Defect Analysis of Electric Arc Welding Seams With Coated Electrode by Non-Destructive Testing of Different Thicknesses
Defect Analysis of Electric Arc Welding Seams With Coated Electrode by Non-Destructive Testing of Different Thicknesses
Defect Analysis of Electric Arc Welding Seams With Coated Electrode by Non-Destructive Testing of Different Thicknesses
, 6 N° 1 (2022) 26- 50
ISSN : 2458-715X
Defect analysis of electric arc welding seams with coated electrode by non-
destructive testing of different thicknesses
Chaka Berthé1, Moussa Magara Traoré2
1. Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Energy and Mines. Ecole Normale d’Enseignement Technique et Professionnel
(ENETP), Republic of Mali
Email :
2. Maitre de Conférences, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Energy and Mines, Ecole Normale d’Enseignement Technique et
Professionnel (ENETP), Republic of Mali
Abstract Nowadays, electric arc welding is of great importance in the field of standard assembly
techniques in construction, especially for steel parts (construction of frames, automobile frames,
tanks ...). The welding quality depends on many factors, including the welding operation. Non-
destructive testing by radiography consists of implementing investigative techniques making it
possible to judge "without destroying the sample", the state of the weld seam, that is to say to check
whether there is a possible internal fault. The aim of this work is to check the quality of the weld seam
for different thicknesses of parts. Internal defects were also analyzed using radiographic tests on metal
samples of different thicknesses. The results obtained showed that, for samples of small thicknesses,
the defects are minimal. On the other hand, for samples of large thicknesses, defects are noted and
their severity is proportional to the increase in the thickness of the welded parts. The results obtained
showed that, for samples of small thicknesses, the defects are minimal. On the other hand, for samples
of large thicknesses, there are generally defects as the thickness increases.
Keywords: Electric arc welding, Different thicknesses, Welding defects, Radiography.
1. Introduction
Welding is an industrial process widely used for the assembly of metal parts which consists in ensuring
the permanent connection of two or more constituent parts of identical or different nature, either by
heating, or by pressure, or by the simultaneous action of the two parameters: heat and pressure.
Welding can be done with or without filler metal [1].
The most common welding processes can be classified as arc welding, oxyacetylene welding,
resistance welding, energy beam welding and solid-state welding. Electric arc welding is the most
widely used process in Mali and in the world [2].
The quality of a weld bead depends on several factors such as the welding parameters, the nature of the
material to be welded, the filler material and the welder etc. In practice, welding is used in large
construction sites such as the manufacture of boat hulls, also in the manufacture of gasoline tanks, tank
tanks, metal frames, automobile hulls, etc. Analysis of weld seam defects can improve welding quality
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in Mali. The production of resistant welds that are both thin and perfectly sealed, clearly requires the
analysis and study of welds for certain metal construction applications in Mali.
Indeed, the analysis of weld seam defects after NDT by radiography is necessary to improve the
welding quality. They allow a tight weld, quick installation and great flexibility.
Several studies have been carried out on electric arc welds such as:
Non-destructive (radiographic and penetrant testing) and destructive (tensile and hardness test) testing
of the electric arc welding seam on large diameter S355JR steel tubes of the same thickness with
different preheating temperatures [3].
Research on weld seam defects, in the context of Pipeline welding
Unlike previous studies, this work focuses on the analysis of defects in electric arc welding seams with
coated electrode by non-destructive testing, for different thicknesses.
The aim of this research is to analyze electric arc welding seams in order to verify the welding quality
and to propose the best choices of parameters and the nature of the materials.
2. The different Welding defects:
A perfect weld does not exist, because all welds contain imperfections of different natures such as:
porosities, cracks, inclusions, etc..[4]
The most common defects depending on the metal being worked or the welding process used are:
- Cracks: Cracks are defined as fracture-like discontinuities characterized by a pointed end and
high aspect ratio[5].
- Blowholes: are hollow defects of a spherical shape, they are formed by the presence of
occluded gases resulting from chemical reactions both in the metal of the parts, in the filler
metal and in the coatings [6].
- Inclusions: means the incorporation, in the weld bead, of a foreign compound. There are
different types of inclusion:
Solid inclusion (dust),
Inclusion of slag,
Flow inclusion,
Inclusion of metal oxide,
Metallic inclusion (electrode).[7]
- Bead geometry defects: These are defects where the deformations of the bead are linked to the
poor preparation of the parts to be joined[8].
- Shrink marks and solidification cracks: Following a shrinkage of the metal during its cooling,
an empty space forms and appears visually on the surface as well as inside the bead. Some
shrink marks are only visible under a microscope.
Solidification cracks are invisible shrink marks. A root sag appears under the weld at the time
of solidification, while a crater sag is a cavity in an uncorrected rework before the execution of
the next pass[9]
- The bites and the gutters: A bite mark is a defect characterized by the hollowing or deficiency
of the metal of base on part of the cord.
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A gutter cut through a large part of the base metal due to too much heat filler metal relative to
the thickness or density of the base metal.
A current that is too strong or a speed of advance that is too high favors the appearance of
A wrong welding angle as well as an incorrect arc length can also be cause of this type of
- Penetration defects: They are due to a lack of metal at the root of the chamfers, due to use
electrode diameter too large, intensity of the welding current too low, poor preparation of parts
to be welded. To avoid them, it is necessary to choose the right intensity of the current the
forward speed, and a preparation adapted to the welding conditions[11].
- Collapse and holes: Collapse is the result of the deposited metal collapsing due to excessive
melting. There are different types of collapses[12]
3. Experimental Study
3.1. Base metal material
The tubes used in this study are mild steel and designation S235JR. They are obtained by the company
METALSOUDAN metal construction workshop certified to ISO 9001 according to the quality
assurance system standard svt ISO 9001: 2008, certificate register No 01 100 013010.
The material characteristics are illustrated in following Table 1:
Table 1. Mechanical characteristics of the base metal
Norm Name Elastic limit Rm, e≥3 A% Testing temperature
ISO S235JR 235MPa 360-510MPa 25% 20⁰C
The chemical composition of the base metal material showed in the following Table 2
Table 2. Chemical composition of the base metal material
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a. Welding operation:
Welding is an operation that consists of bringing together two or more constituent parts of an
assembly, so as to ensure continuity between the parts to be assembled.[13].
With coated electrode electric arc welding, the electrode coating deposits a protective slag on the
molten metal. This process has made great progress in the last thirty years, due to new techniques for
manufacturing electrodes. The speed of execution of the welds is important and is related to the fact
that the heat input is very localized.[14].
The type of joint used: Butt joint: The butt joint is the most common and the easiest to use, it is made
up of two flat parts or of the same section arranged in parallel. It ensures good geometric continuity
and good behavior under different stresses[15].
Welding of specimens is carried out with the following welding parameters:
The electrodes used diameters (2.5 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm).
The weld bead is carried out from 2 to 7 welding passes depending on the thickness of the specimens
with an internal pass shown in Figure 2.
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The feed rate (welding time) of the filler metal is set by the operator in such a way as to achieve the
optimization of the welding arc.
The values of the current and voltage are determined according to DMOS (description of welding
The welding of the beads is carried out according to the welding procedure.
The choice of welding parameters depends on the thickness of the specimen, given in the following
table 4.
Table 4. Welding parameters
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After welding using the above parameters, an example of welded specimen ready for testing is showed
in the following Figure 3. The test specimens are made with brushing of the seal at an angle of 60.
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blackening on the X-ray viewer makes it possible to show and identify the different types of defects in
the weld seam [16].
Areas of low absorption (slag, porosity) appear as dark areas on the developed film (radiograph).
Areas of high absorption (dense inclusions) appear as light areas on the developed film [17].
The radiography allows to visualize the internal defects of the cord. An X-ray receiver placed under
the examined object fixes the submerged radiation, which results in a difference in blackening on a
chemically developed film. The blackening helps distinguish the areas containing defects and the
correct (healthy) areas [18]
Almost all materials can be examined by radiography and the thicknesses can be significant [19].
Visualization of the defect provides direct documentation of the recording which remains appended to
the report of the analysis of the sample [20]
The test steps are: Marking the work area, Installing the projector and connecting the accessories,
Ejecting the source, Removing the beacons, Storing the projector, Developing the films, Drying the
films, Interpreting the films, Drafting the report.
4. Results
The radiographic films are also shown in the following Figure 5(a, b, c, d and e).
a) b)
Berthé, Maghr. J. Pure & Appl. Sci., 6 N° 1 (2022) 26- 50
c) d)
Figure 5: The radiographic films: a is for specimen E1 (3mm), b for E2 (5 mm), c for E3 (8 mm), d
for E4 (16 mm) and e for E5 (20 mm)
The radiographic films of the test pieces E1, E2, E3 do not show any major defect. But on the E16 and
E20 test pieces there is a lack of fusion at the weld bead. Defects which can be related to the multiple
welding passes, the qualification of the welder or even the choice of filler materials.
5. Conclusion
The work we have done has provided an opportunity to analyze internal defects in weld beads with
coated electrode by radiography.
The results found by the X-ray test on welded specimens of different thicknesses were very
encouraging. Because, we did not detect any defect on the thin specimens. However, for large-
thickness specimens, there was a lack of fusion, defects sometimes linked to multiple welding passes,
the welder's qualification or even the choice of materials.
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In perspective, theoretical and practical research on electric arc welding seams with coated electrode,
by penetrant testing to detect surface defects and further analyze mechanical characteristics by
destructive testing (tensile test, hardness test, bend test etc.) is necessary in order to locate the defects,
to improve the welding quality.
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