Ultrasonic Ranging and Detecting Using A
Ultrasonic Ranging and Detecting Using A
Ultrasonic Ranging and Detecting Using A
RADAR is an object detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of
objects. The radar dish or antenna transmits pulses of radio waves or microwaves which bounce off any object in
their path. Arduino is a single-board microcontroller to make using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more
accessible. This project aims at making an ULTRASONIC RADAR that is efficient, cheaper and reflects all the
possible techniques that a radar consists of.
Keywords : RADAR, Ultrasonic, Radio Waves, Arduino, Processing
CSEIT172363 | Received : 10 May 2017 | Accepted : 17 May 2017 | May-June-2017 [(2)3: 380-383] 380
and as well as protection of the vehicles at the same
time to prevent accidents or minor scratches to the