Eating Disorder Case Studies

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Eating Disorder Case Studies

Case Study #1: Megan Case Study #2: Melissa

Shelly is concerned about her friend Melissa is a 14 year old who has always
Megan. No matter what they talk about the been thin but her recent weight loss has
conversation always turns to food. Megan brought her BMI down to 18 and her mother
has gone from working out 3-4 days a says her grades are falling and she is showing
week to working out 7 days a week, little interest in food. Melissa says her weight
sometimes even twice a day. Megan is loss is from starting cross country running with
always talking about how fat she is even her father on weekends. She denies having
though it seems she has lost a lot of little interest in food – rather she is simply
weight. It is hard to tell how much since careful about what she eats.
she wears baggy clothes; she says she is She reports recently becoming a vegetarian for
always cold. Shelly has noticed Megan health reasons. The only symptom of concern
keeps a bottle of laxatives in her locker. to Melissa is that she reports feeling constantly
Yesterday, Megan fainted in Chemistry. cold. She states that her mother “drives me
crazy at meal times”. She does not understand
what all the fuss is about.

Case Study #3: John Case Study #4: Sara

As a freshman John has made the Varsity Sara is a freshman cheerleader and had
Wrestling Team. His coach wants him to always been a stunt person up until this
wrestle another weight class down which year when her coach switched her to base. Her
means he will need to lose another 15 friends have noticed that she will not eat food
pounds. The 1st 15 he lost in less than 2 in front of them and she will only drink 2
weeks. He is not allowing himself to eat sweet teas from McDonalds a day. If she can’t
more than 500 calories a day and he only get tea, she will drink a Monster to help her
sucks on ice instead of drinking water. At stay awake. She is always complaining that
school he wears 2 sweat shirts and during she was replaced because she was fatter than
lunch he sneaks into the gym to run laps. the other girl. Her teachers have noticed she is
His girlfriend has noticed that he falls having trouble staying awake in class and her
asleep in class and at night when they try grades are falling. She has also developed dark
to talk on the phone. If they do go out to circles under her eyes and she is wearing her
dinner he always gets up and goes to the once thick long hair up to hide that it is
bathroom after he finishes eating and his thinning.
face is red and his eyes are watering when he
gets back.
Name: ________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Teen Case Studies: Eating Disorders

Directions: Choose one of the eating disorder case studies. Using the information on your card please
answer the questions below. Use details from the card to strengthen your answers.


1. What disorder is this

an example of?

What are the symptoms?

What pressures are present or could
be inferred from the card?

Are there present medical
If so, what are they?

Name 3 things that can be
done to help this person.

What complications could develop
if this condition is not treated?

Name at least 5 people or places
this person could receive help.

8. What are possible treatment


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