Tasks WK 4

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Key terms and their definitions:

i) Non-arguments - Reports ,Unsupported Assertions, Conditional Statements,
Illustrations & Explanations
ii) Types of Arguments
The conclusion of a sound deductive argument necessarily follows from its
premises: as long as the premises are true, the conclusion is true; it cannot
be false—and there is no question about it. So even if you “don’t agree” with
the conclusion, you have to accept it.
However, in the case of an inductive argument, it’s a matter of strength
rather than logical necessity: the degree to which you accept the conclusion.


A. For the following explain why are they non-arguments.

1. “Men expect to tell women things, not to be told things by them, or even to
explore a subject together.”
(March Fasteau, The Male Machine, 1975)
2. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, thatthey are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
(Thomas Jefferson)
3. Thou shalt not kill.
4. I just know this is wrong. Can’t you feel it?
5. Some people are allergic to cats because cat saliva contains a protein that is
foreign to the human immune system; it therefore stimulates the human
immune system, which, in some people, results in sneezing, runny eyes, and
so on.
6. The Pan Borneo Highway is more than a mega project as it is a project which will bring
huge benefits for the Sarawakians.
7. No serious investors would want to invest in a country that lacks investment
8. The Information Department Director General said that certain parties with vested
interest used social media unethically to discredit people whom they dislike.
9. Free Speech is not a privilege, but a right of the people. We are progressing and
marching towards the notion that debates and forums should be part of our society.
10. The company should practice their openness – they should be more transparent.

©P.Gopala Krishnan/ CTS/ APR 2020 intake

B. For each of the following cases,
first tell whether it is or is not an argument;
second, for each argument determine whether it is deductive or inductive;
third, for each of the argument, state the conclusion.
In at least one case it may be possible to interpret an argument as either
deductive or inductive.

1. All licensed physicians in the United States are medical school graduates. Ralph is
not a medical school graduate, so Ralph is not a licensed physician in the United States.

2. If you want to live a long and healthy life, then you should eat lots of fruits and
vegetables, and stay away from junk food and fast food. Also, be sure to get some
exercise, and try to get a decent amount of sleep. And, of course, don’t smoke.

3. Susan is a licensed physician, and she is a medical school graduate. Sarah is a

licensed physician, and she is a medical school graduate. Sam is a licensed physician,
and he is a medical school graduate. Bradley is a licensed physician, and he is a
medical school graduate. And Teresa is a licensed physician, and she is a medical
school graduate. Ralph is also a licensed physician, so he is probably also a medical
school graduate.

4. We have interviewed 1,200 college students, and 900 of them favored 18 as the legal
age for the purchase of beer.

5. We have interviewed 1,200 U.S. college students, and 900 of them favored 18 as the
legal age for the purchase of beer. Therefore, a substantial majority of all U.S. college
students favor 18 as the legal age for the purchase of beer.

6. We should set 18 as the legal age for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. If people
are old enough to vote, then they are certainly old enough to drink, and 18-year-olds are
indeed old enough to vote.

7. The Yankees won the World Series when they had the best pitching staff in baseball;
the Dodgers won the World Series when they had superior pitching; and when the
Cardinals won the World Series they had the best pitching. So the team with the best
pitching staff wins the World Series.

8. The team with the best pitching always wins the World Series. The St. Louis Cardinals
must have the best pitching, because the Cardinals won the World Series.

9. I think Jones—the key witness for the prosecution—probably robbed the bank himself,
and is now trying to pin the crime on Smith. In any case, there is certainly a reasonable
doubt that Smith (the defendant) robbed the bank, so we should all vote not guilty.

10. Look, I don’t know about anything else, but I know for an absolute fact that Jones
could never have
killed anyone. So when Smith testified that Jones was the murderer, Smith must have
been lying.

©P.Gopala Krishnan/ CTS/ APR 2020 intake

Thinking critically about what you see
Determine whether or not each of the following is presenting an argument (explicitly or
implicitly). If it is, articulate the point and the reasons/evidence supporting that point. If not,
explain why not.



©P.Gopala Krishnan/ CTS/ APR 2020 intake


©P.Gopala Krishnan/ CTS/ APR 2020 intake

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