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S.No. | Reagent Function

l PClz, PBrz, Plz Alcobols into Alkyl halides
2 SoCl, PCI, Alcohols into Alkyl chlorides &
Carboxylic acids into Acid Chlorides
3 HCVZnCl HBr,HI | Alcohols into alkyl halides
4 Cl,/Fe or FeCl; _ | Cl group substituting on Benzene
5 NaNO; /HCl 0-5°C Diazotisation
6 CuCl,CuBr,CuCN,KI,H,0, | Diazonium Cholride into Chlor Benzene,
H:PO, Bromo Benzene, Benzo nitrile, Iodo
Benzene , Phenol,Benzene respectively
7 HBF, or NaBFy Diazonium Chloride into Floro Benzene
a AgForHg,F,o0rSbF;or | Alkyl halides into alkyl florides
_ CoF2 |
9 Na / dry ether Alkyl halides into alkanes
10 NaOH 623/443/368K Chloro benzene to phenol
il Br, /FeBrz_ Bromination of Benzene
12 Cl, /FeCl, Chlorination of Benzene
13 CHCl /AICl; = alkylation of benzene and its derivatives
14 CH-CO-Cl /AICI, Acylation on benzene
15 HzSO, /HNO; Nitration of benzene
16 (CHCO),0 /AICI, O Acylation of Phenol
17 H»SO, Sulphonation on Benzene
18 H,0/ H,S0, alkenes into alcohols
Ag KOH Alkyl halide into alcohol
19 BH; /H,0;/0H" Alkenes into alcohols (Anti
Markownikoff product)
20 NaBH, LiAlIH,(LAH) Aldehydes, ketones, acids into alcohols,
Nito & Cynides , Isocyanides into amines
21 Hy Ni or H,/Pd | reduction of aldehydes, ketones and
22 RMgX/Hz0* | Aldehydes, ketones into alcohls
23 O/H" Cumene to phenol
24 Na Alcohol or phenol into Sodium
25 (CHCO}),0/ CH-CO-C] O acylation on phenol or N acylation on
Aneline or amine
26 Conc.H,50,/443K Conversion of primary alcohols into
27 Conc.H,50,/410K Conversion of alcohols into Ethers
28 85% H;PO,/ 440K Secondary alcohol into alkene
29 20% H3PO4/358K Tertiary alcohol into alkene _
Alcoholic KOH _ Alkyl halide into alkene

30 CrOyEMnO, or K;CrmO, | oxidation of alcohols into acids

in acidic medium
31 Cu {573k dehydrogenation of alcohols gives 1°
alcohols into aldehydes and 2 alcohols
into ketones & 3" alcohos into alkenes
32 Dil. HNO, Mono nitration of Phenol
33 Conc-HNO,; tri nitration of phenol
34 Br, /H;0 tri bromination of phenol
35 Bri /Cs2 mono bromination of phenol
36 NaOH /CO, Phenol to salicilic acid
37 CHCl /NaOH Phenol to salcilaldehyde
38 #n dust Phenol to Benzene
39 NazCrz0; /HaSO, or air Phenol to Benzo quinone
40 2n/Cr03 200to 300 atm CO & H into methanol
513 673K
41 Invertase Sucrose into Glucose or Fructose
42 Zymase Glucose or Fructose into ethanol
43 HI Ether into alcohol & alkyl halide
44 PCC alcohol to aldehyde
45 Pd /BaSO,,Hz acid chloride into aldehyde
46 SnClyHCVHz0" Cyanides into aldehydes
47 AlH(i-Bu)/HzO Cyanides into aldehydes
43 DIBAL-H/H7O Esters into aldehydes
49 CrO,ClyHzaO Toluene to aldehyde
50 CrO, (CHCO},O Toluene into Benzaldehyde
Al Cl/tiy Chlorination on alkyl group of Benzene or
52 CO,HCI anhydrous AICI, | Benzene to Benzaldehyde
53 (CHz)zCd acid chloride into ketones
54 RMgX/H,0* Cyanides into ketones
55 HCN Carbonyl compound into cyanohydrin
56 NaHSOz addition to aldehyde and ketone
57 HaNOH carbonyl compound into oxime
58 H2N-NH2 carbonyl compound into hydrazone
59 HaMN-NH-Ph carbonyl compound into Phenyl
60 2,4DNP carbonyl compound into 2,4 dinitro
phynyl hydrazone
61 HaN-NH-CO-CH; carbonyl compound into semi carbazide
62 ROH/HCI Aldehydes & ketones into bemiacetal and
63 HO-CHz-CHz-OH/HCIl Aldehyde or ketone into ethelene glycol

64 Zn-He/HCl carbonyl compound into alkane
65 HzN-NHz /KOH carbonyl compound into alkane
66 KMn0,/OH/ KxC1r,0, Ketones into mixture of carboxylic acids
/H,SO, or HNO; on prolonged oxidation
67 (Ag(NH3),)}NOz+NaOH Tollen s test
68 Cu(OH)> _ Fehiling s test
69 NaOH+L; Iodoform
70 | NaOH or Ba(OH), aldal condenzation
Tl Conc KOH or NaOH Cannizaro s reaction
72 KMnO, /KOH Toluene/alkyl Benzene into Benzoic Acid
73 H,0/H* Cyanides into carboxylic acids, amides
into carboxylic acids, esters into
carboxylic acis and alcohols, acid
chlorides or anhydrides into carboxylic
74 NaOH Saponificaiton of ester, acid into salt of
75 NazCO; or NaHCO; Carboxylic acid test
76 P01 or Ps Dehydration of acids into anhydride,
amides into nitriles
T7 ROH/conc HaSO, Caroxylic acids into esters
T8 PCh, SoCl, PCI; Carboxylic acids into acid chlorides
79 NH; heating Carboxylic acids into amides
a0) NaQH/Cad Decarboxylation (acids into alkanes)
al LiAlHy Carboxylic acids into alcohols, amides
into amines
82 Cl: /red Ps HYZ reaction
83 Sn /HCl or Fe /HCI, HyPd | Reduction of nitro compounds into
84 NH, Alkyl halides into amines
85 Hz/ Ni or Hy/Pd LiAIH, Amides into cyanindes
86 KOH/R-X Phthalamide into amine
8&7 NaOH /Brz Hoffman bromamide, amide into amine
with one C less
88g KOH,CHC1; Amines into Carbyl amines
89 NaNO;/HCI ° aliphatic amines into alcohols
90 NaNOvVHC] O Aniline into diazonium chloride
91 | C.HsS0,C1 Distinguishing 1",2” & 3” amines
92 Bro/HO Aneline into tri bromo aniline
93 Br2/ CH-CO-Cl Aniline into Bromo Aniline

94 HNO# CH=CO-Cl Nitro aniline

95 H S50, Sulphonation on aniline
96 CuCLCuBr,CuCN,KLHz0, | Diazonium Cholride into Chlor Benzene,
H2PO, or CH;-CH,-O0H Bromo Benzene, Benzo nitrile, Iodo
Benzene , Phenol, Benzene respectively

S+ 4% $I*

1. | Finkelstein CHaBr + Nat —S EE Cyl + NaBr

2. | Swarts CHaBr + gf ——= CHjF + Agr

CH 3

3. | Friedel-Crafts | Antydrous AICI ,

Alkylation + hc Cl hn

4. | Friedel-Crafts Fg CH ,COCI
- i
Boylan Anhydrous AICI

5 1 Wurtz HC4 —=C| + |

EL —TH 3 — Fee STAR © H.C= “OH ; + Nat

6. | Fittig 2Na voy —M


7. | Wurtz-Fitti : zNa
BIE rine (> + dH, —— é Hz + Nati
| Dry ether


8. | Kolbe (> ——_— _ _

CH Cl + Na OH
5, | Reimer-Tiemann (> h—_— — ENG H*

10.] Williamson CHz-Br + CH; -ONa CH z4-0- CH, + NaBr

11.] Stephen HIE—N+ SnCl ,+HO —— HE —HESIH — C—O

12.| Etard oro _—



13.| Gatterman
= Koch (> £o7H0 m1 R
| Anhydrous AK ,

14.] Rogenmund i ue ~ i
reduction Hac cl Pd / BaSO , Hat” —“H

15.) Che mmensen | Zn- Hg
C. = HE —Hyh;
reduction ag CH Conc, HC

16.) Walff-Kishner i USL |

© duction HC OY CH, ji) KOH
/ Ethylene glycol = Be reng

17.| Tollens’ test R-CHO+ 2 [AgNHy]z]* + 3 DH — R-COC" + 2AgÞ + 2H;0 +4 NH;

18.) Fehling’s test R-CHO+2 Cu" + 50H" F-OOO + CuzO 1 + JHzD

i |, aH
19.) fodaform c = CHI afr CH ,COO Na
H.C” “CH OR, NaDQl

20] Aſda) 2 hc CHO = H,C-DH TH 2—ECHO —2> CH = HHO

. Cone, NaOH
21.] Cannizzoro HCHO 4 HOO ——— —- Hoon + HL —oh

i) Cl . / Red Phosphorus
22.| Hellvolhard: | wgc—coon ens
Zelingky (HVT) i}H ,0 ,
a d
23.] Hoffmonn | fir,
bromomide HC C NH 3 a nn HH;
degradation Naſh
= —_— A
Sh) SHONE R-NH; + CHCl; + 3 KOH —= R-NC + 3K + 3H,0
"a a
35, l I NaMO , + da HCI —
= 273-276 Kk ! at

26.| Sondmeyer. 2 Cant if HE


27.) Gattermon Q cu f Hel

* = 1
28,] Covpting & oO + H ‘>

Distinguish By a Single Chemical Test

1. All aldehydes { R-CHO) give Tollens' Test and produce silver mirror.
RCHO + 2 [Ag{NH,},]* + 3 OH” + REOO"+ 2 Ag | + 2H,0 + 4H,
Tollens' Reagent Silver ppt
Note: HOOOH(methanoic acid) also gives this test, ketones [ROOR) do not give this test
All aldehydes {R-CHO) and ketones{RCOR) give 2,4-DNP test
RCOR + 2,4-DNP
— Orange ppt
R-CHO + 2,4-DNP — Orange ppt
Aldehydes and ketones having CH,CO- (keto methyl) group give lodoform Test. Alcohols
having CH,CH- OH group also givé lodoform Test.
CH,CHO + 31, +4 NaOH —» CHI, + + HCOONa + 3 Nal + 3H,0
Yellow ppt
The following compounds give lodoform Test: ethanol (C,H,OH), propan-2-ol
({CH,CH(QHICH,), ethanal(CH,CHO), propanone/CH,COCH,), butanone (CH,COCH,CH,),
pentan-2-one (CH,COCH, CH.CH,), acetophenone ( PhCOCH, }
All carboxylic acids (R-COOH) give Bicarbonate Test
+ NaHEO, — RCOONa + CO, T + H,O
Phenol gives FeCl, Test
CHOH + FeCl, + (C,H.O),Fe + 3 HCI
(neutral) (violet color)
7, All primary amines (R/4r -NH,) give Carbyl Amine Test
R-NH, + CHCl, + KOH{alc) — R-NC + KCI + HO
offensive smell
8, Aniline gives Azo Dye Test | Only for aromatic amines}
C.H,NH, + NaNO,
+ HCI —» C,H,N.CT; then add P-naphthol orange dye

9, All aleohols (ROH) give Na-metal test

R-OH + Na — R-ONa + H,

10. For esters (ROOOR) : Hydrolyses first. Then see the products ( acid & alcohol) and give a test
to identify them.
11. All alkenes (C=C) and alkynes (C=C) decolorizes Br, -— water from red to colourless
12. Lucas Test to distinguish primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols
Lucas reagent: ZnCl,/HCl
3".alcohol + Lucas reagent —= Immediate turbidity

2"-alcohol + Lucas reagent > turbidity after sometime

1°-alcohol + Lucas reagent — no turbidity

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