Only Mcqs BHM 204

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Solved MCQs

BHM 204
2007-2014, 2017
Group – A
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 1 = 10
i) Which one of the following is not included in 4 P's ?
a) Product b) Place
c) Price d) Personal selling. D

ii) During the introduction stage of Product Life Cycle ( PLC ), the profit is
a) positive b) negative
c) rising d) declining. B

iii) Merchant middleman means

a) broker b) commission agent
c) wholesaler and retailer d) auctioneer. C

iv) Market segmentation helps in identifying

a) heterogeneous market b) target customers
c) competition d) supermarket. B

v) Alpha and Beta testing are usually used in

a) Consumer Good Market Testing
b) Business Good Market Testing
c) Controlled Test Marketing
d) Simulated Test Marketing. c

vi) Product means

a) Goods b) Services
c) Concepts/Ideas d) All of these. D

vii) Which of the following is not the key macro environment factors ?
a) Economy b) Technology
c) Politics d) Climate. D

viii) For a hospital, which one of the promotion methods is dominant ?

a) Advertising b) Sales promotion
c) Public relations d) Direct marketing. C

ix) Push strategy of promotion is aimed at

a) middlemen b) customers
c) both (a) and (b) d) none of these. C

x) Coupons, contest, premiums are tools for

a) personal selling b) sales promotion
c) direct marketing d) publicity. B

xi) The first step of selling process is

a) Approach b) Presentation
c) Prospecting d) Demonstration. C
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 ∞ 1 = 10
i) Which of the following is not the element of 4P's of Marketing ?
a) Product b) Promotion
c) Place d) Person. D

ii) New Product means

a) repositioning of existing product
b) offerring existing product at low prices
c) making improvement of the existing product
d) all of these. D

iii) Which of the following is the dimension of product mix ?

a) Product mix width b) Product mix length
c) Product mix depth d) All of these. C

iv) In which stage of Product Life Cycle, is the profit maximum ?

a) Maturity b) Growth
c) Introduction d) None of these. A

v) When the customer is aware and willing to buy the product at higher prices, which pricing strategy is
appropriate ?
a) Penetrating Pricing Strategy b) Skimming Pricing Strategy
c) Going Rate Pricing Strategy d) Sealed Bid Pricing Strategy. B

vi) Sample distribution, Cash refund, Discount are tools for

a) Sales Promotion b) Personal Selling
c) Advertising d) All of these. A

vii) Which of the following is the external Pricing Factor ?

a) Costs b) Economy
c) Marketing Objective d) None of these. B

viii) Marketing is basically a

a) Management function b) Management process
c) Management technique d) None of these. A

ix) Hospital is basically a

a) Product based industry b) Service based industry
c) Idea based industry d) None of these. B

x) Government hospitals are basically engaged with

a) Corporate marketing b) Commercial marketing
c) Social marketing d) All of these. C

xi) The example of Physical evidence in hospital is

a) Doctor b) Manager
c) Package d) None of these. D

xii) Demand of the customer means

a) Need, directed to a specific object
b) Need, backed by the ability to pay
c) Want, directed to a specific object
d) Want, backed by the ability to pay. D
Question paper of BHM 204
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : 10 1 = 10
i) Maturity is the ............... stage of PLC.
a) 2nd b) 3rd
c) 4th d) initial. B

ii) Consumer buying behaviour is affected by various factors that determine the product and brand preferences
of consumers. Which of the following factors does not exert a significant influence on consumer buying
behaviour ?
a) Culture influence on consumers
b) Social influence on consumers
c) Geographical location of producers
d) Psychological factors. C

iii) Evaluating data is the last step in the marketing research process. Identify the correct sequence of steps
involved in this step
a) editing data, coding data, tabulating data, preparing research report
b) coding data, editing data, tabulating data
c) coding data, tabulating data, preparing research report. A

iv) According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs the top most need is

a) ego need b) basic need
c) self actualization need d) social needs. C

v) Which of the following elements is not the criteria of segmentation ?

a) Demography b) Geography
c) Distribution d) Psychographic. C

vi) Which one of the following Ps is included in 4 Ps of marketing ?

a) People b) Process
c) Place d) Physical evidence. C

vii) The first and foremost step in the marketing research process is
a) identifying and defining the marketing problem
b) collecting the data/information
c) developing the research design and research procedure
d) preparing the research report. A

viii) The mark-up pricing is a

a) cost based pricing
b) demand based pricing
c) competition oriented pricing
d) none of these. A

ix) What is the extension of ‘USP’ ?

a) Unique Selling Proposition
b) Unique Sales Plan
c) Unit Sales Plan
d) None of these. A

x) The first step of selling process is

a) approach b) presentation c) prospecting d) demonstration. C
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 1 = 10
i) Target-return pricing is included in
a) demand based pricing methods
b) cost based pricing methods
c) competition based pricing methods
d) all of these. B

ii) What is the last step of new product development ?

a) Business analysis
b) Product development
c) Commercialization
d) Screening. C

iii) Selling is a
a) Buyer’s perspective b) Seller’s perspective
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these. B

iv) Public hospitals are basically based on

a) Corporate marketing
b) Commercial marketing
c) Social marketing
d) All of these. C

v) Best strategy for PLC at growth stage is

a) Product modification
b) Advertisement
c) Rapid skimming
d) None of these. A

vi) The principle of advertisement is to create

a) motivation among the employees
b) demand for goods
c) supply of goods
d) investment. B

vii) Marketing begins with

a) hiring of employees and ends with firing of employees
b) recognition of need and ends with customer satisfaction
c) store and end with finished products
d) fund inflow and with outflow. B
Marketing management (BHM 204)

( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 × 1 = 10

i) Which of the following is not an effective criteria for market segmentation ?

a) Measurability b) Substantiality
c) Accessibility d) Resourceability. d

ii) When the customer is aware and willing to buy the product at higher prices, which pricing strategy is
appropriate ?
a) Penetration pricing b) Skimming pricing
c) Going rate pricing d) Tender pricing. b

iii) What are the goods called that the consumer purchases frequently, immediately and with minimum effort ?
a) Shopping goods b) Speciality goods
c) Unsought goods d) Convenience goods. d

iv) Which of the following is the characteristic of introduction stage in a product life cycle ?
a) Product improvements
b) Low and slow sales
c) Sales increasing at a decreasing rate
d) No promotional expenses. b

v) New product means

a) Repositioning of existing product
b) Offering existing products at low prices
c) Making improvements in existing product
d) all of these. d

vi) Which type of distribution involves a manufacturer selling directly to the final consumer ?
a) Three level channel b) Two level channel
c) One level channel d) Zero level channel. d

vii) A group of closely related products constitutes

a) Product Length b) Product Depth
c) Product Width d) Product Consistency. a

viii) Demand of the customer means

a) Need, directed to a specific object
b) Need, backed by the ability to pay
c) Want, directed to a specific object
d) Want, backed by the ability to pay. d

ix) During the introduction stage of Product Life Cycle (PLC), the profit is
a) Positive b) Negative
c) Rising d) Declining. b

x) Which is not the elements of 4 P's of Marketing ?

a) Product b) Price
c) Promotion d) Policy. d

xi) The Mark up Pricing is a

a) Cost Based Pricing
b) Buyer Based Pricing
c) Competition Based Pricing
d) None of these. a
BHM 204
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 1 = 10
i) For a hospital, which one of the promotion methods is dominant ?
a) Advertisement b) Sales Promotion
c) Public Relation d) Direct marketing. C

ii) The first step of selling process is

a) Approach b) Presentation
c) Prospecting d) Demonstration. C

iii) New product means

a) Repositioning of existing product
b) Offering existing product at low price
c) Making improvement in the existing product
d) All of these. D

iv) When the customer is aware and willing to buy the product at higher prices, which pricing strategy is
appropriate ?
a) Penetrating Pricing strategy
b) Skimming Pricing strategy
c) Going rate Pricing strategy
d) Sealed Bid Pricing strategy. B

v) Marketing Mix functions such as Coverage, Assortment and Inventory etc. are related to
a) Product b) Place
c) Promotion d) Price. B

vi) Rolex watches can only be found in a very limited number of intermediaries. This is an example of
a) Exclusive distribution b) Intensive distribution
c) High-end distribution d) Selective distribution. D

vii) Frequently purchased inexpensive item & buyer spends little effort to find & purchase it is related to
a) Shopping Product b) Speciality Product
c) Unsought Product d) Convenience Product. D

viii) The pricing method in which the seller takes the maximum price that the customers are willing to pay for
the product under given circumstances, is known as
a) Maximum pricing
b) Marginal cost pricing
c) 'What the traffic can bear' pricing
d) Customer pricing. D

ix) Direct Marketing channel is also called as

a) Zero level channel b) One level channel
c) Multi-level channel d) None of these. A

x) Which one of the following characteristics is not applicable for services ?

a) Intangible
b) Perishable
c) Inseparable from the servicemen
d) Homogeneous in nature. D

xi) Ideas for new products can come from

a) Customers b) Competitors
c) Channel members d) All of these. D
xii) Personal selling is a process of
a) Advertising b) Public relation
c) Sales promotion d) None of these. D

BHM 204
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 × 1 = 10
i) The test-marketing stage
a) is an extension of the screening stage
b) should come immediately after business analysis
c) ensures that the product will not fail
d) is a sample launching of the entire marketing mix. D

ii) Which of the follow elements is not the criteria of segmentation ?

a) Demography b) Geography
c) Distribution d) Psychographic. C

iii) Who is not designated as a trader ?

a) Distributor b) Wholesaler
c) Retailer d) Agent. D

iv) Consumer buying behaviour is affected by various factors that determine the product and brand preferences
of consumers. Which of the following factors does not exert a significant influence on consumer buying
behaviour ?
a) Cultural influence on consumers
b) Social influence on consumers
c) Geographical location of producers
d) Psychological factors. C

v) Market segmentation helps in identifying

a) Sales people b) Board of Directors
c) Shareholders d) Target customers. D

vi) Demography is the study of

a) human mind b) human population
c) environment d) birds. B

vii) Which of the following is not an external factor affecting pricing ?

a) Market demand
b) Manufacturing costs
c) Competitor's prices and offers
d) Economic conditions. B

viii) Which of the following is not a stage in consumer decision making process ?
a) Problem recognition
b) Information search
c) Evaluation of alternatives
d) All of these. D

ix) Which of the following is/are the role of market intermediaries ?

a) Provide information
b) Maintain price stability
c) Take title to goods
d) All of these. D
x) The physical evidence in case of a hospital would include
a) location
b) maintenance of patient records
c) the cost of bed occupancy
d) doctors and nurses. A

xi) New Product means

a) repositioning of existing product
b) offering existing product at low price
c) making improvement in the existing product
d) all of these. D

xii) When the customer is aware and willing to buy the product at higher prices, which pricing strategy is
a) Penetrating Pricing Strategy
b) Skimming Pricing Strategy
c) Going Rate Pricing Strategy
d) Sealed Bid Pricing Strategy. B

1. i) The fact that services are sold produced and consumed at the same time refers to which of the
following service characters?
a) Intangibility
b) Inseparability
c) Variability
d) Perishability d
ii) If a company’s objective were to reach masses of buyers that were geographically dispersed at a low
cost per exposure, the company would likely choose which of the following promotion forms??
a) Advertising
b) Personal Selling
c) Public relation
d) Sales promotion a
iii) The total number of items that the company carries within its product lines refers to ______ of the product

a) width
b) depth
c) length
d) consistency c
iv) pricing to cover variable costs and some fixed costs, as in the case of some automobile distributorship that
sell below total costs, is typical of which pricing objectives ?
a) Current profit maximization
b) Product quality leadership
c) Market share leadership
d) Survival d
v) Customer goods with unique characteristics or brand identification often requiring special purchase effort and
a) custom products
b) specialty products
c) convenience products
d) Shopping products b

vi) New product means

a) Repositioning of existing product
b) Offering existing product at low price
c) Making improvement of the existing product
d) All of these d
vii) consumer buying behavior is affected by various factors that determine the product and brand preferences of
consumers. Which of the following factors does not exert a significant influence on consumer buying behavior?
a) Culture influence on consumer
b) Social influence on consumer
c) Geographical location on the products
d) Psychological factors c
viii) In which stage of product life cycle profit is the maximum?
a) Maturity
b) Growth
c) Introduction
d) None of these a
ix) in ____ consumer may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product?
a) Negative demand
b) Latent demand
c) Declining demand
d) Irregular demand b
x) For a hospital which one of the promotion methods is dominant ?
a) advertising
b) Public relation
c) Sales promotion
d) direct marketing b

xi) Many countries have ____ industries to create greater competition and growth opportunities
a) Open market
b) Deregulated
c) Regulated
d) Scientifically segmented a
xii) which of the following is true in respect of features of marketing research?
a) It is a search for data
b) It should be objective
c) It is a systematic process
d) All of these d
xiii) which one of the following characteristics is not applicable for services ?
a) Intangible
b) Heterogeneous
c) Inseparable from serviceman
d) Homogeneous d
xiv) example of super speciality hospital is
c) Both a & b
d) None of these d
xv) for hospitals promotion primary customers are
a) Doctors
b) Wholesellers
c) Retailers
d) Dealers a
BHM 204
Marketing Management

Group A
1. MCQs
i) The test-marketing stage
a) Is an extension of the screening stage
b) Should come immediately after business analysis
c) Ensures that the product will not fail
d) Is a sample launching of the entire marketing mix d

ii) Who is not designated as trader?

a) Distributor
b) Wholesaler
c) Retailer
d) Agent d

iii) Consumer buying behaviour is affected by various factors that determine the product and brand
preferences of consumers. Which of the following factors does not exert a significant influence on
consumer buying behaviour.
a) Cultural influence on consumers
b) Social influence
c) Geographical location of producers
d) Psychological factors. c

iv) Market segmentation helps in identifying

a) Sales people
b) Board of directos
c) Shareholders
d) Target customers d

v) Which of the following is not an external factor affecting pricing?

a) Market demand
b) Manufacturing costs
c) Competitor’s prices and offers
d) Economic conditions b

vi) Which of the following is not a stage in consumer decision making process?
a) Problem recognition
b) Information search
c) Evaluation of alternative
d) All of these (problem in the question all three are the stages
of consumer decision making process. Any answer can give full marks)

vii) The physical evidence in case of a hospital would include

a) Location
b) Maintenance of patient records
c) The cost of bed occupancy
d) Doctors and nurses b
viii) The pricing method in which the seller takes the maximum price that the customers are willing to
pay for the product under given circumstances, is known as
a) Maximum pricing
b) Marginal cost pricing
c) What the traffic can bear pricing
d) Customer pricing c

ix) Direct marketing channel is also called as

a) Zero-level channel
b) One-level channel
c) Multi-level channel
d) None a

x) Which one of the following is not applicable for services?

a) Intangible
b) Perishable
c) Inseparable from servicemen
d) Homogeneous in nature d

xi) Product means

a) Goods
b) Services
c) Concepts/ ideas
d) All d

xii) During the introduction stage of product life cycle , the profit is
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Rising
d) Declining b

xiii) Sample distribution, cash refund, discount are tools for

a) Sales promotion
b) Personal selling
c) Advertising
d) Public relations a

xiv) Demand of the customer means

a) Need, directed to a specific object
b) Need, backed by the ability to pay
c) Want, directed to a specific object
d) Want, backed by ability to pay b

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