BP - Ransaru Agro Products Final Draft

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 4

1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Details of the project............................................................................................................ 6
1.2. Business Vision..................................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Mission .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Organizational Values ......................................................................................................... 7
1.5. Business objectives............................................................................................................... 7
1.6. SWOT Analysis of the Business ......................................................................................... 8
1.7. The Summary of Investment Plan to World Bank ........................................................... 9
1.8. Means of Financing ........................................................................................................... 11
1.9. Shareholder Contribution In-Kind .................................................................................. 11
2. Market feasibility............................................................................................................. 12
2.1. Industry analysis ................................................................................................................ 12
2.2. Market analysis .................................................................................................................. 12
2.3. Details of the products....................................................................................................... 14
2.4. Market share ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.5. Target Market areas.......................................................................................................... 14
2.6. Target customers ............................................................................................................... 15
2.7. Product Distribution.......................................................................................................... 15
2.8. Targeted Main customers ................................................................................................. 15
2.9. Competitors’ Market share .............................................................................................. 16
2.10. Project and competitors' price analysis ........................................................................... 16
2.11. Competitor analysis ........................................................................................................... 16
2.12. Marketing Mix ................................................................................................................... 17
2.13. Sales forecast ...................................................................................................................... 18
2.14. Sales forecast ...................................................................................................................... 20
3. Technical Feasibility ....................................................................................................... 20
3.1. Land .................................................................................................................................... 20
3.2. Building .............................................................................................................................. 20
3.3. Machinery .......................................................................................................................... 20
3.4. Infrastructure facilities ..................................................................................................... 20
3.5. Agro technical factors ....................................................................................................... 21

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3.6. Annual raw material requirement forecast ..................................................................... 22
3.7. Raw material requirement ................................................................................................ 24
3.8. Factory flow plan .............................................................................................................. 24
3.9. Production process ............................................................................................................ 25
3.10. Environmental & regulatory requirements .................................................................... 25
3.11. Technical Feasibility - Conclusion ................................................................................... 25
4. Management Feasibility ................................................................................................. 26
4.1. Organizational Structure .................................................................................................. 26
4.2. Cadre & scheme of recruitment ....................................................................................... 26
4.3. Risk Managenet ................................................................................................................. 26
4.4. Social Responsibility .......................................................................................................... 27
4.5. Management Feasibility - Conclusion.............................................................................. 27
5. Financial Feasibility ....................................................................................................... 28
6. Recommendation............................................................................................................. 28
7. Assumptions .................................................................................................................... 28
8. Annexures........................................................................................................................ 29
8.1. Annexure 01: Project Cost ................................................................................................ 29
8.2. Annexure 02: Working Capital ........................................................................................ 29
8.3. Annexure 03: Capital composition ................................................................................... 29
8.4. Annexure 04: Method of raising funds ............................................................................ 30
8.5. Annexure 05: Declaration of Profitability ....................................................................... 30
8.6. Annexure 06: Cash flow statement .................................................................................. 31
8.7. Annexure 07: Balance sheet .............................................................................................. 31
8.8. Annexure 08: Details of the project owners/Board of directors .................................... 32
9. Schedules ......................................................................................................................... 33
9.1. Schedule 01: Requirement of machinery & Equipment ................................................ 33
9.2. Schedule 02: Other fixed assets ........................................................................................ 33
9.3. Schedule 03: Motor vehicles ............................................................................................. 34
9.4. Schedule 04: Pre operational expenses ............................................................................ 34
9.5. Schedule 05: Fuel & electricity ......................................................................................... 34
9.6. Schedule 06: Human resource requirement .................................................................... 35
9.7. Schedule 07: Common operational expenses .................................................................. 36
9.8. Schedule 08: Fixed asset depreciation ............................................................................. 37
10. List of shareholders..................................................................................................... 38
11. Action Plan .................................................................................................................. 41
12. Certificate of Business Registration ........................................................................... 43

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Executive Summary

RANSARU Agro Limited was established in 2023 as a Public Unlisted Company in the
Aluthwela Gramaniladhari division of Haldummulla Divisional Secretariat of Badulla District.
This was set up under the Agriculture Sector Modernization Project (ASMP) of the Ministry
of Agriculture targeting to provide a market for the farming community who produce Soursop
(Katu Anoda), however, it has been decided to extend the project to other crops and the
company plans to buy Groundnuts and Wood Apple which are abundantly available in the area.
While Soursop is marketed in the form of fruit Groundnuts will be semi-processed and wood
apple is converted to wood apple pulp.

Already measures have been taken to get government land on a long-term lease basis, the
buildings for the proposed project need to be constructed and it is estimated that this will around
Rs 5 (five) million.

One of the main objectives of the company is to provide a reasonable price for the farming
community relieving them from the grip of the middleman who are dominating the market.
Further, it is also envisaged to enhance the living standards of shareholders by maximizing
profit for shareholders. In the second and third phases of this project, a market can be created
for a large farmer's harvest, which will greatly help the sustainability of the project.

The number of shareholders of the proposed project is 49 at present, and they have expressed
the willingness to buy a minimum of one share of nominal value of Rs. 5000.00 The total
investment in the project is Rs. 30,665,545.00 while the fixed capital is Rs. 11,451,382.00 and
working capital is Rs. 19,214,163.00. The fixed capital component of Rs.30,665,545.00 is
planned to raise with an Rs. 22,500,000.00 ( 73%) contribution from the World Bank grant
and Rs. 8,165,043.00 (27%) from the shareholders.

The financial analysis shows a return on investment ratio (ROI) of 31%, with a payback period
of 8 months which are very higher ratio. The project will be providing direct employment to
10 persons while indirect employment is estimated at 100.

The marketing, technical, financial, and management feasibility has shown positive results.

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1. Introduction

This project has been established in the Aluthwela Grama Niladhari division of the
Haldummulla Divisional Secretariat of Badulla District. This was set up in the year 2023 under
the Agriculture Sector Modernization Project as “Ransaru Agro Limited” targeting the Soursop
farming community.

Although business activities are planned for all the agricultural products available in the area,
mainly at the beginning, the processing of groundnuts, which are widely grown in the area, and
the processing of wood apple pulp will be done. This process is proposed to continue during
the first three years and subsequently, the process can be expanded with the consent of the
shareholders. Soursop, which are the products of the shareholders, are bought and sold to
contracted companies. Further, ground nuts are collected and after peeling off the shell will be
sold at the open market during demand periods. It is also proposed to make wood apple pulp
from the wood apple fruit collected. This is a seasonal product and plenty of wood apple trees
are available in the areas.

The number of stakeholders in the proposed project is 49, and they have expressed the
willingness to buy a minimum of one share of nominal value of Rs. 5000/-.

The total investment in the projects is Rs. 30,665,545.00 while the fixed capital is Rs.
11,451,382.00 and the working capital is Rs. 19,214,163.00. The return on investment is 31%,
and the return on sales is 11%. the member's contribution through shares is Rs. 8,165,043/- and
an amount of Rs. 22,500,000.00 is expected to obtain as a loan or grant from World Bank

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1.1. Details of the project

a) Project Trading Fruits and Grains in the area

b) Address of the business (Office) Ransaru Agro products Ltd. Aluthwela Mahakade,
c) Telephone No. 0778204477, 0784191510
d) The legal status of the company Public Unlisted Company (PUC)
e) Products and items sold Soursop, Processing of Groundnuts, Production of
wood apple pulp
f) Register number and the date of PB 00272260
registration 2023.03.01
g) How to reach the project: Along Wellawaya, Thanamalwila road, turn to the left
from Ethiliwewa town to Atuthwela road. The project
is located opposite Maha Kade.
h) Employment Direct 10, indirect 100
i) Estimated Financial information Fixed capital Rs 11,451,382.00
Working capital Rs 19,214,163.00
Total investment Rs 30,665,545 .00
j) Method of fund raising World Bank/Loan Rs. 22,500,000.00 (73 %)
Share Holders Rs. 8,165,545.00 (27 %)
Total Rs 30,665,545.00 (100%)
k) Profitability of the business Annual turnover: Rs. 82,344,000.00
Annual net profit before tax: Rs. 9,565,480.00
Return on investment (ROI): 31%
Net profit ratio RS: 11%
Payback period: 8 Months
Profit & loss breakeven limit: 7,819,583.00 (10%)
Debt recovery ratio: 10%

1.2. Business Vision

To be the leading organisation providng services for cultivation and

marketing Soursop and other fruits in the Uva Province

1.3. Mission

Providing required input services for cultivation and intervening in marketing

of Soursop and transforming the cultivation of the farmer community to
commercial cultivation

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1.4. Organizational Values

• We operate with respect and dignity to all our shareholders, customers, and farming
• We maintain open and genuine business relationships.
• We are motivated to pursue our objective of enhancing the living standards of our
• We provide the most reliable and accurate information to our shareholders and
• We maintain high quality not only in our products but also in our service.

1.5. Business objectives

The contribution from the farming community is strong and very special to face the current
economic crisis of Sri Lanka and the world situation. The establishment of Ransaru Agro
Products Ltd. in Halummulla Divisional Secretariat (DS) Division, Badulla will be a strength
for the agro economic development in the area.

The objectives of starting Ransaru Agro Products Ltd are as follows;.

• Formation of an organization by uniting the farming community.
• To enhance the living standards of shareholders by maximizing profit for shareholders.
• To relieve the farming community from the grip of intermediaries in the competitive
• To maintain the business activities in a positive manner.
• Increasing the contribution of agriculture to the gross national product
• Fulfill social responsibilities.

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1.6. SWOT Analysis of the Business

• Infrastructure facilities given by the ASMP.
• Formation of a rural group.
• Development of an interpersonal organization.
• The business experience possed by the farming community.
• Past experience in a business environment.
• Multiple knowledge passed by the shareholders.
• Supervisory support by the ASMP project.

• Insufficient experience
• Lack of knowledge in some fields

• Government vision and contribution to the development of the Agro economy.
• Restrictions imposed on the import of agricultural products
• Soursop is used as a local medicine and a fruit
• Being an area where the raw materials required for the project are abundant.
• Ability to attract the local farming community to the company by offering a good price
• Entry of new groups into the agricultural economy due to economic constraints
prevailing in the country.
• The inclination of the farming community to commercial industries.

• Involvement of powerful businessmen in competition.
• Continuous price fluctuation
• Government policies in some instances.
• Monopoly of middlem

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1.7. The Summary of Investment Plan to World Bank

Existing (Rs) Proposed (Rs.)

Equity (Share Grand Grand
Description Schedule Granted Sub Total
value & sosiety Equity Grant Total (Rs) Total USD
from ASMP
Fixed Investment
1. Land purchase & site
500,000 500,000 500,000 1,429
2. Civil works and buildings Annex 01 4,000,000 11,429
2.1 Main Building 4,000,000 4,000,000
2.2 Showroom -
2.3 Stores -
2.4 Other -
3. Utilities 125,000 357
* Electricity supply - 60A 50,000 50,000
* T/Phone supply 25,000 25,000
* Water supply-Tube well 50,000 50,000
3,450,000 9,857
4. Plant machinery and equipment 01
Groundnut processing machine 200,000 200,000
Scale 200,000 200,000
Electronic scale 50,000 50,000
Cool Room 2,500,000 2,500,000
Others 500,000 500,000

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Existing (Rs) Proposed (Rs.)
Equity (Share Grand Grand
Description Schedule Granted Sub Total
value & sosiety Equity Grant Total (Rs) Total USD
from ASMP
5. Office furniture & Other fixed Schedule
678,712 1,939
assets 02
conference table 156,000 156,000
Executive table 21,492 21,492
Clerical chair/table 103680 103,480
Steel cupboard 35,640 35,640
LAPTOP 205,000 205,000
Printer 41,900 41,900
Multi Media 115,000 115,000
2,000,000 5,714
6. Vehicles 03
2,000,000 2,000,000
200,000 200,000 200,000 571
7. Pre-operational expenditures 04
8. Contingencies (.. % ) Annex 01 497,670 497,670 497,670 1,422
9. Total Fixed Investment - 878,712 1,122,670 9,450,000 11,451,382 32,718
10. Working Capital Annex. 02 6,164,163 13,050,000 19,214,163 19,214,163 54,898
Total Investment - 878,712 7,286,833 22,500,000 30,665,545 87,615

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1.8. Means of Financing

Existing (Rs) Total (Rs.) %
ASMP Grant (Existing) 878,712 878,712 3%
Equity (Share value & society reserves) - 7,286,833 7,286,833 24%
Barrow from World Bank 22,500,000 22,500,000 73%
Total 878,712 29,786,833 30,665,545 100%

1.9. Shareholder Contribution In-Kind

Description Units No units Value / unit Total value / year

(i) board of directors -Attending Chairman (x1) days / year 90 8,000 724,500 2,070
Board Meetings etc. Directors (x4) days / year 360 7,000 2,520,000 7,200
Land preparation, machinery
(ii) shared services Days/year 400 3,500 2,800,000 8,000

(iii) collection canter establish. Site prep. and works. Days/year 200 3,500 700,000 2,000

(iv) capacity building Training (10 EXCOs) days / year 120 3,500 420,000 1,200
TOTAL 7,164,500 20,470

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2. Market feasibility

2.1. Industry analysis

"Ransaru Agro Ltd." will be started in the Haldummulla Aluthwela area and through this
Soursop project which is the main product of the shareholders, will be the business. Soursop
has been identified as a commercial product because of its medicinal value and there is a sound
demand locally as well as internationally. The bottleneck of the supply chain is the insufficient
scale of production to cater to the export market. Soursop and be presented as fruit juice, Pulp
and fresh fruits. It is expected to gain average production within this cluster 300,000 Kg per
season from 49 acres. Soursop leaves also can be marketed as herbal product. This fruit has
been identified as a herbal fruit because it is recommended for cancer patients. Therefore, this
crop has been identified as a commercial product and also there is a high demand locally as
well as in the export market

Other than the main product, groundnuts are bought from shareholders, processed, and sold.
Wood Apple which is widely available in the area is bought and wood apple pulp will be
prepared. Through this, a fair price can be given for the crops of the agricultural community
further they can be released to a certain extent from the grip of the middleman. Through these
shareholders and the farming community in the area could be directed towards commercial

2.2. Market analysis

Ransaru Agro Company Ltd comes under the Haldummulla Divisional Secretariat of Badulla
District but is located close to the Ethiiwewa area near Wellawaya town of Monaragala district.
Wellawaya is one of the complex major exchange hubs in Monaragala District and is an area
rich in infrastructure facilities.

Further, the farmers of the Aluthwela area are growing a large variety of agricultural products,
and for this, it is also seen that they are buying land from outside areas for cultivation processes.
A very successful Soursop cultivation and a very high potential are seen here. The problem of
marketing does not arise as customers are fond of it and being a healthy fruit. At present peanuts
are imported from India and due to import restrictions imposed there will be a huge demand

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for peanuts in the future. Apart from this, a large number of other crops are grown by the
farming community in the area.

In the second and third phases of this project, a market can be created for a large number of
farmerst, which will greatly help the sustainability of the project.

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2.3. Details of the products

No Product Sales price Specifications Contemt Speciality

Direct sales to
1 Soursop 125 Kg Packed as nuts
contrated buyers
Buying as full nuts,
2 Groundnuts 1100 Kg value addition whole
sale marketing.
Buying nuts and
3 Wood apple 200 kg Wood Pulp
processing as pulp.

2.4. Market share

1. Geographical factors
This project is proposed to be established in the Aluthwela Grama Niladhari (GN)
division of the Haldummulla Divisional Secretariat (DS) division in Badulla District.
However, the farming community in Aluthwela GN division does not have transport/
infrastructure facilities to have direct connections with Haldummulla or Badulla district.
Because of this, all the farmers have direct contact with the towns of Ethiliwewa and
Wellawaya, and these are developed towns centered in the Monaragala district.
Therefore, most of the harvest is bought by the competitors from Monaragala District.

2. Demographic Factors
Aluthwela village of Haldummulla Divisional secretariat is located at the end of Badulla
district and is close to Wellawaya and Ethiliwewa towns of Monaragala district and has
a rural lifestyle and 100% farming community. Various crops are cultivated in both the
Yala and Maha seasons and there is a tendency towards moving into commercial

3. Behavioral factors
Here the farmers are accustomed to a simple lifestyle, and the produce is often sold to
outside areas away from the city and district. The majority of customers in those areas
have more spending capacity than this area.

2.5. Target Market areas

Product District DS division GN division

Soursop Babrach company Thanamalwila Thanamalwila
Groundnut Colombo Maradana, Colombo Maradana, Meegoda
badulla Bandarawela,Welimada Bandarawela,
Matale Dambulla Dambulla
Wood apple Colombo Colombo

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2.6. Target customers

District Total No. of families Targeted % of the project

Monaragala 120,134 10%
Badulla 214,900 10%
Colombo 572,475 10%
Hambantota 156,476 10%
Gall 273,140 10%
Matara 206,790 10%
Kandy 348,019 10%
Matale 129,710 10%
Gampaha 604,009 10%
Kurunegal 443,349 10%
Puttalama 202,796 10%
Kalutara 305,737 10%
Nuwareliya 181,182 10%

2.7. Product Distribution

Product Method of distribution to customers

Soursop • Marketed to major company on contract agreement.
• Marketed to wholesale traders and the economic centers are used for
this purpose.
• Wholesale and retail
• Marketing Reprsentatives - arriving at Ransaru Agro Ltd.
• Supply wholesale to Keels, Cargils supermarkets, delivered to their
Wood apple stores (contract agreement)
• Arriving to Ransaru Agro Ltd and buying.

2.8. Targeted Main customers

Name of the targetted main

District DS division
Cargills Ltd. Colombo and other districts All DS divisions
Keels Ltd. Colombo and other districts All DS divisions
Ecnomic centers Keppetiwela
matale Dambulla

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2.9. Competitors’ Market share

Competitive Current
Competitor Area
product supply (%)
A P.A. Samanthakumara 10
B W.R.K. Stores 15
C Lahiru Stores 15
D K.H.S. Stores 15
E Aruna Weerasekara Peanuts 15
F R.M.S. Stores Green Wellawaya 5
G Saman Stores gram Buttala 5
H Jayapala 2
I Jayawickrama 3
J Kumar 5
K Nimal stores 10

2.10. Project and competitors' price analysis

Product Ransaru Agro Ltd. A B C D E

Soursop Minimum price high price high price high price high price high price
Wood apple Minimum price high price high price high price high price high price
Groundnuts Minimum price high price high price high price high price high price

2.11. Competitor analysis

Ransaru Competor’s price

agro A B C D E
Quality 10 8 8 8 8 8
Customer service 10 8 6 8 6 6
Reliability 10 8 6 8 8 6
Stability of the organisation 8 8 8 8 8 8
Specialisation 8 8 8 6 8 8
Good name of the company 8 8 10 8 8 6
Location 8 10 10 10 10 10
Ability to buy the product 8 10 10 8 8 8
Product appearence & packaging 8 10 10 8 8 8
Easy accesssibilty to customers 8 8 6 8 6 6
Credit policy 8
Promotion 8 6 6 6 6 6
Priority 10 8 8 8 8 8
Aftersales service 8 8 10 8 10 8

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Online facilities 4 4 4 4 4 4
Opening hours 10 10 10 10 10 10
Customer service 10 4 6 4 8 4
Customer relations 10 10 6 6 6 6

Excellent - 10 very good- 8 Good -6 Average- 4 Weak- 2

2.12. Marketing Mix

Product • Soursop - Nuts of different sizes

• Peanuts - 50 Kg bags of de-husked peanuts
• Wood Apple – 20 Kg.packages of pulp
Price • Price decided on competition, cost of the product.
• Maintain the prices agreed in the contract.
Place • Aluthwela village
• Buyers will be buying from the company and in case of
contracted buyers goods will be delivered.
Promotion • Attractiveness of the company
• Awareness creation among main buyers
• Attractive advertisements
• Use of social media
• To maintain a Web Site in the future

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2.13. Sales forecast

Sales forecast value (Year 1)

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 80 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 1,862,000 22,344,000
Groundnut 1100 - - - 13,200,000 13,200,000 - - - 6,600,000 6,600,000 6,600,000 6,600,000 52,800,000
Woodapple 200 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 7,200,000
2,462,000 2,462,000 2,462,000 15,662,000 15,662,000 2,462,000 2,462,000 2,462,000 9,062,000 9,062,000 9,062,000 9,062,000 82,344,000

Sales forecast value (Year 2)

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 80 3,040,000 3,040,000 3,040,000 3,040,000 3,040,000 3,040,000 3,040,000 3,040,000 3,420,000 3,420,000 3,040,000 3,040,000 37,240,000
Groundnut 1100 - - - 14,850,000 14,850,000 - - - 7,425,000 7,425,000 7,425,000 7,425,000 59,400,000
Wood apple 200 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 8,400,000
3,740,000 3,740,000 3,740,000 18,590,000 18,590,000 3,740,000 3,740,000 3,740,000 11,545,000 11,545,000 11,165,000 11,165,000 105,040,000

Sales forecast value (Year 3)

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 80 4,320,000 4,468,000 4,320,000 4,468,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 52,136,000
Groundnut 1100 - - - 16,500,000 16,500,000 - - - 8,250,000 8,250,000 8,250,000 8,250,000 66,000,000
Wood apple 200 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 9,600,000
5,120,000 5,268,000 5,120,000 21,768,000 21,620,000 5,120,000 5,120,000 5,120,000 13,370,000 13,370,000 13,370,000 13,370,000 127,736,000

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Sales forecast quantity plan. (Year 1)

Unit of
Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop Kg. 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 279,300
Groundnut Kg. - - - 12,000 12,000 - - - 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 48,000
Wood apple Kg. 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 36,000
26,275 26,275 26,275 38,275 38,275 26,275 26,275 26,275 32,275 32,275 32,275 32,275 363,300

Sales forecast quantity plan. (Year 2)

Unit of
Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop Kg. 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 42,750 42,750 38,000 38,000 465,500
Groundnut Kg. - - - 13,500 13,500 - - - 6,750 6,750 6,750 6,750 54,000
Wood apple Kg. 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 42,000
41,500 41,500 41,500 55,000 55,000 41,500 41,500 41,500 53,000 53,000 48,250 48,250 561,500

Sales forecast quantity plan. (Year 3)

Unit of
Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop Kg. 54,000 55,850 54,000 55,850 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 651,700
Groundnuts Kg. - - - 15,000 15,000 - - - 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 60,000
Kg. 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 48,000
58,000 59,850 58,000 74,850 73,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 65,500 65,500 65,500 65,500 759,700

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2.14. Sales forecast

Product Unit of sale Year1 Year 2 Year 3

Soursop Kg 22,344,000 37,240,000 52,136,000
Ggroundnuts Kg. 52,800,000 59400,000 66,000,000
Wood apple Kg. 7,200,000 8,400,000 9,600,000
82,344,000 105,040,000 127,736,000

3. Technical Feasibility

3.1. Land
Steps are being taken to get the land near the Aluthwela Mahakade from the
government on a long-term lease basis to run the "Ransaru Agro Ltd". The estimated
cost for the development of this land is Rs. 500,000

3.2. Building
For the proposed project, it is planned to construct a building for the warehouse
processing zone, and office area and it is estimated that this will cost Rs.5 million

3.3. Machinery
It is proposed to invest Rs. 3,450,000/- on machinery and equipment which includes
a groundnut shell removing machine, weighing scale, and cool room.

3.4. Infrastructure facilities

• Electricity - Electricity supply should be obtained and the estimated cost is Rs.
• Water - Water is required for driving, employee needs and for the factory is estimated
that Rs. 50,000.00 will be required for this purpose
• Telephone - Required to obtain telephone connections and it is estimated that a cost
of Rs 25,000.00 will be incurred.

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3.5. Agro technical factors

I. Groundnut

No of acres to be planted 800

No of plants recommended 60-80 kg seeds
Spacing 9’x9’
No of Plants per acre 78,000
Variety Thissa, Tikiri
Irrigation system Rain Water
Time of fruit bearing After 3 Months
Initial harvest 30-50 kg
Average economic yield 700-1200 kg

II. Wood Apple

No of acres to be planted 800

No of plants recommended N/A
Spacing N/A
No of Plants per acre
Variety Local variety
Irrigation system N/A
Time of fruit bearing Seasonal
Initial harvest
Average economic yield 100-200 kg

III. Soursop

No of acres to be planted 49
No of plants recommended 200
Spacing 15’x15’
No of Plants per acre 200
Variety Local
Irrigation system Drip Irrigation
Time of fruit bearing 3-4 Years
Initial harvest 30,50 kg
Average economic yield 10000 kg

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3.6. Annual raw material requirement forecast
Raw material forecast plan - Quantity year 1

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 60 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 294,000
Peanuts 500 20,000 20,000 - - - 20,000 20,000 - - - - - 80,000
Wood apple 40 - - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - - - 60,000
44,500 44,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 64,500 64,500 44,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 434,000

Raw material forecast plan - Quantity year 2

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 60 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 42,750 42,750 38,000 38,000 465,500
Peanuts 500 25,000 20,000 - - - 25,000 20,000 - - - - - 90,000
Wood apple 40 - - - - - 25,000 25,000 20,000 - - - - 70,000
63,000 58,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 88,000 83,000 58,000 42,750 42,750 38,000 38,000 625,500

Raw material forecast plan - Quantity year 3

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 60 54,000 55,850 54,000 55,850 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 651,700
Pea nuts 500 30,000 20,000 - - - 30,000 20,000 - - - - - 100,000
40 - - - - - 30,000 30,000 20,000 - - - - 80,000
84,000 75,850 54,000 55,850 54,000 114,000 104,000 74,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 831,700

Page 22 of 43
Raw material forecast plan Value (Year 1)

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 60 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 17,640,000
Peanuts 500 10,000,000 10,000,000 - - - 10,000,000 10,000,000 - - - - - 40,000,000
Wood apple 40 - - - - - 800,000 800,000 800,000 - - - - 2,400,000
11,470,000 11,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 12,270,000 12,270,000 2,270,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 60,040,000

Raw material forecast plan Value (Year 2)

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 60 2,280,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 2,565,000 2,565,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 27,930,000

Peanuts 500 12,500,000 10,000,000 - - - 12,500,000 10,000,000 - - - - - 45,000,000

Wood apple 40 - - - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 800,000 2,800,000

14,780,000 12,280,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 15,780,000 13,280,000 3,080,000 2,565,000 2,565,000 2,280,000 2,280,000 75,730,000

Raw material forecast plan Value (Year 3)

Product Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Soursop 60 3,240,000 3,351,000 3,240,000 3,351,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 39,102,000
Peanuts 500 1,500,000 1,000,000 - - - 1,500,000 1,000,000 - - 5,000,000
Wood apple 40 - - - - - 1,200,000 1,200,000 800,000 - - - - 3,200,000
4,740,000 4,351,000 3,240,000 3,351,000 3,240,000 5,940,000 5,440,000 4,040,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 3,240,000 47,302,000

Page 23 of 43
3.7. Raw material requirement
Raw material Unit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Soursop Kg. 294,000 465,500 651,700
Peanuts Kg 80,000 90,000 100,000
Wood apple Pulp Kg 60,000 70,000 80,000
434,000 625,500 831,700

3.8. Factory flow plan


Finished good unit Stores

Rest room

Office Processing

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3.9.Production process

3.10. Environmental & regulatory requirements

The construction of the building has to be approved by the Sadaha Haldummulla Pradesheeya
Sabha. Environmental pollution will not be caused by this project, and plans are there to use
the waste as fertilizer.

3.11. Technical Feasibility - Conclusion

The company will possess the required infrastructure to carry out the production process and
other activities with the planned building as per the layout given above. In the case of Soursop,
the process is very simple and is a manual process of collecting, sorting, proper storing, and
dispatching. However, machinery will be required for peeling, drying peanuts, and also in the
preparation of wood apple pulp. Since the project has planned to invest in these machines there
will be no major technical issues.

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4. Management Feasibility

4.1. Organizational Structure

4.2. Cadre & scheme of recruitment

Staff requirement
Section Designation
2023 2024 2025
Managenet Manager 1 1 1 -
Managenet Asst. 2 2 2 -
Watcher 1 1 1 -
Driver 1 1 1 -
Marketing division Marketing Manager - - - 1
Financial division Finance Manger - - - 1

4.3. Risk Managenet

Risk Mangement indicators

Price fluctuation Entering into agreements with key buyers
Adoption of agricultural techniques that are suitable to the
current situation. Popularization of commercial agriculture by
Agricultural setbacks
educating the farming community about advanced agricultural
Shortage & excess of Arriving at an agreement with the main buyers about action to
goods be taken in such situations.

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4.4. Social Responsibility

The agro-processing and purchasing company proposed to be set up by “Ransaru Agro

Limited” aims to directly purchase the products of the shareholders and secure them. This will
relieve them from the grip of middlemen and could create an impact on them.

Because of this, apart from the stakeholders, an optimistic message will be disseminated to the
local farming community. Because of this, a sense of security will be created for them to carry
out their future farming activities.

4.5. Management Feasibility - Conclusion

The company will be managed by a Board of Directors and a Chairman will be appointed from
among the members of the Board who will be accountable for the overall management of the
company. There is a manager who will be handling the day-to-day affairs and operations of the
company. Skilled staff is needed to handle the fruits, minimizing the damages. The planned
organization structure is appropriate to manage the production, and marketing processors of
the company. The risks involved are risks common to agriculture production and no major risk
can be foreseen. The project is also environmentally friendly and could provide indirect earning
opportunities for a considerable number of the people in the area. Proper management of the
project could provide a healthy environment for the targeted farming community who are
presently facing many issues due to trade monopoly maintained by the middlemen.

Page 27 of 43
5. Financial Feasibility

• Annual turnover - Rs. 82,344,000.00

• Annual net profit before tax - Rs. 9,565,480.00
• Return on investment(ROI) - 31%
• Net profit rartio - 11%
• Pay Back period - 08
• Profit & loss breakeven point (BEP) - Rs.. 7819583.00(10%)
• Debt service coverage ratio - 10%

6. Recommendation

• This project is a very effective project if the financial targets are met as planned. After
successfully completing the marketing activities to be implemented in the years 1, 2, 3,
the company will be able to expand its marketing activities to different crops. It has a
very high return on investment and can be recommended as a profitable project.
• It is also recommended to reinvest the annual reserve for first 03 years for the
sustainability of the company. Afterwards, BOD can decide to share dividends among
shareholders maximum of 25% of the total annual reserves.

7. Assumptions
• No of working days for a year is 240.
• An 8-hour shift will be working for a day.
• Taking the existing market production capacity as 50% and reaching a maximum in
the coming years.
• The raw material and selling prices remain stable.
• Rs. 22.5 million working capital is needed for the Yala and Maha season to purchase
agricultural crops.
• Obtaining working capital as a loan or grant.

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8. Annexures

8.1. Annexure 01: Project Cost

Details Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Owner Rs Loans/Grants Toatal Rs (Rs) (Rs)

1 Land, land development 500,000 - 500,000 500,000 500,000

2 Building - 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
3. Utilities - Electricity 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000
Water 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000
Telephone 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 25,000
4 Machniery & equipment 3,450,000 3,450,000 3,450,000 3,450,000
5 Other fixed assets 678,412 - 678,412 678,412 678,412
6 Motor vehicles - 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
7. Pre operational cost 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
8. Contingancy expenses 497,670 497,670 497,670 497,670
9. Other fixed costs 2,001,082 9,450,000 11,451,082 11,451,082 11,451,082
10. capital cost 6,164,163 13,050,000 19,214,163 23,516,911 26,792,513
Total capital cost 8,165,245 22,500,000 30,665,245 34,967,993 38,243,595

8.2. Annexure 02: Working Capital

Description No. of Days Year 1 (Rs.) Year 2 (Rs.) Year 3 (Rs.)

Soursop 5 367,500 581,875 814,625
Peanuts 90 15,000,000 16,875,000 18,750,000
Wood apple 90 900,000 1,050,000 1,200,000
Finished goods 10 2,946,663 3,643,663 4,381,737
Debtors 15 1,105,000 1,366,373 1,643,151
19,214,162 23,516,911 26,792,513

8.3. Annexure 03: Capital composition

Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Fixed capital 11,451,080 11,451,080 11,451,080
Working capital 19,214,163 23,516,911 26,792,513
Total investment 30,665,243 34,967,993 38,243,595

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8.4. Annexure 04: Method of raising funds

Detail Vale Rs Percent%

Owner (shareholders) 8,165,243 27%
Loans/grants 22,500,000 73%
30,665,243 100%

8.5. Annexure 05: Declaration of Profitability

# Detail
Year 1 Rs Year 2 Rs Year 3 Rs
1 Gross sales 82,344,000 105,040,000 127,736,000
2 Deduct : Tax (2.5%) 2,058,600 2,626,000 3,193,400
3 Net sales (1-2) 80,285,400 102,414,000 124,542,600
4 Raw material 60,040,000 75,730,000 92,302,000
5 Direct salaries 2,760,000 3,036,000 3,339,600
6 Other variable expenses 1,758,000 1,933,800 2,127,180
7 Total variable cost (4+5+6) 64,558,000 80,699,800 97,768,780
8 Gross profit (3-7) 15,727,400 21,714,200 26,773,820
9 Fixed expences
10 Common operational expenses 3,993,000 4,392,300 4,831,530
11 Common production expenses 208,920 229,812 252,792
12 Common sales expenses 1,960,000 2,126,000 2,308,600
13 Total fixed expenses (10+11+12) 6,161,920 6,748,112 7,392,922
14 Profit before depreciation and tax (9-13) 9,565,480 14,966,088 19,380,898
15 Deduct -Loan interest
Depreciation 817,840 817,840 817,840
16 Net profit after tax 8,747,640 14,148,248 18,563,058
17 Cumulative profit 8,747,640 22,895,888 41,458,946

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8.6. Annexure 06: Cash flow statement

Detail Year 1 Rs. Year 2 Rs. Year 3 Rs.

Cash inflow
Owner's capital (shareholders) 8,165,243 - -
Bank loans/Grants from WB 22,500,000 - -
Profit before depreciation 9,565,480 14,966,088 19,380,898
Total cash inflow 40,230,723 14,966,088 19,380,898

Cash outflow
Fixed capital expenses 11,451,080 - -
Working capital 19,214,163 - -
Increasing capital - 4,302,748 3,275,602
Total cash outflow 30,665,243 4,302,748 3,275,602
Net cash flow 9,565,480 10,663,340 16,105,296
Opening cash balance - 9,565,480 20,228,820
Year-end cash 9,565,480 20,228,820 36,334,116

8.7. Annexure 07: Balance sheet

Description Year 1 Rs. Year 2 Rs. Year 3 Rs.

Fixed assets 11,451,080 10,633,240 9,815,400
Deduct-depreciation 817,840 817,840 817,840
Net fixed assets 10,633,240 9,815,400 8,997,560
Add-current assets 19,214,163 23,516,911 26,792,513
Cash in hand 9,565,480 20,228,820 36,334,116
Total assets 39,412,883 53,561,131 72,124,189

Owner's Capital 8,165,243 8,165,243 8,165,243
Loans/Grants 22,500,000 22,500,000 22,500,000
Accumulated profit 8,747,640 22,895,888 41,458,946
Total liability 39,412,883 53,561,131 72,124,189

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8.8. Annexure 08: Details of the project owners/Board of directors

# Name Address Tel No. NIC No

W.M.Nishantha Lakmal R 10 Aranya road,
1 0778204477 851270701V
Wijesuriya Ethiliwewa
2 B. Indraasnea. Usella Balahruwa 0776239515 702783852 V
L21 Aranya
3 W.M.Ajith Kumara 0784159800 783634155 V
Y.M.Sanath Ranaviru road,
4 0774231379 792150898 V
Jayasundara Ethiliwewa
L. 7,Aranaya Rd
5 R.M. Isura Gayan. 0782360356 852064536 V
R.M. Yasapala Ranaviru Road Aluthwela,
6 0775983310 781972665 V
Ratnayake Ethiliwewa
L17 Aranya Rd
7 H.M.Sirisena 0728559692 780732130 V
L8 Rajamawatha
8 T.B.M Damayanthi 0776504101 856291170 V
Aluthwela, Ethliwewa
R1Ranaviru Rs,
9 S.M.Sajani Hiroshima 0773094778 907503720 V
Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa
Usalla, Balharuwa, Uva
10 R.S. Asoka Malkanthi 0785343214 198150905855
Kuda oya.

Page 32 of 43
9. Schedules

9.1. Schedule 01: Requirement of machinery & Equipment

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Description Unit price Rs.
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Peanuts shell removing machine 200,000 1 200,000 1 200,000 1 200,000
Floor scales 200,000 1 200,000 1 200,000 1 200,000
Electronic scale 50,000 1 50,000 1 50,000 1 50,000
Cool Room 2,500,000 1 2,500,000 1 2,500,000 1 2,500,000
Other equipment - 500,000 1 500,000 1 500,000
3,450,000 3,450,000 3,450,000

9.2. Schedule 02: Other fixed assets

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Description Unit price Rs.
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Conferance table with 6 Chairs 156,000 1 156,000 1 156,000 1 156,000
Executive Table 21,492 1 21,492 1 21,492 1 21,492
Clarical Table 16,200 2 32,400 2 32,400 2 32,400
Chairs 23,760 3 71,280 3 71,280 3 71,280
Multimeadia with Screen 115,000 1 115,000 1 115,000 1 115,000
Steel Cupboard 35,640 1 35,640 1 35,640 1 35,640
Lap top Computer 205,000 1 205,000 1 205,000 1 205,000
Printer 41,900 1 41,900 1 41,900 1 41,900
Normal chair 10,000 5 50,000 5 50,000 5 50,000
728,712 728,712 728,712

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9.3. Schedule 03: Motor vehicles

Details Quantity Value Total value

Small Lorry 1 2,000,000 2,000,000
2,000,000 2,000,000

9.4. Schedule 04: Pre operational expenses

Detail Value
Preparation of project reports 100,000
Legal fees 50,000
other expenses 50,000

9.5. Schedule 05: Fuel & electricity

Description Monthly value rs Annual Value Rs.

Electricity 25,000 300,000
Fuel 121,500 1,458,000
146,500 1,758,000

Page 34 of 43
9.6. Schedule 06: Human resource requirement

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Description No of Monthly Annual No of Monthly Annual No of Monthly Annual
employees salary Rs salary Rs employees salary Rs salary Rs employees salary Rs salary Rs
Manger 1 60,000 720,000 1 66,000 792,000 1 72,600 871,200
Clerk 1 30,000 360,000 1 33,000 396,000 1 36,300 435,600
Security Officer 1 25,000 300,000 1 27,500 330,000 1 30,250 363,000
ETF/EPF 15% 17,250 207,000 18,975 227,700 20,872 250,464
Sub total 3 132,250 1,587,000 3 145,475 1,745,700 3 160,022 1,920,264
Production section
Direct labour 5 200,000 2,400,000 5 220,000 2,640,000 5 242,000 2,904,000
ETF/EPF 15% 30,000 360,000 33,000 396,000 36,300 435,600
Subtotal 5 230,000 2,760,000 5 253,000 3,036,000 5 278,300 3,339,600
Marketing section
Marketing manager 1 60,000 720,000 1 66,000 792,000 1 72,600 871,200
Driver 1 40,000 480,000 1 44,000 528,000 1 48,400 580,800
ETF/EPF 15% 15,000 180,000 16,500 198,000 18,150 217,800
2 115,000 1,380,000 2 126,500 1,518,000 2 139,150 1,669,800
Grand total 10 477250 5727000 10 524975 6299700 10 577472 6929664

Page 35 of 43
9.7. Schedule 07: Common operational expenses
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Monthly Rs Annual Rs Monthly Rs Annual Rs Monthly Rs Annual Rs
1.Admin common operational cost
Salaries &wages 132,250 1,587,000 145,475 1,745,700 160,022 1,920,264
Travelling expenses 60,000 720,000 66,000 792,000 72,600 871,200
Welfare expenses 30,000 360,000 33,000 396,000 36,300 435,600
Building rent 15,000 180,000 16,500 198,000 18,150 217,800
Stationary 10,000 120,000 11,000 132,000 12,100 145,200
Electricity 20,000 240,000 22,000 264,000 24,200 290,400
Building repair 5,000 60,000 5,500 66,000 6,050 72,600
Telephone/postal 35,000 420,000 38,500 462,000 42,350 508,200
Water 15,000 180,000 16,500 198,000 18,150 217,800
Other 10,500 126,000 11,550 138,600 12,705 152,460
Sub total 332,750 3,993,000 366,025 4,392,300 402,627 4,831,524
2. Production common operational expenses
Maintenance & repair 17,410 208,920 19,151 229,812 21,066 252,792
Sub total 17,410 208,920 19,151 229,812 21,066 252,792
3. Marketing common operational expenses
Salaries & wages 115,000 1,380,000 126,500 1,518,000 139,150 1,669,800
Fuel 15,000 180,000 16,500 198,000 18,150 217,800
Vehicle maintenance 8,334 100,000 9,167 110,000 10,084 121,000
Market promotion(Exhibitions) - 250,000 250,000 250,000
Vehicle maintenance & insurance 50,000 50,000 50,000
Sub total 138,334 1,960,000 152,167 2,126,000 167,384 2,308,600

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9.8. Schedule 08: Fixed asset depreciation

Description Value Depreciation ratio Value Rs

Building 4,000,000 5 200,000
Motor vehicles 2,000,000 10 200,000
Machinery & equipment 3,450,000 10 345,000
Other fixed assets 728,412 10 72,841
Total 10,178,412 817,840

Page 37 of 43
10. List of shareholders

GN Share
S/No Name Gender Address Contact No ID No Share
Division Amount
1 H.M. Ajith Kumara M Madahenyaya, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 870301146v Mahalanda

2 I.G. Sudharshana M 78/1, Weherayaya, Ethiliwewa 0771183222 197535703518 'Mahalanda 0

3 H.H. madushanka Hemapriya M Us ella, Balaharuwa, Uva Kudaoya 0779610254 911044021v 'Mahalanda
W.M. Nishantha Lakmal-
4 M Arannya mawatha Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0778204477 851270701v 'Mahalanda 1 5000
5 P.D.Nishantha Lakmal M Umaoya Rd, Aluthwela, Usella 0777647228 911673738v 'Mahalanda 4100

6 R.M. Gamini Dharmadasa M Dabearawewa, Weherayaya, Ethimale 0766540743 197523902862 'Mahalanda 1 5000

7 H.G.R Lasanthika M Ranaviru mawatha, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0754163451 702001510v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

8 M.M. Vipula Senaka M Umaoya rd, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0718785392 740782096v 'Mahalanda

9 W.M Champika Wijesooriya F Ranaviru mawatha, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0555680572 826153504v 'Mahalanda 5 25000
R.S.Ashoka Malkanthi -
10 F Us ella ,balaharuwa, Uva Kudaoya ,0778590260 198150905855 'Mahalanda 1 5770
Executive committee
11 T.M. Madushani Subodha F Us ella, Balaharuwa, Uva Kudaoya 0785353247 988172731v 'Mahalanda

12 W.K Ajith Prasanna M Ranaviru mawatha, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0776769900 195808210096 'Mahalanda 2800

13 V.Ajith Pramachandra M Ranaviru mawatha, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0715914760 731151148v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

14 S.G. Premadasa M Randenigodayaya, Hadapanagala 0771801227 590273910v 'Mahalanda 2310

R.M. Yasapala Rathnayake- Ranawara Mw, kadichchabokkuaragama,
15 M 0775983310 781972665v 'Mahalanda
Executive committee Aluthwela
16 A.J.M. Wasantha Kumara M Arannya mawatha Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0763260821 832703397v 'Mahalanda

17 V.K.A. Nilantha priyadharshana M Arannya mawatha Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0717358233 802694679v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

Page 38 of 43
GN Share
S/No Name Gender Address Contact No ID No Share
Division Amount
18 H.K. Sadapala M Us Ella Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0778024970 711603310v 'Mahalanda
Y.M. Sanath Jayasundara -
19 M Ranaviru mawatha, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0765523654 792850898v 'Mahalanda 1 5000
Ranawara Mw, kadichchabokkuaragama,
20 S.S. Somasiri M 0719880824 590725021V 'Mahalanda
21 A.W.J sadakalum M S/26, Siripuragama , Weherayaya 0776105023 892811750v 'Mahalanda 1 6500

22 K.G. Dharmadasa M L/07, Ranawara Mw, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0774860836 821065259v 'Mahalanda

23 P.Siril Kumara M L/01, Ranaviru Mawatha, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0771026851 198229405732 'Mahalanda

24 S.A. Ariyadasa M 84 Weherayaya, Ethiliwewa 0778038833 195403304307 'Mahalanda

25 K.P. Jayasena M Us ella , Balaharuwa 0778817447 710460957v 'Mahalanda

26 P.D. Saman M Us ella , Balaharuwa 0771516135 822033458v 'Mahalanda

27 W.M. Ajith Kumara -Director M L/21, Aranya Mw, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0555682855 7836341555v 'Mahalanda 1 5000
T.M Dhamayanthi -Executive
28 F L/8 Rajamawatha, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0776504101 856291170v 'Mahalanda
29 R.M. Chamila Gayan Rathnayake M L/6 Aranya Mw, Aluthwela , Ethiliwewa 0779310657 811510661v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

30 D.K. Gunasiri Kumara M L/1 Ranawara Mw, Aluthwela. Ethiliwewa 772682034v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

31 W.M. Jayasekara Banda M R/19, Rajamawatha, Aluthwela 0789492217 641563374v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

32 W.M. Karunarathne M L/22, Arannaya Rd, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0774829820 771781727v 'Mahalanda 3380

33 D.M. Gamini M L/5 Rajamawatha, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0761633091 663574094v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

34 G.G. Ranjith Athapaththu M L/2 Ranawara Mw, Aluthwela 0773287465 882472868v 'Mahalanda

35 D.M. Sudumenika F L/3 Rajamawatha, Aluthwela 0766521556 575061134v 'Mahalanda

36 B. Indrasena -Director M R/9 Us ella, Aluthwela, Ethiliwewa 0776239515 702783852v 'Mahalanda

Page 39 of 43
GN Share
S/No Name Gender Address Contact No ID No Share
Division Amount
37 M.A.Kulasinghe M R /21. Rajamawatha, Aluthwela 0769012848 BD/HD/SSW/1/2065 'Mahalanda

38 M.A. Ishara Mayuranga M R /21. Rajamawatha, Aluthwela 0760131781 893263454v 'Mahalanda

39 D.M. Anulawathi Podimenike F L/14 Rajamawatha, Aluthwela , Ethiliwewa 0771084908 615744212v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

40 T.B.M. Jayarathne M R/1 Ranaviru mawatha, Aluthwela 771924908 871200599v 'Mahalanda

H.M.Sirisena -Executive
41 M L/11 Aranna Mw, Aluthwela 0787065778 821864283v 'Mahalanda 2 10000
42 R.M. Isura Gayan -chairman M L/7 Aranna Mw, Aluthwela 0782360356 852064536v 'Mahalanda 1 5000
W.G. PushpakumaraExecutive Ranawara Mw, kadichchabokkuaragama,
43 M 0774104817 861013227v 'Mahalanda 1 5000
committee Aluthwela
44 R.M. Sudubanda M R/3 Ranawarea Mw, Aluthwela. Ethiliwewa 0723234366 195625401276 'Mahalanda 2 10000

45 L.A. Shantha M L/6, Us Ella, Aluthwela . Ethiliwewa 0776483422 731941068v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

46 D.M.Nishantha Kumara M B/7 Ranaviru Mawatha, Aluthwela 0767092228 950524030v 'Mahalanda 1 5000

47 L.W. Manawadu M Newara, Annasigala, Aluhtwela 0714212178 643432129v 'Mahalanda

48 D.P.G. Ravindra Wijebandara M Welimadawadiya, Aluthwela 0713737539/0781100386 611082401v 'Mahalanda

49 G.H.D. Wijepala M Newara, Annasigala, Aluhtwela 0718065634 970743195v 'Mahalanda


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11. Action Plan

2022 Nov

2022 Dec
2022 Sep

2024 Feb
2022 Oct

2024 Jan







No Activity

1 Awareness creation about the company

Discussion on the registration of the
Discussion about the main business
3 objective of the company and other
business ideas.
Arriving at agreement on selected
business ideas
5 Providing data for the business plan
Discussion on the location of the
7 Selection of key officers
Selection of a definite place for the
Signing agreement for obtaining the
business premises
10 Preparation of the logo for the business
Bringing furniture and equipment to the
business place
12 Opening of the business place
13 Preparation of the project plan
14 Starting the business
15 Discussion with buyers
16 Signing agreements with buyers
17 Opening of the Bank Account

Page 41 of 43
2022 Nov

2022 Dec
2022 Sep

2024 Feb
2022 Oct

2024 Jan







No Activity

18 Collection of shareholders' contribution

Selection of a land for permanent
business operations
20 Signing agreements for the land
21 Preparation of the building plans
22 Obtaining approval for the building plan
Applying for approvals and obtaining
24 Commencing business operations
25 Recruitment of other staff
26 Training of staff members
27 Awareness creation on shareholders
Obtaining approval to implement other
business ideas.
29 Obtaining machinery & equipment
30 Commencement building construction
31 Shifting the business to the new building
32 Holding General Meetings Once in three months
33 Convening Board meetings Monthly

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12. Certificate of Business Registration

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