Unit Test PR2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

S.Y. 2023 - 2024

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________ Score: ____________________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer in the space provided.

____1. A school chooses 3 randomly selected athletes from each of its sports teams to participate in a survey about athletics at the school.
What type of sample is this?
a. Simple Random Sampling c. Stratified Random Sampling
b. Clustered Sampling d. Systematic Random Sampling
____2. A restaurant leaves comment cards on all its tables to learn about customer satisfaction. Each comment card is a brief survey that
customers can fill out if they choose to. What type of sample is this?
a. Simple Random Sampling c. Stratified Random Sampling
b. Clustered Sampling d. None of the above
_____3. At Amira’s pizza shop, they open a fresh batch of pizza sauce for every 10th pizza they make. Amira decides she wants to take a
sample of pizzas in a given day and evaluate their overall quality. Her shop makes approximately 150 pizzas per day, and she doesn’t
want to sample more pizzas for time’s sake. Amira decides to use systematic random samples where she’ll evaluate every k th pizza
made that day. Why might Amira choose k = 17, instead of k = 10?
a. Larger values of k produce samples that are generally more representative of the population.
b. In terms of pizza sauce freshness, Amira will likely get a more representative sample if she uses k = 17
c. Amira will sample more than 10 pizzas if she uses k = 10
d. None of the above.
_____4. A college professor wants to survey a sample of students taking her large lecture course. There are about 150 students in the
course, and 10 of those students are graduate students. She wants to take a systematic random sample of approximately 30 students.
a. Randomly select 15 men and 15 women from the class for the survey.
b. Randomly select 2 graduate students and 28 other students for the survey.
c. Randomly select one of the first 5 students to arrive at class, and every 5th student thereafter to take the survey.
d. Randomly select one of the first 15 students to arrive to class, and every 15th student thereafter to take the survey.
____5. A concert venue offers tickets in 3 zones: orchestra, grand tier, and balcony. Tickets in the orchestra zone are the most expensive,
and tickets in the balcony zone are the least expensive. Managers of the venue want to survey approximately 150 guests at an
upcoming concert about their overall experience. They want to take a stratified random sample of guests based on the venue zones.
Which of these strategies will accomplish the intended design?
a. Use a computer to randomly select 150 tickets and invite those guests to participate in the survey.
b. Invite the first 150 guests who arrive to participate in the survey.
c. Invite every 10th guest who arrives to participate in the survey until 150 people have been selected.
d. Randomly select 50 tickets from each zone and invite those guests to participate in the survey.

____6. There are 90 students in a lunch period, and 5 of them will be selected at random for cleaning duty every week. Each student
receives a number 1-90 and the school uses a random digit table to select a simple random sample of 5 students. Which 5 students
should be assigned cleaning duty?
96565 05007 16605 81194 14873

a. 96, 56, 50, 50, 7

b. 95, 56, 50, 7, 16
c. 56, 50, 50, 7, 6
d. 56, 50, 7, 16, 60
____7. Marry wants to conduct a survey about the teachers’ teaching competence in Cilacap. What can be the hypothesis?
a. Ha: There is competence in Cilacap teachers.
b. No hypothesis
c. Ho: There is no competence in Cilacap teachers.
d. Ho: There is no correlation between teaching competence
____8. Which of the following is a type of non-probability sample?
a. Systematic b. cluster c. judgment d. simple random
____9. A teacher wants to know the average time spent doing homework by the students in her class of 20 girls and 5 boys. She selects
the five closest to her desk. What sample is this?
a. Systematic b. simple random c. convenience d. snowball
____10. What is the mean of the following numbers? 10, 39, 71, 39, 76, 38, 25
a. 42 b. 39 c. 42.6 d. 35.5
____11. The following table of grouped data represents the weight (in pounds) of 100 computer towers. Calculate the mean weight for a

Weight (pounds) Number of Computers

3-5 8
6-8 25
9-11 45
12-14 13
15-17 5
18-20 4
a. 8.82 b. 9.82 c. 9.8 d. 8.8
____12. What is the median of the following numbers? 10, 39, 71, 42, 39, 76, 38, 25
a. 42.5 b. 39 c. 42 d. 35.5
____13. The front row in a movie theatre has 23 seats. If you were asked to sit in the seat that occupied the median position, in which seat
would you have to sit?
a. 1 b. 11 c. 23 d. 12
____14. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a hypothesis?
a. Testable b. logical
c. directly related to the research problem d. represents a complex unit or subject of the problem
____15. It is a statement that reflects that there will be no observed effect in the study?
a. Null Hypothesis c. Alternative Hypothesis
b. Definition of Terms d. Conceptual Framework
____16. Identify which of the following best describes this “There is no significant relationship between the length of ears and life span?
a. Null Hypothesis c. Empirical Hypothesis
b. Alternative Hypothesis d. Logical Hypothesis
____17. If a hypothesis is true and we do not reject it, which of the following is the correct decision of this?
a. A true hypothesis is rejected. C. A false hypothesis is not rejected.
b. A true hypothesis is not rejected. D. A false hypothesis is rejected.
____18. We have made the correct decision if,
a. A true hypothesis is rejected. C. A false hypothesis is not rejected.
b. A true hypothesis is not rejected. D. A false hypothesis is rejected.
____19. Which of the following is not the importance and purpose of a hypothesis?
a. It provides a tentative explanation of phenomenon and facilitates the extension of knowledge in the area.
b. It provides direction to the research. It provides a framework for reporting conclusions of the study.
c. It could be tested and shown to be probably supported, apart from one’s own values and opinions.
d. It provides a complex statement to the research. It should support the related literature of the study.

____20. Identify which of the following best describes as an example of the statement, “There is a significant relationship between the test
score and final grade of students”?
a. Null Hypothesis c. Complex Hypothesis
b. Alternative Hypothesis d. Simple Hypothesis
____21. “There is a significant difference between the height of eggplant of control and experimental group”, this is an example of?
a. Null Hypothesis c. Empirical Hypothesis
b. Alternative Hypothesis d. Statistical Hypothesis
____22. Juan and Pedro, are the students of John J. Russell Memorial High School conducting an experiment on how fertilizer X will
enhance the fruits of squash. Which of the following hypothesis should they focus on to test their problem?
a. There is no relationship between fertilizer X and the water.
b. There is a relationship between fertilizer X and water.
c. There is no significant difference between the number of fruits of control and experimental groups after using fertilizer X.
d. There is a significant difference between the number of fruits of control and experimental groups after using fertilizer X.
____23. A researcher is interested in finding out whether there is a relationship between gender and opinion towards the taste of Milktea.
What is the appropriate null hypothesis to use?
a. There is no relationship between gender and opinion towards the taste of Milktea.
b. There is no difference between gender and opinion towards the taste of Milktea.
c. There is no possible hypothesis for the problem.
d. The problem is not testable.
____24. Imagine that you design and conduct an experiment based on your hypothesis that adding activated charcoal to soil allows more
plants to grow. You find that in the soil with activated charcoal, more plants grew than in the soil without activated charcoal. As a
researcher, you would say that:
A. The results of your experiment do not support your hypothesis
B. The results of your experiment support your hypothesis.
C. Your results proved your hypothesis right.
D. Your results proved your hypothesis wrong.
____25. Choose the best definition for the word “hypothesis” from definitions below.
a. A conclusion based on the results of your study.
b. A guess about how something in science works.
c. A testable answer to scientific question.
d. None of these.
____26. Predictions made from a hypothesis should include:
a. Both the independent and dependent variables.
b. No variable at all.
c. Only dependent variable.
d. Only independent variable.
____27. What sampling technique is used when the researcher would like to consider giving an equal chance to the member of the
accessible population being selected as part of the study?
a. Simple Random Sampling c. Systematic Sampling
b. Stratified Sampling d. Cluster Sampling
____28. When can we consider a research sample as the “best”?
a. Representative of the population c. conveniently represented
b. Systematically chosen d. purposely selected
____29. What is the main objective of using stratified random sampling?
a. Sample was chosen proportionately drawn from the different categories of the population
b. Sample is taken from the accessible population than the target population
c. Every individual will be given an equal chance to be selected.
d. Those who will possibly respond to treatment are chosen
____30. What is the sampling method used in the given situation?
Teacher Joan wants to know if the new learning modalities of the school effects on the academic performance of students in the
science curriculum. He took the list of students and selected every 8th name in each class list as participant.
a. Stratified Random Sampling c. Systematic Random Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling d. Cluster Sampling

____31. A set of four numbers that begins with the number 32 is arranged from smallest to
largest. If the median is 35, which of the following could possibly be the set of numbers?
a. 32, 32, 36, 38
b. 32, 35, 38, 41
c. 32, 34, 36, 35
d. 32, 36, 40, 44
____32. The number of service upgrades sold by each of 30 employees is as follows:
32, 6, 21, 10, 8, 11, 12, 36, 17, 16, 15, 18, 40, 24, 21, 23, 24, 24, 29, 16, 32, 31, 10, 30, 35, 32, 18, 39, 12, 20
What is the median number of service upgrades sold by the 30 employees?
a. 18 b. 21 c. 24 d. 32
_____33. What is the mode of the following numbers? 12, 11, 14, 10, 8, 13, 11, 9
a. 11 b. 10 c. 14 d. 8
____34. Given that your study will use stratified random sampling, wherein the population of your scope is 250 with a computed sample
size of 152, how many samples for each stratum will you have if group 1 has 92, group 2 has 86, and group 3 has 72 populations?
A. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 54, Group 3 = 45
B. Group 1 = 56, Group 2 = 45, Group 3 = 51
C. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 52, group 3 = 44
D. Group 1 = 54, Group 2 = 56, Group 3 = 41
____35. What measure of central tendency is calculated by adding all the values and dividing the sum by the number of values?
a. Median b. Mean c. Mode d. Typical value
____36. Why would a researcher choose to use Simple Random Sampling as a sampling technique?
a. To consider giving equal chance to the member of the accessible population being selected as part of the study.
b. To make sure that all subcategories of the population are represented in the selection of sample.
c. To group the entire population into clusters since the location of the samples are widely spread.
d. To systematically choose samples from a given list of individuals.
____37. The mean of four numbers is 71.5. If three of the numbers are 58, 76, and 88, what is the value of the fourth
a. 68 b. 60 c. 64 d. 82
____38. Which of the following refers to the totality of objects, elements, person and characteristics under a given
A. Population B. Sample C. Sample Frame D. Quartet
____39. What refers to is the specific group that you will collect data from which also refers to the subset in a
A. Population B. Sample C. Sample Frame D. Quartet
____40. The following statement described a hypothesis EXCEPT;
a. A hypothesis is an educated prediction that can be tested.
b. A hypothesis is used in an experiment to define the relationship between two variables.
c. A hypothesis will force the researcher to think about what results he should look for in an experiment.
d. A hypothesis must be testable, taking into account current knowledge and techniques, and be idealistic.

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. D
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. A
28. A
29. A
30. C
31. C
32. B
33. A
34. C
35. B
36. A
37. C
38. A
39. B
40. D

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