DLP Module 2 Lesson 2

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Department of Education

Region XII
City Schools Division of Tacurong
San Emmanuel, Tacurong City

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of normal probability distribution.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to accurately formulate and solve
real-life problems and different disciplines involving
normal distribution.
Learning Competency: The learner identifies regions under the normal curve
corresponding to different standard normal values.
Code: M11/12SP-IIIc-3
I. Objectives at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 identify the figure and the areas under the
normal curve; and
 compute the normal curve and the areas under
it; and
 use the concept of the normal curve distribution
in real-life situation.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Identifying Regions of Areas Under the Normal Curve

Reference: Grade 11 Self-Learning Module, Quarter 3- Module 2

Lesson 2 pp. 16
Materials: Visual aids, Chalk, Cartolina/ Manila paper and Double
sided tape
Values: Critical Thinking, Patience & Cooperation
Procedure/Methodolog A. Preliminary Activities
y  Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Rules
 Checking of Attendance
 Review

B. Lesson Proper

Activity: Pass the Cabbage

(Individual Activity)
 The teacher will play a music and have the
student pass the paper cabbage around the
room. When the music stops the student holding
the cabbage must take off a layer, show the
class the statement and read it aloud.
 All the students will continue passing the paper
cabbage until a student win the game.
Determine whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
1. The expression 68% is equal to 68.
2. A probability value is a number from 0 and 1.
3. The normal curve is a probability distribution.
4. The normal curve is asymmetrical.
5. Under the normal curve, the areas at the tails
are minimal.
6. The scores at the baseline of the normal curve
are called z.

2. Analysis
The teacher will ask;
a. How do you find the activity?
b. When you hear about the word normal curve,
what comes in your mind?
c. What do you think our topic for today?

3. Abstraction
The teacher will let the students answer the

z-table provides the proportion of the area (or
probability or percentage) between any two specific
values under the curve, regions under the curve can be
described in terms of area.

For Example:
4. Application
 The class will be divided into two (2) groups,
same group in the first activity.
 The students will select a group
 The leader will get the materials.
 The first group to finished the given task or who
will get the highest points will be the winner.

Find the area of the region between z=2 and z=-1.5.

Guide Questions:
How did you solve the area of the regions between two
specific z-values under the normal curve

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: Find the area of the region under the
curve that corresponds between the given z-values.

1. z=3 and z=-1

2. z=0.5 and z=2
3. z=1.5 and z=-1
4. z=3.59 and z=3.79
5. z=2.57 and z=3.01

V. Assignment Gather the height in feet, then convert it into meters of

all your immediate family members (parents, siblings)
and extended family members (grandparents, aunts,
uncles, cousins). You should gather 10 individuals.
Find the area that corresponds the height of all your
family in the region under the curve.
Question: What is the area between the height of your
mother and father.
Mother - 5’5” = 1.65 meters
Father – 5’9” = 1.75 meters

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:


Resource Teacher Resource Teacher

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