Tutorial 3 - Thermodynamics 2022
Tutorial 3 - Thermodynamics 2022
Tutorial 3 - Thermodynamics 2022
1. The equilibrium constant Kb for dissociation of aqueous ammonia is 1.710 × 10-5 at 20°C and
1.892 × 10-5 at 50°C. What are the values of ΔH° and ΔS° for the reaction?
2. Consider the Haber synthesis of gaseous NH3 (ΔH°f = -46.1 kJ/mol; ΔG°f = -16.5 kJ/mol):
(a) Use only these data to calculate ΔH° and ΔS° for the reaction at 25°C.
(b) Account for the sign of ΔS°.
(c) Is the reaction spontaneous under standard-state conditions at 25°C? Explain.
(d) What are the equilibrium constants Kp and Kc for the reaction at 350 K? Assume that
ΔH° and ΔS° are independent of temperature.
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4. The normal boiling point of bromine is 58.8°C, and the standard entropies of the liquid and
vapor are S°[Br2(l)] = 152.2 J/(K•mol); S°[Br2(g)] = 245.4 J/(K•mol). At what temperature does
bromine have a vapor pressure of 227 mm Hg?
5. The molar solubility of lead iodide is 1.45 × 10-3 M at 20°C and 6.85 × 10-3 M at 80°C. What are
the values of ΔH° and ΔS° for dissolution of PbI2?
6. Use the data in Appendix B to calculate the equilibrium constant K for the following reaction
at 80°C:
8. A humidity sensor consists of a cardboard square that is colored blue in dry weather and red
in humid weather. The color change is due to the reaction:
For this reaction at 25°C, ΔH° = -325 kJ/mol and ΔS° = -899 J/(K•mol). Assuming that ΔH° and
ΔS° are independent of temperature, what is the vapor pressure of water (in mm Hg) at
equilibrium for the above reaction at 35°C on a hot summer day?
9. The following reaction, sometimes used in the lab to generate small quantities of oxygen gas,
has ΔG° = -224.4 kJ/mol at 25°C:
Use the following additional data at 25°C to calculate the standard molar entropy S° of O2 at
25°C: ΔH°f(KClO3) = -397.7 kJ/mol, ΔH°f(KCl) = -436.5 kJ/mol, S°(KClO3) = 143.1 J/(K•mol), S°(KCl)
= 82.6 J/(K•mol).