Cive327 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Assignment No. 4

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Department if Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics


Assignment No. 4

1. Find the horizontal force components of the water on the horizontal bend shown in the figure below if
the pressure at the gage p1 is:
(a) 200 kPa
(b) 400 kPa
(c) 800 kPa

Continuity equation: Q=AlVl = A2V2


V2 = 4V1
Bernoulli equation:

z1 and z2 are on the same elevation and p2=0

Substituting V2 = 4V1,

Momentum fluxes:
At section 1, m1x=[-Q] , m1y=0
Substituting V1
At section 2, m2x=0, m2y=[+Q] ,
Substituting V2=4V1 m2y=16
Substituting V1

Therefore, Fx = m1x + m2x, Fy = m1y + m2y

Considering all the forces acting on the control volume,
p1A1- Rx = Fx

(a) p1 = 200 kPa

200 10
Rx = 1139.35 N
(b) p1 = 400 kPa
400 10
Rx = 2278.70 N
(c) p1 = 800 kPa
800 10
Rx = 4457.40 N
The horizontal force components of the water on the horizontal bend is (a) 1139.35 N to the right, (b)
2278.70 N to the right, and (c) 4457.40 N to the right.
2. Determine the force components of the superheated steam acting on the blade shown in the figure below
if (a) the blade is stationary, (b) the blades moves to the right at 120 m/s, and (c) the blade moves to the
left at 120 m/s.


Bernoulli equation:

p1= p2 = atmosphere pressure = 0

Assuming the difference of elevation is small, z1 = z2

V1 = V2
Momentum fluxes:
At section 1, m1x=[-Q] , m1y=0
At section 2, m2x=[+Q] 120 , m2y=[+Q] 120 ,
m2x=-0.008 , m2y=0.001386
Therefore, Fx = m1x + m2x, Fy = m1y + m2y
Fx = 0.0016 - 0.008 , Fy = 0.001386
Fx = 0.0024
Considering all the forces acting on the control volume,
- Rx = Fx Ry = Fy
0.0024 Ry = 0.001386
(a) the blade is stationary
V = 400 m/s
0.0024 400 0.001386 400
. .
(b) the blade moves to the right at 120 m/s
V = Vrelative = 400 - 120 = 280 m/s
0.0024 280 0.001386 280
. .
(c) the blade moves to the left at 120 m/s
V = Vrelative = 400 + 120 = 520 m/s
0.0024 520 0.001386 520
. .

3. Assuming hydrostatic pressure distributions, uniform velocity profiles, and negligible viscous effects,
find the horizontal force needed to hold the sluice gate in the position shown in the figure below

Continuity equation: Q=AlVl = A2V2

q=ylVl = y2V2

Energy equation:

p1= p2 = atmosphere pressure = 0

Substituting V1 and V2 in terms of q,

6 0.2
q=2.135 m3/s/m

Therefore, 0.3558 /

10.675 /

Momentum equation (per unit width):

P1 - F - P2 = - qpV1 + qpV2
F = P1 - P2 + qpV1 - qpV2

F = x 1000x9.81 x (62 - 0.22) + 2.135x 1000x(0.3558 -10.675)
F = 154.35 kN/m
For a 4 m wide gate,

F = 154.35 x 4
F = 617.4 kN
4. A sudden jump (hydraulic jump) occurs in a rectangular channel shown in the figure below. Find the
downstream depth y2 and downstream velocity V2, if the upstream depth y1 = 50 cm, and upstream
velocity V1 = 10 m/s.

Continuity equation: q=y1V1=y2V2
q=0.5x10= 5 m3/s/m

Momentum equation (per unit width):

P1 - P2 = - qpV1 + qpV2

= - qpV1 - qp
9.81 0.5 9.81 = - 5 10

4.905y 51.22625 =0

y2=2.953 m
V2 = 1.693 m/s
5. A mixing tank of 1000 L volume is used to produce saline solution in laboratory. Initially the tank
is filled with saline solution of concentration co = 100 g/L. Fresh water enters and leaves the tank
with a flow Q = 0.01 m3/s, starting at time t = 0. Find an expression for the outflow salt
concentration c(t) as a function of time. Assume complete mixing of the tank fluid with the inflow
at every instant of time. Find the retention time  when the concentration is reduced to a value
equal to co e–1 = 36.79 g/L.

cin = 0
fresh water
cout = c
c (t)
mixing tank
Qout = Q

mass in control volume mass flux mass flux

Since there is no saline solution added and no sources,

∀ 0

Integrating the above equation with initial conditions, t = 0 and c = co,

Since ∀/ :

The retention time

The time t required to reach a value equal to coe-1 is

36.79 100

t = 99.99s

6. The continuity equation for two-dimensional incompressible fluid is

u v
 0 [1]
x y
The velocity components (u, v) are expressed in terms of the stream function to satisfy this continuity
equation as follows:
 
u , v [2]
y x
The stream function for the discharge and recharge in the aquifer by the method of superposition is
the sum of an uniform flow of velocity U
  Uy [3]
a source of flow rate q located at x = - l /2 and y = 0

q y
 tan 1[ ] [4]
2 x/2
and a sink flow -q located at x = l /2 and y = 0

q y
 tan 1[ ] [5]
2 x /2
The sum of these expressions in Equations 3, 4 and 5 gives the stream function and the
corresponding streamlines shown in the figure

Find the location of the stagnation points where the velocity is zero for U = 1 m/s, q = 2π m2/s, l =
20 m. Use the differentiation formula
d 1 d
tan 1   2
dy 1   dy
and note that the stagnation points are located on the x-axis where y = 0.

First, differentiating the stream function to find the velocity:
 q 1 1 1 1
u  U  [  ]
y 2 1  ( y ) 2 ( x   / 2) 1  ( y ) 2 ( x   / 2)
x  /2 x /2
To find the stagnation points on the x-axis, set the velocity to zero and y = 0 to give the following
q 1 1 1 1
0 U  [  ]
2 1  ( 0 ) ( x   / 2) 1  ( 0 ) ( x   / 2)
2 2

x  /2 x /2
2U 1 1
 [  ]
q ( xS   / 2) ( xS   / 2)
For the condition given for this question,
1 1 ( x  10)  ( xS  10)
-1  [  ] S
( xS  10) ( xS  10) 2
( xS  10 2 )
The location of the stagnation on the x-axis therefore is
xS  10 2  20
that is
xS   120 (m)

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