NEE 24 鼢鼠结构变异与低氧适应

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nature ecology & evolution


Genomic structural variation is associated

with hypoxia adaptation in high-altitude

Received: 21 March 2023 Xuan An1,6, Leyan Mao1,6, Yinjia Wang1,6, Qinqin Xu2,6, Xi Liu1, Shangzhe Zhang1,
Zhenglei Qiao3, Bowen Li1, Fang Li3, Zhuoran Kuang1, Na Wan1, Xiaolong Liang1,
Accepted: 20 November 2023
Qijiao Duan1, Zhilong Feng1, Xiaojie Yang1, Sanyuan Liu1, Eviatar Nevo4,
Published online: xx xx xxxx Jianquan Liu1 , Jay F. Storz 5 & Kexin Li 1

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Zokors, an Asiatic group of subterranean rodents, originated in lowlands
and colonized high-elevational zones following the uplift of the Qinghai–
Tibet plateau about 3.6 million years ago. Zokors live at high elevation
in subterranean burrows and experience hypobaric hypoxia, including
both hypoxia (low oxygen concentration) and hypercapnia (elevated
partial pressure of CO2). Here we report a genomic analysis of six zokor
species (genus Eospalax) with different elevational ranges to identify
structural variants (deletions and inversions) that may have contributed to
high-elevation adaptation. Based on an assembly of a chromosome-level
genome of the high-elevation species, Eospalax baileyi, we identified 18
large inversions that distinguished this species from congeners native to
lower elevations. Small-scale structural variants in the introns of EGLN1,
HIF1A, HSF1 and SFTPD of E. baileyi were associated with the upregulated
expression of those genes. A rearrangement on chromosome 1 was
associated with altered chromatin accessibility, leading to modified gene
expression profiles of key genes involved in the physiological response
to hypoxia. Multigene families that underwent copy-number expansions
in E. baileyi were enriched for autophagy, HIF1 signalling and immune
response. E. baileyi show a significantly larger lung mass than those of other
Eospalax species. These findings highlight the key role of structural variants
underlying hypoxia adaptation of high-elevation species in Eospalax.

Animals native to high elevations are forced to cope with major envi- identified specific mechanisms of adaptation14–16. However, much less
ronmental stressors, including low temperature, strong ultraviolet is known about the extent to which structural variation in the genome
exposure and reduced oxygen availability1. Genomic studies of highland has contributed to high-altitude adaptation.
humans and non-human mammals have suggested candidate genes for Structural variants (SVs) can affect the orientation and linkage
hypoxia adaptation1–13, and experimental physiological studies have arrangements of genes, thereby potentially altering patterns of gene

State Key Laboratory of Herbage Improvement and Grassland Agro-ecosystems, College of Ecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China. 2Department
of Medical Oncology, Qinghai Provincial People’s Hospital, Xining, China. 3College of Life Sciences and Technology, Mudanjiang Normal University,
Mudanjiang, China. 4Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. 5School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA.
These authors contributed equally: Xuan An, Leyan Mao, Yinjia Wang, Qinqin Xu. e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Nature Ecology & Evolution


a c
y = 0.0088x + 0.0606
2,800–4,600 m Altitude (m) pO (mm Hg)
R2 = 0.7388
2,500–3,300 m 4
5,000 133
2,000–2,700 m
800–2,500 m
1,000–2,100 m
4,000 138
500–1,700 m

3,000 143
E. baileyi E. smithi E. rufescens E. rothschildi E. cansus E. fontanierii
2,000 148

Lung mass (g)

1,000 154
0.44 Ma
Sea level 160
1.46 Ma
0.75 Ma 2

E. baileyi
2.40 Ma
E. cansus
3.22 Ma E. fontanierii
1 E. rothschildi
E. rufescens

100 200 300 400

Body mass (g)

d e P = 0.0049 f
Retinol metabolism
P = 0.000006 250 Selective autophagy
P = 0.026
Recruitment of NuMA
P = 0.00087
Glycolytic process

Expanded family genes

P = 0.075 Sensory perception of smell
12 Apoptosis

P = 0.0013 Nervous system development

Leukocyte-mediated immunity
Gene count
Enrichment terms
RBC (1012 l–1)

Pyruvate metabolic
Hb (g l–1)

Adaptive immune
9 7.5
P = 0.0013 G2/M transition
HIF-1 pathway 12.5
Regulation of DNA recombination
Double-strand break repair via homologous recombination
Double-strand break repair

Regulation of proteolysis

Ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process

Circadian rhythm
(12) (8) (44) (9) (12) (12) (8) (44) (9) (12) Protein acetylation
DNA metabolic
E. 0 us

0 ns

E. 00 us

0 ns
m i

0 yi

0 yi

0 yi

0 yi
00 ley

00 ley
70 ile

30 ile

70 ile

30 ile
0 s

00 ce

00 ce
ru m

ru m

E. m

E. m

E m

1,2 can

1,2 can

0 2 4 6
,0 ai

,0 ai
3, ba

4, a

3, ba

4, . ba
2, fes

2, es
<3 E. b

<3 E. b



Fig. 1 | Phylogenetic relationships, elevational distributions and patterns of sample sizes. In the box plots, the lower and higher hinges correspond to the first
phenotypic variation among Eospalax. a, Phylogenetic trees show the and third quartiles, respectively. The median is represented by the line inside the
relationship and elevation ranges of Eospalax. The bar shows the partial box. The whisker extends from the hinge to at most 1.5 × interquartile range
pressures of oxygen ( pO2) at each elevation. b, Primary subject of this study, (IQR). The other points are outliers. The difference in RBC and Hb supporting
E. baileyi (plateau zokor). Credit: Xuan An, Lanzhou University. c, Comparison of different populations was tested using a two-sided t-test. f, Functional
the relationship between lung mass and body mass among Eospalax. The linear enrichment of expanded-family genes (pink) and PSGs (green) in high-altitude
regression line is shown as a solid red line and the 95% confidence intervals are E. baileyi. The size of the round shape represents the number of genes in this
shown as pink shadows. d,e, Difference in RBC counts (1012 l−1) (d) and blood Hb enrichment term. The PSGs (likelihood ratio test, P < 0.05, FDR < 0.05) and
(g l−1) (e) among E. baileyi, E. rufescens and E. cansus. There are also differences in expanded family genes (likelihood ratio test, P < 0.05, FDR < 0.05) were identified
E. baileyi populations at different elevations. The numbers in parentheses are with multiple corrections.

expression17. Structural changes can also affect gene expression by altering three-dimensional (3D) genomic structures, including active
altering the distance between cis-acting regulators and their targets (A) or inactive (B) compartments, topologically associating domain
and by modifying chromatin accessibility to nuclear macromole- (TAD) boundaries and chromatin loops. Large chromosome inversions,
cules18,19. Moreover, SVs can affect gene expression and regulation by mediated mainly through non-homologous end joining and non-allelic

Nature Ecology & Evolution


homologous recombination (NAHR), are known to contribute to adap- Table 1 | Comparison of assembly statistics between Plateau
tive phenotypic change20–22, and they can suppress recombination, zokor v.2.1 and Plateau zokor v.3.0
thereby helping to maintain co-adapted combinations of alleles at
linked loci (supergenes)23–25. Recent studies have documented that Plateau zokor Plateau zokor v.2.1 Plateau zokor v.3.0
SVs contribute to variation in physiological responses to hypoxia, Sequencing platform Illumina, Pacbio ONT, Hi-C
thereby affecting susceptibility to altitude-related pathologies such (10x)
as pulmonary oedema and cerebral hypoxia19. Assembly size (bp) 2,569,336,452 2,471,808,144
Zokors (genus Eospalax, Spalacidae: Rodentia) live most of their
Total length of chromosome (bp) – 2,385,578,628
lives underground, where they have to cope with hypoxia and hypercap-
nia in closed burrow systems. O2 and CO2 levels in sealed tunnels have Number of contigs 42,044 758
been recorded at 7.2% and 6.1%, respectively, during the rainy season Contig N50 (bp) 322,513 37,952,775
when wet soil further impedes gas exchange with the outside air26. Number of scaffolds 14,401 465
Eospalax comprises six East Asian species that have well-documented
Scaffold N50 (bp) 6,701,949 82,317,615
phylogenetic relationships27 (Fig. 1a,b). With the uplift of the Qing-
hai–Tibet Plateau (~3.6 million years ago (Ma)), Eospalax split into Number of gaps 102,445 293
the high-altitude (including E. baileyi, 2,800–4,600 m, and E. smithi, Total gap length (bp) 42,024,904 124,000
2,500–3,300 m) and low-altitude clades at ~3.22 Ma. E. baileyi and Ratio of gap (%) 1.64 0.01
E. smithi split from their ancestor at ~1.18 Ma and 0.75 Ma, respec-
GC content (%) 41.20 41.26
tively, due to the generation of the Yellow River and a glaciation.
For the low-altitude lineage, four Eospalax species have elevational BUSCO (%) 93.30 96.80
ranges under 2,700 m. E. fontanierii speciated first, E. cansus diverged
northwards from the ancestor at ~1.43 Ma, whereas E. roths- continuity and integrity. The proportion of genomic sequence consist-
childi speciated southwards because of a later glaciation (Fig. 1a). ing of repeats was 44.4%, where short interspersed nuclear elements
Comparisons between highland and lowland species provide an (SINEs) and long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) accounted for
opportunity to explore genetic changes that may have contributed to high- 18.1% and 22.2%, respectively (Supplementary Table 2). We annotated
elevation adaptation. 21,642 protein-coding genes, consistent with the annotation results for
Here we investigated the role of SVs (deletion and inversion) in the genome of the closely related species E. fontanierii27. The BUSCO
hypoxia adaptation of high-elevation species in Eospalax. We used evaluation of the annotation completeness showed that 95.6% of genes
a long-read sequencing approach to obtain a chromosome-level were predicted in this E. baileyi assembly (Extended Data Fig. 1c,d).
genome assembly of E. baileyi, and we assessed species-level varia-
tion using a long-read resequencing approach. The effects of SVs on Genome evolution and possible mechanisms of hypoxia
hypoxia-related genes were examined using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) adaptation
and reporter assays. We also investigated TAD rearrangements and A/B We estimated a phylogenetic tree and species divergence time of 9
compartment transitions to assess how evolved changes in 3D genomic rodent species based on 9,258 single-copy orthologues (Extended Data
architecture may have contributed to hypoxia adaptation. Fig. 1f). Compared with the other 8 rodents, we identified 469 gene
families in the E. baileyi lineage that underwent significant expansions
Results relative to the expectations of a null model of birth-and-death evolu-
Phenotypic variation among zokors native to different tion (likelihood ratio test, P < 0.05). Functional enrichment analysis
elevations of the expanded gene families revealed an over-representation of the
We measured several phenotypes of relevance to high-altitude accli- following terms: hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) signalling pathway,
matization and/or adaptation: the relationship between lung mass DNA damage repair, autophagy, cell cycle, selenocysteine synthesis,
and body mass, red blood cell (RBC) counts, and blood haemoglobin purine and retinol metabolism, recruitment of nuclear mitotic appara-
concentration ([Hb]). The high-elevation E. baileyi showed a larger tus (NuMA) to mitotic centrosomes, immune responses and nutrition
lung mass compared with other Eospalax species (Fig. 1c), which can be functions (Fig. 1f and Supplementary Table 3). We also identified a total
expected to enhance pulmonary diffusing capacity for gas exchange1. of 1,609 gene families that underwent significant contractions in the
RBC counts and [Hb] were also higher in E. baileyi relative to E. cansus E. baileyi lineage. These genes were related to cell cycle, signalling by
and E. rufescens, suggesting a higher O2-transport capacity per unit of WNT, metabolism and meiotic recombination. Using the adaptive
cardiac output. In E. baileyi, RBC counts and [Hb] increased as a posi- branch-site random effects likelihood (aBSREL) model, we tested for
tive function of native elevation (Fig. 1d,e), consistent with expected accelerated rates of non-synonymous substitution across all genes
acclimatization responses to chronic hypoxia28. in the branch leading to E. baileyi and identified 71 lineage-specific
positively selected genes (PSGs) (omega > 1, likelihood ratio test,
Genome assembly, scaffolding and annotation P < 0.05, false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05; Fig. 1f and Supplementary
We generated the first chromosome-level genome assembly of Tables 3 and 4). These PSGs were enriched for the following terms:
E. baileyi. The initial assembly consisted of ~209.0 Gb of long reads double-strand break repair, circadian rhythm and ubiquitin-dependent
and was subsequently corrected using ~255.1 Gb of Illumina paired- protein catabolic functions.
end reads (Extended Data Table 1). About 99.8% of corrected contigs
were anchored onto 31 pseudochromosomes (2n = 62) through Hi-C SV identification, validation and distribution
data (Supplementary Table 1). This is consistent with the fibroblast Distribution of <1 Mb SVs in Eospalax genomes. Using long-read
karyotype analysis (Extended Data Fig. 1a,b,e). The finally assembled sequencing, we identified 398,087 uniquely located SVs in a sample
genome size was 2.47 Gb. Compared with the previously published of 2 or 3 individuals from each Eospalax species, including 218,607
scaffold-level assembly of the plateau zokor (v.2.1)3, the contig N50 deletions (DEL), 168,333 insertions (INS), 5,183 duplications (DUP),
increased from 323 kb to 38.0 Mb, the scaffold N50 increased from 5,062 inversions (INV) and 902 translocations (TRA) (Fig. 2a and Sup-
6.7 to 82.3 Mb, and gaps decreased from 1.64% to 0.01% (Table 1). The plementary Table 5). The frequencies of these SVs were estimated
completeness of the assembly, tested using Benchmarking Universal from 146 individuals, including 55 E. baileyi, 25 E. cansus, 21 E. smithi, 18
Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO), was 96.8%, indicating high precision, E. rothschildi, 14 E. rufescens and 13 E. fontanierii (Extended Data

Nature Ecology & Evolution


a b
20 Type

SV counts
DEL 1,000
SV counts (×104)

10 E. rufescens

E. rothschildi

5 E. cansus

E. baileyi

E. smithi
E. baileyi E. smithi E. rufescens E. rothschildi E. cansus E. fontanierii

c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
E. fontanierii

E. baileyi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 13 14 16 15 17 25 20 23 18 21 19 22 26 27 24 31 30 29 28

d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * *
* *
* *
30 *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* *
* * * *
* *
* * *
* * *
Position (Mb)

* * *
* * * 0
* 1
* * 26
* *

Number of inversions
Rearrangement 51
120 * 412,178 21,656,232 Repeat region Repeat region
* 101
* E. fontanierii 21.6 Mb 126

150 151
E. baileyi 28.4 Mb

Telomere 201
Repeat region 28,482,227 50,007,660 * 226
* Map of inversion polymorphisms in E. fontanierii (ref) and E. baileyi

Fig. 2 | Identification and distribution of large inversions (>1 Mb) and SVs blue lines show the 18 inversion positions. d, Distribution of all inversions across
(<1 Mb, INS, DEL, INV, TRA and DUP). a, Stacked bar graph showing uniquely E. baileyi, annotated with predicted telomeres (black asterisks). The colour
located SV (<1 Mb) types and numbers for 17 individuals from six Eospalax gradient represents the number of inversions (<1 Mb) in a 1 Mb window based
species. b, Species-specific and shared SVs of six species in Eospalax. The on the long-read–SV dataset. The black box indicated 18 inversions (>1 Mb)
high-altitude branch of E. baileyi and E. smithi showed the highest number of positions between E. fontanierii (reference genome, ref) and E. baileyi genomes.
shared SVs. c, Chromosomal synteny between E. fontanierii and E. baileyi at The chromosomal rearrangement (21.6 and 28.4 Mb) located in chromosome 1 is
chromosome-level genome. Syntenic blocks are linked by shaded bands. The highlighted.

Fig. 2a). We investigated the phylogenetic distribution of SVs across simple repetitive elements and transposable elements. For transpos-
Eospalax and identified those that were species specific (Fig. 2b). able elements, SVs were enriched in regions with SINEs (35%) and long
Most of the INDELs were less than 300 bp, and there was another small terminal repeats (LTRs, 22.8%). Most SVs (69.16%, 275,307) were dis-
peak at ~400 bp, which was mainly influenced by SINEs (Extended Data tributed in intergenic regions. Meanwhile, 122,780 (30.84%) SVs were
Fig. 2b,c). The majority of SVs (53.63%, 296,873) overlapped with found within 68.15% (14,758 out of 21,656) of the genic regions (that is, in

Nature Ecology & Evolution


exons, introns, and 5ʹ and 3ʹ flanking regions within 2 kb of start and stop and regulation of vascular-associated smooth muscle cell migration.
codons, respectively). Intronic SVs accounted for 28.25% of all SVs, and These same pathways have been implicated in hypoxia adaptation in
only 5.11% of SVs affected coding sequences (Extended Data Fig. 2d,e). other highland mammals29,30 (Extended Data Fig. 5e and Supplemen-
tary Table 7).
Large inversions (>1 Mb) in the E. baileyi genome. We identified We detected an intronic SV in EGLN1 with both heterozygous
18 inversions longer than 1 Mb in E. baileyi (Fig. 2c,d and Extended inversion (NI) and homologous inversion (II) existing only in E. baileyi
Data Fig. 3) based on the chromosome-level genome assembly. These (1,442 bp, LG01:1,889,355–1,890,797). Frequencies of inversion were
large inversions were validated by aligning the breakpoint-spanning 100% present at a frequency of 100% in animals above 4,300 m (n = 6)
contigs of E. baileyi to the genome of E. fontanierii (Extended Data and 84.7% in those from <4,300 m (n = 49) (Fig. 3a). DEGs analyses
Fig. 4). Accurate breakpoints (Supplementary Table 6) were identified showed that the E. baileyi EGLN1 allele with intronic inversion had a
in three ways (Methods). We identified 81 telomere-enriched regions, significantly higher expression compared with low-altitude species
with 60 appearing at expected chromosome ends. We found 11 inver- in Eospalax (Fig. 3b), and the dual-luciferase reporter assay (DLRA)
sions located at or near the chromosome termini (Fig. 2c), with most confirmed that the inversion significantly increased luciferase activity
of the breakpoints near the telomere-enriched regions. Seven of these (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Table 2).
inversions contained telomeric regions, suggesting that the inversions A homozygous intronic inversion (2,212 bp, LG13: 44,667,409–
probably altered the position of the telomeres. 44,669,626) inside HIF1A was fixed in E. smithi and E. baileyi (Fig. 3d
and Extended Data Fig. 6a). The inversion allele in E. baileyi showed
Possible functional effects of SVs upregulated gene expression (Fig. 3e). As with EGLN1, the inversion
Differentially expressed genes associated with SVs (<1 Mb). To within the HIF1A intron also resulted in significantly higher expression
evaluate whether fixed SVs could potentially affect the expression using DLRA (Fig. 3f and Extended Data Table 2). An intronic deletion in
of associated genes, we estimated the expression of all 3,748 fixed the HSF1 was identified (1,849 bp, LG09: 81,333,952–81,335,801)
SV-associated genes using RNA-seq from animals after common gar- (Fig. 3g) and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR; Fig. 3h).
den experiments (Methods). Compared with E. fontanierii, we found DLRA suggested that the presence of this deletion significantly
253, 187 and 122 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the lung, increased the HSF1 expression (Fig. 3i).
liver and heart of the high-altitude E. baileyi, respectively, account- SVs were also detected in three genes related to DNA repair and
ing for 6.75%, 5.00% and 3.26% of all fixed SV-associated genes (Sup- immunity. A homozygous 12,732 bp deletion that included an intron
plementary Tables 12–14). The DEGs in the lung were associated with and the second exon of SFTPD in E. baileyi resulted in a deletion of 55
immunity, inflammatory response, cell adhesion and cell develop- amino acids from the N terminus of the protein. Protein structure
mental cycle (ILDR2, IL20, CDON, LAMB3, IL2RB, OPCM, RAB3C and predictions of E. fontanierii and E. baileyi suggested that the dele-
NEK10). The DEGs of TBX20 and KCND2 in the lung contained intronic tion resulted in missing α-helix and β-fold in E. baileyi (Extended Data
SVs and were involved in cardiac development, conduction and dis- Fig. 6b). We also detected a 9,280 bp intronic deletion in XRCC4 in
eases. In the liver, differentially expressed SV-associated genes were E. baileyi and a 1,984-bp intronic deletion in UVRAG of E. smithi and
involved in haematopoiesis, vascular development, platelet activa- E. baileyi, which were validated through read coverage and long-
tion and vascular endothelial growth factor (GLRX5, CD109, NRP1 read sequence alignment (Extended Data Fig. 6c,d).
and ADTRP). Notably, immunity-related genes of SFTPD and NRP1,
both of which contained intronic SVs, were significantly upregu- Limited deleterious effects of large inversions. We found that 7 of
lated in the livers of E. baileyi. We found a number of differentially the 36 large inversion breakpoints occurred in genic regions, with
expressed SV-associated genes in the heart significantly enriched for possible consequences for gene function and gene expression. For
the HIF1 pathway function (NOS1, NQO1, HIPK2 and BMP7), and genes example, the breakpoints of LG01.1 disrupted the SPS1 gene, which has
related to cell adhesion and leucocyte proliferation (CD1D, NCAM2 been reported to be involved in selenocysteine synthesis. Breakpoints
and CDC26) were also upregulated in the high-altitude E. baileyi for LG02.1, LG06.1, LG11.1 and LG17.1 disrupted the P2R2B, CB016,
(Extended Data Fig. 5a–d). CFA91 and DLG5 genes, respectively. Breakpoints may also affect
gene expression by disrupting regulatory elements (Fig. 4a). Inver-
Functional effects of SVs (<1 Mb). SVs specific to the two species with sions were not disproportionately associated with loss-of-function
the highest range limits, E. smithi and E. baileyi, were located in 345 single nucleotide polymorphism (LOF SNP) (Fig. 4b and Supple-
genes (that is, in exons, introns, or 5ʹ and 3ʹ flanking regions within 2 kb mentary Table 8). Some large inversions potentially rearranged TAD
of start and stop codons), which were enriched in cellular response to boundaries, which could alter interactions between genes/regula-
hypoxia, DNA damage and repair, autophagy, heart morphogenesis tors. We found that most inversion breakpoints occurred near TAD
and contraction, lung epithelium development, response to viruses, boundaries (Fig. 4c).

Fig. 3 | Intronic SVs upregulated gene expression and facilitated hypoxia in an intron of HIF1A of the high-altitude E. baileyi and E. smithi. e, Expression
adaptation. a–c, A 1,442-bp intronic inversion was detected in EGLN1, as well differences of the HIF1A gene (two-sided t-test) in the lung (n = 3). In the box plots,
as its effect on RNA expression in E. baileyi. a, Schematic inversion located the centre line represents the median, whereas the box boundaries represent
in an intron of EGLN1 of the high-altitude E. baileyi. The inversion frequency the upper and lower quartiles. The whisker reaches no farther than 1.5 × IQR.
was estimated from 146 individuals of all Eospalax species, and this inversion f, Luciferase signals and expression of two SV-haplotypes of HIF1A. Values are
tended to be fixed in E. baileyi but absent in others. b, The number of mRNA shown as means ± s.d. from three biological replicates (n = 3); Exact P values are
reads of EGLN1 was significantly higher in the lung of E. baileyi (n = 3) than those shown (two-sided t-test). g–i, Schematic of an 1849 bp intronic deletion located
of E. rothschildi and E. cansus (n = 3). The analysis utilizing a two-sided t-test. In at HSF1 in E. baileyi compared with other species in Eospalax. g, Sequence
the box plots, the centre line represents the median, whereas box boundaries comparison with other species in Myospalacinae showed a deletion specific
represent the upper and lower quartiles. The whisker reaches no farther than to E. baileyi. The horizontal coordinate shows the length of the gene (kb).
1.5 × IQR. c, The DLRA showed that the fluorescence content was significantly h, Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR amplification supports the deletion in
higher in the HEK293T cells containing the inversion that occurred in E. baileyi. HSF1. i, Results of reporter assays suggest that the deletion in the intronic regions
Values are shown as means ± s.d. from three biological replicates (n = 3); Exact of the HSF1 gene leads to the upregulation of gene expression. Values are shown
P values are shown (two-sided t-test). d–f, A 2,212-bp intronic inversion in HIF1A is as means ± s.d. from three biological replicates (n = 3). Exact P values are shown
shared by the high-altitude E. baileyi and E. smithi. d, Schematic inversion located (two-sided t-test). Source data are provided in Extended Data Table 2.

Nature Ecology & Evolution


P = 0.0007
a b c
P = 0.0007
EGLN1 (50 kb) 3 P = 0.0077

5’ 3’

INV (1,442 bp)


Relative luciferase activity

P = 0.0154
E. baileyi 2

Reads number (lung)

Others 4,500


E. baileyi E. baileyi Others 3,500 0

altitude ≤ 4,000 m altitude >4,000 m



E. baileyi E. rothschildi



Homologous inversion Homologous non-inversion


E. cansus



Missing Heterozygous inversion


d HIF1A (344 kb)
e P = 0.0001
f P = 0.0001
P = 0.0026
5’ 3’

INV (2,212 bp)


Relative luciferase activity

P = 0.0030
E. baileyi and E. smithi 2
Reads number (lung)


8,000 1


E. baileyi E. smithi Others 0



Homologous inversion Missing



E. baileyi E. rothschildi


Homologous non-inversion nt

E. cansus


g h i P = 0.0005
HSF1 4
P = 0.0179
E. cansus 2,000
E. fontanierii
Relative luciferase activity

E. rothschildi P = 0.0034

E. rufescens 2

E. baileyi

M. aspalax
200 E. baileyi
M. psilurus







0 1 2 3 4 5



Gene length (kb)



Nature Ecology & Evolution


Rearrangement on chromosome 1 in Eospalax. Compared with same TAD, and these reportedly catalyse cholesterol and lipid syn-
the E. fontanierii genome, we noticed a 50 Mb chromosomal rear- thesis reactions32,33 (Extended Data Fig. 7d). Three consecutive TADs
rangement involving two parts with lengths of 21.6 Mb and 28.4 Mb. within the rearrangement of E. fontanierii fused into a single TAD in E.
The chromosomal rearrangement was observed in each of the four baileyi, and multiple genes within this TAD, including EGLN1, GNPAT,
possible homozygous or heterozygous genotypic combinations EXOC8, SPRTN, DISCI and TSNAX, are known to play a role in the cellular
(Fig. 2d). The two lowest-altitude species of E. fontanierii and E. cansus response to hypoxia12,34–36. The DISC1, TSNAX and GSK3B complex was
showed the same genotype I. Although very close to E. rufescens, the reportedly associated with DNA repair. After TAD fusion, DISC1 and
humid-region species of E. rothschildi showed a specific genotype II. TSNAX entered the same TAD (Fig. 4f).
The third highest-altitude species of E. rufescens showed a unique geno- We also compared the significant chromatin interactions of E.
type III, and the two highest-elevation species showed the same geno- baileyi and E. fontanierii in the rearrangement region. The results
type IV (Fig. 4d). Notably, repeated elements were present around their showed that there were few significant interaction regions shared by
breakpoints. Remarkably, the hypoxia-relevant EGLN1 gene located in two species (Extended Data Fig. 7e). Consistent with the TAD fusion
this region shifted from the chromosome terminal to the middle of the event in the rearrangement region, some TADs in the region of E. bai-
chromosome arm through inversions in all three variant genotypes leyi were expanded and interaction regions extended significantly
(genotypes II, III and IV) in species from the top four highest elevations (Fig. 4g). In summary, the chromosome rearrangement in E. fontanierii
(Fig. 4d). To further verify the frequency of the rearrangement, we and E. baileyi showed differences in compartment type, TAD boundary
identified the breakpoint in three unrelated individuals per species and significant interaction.
on chromosome 1 (Supplementary Fig. 2). Interestingly, the species
corresponding to genotypes II–IV lived in more hypoxic environments Mechanisms of inversion formation
caused by higher elevation or greater soil humidity. Remarkably, most Mechanism of short inversion (<1 Mb) formation by LINE-1. LINE-1
genes located in large inversions, such as EGLN1, have been reported to insertions can result in genomic inversions generated during retro-
be involved in hypoxia adaptation, DNA damage repair, inflammation, transposition via ‘twin priming’37. Of all transposable elements identi-
immunity, apoptosis, platelets and vascular development (Fig. 4f). The fied in short inversions, 31%, 25%, 25% and 19% were SINE, LINE, LTR and
number of genes located in the remaining 17 inversion regions ranged DNA elements, respectively. Almost all LINEs belonged to the LINE-1
from 35 to 384. superfamily (Extended Data Fig. 8a,b). More than 200 inversions were
To further clarify the potential impact of SV on the 3D chromatin found to consist almost entirely of LINE-1 retrotransposon sequences,
architecture at compartment A/B, TADs and significant interaction suggesting that the retrotransposition of LINE-1 elements is an impor-
levels (loop), we constructed a chromosome interaction matrix at tant mechanism of chromosomal evolution in Eospalax.
different resolutions with homologous bins across two genomes. The
GC content and gene density in compartment A were significantly Mechanism of large inversion (>1 Mb) formation by NAHR. To deter-
higher than in compartment B (Extended Data Fig. 7a). Although the mine the mechanism of inversion formation in E. baileyi, we identified
compartment types (A or B) were consistent between the high-altitude inverted repeats near each breakpoint. At least one repeat ranging from
E. baileyi and low-altitude E. fontanierii across most of the genome, 200 bp to 70 kb in length was identified near both breakpoints in 17 of
those within the rearrangements in chromosome 1 were less con- the 18 inversions (Extended Data Fig. 8c,d), suggesting that most inver-
sistent (Fig. 4e). Within the chromosome 1 rearrangement, many sions were mediated by NAHR, consistent with patterns documented in
homologous bins were identified as compartment B in E. fontanierii deer mice25. To explore whether breakpoints were in repetitive regions,
but as compartment A in E. baileyi, indicating altered gene expression. we identified segmental duplications across the genome, and we found
In E. baileyi, the breakpoints of this SV were located at TAD bounda- significant enrichment of segmental duplications (75%) (Extended
ries with significantly lower insulation scores than those of other Data Fig. 8e) near the inversion breakpoints (1 Mb) compared with the
nearby TAD boundaries, indicating that interactions were weakest at whole genome (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test: P < 0.0001). In conclusion,
the inversion breakpoints (Extended Data Fig. 7b). There were more segmental duplication-enriched regions may be particularly prone to
species-specific TADs in the rearrangement region than found in other structural change via NAHR in Eospalax.
regions of chromosome 1 (Extended Data Fig. 7c). We examined the
genes in the E. baileyi-specific TADs and found that six genes (AKR1C1, Discussion
AKR1C18, AKR1C13, AKR1C5, AKR1C6 and AKR1C15) of the AKR1 family Genome-wide scan of nucleotide variation has been used extensively
were in the same TAD. These genes were reported to be related to to identify candidate genes for hypoxia adaptation in high-altitude
apoptosis and autophagy31. Five genes (CYP3A25, CYP3A1, CYP3A11, humans and other animals12,13,35,38,39, but the role of structural genomic
CYP3A6 and CYP3A9) in the CYP3A subfamily were also located in the variation has not been assessed systematically. Here we capitalized on

Fig. 4 | Possible functional effects of large inversions (>1 Mb) and between E. fontanierii and E. baileyi on chromosome 1. The background
rearrangement. a, Distance from inversion breakpoints to the transcriptional represents the regions of chromosome 1, excluding the area of rearrangement.
start sites of the nearest genes. Seven (19%) of these breakpoints disrupted genes. ‘A–B’ means the homologous bins were compartment A in E. fontanierii
b, Proportion of LOF SNP in inversion/non-inversion regions compared with but compartment B in E. baileyi. ‘B–A’ was the opposite. ‘Stable’ means the
that in the respective genome-wide regions. A one-sample two-sided t-test was homologous bins in two genomes had the same compartment type. f, TAD
used (n = 18 inversions). In the box plots, the centre line represents the median, distribution in the 21.6 Mb region of chromosome 1. Distribution of genes
whereas box boundaries represent the upper and lower quartiles. The whisker associated with adaptation to hypoxia in the inversion region of chromosome 1
reaches no farther than 1.5 × IQR. c, Distance from the nearest TAD boundary to in the E. fontanierii genome. The shaded area contains three consecutive TADs
each inversion breakpoint in the E. fontanierii genome. d, Phylogenetic trees in the E. fontanierii genome, and the homologous bin appears as a single TAD
are constructed based on the long-read-SV dataset. The previously reported in the E. baileyi genome. After TAD fusion, TSNAX and DISC1 were located in the
divergence time of species was plotted on phylogenetic trees. The synteny same TAD. g, Comparison of the significant cis interaction distance between
comparison showed that the rearrangement types on chromosome 1 (0–50 Mb) E. fontanierii (n = 1,002) and E. baileyi (n = 1,771) in the rearrangement region.
of E. cansus, E. rothschildi, E. rufescens, E. baileyi and E. smithi aligned with that of A two-sided t-test was used. In the box plots, the centre line represents the
E. fontanierii, respectively. The terminal region with the EGLN1 gene (red arrow) median, whereas box boundaries represent the upper and lower quartiles. The
was inverted to the middle of the chromosome arm in the three high-altitude whisker reaches no farther than 1.5 × IQR.
species and the humid-region species. e, Comparison of A/B compartments

Nature Ecology & Evolution


a 12 b c
WG - E. baileyi
P = 0.1364
WG - E. fontanierii
4 INV regions
9 81%

LOF SNP proportion (10–6)

Disrupted gene 1 × 10
19% 3


P = 0.7883 −7
5 × 10


0 0
0 100 200 300 500 –2 –1 0 1 2
E. baileyi E. fontanierii
Distance from nearest TSS (kb) Distance to nearest TAD boundary (Mb)

EGLN1 gene
3.22 Ma
2.40 Ma

1.46 Ma
0.75 Ma
0.44 Ma
E. fontanierii E. cansus E. rothschildi E. rufescens E. baileyi E. smithi
Genotype I Genotype I Genotype II Genotype III Genotype IV Genotype IV

E. fontanierii E. fontanierii E. fontanierii E. fontanierii E. fontanierii

Rearrangement of chromosome 1 (0–50 Mb) in Eospalax

e f Hic contact frequency g

100 50 20 10 5 2 1
A–B B–A Stable E. fontanierii
100 6
P = 0.00000027
3 × 10

0 Mb 21.6 Mb
Significant interaction distance

28.4 Mb E. baileyi 50.0 Mb

2 × 10
Percentage (%)





1 × 10








Complex DNA repair

1 2 3 E. fontanierii
TAD fusion

1 E. baileyi














Nature Ecology & Evolution


technological advances in long-read sequencing to investigate how SVs using chloral hydrate. Tissues were collected and preserved in
may contribute to hypoxia adaptation in Eospalax. liquid nitrogen.
The high-quality, chromosome-level genome assembly of E. bai-
leyi enabled us to identify SVs, gene family expansions and PSGs. The Phenotypic data of Eospalax
genes we identified (Fig. 1f and Supplementary Tables 3 and 4) have We measured the mass of the body and tissues for all specimens. We did
been reported to play important roles in hypoxia adaption30,40. In a linear regression analysis of the body and lung mass for all samples.
E. baileyi, significantly expanded lungs were suggested to maximize Blood was collected with EDTA as anticoagulant. RBC and Hb were
the pulmonary diffusing capacity for respiratory gases with prolifer- measured using Mindray BC-2800Vet. Three replicates were measured
ated alveolar and increased surface area1, suggesting more efficient for each individual. The data for E. baileyi came from ref. 3.
oxygen absorption1,41–43.
EGLN1 and HIF1A are known to play important roles in cellular Fibroblast culture and karyotype analysis
responses to hypoxia, and mutations within these genes (even in Skin fibroblast culture. The skin of zokor was sterilized with 75%
introns) are reported to have functional significance44,45. Intronic alcohol, washed with PBS, clipped by adding a DMEM/F12 medium
inversions in EGLN1 and HIF1A in high-altitude Eospalax were associ- and digested with collagenase at 37 °C for 1 h. After centrifugation at
ated with significant upregulation in the lung. Increased EGLN1 gene 3,700g for 10 min, the supernatant was poured off and the precipitate
expression could result in increased PHD2 expression, which could was mixed with DMEM/F12 medium using 10% FBS, and it was spread
blunt the expression of HIF1A in conditions of chronic hypoxia46. HSF1 out flat in a Petri dish.
was a key transactivator of stress-inducible genes, regulating cellular
and oxidative stress, immune, autophagy and other such responses to Cellular chromosome karyotype analysis. Vigorous growing cells
hypoxia47,48. Moreover, E. baileyi-specific intronic deletion of the SFTPD with 70–80% confluence were selected and treated with 0.1 µg ml−1 of
genes was possibly involved in response to hypoxia. XRCC4 and UVRAG colchicine for 1 h and 0.075 mol l−1 of KCl solution at low osmolality.
genes were associated with DNA damage. Thus, these results suggested Trypsin was used to digest the cells and then added with a newly con-
that SVs could affect gene expression and take part in hypoxia response. figured fixative (methanol:glacial acetic acid = 3:1), and the fixation
Additionally, E. baileyi has been divided into two lineages. E. baileyi2 was repeated three times to make the slides, which were placed in the
split from E. baileyi1 at ~1.18 Ma earlier than the split of E. smithi at oven for ageing. The slides were stained with Giemsa stain for 15 min,
~0.75 Ma. We speculate that the shared SVs may account for the same and the intermediate schizogony phases with high sorting index and
phenotype in E. baileyi and E smithi. We think the adaptations evolved well-dispersed chromosomes were selected for karyotyping through
in the ancestry of the two highland species. microscopic examination.
We speculate that the rearrangement in chromosome 1 occurred
to avoid silencing by telomeres49,50, thereby maintaining the required DNA extraction and library construction
gene expression under hypoxia. Heterochromatin has been reported Genomic DNA was extracted from muscle using SDS-based methods.
to be dynamic at telomeres51, which could alter adjacent nucleosomal The purity, concentrations and integrity of genomic DNA were meas-
chromatin to silence the expression of some nearby genes. The 3D chro- ured using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer and Qubit 3.0 fluorometer.
mosome model of chromosome 1 suggested that rearrangement was After the samples passed quality control, a BluePippin automated
more tightly structured in E. fontanierii than E. baileyi (Supplementary nucleic acid recovery instrument (Sage Sciences) was used to collect
Fig. 3). More compartment transformation from B to A in E. baileyi in the target fragments (10–50 kb). AMPure XP bead purification, DNA
the rearrangement suggested that genes within these regions might be damage repair, DNA end-repair and adaptor ligation (SQK-LSL109 Liga-
more highly expressed than that in E. fontanierii39. This rearrangement tion Sequencing Kit) were performed to construct sequencing libraries.
contributed to a fusion of TADs and expansions of interacting regions The Qubit fluorometer was used to quantify the sequencing-ready
in E. baileyi (Fig. 4f,g), suggesting changes could alter patterns of some DNA libraries.
gene expression. Although we speculate that large rearrangements
harbouring important genes such as EGLN1 should have functions Data generation
facilitating hypoxia adaptation, functional tests of even whether they Long-read sequencing of E. baileyi using Oxford Nanopore Technolo-
were fixed require further investigation. gies (ONT, 209 Gb) was performed to assemble contigs; a 51× cover-
Long-read sequencing enabled us to identify SVs and breakpoint age of short paired-end sequencing was performed on the Illumina
regions, which were mainly distributed in repeated regions. A large platform for subsequent read correction and polishing. The assem-
proportion of short SVs and 56% (10 out of 18) of large SVs occurred bled contigs were anchored to chromosomes using Hi-C data (315 Gb,
at chromosomal ends (Fig. 2c), possibly because telomeric concen- Extended Data Table 1).
trations of repetitive elements facilitated NAHR25,52. Alternatively, Standard operating procedures were followed to load the
inversions with breakpoints near telomeres could be less likely to be long-read sequencing libraries onto PromethION R9.4.1 flow cells for
removed by purifying selection because these regions are relatively the long-read–SV dataset (Supplementary Table 10). The number of
sparse in genes25,52. Large inversions mainly originated via inverted reads and N50 length for raw long-read data were calculated using
repeats through NAHR in Eospalax, similar to other mammals25,53. NanoPlot v.1.38.0.
In this study, the patterns of genomic structural variation in E. bai- Short reads from 146 Eospalax individuals were utilized for SV
leyi and the documented effects on the expression of hypoxia-relevant frequency estimation (Supplementary Table 11), and 143 of the 146
genes suggest numerous hypotheses about possible mechanisms were downloaded from public databases3,27,54, including 55 E. baileyi. Of
of hypoxia adaptation. Such hypotheses can now be tested using these, 40 belonged to E. baileyi1 and 15 belonged to E. baileyi2.
genome-editing tools in conjunction with experimental studies of
organismal physiology. De novo genome assembly and annotation
Genome assembly. The NextCorrect module of NextDenovo v.2.3.0
Methods was used to obtain the consistency sequence using clean long reads
Sample information from the ONT platform. NextGraph was used for the initial assembly
We collected 17 specimens of Eospalax in northern China: 3 E. baileyi, of the genome. NextPolish was then used to subject the assembly to
3 E. fontanierii, 3 E. cansus, 3 E. rufescens, 3 E. rothschildi and 2 E. smithi two rounds of corrections using Illumina reads and three rounds of
(Supplementary Table 9). Live zokors were caught and euthanized self-polish corrections using ONT data. Mitochondrial sequences

Nature Ecology & Evolution


identified using blastn (blast v.2.2.29) were removed. BUSCO v.5.2.2 v.0.2.13 and Manta v.1.6.0) with respective default parameters were
was used to assess the genome integrity. used to call SVs in each individual. Only SVs with the ‘PASS’ and ‘PRECISE’
The paired-end Hi-C reads were mapped to the assembled con- flags using all three approaches were kept and merged in svimmer
tigs using BWA-MEM v.0.7.17-r1188. Chromosomes were organized, ( GraphTyper2 was
ordered and oriented using automated 3D-DNA v.180922 and Juicer used to refine the genotype results based on the alignment information
v.1.6 processes. Juicebox v.1.5.1 was used to correct the chromosomal- in BAM files. Sites with a high ratio of missing data across all samples
level genome. (--max missing 0.90) were filtered out using VCFtools v.0.1.16.

Repetitive DNA annotation. LTR_FINDER, Tandem Repeat Finder (TRF) Nanopore SV calling. We mapped raw long reads to the E. fontanierii
v.4.07b, RepeatModeler v.4.07b, RepeatMasker v.1.331 and Repeat- genome using NGM-LR v.0.2.7 with default parameters. SAMtools v.1.7
ProteinMask v.4.1.0 were used to identify repetitive sequences. The was used to sort and convert alignments into BAM format and calculate
overlapping transposable elements belonging to the same repeat class depth and coverage. SVs longer than 50 bp were first called in each
within the genome’s repetitive sequences were sorted and merged. sample using Sniffles v.1.0.12 with the option ‘-l 50’. After merging using
surpyvor v.0.10.0, genotypes at each SV across all samples were iden-
Gene annotation. Combining ab initio predictions and homology and tified again using Sniffles. The sequences of insertions and deletions
transcript evidence, we generated models for zokors' protein-coding were added and polished using Iris v.1.0.5. We merged SVs using surpy-
genes. AUGUSTUS v.3.3.1 and Genscan gene models based on vor again, which was based on the comparison algorithm of SURVIVOR
repeat-masked genomes were annotated for ab initio prediction. The v.1.0.3. Complex SVs (that is, SVs with multiple types, overlapping
protein sequences of Mesocricetus auratus, Rattus norvegicus, Micro- SVs and SVs longer than 1 Mb) were considered as false negatives and
tus ochrogaster, E. fontanierii and E. baileyi were used as templates in removed. SVs with a missing rate greater than 0.15 across all samples
GeMoMa v.1.6.1. Exonerate v.2.4.0 ( were also removed for carrying insufficient genotype information.
erate/) was utilized to align homologous protein sequences from the
UniProt database to the E. baileyi genome. RNA-seq reads were mapped Genomic region and repeat annotation for SVs. The VCF format file
to genomes using HiSAT2 v.2.1.0 and re-assembled using StringTie with SV information was converted to bed format to get the genomic
v.2.2.1. Program Assemble Spliced Alignment v.2.3.3 was subsequently coordinates of each SV. The intersection between repetitive elements
used to generate transcript predictions. TransDecoder v.2.0 (http:// and SVs was then calculated using the intersect method in BEDtools was then used to predict the genes. Evidence v.2.29.2. The VCF format file of the long-read–SV dataset contained 17
Modeler v.1.1.1 was used to integrate all predictions. Using BUSCO, the individuals. The VCF format file of the SR-SV dataset had 146 individuals
completeness of gene annotations was assessed. (55 E. baileyi, 25 E. cansus, 21 E. smithi, 18 E. rothschildi, 14 E. rufescens
and 13 E. fontanierii).
Analysis of gene family expansions and contractions
We downloaded the genome and annotation files of E. fontanierii, Gene function of associated SVs. Using a custom Python script, the
Rhizomys pruinosus, Spalax galili, Rattus norvegicus, Mus musculus, frequencies of each SV were calculated among all species. SVs fixed in
Peromyscus maniculatus, Mesocricetus auratus and Jaculus jaculus one species and not identified in others were defined as species-specific
from the database of NCBI. Together with the E. bailey assembly, nine SVs. Notably, E. fontanierii was used as the reference genome; thus, E.
species were used to examine lineage-specific changes in gene family fontanierii-specific SVs were identified as those SVs that were fixed
size. Orthofinder v.2.5.4 was used to identify orthogroups among nine in all other samples except those from E. fontanierii. We focused on
species based on the longest transcripts extracted with a custom Perl species-specific and species-shared SV-associated genes in this study.
script. We generated a tree with divergence times based on the spe- Genes associated with these SVs were then extracted from the annota-
cies tree and single-copy gene sequences using MCMCTree in PAML tion files in each species. The functional enrichments of genes associ-
v.4.10.3. The species tree was calibrated using TIMETREE (http://www. ated with species-specific SVs were performed using Metascape. fossil times. The contracted and expanded gene families
were identified using CAFÉ v.4.2.1 with orthogroup counts and a tree PCR validation of SVs. Genomic DNA was extracted from the muscles
containing divergence time as input files. The likelihood approach of E. fontanierii and E. baileyi. PCR reactions were performed using a 2×
modelled the evolution of gene family size using a stochastic birth and Taq PCR Master mix (TIANGEN). The HSF1 gene deletion was confirmed
death process in CAFÉ v.4.2.1. We performed a multiple correction of via PCR genotyping using the following primer pairs: (F: CCTGCCCTCT-
P value (FDR < 0.05; Extended Data Table 1). CACTGAGTTG, R: TCCGGGTCTTCTGTTCTGTC).

Identification of genes subject to selection Large inversion (>1 Mb)

We identified PSGs in E. baileyi based on homologous single-copy Identification and verification of large SVs. The chromosome-level
genes from nine species. The codon sequences of each homologous genome of E. baileyi was compared with that of E. fontanierii using the
single-copy gene were extracted for subsequent analysis using a Perl nucmer model of MUMmer v.4.0.0 with default parameters. Align-
script (, based on the ments shorter than 100 bp were filtered using the delta-filter, and their
amino acid and CDS sequences. The selected genes were identified coordinates were obtained using the show-coords module. SyRI v.1.5.6
using the ‘aBSREL’ parameter of HyPhy (, with was used to identify large inversions (>1 Mb).
an omega value greater than 1 indicating PSGs and an omega value less We aligned the contig-level assemblies of E. baileyi to the E. fon-
than 1 indicating negatively selected genes. P values were multiples tanierii genome using nucmer with default parameters. Inversion
corrected by FDR values (<0.05). breakpoints were identifiable if (1) a contig contains the entire inver-
sion, with the inversion sequence aligned in reverse to the reference
SV (<1 Mb) calling, description and verification genome, and (2) a contig includes only a partial region of the inversion,
Illumina SV calling. Quality control was conducted on the sequencing with a sequence from one end of the contig to the inversion breakpoint
data using FastQC. The clean short reads were mapped against the E. aligned in the same direction as the reference genome and a sequence
fontanierii genome using BWA-MEM v.0.7.17-r1188. PCR duplicates were from the other end of the contig to the inversion breakpoint aligned
removed using Picard ( with in reverse to the reference genome. The breakpoints of each inversion
default parameters. Three SV-detecting tools (DELLY v.0.7.6, LUMPY were identified based on the alignments at the contig level.

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Genomes from two additional individuals of E. baileyi were de novo We used cworld-dekker (
assembled, and one public scaffold-level genome3 was used to verify the cworld-dekker/releases) to identify TAD boundaries based on the
SV on chromosome 1. First, we used NextDenovo to de novo assemble 40 kb resolution matrix and obtained an insulation score. For a given
the ONT sequencing data to obtain contig-level genomes. Then, we TAD in one genome, we identified all bins that showed overlap with this
used the 'correct' module of Ragtag v.2.0.1 to scaffold the contigs using TAD. Counterpart TADs between the two species with more than 70%
the chromosome-level E. baileyi genome as reference. Then, the same overlap were defined as shared TADs, and all other TADs were classified
method was used to identify the presence of SV on chromosome 1 in as species-specific TADs.
both genomes. Finally, the significance of genome-wide interactions between
each pair of loci (at 20 kb resolution) was determined using FitHic
Predicting telomere locations. We used tolkit v.0.2.2 (https://github. v.1.1.3. Interactions with P ≤ 0.01, q ≤ 0.01,and >9 reads supporting the
com/tolkit/telomeric-identifier) to identify telomeres in the E. font- interactions were significant interactions. We limited our analysis to
anierii genome. significant interaction regions within the same chromosomes. The bins
of significant interaction regions were determined according to their
Inverted repeat and segmental duplications at inversion break- coordinates. We then tallied the number of shared and species-specific
points. We identified segmental duplications near inversion break- bins between the two genomes and calculated the distance between
points using SEDEF with the soft-masked repeat sequence as input. the interaction bins.
Segmental duplications were then screened for length ≥1 kb and
soft-masked repeat sequences <70%. We calculated the segmental RNA-seq analysis
duplication density around 500 kb of each inversion breakpoint. To The transcriptomes of the hearts, livers and lungs of E. baileyi, E.
compare the density at the breakpoints with the density in random cansus and E. rothschildi from common garden experiments were
regions of the whole genome, we randomly selected 1,000 sites from sequenced. We collected the zokors on the way from our university to
the genome and calculated the segmental duplication density in the our field station located at Guoluo, Qinghai Province, with an altitude
region 500 kb upstream and downstream from each site. Inverted of ~3800 m. All the male adults were in the same environment there
repeats were identified in three ways: (1) segmental duplications for at least 1 week. We anaesthetized the zokor with chloral hydrate,
(>1 kb) located near two breakpoint regions of an SV that were inverted collected tissue and froze it in liquid nitrogen and stored it in a −80 °C
and highly similar were regarded as inverted repeats; (2) IRF v.3.05 refrigerator. We extracted RNA using RNAprep pure Tissue Kit (TIAN-
was used to identify inverted repeats longer than 500 bp; (3) short GEN). NanoPhotometer (IMPLEN) was used to detect RNA purity. The
(>100 bp) inverted repeats were obtained by aligning each chromo- RNA Nano 6000 Assay Kit of the Bioanalyzer 2100 system (Agilent
some to itself. Technologies) was used to assess RNA integrity and concentration.
Then 1–2 µg of RNA per sample was used to construct the cDNA library.
Potential effect of large inversions. We checked whether any inver- Qubit3.0 was used for preliminary quantification. Agilent Bioanalyzer
sion breakpoints were located within the genes. We calculated the 2100 was used to detect the library insert size. StepOnePlus Real-Time
distance between each inversion breakpoint and the nearest tran- PCR System was used to accurately quantitate the insert size (library
scriptional start site. LOF SNPs were utilized to represent genetic load. valid concentration >10 nM). E. baileyi was used as the high-altitude
SnpEff v.5.1 was used to identify LOF SNPs (stop gained, start lost, splice species, whereas E. cansus and E. rothschildi were the low-altitude
acceptor variant and splice donor variant). We calculated the number species. The raw reads were filtered using Trim Galore to remove
of LOF SNPs in each inverted region of E. fontanierii and E. baileyi, in low-quality reads, and the filtered data were assessed using FastQC.
addition to the overall number of LOF SNPs found in their genomes. HISAT2 was used to align clean reads to the genome. We calculated
the number of transcripts of each gene mapped against the genome
Construction of homologous bin pairs. To identify homologous bins using Stringtie v.2.0.4.
between E. fontanierii and E. baileyi, we used LAST v.885 to align the DESeq v.2 was used to identify DEGs (adjusted P ≤ 0.05). We used
query E. baileyi sequence to the target E. fontanierii sequence. Accord- the result of multiple corrections (Benjamini–Hochberg model). We
ing to published pipelines55, the MAF file obtained from LAST was corrected RNA-seq data using phylogenetic comparative methods,
converted into a bin pairs file. Using the University of California, Santa such as phylogenetic generalized least squares. We increased statisti-
Cruz genome browser, the MAF file was converted to PSL format using cal power and controlled the FDR using mashr (
mafToPsl and then converted to a chain file using axtChain (-linearGap stephenslab/mashr; Extended Data Table 2). Metascape was used for
= medium). The liftOver tool (-minMatch = 0.85) was used to construct functional enrichments.
homologous bin pairs of varying sizes.
Dual-luciferase assay
Comparison of 3D chromatin architecture. We compared the 3D chro- HEK293T cells were cultured using an RPM11640 medium supple-
matin architecture in different regions (within the chromosome rear- mented with penicillin, streptomycin and horse serum. The synthe-
rangement region and in other regions) of E. baileyi and E. fontanierii, sized sequences of HIF1A (Ensembl: Chr13: 44667409–44669626),
including the A/B compartments, TADs and significant interaction bins. EGLN1 (Ensembl: Chr1: 1889355–1890797) and HSF1 (Ensembl: Chr9:
Principal component analysis was performed using the reciprocal 81333952–81335801) were inserted into pGL13-Promoter (Promega).
matrix at 150 kb resolution. The A and B compartments were separated We prepared and transformed competent cells and then extracted
along PC1, with positive and negative values for A and B compartments, plasmid DNA. Both the plasmid with the target gene (pGL13) and
respectively. The gene density was higher in the A compartment than the control plasmid (pRL-TK) were transfected into HEK293T cells
in the B compartment. The homologous bins of the two species were using Lipofectamine 2000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and OPTI-MEM
aligned, and the counterpart A/B compartments in each genome were medium (GIBCO, Invitrogen). Then 24 h after transfection, cellular
identified. The homologous bins were identified as switched regions if lysates were collected. The ratio of FLUC and RLUC values (that is,
the two bins showed different compartments, whereas the remaining luciferase activity) was calculated per well. All data were presented as
bins were regarded as stable regions. The ratio of the two region types means with standard deviations, and statistical differences between
was counted (A to B: A in E. fontanierii but B in E. baileyi; B to A: B in E. groups were examined using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s
fontanierii but A in E. baileyi; stable: bins in both genomes contained test, with a P value less than 0.05 indicating significance, and we used
the same compartment type). a two-sided t-test.

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Prediction of SFTPD protein structure 10. Schweizer, R. M. et al. Broad concordance in the spatial
We used RoseTTAFold with default parameters to predict the protein distribution of adaptive and neutral genetic variation across
structure of SFTPD of E. fontanierii and E. baileyi. PyMOL (https://pymol. an elevational gradient in deer mice. Mol. Biol. Evol. 38,
org) was used to visualize the predicted results. 4286–4300 (2021).
11. Scott, G. R. et al. Adaptive modifications of muscle phenotype in
3D model reconstruction of genomes high-altitude deer mice are associated with evolved changes in
The ‘LorDG’ module of Genomeflow ( gene regulation. Mol. Biol. Evol. 32, 1962–1976 (2015).
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Extended Data Fig. 1 | Genome assembly and annotation of E. baileyi (plateau of the E. baileyi chromosome-level genome interaction matrix. (f) MCMCTree
zokor v3.0). (a) Full karyotype of a female E. baileyi. (b) Example G-banded was constructed with nine rodent species. Arrows indicate species living
chromosome spread with 62 counted chromosomes. (c-d) Genome assembly underground.
and annotated genes completeness were evaluated by BUSCO. (e) Heatmap

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Extended Data Fig. 2 | SV (<1 Mb) dataset summary (LR-SV and SR-SV). (a) The SVs shorter than 10,000 bp. (c) The length distribution of INDELs generated from
quantity and kinds of SVs were displayed as stacked bar graphs based on short- different sequencing platforms. (d) Annotation of repeat sequences of the LR-SV.
read sequencing. Bars and dots of various hues denote the type of variation and (e) The genomic coordinates of LR-SV.
each species, respectively. (b) Diagram of length distribution for various types of

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Extended Data Fig. 3 | SV (>1 Mb) dataset summary (LR-SV and SR-SV). The dark blue line at the top of each panel represents the genome of E. fontanierii,
while the dark orange line represents the genome of E. baileyi. The orange block in each panel denotes the inversion position. Each panel (a-m) was one of 32

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Extended Data Fig. 4 | SV (<1 Mb) dataset summary (LR-SV and SR-SV). boundaries are highlighted (purple box), showing predicted inversion (arrow)
(a) Contigs from de novo genome assemblies (‘query’, y-axis) were aligned to above. (b) The Synteny comparison between the genomes of E. fontanierii and
the E. fontanierii reference genome (‘reference’, x-axis). Contigs (blue) and E. baileyi showed that part of the contig of E. baileyi was reversed and the other
those identifying inversion breakpoints (red) are shown. Predicted inversion contig was positive.

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Extended Data Fig. 5 | SV (<1 Mb) dataset summary (LR-SV and SR-SV). The Hochberg model (padj ≤ 0.05). (d) GO enrichment terms of fixed SV-related
fixed-SV related differentially expressed genes in the lung (a) liver (b), and heart genes typically in E. baileyi. (e) Enrichment of genes associated with E. baileyi-
(c) of E. baileyi. Negative binomial distribution model and generalized linear specific SVs, E. smithi-specific SVs and the shared SVs between the two species
model were used to identify DEGs, and we multiple-corrected using Benjamini- (Hypergeometric test, p < 0.05; Benjamini-Hochberg model, q < 0.05).

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Extended Data Fig. 6 | SV-related genes were involved in hypoxia adaptation. and 55 amino acids. De novo prediction of protein structure for E. fontanierii and
(a) The frequency of inversion (2,212 bp) in HIF1A in Eospalax. (b) The nucleotide E. baileyi. (c) A 1,989 bp intronic deletion in UVRAG was validated by coverage of
sequence and amino acid sequence of SFTPD in E. baileyi reveal a loss of one exon reads. (d) Map and coverage of reads of deletion in XRCC4.

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Extended Data Fig. 7 | See next page for caption.

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Extended Data Fig. 7 | Three-dimensional genomics and divergence time of insulation score of chromosome 1 in E. fontanierii and E. baileyi. (c) Venn diagram
the rearrangement on chromosome 1. (a) Compartment A/B, gene density and showing species-specific and shared TADs in SV regions and background regions.
GC content of chromosome 1 in E. fontanierii and E. baileyi. A/B compartments (d) Two E. baileyi-specific TADs associated hypoxia adaptation. (e) The number of
are determined by the PC1 value, the red bar indicates compartment A and the shared/species-specific significant interaction regions between E. fontanierii and
blue bar indicates compartment B. (b) Topologically associating domains (TAD) E. baileyi in the rearrangement region.

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Extended Data Fig. 8 | See next page for caption.

Nature Ecology & Evolution


Extended Data Fig. 8 | Three-dimensional genomics and divergence time of depicts the inverted repeats near each inversion breakpoint. Locations of
the rearrangement on chromosome 1. (a) The overlap of inversions (< 1 Mb) breakpoints are denoted by orange arrows, and only alignments longer than
with different types of repeats. Different colors represent different repeat 100 bp and within 1 Mb of the breakpoints are displayed. Inverted repeats
sequence types. The X-axis of each figure represents the percentage of the located within 1 Mb of both breakpoints are depicted (red) and highlighted
length of the inverted sequence overlapped with different types of repeats (purple box). (d) The pie shows the number of inversions (> 1 Mb) that have
as a percentage of the length of the inverted sequence. The Y-axis represents at least one pair of inverted repeats at both inversion breakpoints. The
the number of inversions. (b) The type and proportion of repeated sequences histogram shows the length of inverted repeats near breakpoints. (e) Segmental
in inversion (< 1 Mb). The x-coordinate represents the ratio of LINE1 to each duplication (SD) percentage of randomly selected 1 Mb regions across the
inversion sequence. (c) Examples of inversions with inverted repeats at both genome and inversion (>1 Mb) regions.
breakpoints on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 21, 23, 24, 27 and 31. Dotplot

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Extended Data Table. 1 | Genome assembly data

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Extended Data Table. 2 | Dual-luciferase assay of EGLN1, HIF1A, and HSF1

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