Lesson 1 Reflection

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Teachers must first identify the expected learning outcomes and goals, to assess the
student work. In making an assessment it is important to apply the assessment principles to
know the accuracy and fairness of your assessment. Assessment principles play a big role in
the process of making your assessment, it can provide a guideline to ensure the validity,
reliability, and authenticity of your assessment. Without these principles, the assessments
would lack credibility and could lead to inaccurate assessments. The assessment principles
also help the teacher in providing feedback to learners, to improve students' abilities and

These assessment principles are such a big help for teachers and learners. As I learn
this lesson I know it can help me in the future, I will always keep in mind that in making an
assessment it should be aligned with my learning objectives. For me to know if my
assessment measures the knowledge that is being taught. Making an assessment is hard, I
now understand why my teacher always say that making test or assessment consume much
time because it is really hard to make. It has lot of principles to consider to make your
assessment accurate and fair, it takes time to make because it should be aligned with your
learning objectives and goals so that the assessment that you make won’t fail.

The advanced assessment method plays a big role in assessing and evaluating the
knowledge and skills that the learners acquire throughout the lesson. This advanced
assessment method goes beyond to traditional method, it provides a more comprehensive and
accurate understanding of the learner’s knowledge, and abilities. The advanced assessment
method, like portfolios, shows the development of the student's abilities and knowledge,
knowing the progress of your students. Another part of the advanced assessment method is
the project-based method in which the students learn through real-world situations in which
the learners develop their higher-order thinking skills. Also, authentic assessment helps the
students discover their learning, and it can help to measure how students apply their
knowledge to practical situations.

That assessment method is one of the methods that we can use in assessment, using
that method can be a big help in monitoring the growth of your students. This assessment
method helps measure the students learning throughout the course and provides feedback to
both the teacher and the student. In making an assessment teacher should think about the
design and this method is a great help, before designing the assessment we should consider
how the student learns and understands the discussion. This method helps the teacher
measure the effectiveness of their teaching, also useful in developing the abilities and critical
thinking of the students. This assessment method helps to assess the growth and to know how
to improve the student's abilities, and learning.

Data analysis techniques helps the teachers to collect data to improve their teaching
and learning methods. Data analysis can provide information of what the students know, what
they need to learn, and what can be done to meet their academic needs. Gathering data to
your students is important because it helps you to know them, and to know what are needed
to improve. By the help of the information that you gain through data analysis, you can
understand the students learning styles and abilities and you can give feedback to the students
easily. Data analysis techniques can be used to see the student’s strength and weaknesses; it
can also help to know if your strategies in teaching is effective.

Data analysis techniques can be helpful for students, especially in decision making
they can base their decision through the data they gather. Teacher can use data analysis in
knowing the result on how effective the traditional teaching and modern teaching by the use
of analyzing the scores of the learners. Data analysis not just also about knowing your
students learning strategies. But also knowing some hypothesis regarding your specific
teaching methods, if you’re learning objectives has been achieving. Also it can help finding
some prediction if your students will pass their quizzes, or exam based on their performance.
Write what you have learned from the lesson Data Analysis (Lesson 4)

Data analysis is gathering data information to your students works, and performance it
is also to help teachers to analyze the if his/her teaching method is effective. Data analysis
help not just in decision making, but also knowing some hypothesis and prediction that can
help you to identify the various needs of your students. Data analysis helps teacher to
improve their teaching styles, and creating effective strategies in teaching, and help to
improve your teaching and learning methods. The lesson 4 is all about technology
assessment, so data analysis is somewhat connected to data analysis, in giving assessment
online, technology can easily give data, and feedback to the students. As the technology
evolves, it is one of the medium that teacher uses nowadays in teaching and assessing

Technology assessment have its, positive and negative effects, the positive thing is
that teachers can easily gather data to the scores and performances of the learners. They can
also easily to give feedback to the things that the students needed to improve, teacher can
easily know the scores of the students since technology is very high tech. The students can
easily access the exam, and quizzes since its online, they can open their LMS anytime,
anywhere and its time saving for both teachers and students since its online. The negative
thing is that using technology in assessment is sometimes challenging, because its needs a
good signal, aside from that the feedback that the students receive is limited. Sometimes
students can cheat in quizzes, and exam since they can search it online, and when there are
some technical issues it can disrupt the grading process.
Your insights from lesson 5

Ethical and cultural consideration, in teaching it is important for us to know the

background or culture of our students to avoid biases. Having ethical and cultural
consideration to your students helps you to understand the difference of your students, so that
you can know how to approach and avoid biases. As a teacher and future educator it is
important to be considerate in teaching especially in regards to culture, because we know we
have different culture. By knowing the difference of your students you can give a fair
assessment that all your student can relate into. Regarding in gender biases you as a teacher
must be fair to both genders in giving activities and task, we should avoid biases and respect
our different genders.

In teaching learners with different socioeconomic status we should treat everyone fair,
don’t be bias to students because they are rich, it is unfair to the lowly students, education is
for everyone wither your rich or not. In language barriers, we should make test or assessment
fairly that both our student can understand, don’t be bias to your student who is good or
fluent to that specific language. We should think some ways or translate the assessment so
that everyone can understand. Teachers also be sensitive regarding to cultures of each
individual, teacher can make assessment that can respect the background of each cultures to
avoid misunderstanding. Teachers can make assessments that can both learners can relate
into, or we can give them assessment related to real life situation since they can relate
through their experiences, and they can relate to the content that you give.
write what you learned from lesson 6.

In making an assessment it needs a thoroughly planning, so comprehensive

assessment planning will be a big help in creating a good assessment. The purpose of
comprehensive assessment planning is to gather relevant information about students learning.
Which can be a big help in making effective learning, and evaluate students effectively, and
to develop the students learning styles and abilities. In creating assessment, we should think
the needs of every student, it should be fit to the learning objectives to develop their critical
thinking, and to achieve specific learning outcomes. We should also think a method in
designing assessment to achieve its goals it should be align to the learning objectives;
assessment should be achieving the expected goals that the students can learn.

Developing assessment such as tests, rubrics, surveys, or assignments, it should be

clear, valid, reliable, and fair to all students. Making criteria should be specific and
measurable, making it easier to understand and assess by the student. We should ensure that
assessments are culturally responsive, inclusive, and accessible to a diverse student. Also
accommodate students with special needs, disabilities, or language differences. Provide a
feedback to the students, make sure to communicate with them in giving feedback, and
always discovers new things with the use of technology for continuous development not just
for yourself but for the students to develop their abilities and knowledge.
Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I
Lesson 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II
i. Activities
ii. Quiz
iii. Written Task
iv. Performance Task
v. Prelim Exam
vi. Reflection
Lesson 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III
i. Activities
ii. Quiz
iii. Written Task
iv. Performance Task
v. Prelim Exam
vi. Reflection
Lesson 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV
i. Activities
ii. Quiz
iii. Written Task
iv. Performance Task
v. Prelim Exam
vi. Reflection
Lesson 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V
i. Activities
ii. Quiz
iii. Written Task
iv. Performance Task
v. Prelim Exam
vi. Reflection
Lesson 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i. Activities
ii. Quiz
iii. Written Task
iv. Performance Task
v. Prelim Exam
vi. Reflection
Lesson 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i. Activities
ii. Quiz
iii. Written Task
iv. Performance Task
v. Prelim Exam
vi. Reflection
Other Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII
i. Test Result
ii. Letter
iii. Graph
iv. Item Analysis
v. Pictures
vi. Acknowledgement
vii. Dedication
Hi! My name is Mae Ann C. Dionson, I’m 20-year-old and I live
in Sulog, Halapitan San Fernando Bukidnon. I’m currently taking up Bachelor of Elementary
Education, at Irene B. Antonio College of Mindanao. I have five siblings and all of them are
men. My mother’s name is Mary Jean C. Dionson, and my father’s name is Ambrosio G.
Dionson, and they are both farmers and I’m proud to say that my parents are farmers.

My hobbies are dancing and singing, I also love watching Korean dramas, and I love
k-pop especially EXO. They are one of the reasons why I need to achieve my dreams, so that
I can meet them in the future. Except for my family reading wattpad books sometimes help
me to relieve my stress, and help me to forget the reality. Both my parents are so supportive
in my achievements since I’m the princess of the family, they provide me everything and I’m
thankful for that.

Life lately is so hard, being away to my family sometimes make me sick, studying
away from home reaching my dreams is so hard. The pressure the stress and anxiety
sometimes killing me inside. But I know I’m the only hope of my parents, so now I’m still
fighting and going forward. Even now that I’m sick I still try my best to finish this portfolio. I
hope that after this whole semester I can sleep a lot, and enjoying my Christmas break,
because I’m so drained and tired. But since I have a dream I need to finish my study, and
keep on fighting.
This portfolio is a visual journey of myself, it contents all of my quizzes, activities,
and exam for the whole semester. All of my low and high score is included, and also the
results of the assessment that we conduct at Bunacao is included here.

This portfolio will serve as my final requirement for this subject, and for completing
this semester. You will also know about myself, and how I improve my self through the
whole semester. It includes my works, from all of the lesson, it also includes my reflections
to all of the lessons.
I want also to acknowledge the almighty God in giving me strength and knowledge to
complete this task. To my parents for being there, and for providing me with my needs. To
my brother who support me, and being their always for me.

I want to acknowledge my friends, for always answering all of my questions, and for
helping me. To the school presidents, and vice-president, to our program head, and to all the
teacher thank you.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to sir Jessie Acosta, for providing me the
opportunity to learn and to complete my portfolio under your guidance. Your valuable
feedback helps me to improve myself, and help me grow as a person.

I also want to acknowledge my classmate for surviving and for helping each other,
just keep on fighting everyone.
This portfolio is dedicated to all the person who’s with me throughout my
journey in learning Assessment Learning 2. I also want to dedicate this portfolio to the
almighty God, for the guidance, strength, and knowledge in completing this portfolio.

I also want to dedicate this portfolio to my parents, and siblings for the
undying support. They have been my source of inspiration, when I feel down and want to
give up. But they still support and provide moral, spiritual, and financial support for
achieving my dream.

To our instructor sir, thank you for the learnings, for the advices it is very
helpful for us. For guiding and giving feedbacks to improve our selves, thank your sir.

To my friends, and classmate thank you for being their when I’m struggling.
Thank you for the helping me to finish this portfolio.

Lastly I want to dedicate this portfolio to myself, for being brave in fighting
those hard battles. For surviving this semester, you did great self I’m so proud of you.
Throughout this journey, I had times that I cried, I laugh, feeling down, being sick, and want
to give up, thank you self for surviving you did great.

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