Impact of Energy Structure On Carbon Emission and Economy of China in

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Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

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Impact of energy structure on carbon emission and economy of China in

the scenario of carbon taxation
Jia Liu a, Jinyu Bai a, Yi Deng a, Xiaohong Chen b, Xiang Liu c,⁎
School of Information and Safety Engineering, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China
School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
School of Business Administration, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou 510521, China


• This research proposes a carbon taxa-

tion evaluation model based on the en-
ergy substitution theory and input-
output theory.
• The effect of carbon taxation is evalu-
ated by carbon reduction, economic im-
pact, and reduction cost.
• A moderate tax rate can help achieve
the target of carbon emission reduction
with the minimum economic cost.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As the largest CO2 emitter in the world, China intends to achieve the peak of carbon emissions in around 2030.
Received 27 July 2020 Unlike many other countries' targets of reducing the amount the carbon emissions, China has engaged in achiev-
Received in revised form 29 September 2020 ing the goal of carbon emission intensity regulation including economic development and carbon emission re-
Accepted 11 October 2020
duction. In recent years, carbon tax policy has been implemented by about 30 national and sub-national
Available online 16 October 2020
jurisdictions in controlling carbon emissions and has shown promising results. In this context, this research eval-
Editor: Martin Drews uates whether the carbon tax is an effective way for China to accomplish the win-win target of carbon reduction
and GDP growth. Specifically, a model is established based on the energy substitution theory and input-output
Keywords: theory to evaluate the effectiveness of carbon tax on the eight economic sectors of China. The carbon emission
Carbon tax reduction and economic performance before and after carbon taxation are compared. Moreover, the effects of dif-
Carbon emission ferent carbon tax rates on economic development are analyzed. The results are as follows: (1) The total amount of
Energy substitution theory carbon emission decreases while the carbon tax is levied, and a positive correlation is found between the tax rate
Scenario analysis and the emission reduction amount. (2) The carbon tax has a significant impact on economic development, and a
negative correlation is found between the tax rate and economic development. However, the loss of the economic
output caused by the carbon tax gradually reduces over time. (3) Carbon tax policy would be effective for China to
accomplish the win-win goal of carbon reduction and GDP growth. Moreover, the carbon tax rate should be set at
a low level to achieve the target by the lowest economic cost. On this basis, several policy recommendations are
proposed by this research.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (X. Liu).
0048-9697/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

1. Introduction and GDP growth can be evaluated. On this basis, the paper analyses
the implementation of the carbon tax in China, both in terms of GDP
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has identi- growth and carbon emission reductions.
fied one of the main causes of global warming is the increase in CO2
emissions, which are mainly released when the fuel is burned for pro- 2. Literature review
duction. Excessive CO2 emissions exert an enormous negative influence
on the environment and affect sustainable economic development, Carbon tax policy is the specific application of environmental tax
which is harmful to nature and human beings. Both environmentalists based on Pigouvian Taxes in the field of CO2 emission reduction. There
and economists agree that imposing a price on CO2 emissions is a is a vast and growing literature on the effects of the carbon tax. Many
cost-effective regulatory approach to reducing those emissions. Pricing studies show that carbon tax policy can promote significant CO2 emis-
the CO2 emissions stimulates the emitters with low emission costs to re- sion reductions (Floros and Vlachou, 2005; Bruvoll and Larsen, 2004).
duce the emission. Tietenberg (2013) analyzed various issues related to carbon tax includ-
Carbon tax and carbon emission trading systems (ETS) are the com- ing the design of policy instruments and their impacts on economics,
monly used carbon pricing policy instruments by various countries to CO2 emissions, renewable energy, technological diffusion, etc. Brian
promote carbon reductions, which are conducive to establish a huge and Nicholas (2015) summarized and evaluated the implementation
carbon market (Erik Haites, 2018). The global financial market data of the carbon tax in the province of British Columbia (BC) in Canada
and infrastructure provider Refinitiv report that the total value of the which is the first area to implement the carbon tax in North America.
global carbon market increased by 34% in 2019, reaching 214.5 billion Their research shows that since the implementation of the carbon tax
US dollars which have increased nearly fivefold since 2017 (Refinitiv, in 2008, the carbon emissions of BC Province have been reduced by
2020). According to the World Bank, there are now 61 carbon pricing 5%–15%. Meanwhile, the carbon tax has no significant impact on the ag-
initiatives in place or scheduled for implementation, consisting of 31 gregate economy. Burtraw et al. (2003) found that in addition to reduc-
ETSs and 30 carbon taxes, covering about 22% of global greenhouse ing CO2 emissions, carbon tax policies would reduce other negative
gas emissions (World Bank, 2020). More than 15 countries also have externalities related to carbon emissions. Orlov et al. (2013) analyzed
both a tax and an ETS, including Japan, France, Canada, etc. Particularly, the impact of the carbon tax on Russia and indicated that the effective
the carbon tax policies in Canada and Japan cover 70% and 68% of the implementation of the carbon tax system would promote the reduction
total CO2 emissions in 2018, respectively. At present, the carbon dioxide of carbon emissions and the improvement of the social wealth effect.
emission reduction targets of most countries are different. The main Andersson (2019) found that after the implementation of the carbon
reason is that the countries are at different stages of development, and tax, Swedish has reduced transport emissions by 6%. Metcalf (2019)
carbon emissions vary widely among them. Accordingly, many coun- summarized the literature that focuses on the tax's impact on emissions
tries choose carbon tax, ETS, or a mixed policy for carbon reductions. and found that the policy instrument of carbon taxation can effectively
China is the largest CO2 emitter in the world, which makes a com- promote emission reductions and the effect is closely related to the en-
mitment of it to the world to achieve a 60–65% decrease in CO2 emis- ergy structure and the industrial structure of different countries.
sions per GDP in 2030 compared with that in 2005. Unlike many other There are numerous works about the effects of the carbon tax on
countries' one single target of reducing carbon emissions, China has en- economic output. Godal and Holtsmark (2001) pointed out that the
gaged in achieving the goal of carbon emission intensity regulation in- tax system of Norway for carbon tax relief of the agriculture and pro-
cluding economic development and carbon emission reduction. cessing industry is correct. Otherwise, the profitability of the Norwegian
Moreover, China intends to achieve the peak of carbon emissions in processing industry should be reduced by about 20%. However, Bruvoll
around 2030. Therefore, in recent years, the Chinese government has and Larsen (2004) stated that lower energy intensity and energy mix
shown its strong determination in conserving energy and mitigating variation cause a 14% reduction of CO2 emission in Norway while carbon
emissions by establishing a series of regulations and policies. Since taxation contributes only 2%. Lee et al. (2007) proposed that the carbon
2013, China has successfully carried out a regional carbon emission tax is an effective way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, but the im-
trading pilot in seven regions, while the national carbon emission trad- plementation of a comprehensive carbon tax on all industries in a coun-
ing system was officially launched in 2017. The seven pilot schemes try is unfair or ineffective. Their analysis of the petrochemical industry
cover in total 20% of the energy use and 16% of the CO2 emissions of of Taiwan shows that the upstream industry can significantly reduce
China. However, due to price signals and quota allocation, the actual carbon dioxide emissions, while the downstream industry cannot
role and effect of the carbon emission trading system of China have achieve the established emission reduction goals. Lee et al. (2008) and
been controversial (Haites, 2018). Meng et al. (2013) also pointed out that carbon tax has a negative im-
In recent years, with increasingly more recognition of the carbon tax pact on GDP. On contrary, Wiseman and Dellink (2007) believe that
of various countries, it is necessary to evaluate whether the carbon tax is the carbon tax has a relatively small impact on GDP in the condition of
an effective approach for China to accomplish the win-win targets of reasonable policy design based on the in-depth study of the case of
carbon reductions and GDP growth. In fact, many governmental re- Ireland.
search institutes have proposed that the country should implement As a country with the largest annual carbon emission, the carbon
the policy of carbon tax to develop a low carbon economy. Chinese emission reduction strategy of China has always been a research
Academy of Fiscal Science which is affiliated to the Ministry of Finance hotspot. Therefore, the carbon emission reduction effect of the carbon
of China has carried out a preliminary study on the roadmap of carbon tax policy and its possible impact on economic development is also
tax implementation of China (CRIFS, 2009). Moreover, the Energy Re- one of the key areas that have received much attention. Zhou et al.
search Institute in the National Development and Reform Commission (2018) investigated the effect of the carbon tax on transportation in
of China proposed that the country should implement a carbon tax to China. The results suggested that carbon tax rates for airlines, railway,
promote carbon abatement (Energy Research Institute, 2010). These urban transport, and water transport should the same (50 RMB/ton-
proposals have been carefully considered by the government (Liu CO2), while the appropriate carbon tax rate for the road transport sector
et al., 2014). In this research, we establish a model based on the energy should be larger (60 RMB/ton-CO2). Zheng et al. (2017) developed a
substitution theory and input-output theory to evaluate the effective- two-stage game model to simulate the aviation carbon tax effect. The
ness of carbon tax on the eight economic sectors of China and compare research conducted by Li and Jia (2017) shows that CO2 emission in
the carbon emission reduction and economic performance before and China in 2030 will be reduced by 10–13% in the context of carbon taxa-
after carbon taxation. Therefore, whether the carbon tax is an effective tion. Li et al. (2019) introduced a mixed policy instrument which com-
way for China to accomplish the win-win target of carbon reduction bines the industrial upgrades, carbon tax, and carbon trading to analyze

J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

the effect of the carbon tax on the iron and steel industry. Chen (2013) without carbon taxation. Therefore, we establish the following two sce-
found that the carbon tax would harm the output of various industries narios: scenario F (the scenario without a carbon tax) and scenario T
in the short term, but it would have a positive impact on them in the (the scenario with a carbon tax). In scenario F, according to the planning
long term. Sun and Kuang (2015) investigated the direct and cascading requirements of the Chinese government and the historical data of GDP
effects of the hybrid policy which combines carbon trading and carbon and CO2 emissions, the trends of GDP and CO2 in the future are pre-
taxation on economic growth, energy utilization, and carbon emission dicted. In scenario T, we introduce the carbon tax into the analysis of
on the national level and sector level. the scenario F based on the input-output theory, CD production func-
Economic structure, regional differences, and tax rate design are the tion, and energy substitution theory. Therefore, the GDP growth and
key factors determining the effect of carbon tax policy (Metcalf, 2019; CO2 emissions are re-predicted based on the new functions. By compar-
Tietenberg, 2013). Mian et al. (2014) considered the effect of alternative ing the future GDP and CO2 emissions in the two scenarios, this paper
factors of production and energy on the carbon tax. They found that the analyzes the effect of the carbon tax on carbon emission reduction and
total carbon emissions of China in 2020 would be reduced by nearly 3% its impact on the economy.
from 2010 while the carbon tax rate is set at 50 RMB /ton-CO2. Fang et al.
(2013) analyzed the impact of the carbon tax on the energy intensity 3.1. Scenario and model without carbon taxation
and economic growth of China. The empirical analysis of China shows
that the higher the rate of the carbon tax, the better the energy intensity 3.1.1. Description of the scenario
would be controlled. The earlier the carbon tax policy is launched, the The Chinese government has a strong constraint on the target of eco-
more obvious the carbon emission and energy intensity would be re- nomic development. Therefore, we need to consider both the economic
duced. Based on the input-output table of 2010, Guo et al. (2014) di- development inertia and the government's constrained goals in the
vided the energy sector into eight sectors according to the energy analysis or prediction of the Scenario F. The former can be understood
consumption characteristics of different sectors. The research shows as the upper limit of the Scenario F (Scenario F-upper), while the latter
that the moderate level of the carbon tax rate should significantly re- can be understood as the lower limit of the Scenario F (Scenario F-
duce carbon emissions and fossil energy consumption and have a slight lower). In Scenario F-upper, the fluctuation and dynamic of the external
impact on the speed of economic growth. From the perspective of en- environment are ignored while predicting the trend of GDP and CO2
ergy structure, reducing coal consumption is the most effective way to emissions. The inertia of economic development is highlighted. The Sce-
reduce carbon emissions. nario F-upper can be regarded as the most ideal scenario for the eco-
Liu et al. (2014) analyzed the impact of carbon taxation on the steel nomic development of China. In Scenario F-lower, the growth rate of
industry of China and compared the emission reduction effects of the GDP and the target of carbon emission reduction are set according to
carbon tax and compulsory emission reduction. Zhang et al. (2019) in- the GDP development targets, carbon emission reduction, and energy
dicated that reducing the production tax and increasing the carbon tax control targets proposed by the Chinese government. These targets are
would most probably benefit the developed provinces, such as Beijing, generally mandatory and can be regarded as the lower limit of eco-
Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. Afterward, recycling tax revenues to nomic and social development. The scenario F-lower can be regarded
low-income households should benefit the less-developed provinces. as the economic development goal that the Chinese government must
Take Guangdong, the most affluent province in China, as an example, achieve. The final prediction results of Scenario F are the tradeoff be-
Chen et al. (2017) analyzed if the carbon tax rate is around 50–100 tween maximizing the total GDP and minimizing the total CO2 emis-
RMB/ton-CO2, the energy consumption of Guangdong Province can be sions within the upper and lower limits.
reduced by 5.8–11.21%, and carbon emission can be reduced by In scenario F-upper, the trends of GDP and CO2 in the future are pre-
5.94–11.61%. As for an inland city, Chongqing, industrial competitive- dicted based on the GDP growth and CO2 emissions historical data. The
ness should be affected heterogeneously by the implementation of the basic data of GDP are obtained from the China Statistical Yearbook, and
carbon tax (Xie et al., 2018). The hybrid systems could achieve the the data of different sectors are obtained from the input-output table.
same CO2 emission goal with a lower permit price and GDP loss (Cao On this basis, this paper uses the Kalman filter method and the ARIMA
et al., 2019). model to make predictions.
Most of the researches presented above indicate that the implemen- Specifically, the observation data should be transformed into a sta-
tation of the carbon tax has a positive effect on carbon reductions. How- tionary series by differential processing since in continuous time the
ever, the total amount of carbon reductions is closely related to the GDP data of various sectors do not satisfy the weak stationarity condi-
growth of GDP, energy structure, and tax rate. tion. Afterward, the random time series can be generated by using the
This research differs from the papers reviewed above in several autoregressive moving average process in which the series can be ex-
ways. We study the effects of the carbon tax on emission reduction plained by the parameters and the stochastic disturbances, that is,
and the economic output by the contrastive analysis of the scenarios
with and without a carbon tax. Moreover, the effects of the carbon tax xt ¼ c þ xt−1 ⋯ þ ϕp  xt−p þ εt−1 −⋯−θq  εt−q ; ð1Þ
on carbon reductions and GDP development are analyzed by various in-
where c is a constant term, εt and its postposition terms are the white
dicators including the amount of GDP loss, the rate of GDP loss, carbon
noise. However, in this research, it is found that only using the moving
emission intensity per unit GDP, and the cost of per unit CO2 reductions.
average method in the model cannot eliminate the random fluctuation
In the end, we compare the effects of the carbon tax policy under differ-
of data effectively in the prediction process, which leads to inaccurate
ent tax rates and put forward several policy recommendations. The
prediction results. Therefore, referring to the research by Hadeed et al.
main contribution of this research lies in the evaluation models com-
(2020), the Kalman filter algorithm is introduced to greatly reduce the
bined with the energy substitution theory and input-output theory, as
data fluctuation. In other words, by fitting the observed index value of
well as the detailed analysis of the impacts on eight sectors in China.
the existing GDP data to the previous value, the recursive relationship
The remainder of this research is organized as follows. Section 3 is the
of the Kalman filter method is employed to predict the future economic
method of this research. Section 4 is the results of the empirical analysis.
state. Consequently, the following process signal equation and process
Section 5 is the conclusions and policy implications.
state equation are utilized:
3. Research method yt ¼ Z t  xt þ μ t ; t ¼ 1; 2; ⋯; T; ð2Þ

The key to analyzing the effect of carbon tax lies in the comparative
analysis of the economic development and CO2 emission with or xt ¼ At  xt−1 þ Bt  U t þ εt ; t ¼ 1; 2; ⋯; T; ð3Þ

J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

in which yt is a k × 1 dimensional vector of given data, xt is a m × 1 di- The total CO2 emission needs to be minimized:
mensional state vector,Zt is a k × m matrix of the time-varying coeffi- 0 1
cient of the predicted values, At is a m × m variable parameter matrix, Ut X
8 X8
MinCO2 ¼ Min @ C ij  eij  X i A;
is g × 1 dimensional control vector, and Bt is a g × m matrix. We can use
i¼1 j¼1
the given data to make a prediction based on Eqs. (2) and (3), that is,

^xtjt−1 ¼ At  ^
xt−1jt−1 þ Bt  U t : ð4Þ in which j refers to the type of energy, cij refers to the CO2 emission co-
efficient of j in sector i, eij refers to the input coefficient of energy j in sec-
Combining the predicted values with the Kalman gain, we obtain the tor i; Xi is the total output of sector i, 8j¼1 C ij  eij  X i refers to the total
optimal filtering estimation value of the future stage data, that is, amount of CO2 emissions in sector i.
  2. Constraints
^xtjt ¼ ^
xtjt−1 þ Kg ðt Þ yt −Z t  ^xtjt−1 :

The expression of Kalman gain is Kg(t) = Pt∣t−1 ⋅ Zt′/(Zt ⋅ Pt∣t−1 ⋅ Z′ + Rt). According to the input-output theory, the final output of each sector
We can accurately estimate the economic output of different sectors must meet the minimum requirements of its final demand, that is,
in the period from 2020 to 2025 and make a forward-looking forecast of
ðI−DÞi  X ≥Y i ;
the economic trend by the methods above.
According to the energy consumption data of each industry and the
in which I is the unit matrix, D is the direct consumption coefficient ma-
carbon conversion coefficients of different energy sources, the CO2
trix, I and D is the unit matrix of 8 ∗ 8, X is the row vector of 8 ∗ 1, Yi rep-
emissions of each industry in 2009–2017 can be obtained. However,
resents the lowest value of the final demand for sector i.
since the CO2 emissions are restricted by many different factors, the cor-
Considering the limitation of GDP and total CO2 emissions and short-
relation analysis on the deviation degree of each influencing factor
ening the operation time of the model, the upper and lower limits of
needs to be made before prediction. Grey model GM (1,1) is a method
GDP and total CO2 emissions of each sector are set, namely:
suitable for the short-term prediction of a small amount of data by mul-
X i ≤X i (i = 1, 2, ……, 8),
tiple uncertain factors (He et al., 2019). Therefore, this paper processes
the original data by this method and uses the ARMA model to predict in which X i is the upper limit of sector i which is also the Scenario F-
the CO2 emissions of each sector referring to the approach proposed upper value analyzed above.
by Masselot et al. (2018). From the perspective of energy consumption, we have.
In scenario F-lower, the trends of GDP and CO2 in the future are pre- ei X i ≤Ei and ei X i ≥Ei ,
dicted based on the planning requirements of the Chinese government. in which ei is the total energy input coefficient; Ei and Ei are the
The main prediction basis of the GDP development trends in this sce- upper and lower limit values of sector i, respectively. They can be
nario is obtained from the report of China and the world economic re- inverted by using the value of CO2 emissions. For the convenience of cal-
search center of Tsinghua University.1 The comprehensive analysis culation, the unit of the energy value is “kcal”.
result shows that the annual growth rate of China's GDP should not be
3. Overall model
less than 5.81%. Similarly, we assume that the growth rate of each sector
is the development rate of the overall economy. In 2009, the Chinese
The Scenario F-upper and the Scenario F-lower are the goal values in
government stated that the carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP
an ideal environment. Therefore, they provide the upper and lower
(carbon dioxide emission intensity per unit of GDP) in China should
values of GDP and CO2 emissions. In practice, the decision-maker
be 40% - 45% lower in 2020 than that in 2005. We take this value as
needs to obtain an acceptable solution (GDP has a lower limit, and car-
the minimum goal for the carbon emission reduction of China. Based
bon emissions have an upper limit), rather than an absolute optimal so-
on this goal and the value of the forecasted GDP, the amount of carbon
lution. Therefore, by introducing the decision operator α, the model
dioxide emissions can be calculated. On this basis, we assume that the
above is transformed as follows.
emission reduction speed of all sectors equals the emission reduction
Objective function:
speed of the total CO2 emission.
Max α:
3.1.2. Carbon emission evaluation model without carbon taxation
In the previous section, the upper and lower values of the GDP and
CO2 emissions of the whole economic sector are obtained by the sce-
nario design. On this basis, we make an analysis considering the double P8  
i¼1 V i  X i − Ggoal −dg
goals of GDP and CO2 emissions. ≥α;
1. Objective function
  P P8 
We pursue the win-win results of economic development and car- C goal þ dc − 8i¼1 j¼1 cij  eij  X i
bon emission reduction, that is, to maximize GDP and minimize CO2 ≥α:
emissions. Therefore, the objective function can be divided into two
parts: GDP and total CO2 emissions. First, GDP should be maximized:
Among them, the decision-making operator α indicates the degree
8 of achieving both the economic goal (GDP) and the carbon emission
MaxGDP ¼ Max V i  Xi ; reduction goal (CO2); Ggoal is the goal value of GDP; dg is the tolerance
i¼1 degree to the GDP goal which can be obtained by the grey prediction
model. Cgoal is the CO2 emission goal. dc is the tolerance degree to
in which Vi is the added value rate of sector i; Xi is the total output of sec-
P the CO2 emission goal which can also be obtained by the grey
tor i, Vi ∗ Xi is the GDP of sector i; 8i¼1 V i  X i refers to the total GDP of P
China. prediction model. 8i¼1 V i  X i represents the total economic volume
P8 P8
and i¼1 ð j¼1 cij  eij  X i Þ represents the total emission of CO2. In the
case of a feasible solution with the maximum value of α, the largest
CCER. Chinese Economy after the 19th National Congress 2018, 2035 and 2050[R]. GDP and the smallest CO2 emission can be achieved simultaneously by
2017. the most effective cost. Therefore, based on the total GDP and CO2

J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

Fig. 1. Trend of GDP from 2020 to 2025 of China in Scenario F.

emissions with the maximum value of α, we can get the predicted consumption in different sectors will change, which results in the
values of the total GDP and CO2 emissions in China from 2020 to 2025 change of the energy input coefficient among the sectors. Consequently,
in normal conditions, which are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively. there is a functional relationship between the changes of different en-
ergy demands and the price change mentioned above. The correlation
between them can be obtained by the cross-elasticity coefficient of
3.2. Scenario and model with carbon taxation
Based on the analysis above, the substitution between energy and
3.2.1. Carbon emission evaluation model with carbon taxation
other factors of production caused by the fluctuation of energy price
In the scenario with a carbon tax, the energy price will increase inev-
brought by the carbon tax is the basis of the change of GDP and CO2
itably, which impacts the GDP in two aspects. First, according to the CD
emission level. Therefore, the corresponding model method and steps
production function, the rise in energy prices would lead to the change
are as follows:
of output. Based on the input-output theory, it can be considered that
the changes of both the original input (O) and the intermediate input 1. Changes in energy prices
(Y) result in the change of GDP (V). Second, according to the energy Suppose that the price of crude oil in the base period is P, the abso-
substitution theory, the rise in energy prices would give rise to the mu- lute value of the increased cost caused by the carbon tax is ΔP, then
tual substitution of energies. Therefore, the structure of energy the percentage of energy price change caused by the carbon tax is

Fig. 2. Trend of CO2 emissions from 2020 to 2025 of China in Scenario F.

J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

 4. Empirical analysis
P 0 ¼ PþΔP P
þ ΔP 0 ;
 4.1. Data source
in which PþΔP P means the percentage of energy cost increase caused by
the carbon tax and ΔP0 means the percentage of energy price change We select the data in the period from 2009 to 2017 to make predic-
caused by other factors. In this paper, ΔP0 is obtained by the change of tions and analyses of the total GDP and CO2 emissions. The data of GDP
the energy price index. Combining the price change caused by the car- are acquired from the 2010–2018 China Statistical Yearbook. The CO2
bon tax and other factors, we obtain that the rate of energy price change emission is calculated from the energy consumption of different indus-
after increasing carbon tax is P′. tries and varieties provided by China Statistical Yearbook and China En-
Therefore, the energy price change PΔj of sector j can be calculated by ergy Statistical Yearbook.
weighting as follows: We use the input-output table to calculate the GDP output and CO2
P8 emissions of various industries. The 42 sectors in China's input-output
P 0j  Ei
P Δj ¼ table are regrouped into 8 sectors, including the agriculture, forestry,
P8 ;
i¼1 Ei animal husbandry, and fishery industry (sector 1); mining industry
(sector 2); manufacturing industry (sector 3); power, gas, and water
in which Ei is the total amount of energy i consumed by sector j (sum- production and supply industry (sector 4); construction industry (sec-
marized in terms of the heat value), 8i¼1 Ei represents the total amount tor 5); transportation, storage, and postal industry (sector 6); wholesale
of the energy consumed by sector j. and retail, accommodation and catering industry (sector 7); other in-
2. Change of added value dustries (sector 8). The remainder of this paper will analyze the carbon
emissions and GDP development level of the 8 sectors in the context of
carbon taxation. Additionally, we classify the 8 sectors based on the 3
According to the input-output theory, the added value change of the
major industries and supplement the missing GDP value of the 8 sectors
sector caused by the energy price change can be calculated by the fol-
based on the average growth rate of the industries in the corresponding
lowing equation:
years. Moreover, we can see from the models above that the basic data
ΔO j ¼ P Δj  EKE  K þ P Δj  ELE  L; in the models mainly include the price data P, the elastic value E that af-
fects the added value and the added value rate, input factor labor L , and
in which ΔOj represents the change of the original input of sector j, and capital input K.
K, L represents the capital input and labor input of sector j, respectively. (1) Data sources of the price. There are eight types of energy in-
EKEis the cross elasticity coefficient of capital energy. ELE is the cross elas- volved in this study, including crude oil, natural gas, fuel oil, gas-
ticity coefficient of labor energy. EKE, ELErepresent the change of capital oline, kerosene, coal, coke, and diesel. All these data are obtained
and labor, respectively, while the energy price changes by 1%. from the CEIC data China database and supplemented with China
Similarly, the change of industrial intermediate input caused by the Energy Data Manual and China price information network. Some
energy price change can be calculated as: missing data is adjusted and supplemented according to the fac-
tory price index of different energy sources in the statistical year-
ΔY j ¼ P Δj  EEE  C E þ P Δj  EME  M;
(2) Data sources of element input. This paper mainly involves four
in which ΔYjrepresents the change of intermediate input of sector j, and
kinds of inputs. The factors that affect the added value include
CE, M represents the total energy consumption cost and intermediate
capital input K and labor input L. The factors that affect the inter-
material input of sector j, respectively. EEE refers to the self-elasticity co-
mediate input include energy consumption cost CE and interme-
efficient of energy, representing the change of energy input while the
diate material input M.The capital input value K of the sub-
energy price changes by 1%. EME is the cross-elasticity coefficient of ma-
sectors is replaced by the total fixed-asset investment of the
terial and energy, representing the change of intermediate material in-
sub-sector. The labor input data L of the sub-sector is replaced
put while the energy price changes by 1%.
by the employment data of the sub-sector which are obtained di-
Therefore, considering the changes in the original input ΔOj and the
rectly from the China Statistical Yearbook. Energy consumption
intermediate input ΔYj, we can get the change of the added value rate of
cost CE is obtained by multiplying the energy consumption data
sector j after the carbon tax:
(physical volume) over the years by the energy price. The inter-
O j þ ΔO j mediate material input M is obtained from the intermediate
V Δj ¼    ; input (magnitude of value) in the input-output table over the
Y j þ ΔY j þ O j þ ΔO j
in which Oj, Yj represents the added value and intermediate input of sec- (3) Elastic data sources. The elastic data involved in this study
tor j before carbon taxation, respectively. Therefore, the GDP output mainly refers to the relevant researches of other scholars, includ-
value of sector j after carbon taxation is Oj. ing the cross elastic coefficient of capital and energy EKE (Frondel,
2004), the cross elastic coefficient of labor and energy ELE (Ma
3.2.2. Determination of the carbon tax rate et al., 2009), the self-elastic coefficient of energy EEE (Frondel,
While designing the carbon tax rate level, the following factors 2004), and the cross elastic coefficient of material and energy
should be taken into consideration: (1) the effect of CO2 emission reduc- EME(Ma et al., 2009).
tion, (2) the impact on normal production, operation behavior, and
market competitiveness, and (3) the social acceptance to reduce social 4.2. Calculation results
resistance to the carbon tax. Based on the practice of the Ministry of Fi-
nance of China and the research of China Environmental Protection In- 4.2.1. Calculation results of the scenario without carbon taxation
ternational Association, referring to the price of carbon quota in the Based on the data above, we evaluate the GDP value and CO2 emis-
carbon trading pilot in China, this paper analyzes the conditions with sion value based on the method mentioned in the previous section
the carbon tax rate of 20 RMB/ton-CO2, 50 RMB/ton-CO2, and 100 while integrating the Scenario F-upper and the Scenario F-lower values.
RMB/ton-CO2, respectively. In this paper, the whole sector is analyzed The trends of GDP output and CO2 emissions of various industries in
as a taxpayer. 2020–2025 are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 3, respectively.

J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

Table 1
Descriptive statistics of GDP and CO2 emissions in 2020–2025 in Scenario F.

GDP (2020–2025) CO2 emission (2020–2025)

(trillion RMB) (100 million tons)

Max Min Annual growth rate Max Min Annual growth rate

Total 141.74 105.92 6.00% 190.77 151.52 4.71%

Sector 1 9.28 6.71 6.70% 2.68 1.22 17.05%
Sector 2 7.53 5.81 5.32% 11.59 8.75 5.78%
Sector 3 40.01 31.75 4.73% 82.42 76.89 1.40%
Sector 4 4.88 3.81 5.07% 69.52 52.66 5.71%
Sector 5 7.41 5.78 5.09% 1.51 0.61 19.88%
Sector 6 6.04 5.12 3.36% 11.51 8.38 6.55%
Sector 7 11.45 9.28 4.29% 2.19 0.97 17.69%
Sector 8 55.13 37.66 7.92% 3.43 2.05 10.84%

4.2.2. Calculation results of the scenario with carbon taxation Carbon taxation affects the GDP growth of China significantly. In the
This section takes the carbon tax rate of 20 RMB/ton-CO2 as an ex- short term (before 2025), the absolute loss value and relative loss rate of
ample to explain the process of GDP and CO2 changes in various eco- GDP will grow slowly. Specifically, the absolute loss of GDP will increase
nomic sectors after carbon taxation. Based on the methods mentioned from 419.6 billion RMB in 2020 to 641.144 billion RMB in 2025, while
in the previous section, the development trends of GDP output and the relative loss rate in the same period will increase from 0.4% to 0.45%.
CO2 emissions of various industries in 2020–2025 can be obtained In terms of sub-sector, the absolute loss of GDP in other sectors
which are shown in Table 2 and Fig. 4, respectively. keeps rising, except for sector 1. Besides, sector 3, sector 8, and sector
7 ranks the top three. The absolute value of GDP reduction of the three
sectors accounts for 78.8%, which is closely related to the total economic
volume of the three sectors themselves. There is no significant differ-
4.3. Analysis of the calculation results ence between the GDP growth rate of each sector before carbon taxation
and that after carbon taxation.
4.3.1. The impact of carbon taxation on the economy Overall, the carbon tax has a greater impact on the GDP loss of sector
The impact of the carbon tax on macroeconomy can be analyzed in 7, sector 6, and sector 3, while the impact on sector 1 (agriculture, for-
the following two aspects. One is the absolute reduction of GDP, estry, animal husbandry, and fishery) is the least. The reason is that
which indicates the absolute impact of the carbon tax on output. The the use of fossil energy directly determines the amount of carbon tax.
other is the relative loss rate of GDP, which is equal to the absolute re- Sector 3 is the largest sector of economic development and carbon emis-
duction value of GDP or GDP value in the basic period (Table 3). sions. The economic development of it is impacted most significantly by
It can be seen from Table 3 that the impact of the carbon tax on the carbon taxation. Sector 6 is small in terms of economic development,
GDP of China shows the following characteristics. but a large sector in carbon emissions (relative to the total economic

Fig. 3. Trends of GDP and CO2 emissions in 2020–2025 in Scenario F.

J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

Table 2
Descriptive statistics of GDP and CO2 emissions in 2020–2025 in Scenario T.

GDP (2020–2025) CO2 emission (2020–2025)

(trillion RMB) (100 million tons)

Max Min Annual growth rate Max Min Annual growth rate

Total 141.1 105.5 5.99% 117.34 103.13 2.62%

sector 1 9.25 6.68 6.73% 0.66 0.62 −1.24%
sector 2 7.5 5.79 5.31% 4.66 4.49 −0.74%
sector 3 39.78 31.61 4.71% 43.63 42.52 0.52%
sector 4 4.87 3.8 5.09% 53.04 43.67 3.96%
sector 5 7.4 5.77 5.10% 0.43 0.41 0.96%
sector 6 6 5.09 3.34% 13.1 9.28 7.14%
sector 7 11.38 9.22 4.30% 0.58 0.57 0.35%
sector 8 54.91 37.53 7.91% 1.45 1.36 1.29%

volume). The impact of the carbon tax on this sector is significant. More- emission reduction will be increasingly more significant. In terms
over, the GDP growth rate of sector 3 and sector 6 is lower than the of sub-sectors, sector 2, sector 3, and sector 1 are the sectors which
overall growth rate of the country, which would lead to the increase have the highest CO2 emission reduction rate. The emission reduc-
of economic development not enough to cover the cost expenditure (in- tion level of these three sectors during the sample period is more
cluding investment in technological transformation, energy structure than 40%. The reason that sector 1 and sector 2 have such a large
adjustment, and cost of carbon tax payment). It also shows that these emission reduction is that both have a small volume of total carbon
two sectors still need to further improve the technology and green con- emissions. By contrast, the reason that sector 3 has a large emission
tent. Besides, the GDP proportion of each sector in the country would reduction is that carbon taxation has an extremely large impact on
scarcely change in the context of carbon taxation. In other words, car- its production. The significant reduction of economic growth results
bon taxation can hardly affect the economic structure of China. in carbon emissions reduction.
It shows that the total carbon emissions of sector 6 (transportation,
4.3.2. The impact of carbon taxation on the carbon emissions reduction warehousing, and post industry) still increase in the context of carbon
We analyze the impact of carbon taxation on the CO2 emissions of taxation, but its growth rate is gradually decreasing. The experience of
each sector in two aspects. One is the emission reduction rate of CO2. the European Union and other regions implies that the transport sector
It is expressed by the reduced amount of CO2 after taxation divided by always lags in carbon emission reduction. On the one hand, the GDP de-
the total amount of CO2 before taxation, which shows the direct effect velopment speed of this sector is still at a relatively high level. On the
of carbon emission reduction (Table 4). The other is the intensity of other hand, the transformation of the energy structure in the transport
CO2 emission which means the level of CO2 emission per unit GDP sector is relatively slow. Consequently, promoting the use of new en-
representing the binding goal of carbon emission reduction formulated ergy vehicles and other initiatives are still necessary measures to pro-
by China (Table 5). mote carbon emission reduction in the transport sector.
The impact of the carbon tax on the absolute value of CO2 emissions
2. In the context that no carbon tax is implemented, although the na-
in various economic sectors can be concluded as follows.
tional carbon emission intensity level is declining year by year, the
1. The CO2 emission reduction level of China is constantly improving. carbon emission intensity of each sector except sector 3 is still on
Specifically, the CO2 emission reduction rate increases from 31.94% the rise. While the carbon tax is levied, the average decline rate of
in 2020 to 38.49% in 2025. It indicates that with the in-depth imple- the national carbon emission intensity level in the sample period in-
mentation of carbon taxation, the effect of the carbon tax on carbon creases from 1.21% to 3.18%. Except for sector 6, the carbon emission

Fig. 4. Trends of GDP and CO2 emissions in 2020–2025 in Scenario T.

J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

Table 3 CO2 emission reduction in China but also covers the whole industry
relative loss rate of GDP of economic sectors in China after carbon taxation. from a single sector (sector 3). It suggests that the total emission of sec-
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 tor 4 is relatively high, but the impact of the carbon tax on its emission
Relative loss rate of GDP 0.40% 0.41% 0.42% 0.43% 0.44% 0.45%
reduction is relatively small. The main reason is that sector 4 is the basic
Sector 1 0.40% 0.37% 0.34% 0.32% 0.30% 0.27% sector of energy security, and the adjustment of the total amount and
Sector 2 0.32% 0.33% 0.34% 0.34% 0.36% 0.37% structure of this sector needs a long time.
Sector 3 0.44% 0.47% 0.49% 0.52% 0.55% 0.58%
Sector 4 0.22% 0.23% 0.23% 0.24% 0.24% 0.24%
4.3.3. Comparison of effect on GDP and CO2 emissions at different tax rates
Sector 5 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.18% 0.18% 0.18%
Sector 6 0.50% 0.52% 0.54% 0.57% 0.60% 0.62% To further measure the effect of different carbon tax levels, this
Sector 7 0.62% 0.62% 0.62% 0.62% 0.61% 0.61% paper considers the tax rates of 100 RMB/ton-CO2 and 50 RMB/ton-
Sector 8 0.35% 0.36% 0.38% 0.39% 0.40% 0.41% CO2. Based on the methods above, the impact of carbon tax collection
on macro-economy and carbon emissions is evaluated under different
tax rates, and the results are compared with the impact of the tax rate
of 20 RMB/ton-CO2.
Table 4
CO2 emission reduction rate after carbon taxation.
Simultaneously, to analyze the cost of carbon emission reduction
under different tax rates, this paper considers the loss of GDP (RMB/
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ton-CO2) caused by unit carbon emission reduction as the cost of unit
Total 31.94% 33.36% 34.66% 35.96% 37.17% 38.49% carbon emission reduction. The calculation formula is:
Sector 1 45.90% 53.57% 61.21% 67.53% 72.49% 76.87%
Sector 2 46.74% 49.40% 52.35% 55.27% 58.17% 61.26%
Sector 3 44.70% 45.88% 47.21% 47.09% 46.94% 47.06% ΔGDPi
C CO2 ¼ ;
Sector 4 17.07% 19.01% 20.25% 21.59% 22.69% 23.71% ΔCO2i
Sector 5 32.79% 43.84% 52.27% 60.38% 66.93% 71.52%
Sector 6 −10.74% −11.84% −12.38% −13.21% −13.65% −13.81%
Sector 7 41.24% 50.00% 56.72% 63.52% 68.98% 73.52% in which ΔGDPi is the absolute loss value of the GDP of sector i, ΔCO2i
Sector 8 33.66% 39.21% 44.22% 49.46% 53.72% 57.73%
represents the absolute reduction value of CO2 of sector i, CCO 2 is the cost
per unit of CO2 emission reduction.
The carbon tax assessment results at the three tax rates, respectively,
Table 5 are shown in Table 6.
Emission intensity of unit GDP after carbon taxation. It can be seen from Table 6 that in terms of absolute loss and relative
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 loss rate of GDP, the higher the tax rate level is, the higher the absolute
loss of GDP should be. The increasing rate of loss gradually decreases
Total 0.978 0.945 0.915 0.886 0.859 0.832
Sector 1 0.099 0.091 0.084 0.077 0.073 0.067 with the rising tax rate level. Moreover, at the low tax rate level, the rel-
Sector 2 0.805 0.752 0.705 0.662 0.630 0.598 ative impact of the carbon tax on GDP gradually reduces. By contrast, at
Sector 3 1.345 1.302 1.250 1.201 1.152 1.097 the middle and high tax rates, the level of GDP loss rate shows a slow-
Sector 4 11.487 11.304 11.182 11.128 11.005 10.895 growth trend. This implies that a higher tax rate gives rise to the reduc-
Sector 5 0.071 0.068 0.066 0.063 0.060 0.058
Sector 6 1.822 1.881 1.956 2.066 2.127 2.182
tion of the CO2 emission level while making the absolute loss and rela-
Sector 7 0.062 0.060 0.059 0.056 0.053 0.051 tive loss rate of GDP fluctuate greatly, which also rapidly increases the
Sector 8 0.036 0.034 0.032 0.030 0.028 0.026 average cost of carbon emission reduction. Thus, carbon emission re-
duction is not significantly economical.
Therefore, China needs to set the carbon tax at a lower level in the
intensity level of most sectors is declining, and the carbon emission
short term to avoid a huge negative impact on the normal production
in all the sectors achieves a comprehensive emission reduction. The
and operation of enterprises. At this level, we need to achieve the goal
reason why the carbon emission intensity of sector 6 still on the rise
of carbon emission reduction, as well as achieve an effective balance be-
is that the total emissions of this sector continuously increase.
tween the economy and carbon emission goal. This is also consistent
with the implementation path of the carbon tax policy in Canada
Overall, the carbon tax plays a pivotal role in promoting carbon which starts from a relatively low tax rate to reduce the impact of the
emission reduction in China. It not only promotes the total amount of policy, and then gradually adjusts the tax rate level according to the

Table 6
Impact of carbon tax on economics and carbon emissions at different tax rates.

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Tax rate:20RMB/ton-CO2
GDP loss value 4196.00 4568.98 4970.54 5407.90 5885.89 6411.44
Loss rate 0.40% 0.41% 0.42% 0.42% 0.44% 0.45%
Carbon emission intensity per unit GDP 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.86 0.83
Cost per unit of CO2 emission reduction 86.71 86.39 86.50 86.58 86.98 87.31

Tax rate:50 RMB/ton-CO2

GDP loss value 6609.883 7202. 06 7838.29 8530.36 9287.74 10,143.43
Loss rate 0.63% 0.64% 0.64% 0.64% 0.66% 0.67%
Carbon emission intensity per unit GDP 0.96 0.93 0.91 0.87 0.86 0.82
Cost per unit of CO2 emission reduction 134.84 134.17 134.62 135.04 135.69 135.88

Tax rate:100 RMB/ton-CO2

GDP loss value 17,469.7 19,021.55 20,692.50 22,512.99 24,502.23 26,685.18
Loss rate 0.99% 1.01% 1.01% 1.00% 1.02% 1.02%
Carbon emission intensity per unit GDP 0.96 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.86 0.81
Cost per unit of CO2 emission reduction 211.79 210.70 211.85 212.84 214.22 214.79

J. Liu, J. Bai, Y. Deng et al. Science of the Total Environment 762 (2021) 143093

needs of emission reduction goals and the pace of economic CHEN Xiaohong: Data analysis, results discussion; BAI Jinyu: Writing-
restructuring. Reviewing and Editing; DENG Yi: Writing- Reviewing and Editing.

5. Conclusions and policy implications

Declaration of competing interest
According to the win-win target of carbon reduction and GDP
growth, this paper establishes a new model based on the energy substi- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
tution theory and input-output theory to evaluate the effectiveness of
carbon taxation on the eight sectors of China. The findings provide sci- Acknowledgements
entific evidence and suggestions for the implementation of the carbon
tax on various industries. The main conclusions are as follows: This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China (grant number 71601148, 71790615, 91846301); Key
1. The carbon tax is conducive to the rapid promotion of CO2 emission
research base of Humanities and social sciences in Guangdong Province
reduction in China. The research results show that the total amount
(grant number 2018WZJD007); National Statistical Science Research
of CO2 emission reduces year by year after the carbon tax is levied.
Project (grant number 2020LY041).
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