The Clay Marble Student Guide

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NAME: ___________________________________

The Clay Marble Student Guide

Author: __________________________________

Time Period: ________________________________

Genre: _____________________________________

Conflict taking place during the story: __________________________________________________________


In this section, narrator Dara enjoys listening to the stories and folktales that her new friend
Jantu tells. Cambodian folktales do not usually tell about noble or mighty heroes. They are often
about peasants outsmarting authority figures, animals outsmarting people, or small, clever animals
such as monkeys and rabbits outsmarting larger, more powerful animals like crocodiles and

In this section, Dara and her mother speak to the Buddha in prayer. The Buddhist religion,
which started in India, spread to Cambodia about two thousand years ago. It is based on the
teachings of Gautama, who was a prince born in India more than 2,500 years ago. He became
known as the Buddha, or Enlightened One. The Buddha taught that all people, through methods
of behavior and thinking, could overcome suffering and be enlightened, or gain great understanding
of the spiritual world. Buddhism was popular in Cambodia in the sixth and seventh centuries
and after 1200. When the Khmer Rouge Communists took over Cambodia in 1975, all forms of
religion were condemned. Monks were killed or forced to work as farm laborers, and wats, or
monastaries, were destroyed. In the early 1980s, with the Vietnam invasion, Cambodians were
free to practice religion again. Today 95 percent of the Cambodian population is Buddhist.

0701.5.1: Making Predictions

The Clay Marble: Predictions

Fiction Prediction Sheet
My predictions What really happened?
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(DATE: ________)

The Clay Marble: Vocabulary

Converge: ________________________________________________________________________




Meager: _________________________________________________________________________






Sinewy: _________________________________________________________________________




Flux: ____________________________________________________________________________


Insolent: _________________________________________________________________________


Mobilize: _________________________________________________________________________


Subdued: ________________________________________________________________________


Winnow: _________________________________________________________________________


Maimed: _________________________________________________________________________




Retreat: _________________________________________________________________________


Sentries: ________________________________________________________________________


Stifle: ___________________________________________________________________________


Strenuous: ______________________________________________________________________


Focus Activity:

 What do the words friends and family mean to you? _________________________________

 When are friends and family especially important? ___________________________________

Journal Entry:
Write about a time when a friend or family member was especially important to you.


0701.8.6: Characterization

The Clay Marble: Characterization

Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge

How does the author characterize Pol Pot & the Khmer Rouge?


Thoughts Actions What they say


Thoughts Actions What they say

Their Mother

Thoughts Actions What they say



Thoughts Actions What they say

Grandpa Kem

Thoughts Actions What they say


Thoughts Actions What they say


Thoughts Actions What they say


The Clay Marble: Chapter Responses

Chapter 1:

1. Why has the family fled their village? _____________________________________________

2. Summarize the historical details given on pages 5-7: _________________________________
3. Why is rice so important to the family? ____________________________________________
4. (0701.8.9: Types of Conflict) Use examples from the book to explain any conflicts that Dara is facing.

Person v Person(s) Person v Self Person v Technology Person v Nature / Environment

5. Write a brief summary of the events in chapter 1. ___________________________________


Chapter 2:

1. Describe life in camp that first night. ______________________________________________

2. Why was it like coming home? __________________________________________________
3. Why would strangers offer to help Dara and her family? _______________________________
4. Why does Sarun not want to take the rice Nea offered them? __________________________
5. Discuss the last line of chapter 2. ________________________________________________
6. Write a brief summary of the events in chapter 2. ___________________________________

Chapter 3:

1. What simile does Ho use near the bottom of page 23? ________________________________
2. What is your first impression of Jantu? ____________________________________________
Why? ______________________________________________________________________

3. Use the graphic organizer below to explain what life is like in the refugee camp:

Life for Children

in refugee camp

4. Jantu leads Dara somewhere she herself goes with the baby every day. Where is this?
Why is this important? _________________________________________________________
5. Write a brief summary of the events in chapter 3. ___________________________________

Chapters 1-3: Vocabulary Crossword

3 4


5. To urge strongly
6. Fragments from an exploded artillery shell, mine, or bomb
7. Deserted, lifeless
8. In a way that is rudely brief or abrupt


1. Lacking fullness or strength

2. To come together from different directions
3. To forgive, to soften in attitude or temper
4. High-pitched or piercing in tone; harsh
6. Long, lean, and muscular

Chapters 1-3: Discuss the main theme of this book with a partner and write it on the line.

Theme: __________________________

Now, think of a scene from chapters 1-3 that best illustrates the theme of the importance of friends
and family. Create a drawing of that scene in the space below.

Chapter 4:

1. How many people are estimated to be at the refugee camp?


2. Describe Jantu’s family. _______________________________________________________


3. Why is Dara feeling hopeful? (Cite actual evidence from the book with the page number)

4. What relationship is developing? ________________________________________________


5. Why are Dara and Jantu happy about this? ________________________________________


Chapter 5:

1. Why does Dara find Jantu so fascinating? _________________________________________


2. After Chnay ruins the mobile, what item does Jantu make and how does Dara feel about it?

3. What kind of person is Chany? __________________________________________________


4. Why do you think he destroys things? (use details from the story to support your answer)

5. Jantu is a great storyteller. She tells stories and sings songs that her mother sang to her. She
is carring on the oral tradition of storytelling. Why is this important? _____________________

6. Why is imagination important to Dara and Jantu? ____________________________________


7. What analogy does Jantu use to describe the Cambodian government? _________________

What does the analogy compare? ________________________________________________


What figure of speech is this analogy? ____________________________________________


Chapter 6:

1. According to Jantu, why are she and Dara no longer part of “real” families? _______________

What does Jantu say a “real” family is? ____________________________________________


2. What do Jantu’s clay dolls reveal about the girls’ attitude toward family and their hope for the
future? _____________________________________________________________________

What plans do the girls have for creating a “real” family? ______________________________

3. Discuss the sadness expressed by both Dara and Jantu in this chapter. __________________


1. Food and the feeling of community at Nong Chan lift Dara’s spirits but cannot erase her strong
feelings of sadness. Why is she sad, and how does the author show this sadness?

2. After reading this section, how do you feel about the fighting in Cambodia? Explain your
feelings. ___________________________________________________________________

Chapter 7:

1. Dara doesn’t want to leave despite the shelling, but Jantu tells her something that makes
her feel better. What does she tell her? _______________________________________

2. What does Jantu mean by this? ______________________________________________


3. What does Jantu tell Dara about the little girl with the broken doll who is crying for her
mother? ________________________________________________________________

4. If I were to tell you that this is foreshadowing, what could you infer? _________________

5. According Dara, what does it mean to be a refugee? ______________________________


6. Explain how Dara and Jantu become separated from their families. (give details)

Chapter 8:

1. What responsibility does Jantu give Dara? ________________________________________


2. Discuss the similes on pages 66 and 69. _________________________________________


3. Would you leave a best friend behind in a situation like this? _________________________

4. Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________


Chapter 9:

1. What does Dara find when she returns to the stone beam? ___________________________

2. What survived the destruction? _________________________________________________


3. How is it symbolic? ___________________________________________________________


Chapter 10:

1. What important information does Chnay share with Dara when they are at the stone beam?

2. Why do you think that Dara feels sorry for Chnay for the first time?

3. Where has Dara’s family gone? _________________________________________________


4. How does she know? _________________________________________________________


Chapter 11:

1. Dara believes the marble gives her strength and courage. How did she use the marble in this
chapter? ___________________________________________________________________

2. Why does Dara ask for a job in the General’s kitchen? _______________________________

3. What character trait does she show in her conversation with the General? ________________

Chapter 12:

1. Why is Dara so upset about the rice? _____________________________________________


2. How did Dara find her family? ___________________________________________________


Chapter 13:

1. How has Sarun changed? ______________________________________________________


2. How has the family reacted to Sarun’s change and decision? __________________________

Chapter 14:

1. Jantu is at the Khao I Dong hospital camp. What is it like there?


Chapter 15:

1. What happens to Nea, Jantu, Dara, and Baby as they are returning to their camp?

2. Why does this happen? _______________________________________________________


3. Who is responsible? _________________________________________________________


4. How would you react in a situation like this? _______________________________________


Chapter 16:

1. What does Jantu tell Dara about the magic marble? __________________________________

2. Does this change how Dara acts? ________________________________________________

3. How does it impact her decisions? _______________________________________________


Chapter 17:

1. Sarun has made a big decision. What is it? ________________________________________


2. Why would he make this decision? _______________________________________________


3. What has Dara influenced her family to do? ________________________________________


4. What is Sarun’s reaction to the way Dara influences her family? ________________________

Chapter 18:

1. What happens to the magic marble? ______________________________________________


2. What does this reveal about Dara? _______________________________________________


3. What is the lesson that Dara learns about the magic marble? __________________________

4. What does Chnay decide to do? _________________________________________________


5. What do you think will happen to him? ____________________________________________


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