JKBLD750 Manual

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JKBLD750 Brushless DC Motor Drive Manual V1.

Usage characteristics

· Acc/Dec time setting ·Alarm signal

·Motor pole number selection ·Internal potentiometer RV speed control
·Open/closed loop control ·External potentiometer speed setting

·Maximum current output setting ·External analog signal speed setting

·Motor stall torque maintenance ·Pulse frequency speed control


Electrical performance and environmental indicators

1. Electrical indicators

Driver parameters Minimum value Rated value Maximum value

Input voltage(V) 18 48 52
Output current(A) 25
Suitable motor speed
0 20000
Hall sennsor voltage
Hall sennsor current
External speed control

2. Environmental indicators

Environmental factor Environmental indicators

Cooling method Natural cooling or forced cooling
Avoid dust, oil stains, and
corrosive gases
Operating temperature +10℃ ~ +50℃
Ambient humidity 80%RH(No condensation)
Vibrate 5.7m/S2 max
Storage temperature 0℃ ~ +60℃

Driver interface and wiring diagram

1. Driver interface

2. Port signal description

Terminal Functional Description
Output The output signal of the motor or drive control fault signal is normally 5V, and
signal in the event of a fault, it is 0V.
Output a pulse frequency that matches the operating speed of the motor. The
motor speed can be calculated using SPEED-OUT.
SPEED The calculation formula is:
N(rpm) = (F/P)×60/3
F:Output pulse frequency (Hz); P:Number of motor poles; N:motor speed

PUL+ Pulse frequency input positive pole

PUL- Pulse frequency input negative electrode.
When the BRK terminal and COM terminal are disconnected or high-level
BRK input, the motor brake stops, and when short circuited or low-level input, the
motor runs.
When the EN terminal and COM terminal are disconnected or high-level
EN input, the motor slowly stops, and when short circuited or low-level input, the
motor runs.
When the F/R terminal and COM terminal are disconnected or high-level
F/R input, the motor rotates forward, and when short circuited or low-level input,
the motor reverses.
COM Common port (OV reference level).
①External potentiometer speed control; ② External analog signal input; ③
PWM input
VCC External potentiometer interface
REF+ Hall Sensor Signal Power Supply +
HU Hall Sensor Signal HU
Hall Singal HV Hall Sensor Signal HV
HW Hall Sensor Signal HW
REF- Hall Sensor Signal Power Supply -
U Motor line U phase
V Motor line V phase
W Motor line W phase
DC- Input Power supply negative electrode
connection Input power supply negative electrode (24V-52VDC)

Function settings

1. Acc/Dec time setting

Set the acceleration and deceleration time of the motor through the side potentiometer ACC/DEC

of the driver. Adjusting the ACC/DEC potentiometer clockwise/counterclockwise can increase/decrease

the acceleration/deceleration time. Setting range: 0.2-15S. Acceleration time refers to the time required

for the motor to reach the rated speed from a stationary state; The deceleration time refers to the time
required for the motor to stop from the rated speed.

2. Open/closed loop control setting

Select open loop control or closed loop control through the driver side dial switch SW1.

ON:closed loop control;

OFF: open loop control.

Attention: When using closed-loop control, please first set SW2 based on the number of

motor poles.

3. Motor pole number selection

In order to better match DC brushless motors with different pole pairs, the pole pairs of the motor

can be set through the driver side dial switch SW2.

ON:2 pairs of poles;

OFF:4 pairs of poles.

Attention: When using closed-loop control, please first set SW2 based on the number of

motor poles.

4. SV port signal/pulse frequency speed regulation switching

Select SV port signal speed regulation or pulse frequency speed regulation through the driver side

dial switch SW4.

ON:Pulse frequency regulation, with the positive pole of the pulse signal connected to the PUL+port

and the negative pole connected to the PUL - port;

OFF: SV port signal speed regulation can be achieved by using an external potentiometer, external
analog signal speed regulation, or PWM speed regulation.

5. Peak output current setting

Set the peak output current through the P-sv potentiometer on the side of the driver. When the

load suddenly increases, the output current will be limited to the set value, reducing the motor speed and
protecting the motor from damage.

Please set the peak output current according to the scale on the driver's label, with a setting range

of 4 to 32A.

Due to the error between the set value and the actual value being approximately ± 10%, to ensure

safety, please adjust the peak output current appropriately.

6. Locked rotor output current limit

When the motor is locked, the output current will be limited to 3A to protect the driver and motor from

7. Locked rotor torque maintenance function

When the motor is locked, the driver has a simple torque holding function.
Attention: Locked rotor holding torque is a short-term behavior, please do not use it for

braking locked rotor.

8. Restart function

When situations such as motor blockage occur, the driver will stop working. After 5 seconds, the
drive will automatically start. After restarting, if a malfunction occurs again, the driver will stop working
and give an alarm.

9. Start and Stop

1 Start and slow stop

The factory setting for EN and COM ends is to connect the EN and COM ends. Connecting or
disconnecting the connecting wires between the EN and COM ends can control the operation and stop
of the motor.
When the EN end and COM end are connected, the motor runs; When the EN and COM terminals
are disconnected, the motor slowly stops.

2 Fast stop
The factory setting for the BRK and COM ends is to connect the BRK and COM ends. Connecting or
disconnecting the connecting wires between the BRK and COM ends can control the natural operation
and quick stop of the motor.
When the BRK end and COM end are connected, the motor operates normally; When the BRK end
and COM end are disconnected, the motor quickly stops.

Note: Differences and usage choices between EN and BRK:

·EN control naturally stops, BRK control quickly stops;

·The start status of EN and BRK control is the same;

·When selecting one of the EN or BRK methods to control the start stop, the wiring of the

other method should remain in the factory state.

10. Direction control

The factory setting for the F/R and COM terminals is that they are not connected. Connecting or
disconnecting the connecting wires between the F/R and COM ends can control the forward and reverse
rotation of the motor.
When the F/R end and COM end are disconnected, the motor rotates forward; When the F/R end
and COM end are connected, the motor reverses.
Attention: Observing from the direction of the motor shaft, clockwise represents forward

rotation and counterclockwise represents reverse rotation.

Speed setting methods

1. Speed setting via built-in potentiometer

Rotate the built-in speed control potentiometer RV clockwise and make a "click" sound before the
motor starts running. Continuing to rotate clockwise increases the motor speed. Rotate the
potentiometer RV counterclockwise to reduce the motor speed. Continue to rotate counterclockwise until
the potentiometer emits a "click" sound, and the built-in speed control potentiometer RV closes, causing
the motor to stop running.
Attention: When switching to external SV input or pulse frequency control speed mode, the

built-in speed control potentiometer RV must be in the closed state, that is, rotate
counterclockwise to the limit position after making a "click" sound.

Relationship between built-in speed setting Relationship between built-in speed setting

potentiometer and motor speed (open-loop no-load) potentiometer and motor speed (closed-loop no-load)

2. External potentiometer speed setting

When using an external speed regulating potentiometer for speed regulation, it is necessary to first
turn SW4 to OFF. Please use a potentiometer with a resistance value of 10K Ω. The middle lead end of
the potentiometer is connected to the SV end, and the lead ends on both sides are connected to the
VCC and COM ends respectively.

3. External analog signal speed setting DC

When using an external analog signal for speed regulation, it is necessary to first set SW4 to
OFF. The SV port of the driver is connected to the signal positive pole, and the COM port is connected to
the signal negative pole. The external analog signal requires 0-5V and above 1mA.
Relationship between analog signal voltage Relationship between analog signal voltage

and motor speed (open loop no-load) and motor speed (closed loop no-load)

4. PWM Speed setting

When using PWM speed regulation, it is necessary to first turn SW4 to OFF. The SV port of the
driver is connected to the signal positive pole, and the COM port is connected to the signal negative
pole. The PWM signal requires an amplitude of 5V and a frequency of 1-3KHz.

Relationship between duty cycle and Relationship between duty cycle and
motor speed (open loop no-load) motor speed (closed loop no-load)

5. Pulse frequency speed control

When using pulse frequency speed regulation, it is necessary to first set SW4 to ON. The driver
PUL+port is connected to the signal positive pole, and the PUL - port is connected to the signal negative
pole. The pulse signal requires an amplitude of 5V and a duty cycle of 50%.
Two input methods, common anode or common cathode, can also be used. When using a voltage
higher than 5V, it is necessary to add a current limiting resistor at the signal end to ensure that the
current passing through each LED does not exceed 20mA.
Optoelectronic isolation common anode input interface circuit

Optoelectronic isolation common cathode input interface circuit

Relationship between pulse frequency and Relationship between pulse frequency and
motor speed (open loop no-load) motor speed (closed loop no-load)
Fault indication and handling methods

When the motor experiences overcurrent, Hall signal input error, locked rotor, over temperature,
overvoltage, etc., the driver will issue an alarm signal. When a fault occurs, the driver will stop working,
and the fault alarm output terminal (ALM) will output a low level and the alarm light will flash.
Status Solutions
Red Led flashes Over voltage Detect bus voltage.
twice Alarm
Red Led flashes Power tube Determine if the selection is correct.
three times overcurrent alarm
Red Led flashes Check P-sv settings and verify motor parameters, or
Overcurrent alarm
four times increase the acceleration time.
Check the voltage power supply and also check if the
Red Led flashes five Under voltage
power supply meets the condition of being greater than
times Alarm
1.5 times the motor power.
Red Led flashes six Check if the motor wiring is secure.
Hall singal loss
Red Led flashes Check if the motor load is too large.
Locked rotor alarm
seven times
Red Led flashes Hall wire sequence Check if the motor wiring sequence is correct.
eight times error
Check if the working environment temperature is too
Red Led flashes Over temperature
nine times alarm
Check if the radiator fan is working properly.
Communication control instructions

Communication method: serial asynchronous half duplex

Communication format:MODBUS RTU
Baud rate: 485 interface defaults to 115200bps; RJ11 interface fixed 9600bps
Data Bits:8 bits
Check digit: None
Starting bit: 1 bit
Stop bit: 1 bit
Slave address: default 01

Data frame format:

Address Function Code Data CRC check
8bits 8bits N*8bits 16bits

Register Data Definition:

Function Range Unit Remark
Add Content Size read-write
1-255 --- Default to
4000 3/6 address Word read-write
4001 3/6 Polar logarithm Word read-write 1-10 ---
4002 3 Overcurrent Word Only read Hardware setup A
4003 3/6 alarm value
Current limiting Word read-write 3-35 A
PWM 10-100(10%-100%) Default to
4004 3/6 Word read-write
maximum 100
0:open loop control Default to
4005 3/6 control model Word read-write 1:closed loop control 0

Closed-loop 100-4000 rpm Control

4006 3/6 Word read-write
speed Mode 1
Open loop 100-1000(10%-100%) Control
4007 3/6 Word read-write
speed Mode 0
300-15000 ms Acc and
4011 3/6 acceleration Word read-write
dec time
Communication 0 stop 1 start Default to
4034 3/6 Word read-write
activation 0
0 foreward 1 reverse Default to
4035 3/6 turn Word read-write
0 Release the brake Default to
4036 3/6 brake Word read-write
1 put on the brake 0
Command 0 IO 1 communication Default to
4037 3/6 Word read-write
Source 0
4038 3 voltage Word Only read V
4039 3 current Word Only read 10mA
4040 3 power Word Only read 0.1W
4041 3 speed Word Only read rpm
Refer to software fault
4042 3 Fault code Word Only read
1 Write 1
4043 6 Fault clearing Word Write clear to
0:115200 Default to
1:57600 0
485baud rate 2:38400 Effective
4044 3/6 Word read-write
modification 3:19200 after re
4:9600 powering

Read register format: (Read current speed)

Register Number of Number of
Slave Function address CRC CRC low
address Registers Registers
address Code high high bit bit
low order High Order Low Order

01 03 40 41 00 01 10 07

Read register feedback format: (current speed is 1000rpm)

Slave Function number 4041h high CRC CRC
address Code of bytes order high bit low bit

01 03 02 0E 38 B8 4E

Write register format: (modified to control motor operation with communication instructions)

Slave Function Register Register CRC CRC low

data-high data-low
address Code address address high bit bit
high low order

01 06 40 37 00 01 EC 04

Write register feedback format

Slave Function address CRC CRC low
address data-high data-low
address Code high high bit bit
low order

01 06 40 37 00 01 EC 04

Example of communication control motor operation:

sequence Sending message Feedback message description
1 01 06 40 37 00 01 EC 04 01 06 40 37 00 01 EC 04 Set as communication
command control
2 01 06 40 07 00 32 AC 1E 01 06 40 07 00 32 AC 1E Modify the open-loop
speed control to 50%
3 01 06 40 34 00 01 1C 04 01 06 40 34 00 01 1C 04 Motor enabled, start

Software fault code:

2: Software overcurrent
3: Hardware overcurrent
4: Undervoltage
5: Overvoltage
6: Locked rotor
7: Hall loss
8: Hall wire sequence error
9: Overtemperature

Version Revision History

Version Description Date Remark

V1.0 the first edition 2022.10.30
Change the minimum acceleration and
V1.1 the second edition 2023.6.2
deceleration time from 1.5s to 0.2s

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