Operation Paperclip Declassified Documents - CIA, FBI, Truman Library - Black Vault

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MORl DoclD: 218371

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PjRjPHR&SB "or 8BQDlRKO ::;0".:--"" .. r" •
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CSOID/A • J. orlspoc Pr o­
curea0.l\t Br 72192 Lt Col
8l" unareea
'ro: CIIICltzR
WAR 80251 6 .... r 50
CX.CBlII ~OI:' Beom tr csalD uzug S 1750 or 3 Mar .
JCS ha. approved eau aDd aOYUlont &utb &.D.1t1ll.e
agreeable to Con.ulate OeDaral JPranktUJ"t . Sube twIg under
J.r.., auaplCu aDd CIA repro.enutb•• Y·lll ••• t upon &l'.l" to
arraago tor DeC UlploJSlont. Roe .on.ent bJ .....1 vith
4oet.1.oatlOD ftft. Seq"e ot carrier BTD &DIS m'J..

ORIOU. 0-2
'''r 50) DTO. 0617HZ a1d

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MOR l Doc l D : 218371

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MORl DeclO: 218371

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MORl Doc lD: 218371


FIlE iD: j.J' Repat., Ha~ Reet. 201 .olfE&DC Luther

CfI)SS lkr. FILE:ltU. Repd,


JIOA 10. '" D..TE $lJ8JS:T .JlD/OR SnDPSlS

",dtd 6 .... toAP Plape:rclip .peo1.&l1rt ReturDed to GtlraD7.

lIa'l'J' and CIA..
~h1.ns tor Wo 111 \.be toll~ utraa't rr • repott
lIT 1.11. M"1. dtd 21 So~. ~. port.a1n1n& to "porol\p
~la.U.t NoltPDI WI'BIJt, w,bo retum«l to Gazw..1:I7 23
Oot. SO. Dr. 1.UUt.... Daa. baa beeD .Ide to the JICIl
O,jec:t.ln Un.



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MORl DoclD: 218371

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~ 10& CIli.r. Ilosrapb.lo Recln.J', DCD. Cen\nl IlIh111......

'«-7• .I.\,,-u.... • ..... I. .",."
1IIo.III:'f. 01,... IdcUe1.e eat ' .....dau .

1. . . , - 11 _ \e .1101. _ _ W, .r a ...-u IN'.

2. Iu:t.."'i 1 IHorda eI o.aa. lipid-uN . . '"­
"".I'MU...... rn.ru....
~ am.- Sa u.s.. 0eu\l7'" lad. . . uNet... t . ~

2 lIIol.I,
.. - &PI r.r.om.. ~ .I. L
II - .,. t • ........ "s... G.

.... .... " .

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...... . " '.' . 7'''-~--r -.., .'...,..... ( -. ~ ., .'

MORl DocID: 218371


l ' Oa&.oblZ' 1950

~1Dt InLellllenGe
~J.c\l ••• j&.nC7

l."l'I it' ':'

~H[ljM PUR lI"CftlpMc r<et;hCoer, nCD, Ceatzoal IAt4111cWIGo . I .ncy.
At.t....uOD, ........". H. ~.
I\: l"
$UBJi-;cr, i"J"MJI Sel.mht. aa:I 'feohn1c1an11.

1. a.t.raoe b _do
. .J..,......... .
\0 JlQl .~,.. __ 11.2, .,2 April 1948,
2. ..d.... 1 IIaooI'd 01 IlIIUA ""'-U"', IoI»ert •• F.
$.l11m, 1IIbo rM~ am. . . 1a Ud.• • ~, ta 1aclo.-s b.....,.", lor
1V1V int.,..u.. aaI ~_.

Lt_ Col., 05C
tt.pu\7 Dlreoi.ol'
1 1001 •
.... tor ...... ~

. r. 1;"

r' .
MORI DocID: 218371


JIO.. KJ. " D;.'lZ , &.I8Jf[:T ,JaVOR SllOPSIS

........ 12 Got. 50
ArIV, ""7 "c.u...
<. 1
J'lOL 255' i
Jcet\D'Q of. to~ P~p Speoblbt \0 GIII'IaIV',
Iocebor, SCHWIDT.
Parwani1nc iAtCII"Mt1ca nprd.iDa .ubJecrt. :r.patJ'laUoo
.. "cHld....d Iro. tJi,e; USLT Sobool of Arlat.1ot1 Ife::Ilciae,
R&nd.olpb .ur Farce Ba...

MORl DocIO, 218371


Cf\)SS REf'•



JIO" Nl. & Den: !lJ8JS:T ,JID/OR SIJ(lPSIS

...., dt4 12 Oct. ~ to hturn or PorllCll' Papwcllp Spec1al.1rl t o Cer_n::r,

UIII, &iJ' Ir cu. noJ. Robert .auJR.
7orw~1IIc 1Dto GIl Dr. SLDIR 111 oOaoectlot1 with
ht. r.,:at.r1&Ucm .. rIIe.be tro. Na..,..

MORl DoclD : 218371

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tHE tD: I.rr(f I: »a97 ".pat.

c!»ss 1t!F.

~1s.!uPTION OF P•• FlHoS

JIO,. Ill , " n...m ' S1JaJ"'T .,. .I OR ~PiilS

..., dt4 20 s.pt.. SO '0 'O~ PapcoUp S.PI'CiaMl't R.t.uraai to Gena.IQ',

~, .t....,. • ClL. ]
ItIRf IR.UD:. Forwudai .t.I'act; tr report. bJ' Dept.. fit J7
I dtd 14 JuDe 50 pa-t.,1nf"l to t~ .,.a1&l.Ut. Iurt.
J DAlIa. who ret;'d t;o ~ CIa 12 Sept. 50. 8\1l)J~
I ... tIII)l07e4 17 US&P' Sohacl. or .b 1.Ucm W1oP. Ratdolpb
ArB '-.a, whil. 111 17.S. Sub,eet na-. 1a belJl.s edd.t t.o
:JlQ& CbJeoUn u.n. . .

t• ·A·· .

MORl DoclO , 21 8371



nu; iD: &!!r ...... 2111 . . . J'• . , . .

CR)SS RIF. " •• , ,

, SJ5Ja:T"':ND/OR Sn OPSlS

. . . . . fill ...... _Irs", .,..'"."' .. Cw .,.

I - ,. 'IIDa t ....... r:, all _ 25 Ia'JZ ,., _ ,. ,
I ... _IIlU_JOta_.OII,..._ .,.
n\an. to OW O. JIll tIIla _

U . data D> . . . . . .

, . . . . . ., Ow 11 1IIly. _ . I. Y•• -
, .... .,...w lIod&. _ ..,. - WhllT
. t.- ~ J'tI!IU... _ 16 'eb. 50.
-'\ole". '.1•
MORI DecID , 218371

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I, 19 __ 1950
.Ioint tat.alUa. . .
~Jecr\l. . q-.q

. . . . .1IJCa iat -.ap.pb1c Ia&ln.o..., ClCD, "-'n.l

'''''eatl.. Jr."... I • ...,.,..,..
1In4U1&-- .t.&":1,

1. Re.t.,.... SA . . . u naA ~ 11.aJ .t 2 Apdll941,

~Jen. ........
2. ...-s.. ~ .......t 0--.. .peai., ........ ""­
1"111 u.,. ur1ftd Sa ...s. ~ .,., lMl .... ~t.Ia tw JWI'
1at....U_ . . . ~ .

3: Ial.,
..., a. DIll.
u.. ODl., CDC

11 - IIR. tar IIDa. ..u • .,.

t:l - . . _ LIIMII, o.u_

n , . . :~ :
-=--- .,;- .

•• "cO ••, . - -".:'..!>... - •

MORl DoclD; 21837 1


CIO •• ~&~I!.ICS •• IS!

rw 10. APfI(f 1tepd:rS.aU-. I00I. GtiaI'.

COOll_.PW" ~

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MORl DoclO: 218371


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. 'ILl 10,....,. BIPlH' lICUgrq. . Joa.r

, ....
eAOSS UF. FlU. ...zIt R.p..ts.

DtstR1PflOl' (iii '411

Jfdl 10•. • bll'I i , .tlm. WII SY»OPS1I I
:. -.. no.l 715, '0 ..... 1950 iJo...t m=oru.. · Jtdract8 fr. rpt.. dt.4 21 Pee, 49 .u.bmit.te!:
by.., 1R or tcraar Paperclip 'pec:i.al.1ft. PIc:lor...., .bo :
ret'd to Ger-.q CID ),7 liar. SO. .u,bJ ...,lcp:l ~ Dept.
or J.7 . (Sabool at A't'1aUcm lI.sJ.ciD9, ~olpt. Ala,Jtahdolph
'b~. r~ ~~ ~. UTi,allA u... ~ ZJ .,. 47•

.. ' .

MORl Doc lD : 218371


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rILE liO, . , . . ~t.I, OR""'. IaN


iI§. " @! -; SOiJL:CT pm;t& SfHoPlIlj.
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'a.tri&U_ of " " . up ep.o'.".fte. . . . . 4.. 29 ....
11950 .. _ .......... t:IL. ......... 29 _ ••_ \...
llr .. a.. or.,.....1t'"
IW ~
__ ., _ ..... 'eSe. a.t..4uJ.e4 \0 ....
50• ...,. .-\ oltboorcl> 100 __
"..... las. ..·'s'.... ..u.. at; ~~_.In b •
..u.t...t.Ge7 ___, ... - ' ... "'M1ft.111 .. WlIiI
MJ"'.'" - "'~ ~
.._ sa lISa n.14'
d..u..I. ~ wId.la
""IItrr:="" ..,
lua.. at\w NWa
i-mil un.

7 ,. ... '"
...n _w .....
' " tl.a, C_ _dJ .......,
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MORl Decl D: 218371

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r 0'
!U.I. Jfa-.y R.t.r1ationa f"" , -_
CIt Repatrlat.1ona

fIlB nuB, 11 March .1950

rItID I~, Jrr:t:t R.patr1atloNl
II&ftfUMO, n-1edrlch X. ,
.J!a.l IC. 6SB

17 .... 01> 1"0




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MORl DeclD, 2 1 8371


16 ...... 1950
".,la\ lnt..J.U,.nu
ObJtett ••• "SeDo,1


ItZlCRAI'tIlW lOR l10lNphic a.,bb,., OCD, Cea\nl IMeW,.ace 'IW'GT•

.t.\&..at.loal Dr.. ~ I • ..".,.

1. a.t-.-.
ftbJM .........
I.a -.de t.. IIQl - . . . . . . IU) 01 :I ..-u 1941.
2. -..s.e ~ ...niot au.. .. ,d·l .." ar- I. MLU,
.tAtIt..-U. arn..... 1a Ul1e ""'7, .. ~td b.~Ut; t . ,.,..
. . . ""'-"_.

1 _I •
. . (VIr IiUD" .... I.
IlUJIL &. &LlS
Co' =oJ.. a&lP

8 S " 02 1 -7/' 7

.....:... ....
MORl DoclD; 218371


7 '*-'71""

1s..p'''pb1........,., oeD, c..\Nl l.....,U'... "-7,

..,.". . Pm
.,\40U.. Dr....... I. ~.

-..u., _ _
ut....s_ ...
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ill """
, boopu eI Gw • .,adaltna 61 a.n
- . r .... s-l_ _.. t._

,-. t_-.
I&- ...
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II - . . tw u&Si.... ...-...n I.
n- ... -anna. _L.

..-e'!i. Jrrl T&l8
Brtn. Coplea
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MORl DoclD: 2 183 71


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1. ::t:f.r•• ...:. 1. . . ;,:. I...: c::,• •.' .. ';'c I ll t.o:....J.r.. :so. '."."':11:..,,.. ac>:t.1. i .
CG J O ; '..l.j."'U :. ~ 19:" ; r..ru.l. \0 to!:. I-'l.,:.,: 1·.·~ on t. ~... "'~enc.t ~ ~r:~~' ~ ~ h"

()I('> "".u-'. ort!ce) ""(! 'h.

;)ffl c, ot &,!,w U.'. :.lG:K':t .. OJ "'!te :"U .1 t..' :'".. kel. :-U;'· ~..r(!, 11... _'Ct, Berl.1n,
ap::U'Wl~ DCed t_ add.U.lnr.t.l ,,&tt qaUt1.s
t it ~• • ehrV.f1c lotellJcc.-: . ~ lIu :..r..\lan. c.nd :.1~0 t.i.. \a"lent Deod
'Dr ~l1e1t1nt "'1-\111.:- obt t. 1n,·~ t l;l'OUt:h tIn rr aWll•• 01 UN.t otrto••

2. I n ,'l.wu..l11f. ro~· \.h.:c DO~ b ·.• Dd. . . . . . or 'ord.nrc:a'. tu:UIUu,

1.. ,'W bn Lro.. \l)' LPJ'T'CIel '.t. ~ i t '-h. c.t.r.l lDtal.l.1tnoe
OUt 1n.­
:or n\)J 'be ooll.cUoa ot b1C1Cf'1:.pI\1:.aJ. dab - ' \11.. ",-oWG\lan or
c!CI ~ !n'r 0., tho Cie:1IUII JcienUd..r _ow DlO. . ~.r CD lAY oj' \he n o:. !hh..
~li , . :. :-~; h s be«I UlQ 1r DO•• in :TOC Iii . . in 10nictJ"Cla'" orrl~ bit the wrk.­
In :.~ ! ; F-JC!. tjll." 1L hu bom lIooel'tl,l.., to t.t. 'lip FiorlUu 1n. Ko!l e,"oc*,
. ;-,f" '.' "h. :-. b M s.-a"w pro.CL 0: brlnt"lnC .. GOJ':SWl cc1W1tht tq \ 1.e
Dnl~ <.rd · S~f. \o .. rrn- e~o)...."t b7 'th~ II1lltU7 MrTlo.r or J.:xnc.M lnth!rl.r;.
n. dd~ 1n obla1nbr \ !.• U cio::de ~· . U f O ?",,"mh M 1nt.r..::1..." . rrort t\J
iat..ro.t '11. a1!J.1. ~ WJ'T1~. 1 ..nd lnl.l:Gt.l"Y 1n IIC1nr,Ur\c (r, -'::.;m, biO£r,:--!. lcc.l
daw ONiDOt ' - p..-c."c.t.oU. 1:' ,,-"'if I.e.tn-Ione. 01: dOlul.rr: c:r~ be rurnl£::..:~
I n:)J., i t it, SlCI.A~ t ho _orlr: " .out~ be ·lea. 111 eoorc!1n.~.t1.:Jn .1\1. 1.1;.
cSocdcr ooo.pUaUan ao_ 10iAc GO t h .... 4

,.. .:.t.:. ,..!~-.ne. \0 'ho \i.oo.-:.DI. aitu.ttan, t·,. n ;.,:, UbrLrl•••

or1rincJ.l)' pbea(! 1D tho ounody o! n~J, ore .en. l.n..n.fl'rnc :'0 Ccn(nJ. to"_
.lftw4 'oroo. &~ Ott1_ (CJlI), 1tr1,Pt.-Pdt..ol·" JJ.r , 'Of'Cle ._.. J..
tu u.noJ,. Ie f 'ft.r'. t~:-e h at )"MDt DO
~U".t.C" 00;>1., of 101"1151.".·(; rcpa",_ rad fth. 1.0 th(' Onlt.K ~.\ .. ro ~
.cWpt4d tor Mrl4S.nr.

" :"'1"1\), TW." KD& r.a"; \ !:.o,..rore It. i . J"OoCIiu(' ded Utl't ;:""1~ jIl.u\ for \h. r.­
?ro..'\In.ioa o! 1.~ . , ~1~Uf1c J'Vpor..r uti ru.o Sa I"NiLtrD:!'C off1c p bcluC:t.
r,eillt1<: (01' alCTOtlla1n. fo";'" .n·) /. &:ll cd.-.tU'lc r.po~ t' Cid• .ot!I. 1.nL..,
cU:· t, -:.t·. o ~· t :.,· D.:. GC't.~, ,.r.\. t.~: r"'.r·. t !\o •• ~' N,l :.~, ttl' :'ftJ1~t h l t '"
:.Li);.. . ,hi it .,. :.00(; u;'on t~. n..c, :' :'01:1 t '.t "'" '~J"'o1:.t o! ~uC'.oru. ;. , : :r
:1 ...1"'1(; d\&;ll~ · t.f! ro ';"'''''';' , 111 t. ~ .. Unl1.~ :: ..." :' toO (.'., 1. 1r. \ t:~ .w..nt (If ' n
\;A1';"1IDC~ t~.(O rU•.':. of t hi' :.u.:li...r: ( .... ... 1"1•• ·. t:. r. ;:: ;: ~ cC'; tr~'.!,\, ' i!

MORl DeclD: 218371

:.!.bll I S. 1:C :,' :d OQlil(. !lie dt.ner 1o&ne~ or 11l:Y~ ~ ":) ,::r. r.ebillr"
,P t.art! ;' u. ~ _ r "' •• 1;- lnq\lS.r)- h belnc " lOt J!.. n c ". a.t. ii.14dbel'l'
:.ad I:,. JJI n , liaeb-,-:," oa t.!:!, nqulJ"enen'.

;.JJfla. L. u.uS
C-Jlone!, ~:I_'
Direct. r



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MORl DeclO : 218371


I t'll!.\. 1n : ·:!u.: eon~

ObJ"o:'hr~ ~",CI

:.!l:.l';'.AlIU!U t j ~. C! .;. f , 3':'orn:...lr " tIi[1 . t ..,r, x;". c..\.r..._ ID LUUJcwC6

':' .' ':e' , I.: ~el: l !. 011.1 l!l'.J,. :~., Ii. i.k.~

1. l~ 1 : ;-r,._ : \" ", ::..:••. 1. 'n. 11. : ' rw. ~ !.,r. r"'"
1•. v<I on \.~ &.- ' ChnL!"lc
"'" ...·-:Jr.•.T•. ·'· •n l e. l - t r,Ll· :.i Ift~ "J 1..".(. 0...." . ' JL:~ c;..::- ;c;;


Qoeu.1a&_, "olin.... ~~.

111NeJ'''' c!~Mn, ~~JJ

.f.rt,g,ab (\);;"e .. ,.~c!)

h c&'.n'a.t.,.. "; ,

2. L~. rci.\:,,*r1. 1,. OOf."l ·:.,..d t~ lw t..; (.' ~l: \. . ~t. ..i...-;:w.;.
INcl• ..,.. J'II;••101: \. • ...r ·Jnc ~; \t.e fl· .....~. o!' tIl:c!1c.!!:" ;..I.e;. bl. l ,:- ·;,' ,
p'rtlcu!.&rl) -.:!.,,;, -~: erMOI \.;) T' _ " I'd', i ti . Clhe::-,:r. lc r;:" , )·, dJo.d.lvc:
t.~ COl' !'" ' r. ~
.1:: .11( .. nuc1""r;J! :.;: 1::1' in nal.t.lan t~ :".o:.rJ.e1 " . fir.
:;e.~x:-t 1: rq.' rU,'Co .. 30 ; n uc"ll!'".D\' 1m'e~' ''''''J' .... ~ -ork04 torr __ u-d.
lear. ,.i\.. ! r. JolJ. olIt.-C~Le SA P.,riL _it.. u .. t.t..atfte. . . houi aJ..
ln t l'J"A 1A !.~. cf[t'ett or n.dlatl·,JO:. ''G J"OGt
,.,... ...1 1 h", Uo 00"" ot .·lMMII.cSen, Mia lW.aUon.,
uf "!:"'_~,,

L~ " Droeo:-bil.&. -cr.::. Un~ 19", .cr.

r . .euC!. Ul4 I.pplJ,O(! -.d1c1De, ., the Oaiv"&1', or Go.l.1. ...._.
"*".,.",, .,.,
,.,.......",.Un'k (a)",.calaelC6l hc.Cjll~~l J , Gon.~"",.", '-IW·.Q.

~ "-'. 61."UeT ~ u born 11 ~ 1S96 lD V.u., Jih.,. loTUs.....

•• 11•• u .:."allod . ... t. ~. :J.yol,. U.r~!t.,,,,:~ dJ nJr'O~I '" C'C'~ri .. :, Jt r-~t
C..... o.J'W:III. ~a!'t r... ~, IAr.lt~l, !J"O'l~ •• %t.•.l.1t.:t, 1k.:11.r, ·.nO
Il('uly r.U n:O"QDla ~,",r. . Ilr. ~\a.ll.ort~. C:·cl.:.lL. 1:: : ....: ll:.!: 15
ex_ll~1. ril.!'. ,..",.n.
'0 J'c,'. C1nr. an.:: \."T11.1JlC ..Jll! ro;:,;; in :~I~. l!b
9'IOCI~.1'7 h 'O'l1h 1Iirl.~..u tv.. II" 1:. DOl. "rr:,u,.c.e< viI.!: .. r:~ ;tOl1'tlcr.l
pc.rt.l. 1II1~ rt,, ·~lCt11 · r.I~~1:_1'" It · r. :~1 "0';.·.' 1.7; 01 k.l.!, MJ,r,b.
:'; 51;:, "II.,l ( I,ee , "':\1. . .~.~. ; )'/.,. !i:.l:-, r.:',:J n o) .a :.1.1II.~1al&.1r..· ~ rkr..

/u r..oe.pe ClAut.
201 Cier'NN ScbubC't
em Dr. laTe]. Stall. .

- -.' .•~... .....______~__".•'.. ~..•" •.
' . ____-c____________________________
, c-. _" _ r'

~ORl DoclD : 218371



Sln ... C~- !u :.J, or•• It)!": ~ . 1n!'~1 1:t." .: .t ! :••. 1.ac~' , &.nl....,.: it.. 0: ;.n: " J '
i r. 1';:" : . i.T. : .. l : ~= " . b.,. I. ':':J 10:1" ~ _ ! : olloct.
l ';"l.-! -:2
r..:l-'>l' (. ~. :l .:.m:c.,"",cU... e rell.,, · r \ 1';'~-19:'"1J,
\oe!.nlc..l d:-.· .t.~T (l94"7-!9.J9), 1&1:0 t.- =",-),
C...r..rL 1 .U"'I~U (1'1 J'I-1945) of ~'!J. •..J ;'1::;. , ~~,
C=ec:boz:lcwulr.l r bl ~1n.' ..... 1:. '.r.;: : f: C~ .Jri.

C:.ter ~! :'.!:.o C~Qh,)d;,l¥" ' ir: AI alu:u.rll JU ! :olea 1D

':'1 n' .(\:!'"t.. 1,;cl"Woll)'

Cun.,.: 1 N-.,L::.r .,: "J.:N,. :~Y , ·':~r::!;!Jl::!. S:.i'01J!l

P:'Wll (::J.on Jr: 1,.1.1<1:" ~ "t.t:,l lauu::;t l7')

J:Maptd 1.0 ~,b.u'CJ ~ f'roca , .. -.oalcwakk

tor polltlal·l :r'":.""Ma••

W. !au b ..a,eIi w. ,.rt"d~ 1II.I&IeJ"l4l.c. kobD.1Oftl "-Ie.. 1D ~~ t1elt

of ~ ..,..::• .

.. ft. hp.rt.ao..nt. of ,ha.-tlee bu . ":-. 1r.r:Jl'Dl.d totu.. " prooeed.::t"',

~. t:....: lott!\vt.ed \0 oW-AiD t.~I'''. [~Cl ' ~1=t .. rOT il"af\ln;,.:Ir.:'- 111 t.~
tIa1t.ed t\.:.t. .. ..cer JD"OJeot. rap.-c.L.l:,. 11: t.: .c Sr.t..n(:l. of IU-Ucm:..l
GO. . T1tTe n lc ~le1P"1t.ad. \h.... '-hot,) ~:U: be:- ~:h L :' 0 t. b. ODl'-ed
5t.!:t u IT. t..'l. _," [U"1I--o.

alA:. I • .....,..
Jl:,JoJ', G!iC
""cntnJ. ""' r~ tty. Ot't1oer

..' ' ' . .. ' .,


MORl DoclD, 218371

, REST~: n::D -

I 'j 'L

__ '''- rca o.tral Me111'..... ,.

..... ... 1.1. . . .,...

................ 1_,.... ,..pll-. ... ~

• •d ........p t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·".~
... tII.Da.. ifill Jl"fa4.tlMI ~IY. ~.


'" a".. .
I. ,. WI"·

• 1.JaIIl..
Deed_ " SIr ....

a.. •
. am
811.1~ •
7 _Wi_

. "-' ... ,"., . , .... .;

MOR l DoclD: 218371

!'. ,
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le&d lahUl,. . . '_1....


.... AlDu.'a ~ 1a-.1U.... AI..,•

....... • • I. I. WU,....
IUlJSI. o.us...
' ............ fII UCCIJ

r.................. r_ ,.. nt..u-.·. . I.J.CQII

-. ...a...... d.'.. w t.a.. 0 . . . .,..1al1eta U ....

,.. IU lu.:rGI. JODf DfILLlQ.OI ~ltIfn. III_ft.


. ....u _m_
1. D..... ,.. _ .ut_
i3l , . IIoaIr
''IS .. aU. . atn...

I.· . a... 'q,_"

,.. • w......11..._
I.· . ~ ICII'I;_


. . . IUS. . . .

.' ......

: )
MORI Doc I D: 218371


".lft at.ll'C....
a,""tt••• AI-,. • ~ 10••

..... ·.,UM'a111 c.tn.l IIIhUS,. . . .tc-l"•

'~I eo.~.~. In,...
acra.JlI:2'. r............ til ucoo Doell..
,................\1& t . ,....... rn.tt_. Sa »fOOD

..., , - ..,... ..... k t.be a.... "P.. l_Un 11"-1

II&l Y. . . . . .
"1-. CIIe
AdIltaJl1rau.... atn...

~ ' 6' :
~ " .:
., .

MORI DecID : 2183 71

lIeIl 1l'3 3
.­ .
p'OW r<a o.vaI """'& as.-­
. . . •• 1.1.
'" .,•
•...,.. "._"e." GOOII •• "Ift

Illd. . . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . a:J I ' . "....

aI'f. . . . .

• ~1I. ~.IIO
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l.a .. I1. . . . . . . . . .. . .
I. ".
·"1 »0 m
• AIft'M LM' . . .
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FlU DlS':":
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..... .. \ ,::,.' '7
- ~/

•..................................".• ~">~--........~,:.~--..--~...,~.~•.~~~.,-.--~-"----------"-----~----­
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MORI DoclO : 218371


..... a.t.UJ,_••
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'."a1•~l&&-e "-'I•
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------ ........~"""""'-""--~~---"'.~
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MORl DeclO: 218371

• I

.jen&• • . . - , .
II.. 30S I

- - - rca o.tnl JIItel11a... ,...,.•
. . . •• I. I • • ' •••
- . . r...u.c '" UDOG _ •
. , . rw_W . . . ., . , . , . . . ne 71. Ie . . . . . . . .
, . , ..I. . . . . . . . nww.

I _ •
• • 1. . . . . . . .

71L1 DlIT.
-eta biDlal
SI!BIt, trlch

.. .~ : .

MOR! DocID; 218371

12 So-""r 1950

~UH FOR: Director, Joint LDt.lli&ence ObJectSves 4cencl, JC5

j\\elltJonl "'Jot' . IIlJI: Itrok:av
I Reque.\. tor Iafor..\.Son CODcem.1D1' Gen.n SpecSalh\'

I ..... rr. no, 11980, hbJI a. abc'tta, dtd 8 .Auc 50

1. ID r..pou. to U. requeat. ooatelMd 1D ...,rand".. UDder

ril'vuce abaft, a blOCftpblO "pon oa Dr• .lDbuQe• .5C~, Ja
1'~.s beJoow1 tb.

Iac}_ lice. !pt. (1)

~. -
.' 'f.:..,

- " I q r R......
Do.. f. IO¥ 11M

,. .· c. .
MORl DeclD , 218371

Jolat; bWIU......
Oltje.U... ~."7
... , -y~

.'OA ..:..~ I

1. l' 'e ......... till., .., lnt....U . hI.

....-ta...... pe1Uhal ""111&\10"• . , _
7" b ... _ tM ,d••Ullo
..... .....
•,..hU". . . ,.~... to "'18 r_pa.,..

• I ........ -~... --r.w. /.,,,pl~ ft'l~-?'_""'" ~.

~ . . . "-/ . --.....- . / ..-..7/ ;1"
~~~c• . ; .. ·~=?'1' _~~~.
JJ.. ~ 0........, .f "... U _ _ • be. , ............., prooe•• u.i•
..... ~. 1Mt'__ dto obtai" VIe.1I ~laU.'. tor .,I.,..n VI.
aaa. . . . .toe, ~r proj.. , Pap«>oll" 1a • • ,"-wr.. ' 0' _tio.l
_ _U,. " .. uUdpated that U.7 'dll be trollllh' _ tao hlt.d
...... la ... ...,. r.....

AdtlW.-inU.. Otrl.. r

• '.

"',,,, ,, ..•

w -.
MORl Doc lD: 218371

", , , -, , ~ . -- "

".1Dt. iJI\ellSp...
~JuU"" .......,.
, ,"

1. 1\ 1.t nqu.........., _, W.N8U. J9" MY, _ \be

.IooWIo _ _ _ polUlool otruloU- or tIoo ~ _ _
a.....,..S.. 11."_ f.,...,.,. w val. apao"

1M ~p.r __\ .r .lU'''S'1 U. _ _ tatoNed u.\ prulldSa& •
.... beo.a s..ut.u .... w ,,&.18 ",....,..w....
t ... ..pl.-JIll"" s. "­
Gat... , .. tltl "'r ....1.c\ "~N1tp, III \M inC.r.I\ .r ... UODal
.....st.,. n 11 anUc1,.W4 Ula\fbl)'-Ul '- broqbt. \0 UII
,"MI III tM DM, tut-IAN.
POA 'ftm Dl.~ .I0DT Dm.LIQIIICl 0&I1CT1~ AQUl'ct,

_AI r. WtlAl
.aJ-, asc.
Adalala\rul... uttS,cn

rn& DIIt•
...NrEaeape ClaU.1
" ." ,..-NRC, Or • .1obun..
-. ../ '
, " ";;
• '4
" ,

MORl DoclD : 218371


.lola\ IDwll1ceDC. 7 I .... 1950

Cbjec\11'. . q.ncl
Jlo.a 4 ...... '"

IUMUhAlfDUf 1'tiJ\ 81op'apbto M&ht.r. LlCD, C.D'ral ln141U...no. .t.c-cr,

Utal "'. J••• K. hl'pbJ.
SUNt:CT, ,..""~.\ tor l4tvr:utiua ~c.m~ 7

1. n h req~.\oocI \ML &I'I} WDn;.IUDIll J'OU un eo U.

eoS.a,Uio s::n:-baoe _d poUUod altUs..U., of &M W1mh. h" to..;
.. to"~ "lo t.b.1. £&.-c7r
"" ....... QlM1A1lat.. ,
a...d ~~

a.c .tt
....." ""•••' .st.. '~·.·~l ___~'~,~C~I'&nn._ ,,, .. U.
.......... IW....
hslsta: ·

-,. !be Dr...,...,

of .ludic. ,.._ boND fAt~.... uaa, proDS Un,_
.... e...o la.U\U'-d to " .. 111. Wt.fa _,.,ial1n tv.. _plO1'l_' 1D. U.
Dln.U..s '\aw. \IIIdN' JI"OJeo\ r... rollp, Sa u. bI"-,.,, oC uUonal.
..,.,.1t.7. n s.. _Uol. . t.ed u., ... _Ul be bl'O\L&M. \0 \be l.biw4
. ....w. f.a U. .... r.. . .
1'0. 'ftt& QlDCTf.;lt, .lOlJlT l7il1U.L](r.]fCL u.iTlYt:S AG&ci'r

"~ . ..-.. t i l V. dRIJUI

~ ..
.... .

,, '
'\, :;i. . i,aJor, O!;C,
&l:liilltate,"Uft OltJnr

-·--tt< - t .'. "­

,..:~,' .l.i.l;:.. i
MORl DoclD: 218371



IIAO 291

L na. ____, . , _ , . . _ _ _
.s.u.n. JR' ... ,.,·'SMl .ttIlJaU.Iu fit ... ~
~! : .,..w..s...
......."...... . III' fa . . . . . . . .s..'c 1,1
:I B DE!:! '.'n.
K '......} .-.
.;:.:..:"-'-_..... .;,~'
i 'i m

-­ ~.,..=' ...­

MORl DocID; 218371

. , I . IIn\ _ple,.. -~.:!-
~..'" ~ ~r;.;...,. v
"'·'E ... ~­
r;: F-...;_!!..",....
AMu.. . .Sp t.
J. • .,.,....., ., luUee ....... Sar_ _ ..., _ II 'tap
.... _IAoU_waMda .... _W..,rw _ _, .. _
1It1... na... _ I"J'" ",...up. .. __ Sa...."' ~ . ._
_ ~. 10 I.a _\1.01,.... __ .. wtll .. - . . , w ... au...
...", Sa u:. ...,. .r.......

l1li f . . . .


, .:/~~ .. ". -: ';'"

MORl DocID : 218371

lta.JBC'f. . . . . ' tIIr lato..-U•• OtDNn1llI Ou-.. SJ*laUn..

1. l ' 1. 1"Iq\lIII. . . . . . . , aJV' lAtbr-.1d.oa , . ba... _ .... MS._ufl.

PI ' NQH &ad seU". U'tU1aU_• ., 1M a.low IIIUed o.-a
.peaS.a1J.n be ~ .. tall. Aa-aIJ'I

_ . walu.r 111'-
Looa..-. ___,
ftoU. ""polo"'. __
Dlewt&h sea.r....... all,

.2. 'IIla . . ·s.a \be ..,t.q or N _ . , . , 1.&11., ., ..........

.... IW\u. f'Iva 1922 tilt 1"', ~....,. a,.., ..
pw9l. . . . eI :
Dr. O....... to ,..tIo...... on _ 0 0 1 _ . . . .1oL& _ _

_til. lw._
-.1eahUou, fn"IlaI'" -pUllltJ u ~I:d.p, uu...U_,
artIol_ aDd
loll &nor
_.." ...-r.-

1M _
.... u.s.p ....... ..
of _ 1II1U"n ....
~ ... s..... 1.8 _ . Ill. .
t. o.n.. . . 1IiIU-, pNO-..1q n'"?r:r
r • ...-.lol., __
......... Ia DU, • _ . . , . . lor •
JIII..UaI UMId.t data. . . . . . . . . .
• JIW b,u'T, 1IIlUa,,". ... JII",~
..s,,-.JIUw, pnfld.-::r
ItItto. ,.... .ta...
ta = .....
~ ltd., oo.......u.... &III . "•••


83 4 0 2; -7 ~J

. .,,.
MORl DoclD: 218371

1.1a\ IdolU",_ ., . . . . .r 1.10

O'J.'U", ...r

. . . ·IDUM fall C"'et, Ilocrapb.lo lIechwr, (l;D,
• ,... JIr. J.... a• ....,..,.
c....NJ. 1aW1U&....

Dncr. ...." t.r Jat.,..~_.

. "III .., . " " " . ., ~ ",,-• •u. t. . . m •• fII . .

c.d..... tat.lU&'" ......, .......... 61,... C. WI. ft'M",
~~. -.s. _"" .."... lib .......,_ .. tU. M E " '. . .
f'w"al ...... w,~. ••
."..r ••u...,z.. ...,...". ~
..I. bAht...l " . . . . . . .

.'1, ."
•. .
• ... .

201 .utrtd c. wu

·h ..'{'

. . '"\

. ~:: ..
MORl Doc l D : 21837 1

, .,·l



26 ~caber 19~

MDIlR.I.NDUH FOR: D1J't1cto:r, Jo1.Dt. Int.ellll(eDce ObJact.1vu .tceac)" JSC

At.teDtion, Lt. Col. Brokaw
l1li. 2..1)0.376, PosataaOD

: Requ..t to:r lDto~t1on CoDceming Gtr.n Sp.clall.t

..., rna no.. 12811, wbJ r •••bova, dtd ~ Noy ~.

,., ..
1. roJ"VUded hlNWit.b 1J:I u ....r to J'O'UZ J"aiqWI.t., I"et'Nllot
ehme, 1... ~ of t.be iAl'ozwaUOIl .n1.labla GIl! • c;.r.a .o1..UR,
Wimer GIDRG.
2. It b naret.t.ed tllAt D.C) iAl'o~\101l .....ft1labla oa. U. other
1Dd.1rid\Ml. lined 1A )"OW' ~.t..

~ ~

. . fir..
Chi.r, BP/C£D
tool, SOl (1)


MORl Doc l D: 218371


I"'. J
.: ,

.I.la\ la.1ll'....
i)bj•• tlw. A.t~.,.
"1) • •

MUI~kt.W ' au Chl.t, ;Il.,....phlo Ji.o«h'-r. OClf. e.. ,"l la.. Ul'....
A\t.u .r..... H. lhl".lQr

1 .IDol .
Y.' of .. &..-\tn ••

~ m;~c,...
201 'r1»drlch ~
c/R Irrin J.adem."a
c/R Gust~y ~t t l.T
c/R W.mer Coor,

:": ,
": . ­

. ', ,j < II l " -716

, .
MORl DoclD , 2183 7 1


_ _lU_ _
Cll;J-U.... ___
JIQA 51£,

........ ,.1 '........ a.- .,.aau.. u..w
rca IU D~. lOur Jft&U". CIIoIIC'In. . ..no.

11&1 , . ac.ur
-S-. lieern..
. . .b.
I.· .
1. &)M". " oa.-
we .ma.
w.s.IIt. ___
'H"'_.. i ••

a.· .......'...
••• • . . . . . . . .&

~' 538

. ,+ ",.. .
MORl DocID: 2 1 8371




. :r.oil :.I.J ~'.IJ-:: .:':;~..... j ., JOI .,'J .. .1I1:....,I..i.:..:c .. ... W . L~u\': . ;.C':':.oCY,
JOli:1 c.: :It7r. oJF ~r;ST

: ,I:"J: 'CT; Do,:: leTD on li ~r;v I. .: c1el:Ut·t.:. to:.: l1.lj•.ilc: ;" ~II
of , .erlClJ't~

~3· ~.i ·: .. .ci.: JIu}. :tOll, "'1 .. 10 . ': ;'00\1; , liat.eu 11 ..U :u!"t 19~(; fl"o.;.,
t'lJ'octoT, Jlu~, t.o Director of Contnrl :i. ! ,t,(o.hl_~ ..c:••
:.·uilJ~et. I . .. t.~ov ..

1. fbi!> AI:8ncy b in full ;,cree.;IIInt nVl nOA .~ 100 \he w-ctlnt.

Mcenit)" or ut.t.bl1ah1n~ ,,-e.y!. aN! HI.nS Cor the erreet!... dupilCAt.ion
and tnnsNuioft to TiaDhint;1.or. of eel.ntUle lnt.el!JI,;Olo.Ce lnro~t.ion
IIQ'; held in Sw'ope unier cw:tod;y of mcoc &00 !oil.. I:..,.~". l u.f.nao
4. Tnis probl811 . . . conde.ered lot 0 :<;)ecl61 ,..et.!~ of tho Scien­
tific I ntelUgence Co.=n1tte. on 1 s.;>~,.: { or 19:;0, Uld into~ 1 arn.n.;_
('.ents heve been co~lw:leci rlt.i: t.:le I·ept.l't ·" nt of St.::tA r.hleh rill pro­
"lide for dupUc:: t1o n aDCi tn.ns· oh : lon of .l;lt(:rl:llf 1n .-tICOO &IID •.: tLte
~epc.rt ..... nt. eu.r tod1.

J . ~on:.nJe. : h~ Z't..;ith , f or your In!'or::clt1on, 1. n copy of Co

colh ction r e :::ue=t oiapet.c1lsd by ~dc .laeN:)' to tj,. J.u1:.t: .nt. C.;'ief
of ~· t.·.rft C-2, on;; :...epte:lber 1950. ' It. ltete :; the w·!.ellC)' of tile
proble:. . !'.n::! aJ'f1T1:15 t :11$ ;"le~11 rM.d.1ne•• 1.0 _,.; ~. ca-pet.ent
b1op-aph1c spedalilt. to CenslV' tor the pu",.ose of "vr:dlll out
II-M'al\:e... ntl'l for du~CAt1on c.nd tnna:d.s1on or I::Iat ~rl:01. itl I~
cuat.cdy. ~~ JIGS not u y~t. replied to t.he ncr.l"'.. .;hen &;uch repl,y
h recoivecl, CU rill a.ctrlse nQA or ttl' IWJlS u-i.nc t.tien.

CD i~o. J. -176~.1

8 :j,O 'l.1-7?1
MORI DocI D: 21 8 3 7 1


.,·--------- - - .~ --­
- . - - - _ .- .. - '.' - '''r.-'
&410 -r- 1ITIIt1E£T. N. w.

CIfGoUI Of ... 10

. -­
NIl Of HllO
SIP 8 9 37 A.~ '50 ""-' ..... '"
SIr....., . . . . . . . - 7'= _ • 'M.

....r. 141 rt1e ..C ­ . . ...,."

......._ ..:11 es
_ _ " " _ , -6 .. - •m

. . . _ . . . . 110&. . . . . . . . . .
_ _ ,-
• •

So . . . . . . . . . '1... , , - .......... _ _ .4&1 -~_ . .
1 . . . . ,. '._. ._-HC'"
, ... _._-_
.s . . . . . _

..dia .......... '·2_sa

fill ....
f,· •1',

. . . . I'


t;:Pt'OVed for .R!!I!!ase

. Ie _ 2. NOy 1985
, I
. .. ..­
MORl DoclD: 218371



tel. Ex. euo ¥. ... nRI:IET. N. W.

bUD.ioD " .

10 repl,. refer .....;;::

to C D 10. WMLl hMI OI ....D


• ,'. .0- ..... a • . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M

....u.I ....... eP .It............ ~ tILe. ' . t f
lSI ».. __ u.... U. CIA NS:
. . . . . . . . N.1 _ _ .. a11pc
" I, """.'''.u1

.. _.. _= ..... ,flt.......

_ Sa ~ _ ' , . _ Ill,,"" ,,~

U. p.lE.
J - . . . "':up _.11•
6. Ja~ ..

!_.. ..-..
....... .,..s.n.I $, , . . . . "-u.lt.

... 'II! __ --.

*" ....
..,..011 !II' _ . 1Il2II_ _
~_ .a1

CD ...

I. I. nu.:u........
~. Upf _ J:I.~_

-: ~
MORl DoclD : 2 1 8371


- - '............... ''-'4 Ifttl.hce_ '. »

= WII, ..... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ­

~ -.1-«._._._.,_
10 . . . . . . . _ , . . . , . .
. .1wn4....,fII . . ~'" . . . . .,

,.,• • • lIIIa . . _ _ ............
_wa., ... _ ..
a.a.. _
1a1 . .

r ..
D' •
• , . '
.... an....I1W'tI&.. ~ . . . .
s ...... Iblll_"

..BIll ......
"_Ie ..,


- - ; ~- -. ... ~ < • .
MORI DoclD: 218371


. '/.

. lIUDQlllarJU
ImWo.1£1 DInll0N ..

oB FEB 1950

10 I f~ Jobt CId.t. 01 natl

.Io1.llt latoll1&.ue ObJooU", "'01101
100II 2H80, !lao p.a&:.acu
"ab.1l1l'toD 2S. D. C•

.&.o~"41.Dc t ........Aft........"ort "'001..4 . , tid• . bM&~n. /.

"bj.ot . . t.Utl", ...... _ _ ""fOU" OD \.be .no.&. •• cab Uft, _0 ;.'
ar4or.4 · b 4r,..t,-.


rl1& POOl
• 'Pi'"Mi.c. 461
IAnw'n, Prot. br.O.

-<. •• _ A. • ..' ,...

MORI DocID: 218371

,"' ",
, "

( ,.
(J-"FICE or na: CHIU" Of )/;'\'.\1 OPDt~TIQtlS
W-:chiNtten 2S, D. C. In Reply R... tcr Tet

Serl,l , i46oLPJ2

8 );evclllbcT 19SO
fre.. , ehbf c!" Ihv::I.l Oper,Uens
To I Dlstrlbutlen List

SubJI Tr~yel ef PQPr,rclip Personne l

1. In connectIon _lth t~: ~or~y r . turn of llp~rellp tpeels11sts

~ their dependents to Ge~'~ the rollaPlnr. polley h,s bern .,reed
~on by th~ threo a1l1~<ry s r.rwlcesl

('l). It. _hal1 be the poUey or the .s.Ut.ary dCP'll't4cnu

to 'luthDrl&c the ~or~ return of PnperclJp .~cl ~1Jtts
and. their dc~nd ~nt.s to Gel"/ll..'U\Y at evvcrrr.aont czpcnse only
under extrCDC c1r~~'nec5 .
; (b) . For lpechllits "rd thdr dll'pc:ldent.s who MYI: lost
t he OIPllpr.rel1pOl dcs lgn,Uon dw: to ilri£1""'1tion, thf· polleT
or the Dillt::l. ry servi: ~ s .tIl br. to dl~contlnuc, ror t he ,
tlac belnl. -:ll r e turns to a ("rr.-:.ny of inUgr,'\tcd spccbUsts i
:lrd thfllr dcprndi·nt.! 'It &~~ r~ 'nt c::q:)f""sc: . b:Crptl0M to
this poUC)' wiU be '" """'\tt~r ror d~ trTrdn.-: tion on 'In 1ncU..,ldud
elSC bub by t h•..: r ::spr.ctlw m.ll1t-.ry dcp-.rtnc:nt. h:lv1.nc jur h­
diction or custody, a rw.l thc.!rct~rC"" first ho-:nd Imowlrdgro or t he

." conLnctu-u. rc:quirlTJl"nts in e"':ch c.'s.... ~ :-:dQl)tlon of this

policy by Ulc thr r. ~ ril1t~y s ,'"le'-. sh,U not be- conat.rued
to ::lWOf,:lt , t.tK. ;:a"ovhions of "'n'f contr -.etu,l obl..1«::r.t1on. In
C'$ ~S or exceptions th ~ all1t-.ry dfOpvtncnt eonccrnt'd will ::a8Ul'le
t.he r caponslbiUty of 1.a~ the nr.c...uory trwnl ord" rs J UT:"\I\C­

!nI t or tr~port~tion tr~ ~thJ r. its own sp ~cr .llo~'l tlons, ~ nd
lor ultlD-,tc: r r.-turns to the- 'Jr.lu,J St:l kl!ll ~n thc:sr u .- 111 orde r.
2. An)'" such t.ro't'r.-l. harrcv('r, la of eoW" '~ wb,1ect to the r ".trl ctions
ll\poscd by the Intern,l S.'cW'"i ty :. c:t of 19SO (~ 9'.,)10).

--/.f' .;:.. ",I, ''­

!!.'c. ~~ . ,',. "
By dlr"'c:Uon

~ 2735
./a'rJ Ropot.

MOR! Dec ! D: 21 83 71

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Scrhl, lk6oJtPJ1

- - ­ -Li.t,- - ­ - - ­ - - ­
~ -. - - - -- - -­
JIOA InsK!1t. HC'W"'..rk
2>....r (TIll) _ 8 •
BuOrd (Ad') _ ~
(lU. State Colle,c, P:\.
!\.IShips (Codt· 1Go) _ 2
U.S. HnvlIl St.:It1on. 1.0"£ !'('1Ch, Cn1lt.
·'hl! ~.:-d (R~se,ueh Div.) 01'1'"
r.OTS. In1ok ~ rn. COllir.
OHR Pos.d ~ n~. r.Jltt.
ONR (Codt 221) _ 2 Ulnc Count~~~surc St,tlon
Spec. Dev. Cent., L.l., H.Y. NAS, Ll.kr.hW'at
JnD!:I Scthc~,
~~Y. School of A.i~tloa l~lc1nc.
NEES, Annapolt-, Wet. ' ,,1\53coh. 'b..
Chief of Air frolllini..r1l(,
PMl!!:. Hn, S"'yd. Panucoh. FlA.
Norfolk HOlV. S"')'d. "AC..\ 1.anclcy Field
lU.MC Phib. . JiBTL Ph.! iii •
H.un'C Pt. Ifuru ant Boston
X4.DC, Johnsvillo, Pa. CtJR Chic.l,£o
1LlR, BeU.,,£c CWR Hew York
InaJUt. ?hila. ONR ~ Fr~ncl'co
INJ:'lt. Detroit
In,sU.t. Ch.1e..,o
Intl:U. otncor Pf!HC
8uShipa (Code 2OO)(C."pt. BurrIs) _ 2
SPJ;C Sr!ov('n\ Rb('r J/uo11 Commnd
Sut:;. Bas(' H~" london. COM .
Hav:l Gun FActory


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MORl DeclD: 218371

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MOR! Doc!D, 218371


......I. .... ''-'............ _ ........... MIt 01'01& 0. . . . .

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MORl DeclD : 218371


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201 Woltp.q Lutbh'

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MORl DeclO : 218371

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MORl Dec l D: 2183 7 1

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"",in" bn..... 'IV':'7

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c... LI'u .iA1.e~.&.1'''IGO ,..tw#7

oas.o. ...f ~11 .. \1A&:I aDS ........ .lI.1.1,foI"
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1.101Ac'Ou :iI,. D. :.
,"'n: "r. J. I • • upen
rOl'Ml'aG ... ,...!"" tor JDIU" ilLt'Qr_,,\.1cu. &Ai rc"-:.UOu _ re

Wo• •;nlo&l day. per\A1.a~ a.o lb. AI.I."'-!.uo- .~c1.al:"t. l1atad

S~7 J'OWI.

2 lDolo. .. •• m,.'D:1l
1. as. ....... ,..,... IIWlUL CDlDM1. u..n­
2. • • • alo»el 1ar1 ~ 1lir..1Or

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MORI DocID : 218371

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P. r.~TrC'f
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~\ IIn.•lU"mo.
~Jeat.1 __ "'~nol

enid, lloc:r-ph1o lto~owr, ~:J

Cenu.l rntolU,,1ftC1t .....:'-'I;cy
24)0 !i: 5\.1'\4\, Iif. '0
"..,eh.1n,.-:t.Pn 2" :.. :.

D.&r iIr . 51l,.r"

"-t.~. ,_ -.d. too nat. a-on.ad~ WJ 01 2 jprU 14)4'.

filiate "'"0=-1 Jtecord or 00rM.a _PK1al1n HolAl'1cb ~....D,

eo arr1.-.d, 1JI W_ C"0\ID\r7 on 2~ Iiio.,...bw nn, h 1nc10• .s h..,....,.\h
tar J'"OV Ih1'o,..Uon &lid reWoUono

1 aPR
"'""tOT UlJIIJLD I . io . jfi:oCJ..,..;r~i
Colonal, ase

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. ;•. unltlt lon
.:: ...r enl'O or Uot'
\ ~. r IoIt:au l na or 10M
. • ;:• • ' ':'· . S . jil l . J • .:.s:r .• Soot 1011:;
.' . ... .... 1 r: :". .t • .:; .. lou . r l b •
. .~ ;.: ...: 1':.~ \:u, ·· , !'Ot .. JO""' . I::I.r
;...;'~ : " ' ~ 1 ::t..~ : .~ J _ . " 1~ r'·J:. ' -t t •• •

201 H- t lll"!oh R8UlBoLD
KI~IpfcrED ,' ! .,
~. I; , .- ~. .. . .

13 -, ;' '; I -lIt'/

•. ' ' 0- · ,..;,;;.

MOR l DoclD: 21 83 71

..'', -"Y'. ~ ­
t _ . ' ,

~lD\ IB\.lll,eDC.
~J-CU ... Ac;.nc)'

Q1.r, !1C11Npb1G Ha(l."er, ~,

Can'''') IftWll1£anoe 'Gene,
24.)0 E :»t.ft,e\, So" 0
••• ~\Dft as, D. C.
ATr .~J,,*. Mr. Jo J. lUper'll

0.1'''•• u,.....
W...-. Ie ..... t.o n.UI. .-oN"'" W) ot a .prt.l 1948,

....1. PtI'WOIDN. 1eo0IU et a.r..n ~IAU"'" .t\O arr1nd lit

w. --"7 _ , In__ r 1"1 .re SrwlHad ber..t.u. ter I'll""
la.I.... u. aD! nt.eDUODo

.. But. ,.,.....1 R~rd • • rwoa1.-.d tor ·.ptC1al..Ut IArl t o

Dl&1I, ..t.o an1.nd OD the .... .:WI!.a, Aft.1l,abl. blo,rapb1oal dat_
tor \bb qKl.&U.\ •• tD,..nI.t \0 1fNZ orne. b7 Jl ::.:Jo. ...,raadua
718 0: u April 19S1 .

) ItIou e. _0 ti£Cr.J1llil~
1. IPfi tor IIlW -3 ,_ .oltp.ac CoIODel, ()''ilC
"""fIr JlJllA, Ial.d ,. n.
aPlt tor 'l'\Jw,cr.. hll.. r . K.

; . C ;:· I . ~ :. J:I .·
t ·.

., " - _.:/ .
i ' : :..") 1/'" ..... .


.' .,
MORl DoclD: 218371

,r ~"T"
..1. .,
.' . . "'

.10111\ lDt4ll1,.o,
ClbJucU... Alena,

Cbht, tl1C1f1j;lWpbll iCepner, OCD

Centnl lbt..1Upna, Ac'.r
~)O i Su-t., W •••
~.'h1"1\On 2'. ~. c•
..n ~Juah 1&. J. J. lUpIN •
DIll..... l1lpanr
w,~ b .... \0 n:.. _.Oftnd. WJ ., 2 Aprtl 1"'.
"Ill. r.nome,l bOON 01 a.r.an .,.cl.u,\ u.at.er o. 1..uISD,
11M ....,u" U"Ii.... la Ud.. ooua\r'7, 1, IMlOliedi ........\11 tor row
lAh,..t.l_ &ad rwt..nU-..
Slnoa.ral, J9UW,

1 Ino1
aPF. tor L~iESmi.


Lt·.... "".. hah

201 Guut.Jo o. IDIUIt
.- )
•••• A

'. : , -IIi?
MORl Doc lD: 21 8371

~~ot Jat.lllcwa-o 11 O'...... r lUu

O.."..Uw. ~)'
I. r .,
,UIll L .. . . . .

..... ,~ . A: . "".• , ~ Chi.t, _peel.l :'" Da r ftJen't , . . u_, ToeNio1.eal :;'nr."Il,

.4Jw!J.I. .;••• Pi Wleioe , Ulfloe or "'" _0"'. &:lUo'.t
.\all. o· z.. .'¥.it.
..........1 ' •• 1U.J.. .1 x.,_l11r__ CeAWi,.• .,..tl.. at

......1 Lat.ell.l.,." . .
'.Set, llo.;.r. r hLl' JI.,h~r . ..'L .. (.dral lawlll&la........1.
"tall IIr. I • ......,.,..,

_&.nII:!'. - . - . . .t ..... r ' . . . . . u.. "..1&1..' .. ~

1. , __,. ....nl.1,
le. . . . . _r ....
.,..1&11.'. lap ..... _, te lie,..,.,. _
..,.... all. u.,.. ........,..... an .m..
... ..... tw . . .1__ !'ra . . \I&&r ...... 1 .r A....U • .....s.I_. '- ""•
. . . .U . . . . t.UGII1-c ..... NMh. . ,.,.. a&. 'W . . . .1 eI ......t:l_
..ud_......l»b J.lr
U .. p ..... r 1110 Sa f~
'.rca ......
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1.... new. !'e&d __ r ..... fill
lat..,..tI:l• •

.....ut _. IIolI'r1I _ . . 0..-:.... s.n. ., &AOI.IOI'tIUL. U~IlU •

... ;.. "_W_ Str•
a' tao. ; . t......... , el1oCllJflo' ... f\I ~ (aGlir. . . . . .'
.....,...,. tt. ...... fill 111'• .r .......1_. . . . . . . . . . . ., U. PIQ-aI·'..Ie&1
lAou_,,- "rUa r... ..., .. 1....... "1' _ ...... ""-1 '-'itne
rr- IBM to 1M'. .... 1M' .. _ III' , . . . . . _ ....
. , "I'Ua
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• , ... tJ.WI' -.....t fill .....-u'ha Mooti.s... .... -....s,n ..... _lad~
.sa,,_ "'.".-.
&a . . ft.!'.r ..1M' "'d• • _ ..... _ . . , . , . , . "... I.a ~-u....a
,..... 1aIs.--a..c Mlar '11....... t . _ ..Ie. . . ""'1' fill -.1__
.-rclMa 1-.- _ ..............a.l' • .MU'lir til lI1eu"La1.a.. ..,...•
. . __ U ..., n.w ... ...,. ..................... to "'., •
... __ 'I'~ .... un ...... a,s .. ~ ......Ml tifft_u..... _,
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liar .-.r.a... "'U .. UalW.
I ...... s.. • Ml1D.1_ .....,.1.\,. rt_
la_I... t.a .. t..rw.1q; Dr.
. . ~. ... I.W ........... w elaM!""" 1al.....,,_• ..., ~
I u.t"r ~ .....-\. ~ ... toN... Ie De . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.IIII..l.._ uw" . . . b .,
.........u......~ .... v. •.•. " ,. ___ u.t ...
... eowr..J . . . . a..ac-c:..............
..-a .......
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... a....J._ '-0.
1In'. 11: . . . . ._
..... ~., eM _ "z. . . _ ... 0..,......
.........1M ..........WrI' s... ....... _ 1M. . . .

~R~\ •
.je "'7 Repat.
c/R ell Repet...
2Ol. lDcflborl SchCdt .. .. -I JJ1

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MORl DoclD: 218371

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a-Ml,... a..-1cJ'a"--.1.,..
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air . , ....n .

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MOR! DoclD: 218371

DE.....RT...ENT 0,. THE ' :J..VY

WA ....I NC'TOH as, D. c.

l' : ". ; ·1: = ~ .
~:,al 13-(;;),');'

; ":-;-,J' C),.;.ct cu· •.aftl !pt. n.:~ : ta1.::: 3 OCT 19511

• I i'""".oIV'JU w-r.. oer. !ir ~:Jkl.·tl , __ WICe rs:r _r.oe.
l:. :. • AMt ...." . ' . ' "'.:" .;, ... .

:" .J I ';::.. ,. . . . \oJ t.he 'hl :...d !ir..t.oa ~ nr..... l~ or ,'II ~'1.:4,
:..: ...c~li.L, ~,:, ·, : .,r ; . . ,.'0, . :aq~ f or
.£:cl. (1) CeZ"'\.. : -..d Ci4Ck
U. lI',t·.-d SLa\4JI:
,_.,m.., ~!-.1e \0 \I. "",,-,.AIr ,.~

1. f •.cw..:.n (1) .. t~ . erwwal. to dtrJ·I'~;- t.~ _ _ . . or

'r:"~"-,orI..:. toa t.o \,. LtUl.«I 5\(":01: r.: tJw ~~_t.. Dr IIr. 1'I!e! ••
1i. r~~; 18 • llit or ~ ~ ,10 ..~Iy .

1IIIt.r. :&l'DUo tr18~ 18 - 1. ".• e- - A· . bO

)!".." "'-d ~.t' : .a:' - · III,: -.or .01 1 _ A~ l.!.

2. It. b r.qI.,.~ UAl lol~ Q:.,ye ~ . . ~."... t:.. Liov &CC J;.Qd.
0.: Vw ct.d.:1I'...r "-ft r:s..~ :...,: ''O''A.oao 111 ~. =ar.1.:.'. Iar ;
\IIi" ~' ~I e.acor\ Gttr.o.r daLl;'1&t.ed by 'h. tr.p.,.\,Y Il1r.c:\o1' at In~lli_
v.1Co. ;:'"" . t.o _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . I ~ ito " - lona:_JJQr'At..:en 01' ~~
de ~ ~.,.,.. n 18 lD!erwLood u.t. an..:r all roqu1.ro.....u:..
~ ..:... bean Mu.at1ed aDd . . . ".nafar at u.....,.... tt.~Ie. t.o Lie
.. ; • ..-.1 lAc.... \Yt.1oar
.lIlln1.a.; '!....ar.u
tile perl. at ,,",,':"wa1. . . . ...s.dllal talat.oe ......
t. ~ ~ to &.he .w "..J. "YC..c1.:r _an.
w':"\.,I; ~ eonruw kccqn ec kt\al .-'Id1.\I.an. 'l'tIb _tJ.0I\ rill
02W\!.t.u'- " - tlDll - . ' J 2 .l>e

;,. f:. IA ,r
r.CIn"\ant 101'. ' : :· 71
n.,i. 'Y.clni ~ 1nt.e1l1l";• • :.n.:.~
~1oe a.-; :•
...t Dn,c:zU!. :l'.1Q8

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MORl DoclD; 218371

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1. : :..:~ ..... ~..:_ t.. \"2) ~ ~. _ , ~' ,.r:.. ·: . , j . ' .. ~til 1.:1 accor."i&;'ce \;ith
r,,_"~ ·c. ••C ., (~). ;)r. ,..:..:.i",'1 .i~ ), .,·C ::.i. ~l $~c : •.lht, hr.:": b~8n
c ;":.::,,,:-,;(: :..;: -: :;\. .:... VI:;::' ':~·.: ..i.dC('; ~"":>r~, tury 011 .. co:.tr..ct not
to c;, .. I.;-,JQ ! :.:'" e C) ; ~ .: t :·.:s:. ::p. 6.· ..· .;, ...eu ... t t :.E- L;i~orE.t.:>ry
1: .r:,l:: 1:':-0.
..::"r :dr::n.• ,i...... er ·...111 ':t:!':!:·t .:'roL: :.(! :-t.:-v(:r 7i~1<i, ;..:.o:ZSf:c:.-.J..':E.:ots
0:. 3(' Sc ~ l ~:;O t :-~ l' :.!~ :. ,; :.: ':lJ ':'~:":-"" : 'r·
JO Dr. Sau.er ':1::' :."_ ':" .... '- '."" c:- : 100) Eo I' V:E:";'.,t o ·.h'
pc.y:.oe .ltot Fe::":,,. l ; •. \ : ,j . j . : :::i.s v... ·.. . ::',)'::; 5 ... ~ ~;:c

..; ":.: :: :,;. ::..:
La.~ orator1' ,;e: -, ::.:-: ~i. ,. \:c,J.-.:.... : ~iG.' t.J ·.~· .. :::t .:>'! C::- :~!::1 -:Z :'.' i:I.
llavE.l O::icer.

~' . iLIE:i\,
• t::'l;~

( -'

MORl DoclD : 218371

."," .',

10 Jort-.. r 1I0I0

. . . . . . PCII CU.'. . . . .I.al ...........,..... See"......... M1 • .....a..

InelUC.... EihUI. . orn.. ., _ ..... , C::1Id., . ,
. . . . . . . . .......-.1 late111&-M C.ter. orrl. . eI
-...a.l IatliUta-.
caJ..t. It~. a.cs....
r. aca.. C-\nl 1..-"111. . . .
AI.." A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
-.-,. r-.. ~ ... leJl,t ....... .. .. O.

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II ' ' ' ' h- uc. .... ~ . . . .I 0" lr . . ~
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Ir. a.
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M.I'Ia .... , ..... 1Ir. . . . . . . . . . _

... III'. . . . . ~_ _ fill PMt I "

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at . .

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . • f bh...,,_ *,-,..u aD au •
......... ..s*.
_ .. 0ItJae"- J.&a' ,.. ,...... _
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.. ~

.. ". DA.a', _ La 1IId. . . . . . . . . . . nOll ~... I.&ft.

J~ Jtepat. -·
cit. Ctl ......
cIA 2m rori rr_ CONr;D:NTlAL " " - . , -I}J'
MORl DoclD; 218371

•. "'a 1 ''II ....... ..~, ... W

M.ut.., ............... " .... C_ ....
\M Dar...... la..U ......

au •• ac.u
...,.... IrK•
.w.s......" ... otft_r


MOR! DoclD: 218371



Flll: .1): !n;r R!pI.t., 201 Haw r. ~.,.

nLEL~,... t
eta ct. Ba,pet.

JW.. 10• • 0 ..11: SJ6JI'ir:Jijj/OR Sl1IJP3IS

_ did 13 8.,... '" P..t.1.1Z'D at Far. . Papercllp Sp.c1allat. to Gar-zv.

\O~•••..,.• ..s cu.. IaDa F. UIDl d~ tr tIS CD :ZS JulJ' SO em per~at
na.. 2)00. : rf'turD to C"-.zQ'. lD t.bl. ccm:leet,1QD data tr D rec1d
: laSer 4at.. or 14 JUDe SO tCll"WV'd.s tor Wo. SUbJ •
. .lot.:! .". C~ll tbi'f'. Ithaoa, N. t., dace 48•
... p'aat..:l 1aa1g. n..a am "&II la.tul.lJ a4a1tt.«l t.o U.S.
tor ~-.neat r_1dence 011 16 Feb. SO.'

" . ... .. ~, .: I - OJ1

MORl DoclD: 218371

~-~,,. ~
<. - - - ­

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12 SEP 1~5lJ
lroel u,.._ fit ....,.1 laW.l1pMe
h I toIT"''''.t Jat.1U. _ . Oe.nl. ''''''. C. i. ~ . .
,., "....._""',," ... U.S- -..., Ii:: .'-1 '..UUl. . . . .' • .,.,.t:
I.,. ..-.... ." or .....u. . ...sau... _ ,,,1';"
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a.. __ , - I ~ hi" up
url_ .... _wat.__ I
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IIna1 _
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WIll '-U- ...
NIl..... tnwl 'fIa p.a
. . . . - . . . ._1910.
., ............

w .; . ;: ~,-/JojO

::: ..•..
MORl DoclD: 218371


ekOSS Jt£f· t n .JICt SHE i f

CROSS W ' o FILE • ......,.~ :-:. ~ .... t. f

p. !S;t:lah .

DtsC51!'710N Of f-JSF.I§
:nii'JtcT LIl.I/jR srfiOPS1s

j :·· ..r rr .a: ( .. 1. oi, '~ .;!li.i.IS" ,\c1·\.IrIlU''; t.Co :' 8:'1:.:1; , _-:'r ,
: t\.-:l' >0 ~ r.r . : .. '~ lJ , :5, ;;Il~ Ill~ ex. !or-anilm: t:~:'.r6C"
I !·r r).' l ':td .: .. ; ~..JI . ~C slJl~hed by ":.....·lo;..er (.~ ! .r•.c:r
.~cl.11.~ ;·cort': Joo~ . :r?-:o ret'd t •• ·: lD'tany (\J • .;U : 0\'. ".: I

f I r • .;o ~. wu ~~.J.~· eO ~o:. tif:l t.. of ,u'{ A:.c) "h11e 1: l.S.


• I
.:. .

, . '
MORl DoclD: 2183 71

"".U_ ,,-,
1e1a' J.t.ell'. . ,. "'_USD
UGl '"'

"OI&IWI rca c:as..t, Aa1a1.nnUft MIl

11.',. Gr."
QJ.et, _..oiel ,.,..,...,
~ et ., G-2,

..........~ fao..s..J. 1II~ a.ner, otn. et

...&1 Z.Wl~. _ . .
...,..~ _cs.n-r, """ _\.r'al :r.w ns ........"
"\al Dr. 1. .1 M• • .....,.
_ .. ""- at _ . _nll, .,..I.. U.'I~ ~

...... __
___ ........
~~ !I'_­
. . ,.,,_.................... .rr.. n,.... ..... Zl Dis twr
1' __. 8r. m:mru_
....... ~ fII ... AIr ...... (-....at 1/1
Air _ _• _ .. rs.w, _> _ .... _ .,cSot_,
nsau. Sa ...
... _ 2J IIq 194'~

-.. ~ naa.uta'......n t • .. ,.t.rt.a,,, .........

-..s... .. n-.n .. a.r-, Sa .JIIIN ..., . . . . , n _ ~ ~
Ida _

sac ."blU..

. . _-- . _-ns.-
. . . ..-1........, . . ~.....s", ftt6 .......
(~, s ). ___ Ida __. , . . . . , Ud.a %', T1II.. Ir. r , ..
ilia . . . . . . . . t., ~ .,.,....., ~ "-'''1tV, ...... GI"IIII\
~_ at s.a.. CIod_ _ _ L -... _ (JIG). _ _ _ I
~ sa . . .

............ fII
au..... "'"''sir, ..... 1_ . " .
I , " _ ' .aas9
~ ...
_ • .-IU
. . . _ ....

..,.,.u. ... ...

, 1IIe

..... Jtf"". u.s._

G ' ..... J'SaMo\b
_._ _ ~.
DIN ...... _ .....:l
ns. _ _
Ir. ~ wtll .. ,...,. ftl.-. . . _ , ..... ......s.- _

lit ...a'...... ta1a • • 'NUa wpM au ....... w \a. ...... IU\N.

'1 'Qua., .............., d ....... S........ . - _
....._ at _1000 _ at ~ ..... - d l i r <If
_ _ >.~ - • ..-~­
. . . . . . . . ~ _ . U- .. ;;:&.;; .. _ .....
~ _ _ _ _ _ . .... _ , , _ . 01. . . . . _ _ ~

Iftau. ...s.....
Ie).' .....' •• 1UMUra'. . . . . . ,_
• ftl1 - ' s...lft ..,. . . n Q rt-..-. MW'W, .. ...u
.. ____ 1M ~ ....... tv rdN........ tie . . .
II '*I.­

, , ' ~: -/JII

·.,z ' ."

MORI DocID: 2183 71


,. a. - ..... 10 _as_,.,_ lot_ _

RIll 'II! ~ 10lIT liN It_a OIf&Crl_ "I". .,

UI . . . . .
~ Il1O


,~ .

,'1 -0'17

MORl Doc l D : 2 18 3 71


rlLE~. e::.ty ; ... .Ii..\.:Jj , r,;&4·, .ian:.

cnoss REF. FILE, " "T ' 'Anta;

111. ·' s;;.ot!i

Dtsc!UM lOW Of fAAS

JIQl llO. atiftcr AJC>Z(JE lYCOPS!.
'11 DA';E
lie) o."dat~on of Pa},'erellp ~pec1all~ts. ~lfoX) cltd 4:':' :.u .
Ii'l~o to M~, Uavy aid ca. Rp1.. cltcl 2";' liee. _u~'1tt.ecl.

. ellllPlo)'W' of ape daaet HaI~ Cebelein, eebedloUc t. ~ r~
lD"n to Certal\V about. 7 Apr SO, aay_ t.bat altl::OUf:'b he per­
or'*l hb a.u1cned clut1.e at :tr1atrt- Plt.tteNOD .An in •
atlaraetClr')' _ Ivoer, be c.anot. be cl...1t1ed ... beiDa pre­
r.1nant. 1n hi!; field. Subj haa l1m1t.cl. coat.&c:t nth eont1 ­
ential ~ted .. ,! w:,!le a~loyecl. by U·. at CODllWld ; bo........ ,
recolllC en1ad " ." \. ••" ...... eI he be placed WIder aurvei­
lIlanee aJ'ter ret;;r.l to 'i.-IS,.,._
;:ace Dot to be 1, elud.ed 0
FY JlCA tiFt.. :


~ .. .: . -/311

5 '. . - ...• 's'r<'..;, , . . .~ .. , ~ ' .- .
MOR! DoclD: 218371

17 llaftb Jl9S0
roi. :.or

~t.1_ .,
raw-oup IpMteJ.,' " dW
17 ..-cIa
1950 to ~,
am! Cll t~ r_ bro.
I_ . . . tIC _ np;d .alaI.tW ..


Ialb\. I'rUdrlcla L ......, .....

~ t.a 0. . _
28 ~ 1950. 1Ir. ....
:ta bu bella ~ol4ad ..... Dtpl
I ~ tile A1r rCll"Oe at \be A1z' .'-1
" .J. c ", ~M'--- Abo
i.... BaN, DQt.aa. CIdo. . ..
"1I&II'1IS'. __ wUl. be ..... too
Inca CbJoot..l.. Uo\ _ U. _
1- rr.,. .......... _ .


~ :. z· ! l -/JtI'I

"- " nf'f ~ · ".,

MORl DeclO : 21837 1


WA.HINCOTON U . D. C. ......... .... .


Fn:a I Dlnetor of lfan! Intelligence

To • Dlhctor, J oJ.nt Int4W genee ObJeetift. 'eaner
8I.&bjl Cu. of Dr. Han8 lDOCE ( CAl.)

ltat I Ca) JIC». 1969 "o.d 7 ...... 19S0

1. Jtat~ (a) nqu.e.ted 1Ator. .Uma .. t.o wbethu tbe n.~
or t.be "97 ailbt be 1Dwn.t.d 111 utUiainc the .. mc:.a or Dr. !bib
ait;.hco clS.ncUT ar t.brwch K....cl'ua.t te IMtltute or ' eelaolol7_

2- ftt. h to ad't'Ue 70U that tbe DlPIZ"'tact. or th. 1&..,. t. =able

to ut1l1... the .,nio.l or Dr. a::.u.
). " . ott1~ or II&ftl a..arch bu 1D.tonaed tb1.a artice t.bat Cen- .
bal. IDtelJ.1cenc. ApDc:J' h DecoUat1zac: to ampl.07 Dr. ~ UDdor
I.be.1r ~d1ctlCl1D.

1,. ~uioa 1:rr R8ghtered ~ xau or D. S. rechWred .aU

18 &Ut.Mr1.s~ in a ecol"dance r.lth Article 7"';, tkJit.d Stat. ""7'
Secur1t.T JilaI:Nal. ror Cl.uri.tl.:i Matt4r•

. ';.

t • ••

", .­

8 ", ;, C j -/J5'1.
MORl DoclD : 218371

, ,

) .

IIc•.a"c;. . ...­. f.,,(: J1... ctor, Joint.lnt. .1U~.. c. O_Ject.r ""...

Ar enC7, .loint. Chht. of st..rr

S : W:.C·T: fI~ue.t. :or ftl!'o ru t.ion r..oncem.Lai: ;er:"'"


4.., !na Chler, ~~loU..t.1Ot1 11'9., JItiA,

- d\d 1 c,ct 4:1 . wb,~ •• 1,,"_, JroA )41'9.

1. 'bnarded h....n\h 1. oloO"lPhic *-\ata of

Prot..->r ~, lall-mn.

Cenval In\eWc_c. ....nc:r hn rut o\.h.,. J"e'?Or\4d

1nt~~tl on too IICld t.o that. AlmS-he ~ J'Ol:r' "~CT in
0DatI~1on l'1\.h 'hie requ..' co!'lce,. ,Lnr the ;;~ ec1eo'ln.
I n retereace abo•••

htW'l.u. I. Add.1CDU
".Q.l.U... "-1.1"'" lII,ftotor
Cl ttlQl ot Cou.ou.oo Ind m • .-.,...UOD
.. Jncl.

"lOA )479 dt.d 7 Det. 1948 t.o CU•


-~ .

: . -IJ!)J
MORI Doc ID : 2183 71


N• • : hll1U:nn, Prot. Ii.,.ta.at Cu. No. 7008787

Variant: ~: 4 No.lIlber 1948
Alia:. :

Pr,ul!n1. Position: Chief of PiQreies Blrthd,t.:

Dept . , KWI ror PlV~lcal Chem.1stry I Birthplace :
L9£.tion: Ber lin
Borlin-iWlbll, . .dean Zon. ·
Gen . OccuD. tion: P~sle.l Ch.~st
1fh1 h
:larit,\ Statua:
fine 0" Spou se:


PPlit1etl AtrW,Uon :

Pror...or Hart_\- IIIlb.-tn , pre,ent c bUr ot \-he Pt17wles n.p~\-,

1a1.er-W1lh.~ In.t1tJ1\- tor rtvelc!l C"-ilU7,!I.u • nudent or Prota"or
Ra"bar .t. that. In.Utut betor. 19)) aDd ta..d to 1••.,. Meaa" h. . . . Jft1.h .'y
IW-inc the Mad ",iJa' lal~n '. book. nra not al.lcrnd to be .,14.21 R.
retuma1 to the t,cult,. ot KWI to cont.inu. his ra.U'cft 111 Jun. 19~. At '-hat
\-1.JDe he • ..., reported to ha't'. re1\l ..d an ott'l" to woJ"k tor the Rus.l.,e and he ­
111 said . t.o han netern orientatlon.y

In January 1947 Kallaann rlaiWd ParI. lI.lt it OCN).d. not. be tum..:!

wh.t.her or not he ddteel .,y ot the r.eneh nucl'ar pl17alcbt.s . At tM, t1a.
he . . . "WOrii:1.nc 00 nw _Uocl. ot cou.oUal and _uuritlC """11.5 ot alpha
partJ.cl.e. r.. t lon., s-r..,..., WId 1 _ _ rf71l . Roape , .tIo. lallaann tol.d .t.;,ut
.. his up.r1a.alte, pataad \.he s..ator.-t.1on on to "h. Ru ..!ln. who bee... 't'.l"7
Ialch int.er.. t.ed. .!1
~ . ~rd..t.ro., Chi.t, R... arch .nd Cont.rol SeCtion, Econotdc D::I..... la1an ,
o as, )arlin, t.hints Kal.lJaam i.8 mre tnter•• f.:«I in .clenee than politi" ...s
15 will.1na to d1aeuu Id• .., ri\-h the 1"rw1ch, the RDnbn., or al1t:Dcb' .b• •
lIonS.atroa d id not. . think lallaann 0CI'Ill.d be COID1I14.-red an 1nto~t ot \-he
Ru•• l.,•. /J
In hbruU7 19" )ttllll.W".n di,closect t.he d..,.lopclWlt ot • radlo.cthlty
.ll8uu.r1.!;Ja: a"n1c. which h. oontend. will """'1:7 taclUt.ab .toI'd.c rel'U'ch
mel end. the u•• ot Geller cou=:at..-a .!I In th1.a dn1c. "h. Ucht nuh caaaed,
"b7 , 81n,1. alpha part.lel. in a nour.acent bocl:r 1e ..s. too 10 "bro~h •
_Uipl1.r t."... The bpll•• produced 1 • .,.,lined lind 1nd.1cat.ed. 1::!r • cat.hod.
r., oacill.oa;r8pb . Th• .,.,Ut.ud. ot the d.n.ctl"'Z1 Ie proport.1aatl \0 ·"he
inten5ity ot \he nuh. Becaa •• t.be :lnt.anait.7 1. d1.rec"lT reh\.ed. \0 \he enlra'
or t.be particl., "he _upUtude or "he d.n"c\.!on 18 u,tId u a _&1\1"'"t the
enei'D" or the partJ.el.. 1\ 1e cl&SAad tha\- \he .trantac.a or w. _t.bod o.... r
the CW'rent _an. are that UI. UllPl1t1caUon requ.1 re4 1a ...uer md the pla'"
ot tlDunacalt uterial can be ex~.s. .u117. !hil MtIDeS ... a:rt.-did W
_ ••u.re t)w . . aJr lJcM n .. tut. caaa.s by .ilt,l• •l.ctrona and. b7 , - - ~,
. sq'( .. ,.--'"­
;. 21 -13:);
MORI DocID : 218371


Proteuor lIart..mt. J(alllllann

and 1\ 1a ch1a«1 f'\Imi.hed \J.W .bo\a~ tohe enu!lY or tohe Q\llnh 1nwhtcl,j/

• A recent report beli~ed reliable stat.es that Prote••or KlllNann ha.

been contact..:! .everal t,1Ift. . in recent. ::aonth:s about. j oininc: the Run!." CIOntrolled
Berlin Unh'u81tl and that. he has nru ..d all orrers, hlllflann has applied for
-.ip-aUon to t.he Un1t.ed St.ltel.Y.

Phlllde1pMI illllet.1n. 17 february 19L5

lAC J.leney, \{uhinlton, June 1946­
DC 'IMer. "o1uhil'lgton, Septe1lber 1945
lAC '".,CY I 'A'uhJ.ncton, Ju17 1947
llC ".,q . • .,h1ncton. FebN"" 191.8
DC Alener, .uh1ngton. ;) Ho"hlber 19.48


! -IJ,5'
MORl DoclD : 218371


9 Ausa" lY4Q
~iW:.l."" n,1\: J1l'ector, Joint. Inhllitence Objectiv.ea AJ;ency
Joint. Chiels of St... tt

S:,;aJd:1': WOp'aph1c Re.,ort on MAT1'A:.ICH, ~oaet

!U.!""l.1I.iICl:.: IntoraU request. :rom Chie.(, bploU.at1on

Dh131on, Jm.., :lated 5 Aup." 19~.

TranalriittAd. hernith in responae to t.M ,....uut cont.ained

in rerUMce abo...e is • biographic report COYU'ing the following
ind1rldual ;
MATT.lUCH, Ir. Josef.

!.xecuthe a..i "... t Dlrector
Pbr .Collec\1on .1Pd Ddsse~.tlon

ZAcl: 1


.' ~. ,
MOR! Doc ! D : 21 837 1

', OJ · •

Hue: MA1':'J.1Ja.. Dr. JoseJil. Cu. ~.

---V-ar18Dt.: Dat.e: t
Pre"llt. PoalUcm: Reaea:rcb at. lOS5
'llC. Tilnl:Di8D .AU.ltria
LocaUoa.: '1'a1U1D6en
~aUoDallt.y: GenaaD
Gee . OcapUOIl: lIUclear cb_itt.
Race: Vil.lh
J:ducaUOIl: Sa: Kale
RirUal St.atu.:
. . . of Spgu!e:
Bemar.: ~4rcm:

ReUdoD :
Pol1t.lcal Jrfil1atloD:

Dr. J'o ..pb Nat.talcb.. ~ lIlClear cb_t.t. .-4 tomar ... lst.&Dt.­
41rector ot the Ia1ser VUhelm lDIUwt.. tor (b.s..t.!)' lD Jftl1D 1/ . WI
rat.e4 .. OIIa ot U:ae t.op pereau.liU.. lD tbe GeboSl Duclear r . . .eb
PI'OI1'8 'tu14 cm13 QD bie p!'ftU "COl"!. 2/ • ~ht 1D t.be flel.4
ot . . . ~~. 3/ h. C8III to the TuUwt.e iD. 1939 trca Vieaaa aDd
b~t with !alii !ais d.cl!ble tocuslllc precialoa . . . .ctrocraJil tlllicb
. . ued .. a aodel. fer a De" CIDI. y .
ID Oc:\ober J.9l&J
Mat.tach aollabont.~ with A... Flam:DerIfel4 OD. •
M"r 'Cob a pree..r. ceerat.or DOW 1D CICID.truCUOD ·aDd t.b.e pouibll1t.1e,
or it.. u,a ~ate4. "bJ' the tomer 1r& a bcto.r. as; u.. EWlC lA :BerllA­
. D.bl.. MaUmch a1.:t lectur-.! at tbat U •• 'Cb \he 118. 01 IDactl...
hotopts .. lD41oaton·. y
, Ie . . .1ated tor t.rutt. trail \11, mc. h11!1a&I:D to Ma1D.I
'I1IU.nnUl to tMe ~e:r the mall' of lDorjJlD1c ~a'l7 1r& u.e tall of
19116. 11,.nk \bIre . . to tie p1.a&rU,f ccmOC'lled with lVIC reeearch
., bol lllo Vol...ra1lZ llNl! _ Dol 00 be effUlal04 wi'" me. l!
Ia. J_Gar7 1947 t. len torr Sldtl.rlaoi tor !'eUOIIIs of 1U h-.lt h
&ad . . of Jal 19'q _ . . .tUJ. at. lApDo. Sw1t...rlalld. J!
Hatt.mCb baa mUe ae.Q' arUclee ·'mllt of thlcb are 11.tad. belOw:

Ia ooUalloraUcm vlth BalD _
p.,'*1DC rractlcm .
Flu,cp. 'bot-ope Yeidlh Uti

~ . .b!iIt:ot JlIQt.roaa Occur1ltc 111 tbe n.iQD of 1J-.2J5 _ tJ­

2J11". 19'10.
Ia ..~U... willi J'1IutKo "Iocl._ ~Ico ~ol>l_·. 19'12.
~proved for ilel ease
Date 7 NQY l!~
MORl DoclD: 218371

.. .

...--.u-••lIIh of l.faUn ~emc:l .. or ·teat.ope.·. 194).

•a:. tlI. Appa,raDC. of bCJMrtc: At.oslc ll1c:lol· . 19111.

-no Ql.. lca1 Zl• • ta am •• tural ho~ Accor4111C t.o lb.

State of B..-.rdl OIl botopel KId. t'\acle1 • lIepon 0lIl ~n tl'Qal :
_4 of 13)1 \0 ..! of 1~)~). 13'0 10 ooll,aooraU.. with _ ..~
~ta 011 leotopee". 19lO..41-te-IfJ. 1.11 oollatlOreUOD wltb l'lM....
-at. • :l'ew MtUlod of )f~t or Ji:elaUn .lbmdMc_ of botopel.
J.otoplc: eaa.utuuoa u4 ...tClftllc ilel#1t 01 WA1a·. 1"'3 lD.
collaboraUao .itb --.t4.
-.topIc CaMtitGUca M4 "kalc V.S..,tlt of .~_, s..t• .
~_ •• (I.., plbUobo4>. !! ..

y W:,tpoq......_ . D•. c•. -"ed. (Socnt>

' .
y w: _c;r.._ _. D. C•• uoaa'ed (Soc",,>
1I w: _ . 1<ub_. D. C• • uoaa'ed (So...,)

MORl DoclD: 218371


WAeHIHeTON u.. Do ~

...., Ja\.ellJU",_ _

a..".."•• ......,. ~.,UN

.,....&.. . rca DrbC........f Jr.... _ t ____... CoU. .U - . .

m.eet-td._ Dh'lel... .-n._ .... " 011.' .1 .tatl,
. . . . . 11 7 ft'.'"
..... h.Heal Z...lu.c-. " " , otn••• r-...J
Ide"'. . , . . ~.
I . . . . . . . . . .,
•t Ide:-
,a,.. ...i
.I .c,.?ca...,
s . . . . . . .

Ie • 0.
~ Dbl.......11'........
fII _ I.JI . . . . .

-..cr• .t.t..ft&a " , d ' ' ' ' ' '


.~ ~td.w

_ ~ 71th _
Ie ... "'lIN'.
..... M-. recl'~
la _ . . . . ., ~ a 1ft'" l'nIc. ....
&..In....... 17 ohq lMl•
• ~ ~" LI..ft _ _ un...... _\III ,..al. . . ...,.... . .
~,.,. orA... a' .....
_ ......,.,.
(o.a.r) Me. . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . ., L . .

...... .. ,..-.-...
1U£.I8..­ ,.. ..,.._toua ... .....-n- _?It. ...
If'ft_ . . lbt
_u- _ ...
u ..... ~

.. N'..., ... _ ~--."-

_ .......... .,..,,_ ...... -a.. _ ......... ,.. ........ _

_ .. IU':la ........... _ , _ _
~ ."..U.......... _ ..... ~

-.d.. _..'..,.....,
' ..
\. ....'.. \
MOR! DecID: 2183 71


M&ADQU,It."n_ U"I'ftD .,.,It.TQ A I " "ORCC
WUHINGTON , .. D . ~


SDlJICrr (Unclu.1thd) Dr. IaN! SfltDR

Fornrdad heHllrl. \h tor 70Ur iDtomat1oD and tn. 1a • cop)' or •

.-orln4w troa the C..-tVa] IntellSltnC. AI.nC7, elated 6 .Jul. 1951,
CODearniftl aab j act.


0/. Il.KJIiI S. ]....E;.A1'J)
Ct'l\)rl cl, I'!":. ;
C!. l ~( . i'l ~.:.: n,i~ B!'~..: : ;~ •.
Pol! c )' ~:\' ;:..~ .. r.
) : .c ~ ',. .. ; ! II' C'U! :"":":I': ~

~ :l ~ U z l-ISO~

MORI DocID: 218371

.-r. . ------­
.. ..::: J.. ;; ; ; i. 1 " C L ..L.:L .:.l

:U:. W) . 101 1oar.1 "-11.,.

.C;!I:'s:,: U· . r·lLJ.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I

JIO;. Iro . ~: L.·'1'i:. .

... x.cs. 4W 1. *rill 61 tr (UXCJ.4I$lFIID) CUe .t Dr. IaT.l IT.AlJ.E

A.tJ" ,...... dp.ld n.u....
Ia &D4 4.,..d.. .~ ••
'u,l •• _ bub c.rr••• 4W
I reb. 61 f"r A1r ,~. W '~j-' 0... 18 r~"" t . uti _ u J'eq,uo"_
olIO&.. ... 1I•• tv _ pr.n.0U81r. F\r~'" an..ohed 18 1v.
ft4 10 lllu'oh 11 I'J' au. la 1fb.loh tJwy ."kte t.bat t.he
. . .l,.-aU . . Ia pan. I. 4. MIl: i ot oOI'Ull..\o
r .. _~ II .,. . arol:Llp ..... r:eprd."" ... n.U1
...&114. n. Dept; • .r ,he jJ.r r... J'oqu.n. u.t
\hi. _~ . . p .... - ' .,.uou u-.a.at•

- ...... -~-
'i i'·
MORl DoclD: 218371

z s ~ 1

7lLE NO:=========:_==

ann.... _ _ _ ar., 10_ _ . .

ua:a •• .to _ .


....... .. . . . . . ., ... IWtd_ fit , ..

lIS. . £'f . . . . . . . . . Ean.l ftaU_~ II-..u
_ .. or ... _ _ _
~ CIlIA ~ ...... _._.1. U Ie .........
. . ., tile .t..-.a r.,..n..... ZI ..... Ill. lie • •
-..t........ ...tala . . . . . eI aU 1Jd'•• _ ~...
aftl1a\l. la Ua. ..... ellIM at w. 's...


R :.1 ~ ;) 2 ! -/50/
MORl DoclD: 218371

s¢T ::UUt
.llIth CS . Us£)

&rODf-<:/cc-8 (201-l.ob)·.


sanct. (VDclun.t1ed) r-1~UCID ot Dr. I'ew.a,tol'l Il1ao-Ttm, IDR .
ad 1I1!e, lin. "aac tiD IDB •

1. It U re~e.ted tbat \be Jo1Jlt Chier. ot sw.tt ODu1d.er ·the

cue ot Dr•••l.lJprtoa Bl1ao-1\IAc ~ Imd h1A wt.t., ."... ,,_.
LiD lAb,
Cb1D... DaU~, tor r.co--.s.t.1aD to \be u.p.ua.-t. or stat.. tor
-trr 1Dto the GA! t.d Statu SA U.e tint. priori tT DCIIIPNte..-.c. cla..
t4 qg.ote s.-l.&nDw. n. ~ ...t ot u.. .u.r rorce GOUt"n u.- to
be .u.u ...t.o....~hdoa . . ~ du1nble bee. . . ot cutabl .s.u t.z7
hlpl.1.c&\1ou att«vl1a, .t.b. ou.. WOru.UDD to appal't. \be ou. SA
lacloald b....t \b.

2. 011 the 1?uU or \be eeoa.r1v bnw.u.aatlClb cClDdaot.ed bJ ••

C:ttic. ot Spee1el. ID...\1&&UOId, Brl, VW, 1Ir. Lela 18 IID\ oou1dered
to be It MaU'1t," tJu-Mt W U. U"D1Wd Statu. Tbt P'ediI;ral IiIlNill or
Ia...st.1&at.1DD npDf't bU I»t 'DMD .t.1tt.d, bat. conupoDdeea tn­
• .&.ot:1Ac ec..s..doaer, ~UClb _4 •• ta.nl.1satI.cD s.z...tce, _thor­
1s1D& PJ** •• tUUOD for Dr. lab iapll_ u.. a:t.ateDca of • rnorabl.
1l«IIT1t,'" ~ rn. -u. PDI. '~cbeck oa 1b'II. Lob rnu.l.a DO :
dePoPWIT Woru.t.1oa la \be t:I.l._ ot \be Ottlca ot 3pec1.al. lD?Nt1~
ptloDll. Sq, USU. Cl4 the redan1 au-... ot IJnoest.1ptJ._. 'cbtck
of t.be records baa 'beta nqa... ted ~ tM Directorat.e d lIlt.el.l.1I.ce .
Far lout .llP rare., -.5 u. .uz z.a.u.GII otl1~, IlIIllloar, Cb1Da.

). 1\ s.. "CP.~ \bat • apectal aftorl be -.de at. U. earl1.n

po.. .11:11• •ta to briDe 1IIto 1M tJu.1ted st.atea 0'11. It ~1W7 buU,
PC41D& penamt. t..1&r&Uoa, ..... --e UD Lclb. n. D:lnc1Or&\e ot
~tellJ.&. . ., Bl, USAF, OODdden \1M -\r7 at lIN. lob to l:Ie 1D \bit
uUcmal 1IIt.er.t. boa • IIllit.a"7 poiDt. of ria. lIN. Loll, - - . . or
bar..-r-_t. nllc1eoe 1a b , b , . 11 .bjec\ to abda.cttoa. tr" IDd
tofted eoopsrd1oa wlth, CbJa.a C n'.~. boUli ot wUcb wallS onat..
a a1taltttca iDoc)lwtat., w1~ Ute -sn~o. ot _UCIDIJ. NCIU'1\7. J)!'.
lAb, 1Ibo bu bee ol.eared tor work .. btPl7 clua1tUd projecu, ~
be !AdD-ced, CIIwl_ u.. ..c.r1t," OCIDUol _ aarelM4 _ toM tJD.1ted.
• Sta... a1l.1t.al7, to ~D(Cltte wlt.b lIN. 1m &IS ~ to pr ach
c1AIIs1.t1.ed iAtOr.t:lCll U u. ~ ... tw, .bc...ld ... hl1 tAtoo ~
_ _ ot _U..a-rielD tore_.

. -.
.!.I ...

MORl DoclD : 21837 1

SiabJKt. . (DDCla.Nln..cl) t-lll"&tt.. of Dr. W.llJa&tm Bdao-,... IDR
.-:ad ·WU., ..... W.IIIII 1U IDB

L. IlN. JDb, wbo•• tJ"UIllpOrtatl.oD dll ~ &n'8:D1.c! 011 • _e:rc.1.al

bul. br her bl._d'. ~lD)'ft', tM ()QolOl14at.acl JIll... iJ.rcfttt
11 ... 11~ at. \be toUClQDI . . . . . . ,
9100D4 n.oor
10. 10 II1a atwm IID&d
Jl)q I"cma:, CIWLa

. • po...... port. 10. 2'761, U.ed b7 U. Cb:1Jl.N•••UOD-
aU.t. Ooftr-..t. . . w111 applT tor bin 91.. at. u.. Me:r1cc Coa-.t.te

lID. ca::mr til tlfur.

L lDoU
1. It_Meal data
(.. trlp).
2. D::rwutlpUcm.
_~""rl:'7 JCMN • • .aC1lD.tWf .
Irl,ac!l.r l:eaeral , USlF
). Uftcla91w. Chie f. tollect laD D1Yls1oD
Ja. Ur 4It4 20 l_ SO. Dlr.ctorate or lAtelll:eDce
./1 11115, 10 .1m SO.

! ?1

, • ..·. 40" ... '

MORl Doc lO: 218371



Follc.1I'Ir is an extract ot eorrupondence hc2 the DJ~ctor.te

or Slpeeial In..... ti'.t.1ons. IG, Hq, USAF, dated 9 Jun. 19570, a&bJectl ~
(Uncl.u.ltled) Dr. WellinGton Hlliao-1\an, Loh - Contractor ~ploye •• t

2. Tt.e (1$1 records contain no record of the IUbjeet and
the fUn ct m/GSlSA. contal.n DO reteJ"W\.ces to this indhicllal.

). The Air P'rv-TDat lI..,..hal NCOnU at I"rlpJtt-P.tW"Gn

U r Force Bue were cheeked and ,..nee t \ha t on 1) Sept.-ber
19U aubJect .... ,ranted a Secret. Clearance b...d on the p~
...blcae ot Par 6c of Ani)" _oran4lD 3eo.S--l0. IDH.u at
that t~ . .plored b7 ConaolJdated-VU1tee Aircratt COrporation .
The !D.. aUI.Uon ..., con~ct.ed by tJle Pirat AJ1IY and consisted
or cheeld.nE tQJr Ct.) reterences and -.0 (2) Agency Checks.
nuel1. t"NI, 1st N2.nl D1atrict, Boston, nusaebuetts and \.he
Police DepartmWlt, ~oston, 1I&:Ia •
.. .. .. .. .... .... .. to • • • • • _


~ ..... O.ox."-r

. .... ./", 1·[ " .< ~ 0 " , -/SI/
. ., "
:~ ./ -\"' '"

-- ~ ~
MOR! DoclD: 218371

.... . .~.".i
,, .
.... . J,.:
t." . . , ..

C • • "I'IC" •

•- oheab . . . "'cW em lIN. _ . UD IDI b7 tM to1­

lRiac '.-0'''' :
-..a1 ..... f4 IB_UpUAIII
0-_ 1B~11poo. ,_
......-, of V. , - , iii, 0.2
D.,.....\ of t.M Sa..,., CIII
otts.oe ot .,.W ra....t;tpu... ,lIP. ~"

•• ,...,.. b7 - - ... I'WftIltd. 8OOOI'IUIrc to tel .....

_ ......u.. ft.~ .. DlWU-ltw 011 . . nz)"
(t... 1>04 '-I, ... _
(hi' em _ Cop'. . . . CIrI VI&P, t ...
CIIl). (fta Ifr. 1INoo7. CIIl). .



, '

,, :; ~ (0 21 -/5"/1­

J.------~-----'~ "
• . 0 · ·

MORl Doc lD; 218371

"elll,t lD"'·lll,.J.f'·'
Ob,) ,.t!··........·r-:-,,\"

" !I..., nOl

CM.r. IIlor,r"phle h.I:"~r, 01,; ;

C.nlr. : 1 ,"~" U1 .;~m· 1' I .(.-:IIC)·
".M"~~ :~~'. r,• ..:.

L.... :;!...,

It b :"e"i,"" . ·..ud ~t AIQ' !.JI !·c .... t1_ :10'1 ........ the .. '.dl'10 p....
eal ..rt u .. I ' 1'O:!.!tlor.l .rlllt. H o". ot v..
IMl. . . . . d IIerQWt .,...lau.t•
.. t'Vr_rd.d to \hie Ac-nc,..


MUHI\Et.. t,rn.t l!lectrlo l. ~ "'nc1...r1q, Obr.lden.

Dr. (lIn11ldccaat ;'1LI:...s.t~,.. ) Caatoa :\lri"h.
Morn l~ Aprl) l~". ~!t&.rla.nc
at • ..,..Dhe1a.
ItMlnpfllh. o.~

:(;KJt):IlI n . ''It!11'~ r."l no' ~lC.

"ro f . I ,... ' :.,c.'. &&.p ":hl.
!'ora 11 "'reh U.S
. t •• rll11, 0 " _ 7 .......,
Ooer.;,.•• 1/r.\la"••

• 'UIRICH. fteu.." c/o C_lId.r •

aon I_ olanu...,. 1»"..1' U.I.....1 'OrD•• ,
at Gr"'tl •• O.,.,ay ....lta.O___,.

'6r. II.IDKR tao bad at le.d .1,ht (I) ,..,.. ",,"'.DC.

b ....,h1Jat;
an.1101 •• . d••l&D. d~.lo,...' .ftC ~~ tn.tall.tl••• r h'eh ,...r broad­
Mot tr&Aft1 tyn l"UtCiJIC t ... 10 to .,0 ku. . .tt., •• _11 •• d.""" •
...... lo~nt. and 1.• .t1Dc _bU.
"U~t~. t., :-::lltary; purpo....
trw. •• u) to (I) v\_.
Mr. Wi: ,J;UCJI ••• \Mo propriotor of All lactu.vla} , l . t . t Ch-.a1\a.
Go~. _Uh • bnu\oh at ;.Mlot."C (_r C~taJ.
• .,. "" cooplntod with ......... al'\l.ekM~, ca.l•• Co••• r Dr....... .ow­
o.a4 'ur1ac u.

-.q". aDd wi'" hoof. . .or If..n.r (who ouec... '\.U"

.oQuhod ..........1.,..

e.l .... Pacroll,
Ixtr. Cop ••

- ac ' ------""-"
;- ~~--~
, ,~, , .'
MOR I DocID: 218371



II", 1101 If .., • • 1111

"" \0 CIlI.t, 11• • III.,•• "&:1.•
al.&, WMIl. 't. I;.. C.

y.,. ;;..1\..... ) 'e1. . . . . . . • 1 .... tae "..",lalM / . . E illdal . . . .1.,.f. • p .

"'r,,1&o• • ~1r"
1.... 10.".· eo.t- .v.
., lOG •• h.,•• tMn .r 1.-.l)C ..... p. _~
J.:. .lc:u lor "'... ",,"U.I _r-o bUl.o-.l1, • .,1-\0lil. .n.r
.t '11'."11'
... _r .... _llilICM "'. . . . . . . . . . Mel. 'II' •••'­ ........
J.a .... C,...
ai" ..1.'. 111 "'lU• •• Ute II'= I,J... ,UM ala '- . . . . . . . wtM -.u,
....ca. . , .111 ... lat...... ter . .&.1 .,_~U .. La 1• • au.- 1.. •.
JLl &.:S A;,&d .~~ l."'d W, ...i p " 111. .1.... _ . . . . lu,II1... .,.,.nH ....
.,,.,.....\l~. loe ,.-;,U'':'e~ nuu., ...... ',"",,'" er .. lac.....,. ' . . . port.
lIu. :_~ .. ~ &.""'~ .. ".. " .. ,W'-
II ~e . . 'urDs.. • .,.. .. In.
1&.JIll, 1• .,. 1M "',... . .
taco ' ......... 'a ....... lit.....,•
• eva~• ..l _'- _ 1Ir. .c..n . . '- bal......

h ..... ie. .• "'0 s.a.UtuW

~ \0 .~ . . . . . . . .1a11". "r ~
,117M" 1a .... u.s.," ."."•....,.,. Pro" ..... °,..,..11,·,
• t _,,-.1 ...,..,.s.'I. Jt 1.
ilia, ~' i .l,.\I'
la ...
~1 .!1l '- brlN,h, to . .
0..&", • ~.... 1a U. ..... r ..tur ••

1 IDol .. 't. aua..na

-'I. "\a ,.. .;c;Q[E au Col_l. Gee

~ " "

..,. •
" ' . • . . • .~ ; ••. !..-.: . •,.[
MOR! DocID: 218371

10 ....1, 1111


.... .lin. "<11 ClIb'. Ph.............11., Dlna_•

........... ., lIrtIIlltc-e.
er .... .a.. P__•
.... ........ a.o.~ .
..., 'I. Gem. ....1111.1.- I»r. . . .-.. I.-a

I, all ,....1"' Ia re.,.... ·. . . . . . ",,_n r. u.t.r­

_'1. _ ........"'....,.....u....I.,..•.


1 _1.
CU ........ __
•• IOlMU. U ~ n

.....tr ",.roUp
101 cr. o-ot.J' LOIIDt

Ii :l l ~i -Z 1 -/5"0

.- :~ ...
MORl DoclD : 218371

- ­

.--.......... ..........u.• .., .... """"-.!q .-"""'e

"'-"', lla . . . . . . . . . .. .

'-1u,_ ., u. .....11n. 11.... fa ~ • ~ Cl& .......

_u......... 'U • 1Il0l. . . . . . . . , lIIl. _~ ........

-. .u ~ ~ ~ ·-.sd- Un. -..t..ta1aeiI .. till.- '. ,.

" ' _ L JIU,II


- .~ ... I
. r .. f

MORl DecID: 218371





02/AlIP 12192


86127 17 !WI 51
n. II!>
,.,.... 02 ..".., 82580 or 2 Feb.

to ani". 1A 1m'01i.~~r:~
.tootua or • ..-.t7
em 26

cu.o.~ JOeQUelt ror ~JU'ad ZU•••

~~~l~!.~ naUonal.
••ourl. and c:•••
tJ' report J:I,IZIlO
a. 1A aODordADO. v1 t.h a\U'l'ct

OlI1aIlh 02

(KAII 51)


MORI DocID: 218371



a.s.et......... "-&lo"". ' CD

Coo...1 l-.uJ.c_ .....1
2000 'S......,. I •••
"~2'. D. C.
ATT4Ir1a.. ... J. J. tll,.n

DIIr .....11,.....

Iat..-- h ....... JIOA ~ftIII_ lUJ 01 2 "",,1 1941.

~ ,.,..:.......... or IlOC";Ild...1 Diu .r OIl. . . . . .II.U ....
• 0 _,. .....\17 .n1:.... la W. 001l1'l\.I7 .,.. i.-1.... .....st.ll hr
7ft' lAt'OJMUoa ... ~Dt.ha •

...d • . . . . , .' w.o.", 1a aD\- a..u.ble .. 1M .,.o1aUa" rer

_. oalT MOCftIpIlt..1 DatA s.. ~'\4IA.

2 1Ml. II. I. SI:'1U'I'lR
1. _ •• Data to7
ai_, .... Col-.I. """

NIl,.. ~
M .. r •

~ ./u'ArTlnla •
201 a.tho •••• DUI:DA
c/p. 101 "'1'\1 I. ILDN
I I,: / . . ',-"
~.~ i _ .\ ,'\ t • ,

seuam IW'OR&t.ftOi

I , '< -/11/
I t_.
x- ;. +F ­
MOR! DoclD: 218371



loh' J,Q".111p. .
!aJlIIU..... ....,1101 l~ CIo..... J"l

7.,."... l:.wn:·ita rca' 'IV.JZ lAt~rw.ll_ .........'M ....

"'ocr-JllbSe.l, .... ,......... "1: t& ~.....UI.. ~h" U".. '-'_.

~ 1_1"
1. • ........ l .... &WJILII
a. 001-..1.
'I. Wrf"WS

• JIrl" JZnL
til"" ..
'. • • • Ant ~D .:.t.C~

.leu Mho.
201 Jobl.ma BAIOSLDt
cftt 201 .:un.... KUlTnG
cit"lC:; hlt& SlPPL
cllt ~i'~ ' noD W"CIIt
.; .

o .;
· ~ ?
- I -I/.}t'
MORl DoclD: 218371

,.;~.:;.y.( i_
Ob'..'t.... AcftO'J'

Chht, !tl~repbl. r.~h\er. -XU

Cont.ftl InwW,tneO 'Ioney
'4)0 ,.It......"
• ~n 2S, tI. C•

• nmUlh Mr. J. J ...U;:.e,..


J)oIr .....Upen.
~. . . . . 10 ....s. \0 .110.. • ..,,.nd_ WJ of a April ata~
~. r.nomU be-ont at o.,..n as-dalla' .::r.1n Il:EJ l~ 'IItw
..-tl, UTi'" 10 W. OOWI\I')', 1a incl." h • ..-1V. tor JOW"
lQfo,..Uoa. ellll rwt.aaUOJl.

1 Bi'7I.
'"'"tor ~""LtJ _ .iJ;

"/Cl1 .lrrh.b
201 Erwio ~

~ "
" '

... :. -."" ~ '''':~' ' . '

MOR l DocID: 218371

. , . ./
h. / ° 0


...... wu,en.
W..-- 1• • eM toO JlCY. . . . , . . . . 112, ., 2 ',..u 1941.

_0 ~
~ ~l

,at'IM"" aM
Ieoord .f Gtr.n .,.cldll' Ml.... sellGlat,
ant..,.. la .--.. ........" 11 t..loe.t .....s.tb
1'ft,aU.. . .
~er J"OIU"

I ••• ".DiUI:

...<.I.j • ...,.,.lftla
201 W.lter SCKRtlBDt

, ..
• -IiJ]

, ~ 0."
MOR l DoclD : 218371

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o.ar Ilr •
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MORl DoclD: 218371

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1I _ _ 1~

-,"n 1II\_nt,__
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IIQl .I . . .... ­

Q.l':, Ilac:nplllo Recll &oer, OCD

C-'"l 1Mell1c~ • ...."
24lD • ~'ree\, I •••
Wubla,ca.a ~, :». ".:.
AftIITI.. . ... I. J. II1lj,on

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s.. u.s..~. U t-1o..d
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a. ,. ID....

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MORI DocID : 218371

" .i


"01111\ ~1 .. no.
,*"..u••• ~no7



10 t.1•.
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day ... '.lawr m111.1
0 • Ins.. r15Cf1.1:.1l,.oC&1&D
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1. 0 0 lob&DD uaal
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0 wUM.la LClUimaA
0 0 0 .Iobama MStLUCIIIl
7. 0 0 • .athd~I1ID
I. 0 0 0 TSCIIaUJ
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/c.loA. Mho.
b'tn Copl..

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MORl DocID: 218371

JOI.,I It. lat.oUl,"....

O~J_t1 .... "'tncr 27 .luI), 1111

. .. u\hu,r L £J,n:wtdor
C.atr.l latetl1,••oo Aloac,
I&.so & ',"0'. I •••
'aaMa,toD U. D. e.

0..,. • • .Ilosud...

~. 1. t o .. d'l1.o Uw,t. Coload I_J_s.. W. "ok_o)"l'r. 'D._.

......y . . . . beOIl cSo.s.pat.d : ','11'1 ns,.otor, .rIGA, 0""'1. . 10
Julr lnl••• tJl. " VIM"Dt tar COI0DOI .ltIa•• I. '~.r . 80
ltal bee D . . .1p4 'to t . . . _t .OW' • • •, tile u..,,, Collop.

0.. to t.t. tad "'.t

1. • ill ha_ ocapln-d U. DO,.,l
, . r tlDv ot dut;r nth ~. J obt eM.t. r4 StaU 111 a, pnM.t
...1,*,..\ oa f S "",,,.t. Coload R. cke".,..r _111 at u.t u ••
rop1ac. . . . . DlrocW' ot .na.. oln_ 'ChI . . .01,..._t t. rota'-d
GIG a tw~,..,. t..s.. _oDC til_ M rry • . ...,.. aDd .lir ro.....
I hopo
tAoro _ 111 be Ufo op~r1. · ;a1t}' t . h1A \0 • • t. , 0" bot.,.. I 1. .,.••

J ala.... W Un a~ tld. t1II. tD .apr... a1' r a t ap,r.ohtloll

t . , our .ur read, 1A1.Orelt in ~. "'00'" or tho h,neli,
' " ocr_. UfoQ tor 1en,.,. ".17 ,,,.. t. MI, 111 l o:twine tho pr' obl_1 a.
\My 0 . . . \I'
dwlD& "'. ,.at. no :i""" •

DAlDl. •• 1Ul.
Colonel. VSAI'
MORl DoclO: 218371


, ,,


GIllot, Il,.nplde 1o&1AV, QCI)

c..\ftl ra.w.a-c......,
24JO I SV.." I. I •
. . .S..... 2', D. C•
• n..,l~. ... I. I. WU,.,..

DIU" • • Iu,.n•
..,.. . . . b . . . . . ne». __".,,'. 112) . , 2 ..Ifri1 1941.

aus...... 1O..el ...... et o.ra. lpMd,un, 1 _ _ ' . L .lID,

... "IWIIlI' UTiftill U UI;lI ...-Lt7. 11 1M10Md. buoId\la r_1fIV
1At'O,.U. . . . rw\eaUn.

I. W. _IDIiElt
0.1.-1, ~
uu..c Diftlt.r

, ..

" . • ", l ; - 11-/1

<.' ".- ~ , ,
MORl DocID: 2183 71



AUG 20 195,

!·Zi;o.~••\... ~:.;:: :'0.1: Joint. C:UcCs ot jWt

.~t.t.en t1on: Colonel Daniel ;:: . ::UIs
JoInt Inte11i~ance Object.ives Alene7
Roo" 2D 376 · ;
The PenUcon

il :)st.cr 0: S:,echU:lt:: ~o\l ;ht. t.o t.he :':nit,.ee ..: ute!:

'.il'Kier t~e ."a,l)Crcl : ;: ?TO: TU

JIOJ. Humber 1210

1. I vt.:1 to thank )'OU tor YrNT :.e.corancfw" ot 27 J~ 19$1,

which ~lo8e~ a eo,~ ot the July i.,\le ot the no.ter ot Yaperclip

~. One CO?7 ot the. Ust h alJ"e,./!y receIn~ 1lI the J.~e.ncy,

but. We wuld p'.atl)' appreciate rec:e1Y!n:; t'Ilt~e i.wes tor retention
in this ottlee anc thank 70\1 tor caUins it to our at!.e~tlon.

~eL..L. . . '-<­
if.. iiAl<SlUJ.l. CSADm.x.
juistant D1rec:tor
!)c1ent1tlc IDt.e1ll&orv;e


. .
,O£ .......
'{ I'fUY 915

. .. """ ~.'. " .-

MORl DoclD: 218371

MII\ z.wuZ w.
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CIII,.r, .......... ~, GCD

a.u..t JlM'lts_. ~
24JO & $ .....\, ••••

ii ..eM. . . . 2,. •. o.
Aftiana.. ar. I. ,. wu,.n
.I .............
...... Iw J ....,. rI A.,... .... r. ICWUCftDD•
telt . . . . ' =
.. " '1,. ant_
Iato_ _ ... - - . Ia till• ........,. 18 ' . h... .....s... t_ ,..,.

1 Jool I .•. ' ••- , •

... r..... 'CWM

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101 ....... t. ICJl,ICmw,. .' " •
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MORl DoclD: 218371

-t ,

I. " -;:6~'"
. .. . ~ ' 1 -
. .

,L 10 -_'1951
"".... n...W_
GbJ.nl ..... 'c-.y

c:a.s.at. Recln.r, OCD
c.t.nl %a"Wo- _,..,.
204" I St....., w. W.
".'WfIIW- 25, D. C.

DIal' • • '1St,.....

Jllu'ensr' . . . . . . . . . ...,.pldMl 0.'" ., a.r-a lpMdeutt.II

. . -" ~ arrt.....
."., bf't,r.Uo. ... rn.u-.
w.. --"'7 aft lad. . . hr ....,.....u.
..........~ ............ - ' a-.llAbl.. _ u.o.. .,..s..u.n..
hr _ -.l7 ...... ~oo1 .... 10 _ . W .
" =~ lftZ'II•

• ~ I. W. PCi-,,_

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au tw
1ft t . -'eI,. ,.,...

,. MI_-....·_
4. . . '"' AliM 8II1I:I. L
Cel_l, GIG

.. a ...... t.r_a.1u'l

. .r;;;/('. .
; I
~'I :

... ...
MORI DoclD : 218371

.. .-.

101a\ lat.e)l'pru.
QbJ-"- _7 ..:1
:n~ 1951

WBJrX:f1 . . . . f4 :;,,_lnllata MraI:Ic:ht to u. Uldt.d ~'-"'a ';.

\at.,. u.. P" ~l1J.. Incr­

1'0. c.,t:r.l 1Ir\al.lJc-.

..Ha. a..
"".el • ..+tact- ~•
H. IIe.nba1l Cb.4wll.
81.not,or s.s..un. lDtel.llr__
- 2505."l4c
1. ,. • _,"- 01 ~ 1A 0CIaMi0'U_ dVa U. n~
PftCI. . twr U. ~, allIS ..,.&1 01 pi' m1_t. ' - - ...
~ -.1..-:IIt..t.w. s.-J.~ tar ~ J.at~ua. ... reteUCIII
.... OlDPI' ,., u. "-1,. 19;1 i __ ot loGe :.t.ar ~ r.p..Up .
epclttlJ.at.a . , Mft t . . t.uch" to Lbe LIalw, ...... Wp ~
Ud. cJ,:a"".
:lin:7: "- ~:J, t,i,. . u llt:J)'1lc
r.1d_.. .sdr--•. - .
..ad ... .,--=1'
2. 'tau .uJ. _ Dol\. . . CNr dhtri.luuon uat. tar ht.ur.
u.u..s U 7'G'I 10 ''-In.

~_,:.&. l . .a...J.L;,j

~. b.;"j

~I". .
PlDercllp lo.~r

.. .. .,.. ' ..
MORI DoclD : 218371

"os., lAs.l.lJ,.,..
GttjeeU"•• "I' 1IiC,
J lw

.5' .h.AI. aJ. teN r....,al low,U 1.. rc. ;.p.,

A\~\loar ~ r. J. J. 'llpare

PIlI _ jed ...... 1'" tor J'CIW" r.\eaUOJl, w. Wo...pb1M1

de,,. par"Ja.1a& So \Be Au""lu apeo1alt.u l1aW. ta.l_•

.) lMle.
l •
lie .... n UIIIIar
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PJ'1adrlob ~I
","III. I. m.LlS


/cu Who.
btl'. Corl••

9 - .
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Rf.SpUCT£IJ 8 :'· :1 ~ I -IIJI

MORI DocID : 218371


~ ___•
a "'rt:'tI,
"'''iliA:.,S "\"1'1J
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(I St.


2 3 _ 1951

tCDIQRAMI1,'" lOB : 1)1.J'lctor, Jolat IDW1UPDCI ()t)Jecth'e ApDt7• .J:S

AtWDUoa: Lt. Col. O. A. Little
Roque.t tor ~or.at1OD CODOerDiDc GeralD SpecLl1i.t
MellO t'ft new. Ilolrll••ubJ: •• abo.. , 4t4 2' J\ll)' 1951 • ."

1. Atwebl4 urevitb la AUVIl" ,"0 YCIUl" l"lq,uut ot 2' Jul,J 19,1

11 a blopoe.pb1c "port OIl ee..-•• e11.t18t OU;eDter . ~.
2'. A clMlck ~ CIA fill' bin "wllId .0 t'Urt.her 1Ato~t1Qa 011
t.be "_lD4er of U.wd lD11'fld\llill.

W.t, 8e:'e.t1tle JI:nDotl, 1II/a:JJ
IDel: . ' ' ' . "t. (1)

.....CIA h.pe1'CUp
201 Gueawr LDISSR

ApprOYed fo, RelBue

Date 7.. NOV ''''­ " Z -/i/7
MORl DoclD: 218371

.lolat. lIItclH , ,,11.,;0.:

ObJ~~~I ... ~~~nC1 2 J" I,. 1»01

JIo. . .
.1lR C~' II\""1 lDt.ll1 .... r.c-. A,oDe),
.&\\Zlt Mr. J_<'l' II. ;furph)'

1. 1\ So ...._.~..s v.,\ lo ll)' la.onwUOD J01l Ian 011 U. IChllUno p,...

_1 _ _ ....., poUticll .. rti )ia·. l"~, .., !'" \h. oel_u..-! C.,...c. 'p4~lallih
be fo,...rd.d to "'II ..,UQI

J.I.,C.. · ICoIII

~ •• II,,,,,,U\,/".c .; hnll\,,.,.
Lul ...~.t,.. J.l /.; y. (;"11 • ..,

l!' .~h Ioa'tlld.. rUCht. S... r ~ rlle~.~~.

equlr-fln\ p.~,..~r«lr.\r. 71.C.~

,.,ch!dc-al :;1..... "rl b.~jjU heu../'w....n.

DI01I1. l,h... J,u\. r . ;~ . . . . ,....roy


Ur.r Str. 7•

lad :';od • .vh~\I'.

"'~O,.oJo,~ '~ .. r..... \,.. {-.
L.pr~.d phot.otr.~ ic
P:'IIl'l_'::1 .
l,..ualohwll ~- 'oll'lIroG ••

• 2. ..,.. ".hD il ,dd WI ........... :"1 lool;..ci I I , . IIJ b,1I • peri ... & l r. U.
40,,....., 'o".r _"o\. . . . . " .... :' ... t.\and l ~ ; nan la hi. !1f'1~. ~ '~ :1'; :.1 1 ~r-
10l'llaliM a" Mlobllu. h. llrMOwd ant" tl.,-.lo,.d _ 0 - '4.MoUC '''''' :'l ''':' ~ carLo
U •• r.l..... alii I ' t~U. ti»tt ,..1•••• tor po.ncl'lu\ea. 10111 oth.. r . ,tc:".,.j aa
per\4,lft1D( ~ oa),f.eD ~ .. lFr'"'n\ f.nd ,..11· ..... ",.,ct...n~"'a.

ttl' CU. PllperclSp

201 Werner J !"!U.
C/ R He~t or 201

:r, •• >
MORl DocID: 218371

C~. 4t\a1 ~r • .I.,..,., I. ".rpA),
7/2/ '1

S. Mr ... 1 _ h •• ~n _U " . to .91.Uoa .sna. IV28 . ill IVO. o.paol'J ~ •

•• • Ii(n.,. " .• " pl1.1.. 4In.loll.aut on&l. .,. ud l.\or •• ,_Iud... dl,r.c1.or
of V. ... ·.r.l wr.,.n1,.UOQ ..1 \oIL1.II Uta Ge,......r. .AIr '0,•• oanou,aiac .p.,U'"
NI. .r-" ...4 fie"fll~D' 1D 1.,. fb14 of fU«"" 0\ •• " • .• olU'H... ti IM- •
. .n ,."'leul_l, • 0 ........1 1. prot.l ... oODMrnln,. pr ·...' J·I ... MIt .1~tllod
,,01.1. ",o.lt.ro .'Ilu. ~con.)' ''''I~O od'i I . oa.plool91\ d.c.,,....
......Ut.l.. eq.. l~"\ .". ....".cc,. _11-0\1\ o,. lPllnt'•

•• "'-"illCl "...,...... 11 1.~t.1~t.d \0 otul. tMn .,..Ia1h", t.r all­

,lu,..ot t.a u.o Un.1ted :a.t.. IUlde .. ""oj••, ....ponU'. I.. tho ..., ...., or __
\J .,_l ... urt.~. It 10 onUo1pllitod \ha\ ....;, .-111 .......
Sta_. I .. 'h. or:.,.
'U '0
~ \Ia.ltM

"".J,... to. toWS

Col.ad. ~r
1·1" c t.oOr

MOR! DeclD: 218371

.­ j



JOI., Z.telll,.no.
O'J.ctt 'ft. "',.no), It "'I'U 1~1


_:..ot'J-:iDU;,,: t~.J1\ C. . \ral Zn'-el U,ene. "._.,. •

• ,.... Mr• . J. J. "Upen

' ......rd.4 Mr. .Hob tal' 711V "''"-'1_• .,.. .1.,NpM_l

data ,.rtdJalQC too tho Au.trlM oJ»e1e.lb'. lhte4 .1'_.

.. hell I
~w. t.. ""'IS
Dio data" UrI CUSSD. Colo..l. uau
•• • • •
&arl 1IU.lA.r..
• • • Ge..... O.lDlftl)J.l..lJi. DlI'octer

•••• • • • . " . &If'P''U.I&Atk.

lilt,.. Copt..

~ :j . !I ~. -II'JS'

- .- .
MORl DocID : 2 183 71

; .,


Join' In~111f.."c.
ObJ.cU .... J.,.",c:.-


tIL.~llo'AI"'· U.. til: C."UIo! '"1.elllC;• •'" " I. "IoCY

,.u.n, ",.. J. J. t.U".,.• •

To......-d.cl he .... 1 th for 1~r nteaUO&II • •re 01OC",pb.1oal

••• pert.ln1n&: &D th. A.~\t'htl .pul.1h\. Iht.d 0.1.,..

• " lnrh I

......... .... h ·1Mrlcn f t . .~
Allred H.;I.IiI4i.
. •• L.UllLL'0. ....,

[~ ... r\or

S. 0
• • '""'-'< r.1fJ..,Ofo:..tllL.
•• 0 0 0
hodor "'UJ.•
•• 0

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'rl.drt.b jatCKtJ~.
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JobaM Jaa.cM •
IIaltoer wtJ"ClULICH.
t. 0 0 0
• ~o M. •• Z~ •

:u. lI15e ..

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£ ... "
MORI DocID: 218371

18 ",prU 19,1

. . ." lDt.] U .~CIC.

(,blacU... "Cene7

nlr)..... Kt\ltf ,.",1. Ct\1.t, M~nph1e IIo.hLffT, II': "', Call\nl l"LtI!U~tItIe.
"1..na7. At.t..nu'oQ, ........ N. :.-v,h,.

::UPJiCT. Ci.,." Sal.mUat. and TIC~oUn ••

1. ...t.renn h aM. \0 "100l __ rwrd_ 11.2) of 2 april 1948.

2. ...10 r.nonnel Jtecord ot r,eftll" epecbU.t., all.hela r. ".
SCPEJDiiJi, ~ NHQU7 errlYOd In We co"",t.ry. 1.
tor J'*I' lDforMUoQ aM ...t.e"U on.
~t.h 1Ml._

QI,.UI. il. ii:L:..1S

Co1o~, t:iiY
' " F'ft t.or

1 Inel •
.-.."P. tor ~HIIiJoat. 1If1l1Mla ... ".

~J" Arr1nle
201 WUhela SCHJII!:l IE;"

.. ­

i> . • -IIi'l

7;, •• _ . :¥ ,; ..,
MOR! Doc!D; 218371

lot., ' ... lllt.DO.

C'J.,UWI "I • •,.

.I4..aR::~1. , .... C.II,,,l IntllllfWDCI. ;,,,IDeY

~'~I ~r. J. J. ~ 11,.rl

r.rwa....... heNWlUl for your ....... 1.1_ are U.,rapt..l

data perte.1II1ZIC ·. .. U. ... u.'r1~ .. epeclallna naW _1 ••

6 b d•• ~s H. =-iDi.....
1. lMua kAl.oOll Colo..ul. OJ(
I. luUUl ICIlJiI,U .... t.eputy lItUl\Or
J. ....,.._ _ !;un..t.
•• .bu.. fttlk iIlIG
I. Alfred !Nf:.GU:IlUu..

~: .. ..;~ .l c .
~ : , . j. ;; " ,, : ," \

'" I -IIJf
MOR l DocID; 218371

.--_.. "rs":'p'n'fr!'"
WE ' .•


',. TO ColoDel DanJel t . Ellla, Joint !n~~ l! 1r.'nc c DATa l ~ .l~~l 19!1 -4
.t-!oct!ves ,\r':nc:r, P,QC.I~ 21)27'" h nt 'le:on
..ow 4. H. Jlex.:u"il(llr . f~Z-, C:A

!h....,.' , yo\. "CI' ),rYU..- 1"I.:...."Oro.."iliu.., ot 2' · 4re.... er.c!~sin;' : lett~.r

hc."l Dr. Francis i'aJ":c.an. I havt no 1\:Irt.}: ':;- !":.":e-!: 3tC 5".1;:;­
g.!t.iCl:'l~ tor !"inri!r.;; a::flo)'CI~nt. tor C"TIUon . ci~nti :< = in t!'.(.
U:'.!~ ' :! It·;t,,,=:. ! vill CL........:10.= our peo:::).... I, e!'e, ~::-w,:"ve.-, !Jl:ll
it s·r b:-! Il· ~ idea!' c ... ~ up, I IN1) be ~.• ~,y t. . !.ct 1 tr,; '::J\O!J •

~plfNediOl Relene
, ... NOv ~- ,

EHTRIBlEfi .' ~ 1-1/.77

... ,
MORI Doc ID: 218371

J olin', lD ~. lll.t:"-:!I:t'
)~J 'I: ·.h'- ' .-(. une:.
...", a·'. ~:. !.~ :' l

1. 10 ,.ec,r~Il!-:~ .. 1t.:. ; " 1' ~~' (. c\s. 'Y.: , • .:.o\. ~.~ . '" ..~,,!. t.':
t? ~"'I,.~ . ~~l PJ~:.n , )1.\.1......·_ ;.:.o..;. c11 ... J lnt"epe-nt'.ant. ~choolt', L'"lt"::r:-J.nt.
11110 c~ \~.t. r.:-OCnr. \-, pl., U cf'I"1.Lir. Ci" !'"!IIon enl: J.t.c\Tltn tCleT.t.!"t. ! ..."1t.1.
a.!. ~c: .t.i.;JDi 1 ~d.1t.u,"l"",~. /. c~,1 ;:,f h :'. repl, h Lc.t ; d'il.;' i " J· : CI'
1n~.lr.v. t 100.

2 . tow- .in"CI'C~~ 1 :0 '1n-: u,le: · :.;;; I-.;:d . t.ec' : :11:0: l,r; t"r, :.: " :- !..- ~ I!"'
J u o:.,,:.. ~ c>N'~r ,...r::' !\:.rt.I•.:: n:t:i Iof t. :~ ': .. ':; co .. E.1t.~ .... t. l ll! (""~c :'::or
tl.l.! l ' . '-:· ! 'J~':.\u:':. ! ')T "~ c:.c. ~ c1t ::_l d.. : llo t.~.(: til;...;. ... · :"..: .\(r. AA j-
q,lt.~ ..... irr:1 :'ll-'II.':- : ' i;1 bot- : t; rT. : : . :. !' :.!.!.,,~ U:l. D" efG : , r ,' : :..t . -:. ::
.,,: .1. t .;, :... to» :'" ~ ..., I . r.Clciri 'n.

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MORl DeclO: 218371

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Jola\ ' ... III,.nee II .,..,.. 11&1

O"J"UYWo ~oM1

lIEII<ILla.. Jr\jf C..tnl lewlU,oll. . a,ou),.

att.. Mr. J. J. Wllpo,o

17 blbl l!,a..UJ;L • • u,U$

1. It. uta ,.. .t.J.t nd aOUl.. Celoael. USAI'
I. • • • .l.rt.b. .... rlCIl;I.
I. • • • . . . .tt GKTl.IIfG.
t. • • • .rbllr\ IIAIWJ.IU,'f.
6. • • • t"rlod,loh .... WCUl.
tie • • • Jllebard P. -.a&CG.
7. • • • IlL'".
·.ru. ,..,". ......
".t. •• •• ........ HnEI.

• •
• •

• Altre4 .ta..... P.
• Y. A. UQIE.
.Uhllbo a.
• .117 awt_i. P• .....11.
• &.rl IIUI.

• 11. • • • IArl .".11 J. LU.T " .

11. • • • .... ..::.om.
17. • • • ....pol. Wm.wUI;KH.

,...r.... ~ •.:.
Z:l:t r. '::t}!",
/ .
• ~

- ".

.. ,; to ~ • -/70/

MOR I Doc l D : 2183 7 1


21 J.Ou'eh 1951

1·[.'\).DPJoJ;t)lh . toit : Direetol", J o Int I ntelll:;cncc. ObjecUn::; ~enc~' .TC.·;

AttentIon: Colonel ~onlel E. ~111s

Request for l~o~tI~n

no,. ;iemo ; 372, dated. 1 Bar ch 1' 51

1 . A check of the 111.a 01 this acency ( 0 1" ID!or=Atlo~ on

IDS · XOQI"ad TinTi'J.l'ER and Ina. WaltII' 1.IDjW revealed both1n= wh1ch
maht at't'ect thdr a4af.uloa to this ccamtry.

2 . It is ow- W\l!.eratan41ns tlIat the Zec:urlty offIce (sr) of

the Depart..nt of state hu nm a DaDe check on tbese ID41v14ual..
vh1 c b Ukcvhc produced. no dero:satory ID!oft\aUtm .

o . -­
"' ',i
J"0lD' J~"
Chie:" , BII./OC'D

201 lI:o.ra4 '1':-ol. .per
ela 201 "aU, :- ;:h.hr

o . -­
.. .· 0
.. ,
iI '

··s -.
MORl DoclD: 228372

n[nTk ; . "
r.;y .! . • :-';

Job' IatdU,oll. . 1 "roh 1161
C)t,J.. th.. .1&0-7

-WP.; NDU. '(iii c",.r. Ilo«;nphic Xo,hwr. OCto. Cntral laUU l ,ollco
,,~. 1Ir. J. J. -Uper •.

It; 10 ,........ that ..., lIafOr-tiOD la. ~ I'Uo. eI \OlIo C.llval

IIIt.ol11plIM &PM,. _ .... _Itje.t. co...... .,.oialht.a _1M alp'

111Mb. IWIl:W. K. JU"lI

• •
• 1Il101.11.
C.I. .I. VIAI'

. . ..

~. ;C ., (. ~ I -/ 7(0 j ,
MORl DoclD; 218371


.' .. '
• . .
, - " ' ..

Jllft\ '."llte-a.. &0 tlbnary 11$1

Oll>jl.t:t . . . ~uoy

JI04' 313

~JIII,Oti: ."(1( " . . S-te..t l-h..ohr. ""no. or COllMUOft .1Id lil....t_tlDIII.

C'Dt~l JDt.lll,.~ ~K"OY
AUau Un. *-1'"
II~ 1~7. r.por,r)' .... Udih' tI.

a. he10Md '.~I""'" t. ,..t~ 1............ riUa

, ... rlllal req~.t .". .re.
klUl ... 1. r.~ 1.1.

_. Qaly itI. Npo" 0. 1ICtnma! 1• •

lbUa (fop NONt) • • ro... rdl4l bJ Ual • .&pM' to u. t.pu'-lit
.r t.bo .It.l.r tar_. it h \Lllldieretood -;la, it. -.. &1 ......, bu,
.. JItU' .lttoe.
tid. I
_.-..1.. . la_l ...d. "'1 ba_ di--cra~." t.o C05FJt.EIII~

1 hod. .u..s •.• u~

. . . . Cu.. 11 Icr'I' 10. nbj • COIo.l. GJe
• _ep.pltJ. I 1111'0 011 rON1p Dtputy t'N.tor
1o'_U8b. - ./1 bIOI.

t # :IA P.,#re!l~
:r.:l Cer:wu-j i ·' .;;,!: ·.: t
;/i :-."':.1 "':/O,! :S ~1' 11 ·:'

MORl DoclD: 218371


oIoh\. ]ntell1,fllO' 16 rfb~ l~Sl

ObjecU." A,.Dey


ilBlilultl..ll~ ,c..a c.n1.Nl lJa~ll:l,.DO' .,.no)"

A\.\.f.II: i:r. J • .I. ,lUpen

5L".1It~: t",.ud:ln~ ue :tlofn~ul ~I.A

lo,.a.rded. t.,..Ub lor IOu "''''D\10.0, an biop-aJAlUl

. ."" p'..... 1nSQI \0 U. A\latriu .pt01aU..... Is..W Ml_.

oIjUS Ii. SI..1.JlllD
Col00el, QIC
lB lJIDl., Dtp.l\.7 D1l'tO\oI'
1. 810 data ... ,,.,.... EUUT
2. 0 • • 1D\.bD IiUIDl
• • Ir10h ICICI
,.). 0
0 0

0 I.8rl 010_1 Wf£SCt:
telb: URPlIW'T
S. 0 0

6. • • • .Lv.tric 1f'1'blillCH
7. • • 0 00\\tr1ed ,J.uTSCKUOO
• larl _11.
9. •

0 h1t. ;u,IUCZU
10. 0 • 0 tr1.Hriob dCHT
11. • 0 0 ~aS. m • .,.
U. 0 0 0
• wua
• 1).
0 0

_ .. um.
15. 0

16. 0 0 0 r....s.IIa lila.

17. 0 0 0 000... snnP
18. 0 0 0 , ..., ,. 1.. nUll

..... ,.
=Cl'. 'f'1:
2Cl 3,-r~er!. tr~J~. Or.
MORl DoclD: 218371

. !."
. "


.J J&mar7 1951

• J.qu..t tor lDt~UOQ

, Itt., tJ"ID JIO£ 12'965, IubJI •• above, dtd 27 D.c. 50

1. '& . .ok Ott U. tile. at w. "DOl'

tor 1Dto....Uoa. _
.&ltndi C. W .... a1K DOth1,DI vldcb m,tat aft.at Ia1a adalu1oD.
to W. oo.a1:r7.
2. I~ la _ -"'-1JIc
tIIa~ u. SoOUl'1 to' ern.. (ST)
01 tbt Departa.at ~ State nil • _ _ dack .. 110 1a ~t. or
1950 vb1cb produo.4 DOtb1rIl c»roptoJy ooao.m1Dc: Ilia.



:.. .. ~ ". . .',

MORl Doc lD : 218371


/ .

• r...... r lMI

.:."..,.., 1_.111 __ ."-..r

. I)f'ft_
.., ;.
____ nu.........;.....
. . .,-.... _. I. ••
. tot...... u•

•... , .. ...:.;
b7 law."
.... .. .. . ..•-.- .
;. ~ . .. ...

_ .. -
0; u .... _ ••
- I.'...
rw - ,.,r.a.
(4/ _ .,11_ , ..",

u ... ,...__, ......1.,. ,.,........ u....,. lel_ .....,..

• 1..1 a. !W. etal'"

1. DI.I"Ir..... :-Jadift t..et.~. Lt. Gal. t'li'

I." .... I'.

~.J .• Cln'1'"I'.

I.· . . . a•• ~p
c:taI'Iet.,- '.' ••
WI,. fill 1IIl.... I ..... ""In
t. :1l ' ' ' ' NO . . . ._ _ I. .... "" •
• A ., .......,.,. .. R,

101 1Ir. ,.,ba_.
101kt . . . . . ...
O.r.. 01'" (DIt.)

101 . ". . t . . . . . (eo,.)

101 o.r.... _ .. (....)

.! ,-/1fl
I1 P7
~ORI DocID: 218371

."(';. .
•.'~ c"
D(,,,JllM(Hl o r TH[ ARMY rrc..: ~ ' .•
MESSAGE ST"''' tOMMU'OIC4'IO"!o OHIIW _ "". ('.. r••• ~.,:..
r"1tI~ .. r S It PI..J~
• ;'1:1 . "~S1.. •
" ~ -'.•91
')t. t hUe,,)
- ?
SlCRlI PAR~~~~'H~r~p(O~IQ(D
. ... ; ·~~ 'l '
'11 -. _: "-'"
STA n. O[PT \l~~ " . : ; - -'.:'­


f'rcJa .";1 6 ,~, rl'" '·... "nio.fort 10467 •. Jun. 23, dis c ussed
with JIOA. A!"l!'y t"!o!"g . a" JCS 9Cj)84, June '2 8, suggest C'HCEUR
subject fer te'eg~6. ~~ r~s~IYed between EUCaw .nd HICOG.
Oepar t m& nt agr~.s. Project 63 not new project but continuation
PAPERCllP~ Iccel.rated, with certain .odiflcatlons such as
pliO tran$portation and chnice of ••playaent bet••• n military
and pri ...ate industry, with priority to .il·ltary needs. .
Departmp~t urges full HrCOG support and .ssis tan c~
to proj~ct. With rpf~~6~CP specific question raised url.l:
A.... j',: :' r"pt':- t;. ;~plete infor-Nlion project bl.
co ... ered in JCS "i.-te' I... I!' implement ing regula.t jl)n trar,·~ ­
mitled to lUC':\&o!. III)DI~~~t;J. lion will be handled on ean 1(1
eas~ b~si~ ~!cng lin~i ~p~rc ... ~d p~licy (or PAPeRCLIP In
Un ite d $tatfo\ r .. r:&p-t j~n, "oU .O ing a"p:~~d.. inistr.t i ..., dch; Is
Including init ~ .. I i~d~i"" ... i~ ..· ~ f e·r sub.equent permanent contracts
to be at Ann)" R..,.p",t in.! l..... ntf'or. hottfl ifklJtown New Y(I,.k. JIOA
responsibility fo,. :r:t~r ..· ift.$ and perma'n••t. e.plo,.enl by
industry to follow initi.1 screening _y .illtary .er... ices to
lil1 their needs. lIIilitar1 needs to h..... first priority.
Acc.pl.n~. of perPanent contracts to bo voluntary. While we
do n~ understand SRO ne4d for specific det.ils each project
will ba glad t~ request JIOA coop .. ration In supply ing such
inforutlon if you con,jder " ," sentl.1 for your purposes.
, B. JIOA .. "tee! dapar'ur, scientllts .hould be
staggered tl:' , ... oil1. unh.... orable rulll ic r.act Ion in Gennar. ,.
MORl DoclD: 218371

16 l\Ill 1~1

, .. IU ...u.

C_\u, Col.,1 IaJ.,IS or J .1.0.'. 111 relard too ...oj.., II (I1rlq:

Clerwul Sohllo\S.,t;e tor _p1o:r--" 1D V.... , .too.) s .. JCS-11:6114 ot II J\In' 61.

ft. 1M' e-s."_ a.K ' .....7 (It .hal,) _4 o_olud_ ~d.,

le.m ... i.a& _h". u4 -.dUph -.1441., 11 t.e.a::1aC .11....

(I) fMre 11 • lalt ., bt..-t1_ .nJ.labl. t.1 Sater..hd

...,..u.. u toe u.. n.ld, a4 ""bj"h belD, -.."tld.

(I) C,rk1a tlll'" arl kill., 4:'&1." et ,ood _ . wl~ u..

n.. ca.dU. . .Vlld ttl.., • loor4iAa,'or . lI. Ippobte4 . .4 ~, U "

• Skte DlpiU'""t.aIIot -.0 t,.. !.lCOG, ltlI,r tAu lor4nr-. M~' w11 1 h

"'.pt&ble t.. crUI.,r -C_,le'. 1D ,be .....\1_ 1t h "111.& ".. ~.. t.U.t

l.I ~ . .A ' . f.Y 'Ie...

' _._

. \" . .. ... '

ProJ.h &
·; "j1. , .. .,

••• j".
MORl DoclD : 218371


AUG20 1~51

1<Dtlr..lJltllK 1011:. .lOUt. Chht. or SWt

o\\.tenUonl Colorwl Daniel r,. ..11.1.
JolDt. Int.ll1 ~ nc. ObJact.h.. A!:IDC7
.... lID 316
" . Pnt.acon
• Roater or S...,.clal.bh I':ru\: ·~ht \.0 1.'" !lft.iud ~ \at.ea
'lw PapereUp PTo -:ran

• JoiO.c. ~Ju.nber WO

1. I wlat; to t.banI; lOu tor 'IIJW .aarandwl or 27 lulz USl.

ftich ftlClo.. t' • CO.J7 of the .tul7 bau. o.t t.he
Ko,t.r of hperoUp
Sp4cl&llat.e. .

f. One COPT or t.ba Ua' 1a alzaa4¥ rece1.-.d in \M .....7.

but •• -.o;;1~ ::r.,t.11 apjJl'acht.e ne.lnn,: h.t.u,r. luu.. r. nt.ent.ion
in Wa orric o u~ 'Lhank 7VU. tor callin, it. to our ,tt.ntloa..


" . .UtaDt. Diz.c\or
Soll111t..1!"lc IlIuWc..nca

Approo.ted fat ReluH

Dati 7 • ND¥ 1585

~ . -' ,l 2I -I7JI
MORl DoclD: 218371

R r.q·:~>·,
OI>J IC u..... .&,pD:J1 :n Nq 19S1
.)"'VIfJ'"rX:T1 Ioe\er o( __ I«lill_to. trow:M. to u. UDlw ~tote_
\Dder lob. ),;. i'C'C 11,: JTocr_

TOI C.tral ht.l.lJ.c_ _ ""1--=1. "aM1zct.oa 2), 1I.C.

dt..D. Pr. I . l&4r_bUl Cta.4..u,
P1nct.or !io.1.Ufto lDt4lll,oac•
..... 2505. "lAc

1. &a _ w.Uor of I.IIt.aI'''t. 1.1:1 OGal.U. td.t.b U. nua

~ tor . . ~~t ud cI&1al 01.. c... t ...-.au aNi
.0W\!ri...u xs..u..to, 1a.t1o...s tor J04# Sar\ll'al.UQD _ r.t.nt.!.oD
_fAC1..J.Us\a \.tK. !1m. _a
1.a .. ~H .:,f ~ ~ 19)1 b:a. ot "- AGo'- of r-..rcllj.
1a"0U0!l:;f. t.c u.
VDlt..-t Jt.:.:t..,Ui=' to
1.b:lo cl..ate, I;l.-l:c \he Q:Ue:J, d» ~ ..8ZIOJ" aut t.be
r.:JS o!aaeo , ~ ,.:.e:J.

~. J",\I. II1l.! lID JAlt. ('IQ UUI' di_~w!.1o:~ U.t !.Jr t'utl.o.;-.
isr.w.= i t 7Ct~ ., de31r••

1 lnoJ. : ",.".1 _ i. ~J
hJ)C'ClJ:. h~ Co~l. ~

.\ .

- .
MOR! Doc!D: 218371


, mItlt .....
• :C:.~iifORIlATIO"
~. I . . •. :. J.;.~~'...:...J= ,:. !.. :: . I .• • 0'­

··l! .. ;. !. ..... 7 .1'-1

, ___ _
"'' '!L.........'L-_
Air h!*'
,,., . . . . .
oA 101 " MI. :.
.", 101 {"'l .... .1'.......
"",,"' . • -. ! . •

- - - ----- - . ,:,:- -------,.--­

- - _._ -----­- - ­
. , , ,~,,~t~:· ; .. "

J:"•. :... . .::. !,.,":,i. ~P .. ; ': ' ''' . 1 •• .:·f:_ ..~·z. .~

-:::-,.-_=-=01_ {_,"", _ _ I ...01_
loot'- _ ... _
Ano'• ...~ ... ~ ...... .--
',a-. au.
~ ~ ·a....,.. iWf'a.... ~ IIGIII­

. . . .ta... wt... Me~t.ea1 .,...". . . tMlr rn.t:t.
nat. ... _ ...... u.n. IIQ& ............ ~'. ~ta
~ w ........... - ­


i ,~

I ~~~~,.
MaRl DoclD : 218371


r ~"" A" '"';
·'no.r 2····j·,
., r .•.::\I. :II ·"':'I

n " cr::l . ':'-: .\.: . ' ,,· Lt. ::"' . ': ~. : ·· .. !"1 ...L .
,1 :, 10. ~ .. . ,,~ j2 ..(;.... l "" ~ '
flo ; n:·I,. ".... l - e" ,:e:a of ; 1.. " 0 : . i . ;. • ':,."'"~ . ".,:,-~ .
JJ' .... . dU.Q(; lla "ov. 1~· 5:t. ::unt.r n1 ~O • •:1[10 ·ntIS.

1. "'r3~S.'o:l tted herevi \.h for \.ne U'Se and :-e\.e~tion o! L\.. Col.
' lo:r.i 1.. !{e...,es , lJepc\.y !)1rect.or. JlOA, anti ]..t.. Col . G. :-:. r.raN'e.
,"rio. are ~ph..t,ed f\UIC c~d. =, of ~ehnt.1st.S and Dep.lnOent.s . ~h.1$
i.s in Olnsver to lnfonnal TC f:UenS ~de directly t.o this .. · ency.
2. "'!'It' llst o~ t.:.Ielv~ nAllles (von ?CM.' r "St.c r---Adc r ess es ) h f or
r:::l. '!2.:'I" s, to ' fo lon;·er 1"\:::t. P ·eek--- .erntll ) 13 r or Col. ·-ra~.
). "'he TCs\!1 .5 a:; t.akll.llt.e<i -t'oresl!:'Il :, r~eC'\' 0: t.·,e ~io~ra""'..i.c
f1. 1es o~ ·.hi:: .···:-1 C" 0:'11,. .

'- i . .c~:; :-;. " . i .:::' " r., LL.•~t;:' · , A' : -:; : : . it. :;-c;;

Harrl .. A.
Chi.r, lJa t s o,, ~ vi s ' on
CollecUon ..nil <)15. ':'IaUon

-':nr-l.::: ("1 :'
·:a,..-e c".' c· l ' s'.S
i n '-:" ,n1 ' C'l!.I· ,

MORl DoclD: 218371

12 D.c 1162


11 1»0 "62 wloon _Uti Mr. J . J. trUpera. CIA.m L~ Col ba..

-.Dd Lt Col Gardo.r o f J JCA . oOrllc "l"'::Ilnr tho I'I'I.IIJ~ of the co..ont.
-BI!: do .. l.r I and ari.t Illfo ..... n .bl.· t~d on attaahed
r o ot.r ~y CIAI

Mr. r.n,.re .t.at.ed that ",ah oo_.r:ah icdlc.w oDl)' ttat

• do.ol.r or bri.r SDro.... tion I: I n po ..... SOD or CIA.

Lt Col 1Ian. . . .It. ~ If . ny " rw;atory 14fora.doll oould '0.

Cloat.!.ned In .uch tU •••

II,.. W1Ipen .Ju..

r.d thot III _ah ••• ".n
iatOl...t10D ••ht.ed • • t..t•• nt to u.t .tteat aad th. IDfo~t1oD
_,.. i'larahhM . ttl. do.. i.,.
or tori.r iato .t&t.Je nt indlaate. that
-.hU. lAtC!r-.tJaa 10 1A u.. ell nlo •• It h JtOT duoptory •

•un:If v<if;"JrMD.
l ' Col. -'C
Admtal.tratSyo ottl cor

MOR l DocID, 218371

"ro, TO IU·CJJLA RlZUlDl or Df.' IrJJUJOI "AftJI ~

/ lla. ""t,1 '.toe lruth) .. 18 ...roh 1921
PU.CS or lilT• .ME ClEn: I!SIJU

(D.. 'r~nr_l')
, ."
••rbcrt hlh: ;,.: S 10. lilt ._u.., Go_ -III 4...ler 189050100
U .. J"lte A\I~'t.e Z »,~ leu P'NDItl\Irtj4)a.,.. C)t'r...Dl -1"0 lato...Uon cn.1labl
Olin,. 23 .lui lt31

IIBJI;DA.. 8otllo I. J •• J.T' ~" . 0"18 f'.iwo 18.1 't'le"\D&••",ovla .... 4...ler f8O/I12J6
/ ImZDA I . . . . . n&s... ~. ,,'; IS Jan 181' 't'IOua, . .otrla ...wo tntOJ'Mtloa ....llabl
(D... ..,.l1)

antlSTOPB. U .. t.rtla US., un

( __ Gr.b.) '., . ,
• GIIE., "rUle IlarSe Z. JIlDl 1..' Doldberrjaoblo. Son. O:I':I&DJ' ..110 tnto. _allIble

W"-S. KO"" 't.• P'h1lkt\lr\Ala ID. 0.,...,. ..

J.R 40. . t.er f6905a29
, . .. "'~. I..".... iI.llo• . .....akt\ar\jila l 0. ca.J'MDl .. Ifo lato. IIYa1lable
,_I IET.CJ'.:A" ~

IITIL. "ntoni. J:w. Mlr , e

(DIM EIl,...... U . .)

( .nEL,
ImL. twi .. r" nfty ADr.
.nu.. ""U AlbHQh'
JoileM lit ell. .)
Jl J " n UZ6
ZI Dlo 1126
II JlaT liU
UaJ&,b,,.thNU. -JIo lld'o•. er&1lable
"rl1 ll ..Cba"lo ~ t.eDberC . 0.,. ..10 laft. aw..1labl.
""U,...,enllDdorr. ~~a7 ...Ito lld'o . ...a1leh1e
u ..,. 1121 So"--lr......... ls. 0.,..,n1 -wo !Dtet. _&11,Ul.e

J ,.wn•• ,.,It. L.1uIl [d b

(118. SGhuln)
1 ",,1 1826

' .IIIf'Dl'a', '.roQ,f1la r·lt'rhd. )8 .... ,. lUI BorlSn, G!,.D1 -It'o tatoo ~.U&ble
• ( • • HlppeJlM.ok)

I aJllEW. Wtrlr
(._ ..raJu )
jQll& 31 Jul 1911 ,"",0 Wet• ..,au.hl.
~RTR~ Prltl z. ao. I'll 'ft.aaa. .A ,, ,. \ r i . ..u ao.. 11T IIQlk029
CI1!kTK. trl_ 10 Oot 1120 IlaCUt\lrt, . u ,tria .. '0 tntet. ...a1lable
( . . i:.rruber,ror )

IA UIF.!<", 110'1 f '''lire . '" 17 ..>ot 1W02

&\WT ~ . U •• ~ T!.I! • • rh
\.,- .I.-a...
(D. . tfirOI_M )
auu s, SUlr:e "ria
n ••
6 May 1SI()J
• .,,\11
16 .lv., I..,,'
liD ........
......t 1Dto. ..,e.1labl
.....1•.t tatoo .....l1.ul
...l II'tet lato.....aUab]

m../oLf": aeiDrich ~
.,.". DD C)
81M!t"llD. E11 ..beth
"e. & .J.&II
11 ,.b UN
1891 IlI.zaGh, ! .... r1DC1.~ 0.,..
aIft ao.,lu #6061161
~ ..lhau'.n. at_tl., noa... "0 SJd'o. ..,e.11»1e
(.e .t.'bolA)

IDD.~l. ~ :-:. . ~ 'op 1111 .td".,.• • /4 "'......vt..... 40. .101' #6OO21s9
... IlII"I7itF":'1Sit. tant.e tn. .... 12 Sop 1120 't'loaa, Auotrl. .....0 1Af'0. .....11»1e
(a-o "1~.11.r)

L.. ~
( • • lu.lAk)
ion.. .., l
. \
U ",un. 1111'

..;,.:-.1.e • a",r. 11111

( • • lfl1;tellllerl)
..."-.rr.. II. Ib.Itla " _ "
( • • Q\a&u)
.. Z3 .. p 1920 datl,kr&" a."•.IQ'
ad. f . l . rrieda .r.... t.e 16 J",l 1. . . ..rU. . . .......,.
C... Laohe }
QIIIj,k. 0- ..... ~7 ,0 ... , ••• .! .
MORl DoclD: 218371

"'~ .9 0' II!!! P-pcaM"
.In~ • . er.r t"I' 1\1 n.rS_ 11 ~h 1111 1IIatI• •U .. fooOhrta •• l - u: 40nl.,. 110l9Q21.
.u.1o.. ~_
: .7"ft"I. t,.,. .11.t..u, n _un l'..l ..t.SDd,,.ttIal _ Wo lato. n.Uablt
• ( . . taM.... r.) al""l.,./Ott....

~ ...' V• • r.
/kL"O. PP j U .arl

( __ ftD L""el )
14 ;I. .

IE) . ,
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IC!lJI.. t'DI rrt... lIS :).1. Ill!) "rib, '4....

( . . lAIc .. ·•....... )
!tC7lJ"l " "".......... f . . 17 ,eb 11.
sorXllta.·.• ~.rl.cH" 1 .,..... ltlt
(. . la" I.,,)
MORl DoclO: 218371

, ,
.!!! "' TC" or IllS JUcr. III .n.. .)It' aRm ""U'
....fir... Ttwo.!or i'rlo.rJeh ...,,1'" Cahuilla",""" OI~ ....... Ilor:;l.9
!WZ. 17 _ lt1t IaS..,.,la,,_", ....... . - lato. _&1l.ahl
TIlUltS. 0...,1a I.IUaa C. I "". 1111
(. . .d."r.Ut)

TM3., nal\lla ...... 11..

( • • !'IP ~ _:-)
" "0. 1101 ...t • • rt-~D _
~' . .,a~
-I. latot...o1labl.t
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1 .~
~r1 J n,
,I • • ,
-BR «ooolor '1~93
-110 SAto. _a1l81a
1'" ".' ':'' ' . "rlocla
(_ ... ~ tN " t)

-"~l:, ~, 1'1. Z Apr 1811

l. ..
(aac orS.. . .'L. . . r)
'III:lZt·~":,. _J.r l ~ U " lra z.t ~..p 11M Oba~l"U", ~ ...., "=S! __ Sat'O. _at:
Mr"l" '''''' _,..-~ te 11 ~.... 11M At trohlou. Ioh_la, ~q -110 SDt.. ..au..h:

_"!"I.. "mat
'IIt.!t.'r.II. 'nM/tON
I ~.,.
..... lItt
lUI Sto),!", Au.,,.,,.
-DR 40adv fOa20286
C,..ba. SolooJa. ~r:\a" -.0 SAto. . . .Uab:
(.0 SoUo )

--... ­

MORl DoclD : 218371

\, .. ", ."1

-"' .
. ." pt)'>I ~'. lieS .. Y.
OF Itltl
13 lID... Ull
18 lilt

n .... Au.trla •
OF 11m

CIItfta.,. II "U.r I99Ol271

. .. _ell lESl'JU

.1.bllda r.rolh. (ne" Stu...... r) h lAtor.aUoa .-aU.l

1e........,. - 111..,
.~ ~' . ' 1111
7rled"riu ( ......... \ ..hJDt)
lDp-td ( d,, :.!)
Z6 ft:b 1101
. . ., 1101
10.y llU
",pt.-D. c.r....,
........t'IIrt. -10 tatO. . .
lAtO • .,-a1lPlt


tl)TT'PALI;. lntoDJn 10 rob 1110 . . . . ."". croolaoalo'IUJa -M cSoraaltr ~:.

01,.. (D. . "oud.no_ ) 21 . . y 1111 ,.~a. (010"""). eII"O WO.... &1lablc


H.l R!'nY. ,.ul . , July 1101 '1,,.,., h.t,.1a ~ b.lll" f806Ufl

.rMll. lIarl.a (~ PiOOhOM,) 14 J 1y lin -"'bu7C. 0a1'UA7 ....0 tatoo :.. a11Ule

-..a lior )I:". !I.<: . • JCN.=-a I.:ar\.Jralo A. 22 Sop 1111 RU_,._. fl....th.,.luda .10 tDf'O. ..aJ.lal,l
ioD1a 11 Doo lias farDOpo1. rolallll1 •• •

UnoJ_. S.ntOl' 20 ""7 1813 ...\.•••IIt. ra Mh '. a,a",. r'7

eharlo\.,. (1':it.) 'f Apr 1801 ...., ..'. BaDt:a 1"7
TOFII ' 0 !uc~ro '1 Marob lin 0..'-1....0_41
Ca r fit, cna".

'''''1.'Il0l,'. C..araad J. 13 Mal' 1101 Aaat.rda&, Th... .. th.rlac" -.0 hto... a1l1ltl
~~~la'''·'~''.-~'''' •

Dl\WT~o! ~ J~.o , Oo\\(rt•• I~ 00' 1I0t 1"II~r,.,.tro lf.borr:. all.VSa -BR 4I».ler
Rnn.. lerl • 04\ 1111 I:I.M. __ .tria .. P 41».181' #OOU915
11 .,.$IIIt •• lerl Ie r.b 1111 'fte.... b..tria ..BR 40. .18'1' 16061589
r.,. ("ol1l»r) 11 -.0
liD . . .burlll;• .lll.etrla "'0 lato.......Uable

.... ~". _'. ~ _. _.- ..... • ';t •.

. . ...... .,­ .. ~·iL- · .' , .,::. ­

MOR! Doc ! D: 2 1 837 1


U __ l~2

""'"n 111'. J • .I. fU~


IllS. ~ bOIl _ _...w 1:0' ..n- "',__, _ 1 "

to 0""' 14.. rM I:IidJ.IIc Jri,Gr1v tor ..,...r...... qaDt& Jalf:NUcm 01
"- la41~ l1eW _ &be 1JID1o..... .

I)Qe to
... ~pl1.bed . .
1iIIINI"i'" ~'-, " b nqauW ..., a
GJ*l1tlomeJ.:r .. poNlble ud ~ I.ml0M4 !'One­
DIM 0 _ _

t. .,..~ cU.reol 10 Ud.. AI""'.

81-.-.lT ~ ••

,, •

. ..--'"" ~ ..-. ..
.;. . . ~. ... ....
MORl DoclD: 218371

~,.--. __ .

PLA 00. or .11111: . . . _CI IUOL!

w ·, 1'Q1' ~1!'T 'I, 11'111& !I. 13 In U11
.t.h..tlu lfarolt_ (ae. Sklol"IIII:r) 18 Sep It14

.ISU·". J11t 2$ , . \ 1101 Ialller.taU. ~"'1Il'

rrl.~h·r j h (De. :,-"u \.ooh.b) , 1ta1 1101 Goe,,,lJIpD. 0......,­
In&;r ld (dn ) 10 . 1 1," .......,.,.\. ('. ... q

m'l'rau. Anton! D 10 h\ 1'10 . . ._ro.... a.obollo.lr:h.

01,.. (._ ~oud.lko_ l Z;: ··" Y lilT zr-.-1 •• (!)60,t-,,). CD

Ill .m :a. "\11 20 Jul, ltOI tie,."., '''IUia

.roella !'!a,.,_... (DIM n ..tnol\ay) 14 J 11 un """"L OIrwus7
.", 40,. IJ'; ~: . oIcta_. llliuttmll... 22 Sap IIlI auwr.a. ,.. .. .n.,.hn4•
~a 18 r.•• 1'13 tvIIapol. . .hIllS

altOl, .,. rIlor

c:s.rlot~ (wir-J
., 11&, UII ...ta... wn_'. :tuDf.!l"7
240 'prltoe auSape.t, a&acaF7
11 ..... u UII 0... \e1111110. a
Gl.rta"._, Ital,

1I'"1KAI, Coozraa4 J. IS War 1806 ...... Ham. r ll.· .thula.a4a


I~ 0., 1.,.

RIlL, tar1 • Oot 1111

Dva""I. lad II r.b 1111 "'elia, b.WSa

I . . . (9IIolt~r) 18 "0. ltD -.ooblarr.. Au tria
MORl DoclD: 218 37 1

4:: 1' "
r' 'l\"'~
r. I\. " ",'Trr:'
.. I ..." .•
,1: "'''''. , ~ . " '.
,~ I !.' .. : : ::i" r; ,: E . :: I, r, ~ 1


Flt.:. :~ ~ .. ;"'IIIU..
, '''' W)J thrge a .. WIll,' .
I/I~""''' .•, , .
.• . , '

l";"I(~ . i" f .
. ----~~
l U. ~ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- "'-4 n Clot. 1111 .. CIA I •. ~Ql UD or • AjIrU _ .

. .'. _ "....... a.......... ani....
..tIaa JaM __ .ta, u 0Irt:. lJI"...I. aai Mlllrtdl L ...,ara.
la t;ble
UTI.,.. l.a w • •• ::::As 11 Od. U. tna.s.tt.I.

. I

"' . ; • IJ ~ 1- / 71;

' ] . . '..J _ _.
KORl Doc l D: 2183 7 1

. 1.

.JolDt ! n . 1' 1,1:1_

ObJ.o ~ I ... ' ~lao7

.II·J! , ~ JY

CI !'l ~N 1 ; nt-tolll." fI!'WI1 I. "'NiI)'

;J . f lo" or Cvl!.ot on "" ... ......! ·,.tI OD
"t or n~lc ·.. ,.1 'wr
iI . caI l U ....:~ .. I" J:!trv
2.3') ;. S-:. root. . ' .
-.... II ! e-t; ~ . lI. O. c.

\»t.,... . h . .d. \ 0 ,..1 · ..,..: . • 1 'f oor'l tor -noeroU,"

Ip". :al1at !'r·,as '11'1:'·I ' CII . wbwottt.e4 t<. Y?" ~tIt. J ;O... loti..,. 11905.
d .. h~ l-J "IlC'I1"t Itil.

"f urn '7 ' !fM'~ iop"rt." t~ t he 'JDtt.:t Stet. . 901u.at..rJJ7

0:-: 15 J ': ly 1'52. Oft p • .,..:-I....
t r"'urft to -""-07. In tIIoh O :J ~
"c\1 CD. \.~'. t71 )o":7ln l"",:,r"r" ' ~ "n ,:J'"
twd '>y Ulc Dop-.rc... ...t. oC
' ''c ' 11' rl' r~1 '" • • - :... ..,. ..... ft.:,JnY" · ,.. ·n.
i n tIM UBlt.od 'cate••
t 1 t urN.had I

1;,I : cn II • p l1 ~ltn
a. 110 ·rar"! l .1 :;t .. toh ,
Snt.,...tod 'n nuol. .. r ~ ,.. t
j.lh7lico t l flld 'Ya, ..... :1
••. ,..
HS., ~:J ! " rl oAOo in du. _al,or
In •••· c !"' ~o .. roh • • , ··r l pt.-,..Ue"o.
',ir ." 'eM" ~ •• No ta · ~:'I fI"«. ~od in .Jlp)nrlQr • , . . .tbo.J tor
':uI"I'. ::o I DW.t!~tloli. "1' • ..... '!"I,A('"I! 1\0.. 1IU" • lPlr.flr CoIUIWJo
.0 . . . . 'bod lit ,..••• r ... a !\" ~ o "J•
~,..,t • • 1 ot .\10. . . . _ l th
"'!t. "~ s..,,.~ ooLll·· ' I" CI ')l\It 'Nd. ..... rttyiD" or talo.""'"DC
n th'0=7 u..' ."" 0\1\ l~ : :" rm.' .' ! ;" ~ wlVl ~t.".. ! ~"".t ~ ,...' .o a •

•• :» ..... t l '-: I o·
~ .Jon\Jrlo ~.tl""')'.
or. - ,,-I . os \0 !l\ItW"O ' oai lo • .,. a .
' ''"H • • ~ :t.to"l._d . nd ohted
tJa • .s:..n ~ ."· •• rt:,. 1Jot ...."ay ... 11 • hh :".,, ! 1ean .~ tt.t )w tl:.i.I
~ pions ~.,r 1\I.u-....."l o ~ · nt Clr 1.~.n\1n. ac'wU~7'

. /....tU ""tcO l q: '.

201 tIt-. ""'Dit GIIJr.)LACH

. , J:! I-I?ll

....." ....,
MORl DoclD : 218371

I'.. .... \ ­
0.","" J ·..t..1 -'nt7
II kp OJ
I) ': ':0:1 .\ ~U • • · ... tlon
110 ~_&
243 :: . " , ' . ' ., .... ah H ,
.. t. .'\ . tr. J.J • . U"",r.
t. "
e. · tot ...... ::.t 01 "O\Ir St~ tlu. rr. 1l'\li:'ll·~H i. _, 000­
.U.,.., • "Ou."t7 r t . lneor.r •• ta_ o;"partlMl'lt or tJw llr Forae
hi e<"Dael"Dlld ill ooa..t1n:,\ "'''' , .. r ... t.u.rn t.o ;j,e~lIIy. Dr. (t .r.-_­
llCI hoe. _t "'D ospeed 110 an, .1••• Srled .qld~nt ... &be
labon.t.ory fWPlott", hS. _II • •, . 0' hi. htr.\t1gu to ""'n \0
,.~~ e.!'\d tf'lr v.t .... 0111 tw . a .ot . . . ,~" alll1 pro,Jan on s
lon....:-nt"" ;»1'01-''''.. Kh ..at .~r'.n09 ud taUtl_' loas are
'WIt Mao"l· r-.d 8\&fftolsnt t.r. be P1&oed 011 vas J JOA Un ter tat""
~IJ)s . . 1D oer.Ul7.

, • .:::.ca!lf
Lt.. Co)., a:;.:,
~ !r"O' "tcr

J .
., .,.
'-.-, -'.1-' \!. \ \,
t<:: . ,I ~l -1'11/

.. " .' ........ ...:.:....

MORl DoclD : 218371


.loiD" lJI\elllc­
9 SO,.... ... 19~2
C,bJeoU... ' ' - '
J ;. ,

_IftlIAWll'_ '-T
c;rrs.. _t c.u.u_ .ad DlIII-s,..Uoa
uu, .... lJuUdfDl
~ E. S"-". Ii. , .•
•••' .... 15.0. c.

-. ,... tor. J. J. IJl.tian

Jr." ..'......
19SI. . . _ _,..~ ~
•• _ _ _ _ ,.3D ..
__ ...
Ioobon_. "'"

1111...",. ftrsIaS.oo Sa "'" n.ld eI ......

......... ...... ... UT1ftd Sa ... l1D1ted S...... , Sept_ber 190.

IS.....,....... ...,... ..~. Me ....... ~

. . . ~" . . . . . p w f t . _ ar D1. -a. ........ p1.ee"ae
,. •.,tV.

lr. N . .' . . . . fa _to ...........r .. lie • ~V"*

. . . . tat. . , ..... bu 51 • • .s- !lie bM .... ~
lAm. '"~ . . . 18 tIa1ac p1aIIIII _ .,. J l w ~ ia ••
~.f'w~ •

•. • ,~ . ou

~ I • !J ~ \ -1717
MOR! Doc!D: 218371

,,. •
,, IAL
.... rt'*'l"btq·. tllWN ...'d..... ter ., 1Mft _ (1)
~ trW lit ./0 I' In e.h\Wtkert,...."":wIaI ,\.0. Allr's..
Lebon.\g~ siHil.d.~' ..rl.an&-n. 0IYU'ia OW-.
~. ~ s.. _1..urs. .uriu... wUl HDwr U'Q\UIII -Z-W1o
dJabarpe lD. . . . . n..,-ab. f\&rt.ber .u Uone .f booU~ MIl
_"'" ~ ••• _ _ _ _ UN oaI luU_ _ of
1Wt=J'g. !heN 1• • po...nUS&'7 tN.t. J.r. ~ wW
dN1n .. ""'"' to tt. ~ . """"'17 at\or .~\a17 'Ala , . , .
sa order \hat. be . . , eecept. • P'Ot.. ~I'~~ S p.t. .. . ...,-r
~. aJ.o JneUtout.e ... fro". It'- Twic.

~. iSn~ . . "-1&J"'11WG GIl 21 U'GI-. 1149.


. .. .

. ..• :.! l-I'i 7()

~. - ~'", . , . ..
MORl Doc lD : 21 8371

,,; ,
\f '.

Jcd.n.\ In" '''l!,.:, :;~ ....

OIaJ.oU't'OC <ft.,'

C.!Itra] lat..ll1&.o~ ~I!" i

Ott'!H ore,.u, <,~~o.n , ~" :'.. :t ">.;. ~!, ,
11ocn;'lb1C' J\c1.\4:-
Jloan W:t• ., : ~ ~.'! ...
2.UO ':, ~t..-tf t. Ii. :.
n....:1.S ~t.on " , ' . '!.

"U' " !\r. J. J. 41!'W"8

'CC"WIIJ"Id.ed ~ "" tar 7fIIIIr 1ntoJ'WlaU4" &:Ill ~ ""

do. . . . J~ to u. .uatIrSA,a -s-:iall.t. t.s..n.I '-1a..

8boorol7 ,.......

G. II. opt • •
t\. ColoMl. 11:::,


.. ,.,.

:. .:r. .,-~ _ ,""', ,', " , ,',. ,

MORI DocID : 218371


I.Ia, I.'.n ......

O'JecUnl . . . .,

' • ..,.1 Z.t.lll.pan ......F

otflce d Coll.." • • M •••
ISocrapble a.ct....
10_ 1111, ... a.J.ldac
ago I. ' . " , I •••
..1Ia!..... at, ». O.

.en.J'C" ..,...".,. '.r ,.... ""'... tS" aaC nl."_ "
".der penalllt.ac .. u.. .... tr..... ~ ... U".. ,"lew.

Slacenll ,..,..

Jlinder n "n' KlDl. .

- ...
_. W. . . .U_It.
ael. .l • .&.Rn'

' .. ­

_; _ • ,I ~ ~/?7J

....,. -. .....,.
MOR! DoclO; 2 1 8371

' .

- ..~ !~
~ .~ . ~ .
';0; ".

J.ln~ I....nl.·....
(;'j•• 'I._ 'ce.., 1 hI, U6I


• 'oal
1. o... l.r ,.. r.ptlft SGPAG

• ·.eeI ",.. tn

. .•
". ' .. '.J ... .,
:. ~ t
u. ."
. ' , •• " ,. ~ . . . l " : ..• • .,. ...
~,. .-...;
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t.; 1::. •• •
!..: .: .~ Ih d

~l& • • • .> ....... • .. .

1Ol.-t... _,n " .... .
...... ,"\i
.J " , .'
..... ,
' .. ···· 'f~
-... -I? 7/
Dft 101'• • _ . . I : ~~ \"!. '. ';

. .
MORl DoclD: 218371



'.aa" hl"Uac-­
ObJenS.... ' ,..,.,


I,.. P. O. S"I"O_
ANh'\' -' tor o,--,."lou
,.I.lItlno I.Wns.,;.ooe
c.... Nl JawI1.,.,... '"r~· n.,
••MAl:tea II. 1'1. C•

..1'8...... h -.d. . . ~ ......" ...... 11 J'-. ~ •

....jon. ' '"10' "_ 1.1-' ot 1f ..... U ...•
1'0G' Pt"~... uoa. ,.....,..s.. "b\toe f4 .SCJ!"IUCB.
I ~,,. it &ftd .... IJCSJl":1l ,.... tile ,~ ..." . Lld .........
rer ~
~ .,.
••i ••
DepartlMah .r ANt. "97 .... .l'r 'or_
Tov . : U N . cSYI.~ . or 'O\IOA _ \ oa ••• ooa •• u.tr
"1'1'...... ,.H1"-i.

•• "\ •• err ft!C

• Ott...1. J.,w"

. ...
~ "
~ .. :'1-/171­
0/11 201 (ho' lie. . .

MORl DoclD: 2183 7 1

i: ~.::y<: ;: ,.
JDln\ :n~.)ll~~c.
Obj9cUYe. ""M01

Chh,t, III D!!n;n!c " ea;t_t..r, ,e"

C"nt.,.::. lnt.all1• ..JnCe _"..,rw:¥
2c.JO ,,:-t.r.et.. N. f• •
.. ~ ;", D. C•

.t1t::rl:..11. .... J. J. IIUpara

IlNI" RI'. W11pen,

ReleNDD. h . . . toO nGl -.ol"llnd. 1123. • ' a "prU 19fta•

....10 r.nonaal "-on&. tIL ~.; .,.o1-11et.e :--.... •• :' .ICf.,
and 1'bNodor r.:.!fz, l1l:I0 .nf.n.s u tN.e CIOM\I7 un U . ., 19~, .,..
inal_. ~t.b tor,.... 1At'o,.uba em .-.t.nt.loe.

2 lne=e !-t. •• tu.::AL.::::r ,.,i,

1...... tor LU;, I..oloaal., •.ISQ:o
2. ~ tor }I~ "t'Z i4nch::­

... ;:: ~: ~. ~".

" , . lI ' t: .,'"
.: ,:•.;.
1,;; : ,; •••
':! .-.' "r ·,.
" .
" II .'. :
;:, . ,


uri"Y"! la
aJ1 H.n.tI !rJi.·t\E
C/R 20: ,boodor RFE1:
• ,
. I'
, ...
" . I
." ~ ." " .

. ~' .. ............ .~ . ~'

MORI DocID: 218371

26 I&.q 19S2

., "

C... \.:ral lDtelupao.......,.

Otria. of ~Uon .ad ~.-.cd.naUoo
.s..~ 1Iocl."
RoaD 1118, ... aas,141rr
2IJCI I ~tr.t , 1f.1t.
I ...I J.~ ~, DeL.

Qo - . . . - or U. ..,. .... _ _ u.. r _ ~p.
,... U. lhd.... »..... OIl 1 1 / _ 19~
___ u...,..
_uu.t ' - Po
_,. 7 at ..tuft,
• ..,,. _
. . OM .,.. Mllu-l. J.at'bftaU_ .. tbl.lDw~ JMa ....,

a. .... IIDIUW . . ~ a' U. u.t4 T.,lor Model Bula,

~,II:I. II. ooatnGt . . _ _ _w 18 1--..:17 1"2­
•• Dr. UDa l lll!'. atdrw.- ... Qe . . b,
or _-.
"'v''' .1

"'Dr. unna,IIC'. _ 1a w.. .... W til. 110"" §atob Llft. -..,.1\1.&1­

" :a :

v'!l / . .·.r rh l·l. , :t.l Q'!: r l .t~ " " .. :..oc ....; •• ~" .,
1.01 Jr . ':" " ':'. : ' . :: :.. ' -:'1.:':

• t C·
MOR l DoclD: 218371

Omtftl~ ... . ,
otn.oe fit Coll_t.1aa ... Di, !'.\ion

24JID ......., ••••
• ,., eke.l5,

.&\t.. . . . J. J • • 1#••
r _ _ _ til IW _1111'...._ ...s _ _
.... 40.<. . ~ to _ ~ .ad \br.- 4~ ..-1.alJat.

It 0 -.z." ,.,....... .•

4 z-le.
1. ">'0 sH­
nr:..,... am., .. w• •rgqylH
a. •
. . .1. s
Wa1_ saw...
4. • ~8r_

-"''&3 don;So",-" .~ _ ·•• l . ...
• rt• .:&1"F t •.••
UU1t,,; j Jl;, F

• !" .: i ,,:.
'. '. . : : ,' .
.• c .
. .

~···· · ~)-/71(J
MORI DocID: 218371

.,. ...
~:": "'" .

21 jpoU 19$2

CN.eI, .~l*1e "pew, Cl:D

21.30 I I,,"', I. I •
•"Id..II&'- 3" Do. C•
•rrllrt3. ... J. J. W .....

DIu' ... 1t1pNw.

a.ter a II h . . . w nGl ___" ' - l12J .r 2 .,...u 11)41•

. .Ie ~.-1""'" 01 ~ "..,.,.,,., J. GIS._,

1IIbo U'r,bed. 1A W • ...,.,. aD 2 I.prU l~, b lae1M_ ~t.b
tor JaV 1.a.tOI'M\1o. ad "_UOD.

1_ I. ,. ucUUUl
. . . ~ CM.!lMD M-.l, ""-r

..1."_. :~ ~ ~.' .oJ:' .1. {11.·.·~· v _

. .:Un« l :.•• . .1.101,:,,1 ~.teD" .c \.
••.! ~ . .. .... i .Uhlu ~ ..c ,,~ :'I'D I ?~.
. ~ ......
,.s Till. 1t. ,'. J.e: . • .. ,'
7 S1 " IIDcS 7~•• Tho 'r.,: ,,_ i . ~~'·· or ...
,..."UUOD of 1\.s OODtetat ;. la ~ :.. .l-.
to aD unautborh.od perSOIl is ,roblbl 1

\ I~IA .A.rrhala, · "'P"t!'bt ~ol" ...,­

~ 2.)1 Goor& ,J. GASS..Al;)i:

tl "' ~ " 21-I'lJI

MORl DeclO: 218371

J.t., Ia..useo_
ObJeoU... ..,,., 6_ •• 1952

h, ... Sad Mr..Uta tor J'f/!IIZ W . . .tJ.oa .... nt.nua ...
r ..t U, '~oo b _.,~ w ,
do.. 1v. """'1a1q wJ'f'- ...&.r1u .,..1aluw"I1U\ed ~.

- ....
... '. 1IICm.lua
Qd8c'l, Araor

• . , . )'1
.,-: ,,~.
or "h'
.. .•,.n'
,; '; ' ,:: ,.'t
", ' .11,:1" Site , ,
,, ~

'1'"'' ''
" I ---: . 0' '

.. . •' ~ I - 1'1/1­
" .
MORl DoclD: 21 8371

. 'J: ~
. '".. /," . ..
. -
• t.... . ~ I , .. I -­

Jo1..a\ lnwW.:enc.
tl>joeU na .;1'1\07
n :·;.

Chi.f. ~o~npjJ.o J.:.ght4r. X&;

Cinual lntall1•• nc. ~uq
U)O 1. :a ..... t~ ~: . :. •
..... ~"\oD ~. c. -:.

• ·;r~tI/)II, 1Ir. J. J. ra:: pru

o-z. i1r. WUp."..

ltet.,..... h . d . \. JI'0l ...on.nd_ WJ ot a iPl1.1 1948.

!'~IISC ,.·n'~l 1.4G(. ;tiQ 0: ::~r:~:1 'rortb!!U.. :JMC.i,... &. r.
::,ru\ ~" ~ erri ".:I lza W. eGlUr\r7 oa ~
rcsnr clll:!!
19S2" .,.. t.ncl~ed henwSth tor l'VV lnro,*,Uaa ud l"..hD't.laa.

2 Incle A. II. !(~~D:.1' :ill

1. [i'Rfor KOSD C.I.o• • &n..:lr
2. ",. tor WJXR3R Dlrec!.or

~ """1_1.
201 R..dl&OP I.r.' IOSlI
c,l1l: 201 .... It lfUBRa
.. ~
. ...•.. . ...." '1 L..• )•
t\.· ., .., - •
I '~

'< :; , :. 2 ' -17/J

• i....:
MORl DoclD: 2193 71

JoSA" latall1pnc.
ObJeo U.,.. "PM,

Ceatral lA&aU1pnoa Apn07

~tt1c. fd CoUeooUoD and D1. . .1naU.on
l1up'aP\S.o ~.1aIter
IIDc:a 1 ! l&,1 ~. ~Ud1.n.
24JO I. S~'. M. I •
• _ .... - 2,. 110 G.

ronardad biu'ww1u. tor J'OW' intorllaUon and "wnUon are

do.dar. part.a1A1n, \0 tNt &u.at.r1&n .pecial1aw Ibt.ect bala..

10 lAal.,
1. Di>..s. rn.ctr1ola ilt.ba.l'J,lf'IU
2. • JobMD _l~&t.QI:
,. • .~ .... JA9CIIU
4. • _1AIIaU .AKH~
5." • ...1 . . ..uu
6. • Jo..r ,lDCI
1. • L1IiIta'1& U!ldlSl&
'. • ......U:a SQIIlS.
• 9.

IIMIal.t ,UlmtAU.I
~ Z&l1lll. ._
I.: I · ~
lira 1. .. . : .:t~ . . • ~ ._ al. l . • L' Cnu i lli ot u..
El. pJ ~a;.",. _,_ . . i' ~ ,;."
• . .:. .... .. S.otloo ~:

r . .... :1'1 h 'a 0 : •. , l.., iUJf _ r

to &1.1.1 ••,.I'IoI t".. '·· ·· ; l·ol'IlbU.a
b,. 1 ••• •

.. .. . '. , ,
.. ' J ..

q~ , ' . '.:." '~~ . '. " ~ '.:~' i',

. ~ w,TI:n · ,:
" :! 1 -1711

. . .'.,
: .
MORl DoclD: 218371

lota, lat.elUplllle


'*.1_U.... '1PIMI7 29 J~ 19S2

Cn\ral lAt.llltlerc. "P~7

(jUice ot Cou..UQn aad J.kU_iJ."loa
Uovo,.,SO 110110""
'-'- lllM, .... adl~
U)O E. S..,.." It• • •
.... ~1I>C'OD ~. ~ 1:.


..t • .,.. 1e .... '" \ele~ ..,...,."r..Uoa GO 26 I~

195-2 .. ~ liz•• t.._ .t 7'NZ ~ Md. _r. !'1LWlp: at uu.
~. ~ GC'W1\h tw J'iIV WQ~Uo.ll Ud re&.a"- U

bMqr.... daY prt&lll1Dt; \0 Jorwu.. ~t'.


1 lMl•
. .pv\IaIII • • • ,..
• J'1Iha.AD"I. '''1JQ.1'

~ .' ., -17/.5'"

MORl DoclD , 218371

Jo1."11\ In:''l~ ! .;....Ic:e

... J.: ... 1~" • •. .,'./1.0::7

Ontnl l .. \oll~ ' _ 7

:4t1oe ., C.;.J:;'"~n &I'd D1. .c.1Da~1.g.Q
a..,.JIIb.S.a .....1....,.
- Ul.t..... aos:.u..
a.uo I. 1"-'•••••
• Mh.~ 2,. D. O.

r~ ....... Uh tor J\lUr Worm..\iun aDd n'-u"lou .,..

J lMla.
1. . . . . . N lu-l ICIU..&lI.8OH

• • lad Sa,am
• • • AdDl,.. a&&Al. - ....
.. I. ~u. ~; lL.I
Colo-.l. .&Iwr

• - .·1·....' . ''''tI
... J t~~... ... . 0" " : .: "J!~.0: t::..
\Jzu~ec: ::.: .. Il~ -. , ' .11 I..' -'U !ot: .t til.
u.,10DIII' LI .1o _ _ .1 : . ' . • " . s.~ • •••ction­
19~ .n..: . ,. \ .. ...:. or l b.
,..".l,lS",. .. . J ... ..:~ •• to , ::. lU auf -..m.r
t. AD _\l\l.oO, .:.. .. . ... ., I', 5' ,. o!. l~It.:
'" 1.... •

>( :' • II 2 I -/71/

t ·
MORl DocID: 218371

J oSa t r'-'111 C'tD~

Obj. .U ... ' ' ' ' ' ' 1'0 ':"1 1161

.... ",..... ... ~i1U

Atwrnll'1 "d .. J"I'. Dru,. or
0.....1 Cna,II"l
lat:onal i'....\lI'\ ! OD '"tner ! ".'
",par_.. ' .r c-r_
'lIb1.nrto. 16, D. C.

1 _ "PI" ... , t_ pre ....r b. . Ia••• t.~ "la",d _ la

or .......J .;h
P""SDC "'. 11.,
to Y'• .. t.,. .... ),011 ".-.Wd . . . . . . . aa.d. __,

"'p ~r u.... ","..nt. a .,.,lotN. __ and will, I "Uo.....

• ho_ faa tJw . r t.., or wohai cal an:! .olna\tHo .tr:llh 'lbSoh a.,..
""'0 ."a• .I.-.,... In til. ,..c..
r.r pMlr hrU.r 'ntor""""to., 1 _ 1 ..\111l' _10. ,.. _ _ , or .
• , . . ,..ple "'"• • 111 " _.r,,1 tOll l' \I 10 ."aa.. ! "C , _ r~re- .
_n. of ",.J. . . . .I ... refa.l"llq . po DI.nld, ot • .u...
tor ... S. O'WD ,D.
oh1U• • •ph,....t.

1Ia,s. GiN. I, ~l-, U,. T.~l_l ln~elUr'." Ceawr.

_t~"''''~pItOD An. tIra)ot.oD, Obi.

C.l. J. I, ODI.nO, Corn.. Ch!ef C"l.-..J_ : (..tl1 ..,. • .... ~1ac­

"., D.e•• - ' ~'II'

cap' • • • ca'"l....11. Iq. Ur ......I'oh r.,..lopaut Co ins",

• .Ut.Dn, .... Wbpi'lOM. tula10a 1111, "" 701.

f" " f) 2, - 1717

MORI DocID : 218371

,i ~ -- . . _ - -- - -- - ----;;:-- --

I ,

t .JOII ' "

IIr_ rr.."'!.k lo" rd il U
·~Pt, fie .. Co:...." . .

All of . br abon otrJce.. _ UfO ClUtw Ia..:Uhr wi' ~ 'probl.

anol _ i ll 'l. «1,. , to d.e ~ " II &::11 aul.toton •• , " 11 a1~t Nt\llre_ Car-t .
Ol pb.~~ l 11 I P . St1 . . U y O'.. IU2IIC'wd ...,.~. t he .OD t "'.t ~ ~ open !. ! on
M ' w\ll ~ b. .r o'" u Sllo,.. "lo hill : la t ... ~ ,...,eot.

I . S,, _r6 I , bope t."I.~ \.ha n . I":.&t. ,on I_ \uot\ll. :i; pl..... dr.
ato~ h" ltte.tr t " 0 :. J 1 4)" VI t.,r ·, tur ~ho,. .. lp 1 ~U ra1 ".qu J,...

~ i nw ", 1 ~ 1 '11:'1,

) 1.01 I. " ', • (ZtlfJ'nl

tl'. o . " 1 1ft _._
pro...... b1 J l'OA


" .' :! . -1'iJ'/

.. ,'dla'" .'
MORl DoclD: 218371


.aDICf, ~.
- ,m.~

.9)' ae,..a Ie"t, Tn>e""lter
.ohaah Repair Co., Ioohelter, ft
.TtIL~, Kaaa: '_tIMer ". Foroo;­ C.P. Ooen AMrf._a
Opttoal Co" ITC
IDDIIR, "niD i1rorart JIIC ' uer AI. "-ol"oe Loot-hoed Ale Corp.
BY, "nhet. !n.C t ... IP

Aroy fJre3t " ae " Rubb.r Co., Atroo

aID, Dr. 'Iotor Y.B.

"r.p'. "\1,1"0.,. t.h010g

b . . rob la
,*"oto prGehn •

.. ,~ ...,tea
. ..,.
Veta. A4a ••

du PoDto de -..,.... "

ParJ1n«• ..,
Por• • hln.
W.ab. D.C.
Co., lao • •

DPL2, b1r1rloh I. i.P. Imlll Ur Chat.. Co., Datto_

-a1a~r (paraohvte,)

&.~7 • • &enloe. ;,.d Sol:aoo~ •

• ah. DC

''''1 c...pboll. "!Pont ... c..:1,pOa
Pomdry Co •

1lI'. lon,..d

Dr.J~. 0.1. •• Jr.

lIe _,IOMr
tmt.,.Uoaal R.nda. .

....teo lahofttorl. . Corp.,

Chi-CO 1~

w.. "',otsoa !Shill.

WJItaA~"'. Dr. Qrl.topll a..-tlltr7­

I.U"I aaIKF, Albert P. "9)' ~rtJt,llY\oa "'-P • • ohSDeI'1
Corp., ... b. DC
IAIfIeI, ,.,,) At.c.l II .:n4'r~ ~eu •••lo.r Poly_ I~.t ••
ec-. t~ro . '''''1 Tr01, n
DIWZ'!, (JIIentor P. A.P. ....teo t.."h - - , . , 161 ". Jaotaa
IIlwd •• Chloaco

.thl••oa Oh..t.l Gorp.

Ilu:nlt101l. N.

ito.to JIlMrQ' 1.0. 11_. lol• •ltl. IA".,

hJ ... GaJ..

~\"._·" ,i..:: , "

MORl DoclD : 218371


IDIJU"" ", I. lP1111 o. Ale I~ • • n "ir Foro. Arlpa -;.oo latll • ev,.• CIlJ_p
.... tI.r HO:1 S·~ JobaNlO' l a . u" _r d.r Do",\. Corp ot a.rl ..
OrlMftl IT

J!I'!w.I. Dr. 1t'lIe O. e"..s.tr'·re ....nh .... .

&.1rh a .....rah Co •• 'hD Dyk', ....
a.o"..JII, IF1lI't B.JJ. Ctlealttry .... lW"ke q. •• arah Co •• ViD Dyk., Klol!'

nm.. Dr. Woltl:U" E••• 11'0

mlU, ttr. Kn... nfri••



C~ 1 t17
'aDtral ...,. ...
.11. n ~aradl.7

.tob i, .oll Cn-.1c.l

Co., .,U_ut..

ec.a ClLl.Co
IDCI. (IoUN1.4 ell.'. .t". ~ .,., tor Jllrte ......,.... Co" ... D,t:., lI,ah
"\lMr _roo
I'OIOYII2f, 11ko L.


Dr • •1,... ca.1.,r'7

..., ...
lura I • ...,..,.. Go"

....thifl.on Ch6a1oal Gorp., ChI_co

r.ODa Salt Mfr; . Co •• P..sl•

• • •

UI'ZLO, ft hoi" ., Porclhaa UoJ Y. ftC 51 ~

101, . .11 "'rtaD R-!, Vult... Al e Corp •• PL, Wortb

Alc In,.hMler a.p. • o o o

A..t: . r.nSluer • • o ••
Soton\St'!o Alilt li.B.
Sa ChalRrJ'

&Altai. U ...k
mr,.1B')PP. ~,
v. C~.t'7
...rod",..S ••
u.!. Publ10 1Wal~
Ol'!I.a L • • rti~, .. lt1ao:o•

.""1, Dr. 'J"\IftO •• D.. I~er 1St

.UI.IDkl Pa..~'1o
n.,.t~ A
Co., IDo.,

- ' ..
AI'WiY G,.,d. Sobool of
1I...h, D.C.

! ..F.

.. . .l ..,;....
..~ . . •..,
~ --"- ­ .. .
MORl DoclD : 21837 1

-- .
~uoi\lons Ikt. ...thl. . oa CiI.mO'.l COl'S-, Chl..,o

D. . l(,D.r ot_ A. r. Granea:, In•• , 10oMat.r

(OyJ'o.oop~ .)

RA'ID, .... 1 til'

IDJ:'JG. U."tt "'rln, Looknut , Kl!.ahlno Co.

w.. t. O,.np, 1.1
ID!olAAnr.:", Pr r. .l'hrhaa PhJ"ll10 • A.P. .p~lnt " Ct..rtlDI' 5 l''I'jeo Lab . ~
Ohio I ·.at. tJah'.
IOD, 1'l1_~ I. cna..bl.... ..,. Ia.bl Soteatltlo I.utn.eat

ICIImf'ZXAD, OtrU."_. A/e l.act.... A.r.

£apatoo leb•• Corp., C"P'.toatO
ICBZEr.8!t, BiILD.-J. . rpa C...... atl"J' ... 11. MaW.. o.'l ehftt~ Corp., Cht-.p
l1l.I.., Dr. mel.rl all: S. A/C h&la..,.IDC .,.
• JIB.JT"P.", Iteolal T. Cll_tol°ct_ .I.r. ~rtoan ".'eor~lopCl!lll Sool.'y,
CllzbrJ4£. n.H St.t1on
aDE.ln'. IUn. S, (wit.) • • • • ••
1n!"UT.. w.,uouo!

1:z.nllJ. Glm.rd J •
. .t&UarU .....
'.rod,.....a1o. Kell.tt ,U r.,..'" Corp. 01' c...d.eD

.rrDf, 11... . .habtlltation 6: ,,"pO or "l1QWS1htp IT Dah. 6: .. n.yq •

Pb,.s.o. "4. Dtt.Q.M .ell.l c..ter, IrC
.,mIllERG, 81ld• .,rd ., ,tt BD.clD1.,SIll A,'.
..... rGb r.ote oOClltrol wctud.qu.
....s-too tab... c"rp., Cr.lc:.ap

'''LID. Karel Sotenid A.F,

,lMMIllU.NJI. !Jietrlab
10111", atll ...... Coatia.at&l FDUadry" l!Achlu
Co., Plth1n&rp 19

a.rtu.N A..f, Aa.... ~oo '-b •• Carp" Cj.l:a.r.o
.,. lUI, ~at.er •• 11 • en...... 1 (.;orp, Cft.l .. So
_JID1'. OUo I. • ••-.nlt ­ A,f, Couol1taWd. aa-r Pry PlaM •
Photo ~a1OD. Jib! Co •• ft .. Loul.
MORl DeclO : 218371

:J1fT:-~ ••• rUa A,.t l"nt:ID. .rtD«:

A. )0.
me " I. "rt tll Co • • • It.
CIIG. Up 'ou. A!e rn~llleePta.c .... f.

Jleyn.,l-:!a :.!e\a}a Co •• Lou.ln'1Ue,l{1
1I'D. A.14red C.
a..h ''J'laG¥ eorp. Cooharth '14.I7C
10. rillt . . kv-L&IQI lnr:taeer Pa ~, -.. r.;..,t'!
!1;adJo eor,.. :.,It. V.rnon

8 ;1 ~ 0 2 I - / <J1lJ.

...:.." 1 ;... "!-" _ ~"' "

. . -". .
MORI DoclD : 218371

..... ,$,,'.
. ,..tII_ eO b
,~ ..
,.'" '.
.... ..."
• 2

.. ...,..,iM.t.,s
'IWAUez 7 '0",&'- Ir..... EM ..

·"=:..:.:.: I b..
t !lta


· u_. e!1',.;:."!,,,,,,,
s a 1.,

. . . IMII. " __ "~I_ '71U­

" ..........

•• u p~ ' . .. ,,-«........
11 ".I",t,J,&a ....,,,.........,.

If . . . .
& In&' LS
. " , 91_ ••sm _...... eM

• Jg~f:f"fl-- - ..
~ ~ / FI

CO~ilTIAII 834021 : :J ~'"
MORl DoclD: 2183 7 1

3D_l. .
""'-' _ll"~t'::;
J10l 10)5

...... 1. _ _ Sa _

a. ...
to nat _ _ _'_ '"' ..'" , _

,.11.... _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ ...
11161'• .....,.

11'17 ~ to £ ' . VIe .... pa.'Id ...,.tirSAtS.-., ttl-' es-1IU.\•

• , ..,- SI.gea" ..... , N'- . , .. dll Uw ., ... ,
~ •.' '_h" .. iii . . . . . . . . ..
pl-."'- .. --_ .. - ..... - ..
_ to '-'Sa It&ta . . 'n'p'. ,.." .....
~1o'1I ~ _ • • ,...- Ito_ . .,
~ 10 . . tide __ 1D ... . . .t't'Iaa.­

'.. '.'/!>
.... . -".~
"" .. .to "!
.. .=
. ~~.;\ ...

. .. ,

MORl DoclD : 218371


roill; '," .. . r'!"

'...., •."'_ .1 i .!I ~.
, .r.l'illf ;w JJt.... '1UN

ro: Joint. Chida of Surr

Joint- Int.elligence Object.ive ",ency

At.t.ent-ionl Lt. COl. G. Crabbe, l:SJ.r"j.

",'OM: F"rAtlk G. Whner 1>J I
Depl.ltoy D1n:ct.or, Plane
SU9.n-~cr: Requost. tor !fame Chc<:ka

1. Reference i. made t.o your lot.t.er J JJOA 1701 J or 9 December

19$2, requ.. t.1ns intonut.ion concerninc tour lpeelalhtl and/or
2. "cheek or the rUes or toMs ortice reveal. no partitlont.
identifi.ble intormation pertaining t.o the subjects or your In­
qu.1ry •

50 DB- 61914

1.Chrilt.a Luc:le "": IJop Po'S.

2.){\Irt A. MA.~;JjRAr
3.Ct..rlot.t.e I.J. P.'N%ER • ... itf! oJ' ';aI t4r B. PAH7.E!t
".SuI.nOll J. WEISS. wire of "ierharc1 WEISS

,icu 10.....
Date .
f'_ t-"~uy
201 .... · 4''O.L.OII't'ER3 (o.p.)
201 Iw\ A. IWlOORAP
201 "lwr I. PI.IIZIR (Dip . )
101 o........s mss .(n.,.l

', ' 'l~

.. ~:I"I..

'." " .... '.
. .
:.;"",,-...,,"' - ..
MOR! DoclD; 21 8371

fi ;Y'I,
' ,', c;HIII
: hUI".,r'(I.

TO. Joint. cntets or s".rr

Joint. Jnt..1l1~.nce :, bject he At~ency
Attention: Lt. eol. 0:. fl . Crabbe, USAF

lit:!."': ' Frank O. Wisner ~

Oepu.\.)' Di"ct.or, Plans

, ' 1. Reference 1_ .ade ~o ygur letter, JIOA 1619. of 4

Dec.-ber 1952, requeaUnl lnfo,..atlon conceminc tour ep'edallat.s
and/or dependents. .
2. A check ot t.be tU.. ot "hi.
ornea reveals no pert.llIent
identlfiable t.nformat.lon perta1n1ng too tohe subjects ot J"Our in­

5C 011-6191$

Kurt Sc~.1der "wire ;!Iullant

Palll E ....."r ...sr. - r,ertl'\ul

/l!> IDOmlll
201 ~ SCHftID.

20\ Paul I. 1II111R

" , .• _Oc ..
MOR! Docl D: 2183 71

14,. C .T"r:.T _ .

•flO'" ~19
• DU_Hr 1147

1. : . '.:- :.:to(r,~·j: 1c :. l I .:tlll1 . • ••c:e ::. .:~L tu' , r:·:r~I· lr nce Car.t~r,
~e ! .tr::;' I..hll1;...encf' I ;e~c) 11 c!,(.r;et: -r:UJ. ti:f;" esu.t:l1'!"\:~~r.t &.nd IMin-­
tel~ . f.(. ~ ;,! ~io. r. yi-.lu·l ce.ltr.. 1 rHor:: ~ .::nC: J' e,dr"~ files •
~. J. phot.ost.l.ted co;.)' of Co nt of fil., cOQpll~d by Dr. WefT.er
Osenberc .and co:.Sl!til" of bioiT'aphicd ncor"s on .~ .proxi.6ll.tely 18,000
Gen"lan sciand.ts is ...t ;resent 1t: U:.e posussion ot t.i•• lo1nt Intellle;ence
ObJecthes Alenc)" CO;l: ·.c.nder 'el t.e 'll ornu, Roa. 2D ;6~, D.tense !lu.11dlr....

J. It is our wvJerr U!l.dinc t.: .at ti;ose tUes to re aot beir.~ used
b)' t)-;e 101nt. IntelU~enc:e Ob;!'etin:; I./Jene)' .. nd C!t t t.!.~ oUiee to ,,-z"lieh
th.; · :. re nor. utlt:ned it r.1111 1 .~ t . : to ti:e)' b. tr. nsferrce to CII-. fOI" t~.e
reference Cent:!J' t.o be inc:orpor.:: t.ee: int.o it!. (i)_Ill.

,. Xi ' cH:", Idon.. ki.· :·ffic~ if ~ : h t.n..Hofer _·.. t : toit.::! .toar

, ~ ..• ro"':. 1.

.~ T~r ftl'lCJOR Of CfNT.Al I,TILLII[ICr

L. T. S....nol
Suo\"the tor
Ad.1D1atr&t1oD aDd VaD&L3••at
~., ''''"".'~ic~'A'A'A'A'"
383.1 ~r& Cople.

Ii&'" Ie' ·, .r- "

MORl DoclD: 218371


C ·.;~·~GENCE
IUD .• , .. 5111111:C1' . " . w.
hl. EX. 611:;.
W"SHINGTON 2'5. O . C .
DECR!:t or t:nl)
E;<t. ~ n5i::,, :·.
1n :-~;: 1y refer Sta.nd&i't! t
" C D No . L7&o.) TIl!E or !1m!
2 I OL· ·... .,;.,···S Must han b7 •
Stronc1,. d••ired b7
Ea.rl.)t u pract1c.ble....!.­


Roca t.A 61t.
l4t1onal Deren.. Bu1ldinC
W.sh1ncton ~S. D. C.
SUBJECT. Collectl on Reque.t No . 4780.)

1. P\arlN&Dt \0 Inlorul .lTanc_anti e.de by a rapresenwt.he of

thh AcMe)' with C.pt&1n Botquet w..... or nOA, it. 11 r.q,u.. ted that. the
toUO'III'1.nI Oeru.a .p.e1al1stt who are aplc7ed urder Operation PAP!1I:CLIP.
tMI tnwnol.ted tor Worutlon .. specified In \h. belo.ed 1bt. or

•• Heni!rUr wahl - tpec1alht In t.t.onlan 011 thale .t

Ja~,oD aDd WOreland, Bo.t.on, Kassachusttt,.

b. lrich s..r..pun - oU ahal. expert., at Uaj:uralt,. or

Ilh!o\Q'"1 S:hool or lUll",

2. Pl.... rnrward the reports or the,. loterv1~ to the f ollowing

address, ~g .pec1tlc FareTenc. to CD No. L160.3.
1ttentlonl L181.on Branch, OCD
2t.JO _&R Street, H. W.
l'uhlr:g1.on 2~, D. ::.

0_ ,/'A •
.~ - ---
/ A•• letant D1r~
oln'" ot Collection "':1ODr."'-.1""tlon

~.- .. ;..

- '•..•...·• .. .'. ,'.
' .'
-'''. ~ .'
Dolte NOt · Iii .
... .' ­

••• '-' • J -25'

...... . .. - .'­
MORl DocID: 2183 7 1


• ~ and 1;J'leh ; arapwa

TI'I. follO"f1.na qu.esUons are '\IIlelrt..:l tor u..e 1n tn.a lntArTo.,tlon or

!iendrlk ",bl and ~rleh ~a7apu.n1

1. How loQl tlld. rou. WIOrk In 'the c-a\.On1a oU shalo- 1,..lu,tr1;

(il.... d.t ....

2. llelerib. .. d.at.aUtd . . ponS'.: l,. lI.. oil ,hal, dapMl\ t.hal""l.

How MIV' horlaoftll .,.tt
there? "h..t. la U,a Wckne. . or Neb?
lbai. 1ft \.he d.1p and .trlh or the borhCllf'la' 01.... ~u..DC.
ot tonu\loa. t'ra bott.CIl to top. 'lba' 11 \be erll ocwrt.~t Sa
_01'1 of ~ on .hal,
horiaon.a? 1I}wr., in r.lat.1oa \.0 Via
otMra, la t.be dlet,1on. . . bonaoo? 1:1 U1l1re • dl/teTenC9 1D
\be appaantlee 01 ua.
hor1 &on &Od \.he s(\oooC4}l..:1 "lu.tln1t..­
011 .Ml.. ? Jrha\ 11 U'I. carbon CClQte"t. or t.he dlot,l00.A
abale' ...... \hlra aII7 ~ ..d oQ\.crc.;.:. or the d.1ot1on_
.baht It &0, _ha\. IZ"'H . n t.hey 10Qllt.ed 10?

). ~. nat, port.ion o( Uw oU ahAla no:-ir.o,," "as -orlcod UDder Ceru.n

000"'1*\.1011" ·.. har• •an aWnt: opt'ln'\.lons and i-'l&1'l't.~ 10 c&t.ad7

It. ~· .. a &CQ'
wad. done on the ....,.••U .... and W'1n1\a cOlltlnt of ..h,
ahala.r . If so, ~t • • thl content a,,1! da5ent. work ,Ion ••

6. Jrh.t . .'thod of a1n1ne: .a ued 1ft tha. . oil ah ..l .. ~ Open

pit or undll':rcund .In,,? "'hat. . . <:hlne., .a ••act?

7. .aa ~ WGrk dona on tha rasldual, or ty-prodQct.loDS of thl

0'l- ntlw, plut..? It '0, d.. mb.- In dlt.aSl.
8. What ... the '''1'1,1 dall~ tcN'~&' or shal .. aincr.:! 1a t.!;'.: a1'ea '!
"bat .. a "\I
nln,_ dallJ' o!.l ;-: r"l:!1:cUon7

lu. All)' Irno-ladce of Ull dlp'_ of aocIern1..Uoa IJ'1:i .cl\anluUon

of ftln.. ~. under 5~11t orer"San?

11. 'nr knnwlad,a af other otl ah'la dlpoalt.a in tha !~let . r.l00
and/or .. 1.A111t.a eo""t.rt,,7
o.acrSb. at.e\.a ofaxplol\.aUon.
it eo.

I"! ;' , " I ~21

, "\ ' .' . '- " ".

MORl DeclD : 218371


)..~l.·(lRAN:r~~ F'ORI Dlrec~or. Joint ;nhllt~.nc. l..'OJH:· h.. A... "c),

Jobt :t:iC!'A of Start

F.rf!P~::H~r. ".lIIound~ ('rOil, ~!':ht. ' ·J;Flo1tool.!t.:" :;j.islor.••'10A.

'!'. hd (; o.cul't-tr l!Oia . ,ubJltr' .. ~ AtOU , nCl.'. 40Z4.

1. ~I :entre1 Jnhlll"nce J.,ency his no rei'o,.te~ ! nfo:-:r.e":! cn to

add to thlt ~101''7J1ah.d by your AClnc)' In COMt'ction ..j ti, it. req\..,t
concun!n.: thl C;1nu,n .eJln t1l~. n&IDld In ret.renc • • bO't'I.

~tv4.:~,.}: : ;
r.~ !: n: I. AJ[·rCO-:-r
E.ll cu t.1ve Assistlflt Dir"ctor
Of ;'!cI of Colhctiofl at:!C: Dl"e:-:.1n.t ~ on

nl,O 'DIST,
~). ·I "l~
38).7. :.xap. ~lau.

'p• • ~

-. ,
A ...... . _ • • ...
,.. . .. ... ..... "'. 'li'''';·' ,.
Dale I . " 0.,, l5,':' 5


.. ...." . · ·f •...
d ;' . .~ -2-}
MORl DeclD, 218371


.:..;('Iiu,:; J.' , ~.t: J ;: r ec\.vr •.Ini:"lt. :·.~~1l1 ~ .. "1"'· ( l·.' e .- ':. i '/C's J.:'"Cft(!'
· ~ "h :. r:~:i .. !"~ ~,~ :'\.o!"f

' C'. &I (fT:, . ~ !1;.:f. ·. X; ' ! (,.! :'~'. ~tI:"! . \· h!o~:, .;.'(A.
:'...J :. ·! e ·: ,.. ~ ·.." l ~·:. ·: . :I ': I.:~!: l as .hove , .IILJ. ']1':fi .

1. fhe Central lntel!lcenct Ar.tnC)" h." no reported jn~oT1l.:'1o:l

t.o .d ,~ t.o t.h.t. fur:tl"l'\e1 by :-'C"'r A~eney h eonnec'..lon "d t.h its re .
"",ut concernbc -..he [ollowin, 'Jer.1ll1'i ,c:i..nUsts:

&Jr. au,t.ave :iedicu,

.Jr. ;'.01 thard i',e1del
~. Jlr ieh ,.est.?hal
;)1". Kul Zeil.

2. lnfoTi!l.t. lon on file 0 :-, t.:,e nther lndivl:fu ds list.ed 1n

reIere:lc: e .~ve is lir.l;it.e-j 1.0 t :'al c:ont.rJb,it._i \.0 U:e Cent:-.! !nt.elli­
lenc. J.rency ~: 1,. ;,. ~l!I1cies o ~ :'i:t- ';lCA ('.ovel'"n.i!'l(:, Ccr.t'l'l1tlee. and . :
since !:. ' :15 jlY.1 ~ ('.':.ej jn PIT:!:' ;"'r';l ~ ~.ree of .'/")lIT lo!t.t.er ~ :. at t~ e
:rIe~ber, of ....., ;c·.. e:": I !ll ~ Ct'I"I."'\!':.;'ee r.ouH c:led: t!'le j r t Ues, this ::ta~.
1:1 no t b.1n:- rOTY.o1rd~ I.

r.. I, ~:t :':l'; j J. )i)1CC";'T .
!:xec".1tSve Asshtant Jirec:t.or
U!t.ice or Collection 1111 )!sset'l!nation

.::ire. JJ.UA )7b9 dtd 4 .. ov . 1948 to ClIO .

p '
• ~ .ntr. l J.ntellis_nce ~ceney
38).7 i.acape ClaUM

..' I~""

,.:: ; .. ' ,' - :]C )

''If •R~ 1985
.. .' " ...
. . .. . • .!'" . ......"" .. ....
MOR! DocID: 218371



" , llovMbor 1948

~;a;ai iloi1: Jinct.or, Joint. lnLelUaence C.bJ.ct.1vIUI

A,..,cy, Joint Chie/s oC ShU
SUSlIx:r, •
RequUt. for lnfor,'Ution Conceminl "lenlllll)

Me» !'r:a Chief, ~lo1t..t.1on :)1v., JIOA.

dt.~ 7 Oct. 43, subj as .boYe, JIDA )'79.

1. Jbrwarded herewith is bIOP'''Ph1c eketch of

ProCessor Harwa,t. KallAMn.

2. Central ;rntellJ.laoIce Agener hu no other reported

infonuUon to ~d to t.het. ftlmished b7 JOur "siner in
e»nnecUon wIt.h t.his requut. eoncerntnl the Oeman sCientists
in reCerence .bove.

Ex-cutlYe A~~lsLant Dlrector

"fnee of Collection and Di.sead.netion
Incl. ,,

Se. JIUA )479 dtd 7 Oct. 1'148 to CU . i~
-, ' " ,. .7'- . " " " .
· ~t\ •.•
[:::.:: L ' "r

C/II ,....,""". !

8a ; \1 •• - J7
Approved for Release
Oale 7 NaY 1985

" ~~. <... : ,.. :t-, .,

', ... -;':,, ~- ...
MOR! Doc!D: 218371

! !

MI!.!OM.X~ roll! Uireetor, Joint JnteU(r.I :u::. Objec:thu ",Inc), •

JOiDt Chief. of Stat~


REFERENCE: W.. or&nd~ tram Chiet, EsploitatioD ~i .i.ioD, JJOA,

dattd 25 Auru.t 1948, .ubj.ct .t .bo.I, JIOA 2979,
; . '!
1. "'e Central Int.IUteeDcI Jelnc,. hal DO rlportld h!.l'O,...t10D t.o add ,
to that t\uuitbed by )"wr A&IDC)" iD cOQ.IIlctloa with ita requI.t coaelmac •
thl alr-n .cleati.t. . . . d iD ret'rID c' alloY ••

E:J::.CI,lU", ..... t.tant ot,..ct.or
Ottlu ot ColhcHClD aad Dh...unatloD

s.• .nOlo. 2979 cltd. 26 !u&'. 1948 to C14

)I'' ' ' ' C.nt.ral
)8).7 r.o't'\lIPU'"

App'o.•• 'Ok""'W! 19B5 " " . -tjS'
Date •

. -: . , ....... -..... ,'- !
MORl Dec l O : 2 18371




Direct.or, Jol~t. lntelli,...,ce "oJ ~ct1ves A[eflCY

Joint. Cnhfs of Staff


Request. for lnfoTII'I..t.lon Concerllin!: Oe r;nan Specialists

~. eiUDranawa fro:n l/eiJUl), !)1rector, JIOA , i.t.e:i 12~

l"'~J subject as .bove, J)OA ?;to)

The Central Intdli&enc . -'laney hu no report..J infonution to

add t.o that turnished ~ youz ' A,.ncy in connect.ion with lts request
concerning the German scientist, named in r . ference .bo•••

Encutive Auishllt Director
Office of Collecti on ."d D!ue.'ftin.tion

s.. nOA 2065 dtd 9 Jun, 1948 \0 CIA.

Appro\"I!d fl"!!"r..~ !a.lsc
Oale ? NO\{ ~,
. .\ -17
MORl Docl D: 21 8371

_ •• _ ••• _ . _._ . - n __ . _ __ ._ . _ . .. . .
_- -.._._.... . _­
.. .. . .

C· IT"'Pt\.'GfEI~ AGIN' .
'UO . .....TIIt.IT..... w.
Tel. EX. 6115
Extension 776 WAIiHINGTON 25. D . C.

In reply reter
to C D Ho. 479'i.l

i:"'; :\"o;-U; ::~~. f\...' l .;;:;:; J(,l;.'f 1; ::~;";""; :C:'; tk.r~I'l'';.;. .I.. ...j.C!"
Attention: Cl!.ptl:ll. Los",uct n'ev, II.S.;. •
i!OOD 2D::3:. Pt:n t.~"tt:. i..uihiiJ.c:.;
Str:. JZCT:

1. It 111 l"e\.Juc.5tet1 that the German acienti3ts \OI!~~~~~~.g

lmder the auspices ot tho Joint lntell1&ence C/bJeet.1vo or
SWt, be exploited tor photobf'aph!l, U illC.iiec.tcd below, are re"uired by
thh Agency:

•• Jlhot.oij;l'oph 0: oach Oer=an scientist., including the nalae ot each

aeiontist., his a&O. alld apaeialty.

b. Phutoc;raphs or other sig.lfic .::.nt ~rsol ;...J.1aes in the tield or


c. Phu'..o:.;r"r':a or st.r.. t.e&;ic fl!.ctoT!.es, instc.ll;.Uons, clc.

2. PhotoJapil!l 0!.rC I.!OSiT""~ tor reter.tion b;, the A£CI1CY U' :;05$i"1e.
ot.herwise on loan tor thirty (30; uays, woul~ he &Cee~tablo.

). In tramllutt1r... the abova reC!'les';;'cd phOtogriiP:' 5. ple:.sc attach t!1ereto

t.he enclosed Infonnatior'! Cisr.ateh Slips.

JA::i.S ;.;. Al:D=

Assiatant Director
Colloctlon and DisseQination

So. no. )105 d.... 14 SopL. 1948 >0 cIA

nu ))ISlI
~ CeDtral InteUl.ptloe ~Cl7
)8).7 "",.. Copt. .


... ~ ~ , ,
MORl DoclD: 2183 7 1

, ; ",

9 ..... 19"

. "
....- .. 110_........ _
.... 4*1. Iepoft .. MAnAOCl. I"':
Wot, ..,!.on.....
"'....... lIt.<, ..... , ..... 19"_

ra 7 1\'" --.sUa .. I'IMp II . . . . . . . . t i t . , '....

111 "!W• • . . . .... • bh"ISh1................... "Ii.....
s.aTSaal. ~

II&ft.tDCI. Ir. I_I'.

'_id L &llDDm'
eou..ou.... mil 1a1l1_­

.,,' .~.:
AP j:·'=-· -:: 7: ·· ...;.J • '.n., _
Da:'c - -:c •

. . -, -,\
MORl DoclD: 218371

....: *",'IHZ. Dr• .10"'"

PT._\. foI1U.:
liit. Til U~_
....ucD.' 'iirillrlece:
l.1'\b4a": 1195
~'l ••: i.Slf~
"UQUUtl: ';c...
a., Ooc:I!pUoa: ~.u . . .II\.
W:lt '0

bon: Q,tUr.1

Polttleal It'tll.\.I~

,.,.er ..."...\­

Dr• .1o,es:a _., tad:a. o.r- acl-.r __ ut .4

director til \be laha- W11b,t. IIIIIIUtQ\o for a.-1I'J7 Sa lerlla 1/. _
n'w all OM of u.. 'or per..ouUU•• In \lIe IJn.a oeeleu 1'''''
pncr- __• -q - 1>10 _ .. oem!. 2/ A opocI.llo' Sa .... (lold
or ... 1pH\~. 3/ ~ CNM '0 \be TuU\.QLo Sa 19'9 fre. ft. . . IIA4
,,....., _Ub ilia It.h ",o!'bl.- roc:u1A& precldCID au. apoc\'ropJ;b -elC1b
. . ~ . . . ...s.l tft' • ao..... y ,
ID Odo'ber 19'43 ... n-.ch ooll.bonh4 ..tt.t!. •• na-enf.14. OD •
pap" 'e:. • p.... -.re- ~n.\or . 0 . 10 ooaltra.et1oa ud \.be ~ ..1b111t18&
of lh .... ~ted b.t' \&4t fo"" la • leetu. .t \be 1'f1: loa ""l~
o.bl.. .It.u.cb alao hct.u.J"e4 a\ \ha.t u •• Ie. \.be .... of taKUn
hOI", _ la41caUTI ' • y
M. . . .lat~ for 'ruder frc:. 'be II'lC. fa1ltl..D.pD. \0 Ka1u
17alunUy I. \Mo ...r th. c:b.a.1r of taol'lNlle da_'1\'7 la \.b, lUI oJ'
19'16. NII"n. \Aero. . . 10 be P'iaat1l.1 ecmcena«! wl\b I-Z'; rnMJ'cb
. , u..-Uahor,U) U ..lI •• ao\ to 'be d'rUlated. wl\.b Iltle. JI
I. J_0taZ7 1~7 . . loR t~1' SVSt....rbDI!. 101' Te.MaIl' of IU ...ltb
aA'i ,.. fit "'• • 1~7 tie w.s ,Ul1 ., J..D.czt.Do, SwUnr1.D~ . J!
~.tt. ..CL h.II. wr1"_ attA¥ ..rUcl. . . . . or ~cb are U.t~ ~10 .. :

lit ooUatlor'llltloo .. 1\:, . . . --' rhi.g.. ·ZIO\OJ'f' ... t;~h u1

ra.la6 'J'IIeUon ..:Jill·. .••
-n... haw 01 !Ia'Po~a; Ocaul"" u..23~ _IS U­
2,.·. l~~.
Sa ttle ".loa o(

• ·0
.j . . -L·tI

' .. . ... .:..

MORl Dec l D : 218371

"-.mr_nh ot blr.U .... ;'ftCO_cles of 110\.0... .. . ·l~"j.

'Q:, u.. ~ ot Itcaoer1c A1.oaSC .cl.S·. 151:'1.

-nt,. ~iCEl 11 __ '- ~ "'uri'll h.~ .A.eCIOrU", Lo sM

;ih~1 0' ;;•• ~eb OD ho\op' "",,, NuchS • lleFDrl c.D ;:.pu'I t r .
.It of 1537 to ... of 19}9) f l~ 1A a.l}aDoJ'll,UOD wHb ......." t

~\. OD hGt01'"'. 1~"1 .. ~"', lD col1atore.Hoa wi'" r~.
-ce " l:,~ M.tho" of JI . . ar~\ 0' hla' h .. "l:aa:laae. of I.o\opM.
hoto,:lc CoG,UtaU. aD1 "Ollie _flitilt
1!01laboraU_ wUb ....14.
0' laIal.'. 1"', Sa

'I_tqle eo..U\aU_ ad .sa.lc .. ~ .t ....s.,.•• s-n-.

' - ,.... I ..' p'\U->. !l
Ia Deca'ber 1~7 1\ ... nporh4 ....., tnt. "'''-.chMId Prof.
Shu.... wen ocoUa.lIc \baI _I' 0' s.hD . ·1 ....._ber~ ., \Oe (WI
b ~a1lts....,. eai UIa\ 1\ . . IlMJall1 UlLt \la. rwJ at. l'alll~
1IGIl-t 'bl .awed. " Na1ac VDS....NStl to 'be ~~, or 1940· l'

!J lAC ~_ ....._ . D. C. _'''''. 1 - >

y lAC "6"'1 . ...... ~• • , . C.• - , " " 1 - >
JJ uc _ . \............ ,. c. . ....sa."" Is.....'>

.... ~\ ­

-J • - . '.:­ . .
MORl DoclD : 218371


.'1.. ... 2207

lIS June lScl¢

:'..::'~:~.A:~"": FO~: ;"lrectur, ':ol.ot IntcIHcetlc. Objf':cUve& ~"D~l

';oln~ CJ.le~$ of 3tef!

S~?U;;~: Fieoue,~ fOT In!'"nrm&t loL CoDc.n:lnt;; ';U';""r, 3r.chlbts

:...;:.'":'"_-:::..:;,:s: ;'; Stor~·h.L"t. froc. De]:llt)' 'Srector, JJCn , ibted ~ JUlir l~:'t,
.'.:!.,. fOC't 8!' allovr, JIOJ" 2065

':he :Clltr-.. l !r.tdl1~ecce J.6f!nC)· has no rei'ort.e,~ InfOr.ZII. t10D t.o adJ.
to t!:.at 1\u"Disned by ,Your J.b.nc~ in conn.ctLn -.1til it.. recuest eonceml.Di
thf': VrnI8D 'p'clcl1eta nc.:Ded lD refusc;e, ebove .

?/ _ . _..dAJ,)j/ I
/'if?!::~!~:/' VUtT-.t(!..·.
Kenneth K. A::!i1cott
~.aJ:t1veAnlstbllt :ar.ctor .
OttSce of Collection sud D is s~lDotioD

Tt,h ilnP'8J'S JIL';' lOt.} to. CI/\ f r JIu.~, 9 JW'le 19lJ3


.' '. ' -7/

MORl DoclD: 218371



K::·i(R;;::D: ~"JJ1: D1rlllctor. JolDt. IDt.ell1t.ence (A)jecth'u A6e.aC7

Joint (2)1.r. ot Start
4r.~ : t1r. C. R. W.lte. ".ltf', ~I=lo1ttt1~r. ~vhlOD ,
$tGTiCT: R~e.t. tor IDtonr.l:ttiOD CoOCenUl:lb Jel"mllD SpechJ.1sts
JUlo'~Ci:: Xa.)ru!:wa from :Jlrect.or, JlUA, Il.lbJect u abon ,
cIa'd 24 :.oy 1,...

1. ~reDlIII1Ued. ber...1.tL. in rea-po.a.co to \.be r.~"'

coDta1!le4 1!l Nferenee, above, 11: a b1ogapb1cal "FOrt
CO"'J'1D~ the fo11owiJ:l& b41...14ual:

2. ':hSt la.t.-eDC)' joes Dot have aD;J rerorte:1 1DrOna.e.tioD

\0 U::J to u.e' otber 8fec1albh M.fIIed 1D the recue, t.

ZAel: 1
nEF: JIOA 1867 te CU, 24 :!I.y 191.8

fILl DI~7:
~ CentrAl I ntelli8ence ,,~cner
) 11) .7 O:iiG.tAIl';, P"f. !Jr. LudwiC
C/ R )8). 7 s.e .. ~e Cl..1U8e



. •. :" ··a'·...:'· -" ... .

... '. '
MORl DoclD: 218371



rJ -

JmI.oP..ANIUl J'CR: Director, JOiDt IDtelUgence Objective. A,eDcl

JOIDt Chief, of Staff
SUBJECl': P.eQUelt for IAfo~t1o.n ConceJ'DiDc!: GeI"Ull S~clalht

a. aoo. ('.
MaaoraD/1um from Director, JJQl, dated 115 Ma,y

'l'be Cutn.l. IDtell1cmee ",eDc,)' hal DO rq.orhd iDforaatioD

CODctl'1liDg Dr. larl .Il,AGD, lUoJcct ot· tbe requ.eat UDder reference
abo.,.• •

EJ,ecuth• .l. . ht.e,nt Director '

Office of Collection aDd DillemlDatioo

I J,J 7 /(' 'H, "'-&.

,i; ... r


______________..._ ...._ ..''...."....~·L:.~ .: ..",-'"'

'i""""' ,, i OI ' '
!O ~i",, _~~_~","'_i __~";~_~~~~
.. i _
MORl DoclD: 218 371





HIH03IJ.lXJ4 FQl; Dbector. Jolot IDt.elUbeDc. ObJect.tvu A,e.oQ'
Jolot Cb.1etl of St.e.!t

SUlUECl': Bequeet. tor lD.tormaUoD CODeerlllo.e, Germao Speclalht.1

RJilI2U:ICE; tl"OlD Dlrec:tor. JIOJ.. dated 6 Mq 1946,

wbj ICt. aa abon .

1. 1TUU1t.hd herewit.h 10 I1IIJODIl CO the request OODtaiDed

10 reterlDC:I. abo... 11 • blogapblcal report co'Werlog t.he tollOW-illg
JORIl6ll. Prof. Dr. P~l

2. !his ~e:oc:;y cS.oe. Dot have 8ll¥ reported. iDfonaaUo.o to add.

to tbe Ot.her .claUlts D8IIed U1 t.be request.

I. ADDloorr
il:r1C2.Jt.hl .usht.aDt. Direc:tor
Offic:e ot CollectlOD aDd Dl....laat.ioo

lltIcl: 1

- - II" J G ?>,~a- ,~ ... ~ -".,

F!.L.E-a1'S"r:"-. ~ A.(
C, "~
~J. 7 Central Intel.li~ne o "~ency
)BJ.7 ~"' ..... J J iID';'l1, iTO!. iJr. hul

~" , '.' . -?C'
MORl DoclD: 218371

l,• I•

1·~~Orwmu:. FOH: Direct.or, Joiot Intell1 i::.wce CfoJecthu A.ency

Atto: Ctm,;"~8I" .:;. n. iielLt', ;"'le!, ExyloH.Uofl Dhhlor.

Hr()ues t (or In!on:l8 "lor. Conceroint. Dr. Ka1er- Lieb::it!­

.".e;;.:lran11U1 fro:!"" :Hr., .. I e;. , datf'd, 11 J.;.~' 1,40 , 5ubj~..;t
, . l\"t'O'lf'

1. A c:bedc. ma:te aD 5ubJe-ct ID1...1Tldw in respoou to nferenee,

aboTe, rlY_al_ that ti.e CU. iI.aa 00 reportl"1 iofo~t1on other than
that CODt.Uled io the Ba.le Tersonne1 !i:ecor1. , DJ coc , 1Urn1&be"- by
1OIU' .&.pac),.

2. J'rCD bla FenOtllle) Record, it can b ~ 8S ~Wlled th&.t Dr. HtJu­

Llebo1t: ha.e trealng 1D his !1dda 'llhlch 'IIOUld undoubtedly .ttract
tbe attctiOD of tha USSR. lie .1~t al so OP o( l.ote:rest to \iestern
lllTtlpeab co.u:Itrles .ue!: as Lt.e V'Dlted XlnttdOl:! , :rance, ~el~\mo De.:u.ark,
10"'4,)' an"- S"'tId.u.. In &dUtion there h al.o • d.n.olte chalice U.st bt'
could be "h1#.l)' useful to let' i.rbeotiOI' b'CNt'nweoL.

J. Sioce Dr . f':6.1er- L1pcoltl we jus t camrbtH. a fToJect fOT tbe

1o1T Force, it h "of'lil!'itd t.ilat ti:..J.t "J~rtme."Il 'oIOU..ld tie 1..D an exce1lant
J.0dtloo t o a,iVfo 6D Oi~.ifct1ve l'IPJ.rl'.iu1 or his pnee..ct _dentine
ca~clt~ aoj pDs5itl), bl~ political iocljDLtiooe •

~Ci.'ai I .
iurutive Aniatant Director
orrlc. of Co11tetioc &01 Dl •• ~ i nat10n
r..,~ 1(. ~/, II ""~· I.fi')..CI'f\ "
r~ ,
~J.7 C.Dtrll Intel ligence Alone)'
383.7 LlAI.:ll- LIWIITZ, Or •

. .
MORl DoclD: 2 1 8371

''10 I: STIltEI:T NW.

f." ­

Iv ;'. c.,)' 1 ~4'..

;.. . .:.:.,\;:1r_.:.t.:.. l~~ : ';"hf, ~lo1t at.io" :;ivh lon

IIoir.l lnl t'll i (..~nc(' (.,:I.jccliv(-s I.~C;IC~'

z'OT"'obriet .:-.ert:tr.111. 1n W'·.;.~r \.c. your r"Cues t of

1,;".;.. ! IE ,. ' lil"lo1bJl~ic sA:HCf• . of :'r . i:.ltr. ~r Sc.l::ieber.
C. J.tlj1tlo~l 1nfO~llor; or. autJcct h ave n abl e 1n
1'~F!i.!'-I-J;,.-t."'-j:. ••;CNc:r.ber 1~1.;5. fU e:J in the Int c1l1!.#oce
.DhhloQ ~lt~Ty uni.n tc.e QUClbu lD-22J2},. .

j. It 1" ~1neer.l)' bOJ:~ tb'l t. iDfor.tlf:t.iO!l "'ill pruvr

to be of vlIlue.

.J~.A)!l~ '
Kl.."'C;.c.:l,''; X. Jl,.-::':1 JJ7..
~:uty .::nief, ile!nence ~Dter

.:::.n:losu r~ - 1

~J . 7 Central lntelli,ence Age ncy
J i13. 7 ~ii!~:l , lJr. ·iuIt.her _./ incl

~ "''~T''
i~ li /U'

·· ..r · • .
MORl DoclD: 218371

",0 I[ STIJII£CT_.

JIQft 1201 8 April 1948

KDlCIU..'i31M RlR: C...,t,a1n Bosq\let N. Wev, D1reet.oT,

Jout. IntelUcenee Objeethes Agener

SUBJ!t!': Ger~ Sc1ent..h t.s and Te chnlclan5 (JIDA 11'3)

1. f'hank you ror t.he Buic Personnel Necords or GeI"Nll

Ic1en\18b Md iechniclan. whicb ;rou unt to us under conr or 2
April 19048.

2. la accordance with ywr I'equ.esi we are rstW"'ni1l1 tt.

BPR'a which . . re 1n snclolNl"e 2 telether with an idditional coPT
ot .aCh of t.he recorda.

3. fhe JIOI Objecti.es List. whIch you were also kind

.noulh 1.0 ..nd us are l.n \he procus or being checked and . .
hope t.o ha•• aCMe inter_t,ton f or you in the nelU' fUture,

,. Your cooperation 1, great.ly appreciated.

Encloaure., 2 copies .ach:

1. JollIes, Ran.
2. Curn.r, MU'ianus
3. -IPP, lor.
S. ltI• ..,..r, S1eg1'rle4
Jentlchke, W1111bald

6. lJ'awiDlkel, Ouenther
7. P1lot,., Kan_
8. Rahr, lurt At101.t
9. R-=, WoII,ang J1.l1iu.
10. Ranft, ludw1.
n. Ru.f, a.a.
12. Sch4lpperl, Hanna
1). Schellinl, Herunn,.on .'­
14. Stoeck1cbt, 1F1lhe1m OUst..
FILE DI~SChu.l" "rner P. ~ ~
~ t.:.nlrd lfttelU,.nc. " .. neg ­
)83.7 inra Copi.. ~
MOR! DoclD : 21 8371

'Wuh1ng1.on 2S, D. C.

19 ).Sarch 191.8


Attenti on : Captain 9o~quet N. Wev. Director JIOA

SUWreT: JIOA 900 re: O.rrlWl S Cientbt, Prof. Hartallt hU:nann

1. Attached. 13 • biop'aphic report eonc.rning Professor Hartslt.

Kell..a&l\tl which has been preparlt'd 111 an .....r to 10ur request or 16 YMch.

2. ;,n r eports indicate that Xallmann ' . fir,t "De 18 Hartc.lt

rat.her than tart.mut .

3. .l Idmber ot the .tart or CIA h&3 u.1d that lallmann's most

r.eant. di.eoyery, &3 described I n t~e att.ached r .~Tt, 1~ Rnot .arth­
ahaJdng, bu.t aound and u~etul."

4. w. ~i.ncerel,y hOj)e t.hat. t.hia 1nfor.cution will prove, to b. or

Ya.lu ••

Deputy Chief, R.terenee Center

2o c\: 1
810graphic r.port. on Prof. tc,rtllNt KellmMn

~ I
"" ..... ~ . .... '<"v. '-'t.~
FI~T '
~.? Cent.r~l Intelligence Agency
~/I\ JAJ .? x';"L!.1.Um: , I'TO!. lIutout

u - /2 .1(
MORl Do clD: 2 1 837 1

JAN 21 1948
JIOA 247

Werner Osenber, ril~ ~ on GeroLn ~ci~n ti .ta

(k£, JI0' I,l?'JJ

1. Rotul'./·co iii I:'AId.. to your /AeIllOM ndUI:I of [,oeelO;w-r il, l CJ'47,

eubJect La &bo~ • •

2. J.rr"r.£f'.LellL3 aere l\IIde tbroU&h " e Jor J. P.. LiDden, Secre­

tary of JIOA tor tJie tno8fer ot the Osenber, t11e. t.o thiH Agencj' £.lid
they &re DO.· on nopod t bere . ·"oro thoy .W 1:. c.V1o.ll... l:le tor the \lee
of your ',oney lot "l\)' t ,1 ae . Should reproeontath.,. ot )"our Agonqo ' ri6h
to COI:IUlt the fUu, ern.n&8JUOn~ f or 60 · doing 1:'''), bo IlIAd. nth Dr.
1~nlleth It. Addieott, Deputy Chiof J Reference Center, £X.cu\1.... 6115,
z:rtenJlion ;:24).

J. Your COOperation 1n plaCiD, thue f1165 I.t our disposal

h gratltl,. .pprec1eted .

fOI TIE Dr'~tTO! ~r

"'T'" I.T.~~~.~~~~~~~~,-___
L. T. sK.lHNOn
Executhe t or
Altain1stl'at1on 4Dd Alan,agellJllnt

~.7 Contral Intelligence ~genC:l

•..• "?


Il :j ~ U ;! 1 -/ J.J

MaRl DoclD : 218371

\ /
I /

Dlnotor. "olrrt l'IItel11~uce CRlJecU ......e jr.e"C)'

.Joint Chi.,.
or Stair
10000cr a.q..... 'fIr t I..ro,....tloa COQollraia&: aeNall S~ol.lbt..~
JI. . oralxh. ft'_ ""iet.. la:plolt.t.t10D Dh'idaa. "Iell.
d.ted e
o.o-...r 18d..... bJeot ••• boy •• JIClil 402"­


1. fh. Central lDtelll'....
VI. Oer-a .oi.. t:l.ta ...... I. _ter __ a,"""e•
baa D.
... t. --., tu.l"!lhhed b7 7fNZ' ~ .,... .-oaet:lea. wonb U" nqu... t
r.,.rt.d lutOr-tiOD to

IDn1'R I. -'!)DICon
laecuU. . ~.. t.t.ant DlrHtor
OUtoe 01 Colhctioa aD.d Pl"-=laat1oa

... no..
nu: PUTI
_ .. CI~,?'7'oT~ '
383.7 CIA

., . ~:

RFSJRlCTtTr . .f'!3~
8 ;J 1 0 2 I -/ J/

. ,.. c>y­ .. t · 'i. ... ­

MORl DoclD : 218371

BfSlRICIEI1' i ....
! .~,.
! .,

t '

3D !'OTa"l~r 191.&

~RJJ;!lJ\I lOR, Dlr.ctor, Joint. ]nt.elUr.ence Objacth.. A~"ey

Joint. ChU/. 01 st.er
SUaJ l'Cf : i1equ. . t. tor Inro~t.1on Concarn!nc :)8r;:&"1 Spec1aUst•.
,!. Ila.w tnJ :a Chi a! , 1':'911;11\..\.1on "h'h1on, J I .A.
I, Jtd 4 :IOTut.r 19 43 . wbJac\ as above, Jl[;A 17t:J:J.

1. The Cent.ral Inwll1llt1C1

to .:Sd to that. fum1ahed
"',InCJ' h.. no rwpa1"t4d Intorrut.lon
by )'Our' AtCC7 in connectIon w1t,h itl re­
qQ..to concern1nr, t.he tollow1nl l}en..l .cl~t.lIt.1

iW. \JUahva 16ed.1~

~. tolJ'hard ..14al
~. Ulrich , . . t.phal
i)". Karl zan.
2. Jaforaet.ion on tUe on t.~, e ot.her 1ncU.Y1cNela 11.tAd. in
I'e~enc. MIa.... 1, l:lr.dt.ed t.o that. cont.rIt:ut.1<I to the Central IntelU
KIrIU A:;"er by t.he er.a.,cI_ o!' the J leA OoTlrn1ng Coma1the, 1Ild. '
8!nc;e 1\. . . . ind1cate::! J" p&z'.rraph thr. . of ,.o1~ leUBI' t hat. t.he
~".I t.he Go.... r:11n~ C<aa1tt.ee _auld check t.heir nle,. this de~a
1. 1Xlt. balD!: !'1)J"Wa:rc;led .

EDc:u.the Ual.a\an\ D1ractor
OffiCII of Collactian ~d O1••eld.nat.1oa

SN JlUl )769 dW 4 HaY. 191e8 to CJJ..

rna DIS'I'I
)8).7 I:eMftlln"~ A40rq
.J/Ir.f _po CIaG_

p~ .l (l ~; -IJ/

gj ••. ",c, .-..

MORl DoclD : 218371

IfI»OWD01f FOR. Direotcr. Joint lat.elll,eace ~jecthel AcnG7

Jo1at CMef. ot Statt

REnU'CI. ._oraDd~ ira-. ruet. EzploltaUOII DhhlOD . .1'101..

datH 21S ~uc-.t INS • •ubject . . abou • .rIOt. 2n •.

I. 1't. C.t:ral lahUl,e. . ~&eGCy hu IlO reportecl l&torat:1oa to add

t o t ... t f\&~W .., 10V Ac-.q 1. ooueotloa with it...... \M... o-.oel'1l1ac
the O.r.a. .el.'n .t. aa....t t.. "t.,..oe a"",e.

l:IecUlth. J.e.l.tu.t D:l,..ot...
Ottto. or ColleotiCD ud D1 ..-.tDlltlcaa

"'" oIIOol 29'l'I did 26 q. 1948 to CIA
Apprc.V<',u I~!{.;.hjr~ 1%

, J
," -. l' :,:

" ." ,
MORl DoclD: 218371



-'UWJI 10&, D:Lncior• .Iota, lJIwW. . . . ObJ ....hu "'1117

JolD' Ch.l.,. 01 3b1'1

tIIo Coootnl
oM to -
xa..Ul..... _.,. ...... ~ 10-......
Aro1_ • ~ _.,. 10 _ _.ta 1.. _ _ _
- - . t q ..... ow... ~G1_\J.N . - . . ta NI............
I_ftb I. idd1ao"
...." .. Mnrim IIlnftor
Otti c. 01 Cou..uc.. -.cI nt...ta.Uoa

.it. n o.&. 206, dt4 9 JIIlW 1948 to CIA.

. JIl).7 0.._1 I.to1l1co_ ~
..~.,-I:IuPI CLaL. .

8£STRi()lD ­ 3310
,, :< '. '\' -/1'1
MORl DocID : 218371

JlOA 21111

1..... J.9IIa
. . . ."", JICI8J 1t..na&eJ', Jes.\ tateUS&WIOI ~"'S . . " S
.lela' CIllete eI I..,.,
1IlIIICr. . . .' r.,. Wo,..U. Ccs "-lac av.a ".delbh
. _ - ,... _~ Illr_. nOll. aaw 9 _ ~.

"""- .. . - . ~Ia. 2D65

t.'" _Nl -U&-eo ..... Iou . . . . , . . - IM'_U_ M ...
...., r.u.•.w. "',..,. '•• V"
cersr'_ wI~ u. ~ _ ala&
.. .,.. .,..wSa.. a-t ... ,."". ", .......

E_Ua & • .t.d41oa"

beadS.,. Md.\AD\ DtROIft .
otn• ., Qrll_la _ Dl,,""naUOD

1'h.1. aa..,.. .rIal 2065 b CIA tr JlOA. 9 Ju.. 19I.8

8 ;) ~ (l Z ; -/'1 j

, .
MORl DoclD: 218371

I -
I u~~

. ~ ~~~ .

SUI.IDlf, R~t fer Worwatlce ea.a.n1ac GeNu S~alb'

_ _CII. - _ , _ O1_r. 11110. &0>04 l' ~ 19'11.

~ecrt .. __ e .

• c.tnl latelUr . . . . . . . . . . .; "JOfteI Lat__tl_

--a.1Ic Dr. au~ n._, "'ea\ ., SM ,...., _ _ Nt.....

• • •" I. £llncart
K:aanS... A..Se'-' Dlnc\OJ" .
atlla. 01 CDlledl_ MIt 1>1.......\1-.



\ .' .j .!! , ._/)2.

MOR l DoclD : 21 83 7 1

~ ii:Z..77iii1
21 Cct.olJer 1·,4C;' ,. i!-
~a:O!U:H.u· !'Cit; i>:irector. J., in t J' lt.o!lllgetlce l,bJectlve "/leney, JCS
;.~tentiOtl: " 3.~or ·.!'IX '!roka'llf

~"4u est ror j,,!'or ~ .. t,jl)~. f,l)nCernJII,' '~"rl!lan 1)pec:Jalists

"ell(; I'r l!l .! l(iA ': )6,:,2. sllb~ .'t:': -"f'iov'!, 1t.d 7 r.ct l,9 .

1. jn rf' s j.'uuse W "h" r ··.... ~.~ ! ·. r:O"l ta ::'I~1 :S n lIlell'.oran:iu13 \In:t~r

referenc e at:ove , a re:Xo rt .;:. 5 h~~ ' ~e I I'm tnn "0110wln, ::;erQII1
s?eci e.llst:

U"THtR. ~;oltganc

2. A lheJrough check ot t!'le tiles !"ned to reveal anr In!onut.lon

other than t.hat. prevlou3Iy sui>j>lied Oy .v01.O r A,ency on the inrl!vid'uals
cont.ained in rour request .

:.nel: (1)

.,"' ...... q­

II ~i . . -2 S1
MORI Doc ID: 218371



I ~ORAH.;],a.: ;;OR: Director, Joint IntelUgenee I'Ib.1ecUves Aceney, JCS

Attent.ion : AdJldnistnt.1'1e Ottlcer
, 5URnx:r
I ReQlle5t ror Intor.uUon Concerl'ling r:.rIllM Specialhts
I RtJk..~Ct

I YeM fr:ll J lOA. $ubj u .bove , -:ltd 11 AUfl' 1.9

I 1. .In response to t~~ re,uut. contained in .emorandum under

reterence .bove, r eports are aub&1t.t.ed on t.he followinl aenun
.peeialbt.s: .

ARNDT, Wilhelm (Prof. Dr. inS.) IWfSEN, Horat (Dr.)

BlELIG, Hau JoachilD ( Dr.) HEDlIDRF. karl
RJST. Peul 1t)EL5CKER. Bernhard (Dr.)
lEHZllt, Hans W. PESTEL, Eduard (~.)
FR£IUG, Wal tar (Dr.) SCHUBDn' , Gerhard
2. ~eh of the illforNtion in these reports ia fragmentary and
1n aneral eases consists solely of data 8I.Ippl1ed to this Eb-aneh by
the Jml . Cheeks 1/\&de with local sources other than thl! lZI111tary .'
••rviees tailed to pl'Qwce anyth1nS .dcl1t.1onal.

J. The Biographic Register has no inforftation whatever on the

rem&ininS persons named in the request.

("~y Hchie !" IIl/OCD
!nch: (10)

rIL.F,; 0151:
-eLl Ucape ClAlJ.5e
b'tra Copies
Ineloeuree tlled in indivldual til•••
'i .'. - il , '"
L. I~'
Appmv.d If' f\\'!J\1'l'985 _
Date e

. ,. , I"
MORI DocID: 218371



28 Jul, 1949 ( ./
\ ' .,

MD!OR.omtn/: f'O!\: DINctor, Joint Intelli ,ene . Objective. Alene7

Joint ChJeta 01 St.rt

SUBJIC! 81ogaphJo Intorut1on Concern1ac Geraan Spacld18h ::

Wemo tro. Chier, ~lol~atlon Dlv1elon, JIOA,

dated 12 Jull 1949, JIOA No. 27)2.

1. rorwll"ded herewith in an... r \0 7O'U' r.q"•• t oontained in

,.ter8DCe .bove, 1e a ~1'7 ot the into,..\100 CD til. In UU.
AltnCr CIa the rollowiq: Ger.." .dentist. r
Knl.lAH, K.rl_
S1ItUGOll!, S1olfr1od ''---- ••
ZIPPIRMATER, Karlo _ --r ~ - - ­
2. A. check 01 t.he 111•• r.ftaled. no intorut1ca CD the other
1ncl1 vidual. li.ted 11' JOIU' requ.st.

). It 1. dnc.re1r hoped th.t. t.hI. 1nI'0....UOD _ill prove t.o

be of val"••

~M'T.eape Cl.u.,
Extra Cop1..
tnel•• rU.d in 1n4h1duel', ru,.

... ..
- ;.
' .! ~

Approved ~r..Release
Date _ Nov _
MOR I Doc I D, 218371

• .i:

m.ORAh'DU'N FOR. Director. Joi at. )Dt.ll1'.CII~. ObJecth•• ",ucY.
Jobt Chier. or Starr
Bl0,,.aph1o Intol'mAtiolO CODcel'R1D, 0.l'11&l:I Spechlhh
M..o rrom C~J.t. Exploitation PITtlton, JTOA.
clahd 6 April li49, JIOA Wo.. au.

1. '0""''''011 berew:tth 11:1 t.lYW.,. to YOur requ.. t cOlltaiDed tn

ret.renee abo.,.., 1• • OlaNry or the h1.f'o""Uon OD tile ia thI.
".%10), Oil lII. tolln1a& a.naan acieathha
"-" "YI .~. '.,
COLl4r%. Lotur
IlARGt1E~, Earl
ORAaam., Jlcbal'd. lC1DQrDER, Curt Otto
2. 4 check lit tho til. . "'t'e&.led DO ID1or..tioD OD the otber
Il1dhiduab l1at.d iD )'0W' requ. . t.

!. It h alacoreI), hoped that th.!. iQfCr.aUOD -.111 pro,.. to

be or .... lu••

- -.." '1,,,.1.

ApP'_ d 'Q( '.t..,.

pate "( NUV !~

-":. ; ..,;, ,: .

. I
NUl' " Bl.rthdate Addro. . Rnlrlcl
./ I >.
COLLAT%.. Lothar, (D r ) 6 Jun. 1910 Kar hrWlI. Ruppurr,Uehtatr.lwath... tlct.n . ho worked ia thl It'lt.
9, (i.~y. tor Practical ....th... Uc.. It the T.ch- ,
I lalleha Booh,chul., Danet tadt durin, t he
.ar. \

'GIWa!EL. Ri l nard
3 U.r 18n9

Alouaderatr 121. A. Stutt-
gart. GIJ"ID.I.DY. ..r,
Genu.a PhYllcht Ind IIIlchuted UCla-
.r.e Rector and. prof• • • or It the
Stutt, art J,chAl t &! Coll.,e in 19t5.
A Ph4n . i. a.turd lCilnc •• , G~.l t
.1. !i r.t llctur-r 1n phYII.CI (1516) I

a t t he Dndc Ted\Dlul ill,h &Dd later

, ( 191':' ) at Hall. Uolnraity. By 1920
. he .... prof...or ot phyal.c. at t he
Technical CollIS. in StuttC.rt. An
honorary Dr. ot Eneill., nat: (Zu rl ch
I Teohnlcal College ) l ad I r.llow of the
la.t . of Aoromautlcil Solaaco', he
,plclall, •• In "c~c'. then-ody­
· __te . IUId practlcal anal ),,,, and hal
I _rt tten th. tollowiD~p "Die hydrody_
I n. .1Iche. GJ"Wldla, eD d.. FlUC"- l i17. ~
• -De r lrd ..l. lela. n.orh Wl.d ••1ne
I Anl..,DdUA&o ...- 19 20~ ~lo MocbaDl.chea
· brio.. I'\Ir dio B...,Wl, dor Erd.­ 'o8
19Z2 , -roohal. oho D~ik·, aorlla H
19Z9. . tJ

,. --"'--_.- ...
- 2 - -l
.. '",

N_. I Blrthl1e.to Addr•••

' .
JWtru. ric 5
!W-llGut.... ~r.l 28 ..... y 1906 7 Rue BaUdlUlt, Paria, A Ph.D. 1D En&iacorlD& ro .... r1y wl.th
, f raceo (~o 0,0 4e ). ~ho nout.oho Vor.uchault.lt rur Lutt_
r .. tn·t. BerBn,_Ua ,.&ulrre .orkd 10
, B.r11a 10 1947 ,plalallllaG t o t •• tial
• -.torloh. Ia Dec. 48 M r. . ld.d LEI.
ParL. ~d ..... frequent Y101to r to
, .. .. U _ Rhota (Fr . Zono) where .. croup
II. or GeraU!. IchaUat. ell:plol'Od by
". I
Freach h blllet,d.

'SCHYl EDER. Curt. Otto 23 Juno 1905 DIN.tacit. 01 ...&1\)' Dr. S~hal.d.r G.n.ao .poel.lilt ID
matheMatic •• hydro••,ro_ and , ••dynaa­

tor Mathematic, or tho rochaloch, Boch-

I chul., nanNltadt duriot tho ..r •
1. aarri,d aad hal oal .oa aad on.
leI, .'1 • prot•• lor at tho tn,tltut. I

· I, dlu,hto1'.

· -



~!I~ w

.'. ' --, .

MORl DoclD: 21837 1

• I
\ 1
Tel. EX. 6 11 ~
Extension 716
In repl y refer
C D No. UIIO.)

~ POI THI DDt!CTOR. J Olin' IIft'ELLIO "wet OBJIC'UV£ .t.GlM:J

. . . 4. 611.
.Uonal. De.t~ hild1A&
1'uh.1Ac\aD 2S, D. C.
~DlVBCT • Cca1l.t.l CIa &eqUMt. JID. 1.780. )

1. , . biiiiiA . . W8J"Ml ~w .... tv • Np......,,,,,t.l... or

w.. ~ wlt;;b c.p\e1JI laeqw.rt ..., .r nOl, 1\ b
nqu.n.d \bat. \be
r.uoG.llc ___ .,.J.aUn.. . . eN ~ OptraU. PUIaC1.lJ',
.. taWnpW tor lDfonu\101l .. iplCt.ned 1a . . bolo.-d un III

.. a..trlt WelIl - JPM"'elSd 1a ~ aU 1IIb&l• •t;

J. _ _ ell! ..,~, hn.aa....... 8bue\\••

b. IFlab ~ - G11 Mal. CIpG"\, at. OIdftr'dV of

.......-1 Sc:boo1 .r 1d.De••

2. n ... rOl"WlU"'d \.b. rwpor1.. or th... iAt"a,i... to tb. rol.lO'tl'i.q

1ddJow'" _kinl .peG1tlc " t ...... ~ CD Mo. "'780.'.
CUI'1Ul. IftIloLIO&ICB .~r
.l\\eD\1oD. L1a1.cm Brudl, OCD
1b)O -I- Street, ••
"eM"". IS. D. C•


... > .,' -.."~)"2.

MORl DoclD: 218371

SO Deccber 1947
JI0A 4358

Joint Chiera ot Statt

J'oint Intell1~onoa ObJeotiYd" AConay
2D2'67. '!'he i'sntccCJll
Wo.ahl!H:tan, !). C.
n.: D~ trl petrou
Gentl.,en :
P'O%""ll'Q.:odOtl ,bIJrewi th 11 a (11e in 811ppO:-t o! the B\.pl1 ­
ca. t10n ot 01".11 t;rl Putrou for 0. l'UCQ!ltlend. tlon. trOtO the
Jo1nt Chief. of t:tdtf to}' o.n 11:J!\1.g:ratiClll .18a 1n tho prIorIty
non-pr~teronoe quotn provld~ for in Titl. 29. Part 61 or
the Cod. of Federal nc.&ulktlol1.:J 1O Yor. p.trou woo. civIl1an
eplo,.ee ot the Oft'!.cr.. of' ·Strll.tItHlc r..:rvleea . thl.l r eoorda
o!' ~leh wert) trn:.st'orroc: to thu :;trr,te61c 5el'vlcfI:J Cn1;;. of
t~ ~ ".'s1" ;Apartrutll1t OJI 1 OC' tobur 194 : •
"".1:J of1'1co hos oaJ'.t,\l~y l'cy1etled thu docu::-:(:nt s Ifi.lb.:.
r.i tt-:-d in th ~ Ilt tachcd fIla • .e.nil t ho tacta str.ted t:.or e1n
!'rtl !a:'j1j)ort"r! b~' llic ;):tlcl t,1 l'ec.;.!i'd :; of lhn Offi ce 01' ~tJ'''t ftClc
5erv1e~!I c.;ld t~l:: Stl'&teC10 SorvlC ~ 3 t:n1 t, ""81' l)epcrblont.
TIc wl:Jh to po:l::.t c·u J.. on e fact..:>..• ...hl .::h d.oes not app HDr to be
lIurt'1el m:!:ly omph::sl.cd ira the attached record. ~r . l'..trc:,u
worked all II. tl"U:Jted ~lo1'ca ot the ~ eor.t Intoll.l."ance
Brane:'l o~ ')~~, both !::l Atll4l)S J]nJ l.K.t ~r In Cairo. :j., tr&o
",,11 ;o:.C':v;al~tcd "' lt~ , !;1:o i'~":loll:,el u: U:d o!r1~o, t~l" ;"",thod a
or ('~"::'"iltio.:;.. li'1~el11':;:4nco tecl~11queo$ , Olle! outsld" contacta.
The JH13~&CO of tL1l0 h.c.s :"'.:1110 .~ of t41a )cn01l'1edl1"
ob801e~,, . hl't: ll1-. P~!:"ou !'tno :,uch L\.Iomn~ hl ":h T:'Oul.·
.st1l1 bn ">f :,:;oor. t; intar~:;!t tu tor td gn _ •.; us r their
Il!,:.:!r.ta. ~. n~ tl,,~' )'''l~:lo" 0:· ·..'ll1ch 1I'cn..:.1.«.iba - nr. t.o t.hl\
nr.t I"!:!'.l .:J-:-cllj"l T':;' of t! :':':i COUll.t1"lf-
.: '. •

'!'h('l ottc.ch ad pc.pera

- .'
c:lee.rl~olat ~ t!tI~_lf nc\llt.
position 1n wh ioh 1.11'. Potrou wouIa- b. plf,c-ed rtltnm".('\
to th .. 1.~ltic!1~ R'c. st" !Inti :ouch : .• tll~.I'i.eUld ~ fi r rl'luovn
hiIII f.rem en,. protoct1on ftc:ninat c. tt.«:iBJn.\L~ i'oreipl pO.;ftr:s
to o~t.ln t ~.., lnfo l"rlntl on he 1-'~:lClIU;e.8. tihl1e not" pUhlio
ncure 1n his nAti 'U l&nd . . . C1 rolltl ' tr.Jlt ha waa tfall ·.-kn('l1m
...... : , ,

in·polit1cal e1:rolea, ond hie return ....ould he reoarkfOd rlth


'1 !~''- 1\\) ~;: J';''! 4358
DJ!;! - - - . ---- 83 ~U2 1- 17

..... L'
,,; ., r 'I!,,_
. , ' "
. ~.
MORI DocID : 218371

In v1 •• or th. . . pOints lC:d tho bel!or 11. his g811el'"1l1

W'Ol"th1n••• to beoCfto a citir:on o t I:ho lInitnd Ctll!; l e. yOU!'"
r.OCftll:c.ndatl oh !"Ol'" the crantlnr. or c non-p!"or" rcnco P:-1o:-1ty
to Y.r. Potroo.l h l'" ('U'poctt'Ull,. l'"equ •• ted..

~,~ '!IIr ;)IRr.t:TOR:

Km:-i: ,-. !'R~ .:1:

'! olt)l ~'l l. i, " r
;.dJ I: t4Jl t

llJ,.a DlS'l':
.--stJ.7 llialcraU oo.
cia 383.7 Nl.c. 'Orr •••

-- - -7'.

.,..'0..:. ' .­
f."':.. "
MOR! DocID: 2183 71

orrlc, 0': n" ASSlST......T UCAUAIY or w...
" ... '" , SflUTS. H....

30 Decer.abnr 19407
JIOj, 4357

Joint Chiofs of Staff

Joint Intolligence Objactivos A~ancy
2D267. The Pentagon
Washington . D . C.
Re : Ludwig Karl Vogel

Gent l emen:
This oCtice understands that the case or Ludwig Karl
Vogel has been subm,1tted to your office for consideration
ot a recommendation for a non-proferonce priority Quota
visa under Title 22, Part 61 at tho Code of Federal Regu­
la tions.

Ur. Voe;el came in contact "i th the Office of Strategic

Services during the llboration of Prance and worked with
the OfCice of strategiC Services Cor some months thereaftor.
This ottice is the orficial custodian of the records of . th e
Office of Strategic Servlcos, which Vlere transferred to the
War Department on 1 Octo'ber 1945. The lle r ecords ravea1 very '
l1ttle on Mr. Vogel, due. doubtless, to the infomal1ty of
his conneotion with the Office of strategic Services. There
is, however. nothing derogatory In the files avai l able to
There has r ecen tly been delivered to this office the
attached record, containing lftttors, copies of papers, and
arfldavi ts in support of Mr. Vogel's application. We under­
stand that official spol'!..sorinc on behnlf ot Ur. Vogel is
now being .waited by your office . Thi s office, there!'ore, ""
is merely in the posl tion of an inter,.:1edlary and 13 tonvard ­
inc the attached documents for your Info~tlon , and to
completo your fil es , Y/ithout further cODllnent .

rIU; DIS1': FOR Tm;

L-as3.7 Mi.e.Corr••.
383.7 VOGJl., Lu4w1S Xarl
colonel, AGD
83, v .'. , -17
Approved Aoe Re!e;)SC
f:late ( _ Na", 1985
MORl DoclD : 218371




12 APR 1949

DIUC'l'OB, J OI B'l' IlfnLLlGtllCI ~OTl Vi: S .lGD'CY.

JOIJ'l' CBIDs (]I S'lUl

SUBJZCT, Dr. Earl Sh'bel

.1101. WUorandWl 10. &)) bted. ? Harcla 1m

1. In COQIlocUon with paracraph :) or refulI.Z!.c•• t he Cen\ral

Intellieenoe AceD07 doo. not bol i eyo 'hat &Q7 rur'b.r 8O'ion b7
OIIOn:a rill bo neoe..ar¥.

2. 'erUllont b1tontati on froll retornoe u.4 ih .UlIIOlwente

has been siTen '0 the ~.au or H1ne., Depart~~t ot Interior, and
. to th. r.uODal. Burean of S\andard. • • Depart.lUlt of Cacurco for
their iD.tor. .'uoD, and Con\ral I Dhll1&ellce J,pn07 hae uked t o
be adTl.e4 of aotiOA taten or 1Dtoraai i oD obtained b7 t ho .. ..enoi,_ ,
OI _ [CToa OF C€ " TR AL INT[L lI C[ " c (

flLE OI~i':
., . ,
S I EBE'L, IIr. liarl

' ,;' _ ...,,.~·~·_ _ _..._
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... ,. ·..rl~·~· ~ , ..;.~~_
..·............. .•' .~
.i;~ .• ,. .~-,.,,.,.~..~~, ~_~~. ~---~~
' ~~~ ,;. .. ...
MOR! Doc lD : 2183 71


-_.­ -

. _'- ..­


eLI/51 29-51

20 J.ugust 1951


Thi. document containe information arrectins

the national defense or the United Statel!l,
witbJ.n the lDOanlns of Title 18, Sections 793
and 794, or the U. S. Code, u amended. Ita
transmission or revelation or its contents
to or receipt by an unauthor1;;ed person 1.
PTobibited b.1 law.


8 3 ~ 02. ; - 110 1
MORl DoclD : 218371

!, W? 2·


USE or BW I t! KO.ltEA

1. Current propaganda takes the fOMII of:

e. Outright prevaric.tion

b. Distortion of facts

c. Imputation of insidious motives to innocent acts

2. The msJority of propaganda is directed from Hos co~ to~d

the Far Ent and Western Europe .. while a proportionate1,. small
amount of m&ter1&.l., mostly troc newspapers, is planned for -bOllle"

) . An effort is underwa7 to reach the Chinue, won political

and m1.l1tar)" affection need to be soUdly \'/on, and those West Europeans
Wbose remilitarization by and for the Vest would present a precarious
situation for the USSR.

4. Charges of inhUMn methods of 'ollLTf!lre by bacteriological

means vould have a definite etlotionaJ. and psychological effect upon
tbose natioos consideMd "on the edge" in political affiliation.

5. The vide "B"te America" C&lIIpaign launched by the USSR

propagandists endeavors to disillusion and delllOr~1i%e the defenders
of Iorea &lid ach'ance the cause of staunch Ca:clDuniStl io the FU' Ea.t .

mCUSSION ,:i '

1. Shortly berore tbe outbreak of the present lorean bostili­

ties, IU.m Song IuD, chio! of the Epidemic Prevention Bureau, Kinbtry
ot Public Health. Nortb .Iorea, warned Xoresns or the possibility of
summar epidemics emanating from South Kore. vhe re no preventive
1D8&Sur" had been W1dert.ait:ea to combat them. Hr. Iun stated it
would be difncrult to foretell what kind of epidemics IIdgbt be
pendtted to spread northward !rOC! South Korea .

2. When the CoD:zun1at ArrIry captured Seoul, it purported to

discover in tbe intelligence offices of the CeDersl Starf of the
South loreae ArTIl:t documents wr1twn 10 rather tecWesl detall. and
designated "Plan Aft and "Plan B.ft Soma . ~~pte r s entitled

83 40 2J-11115
MORl DoclD, 218371

.i:&iR81 •

-DestructIon,- -Ar,on," and "Bacteriological Di8semination."

suPposedly I113.pped out reooM&14sance wrk for 1950 &net described
how rivers snd re~ervolr. ot North Korea ~er. to be infected with
bacteria . Whether the cspsules ot -"'c1111 were to be obtained
frOID American Camp Detrick or fr o.... J:lpanes. stocks was lett in

J. USSR press reported an all.eed tYPhus epidemic raSing

in American occupied sreas of Kore. and that the po):ulation ws
rec&ivlng no medic II aid , It W8.3 fur-ther claimed th3.t, w1th!n
tvo weks, each villa!". in the region had been penetrat.ed with
the disease ·. dth an increase In the ovor.sll death rate up to
nln1ty (90) per cent . American author! ties were reported as 1~
oeul.tins: on17 serviceJten and Syngman Rhee goverQfllent officials,
and it was &1~o charged there haa been n~rous ca,e. vbere
aer! ousl,. 111 persons had been killed. Actually, the s1 tuaUon
is qui to different in that:

a . Shortly atter the beginning ot the ~ar, ROI

K1nistry of Health , v::l.th vaccine furnished by £CA, began a
vaccination program against smal1pox tor civilians, concen­
trating eSp8ci&lly upon children under fitteen years ot age .
Ho records vero kept, and the efficiency ot the program
cannot be AScert&1ned.

b. United Nations reported vacciaation or millions ot

Koreans against Sl:I.dlpox , t7Jlhus, typhoid , and cholera .

c . There are confirmed reports of typhus epideOlL1cs and

.. substantiated fresence of ~lpox in the Wonsan area.
Han,. Commun..1st troops are Suffering froa both d.1s~ue., . All
civilian doctors have been mohlllzed; penicillin aDd other
drug. have been confisca ted for Cocmun1st Army naeds; ci_
V1l1ans bave been ev.!..cuatad.

4. It is also purported that a serious skin disease Is

caused qy a De~ United Nations' weapon and that the disease,
ware i t is encoWliter ed, i. respooslble for fUt,. (SO) per cent
casualties . This pr opaganda !DAy rerer, of course, to casualties
trom the United NaUonis1use ot napa.lJ::! incendiary weapons.

5. Sov::tet propaganda also depicts Americ's n torces as prepared

to use bacteriological veapons against the Korean peopla to excuse
the ta1.lure of. th~lr troops in the field. Mae:Arthur ' s headquarters
in Japan vas "purported to h~ve bean producing bacteria with the
aid and assistance of unpunished Japanese var cr1c1nala. for this
activity the Yoshida !ov.r~ent had appropriated 1 . 5 million ,.en •
• -I;~ • •

- 2 ­

MORl DoclD : 218371

..881. ." "

The propaganda then resolved into a conde::mation or ~...cArtbur by

Soviet scientists 3nd an assurance that they (the Soviets) ar~
discovering methods to COlllbat s:JCh 14rfar".

6. Reports have also been dhselllinated by Communist sources

that plague-carrying fleas have been e:aployed by America.n forces to
spread plague in Korea. It is c1a~ed MacArthur sent eight.an
Japanese bacteriologists, in 1946, to vir Department laboratories
to continue the culture of BW a~.nts.

7. Chinese ~ist radio broadcast frOIl1 Pe1ping, aJ.legedll

quoting from the AIIIerican magazin., "\leekly IIelolspaperlt (NE"JS:JEEK)
&nd Allied v.s.r rrisoDers, states Chinese COG\IIIunlst prisoners were
subj ected to bacteriological e7.periments on a small i.land outside
\.Ionsan . Hoscow, in a broadc.l.st quoting Paiping sources , statu tbat
the Chines. Red Cross has revealed the AmericaDS are testi ng bac_
teriological weapoDs 00 captured Chinese volunt.ers and grueSDm8
experbents are being cODducted under the gula. of epidemic control,
The.. facts vere reportedly admitted b7 th" United States magadne,
NE·oISIJEEX , 9 April 195i. '!be Chinese Red Cross ca.l.led 00 &11 the
sixty- eight countries belongin, to the lnternatlona.l Red Cross and
on all peace- loving peoples to punish this vicious enemy . Actually,
tbe excerpts f'rc:m the NE·-ISw-'c.EK ite:D referred to involved an article
about a nayY epidemic control laboratory ship off Vonaan harbor on
the east coast ot Korea • • . where Navy l a nding par ties bave been
capturing a number of Chinese Reds from the tin, island and lLa...,.
taken the~ blek to the sbip ..mere they are teated· tor sympt<XIIS of
bubonic plague because of re ported epidemics among enemy troops
which may endanger our troops. The ship Is an infantry l andine
vessel on whicb a laboratory complete w::I.th lDice and r abbits is in­
stalled. .

An A3erlcan naval medical officer !=madiately and publicly

denied these cbarges and stated that the United Su.tes does ,QIlinta..1n
aD "epidemic cootrol ship" docked near a small "island off the coast of
South Korea, For the benefit of United Ifations l torce5 J .this laboratorl
provides f acilities for studJine all types ot diseases contracted by the
raJ.l1tary personnel 90 t.hat. epidemics ma,. be prevented. This officer
further atatad that no prisioners have been taken ahoard nor bas any
experimantal work been perfOrMed,

8. Pak Hun long, Foreign H.1nbter of the Democratic Pe ople's

Republic of Korea, protested in a me~sage to the Chairman DC the
United Nations Ceneral .usably and the President of the Security
Council against tbe use of bacteriological vea~ons b, American forces .
He cited t he tolloving incidents:

a. American Far East Command, under orders from General

Ka.cArthw-, has been preparing B\I 'oI1th the aid of Japanese
finances and personnel,

- J ­

"'. ~ ......
MORl DoclD: 218371

b, Doc1.lC.ents, "Plan A" and "Plan B," found In ROK

headquarters In Seoul, outlined, for 19'0, sabotaf.e plans, .
based on use of bacteria , ag3inst vital North Korean
installations, towns, and ~ units.

c. American armed forces, te:llporarily holdine areas

or 1I0rth Korea , cont.&lDinated the In.~.bit:&nts ot thcse ann
vith smallpox, In this connectioo, Yong pointed out no cases
occurred In areas not occupied hy the ADericans snd that
outbuaks In Jspan IJere undoubtedly caused by infected
A=erlc3n troops involved in covert disse~ina tion ' (ot the
gerMS) in Korth Korea .

Yon:,: then concluded that Americans have U.ereby violated

Geneva Protocol of 17 June 1925, _FoblbU1fI, the uao or .•. .
bacteria in ~tar. and that the Democratic People's Republic
of Korea demands the arrest and trial of MacArthur and R1dgva1
wo hsve tollo_d in the ~tep5 at the J apanese war crbdnals .
9. The Deparbnent ot State ot the United States has hsued
to all consular otfices • statecent or policy guidance advising tb:\t
sucb cbarges should not. be dignified by direct. rerot.ation. On tbe
contrary, ever,- opport.unity .hould be Wled t.o demonstrate that the
epidemics were the result at Communist leaders' disregard at troops
and chilian population as shown by t heir failure to t.&ke adequate
measures to prevent dise.se . Emphasis should be directed to the
ract that United Nations forces, ROK ciVilians , and POw's are sub­
Ject to inoculation and sanitati on programs throughout the Republic
ot Iorea . (The United Nations tasters this prev~ntive measure,)
10. Last Karch (19'1) J the United flations COlt!."And in Xoree.
knev SOllIe sOrt ot epidemic , fe ared to 'be bubonic plague, ws raling
north ot the 38th parallel . Brieadier General Cravford Sams, United
Na.tions AnDy Chiet at Public Health and Welfare, volunteerl'td to obtain
detall., With three other ott1c;ers, SAmS entered North Korean territory
and leuned that the epidemie \1;15 not plague but helllorragh.1c saallpox.
lor this e~oit,Jbe reeeived tbe D,S,C. The ~sts. l earninl of
his miSsion, broadcast the Cantastic story that the U~te d States had
deliberately planted germs in North Korea tbereby causing the epidec.1c ,
aDd, \Il:th the cle.<lr intention oC pervertinl these tacts, IZVESTIA
publisbed & statement, supposedly attributed to & United Press re­
1.as8 , \/bich recounted .. fantastic story or the wm.1.raculous salvatiol:
or tbe United Nations forces from .. smallpox epidemic &5 the result
ot a apecial raid b7 • group of .uerican doctors in the North Konan
TS&l".I!I· .For thb "he roic exploit," accordlne to the pu"ported United
Press report, the Atlerican Brigadier General Crallford SO.~ (S&D1S),
vbo is "head of the public beal. th and social security depa.rlllent at
the headquarters at the United Nations forces, n received a very high

- 4 ­

L_____________-'.. . ~.;...~_~_ .._...'"""'"'_ >. . ... ... -...... .. • •......:l..:

MORl Doc lD: 218 37 1


dlitary award since Soames' detachment. "discovered" the presence of

a ~mallpox epIdemic in North X~rca.

11. Koscow propagandist. egain quot.ed an alleged bsocieated

Press dispatch of 18 May 1951, fUrnishing details of United Stat...
preparations Cor B'J by using Korean PO":'s as gulnu pits aboard the
AmerIC3n landine vessel No. 1091 orf Xoje (Xoje-do) I sland , The
ship vas reported to }ave installed" • modern laborat.0t7, cample"l)'
equipped with all lear her acientists lJOuld need."

TASS, again quoting the alleged Assoe!ated Press d1s~tch of

18 Ka1 1951, adds t.o t.he above the charge that. the landing v~ssel
vas relocated rr~ Wonsan to Xojeda (Koja-do) Island, 40 kilometers
5 _\1 ot 'fusan, In order better to utUbe \.he ?W'e confined In some
halt-do~.n near~ convIct prisons. According to TASS's version ot
the .usocl&ted Press dispatch, ,,(XX) eXJ'8ri._ :)o oral bacter ia
and rectal bact-ri a are being made da1l1 by a '~man medical te&lll .
Brigadier General Cravf'ord Sams ia ment.ioned ag&iD aa participatIng
In these experiments ,

12. The pTopa,anda picture ....1 .5 Curther enlarged by .. Hoseow

Korean-language bro3dcast Which claimed that J,OOO Korean tam1110a
have been ~shed trOllJ Japan and that General Rldgvay' a headquartera
vere maJdllg nery possible eftort to conceal where the eXpelled
loreans \/fIr'J sent and 1Jhat. beeuM! of them af"ter their depor tatioD.
The broadcast raised the conject.ure that some of these loreans bad
been tak~n to s~ deserted Island and u••d ~or testing new types of
bacteriolOgical weapons.

13. A special dalegation frCXD the Women's lnternat.1onal

nelDOcrat!c FederatioD (WlDF), an internatioDa.l Commw\.lst orpniu­
tiea, has been dJ.pat~hed to Kore. to investigate United Nations
"war crimes . " Their report hi bel"&, videl, publicized by Cac:Dw)bt
propaganda media and Ytll., UDdoub·Jedly. prov1de background for
additional. stories of a~ocit1 ...


MOR l DoclD : 218371

~ ••• •••
De,. Dirlot.or
u.. OIno.,.
Pro.. • COD\J'ol
ReonAl • ~b.
StaU ~ :1c"l
IntonutiOA ReportCorr'''; '''lU;'':-''''
Copl" " :. ... .

----_-.. ..
r U~d 11.•. \
.. ..: .... -_.-....
'" .
'. '




2$ ......... 19$1

Note I This report has been c oordinated with the Joint
Medical. Sciences Intelli&ence Ca:ma1ttee .

1U.RN"lllO, 'l'his document C:0Iltd.n. information arrec: t.in,

the national darense or the United States, within the
_anini at Title 18, Sections 793 and 79~, or the U. S.
Code , &3 &mende d. Its transmission or revelation of its
c:ontent.s to or receipt "by an unauthorized person is
prohiblted b)' law•
' .._..-..
-- . ~.

Approved tor ~.~iII_ :'~. :

I I • rw:::£ Date __"- - - ­

8;j • v " I -;//0

MORl DoclD: 218371

W eBI •


A digest or the nut 9) ITIS Interrogation Reports tro. GHQ,

Far East Com:u.nd.


B. Coatrlbutioa to Iat.elllienee ot Far Ea3t COIIIIand Interroga­

tion Program.

C. Level or Soviet lied1eal Swdards.

D. Shortage or Ked1eal SUppli89 in t."1e USSR .

B. P'b.a.rmaeeut1eal Plant4 ..

F. B1010g1cal Warfare ActlYitiu.

Q. .t..asig:nmeDt.5: or Sorlet lIedical Ofticen.

H. CoD~Cript.1on or la.pomue lMdlcal Per~ QDD.el b1 Chinese

CoaInUl1st forces . ­

I. Con.seripUon ot lapmese "d.1cal. Persoanel b1' . the USSR.

I. JMd1ca1 Intelligence Intof"IUtJ.on OD. Geograpb1cal &rau or

the USSR.


:. A. Japanese repatriates cooe1d11r Sorlet .lD.ad1cal standards at

low 18ftl.

8. T'bare is a cntlcal shortagfl or medical wppUu within the


C. I.pmese repatriates could report. very re.. pharm&c:.utical

plaDt.5: in the USSR.

D. Japanese repatriates reported nothing or cODeequanca 10 the

neld ot biological warfare act.! rlties in U!.e USSR.

1:. Japanese llli!!ldical persOQl\el ;pare conscripted 1Dto . ~ Ch10eae

Commwist 'orcea, and the aaJ0rit,. &r'iI pruu:zab17 so ••rritfCi.­

F. Japaneae .ed1cal ott1cere . .re also conscripted bT t.be

Seriete'to 88m prisoners or war Ilftd Soriet clYilimr.

I I ! za:£l'i
8 3 ~ \) 21 - /6//
MORl DoclD: 218371

I I !4b£bU1


A. Nature £f. SUrvey.

An analysis has been made of the first. ninot:r- three publica.­

tions in tho ATIS Interrogation Reports seriu, prepared by the IUlit&ry
Int.elligence Section of OHQjFEC, in ordor to utablish 'What material of
medical in telligence 't'alue concerning the USSR is uailable in these
reports .

1 . The A.TIS Interrolation Reporu, numbered 1 to 9.3 (the

l u t dated December, 19$0), present dgni.tlcant in!ormaUon on
II bro . d nr1ety of su.bjecte aDd are.. wh8re Japanese were det.a1Ded
subsequent to the end of the war in 19I.1S. The pu.blished doeu:nants
consolldate records ot interrogation deri<red trom the accUllul..ated
nporU on internews of se lected repa triates .trOll: the Sortet and
Sonet. do:ll1nated 1Ir8.1111 .

2. In this digest, pr1.ma..ry attention has been paid ta intor_

aaUon of ••dical 1At.elllgance 1Dterut, particularlJ' in the
Sortet Union . Kedical 1ntell.1pnce is onl:1 ODe of the substan­
UTe fields cOTered by these IaterrogaUon Report.s.

J. For the aost part, the sources interrogated were not

traiD.d obseT'ftTIJ, and their stories 1D.d1cate the,. have been
subject t.o the .tam1llar p1t.talla CQllllllOD to all eTe witneues.
It mus:t be elllphasized that, becau.se the interrogators \l3ed lI'ere
not u ...,.s spec1al..ish in the field of the med!ca1 sciences J
there 1$ mud! lack of detail.

B. Contribution 2! Interrogat.1.on Program.

1. The contribution ot the Interrogation PrOUEI bas made

.'t'aila ble i.n.tor"IUtion on the intedor coo.d.1tions or tbe USSR
wh1ch cou.ld not. be obt.a.1.ned in m:r other way _ llthough oDJ.,. a
3IU.l.l part ot the operatiOD, interrogation in ~ medica1 field
has producad at le~t 8,973 itemlll fur the Iiles of W1lltary Intell.1_
gene., GHQ,/nc. or these 1te.III:J, 1,761.1 b.ao;e been pUblished (up to
DoceJ:lb.r, 1950) in t.b.e Interrogat.1.on Repo1"t03. Tho cOTerage of the
USSR:o Irca the o't'er- all intelligence po1nt o.t 'rieW', has been ?8ry
good 1D. the ea.stern part but spott;r in western Siberia. (Uter
the SUne, wa.s iniUated , OHQ,/nC publ.1.=ahed in Karch 19$1, two
SUlllmaz')' ·lnterrogaUon Repor~,· No. 91 and No. 96, oI the series
titled -.MedicAl. Fac1liUe!l in the USSR.· 1bese SUJaUT1 reporta
b""'e apparently made u!le of much ot -the nc file zateria1 since
6.01u 1tems are noW' reported as pu.bl.1.shed "Kedical Itelu· in the
"Interrogat.:l.OD "Reporta" - see InterrogaUon Report, No. 96, page 1.)

2. For the clar1.ticat.1.oD of published reports or for elab­

orat.:l.cn of ~ 1.n!ormatJ..on ot traptlBDtary nat.ur.e, "lIIort DIq be
had to the P3C tiles Or unpubllshad data a."s-.eil as to t.h. poast.
b1llt;r ot re1nterrocat.1Dg the sources.

- 2 -
RiGrllI! -- - / /./1 ;
MOR l Doc ID , 2 18371

---- ---.­
So\1et Medlcal Stand.u'd,).

Selec:t.ed retereneu. :!lee Annez A, 'demonslrat.e the Sort." _d1_

cal dtl.&aUon lones much to be dellired. Taldng into accouat the ~ti.,._
1n1stlc dUtu.de ot UuI Japane:Je crlt1ciam, the tWillS iDdlcate Soviet
medicine 1.1 bacn&t"di this e ondiUon alpt imPl1 the mediul slt.aaUon
would ntoehe Uttle consideration when the USSR .a.s welgtdng the de­
cislon ot lIhet.her or not to wage wv.
D. Sborty;.!f Medical &lwllu !!! ~ ~.

the reporb ind1caw (aoee Armex B) that the Son.ts •• re in

desperate aeed or ..d1cal. al.lppll.ee durln, the 1cmed.1ate po3t-n.r period.
the Soviet" appropriated . .die&! aquiJm8nt includ1nS d.ru, sl.Ippllu fro.
~ tor.or Japanesa- controlled institutions.
I. Pb&nU.cauUc&l Plant·s.

ProduCing phanziaceutJ.cal. tactorl., an ,.-.roy t .. 1n the &l"8U

coyered b,. the published Reports. This would be expect.ed .spec1allJ'
alnea 80 a&n)" nrarences 1.Ddica\$ \he IIIhortage or druss througbout tn.
USSR. no interro.atees supplied onlJ' _eager 1n.tormat1on on such
("tonn. Annex C llst.s tbe cities in wh1ch these pro<b/;c1nc u.n1t.s
an located.

Fo BIological Warfare A.c:t1Y1U8".

The lAterrogat.ioD Report.s ghe euentially no WormatioD

OR the s ubject or B1r intere st in the USSR. Such 1n.tormat.:1oR as 1 •
......11.ble on Bacteriological Warfare 13 rOUDd in .&nDex D.

O. 1..u1e-nts.2! Sorlet lied1cal otUc.r:t.

the Reports CODt.a1n DUII8rouS retenloDces to the locaUoD
01'" ~Ylet
lIIecnc.al. oCricers (e.I., Book Ho. )0, TIS 829 and
TIS 729; Book No. JS, p. L6; Book No.2, p. 1$-18; Book Ho. La,
p. 51; Book No. SO,_ p. lS; Book Ho. LJ, p. 5L). The names &1"eD
u. ,aneral.l¥ apelled phOlleUcall.,=, Uld there b danger or mb1n­
terpreUDg the namos "uppl1ed. Personnel uaipllllellt..s chan,.
treq\leatl11.n the Red Arr:s:r, &Dd. in the event. or hosUl1t1u,
knowledge or der1.oJ.ta locations &Cd a.ulg:c11OAts or outstand1AC
udic.! personnel would be or ....alue to the Kedical Dhi.s1on,
Sdent.U'lc Intelligence, so ra-euainaUm or these soureu wuld
be he1plul.

2. Book No . 1$ Usb general ortlcers; Book Ko. 76 l1st:l

rield uade ottice rs end includes the n. .s ot some .edical
ottlcen. The latter l1st ha.s considerable sourca-4:1ook ....a1ue
to II/.I.
H. !P!!:!!!!!. ~ Japanese Medical Personnel ~ Chinn.

• 1. 1ha Raport.s indicate that the CollllND1st a.na1ea suft.red

trom .....re ahortap or aedical..l7 trained personnel.

- )
- ~ =1-' ~ -) I - /1-/.3

-' " , ,
MORl DoclO: 218371

SiC A E ,

2. N-.lIDerous retPren.:es a.n mack til t'M ~or.~crtption ot

Japanue _dic&l. persoMel int.o the f('fCU "t the Ch1.nue Coca::au_
nJ.s~_ Selected Mlferon':.s ,," !'Iluod 1" Annex E. It seeas
reasonable to expect that th~s. Japanuf lD\ut s Ull be in the
Chinese ana.1.es.

I. Coo3criptlon ~ Japanul!' ~d!.S!l !!.~~! ~ USSR_

The Soviets 6130 are rep"rtl!'d to ha"e conscrtpted Ja.panese
madical of tic ere. See Annex F.

1. n. intelligence published 1.n t M Rept;'rt4 is pruented
1n a coadeDsed tOMl and 1.nelude. TU.10·U sulat..vJt.J.ve fields.
Th1.s SriIIrrey 1. confiDed to th e field "t lIIed!c!lle,; .nd all other
reterences ...re excluded • . It lN~t to. Hftlelllbered that 'the persons
inteZTOsat.ed "1'8 used or -a7:ploit-td" bJ tn., SoYiets 111 run;r
tields ot ende..",or" such . . a1n1.n&r tuming: conatructioa work..
factory jobs, ete. Only a Y&ry lilD1:t..d babel' ot repatrtat.es
ware t.ra.iJled in the aed1c&l field eo tn.lr report.s about adicu
conditions &re lbdt.ed in tAtehnjeal ba:qrotmd and should be
ea.retul..l7 weighed betore acceptance. Beddes tbe .aterial 1'roIIII
which these reports haTe been eul.led.. there st.ill remai.Ds ill
the FEe tIles considerable datA ..mich rill assist in the inter_
pretation ot the intonaat.ion p:"t!se:l.tad in !b6 toUQw1Dg: leograph­
ical reTiew. It has baen d.1tfi:::ul1. rr.,. Ute context ot the r&­
ports to det.enR1.ne preciee~ -ttether or not. a apec.it1c hospital .
sernd Soviet ehilians, a1..l.1ury persOMel.• or Wls exclWliTe17.

2. 1he JnterrogaUon Reports SE-riu d(\u not turn1sh aut­

t1ciont illtormat.1on to detenD.1.:!.e- how .U:..~b the SoTiets knew about
IIICdical :rpecia.lUes: _thod4!: ot t.reat4ent, methods ot aani.t..Uoa ..
and cont·rel ot d1seue. In onl.,. 'Je". lew 1.!I,t.ances do sources
.ant.ion specl.tic names ot .a.t:cines and .. d1c1Des. A.lso, very
UttJ.e intOnllatioD is .supplied concenWll c1Til1&1l health prob­
leas (e.g ... malaria occurrence .a drug scare!tJ..u,. or nterin&r1
problama) . ~eh lack ot slate.nt, cOQcem1q condlUons would
seem to be eTideace t.h.t the Japar.ue repatnates were largel1
withheld trolD conta.et with chil!.an medi.:al orticen u well
as excluded troll research or deY.lo~nt 1.n UJ. ..dic&! sciences .
These cOlldit.ioll3 m.1&bt also !.nd.1cat.e thAt. those knowledgeable
Japaue,. prisoo.ers who wpre producUT'e t<'I.Ch:l..1.c.iilllS haTe not Jet
b.ea repatriated tr<a the lU1.nl~d •

., . Coneem1ng t.he places l..!.sh\;t U: Annex Q. it can be

stated that the lI.1l!t.a.ry latell1gance .se'-":'QC oC OHQ/FEC has
begun, aDd is cont1nu1.Dg.. the preparaUon ot AD AU.., ot Tow:a
Plan rps. Volumes I and n of this 1Uas. date(l"'I8""""Septe'"'iiEi'r 19So,
JiUi een consulted in an attempt to include-. in thi. report that
evideDce therein 1It\1eh .as aeceptable to cOlilpiUng specialists ..mo
haTe had access t.o the bulk oC the data on Ule TO'IUls . The re­
sea.n:here tL.ve ccaplled list.. ot cert.a.1n TOlIIls ADd Reports . Annex
o llst.3 such T~s! and the Report.. conc:eT1'l.1.llg thea, ... "Atlas
$Qvrcc" and sha-s accepted l,·caU.,n:- •
.. !; . ~
H:) ,O~ l-/Ilf

...., .' ." .

MOR! DeclO: 218371

• I • ftliZ:i

I.. n.. following arau are cOTered in the extraew frca

Keporta found in Annex O.

Oeorc1M SSR
lazakh SSR
lurlles and Sakh&l.1n
Altai Te rri tol'7
Burya t-Mongol J.SSR
Chita Reg:1oc
C'hkalO1' Regico
, lrkutak1t9g:lan
Jewish Autonomous Kepan
1_.roTo Terri1.orr
Xhabaronk Terrl1.orr
hasno1a.r,k T.rriWIT
Marl u.a Terri tory
NOl'Orslb1r.lk iteaion
Rollto1' Reg:lo.a
tata:r ltac1CID
Ukraine SSIt
tr20bek SSR·

MOR! DocID : 2183 71

:it' CPS;

1. A J apanese doc:tor statu the! RuJdan medic,al 3tmda.rd3 _ere t wenty

years behind Japan (Book 110. L. p. LO) .

2. In the opinion ot a Japanese JIIedic:.u otf'ic:er~ Ru.3sia:rl'lDedical

equipltmt and supplies were said too be twenty yean behind those
ot the Japanese Anrrt (Book No.1 . p . 58) .

). ~sian Medical officers took charee of all patients (19L6)

at the Tavrichuaka PH caop . Treat.:'!Icnt ",... 5 J'IOOr, and medical
supplies were scarce (Book 12, p . 12). Only very i l l pat.ient.s
were sent. to a hospital at. Artea.
< L. At the KOl'IIUsan (129° LoIE - L2 0 0S!N) P'!'f ca.'1Ip, 2000 o! 8000
i l l P',f's died . ~ Ruuians were said to h.c::C: necessuy food
and medical supplie s (Boo~ l2~ p . 25) .

S. The hospital staf! ,at St.ar.ehihoru (?) 25 !tile:l Nor Xhabarovsk

were unskilled Ru3sian temale doctoTs and nurses. Of a total
of t1f t.)' appendectOlll,Y cases, all died . The nurses took the
pw1s rood. (Book No. 12, p . 68).

6. In 1 9~, at Lenin _. J(u'6net5k:1y (Sla°Lo'N - 86°08' E) , U:ae Russians

are said to have had a~o$t no Iftedical supplies (Book No .1),
p. 1).

7. A report states 10,000 P1f patients were suttering cainl,. frolOl

c&lnutrition (19L6) . Adequate quarters were not available,
and patients were put in caves, fifty to & cave (Book No .1) ,
p . h5) . (See also para 5, supra) .

8. The only Russian !ll:edicine .available at Gollolevka (127°45 1 £ ­

52045:N) in 1946 wa~ a cough ~edicine (Book No .1), p. 45) .

9. Russian doct.ors are described &JI poorly t.rained. The Rnsrian

civilians went to Japanese doctors for treatment at Vyatka ,
near Durey. ( 49 0 48 1 N - 129 0 L8'E) (Book No . l), p . 57).

10. At HOTorbka (1) the general treatment of five fel:lal e and five
male Soviet doctors 15 described as poor.

U. At,a P1f camp at K&ku.1aki, near Sretensk (52~SlN - 117°LOIE) the

Soviet doctors were sud to be not very skUIM, and all treat­
cent was pertormed by the Japanese doctor s .

12. Facilities at a ci v1lian hospital in Nakhod1c.a .are described as

poor, and medical supplies a s l a ckinS (1946) (Book No. 18, p. 2).

1). Russian nurces a t the hospital in Sovetskaya Cavan (LB059 1 N ­

lLoOlBIE) are said to bnve taken no interest in the ir p.atieDts
(Book No. 18, p. )L).

lL. A report (19L6) on a Prokop'yevsk (S)o5)'N - 86°L5 'E) hospital

states Ulolt thOUGh medical supplios were lackinS , U:ae Soviets
maintained strict. sanitary c onditions (Book 25, p . IS) •
• 6 •

.. ~ .- ..... -.: ..:. .... .~ . ~ ..~: .~';

MORl DoclD: 218371

~ !. (Cont'd)
15. Alaost twent.y-t1ve per cent. of the P'lfl s in Berezovk.a C_p died
from lux of med1c.al. care (Book No . 25, p. 23).

\ 16. It is sut.ed t.hat. a t. Slyudyanka Pft' Car.lp Hospit.el., the Russian

medic.al st..ndvds were lower than those ot the Japanese and that.
RussiiU'15 had no n:edicines ot their Olm (Book No. 2S, p. 25).

17. The sta~lII!nt. is made that the Scrriets are ten ,.ears behind Japan
in medical science in a reterence to t.he Nakhodka area (Bool': No.
32, p. ~).

18. It is asserted that tho Soviet lIledical officers did not. have
. adequate medical IatCl'lflodge, and the progress ot med1c.al science
is tar beh1rd. that. in Japan (Book No . JU, p. 10).

19. Trea~ent at a hospital in Novosibirsk (1946) i s described as

poor (BaPk No . J~, p. 10).

20. At. a P\f h~pit..al in TOlIL3k, in a t'WfO-story wooden building,

f acilities are described as better than avua,. nth no acu.te
ctedical INPpl,. sher-tap (Book No. J~, p. il).

21. ... National Hospltal" u Chernogorsk (1947) is said to have poor

sanitation and felf medical. su.pplies (Book No. )l,J p. 11).

22. In. new hospital in Jtrun~sk (1947), medical supplies are

said to be scarce, but. sanitation and treatment lIrere described
a~ good (Book No. 34, p. 11).

23. In Artem, dead bodies were dissected by the inexperienced Soviet.

medical 0111cers under the iD$truct1on ot Japanese medical otfi­
eel's (Book No. J1, p. 8-10) .

zb. Tacll1tles in I'fikola,.enk h~plt.aJ. (1947) are described u in­

adequate (Book No. J1~ p. 1)7).

25. S\lrtP,cal facilities in the Main Nikolayevsk hospital are

descr ibed as inadequate (Book No . 31, p. 1)8) .

26 . In Dmen, Ru.ss1an lIledical. sbtus Wa.! judged to be ten YUTS

behind the Japanese (Book NOe 2J, p. 9). "Suratamin" (phonet i c,
"probably "sulfardn ll ) wa.s used by the Rusrlms to treat syphilis
an.:!. external wounds. Tha Ru.3sians claLle<.l to have penicillin
(1941), but none wa.s eTer seen.

Z7. Accord1n&: to a Ja~se doctor, ' : J:; t!'lar. medieal. su.pplies were
very :scarce and ot poor qualit:y ~ -:le l evel of Ruuian treatment.
and sanitation AS 10lf in cOlllpa.rl "l- n rlth Japmese standArds.

28. At Slyud,yanka (in Karch 191a :,". n.:· ~""'"-:et hospitoLl. t.reabqent i5­
.said to ba inferior to that ir:. .1...... - de hospi~s (Book No . 26,
p. 13).
29. At ' Nikolayenk, reterence is made to tair treat.alent ot patients,
thoUGh aupp1ies are scarc:o (JW'I.. 19!,6) (Book No. 28, p. 14).
- 7­
8 B .R Eel
83 ·i L' 2 1- Illl

" . ~ - .,: .. -. - "" ~, -~ ", ... " . .­
MOR! DoclO: 21837 1

~ ~ (Cont'd)

JO. At. l:ol:lsomo1~k, the General Hospital (19l6) i:: said to hue obso­
lete eG.ui;went. .:lI"!d to suffer a silortace of food:: and medicines
(Dooio: no . 26, p. Ill) .

)1. At !1.1khod.lca (Ua.reh, 1947), the Soviet. doctors a.t the PW hospit.a.l
.are said to na.ve hl\d litue .edicu ialu.,ledce (Book no. 26, p . 17).

)2 . At a Tuhkent ci.,lli&n hos:,ital (in April, 191,1) it wa:: st.al..ed.

in the event or broken bones, the Russians a.,puta.ted thc ::c!lber
rather ·tha.n reset the bones (Book 1:0 . )0, p . 7) .

J). At Kokan (~ay 191,7), the Soviets took no measure~ to el~ate

I!IG:sq...itou bet "apparenUy had a good supply of quinino (pouibl.,.
Mcrican1) . They truted tuberculOSiS with caleiUln .and glucose
injecUons 'tut took 1;0 I - Rays (Dook No. J8, r. 7) •

.JL . At Petrovslc (Zabaykal'skiy), the Japanese ne reported to have

perforged the autopsiea tor the Russian doctors (Book No . La,
p . ~ -7) (19~7).

JS . At Ar~elll(1946) the "RWJ:;hn doctors were described a.5 ha.rdly

~ore skilled than nurses (Book No . 11, p. 15).

J6. At Iun Hospital (191,~) the Russian ;aedicaJ. technique ....u des­
cribed .u ,'e ry poor, ton years behind the Japulese (Book No .
11, p. 20) .

J1. At UstlXamenocor sk (19L7) J~V1ese doctor"s are con:sidered

superior to Soviets in surgical. tec~~ (Book No. LS, p. 9) .
)6 . At Tay-Shet. the Japanese partol"':Ded opotrat.ions bec~usG: t.he
Soviets h "ckad experbo;oce (Book n~ . 4S, p . 9).

)9 . At Ra,ychikhinsk (19LS), the Soviet medical penonnel at a p;(

ear.r.p are de!!cribed as incompetent (Book No. 1,9, p. 5) .

~o. A special report (Book No . 1,9, p . 12$- 121) indicates that the
consen:sus oJf opinion ot 299 Japanese offieer repatriates, as of
19L1, ns ~at in the areas of Public Heal th and Swdtation, the
Sone"t.3 are .about JO years behind other tirst-elass eountn u ,
and 20 years behind Jap.a., in the medical field. Appro:dlU"tely
60% o~ the populaUo•. u a)leged to sufter trom venereal disease.
The SOnet Cledlci.res, largely of Japanese make, lacked caratiYe
PCl"lt"Ilr, and surgical equi~t "It'as both insufficient and of poor
quality, There existed an acute shct"tqe ot medicine and ::ledi­
cal equipmetit in the !:OVi6t.~. Two- thirds ot the A...m:J" doctors
...ere s.aid to be women, and the standard oC c0f'3petency a,:"onc the:a
is very low, about that of tJ•• ordina.ry Japanese nurse .

41. A ne" .surgical hospital 'n Balkhash (1947) is reported as mt'dern

and well-equipped (B?ok No. $1, p . J).
- 8­

.t:. """ "

MORl Do clD : 2 1 8371


~~ (Cont1d)

b2. Info1"1llants generally report. (Book No . 50, p. 8) that the alle,ed

shelr ~e or doctcmJ in the USSR b beir.1: "remedied" by • pnctice
under 1Ph1ch experienced Sanet nurses upon successM co:lpletion
or .a written examination are p'arded medical degrees and author­
ized to practice medicine. Attendance.at medical. schools 13 not
required in these cues.

1,) . The SUchan medical and sa.nit..ary facilities .an reported to be

obsolete and inadequate (Book Ho. 8S, p. 7).


MORl Doc lD : 2183 7 1

1. Fro:'!! the Kwantung A.ntIY fbspital No .1 (Book no . 1, p . 7).
This source ,tated that Ru3s1an medical officers did not hay.
thei r own stethoscopes, and the women doctors nceded L-5 mor e
;years of traininE.

2. FroB the largest Japanese hospital Ul U'Ukden (Shen-Yanc,

123 271E - LIOL6'N) l ocaled a short distance S ot the RR sta­
\.ion (Book No .1, p. 22) . This hospital, reported III beilll
in Nationalist.'s hands in 191..6, is prob",b1y controlled nO'll' by
the Chinese Co=un.is t s . It had Cadlitiu to cue COT 2 , 00CI
anti tne medical supplies presumably ."ere adequate for
this nWllber .

). From anoUler J'palll!se hospltal in IlUkden (Book !lo. 1, p . 22).

L. FroID the EkJa hospital near TUn&hwa ( l'Unhua, LJ022'N - 1260

15'E) (Book No.1, p. 58) . .

5. FrcIQ the Pai-Ch'eng-T2.u (1220S2 1 E - 450 J7 I N), Anq Hospital,

to the extent of 70% of the equipment and 90J of the lIledical
supplies (Book No. L. p. 1).

6. From the Red Cross Hospital at UWcden (or at SWl-lrU) to the
exten t. or over olV! - h&1f or t.he supplies on hand (Book No. h,
p. 20).
7. F'l'oID the Harbin are.. . Source states that t.he Russians took
practically all the lIledicines ....ay (Book No. ~, p . 29) . I
8. PreS'\lJlla.hly fro~ a hospital 1n Harbin, one and one- hal! JUles
HE or RR stOlt.lon . The st.&te\l'leot. is made 'that. • ~u's supply
ot lQedicina "as on hand belore t.he Russians car.le (Book No . L,
p . JJ) .

9. FroID. a hospital in Harb1D (Book No . L, p. 38) .

10. From various sources . In a cODcentr;rtlon Ca.lIP of the Russians
at Yen-Chi , all equipment and supplies were captured Jap~ese
material , (Book No .1.., p. 44) .

ll. From the Ch1ang-Ch'un Hospital (Book No. ~, p. 1..6).

12. n'01ll. unidenUf1ed sources. A hospl tal for tuberculosis patients

in Vladlvost.ok used Jap&nese~uJ'actured lIIe4icines, the supply
or which was vcr,( sc arce (Book Ho. 12, p . 16, 19~6).

13. FroID Japanese sources . I.!ost supplies and instI'tCIents used in

dispensaries seen by a Japanese ~perlt'lr pr1vOlote were recocnhed
",s conCiseated Japanese material, (Book No • .34, p . 10).

14. f'r0lll J apanue soW'cu . TM R~da.ns at RostovQ Hospital are

reported to b. using (in 19L6) capt.ured Japanese medicines
(Book No . 22, p. S).
- lJ) ­

s-r.:=ewn:=..-l R 3 -i ') 2 ! - II1."

'.I, ..... ~.
MOR l DocID : 218371

IS .

All}lSI 8 (Cont.1d)
hom a1ukden, nem used in Ulan Ude (l9~) , (Book No . 22, p . 6) .

16 . FrOnt Dilien - all h03pihl equ i paent., includinc a ppuatus,

c:aed1cal supplies .and books were rellloyw by the Russians on
April JO, U~ (Book No . 22, p . 611) .

17. From HU- Lun . The Russians confisca ted =edical supplies (Book
No.2), p. 21) .

HI. frail!. Chlang~lun. The Russians coruhcat.l!!d medical supplies

from two Japanese ~ hospital s (Book No. 2J, p. 29).

MORl Docl D: 218371

5 .. f' ;a fIr"I'

1. Dairen. A phan:aaceul.ic31 pl.l..'t. c,,,"sistine :Jf ao,uL ten brick
buildlncs of ftJ"io\l3 sites is located in Lhe SM-lto- l(1on Dist.rict.,
a western secUon of Cairen. The ~ea moa:>uru 220 yd.s x 170 yds
and is surrounded by II. "hidt brick Ifill!. Re?Orted production in­
cludes injection med1cws (311 t.ypes), pills, ph.trnaceut.ical
druCs, and clothinC d1'l' An estioaled 50,000 &I!IpOules in l - ee,
5-cc, and 2O-ee unit.3 of all types of seMJCI ~re produced monthly
and sent. to the 8th Route J.rr::r:t . The st&[f, up to July 191,8, in­
cluded 1 Jap&El.ose and 2 Chinese chaists, -.nd JS Chinese laborers
(Book No . 66, p. So).

2. J..'Ukden. A ph.:lmaceut.1I.:al plant is locat.ed about. 1/2 1ILi . " of

RR station in a brick buildin&;, 100 ft x 65 ft x Lo ft, and
NI'lufact.ures inject.ion seru.~ such as calciUIII chlorate (gluconate?)
for tuberculosis, clucou for nutrit.ion, sulfa..~e for gonorrhea
a.ncJ. quinophene for rhe\r.lat.isc. About. 2 , 000 a.r..poules in 2Q-ce
uniLs or seru,o:I Me reportedly produced daily (Book tlo. 66, p. 53).

3. tbilisi. One report locates a ph&l'mac.rutical plant., consist.ing

or one 2-story brick bJUdinC, 1)0 rt. x 60 ft, and fhe I-story
brick bJildings, about 1 lIIile 5 of RR station (Book No. 66, p. 21).
(N.B. ThLs III&Y be the Cha1cal Pharmaceutical '.Jctory reported
u "bJing 1.2 miles S of AA st.at.ion by a source other than the
FEe Interrogation Report.s).
4. Voroshilov (WOh7'N - 1)1°$61£). A. che:rLical laboratory buUt
l.nto a hill atout 6 miles N of RR st.ation, kn<mn as zn agricul.­
tural collece, is reported as car.,.,.-inc o n secret. uperi..ments
during the post-war y u.rs , especially s ince Soriet General
of!1cers were constanUy seen, and tJle armed s;uud 'lfilS dill­
proportionat.ely heavy for an agricult.ural colle,u (Book No.
66, p. )9).
S. A drugs [.Jctory is reported here (Book No. lU, p . 87).
be the Irkut.s~ Anti-Plague Inst.itute of Siberia and
Far Eut which produces vaccines) .

6. MUkden (and Dairen). According to ri.e informants (Book No.

82, p. 59), two pJiU'lllilceutlcal factories, tJle Onbhi Facto17
(formerly called t.ho Inui Ph~cC\ltlc.al Company) Ind the
3Jrd Chemical Factory (tormerly t.he Sa.n)(;yo pha.nueeutical
Company) were bot.h l"eiIIoved to )lu}tden fro:!: Da1ren in July or
August. of 1918 . They were cMbined and were tu be incorpcn-ated
into another pharmaceutical plant alrea¢T in WUkden. The ph~ ­
ceut.lcal factories 1n Dairan, awarently controlled far a short.
peri cd by the USSR, were produci", 1»1nly 5e1""UmS and T'accines .
The )Jrd, re portedly employed 100 O\1nese woric:ers, 1II0st.ly bachr­
iolo~ist.Si its annual output ~:> s&id to be )00,000,000 units ot
tetanus vaccine, 1,000,000 writ.s of pest serum , and SIaaller
quant.iUu of vaccine s lor t.~rphus, ~ophob1a, diphtherh.,
d¥se ntory, and whoopinG cough. The onishi Factory alleGedly had
a s~ar output .
(K"mem'. Rebion). A chec:r.1cal plant here 1s
lIIed1eines (Dook No. 66, p. )0).
- 12 ­
9' 8 8 .t-t- F

..•... ""-". ~"""

MORl DoclD: 218371


1. Book No. I, p. JJ. In a traini.nj; t.alk during t.he 1'IV, Japanese

Lt.. 50cjicla is reported to have to1d Japanes~ medical carps­
lIIen that the American, had used fIll - by plane - against Okinawa.
Lt. S:)ejima stated thOlt the Japanese a..ntt;y was do!.ng experi:tental
work alOll: t.hese line'. It. was added by source, that. Soeji.o:J.a
was reported to be with the Cacz:unist AnI¥ (su.."'I'lIer 19L6).

2. Book No. 23, p. )9 . The nane of General Ishii is l:1entioned

as beine the CDailander of the Ishii Unit associat.ed with
Japa.'1ese 0,7. Ishii was said t.o be an authol"'it.y on Uo".

3. Book No. 66, p . )9 . (See under "Pharmaceut.ical Plants,

\'orosh.ilov") •

L. Book No . 66, p. 13. Repatriates a.,pear to have no direct knO"ll'­

ledce of post.-war Scrriet activities in the Held of 8',7, and their
re?ort.s of wutJ.me use are confined to hearsay and to the defen­
sive measures taken by their units to prevent outbr~aks of epi­
!!eroics . There i, avidence that the USSR has confbcated all
bacterial laboratories and dntained all personnel who have train­
ing in this field.

5. Book No . 2, p . ,32 . A re:search laboratory in Harbin WilS sa..id

~ be set up for 5'1 and attached to the Xanno Unit.

6. Book No.3, p. 9. In AUb'USt 1939, durin£: the Nomonhan InCident,

the Russians are alle&ed to have placed dysentery gem3 in
the H.&rUa River, and 200-)00 man _re infected.

1. Book No . ), p . SO. Tbt Russ1.an anny is alle,ed to have poisoned

an W1knD'''l1 nta:lber of prisoners about January, 19L6 .
8. Book No . 7, p. J7. In August, 1945, a germ capsule was said
to have been buried by the Russians in Na.'1>1:!1, subsequently
dU£ up by Xorean children . Cholera, black pbgue, typhus
am typhoid broke out, and the Japanese were blaaecl.
9. Book No.6, p . LB . A reference is lIIade to experillli!D.u with
plague by CeD. Shiro I,hii at a sanitation and water purifica­
tion unit in Chiang Ch 1 un. The llIethod allegedly tried was placinC
plagued lice on rats and distrlbJUng tbem ove'r enemy lines or
dropping the rats fro~ p1ane,_

- 1) _
MOR! Doc lO : 21 8 371


M!!!!:!. 1;
1. Book Ho. I , p . )) . Japanese medical personnel were taken b)r

I 2.
the Chinese froll the TUngtrn. Field Hospital.

Book Ho. I, p. S9. In September 19L6, 8 Japa...,ese doctors, 20

HCOs and nurses, are r e ported to ha.ve lIelectedu to remain at
ths Harbin (Pin- 01iang) A:rftI:t Hospital to Aid the starf there
with Dr . Sankoya, the 8th Route Anv health a.dT1ser.

3. Book Ng. h, p . 40. Some Japanese doctors were Uken our by

tht 8th R01Ite ~ .

L. Book No.9, p . 12. In April 191A, Capt . H;nada and Lt . NU.IIIura,

medical of!1cors~ and five Japanese student nurses, "ere taken
frolQ 1'i'U- Lune- Pei br the 8th Route Iorrtq . (See al so Book No. 23,
p. l.J).

S. Book No . 2), p . 12. Three Japanese doctors .....ere conscripted

into t.he Hsiu- Ien Co=runist Hospital (),larch 19L6 ) .

6. Book No. 23, p. )2 . In Warch 19b6, the Chinese Cocmun1st3

moved equipDent and took 7 doctors from the Harbin Medical
Collese and llUnic1pal Hospital to Chh- !lU-5su . The equiJD!nt
. u CroCI labo r atoriu of anatalQ", ph:ydologr, patholoCT, medi­
cine, physics , cl:uu:U.stly. internal medicine, 5W"gel'7, dentistry,
de.nulto1ogy, gynecology, otorh:i.nologr, ophthal.:.oloD', radio­
gn,phl'. and bacteriololD'" This materluwas probably put blto
the Chia-Mu- $su Kedical College which 'InIS renMed the Northeast
Wed1c:-.l Colle"• •

7. Book}b. 23, p . )8 . rhe OliDts. reCDved all re:uinin" Japanese

sta£f members from the Harbin u.:r
General Hos pital and pbced
the:u in TWlg- An .

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8088 It £Pi

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MOR! DoclD : 218371



1. Japanese Ved! cu Officers Hamada, Uhhillur.a, UId Yosogawu are

reported t.o hue been sent into ftu,s s 1il (OOok 110. 1" p . 18).
2. ncty doctors were taken to Siberia [rOn! the L."U-Tan-Chian&
Hospital . The hospital _a.s turned over to the 8th Route Arn:i,
(Book Ko. ~. p. )8) .
). Drs. £bihara, ou, and N~Ot.o were taken to Siberia (Book No .
h. p . 1,0) . Dr. A.r!h ,,&5
sent. t.o work at a Khabarvosk hospital .

b. A:,out saO hO::lp1ta1 per30nMI And reconred patients were sent

to Russia f rom the Harbin ~ General Hospital on April 1J,
191,6 (Book No . 23. p. )8) .
S. InnW08%"able references a.re scat.tered throughout the Oeographical
Section belC7lll', which demonst.;rat.e that the soviets utUiud con­
scripted Japanese l:Ied.1c al officers not only in J'W cal:lps but. also
in civilbn inst,lt.ut.ions.

- 15 ­
B;li 0 21 -1/25­

.. -.
MORl DoclD : 21 8 3 7 1

Georgian ~
.lNNtX 0


1. The No. 1$6) hospital i~ described &:II a ~-3 t.ory concrete build_
inS, 1.8 aUes HI of RR station, accoClllodatlng 2000. State
cons1at.:l of IS German and 12 Soviet doctors. Medical wpplles
are acarce and .an1taUoa is poor (Book No. L), p. S). (1941).

2. Another report describes a L~tol'Y concrete hospital eJJ !to

z 49.S ft.}, two and one-halr mlu HE or RR station. Statr
conslst.:l or German doctors and 20 Soviet nurses. Tree t.laent.
and food are described a.s bad (191.1). (Ibid) .

). A. hoqital accolII:DodeUng 700 persons (Novellber 19.46' 1a

located in a 4-atory concrete bu11d1.n, (264 It. :II: 66 ft.)
9/10 aile S of No.2 RR station. Staff • ., co~r1sed of
Ooraaa doctors and orderlies (Book No. LS, p. 6).

4. .l hospital acea.odat1D.g 2000 persona (J.ugost, 1947) ia

located in .. S-etory concrete, nat root bullding (ISo tt.
z LS tt.), 9 a1.l.es 'I' of RR staUOD. Statt coadstod ot 20
Soviet and 1I&aT Garu.n doc tors. Facilities and eQuipmat
ware poor. Sanitatloa &nd tno.u.eat .ere tair (Book No. 4S,
p. 6).
S. four s1m11ar reports (191.7) refer to the 4~tory cOllcrete "'
hospital sta.tred with Bonet and Oenun doctors (Book No. JA,
p.). .
6. Rererene.., an made to a 4.."tory brick bospJ,t.&l. (1947) nth a
danted slate rooE 1.8 a1lu If' ot RR staUon, and to a
L~tory cODcrete ho~pit.aJ. 2.4 Ili.los 11' oE the RR IlIhUon. Botb
hospital.s ware .tatred with German and Sorlet doctora, and
medical s\lilpl1e. were r e ported 13 IlIcarce (Book Ho. SO, p. S).

laa&.kb SSR

1. ... bospiUl. lor IdUtary and ciY1llan pers onnel b located

(April 191..7) two .11elll S or Ho. 2 RR statioD, and 1/ 2 aile
S ot san.1l1 1a • lHItory brick building (660 ft. x 100 ft.)
(Book No. )B, p. B).
2. . . GoYenDent-operated h03pital b located (June 19117) on
Stal1n Street, 1980 It. S or RR IlItat.1on. It 11 delllcrlbed
.,.. . &:II the largest- in the ana (Boo~ No. 38, p. 8) •

). 1 SeiaDuric He.earch Laboratory 1r&S reported UDder. copstl"\lC­

tiOD bore, U ot WeT, 1947 (Book No. Sl, p. lOS).

- 16 ­

.,. , -- .. . :'"
MOR l DoclD: 2 1 8371

0 (Conttd)

1. 4 new surgieal hospital (Augwlt., 19h7) is IDeated in a L- sto1'7

eoncrete building (US tt. :r 66 tt..), painted white, with blaek
date root, L.8 miles NE ot RR :.t.aUon . The :.t.&t! eonsbted
ot Sorlet. doeton, and the hos pital wu modem ,nd . .11_

1. ,; ho:.pltal caring tor 100 persons is loe ated 32 mile:. HE
ot the RR $tation. Ked1cal :.uppUes were :'C&l"'Ce. The
staf't COD:.bted ot three male Soviet and one terule Sorlet
doctors and o.ne Japaaeee doctor. Although trea tment 1s
ducrlbed .. tair, it. 111 atated that. almos t 2S per cent.
ot the J'CW'a in the BerezoTka Camp died from lack ot Md1­
cal care.
B0ro!Ol! (S3°04 I N - 20019IE).
1. A POW hosp! tal accommodatJ.ng SoC persons (August. 191,6) is
located in • wood and :.tw:co building (a tonger dance hall
.md theatre) 2,6~ tt. S« ot RR station . German, Hungari&n,
!buII.anian, and JapaDue prisoner:s ware tnta ted here (Book
No. 4$, p. 7).

Chillkent (Ja°11 I N _ 61°36'S)

1. .1 hospital &CCOICIlOdat.1.ng SOl p8t"5ons (111,7) 18 reported

1.2 DIlles N or RR st.s.tlon in e .3~1'7 buUdlng. Twenty
SoTiet doctors were on the statt, and t he princ ipal d1$ea,se
.as malaria (Book No. 48, p. J).

Karaganda (41°S2 I N _ 7)°06'&)

1. .I. POI' camp hospital caring tor approdmatel;y 1,700 prisoners

(April 1947) is loca ted :in twl~ 1 - sto1'7 brick b\I1ldiDgs
(L9S ft. x 19.8 Lt. :z 26.t. ft.) 24 m:Ues S ot the HH atatiora.
'lha hasp! tal YU rumored to be a tortll!lr &r"III;T hosp1 tal in
rorld rar n.
The atatt consbted of 6 Sorlet, 6 Japanese,
aDd 20 German doctor:.. lIadlcal supplle:. ware acarce, but­
treatDent waa 1'air (Book No. 1.2, p. 7).

2. A. :.omewh&t- ~1Id.lar ho~1tal 13 described as be1.ng 2.b JDiles

Sot RR statiOQ (not 2b .., abOTe). (Book No. 42, p. 7.)

3. A. third ho:.pital, quite poss1bl1 the s ame~ is described as

located )0 alle3 SE or the RH atation (Book No. 1.2, p. 7).
L. ","e other repQrt.s de:.c riti. a :.i.milar area and conditions.
there is • suggeation that the hOllpita! center waa a eco_
Talellcent area tor 1'01'3 before tlley were returned to the
coal ~e. (Book No. 42, p. 7).

we- 171£::1-
H !l~021 - /bl7

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MORl Docl D: 21 8371

~ Q (Cont.'d)
IUagand.a (Cont.'d)

S. 1 POW l)ospit.al, possibly dHferent. Croc the above, and

accCICIDodaUnl 2,000 German POIr s • 13 locat.d )0 a11u •
of RR shUon, 1n 10 wooden builc11.nCo' (Book Ho. laJ, p. 5) .

6. .&nother hosp! tal occupying 7 brick b1U1din1S (19L7) 13 re­

ported 16.8 miles § of the city. FacillUu and suppliu
nn: inadequate (Book No. L). p. 5).
7. Other referencu are aade to the large POll' hospital about
)0 dlu S of aq staUon (19L7). 1 P(Jff hosp1t.al is also
reported 2L QJ.lu I oC to"", (Book Ho. SO, p. $).

~ Orda (4(,°$1'H _ 6S°)O'B)

1. Reference 13 JlLl,de to • proposed leper hospital, L-l/S

miles S! ot M ,tation.

Lenln0corsk (SCo21'N _ 8)o)),!)

1. Ret.rence is made to • POll' hospital here (Book No. 51,
p. J). .
2. In Len1Dolorak a I_story brick bospital (2)0 It.. % 100 Ct.),
painted ..tdte, and &c:cOIIIIIlOdatJ.ng 100 persons, is locat.d
(1947) 1 mile E oC RR statiOOl. Medical aupplles "roe
adequat. here (Book No. LS, p. 9).

Sp&nldr ~ (490 )2'N _ 73°l.7'1)

1. J.t the No.1 par Camp bospital located in 20 adobe and
wood bu11d1nls, accoaaod&t1011s wore ....&11.'01. lor 2,000
person.s (JlIly 19L7). nw .to.tC ccmdstod DC 1 Sort.t,

5 Japanelle, and 12 0eJ'1UD doctors, ) Sorlet nurses and
5 Soviet nur..,'· aides, 100 German and RUatan11Ul oederUes,
and 100 Japanese orderl1e.. Medical, surpcal, ~ta1,
and X-Ray equlp:Dent were .....&11able, but Cacillties W'&r8
poor. The Japanese _d1cal suppl1n .ere 1zlsu1'Ciclent
(Book No. 38, p. 8).

2. 1'110 other report. describe. PCIf hozrpital in two 2-story

brick buUd1rJs" pDulb~ 2L ail., s ot the RR station
(Book No. L2, p. 7). .
). Eight. ot.her report.s describe a Fat' hospital TerJ' da11ar
to ~hat neo&rIartb;nda,
1 KIIf Camp hospl
or . lO,
(Soak ".?_
AS dueribed above Cor the No ..
p. 8)..

L. In thb area, d1seuu reported were ch.1elq m.al.arla, .&!­

nutrition, and 1unl d,l,euu. About 800 at 2,000 Genaao •
PeW'II are reported to ban died troll ulnutrlt10n (Book I
Ho. 45, p.. 9).

_ 18
E 8 fWA ­
~ :I 0'> I -/61.1
MORl DoclD : 218371

"Cft!PI ~ E (Cont.'d)
Spa."kiy ~ (Contord)

5... hOlllpita} with a capacity oC ),CIOIJ persons is located

(.1w'Ie 191,7) 6/10 mile H of town, consistJ.nC ot three
l...,tory wood barracks (16S ft. x )J ft.) with dirt coftl'8d
wooden roots, h0\L51.ug 1200 JlllpanulI, .nd a )-lIIt.o17 brick
building (231 It. x 16S ct.) wi t.h • gahanhlld root, hou.dng
2,000 Geruns. n- aWt included S .sort.t. IUJ.II and S
So'rl.t. teul... doctore, b JapmulI l 10 German, 7 SoTi,t
nunlls, and lAo Japanese and Genun _d1Ca.l corp51Del1. Sanl­
t.atJ.on W"I.S poor; JDed1cal supplies .ere scarce (Book Ho. 16,
p. 1).
6. .. 191,7 retlireaCIi etates that the Ho. 1 POW Camp hoa­
p1tal was 1l'II WI an. (Book No. 1.&, p. 3).

7. "191,1 "tll"ace locates .. ho~it.al in ten 1 e.ad 2­

story bu11d1Da. (8la n •• x 33 ft.) in the III01.lDtains near
the cit.y. Stalt cons1at.ed at s • .,..ral Soviet., )S GeJ"llac,
and 10 Japan... doctors. The paUent... lIIuttered chiefly
tr"Qa lUl!:S and heart. d1SIlUlllh

Ust'(uenolorsk (L90S6'N _ 820 37'1)

1. . . Central Ho~it&l accOm:flodat..i.n1l SO<> persons (FebruarY
1947) ill loeated 1D a 3 ~ tY17 brick and concrete tuild1ng
1.2 mile. Sot 1ft .taUon. Facillties were ""1'7 poor
(Book Ho. h$, p. 9).

2. AHa. 2 C~ lioeplt&l (1941) 18 reported in UIlt.ll'amoDOgOr.s~

(Book No. r.B, p. S) •
. ;trIano..,.JcQl! (L90LS'H _ 84°16 I B)

1. J. boepit.al &ccc:aaod.d.1ng 1,000 p6notle (1947) Ie located

ill one 2.... t.ol"1 and tiTe 1-atrol"1 wooden bu1.1dinls, with
gaITanhed iroD. roote, If! tuted 1- 2/10 Jdlelll troll t~
ce.nter at t4wD.

1w1.1.. .!!!! Sakhal..1D

Ho..->.b1ro ~ (lSs"S2'1 _ SOo2S' H)
1. "Medical Branch and K&1n Hoeplt.&l. with 700 bea is
"ported (1947) (Book lio. 21, p. 84).

... '- .

• • 8 R.
- l~ ­
r I
~ .\ - IJ <; -Ill '/ '

MOR! Doc ! D : 2183 71

-s-e;-c R II ,..
AlINU G (Cout.'d)

1. Farlll8r fovernnu!Ilt,u, public, and prhatv ~.l..s 'W'm"e

confiscated and re-ostab11:ltred u nat.ional hvspit.al3. rrw
clinics Ire :1O'W maintained, ..., d indi ridual prtC"ti'CW·bJ'
Japanese dOC"tor$ i3 -pena!tted:. 4:11 the culuparati"T81y laop
number ot "J8pane':re doc to,,,
are npatr1~, i t i':l :sa1"d ·-ttnrt,
san1tU7 cord:it1on:,--wi.ll -gradual17 .'Dec0lll:'" ·endzaoIg'8'n'd be­
cause ot tt. low degree at t.et:hnical 3Ildll ot the Sorlet.
doctors IU)d the lack ot III!d.ie1nes and medieal supplies
(Book No. 1.1, """cial l!eport).

~ (l42oSO'K - SJ°)hrN)

l. There are apparenUT t....o hospitals here . The first is

1,050 ft. HE at the main RR s-tation, in a 2-stoti brick

Facilities are inadeqaate he"re. The sectmd :i"s

58 ot the main RR station 111 • 1-riory"WCoded baildi::ag
bulld.1ng (100 ft. X· JS· !t.) and ·aetOiitllCldat.n leo penoh".
(60 tt. x 90 !t.) and. &CCOlmlloda.tes 100 persoos. Vacili-
U •• here ._ . "'= ~_ (_Ito. 1.1, Special Report).

2. Hospitals in tlle Kuriles are referred to n 1000000ed-m

Ot.an1 and Toro (191&7) {Book No. 1£7, p. 3}; iD Tennrt.i.,
Seseld, )tll.nshi, Iztaoku (Book No. 47, p. $1).

). Medical. taeilltiea in the Kuriles are de8Crlbed ... .'1'M7

l1.adted. There is one cirl1iao bo6pital at. Rubet.eu
(LS006IN - llao1&zIB) 00 Storofu Island and. • mi..l:tt"a:rT
hoapi t.a.l. on Pa.ramuah1ru. A new hoepi tal· cliDi-c ......
pharmaq' hue been bullt at KurUak (Sbana) (ltSOlqIN-
1.47°5) IR) s1D:::e the ad"ftl'lt of the SoYiet. settlers • . No
epidemic diseues are considered pecul1.ar to the islands
(Book 110. 58, p. J).

~ (RutaJca) (1&601..3 'N - 142 0J2'1)

1. Atla:ll Source repCJl'"ts in J,mra.: (a) Barracks for a
lIIedical tm1tj (b) .. ch1.l.ian hospitalj (c) a natiOMl.
hospital (Watanabe Hospital); (d) a lUt.emity hospital;
and (e) lID J.nr3 hospital.

Doli:>.ok (Ochl.&1) (47 0 20'N - 142°42'1)

1. A.tlas Souree reports in DollMk (Ochia)~ Ca> AD isa-la­

tion hospital; (b) national hospital (Oji Hospital);
(e) national , c:l.1.n1c (Nishio Hospital); (d) an a.r"IIQ' hos­
pital; and (a)" it. hospital llredieal supply.

Kholm>k (u..>ca) (47°0J'N - 142°0J'S)

1. ·A.tlas Solurce !Uta 1D Xholm=~; (a) W:1.l...1tary hospital;

(b) military hospital; (e) soldiors' dependent hosplt.al.;
(d) r&ilroad hospital; (e) sanitarlua.
- 20 ­
i I 8 ft*S%i- Q!l J 0 21 -/"-)0

- -_ .-.-.. - ... ..
MORl DoclD : 21837 1

,J,J C If t·'­
~ ~ (Cont'd)
IUJhno~!!..~. ("6°58 : N .. It..2 c 4b J &)

1. AUu Source IJ.su ,.) Ph&J1ll,lc"ut.lcal plant... t b} f1v~

hO$j)italsj and (e) zn UT:1y hcspJtal.


Barnaul l5J021 ' N _. 8)01&7'E)

L A hospit.aJ. at Barnaul e&r111g for 600 ·6;0 J"!!"I'"!fC>Ti"S 1"8 lc:cned in

a brick bulldln,. Fe" suppl1u ""US ••aU.able . and sani­
tation ...as poa.o- 'Bocok No. ? S.~ p. 11) .

2. A. Public Hospital is r eponed one .11e 5 or RR st.atian

in a ~-5tcry concrete buildinc: 500 ft. x 165 Ct. ~ POII"t9
were al!!!O tre.ated here (Book Ho. Jl.t., p. 10). .

.3. A. hospital in a ~story concrete bt.t1.ld1.ng is located

I - IlL BIiles ·1 or RR statiOD (Book Ko • .3l.t., p. 10).

~. A. Central Hospit.&.l. in • J - story bu..11ding::- ae.coi60dating

)00 persons, is l ocated in tha cl t7' lIedic.al supplies
were limited (Book No. )u~ p. 11).
5. A hospit.al. 6CCOllllllocb.t1ns 500 persons is located
( hbl"'U&IY ~ 191&7) in .a J-story co~r-et.e bI::t..1l.din& (7oo rt.
% ))0 rfo.) at a disu.nc!' or 1 .2 railes S'II' or RR sutton
( Book Ho . )8!, p. B.l .

6. A hOSPital is I""W:Iol"ed to be lc~,.t"1!d in a lUlle l"e1.nfol"ced

coocrete building N ot RR swtton (Book No. }8, p. 8).

7. A hoSplt.U actounodat.1ng 50!) Fersons is repoi ted (11Jb:7)

located 2 .ad.les S8 or RR statian in three 7-~ ~
forced cQDCrete b1.l.1..ldings . statr c onsist.a ot 20 :Joortet
doct.ors. Ked1cal supplies ..ere inntt!.clent. (Book No.
IU, p. 5).
8. .An Arrq Hospital. accoanodating l ~ SOO person", is repo. bed.
in a 2- story briclc b.1Uding 2.t. at1..lee SI of RR ~tation.
The statr com1..Sted of Soriet and Japznen- ·duclXIi 3.. and
_diea.l. supplies nre scan:o (Book }fOe 9>., p . 5). AiM,""'~"'''''', j
hospit.al a c.cxu:lllodat.ine; 500 perse,"". nih. JapiJi6J6 8Dd.
Soviet staJr.~ is repOt" ted in a bri ck b.!.Udtng } .III.1.l.es S ot
RR stat.1on_ .lledic u supplies: _ere s carce here . too . I
~ (5,O-'6J N- Ss"'5'P) I
1. A No. 1 Anv Hospital in a 2-story brick buUdiJtt aceouao­
dating SOD persoM 1s l ocat..d s1x lDiles s or RR et.Uoa.
A HO a 2 Anq Hoap1tal 1D .. 2-sto.ry brick buUd.in& acoo~
datil'l8 )00 persons 1.s 1 cc&ted nine ndlu SS o r RR station •

.. n -
F C A e:r
8 J .:. \., 4- i - I/..]2

. . ·.r,,,,_·-'-S· "
MORl DoclD: 218371

"" ~!! ("'""'d)
2. Reference l:nnde to the Rostchka Hospital 6 Idln 51 or
8113" and locrled 1n a crude bullding accolii'iIOdatlng
700-1 000 persons . The RuuhllS are said too be us1.nc
(19~6 czptwed Japumse 'lIlsdic1.nes •

.l. At Ro,tovn, a ho:rpital accOlJllltodating 100-1,000 pn"tents

Is located 1-2 miles HE ot the RR staUon. A. German pQf
C&IIp 15 reported near the JApanese POft' c.wp.

R\Iobt3onk (51°)6IH _ 81°1611)

1. At. PC1K camp hospital here, facilities 1I"C'I"'e aTailable

tor 1,700 patients with. staff or tRo J~ . -and two
Russian !i)ctors . 9J.t the hospital facUities were poor,
an::! there wa.s not enoU&h tood nor medicines (Book No . 18,
p. 7).
2. In 19~5-1£6J about 2,000 JapftneS:e ~ 1,000 German POII"s
are aaid tD have died !rom rul.nut.rltion au:l erupt.I" _
'>Ph" (-Book_ No. 25. p. 7).

). .l bospital in Rubt.sonk is reported located 1- 1/$ miln

HE of RR .tation. Th1:I is • 3- '3"tOr1-trTtrt Imt wwdtra
blllc1i.n& wIth facillties far lroO, ·but med:inl ·iErd: ~
. supplies were acuee (1946) . A former -Nan is hpal tod
as director wit.h • star! at t.hlrt;y ceman Arrq cbctors
and ,..,..nt.,. DUrses. f7ph\L3 wa.s the most preTalent. disea.se
(Book No. 2$. p. 9) .

!uryat-llonsol ~

Gorodok ( S002l 1 N _ lOJo2h t E)

1• .A. POI' CiIII:Ip Hosplt.al is mentioned (Book JS, P . 9) • .At
aorodok tew medical supplies were available, and onl:r
one doctar, • h=ale SVrlzrt" major 1!1:1ot Mo. 13, p . 21) .

~.!!!!! (Sl049'N - l07°43 ' Z)

1. ApproJ:l.mat.elT 20 Diles B or the cit.,., .• m:1lltllr'7 ·hosp:I.'"tal.
11 reported (19!,6) where :tuio,"" can "1rM"e·'tuen troa
the pOll" caJIIPI' t~ are~. TM) Japanese doctors "W'Ork8d.
with the Russians . Tbberculosilll.u cas=on (Book No. 2S,
p. 27).
2. A.n acute short.ap o! 1DBd1ca1 auppUalll wu repa. t;ed in 191r6.
'nse Rua:s.b n:t WC"8 U31.ng J~n rappU•• "C'CII'dtststad · t:n
WUkden. Ruulan azTJI:T m-piWl.., aot otbenrt•• 1:dentit'1ed,
were reported 111 t,M..s c-. (Book 210. 22, p. 6).

- 23 ­
:ey B I r­

MORl DeclO : 218371


-5-5 C R CZr­
At a PQf h~ital in tim area, di'S'eDl:r3',","n:tdrf'lT
tuberculosis' 'ard irrtnt1.na.l. atnictions. lledical nppl1n
~!! ("-'d)

ware low. Three d.aths dally ••re reported (19JP) (Book No.
IU. p. S).
1&. In Atlu Source, the loUowi.ne:; 1rIri&l:latiO'l"l7 lInt 'li.st8d !'or
Ulan Ude~ (a) A. hospit.a.l and POW cap; (b) • hospital;
(c) an trrrq -ho3pi-tal.; (d) a medical 31lppl;r-wanhOlZ3e •

.E!!!!!. Regian
s.J,.'lino (Sloo)'" - 11)°)611:)

1. A Russhn u.y hospital is nrporteod hen -tn 19fJ6, des­

cribed as • I-star,. wood: "btdM'blg -.n:t·aewduocbLLI& ""CO
perIODS. Its st.a.tl c;onnst.ed 01 t'lfO lIIr&l.e and live 1011111_
doctors and ten mu"S1tS (Book No. 1.3, p . 24).
Boral! ('So°2frt-Jt - 1160))••)
1. .I. Sortae. b~ital is n»c" ted 1ocat:ed b8re' (19&6) 160 ft.
N ot BR st.at:ion UDder the COlllland of • maJor. Medicines
an declared su.lt1c1ent, b..tt equipaent u.s lae ld..n& (Book
No.1), p. 31&).

2. A. POW hospital, formerl;r an a.rm.y h~pita1., is repol bed to

be S/8 mile H 01 .u nat.1oa (s_ .'S ..
~ 1), in'tWl)
Th1A: . took c.re of 3SO per.sons, but
1ft)Odl,D bJ.Udi.n.&II.
medicines .are aaid to be S'C3rC'8 (Book No. 32, p. Ie).

J • .a. Red Cross hospital. itt saL:! to b.- located HI ot IlR

staUon (Book No. 28, p. 29) (June 19h6).

~ ($2 0 0)IN _ ll..l°JOIJ)

1. ... Russian oU'IDJ" hocIpihl is raported as located b'thte

Tie1n1V, and. a 1Nl'g1e.a.l b~pital. is 10'cated.. t.a Bi)"ft'.
The l~tt.er 1:s aaid. to bet a 2~ .boden ba:11d11!1'
cariDI t or 700 p6J'50M, nth • statt ot 3 fta:n1:au
(2 wallen) doctors, 2 JapaD8se doctors, and. 2 Ruu1aD
DIll'ses. lfed:tc1Il: supp:l::tr.r"1rC"8 .3'C'1I:Z'CtI {Boot" )flO. 18, '-p. 10).

2. 1 hl.glDeQtary bit 01 WontatioD lncl1cat.u that .ec11cioas

are lIc.arce here (Book No. 2$, p. )1) (19h6).

,). At a hospital 1:1 a POW cup here, the statl OC7tDist.d

or 6 Soviet. and 1 Jl.panese doctor. The m$dical. suppli.:II
were 01 JlPMose oriEin, and t.he Soviot.!! could stpplJ'
0nl7 aspirin and viw.Jn C.

• - 24 ­
. ' • It-?! ­
B :1 -, () "i -IDI

MORl DocI D: 21837 1

- S-YCft~

An ,"""rC"O""! ...... ".meal "pp1rdopot -with ·hnTT ~

~!! (""",0,\)

crete wall., 1/1, mile H O'! militG'7 RR n.ticm i3 said

to be used to store anti-gu medicines for all types of
Will' (U (Book Ko. 66, 'P. 31).

s. A lIIedic&! college, a clWe, ••• wsu ' ttahth« 'eubeil,

a ped.iatr1cs cen~r, an:! lIIatemit}' hospital ar8' tepot bed
in the city, and, in addiUon, , chil1'8n }lO:5pitd:s, l
amy hospitals, a sanit.uitn, arrrq rest camp, a IIIUll1cipal
d:1spensuy C'fd ... RR dispe11'3'G"1' (Book Jfio. 61, p. 2).

6. Atlas 5O\Irc:e lists in Qdna: (.) '!'Wo nil:rvad hospittal.'i

(b) lDId1cu treatGent. center; .(0) cha:li:1cal llillmd"aetur­
.1.nc pletJ (d) IIInitar1\111.; (e) f1Te hospitdsj (f) ped­
iatric treatment atationj (,) D8d1cal oolllrpj (b) CYI!IT
hO$pital.; (1) old U'IiO" hospital; (j) wopeuHTt huashc
hospitalJ (k) old h03pital; (1) ped!atr1"C"3 hospital;
(III) I.en1n hospital annex; (n) ,.east factory; (0) ...ter­
nUT hospital;" (p) IIIil1tBZ7 · ~.
X&r'1!!Ja,ta (Slon'"R - 114 19 ' E)
1. Noba,ya an:! Halm (7) #e nid to have had no hMpit81"
onlJ' dbpeDsar1U, eerlous ctl3"es being sm-t to Pi:a'7IIE'n;,..
hospital.. 1b1t diapenuries had pn.ct1caUr DO" .. &did..,s
or supplies; the medicines arulable were ~y tho,.
contlxated tro= lobs Japanese andes (Book No . 1), p. ) 1)
2. A hospital is described caring for 200 POW p-t.ieDt-s. The
Ded1c.al. aupplie:s were lOosUy J apanese, but lIome Russ1.a.D
..de aed.1c!naa _ere U3ed. (19l.6).

lOl1lok (SlOZ)IJrf - l10028 1E)

1. A pO!If boap1tal ill • Z-stc:'y brick buU~ i4Cw:::uwodatq

2So persona u nparted bore. Treatment U deserlbe4 ·_
good, tboa,p aed1cal. supplies are low (Book No. lS, p. 10)
(1947) •
2. A hospital bore (l9LS) 1s described &.li located in two
coa:rete baUd1nce (Book No.. ~, p . i.-7).

Her"'" (51°51." - 116°)6.£)

1. At nearbT pokhadzh.di.h., • 2-stol"7 WOOdEll hospit"Zl. .. C't:"O!IIIItO­
dating )00, u reported to ba 1oc-ateC (BooX Ho. 22, p. 7).
SaDitat.!OD U described as poor. Reterence is made to. __
hospital in the camp at Pokhadzhadsb& (Book No. 22, p. b7t ..-­

- ~-

.s 5 II il-W 8 3402 1-/135"

.... , . ...
MORl DoclD: 218371

.:laS 11 R £!i ~

Petrouk (51ol6tN _ l08°Soll) (Also Icm;nm 8.3 PetlOnk-Zab.,-b:l11rid.,.).

1. A par hospital is located )00 ft ... of RJt station in • ~ '

brick billdinC accollll:lgd,zt1:ng JOO peT'3OT1s. A No. 2 ' hospltal
1,000 ft . HE ot RR 8"tzt1on accrmllOdating 100' }*150'0 17111:ro
reported. Wed::I,1Oal ft,ppl1U heTe *""
'1_. 'rWI:J' hnpl.-tal3,
ono SS yV"d3 5 'of tte RR 3taUon, and anotheT 7Vds sw sso
of the RR station are reported by the uee source (Book No.
3S. p. 10).
2. Two other reports refer to POW hospItals in this area. 10
addition a 2-story concrete hospital, st.a!fed b7 Sarlet
and Japanese doctors, is mentioned (l9~1) (Book No. ~O,
p. ~ -7).

J. At a hospIhl here (191&6) built or wood mrd C;ollczete,

there WIre accOlll:!lodaUOn5 tor 200 penon,. The iiBJw1t,.
or the doct.ors were female; _d1cal supplies ..re insut­
tieient and sanitatioD wu poor (Book NO. 11, p. 72).

1,. A h~pit.al !..s' reported as located 1/2 ud:. E ~. RJ't ' statlon
in • J-st0r7 brick build1n.g, 7S ft. x So no', wtth
acCODllllod.atiOD8 for SoCI. When laeilUJ,e' at the POW' 'C"IImpS
....Te insufficient, the POIIls were treated at this hospital
(Book No. ~. p. S).

S. 1 hosp.ital (191.1) 111 reported 165 ;rc13. SIr ot RR s-ta-tion in

two 2-3tory wooden buUdings, aeco=odating 800, and st.a.tre~
by 6 Sad...· _ .......

6. l:Ia JiJlftronk the Atlaa Source lists: (al Hospital; (b)

dispen.sazy; (e) mmiC1pal hoepital,.

Sko.arodino (S)OS9'N - 12)oS9'1)

1. A. lIIi.litary and cirlli.aD. bospital, bu.Ut by POW's, is said

to be located (191&6) 1,000 ft. 5 of RR statton.(800k No.
32. p. ~).

2. Raf'erenCa is ude too a D81f hOlp1t.al 1,000 ft. 5 of RR

stat10n (19!,6) (Book Ho. )2, p. 9b) (same as abo?e 1).

). 'Un Source lists in SkO'forodino: (a) .A. h~pital, md

(b) • ra1lroad hospttol.

Sretensk (S201S'N - 117°bO ' .)

1. 1t a POI' camp at Kakius)dl. Marb7, all medical. auppllas
~re Japanese (Book No. la, p. 18).
_ 26 _

.J;z' g z:::e't
83 -\ 0 2 t - IIJ(.

,'. " '.'" .:!• .. I ": .... .; ..

MORl DoclD : 21 8371

.i:' C A e:r-
- -
AJ<ItEX 0 (c.rrt' d )

Yero!!l PzylOYieh (S)oS1'H - 121 S1'E)

1. In 19J.6 .. Soviet ~ Ho#p1tal 1~ located hen, ~a:1d to

occupy a l - story buUd1ng _U.h six wines, and accolIICIDdat­
inc 1,000 persons (Book No. 32, p . 1&).

2. A POll' hospital (19147) is report.ed loca ted here . &l'ed.ical

SIlpplies .r'e ~ted C! -rery 10"lf.

Chkalov ReJion

Chbloy ($].°46'. - SS°08'.)

1. J. ho~p1tal accommocbtill£ $00 persons (19147) 1. loeatoed
in th1.s tolm (Book No. lU, p. S).

Irkutsk RegiOD

Che.rukoYO (S3°06'K - lOl°ol,l!:)

1. At the No. 1 20W C-p, a di.spensary and. eonvalneent

center (JulT 191&7) 1.s located br twel'ft l-etol) hood&U
b.lUdi.ncs (132 I t• .z JJ ct. x 33 tt.) locabed .Ir.&-=iln
II HE ot RR staUon. YacUlt1e3 incltJded I-Rq cd.
3UZ'gel7. Medical. :.t..anc:Urds _ore loW' (Book No. 16, p.
2. .I. po11cl1n1e 13 reported in a 2- story 'II'b.1te 8tnrc'ture
(16S tt. x So {t.) 1/2 ail. SIr of _in RR ....1...
t h1s is tor SoTiet penoanel only. J. Red ~ -ho:7pital.
15 reported 1 11111. Sff ot town in -a 2-nrny bn:ctr'b:ri:ld::tD&•
..t new hospi tal Dear the lUrov Coel Kine and a separate
hospital t or POI'lsa.n alstl Ieported (fIook1fD . 6&, p . h) .
). In Olereakoyo the Atlas Source lisu; Ca) Red Cr'ou
hospital; (b) pol)"Cl1.aic, and. (c) hClspital umer COD­
s t.r'UI: tion.


1. Re!erences (Book No. 3S, p. 9-10) are lUcie to •• "'eral

hospitals in this area (in 191&7):

a. A J- 5tory red- brick hospitu J .6 nd..les NI ot 1ft7.

1 RR shUon.
b. J. POW hosp1t.1l J IIliles Slot No. 1 RR station.
c. ..t central hospital 1 lIile SIt' o! No. 1 FOr Camp Us
• 1&-5tol')" brick and. conente b\rlldinL 'fta!ted ",..
Sortet, GenDiU1, and Japanese doctm .
d. J.D. arrq hospital in seYt!n l - storT brick and-wood
bJ.Ud.1n&s, acCOIIIDOdating J,SCO per3OM. Genlan
1m t.n.uDants ...ere WIled.

- ­
- 834(1:'1 -/~J7

' ~ .' ,,- ,- , ......

' ~
MORl Dec l D: 218371

,.i:E G R £- 1"

Irkut.1k (CoJ¢'d")

e. A central hospital (s_ as c. 1)
A haspi tal 1 IIIUe S ot Ho. 1 ItR rl.2t1cm.
C. A central hospitu (siJIIU ar to c. and •• ).
h. A L- story concrete hospital (s1lllilar to c . , e., and g.).
1. A)-Story lIQoden hos pital accOIIIIDOdat1ng 200 penons,
Sex> )'lis . " or No. 2 RR sbt1on.
j . A f'OIr hOspital s1lll.ila:r to b. ab::rn.
k . Two hospitals, one J/5 lIlile, another 4/5 mile }IW of
RR station (Book No. J5. p. 121).
2. A railWllY h0r5pitU (Septcber 191,7 ) i3 located hi ~
wU~s 27$ yards NIl' or the Ne. 2 RR "Statton. Pacili­
ties were lo)od, medical s upplies Y8l'8 daquate, ad
Soviet. civilians n re !'\ZIaond "to be trell'tWd here.
Ano\.hor raUwaJ' hospital in a ~am-colored 3-SI:01)
brick bJUdi.n&: (165 ft.. ~ 66 ft.) is located 1,650 tt.
9 or the :rt::;rt1QJ'J (No . 2 7). Accwaodat:n 150 person.,.

J. Four hospitals are described in the city wtddJ: "G"8 ndd

to .urn the Soviet populaUon exclU!livel7, and hospi tal
care t or POW'. 13 !U.rn1:fhed else'llhere (9cJok )foe 57, p. 1).
L. In Irkutsk, 1n Uta~ port.1on of the cit7 de si~ted Ho. 1,
the Atlas So.lrc:e lists: <a) J:trq hospital; (b) POW
hospital; (c) tJu-ee hospit.als; (d) azUftl'sitr, (e)
quarant.ina ShUOD and bathbou.sej (r) ap-lcultural ex­
perilllental 3tat::1tm.
o 0
Kakar',en. (5) 0) 'N - 103 22 11)

1. AD ana:t hospital , c,alled the best in tmm, ill a h-S"bo'ry

concrete bu.1l.ding (JJO ft. ~ 100 ft.) accoJ:lllllodat.1ng
700 persoPS, 1. l ocated in this cit7 (Book No. 3$, p. 9).

2. 4 report stat. . tb,at in the spring or 19146 typhoid (,and

btmger) took the 11,",s or 600 POW'a (Book Ho. 28 , p. 17>­

J• .l n,ational hospih1 u rererred to (19L6) -p' located ·1l:r".

4-stoJ7 brick tNlldin&: aecolllDOdatJ.ng 1,SOO persona. There
were fe.medical supplies, and condit1om""",", unsa:n:itAr7.

Bo1"osel.lsJc:;r.p. ($6°02 1" - 99ot7 ' Z)

1. Be.tennce 1s • .,de to • No.3 POW' ho ~ital. (Book No. $1 , p. 3).

Sl.1U~ (SloJ8'N - .~J~l.tOIS)

1. A POI' c.-p hosp1tal 1s loc ,ated here (19b6) (Book WO" o 2'S, p. 25).
~. In llAl'Ch 19J,7 J a hospital 1:1 descnWd as • 2- S""t:cn7 br1.ck
b.U..ld1nc acco-aod_t1q Soo persoDlf . Medical supplies were
• cuc.. _ 28 _ .I
R :J ; '; " • -4JJ
.. - "­
.. ~" .: " .
¥.ORI DocID : 21 8 37 1

tphot (ss"SMI _ geo02 ' I)

AIfMI:I: 0 (Oorrt.' d)

1. HO!p1tAl1 ,here and in Zi.a4M.lo Biryueinekoe (Sl.°Q6IH _

9S°06 I E) are nid to haft had ! . . medie-a.l 3"CI"pp1h, and. to
ofter on1¥' c.uual treatment., being more rut cente" thaa
ho••1t.1o (19!,6) ( _ .... lJ. 1>' 11).

2. At Ouan (?) , 51 lDiles SJf ot 1'a~hri. , lit Ko. 8 POI' e.p,

IS wooden b.lUdiJtgs carine !ttr ~8 patietrh '}'leT btdlcl:t:rr&'
e().lllprised the hospital !aei11Ues (Book Ho . 13, p. 12).
Med1cal $Uppl:iJ!s were t"~ and sard.tAt.ion ..as poar. S'ta.!'t
consisted ot J Japanese doctors and S lemale Russian
<!octo... (1946).

). At. the No.5 Hospital , 9 adlu S'II'ot T'ay3het, cnde 101

bJlldings acrowodated 700 pel 50113 , but l:'e'd:tc&l ftppl1n
&nd equipment. were scarce (Book No. l) ,~ p . 16). Statt
connoted or 10 mol8, milO {"",uo Sm.t 'doeton (19b6).
4. At •• lnor..... (s7"se •• - 102°)(pE) -.!ioal - ~
lC7ll', aad sanit.ation was descr1~ as tair. »on ot the
POWts lIutta;red tTOm typhus (1) and. d7Sent.o1'7 (19~6)
(_k Bo. 13. p. 17).
S. At HO"fOrbka, Dear 1'q:she-t, • hospital "W1r.J made '''P .trc.
~O barracks, acCOlifftOdat,1ns 200 per'S0'I'D pe1"" 'bcztiKtI:.
Ser10u:s eILSes W"e're sent. to T~het; ho:tp1t&1. Jap8JJe3o
medicines were used, but medical supplie:s l!'V'e'-not ~-
1':lcieat. (Book No. 18, p. 10) (191£6). start incladed 5
female and 5 laale Ruasian doctors, a:rd the trea tment pro:.
vided was de$C'rlbed as poor.

6. A. 2-.story wooden ho.spital car1.nc tor 1 , 000 pet aut" 10

loc ated Lo miles HE ot Ta,yshet; another c aring t or
~,OOO persoas is located 72 miles HE at the citJ'.

7. The No. J POll' hospital is reported in Tay3het. (19~7)

(_k No. 34, p. 12).

8. At t.be No. Sl. POw' cap (J.pril 19~7) the hea pi tal. was lo­
cated ill rour-l-et.orT wtNdeti tra:Ud:I:n p ('BooII:' Ko. :)6, p. 8).

9. A hospit.al acCOt:lllodat.1ng -sao

penon" ia lvcalled ( June 19is7)
at. the No. 117 POR' camp, 70.2 wU8'S S ot RR etet;iou, in
a 1-etoJ7 woodeD building. sta..rt ccmdS't::it ot 5 3ariet
ule aod J So.,.iet. tew. doctors, and S Japanu'8' s",",eoh'"
(Book No. bS, p. 9). Medieal supplies Yere 1m.dequabJ, mtd
t.reatmeat. and sanitat.1oD were ba.d. Dieeasu were chiefiT
t.uberculcr.rt:s mzd- =.d aria.

10. !be No.7 pOW hospital (1347) is located here ill nTen
l-o_y ""roen IJulldiDg. (Book Ko. h8, p. S).
n. A r.rerence (19L7) 1• • ~ too the 1'10 . ) POll' hos p1t.al as l~
eateG 1:1. Tokus~, 10 lDiles SW ot lt8~ka;ra which 18 3S
m.1leo SB or r.,.snet. (Book No. 1&8, p. $).
- 29 ­
S FeR >1 8 :3 1 Ii 2 I -IIJ?
MORl DoclD: 218371

.J;;' C R 2-1 -
~ (SII°.lb'. - 100"))'E)
1. H1l1III "teremeS (Book No. JS, p. 8) ere .ade to ~tals
in this ana, but some 1111;1 be duplieat1'ft . Ont of ·t.M
hO:lp:l t..al s is deserlbed as an ann;:r 'hospital in .. 2-5 bon ,
brick I:N.Ud.1nc acecm:todating 1,000 peno1l3 and located
300 ft. SE ot RR :It.at.1on. In goneral, Ded.1cu suppli@s are
descrlbed as' ~.

Usol'~b1hkOf. ($2 °I6'M - °

103 J&I!)

1. A c:lvilian ho~it.al in a J-story brick ba1ldinS,

acoolmllOdat:l.ng Sao persons, is reported t.1& rail" " ut RR
sution. A CiYU1an hOSPital 15 desc:ribed &13'0 as a
I-story wood buUding, 1-3/ 1& miles NW ot RR station,
3UJT01lJ1ded by a 1Q..tt.. concretA · . . u (Aul'lSt.• 191..6),
Book Ho. 28, p. 1). .

~ (S)oSS'. - 102°01")

1. J. s:aal1 hospital hero 1:J uJ.d to be located JOO )"IIr'd:t "

ot RR S~t10D, with facUities terr 100 peUOilS. 'It'1r83
started ~ R\1a,d ano usi3"t.$d bT Jap&I_::Uh Uttle·".qa.ip­
a:aent or medical sUPplies _ere anilable. Japanese lIIedi­
cines wert ~ (~ NO. 16, p. ll).
2. ... 1-etory .,oden hospital, ani • ~t.oc:nT cooerete IIZ'IIS1'
ho~~ital (660 It. S ot RR st.c..t.1on) are reported here in
191>5-1.7 (Book No. )S, p. 9) •
.). lled1c.u. suppll.ea are reported to be acarce in th:U eit)o
(19b6) (Book NO. ~O. p . ~7).
Jewisb AutonOlaQU3 B!J;100.

pirodid>han (~'~7'. - ,132°56'8)

1. J.n antO' bospital is reported here in troat ot tlte ·eft '8'ta­
tion 1a .. 1&-st4r'7 wh.1 to brick b.aUding (1I.9S ft. x 66 ft.)
with an UoD root. AccolllllOdationa ue tor eoo perSoM
(Book No . ~, p. 9).

2• .lUu Source 1a B1rodidzhaD liste: (_) lL1litary bosp:lt.al;

(b) th:-e. boopttals.

Kemerovo Region

Aluhe.ro S~k (S600S 'N _ 86°00 1 1)

1. .1 c:hem.1cal. plant here 1s reported to be producin, aediclnu

(Book No. 66, p. 30).

-)0 _

S'SCL-t='F ­
. 1. ......
MOR l DoclD : 218371


1. Re.terenee 3I1ggeSt.s a possible pharmacelltical plaat 1.2

lIlilu N at RR station in two )-story concrete bl11ld1..nga
(_k No. S5, p. 13).
~-KUZ:jJebk:11 (S'4°ho'tf - 860 08'2)

1. ThU area is located 75 ,d1u }lit' or sta11Jr.rlc on the 1'Ca.

River and has a papulation or 81,960. Here the Rwlsian:s
are said \.0 havB had a.1.mo:Jt no IIIBd.lCal $'\,I.ppliu (Book
No.1), p. 1).
PTokoP'lBVS1c (gQSJ"W - MObS'E)
1. Lack of medical. .suppliu is reported hen in 19h6, but
Sarlets C"B aaid to IUintdn striC't unlt.&Jy conditioM
(Book No. 25, p. 1S).

Xbabaronll:: Tarrl:torz

Bla&oqshchaDek (SO'1.7'1l -: 1.21°.32 1 1)

1. !n bolat.1on ho~ita1 1.s reported 10 mll8e: rrolll the RR

.station (BoolI:: No. h, p. 20).
2. The Blagov88bcheMk hospital is reported -able -to
·acc~d&te 1,000 peraoD.8 (.BoolI:: 10.... 22,
p_ 10)_ The st&tt combi.ed or a ~31an ajar crriried
117 5 other Soviet orti.cen'. ODe Jap....e3e lieateLWJt "t:oot
care at tbe POW" 1 3. Wedicu ::Npplie3 were scarce. and
all ava1l.able mvdicines bat JapatWiliO labe"l'S'.
). aeference it lIlade to the presence at 3CW""l)' amoar the POI'
patients (Book No . 51, p . J). .
4. Sepuate holipitals in Blagcnsbebeast tiTS :n:rrica "tv
IIl1lit&J'7 and. to ci'f'illa.a. persoanel·J crtbeT t.-d:ll1;te-s-·-an
tor JapilttBse POW's. ?or ci'fUia.ns, & ~ and · .. CC'C'­
tagiOWl dia,ass hospital are reported. (21 .ue3 S'I' at RR
shtton, aui 1-1/3 miles S'II" at M stat:1on. .!be '9o'rtwt
m1lituy hospital 1.s repo::ted. ) mllu SW of RR 'lJtztiau :m
• S-.....,. _ .. brick build1ng (120 n. x 75 n.) (Book
No . S1, p. Zl).
S. A 1'N1"Sil'lg achool, a school tor doctor. ' a.ul3'tArrt3 laid
addwi:ns I an::l a veterin.ary school ar. reported ta
Blagove3hchensk. The regional san1t&r7--epi.de:tolog±cal
stat.ion, and regional chell1eal-baeter101opcal cd· b;)g1ebti
lat:orat.oryare also ;located hare. Tt. plqas c-cmtrol ~
Tics which operat.es 1.tout.ories alone the Siberian barde::r
also lIdnt.a11:1.S an :lJ:wtaU..Uoa 1.z:I the CUT (Book Ho. 51,
p. 23).
- 31­
~r G a-r::r- 8· ;· (j _ -1111

. . ._. '" ,.. .... ~: .."... :;;.. ....

MOR! Dec lO: 21 8371

S-IrC R ~

~l! (O_ 'd )

6. In 8lagovntrchenskJ the A.tlas Source 11st.3: (a) CiT11
hospital; (b) &nQ" hospital.; (e) eonu&lo~ disuse hos_
o .
Bul"eya (!z9°Q8IJf - 12'9 he ,!)
1. At nearby Byat)oo:a, 1l:t 191.6-, the POW ~p had two bQ.,pital.e,
and. lIIecU.cal supplJ.es "ere never replenished (Book No. 13,
p. 57).

2. Anot.her report states that the medical supplies at the

Vyatka POIIJ caop "81'e lIIostJ.y from Japmese &l'III7 hospit.Us
in ....,"""'" (Book No. 13, p. 57).
Gogolevka (S2°4S~M - 127PLSIE)
1. In 191,6 aloost all available medical SVppl1n"were Ja:pa.. ew.
I...i.zD.ited UloUDts of morphine and bandages "ere on hand, ADd
the 01117 Russ1..a.a lIaterial was a cau.gh medicine (19L.6)
(Book I/O. lJ, p. 16).

Inerl~ (IoOOOtJf - 1)1°)018)

1. A h03pltoU in a I-story wooden bJUdina, aecOllnOdatmc

)00 p8r:10M" is reported 1,000 yards S'il ot RR station.
Ued1cloes are scarce here (191,6) (Book No. 32, p. la).
XhabarO't"Sk (1,8°29 I H - 13SOOS;I)

1. At SovtoYka., sneD IIi1les N ot Xha~kJ the POlF hospital

u described &S located in a 2-st.0!7 conor"e'tle buUd:i.a8:,
w:Ub 2!)o roOlll5, and started by Japanese 1JhJ":rici'C!.3 (Boot
No. 12, p. ~) • .About 1,200 PO'JII'rs are sidd to hue died
ot t,ptoid "and." DI'3lmrtrltim:r.

2. At Stanch1horu (7), 2S lII1les H ot Jlhabaronk on the SiberitBl

Rll. a hospital cared tor 2So patients of which 7~ were
III.o1.lnutrttlon cases. lIecU.cal supplies were low (Book No.
12, 'P. 68).

J. At KhabaroTSk (Jmuary 1947) are loeabd a 2-rlorT wood:eu,

aad a 2- stnry concrete hospital accolllllodat1ng re.spectl~
1,000 .vd 2,000 (7) patients (Book No. 26, p. 11&).

b. A rere.rence h made to a 2-story brick hospit.al in I!habaronk.

accollmlOdat1ng 1,000 persons, though medical supplies wen
trnr and sanitation ~ poor.

S. Hall bo4pUal in Xhabaronk 1.3 located 16 Idles SI or Aft

.tat10n in 6 oooodon lNildinp (65 it. x 15 it. x 15 it.)
ACCJ)lIZD.odating boo person.'l. It is operated. "b r tire c11:;7.
Jledical o7'Ilppl1ea are inadequate. st.a.tr comlist.s ot S Scrrie~
and 4 Japanne doctors (Book No. Lb, p. 9).

S;kC B
- 32 ­
i,... S:H02 , _;!/2
MORl Docl D: 218371

~7C n f:!!("*
AIOfEl Q (Co...d)

6. It. Is reportud that at least tOlD" ~tal.$' adrtniS't.e'r' to

the need3 ot lDtb Sarlet ntll1t3%'T 'and eTrl.l1:wrQJ8130IUD!lI.
{The3e wlme a geTWmIl: hospital, a"'l1'il'Yal IN3p1tal a
chUd.reo'. bospttal o.nd • large indus ts 1al. ho:rpltal.~. A
llled1cal 3chool aw! a medical supplies warehouse is reported
bere (Book No. 61, p. 27).

7. In XhaberoQk, the Atlas Source llits: (a) tfanl hospttd;

(b) railroad hospital; (c) children's h03pit.al; (d)
medical supply ~OU3e; (e) medical school.
~ (4L 2S'N - IJ2oaa I E)

1. The No. 1893 Hospital acoolZlllodating !a00 penons is • epa! ted

(October 191,7) a:J loc;¢ed :in three 2-'3'tm'y wwdeu 'b:rf.ltti:np
painted wflite, 1.2 m1lu Sf( of RR 3'tatitm. S1Jppl1a.s"'1n!!nl
insul'fic1ent but an I-Ray apparatus was aTallable (Book
Ho. SJ,., p. J).

2. Reteren:e is made to a t01"lllar crl..litU7 hospital b-et-oe .DCI'W'

(October 191&7) • .l POIr bosplt..al (Book No. 5r.,
p. h).
Two reterence. are mads to hospitals in !hOI' (Book Ho. 37,
p. 6-10).

Kivdin'lciJ'e lip!. (Io9"!,8'H - 129°)6'2)

1. .i national. h~plt.al. Un 19"7) was locatad in toar l-stm'Twoode.D.

buildings (79 ft. % 66 ft.) in an area 200 7IIf"ds &qd2Uti, .
surroUIXied. b7 a 1- toot. tence. 800 7arcb H ot RR rla:t.1on.
Thi.s hospit.al wa3 lor: Sov::let. el'dl1..a.ns aDd 8Z11!3rgeney p01J
ca!!lles (Book No. le, p. 5).

IAm.sOlllO).Jsk ('SOOJJ'}f - 136°58 1 &)

1• .it KomsOlD.ol'sk HospItal, near t.he P01f cup, POIf!e were
treated by Russian mec1ical otficers. The bllilding 1.3
de3cribed as woodeD. with facilities to care for 100 persons
(Book No. 18, p. 33).
2. 'rb9 general hoapital. in JC:omso~llsk (191£6) 18 d~ 113
comprising tour l~to1"7 white hooden buiJ:dinge (100 ft. x
1&50 tt.) accolll1:locUt.i.na kOo persons, W"tth: a S"t:afi"Of 26
'llhich included two Soriet doctors, one Japme3tn:loctur,
three Soviet nurSeS ud bI-enty J'Bp'2l1e~ · OTderlle:;. "The hO:J­
pital. equip:Dent ..., obsolete, and toods and medicines were
scarce (Book No. 2h, p. lla).
J. The Staruto &naT hospital is located 1) mlles S at RR
lltation, and 1Dclude3 (Au~t 1947) an us..bl,.. hall,
otfice, batbPl0u.'8 md WOIII.eD. 1 9 aecUon, h teats (1,9.'5
ft. x 2).1 tt.) accOlllllodat.1og 80 Per#OID iJ1 "tradl"terrt,
and tour l-.tor;y log bulld1ng.s 0)0 It.. x L9.S ft.)
4CCOl:lllllodat1ng 200 perlOns in each. "!'he bI1lld1.ngs W'8Z'9
- -
Va P VI =

" -'""" "

MORI DocID, 21837 1


s..,-CB.r­ ~ !! (C""'d)
divided into 11 .. ctlon.. PereOMel included 8 lDal,
and 10 fazul' doe toN , 6 r ••al, NCO as nunes and ortie.
p, ).
clerks, JO .chiUan .aplo,.es .. nurs.s, officI clerk"
janitors, and pharueists (Book Ho. 52,

~. ... hospital 1D k'oua.ol'sk 13 locat4d (191&7) in •

l ... tot7 wood lNJ.ldin, 0,)00 n. x 60 n.) in which
Japanue and Genun ..d.1cal. item ..re u.ed (Book Ho.
4,1" p. 8).

S. ... central hospital acecmmodaUnl 1,000 pereona (19L7)

h doacrlbod &II located ia thrw, I-story wooden bldld.1n,s,
3 ail.. I of HR .hUoa. :swr eona1attd or 50 Japan.."
and 20 SoTi,t. doctor.. Other "porta ,..r,r to POW hos­
pital, ia the No.2 and No. 18 cup (Book Ho. 18, p. 6).
6. a.r,"DCe 18 ...d, to • phanaaceutle&l warehouse in
ra..amol'.k, and Hospital No. 89), two unident1tled
hoapital" • ch1.11an, two I'0Il', and an
(Book Ho. 61, p. L9).
ani,. hoaplt.al

7. Au.... Source Ueta in rocua-oll,lu Ca) AnIy hO~l t&l.1

(b) d't'11 bo.plt.all (e) ph&.rsaceuUc&l warehou.e,; (d
twg POI' ho.p~t..aU; (a) hospital..

Iuybl!hen:~Vo.tcctD&l. (SoOS6'H - 128°29'1)

1. .1 POI ho.pital wu located her. (1946). It wu dOlllc:r1becS
. . . 2...tol7 r.cS brle.k: buUdiD, wUh fae1llU." tor C&r_
. 1Jl, tOf' l,oo JapMua paUant.. The .t.&1't caDd.ted of 20
Rusdan doctor. (ona_halJ' . .r. teule), 6 nunes, and 2
JapaM" doctora (Book Ho. 1), p. 16).
2. 'Sortat ~ h01P1t&l capabla ot &eco_odatJ.ng 1,000
pereODa Ie located here .1zl • 2-11tol"1 canc:r.te buJ.ld1D&.
The IUdical equipment 11 duc:ribed as adequate (Book No.
32, p. L) (lIec:ellber 1946).
). 'JI'OW bo5plt.al, ..aid to b • • tOnMr Sorlot hoaoltal 11
reported b _11.00 n ot KR ataUOD (Book Ho. 32: p. L).
4. 1 POI hospital, ud.D1 J.pana.a udic&l euppli••, 1& re­
ported 1D • ),-4Ito,.,.- briek bu1l.d.1a" 6 .u.. S ot RR a t~
tI.. (Book _•• )2, p. L).
' bo.p1tal eoad.Uns or 4 buildiD,. tor ctlttarant tJPI.
ot c.... (1.Dternal, aur,a1'7, art.mal and apldu.1e) 18
located It 1111.. E ol the M etatdon. Eacb bu11dlnS held
300 paUents. Ona euperTi.or (Sortat) had charco ot all
nctlon. with S otrican a.,1ped to .ach .ecUon.
JapanOlle .ed1cal .uppl1es . .re ued tor 1nternal ••d1c1ne
(Book )1'0. 28, p. 11). . '.
6. ,POW hospital 18 aaid to be located 6 &1.18. S ot IR ata­
Uon (Boot 10. 28, p. 2'9).
7. Th.e Ho. 868 JnJ:t Ho~1t.a..l 11 "ported (191&1) hound 1A a
2.... tol7 Nd briok bu.11dinl 1-2 .u•• ME or the RR atatton.
It. ..rnd PCW'. and had a JapiIDaa. and &d.t otatt
(8...... LL, p. T). -)L­
834.0 21 -1111
. ~ .. , ~,
MORl DoclD: 218371

~.!! (eont-'d)
8~ A POW hospi'hl 17 u p ted "(191..7) as locatlftt t.n 1:n •
2-.tory brick bIrllct1ng (120 t't. x J6 ft.) and. .. "WOd
lNlldJ.ni; (120 tt. x )6 tt.) acwUlJiodating 100. 5taft'
c:ondat.s or Japanue and Sl;Jviet. doctors. (Th1..s raq be
the No. 888 tb3ptta1..) (Book" No. !WI p . 7.)

9. ThB Mo. 886 Hospital h described as a 2- story brick lNild­

100 (No• ......,. 19~7) (Book No . )1. p . ) .
10. AU.., Source lisu. in Kl.Ilbrshnica: (a) Rail.'t'08:d hoepihl;
(') .... p' .." (e) No. S28 Childnm'"' -"'t.al,
No • .306 HospitaJ.~ (e) lIo. 888 Hospital.~ (r) ud.1cal.
nrehovh ext laborat.or,o"•

K.C.... (S90~'H - lSOo~8'!)

1. 'l"!ro hOspitals are reported (Boole No.!W, p. l28) 1A tt.
eastern part or town: (a) 1/2 mile S of citT mall, 2
COJErete buildJncs (lSO ft. :It 60 ft.) with -pl.a.. bed.
iron roofs. A lab>ratory 1.3 located "1SO tt. 9 of'~ ~bl.
i n . l-story brick bulld1n, (60 ft. :z. .30 ft.), (-b) 1t
.ues Slot BR statiOD. a.ad. 1/2 mile s of the abcml bo:spital,
2 c:oo:rete buUcH..ncs (82 ft. x 20 ft. x So ft.) witb &Il
iNo root.
2. III Kag~ UJe ltlu SoW"Ce 1ub two ho-.Jpitals.
W2DsoYka (1..holl'N - 1)2°26 11)

1. l'be Vorosh!loT Hospit.&l , is reported as located 3 .tle-s SB

or RR station, has 27,265 sq. ft., and is sn:riOtitXbKl b7 3
barbed wire fences. It is sud to be able 1;0 C'U'If"f\:l'r 700
pat.ie:ots, althou&h med.1c:al supplies and 3'Ilt"g.lcal eqdpibnt
were iluruttic1ent (191..6). Stalt cons:1:tted or 10 9o"rlrl
feu.+e doctors, 20 nurses, and) Japanese ph;;rs1ct~ (Book"
No. 12. p. ~S) . "
2. n. KaDzOvD Hospital. 1s np)rted (1947) in .. !,--story em­
crete bu.1l.d1.ng (330 ft • .z 99 ft.), painted dark red, CIII ".
cUrt rv&d 2.1 m1les R1r ot t.be RR station. 0nl7 Sorlet.s were
hospitalised here, to the e:ztmrt of 1,000 (1bok- '}fo. bla, -po 9)."

). O'tber report8 (Book No.8), p. JJ) list a m.111t.al7 hoep1:tal

capable ot acoolIID.odat1:D, 1,000 persons, SOC yards HI or the RR
au.t1cuf.,. and. a n.On;.a1Ut.ary hospital aceollllllodat.1.D.c: 200 peraona •
... clUpelUll&r7 is reported at the lIonastqiseM RR staUcm.

4. In wanzoika, the Atlas Source lists: (a) Hosp1tal; (b)

II1ll.t&r7 h~1tal.

!!!!!!: (S)oS7'N - 12~o08'E)

1~ Weronce is made to a POI" hospital here (1946) (Book Ro.
Sl. p. ) .

-)S ­
2 B 1 ­
MORl DoclD: 2 1 8371

Nikolaywvsk (SJoIO'H • lLOoL2 ' E)
c rve:t'"'
&JOO:I 0 (Cont'd)

1. For this c1 loy the reporu coat.ain rerere.nces (Book Ho. )7,
p., 137- 1)8) to .. POW hospit...t. In add1t.1on a hospital
capable or accOlUlodat.1ng 220 persons is located 1zl a 2_
story bulld1ng (160 ft. x 60 ft.) 300 ft• • or city park.
The stat! condsted or 9 Soviet doctors am;. )0 nurses.
Another hosplt.el, called the lla1n Hospital, is located
1.8 IIliles NIt' or Ho. 21 POW camp in a 2-e-tory brick build­
ing (16S ft. :r 66 n.). nus bu11d1n1 ~ accOllllllOdat.1ng 200
persons, alght be the POW' ho~lt.l referred to aho"tI . In
this hospital (In July 19L6) about 1)2 are sa.1d to haT"
died from. tlruptin typhus and u.l.n~tr1tiOD.
2. A hospital is loc ated (June 19M) in the center or town and
is ducr1bed as a 2- story concrete building. .1 shortage
o! medical suppUes exists, but t.he patients are treated
fairly well (Book No. 28, p. lL).
). In t.ho dt.1 a hospital is said to be located 1,000 1&rds
083t. of the rOnler Japanese consulate.
L. Hospitals are reported (Book No. L.L ~ p. 10) in Pi'Yan (2),
Md Wal1-llata, (Ho . J099 Hospital).
S. Ia Hikol&J'eTSk, two repor ts locate a gO'Yel"Nll&llt hospital.
HI' ot the c1 tr whart. Wedlca.l auppUes were inadequate
(Book No . ~~, p. 10).
&. In Nikolaye'YSk, the I.Uu Source lists t;.o hospi t.aJ...

O'J.ernaza~' (SloSS IH _ 128°21'E)

1. I.ho~it.al be~ 1s said t.a be loeated in 2 wooden build­
in•• (1)2 ft. x )) ft.) (Book '0. 51, p. ) .
2. Four reports or ho~1tals in Ut1s area are giTeD (ror 1947).
Diseues prenJ..ent here were t.yptms and d)'3eat.eJ')' (Book No .
5~, p . ) .
PetTOpadoTlik (S'J O()lH - IS8 WIS)
1. .1 General Ho~it&1 11 reported in PetrepaTlonk. ' Depart....
menU include & children's conauJ.taUm cl.1.n1e, a general
dispen3&ry, " .... ral children's homes and nurseries, and
a good lalxlratory. The bo.sp1tal ofrers a twa- Jeer traiD­
ing cour.e tor aur.es.
2. A. traln1Dg scbool with & )-)'ear curriculum for feldsben
(ph;rsic1an l s ullht.ant) _&.II reported est.abUshed 1D 1939.
A.nne:xes to th1s hosp1 tal are being const.f\\cted. Only 3 or
1& doctors are reported in the town (Book No. 67, p. J).
). ltla.s SolU"'Ce Uets in Pet.rope.'YloTllkl "(~) Hosp1t.al; (b)
~ ho~1t.alJ (c) asricult.ural r esearch ofr1ce.

Ra,chikhinsk ~!!::!! (L9°L8 I H _ 129°2S'S)

·1. A ho"Pital. .in Rqchlkh.1.A.k (J~9°U'N _ 1290 U'Z) 1" reported
to haY8 bandl.ec:l aenre c . . es for whicb DO tac1l.1 tio", eU:IIted
at the Pal' cup (Book No. 12, p . 6) (191aS).
- )6 _
,.. c rer

" .
'" ....,i.'. ', - '
MOR l DoclD: 218371

~ 2 (CuM"')
2. A P'tW C"IZIP Irosp:ttal ' with a stdf or !a Jta:ahn .,d 6 Japanese
doctor. 13 "parted hera in 19h6)' pon1bl7
abcmt 7). SUpplies were rewl' t.nd ean1t.at..1on
110. 1), p. S).
the P'tW carp .t n3 poor (Book

J. A Soviet. anI7 hospital is repol ted (19l.!7) in • 1~

wooden bu1lding (100 ft. x 3S ft.) 6,000 ft. 51 of RR ~t.a­
tion (Book Mo. 32# p. !a).
1.. A hospital. acoollDOdating 300 persons is ""ported in
Raych1.kh1n.llk, 2 milu SlI' or 5:su-P 1 inr-Kel RR station (Book
No. li, 'P. b6).

S. A No. 19-2 POW Cmp Hospital. (No'l"nlbet' 19l6) is J epcn: bed

1D Ra,yc:h1khizrsir. J;apanue and Soviet doctors...n an the
stat!. l5ed.1c1nes were said to be . caree (Book No. 49, p.
6. A reFOrt 1It.aie-s that in the ~k K1ns 1:J"IIinl, "there
were J clrlIbn hospitals and • POW hospital. 1'ha Zarl-t,qa
Jtolrpltal n.s used to care tor I.IOff ' ., but ~ppl1es were in­
adequate (Boo!< No.7), p. 4S). . .
1. Atla. Source in ~hikh1nsk Coal Kine liIIt.a: (a) Two
chil.iaIl hospitals; (b) hospital.
, Zarltaya (5Qo07 t N - 12~21IE)

1. 'l"Io retareaces (19lA, 19L7) are m.aile to • POI1J hospit.&l. Ml"t

(Book 110. 10, p. S).

2. .1 hospital here 1:r described as located. 1D two 2-stor"7

">I", ... te buUdi""" (99 ft. % 49.S ft.).
Jtnsnopn1c Terri tmz ~
.lr'teDonk (bBoJ6'H - 380oo1E)
1• .l ho'spit.ll tor Soviet enUat.eci Den (191.:1) 1'8 looat.ed~ tn
a 2~to17 brick build1.ng (JOO tt.. % 10 tt. l [ >S n.) with
rOUT 6-rt. br1ck ch1mDey:l. 1.2 milu B or BR atation (Book
No. 48, p. ) .
Chernoga!"!k (S2 0 SQ'" _ 910 22 1 S)
1. A Rational HoIp1tal in two 2-:ttory lI'OOden buildings capable
of haDdl.i.QI 180 per30n:t is locat.eci 2i .uu • or RR station.
Few l118d1.c.al. 8llppl1es au:l poor sanitatiOD &r~ r eported (Book
No. )la, p. 11).

2. .1 bo~pltal. a.ccollllodatlng SO perSOn!! 10 a I-lttol7 WQOden

b'a.1ld1.ng 18 loc:.ateci It miles H or RR na"oo.

- 37 ­
13:., () ~; -J/ll

. , "" : "~ "" .

"., . J. : :!...u- " ~"i :$, : 0 ".'""
MORl Dec I D: 218371

Ir..nopnlr (S6007'N - 92 b8'E)
1. A bo,p1tal in a De1I' S-stor,. brick 3I'\d con:n:t.e ~cl:1nt,
accotmOdat.1.ng 1,600 peNons, is 10C"3ted 6 .un NI f/If M
st.aUon. ,wr"conri.:rt.18'd or $0 9oTi1Jt ductOI s a:nd-130
nurses. Medical 3'ttpp11e7 are e.x1.r'eIDe17 3CaTCej smi"tat1:an
and t.reat=ent;, bc«ewr, are descr1bed as good (191l1) (Book
No. Jb, p. 11).
2. A. hosp1t..al 111 a It.. ,t.o1''1 a.,.LJot.e baildint,: accc==>ctatJ.na
SOD pel'SOI'15 1:1 located 10 ail" E ot RR station. StG't
consift..ed or 20 Sorlet. doctors. Supplies were .scuee,
but. sa:n1t-at1on"II'Q good (Book No. 3h, p. 11).

). 'hospital in. a , ..stol'1 br1ck bu1lding a.ceozodat.~

600 persons is reported here. Xu a .t.atr ot SO doctors
(800k No. Jb. p. 11).
L. In Zlob::Ln, 2i 1II1les B ~ Xl uuararst, rete......... 1._de
to a ~etol'1 t-OD:l'8te hospital 1 mile H of POW' camp (Book
)fo. )l&, p. ll).

S. 1 bospital aceoDClOdat1nc 200 pe1#01'" 13 locateet (Api"U 1947)

at. the No. S PO!J camp in • 2-o:J.t:.orr brick tnllct1nc.. Sta!'t'
consisted ot 1 SoTiet. and. 2 Japanese doctors. No medical
ltUppl1es 'W8J"8 nailable.

6. At.la.s SOurce in Xrasno1aJ'sk l1su: <a) Medical coil8I"'J

(b) 2 &nQ' hO.!pit.Us; (c) railroad hospital; (d) cin!ad.­
cal plaot. nth =edical supply wanhouses (e) agrteult.un1
and &,chardc-al stflool.

lIaritUB T8n'1 tmz

~ (1&3°2'OIN - 1J2~OIE)
1. A hospital here is repOrted.as located 6 ,11:11:" 1m -ot Illl
statio», and described as COCIIposed. or cru.dal:7 COData 00 bed
hlllcl1nC' (800k No. 12, p. 101). It i . al1-."..1 "to haft
tacilities to care tor "1,200 patlents (in 1946) bIlt ~
plies Yen" hrw. Szt1tztton ts- desc. fl>ed 'n" -good' tJT ",aillles.

2. An UTIIT bospital ac:coaaoodat.1ng 1,000 per~ (19b7) is

located in three l-st.ory woodeD. blild1.ngs 1.2 lIIiles S
or RR atation. riTe Japallue and b Sorl.et doctors ani
40 adicu corpmen made up the .,tatt. SUpplies nre
described as :ru.tficient (Book ItO. 1&9, p. S).
). DJ'$entery and t.Jphus ware reported. (Sept.ember 19M) ..
preruent in this area . J. PCII' hospital., the tormer
Ceatz'u HaUonal Hospit.l, 1.5 locatect 7.2 rdles .. or
RR .,tation (l3ook No. 51, p. ) .

" , 0 ~ 1 - INI
MORl Doc l D: 218371



tfuat thn-a ~ 1 en" 2 hospitd. :bI .\r'tln.

fa. A rereren:tr ' :rt;::;rt:n
a Cc.......}

The lIIed.1cal hc1l1Ues for the POWls wwre badly lackbtC in

suppUes and 8q'Id~t. All lIedicines Wlec:l .." -ua. PO'II'1D­
,tallat.!on _ere Jap....ue or Ce1"llAn SI.Ipplie.s {Book Ho. 73,
p. 2}.

S. AU~ Sourea in .\J"t;eIII l.ists only 1 ho3pi:tal.

Chokurol! (lO 1IIilu E at B1rabn, J&9O'o2llf _ 131°faO I E)
1. .l hospital .ccolIIDo(b.ti~ 500 pe1301" (19h6) is' repo. bed
here in ti.,.. l-atoly wooden baild.Jnp, 660 ft. If or RR
station. sta.tr Con3Iistlld or h Sorlet 8Dd 10 Japah6S1
.ed1cal o!t1c-en. Supplies"'W'E%"8 .mqa.w', md· .-qui~
was the " " . as "th.t. io a ttd.rd class field hospit.al.
Patients IUttered '!roc tuberculosis and malnutritioQ
(Book hID. 51, p. J).

Qorbo'M CI.4°110K -US-w.o.)

1. J. )...stol'7 COQCNW ba5pUIl .CCOlII:I.odat1.n£ 300 pef'S0D3
is reported 1l:!. • t::awn 6 milos ... or Qorbu3ht. (Book 10. 49,
p. 6). •.

1. J. bospital bero SA u,1d to haTe accoaaoda"t.icms Iw

1,000 patll!1D.ta (19h6). JapCD.se and Gena.a.J2 supplies lad
Ded1cilEIa were Q3ed (Book No. 12, p. ·SS).

2. .u. Lcso~&Yocl.:Il' (t.so28 1 N - l3lJo 2S I E) the POW cap ~lta1

1.3 reported to haft bad [flY .-d:1cal znrpplj,~ ' va t.zzd
19US}, and ..,..,.,01 ...,n_ .... l _-w -_ _
.ee .bove) aDi 1e,o~.iudak (aQuk Ho. 12, p. 60). 1te
1s sdd to un 1.Dcluded 3 Ru8:111an te:ul. doctors
&ad a Jap8Zlue .,. epeCial.bt.

3. J.t the POW cap hire, 00 racWt1e:s 11'8%"8' an1lable to

tAlc. car. ot .er1oua cues 50 thue ware trmatarred to
the n.eld h03plt&l in the ~11:;T (Book Ito. 26, p. 17).

Ipolito.lca CI.4°olo0H - 1)2"16 o.}

1. A POI'" hoepital (Koftillbar 191.7) 1s located. iD. 2 woodta
tulld1.ng8 (6 aUJ.es SW of RR staUOQ. 'l'ba hospital 1a
.a.1d to be equiPl*l with Roentgen cpparatua (Book Ho. ~,
p. l).

-~ ~b:,lo",
(bLobS'" _ 132°01,'.1)

ID thil aU", two hospital, an reported. One accowaodab..

200 perooDli Md 18 i.n • 2-at.o'l7' br1.ck bdld:br, 1-2/3 w:ll...
HI or RR nation) the other, a _Ill ODe tor 1II1l1tc'T'lrh,
SA report4d 10 aD azw:r ca.p 2i mUn HI of RR .t.aUaa.
'ftle POll' cape are .lid to ha"'e been eq.lipped Yith clilpeD­
sari.. (Book No. 79, p. S9).
- J9 - 8 ;I - i. 2 - ;117
.. s ._'3
' . ' c· '• • •, ' ••• • • , ..... , ~
MORl Doc lD : 2 1 8 371

~£ (Cunt<d)

2. Atlas Source llits in K.men R;tbolov: (a) Cl .. Uian hos­

pital; (b) -.:tl±t1l:J"T haspi:tal.

Lipovtsy (41"'10 ' . _ 1.)J.°~5'E)

1. In P'ebnlary 1946, 200 or 1 , 000 POJI't:ll died from. n.l.mrtri­

tion and. an unidentitied cocmun1e~ble d1.sease (Book No. 26,
p. 17).

Nakhodka (42°h8 I H _ 132°511£)

1. A small hospihl .h8:re i3 3;dd to haft beer:J =ed' bT 1'Cea1
residents as well 'as PO'II"3. F'acilitin w-cre pooI", and.
lIIedical supplies were 1~ck1nC (Book No. 18, p. 2)

2. A Soviet ~ hospihl, a.eeoarodatinr 100 p8l"!On:!I, is

10c~ted hi
miles 5 or the harbor. J~pa.nese medicines are
used (Book No. 32, p. b).

3. A P01t' hosp! tal acco=modating lSo per"3OnS is 1cc:at:ed. h .

lIliles 5 of RR· sutton 1D a brick bai1d:lJrc (196 ft. x he
rt.). The starr corslned (Karch 191&7) trt h SoT1"e't dee-­
tors and lO oUler Sar!et penoMel . lled1e&l. supplles aDd
r~illtle1S wen pear (Book No. 28, p. 17).

4. Thie No . 590 POW Hospital, starr.d by SoTlet and. Japaneae,

is reported 4.5 illes B ot RR stat.ion (Book }fOe bh, p. 8). • ,
s. i N~'" hospital is reported mlder eOlaW uetiw trere, L.. S
cdles H or RR :lltat.ion 1D two 4-s toQ' con:rete baild.1..ng:ll,
66 it. x J) ft. x 27 n.,occupJ1.nc; an area of )0,000

sq. rt. (191&7) (Book No. w" p. 6).

A reference to the !lo. 590 Hospital. dlm:rlbn '1t as

Ioeated (1947) 1D one 'b rick building (99 ft. %..(6 ft.)
and 6 tent wa::nb, in an area UO "b. sq., on • b:1ll
)-6 miles 51' of harbor. Th1e aecoaodat.ed }So pe13UiIS
and had a :st.atf of ) Strrlet. and 6 .,apaue::se doe bon ' 1!IDd
6 Sonet officer.,. Ked1cal. supplies wue scarc., and
tuberOJ.loW an::l q::,ez:rt.(try "II"I:InI prnalmrt.

7. 1"'Iro hMpltals are sa.1d. to be located here, one 4 miles

5 of Khamen RR station ani 8IlOther, 'tba- lto. 590 ArIl1' ~
pital, 1. miles SW or l(hzaen RR staticm. ~CM' 1'rcm:
this hospital 18 cared tor in tents. A If';ny hospital
i:s reported UDder constzucUon S miles N oC tho Kh.a:cen RR
station (Jul7 I9L7).
6. In Nakhodka, tJ\e AtJ.as Source lists: Ca) One or two
hosp1talS; (b) Jl&val ehera1cal plillt.

- ~O ­

S: ECR-e:r A: I.; iJ 2 1- //'5'0

---------_..... "' ~~
/ ~"'"""""---~~
., . .... ,.,
MOR! DocID : 2183 7 1

W C R -

1. A POW' hosp1tal. 1.s reported here. Japanese Uledic1nu wore

U3ed (Book No. $1, p. J) .

Okeanskqa ( k)°l)'H - 1)2°021£)

1. A CeDt.ru 1l:::reDital. ~ 500· pel SOilS 1s • epa! bed

(19L7) JO m.J.es " H'It' of RR station -m .J Noodell bu:il:dmp.
Stan: cOlllisbi of JapaneJlte and Sarlet.~. :Janitatton
1..s poor, IoIld only a SIU.l..l amount ot medicines (Japanese)
.... "" land (Book 110. w., p. 9).

2. Reterence.s are made to a relit camp and a unJ.unUIII

(&nII¥ 7), a naval ho3p1tal in 5 brick bJUdinp (in m
....a J.30 ft.. x 3:.10 ft.), a civilian salUt&r1um., and
a rest boae (tor VIP 1) (!bok Ho. 67, p. 25).

J. AU." Source 1D Okem.skiqa 1"1.st.s: (a) Ci"9'1:lla:n· nn:t­

tu-1UIDI (b) illitary S.a.nit&r1UZD.; ec) tree bosp1Ul.a;
(d) Jlnal ~tlr1:UII; (e) printo :M.DJ.tal'"j:ma.

O.1novlca (h.J°S7'N - 131°110'£)

1. A. hospi tal is reported in this toW1l (19JP) (Book No. 11..
p. 78).

Pos l7et (42°46'H - }JOou7 1.!)

1. .l aillta:ry hospital. was described as sem 2 lIl1.les I or

POSl11l' t POI' cup (Book No. 1J, p. 29).

2. .l RWlllsian &l'Q7 hosp1t.al. is reported located )00 yards N

of the port (Book Ho. 25.. p. 29).

J. A. hospital 1..s described as l ocated 700 )'"Zl""d3 E or "Ule

hartor in a .3-story concrete bulld1.nr. Its s1:a:ft Ct:I!:II­
pdsed 20 Ruu1an doctol":!l and 100 Runte DIU SHe It
oould acoolllDOdate 1,000 patients and h.d (Vq 191,6) one
""'" ~ or eedieiJ>r. (Book No. 28, p. 110).
lta.: 1 do1lnm Cl&JoJJI H - lJloSS1E)
. .
1. Pour- or litare hO:ilpit.&l.s Are reported in this City (Book
No. 67, p. 1$).

2. AU-as SoUrce in Ru'dol'uo;re lists: (a) Fin ho#pitals .

S.enovka (4.l,°08 I H - lJJ~7IE)

1. A hospital in Semenovu 13 described (19u7) u c:on:d~

of ti.... wood &Qi CanvAS tents. Statt OQ duty wu compolu~cl
ot Japanese and SDvi.et personnal. ( bk Hoa hL, p. 9).
S Ii e iL-S=f

. . ". " .. ." .. ' ., .
MORl DoclD: 218371

2. A h..p1toJ. "'" 1.
s-rsr R P/"f

l"OJ'O"tod (1?~8) a•
AHlin G (Oorrt '<1)

10. tile
un of Sod,at 1Ir1l.1tZZ"7' and ci""f'1lim pel 5014.1 . It i3 tton.d
in a 2-• ...,.....,.." bail_r (2SO ft. x SO ft.) _ .............
date, 100 peTSOlD. ;. POIf ho~ 13 located in a to'dil
Soviet &nQY :ln3t&llation S at the 1Irl.lttU'T hospit:al .mt-.baat
J lUles S or RR rtation. ACcol"'d:ing to ... daatal POW, it"11'&3
adequ.tel:y e~pped znd shtnred gradnl m pi OfdJtllt vp to
J\1Q8 19L8. The sWt incltded S Sorlrl male a:nd female
doctors, ) Japane"e doctor ", 8-9 nurses, and 20 PO. or der-
l i•• (191,8) (Bool< No. 1), p. 21).
J. In ScA61ro"ka, the AUu Source li8t.s one hospital.

Softb!caza 9.!!!!!. (L8°S9 rn - 140~81!)

1. At Aleyon, near Sovetska¥a Oavan" aed1eal tacilities at

No. ,U S PCM' CUiP bospital in 1946 'Were very poor and medi­
cal lIuppl:1eS- 'W'IIi'e zn:ai"Ce (Book No. 13, p . 71& ).

2. Tho stataaDl'lt 18 made (Book Ko . 18, p. 34) ttnrt ::tn 19"6

there..., onlJ one bospital. in SoTe~ GaTm, aocOiiiiiO­
doUDS 600 persoD3. It ..... .. 1-riorT .oodoti ·bail..tin....>t
poer constract1on, started' b7 b Ra:n1azr ~ <k>cbors, S
DUrlle!l, 1 pbarmae1:rt aDd. J~:ft ...ad1e:1. ~ -.a a
l1cdted suppq of :IIediciDs3, those used being irac the
Japanese Jll!dical. aid IlIf)n. The nurses took DO iDtenst in
the patients.

). A report concerning an An:q Jbspit.al. in &m!Itshya Chn"'CI

(1)0 adle. 1 • or town) describes it &S tin 1-~ wood and
ti•• s::Dal1 attached buildings. Kedfcal supplies were
3carc. (Book No. 44. p. 10) (191&7).

b. In the city, the Atlas :iaurce Usb: C.) Naval h~pital;

(b) propond ho$pital.

Sp!sk- DU''II1T (1&4°)1'" - lJ2°h8 1 B)

. .
1. At spa.ssk...Dal'n13', it is reported that. the medical ~
plies used ware ot JapMlese manufacture (Book No. 22.
p. 13).

2. In the eft:r, the AUas Source 1lS"t.s: <a) 1'wo bospitals.

SUchao (hlo07 ' H - lJJoOS'E)

1. ThI }io . 1396 Central. Hospital. (POW), .cWJlilod.t~ 8!D veiN.",
1s TItpOrte4 2 miles" of RR s'ta.t1on ill nine l-:m:ny wm:lew
buildings. Medical supplies 'Were insufficient (191,1) . J.
Japanue and Sovi.,t staIr 1.8 reported (Book No. ~, p. 9) •

- la ­

", . .
' " ,' '. , . ', . '.
MORl DoclD: 21 8371

5-,FcC P B -r­
~g (Coot''')

2. A POIIJ hO:llpital, acco~odat1.nC 1,CXX> persons (19~7) is lo­

cated 1& lIIil" S'If of RR n:ativn (Book No . 49, p. 6) ..

J. A. 1-:IItory con:rvte hcnpttal "'II'1th a :lllate rof1t 1s' itp::u b!d

approxiftliitelT 2 adl.3 S Sf( or RR 'Stat:l.:tm. It 1s repcrrted
open to the r;ene't"31 publ1c:. Mal:aria is reported to be the
most cOllhon d1seue. Also,.a POll' hospital Is reported hero
(Book No. 8S. p . 7).
~. AU., Sow-ce 1:l3t.s 1n Suchan: (a) No . 1J96 PCif Ho.spitUj
and (.) b.,."ttu.
Staro-S)8V)e.ka (44012IN _ 1))020 I E)

1. lIedical :IIuppliu lFere sca.:rce in this area, and row t ,

relied on medicines broudlt troll! Sakhalin (Book No. 1),
p. 61) •
.Sy:lloyeYb. (44OulN _ 1))022 t B)

1. Thu City is iJapor-tarrt. bei;aCDe report'S locate ... ued:ical

:IIUPPll.es wa:tehou3'e ' hI:re i:D lOUT' 1-3't0r7· wooden ba:l:ld:i.:np.
) mllos NB ot tho statlcn.. 1'he two" lzrp bu::i:ld:t:np' ceuW'C
).)0 ft.. % 60 ft.; the ho smaller ont1S are said -to 'be 60
tt. ~ )0 i t. I't..ea13 include bandap.s, al:4oibeht cotton,
plaster, vaceincs, taed1cine:ll, -merinuy lteo:s, 'Chlorl.de at
lime, water-pu:rl.i)'inc eq\dpoent, arti.ficial. 'aros-arrd lep, .
6 trucks c&rl"71Dg tield shoneis, and) bacb"W"ttb cloUd..g
tuadgator3 . 'l'bese taed1cal. sappllu 3l"'8 nid to iDelude
Amer1can-made it.em.:t as"'W'8l1 a:s confiscorted JapiLiiC:te -.rrrrr
materiel. Dam.aged lDed1cal supplies were stored prior to
SalTol.S8 (Book Ho. 84, p . ))) .

2. An air corps g,n.eral hospital. is also reported he1? 1 m:Ue

E HB of the' sutJ,.on . It i3 "the onl.,. hospit-.l. i:a- t:t. G"II't
and. is enclosed b;r & 6 ft . board frrte on 'the east cd

)00 per..... n;.

S ft. barbed wire OD. the ' utbeiT' s1din. It accOUiiodabe3
reported' to hzTe .....
19b1, is buUt or 'Abita ' couuebe, ) 3'torln :iJr~ S­
bed b
sbape, lIlel3l1rln.c 240 ft. x 1.,)$ it., wi-th 5G ·tt.""'W'tnp.
Hospital usn tlJHIly foreign mads- 3Uppl.ip -.;nd ·:'401 .tdu 'lII'!'Cti.­
cal attention prlma.r117 tar lDiUtltl'T pel30lUNl 1UJd their
c1epeaieats. It is reported to be starred by SoT1et a:rmy
uft1cers (Book No. 81&, p. ))).

). In Sy3oyavkol. ar. luted.: (a) )lilitary hospital. C) ::IIPOund;:

and (b) aedical 3\lppl,y warehOW!le •
. 1. •.. •. .

' 1. Reference is made to a POI" bospital. hsre (Book No. SIa, p. ) .

- LJ ­
.J; r 0 ft-&f

MORl Doc lD : 21837 1

;...r g R'.~

1. A bosplt.al, - JI'C'Or'17 equlpped ~ a:;w1D'~odrttng )OO · pe'~VJl::t, 11r

.lOCa1.e4 ___ -ur. stucco b.rt.lding. In staff i2WIIbeted S
Soviet. doctors. WOre than So% of the patients "uttered trail!

.I.l!:!!. (50°26 111 - 1)1°17'£)

1. A POt' hospital (1947) is locat.ed hef"8 1 .ue B at RR sta­
tion. Another report. deserihn a POW' h03p1tal n eon­
sisting ot tour I-story buildings .. aeco.lllllOd&ting Loo
persons. Sappl1e" wert! scarce (Book RD. lS, p. S).
2. .\!:Iother report describes a hospital here u aceOiliBOClaUns
1,200 persons, and loeat.ed in. IS lIfOOdeon bv.11c1:bJp (66 ft.
x 19. 8 ft.) in a )30 J'3l"d "qtWre vea, 1.2 adles 1m ot RR
"tatioa. sta1't corcisted al 10 9oT1"'11't Wld 6 Japaueae
doctor" an::ll) Sorlet m:D"'3e"S". Xed1cal npplin"1m"e said
to be plent1!al (191,7), and .edicu taeUitlu. Tery ad&­
...", ( .... lIo. S~. p. J).

U.,..... CbJ~l.H - 1)2·0S'E)

Ogolift211a (JU: l81K - lJ2°olatx

1. A hosplt.al. accOl:lllDOdat.1ng 600 per:IOD", probab}J' POIrls, 1.11

r eported 2-4 .un HE ot UglO"nll13 RR statioa, in -trmr
l-st..ary wood buildings . )ledical. supplies are reported
inadequate ( 1947) .. and treatment pr±adt1Te.

2. Repar:ts indieate that 4 hospitals in' thi.s ozna C82:I.

aceoanodd:e 1,200 peI50Ii3. ~ 1ncla (.) • POI
"""pi""-; Cb) tho tl!;l~ Ceutr'al Ibopttol; Ce)
a hos pi~ located 1/4 m:Ue E SE ot UCC':buQ'a RR 5La l;lou,
earing tor some POlf's; and (d) a eh'Wan hospital.
4/10 adle R ot Ug:r1 'n:a;J3. RR stati:orr (Booir!to. 6h).
). In tbis un, tbe 4th. Soares l.:1.sb: (.) up.~
Central Hosp!t&1; (b) C=J) No. 31a8 Hospital;
(e) Ho'pital. at tormer par earp; (d) POI' hospit.al.

Vladi'9'o'tok (bJ°08 I K - 1)loS51£)

1. A. t.uberculorls hMpltal bare (iD l~) lIftd J'"t'ai€!ki

ID8dieines Yhieb were ,carce {Book No. 12, p. 16). Souree
reports.. in. sketch, ilDother hospi:t al located-bent.

2. In this region hospit&h .are reported (!IooJc 110. )7, p.

6 9,10) iD S'uplJ.t.1nk.a (lJl~I& - LU046 1 N), RudolrDD18
cln05S I & - .b)o)J'H), Voroshllov () rel~) (1)1°50 1 & ­
h3~7iH), ·Apolottok" (Voro,hllov 1), !ftIIkhodk:a, Oke••",ka:t*,
ArteIIII (S reterarw::.,,), Abramkon, K8I!II:D ft1bolov (. Sorlet
• ar"::II;Y hospit.&l, IWOlltovka, Suchan (6 retereneee),
yYa:amsk.a¥a, and )Nli-D.ta (490S8 1 N - lJ90SS I).
- ~L ­
S;rP 0 ltaC!i •

. ..".
MOR! DoclD: 218371

~ 0 R-t!i- ~ Q. (Cont'd)
). In Vladivostok (1947) ~ hOlllpit.al~ accOl!lr.lOdat.1n, 500 persons,
is reported in tt\ree I-story briek bulldlncs (JJ ft. x
16..S tt.) 1-2 Idles lIE ot RR station. The ,wf eonllbted
ot 20 So'rlet doctor, .. 3 J~panese doc;tors and IS Japanese
medieal orde rlies. Medical lIIuppl1u are reported u plenti­

4. Other hospi tal, are reported 111 Kurnol (18 m1les .. ot

It.vestJ!:ovaya); Juldur I 'llhlch had a POll' hospital in 1947,
locatfJd 1,6S0 tt. " of th'l RR station, and an &n111 hos­
pital, 2 mlu N ot R.R station; T,.-uma; O~ernoye ; and !man.

5. A hOSpital accommOdating JOO persona: is ~por~d (1947)

in Pont (7 1.9 miles SE ot Pivan (SO 33 1 H - 137 OllB)
(Book No.9, p. 6) . Another report describes this as
located in tour wooden buildings on • RR six miles E or
RR stat.1on. Stall consisted ot 5 leaal. Sorlet doctors
and 20 nurses under a lIIaJor. The Poni Branch Hospital
is reported 1n three wooden buildings, 3 miles E ot RR.

6. Reterenee is also lIIade to the No. 3099 Hospital in

JNll Data (s~e abow) (19h6), as sit.uated in three or
toW' 1fOOden build ngs, 12 miles W ot town (Ibid).

7. 'POW hospital in KosghamlJo (US atles W ot lIuli Data)

is reported (191.7). The medical. suppUes are described
u coming trOll GemllllY and Manchuria. Other hosp1 t.a1s
are retl!irred to in Uogokot (1 . 8 miles Sf or RR station),
in !kur Data (1 . 2 mUu S or RR station), and in V&nino
(~e hospltals) (Book Ho. 1.9, p. 7) .

S. 'nul Uliss Hospital 1n Vladivostok is reported located 6/10

mile SE ot gravel road intersect.ioo. at the 1nnennost point
or Bukhta 'D10J0ed (Book No. Sl, p. ) . J apanese medicines
are said to have been used at this hospi t.al. at least up un­
til Aprl1 ~9L1 (Book Ho. 79, p . 6).

9. AUu Source Usts in Vlad1Tostok, (II.) Two ~ b:lsp!t.aJ.sj

(b) two DaTal hospit.al!lj (c) t.o hospital.a; (d) OUsa

Voroshiloy (LJ047 I N _ 1)1°$6'S)

1. Special Report in Book No. 5S, p. 69 nUies medical insU_

tutions in Vorosh11ov. 'nIase include. (a) An insane
u,lWllj (b) II. tuberculosis San1t.ar1WDj (e) an &nO"
hosp! tal located S m1les Sf or RR station in a 2~tory
lIhit. brick building (198 tt. x 8) tt. x 33 tt.) with
• black galvanized iTon root, with several sm.aU buildings;

hospital, 1 .11.
this services a1l1 tary personnel 01'll7; (d) a RR employees
E or RR st.at.1on, serviced by S Soviet
dectonl , (e) the .lpololtok Hospital in " I-story "od
building, 1.8 &lIes N ot RR atatJ.on:o accc:cmoclat1ng 1,000
parsona and s~ted by 8 So'rlet, 7 Japane". doctors and
- .5 ··
$'C'RC~ c ·., ...
n ., - ...
MORl DoclD : 2 1 8371


- ~v R 2'"
9 Soviet nurses; (r) • large governlllent hospital in three
3-ston- brick bulldin,s, completer;! in Karch 191..7, and
accOJIIIod.a.tJ.ng 2,<XlO persons. Statt consisted ot 100
.lNNEl Q (Contrd)

3oviet. doct.ors. Medical suppU.. were Japllnese.

2. At.l.as Souree list.. in Voroshilovi Ca> Che.a1cal research

laboratory (2.1.. mJ.les N ot town); (b) an ant:! hospital;
(e) medical supply warehou.ses .

Novosibirsk Region
Novosibirsk (S~02rH _ 82 0 SS'I)
1. J. 3-story briek ho~~ital. aecCGlllodatJ.ng SoIl per:sons,
(191,6) is located 2t Il1lns Sf ot AA st.aUon. St.&tt
consisted ot 10 Soviet. doctors and SO nurses (Book
No. 31., p. 10) ..
2.. .6. ) .... tory brick hoS'pU,aJ., ac:cCZlDodaUng )00 persona,
(191.6) is located 2 lI118s HI' ot town. statt consisted
ot b Soviet doctor:s and 7 DUJ'ses. Treatment 'II'U poor,
and suppl1e.s weN scarce.

~ (S6029 N - Ss"OOIE)
1. J. POI' hospital , capable ot handlln, 4,000 (1) paUent.s,
(191.6) 1. reported in • 2-dorr wooden building. It is
described as better than aTerage with no acute medical
auPPlT shortage (Book No. 3L, p. 11).
Resto. Pag10D

Taaanrol (47°1)11 - 38°S1 I E)

1. J. report. states that. a t. leut. 1.. hOS'p1t.al3 se"' bot.h
c1rll18rui1 and JDll.1t.ary personnel. The tirst is 1D. two
l-atorT bruck buil&,s (100 ft. x 30 tt.) two lII1les
:511' ot RR staUon.. The second 18 a l-a tor7 bu1ld1..z:l,
1,000 1ards SE ot RR station.. '!'be third is kDowu. as
t.h.e Taganrog Ho.-pi tal. and is in a 2-.stol'7 buUd:1D.C
(90 tt. x JO ft. J, )00 7ard. • of BR st.tton.. n.
tourth is in two 2-atol'7 brick bulldln,s (100 tt. x
)0 n.) 1-8/10 mi.les NIl' ot RR sutton (Book Ho. 1L,
p. 1). Other hospitals or d.1spensarlu 'llbich handle
accident cases or Ulnesses ool,y an reported in eacb
l.a.rp tactoI7. (The cit,' is a h1&hl7 de.,.eloped l.nd'uS'­
trial canter.) A municipal. LlI11U111 131 located 1 m..1le srr
or JtR station , SOO yards trOll. the couto

2. ..ltlu Source Ust.. in -r.ga.nrogl (.) three hospitals;

(b) """,",cipal. ..,.1l1li •

. .:.. '.:;'_ . .:.... . '~ -:.' . ,

MORl Docl D: 21 83 71

~. i .' .

!!!!!!:! ~ (Con.'d)

!!!!!! (S>"4S '. _ 4~008'E)
I 1. In Iann, a hosp1 tal s~pected ot being a prison, ill:
described as a J - story U- shaped building ot concrete
i .0.
OJO It. x 66 ft.) with barred doors and windows (Book
1t3. p. S).
2. lIsd1cal fecilities in lazan are reported. to be adequate.
Among the lnstallatJ.ons reported are 6 hosplt.al:!: (inelud_
ing one tor ophthalmology; one which is used by the medi_
cal :IIchool, a matendty hO:llpit.alJ • surgical ho:spi~;
a uniwrsity clinic; ~d en insane 4S)'lum), and a medi_
cal colle,e (Book No. 60, ,. 3J). .
3. AU.., Source lilt.:li. (a) Ltem.1t:r hospital; (b)
collegeJ (e) isolation hospital, (d) bosplta1; (e)
1n.sane 81s1UIII; (f) surgical hospital; (g) district
hospital; (b) ophthalmological hospit.al.; (i) national..

Io1obu•• (S>"4$·• .- S2°04'.)

1. Two hospitals are
reported in this city lor tne use of
Sonet ciY1lians. One 109 located 1 m1l.e HE ot the whart
in a l-atory brick building acccmmodat.1Dg 200 persons;
the secaad, loceted 1_1/2 miles B JlB ot the pier, is in
a wooden building (,0 ft. :x 30 tt.). The POll' c~s A and
B are said to bave a hospital end a dispensary (Book Ko.
50, p. 79).
2. ,Ul.., Source l1st.:li in Ielabusa. (a) 't'wo hospitals.

Tubo? Ragioo

Mor.banok (S)027'. _ 41oS1'!)

1. The largest hospital 1.0 the cit,., with a reported aeCCIIIIID­
dation tor 500 persons, is said to be located in a pine
aNn 5 m11es E or No. 1 Rft station. C1T1l1an:J, millt..&r7
residents, and PCW's are treated. here. ThIll stat! had 7
Japanue, 10 Oena.an and. 7 Soviet doctors, and 60 Sorlet
ll\lMIe~. Equipment and .w.ppl1es are reported to have been
inads\luste (Book No. 80, p. 8). A hoapital tor cill'tar7
persOllllel pr1.maril3' but t.reatJ..ng cirlllans &:II nil 1s re­
ported 2 Idles H! of No.1 RR I'taUon. The venereal dise..,.
rate was .aid to be high among c1rll1tll and mll1ta..ry per_
sonnel and -aul.lam1do n we" u..sed to combet it, but suppl1ea
ware s...u. Kalan. wu prevaleat 1D tllb area (N .B., this
is 230 a1lelll SE or MOSCOW), and na.cr1ch1n- was used to
combat 1t (IbId).

- 47 ­ 631 '\ 2 I -115'7

MORl DoclD; 218371

~ ~!!!!!:!!! (Con~'d)
2. AUas So~e lists in 1I0rlihanaki (a) Arm.y hospital;
(b) hospital.
Tambov (S2°16 I H _ 1.2 30 1 E)
1. At a POI cup here J the hospi tal (19" '1) is reported l ocated
in 8 baT'raeks (1.6S ft. x JJ ft.) with lIIat11 Soviet. feule
doctors . Reference is lIIade to the use of the Soviet
medicines (acrichin" tor Nlarla\ -bacteriophage - tor
dYllent4ry and -kalcex" (kaltesks tor the COlllllon cold
(Book 110. SO, p. S) . .
2. It. hospital. ( 19L6) 15 located 6/10 mile HE ot RR station
in a 3-story concrete build1n, (99 ft. x 99 ft . ) (Book
No. L8, p. 3).
Ukraine ~

Drucbkovka (L8°JS'N - J1°JSIE)

1. 1 hoapit.&!, &ccoDDOdat.ing 600 persOllll, (Febru8.l"}" 19L7)

is located Con the outsklrt.3 of the t.own, in three
2-'tol'1 brick buUd1nS5 (l5O ft. x 7S ft.) painted
grey. Statt consbt.::l of 6 GenuD 8lI;d ) Soviet doc ton.
Medical aupp.lles 11'8r8 inadequate (Book No. 4S, p. 6).
Xr8111.1.torsk (LSoOCPN _ nOac)l!)

1. .tPOll' bo.spital (1947) is located 6/lfJ mile W ot RR

station. .Medicines here were sClLZ'Ce (Book No. L6,
p. J).

- -
Olobek S:il\

Andidzh. . (40oh8'N - 72 28") °

1. .t PCW ho:llpltal (191.7) is "ported usi.nc J.Jaeriean _di _
cines (800k Ho. L8, p. J). .

An.,..o Coal II1ne (l.l°OS'N - 70'17'.)

1 • . 'l'h.1s is reported to be a malarial area. Dependents at

lII1ll tary per:lonnel are rotated every six lIIonthS because
of the WlhealUty cUmate, but con~cts, PariS and Uzbek
natives rem.a.1D throughout the year. German at.abrirul is
r eported ued here . Two hospitals are reported in the
town (one .rOT the POIfls). It. now bospital is reported
under construction (Book No. 71, p. ) .

2. .ltlas SoUl'l':' in the Angren Coal Mine Dist.rict listsl

• (a> PCIIr hospitall (b) collese; (c) INdica! suWq
warehouse; (d) ".lulan prison hospit.aJ.; (e) ho.7pit.&l .

- h8 ­
~R BCrc:r;:T 8 ;:· i'~, -/15.1
MORI Doc TO : 218371

~ !! (Conti d)

F....... (!.o°22'N ­
1. 'POI' ho:.pitu, accoanodat.1ng JOO person:., (1947) 13 " ­
ported 10 miles NW ot RR statJ.on.
2. PCIf's do not report a medical school in this city although
ofnei&! Soviet sut!st1cs ( 1939) refer to i t (Book No.
71, p. ))).
hgM 09°t.2 t N _ 67°34 1£)

1. Werence is made to • hOsp! tal tor Japane:.e and Qer­

un PCIIf's (July 191,7) loc ated in five I-story stono build­
ings (1.65' It. x 66 !t.) 1.2 miles S of RR station (Book
No. S1., p. 2).
Xokand (Lo°)2IN _ 70 S7 1 E)

1. 1 PCM hospital is 10C':ated 2-1/2 miles N of RR station

(191.7) in bo brick and wood buildings in a SO ft.
"quare enclosed by two barbed wire fencell. 'CCOllllDod&­
t10DII were tor 2$0 persons. The Sorlets are reported
to ha.. bad almost DO .!D.o dice! supplies, and those
....illabl. were ot American origin. Japanese surgical
instruments .ere used (Book No. )8, p. 7).

2. An &:r'IIIy hospital. (1947) is reported here and another

hospItal. (Book No. be, p. l2)}.

~hkent (410J6'N - 690 lS'E)

1. l c1rlllan hOllpital (April 1947) is locollted 1-1/4 miles

SI' of RR stat10n in a )-story brick building (200 ft.
X 90 ft.). A statf of So nurses Wlder 20 ,.ears of ase
'lNre learning medical techniques. 1fter one year's
training, they became doctors. The ranking doctor at
the c1rtllan hospit.al. was 24 yean old. Supplles nre
TOry .carce . (Book Ho. 38, p. 7).

2. ... hospital, accODDodaUng SOO persons, ill located (1947)

1,600 tt.. 'B or RR station in • 2- story brick build1nC
(16S ft. X 100 ft.). It had an I-Ray unit and latap.
Food and medical supplles nn .carce (BOOk No. 401
p. ~ -7).
J. .I. civilian hospital (191.&7) is located 1,650 ft. 11' of
fUt station in a. concrete bui ldin, (600 ft. x 3JO ft.)
and ill smUler buildings surrounded by an 8 ft. concrete
wall (Book No. '48, p. ) .

1, • .An anv hospita1 (19b7: accOIIDodating 2.000 per.so~" 13

loeat.ed 12 llliles HE ot RR sut1on· in twent.y 2-story
concrete b1.l11d1ngs (330 tt. :.c 16,S ft.) (Book No. la8,
p. ) .
- ~9 ­ . R:l J~' tl-//.5')
MORl DoclD : 218371

.IJIN!X 0 (Cont'd)

s. .l hospital tor the accollllodat.1on or ~ and c1Y111an

p8I'111CMel Ie reported (August 1947) (Book Ho. 51,
p. lOb) •


-50 ­
,.. C R £-1....
834 U2 I -/lIt'

~ , __.. " .~ ' ·' 5 ' • ........... .... • m

U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Washington, D.C. 20535

February 21, 2020


SUITE 1203

FOIPA Request No.: 1459792-000

Subject: Operation Paperclip

Dear Mr. Greenewald:

The enclosed 28 pages of records were determined to be responsive to your subject and were
previously processed and released pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Please see the
selected paragraphs below for relevant information specific to your request as well as the enclosed FBI
FOIPA Addendum for standard responses applicable to all requests.

In an effort to provide you with responsive records as expeditiously as possible, we are

releasing documents from previous requests regarding your subject. We consider your
request fulfilled. Since we relied on previous results, additional records potentially
responsive to your subject may exist. If this release of previously processed material does
not satisfy your request, you may request an additional search for records. Submit your
request by mail or fax to – Work Process Unit, 170 Marcel Drive, Winchester, VA 22602,
fax number (540) 868-4997. Please cite the FOIPA Request Number in your

Please be advised that additional records responsive to your subject exist. If this release
of previously processed material does not satisfy your request, you must advise us that
you want the additional records processed. Please submit your response within thirty (30)
days by mail or fax to—Work Processing Unit, 170 Marcel Drive, Winchester, VA 22602,
fax number (540) 868-4997. Please cite the FOIPA Request Number in your
correspondence. If we do not receive your decision within thirty (30) days of the date
of this notification, your request will be closed.

One or more of the enclosed records were transferred to the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). Although we retained a version of the records previously
processed pursuant to the FOIA, the original records are no longer in our possession.

If this release of the previously processed material does not satisfy your request, you may
file a FOIPA request with NARA at the following address:

National Archives and Records Administration

Special Access and FOIA
8601 Adelphi Road, Room 5500
College Park, MD 20740-6001

Records potentially responsive to your request were transferred to the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA), and they were not previously processed pursuant to
the FOIA. You may file a request with NARA using the address above. Please reference
file numbers 100-HQ-451248 and 105-HQ-8090 in your correspondence.
One or more of the enclosed records were destroyed. Although we retained a version of
the records previously processed pursuant to the FOIA, the original records are no longer
in our possession. Record retention and disposal is carried out under supervision of the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Title 44, United States Code,
Section 3301 as implemented by Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1228; Title
44, United States Code, Section 3310 as implemented by Title 36, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 1229.10.

Records potentially responsive to your request were destroyed. Since this material could
not be reviewed, it is not known if it was responsive to your request. Record retention and
disposal is carried out under supervision of the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA) according to Title 44 United States Code Section 3301, Title 36
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Chapter 12 Sub-chapter B Part 1228, and 36 CFR

Documents or information referred to other Government agencies were not included in this

Please refer to the enclosed FBI FOIPA Addendum for additional standard responses applicable to
your request. “Part 1” of the Addendum includes standard responses that apply to all requests. “Part 2”
includes additional standard responses that apply to all requests for records about yourself or any third party
individuals. “Part 3” includes general information about FBI records that you may find useful. Also enclosed
is our Explanation of Exemptions.

For questions regarding our determinations, visit the www.fbi.gov/foia website under “Contact Us.”
The FOIPA Request Number listed above has been assigned to your request. Please use this number in all
correspondence concerning your request.

If you are not satisfied with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s determination in response to this
request, you may administratively appeal by writing to the Director, Office of Information Policy (OIP), United
States Department of Justice, 441 G Street, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20530, or you may submit an
appeal through OIP's FOIA STAR portal by creating an account following the instructions on OIP’s website:
https://www.justice.gov/oip/submit-and-track-request-or-appeal. Your appeal must be postmarked or
electronically transmitted within ninety (90) days of the date of my response to your request. If you submit
your appeal by mail, both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Act
Appeal." Please cite the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so it may be easily identified.

You may seek dispute resolution services by contacting the Office of Government Information
Services (OGIS). The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government Information Services,
National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-
6001, e-mail at [email protected]; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-
741-5769. Alternatively, you may contact the FBI’s FOIA Public Liaison by emailing [email protected].
If you submit your dispute resolution correspondence by email, the subject heading should clearly state
“Dispute Resolution Services.” Please also cite the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so it
may be easily identified.


David M. Hardy
Section Chief,
Dissemination Section
Information Management Division
FBI FOIPA Addendum

As referenced in our letter responding to your Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request, the FBI FOIPA
Addendum provides information applicable to your request. Part 1 of the Addendum includes standard responses that apply
to all requests. Part 2 includes standard responses that apply to requests for records about individuals to the extent your
request seeks the listed information. Part 3 includes general information about FBI records, searches, and programs.

Part 1: The standard responses below apply to all requests:

(i) 5 U.S.C. § 552(c). Congress excluded three categories of law enforcement and national security records from the
requirements of the FOIPA [5 U.S.C. § 552(c)]. FBI responses are limited to those records subject to the requirements
of the FOIPA. Additional information about the FBI and the FOIPA can be found on the www.fbi.gov/foia website.

(ii) Intelligence Records. To the extent your request seeks records of intelligence sources, methods, or activities, the
FBI can neither confirm nor deny the existence of records pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(1), (b)(3), and as applicable to
requests for records about individuals, PA exemption (j)(2) [5 U.S.C. §§ 552/552a (b)(1), (b)(3), and (j)(2)]. The mere
acknowledgment of the existence or nonexistence of such records is itself a classified fact protected by FOIA exemption
(b)(1) and/or would reveal intelligence sources, methods, or activities protected by exemption (b)(3) [50 USC §
3024(i)(1)]. This is a standard response and should not be read to indicate that any such records do or do not exist.

Part 2: The standard responses below apply to all requests for records on individuals:

(i) Requests for Records about any Individual—Watch Lists. The FBI can neither confirm nor deny the existence of
any individual’s name on a watch list pursuant to FOIA exemption (b)(7)(E) and PA exemption (j)(2) [5 U.S.C. §§
552/552a (b)(7)(E), (j)(2)]. This is a standard response and should not be read to indicate that watch list records do or
do not exist.

(ii) Requests for Records about any Individual—Witness Security Program Records. The FBI can neither confirm
nor deny the existence of records which could identify any participant in the Witness Security Program pursuant to
FOIA exemption (b)(3) and PA exemption (j)(2) [5 U.S.C. §§ 552/552a (b)(3), 18 U.S.C. 3521, and (j)(2)]. This is a
standard response and should not be read to indicate that such records do or do not exist.

(iii) Requests for Records for Incarcerated Individuals. The FBI can neither confirm nor deny the existence of records
which could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any incarcerated individual pursuant to
FOIA exemptions (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F), and PA exemption (j)(2) [5 U.S.C. §§ 552/552a (b)(7)(E), (b)(7)(F), and (j)(2)].
This is a standard response and should not be read to indicate that such records do or do not exist.

Part 3: General Information:

(i) Record Searches. The Record/Information Dissemination Section (RIDS) searches for reasonably described records by
searching systems or locations where responsive records would reasonably be found. A standard search normally
consists of a search for main files in the Central Records System (CRS), an extensive system of records consisting of
applicant, investigative, intelligence, personnel, administrative, and general files compiled by the FBI per its law
enforcement, intelligence, and administrative functions. The CRS spans the entire FBI organization, comprising records
of FBI Headquarters, FBI Field Offices, and FBI Legal Attaché Offices (Legats) worldwide; Electronic Surveillance
(ELSUR) records are included in the CRS. Unless specifically requested, a standard search does not include references,
administrative records of previous FOIPA requests, or civil litigation files. For additional information about our record
searches, visit www.fbi.gov/services/information-management/foipa/requesting-fbi-records.

(ii) FBI Records. Founded in 1908, the FBI carries out a dual law enforcement and national security mission. As part of this
dual mission, the FBI creates and maintains records on various subjects; however, the FBI does not maintain records on
every person, subject, or entity.

(iii) Requests for Criminal History Records or Rap Sheets. The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division
provides Identity History Summary Checks – often referred to as a criminal history record or rap sheet. These criminal
history records are not the same as material in an investigative “FBI file.” An Identity History Summary Check is a
listing of information taken from fingerprint cards and documents submitted to the FBI in connection with arrests,
federal employment, naturalization, or military service. For a fee, individuals can request a copy of their Identity History
Summary Check. Forms and directions can be accessed at www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/identity-history-summary-
checks. Additionally, requests can be submitted electronically at www.edo.cjis.gov. For additional information, please
contact CJIS directly at (304) 625-5590.

(iv) National Name Check Program (NNCP). The mission of NNCP is to analyze and report information in response to name
check requests received from federal agencies, for the purpose of protecting the United States from foreign and domestic
threats to national security. Please be advised that this is a service provided to other federal agencies. Private Citizens
cannot request a name check.


(b)(1) (A) specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign
policy and (B) are in fact properly classified to such Executive order;

(b)(2) related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency;

(b)(3) specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than section 552b of this title), provided that such statute (A) requires that the
matters be withheld from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on issue, or (B) establishes particular criteria for withholding
or refers to particular types of matters to be withheld;

(b)(4) trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential;

(b)(5) inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with
the agency;

(b)(6) personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;

(b)(7) records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records
or information ( A ) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, ( B ) would deprive a person of a right to a
fair trial or an impartial adjudication, ( C ) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, ( D )
could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of confidential source, including a State, local, or foreign agency or authority or any
private institution which furnished information on a confidential basis, and, in the case of record or information compiled by a criminal law
enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation, or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence
investigation, information furnished by a confidential source, ( E ) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement
investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could
reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law, or ( F ) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any

(b)(8) contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for
the regulation or supervision of financial institutions; or

(b)(9) geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells.


(d)(5) information compiled in reasonable anticipation of a civil action proceeding;

(j)(2) material reporting investigative efforts pertaining to the enforcement of criminal law including efforts to prevent, control, or reduce crime
or apprehend criminals;

(k)(1) information which is currently and properly classified pursuant to an Executive order in the interest of the national defense or foreign
policy, for example, information involving intelligence sources or methods;

(k)(2) investigatory material compiled for law enforcement purposes, other than criminal, which did not result in loss of a right, benefit or
privilege under Federal programs, or which would identify a source who furnished information pursuant to a promise that his/her identity
would be held in confidence;

(k)(3) material maintained in connection with providing protective services to the President of the United States or any other individual pursuant
to the authority of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3056;

(k)(4) required by statute to be maintained and used solely as statistical records;

(k)(5) investigatory material compiled solely for the purpose of determining suitability, eligibility, or qualifications for Federal civilian
employment or for access to classified information, the disclosure of which would reveal the identity of the person who furnished
information pursuant to a promise that his/her identity would be held in confidence;

(k)(6) testing or examination material used to determine individual qualifications for appointment or promotion in Federal Government service
the release of which would compromise the testing or examination process;

(k)(7) material used to determine potential for promotion in the armed services, the disclosure of which would reveal the identity of the person
who furnished the material pursuant to a promise that his/her identity would be held in confidence.


neFreedom ofI
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releasedbytheU. S.Government&Mi l

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PATRICK J.I.EAHY. Yr. AU.N K. 81141'$ON, wvo.
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. . .,IIIC':s::JAWl.....
" ASHINGTON, D.C. 20510

fA )
November 8, 1979

Honorable William H. Webster

Director r
Federal Bureau of investigation
Washington, D. C. 20535

Dear Judge Webster: \/

I have been conducting an inqu~ry into 1I0ee~i2p~a;5]5.~
, a program under which certain Nazi scientists and~hefr qependents,
J right after World War II, entexed this country. This and r -e:1ated
inqu~~i~s were addressed to your ~gency, among others, in~e-~.
f-povernment. YouJ; agency fOJ;Warded substantial doCUme~ncrtf6~ lP ' j~'
Iwhich has been most helpful to my 'inquiry. ~ ~ /-7:. '.;l
t, ~crutinizing
the assembled documents from. I var~ou ' ~~s, r\1
~?isco~~red that ' mention was made in a number of oth~ oc~e~~s
~ s.Eppried by various Fe~e~a1 ?gencies of an "0per . ~1i>~o~I'u: .......
1@£W:O~.fl6. allegedly l.nvo1ved. your ?gency.. ,Please,· 2ie're:rore', .
- ' ~orwa1:a~ me what you _know _and can discover in the way of documen-
I tat,i6n on "Qperation Dragonf1y!I.. -- It ' is my llnaerstc:lnding -that

"Di~gbnf1YI involved the bri~ging in of various individuals from
East~rn European countries to the U.S., bypassing traditional
Cus~oms, immigration and related requiiements.' ~~b .

~ sihc~re~j :; ...
o -
.. .~-,~ll
.~ \
Ja~s, Cpairman
Subcommittee on Limitatjons_ot.,

DAT,El!d" B '"Contracted and ~~~h~~~i .i ,
~' r~/() 71 iJ~~ ~'J.- q?f"J.1f -c;.ll~;7t~L :

.. ~
I~" -

. .
t-v 60J
"- . - ..... ,,,.. -
~t rl(
,~ (

,19_ I
o Name Searching Unit, 4543, TL# 115 I
~~::rl\~#::5# 143 :~C.
~;rn to ==:JL3J
Supervisor, Room, TL#. Ext.
Type of Search Requested: (Check One)
o R~icted Search (Active Index)
[g.Unrestricted (Active & Inactive Index)
o Unrestricted (5 & 30)
Special)n'StruClions: (Check One) -,
(B'1.11 References (Subversive & Nonsubversive)
DSubversive Search
DNonsubversive Search
o Main References Only
DExact Name Only (On the Nose)
oo Buildup D Variations
Restricted to Locality of _~_ _ _ __

Subject ; rs~~ D~;"<LQAf.. •

Birthdate &i>iaCe --------~,...._.J..J--
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _-:--_

Localities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--:-__
~ Searcher.
_ _ _ Date __I;...~~/-,:Z__ Initials ..:I!:!.J:yJ


~~~_ _~~-u~~_ _ _ _ _ _ b7E


Federal Bureau of Investigation

Washington. D.C. 20535

~anuary 7, 1983

\ ... I
// / '
: ..",)

This document is classified ~t" in ti::t.S


In response to your request dated August 26, 1982,

the central files of this Bureau reveal that Operation
Paperclip concerns German and Austrian scientists, some of
whom were alleged to have been Nazis, who were brought into
the United States (U.S.) by U.S. Armed Forces after World War
II for exploitation purposes relating to the national interest
of the U.S. These scientists were brought to the U.S. without
visas. In order for them to remain in the U.S., the
Department of State (DOS), Department of Justice (DOJ), and b6
the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) formulated a program referred b7C
to as "Paperclip Specialists," in which visas would ..J2e~ issued
the scientists and specialists who were to remaj.~i~ the U. S.
The JCS set up an agency known as the Joint I~f~:rt·~:9,~.nt::e
Objectives Agency (JIOA), which agency was to'/ cor:kv~ate
background information and be responsible fdr t~~bientists
and specialists. By agreement between DOJ, 1:>es.;- a. ~
.•. nd . ! CS, I't
. was decided that the JIOA would be responsible for t e
secu~it~, custody, and control of these scienti~,~ .d
specIalIsts. /'-J..ff l .
At the was not outseV~1,9.qFBI ~ons~~e~"in;~:'~'~; '~'.'~"'~
in the arrangements regarding "Operation Paperclip~ ,>J'ii!Nel;PB~(33
did not screen any of the scientists after they were brought ,,,:,,~1l b3
into the U.S.; nor did the FBI ~urveil any of the s~te~t~~ts , b7E
during the course of any stigation regarding them •
. &) .'/ () J..l. /) r; 1 if- 1-/ .
:wc A(~\ AJ~'. --
Ii ''':'(I Y G-3 b6

xcc. i,J,'r-\jt:-'~ ..... 0\:,,(\hU~,\C.
X€C .• ~r]'Lb_. __.~ t~~~\1~
.sst [I... a \/ --- i;* ..
;;,( ,: .. ".,.
vV' '1~" ~
.... - - -•.,iI. I//'~'---------,~
Cnn inv 1 - Mr .ttn~. Missl
____ ,
/- //- f;-:;. ,
I('ent ~ 1 - Mr
_ _ _ .--. 1 L...-_ _----' .1 \ /

,n~J€C(IC,J ___ Or ~g'iPJf (,4ipe : ')1

AO-Naz i SP
!ntel1 ---''f'~~ Recelved: 8-26-82
la~lC\?"'cr\! . ___ ._~ (~)
Lei.>" C()"'1 _____ §,7!/~/I(-' --'-' MA\L ROOM 0
011 01 C:,n~ ~. _. . . .
& ~d::lC Alfs --i 'l) IS document contams neither recommendations nor conclu810ns of the FBI. !t.18 the property of ~he FBI,
'- i; and i8 loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outSide your agency. ThiS reply
~c ..::,,!.;)'n·~-·----i is result of check of FBI investigative files. To check arrest records, req~.,.s,t.,.ys.t b.!: s. u.bm. i.tte~. to EBI
' \ Serv~. __ \ Identification Division. Fingerprints are necesst:lTY for positive check. ;'1' .•. : ' . " . ' 'I; ... 1
.. '. .... , ~.:.' .... ,·< ..•• ii FBI/DOJ
~i. __

,i!C'V ____
:"''C'Ir;:;,;~·:r;; ,
Operation Paperclip

FBI files contain voluminous records regarding Operation

Paperclip, one of which is composed of public source information,
i.e., newspaper clippings. The majority of the material contained
in these files was furnished to the FBI by third agencies,
originating with JCS, the Department of Defense (DOD), Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), the u.s. Air Force (USAF), Department
of Navy (DON), U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) (now known
as the Department of Energy), and Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS). This classified material consists largely of
biographical history statements, interviews, and interrogations
of the German scientists conducted by U.S. agencies with postwar
scientific and technical responsibilities. The FBI material
consists primarily of internal administrative memoranda, which
reveal the following information.

On August 10, 1945, the FBI was advised by the Captured

Personnel and Material Branch, Military Intelligence Service
(MIS), Department of War (DOW), of a contemplated plan to bring
an undetermined number of German scientists to the U.S. for
exploitation by the U.S. Army, who would assume full
responsibility for these scientists. The MIS advised that
this matter was being brought to the attention of the FBI in
order that the FBI would not interrogate these individuals or
interpose any objection to their entrance into this country.
MIS advised that it was determined advisable to have the
scientists brought to the U.S. for exploitation rather than
interrogate them in the theater.

The FBI was advised by MIS that the scientists would

have the status of DOW civilian employees, however, the
scientists themselves would be aware that their status would
be similar to that of a prisoner of war. MIS advised that
these scientists would not be granted any freedom of action to
circulate around the U.S., and that their corning to the U.S.
could in no way be deemed valid in connection with any desires
to obtain immigration visas or citizenship papers. The FBI
was also advised that MIS anticipated no difficulties with the
scientists as they were aware of the status they would have
when they arrived in the U.S., and all of the scientists had

- 2 -

Operation Paperclip

r willingness~to
come to the U.S. for the purposes
On November 1, 1945, the FBI was advised by DON,
Office of Naval Intelligence, that DON was maintaining at Long
Island, New York, six German individuals with technical and
scientific raCkgrOUnr for exploitation by DON for the benefit
of the U. S. _ ." tj
On November 19, 1945, DOJ provided the FBI with a
JIOA list of German scientists and technicians recommended for
service in the U.S., which consisted of 69 names. No action
was taken by. regarding these German scientists and
technic ia -£1)( I
ommenc ing in Apr iI, 1946, the FBI was prov,ided by
Department of Army (DOA) , reports showing German scientific
and ind,ustr ial per sonnel detained in Germany .~ N . , . on !elLS _
taken by the FBI in connection wi th these repor. Y II; It// /,5
I· .1
In May, 1946, the FBI was advised that the JCS was
organizing a unit known as the JIOA, which agency was working
on a program to bring approximately 800 to 1,000 German '
scientists, not under Russian domination, to the U.S.
According to JCS, the scientists along with their families,
would be screened by military authorities abroad and then
brought to the U.S. as quota resident immigrants under the
sponsorship of military and governmental authorities. The FBI
was advised that the scientists would be under contracts for
approximately two years and upon termination of the contract,
the scientists, in the opinion of JCS, would not return to
Germany. The FBI was advised that this plan had not been
approved as clearance had not been obtained from DOS~ ~( b3
The JCS was advised by the FBI that if the plan was
approved, the FBI would be interested in information as to the
identity and background of each scientist, their families, as
well as the name and location of their employment i1 the U.S.
L-_ __----II? b3

- 3 -
Operation Paperclip 1
.1 '

On May 31, 1946, the DOJ furnished to the FBI for

review classified documents prepared by JIOA regarding ten
German and Austrian scientists who were in the U.S. for long
term exploitation by the U.S; Government. These names were
checked through FBI records with negative results with the
exception of two, on whom DOJ was furnished information~
contained in FBI files by memorandum dated JI1:e 6
. __ /t) / ..? b3
As of November 18, 1946, the FBI ha furnls ed to b7E
DOJ on two occasions the results of record checks on 43 German
{H} l3ci~t~sts or spe~ialists, which n. ames were provided to DOJ by
JCS ~ . I/O; 1,:2./;( 3) ;~ ~'I/",~:.f6
In December, 1946, the FBI was queried by DOA
officials at Long Island, New York, as to whether the FBI
could take any action in the event a German scientist
disappeared from military control. The DOA was advised that
there appeared to be no jurisdiction under which the FBI could
assist in these matters, and that the, S h o p l d leport such
incidents to Immigration authorities. 31
On January 24, 1947, the DOW inquired as to whether
the FBI would consider making a technical installation at Fort
Bliss, Texas, which installation would cover a group of German
scientists who were performing work on guided missiles. The
DOW was advised that the FBI could not pyrform this .~ervice.
. L I~~ b3
On February 17, 1947, the FBI furnished to DOJ the b7E
results of record checks on 124 German scientists or
specialists submitted for review by DOJ on January 16, 1947,
on whom FBI central files contained no identifiable
information with the exception of 16 of the individuals. The
data furnished regarding these 16 individuals contained
information regarding their Nazi membership affiliation in
Europe which information was provided this Bureau by other
Federal agencies and did not relate to Operation Paperclip.
DOJ was advised at this time that the FBI considered any
person having connections with the Nazi Party a defi.L. . itP I.~c. ).
security threat to the internal security of the u.~~)-\u-)--------~._/


- 4 -
Operation Paperclip

There is attached one copy of House Rule (H.R.) 2763,

80th Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, dated
March 25, 1947, captioned "A Bill To Prohibit the Use by the
United States of Nazi Scientists and other Nazi expertr"
previously furnished the FBI which may be of interest.L..L_ _ _ _.....I.~?r b3
On May 8, 1947, Colonel H. H. Mole, Military
Intelligence Division (MID), DOW, advised the FBI that the
responsibility, including security problems, of the German
scientists rested with DOA. Colonel Mole advised that the JCS
was concerned with the security of the scientists and that JCS
"hoped that arrangements could be made with the FBI for the
maintenance of a spot surveillance on these individuals." No
such request was ever formally presented to the FBI and a
review of Operation Paperclip files does not reflect that the
FBI conducted any surveillances.l Jib b3
In September, 1947, the MID, DOW, furnished to the
FBI a copy of a document prepared by the State-War-Navy
Coordinating Committee, No. 257/35, entitled "Clarification of
Present State-War-Navy Policy on Civil Exploitation of German
and Austrian Specialists in the United States." In paragraph
one of this document, it is stated "The Department of Justice
shall be charged with the security responsibility for all
alien speciali~.. itb viFa status under exploitation in the
United States. I T ~"'~ , b3
It is noted in this document that the procurement of
specialists under Project Paperclip was to be conclude~ .
earliest practical date, no later than September 30, 1 ~~ . ~(,[b3
'E"r b7E
The FBI was advised by MID that inasmuch as the
interim policy would terminate with the completion of "Project
Paperclip," it would become necessary that all of the
individuals who remained in the U.S. or who subsequently came
to the U.S., be placed in a visa status. The DOW advised that
while the document stated DOJ would be charged with the ~}
security responsibility for all alien scientists, it was not~

. ~,
...·.. 9
\. ' £,
- - 5 -

Operation Paperclip

in effect, placing additional responsibility on DOJ but was

merely reiterating the actu~~.e. sponsibility of DOJ regarding
aliens who come to the U.S.~

The FBI was not consulted in connection with this

particular matter, and the Attorney General was so advised of
the above by letter dated September 25, 1947, with a statement
to the fact that the FBI assumed the responsibility 'mentioned
in the first paragraph of the above-mentioned document
~ef:rr:d ~o ~.... jaratjQD rnrt7~';S' and not within FBI b3
Jur ISdlctlon~\u) _ lb.::;·
You may desire to consult with either the Department
of Army, Navy or State for a copy of this document.

On October 3, 1947, the FBI was advised by DOJ that

it had been decided, upon certification of Secretary of War
and the Attorney General, that DOS would issue German
scientists proper visas as well as visas for their families to
enter the U.S. The FBI was advised that DOW would submit to
the Attorney General dossiers on those scientists who were
recommended for such visas. The FBI was advised that in order
for the Attorney General to be in a position to make a
recommendation or decision concerning the advisability of
issuing such visas, the Attorney General would 'request the FBI
to check its files for any information c",cerning the
individuals being considered. !&7 I b3
By letter dated November 4, 1947, the Acting The
Assistant to the Attorney General, DOJ, forwarded to the FBI
for a check of FBI records a list of alien specialists who
were in the U.S. in connection with the alien scientist
program, as well as a list of names of dependents of the
scientists. The DOJ also forwarded dossiers relating to three
German scientists whose immigration to the U.S. for permanent
residence had been recommended by JCS. The DOJ requested the
FBI to conduct a thorough investigation of the three
individuals with particular emphasis on the internal security
aspect of the immigr~t~o. . n of the individuals into the U.S. for
permanent residence.~

'. ..:s<
. . . -..:.< - 6 -


\, ,'"
-. .' '- "- ~.....-'"

Operation Paperclip

The DOJ also advised in this letter that it

anticipated a complete security check would eventually be made
by DOJ with respect to each person on the list whose entry
into the U.S. for permanent residence had been recommended by
JCS. The DOJ considered it a very serious responsibility in
passing upon the admissibility of persons into the U.S. for
permanent residence and believed that it was advisable to have
the benefit of an FBI investigation in these cases. The DOJ
advised that it would request the FBI to conduct a thorough
investigation of each person recommended for immigration
before a determination as to the admissibility of any such
person was made. The DOJ advised that for the present time,
it would request only a record check of persons whose
immigration had not been recom~me. . . ;. . . •. since they were in
custody of military authoritie 17~ b3
, 1J . b7E
The DOJ furnished as an enclosure to this letter a
copy of an undated memorandum captioned "Proposed Procedures
with Respect to the Entry to the United States for Residence
of Aliens Certified as Persons Whose Admissions is Highly
Desirable in the National Interests." This document concerns
the procedures agreed upon by the Departments of Air Force,
Army, Commerce, Justice, and State as well as the JCS. You
may desire to consult with either the Department of Air F p O ... . . b3
Army, Commerce, Justice or State for a copy of this docum . .•• 7b7E
. I
By letter dated November 6, 1947, the FBI furni e
to the DOJ results of record checks regarding 178 German and
Austrian specialists in response to their request dated
October 14, 194~U.r~L---.J?7 b3
By FBI letter dated November 10, 1947, the DOJ was
advised that the FBI would not conduct the requested
investigation regarding the three German scientists, supra, as
investigations of this character were solely within the
jurisdiction of INS. The DOJ was also advised that no record
checks would be made of FBI files concerning names submitted
with their November 4, 1947, letter due to lack of identifying
information. The DOJ was requested to provide additional
identifying data if they desired the names be checked through
FBI indicesrk.. f..?-· - b3
~T:l} SEC~T b7E

- 7 -
Operation Paperclip

By letter dated November 14, 1947, the DOJ, in

reference to FBI letter#dated November 10, 1947, requesting
that the FBI conduct special investigations concerning certain
specific German scientists who were in the u.s. under the
protective custody and control of JIOA, as W1
11 as cnpduct
record checks of names previously submi t t e d . f 7&). !'9, i/:;t
By letter dated November 20, 1947, DOJ was advised
the FBI would conduct the requested investigation regarding
the three German scientists, however, it would be impossible
to conduct the necessary record checks of the names previously
submitted due to lack of identifying data.1 19' b3
The DOJ, commencing in December, 1947, requested
that investigations and/or record checks be conducted by the
FBI regarding other German scientists and/or specialists for
the purpose of ascertaining their activities, conduct, and
associates since arriving in the U.S. The requested
investigations and/or record checks were conducted and the
~~ ~~ ~: t ~~~ n!:~ef n t~nD~~ t ~~e a s ~!~~tZ~9 sis ~:,~~gro;~V~?}/ /J$; J01;// a/ b3

W-lWf lIS; lib-Jill//; //jlJ) 1.)01 /;;./ ,J..:lt1.b 1,E

In response to a previous FBI request, Peyton Ford,
Assistant to the Attorney General, advised the FBI by
memorandum dated June 25, 1948, that the cases in this matter
in which JIOA referred to DOJ were in two categories: (1) The
Paperclip Project, which included (a) German scientists and
specialists who were in the u.s. who had been recommended for
immigration visas and about whom a thorough investigation
would be requested, and (b) German scientists and specialists
in the U.S. but who had not been recommended for immigration
visas and whomJIOA contemplated bringing to the U.S. in the
near future, about whom a record check would be requested: and
(2) Nationals of various European countries other than Germany
who were not scientists but who rendered a valuable assistance
to the U.S. Government, whose presence in the u.s. was deemed
to be in the interest of national security and about whom
record checks would be requested.1 VS4 b3


- 8 -

Operation Paperclip

In addition, the FBI was informed by the Assistant

Attorney General, DOJ, by memorandum dated September 30, 1948,
that JIOA had been advised that DOJ would require the FBI to
conduct an independent investigation of dependents of German
scientists who were admitted to the U.S. and granted a visa
through the concurrence of DOJ under Operation Paperclip,
concerning whom JIOA had received unfavorable information as a
result of its independent investigation abroa~.

It was also stated in this DOJ memorandum that in

cases where no derogatory information was developed abroad on
dependents, it would be satisfactory to conduct only a records
check of FBI centr al files .1 ~/tp ? b3
There is attached one copy of Washington City News
Service Release dated July 18, 1950, which states, in part,
charges by Senator Styles Bridges (Rep., N.H.) that Russian
tanks had impenetrable armor because a DOS employee b]OCk §
1,000 German scientists from corning to the u.s.1 .-:1S '3 p b3
There appeared on pages 10650 and 10651, Volume 96,
No. 141 of the Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates
of the 81st Congress, 2nd Session, at Washington, D. C.~ on
July 18, 1950, statements by Senat~r Bridges rElating to t~.iS
matter, a copy of these two pages 1S attached._ ~",.s{:_{...t.( "i.,.~ b3
On August 9, 1950, Captain Bosque N. Wev, Chief of
Staff, Little Creek, Virginia, Amphibious Base, advised the
FBI that he appeared before a subcommittee of the Senate
Appropriations Committee (SAC) on June 27, 1947, concerning
difficulties encountered in obtaining entrance permits into
this country for German scientists. Captain Wev provided the
FBI with a copy of his statement before SAC, a copy of which
is attached, captioned "Statement of Captain B. N. ~/~~r S
Navy, Chairman, Joint Intelligence Objectives AgenC~ r S6 :~E


- 9 -
Operation Paperclip

By letter dated September 8, 1950, the Attorney

General was advised by the FBI that information had been
received by this Bureau from U.S. Army, G-2, Fort McPherson,
Georgia, that a large number of scientists under "Paperclip
Specialists" would be moved to Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville,
Alabama, and that information available to the Army indicated
that "the FBI acquires security responsibility" for "Paperclip
Specialists" and their dependents when visas had been issued
to them. It was poi~ted out to the Attorney General that the
FBI had never undertaken any project whereby the FBI would
"acquire or assume security responsibility" of any group or
individuals. The Attorney General was advised the FBI would
not assume "security responsibility" over "Paperclip
Specialists" or their dependents and would not accept the
responsibility of investigating violations of any
administrative security regulations imposed upon this group or
individuals whether they had received visas or not.
Fvrther, it was requested that DOJ advise JIOA of
the FBI's j\ risdiction and responsibilities in this matter.
The DOJ was advised that until further notice from DOJ, the
FBI would n"t conduct any type of investigati.on of her than pe.
regular sec rity investigations requested by DOJ._ _ ~6~ b3
Iy letter dated September 18, 1950, DOJ advised it
agreed the FBI would not assume "security responsibility" of
"Paperclir Specialists" or their dep~nde s because of the
fact that visas had been issued to t . . . .•.•. ~b~ b3
. tHy . f
There ~s attached for your ~nfb~lliat~on one copy 0 a
translat _on from the German language of Chapter 5 of the book
"Forsch! .1g Heisst Arbeit und Brot" (Research is Work and
Bread), which book was furnished to this Bureau in November,
1950, ~ y an American citizen in Frankfurt, Germany. This
materi .1 relates to the German scientists who had been taken
to va: ~ous countries in the world to engage in research work
and comments particularly on "Operation Paperclip." Copies
were also furnished to the Departments of Ajr Force. Army,
Navy, and State, as well as CIA and AEC ·1 ~.3'71.x) :3 Vl t :3 i? b3


- 10 -
Operation Paperclip

By letter dated November 13, 1950, Peyton Ford,

supra, advised the FBI that under the provisions of the
Internal Security Act of 1950, it was no longer possible to
continue to bring German scientists and technicians to the
u.s. under the "Paperclip" program if those scientists or
technicians were in any way connected with the National ~
Socialist Government of Germany or any Nazi organizations.~
The FBI was also advised that where, in the opinion
of Government departments and agencies, the services of such
scientists or technicians were deemed to be of paramount
national interest, it would be necessary for the Attorney
General, if he approved, to exercise the provisions of the 9th
proviso to permit the entry of such aliens on a temporary
The FBI was advised that it had been decided by JIOA
and Departments of Justice and State that, effective
immediately, in all cases of either the "Paperclip" or
national interest type cases (so called non-Paperclip cases),
JIOA would make a name check of all intelligence agencies,
including the FBI.
The results of the name checks, together with the
investigative report made abroad of the alien, would be
furnished to the Internal Security Section, DOJ. After a
review of this material, the Criminal Division, DOJ, would
notify INS of the substance of the information together with a
statement as to whether there was any objection b DOJ from
the standpoint of internal security of the nat' b3
Information was received from DOA i
that the Soviets had indicated an interest in German
scientists in the U.S. As a result of this, FBI Headquarters,
on an independent basis, approved and directed to concerned
field offices authority to interview the German scientists to
determine specifically if they had 1) been contacted through
their relatives in Germany or otherwise for classified ~
information: 2) if they had close relatives in the Soviet zon~J


- 11 -

Operation Paperclip

of Germany or satellite nations who might be used by the

Soviets as hostages to compel the German scientists'
cooperation in espionage activities; 3) if they might be
utilized in contacting Soviet agents through FBI informants;
and 4) to advise the scientists of the FBI's ju' " nd
responsibilities concerning security activit' ,3f7X; 3f(r ~~E
In connection with our review of Opera
Paperclip, seven investigations of the German scientists were
reviewed in connection with the four matters referred to
abo~e. No ~nfor~ation war re:ealPd that theY were in ;DV01::d b3
NaZl war crlmes In Europe_ _ ~ ~ __ b7E
Results of any FBI lnvestigatIon relatlng to t e
remalnlng scientists and/or specialists under this program are
not reflected in the Operation Paperclip files.
By letter dated August 13, 1951, from Deputy
Attorney General Peyton Ford, DOJ, the FBI received the last
request to conduct investigations regarding German specialists
who were brought into the U.S. under military custody in
connection with the Paperclip Program. Our files indicate
that the FBI conducted a total of 525 investigations regarding
German scientists and/or specialists brought into this country
under the ~aperclip Program, which included t.~..........••
A ; eUAst; n~?-t~,ons ..__. .' b3
conducted In DOJ' s request of August 13, 19h.l ,1:;;1; .3 J;r, ····/b7E
{D: ;H""
By letter dated April 9, 1956, JIOA l:iubmitted to the
FBI its last request for a check of FBI records regarding
Paperclip specialists who had applied for permanent residF-e~n=t_ _....,
status under the Immigration and Nationali ty Act of 1950 I n, r
By letter dated June 7, 1962, JIOA submitted to the b3
FBI its last notification of resident alien specialists who b7E
entered the U. S. under the JIOA programl U ;--;2. k-l
The FBI was also kept advised of German scientists
and/or specialists and their dependents who were repatriated
to Germany.

- 12 -
Operation Paperclip

It is to be noted that information obtained by the

FBI either from unsolicited sources and/or during the course
of FBI investigations concerning the German scientists or
specialists, or their dependents, in general or particular,
,as disseminated to appropriate. agencies in this matter.
I....._ _ _----'V 7/ /tJ 3/ / 31> -!r~.; '/I/'/ "t';,2:? / ,sJJj /O,.?~-;- b3
By letter dated January 31, 1963, the FBI was b7E
advised by the Office of Director of Defense Research and
Engineering (ODDRE), DOD, Washington, D. C., that the JIOA,
JCS, ceased to exist as of October 15, 1962, and further
advised that the Defense Scientists Immigration Program
(DEFSIP) was transferred on that date to ODDRE. The FBI was
furnished with information concerning resident alien
specialists Wh.O entered
through December, 1962. .
ibe II
":?er the DEFSIP from August
. b3
By letter dated June 16, 1966, ODDRE furnished to
the FBI the last notice of resident aliens specialists who
entered the U.S. under DEFSIP, the latest bein~ May 24. 1966.
IL.. _ _~-:--,V~ 6 f b3
On January 17, 1980, Elizabeth Holtzman, Chairwoman, b7E
Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law
of the House JUdiciary Committee, requested that DOJ furnish
to her " •.• all documents, memoranda, and other materials" in
its possession relating to "Operation Paperclip." This
request was forwarded to the FBI. b;?-tJb 0 ?P-- '-133 C

On February 27, 1980, the Assistant Attorney

General, Criminal Division, DOJ, was advised that a request
had been made in early 1979 by the Special Litigations Unit,
INS, for the approval to release to the Senate Judiciary
Committee certain material previously furnished to INS by the
FBI regarding "Operation Paperclip." As a result,
communications were exchanged with Senator Max Baucus,
Chairman, Subcommittee on Limitations of Contracted and
Delegated Authority, Judiciary Committee, and his staff
concerning the release of this material. No formal Memorandum
of Understanding between theDOJ and the Senate Judiciary
Committee was reached regarding access or dissemination of


- 13 -
Operation Paperclip

this material, however, limited excised material requested by

Senator Baucus of the Judiciary committee, regarding
"Operation Paperclip" was provided to DOJ on July 25, 1979,
for its consideration as to dissemination. FBI files do not
indicate what action, if any, was taken in this regard.
The Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division,
DOJ, was also advised that access and dissemination of
voluminous material involving "Operation Paperclip" would be
facilitated through coordinated development of guidelines and
a formal Memorandum of Understanding by DOJ. DOJ was advised
that the FBI had not corresponded with Ms. Holtzman and the
FBI would appreciate DOJ contacting her regarding this matter
and initiating the necessary steps leading to dissemination,
clearances and/or staff access. (P;(-cjb!:;-:<tj- '13 L/
Our fil·es contain no approved formal Memorandum of
Understanding pertaining to the release of Paperclip Operation
documents and no material has been released other than that
mentioned above in response to current congressional
Enclosures (5)

NOTE: Reference GAO letter dated 6-23-82 in which the names

of 11 alleged Nazi war criminals were submitted for review;
I I memo dated 8-2-82, captioned "GAO b6
Inquiry ~Qncerning Ad:jssi:n of AIJ:aed Nazi Wa~ Criminals in b7C
the U.S.;. _ _ _]memo~tloned as above, b7E
dated 9-13-82, regardlng dlsseminatlon of data in
connection with this project; and GAO let er dated 8-26-82, in
which an additional 35 names of operations, organizations, and
projects were furnished for review.


- 14 -
Oper2tion Pnperclip

;:;ect:Lo;l: Se 81: b7E
.( h.

214 Sporsporingo£Al~en ScientLsts

1. German scientists exploitation

7 01 re Geo ~?S ngton Univ. projec~

:: Jillni.;ell. He x:e

j-!J -
Oper~tion P2perclip
References :=0 C b7E
··A 1

973 n·,eQ.t1est or): ic:(i'v:id·t181s

PC Cper.
2<:15 4/49 reqre one subject
11 350
I!04Gett1rnee Ex:ploitation Group (HEG)] ~
13 from REG

lil 4: 4 211E0, 3,.DOQ Ger .scientiG tG frorl] E. Zone

15 4G~ REG~ l{entified as of 9/523,SQO
scientists to USSR

10 O:g)UI


& tech Ci8PS, iDcls Itst I'

. , r-

-/ {, -
Operation Paperclip
References (Partial) to Armvt(P
L....-_ _ _ _....I!
Section Serial
I,?, 15, 14,11,~

72 List Paperclip scientists & dependents
133 LocUl11en:t~3, refe;rs spec. (65-47826-175)

13 388
Operation Paperclip

. HeierenceE;tQ J ~Wt. State

S~ction S~I"ial

219 Proposal for financ'~ work of Ger./

Austrian scientists & engineers in
Swi tzerla nc'

8 ')37

18 57Li List of Ggr. l~ad(3rs 0rr'd US 91~· 3 ~llnc'er

Educational exchange service

Operation Paperclip

References to Jo nt Chiefs of St2 f

...J18 ec t io n
1...-_ _ _ _ Serials b7E

1 12,13,30

eHs, IG scientists ret' d to. Ger.

79 list all $P. 8" their depenc~en~t$ as of

80,83,84,90,9fj,_lOlL11 ?

124 encl (p:rQce<;:'l1res fOX' presents.tioD of cases

10 320 Proce re presentation of cases of slians

Operatio~ P?percl~p

References on ~~r ~orce

1....-_ _ _ _ ---11' C:l e c :;:L 0 n b7E

1" ·3 thru 158, 700 F CI~ Let ' 1

161 Air Coun~erlntell [iv., WLC

'in, U.S.

,. 1 19th I
--------_._-_. --------
~~. _.,
:tnformeby e;:::tO:r'8 te ,m:;I ,ViLe, :t'8c3p.
to con(uct limite{ surveill?Dce of E

cert2 se lee t~d Ger~ .. ,/I~J.J s tI~18 r: n.? tionalr:~;

404 AFinterview'g return'g scientists

3,000 scientists, 90% residents of F.


-- ;;0 --
l.!il~ ~MENT
. "'-"

Memorandum .11 28112

TO b6
Mr·L...I_ _ _ _ _..... Federal Bureau of Investigation b7C


SUBjEaI': GAO Inquiry Into Alleged Nazi War Criminals

Enclosed is a list of organization and project references

your research analysts should be aware of during their search for

records pertaining to our investigation. We would appreciate

your search of the FBI's files for information on each of these

references. Also, we have included additional information re-

garding five of the persons named in our letter of June~3 to the




1. Operation Sunrise.

2. Project Perllianent
PL 110, also ca'lled "100 persons a year Act"
enacted in 1948 at the request of the Director
of Central Intelligence

3. ~roject Zenith
Section 212 (d)(5) of the Immigration and Natu-
ralization Act pr~vides for the temporary admis-
sion of persons necessary for national security.
Pertains to persons paroled into the country.

4. Operation Paperclip

5. Operation Overcast

6. Operation Tobacco

7. Operation Polecat

8. ProjectS Able and BareR

9. Operation Rusty

Organizations and/or References

. 1. Assefu~ly of Captive European Nations

29 W. 57th Street
New York. New York

2. Amer.~an Committee on Liberation (A~COMLIB)

1657 Broadway
New York 19. New York Bureau File No.r"I---------, b3

3. Redio Liberty

4. Byelorussian Democratic Republic

5. International Rescue Committee

386 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10016

6. Free Europe Committee

·.2Park ···Avenue
New York, New York
7. Radio Free Europe

8. Free Albanian Committee

114 East 32nd Street
New York, New York

9. National Committee for a Free Albania

839 ~est End Avenue
New York 25, New York

10. Army European Command Intelligence


11. Army Intelligence Records Repository (AIRR)

Fort Meade, Maryland

12. Albanian Activities in the United States

Bureau File No. 100-211013
Field Office File 100-81612

13. National Committee for a Free Europe

14. Crusade for Freedom

15. CROWCASS - --
Central Registry of War Criminals
Bnd Security Suspects

16. Georgetown University Project

17. Organi~ation of Ukrainian Nationals (OUN, also

" OUN/sB)

18. American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism

19. National Committee for a Free Byelorussia

20. National Committee for a Free Ukraine

21. Dffice of Policy Coordination (OPC)

22. State Department'. Policy Planning Staff

23. Intelligence Advisory Committee (lAC)

24. Joint Intelligence Collection Agency

25. Intelligence Advisory ~oard

26. Psycbological Strategy Board (PSB)


~ ..

, '" ENCl.OSlJRE

Individual names

Abae Kupi

Place of Birth: Kruja, Albania Date of Birth: 10/15/00

Il"S:f.i A175S5L.57
U.S. Passport* 941749

FBI Central Office Confidential Records Sub-Unit

Control No. ~AS 651558 or WA 5651558

I I Date of Birth:

Pla~e of ll. r t b .
INS, L-______ j-------~

Albanian Activities 'p the p.S.

Bureau Filel~__~~______~l~~
Field Office File~I________~1

Nexhat Peshkepia

Place of Birth: Valona, Albania Date of Biith: 03/15/08

MI Al1065066

Midhat Frasheri

Place of Birth: Jemine, Albania Date of Birth: 03/25/1880

INS FileD 01~O/704 .

~______~f 0 u 1d b ~~______ ....I

i'I/4l../ II
4-22 (Rev. 5-12-81) ,r---...,
~ -
Records Systems/ServIl;es SectionE-
, 19
D Name Searching Unit, 4543, TL# 115
D Service Unit, 4654 , TL# 225
o Special File Room, 5991, TL# 122
o Forward to File Review, 5447, TL# 143
o Attention - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
D Return to _ _ _ _ .
Supervi:-; Jr, Room, TL#, Ext •.
Type of Search Requested: Check One)
o Restricted Search (Act Ie Index - 5& 20)
o Restricted Search (Act 'e & Inactive Index -
.5 & 30)
uz( Unrestricted (Active & I.active fndex)
Speci~ Instructions: (Check Om .. I
Qj All References (Subvers, 'e & Nonsubversive)
o Subversive Search
DNonsubversive Search
o Main Refere ces Only
o Exact Name Only (On the l)se)
o Buildup 0 VariatiOl
o Restricted to Locality of
Subject Opt' i\ (\ \; "'--'"
Birthdate & Place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Localities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
R# _ _ __ Date Initial s
1 :r, _r",_
Prod". ; '0 ,. • ~.- ..... "...... ~ r, -,- ~ ;~ , ., ,!,

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4-220 (Rev. 11-17-59)



Supervisor _ _
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Room _____

_ _ _ _ _ Oate
.--), Searcher
.:J.(-"~_\_ _..lnitial "\ (4
Prod. _______________________


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c,' )

04/21/2009 13:52 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 01/06

Harry S. Truman Library
500 West U.S. Highway 24 , Independence, MO 64050-1798


Number of pages (including this page):

Original will will not X be sent

Randy Sowell





Paperclip Documents


A Presidential Library Administered by the National Archives and Records Administration


neFreedom ofI
ear i
orthedec l
releasedbytheU. S.Government&Mi l

04/21/2009 13:52 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 02/06

Lecember 28 , 1950

Dear Oscar :

Your confidential memorandum of the twenty - first ,

enclosing a memorandum from the Chief of the
Explosive Branch is most interesting . It seems to
me that Mr. Lewis has something and we should
take a look at it . These Russians have been taking
over the Gerrcan scientists and I think we ought to
be careful that they don't get a corner on therr ..

I wish you would discuss the matter with the Senior

staff of Central Intelligence and then after New Year's
we will decide what we ought to do .

Sincerely yours ,

Honorable Oscar L. Cbapman

Secretary of the Interior
Washington, D. C.

Envelope was marked personal,


• PSF . General File " sa - sm "

04/21/2009 13:52 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 03/06


DEC 21 1950


Memorandum for the President ,

Dr. James Boyd , Director , Bureau of Mines , has handed me the

attached memorandum from one of his outstanding scientists who not long
ago returned from Germany . His suggestion that we undertake a program
for bringing to this country additional scientific talent from Germany
seems to me to be worthy of thoughtful consideration ,

Members of my steff have discussed the subject informally

with Colonel Daniel E. Ellis on the Joint Intelligence Cbjectives
Service who has been heading a program for bringing to this country
as opportunities for work cculd be fourd for them outstanding scientists
from the Western Zone of Germery . However , Colonel Ellis mas inclined
to think that the breadth of the program proposed in the attached
memorandumn to the Director of the Bureau of lines , with its political
and financial implications , cannot be undertaken at the present ,

In any event , this matter is outside the scope of the work

of this Department and I draw it to your attention solely with the
thought that you may want to refer it to some appropriate unit for
consideration and report ,

Of course , Dr. Boyd and other members of my ataff sre available

for discussion of this proposal at such time as they are called upon ,

Secretary Chieman
Daen of the Interior

E.O. 2 , Sec . 3 .
Interior Stan
Siete Dept. Guidelines,
Nel 17,67
By DES loross
04/21/2009 13:52 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 04/06




October 16 , 1950

Interier E.O. 12 , Sec. 3-3

To : The Director State Dept. Guidelines, , 1982

By_DER__NLT, Date 10-15 - OT
From : Chief , Esplosives Branch

Subject : Critical situation regarding scientists in Germany

During my recent scientific mission to Germany, I became aware

of a serious situation relative to German scientista which I am bring
ing to your attention as I consider it to be of vital importance to the
national defense .

Berlin and Göttingen have become centers of scientific re

search were eminent scientists and their assistants have been assembled ,
Both places are on the edge of the Russian Zone , Russian propaganda has
been filtering through to the scientists in an unobtrusive manner , getting
forth advantages of conducting scientific research on the Russian side ,
namely , the many great research institutions , unlimited equipment and
scientific aides , and good housing , food , and clothing for the scientists
and their families . All of these are drawing cards as the German scien
tist , in many instances , apparently does not mind on what side of the line
he works , as long as adequate facilities are available for carrying out
und nterrupted research in bis chosen Meld and the living conditions are
good . Conversations revealed the nature of the threat , namely that when
ready the Russians would " imite # them and transport them and their fami
Lies into the Russian Zone . The will to resist would be broken down by
subtle propaganda of the above type . A scindlar situation escists in other
German research Centers .

I talked with a cromber of tbe scientists , particularly Profes

sor L. F. Bonhoeffer , Director Physical Chemistry Division of the Kaiser
Wilhelm Institute , Berlin , and the Max Planck Institute , Göttingen , Pro
fessor Ivan N. Stranald , Technical University of Berlin , Professor W. Jost ,
University of Marburg , and Professor H. o . Kneser , Physikalisch - Technische
Anstalt , Braunschweig . All vare fully aware of the situation . Professor
Stranská , who is situated in Berlin at the back door of the Russians , con
siders the situation alarning . An interview wdth Mr. K. H. Lauder , Chief
of the British Scientific Research Branch in Göttingen , disclosed that he
and his staff had been aware of this dangerous situation for some time .

PSF .- Goneral File - ‫ ܀‬Sonson "

04/21/2009 13:52 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 05/06

It is felt tbat the loss of several hundred first class German

scientists and their chief assistants to the Russians would be a 48&s
trous blow to us . It would bave the equivalent force of losing a simi .
lar number of our key scientists to the Russians .

It was determined by conversations dth some scientists that

they would view náth favor invitations from universities and research in
stitutions in this country to come here for a limited period ( say , the
duration of the emergency ) to carry on their research . Professor Stranaki
estimated that a large number would accept such invitations . Others , who
might consider this move somewhat premature , would have to be apprised of
the urgency of the matter . Although I do not know personally all of the
scientists involved , I am gathering a list of the important ones and their
research specialties .

The plan that is suggested is that for defense reasons , selected

universities and research institutions throughout the United States be
subsidized with funds and facilities , where required , to enable them to
extend invitations to selected German acientists whose field of work is of
interest to the institutions . The research work of each institution wald
be enormously benefited ; students wonld receive inspiration by contact
with other eminent scientists ; the spirit of basic research and discovery
in this country , as good as it is , would unquestionably be heightened ; the
scientists would be of material assistance to gs in our own defense research
program ; and the Russians would be deprived of their talents.

Immediately following tbe war , several bundred German scientists

and engineers were brought to this country under Air Force , Navy , and Army
sponsorship to engage in research on rocket and Jet propulsion problems.
They were maintained in several large groups and , I believe , they were well
integrated into the programs . A particular advantage of the above plan ia
that the scientists would be spread out over the United States where they
could be integrated into our scientific society in very small groups . In
this way a maximum of benefit would be had from their separate talents .

The cost of bringing 600 scientists and their chief assistants

and families to this country , and establishing them in research centers
with provision of facilities, is estimated at about $ 25,000,000 for the
fisst year, and about $ 10,000,000 in each succeeding year . Upon termina
tion of the emergency , they would be returned to their beats of learning
in their native country . Since some of the scientists reside in the

04/21/2009 13:52 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 06/06

British should be sought for ab

British Zone, cooperation with the
universities . I believe that
sorbing part of this number in their
this program could be ass
cooperation of American universities in 1
pected .

incalculable , and
The benefits to the Thaited States are
can be given to this plan .
it is hoped that serious consideration

Bind Lan
Bernard Leiria

04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 01/10

Harry S. Truman
Independence, MO 64050-1798
SINITAP 500 West U.S. Highway 24,


Number of pages ( including this page):

X be sent.
Original will will not

TO : Sowell
FROM : Randy





Paperclip Documents


A Presidential Library Administered by the National Archives and Records Administration

04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 02/10



7 za

December 4 , 1945


.MEMORANDUM TO : Honorable Harry S.. Truman 2 42 PM ? 456 Wallace

Harry s
FROM : Secretary of Commerce DOENDED

German Scientists
SUBJECT : Proposed Importation of
Industry Benefit .
for u.s. Science and
x 172
outstanding German scientists to
The transfer of seems
our science and industry
country for the advancement of
It 13 well known that there are presently
wise and logical . I
scientists whose contributiona , 11
under u.s. control eminent scientific
advance the frontiers of
added to our own , would
knowledge for national benefit

consider the employment

We are informed that our allies
that many of the better German
of such men to be desirable and
transported to Russia and Britain where
scientists have been
will be incorporated in the
their past and future knowledge
of those nations . In recent weeks the
scientific endeavors
personnel from American control
movement of German scientific
especially the U.S.S.R. ,
to zones under control of our Allies ,
has increased markedly . Two Nobel prize winners are among
Research Laboratory
this group : Dr. Hertz , Director of the
renowned physicist , and
of siemens and Halske and a world
the Nobel award in medicine
Professor Warburg , recipient of
the out
and physiology in 1931. It is evident that many of
scientists will no longer be available unless
standing German
permit their importation to this
a decision is made quickly to
country .


importations to this
It is contemplated that any
to scientists of outstanding at
country would be reatricted
can make a positive contribution to our scientific
tainments who
And Industrial efforts .

Examples of the callbre of men referred to and available

are :
BUY of Research , I. G. Farbenindustrie-
watu Dr. W. - Director
J. Reppe --

nF 192
04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 03/10

Honorable Harry S. Truman -- 2

field of acetylene
Leader in the newly expanded
field should be
chemistry . His knowledge in this . The
industrial research
a great asset to U.S.
leading chemical firms
American Chemical Society and
the need for and value of Dr. Reppelg
have attested
services .

famous Hertz family-

Hellmuth Hortz - Member of the
promising young scientist ,
An exceedingly the
already requested by
in nuclear physics and founded
Chicago for their newly
University of
Institute for Nuclear Research .

physicist , specially expert

Dr. Georg Jaagu -An eminent
the Universities of Jend and
In optics , who taught at
position with Zeiss
Gottingen and left teaching for
famous physicist who could
Optical Works . A world
to the furthering of optical 3
make a real contribution
factories in this country .

expert on concrete
Dr. O. Graff -- A universally respected
and road construction . Graff is responsible for the
able to assist
" auto bahng " in Germany and should be
in our peace - time road program .

Dr. Otto Hahn --Former Director of the Kaiser
Institut fur Chemie . A world famous chemist in the
field of radio active chemistry . In 1939 he discovered
which the atomic
the fisgion process of uranium on
He has just received the
bomb development is based .
Nobel prize .


If you agree that the importation of a selected few

asset to our economy
( approximately 50 in mumber ) would be an
this to be U.S. policy . Subsequent
I suggest that you declare
declaration , the State Department , which controls
to such &
with immigration
reparations , the Labor Department , concerned
to insure .
affairs , and the Publication Board , created by you
the dissemination of scientific knowledge , can work out
this country . The
practical methods for bringing such men to
guiding principles followed in devising such methods might well
be :

(a) Only scientists of proven ability with positive LINK

value to U.s , science and industry will be selected .
04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 04/10

Truman -- 3
Honorable Harry S.

to insure against the
A careful screening democratic principles will
harboring anti -
of any one
be essential .
under an
brought here willingly
( The men should be disposition . This
honorable and fair plan for and the
that their knowledge
plan should also insure made
in this country are !
results of their research
available to all .
fully and freely
described is
along the lines
A positive program may well be the most !
reparations " and
essentially " intellectual obtain from the
national asset we can
practical and enduring
nation .
pros trete German

04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 05/10


September 4, 1946 .
State munerns,
Memorandum for The President :: Kurus

It is my understanding that Mr. Acheson sent

on the subject , " Interim

you a memorandum dated August 30 ,

Exploitation of German and Austrian Specialists in the

United States " , recommending approval of the policy decided

on by State , War and Navy .

I believe that it would be most advantageous to

the policy approved . Approval will be of benefit in


two ways : first , in negotiating extensions for German and

Austrian specialists already in the United States , the fact

being that some of these contracts expire this month and we

are having no guccess in negotiating extensions in the ab

sence of an approved .policy ; and second , further procure

ment of these specialists from Europe for utilization in

this country will be greatly impeded unless prompt action

can be talcen . For these reasons , I hope that you can see

your way clear to advise the State Department of your

approval ,

Robert P. Patterson ,
PPP : Im Secretary of War . 425

X 166

* 192 - A
04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 06/10

‫کی‬ ‫ان‬ AM
AEComelyn sayo .
(e) and 5 (D ) OL (B)
2. O. ( 1632. Scc. 3
Aug. 9. 1973
Dept. of State Jetres.
( СЕ
AUG 3 ^ 1946



send mustrian Spocknlista

Babject : Isterim Exploitation of Cornum
in the Daited States 7/98 x 166

of tatted States
your approval & tatiment
I am presenting for Austran
saploitation of elected derman and
policy on the Interim
epecialist in the navid States * We

iter bepertinent has operated a

Šino shortly after this Dayi the
what thselected derinti scientsatt...
project known as " Paperenen ander for short
colantry under military metody
häre beda brought to ho
mains in our bones of derenzy and Austria
terin sploitation . There bilety : could be thed to
howjodga mga
manber of specialisto whose the serpe
Barthes our technology Dora ukarney has reported that
speculata may be loft ta unless stape are
les or many 01 Pride
favoredle chronna turies .
qikh to assure ploitation under
vandtag Paparello do tatud
* the ata transit Providing tot dooperation of
2000 pedalinosince
total of the budem : 800 a
the specialiste dotary to macagandal splastutions ,
of spelalløte families to the country ,
We madefor bali ni ping moment stangaminta . nie wat
tekst satovy
and 20 relating the community Broek
motody and for meluang
Department world be deponible for recorde.
ket or piltariotio
the program persons with
later date selected permis would
It 1® contemplated that at a
tumigration late ,
granted regalar status ander the 1.28
recomendation of the joint chitats 18
This statement se based on x
the State , War and Navy Dupartments,
of Sike; mere has been approved by
I recommend your approval .

approved 9/6/44
LARRY S. TRUMAN Acting Sacrotary to

Policy statement the
04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 07/10
6. O. 11652. Sec. ( ) and 3D ) or ( E)
D : pr. store lasAbu
P.A.F.ML. Ameri



Government ( SWNCO 257/5 ) to

1. It 18 the polioy of this
specialists in science
exploit selected German and Austrian

and technology in the United States

2. To insure that the time required for normal

evacuation of specialists
of immigration papers does not delay

and familles to the United States BO as to render present

policy ineffective and thereby endanger the national security

the War Department Paperclip Project will be expanded as

followo :

Those specialists selected by the War and wavy

Departments , plus nominations by the Commerce Department

for exploitation under civilian auspices will

consolidated , coordinated with the British , and certified

Chiefs of Staff
by a designated agency of the Joint

( now JIOA ) as the " U , s , Exploitation 118t* of German

and Austrian Specialists in Science and Technology "

The War Department will instruct the commanding General ,

U. S. Forces in the European Theater to arrange the

execution of contracte by specialists and their

evacuation to the United States in the following manner :

( 1 ) The specialiste so brought to the United

States , exceive of familles , will not exceed

1000 in number at any time .

( 2 ) The War Department will be respons15le for

moving fam1 1188 of specialists already in the

United States , additional specialists , and their

I am 1 lies , as rapidly as transportation from the

Theater and housing in the United States can be

made available . Normally familles will not be

SWNCC_257 / 22 - 151 - Appendix " B "

04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 08/10


evacuated with specialiste concerned , but in the

order of the length of time the specialist INATIONAL
• Recort
obeervation in the ADMIN ,"
been under exploitation and POVERHURES

( 3) The contracts to be arranged with specialists

by the Commanding General , USFET , will be so

drafted as to engure suitable salary and working

conditions for the speciallete without obligating

the War or Navy Departments beyond the legal

11mitations of their respective appropriations .

( 4) Contracts will provide return to Germany or

Austria for those specialiste end members of their

families in cases of speciellste not found qualified

for extensive exploitation or of individuale not

found acceptable by the United States for porminent

residence in this country .

( 5 ) Persono proposed to be brought to the U.S.

hereunder shall be soreened by the Commanding

General , USFET , on the basis of available recorde .

No person found by the Commanding General , USFET ,

to have been a member of the Nazi Party and more

than a nominal participant in its activities , or

an active supporter of Nazism or militari, Bra shali

be brought to the U. s. hereunder . However , neither

position nor honore awarded a specialist under the

Nezi Regime culely on account of his sclentific

or technical ability will in then selvos be considered

cufficient to disqualify a specialist for evacuation

to the U.S. hereunder . Where there is doubt 28

to qualification of a specialist under the preced

ing sentence , the Commanding General , USFET , may

transport the specialist to the U.s. , where further

Interrogation and screening shall be conducted

immediately in order to determine auch qualirication .

SWNCC 257 / 22 - 152 - Appendix " B

04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 09/10


and families brought
( 6 ) All specialløte vanhL UBRE
under temporary , "; k; Borl:!:
the United States will be Nipl .

until such time as

limitod military custody
repatriation la accomplished .
visas are granted or
surveillance over any specialist
The degree of
length or time he has
will depend upon the
exploitation in the United
under observation and
trustworthiness he has demonstrated
States , and the

screening and subsequent

under interrogation ,

observation ,

formulate , in
( 7 ) The War Department will
the security
coordination with the Navy Department ,

noossary to protect
and administrative procedure
during the tomporary linited
the national intereste
specialists and their
military custody of these
families , and yet to insure the maximum

by military and civilian

or all these specialiste

agencies ,
families brought to the
b . Specialists and their
under temporary ,
United States hereunder will remain
are grented or
11mited military custody until visas

repatriation is accomplished .
specialists or familles
( 1 ) Upon arrival of

in the United States , the War Department will.

prepared complete bio

screen , and cause to be
such persons ,
graphical wid professional data on all

JIOA , and tlie

copies to be supplied to the FBI ,
Departments ,
technical service or the War or Navy

whichever is the sponsoring agency :

Through interrogation , Investigation and

( 2)

surveillance by the Technical Services of the

with the
Army , the Army Air Force and the Navy ,

assistance of the Commanding General , USFET , che

War Department will cause the bcat information

767 . Annandix " Allt

04/21/2009 13:56 TRUMAN LIBRARY PAGE 10/10


available concerning these specialists and their

families to be assembled for consideration by

the Justice and Stato Departments in

with implementation of SWNOC 267/5 .

( 3 ) At the time request 18 made for the

1 asuance of a viaa , or for the return to Germany

or Austria , of any speciallot or his family , a

copy of all additional secwu1ty interrogation ,

investigation and gurveillance papers will be .

Iorwarded to the FBI through JINA by the sponsor

ing agency of the War or Navy Departments .

SWNCC 257/22 154 - Appendix " B "


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