. The participants had mixed opinions of the material.
to learn and memory retention. Some participants felt that the videos were informative and
other participants felt that the explanation the researcher
Motivation to Learn gave before commencing the US session was more helpful
than the online videos.
US activities promoted students’ motivation to learn anat-
omy; the novelty of the teaching strategy promoted their It was very useful. The video that was actually speak-
interest to engage with resources and they felt that they ing about how to do the ultrasound was very useful and
would remember the content better. very informative. And the other video where it imple-
mented the physics side of things; was nice to have that
It was very new but with that excitement and like that kind of background. P11FG3F
newness also comes a very large interest aspect. So, I The explanation we got at the actual ultrasound ses-
feel like I was more interested in learning about that sion was very helpful in understanding the actual pro-
area and going back to my textbook. P4FG1M tocol behind performing the ultrasound. P8FG2F
One of the challenges encountered by many anatomy lec- Two labelled diagrams were placed at the US station depict-
turers is how to assist students to learn and then recall a ing a longitudinal and transverse image of the neck as well as
large volume of facts. Consequently, some participants com- probe placement to obtain specific US images. Participants
mented that it was easier to learn anatomy following the US viewed the labelled US diagrams as effective in aiding them
session and they felt that they remembered the anatomical to identify the anatomical structures. Thus, the use of cross-
structures better. The US sessions assisted with spatial cog- sectional images, together with line drawings, could support
nizance, leading to improved student engagement, under- the sonogram orientation of anatomical structures during
standing, and retention of anatomical concepts. US sessions.
866 Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871
I think that because there were reference pictures on images are being made, then it became a lot easier to
the wall, it made it a lot easier because it was labelled see what is going on. P5FG1M
on the picture, and we were seeing the image in front It was very difficult in the beginning to orientate your-
of us while we were doing the ultrasound. P10FG3F self because it is in black and white [grey scale] and
it looks very different from what we used to [in the
Instructional Format and Group Size cadaver], but once we could find the landmark and ori-
entate ourselves, I found it was a lot easier. P6FG2F
The class consisted of 25 students, and students were
encouraged to form groups of six to observe the demonstra- Excitement to Use the US Device
tion of the device, as well as use it themselves. Participants
commented negatively regarding the group size at the US The participants were enthusiastic to use the US and there
station; they suggested overcoming this by projecting US was excited anticipation in the classroom before using it.
images onto a large screen. Participants, however, valued The use of US was perceived as an innovative, stimulating,
the opportunity to experience using the novel technique to and engaging manner to stimulate learning of living and
study anatomy and appealed for more practical sessions with clinical anatomy.
the US.
It was also quite exciting to use ultrasound. You know
When everyone was looking at the ultrasound and days before, we were excited. P6FG2F
standing around the table, then it's difficult to see the
pictures [US image] sometimes, so just smaller groups. Hands‑on Experience Using the US
I think it would be nice to see things [anatomy systems] The students were encouraged to use the device to scan
through ultrasound like when we are doing musculo- themselves and each other. A few participants also com-
skeletal as well, just to see where the muscles lie in mented on the hand–eye coordination of using the US and
relation to one another. P11FG3F how the hands-on experience of matching their hands with
the screen and incorporating that knowledge into learning
The Technical and Affective Experience of Using anatomy.
the US
And we could do it ourselves, hands-on and look at
different students’ neck regions and see maybe if there
The participants were introduced to the US equipment for
was variation. P10FG3F
the first time during the practical session and were excited
On the one hand, you used your hand-eye coordination
to use the US device to learn anatomy and to use the equip-
to try and orientate where you were on the neck, but
ment themselves, even though they were uncertain in the
while looking at the screen, it incorporates a lot more
beginning. The subthemes include the introduction to US
senses... P7FG2F
equipment, sonogram interpretation, the excitement of using
the device, and their hands-on experiences of using it.
Introduction to the US Equipment and Sonogram
The Study of Living Anatomy Using the US
Participants often describe difficulty in interpreting US
Living anatomy, defined as the anatomy of living
images; they found it difficult to identify familiar anatomy
humans, is gathering importance in contemporary ana-
structures when illustrated in grayscale, particularly when
tomical science education [6]. Cadaveric dissection
changing the orientation of the probes. Thus, participants
teaches the hand and eye, but then again, it does not
mentioned that it took them a while to get used to interpret-
show in what way human anatomy functions. To think
ing the US image on the screen. Most participants struggled
of anatomical structures in terms of function, students
to identify the structures because of the grayscale of the
must relate the cadaveric structures with the information
sonogram but commented on the value of turning on the
they might find from the system and the function of these
color mode on the device to assist them with identifying
structures in the living body. Therefore, the dynamic
the structures.
nature of US allows the demonstration of movement and
So initially, it was a bit confusing, but once I got the integration of structures within a living body, with visu-
hang of exactly how we are looking at it and how the alization of the functional.
Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871 867
Traditionally, cadaveric dissection is the preferred peda- anatomical structures is an essential skill in anatomy learn-
gogical approach for teaching and learning anatomy [1, 6, ing [25]. According to Vorstenbosch et al., a good spatial
16]. Although dissection is perceived as the gold standard ability is advantageous for learning anatomy and may be
to teach and learn anatomy, research has also suggested useful for students’ spatial comprehension [25].
that cadaveric dissection is not a standardized learning Including innovative technologies as add-ons to dis-
event [15, 16]. Dissection can be perceived by a small section enables the observation of the system in vivo and
group of students as a poor learning strategy since stu- advances students’ awareness of spatial relationships and the
dents become emotionally afflicted and cannot engage in relationship between anatomical structures [26, 27]. Compa-
the activity [17]. rable with the literature, participants found that using the US
Similarly, in this study, students appreciated the mul- had improved their understanding of spatial relationships of
timodal teaching approach by incorporating different ele- key anatomical structures [26, 28]. Furthermore, participants
ments in their learning, such as complementing the dissec- compared the cross-sectional US images with anatomical
tion session, traditional atlas, and didactic lectures with cadaver cross-sections and textbook depictions and found
the use of US. Bullen et al. found that the multimodal these had been valuable in adding to their comprehension.
learning approach, the add-on of the US sessions to the Participants also perceived the cross-sectional view of the
anatomy module, which included didactic lecture and US to be more realistic than just looking at a static image. In
practical sessions, supports groups of students with differ- the clinical setting, the goal is to generate an image that is as
ent preferences [18]. Moxham and Moxham described that realistic as possible. Anatomy textbooks and atlases show a
using cadaveric dissection and medical imaging together different reality compared with viewing anatomy structures
advances students’ capability to recognize anatomical in real-time in US [29]. Furthermore, US permits the visu-
structures and offers long-term memory retention [19]. alization of anatomical structures and relationships—anatomical
This study further confirms that studying living anat- structures which are otherwise difficult to observe using
omy using US enhances understanding of how anatomical static models or images [22].
structures in living humans’ function and move in relation
to one another in a way that cadaveric dissection lacks. Enhanced Relevance of Anatomy Learning
The participants’ feedback that the US added value to bet-
ter learning of living anatomy is supported by evidence in One of the great concerns for medical and other health sci-
the literature [8, 12, 20, 21]. As a non-invasive and non- ences students is connecting theoretical subjects with prac-
destructive way to see inside the living body, US is a per- tical ones and their utilization in clinical practice. Many
fect add-on to teach living anatomy [22]. However, many medical schools have experienced a need for transforma-
anatomical structures with intricate courses and relations tion in instructional methods because of the high content
are challenging to observe with US; dissection, although volume, and because the basic sciences often seem discon-
perceived as time-consuming, provides a haptic approach nected from clinical practice [30]. However, from the feed-
that cannot be achieved by ultrasound. back received, the US session connected the importance of
Surface anatomy and living anatomy are vital for anatomy to the clinical field [31, 32]. Stringer et al. found
“understanding the foundation of physical examination, that using US as a method of teaching anatomy provides
and the interpretation of clinical findings” according to learners with an overview of the clinical value of US, and,
Azer [23]. Students found the US session helped their by concentrating on anatomical outcomes rather than the
understanding of surface anatomy and this is echoed in acquisition of practical imaging skills, strengthens the learn-
similar studies in the literature [18, 24] and it provided ing of clinical anatomy [20].
a clearer view connecting surface anatomy with internal The integration of clinical anatomy into traditional
anatomy [11]. Although not much emphasis is placed on anatomy courses aids the understanding of anatomy and
teaching surface living anatomy in textbooks according improves clinical thinking [33]. Additionally, the partici-
to Azer [23], US being included in anatomy practical ses- pants also applied their newly acquired knowledge of clinical
sions might change this in the future. anatomy and US training to several aspects of other modules
and postgraduate studies. Thus, these interactive sessions
US and Learning Cross‑Sectional Anatomy could stimulate critical thinking skills in undergraduates
[18] and play a valuable role in the integration of founda-
Gross anatomy serves to orientate students to the com- tional sciences.
plex 3D nature and relationship of the structures within The current study focused on undergraduate clinical
the human body. In this study, the participants perceived anatomy students’ perceptions. Many studies found in the
an improvement in 3D anatomical imagination. The ability literature focus on implementing US in the curriculum of
to have a clear understanding of the spatial relationship of UG medical students [12, 21, 30, 34, 35]. However, there is
868 Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871
limited literature to support including US for basic science to include US to complement anatomy instruction in a non-
education students in non-medical degrees [18, 27, 36, 37]. medical course and participants found the sessions to be
Yet, two recent studies investigated the utility of US as an arranged efficiently, in a way that strengthened the course
anatomical learning tool for Bachelor of Science students material [18].
or non-medical graduate students [18, 27]. Encouraging The placement of supplemental online learning materials
non-medical students to become skilled in the pedagogical about the US before the session was aimed at improving the
use of US technology will produce an innovative group of students’ preparation for the sessions [12]. However, some
anatomy educators eager to implement US sessions to com- students noted that they did not study the online material
plement anatomy modules at universities [18]. Furthermore, and would have preferred the videos to have been played
US experience will make clinical anatomy graduates more in the practical session immediately before the US session.
competitive in the employment market and will be a valu- To maximize the learning potential of the US session, the
able skill for individuals who intend to teach in a medical students needed to be prepared with the relevant informa-
school [37]. tion and a basic understanding of knobology relating to US.
Furthermore, participants viewed the labelled US dia-
Increased Interest in Anatomy After the US Sessions grams at the US as effective in aiding them in identifying
the anatomical structures. Similarly, in findings by Moscova
The results of this study gave insight into the question of et al., participants indicated more assistance was required in
whether teaching with innovative modalities, such as US, interpreting US images and participants suggested additional
promotes and enhances interest in anatomy as a subject. The notes with labelled structures [28]. Participants initially
evidence from the present study, as in other studies [29, 31, found the sonograms difficult to interpret, as seen in theme
36], suggests that the participants had an increased interest 6, but found the labelled diagrams assisted them. Thus, the
and motivation to learn anatomy. According to Rodríguez- use of cross-sectional anatomy images and line diagrams
López et al., students who used imaging techniques to learn together could aid in identifying structures during US ses-
anatomy, developed a long-term positive perception of the sions, similar to findings by Swamy and Searle [3]. Also, the
subject [29]. Another study by Moscova et al. found that by use of artificial intelligence technology used alongside US
incorporating imaging in practical sessions, student attend- may potentially assist with identifying anatomical structures
ance increased for practical sessions; many students dis- and medical image interpretation [39].
played interest in imaging technologies and were motivated Feedback revealed that the participants would like more
to learn more [28]. sessions and more time per session which is mirrored in the
This study suggests that hands-on teaching in US pro- literature [12, 18, 40]. Likewise, a study by Bullen et al.
moted meaningful learning and that students perceived that found that students sought additional and longer sessions
it had a positive impact on their memory retention of ana- with the US with smaller group sizes [18]. The student-to-
tomical information; like a study conducted by Dreher et al. demonstrator ratio should be kept small to motivate active
[31]. The real-world, hands-on nature of US assists students participation and learning for all students. Learning in a
to acquire factual learning uniquely and this can motivate small group setting enriches the learning and understand-
the development of episodic memory. Episodic memory, a ing of the subject [9]. Literature recommended that groups
category of long-term memory, is linked more closely to should consist of five (or fewer) students per US device, to
experiences and specific events, than to factual learning allow all participants to observe the probe placement and on-
[38]. Learning strategies are vital to learning acquisition screen images simultaneously [22]. Furthermore, for future
and memory retention, for example increasing time spent on sessions, careful thought should be provided to the sched-
activities and creating opportunities for constructive learn- uling and frequency of US sessions, to make sure that it
ing, including chances for collaborative learning [14]. strengthens the overall educational objective of the module.
Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871 869
[12]. However, the process of learning to understand the US can act as a bridge, integrating anatomy learning and
orientation of the scan and the probe is significant as it will clinical practice by assisting students to apply anatomical
train students to comprehend complex 3D relations and spa- knowledge. Nonetheless, these techniques have not routinely
tial understanding between anatomical structures [8]. been transferred to anatomy modules for non-medical graduate-
Motivating students to be active participants in their level courses. This study showed that clinical anatomy
learning by using the US themselves made the session more (non-medical) students connected the US sessions’ learning
relevant to the students. This form of contextualized learning objective to their postgraduate interests and future careers.
is effective for adult learners to encourage a deeper under-
standing and promote the retention of facts [36]. The hands-
on experience of teaching was perceived as enjoyable and Limitations
educational as learning by doing is mostly regarded as an
effective approach to learning [41]. By actively using the The limitations of this study relate to the small sample size
US, students are linking their textbook knowledge to the in one setting being used. The study was also restricted to
study of living anatomy to obtain views of dynamic regions, teaching neck and thyroid anatomy in US, and it would be
identify anatomical structures, and link deeper structures valuable to investigate if student perceptions of the use
with surface anatomy [22]. Furthermore, converting a 2D of US technology to learn the anatomy of different body
view into a 3D spatial orientation (theme 2) involves the regions would be just as positive. Another limitation was the
coordination of the visual and tactile senses [42]. These amount of time available for the US session as the students
intricate coordinating skills may support memory retention spent only a short amount of time using the US. The study
(theme 4). These results resembled preceding studies where was also limited to students’ perceptions and did not meas-
students found US to be an innovative approach and a suc- ure if the students performed better academically after US
cessful way to teach anatomy [8, 18, 28]. sessions; this makes it difficult to deduce its value in terms
of grades or assessment marks.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
Conclusion tary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-023-01806-y.
870 Medical Science Educator (2023) 33:861–871
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2019 May 27];33;89–95. Available from:
copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275102631.
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the use of ultrasound as an educational tool: a focus on ultrasound