Akiko Sato, 2004
Akiko Sato, 2004
Akiko Sato, 2004
In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging
Akiko Sato, VMD,1 Brenda Klaunberg, VMD,2 and Ravi Tolwani, DVM, PhD1,*
In vivo bioluminescent imaging (BLI) is a versatile and sensitive tool that is based on detection of light emission
from cells or tissues. Bioluminescence, the biochemical generation of light by a living organism, is a naturally occur-
ring phenomenon. Luciferase enzymes, such as that from the North American firefly (Photinus pyralis), catalyze the
oxidation of a substrate (luciferin), and photons of light are a product of the reaction. Optical imaging by biolumines-
cence allows a low-cost, noninvasive, and real-time analysis of disease processes at the molecular level in living
organisms. Bioluminescence has been used to track tumor cells, bacterial and viral infections, gene expression, and
treatment response. Bioluminescence in vivo imaging allows longitudinal monitoring of a disease course in the same
animal, a desirable alternative to analyzing a number of animals at many time points during the course of the dis-
ease. We provide a brief introduction to BLI technology, specific examples of in vivo BLI studies investigating bacte-
rial/viral pathogenesis and tumor growth in animal models, and highlight some future perspectives of BLI as a
molecular imaging tool.
BLI: An Overview
Advances in molecular and cell biology techniques have led to
the development of new in vivo imaging strategies. In vivo biolu-
minescent imaging (BLI) is a sensitive tool that is based on de-
tection of light emission from cells or tissues. The utility of
reporter gene technology makes it possible to analyze specific
cellular and biological processes in a living animal through in
vivo imaging methods.
Bioluminescence, the enzymatic generation of visible light by
a living organism, is a naturally occurring phenomenon in many
non-mammalian species (4, 19). Luciferases are enzymes that
catalyze the oxidation of a substrate to release photons of light
(8). Bioluminescence from the North American firefly (Photinus
pyralis) is the most widely studied. The firefly luciferase gene
(luc) expression produces the enzyme luciferase which converts
the substrate D-luciferin to non-reactive oxyluciferin, resulting
in green light emission at 562 nm. Another example of biolumi-
nescence is from the sea pansy (Renilla reniformis). The Renilla
luciferase gene (ruc) uses the substrate coelenterazine to pro-
duce a blue light at 482 nm. Because mammalian tissues do not
naturally emit bioluminescence, in vivo BLI has considerable
appeal because images can be generated with very little back-
ground signal.
BLI requires genetic engineering of cells or tissues with an ex- Figure 1. Bioluminescence imaging. (A) Bioluminescence expression
cassette containing the luciferase gene and a promoter is transfected
pression cassette consisting of the bioluminescent reporter gene into the cell of choice. (B) The transfected expression cassette, when
under the control of a selected gene promoter constitutively driv- present in cells or tissues, produces luciferase enzyme inside the cell.
ing the light reporter (Fig. 1). When these engineered cells are in- When the luciferin substrate is added, the luciferase enzyme catalyzes
jected into the mouse, their dissemination can be tracked by luciferin substrates to emit photons of light. The emitted light then is
detected by a charge-coupled device camera.
detecting the location and intensity of the light signal. In order to
induce light production, the substrates luciferin or coelenterazine
must be provided. These substrates usually are administered by
intravascular or intraperitoneal injection. To date, there have been
Received: 10/04/04. Revision requested: 11/16/04. Accepted: 11/22/04.
Department of Comparative Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, no reports of toxicity related to repeated dosing of substrates. In
Stanford, California 94305-5410; 2Mouse Imaging Facility, National Institutes of addition to constitutive promoters, inducible promoters can be en-
Health, 10 Center Drive, Room B1D-69 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1060.
Corresponding author. gineered into the expression construct, making it possible to ma-
Vol 54, No 6
Comparative Medicine
December 2004
In vivo bioluminescence imaging
Vol 54, No 6
Comparative Medicine
December 2004
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