Equipment Layout

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BY: Haryono WB
 API RP 14J Design & Hazard Analysis for Offshore
production Facilities
 API 521 Guide for Pressure Relieving & Depressuring
 API RP 2001 Fire Protection in Refineries
 API RP 752 Management of Hazards Associated with
Location of Process Plant Building
 NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
 NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
 NFPA 59A Standard for the for the Production, Storage,
and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
 IRI IM.2.5.2 Oil & Chemical Plant Layout
 IRI IM.2.5.2 A Hazard Classification of Process
Operations for Spacing Requirements
 PIP PNC00003 Process Unit and Offsites Layout Guide
 Project Specification
 Peraturan Pemerintah / Peraturan Daerah
 Basic Considerations
 Plant Layout
○ Layout in Process Unit
○ Layout in Offsite Unit
 General
 Blocking
 Terrain & Weather
 Hazard Classification / Safety
 Maintenance
 Future Expansion
 Aesthetic
 Construction
 General
Public areas
Convenient area
Safety / emergency escape
Containment / environment
Operation / maintainability
Future Expansion
 Blocking
Area formed in square (if possible)
Equipment spacing
Access for maintenance
Prevailing wind
Areas are divided by roads
A block may contain more than one process
unit or section
Administration & service area & storage area
Future expansion
Basic Consideration
 Terrain & Weather
Ground contour
○ Process unit located on highest elevation
○ Effluent treatment unit located at the lowest elevation
Prevailing Wind
Basic Consideration
 Hazard Classification / Safety
Layout shall be determined in consideration of
classified hazardous area
○ High Hazard - LPG
○ Intermediate Hazard - Condensate
○ Moderate Hazard - All other process gas
Consider locations of catch basins & other
flammable fluid spill collection
Escape route
Basic Consideration
 Maintenance / maintainability
Provide space for maintenance of the facility
○ Heat exchangers
○ Reactors
○ Compressors
○ Pumps, etc
Define the equipment that will be used and
the space required to operate it
Basic Consideration
 Future Expansion
Consider future expansion
○ Future process plant
○ Future piping space on pipe ways
○ Future instrument & electrical cable ways
Installation of future expansion shall not
disturbing existing facility
Basic Consideration
 Aesthetic
Apply single centered pipe rack
Towers and large vertical vessels arranged in rows
Arrange pumps by aligned discharge nozzle
Arrange exchangers by aligned discharge nozzle
Duplicate streams for similar equipment sequences
within the process stream
Basic Consideration
 Construction
 Green area:
○ Provide adequate space and access for lifting
○ Review crane position for lifting in case late
equipment delivery
 Brown area :
○ Able to separate from operating units
○ Consider additional problems
○ More stringent safety requirement in existing
○ Hot work should be able to be stopped should a
major gas release occur
○ Provide a suitable access route to the
construction site should be
○ Review crane position for lifting in operating area
Plant Layout
 Blocked Area Arrangement
Process unit shall be located in most convenient place
Equipment should be laid out in a sequence to suit the
process flow
Storage located as far as possible form buildings, but
near to process area
Utility facility located beside process
Administration & service located in safe area
Flare stack located at the end of the site
Plant Layout
 Roads & Paving
○ Primary Roads
 Road width 6mtr, between block
 Sufficient clearance
 Run down the center of plant & between blocked areas
○ Secondary Roads
 4mtr wide road
 Within block
○ Minimum (edge of road) 3mtr from processing equipment
○ Ensure sufficient road / access available during the construction phase

○ Around pumps
○ Around catalyst, toxic, etc containing equipment
○ Curbing required to retain spilled material
Plant Layout
 Access, Platforms, Ladders
Designed in accordance with SID
Access required for operators
Stair, primary access & egress to main operating level
Stairway shall have sufficient clearance
Ladder, access to vessel platforms, ACHE walkways,
Stair & ladders shall not obstruct instrumentation
Access around valves, CV’s, PSV’s etc.
Operation & orientations of equipments, cabinets and
Plant Layout
 Piping & Pipe ways
Pipe ways for process units
○ Usually pipe racks (max 10mtr wide)
○ Width shall consider length of ACHE
○ Limited to three stages
Pipe sleepers for offsite facility
Piping shall not obstruct access way
Pipe spacing shall consider insulation thickness
Plant Layout
 Control Room & Substation
○ As close as possible to plant equipment
○ Up wind of process and storage tanks (flammable)
○ Minimum 15mtr to the nearest process equipment
Shall consider convenience in daily operation
Shall consider cable length (electric / instrument)
Plant Layout
 Building
Kept to a minimum based on equipment
Factors which determine the selection of enclosed
building are:
○ Nature & frequency of the operator’s work
○ Climate
○ Type of equipment
○ Nature of process
○ Proximity of hazards
○ Consideration on enclosed building:
 Fire protection
 Illumination
 Fire proofing
 Ventilation
 Access
 Roofing
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
 General
 Reactors / Towers / Drums
 Heat Exchangers
 Compressors / Blowers
 Pumps
 Cooling Towers
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
 General
Arrangement shall minimize runs
Layout along with the process flow diagrams
Access around equipment (i.e. 600 mm min)
Roads shall be outside area classification
Utility area shall be outside classified area
Equipment layout shall consider spacing requirement
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
 Reactors / Towers / Drums
Space for catalyst loading / unloading
Periodic maintenance
Drop space for internal removal / safety valves
Related equipment shall be located as close as
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
 Heat Exchangers
Shell & Tube
○ Space & access for bundle removal
○ Located on grade / ground
○ Shall be grouped
○ Space for cleaning
Air Cooled
○ Close to hydrocarbon pumps
○ Far from high temp equipment to minimize hot air
○ Mobile access for maintenance
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
 Compressor / Blower
 Minimum suction pressure drop
 Sufficient space around and between compressors for
 Air intake location shall be in safe area
 Personnel access on compressor deck
 Equipment shall not be located over gas compressor
 Access for fire fighting
 Down wind of fired heater, if practical
Layout in Process (Unit) Area
 Pumps
 Laid out in groups
 Access to pump auxiliaries
 Access around and between pumps
 Provide overhead clearance (vertical pumps)
 Consider space for maintenance, emergency
 Good ventilated shelter for large pumps that need in situ
 Located outside pipe rack
Layout in Offsite Area
 Tank Farms
 Tank spacing & location shall comply with IP Refining Safety
Code, NFPA 30 (liquid)
 Location of LPG storage tanks shall be in accordance with API
Std 2510A
 Pumps shall be located outside dike
 Consider to provide dike around tank yard for spill control
 Consider distance between tank to nearest process / utility unit
 Spill control shall be accomplished by dike enclosure
Layout in Offsite Area
 Loading / Unloading Facility
Located at near plant gate
Located at remote area on periphery
Distance from Process Area depend on type of
commodity to be handle
Consider prevailing wind and ignition source
Consider space for loading / unloading
Ensure access for fire fighting vehicles
Layout in Offsite Area
 Cooling Towers
Consider prevailing wind (downwind or cross
wind process plant, sub station, etc)
Consider noise that arise from Cooling Tower
Located to optimise maintenance access
Minimise any nuisance
Cooling towers shall be placed clear of process
areas susceptible to fire risk
Source of hydrocarbon release
Consider water source
Layout in Offsite Area
 Effluent treatment facility
 Collect contaminated water prior send the water to water
 Located away from other units
 Downwind from ignition source (prevailing wind)
 Preferred location is at lower elevation than others
(maximize gravity flow)
Layout in Offsite Area
 Flare
 Provide sufficient space to keep heat radiation low
 Located at remote from the offsite & process facility
(outside Hazardous Area Classification)
 Consider prevailing wind (upwind / crosswind process
 KO drum & its accessories should be at periphery
 Elevated (15mtr or more) flare should be located 60mtr &
burn pit should be located 150mtr
 If more than 1 flare, location of each flare shall be based
on operation
Layout in Offsite Area
 Fired Heater / Boiler
 Provide sufficient space to keep heat radiation low
 Located at a safe distance from other hydrocarbon
containing equipment
 Consider prevailing wind (upwind / crosswind process
 Consider space for tube replacement and ample access for
mobile equipment
 Sufficient access for firefighting equipment
 Provide paved and curbed areas under or around heaters
 No low points in the paving or grading these are spots for
hydrocarbon liquids trapping
 Means of egress, stairs vs ladders.
 Orientations of equipment, cabinets and valves.
 Clearances around valves, CV’s, PSV’s etc.
 Instrument stand – “it’s just a stand, it can go anywhere” wanna bet?
 Know the cycle of daily operational routines – “somebody tell me again
why we put the CV way up there on top of what structure?”
 Put yourself in their place – can you reach it, can you see it, can you put
a valve wrench on it.
Layout Tip
 Layout method
 Basic Principles:
 Plan the whole, than the detail
 Plan the ideal, than the practical
 Plan more than one layout
 Sequence of activities in layout
 Details:
 Layout based on process flow
 Techniques of correlation and compatibility
 Proximity and sequencing

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