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(a) 18 mis and 20.

6 mis
(b) 18mlsand24.4mls
[ won
1 (c) 23 mis and 24.4 mis

1. A force r = 20 + 1Oy acts on a particle in y-
0 3.
(d) 23 mis and 20.6 mis
Consider a drop ofrain water having mass l g

<li1 cction where F is in newton and y in meter.
Work done by this force to move the particle falling from a height of 1 km. It hits the ground
fromy=0toy=lmis: [2019] with a speed of 50 mis. Take 'g' constant with a
value 10 m/s 2 • The work done by the (i)
(a) 30 J (b) 5 J (c) 25 J (d) 20 J
gravitational force and the (ii) resistive force of
2. An object of mass 500 g, initially at rest, is acted air is /2017]
upon by a variable force whose X-compo~~nt (a) (i) 1.25 J @ -8.25 J
varies with Xin the manner shown. The velocities
(b) (i) lO0J (ii) 8.75J
of the object at the pointsX = 8 m andX = 12 m,
(c) (i) lOJ -(n) -8.75J
would have the respective values of (nearly)
(d) (i)- 10 J (ii) -8.25 J
u=u ? [NEETOdisha 2019] 4. Two similar springs P and Q have spring
F(N) W = 0kt constants Kp and ¾, such that Kp > Ko·They
20 - i - - - - ,
w I=
kf -
ki° are stretched, first by the same amount (case a,)
then by the same force (case b). The work do~e
10 by the springs WP and W Q are related as, m
X case (a) and case (b), respectively [2015]
4 5 8 1 12 (m) (a) Wp=W ;Wp=W
0 0
lzm v2
-10 (b) Wp>W0 ;W >Wp
V2 (c) Wp<W ;W <Wp
0 0
-25 130 =
120.5 (d) W p = WQ ; Wp > WQ
✓ =
552-0 ✓ = 23 .
_→-3kg mgh 0 1km

= 10-3×10×1000

{ ✗ 10-3×10000
0 1000M

)g%Y "
w=mM .

w= 1*10×10/00 h

¥0 ✗ 10-3 £50M " Vi = 10-3×10×1000
*t= -1mV

1250×10-3 Ui = 10J
/z 10-3×2500


A uniform force of (3/ + ]) newton acts on a F(N)
particle of mass 2 k_g. :he particle is displaced 3
from position (2i + k) meter to position
- .
(4i +3]- k) meter. The work done by the force
on the particle is /20 I 3/
- -

(a) 6J Ki-13;-2k ] (b) 13J 1234567

(c) 15 J (d) 9 J
(a) IS.OJ (b) 13.5 J
6. Force F on a particle moving in a straight line
(c) 9.0J (d) 4.51
varies with distance d as shown in the figure.
11. A force of250 N is required to lift a 75 kg mass
The work done on the particle during its through a pulley system. In order to lift th e mass
displacement ofl2 mis /2 011}

through 3 m, the rope has to be pulled through
12m. The efficiency of system is / 2001}
(a) 50%, (b) 75%
¥ !% = 13J (c) 33% (d) 90"/o
12. Aforceactsona30gm particle in such a waythat

O 37 12 d(m)
the position of the particle as a function of time
is given byx= 3t-4t2 + t3, wherex is in metres
← g
andtisinseconds. Theworkdoneduringthefirst
(a) !SJ

(b) 21 J 4 seconds is /1998}
(c) 261 (d) 13 J (a) 576mJ (b) 450mJ
7. A vertical spring with force constant k is fixed (c) 490mJ (d) 530mJ
on a table. A ball of mass mat a height h above 13. A position dependent force, F = (7 - 2x + 3x2) N
the free upper end of the spring falls vertically acts on a small body of mass 2 kg and displaces
it from x = 0 tox= 5 m. Work done in joule is
on the spring so that the spring is compressed
(a) 35 (b) 70 /1992}
by a distanced. The net work done in the process
(c) 135 (d) 270
is /2007] 14. A bullet of mass I Og leaves a rifle at an initial
2 2 velocity of I 000 mis and strikes the earth at the
(a) mg(h+d)-½kd (b) mg(h-d)-½kd
same level with a velocityof500 mis. The work
2 done in joules overcoming the resistance of air
(c) mg(h-d)+.!.kd 2 (d) mg(h+d)+.!.kd will be /1989}
2 2
8. A body of mass 3 kg is under a constant force (a) 375 (b) 3750
(c) 5000 (d) 500
which causes a displacements in metres in it, given

by the relation s = ½t 2 , where t is in seconds. ~ - Energy

Work done by the force in 2 seconds is /2006/
15. A particle is released from height S from the
3 8 19 5
(a) J (b) 1 (c) J (d) J surface ofthe Earth. At a certain height its kinetic
8 3 5 19 energy is three times its potential energy. The
9. or
30~ J work is done in sliding a 2 kg block up height from the surface of earth and the speed
an mclmed plane of height IO m. Taking g = 10
of the particle at that instant are respectively
rrJs2, work done against friction is /2006/
(a) IOOJ
(b) zero
(d) 2001
IO. A force F acting on an object varies with
(a) ¾,/¥ (b)
S 3gS
4'2 /2021]

distance x as shown here. The force is in N and s J3gs

s J3gs
x in m. The work done by the force in moving (c) 4'_2_ (d) 2 '_2_
the object from x =Oto x = 6 mis /2005/
16. A particle of mass IO g moves along a circle of 22. A body of mass I kg is thrown upwards with a
radius 6.4 cm with a constant tangential velocity 20 mis. It momentarily comes to rest
acceleration. What is the magnitude of this after attaining a height of 18 m. How much energy
acceleration if the kinetic energy of the particle is lost due to air friction? (g = to
becomes equal to 8 x I o-4 J by the end of the m/s 2) /2009]
second revolution after the beginning of the (a) 30J (b) 40J
motion? /2016] (c) !OJ (d) 20J
(a) 0.1 m/s2 (b) 0.15 m/s2 23. A particle of mass m 1 is moving with a velocity
(c) 0.18m/s2 (d) 0.2m/s2 v 1 and another particle of mass m 2 is moving
17. A block of mass IO kg, moving in x direction with a velocity v2 . Both of them have the same
with a constant speed of IO ms- 1, is subject to momentum but their different kinetic energies
a retarding force F = O. Ix Jim during its travel are E 1 and E 2 respectively. Ifm 1 > m2 then
from x = 20 m to 30 m. Its final KE will be: /2004]
(a) 450J (b) 275 J
(c) 250J (d) 475 J E2 m2
18. A person holding a rifle (mass of person and 24. A ball of mass 2 kg and another of mass 4 kg are
rifle together is 100 kg) stands on a smooth dropped together from a 60 feet tall building.
surface and fires IO shots horizontally, in 5 s. After a fall of30 feet each towards earth, their
Each bullet has a mass of IO g with a muzzle respective kinetic energies will be in the ratio of
velocity of 800 ms- 1 . The final velocity /2004}
acquired by the person and the average force (a) 1: (b) I
exerted on the person are {NEET Kar. 2013] (c) 1: 4 (d) I: 2
(a) -1.6 ms- 1; 8 N (b) ---0.08 ms- 1; 16 N 25. When a long spring is stretched by 2 cm, its
(c) ---0.8ms- ;8N (d) -l.6rns- 1;16N potential energy is U. If the spring is stretched
19. A particle with total energy E is moving in a by 10 cm, the potential energy stored in it will
potential energy region U(x). Motion of the be /2003}
particle is restricted to the region when (a) 25U (b) UIS
{NEET Kar. 2013] (c) 5U (d) IOU
(a) U(x)>E (b) U(x)<E 26. If the kinetic energy of a particle is increased by
(c) U(x)=O (d) U(x)~E 300%, the momentum ofthe particle will increase
20. The potential energy of a system increases if by /2002}
work is done /2011] (a) 20% (b) 200%
(a) upon the system by a non conservative (c) 100%, (d) 50%
force 27. In a simple pendulum of length I the bob is
(b) by the system against a conservative force pulled aside from its equilibrium position
(c) by the system against a non conservative through an angle 0 and then released. The bob
force passes through the equilibrium position with
(d) upon the system by a conservative force speed,---___ /2000/
21. An engine pumps water continuously through
a hose. Water leaves the hose with a velocity v (a) .J2gf(l+cos0) (b) .J2gfsin8
and m is the mass per unit length of the water (c) ..[iii (d) .J2g£(1-cos0)
jet. What is the rate at which kinetic energy is 28. Two bodies with kinetic energies in the ratio
imparted to water? /2009] 4: I aremovingwithequallinearmomentum. The
mi?- I 2 ratio of their masses is /1999/
(a) (b) -mv
2 (a) 1 : 2 (b) I : I
I-mv 3 (c) 4: I (d) I: 4
(c) (d)
bber ball is dropped from a height of Sm on a
29• A.ru e wberetheaccelerahon
. d . .
uetogravity1snot Topic
On bouncing itrises to 1. 8 m . The ballloses
its velocity on bouncing by a factor of [1998}

37. Water falls from a heightof60 mat the rate ofl5
kg/s to operate a turbine. The losses due to D;
frictional force are 10% of the input energy. How
3 9 much power is generated by the turbine?
(c) 5 25
(d) (g = 10 m/s2) [2021}
(a) 7.0kW (b) 10.2kW
Two bodies of masses m and 4 m are moving
30 (c) 8.1 kW (d) 12.3 kW
• with equal K.E. The ratio of their linear
38. A body of mass 1 kg begins to move under the
momenta is [1997] action of a time dependent force
(a) 4:1 (b) 1:1
F = (2ti + 3t2}) N, where i and ] are unit
(c) l: 2 (d) 1: 4
vectors alogn x and y-axis. What power will be
31. The kinetic energy acquired by a mass (m) in developed by the force at the time t? [2016}
travelling distance ( s) starting from rest under (a) (2t2 + 3t3)W (b) (2t2 + 4t4 )W
the action of a constant force is directly 3 4
(c) (2t + 3t ) W (d) (2t3 + 3t5)W
proportional to
(a) 1/ (b)
[1996, 1994}
39. A particle of mass mis driven by a machine that
delivers a constant power of k watts. If the
particle starts from rest the force on the particle
(c) (d) m0 at time tis [2015}
32. If the momentum of a body is increased by 50%,
then the percentage increase in its kinetic energy (a) c
(b) c
# Maidan
(a) 50%
(c) 125%
(b) 100°/o
(d) 200°/o
(c) ½~ c112 (d) j ¥ c 1 12

33. Consider a car moving along a straight horizantal 40. The heart of man pumps 5 litres ofblood through
the arteries per minute at a pressure of 150 mm
road with a speed of72 km/h. If the coefficient
of mercury. If the density of mercury be 13.6
of static friction between road and tyres is 0.5,
x 1o3 kg!m3 and g = 10m/s 2 then the power of
the shortest distance in which the car can be
heart in watt is: [2015 RS}
stopped is [1994}
(a) 2.35 (b) 3.0
(a) 30m (b) 40m
(c) 1.50 (d) 1.70
(c) 72m (d) 20m
41. One coolie takes 1 minute to raise a suitcase
34. Two masses of 1g and 9g are moving with equal through a height of 2 m but the second coolie
kinetic energies. The ratio of the magnitudes of takes 30 s to raise the same suitcase to the same
their respective linear momenta is [1993J height. The powers of two coolies are in the
(a) 1: 9 (b) 9: 1 ratio of [NEET Kar. 2013}
(c) l: 3 (d) 3: 1 (a) 1:2 (b) 1:3
· 4 kg mass and 1 kg are moving with equal (c) 2 : 1 (d) 3: 1
kinetic energies. The ratio of the magnitudes 42. A car of mass m starts from rest·and accelerates
of their linear momenta is [1989} so that the instantaneous power delivered to
(a) 1:2 (b) 1:1 the car has a constant magnitude P 0 . The
(c) 2: l (d) 4: 1 instantaneous velocity of this car is proportional
· Two bodies of masses m and 4m are moving to: [2012M}
~ith equal kinetic energies. The ratio of their (a) t2Po (b) t 112
linear momenta will be [1988} t
(a) 1:4 (b) 4: 1 (c) t-112 (d)
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1
43. A body projected vertically from the earth
reaches a height equal to earth's radius before
returning to the earth. The power exerted by the
gravitational force is greatest - [2011]
(a) _ at the highest position of the body
(b) at the instant just before the body hits the
(c) it remains constant all through
(d) at the instant just after the body is projected
44. An engine pumps water through a hose pipe.
Water passes through the pipe and leaves it with
a velocity of 2 mis. The mass per unit length of
water in the pipe is 100 kg.Im. What is the power
of the engine? [2010]
(a) 400 W (b) 200 W
(c) 100 W (d) 800 W
45. Water falls from a height of 60 m at the rate of
15 kg/s to operate a turbine. The losses due to
frictional force are 10% of energy. How much
power is generated by the turbine? [2008]
(g= 10m/s ) 2

(a) 8.1 kW (b) 10.2kW

(c) 12.3kW (d) 7.0kW
46. How much water, a pump of2 kW can raise in
one minute to a height of 10 m, take g = 10
mJs2? · [1990]
(a) lO00litres (b) 12001itres
(c) 100 litres (d) 2000 litres

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