Lesson Plan Primary English

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Week/ Month Unit/ Key Suggestive activity Suggested Resources

Wk 1 /April Myself Pin Up Activity: Teacher will provide pin ups with names and
pin them up on the shirts of the students and students will
Class Readiness speak out their names and talk about themselves with teacher
and Exposure and the things in the class
to Language for Exercise : ’Circle the things in class ’ Worksheet *
Familiarity with
the Language Join the Dots The student to draw on the dots (horizontal and, vertical
lines, slant lines, zigzag lines, semi circles) Worksheet in Fun
With Writing

Poems/songs Activity : Singing Text of poems/songs*

Week Song
One, two buckle my shoe…(rhyme)
Animals(Old Mac Donald)
Alphabet Song (Identification of alphabets from
worksheet) Fun With Writing

Names of fruits and Prompting Activity (Teacher will show the flash card of some Flash card of common fruits and
Vegetables fruits and vegetables {Apple, Banana, Orange, Grapes, Mango. vegetables{Apple, Banana, Orange,
Tomato, Potato, Pumpkin, Lemon and Capsicum } and call out Grapes, Mango. Tomato, Potato,
their names and students will prompt it after her ) Pumpkin, Lemon and Capsicum } *
Exercise: Fill the colours in outline fruits (Apple, Banana, Worksheet with Outline of fruits and
Orange, Grapes, Mango) vegetables *{Apple, Banana, Orange,
Grapes, Mango. Tomato, Potato,
Worksheet of ‘Identification of Fruits’ Fun With Writing Pumpkin, Lemon and Capsicum }
Worksheet of Identification of Vegetables Fun With Writing

Activity : create a fruit shop in the class by bringing real

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fruits(students will bring one fruit each) ,Fruit Chat to be Real Fruits
prepared and tasted
Exercise: Listen and Circle
(Teacher will name the fruit and students will encircle it)
Drawing/ coloring as Drawing/ coloring
precursor to writing Identification Activity (Teacher will show Flash card of basic
colors to students and give real life examples e.g Red: colour
Flash card of Basic Colours *
Identification of Basic Colours of school Building, Green: Colour of Leave, Blue: Colour of
School Uniform,Yellow: Colour of Banana) colours (Red, Blue,
Green, Yellow)
Drawing Exercise: Fill the basic colours in blank boxes

Fill the colours in traffic lights Worksheet provided in Fun Blank boxes *
With Writing
Let’s Colour Ronnie (worksheet) Worksheet provided in Fun
With Writing
Assessment Sheet of Fruits and Vegetables Worksheet
provided in Fun With Writing
Assessment sheet of Colours (Colour Bala) Worksheet
provided in Fun With Writing
Wk 2/ April The student to draw strokes (horizontal and, vertical lines,
Class Readiness Practice the strokes slant lines, zigzag lines, Semi circles) Worksheet provided in
Introduction t o Fun With Writing
Language for
Building Animals/Birds ‘A Joyride on the Train’ (Teacher will call out the names of
Familiarity with various animals and students have to draw an arrow from its
the Language point of origin.) Worksheet provided in Fun With Writing

Identification Activity: Teacher will show the flash card* and Flash Cards of Animals and Birds*
call out the names of animals and birds the students will
repeat after her (Names of common animals e.g Tiger,

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Elephant, Dog, Cat, Cow. Birds: sparrow, Pigeon, Parrot ,hen

Exercise: Lets colour Worksheets /Outlines of Birds and

Fill the pictures of Outline animals and birds. Animals *

Shapes Shape of Square, Circle, Triangle and Rectangle

Activity: Create a clown (cut the given shapes and paste them
to create a clown) Work sheet provided in Fun with Writing
Activity: Create shapes with straws,
Activity: ‘Trace the Circles on Mini’s Frock and colour’ Work
sheet provided in Fun with Writing

Exercise: complete the picture by colouring the different

shapes as per the colour scheme
Work sheet provided in Fun with Writing

Wk3/May Unit 1 Recitation of poem with emphasis on

A Happy Clear speech
Child Correct pauses
(Building familiarity with Activity
Distribute smilies to students. Ask them to Smilies Worksheet*
language, recitation of the
Draw different kind of facial expressions showing emotions
Vocabulary Building Activity Teaching in familiar linguistic context
(Pronunciation Card)
Additional similar sounding/ rhyming words e.g (Pronunciation Card) *
see, bee, fee, cat , bat , mat Rhyming word card*

Activity for Developing psycho-motor skills

Practice Letters of Alphabets(Lower Case)
Drawing your own hand(outline)

*Resource Book Page 3 of 18


Drawing your Face

Worksheets provided in Fun with Writing

WK 4 and 5 Three Little Pigs Narrating story for better understanding by Role play Pronunciation card*
/May Activity Sight Words, Sounds Comprehension check card*
Good and bad Exercise Comprehension check Dialog card*
Dialogue slips

Talk about strength of different building materials
Houses building material Exercise
Straw Outline of different kinds of hut on which real straw, sticks, Outline of huts*
Sticks and pieces of bricks to be pasted
Teacher will read out the reading card of ‘Nonu’s Family’ and Outline Family tree *
students will answer the oral comprehension Reading card
Family provided in Fun with Writing
Drawing Activity: Teacher draws his/ her own family tree on
Exercise students paste the pictures of family members and
then talk about them with teacher

Singing Song Activity ‘Old MacDonald’ (students will recall the

names of domestic animals) Old Macdonald Song (Text*)
Animals (Domestic and Wild)
Segregation Activity: students will be divided into two groups
and they will be given two sheets of animals*. The teacher will Cut out sheets of animals*
help to cut the pictures in it and take out wild and domestic
animals separately. The team who does it quickly will win.

Developing psycho-motor skills

Making circular movements with fingers on sand

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Freehand circular drawing by the child on paper practicing ‘a’, Circular Drawing sheet*
‘b’ and ‘c’

Assessment sheet Assessment sheet*


Wk 6/July Readiness after vacations Talk about their

Vacations Vacations,
Hometown Native place
Family Journey during the vacations{ let the child share its ideas}
Animals Worksheets on colours.* Worksheets on colours and animals *
Colours Worksheets on animals *

Counting Repetition of nursery rhymes Text of rhymes*

Body Parts Counting
Fruits and Vegetables Body parts
Worksheet on ‘fill the basket with fruits and vegetables
Worksheet provided in Fun with Writing

Assessment sheets 1,2,3,4 Worksheet provided in Fun with

Wk 7/July Unit 2 Recitation of poem with emphasis on
After a Bath Clear speech
Personal hygiene Correct pauses
Body Parts Demonstrate the action of wiping using a hand towel
Nursery rhyme on body parts
Language game called ‘Name what I Show’ (Procedure:
Teacher will touch his/ her body parts (the forehead, head
nose, eyes etc.) and ask the students to name them.
Flash card of various body parts Flash card of body parts*

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Read the text aloud follow forward chaining
Pronunciation card Pronunciation card
Recognition of body parts and their names worksheet Body Part recognition Worksheet*

Activity: show a card to students of various things which they Circle the things worksheet*
wear and on which body part.

Activity: ‘Talk about Self’ teacher will initiate talking to

students one by one and then they will be asked to talk about
them individually addressing to the class

WK 8/ July The Bubble, the straw and Narrating story for better comprehension using Use of bubble machine, straw and a
the shoe puppet show and realia. shoe
New words through flash card
Float and sink Activity : to differentiate between things that float and sink. Flash card for ‘Burst ’and ‘Splash’
Water bowl and things which can float
and sink e.g. stone, leaf, pencil etc

Activity Pronunciation card Pronunciation card*

Circle the things that sink and float (Worksheet) Circle the things that float and sink*

Activity Short talk by teacher on ‘saving water’ this will

sensitize students and enhance their interest in public
Group activity to improve spoken English of students
Teacher will ask them to say small sentences about
[ [

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Exercise Worksheet*
For freehand movement of hand the worksheet of ‘journey of
tadpole’ to be done*
Exercise Recognition of letters* Worksheet *
Activity Alphabet recognition and writing worksheet* Worksheet*
Activity ‘Game’ count the cutlery in kitchen Game card*
Assessment sheet Assessment sheet*
Wk 9/July Unit 3 Oral work with the help of games and flash cards
One Little Kitten Names of Animals (creating a virtual zoo) Flash Cards Animals*
(poem) Cutting and sorting

Names of animals Activity

Recitation of poem with emphasis on (tr+ sts)
Clear speech
Correct pauses

Forward chaining
Pronunciation card (drill) Pronunciation Card*
Phrase cards (drill) Phrase Card*
Activity card on feelings Activity card*
Counting (1-20)
Activity Number Rhymes (one, two buckle my shoe…) Text on rhyme *
Exercise Comprehension check card Comprehension card*
Game of ‘Cutting and sorting’ (teacher will cut and sort) Cutting and sorting*
Identification of objects
Say the words aloud and recognize the things Recognition card*
available in day to day life

Assessment sheet Assessment sheet*

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Lalu and Peelu Activity

(story) Narrating story for better comprehension using Text*
Enactment by dialog slips
Colours Activity Sight Words, Sounds
Pronunciation card (drill) Pronunciation card *
Exercise Reading Skill Card, say aloud card
Underline a,e,i,o,u Worksheet*
Activity Cut the pictures according to their colour (Teacher ‘Cut and sort’ card*
will cut)

Role play (teacher to divide the class and assign different Role play card1,2*
roles to different students and tell them to say aloud the
dialog the teacher will say first)
Say aloud card*
Say aloud card
Colour the Chicken and suggest a name, according to their Worksheet*
Assessment sheet Assessment sheet*
Wk10/ Aug Unit 4 Recitation of poem with emphasis on
Once I Saw a Little Bird Clear speech
Correct pauses
Birds and their features Dramatization (dialog slip* provided) Dialogue slip*

Pronunciation card Pronunciation card

Reverting to basic queries Students to share their views on birds they see around them.
Game called ‘half a minute’.
Sound identification Worksheet*

Identification of rhyming words and making pairs* Worksheet*

Fill in appropriate letter of alphabet worksheet*

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Wk 11/Aug Mithu and the Yellow Read the ‘Once I Saw a Little Bird’ for recall Text of previous poem
Birds with special reference Narrating story for better comprehension with
to parrot enactment
Eating habits of parrot Visit to school garden to show them various trees and their Garden in the premises of the school
fruits (August is season of ripe fruits)
Sound identification
Fruits and their trees Listening to the sound of various birds, Audio Tape with the sounds of various
Imitation of birds sound birds
Imitation of some animals sound (if students are interested to
this activity )

Repeat activity for better comprehension

Pronunciation card* Pronunciation card *
Reading card of various fruits* worksheet 1,2 Reading card*
Worksheets Fruits and trees* Worksheet*

Show birds pictures and talk about them in brief (teacher)

Colouring worksheets* of outlined dholak and parrot Colouring worksheets* of outlined
dholak and parrot
Assessment sheet 1 Assessment sheet 1*
Assessment sheet 2 Assessment sheet 2*
Assessment sheet 3 Provided in Fun with Writing

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Wk 12/Aug Unit 5
Merry Go Round
Recitation of poem with emphasis on (tr+ sts)
Clear speech
Correct pauses

Round shape Things round in shape to be shown to students. Coin, bangle , sun in the sky
Follow up activity students to add to the items presented
from their own experience.

Fair Describe a familiar Fair/Carnival. Flash Card of Fair. Use flash cards and Pictures related to
Students to talk about a fair/carnival they know about. They fair*
may include their experience of sitting in a merry go round
Sing and dance activity

Activity lets talks, lets share, Lets have fun here students will
share their experiences
Pronunciation Word card* Pronunciation Word card*
Recognition of letters
Reading and recognizing activity worksheet 1,2 *
Students to circle the letters they hear* Worksheet*(recognize and read card)
(concept of ‘on’) Activity: Play ‘Farmer’s den’ ‘Farmer’s den’ *

Activity: Sing and dance Activity Card*

Colouring the outlined animals in worksheet Worksheet*
Assessment sheet Assessment sheet*

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Wk 13/Aug Circle Make students sit in circle.

Draw lines on board and tell students to do the same
Lines Narrating story for better comprehension by
Other shapes enactment
Big/small Pronunciation Card Pronunciation card *
Conversation skills
Conversation skills card*
Identification of shapes Students to differentiate between size shapes and colours
and flash cards 1,2,3,4* flash cards 1,2*
Identification of colours
Look at the picture and fill the blanks (worksheet)*

Word building
Cut outs of different shapes sizes and colors to form hut
Worksheet on shapes and to colour them accordingly

Trace the objects 1, 2. Draw a face Worksheet*

Assessment sheets Assessment sheets*

Wk 14/Oct Unit 6 Recitation of poem with emphasis on Text*

If I were an Apple Clear speech
Correct pauses
An Apple Tree Vocabulary card
One Minute Activity (If I were…) Instruction card*
Ask students to imagine that they were aero plane or a rocket
or any other object of their choice. P 66 of the textbook.

Conversation Skills and Word building Conversation Skill card*

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Activity: Circle the things found on tree Worksheet*

How does a seed grow? Worksheet*
Reading Card Reading Card*
Assessment sheet Assessment Sheet*

Wk 15/Oct Our Tree Pointing to a real tree in the school compound Real tree in the school compound

Narrating story for better comprehension by role play. One student from each group to talk

Activity: Fun with letters Worksheet*

Crossword Fruits Worksheet*
Colour Concepts 1,2,3 Worksheet1,2,3*

Pick the right Colour Worksheet*

Assessment sheet* Assessment sheet*

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Wk 16/Oct Unit VII

A Kite Showing a kite Realia : real kite

Shapes Recitation of poem with emphasis on Textbook

Process involved in flying the Clear speech
kite Correct pauses

Pronunciation card
Conversation Skills Pronunciation card*
Activity: Make a Kite Conversation Skills*
Instruction card*
Comprehension check* Comprehension check*

Read and write worksheet 1,2 Read and write*

Pick and write

Assessment sheet 1,2 Assessment sheet 1,2*

‘Patang’ Lesson 11 from Rimjhim-1

Wk 17/Nov Sundari Recall the poem ‘A Kite’. Poem ‘A Kite’

Narrating story for better comprehension using flash cards Textbook , flash cards
with emphasis on ‘Patang’ Lesson 11 from Rimjhim-1
stress and intonation
Making the sounds as per the card available Sound card*
Comprehension check Comprehension check*
Pronunciation card Pronunciation card*

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{Teacher can make the sound himself/herself}

Group speaking activity on ‘Flying kites’.

Revise the letters of alphabets (Worksheets)1,2,3 Worksheet*
Arrange the letters to form words (Worksheet) 1,2
Verbs under the picture
Assessment sheet*
Assessment sheet
Wk 18/Nov Unit VIII Recitation of poem (with actions) with emphasis.
A Little Turtle Clear speech
Physical features of Turtle Correct pauses
Comprehension check* Comprehension check*

Picture of a turtle Picture of a turtle

Colour the turtle worksheet 1,2 Worksheet*

Poetry recitation by students with actions Worksheet*

Rhyming words worksheets*
Let’s act card*, Let’s talk card* Worksheet*
Conversation skills*
Listening skill: Game Instruction card*
Assessment sheet*
Trace the Words and read the Sentence Worksheet*
Lets read and write 1,2 Worksheet*
Assessment sheet Assessment sheet*

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Wk 19/Nov The Tiger and the Read the poem ‘A Little Turtle’ to recollect the image of a
Mosquito turtle and its features. Worksheet*
Wild Animals Narrating story for better comprehension using Textbook
Insects Role Play . Dramatization card*
Listen and act with dramatization
Comprehension check (Orally) Comprehension check card*
Pronunciation card Pronunciation card*

Activity Comprehension activities Worksheet*

Jumbled letters Worksheet*
Exercise Wh- Questions
Identifying ‘who said this.’ Activity Worksheet*

Fill the blanks by tracing the dotted line(worksheet) Worksheets with fill ups of content
words from the text*
• Assessment sheet 1,2 Worksheet*
Assessment sheet 1,2*
Wk 20/Nov Field Trips, review and projects

Wk 21/Nov Revision List out all the things which are found around the trees. Text*
A Tree
Process involved for the
growth of a tree

Vocabulary Card Vocabulary Card Worksheet*

Crosswords, scrabble for basic level

Assessment sheet Assessment sheet*

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Wk 22/Jan Unit IX Recitation of poem with emphasis on Text*
Seasons Clear speech
Correct pauses
Rain Pronunciation check Pronunciation check Card*
Flash cards of various words ‘hot, raincloud and sky.’ flash cards*

Match the pictures with words (Worksheet) Match the pictures with words
Fill in the blanks (worksheet) (Worksheet)*
Comprehension check Fill in the blanks*
Comprehension check*
Conversational skills card
‘Let’s share card’ students to speak on the list of questions Conversational skills card*
teacher will ask ‘Let’s share’ card*

Wk 23/Jan Anandi’s Rainbow The poem ‘Clouds’ to be read out. For review and revision. Oral recitation
Colours differentiation activity.
Rain Narration of the text with the use of flash cards. Flash cards of various colours and
Rainbow Draw Rainbow objects Worksheet*

Comprehension check Worksheet*

Sight Words, Sounds
Circle the name of things that can be seen in the picture Worksheet*
Drawing a Rainbow Worksheet*

Space trace colouring Worksheet*

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Wk 24/Feb Unit X Recitation of poem (with actions) with emphasis. Text*

Flying Man Clear speech
Correct pauses Comprehension check Worksheet*
Flying man Comprehension check (Orally)
Vocabulary Card Vocabulary card*

Things that can fly

Noticing Activity- students to look at pictures and think
Card 1,2 Flash cards of various people and
occupations Fill the blanks with suitable occupation their occupations Worksheet*

Vocabulary Card Sight vocabulary card*

Pronunciation card Pronunciation card*

Fill in the blanks by using words from the box Worksheet 1,2*
Assessment sheet Assessment sheet*

Wk 25/ Feb The Tailor and his Friend Activity

Ask students to think about their friends and share their Text*
Friendship thoughts with their classmates
Activity Narrating story for better comprehension using
Friendship between humans Role Play for better understanding.
and animals Expression of emotions through words
Pronunciation card Pronunciation card
Comprehension check Worksheet*
Conversational skills Comprehension check
Lets read and write Conversational skills*
Anagram Worksheet*

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Activity: Game ( sentences) Worksheet*

Exercise Match the words with the activity Match the words Worksheet*

Assessment sheet 1,2 Assessment sheet 1 ,2*

Last two weeks are for Reflective Assessment and other activities

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Month/Week Unit Key Concepts Suggested Activity Suggested Resource

April Class Myself Name slips- Slip of each child with his name will be provided to the
Readiness child. This can be pinned on their clothing. The children will read
Week 1 and exposure their name and of their partners and put the slips back in the box.
to language
for building Noun (Naming words) Exercise: Writing their name, partner’s name in bold letters. Worksheet ( name sheets )

Recognition of letters- Upper case Activity: Game (Snakes and Ladders) The game will be played as
Lower case normal snakes and ladders.
Exercise: What comes after, before Worksheet (Letters)

Knowing things we buy Activity: Collecting wrappers (Chips, chocolates, soaps).The

students will get the same and will be pasted on different chart

Exercise: Colour the kite (naming word) Worksheet (naming words )

Picture Reading: Writing and speaking as many words as one can Worksheet (picture reading)
after looking at the picture.

Exercise: Reading Aloud Worksheet (reading and colouring)

Comprehension exercises,
Cursive writing sheets Worksheet
Activity: The students will be taken to the field and various Worksheet (doing words)
actions will be performed by the teachers and the students as
given in the worksheet

Exercise: Choose the odd one out. * Worksheet (colouring the clouds and
crossing the odd one)

* Resource Book 1

April Class Activity: Let me do it Listening to the instructions and acting*

week 2 exposure to Activity: Let me draw it
language Exercise: Colour it Worksheet (shapes)

Reading and listening the poems with proper stress and Worksheet (Bow wow says the
intonation dog………….)
Worksheet (week song )

Activity: Conversation skills Worksheet (talk to me)

Worksheet (colour me)

Cursive writing sheets

Activity: Reading the poem with proper stress and intonation

and looking for rhyming words. Text provided*

Exercise: Find the rhyming words. Worksheet (Rhyming words)

May Unit-I Making the students ready with the Activity: ORAL SKILLS: Invite the students in individual/to tell how
First day at various feelings , people and things they are feeling coming to school.
week 3 school they come across while in school. Recitation of the poem
Target words: Wonder, stare
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are*
Explaining through facial expressions

Stare: Explaining through expression again. Involve two students.

Student 1: Don’t stare at me?
Student 2: I am not staring at you.

Activity: What I have in my school bag. Various cut outs with

different things will be provided to the students.*
* Resource Book 2

Exercise: Sorting out Worksheet (School Bag)

Activity: People I meet in school. Students will colour the various
kites that say about people they see in school
Exercise: Colouring whom you meet in school Worksheet (Kites)
Activity: lets act (page3)Text book
The students may be divided into various groups. They will then
enact like teacher, student.

Exercise: Facial expressions Worksheets: Faces

Importance of cleanliness Action song page4 Text book. Reading out the song with actions.
Telling the students about the importance of cleanliness of teeth
Cursive writing sheets

May Haldi`s Activity: Assembling letters. The students will make as many
Adventure words as they can with the word “Adventure”.
week 4
Exercise: Make new words, colour the page. Worksheet: New words
The word surprise will be explained through expression of joy.
Adventure: Going on a journey that involves danger.*
(The worksheet on assembling letters can be shown to the

The story Haldi’s Adventure to be enacted and read in class

before the formal reading through the story telling method. The
mask of Giraffe to be used in class*. One arm as giraffe and other
as Haldi. Explaining the conversation between the two.
Reading the story with proper stress and intonation
Question answer technique maybe used wherein students will be
asked who all they meet while coming to school. Page8 to 10 (Text

Page11 of Text book.

Exercise: Write the missing letters of the given words. Worksheet: Rhyming words

Page12 of Text book

The Paddling Pool

* Resource Book 3

EXERCISE: Find out the rhyming words

Writing in capital letters and putting Action Words ( VERBS)

a full stop.
Exercise: The students will look at the picture and write the action
words.* Page6, 14(Textbook)
Exercise: Write in capital letters and put a full stop. Worksheet (Capital letters)

Activity: Simple questions will be put to the students. What do

you do before sleeping, coming to school.

Exercise: Use before/ after to complete the sentences.* Worksheet (before/after)

Write the first letter of the given picture* Worksheet (picture words)
Cursive writing sheets
May Unit-II What I wish I was and how I would Recitation of the poem with actions
I am Lucky feel Asking questions
week 5 Simple conversation
Exercise: what do they do? Pg,22,24(Textbook) Worksheet (What I can do?)
Happy Sad
Explaining the word, “Thankful by saying ‘Thank you for your
‘I am lucky and thankful to God to have you as my friend.’
Exercise: write ‘Thank you’ 0n running blackboards. Make “thank Paper, colour
you” cards (The teacher will give the concept of making a card)

Activity: ‘Knowing yourself’. The students will be made aware of

what they can do (write, play) and what they cannot (fly, wriggle)
Exercise: Write five sentences on myself and paste your picture Worksheet (Myself)

* Resource Book 4

June SUMMER BREAK PROJECT.1. The students will be asked to make a picture dictionary of the words they know.
2. Learn the poems done till date.
Practice writing strokes/cursive writing sheets

July Readiness- What did you do in your summer The students will be asked to tell what all they did in their vacation.
week 6 They will show their pictures dictionaries.
They will recite the poem given for summer break.

July I want Wishes Enactment The students will be divided into various groups. They will
wear the masks of giraffe (a sock can also be used and worn in one of
week 7 the arm and used as a giraffe with long neck), Elephant, Zebra.
They will wear the masks and the teacher will become a monkey.
Teacher would go to the giraffe to wish for its long neck, the elephant
for its trunk and the zebra for its stripes.
One of the students will become a fairy with a magic wand (a medium
size stick can be made a wand with a small star at one of the ends)
The fairy will grant the wish to the monkey.
The teacher will show the picture of the monkey in the book after its
wish is granted.
Reading the story by the teacher and helping the students read it.

I would turn a dog into a _____ Pg 33 Textbook

Target words Pg 34 Textbook

Activity: Asking the students about various animals. .Why they like it
or dislike it. Various pictures of the animals may be given to the
students to colour and to be used as masks. They may also be divided
into groups with all giraffes, Elephants, Octopus, monkeys together in
their groups.
One group may comment on what they like in the other animal and
what they dislike.
Exercise: My favourite Animal

Look at the pictures and spot the differences* Worksheet (spot the

* Resource Book 5


Worksheet (Collective
Exercise: what I am in a group? (Collective nouns*), Nouns)
Worksheet (One Many)
Pg 35 Textbook One- Many*
Cursive writing sheets
July wk Unit-III Expressions Field Activity: Taking the students out in the garden, play hide and
A smile seek, explain the concept of hiding place. Repeat the word again and
8 again.
We have wrinkles when we smile and also when we are old.
Exercise: Complete the face* Worksheet (Smile)
Activity: Telling Jokes. The students will narrate some jokes in class
(individual activity)
Exercise pg 40 (text book) read the joke and find the rhyming word
Pg 42, play the game tic tac toe in the class

Activity: Clay modelling(make different expression on the face) Clay

Exercise: draw the expressions on the face. Worksheet (how I feel)

Action song: ‘if you are happy and you know it…’ involve the class. Let
them all add a sentence each. E.g. if you are happy stamp your feet, pat
your friends back, rub your nose.

July wk The Wind Explain the meaning through dialogues.

and sun Teacher: students quickly come here, do this work.
Student 1: I am strong I can lift two books.

Student 2: I am stronger I can lift four books.

Student 3: I am the strongest, I can lift full bag of books.

* Resource Book 6

Teacher: Wow! You have won this game.

Rhyming words Addition worksheet Worksheet (Do you know?)

Role play: One student will become the sun and the other wind.
The teacher will be the man. (Who is stronger)
Pg 48-49 Textbook.
Tick the words having similar sounds*. Worksheet
(Homophones )

Opposite words Worksheet (opposites)

Jumbled words Worksheet ( Jumbled words)

August Unit-IV Weather The unit should be taken in monsoons. The concepts of field, umbrella,
Rain dark clouds, wind, storm will be made clear.
week 10 Things associated with rain Activity: singing the poem* pitter patter goes the rain drop, pg 54
Exercise: find the rhyming words pg 55 (Textbook) Worksheet (Umbrella)
Colour the picture*
Activity: Chinese whispers (chain game) the whole class will be
Student 1: Can I play with you in rain?
Student 2: Yes, you can play.
Student 3: Can I dance with you in rain?
Student 4: Yes you can play and dance with me in rain?

Find as many words as you can from the given box. Worksheet (clouds)
Exercise: Colour the clouds*, pg 58 (Textbook) Page57, 58 in Text book.
Exercise: Rhyming words pg 60(Textbook), look at the picture and fill in
the suitable word.
Cursive writing sheets

August Storm in the Target Words: snails, feelers ,ants

week 11 Activity: showing the students a picture of a snail
Exercise: students will label the parts of snail*, ant * Worksheet (label me)

* Resource Book 7

Position words The story ‘Storm in the Garden’ to be narrated with the help of
pictures. M other tongue may be used to explain.
The student should be able to read the text by now.
Exercise pg 65 Textbook
Reading of the story by the teacher and students
A ball will be placed on the table, under the table, behind the table etc. Worksheet (Preposition)
Exercise: write the position words*, pg 66 Textbook. worksheet
Find missing letters
Action song pg 67 textbook out in the garden…
August Unit-V Wild and pet animals Activity: field trip to a zoo or virtual zoo (masks of various animals will Masks*
Z00 Manners be cut and distributed to the class.*)
week 12 Exercise: Name the animal* Give my sound* Worksheet (Name my
Target words: hump, penguins sound)
Label the parts of animals* (camel, elephant) Worksheet (Label me)

Reading the poem with proper stress and intonation pg 72 text book
to 74 text book
Complete the words and speak aloud*
Grammatical concept: this, that
Concept sheet*
Exercise: write this/ that to complete the sentence* Worksheet this/that

Look at the picture and complete the fill ups. Pg 76

Composition: Elephant, Camel

Sep Funny Bunny Animals

week 13 Picture of the words to be shown to explain the concept.*
The pictures of various animals’ rabbit, cock, hen, duck, jackal, to be
given to the students.
Story to be explained through role play with the help of finger puppets
Comprehension check Text book
Exercise: Page83-85(Text book)
Exercise: Rearrange the pictures to put in correct order*. Worksheet: Rearranging
the story
Reading the story aloud by the teacher and the students
Cursive writing sheets

* Resource Book 8

Oct Unit VI The concept NOBODY and EVERYBODY to be explained.* Worksheet: Nobody,
Mr. Nobody Exercise: Fill in the correct word everybody.
week 14 Activity: Let’s draw page92 (Textbook)
* A, An
Exercise: fill in the blanks using A, An. Worksheet: Vowels

Poem: The Zigzag boy (Page94)(Textbook)

The students will draw zigzag lines.
Cursive writing sheets

Oct Curly locks A picture of a cottage, curly hair to be shown. The vernacular of
and three Family porridge (dalia) to be told.
week 15 Bears Identify my family members
Hungry - I am hungry. Give me porridge to eat
Exercise: colour the bowl, cottage, bears.* Worksheet

Paste on my family tree (Picture of my family ) Worksheet colour me.

The story “curly locks and the three bear” to be explained to the three
bears. Three students will become bears and one curly lock. They will
enact the story in vernacular and speak the dialogues. The teacher will
be a facilitator and provide simple sentences in English wherever

Reading the story by the students (page 96 to 99)

Exercise: Rearrange the pictures in correct order. Worksheet Rearrange
Complete the story
Concept: words with same sound and different meaning.*
Exercise Use the correct word. Worksheet (Homophone)

* Resource Book 9

Oct Unit-VII Target Words: Marigold, chimney, Field Activity: Marigold flower will be shown in the school
On my straight garden/lawn(gendi in vernacular)
Week 16 Blackboard I Look at the picture and colour it .label the various parts of the house
can draw Parts of a house Tr. Will talk about different types of garden{field trip}
Follow the instructions:
Types of flowers Read the poem on pg 107 (textbook), the students will draw a house.
Rhyming words*
Activity: what do we do in each room*. Worksheet*(
Exercise: pg 107(Textbook) Label my parts, rooms }
Dramatization: the students will perform an episode of Ram leela in the
class. They will arrange their own masks etc. Dialogue slips* will be Dialogue slips*
distributed and students to act accordingly
Reading aloud by the students
Cursive writing sheets

Nov. Make it Target words- Courtroom, Erase, Puzzle

Week 17 shorter Student to be told to watch the akbar-birbal cartoon show on POGO
and see what a courtroom is.

A student will write his name on the board and the other will be told to
rub/ erase it.
Puzzle: puzzle can be brought to the class.
Activity: Enact the court of Akbar and Birbal.
Reading the story pg 111, 112 textbook exercise pg 113 textbook
Story Thirsty crow Worksheet

‘Let me draw it’ various instructions will be given to the students and
they will make accordingly.(shapes) Worksheet Colour me*
Exercise: colour the picture drawn. *
Activity: making a pencil cap pg 118 Textbook Piece of chart paper,
Make a greeting card

* Resource Book 10

Nov Unit-VIII Occupations Field Activity: Visit to the music room.

I am the Teacher will show various musical instruments put on display and the
Week 18 music man pictures of some put on the walls.
Exercise: colour the musical instruments and label them. * Worksheet (Label me)*
Reading the poem aloud
Exercise pg 124, 125.(Textbook)
Find as many instruments as you can from the given maze pg 126 Worksheet (Instruments)
Missing words{vowels} Worksheet (Vowels)
Plurals Worksheet( Plurals)
Colour me Worksheet (Colour me)

Nov. The Musical instruments The words can be explained through actions only. Wherever needed
Mumbai mother tongue can be used to explain better.
Week 19
musicians Cut outs of Donkey, cat, dog, cock will be used*
Jumbled words
Story to be explained through the role play.
Reading the story pg 132.(Textbook)

Gender pg 134(Textbook) Worksheet (Gender)

Word game
Activity: Tambola (small slips of various key words to be made, the
teacher speaks out the words, whoever gets all out is the winner)
Different professions
Activity: Let’s play bingo pg 135 to 138 (Text book)
Ladder game

Nov Field trips/ Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review /Catch up lessons Field trips/ projects/
Week 20 projects/Revision/Review /Catch up Revision/Review /Catch
lessons Cursive writing sheets up lessons
* Resource Book 11

Jan WK Unit-IX Following to be done for teaching target vocabulary Available in resource
Granny- Cushion to be brought to the class book*
21 Granny Knees to be shown by pointing at them
please comb Field trip to experience the breeze and asking them how they felt.
my hair Calling a soft wind as ‘gentle breeze’
Name family members and write five lines on family Worksheet
Poem: pg 141(Text book) students will repeat.
Activity: Make a greeting card and give it to your grandparents.
Exercise: Dear___ I love you ___ from ____
Maze game Worksheet
Field Activity: Picnic
Exercise: pg 146, 147(Textbook)
Evaluation Worksheet

Jan Week The magic A bottle of the student will be taken and water will be poured in it till it Worksheet
porridge pot
22 starts coming out. To show the concepts of spilling.
Exercise: write the sentences using whole/half.*
A small pot may be brought to the class and would be named ‘magic
pot’ the magic porridge pot, thus explained to the students. Involve the
students to say the instructions- cook pot cook.
Exercise pg 150 (Text book) complete the sentences by looking at the Worksheet
Concept sheet: dialogues*, pg 154-156(Textbook)
Jan Week Field trips/ Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review /Catch up lessons Field trips/
projects/Revision/Review /Catch up projects/Revision/Review
23 lessons /Catch up lessons

* Resource Book 12

Feb Unit-X Activity: using the cut outs of the animals in the previous lessons, ask
Strange Talk Sounds of animals in Jungle the students to wear one each and divide them into hens, rabbits,
Week 24 camel, horse etc. where they be told to ask questions about each
Exercise: from the given words complete the pictures.* Worksheet* (where I live)
Reading the poem strange talk.
The different group of students will take out the sound of different
Has/ have worksheet
Who ,when, where worksheet
Cursive writing sheets

Feb Wk The The words to be explained through actions performed in class.

grasshopper Seasons Starve- Hungry
and the Ant The concept of saving for the rainy days to be made clear to the Dialogue slips*
students. Pg 169(Textbook)
Reading the text aloud by the teacher and students
The character of ant and grasshopper to be distributed among the
students and they will perform their characters accordingly.*
Pg 170 (Textbook) summers and winters.
Exercise: Encircle –ing and –ed words Worksheet (-Verbs)

March Reviews and reflective assessment

* Resource Book 13

Month Week Unit Chapter

April 1 Readiness
2 Readiness
May 3 Unit-I First day at School
4 Unit-I Haldi’s Adventure
5 Unit-II I am lucky
June Vacation
July 6 Readiness
7 Unit-II I Want
8 Unit-III Smile
9 Unit-III The wind and the sun

August 10 Unit-IV Rain

11 Unit-IV Storm in the Garden
12 Unit-V Zoo Manners

September 13 Unit-V Lesson Funny Bunny

October 14 Unit-VI Mr. Nobody

15 Unit-VI Curly locks and three bears
16 Unit-VII On my Blackboard I can draw

November 17 Unit-VII Make it shorter

18 Unit-VIII I am the Music Man
19 Unit-VIII The Mumbai Musicians
20 Field trip/projects/ Review
January 21 Unit-IX Granny Granny please comb my hair
22 Unit-IX The Magic porridge pot
23 Field trip/projects/ Review
February 24 Unit-X Strange talk
25 Unit -X The Grass hopper and the Ant

March Reviews and reflective assessment

* Resource Book 14

* Resource Book 15

Week/month Key concepts/ Suggested Activity Suggested Resource

Week 1 Readiness:
April Familiarity with the language Recitation of poems of Class II with proper stress and Text provided in class-2 book
intonation and gesture (Granny- Granny Please comb
my hair, The Paddling pool, Brush your teeth)

Word Game: 2 and 3 letter words revised through card Card Game*
Recalling the previous work
Comprehension Exercise with focus on Textbook of class 2
Before/After Worksheet*

Unjumble the words


Student to read the worksheets and do the needful. Worksheet*

Sentence completion Exercise(Myself, My school)* Worksheet*
Questions related to daily routine (Speaking Exercise)* Worksheet*

Pronouns Worksheet*
Checking Vocabulary Worksheet*
Tick the correct word Worksheet*
Body parts Worksheet*

Writing Worksheet*

* Resource Book

Week 2 Unit-I Good Morning (Poem) Recitation of poem

April Pg-1 of Textbook
The child and nature Prepare a Scrapbook of natural things around, along Pictures of Sun, Moon, Sky, Rain,
The world around with their names. River, Soil, Desert, Mountain,
Animals, Birds.(can be cut from
newspapers and magazines)
Greetings Group Activity: Students to sit in circle in the garden Chart(Greetings)
and they greet each other.
Exercise: Unscramble and write Worksheet(Greetings)*

Day Time Let’s colour: Crayons

Night Time Drawing scenes showing day and night
Page-2 of textbook

“Reading is Fun” and “Word building”Page-2 of

New words
(Wide, Creeping) School Garden by showing realia
A walk in the garden:
Showing a creeper (plant) in the school garden, drawing
narrow and wide paths.
Singing Time: They’ll sing out a song “Out in the
Activity: Teacher will make small groups and each group Worksheet*(Sounds of animals)
will represent a different animal and take out sounds. Masks of flowers (Rose, Lotus,
Exercise: The students will match the animals to the Marigold, Lily, Hibiscus), Fairy, tiny
sounds they make. bird, Sun*
Song Time: “I like to sing” Page-3 of Textbook
* Resource Book

Story: Magic Garden

May Role Play: Students will play the role of flowers. One of Saplings, spade, water, small pots.
Week-3 them will become Sun, another one will be a tiny bird
and another will be a fairy. Garden scene*

Activity Time: Set up a mini-garden by planting saplings Real Flowers (Rose, Lily, Lotus,
Child and nature in small pots. Marigold, Hibiscus)*
Drawing and colouring a picture of a garden.
Read the story with gestures
Flower Scrapbook: Paste real flowers in a scrapbook and
Flowers write their names under each flower. Loud reading Showing realia and demonstration
Page-7 of Textbook method and magic kit
New Words
Magic, Garden, Wings, Pretty, Fairies, Thirsty, Slippery,
Students repeat and write on running blackboard for
practicing writing of difficult words. Worksheet(new words and vowels)*

Exercise: Fill in the missing vowels.

Unit-2 Bird Talk (Poem)

Recitation Page-11 of Textbook Pictures of Jay and Robin
Differences existing in nature And Role Play(one student will play a part of Robin bird
Week-4 and another one will be Jay)
Difference between birds and animals
Make a scrapbook of 5 animals and 5 birds. Pictures of 5 birds(Pigeon, Sparrow,
Parrot, Eagle, Crow)
Picture Dictation: Teacher speaks out the word and Pictures of 5 animals(Dog, Cat, Cow,

* Resource Book

students draw the animals and birds. Goat, Elephant)

Fun Time: Make a bird finger puppet. Paper, glue, pencil, colour
Page-12 of textbook

Find the names of birds in crossword Worksheet(crossword on birds)*

Making Sentences
Exercise: Pair work Page-13 of Textbook
Rhyming words

Repeating Exercise: Let each student speak out one

word and then all repeat after him and write.
Page-14 of Textbook

Nina & the baby sparrows (Story)

Pre-teaching Activity Steps provided*
Animals and Birds Make a paper bird by folding paper and paste it in your
Week-5 notebook.
Narration of the story with the help of puppets to be
made by students of paper .
Making a bird Page-20 of Textbook
Making a feeding corner near a tree in the school garden
Guided composition Worksheet(My pet)*
Page-19 of Textbook

Consideration towards others

Talking about your pet:
My pet/My favorite animal
Exercise: Putting the events in correct order and
complete the picture story. Page-18 of Textbook

* Resource Book

New Words: Using Realia and pictures

Market, Bother, Dress, Wedding, Plump
Colouring Activity: Draw and colour your favourite bird. Sample *
Page-19 of Textbook

Through explanation and actions

Dictation: Teacher speaks the words from the text book
and students will write them and make sentences.

Exercise: Word building Page-21 of Textbook

Say aloud: Miming by the whole class

Page-21 of Textbook

Summer vacation
June Make a list of your ten favourite things in
‘My Favourites’
Make a collage of any ten means of transport
Prepare a scrap book of experience during vacations
(can write in vernacular language)
Paste a picture of your family and add a few lines.

July Readiness: Revising the previous work General Question- Answers (Speaking Activity) List of Questions on the previously
Week 6 done lessons
Write a few lines on natural things around us (Sky, rose, Worksheet*
Sentence formation Animal Crossword Worksheet*
Jumbled words Worksheet*

* Resource Book

Scruples sheet Worksheet*

Rhyming words Worksheet*
Opposites Worksheet*
Garden Talk Worksheet*
Game (spelling relay) Instructions provided*
Coloring activity Worksheet*
Guided composition (compose with the help of pictures) Worksheet*

July Week- Unit-3 Little by Little (Poem) Sing the poem Page-23 of Textbook
Process of growth of plant Ladder Game: growth from a seed to a big plant- Worksheet(Ladder Game)*

Puzzle Game: Cut outs of various parts of the plant to be Worksheet (Puzzle Game)
given and students put them in order.

Web Chart Activity: What trees give us Worksheet (Web Chart)*

Watching the growth of plant

Group Activity: Growing plant in mud pots. Plant corner By realia and demonstration
in the class. Saplings, small mud pots

Exercise: Complete the picture of a plant and write the Worksheet(Parts of a plant)
names of its parts

New Words:
Hidden, Slowly, Slender, Shoot, Pride, Upward

Through Pictures and actions

Exercise: Match the opposites Worksheet(Opposites)*
Page-25 of Textbook

* Resource Book

Application for sick leave Worksheet (Sick Leave)*

July The Enormous Turnip (Story) Narration with the help of Realia
Plants and vegetables Let’s go shopping
Crossword Puzzle: Find the name of vegetables from the
box given (Pictures given)
Page-29 of Textbook

Make a scrapbook of 10 vegetables and write their Pictures of 10 vegetables (Potato,

names. Tomato, Peas, Turnip, Radish, Carrot,
Ladyfinger, Brinjal, Cauliflower)

Growth from a plant to a tree Activity: Growing a plant in a glass.

Page-30 of Textbook

Colouring Activity Page-28 of Textbook Worksheet(Vegetables)*

Various vegetables Label and Speak: Labeling each student with a different
vegetable name (Each one says a line on the labeled

Exercise-cum-Activity: A Game of Opposites Reading Card (Opposites)*

(enormous-small; come-go; cold-hot; day-night)
Match the columns Worksheet (Opposites)*

Make a Friendship Salad Page-31 of Textbook

* Resource Book

Importance of Unity Story to be shown on a CD CD/ YouTube

Students may be asked to demonstrate (mother tongue
Word Search Worksheet (Vegetables)

Exercise: Teacher speaks aloud the words and writes Reading Card & Worksheet (One-
them on the blackboard. Students write in their Many)*
notebooks. Page-32 of Textbook.

Grammar: Verbs (Plant, Pull Up, Help)

Using actions

Identifying the raw and cooked vegetables

Let’s write: Tick the vegetables eaten raw and cooked.
Page-31 of Textbook
Teacher clarifies the meaning of “odd”. She clarifies the
meaning of the word given in the Exercise.
Exercise: Odd One Out Page-32 of Textbook
Understanding the vowel sounds
Teacher speaks out the word with proper stress and
Say Aloud Page-32 of Textbook Worksheet (Vowels)*
Exercise: Fill in the blanks
Guided Composition Worksheet(Urgent work)*
Urgent piece of work (Application)

* Resource Book

July Week-9 Unit-IV Sea Song (Poem ) Recitation with proper stress and intonation
Life in & around the sea

Showing some things related to the sea Pictures of sea animals, sea shell,
Natural Disasters paper boat, sand
Pre-Teaching Activity: Draw scenery of sea shore, ship, Sample*
water, sea shells. Crayons

Teacher talks about natural disasters like flood, EVS teacher

hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, tornado and how to Videos on YouTube
manage in such situations. (how to manage during a natural
Web Chart Activity (what children tell about things Worksheet (Web Chart)*
related to sea)
Guided Composition
A Little fish story The last vacation I had Worksheet (Fill Ups)*
Tongue twister Page-36 of Textbook

Pick and Choose: Worksheet(Water activities)*

Selecting from the list of activities those require or do
not require water and putting them into two
Sea-shells: Shape and its sound
Draw sea-shells in different colors in your notebook. Crayons
Collect sea shells(pictures)
Practical work: Listening to the sounds coming out of Internet (www.seashells.com)
sea-shells. A sea-shell

* Resource Book

Through actions and real objects (hot-cold; soft-hard;
found-lost )
Page-35 of Textbook Worksheets (Opposites)*
Exercise: Match the opposites.
Rhyming words Reading Card*
Make students repeat the words after the teacher
Page-35 of Textbook
Exercise: Word building,Ex-1, Page-35 of Textbook

Grammar: Prepositions (on, under, at, below, beside, in ) Classroom situations

Reading Card*
Worksheet (Prepositions)*
Using actions and sentences
Exercise: Fill in the blanks

August A Little fish Story Narration of the story using pictures of sea, sea animals, Toy fish (different sized), a small net
fishnet ,to facilitate understanding Cardboard, toy fish/paper fish,
Page-38 of Textbook string, colors

Explanation through demonstration Shoe box and paper fish

Activity: Virtual Aquarium

Discussion with students how they differ from each

other (size, hair, complexion)
: YouTube (Internet)

Watch Tom & Jerry Show

Discovery Channel

* Resource Book

Watching story of Wonder Boy Ganesha (real story)

Reading Card*
Reading aloud by the teacher & students repeat
Exercise: Page-40 of Textbook Worksheet (A rainy day)*
A Rainy Day

August Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review worksheets / Language Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review
worksheets / Language Lab Lab Worksheets/Language Lab
Week 11

August Unit-5 The Balloon Man (Poem) Role Play: The teacher brings a few balloons to the class Balloons
Week-12 and poses as a balloon man and recites the poem with
the help of pictures.
Page-43 of Textbook
Draw a balloon Dialogue-slips*
Enactment by the teacher and students (Dialogue slips
to be distributed to the students)st. to read the poem
aloud and tr. To check the pronunciation.

Solving a crossword Page-45 of Textbook Sticks, thick chart paper, colorful

Team activity: Students are divided into teams and papers
every team makes a bunch of balloons.
Page-46 of Textbook
New words to be explained by demonstration Reading Card*

Various Occupations
(Doctor, Teacher, Vendor, Postman, Sweeper, gardener, Worksheet*
Driver, Singer, Watchman)

Teacher shows a chart showing various occupations

* Resource Book


Exercise: Match the pictures with the occupations

Teacher shows the objects and elicits responses
Exercise: Students pick out the word from the box and Worksheets 1 &2 (Occupations)*
fill in the box.

Teacher shows the real objects and pictures

Exercise: Students pick out the words from the bubble
and fill in the blanks. Real Objects (Bunch of keys, lock of
hair, Bouquet of flowers)

Sep The Yellow Butterfly (Story) Pre-Teaching Activity: Make a butterfly Colourful papers, markers, sketch
Week- 13 Page-50 of Textbook pens

Role Play; Teacher plays the role of a boy, A student

becomes the butterfly, another one becomes the spider
and some of the students play the role of flowers.
Page-47 of Textbook
Narration of the story using gestures and actions.
Admiring beauty St. will read the story aloud on rotation basis.
-Happiness Showing expressions on the face of the butterfly, when Outline of butterfly
it is-
-caught in the web

* Resource Book

Importance of freedom Showing pictures of India’s freedom fighters and teacher Pictures of freedom fighters*
discusses why 15th August is celebrated.

Drawing Activity: Draw and color our National Flag (The Sample*
Guided Composition Worksheet (Independence Day)*

Independence Day celebrations Reading Card*

Worksheet 1&2*

Compound words as per text Worksheet (Compound words)*

New words (Escape, Pond, Peach, Climb, Hungry, Float,

Oct Week- Unit-6 Trains (Poem) Recitation of the poem by making virtual train with the
14 help of students
Modes of Transport
Scrap book of vehicles magazines

Teacher uses actions Page-53 of Textbook

Teacher shows a chart of means of transport

Activity: Students are asked to find pictures of various
vehicles and paste pictures in the notebook Chart

Exercise: Match the vehicles to the places where they Pictures of vehicles from
are parked. magazines/newspapers

* Resource Book

Worksheet (means of transport)*

Play Time/Song Time: (Group Activity) Students to form
a train and sing the famous song “Chhukchhukrailgaadi” YouTube
New Words (Mountains, Passengers, Rail, Dusk, dawn,

Paste or Draw a picture of moving train through- Magazines/Newspapers/Crayons

Tunnels, across rivers, on tracks in the plains.
Composition on my rail travel

Picture dictation: Teacher speaks out the words and the
students will draw them.

Let’s write
Pair work Page-54 of Textbook
Word Building Page-55 of Textbook

Oct Week- The Story of the Road (Story) Short Leisure Trip: Getting information about road Traffic Park, Sector-23, Chandigarh
15 sense and safety rules
Exercise: Match the columns Worksheet (Safety Rules)*
Exercise: True or False Worksheet (Road scene)*

Picture composition
Scene on a busy road Page-62 of Textbook

New Words (Newspaper, Cucumber, Cabbage, Potatoes, Real objects


* Resource Book

Narration by role play and reading aloud by students.

Exercise:3 on Page-60 of Textbook

Draw the picture of a Zebra crossing & Traffic Signal

lights in the notebook.

Write ten lines on My School bus. Real bus

October Unit-7 Puppy and I (Poem) Recitation Page-64 of Textbook

Different animals Make a Scrapbook of domestic and wild animals Pictures of animals
-Pets (6 each)
-Animal friends Let’s Draw: Join the dots and colour and name your dog. Worksheet*
Watch animal based cartoons Oswald, Tom & Jerry (Pogo)
Making sounds of various animals (wear masks) Masks of cat, dog, elephant, cow
Exercise: Ex-1 & Ex-2 of Page-67 of Textbook

New Words (Bread, Hay, Pole, Roll, Hills) Showing real objects and through actions reading and Real objects
Recitation of the poem.
Rhyming words (Hill-Pill; Hay-Say; Fine-
Mine; Get-Wet) Reading Card*
Teacher speaks the words aloud and writes them on the
Picture Composition Exercise: Ex-3 of Page of Textbook

My Pet Bruno
Fill in the blanks Page-68 of Textbook

* Resource Book

November Little Tiger, Big Tiger (Story) Role Play of the story and reading aloud by characters Picture Chart*
Week-17 on rotation basis.
Chart showing the animals and their young ones
Exercise: Match the columns Ex-1, Page-72 of Magazine
Pasting picture of Tiger and its cub in the notebook
And ask the ch. To produce the utterances produced by
the characters in the story.

New Words (Bellowed, Roared, Foul, Pounced, Grunt,

Twitched) by demonstration.

Word Game: Ex-2 & 3 of Page-73 of Textbook (Pair Recorded sounds of Tiger (Youtube)

Listening to the recorded sounds of Tiger (differentiating


Reading Card*
Crossword Puzzle Exercise:4, Page-75
Grammar: Punctuation marks (, . ? !) Worksheet (Punctuation marks)*

Teacher writes a few sentences on the blackboard

Exercise: Put punctuation marks wherever required (10


* Resource Book

November Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review worksheets / Language Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review
worksheets / Language Lab / Lab/ Catch up lessons Worksheets/Language Lab / Catch up
week-18 Catch up lessons lessons

November Unit-8 What’s in the mailbox? Pre-Teaching activity: Make an envelope (paper fun) Sheets of paper, Coloured paper,
week-19 (Poem) Page-79 of Textbook Glue

Communication through letter writing Write a letter to your friend and put it in the envelope Teacher
(mother tongue allowed)
Make a letter box Cardboard, Red sheets, Crayons,
Recitation and reading of the poem by tr.and st.
Realia of :
letter Guided Composition (Letter) Inland letter, Postcard, International
Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend letter, Stamps
summer vacations with you. Worksheet (Letter to a friend)*

Teacher calls the students one by one and they write the
difficult words on the blackboard
Blackboard, Chalk, Duster
November My Silly Sister (Story) Reading the story by the st and the tr.
Show a picture of RabindraNath Tagore
An elder brother writing to mother about
-his younger little sister Pasting a picture of your little brother/sister and
-her behavior yourself
-her reaction to what he says Web Chart Activity: what all little kids do Clues*
* Resource Book

His conclusion that his sister is:

-naughty Enactment by the students (Facial expression) discussion Chart paper and colored pencils
-silly and eliciting responses

Forward Chaining Activity: Give 5 more adjectives for

kids (imaginative, shy, energetic, innocent, inquisitive) Photographs
Emotional bonding within families Paste your family picture in the notebook
Worksheet (what kids do)*
Exercise-1, Page-84 of Textbook

One-Many worksheet
Labeling and Pairing cut outs

Exercise-5, 6 & 7 on Page-85 of Textbook

Reading Card*

One liner on my family by the whole class and then

writing a composition on My Family. A family photograph

December – Revision of the previous work done.

Students to be given revision in the work done in the previous exercises and assessed
Dec ember

* Resource Book

January Don’t tell (Poem) Singing of the poem “Don’t tell “in chorus to experience Chart papers and crayons
Week-21 the feeling that the narrator experiences. Teacher will
act out the story and the students will keep the books

Teacher will ask the students to write and draw the

things they want to do.

Students to narrate one incident where the parents

refused to let them do what they wanted to.

Word chart : Divide the class into groups and ask them
to write five new words which they have learnt and to
make co-related sentences

Page 89 and 90 of the textbook.

He is My Brother Narration of the story by the teacher and reading by the You tube (internet )
Feeling of forgetting on grief and pain students.
while providing comfort to others
Watch the story of Shravan Kumar
speaking skills Worksheet *
Activity: -Ask the students to tell the story of shravan
Emotions /feelings: Kumar in their own words
Love and affection
Kindness Page 94 and 95.of the textbook.

* Resource Book

Caring Song time: If you are happy

Understanding and accepting CWSN (sign Playing blind fold game pg 94 of text book Blind fold
filling the blanks pg 92and 93 of text book

New words (climb, slowly, sorry, load) encourage

guessing the meaning of difficult words before

Meaning through gestures, enactment and actions

Exercise: Dictation
. Teacher speaks out the word and students write it in the

Exercise 1 on pg 93 of text book *

Activity: In your mother tongue tell who is called what

Chacha – chichi, mama –mami , nana- nani

Exercise: Family word scramble and word search Worksheet 1 and 2 *

Relationship Explain short forms of the words on the blackboard.


January Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review worksheets / Language Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review
worksheets / Language Lab / Lab/ Catch up lessons Worksheets/Language Lab / Catch up
Week 23 Catch up lessons lessons

* Resource Book

Feb Week How creatures move (Poem) Recitation and actions Page 97 of text book
24 Movements Activity: underline action words in the poem
of various animals, birds and insects

Let’s write Watch “Mogli” and programs on wild life Jungle book, Nat geo, discovery
Differences and limitations channel
Discussion with students
Exercise 1 on pg 98 of text book
Enactment (by students) by wearing masks. Students Masks of various animals
pose as different animals
Advantages of being human beings
Students talk about this
Exercise 3 on Page 99 of text book
Movements words
New words (limb, crawl, wiggles, dive ) Through demonstration Page 97 of text book

Words with silent activity

Miming activity: Exercise 4 on pg 99 of text book

Let’s speak

Speak about activities which are fun/ boring for you Sample*
Feb Week The ship of desert Role play (wearing masks) Masks of lion and camel
25 ( story )
Different habitats and regions of animals Narration of the story reading aloud by teacher and
Life of a camel students on rotation basis
Its habitat
Its adaptation to the climatic condition Picture of a camel in a desert
Pasting picture of a camel in a desert Picture of a lion in a forest
Pasting picture of a lion in a forest
Life of a lion You tube (internet)
Its habitat
* Resource Book

Fun time: The lion king- I just can’t wait to be King

Reading card*
New words (ship of the desert, king of Animals and their homes Worksheet *
forest, sand, thorns) Exercise: Match the columns
Through real objects
Exercise 4 on pg 104 of text book
Word building
Pair work (the pair which does it fast wins )
Exercise on pg 105 of text book

Recognition of body parts

Match the column
Exercise on pg 105 of text book
Picture composition
Let’s write: Look at the picture and write the sentences
under each pictures
Pg 106 of text book
Talk Time: Pg 107 of text book
Sentence formation
(week, knot, knead, hour) Exercise: Make sentences using the following words
Pg 107 of the text book
March Reviews and reflective assessment

* Resource Book

Month Week Unit Chapter

April 1 Readiness
2 Unit-I Good Morning
May 3 Unit-I Magic Garden
4 Unit-II Bird Talk
5 Unit-II Neena and Baby Sparrows
June Vacation
July 6 Readiness
7 Unit-III Little by Little
8 Unit-III Enormous turnip
9 Unit-IV Sea Song
August 10 Unit-IV A little fish story
11 Review/Projects/ Field Trip/ Computer lab
12 Unit-V The balloon man
September 13 Unit-V Yellow Butterfly
October 14 Unit-VI Trains
15 Unit-VI Story of the road
16 Unit-VII Puppy and I
November 17 Unit-VII Little Tiger
18 Review/Projects/ Field Trip/ Computer lab
19 Unit-VIII What’s in the mailbox
20 Unit-VIII My Silly sister
January 21 Unit-IX Don’t Tell
22 Unit-IX He is my brother
23 Review/Projects/ Field Trip/ Computer lab

February 24 Unit-X How creatures move

25 Unit -X The ship of the deserts
* Resource Book

March Reviews and reflective assessment

* Resource Book

Week Key concepts/ Suggested activity Suggested Resource

April Greeting Activity
Week 1
Greetings Different ways of greetings in different religions-Namaste, Work sheet on different ways of greetings in the
Class Sat Sri Akal, Aadab, Good Morning, Good Evening, Good world *
readiness Afternoon, Good Night

• Teacher to demonstrate different ways of greetings

in the world handshake, bow, a hug, a pat on the
back, how do you do

• Students to enact different ways of greeting.

Field trip to the city Chandigarh Worksheet on My City *

Exercise: Guided composition on ‘My City ‘

Activity: Move and dance to the song Doe-ray me. Children
Text provided(song available on youtube) *
to dance and sing along with the teacher
Exercise: Word building
Worksheet on sentence formation*
Students to frame sentences with doe, ray, me, far, sew,
Exercise: Arranging sentences
Worksheet on sentence arrangement*
Students to arrange the sentences in order of the song.
Worksheet on proper, common and collective
Exercise: Identify proper, common and collective nouns.
nouns. *
(Revision of work done in Class-III to be done)

* Resource Book 1

April UNIT : 1
Week 2 Wake up(Poem) Warming up Activity

• Students to go to the ground and stretch arms and

legs, jogging, hopping etc.

• Students to go the school ground and enjoy the

Appreciating nature cool breeze, sounds of leaves, chirping of birds.
Activity: Cut and Paste Cut outs of sky, cow, pond, sun, birds,
Cut outs of sky, cow, pond, sun, birds, meadows, to be meadows,lake,mountains*
pasted in note books
Activity Draw free hand pictures of birds and animals with
colored chalk on running black board.

• The teacher to ask students who makes the
following sounds
and sounds Tick-tick-tick
Tring- tring- tring
• Students to form five groups and mimic the sounds
Exercise: Animals and sounds Worksheet on animals and sounds(sounds available
on youtube.Can be used in review session) *
Recitation of the poem with emphasis on
• Clear speech
• Correct pauses
Read the poem aloud following the forward chaining
process. The teacher reads the first line of the poem. She
then asks one student to read the next line. The second

* Resource Book 2

student reads the next line. Thus the chain continues till all
the students have recited the poem.

Reading is fun pg 4 (Text book)

Exercise on pg 5 (Text book)

Use of and, but

Worksheet on use of and, but *

Exercise on degrees pg 5(Text book) Worksheet on degrees*

May Neha’s Alarm Activity: Telling Time

Week 3 Clock(Lesson) • Cut the cardboard in the shape of a circular clock. Cardboard, coloured paper, fevicol, twig
Paste Coloured paper on the cardboard. Make the
markings of a clock. Cut the straw into two pieces-
one small and one big. Paste the big piece of twig
as the hours hand and the small piece as the
minutes hand
• Students to adjust the needles of the clock and tell
the time.
Daily Routine • Discuss with students their routine- what time do
Worksheet ‘My Routine’ (composition) *
they get up, dress, eat breakfast, go to school, have
lunch, play, sleep etc.
• Make sentences on daily routine

Things in the bedroom Cut outs of bed, pillow, table, chair, blankets,
Activity: Cutting and pasting

* Resource Book 3

Pasting cut outs of bedroom objects on the pin board

Reading of text using emphasis on
• voice modulation
• expression
Students read the passage in pair through Role Play.
Teacher divides the class into two groups. One group reads
the dialogues of Neha and the other of Mother.

Through enactment the teacher introduces the word

snuggles, mutters, snores, relax

Loud Reading by the teacher and students on rotation basis

Comprehension check
Worksheet on comprehension check *
Activity Pronunciation: Four letter words.

Words related with the clock and morning pg 15 (Text book)

Reading is fun pg 10 (Text book)

Activity: Word game Children to point out missing words Worksheet on missing words*
Identify the sound pg 11 (Text book)
Exercise : Cross word puzzle pg 12 (Text book)
Activity: Single liner ‘If there was no clock’
The first student begins with the line ‘If there was no clock
in the house… I would be late for school. The second
student continues makes the second sentence and this
continues till everyone has had their turn.

* Resource Book 4

Exercise: No clock Worksheet on No Clock*

Students to form a web map on ‘if there was no clock ‘

Who said to whom pg 13 (Text book)

Exercise on is/are
Worksheet on is/are*
Filling the blanks pg 13 (Text book)

Use of is/ are

Complete the paragraph pg 14(Text book)

Other ways of finding time

Instructions on how to make a sand clock.*
Activity making a sand clock

Comprehension questions from the text Worksheet on extra questions*

Extra Questions

May UNIT : 2

Week 4 NOSES (POEM ) Activity: Breathing Exercises Instructions in worksheet*

Identify parts of the Activity: Body parts game.
body and their
Teacher to divide the class into eight groups. She will take
them into the ground and form eight concentric circles.
Each group will be allotted one body part and its use. The Worksheet on Body Parts*
teacher will call out the name of the part and the students
will give the importance.(Groups- Eyes, Ears, Teeth, Skin,

* Resource Book 5

Legs, Arms, Heart, Lips)

Exercise: Match the body parts with functions.

Identification & importance of eyes, ears, teeth, skin, legs,

arms, heart, Lips

Game: Nose the face

• A cartoon is drawn on the chalk board and a

student is blind folded

• Student has to make a nose on the face.

Appeal to senses

Activity: Things that appeal/Don’t appeal Real objects-perfume, powder, crushed flower, rag,
rotten tomato, sliced lime
• Identify things which appeal and don’t
appeal to you

Loud reading of the lesson with correct pronunciation and


Individual reading by students

Activity: Pronunciation chart of four letter words.

Pronunciation chart of words*
Reading is fun pg19 (Text book)

Exercise: Draw and write

Description of Draw and name things which make you laugh

* Resource Book 6

features Different features

Activity: Different facial features Worksheet on different features of people. *

Discussion of different kind of features of people in the

Activity: Work sheet on My favourite personality *

Students to bring a picture of their favorite personality and
describe it.

Favourite fruit
Fun time pg 20-21 (Text book)

Lets write pg 22(Text book)
Lets write Q 1, 3 on pg 22 (Text book)
Find the rhyming words on pg 23 (Text book)
May UNIT-2
The Little Fir Tree Activity: Decorate the pin board with cut outs of fir trees Cut outs of fir trees using paper, scissors, crayons.
Week 5
Draw goat, rain , birds, nest, man, leaves, on the running
chalk board

Self-esteem and Ask students what makes them feel good and happy Worksheet on things which make students feel
satisfaction good and happy*
Read the story with proper stress and voice modulation.
Multiple choice questions on pg 27 (Text book) Extra comprehension questions*

* Resource Book 7

Different types of plants Pictures of different types of plants

Activity: Collage making on different types of plants.

Opposites Worksheets on opposites*

As given on page 28, 29 (Text book)
Exercise: Identify the opposites

Happy /Unhappy Let’s write pg 29 (Text book)

Picture reading pg 30 (Text book)

Identify action which make other happy/unhappy pg 32

Activity: Word tree
Worksheet on names of trees *
Students to make a word tree and use the words to
formulate sentences
Sick leave application
Sick leave application*
Discuss the format of an application


Vacation: Project file, assignments

1. Collage on animals with long ears

2. Collage on animals with small ears.
3. Draw activities you are doing during the holidays.
4. From the word ‘atmosphere’ how many more words can you form
5. Punctuation (worksheet).*

6. News papers articles and students to highlight a, an. *

* Resource Book 8

7. Scrap book on food eaten/places visited/people visited during holidays.

July My Holidays Divide the class into six groups and students will share
their experiences from their scrap books about food they
week 6 ate, places they visited, means of travel etc.
Readiness Exercise: My Vacations Worksheet on ‘My vacations’*

Activity: Myself
Myself Students to draw/ paste pictures on themselves, interests, Pictures/ photographs of students, family, games,
activities, family activities

Encourage students to speak few lines on myself

Exercise: Guided composition on ‘Myself’ Worksheet on Myself *

July Unit : 3 • Ask the students to run in a circle , clap , jump take a
Run (Poem) deep breath, rotate shoulders, stretch their arms
Week 7
sideways and laugh loudly (field activity)

Importance of • Recitation of the poem with emphasis on (teacher +

games and sports student)
• Clear speech
• Correct pauses
Teacher to ask the students simple questions which are to List of questions *
be answered orally.

Activity: Pronunciation four letter word.

Word cards of four letter words*
Questions answers on pg 40 (Text book)
Exercise: Let’s spell

Spellings using ee and ea pg 40,41 (Text book) Worksheet on spellings using ee or ea*

* Resource Book 9

Different games
Activity: Role play
Students to play tug of war,
Do the act of swimming, diving, boating, gymnastics and
horse riding.
Use of ing
Activity: Dumb Charades
One student to enact an activity and the other to identify it.
(Eating, sleeping, diving, running, cooking, dreaming) Worksheet on verbs *
Exercise on verbs
July Nasruddin’s Aim Narrating story (Arjuna targeting at fish’s eye), story of
(Story) Eklavya
Week 8 Get a dart board to the class and ask students to hit
Building Activity: Darts
Show the students how the dart board is used. the board.
Exercise: Label the picture on archery and colour it. Worksheet on Archery*

Exercise: Make sentences with words bow, arrow, archery,

target, string.
Loud reading by the teacher with correct pauses and
intonation. Extra comprehension questions*
Silent reading by the students

Pronunciation Card five letters

Questions 1-4 pg 48 (Text book)

Comprehension questions (extra)
Activity: Enjoy Hodja Hodja Jokes *

Pg50-51 (Text book)

Lets write pg 51 (Text book)

* Resource Book 10

Activity: My partner
Students to speak a few lines on his seat partner Instructions*

Use of and/but Worksheet on and/but *

Exercise: Use of and / but on pg 52-53
(Text book)

Let’s play pg 54-55(Text book)

Personal Letter
Inviting a friend to your birthday Worksheet on invitation letter*

July Unit : 4 Activity: Ask questions

“WHY?” Divide the class into six groups and each group frames Worksheet on asking questions*
Week 9
(Poem) questions with what, why, when, how, where, which
Inculcate spirit of
Activity : Pronunciation card on six letter words Pronunciation card on six letter words*
Recitation of the poem with correct stress and intonation

Question 1,2,3 pg 62(Text book)

Pg 62, 63 (Text book)

Exercise: Make sentences Worksheet on making sentences*

Let’s write
Pg 63, 64

Activity: Onion and Lady Finger painting Procedure in work sheet

Activity: Teacher asks students to come to the chalk board

* Resource Book 11

and draw cloud, mountains, tree near the house, dog, river
and then tells the placement (the clouds are above the
mountains, river flows under the house, dog is sitting
infront of the house)
Exercise: Pronouns Worksheet on pronouns*

August Alice in Exercise: Rabbit Worksheet on Rabbit *

• Teeth
Week 10 Wonderland
(Lesson) • Tail
• Fur

Activity: Visit to the school garden

My Garden
Exercise: Draw the garden of your dreams Guided composition visit to Rose Garden*
Guided composition of visit to Rose Garden
Loud reading by the teacher

Loud reading of the text by the teacher and students in Extra comprehension questions*

Activity: Pronunciation cards of six letter words Pronunciation cards *

Pg 68-69 (Text book)
Tick the correct answer pg 69-70 (Text book)

* Resource Book 12

Activity: Role playing Masks and dialogues strips for Alice and Rabbit*
Students to enact the roles of talking rabbit and Alice

Let’s talk pg 70 (Text book)

Let’s write 70-71 (Text book)
Rearrange the words to make interrogative sentences
Worksheet on interrogative sentences*

August Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review /Catch up lessons

Week 11

August UNIT : 5 Activity: Game blind man’s bluff Children to go to the ground and play the game
Don’t be Afraid of A student is blind folded and he has to catch the other
Week 12
the Dark (Poem) students. If he touches anyone, then that student is blind
folded and the game continues.

Appreciate darkness Activity: Students to close their eyes and imagine the Worksheet on night*

Exercise: Make Sentences

Exercise: How I feel when it is dark Word web on darkness *

Recite the poem loudly with correct intonation and stress

pg 75(Text book)
Opposites pg 75 (Text book)
Let’s talk pg 76(Text book)
Say aloud pg 76, 77 (Text book)

Similar sounding words Worksheet on similar sounding words*

Pg 78, 79 (Text book)

* Resource Book 13

Sep Helen Kellar Activity: students to watch the movie ‘Black’ Movie ‘Black’ (Youtube.Can be shown during review
(lesson) Activity: Dumb Charades session)
Week 13 One student acts out and the others guess the actions- like
Sensitizing sleep, eat, run, study, read, sweep
students to Visit to Dumb and deaf institute
handicaps Activity: Students to close their eyes for two minutes and tell
how they feel.

Exercise: Feeling
Students to write in the notebooks how they feel when their
eyes are closed

Loud reading by teacher and students with proper stress ,

intonation and voice modulation
Activity: Similar sounding words Worksheet on similar sounding words*

Activity: Students to narrate story of Helen Keller with hints

Extra comprehension questions*
given by the teacher (bilingual method can be used.) Teacher
to give the English Equivalent

Let’s write pg 87(Text book)

Worksheet on always, often, sometimes, never*
Use of always, often, sometimes, never

* Resource Book 14

Don’t give up Exercise on pg 88(Text book)(students to work in pairs) Worksheet on Apology Letter*
Activity: Racing
Teacher will divide the class into eight groups. Students will
run and those who lag behind will be given incentives (sweets
or chocolates) in order to motivate them to work harder the
next time. How to take failure in your stride to be discussed
with the students.
Personal Letter
Exercise: Apology letter to friend for not attending his birthday
September: Revision, Assessment, Assignments

October Unit-6 Segregation Activity Flash cards of pony, donkey, husky, camel
Sheet with pictures of several animals will be provided.
Week 14 The Donkey, Students to segregate beasts of burden.
I had a Little
Pony(Poems) Exercise: Riddles based on identification of beasts of burden Worksheet on riddles on beast of burden
Recitation of poem
Reading is fun pg 94(Text book)
Let’s talk pg 94 (Text book)

Exercise: Should/should not

Worksheet on what your should do/not do
Sensitization to cruelty to animals

Exercise : Animals and their homes Worksheet on animals and their home*

Activity: Crossword Puzzle Worksheet*

* Resource Book 15

October The Milkman’s Exercise on cow Worksheet on Cow*

Week 15 Cow (Lesson) Identify the Parts of the body and colour it

Reading the lesson with correct pronunciation & intonation

Extra comprehension questions*
Loud reading by students in pairs pg 101 (Text book)

Let’s talk pg 101 (Text book)

Word building pg 103(Text book)
Pronunciation card on six letter words Pronunciation Card*

Simple present/past Worksheet on present/past*

Pg 103 (Text book)
Exercise: On simple present/past

What work do Pg 104

Exercise: Community Helper Worksheet on Community Helper *
people do

Descriptive activity: Red ball, white shirt, plastic doll, led pencil, heavy
Teacher to show objects and children to identify bag.

Exercise: On adjectives
Worksheet on adjectives*

Guided Composition on My Pet Worksheet on My Pet *

* Resource Book 16

October Unit :7
Week 16 Hiawatha
Familiarizing Drawing and identification activity
students with Students to draw/paste a Native Indian, wigwam, beaver,
Native Indian reindeer, canoe

Reading the poem loudly

Reading is fun pg 110(Text book)

Chinese whisper Activity Chinese Whisper

Teacher to divide the class into five groups. In each group the
leader whispers a sentence in English to his partner. The
partner whispers it to the next person’s ear. This goes on till the
last person is reached who loudly announces the sentence. It is
then seen whether the sentence repeated was right or wrong

Let’s talk pg 111 (Text book)

Pg 112(Text book)

Activity: Pronunciation card of six letters Pronunciation card of six letter words*

Tongue Twister
A Knapsack sack, A Knapsack sack

Description of Hiawatha
Pg 114(Text book)
Exercise on Hiawatha’s Friends Worksheet on Hiawatha’s friends*

* Resource Book 17

Use of my/his/her, Pg 115, 116 (Text book)


Same sounding Pg 117 (Text book)


Animals- Gender and Babies Worksheet on Gender and babies of animals*

November Unit- 7 Activity: Exchange Akbar-Birbal tales. Narrate them in mother Amar Chitra Kathas from Library
Week 17 The scholar’s tongue
mother tongue Extra comprehension questions*
Loud Reading with proper stress and intonation
Reading is fun Pg 120 (Text book)
Let’s read pg 120(Text book)
Say aloud pg 121(Text book)

Exercise: Mother Tongue Equivalents

Students to find difficult words from the lesson and give their
equivalents in the mother tongue.
Exercise: Make sentences
Tick the right answer pg 122(Text book)
Worksheet on sentences*
Match the columns pg 123 (Text book)

A, an , the
Worksheet on a,an,the*
Exercise: On a,an, the

Cross word fun on Pg 126, 127 (Text book)

Composition Worksheet ‘My school’*
My School

* Resource Book 18

November Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review /Catch up lessons

Week 18

November Unit-8 Activity: Trip to school garden

A Watering Tree Visit to the school garden/ lawn when the school gardener is
Week 19 (poem) watering the plants. Talk by the Gardener on caring of plants.

Caring for nature Activity: Identify the flowers

All the students to get one flower from home. The teacher will Flowers of different varieties
put all the flowers in a box. Then she will pull out the flowers
and the students will identify them.

Re-arrange letter to from names of flowers. Pg 132 (Text book)

Recitation of the poem

Reading is fun pg 132 (Text book)

Cross word puzzle pg 133 (Text book)

Use of trees
Exercise: Draw a plant and label its parts of roots, branch, Worksheet on plants *
stem, flower, leaf.

Pg 134(Text book)
Composition Let’s write pg 134-136 (Text book)
Activity :Flower/leaf collection
Students to collect and paste different
Flowers/leaves in scrap book Worksheet on Mother Tongue
Exercise: Mother Tongue Equivalents

* Resource Book 19

November The Giving Tree Loud reading of the text by the students Comprehension questions
Week 20 (Lesson) Looking around activity
Children to take a walk around the school ground and
experience the shade of tress

Exercises: Uses of trees

Draw pictures on uses of trees Worksheet on trees *

Narrate the story using strips of dialogues

Exercise on vocabulary
Students to circle difficult words from the
lesson and make sentences

Chain reaction activity

One word is introduced in class and the student has to frame a
word with the last alphabet. The next student frames a new
word with the last alphabet of the word spoken by the first Pencil, colours
E.g. Tiger……..rat……..town………….
Reading is fun pg 142 (Text book)
Word building pg 142 (Text book)

Singular/ Plural
Exercise: On singular/plural Worksheet on singular/plural.

Let’s talk pg 143 (Text book)

Let’s write pg 143, 144 (Text book) Worksheet on trees
Composition: Trees

* Resource Book 20

December Assessment

January Unit-9 Visit Activity Visit to the school library

Books The children visit the school library and get books issued.
Week 21
Loud Recitation by the teacher
Appreciating Books
Arranging activity
Teacher collects all the issued books and divides the class into
5 groups. Each groups is given books are asked to arrange
them by the alphabetical name of the writer.
Worksheet of the story*
Story Telling through Picture
Reading is fun pg 149 (Text book)
Signs seen and heard pg 149 (Text book)
Exercise: On word family pg 151 (Text book) Worksheet on word family*

January Going to buy a Activity on buying books Books of students, paper money
book (Lesson) Teacher to create a book fair situation in class 10 stalls to be
Week 22
set up with 10 students as shopkeepers and 10 helpers. Rest of
the students are the buyers.
Activity: Treasure Hunt as given on pg 156 (Text book)
Reading of the text Extra comprehension questions*
Reading is fun pg 156 (Text book)
Let’s write pg 157-158

Use of I shall
Worksheet I shall*
Exercise: On I shall
Activity: Bookmark making pg 159(Text book)
Activity: Covering a book
pg 160 (Text book)

* Resource Book 21

January Field trips/ projects/Revision/Review /Catch up lessons

Week 23

February Unit 10
Week 24 The Naughty Boy Activity: On Scotland Pictures on Scotland castles,, monster, Scotsman
(Poem) Paste picture on pin board
Recitation of the poem

Worksheet on naughty boy*

Exercise: Web chart on naughty boy
Discussion on pranks played by students
Exercise: words that begin with ‘sc’ Worksheet on words that begin with ‘sc’

Reading is fun pg 166 (Text book)

Listen and follow pg 166 (Text book)
Nation/ Nationality Worksheet on nations/Nationality *
Exercise: pg 167-168 (Text book)
Pg 169 (Text book)

* Resource Book 22

February Pinocchio Puppet making Activity (glove puppet) socks, colour, bindi, rubber band
Take socks, colour, bindi, rubber band. Make a face by placing
Week 25 two binds as the eyes, colour the outline features of face. Put
the designed puppet on your hand and your puppet is ready.

Objects and their Exercise Match the objects with their uses. Worksheet on Objects and uses
Narration of the story by using stick puppets. Students to Stick puppet of Pinocchio and carpenter, dialogue
enact as per their roles assigned. strips
Reading is fun pg 152 (Text book)

Pronunciation card of seven letter words Pronunciation card of seven letter word*

Exercise: word building

The teacher to give the word ‘atmosphere ‘ to the students.
The students have to frame at least twenty words from this
Extra comprehension questions*
Let’s write pg 174-175 (Text book)
Exercise: Paragraph Dictation

Strips containing gist of the story*

Exercise: Summary of story
Rearrange the sentences to form the gist of the story

Rearrange Reading is fun 68-70 (Text book)

Let’s write pg 70(Text book)
Worksheet on Rainy Day*
Exercise :A Rainy Day
March Reviews and reflective assessment

* Resource Book 23

* Resource Book 24

Month/Week Learning Key Content / Suggested Activity Suggested Resource

April Wk 1 Readiness card game with pictures*
Various occupations Card game Activity

Appreciating Food Creation of food bazaar by the students and use of Realia (fruits and vegetables )
Handling money paper money

Story Telling
Narrating folk tales, stories, of Kings and Queens
through gesture and body expression. story narration*

Familiar surroundings Guided simple compositions

Myself, My School, My City
What I like doing most……………………….
…………………………..students to develop on their own Worksheet (guided compositions)
My self, my school
April wk 2 Ice-Cream Show and tell Activity Guess who am I *
Unit-I man (Poem) Students will match pictures with occupations.
Coloring Activity Exercise p 8 Marigold colour me*
Teaching flavours of Naming Popular brands available in the market
Ice cream asking children to choose their favorite and Popular
brands Realia-cones, scoop, soda bottle
Flavours- Chocolate wrappers of ice cream
Drawing, favourite ice cream and colouring it

* Resource Book 1

Different seasons and their Feeling cloth texture Realia (clothes)

requirements Pieces of summer/ winter clothes e.g. cotton, wool Pictures (summer and winter )
etc. four seasons poster*
Appeal to senses – sight,
taste, touch, sound, smell The teacher will ask the students to make a list of
various activities to be taken up during summer and
winter seasons.
Comprehension Questions
Reading and recitation of poem Textbook
Recitation of poem
With proper stress and intonation, encouraging the Multiple Choice Questions*
students to visualize the poem.

Saying rhyming words aloud

Hard, yard –heat, beat Exercise p 7 Marigold
Pin up activity- Students can collect pictures of
summer and winter seasons activities and pin it up on
the board in the class and they can make sentences rhyming words
on it. Concept of nouns to be explained through the

New words Nouns*

Blaze, mounds, cluster etc. from the text.
(Through Gestures, Pictures, Realia)

Guided Composition: My favourite ice-cream Composition*

Students to check the prices on the ice-cream
wrappers and make a list
Report writing Report writing
Guided report on different brands of ice creams
available in your area. P.6 Marigold
* Resource Book 2

May wk 3 Wonderful waste Talking about uses of garlic pods, vegetables scraps, Realia: Pods of garlic, coconut
Unit-I Recycling waste curry leaves, coconut etc. shells, vegetables scraps

Best out of waste competition Picture*.

Making pen stand, piggy bank etc.
Visit to Rock Garden. out of waste things.*

Story Narration by Role Play- The teacher will read Comprehension Questions
out the chapter with gestures and actions and voice Textbook
Reading by the students on rotation basis
Exercise: Numbering in right order pg 13 Text book Multiple Choice Questions*
True/false exercise pg 12 Text Book
Word Building Activity
Scraps, feast, bits, survey, throw them away, sternly
etc. (Actions, enactment, realia)
Realia: garlic pods and vegetables
Grammar Time –Encircling activity
Encircle noun and verb in the lesson (Text book)
scraps to be shown.
Noun and verb Exercise P-14 Text book
Activity Composition writing on Rock Garden
noun & verb*

Bamboo Curry Pictures of different dishes.

Recipe telling activity
Poem, House of Bamboo*
Making tea
Making kheer
Ways of cooking
Teacher will ask the students to tell her about their
telling recipes*
favourite dish. Students will be asked to make a list of
the various ingredients used in making of that dish.

* Resource Book 3

Students can be asked to observe their mothers, Realia of Bamboo, cooking

preparing that dish. On the basis of information masalas
collected from them a guided composition
Cut and paste activity
Students will be asked to collect pictures of different Picture composition *
dishes prepared in their state and paste it in their
copies and a composition can be written on the basis
of information gathered.

Model reading by the Teacher and reading by the

Students on rotation basis.

Word study: New words to be explained by the

Teacher through Realia and gestures.
Comprehension Questions
Questions to be taken up from the Text. Textbook

Multiple Choice Questions*

May Team work (poem) Group Activity
Wk 4 Co-operation, Collaboration Getting peas out of pea pods.
Unit II Developing Team Spirit Group A Group B Let’s win*
Collectively Individually (group activity)

Sports (Picture Cards Activity)

Differentiation of various sports- emphasis on
building Team Spirit through co-operation and Sports personality
co-ordinating with others. Discussion on games like
Cricket, Football, Hockey which is played as a team

Reading and recitation

* Resource Book 4

Recitation with proper stress and intonation. Stress

on clear speech and correct pauses. Read the poem
aloud following the forward chaining process. The
teacher reads the first line of the poem. She then asks
one student to read the next line. The second student
reads the next line thus the chain continues till all the
students have recited the poem.

New Words
Team Work, hoop, passes, relayrace, baton (through Pictures *
body language, gestures, pictures,realia)
Rhyming words
rhyming words*
Say aloud-Team /Beam

Grammar Time contractions

Encircle contractions in the lesson Contractions *
Can’t , we’ve
Ex. Pg 27 Text book
Picture composition
Building a house, working at home Visit to a safe construction sight
Ex. Pg 24 Text Book doing in a group

Questions to be taken up from the Text. Comprehension Questions


Multiple Choice Questions*

May Week 5 Flying Together Dramatization of story ‘Farmer and his four sons.’
Unit II Unity and co-operation To teach the moral to students –‘ united we stand and Bundle of sticks
Team work divided we fall’.
Activity: sowing seed and growing a plant.
Showing movie on flying together You tube (during review sessions)
* Resource Book 5

Story Telling story telling*

Narrating the story with the help of finger puppets Using internet(You tube link)

Reading of the chapter by the students on rotation

basis. Explanation to be done by the Teacher through
gestures, flash card, pictures etc. Multiple choice questions *

Word study- Geese, leafy branches, creepers, advise, Comprehension Check*

make a fuss, pretend. To make word clear through
realia, pictures, gestures and enactment.

‘United we stand, divided we falls ‘
Old is Gold’ ‘stitch in time saves nine Proverb*

Role play activity (One minute talk on various Picture Cards*
occupations e.g teacher, hunter, doctor) Card Game *

Group Activity- Students can be taken to the school Field Visit

garden and they can be taught to sow seeds. They will A visit to a Zoo(during review
work in unison with each other. sessions)

Comprehension check Activity: students to read the
passage and answer the short questions. Exercise Pg
34. Text book

* Resource Book 6

The Ant and the Dove . Reading of the chapter through forward chaining The Ant and the Dove*
Co-operation process and the teacher will make them understand
the story through pictures.
Comprehension Questions
Comprehension Textbook
Demonstrative Activity: with the help of classroom Multiple Choice Questions*
objects e.g. Chair, Ball, Purse. Pg 37 Text Book

Answering Questions about yourself (Divide the class

into groups and ask them to frame questions with Question words*
what, why, which, how where, when pg 35 Text book

Prepositions from the book Preposition*

Words Study: New words to be taken up by the

Teacher and meaning to be made clear through
gestures and mother tongue equivalents.

Questions from the Text to be discussed and

explained by the Teacher.

June Summer Home Assignments Project work: Composition writing “visit to a Hill
Vacations Station/your native village”.

Pictorial activity: Preparing a scrap file on various

States of India.

Drawing activity: Draw and list the things you like to

do during vacations.

* Resource Book 7

July Readiness Dictation of difficult words. Dictation*

Week 6 Match the words with their meanings. Word meanings*
Write meaningful sentences by using difficult words Sentences*
in the chapters already done.
Re-write the story of Flying Together in your own Story writing*
Write a composition on making use of waste material
in a productive manner.

July My Shadow (Poem) Field visit

Week 7 Investigating the unknown School Garden: Observing
Unit-III Pair Work: watching different shadows and observing shadows of trees.
absence of shadows on a cloudy day
Suspense and sense of Reading and Recitation
curiosity Recitation of the poem with proper stress and

Drawing Activity- Draw anything with its shadow e.g.

a tree, a house, a cup, a glass etc in your copy.

New words through realia, pictures, mother tongue Matching the words to their
equivalent- Buttercup, errant, sleepy head, dew etc. meaning and making sentences.*

Comprehension Multiple Choice Questions*

Discussion in groups on what happens to the shadow

on rainy days

Observation Activity: observing moon for a week (its Shapes of Moon, Star
shape, light)

* Resource Book 8

July Wk-8 Robinson Crusoe Story Narration- Stories of adventure mystery, Flash Cards and pictures*
Unit-III Overcoming fears humor, animals

Story to be narrated with the help of pictures and

flash cards*

Word Building
Savages, mainland, castle, frequently, amazed,
confused (Through actions, realia, gestures etc.)

Guided composition: The Teacher will give guidelines

for writing about an adventure which they have gone Composition

Comprehension check Multiple choice questions*

July Crying Flash card activity: Showing faces happy, sad, angry, faces with different emotions*
Week-9 (Poem) jealous
Unit-IV Emotions Reading and recitation
Reading of the poem with proper stress and
intonation by the Tr. and St. will recite/read the
Vowel sounds (select the vowels from the text) Vowel *

Introduction to new words like soaked, splash,

shower etc. though pictures, gestures, etc by creative writing*

Activity- Students to bring a picture of some

* Resource Book 9

incident/reason which make them cry and write

about it.
Creative writing activity
Exercise on creative writing pg 62 Text book
Exercise- Draw and write, Draw and name things/
reasons which make you cry.

Multiple choice questions*

Comprehension check

August My elder brother (story) The Tr. will ask the students to make a family tree Family tree*
Week-10 and write about the relationship they share with guided composition*
Unit-IV their siblings.

Respecting Elders
Teacher will discuss the picture in the pg 64 textbook
Role play- Teacher will give the role of elder brother
and younger brother who will read out the chapter.
The teacher will help to read out the lesson with
proper voice modulation. Alongside the teacher will
ask some comprehension questions.

New Words – Foundation, punctuality, schedule,

tremendous, wisdom, scary (Through pictures,
gestures, action, gestures etc)

Exercise- Jumbled sentences arranging words in given

Exercise pg 71 Text book
* Resource Book 10

Composition writing*
Experiences with grand parents
Guided composition writing
My mother, my grandmother

Exercise - Comprehension skill

Ex p 74 Text Book

Task: (2) Letter-writing to friend, uncle, brother letter writing*

Ex p 73 Text Book

opposite from the text- opposite*


Grammar time: Teacher should try to explain the
meaning of the time difference.
Ex p 75, 76 Text book

Activity comprehension check- Teacher will write a

small passage about family on one side of the board comprehension passage with
and questions on the other side. Then the students multiple choice questions
can be guided how to locate answers.

* Resource Book 11

August Review/Projects/Field Trips/Language Lab


August The lazy frog (poem) Activity- Clay modeling

Week-12 Laziness –A bad habit. Making any animal in the given time
Importance of time and Activity- Origamy
Hard work Making a frog from the paper

Reading and Recitation the poem with correct stress

and intonation and encouraging the pupils to visualize Pictures*
what is there in the poem.
Dramatization – of poem with Toy model-Frog Field Visit: - Visit to a pond during
rainy season.
New Words
Loll, shirt, calls in vain, bow, hops past etc. (Through
pictures, gestures and actions)

Rhyming Words
Give more words from the poem and ask the students Rhyming words*
to provide rhyming words for them e.g.
* Resource Book 12

Shirk- Work

Group Activity
The students will make groups of four and enact and
small dialogue on one of their habits which need to
be changed.
Habit How can I change my wrong habit?

September Rip Van winkle Activity- Scrap Book making

Week-13 Pictures of Adventures sports will be pasted example Scrap book*
Unit V Mountaineering

Picture Story- Showing natural scene

River, trees, forest etc. natural scene*

Story Narration through Role Play

Adventure sports Two volunteers can be called to give a list of good
traits and bad traits.
Good Traits Bad Traits
Honesty Stealing
Truthfulness Lying

New Words – Foothills, astray, weeds, daydreaming ,

barrel, echoed thunder muttered descent, stared etc
(through pictures, actions and gestures)

Reading of the chapter to be done on rotation basis

* Resource Book 13

by the St.

Gap Filling Exercise- Passage will be given talking

about village, farming, cow rearing and students will Passage on village life
fill the blanks

Activity – Teacher will divide the class the class into

four groups
Group I and II- They can act as Rip and talk about the
Group III and IV- They can act as the villagers

October Discussion Reading and Recitation- Read aloud the poem with A picture *
Week 14 correct stress and intonation. Let them enjoy the
rhythm and encourage them to visualize the scene.

Comprehension Question Textbook Tick the correct picture*

Pictures of students behavior in the class room

A scene of discussion will be created in the class

room by dividing the students into groups. One topic
will be given to each group For ex. Food, Clothes,
Parents, Teachers etc. St will discuss the topics and Picture composition*
write one paragraph on each and make a My Class*
presentation in the class.

New Words Describing words*

Discussion, aired, opinion, chatter, plain, quiet, stared
(through demonstration, body language pictures etc.)

* Resource Book 14

Activity Class discussion

Teacher can ask the students about. Some function Qualities*
held at their home or school like a birthday party,
marriage etc.

Writing exercise

Post Reading Activity

The students will be asked to write a small descriptive
paragraph on any of their habits which they feel is not
good and can be improved. Afterwards they will be
asked to complete the adjective chart.

Imitation:- Talkative and silence qualities

Brave Naughty Quiet Talkative Students


October The talkative Barber Story narration- Dialogue enactment activity between Field Visit: To a Barber Shop
Week-15 the king and the Barber can be presented before the Mirror, Scissors, razor, shaving kit
Unit VI class.
Difficult words from Textbook Gestures, actions, picture cards*
Teaching opposites
Task (1):-
Match the opposites Ex p 106 Text Book Using suffixes*
Using (un,im,dis)

* Resource Book 15

Pictures of brave people.*

Brave and courageous Discussion on Bravery Awards

New Words
Chatter box, defect, opinion, exhausted, dessert,
examine, humpbacked, feast (through pictures, body
language gestures etc)

Reading of the story in small parts.

Comprehension Check Textbook Multiple Choice Question*

Match the opposites with words un-im-dis and speak Worksheet*

Activity Dumb Charades- One student acts out the

various occupations and others will guess the actions.
Policeman, Doctor, Teacher etc.
October Topsy- Turvy land Showing pictures of Topsy Turvy Land You Tube
Week-16 Pictures*
Physical features Teacher will bring physical map of the world and talk Write the following land forms*
about different physical features i.e. mountain, valley, Pictures*
rivers, desert, sea.

Recitation and reading of the poem by students and


Comprehension Check Textbook Multiple Choice Question *

Difficult words/Textbook
Web Chart
New Words
* Resource Book 16

Topsy-turvy, pleasure, grand etc. (By showing pictures


Pin Board Activity Picture cards/Web chart*

St. to bring pictures of Shimla, Dal Lake, Thar Desert

Modes of Transportation or any land form and paste them on the pin board.

Means of transport:- Land, water, air (Teacher to Chart on means of Transport*


Composition : I like to travel by …………………….St. to


Fun with sounds Exercise pg 113

Pleasure, treasure, measure

Speaking Activity
Speak for a minute on why you would/ would not like
to be citizens of Topsy-turvy land.

Activity Project Work

Student’s to find information on the following
Travelling - Venice, where people use canals and gondola
boats for everyday travel rather than roads. Field visit: Trekking in safe area
- London’s duck tour buses that ran both on
roads and water.
comprehension check*
* Resource Book 17

November Gulliver’s Travels Picture reading: St. to come and write characteristics
Week-17 of giants and dwarfs on the black board one by one
and Tr. to generate discussion on it.

Being courageous Reading of the Story: St. to read the story one by Pictures of giant and dwarf.

New words: Vessel, bellowing , inhabitant, barren,

creature, steep, astonishment, monster, crumbled,
grab (through pictures gestures, demonstrations etc)
barren, steve, crumpled, vessel.

Silent Reading: By the St. Pictures*

Teaching comparisons

Comprehension Check (Textbook)

Completion of Blanks Multiple Choice Question*
With adjectives
Grammar Time Ex p 122, 125 Marigold
Degrees of comparisons Fast/Faster/Fastest Degrees of comparison*
Punctuation Exercise: Punctuation Exercise may be
done after some revision of how punctuation marks Punctuation Sheet*
to be used.

(Indian mythology)

Picture Cards (Giant and a normal human being)

Pin Board Activity: Student to collect pictures of
* Resource Book 18

monsters and then teacher will past them on the


November Review/Projects/Field Trips/Language Lab

Week 18

November Ask the students the following question with their Match and write*
Week-19 books closed.
Unit-8 1. Do you like making friends?
Nobody’s 2. Do you share your things with others?
Friend Friendship New Words: Share, friend (through actions, gestures Match the meanings*
(Poem) ect.)

Reading & Recitation with stress and intonation and

ask them following questions. Opposites*
List the things that you want to share and things that
you don’t want to share.

Discussion Qualities of a good friend Qualities of my friend*

Playing a game
Sharing food items among students popcorns, chips*

* Resource Book 19

Grammar Time Exercise pg 150

Lend – b_______w
World Bulding Activity Playing Kangaroo Game:
Make some more words with the letters of the word
Do one example with the children taking the world
ills of teasing people organize

Teacher to narrate the story of Money and Crocodile. Text provided*

St. to change the ending and complete the story.

November Segregation of
Week-20 Picture cards: sea creatures like crabs, lobsters, Picture*
My little Bully shrimps, whale and dolphins.

Animal World Model reading by the Tr. by dividing it into small units Multiple Choice Questions*
followed by comprehension questions.
St. to read each unit silently.
Question slips to be distributed amongst the St. Question Slips*
Team-A to ask questions and Team-B to answer.

New words: Pinch, bruise, excited, queer, shrimps,

prawns, lobsters, crabs, pincer, stalk, scowl, horrid
etc. (through picture, actions, gestures etc. )

My teacher
Web Chart Ex p 153 Marigold

Activity Fun with Sounds: Say aloud the words with

(P) and (F) sounds.
* Resource Book 20

Activity Project Work: Let them find out difference Picture*

about a turtle and a tortoise.

St. to bring cuttings of reports bullying and ragging

and paste them on the Pin Board and write how they
felt after reading it (can be undertaken in review


January People going places The picture cut outs of crowds of people in different Pictures*
Week 21 places like Markets, Elevators, people running in a
Field visit: Market, Bus Stand
Unit - IX hurry, means of transport, pictures of market place
Sing a song of can be shown to the students, different sounds made
people in the markets can be reproduced in the class.

Toy model (Car, Bus)

Modes of Transport Model reading will be done by the Tr. and students
will read the poem on rotation basis.

Word Study: Subway, side walk, underneath.

Activity : Reading a Map. Outline of a Map.

* Resource Book 21

Comprehension Questions Textbook Multiple Choice Question*

January Travelling Different Maps, pictures of red Indians, pictures of Pictures of Wonders of the world
Week 22 different means of transport and city map will be Worksheet
Unit -IX shown to the students Globe*
Around the Outline of world map*
World Model reading of the Chapter through Tr. and
Jan students will read the chapter on rotation basis.
Unit 9 Word Study: Procession, canyons, conductor, herd,
halt, etc.

Comprehension Check Textbook Multiple Choice Questions

Travelling by Train/Aeroplane. Picture and guided composition*

* Resource Book 22

January Review/Projects/Field Trips/Language Lab


February Reading and Recitation: Read the Poem with proper

Week-24 Relationships stress and intonation.
Unit X
MaluBhalu Comprehension Check Textbook Multiple Choice Questions*

Character sketch of MaluBhalu by pictures and gap

Exercise on pg 173 Marigold

New words: Mane, Lair, Whim, clasped, Gripped,

Patience, Fearless (Through gestures, actions, body Picture*
language and pictures etc.)

Chart with pictures of Water Animals

Discussion (things one likes to do/do not like to do) I like to do*

Writing Activity: Additional practice can be given on

the use of pronouns by writing sentences with the
names of student from the class.
* Resource Book 23

Example: Aryan never does his home work. Aryan has

not done his homework even today.

Gender Sensitization Composition : Girls are better than boys or boys are
better than girls. Tr. to generate discussion and St. to Visit to school garden, sowing a
come and write their views on the black board.
seed and growing a plant
Asking simple questions from given passage Worksheet (story of leaders)
Leadership qualities
Exercise pg 174 Text Book

New Words: Excitement, Peace. Worthy, Contest, Worksheet (slogan writing)

spear, Triumphantly (Through Demonstration,
Gestures, Body Language)
Caring for Environment
Week-25 India and Various States using multiple languages
Unit-X Exercise pg 182
Who will be Outline of the map provided.
St. to fill in States of India in the outline of the map
and discuss about the food habits and attire of North
Indian and South Indian.

Some amount of model reading may be done but it

must be followed by silent reading of the lesson. The
lesson may be divided into very short units followed
by comprehension questions. The units for this
lesson are:
1. Long, long ago………..and Sanatomba.

* Resource Book 24

2. Twelve years later……..becoming a king.

3. We will have…….Tunggi Ningthou.
4. The Nighthou and……………wonderful motion.
5. The people breathed…………and now is dead.
6. The people were all……………anybody in the
Each unit to be read silently by students and
followed by comprehension questions which may
be done orally with children.
Question slips to be distributed. Team-A to
Question Slips
question and Team-B to answer.
Multiple Choice Questions.
Comprehension Questions Textbook
Guided Composition : India of my dreams Worksheet*
Slogan writing on ‘Save Trees’ ’Save Water’

Actions and gestures Zoom, bang Exercise pg 183

Text Book

March Reviews and reflective assessment


* Resource Book 25

Month Week Unit Chapter

April 1 Unit – 1 Readiness

2 Ice-Creamman (Poem) –
May 3 –Unit-1 Wonderful waste

4 Unit-II Team Work (Poem)

5 Unit-II Flying Together

June Summer Vacations -- Home Assignments

July 6 Readiness

7 Unit-III My Shadow (Poem)

8 Unit-III Robinson Crusoe

9 Unit-IV Crying (Poem)

August 10 Unit-IV My elder brother (story)

11 Reviews/Projects/ Field Trips/Computer


12 The Lazy Frog (Poem)

September 13 Unit-V Rip Van Winkle

October 14 Unit-VI Discussion (Poem)

15 Unit-VI The Talkative Barber

* Resource Book 26

16 Topsy-Turvy Land

November 17 Unit-VIII Gulliver’s Travels

18 Reviews/Projects/ Field Trips/Computer

Lab/Catch up lessons

Nobody’s Friend (Poem)

My Little Bully

January 21 Unit-IX Sing a Song of People

22 Unit-IX Around the World

23 Reviews/Projects/ Field Trips/Computer

Lab/Catch up lessons

February 24 Unit-X MaluBhalu

25 Unit X Who will be Ningthou

Reflective assessment and integrated exercises on the work done.

* Resource Book 27

* Resource Book 28

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