Ibc Helpfile

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Macae Wireline


This helpfiles can be found in the Macae server at:

\\srv002mac\Organization\Wireline\Operation\03 Technical
File\02_PS Technique\Cement Evaluation\IBC

Prepared by Samantha Martinez

Resources include: IBC ORM , SFT358 MM, Yvonnick Vrignaud

[Product champion] notes

Any additions or amendments can be sent to

[email protected]
Macae Wireline

IBC is mainly used in Light cement. The acoustic impedance of Light cements is very similar to that
of water, which makes evaluating this cement very difficult. The IBC was designed to better
evaluate Light cement as well as provide several additional measurements. Physics of this
measure require four identical transducers:
• Three transducers angle adjustable allow investigating the casing-cement and cement-formation
This measurement is insured by an emitter and two receiver placed at distance near and far from
the emitter.
• Taking place in opposite side, latest transducer function is the Flow Propriety Measurement.

In order to cover the various internal diameter casing sizes, there are three
sizes of sub called IBC-A; B and C.




Far Near Emitter

Macae Wireline

IBC Operational Check in Sonic Tube (SFT-358)

Installing a tool and his target and

operating the
• Open the SFT-358 – remove the tool
adapter and all his collars
• Keep the mobile chassis away from the
fixed one to be able to slide the USIS-A
inside it.
• Close and secure the centralizers by
using clamps (it says this on the manual
but sometimes in order to have a better
centralization it’s better to have the
centralizers opened).
• Slide the USIS-A without subs into the
SFT-358 until you reach the position
shown below
• Remove the handling cap
• Grease the external surface where the
target has to be placed on. Lubriplate or
Multipurpose grease can be used (no
excess to avoid affecting the
measurement). Make sure the external
surface is not damaged and flat as well.
• Slide on the casing bracket #100122549 and secure it by using the 2 screws
• Install the IBCS-X and secure it.
• Install the target, secure by using the 4 screws and push the tool into the SFT-358’s tube until you
reach the inner surface of the pressure vessel
• Install the tool adapter and the 2
collars (intermediate and upper) after
greasing all the O rings and the
• Close-up the mobile chassis to
fixed chassis.
• Secure all the 12 nuts by using the
provided wrench
• Connect the USIC to the USIS-A by
the double end box # 100152759
• Fill the pump tank with water / mud
• Plug the water / mud flexible hose
the SFT-358 water inlet
• Open the bleed off valve
• Activate the hand pump to eject air from the pump hose
Macae Wireline

• Open the water / mud inlet and the SFT- 358 be

filled. As soon as the fluid leaves the equipment via the
bleed off hose, reduce the flow rate by closing a bit the
bleed off valve.
• Let the fluid leaves the equipment for a while to be
sure there is no air trapped inside.
• Close the bleed off valve.
• Close the water inlet valve.
• Use the pump to increase the pressure.
• As soon as your working pressure is reached, close
the pump valve to hold the pressure.
• At the end of the use, release the pressure by
opening the bleed off valve.
• Empty the SFT-358 by using the water / mud inlet and
the draining plug at the extremity of the tube

Once the tool is in the SFT-358 proceed as follows:

1. Connect both USIC (outside tube) and USIS (inside tube) with a short 31-31 pin connection

2. Pressurize the tube (200 PSI – 300 PSI)

3. Power up the tool.

4. In log phase, update and compute measurement parameters as shown below:

5. Start motor in measurement, verify the sub rotation by monitoring the RPS and
Motor Voltage.

6. Select the USIT_QC and USIT_QC4T presentations.

Macae Wireline

7. Start a simulated log with speed less than 2700 fph. The following waveforms should pop up
as the log starts scrolling:

USIT Waveform

NEAR Waveform
Macae Wireline

FAR Waveform

9. Both USIT_QC and USIT_QC4T presentation will display the TT histograms.

Macae Wireline

10. Leave the log running for a while, monitor the LQCs and verify the gains consistency and
variation with EMEX.


1) Well Data
- Casing size and weight
- Mud weight and type
- Deviation
- Temperature
- Cement type and weight:
- Combinability requirements: Sonic minimum would be a must
- Borehole size

The minimum needed is :

- A UCA (predicted Z_cement) and knowledge of what cement type/density is
- Depth
- The objectives of the customer
Macae Wireline

2) Tool planner Simulation

Tool planner can be found in the server \\srv002mac\Organization\Wireline\Operation\03
Technical File\02_PS Technique\Cement Evaluation\IBC (note: to run toolplanner double click
on “run_tp.bat”) or can be run straight from OP in task master / log phase / USIT tasks.
Macae Wireline

2) Hardware settings – sub :

We have in Macae SUB 761, which has the following transmitters SN :
Emitter : 899
USI: 895
Near : 871
Far : 930

According with the angle obtained in the

toolplanner change it on all 3 flexural
transducers (emitter, near, far).

For the adjustment of each IBC

transducer (Emitter, Near and Far),
proceed as
1. Loosen the 3 axles on both side (1 on
the first side bar + 2 on the opposite side
2. Loosen the screw and partially pull off
the orientator. Rotate the orientator and
choose the desired orientation (38 deg,
33 deg or 23 deg).
Macae Wireline

3. Pull in the orientator and tighten the screw. Tighten the 3 axles.

Prior to job need to check

- Capacitance of the transducers: must all be 1000 pF +/- 200 pF
- Isolation & Continuity of all wires

3) Toolstring configuration
USIC must of course be USIC-DB for proper firmware
Enough gemcos, as required, very important
Important decoupling between USIT (2 flex) and the tools above & proper number of gemcos
as required on the USIC
If sonic above , to be properly centered and decoupled.
If any DLS, decouple USIS/USIC with 1 flex

4) Software
So far IBC can be used only with OP14. Available on
\\srv002mac\Organization\Wireline\Operation\03 Technical File\02_PS Technique\Cement
Evaluation\IBC . IBC Appkit for OP15 is still under Field Test and not available to all locations, so
for now only SRPCWX -3191-USIT (for OP14) will be used. Check Intouch page for more updates.

5) Session configuration
USIT declared as USIT-D
Macae Wireline

Select correct sub when composing, must be the IBCS- B one (default is USRS-B).

Compose USIT sonde to use USSC-B

Once closing session configuration , update

In parameter init update CSIZ/CWEI and other USI type of parameters to be updated properly
Update DFVL to 203 us.ft
Update ZMUD 3 MRayls ?
Without knowing the depth (therefore pressure), cannot be sure of that ZMUD .. you have to enter
the best estimate that you can generate.
This will oblige you to set ZTCM (USI) to at least ZMUD + 0.5 unless the cement is light..

6) log phase / USIT tasks

Compute meas parameters to update accordingly (TMUC, MW …)

note that you can select the horizontal & vertical resolutions as you want

Then the computed parameters will be

Macae Wireline

All correct, near and far windows agree with tooplanner within a few us (different DFVL) you will
have to fine tune these as you are logging [ looking at the windows vs echoes in both USIT_QC
and USIT_QC_4T formats].

Normally the values of near and far windows gotten from toolplanner are higher by a few us
(depending on your DFVL). So it’s better to do a downlog and adjust the values there, looking at
the windows vs echoes in both USIT_QC and USIT_QC_4T_formats, rather than doing it on the

You should have to increase AGMX before attempting logging. As effectively, the higher the
attenuation on USI, the higher the gain has to be, depending on your EMEX Voltage.

7) log phase / IBC processing settings

At that stage all parameters like BS, CWEI, CDIA, U-USIT_UTAN are updated with the previous
Must enter Offset to the one for your sub, then U-USIT_UFAO to -18 (the txt calibration file is in the
server \\srv002mac\Organization\Wireline\Operation\08 Calibrations\PS\IBC
The calibration offset is very important, if you log without this you will end up with an erroneous log
(that can be recovered in playback).
Macae Wireline

All calibrations are published in the Calibration values on SRPC Production Services Coefficients
and Firmwares page. In addition, leave U-USIT-CEMT to Class G unless you have a cement below
14 ppg .. if above 12 ppg need to set it as LIGHT.

8) Presentation manager
The most recommended for IBC are the first 6 formats presented below. For USIT select the ones
as usual, depending on the requested service (Cement &/or corrosion).

9) Logging
Motor / EMEX as with the USIT on the way up or down
No FPM on the way down. Can log on the way down with sub rotating if sure there is no
mechanical obstructions
Macae Wireline

10) LQC
USIT part as usual
• eccentering less than 0.1xdiameter[in]xthickness[in]
• look at casing rugosity on echo amplitude
• gain between min/max
• detection OK as per USITQC format
• no processing flags
• radius & thickness as expected
• RSAV between 7 – 7.5 RPS

• CZMD is close to 2.7 – 3.4 [nominal 3 ? ] throughout, no significant peaks , varies slowly
with depth when low acoustic impedance
• CFVL is close to 200-210 us/ft [nominal 203 us/ft] and varies with depth slowly , no peak
• The fluid velocity is calculated with the expected OD of the pipe and what is measured
[USI transducer] , on the other hand, the Acoustic impedance is computed using the linear
relationships of the flexural attenuation and the acoustic impedance to ZMUD when Z is
below 3.5 – 4 Mrayls (all transducers participate in this)

The way to look at FVEL & ZMUD is using the ZMUD QC log

The parameter FSOD in the “IBC processing windows” drives the FPM mode we are in . Default 2
is good at first :

FSOD (fluid Slowness fits casing OD) parameter:

o 0_OFF: Use default (zoned) values for FVEL (DFVL) and ZMUD
o 2_UFSL_N_UFAI: Use feedback on both FVEL and ZMUD (default)
o 5_UFSL_N_ZMUD: Use feedback on FVEL only and default (zoned) ZMUD

Once log finished, appear in the System control panel the recommendation like:
Macae Wireline

this is the result of the FPM QC log (QC FPM) that can be like

It is normal to have red flags on the ZMUD computation if all points at that depth are above 3.5 – 4
Mrayls .
In the example above , the FVEL is smooth , the ZMUD despite the lack of points to compute it
[bottom red ], it remains OK throughout, there are enough good points at the top .
In these new kits [3190 or 3191] , the same recommendation Once log finished is available in the
Task master under USIT Tasks
Macae Wireline

if the ZMUD computed & the FVEL computed throughout each logging interval make sense
and do not exhibit "singularities [looking at the FPM_QC format] ", leave FSOD=2 for any
If at the opposite the ZMUD/FVEL computed are "strange" or exhibit singularities/large
variations, you shall use FSOD=0 in playback and set DFVL & ZMUD to the averaged
value while logging or zone each of these two. (follow recommendation from Syst control
Macae Wireline

IBC Other
• eccentering less than 0.2xdiameter[in]xthickness[in]
• not too much “white” on SLG map and Flexural attenuation “map” not saturating [i.e
• not all white or all dark brown]
• Gains near [QNGN/QNGX] and far [QFGN/QFGX] are between min/max for each
• Logging speed below 2700 ft/hr for sure for IBC [Syst control panel to tell] depends
• on firing mode , RPS of the sub … ]
• Detection You must have a USIT4TQC log showing good detection or adjust the
• begin/end of each of the receivers on near and far, a good QC is like:

what could go wrong ?

Assuming detection is OK on all three waveforms
if FVEL wrong and ZMUD OK, possible USIT TX failure
if both completely wrong .. Possible software issue or all hardware damaged …
if ZMUD wrong, but FVEL OK, suspect issue with flexural
if flex attenuation saturated white, Near receiver problem or offset not correct
if flex attenuation saturated brown, far receiver problem or offset not correct
if ZMUD/FVEL OK , flex attenuation OK, Acoustic impedance OK…but SLG too white .. change
if SLG OK, but USIT too “blue”, lower/increase ZTCM to ZMUD+0.2 .. After that.. If still too
much liquid on USIT AI map, reaching the limits of USI
11) Deliverables
All USIT formats can be delivered as usual. This should give immediately the cement
Macae Wireline

On the Isolation Scanner specifics:

a- the material (SLG map) is straight away available on the format
USIT-IBC-CBL-VDL if combined with Sonic (needs to be customized for the actual sonic tool
USIT-IBC-HCOMM if not combined with a Sonic
b- an overview of the presence or not of third interface is available straight away on the format
USI-IBC-VDL-WIDE that provides straight away a quicklook of the geometry of the hole or
the position of the pipe in the well if the echoes are there !

c- as soon as the DLIS file is closed [depth log finished] , having the overview of the VDL in
mind, the intervals can be selected to create within OP the polar movie . In task master
launch/initialize. Select depths, put a gain >1 if you need to have more contrast , gain <1 if need to
have less, limit the bandwidth if the VDL is noisy /ringing .. then select the DLIS and it will generate
*.AVI movie straight within OP

if there is a GPIT in the string, the movie will mention that it is oriented with the top of the hole
at the top of the plots .. Probably not in your case.. As useless in a vertical well
d- any other processing , will require SRPC involvement today, the way to do it is below. QC
needed first

12) Post job [MANDATORY]

Full Post-job
 Complete Isolation Scanner ACQ DLIS upload
 Complete Set of USIT/IBC PDS upload
Macae Wireline

 Set of DO* log files

 Cement details & well sketch
 Entry in FT database http://www.wlhfield-prod.brussels.sl.slb.com/Login.cfm
Contacts :
Yvonnick Vrignaud [Product champion] + 33 6 20 41 60 81 [email protected]
Robert van kjuik [Project manager] + 33 6 2497 6151 [email protected]

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