Christopher Briggs, Norman Eizenberg, Priscilla Barker & Ivica Grkovic
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
The University of Melbourne, Australia
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
is an intuitive, interactive, self-paced learning program of
anatomy on CD-ROM. It provides multiple perspectives for the nine modules of
the human body (back, abdomen, thorax, general anatomy, upper limb, lower
limb, pelvis, neck, head) each of which is independent and of equal importance.
Dissection incorporates practical (including emergency) procedures and
postmortem images, Imaging incorporates sectional and endoscopic
anatomy, Regions incorporates surface and functional anatomy, Systems
incorporates conceptual and clinical anatomy. The program features creative
visuals with graphic overlays, diagrams and explanations which provide a
simpler conceptualisation of the complex reality. The user can choose the order
and rate in which they study the body, their direction of learning about it (by
construction or by deconstruction) and the degree of detail (with optional
text, overlays and rollover identifications at every screen). An@tomedia
a valuable resource for all medical and allied health professionals, allowing
anatomy revision with a clinical and applied emphasis. Alternatively, users
may simultaneously upgrade their own understanding while engaging in
patient education. An@tomedia
may also be utilised to help patients learn
about the anatomical basis of a relevant clinical procedure (eg. arthroscopy)
or surgery (eg. laminectomy) that may be required or have occurred.
anatomy, imaging, dissection, regions, systems
Anatomy is the core subject underpinning medicine and health related sciences. It describes the
normal structure of the human body and forms a springboard for the later study of abnormality.
Dissection is ideally the most valuable means of gaining an understanding of anatomy. However, it
is difficult technically, logistically complex, time consuming and expensive. In currently crowded
health sciences curricula (and with the increasing development of new subjects and integrated
systems/problem-based curricula) these issues are coupled with less time to make sense of
anatomical knowledge or (more importantly) integrate such knowledge in a clinical context.
Practitioners are faced with different learning challenges. They frequently need to brush up on
their anatomical knowledge within a clinical or applied context, where time constraints require fast
and easy access to information. Both features are rarely found in current textbooks of anatomy.
is an attempt to redress some of the above problems. It is being completed in the
context of a new practical anatomy teaching program developed at the University of Melbourne in
response to feedback from students urging the construction of a guided dissection, on computer, that
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can be used interactively. A text, compatible with this program, has already been designed and piloted.
There are already many types of learning materials in anatomy. Computer tutorials (eg. Anatomy
Project, Slice of Life), point and click browsing systems (eg. ADAM, Integrated Medical
Curriculum, Bodyworks), electronic reference atlases (eg. Elseviers, Netter and McMinn),
data bases (eg. Glaxo Virtual Anatomy) and videos of dissection (eg. Clemente, Ackland) are all
of use, but have the limitation of not being interactive in all aspects of learning. This interactive
multimedia CD-ROM contains dissections of the entire body (including over 2000 individual
anatomical images), together with full interactive text and graphics.
encompasses nine modules, each of which is independent and of equal
importance. The modules are (1) Back, (2) Abdomen, (3) Thorax, (4) General Anatomy, (5) Upper
Limb, (6) Lower Limb, (7) Pelvis (8) Neck, (9) Head. Multiple perspectives are provided for each
of the nine modules: Dissection includes practical (including emergency) procedures and
postmortem images, Imaging incorporates sectional and endoscopic anatomy, Regions
incorporates surface and functional anatomy, Systems incorporates conceptual and clinical
is unique in that it uses real human bodies (prepared and photographed in each
stage of dissection, layer by layer from skin to bone) complimented by sections, imaging and
procedures that enable the user to both construct and deconstruct the human body interactively.
Creative visuals with graphic overlays, diagrams and explanations provide a simpler
conceptualisation of the complex reality. The program also highlights the comparative appearance
of fresh, un-embalmed dissections.
Operators can choose the order and rate in which they study the body, their direction of learning about
it (by construction, via systems and regions or by deconstruction, via dissection and imaging) and the
degree of detail (with optional text, overlays and rollover identifications at every screen). The
specially designed protocol enables them to build systems, assemble regions, trace radiological
images, map surface landmarks and discover underlying anatomical concepts, all on computer.
They can alter their approach at any time and view the same anatomical structure from a different
perspective (eg. a lumbar puncture followed by an x-ray of the spine then a dissection series).
The intended learning outcome is that by using AN@TOMEDIA
the viewer will be able to
identify and interpret the normal structure of the human body. Specifically:
the subdivision of the human body into regions and the organisation of structures which
contribute to a common function into systems (correlating structure with function)
the anatomical structures exposed by dissection and observed, palpated or pierced in practical
(including emergency) procedures
the surface markings and applications of clinically important structures
the appearance of the human body in section at important planes and of normal structures in
radiological images
the differences in appearance of post-mortem (un-embalmed) images in contrast to embalmed
Figure 1: Menu screens showing module and perspective selection for AN@TOMEDIA
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Meeting at the Crossroads
Figure 2: Sample screen from AN@TOMEDIA
is also a valuable resource for the practitioners, allowing anatomy revision with
a clinical and applied emphasis, as well as the option to explore the program choosing their own
rate, order and level of learning. Alternatively, the clinician may simultaneously upgrade their own
understanding while engaging in patient education (eg. accessing relevant information from the
CD-ROM with the patient). AN@TOMEDIA
may also be utilised to help patients learn about
the anatomical basis of a clinical procedure (eg. arthroscopy) or surgery (eg. laminectomy) that
may be required or have occurred.
Figure 3: Sample radiograph showing rollover hotspots
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Briggs, Eizenberg, Barker & Grkovic
has the capacity to profoundly affect assessment (both formative and
summative). Integrated into the design of the program are questions relating to the anatomical
basis of clinical phenomena. For example, the viewer may interpret an image of a dissection of the
back displaying the typical site where a bulging intervertebral disc may compress the roots of a
particular lumbar spinal nerve. A range of related questions could be posed to interpret the clinical
symptoms and signs and relate them to the specific lesion displayed. This is the basis of future
collateral programs interpreting the program into the clinical setting.
Two comprehensive (both quantitative and qualitative) evaluations have been completed. The first
by 132 first year medical students at the University of Melbourne and the second by eight external
evaluators (including content experts in anatomy, surgery and education from Australia and
overseas). The results of both evaluations have been overwhelming positive (Kennedy, Eizenberg &
Kennedy, 2000) and these will be discussed.
The first two modules (Back and Abdomen) are completed and are commercially available.
Eventually, the content for each module may be available for distribution on a single CD-ROM,
alternatively all nine modules may be purchased on one CD-ROM. Practitioners will also be able
to choose combinations of modules, such as The Back, Upper Limb and Lower Limb for those
primarily interested in the musculoskeletal system. The forthcoming two modules Thorax and
General Anatomy will be demonstrated.
Driver, C., & Eizenberg, N. (1995). How do textbooks influence learning? Australian and New
Zealand Society for Medical Education.
Eizenberg, N. (1988). Approaches to learning anatomy: Developing a program for pre-clinical
medical students. In P. Ramsden (Ed.). Improving learning: New perspectives. (pp. 178-198).
London: Kogan Page.
Eizenberg, N. (1991). Action research in medical education: Improving teaching via investigating
learning. In O. Zuber-Skerrit (Ed.), Action research for change and development. (pp. 179-
206). Avebury: Aldershot.
Kennedy D., Eizenberg N. & Kennedy G. (2000). An evaluation of the use of multiple perspectives
in the design of computer facilitated learning. Australian Journal of Educational Technology,
16 (1) 13-25.
Kennedy G., Kennedy D. & Eizenberg N. (2001) Integrated computer facilitated learning resources
into problem-based learning curricula. Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-
Enhanced Learning (IMEJ) 3, (1), 2001. [online]. Available: [27 September 2001].
Copyright 2001 Christopher Briggs, Norman Eizenberg, Priscilla Barker and Ivica Grkovic.
The author(s) assign ASCILITE and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this
document for personal use and in the courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this
copyright statement is reproduced. The author(s) also grant a non-exclusive licence to ASCILITE to publish this
document in full on the World Wide Web (prime sites and mirrors) and in printed form within the ASCILITE 2001
conference proceedings. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the author(s).
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Meeting at the Crossroads