Research Proposal

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*Research Proposal*


Political Ideals in the Mahabharata: An Analysis


 The Mahabharata, an ancient Indian epic, stands as a monumental work of literature and
philosophy, offering profound insights into various aspects of human existence, including
 Within its vast narrative, the Mahabharata encompasses a rich tapestry of political ideals,
governance principles, and reflections on leadership.
 This dissertation seeks to delve into the political dimensions of the Mahabharata, unraveling its
nuanced portrayals of dharma, governance,power and the ethical dilemmas faced by its
 Through a careful examination of key episodes and dialogues, this research aims to relevance of
the Mahabharata's political ideals and their potential implications for contemporary political

Literature review:
The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, another one is Ramayana.
Attributed to the sage Veda Vyasa, the Mahabharata is a huge and complex narrative that contains a
wealth of stories, philosophical discourses, and moral teachings. Composed over several centuries.

Importance of Mahabharata in Indian Literature:

The Mahabharata holds an important role in Indian literature, culture, and philosophy
for several reasons:

1.Moral and Philosophical Teachings:

Besides its epic narrative of the Kurukshetra War and the fates of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, the
Mahabharata contains much philosophical and devotional material, such as a discussion of the four
“goals of life” or purusharthas (12.161). The latter are enumerated as dharma (right action), artha
(purpose), kama (pleasure), and moksha (liberation). Among the principal works and stories that are
a part of the Mahabharata are the Bhagavad Gita, the story of Damayanti, an abbreviated version of
the Ramayana, and the Rishyasringa, often considered as works in their own right.(Purohit, 2021)

Political and Governance Themes:

The Mahabharata is not limited to mythological or philosophical content; it extensively explores
political and governance themes:

 Shanti Parva of Mahabharat has its own significance because of its political ideas. The
Mahabharat theorists appraises Bhishma's discourses in the Shanti Parva as its most authoritative
exposition of rajadharma, Dandniti, Shasanpadhiti, origin of state etc. Rajdharma is used in
Mahabharata in two meanings, the royal duties and politics (Dandniti). Its later sense is
confirmed by the fact that one whole section of Shanti parva dealing with the rules, relating
specially to the art of government, is known as the Rajdharmanushasan parva. Bhishma bases
the kings authority upon a dogmatic interpretation of the kings origin. Dand is the lord on whom
depends everything. In the 15th chapter of Shanti Parva, the various objects that can be acquired
with the instrumentality of riches are categorized. Almost all the political ideas given in Shanti
Parva makes us conclude that there prevailed a golden age of happiness when people led happy
and peaceful lives, This happy life was disturbed. Therefore there arose the necessity to uphold
Dharma, protection of property etc. by the King. Defence war, administration formulation of
policies and promotion and fostering of the happiness of the people were the five spheres of
activity of the good king according to Shanti Parva.(Garg, Sushma. 2004. p. 77-86).

 Mahabharata does not promote a specific political ideology, it offers valuable insights into the
nature of politics and governance, and the role of ethics and morality in political decision-
making.(TheSanjayVerse, 2023)

 The Mahabharata regards the individual, sovereignty and government as the three components of
the state. The 'Vidur Niti' lays its emphasis on the individual as a political being. The 'Narda Niti'
is concerned more with the government and the sovereign, and the 'Rajadharma Parvan' describe
in detail the political ideas regarding the actual working of the state and government. The kanik
Niti particularly deals with state-craft and the state diplomacy.(Bhagdikar, 2023)

 The Mahabharata along with Khila Harivamsha offers highly valuable information’s about the
Republican tenants. In a conversation between Bhishma And Yudhishthira both theadvantages
of the republics have been recounted.Yudhishthira wants to know from the grand old historians
how Ganas can flourish remain United, conquer enemies and acquired allies, when they are
usually confronted with thegreat advantages: (i) they fell easy victim to the internal dissensions
and (ii) it is very difficult for them to keep thestate policies a close secret.(Indexing, 2016a)

Research Gap:
 While there is sample research on the Mahabharata, there is a noticeable gap in comprehensive
studies specifically addressing the political ideals within the epic.
 This study aims to fill that gap by providing a focused analysis of the political themes and
principles presented in the Mahabharata

Scope of the Study:

 The study will focus on the political ideals and philosophies presented in the Mahabharata.
 It will explore the relevance of these ideals in the context of ancient Indian governance and their
potential applicability in contemporary political thought.

Significance of the Study:

 Understanding the political ideals in the Mahabharata is crucial for gaining insights into the
ancient Indian socio-political landscape.
 This study aims the relevance of these ideals and their potential contributions to contemporary
political discourse.

Objective of the Study:

 The main objective is to analyze and interpret the political ideals presented in the Mahabharata,
exploring their implications for governance and leadership.
 The study aims to assess the adaptability of these ideals to modern political contexts.

Research Questions:
1.What are the key political ideals presented in the Mahabharata?

2.How do the Mahabharata reflects the ideals of governance & leadership through its characters?

3.How does dharma ensure righteous & accountable governance in the leaders in Mahabharata?

4.What can modern politics learn from the situations present at the time of Mahabharata?

 The Mahabharata outlines a set of political ideals that, while rooted in ancient Indian context,
hold relevance for contemporary political thought, providing valuable insights into effective
governance and leadership.

 The study will employ a qualitative research approach, involving textual analysis of relevant
portions of the Mahabharata. Comparative analysis with secondary literature on Indian political
philosophy will also be conducted.
 The methodology will include secondary sources.

Limitation of the Study:

 The study is limited by the availability of translated texts and interpretations of the Mahabharata.
 It may not encompass all possible perspectives on the political ideals presented in the epic due to
the vastness and complexity of the text.

Tentative chapters:
2.Literature Review
3.Key political ideals in the Mahabharata
4.Governance & leadership in Mahabharata
5.Dharma & righteous governance
6.Lessons for modern politics
8.References & Bibliography.

5. Garg, Sushma. (2004). POLITICAL IDEAS OF SHANTI PARVA. The Indian Journal of Political
Science. 65. 77-86. 10.2307/41855798.
11. Desai, Falguni, Mahabharata as the Encyclopedia of Indian Morality and Culture: Character Analysis of Yayati
Based on Issues of Dharma and Kama (May 18, 2001). Journal of Objective Studies, Vol. 22, Nos. 1 & 2, 2010.,
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