Plant Layout Design Rules PDF
Plant Layout Design Rules PDF
Plant Layout Design Rules PDF
The main object ive of efficient plant layout design is t o design and const ruct t he plant in
an economic fashion t hat meet s all t he process requirement s and client specificat ions
while operat ing in a safe reliable manner. This art icle provides t he basic considerat ions for
t he development of plant layout . For more det ails in any of t he list ed point s, you can refer
t o any st andard piping books.
Chemical /Agro Chemical / Pet ro Chemical / Organic Chemical / Inorganic Chemical
Fert ilizer
Pharmaceut ical
Met allurgical
Power Generat ion
Process requirement
The economy of piping mat erial and cables
Erect ion & Const ruct ion requirement s
Safet y requirement s.
Operat ion and Maint enance requirement s.
Grouping of similar equipment for t he convenience of maint enance & safet y
wherever possible.
Process Dat a
Size/Capacit y of t he processing unit
Knowledge of t he t ype of plant
The sequence of process flow
Hazardous nat ure of t he plant
The Overall operat ing philosophy
Fully Aut omat ic
Part ially Aut omat ic
Bat ch/Cont inuous
Raw mat erial receipt and product dispat ch philosophy
St orage Philosophy
Effluent plant capacit y and discharge point s, incinerat ion requirement s, et c.
Type of Hazard
No of flares
The below sket ch (Fig. 1) shows t he minimum dist ance required bet ween t he road and t he
facilit y. This dist ance shall be reviewed t o t he case t o case basis for t he project .
Elevations Requirement
Below dat a for t he elevat ions should be generally followed.
Underside t he base plat e of St ruct ural st eel: Min150 mm. above HP of finished
St air or ladder pads: Min75 mm. above HP of finished grade/paving.
Top of Pedest al of Vessel & Tower: Min300 mm. above HP of finished grade/paving.
Top of Pump pedest al: Min200 mm. above HP of finished grade/paving.
HAC St andard
HAZARDOUS AREA: An area in which an explosive gas at mosphere is present , or
maybe expect ed t o be present , in quant it ies such as t o require special precaut ions
for t he const ruct ion, inst allat ion, and use of apparat us.
NON-HAZARDOUS AREA: An area in which an explosive gas at mosphere is not
expect ed t o be present , in quant it ies such as t o require special precaut ions for t he
const ruct ion, inst allat ion, and use of apparat us.
Process Requirements
Proper int erconnect ion bet ween equipment t o achieve int ended process
paramet ers.
Normally equipment is arranged in t he process fluid flow sequence. A requirement
like gravit y flow (Equipment Drain piping), Thermosyphon syst em should be
considered, Limit at ion of pressure & t emperat ure (process paramet ers) t o be
The requirement of upst ream and downst ream pipe lengt hs for inst rument s.
Hazardous & Toxic fluid shall be ident ified. (H2S, Cyanide, Met hanol, et c.)
Equipment handling hazardous fluids like flare and direct -fired equipment cont aining
open flame shall be locat ed separat ely.
Similarly, equipment handling t oxic mat erial shall be locat ed wit h t he rest rict ed
access or in accordance wit h local st at ut ory regulat ion.
Economic Considerations
Equipment shall be locat ed wit hout affect ing t he process requirement for maximum
economy of pipework & support ing st eel wit h consist ent st andard clearances,
const ruct ion, and maint enance & safet y requirement s.
Runs of exot ic mat erial & large bore piping shall be minimized.
Opt imum ut ilizat ion of t he st ruct ure t o be ensured.