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7Es Detailed Lesson Plan in


A. Content Standard: The learners should be able to
1. Utilize the appropriate statistical tools in inferential statistics in interpreting
data. (SSP-RS9-AID-III-q-t-7)
B. Performance Standards: The learner should be able to employ appropriate
statistical tools in interpreting data
C. Learning Competencies: Solve problem and differentiate 1. involving the
uses of appropriate tools in inferential statistic in interpreting data
2. Value the importance of the effect of statistical tool in our everyday living.


A. Topic: Inferential Statistic
B. Reference: Google Internet and modules
C. Other learning resources:
Power point presentation, pictures, tarpapel, activity sheets, and video clips.

III. Procedure:

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Greetings

Good Morning Class

How are you today? Good Morning ma’am
Good! We’re fine ma’am
May I request _______ to lead a prayer.
( A student will lead a prayer)
2. Energize:

Now let us sing a song let us sing “Science is fun” ( The students will sing a
song )

3. Checking Attendance:
Is there any absent in the class? None ma’am.

Very good!
Preliminary Activities:
Before we start our lesson let us recall first our
( The students re state the
classroom rules
classroom rules)
Who can give me the 1st. 2nd. And 3rd. rule?
1.Sit properly
2.Carefully listen to the teacher
while he/she is discussing the
3.Raise your hands if you have
a question or have something
Correct! to ask.

B. Development Activities:

Let us have a game I will show you a series of letters.
Arrange them properly to find the hidden words.

Inferential Statistic (Students will say, Yes! Ma’am)

Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Chi Square Test
Analyse of Varianve

C. Elicit

I have here a pictures presenting a sample

situation. All you have to do is to examine the
picture being presented.

D. Engage:
Let us all examine the sample situation that I
presented to you.

Class, based from the sample situation I presented to all

of you what do you think is the statement of the problem?
The students will answer

Verry good,

Do you think there is a significant correlation on problem

solving and science process skills of BSEd students?

E. Explore:

Now we will have a trip inside the Classroom.

I will group you into 3 groups.

The classroom has three same learning areas. Each of

them offers a different sample situation of data that you
will have to employ best type of statistical tool which is
the Pearson Product Moment Correlation and need to
examine. Write your notes as you go on.

I will assigned each group into designated learning area.

After 5 minutes you will proceed to the next areas. You
have to select a presenter to present your work.

Before we do that let us all recall the guidelines in doing

the activity.

What is the first step?

That’s right, what else?

Lets us start the activity

Ma’am, be cooperative
(Designated Learning area for the groups)
Ma’am, show respect to your
Group 1 – Area 1
group mates
Group 2 – Area 2
Don’t disturb other groups
Group 3 – Area 3
Follow directions correctly
Learning Area 1:
1.In this activity, the Pearson Product Moment
The students will do the
Correlation is being used.
2. Steps in doing the Activity
Step 1: Make a chart. Use the given data, and add three
more columns: xy, x2, and y2.
Step 2: Multiply x and y together to fill the xy column. For
example, row 1 would be 43 × 99 = 4,257.
Learning Area 2:

Step 3: Take the square of the numbers in the x column,

and put the result in the x2 column.
Step 4: Take the square of the numbers in the y column,
and put the result in the y2 column.

Learning Area 3:
Step 5: Add up all of the numbers in the columns and put
the result at the bottom of the column. The Greek letter
sigma (Σ) is a short way of saying “sum of” or summation.

Step 6: Use the following correlation coefficient formula.

F. Explain:

Let us examine your activity and show your solution

Each group will have a designated speaker to present

your observation in the learning areas.

Each group will only present the first learning area that
they visited.

The teacher will assist the learner in the presentation.

What have you observed in the given data and three mire

What will you do to get the value of xy?

(The students will answer)

1st Determine the value of x
and y. 2nd multiply x and y
together to fill the xy column.
For example, row 1 would be
43 × 99 = 4,257.

That is correct!

How about in 2nd group?

Why does this happen?

Yes that is right!

What will you do to sum up all the given sample data in

the table?
Students will present their

What will be the formula will you use to get the

correlation coefficient f the given sample situation data?

What will be the answer?

How will you determine significance in Pearson


G. Elaboration:

What is the simple definition of statistics?

Statistics is the study and manipulation of data, including
ways to gather, review, analyze, and draw conclusions
from data. The two major areas of statistics are
descriptive and inferential statistics.

Inferential statistics can be defined as a field of

statistics that uses analytical tools for drawing
conclusions about a population by examining random
samples …
Inferential statistics helps study a sample of data and
make conclusions about its population. A sample is a
smaller data set drawn from a larger data set …
We will be a wiser individual
Tools of Inferential Statistics for using such materials. And
Hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, regression also in order for us to help
analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and chi-square preserve those different
tests, Pearson correlation coefficient are examples of dielectric materials we us a
inferential statistics tools. millennial generation will
make a literacy for every body
When to Use a Chi-Square Test? to let them know the
A Chi-Square Test is used to examine whether the importance of such materials.
observed results are in order with the expected values.
When the data to be analysed is from a random sample,
and when the variable is the question is a categorical
variable, then Chi-Square proves the most appropriate
test for the same. A categorical variable consists of
selections such as breeds of dogs, types of cars, genres of
movies, educational attainment, male v/s female etc.
Survey responses and questionnaires are the primary
sources of these types of data. The Chi-square test is most
commonly used for analysing this kind of data. This type
of analysis is helpful for researchers who are studying
survey response data. The research can range from
customer and marketing research to political sciences
and economics.

What is Pearson Correlation?

Correlation between sets of data is a

measure of how well they are related. The
most common measure of correlation in
stats is the Pearson Correlation. The full
name is the Pearson Product Moment
Correlation (PPMC). It shows the linear
relationship between two sets of data. In
simple terms, it answers the question, Can I
draw a line graph to represent the
data? Two letters are used to represent the
Pearson correlation: Greek letter rho (ρ) for
a population and the letter “r” for a sample.

The Pearson correlation coefficient is also

an inferential statistic, meaning that it can
be used to test statistical hypotheses.
Specifically, we can test whether there is a
significant relationship between two

Correlation coefficients are used to measure how strong

a relationship is between two variables. There are several
types of correlation coefficient, but the most popular is
Pearson’s. Pearson’s correlation (also called Pearson’s R)
is a correlation coefficient commonly used in linear
regression. If you’re starting out in statistics, you’ll
probably learn about Pearson’s R first. In fact, when
anyone refers to the correlation coefficient, they are
usually talking about Pearson’s.

A correlation coefficient of 1 means that for every

positive increase in one variable, there is a positive
increase of a fixed proportion in the other. For example,
shoe sizes go up in (almost) perfect correlation with foot

What is Pearson Correlation?

Correlation between sets of data is a measure of how well
they are related. The most common measure of
correlation in stats is the Pearson Correlation. The full
name is the Pearson Product Moment Correlation
(PPMC). It shows the linear relationship between two
sets of data. In simple terms, it answers the question, Can
I draw a line graph to represent the data? Two letters are
used to represent the Pearson correlation: Greek letter
rho (ρ) for a population and the letter “r” for a sample.

How do you know if results are significant?

A study result is statistically significant if the p-value of
the data analysis is less than the prespecified alpha
(significance level). In our example, the p-value is 0.02,
which is less than the pre-specified alpha of 0.05, so the
researcher concludes there is statistical significance for
the study.

What does .05 and .01 level of significance mean?

05,” meaning that the finding has a five percent (. 05)
chance of not being true, which is the converse of a 95%
chance of being true. To find the significance level,
subtract the number shown from one. For example, a
value of “. 01” means that there is a 99% (1-.

Potential problems with Pearson correlation.

The PPMC is not able to tell the difference between
dependent variables and independent variables. For
example, if you are trying to find the correlation between
a high calorie diet and diabetes, you might find a high
correlation of .8. However, you could also get the same The students will answer.
result with the variables switched around. In other
words, you could say that diabetes causes a high calorie
diet. That obviously makes no sense. Therefore, as a The students will answer.
researcher you have to be aware of the data you are
plugging in. In addition, the PPMC will not give you any
information about the slope of the line; it only tells you
whether there is a relationship.

Pearson correlation is used in thousands of real life

situations. For example, scientists in China wanted to
know if there was a relationship between how weedy rice
populations are different genetically. The goal was to find
out the evolutionary potential of the rice. Pearson’s
correlation between the two groups was analyzed. It
showed a positive Pearson Product Moment correlation
of between 0.783 and 0.895 for weedy rice populations. The students will answer.
This figure is quite high, which suggested a fairly strong
relationship. The students will answer.

Who can describe the different between Pearperson The students will answer.
Product and Chi square Test?.

How about Correlation Coefficient and Person

The students will answer.
How will you know if your study is significant?

What is the importance of inferential statistical tools in

our everyday living?

Verry good class!

Once again what is statistical tool?

What is inferential statistic?

How useful was the different statistical tool in our

everyday living?

( The student will answer, Yes

Very Good class! ma’am)
( The student will answer, Yes
Now you all know the inferential statistic and the
different tools being used?

Is there any questions, clarification.

H. Evaluate:

This time get the intermediate paper.

Test I. Direction: Write ES if the statement is

correct and EO if incorrect. Write your answer on
the space provided before each number.

___1. Pearson correlation is used in thousands of real life


___2. Correlation between sets of data is a measure of

how well they are related.

___3. Hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, regression

analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and chi-square
tests, Pearson correlation coefficient are examples of
inferential statistics tools.
___4. A study result is statistically significant if the p-value
of the data analysis is less than the prespecified alpha
(significance level). In our example, the p-value is 0.02,
which is less than the pre-specified alpha of 0.05, so the
researcher concludes there is statistical significance for
the study.

___5. Pearson Product Moment Correlation is not an

inferential tool in statistic.

5. EO

I. Extend: Read the sentence below.

Solve the following sample situation. Calculate by
hands using correlation coefficient. Follow the 6
steps by answering your data collection in the

1. Correlate your answer

2. Find a solution
3. State if there is a significant different in the two
group of variables.
Table 1

Table 2

God bless
More Power
To all my dear teacher
Prepared by:

Eddiely Sayam Olvido

SPED HS Teacher II

7Es Detailed
Lesson Plan
STEM General
Physics 1

Prepared by:

Eddiely Sayam Olvido

SPED HS- SHS – Teacher II

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