Q-Exactive-GC Operating Manual

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Q Exactive GC

Mass Spectrometer
Operating Manual

1R120706-0002 Revision A June 2015

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© 2015 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Operating Instructions
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Release History: Revision A released in June 2015.

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Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) i

Chapter 1 Using this Manual .................................................................1-1
About This Manual........................................................ 1-2
Typographical Conventions ........................................... 1-3
Signal Word................................................................ 1-3
Viewpoint Orientation................................................ 1-3
Data Input .................................................................. 1-3
Topic Headings........................................................... 1-4
Reference Documentation.............................................. 1-5

Chapter 2 Scope of Delivery ..................................................................2-1

Standard System Components ....................................... 2-1
Optional System Components ....................................... 2-2

Chapter 3 Functional Description .........................................................3-1

General Description ....................................................... 3-2
Layout of the Q Exactive GC Mass Spectrometers ...... 3-2
Control Elements........................................................... 3-5
System Status LEDs .................................................... 3-5
Power Panel ................................................................ 3-6
Power Column............................................................ 3-9
Vacuum System Controls.......................................... 3-11
Ion Optics.................................................................... 3-12
Curved Linear Trap ..................................................... 3-18
Orbitrap Analyzer ........................................................ 3-19
Extraction of Ion Packets .......................................... 3-19
Measuring Principle .................................................. 3-20
Ion Detection............................................................ 3-21
HCD Cell .................................................................... 3-22
Vacuum System ........................................................... 3-23
Turbomolecular Pumps............................................. 3-24
System Bakeout......................................................... 3-26
Cooling Fans................................................................ 3-26
Gas Supply................................................................... 3-27
Gas Distribution Within the Instrument................... 3-27
Printed Circuit Boards ................................................. 3-29
Preamplifier .............................................................. 3-29
Data Acquisition Board (DAQ Board) ...................... 3-29
Internal Computer (Data Acquisition Unit).............. 3-29
Source Board............................................................. 3-30
Ion Optic Supply DC Board ..................................... 3-30
Ion Optic Supply RF Board ...................................... 3-30

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) iii


Quadrupole Board .................................................... 3-30

FT Adapter Board ..................................................... 3-31
Vacuum Control Board............................................. 3-31
C-Trap RF Board...................................................... 3-32
CE HV Supply Board ............................................... 3-32
CE Pulser Board........................................................ 3-32
Power Supply DAQ Board........................................ 3-33
I/O Board ................................................................. 3-33

Chapter 4 Safety....................................................................................... 4-1

Safety Symbols and Signal Words in This Manual ......... 4-2
Observing This Manual .............................................. 4-2
Safety Symbols on the Instrument.................................. 4-3
Rating Plate................................................................. 4-4
Intended Use.................................................................. 4-5
Qualification of the Personnel..................................... 4-6
Permitted Materials..................................................... 4-6
Electric Safety Precautions ............................................. 4-7
In Case of Emergency .................................................... 4-8
Residual Hazards.......................................................... 4-10
Personal Protective Equipment ................................. 4-11

Chapter 5 Installation ............................................................................. 5-1

Safety Guidelines for Installation.................................... 5-2
Placing the Instrument................................................... 5-3
Instrument Dimensions .............................................. 5-3
Workbench for Instrument ......................................... 5-4
Moving the Instrument ............................................... 5-4
Laboratory Conditions ................................................... 5-8
Power and Gas Supply ................................................ 5-8
Laboratory Temperature ............................................. 5-9
Humidity .................................................................... 5-9
Ventilation and Fume Exhaust .................................... 5-9
Vibration .................................................................. 5-10
Airborne Noise Emission .......................................... 5-10
Connecting the Instrument to the Gas Supply ............. 5-11
Connecting the Q Exactive GC CI Gas Supply......... 5-12
Setting Up Instrument Hardware and Adjusting
System Parameters........................................................ 5-15
User I/O Connections............................................... 5-16

Chapter 6 Operation ................................................................................ 6-1

Safety Guidelines for Operation ..................................... 6-2
Before Operating the System.......................................... 6-3
Checking the Forepump ............................................. 6-3
Checking the Nitrogen Supply.................................... 6-3
Checking the System Vacuum Levels .......................... 6-3

iv Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific


Checking the Disk Space on the Data System ............. 6-4

Checking the Mass Accuracy of the Instrument .......... 6-4
Setting the System in Standby Condition....................... 6-6
Shutting Down the System ............................................ 6-7
Starting Up the System after a Shutdown....................... 6-9
Starting Up the Instrument ......................................... 6-9
Setting Up Conditions for Operation........................ 6-11
Resetting the System .................................................... 6-13
Installing the Column .................................................. 6-14

Chapter 7 Troubleshooting.....................................................................7-1
Safety Guidelines for Troubleshooting ........................... 7-2
Fault Table..................................................................... 7-3
Main Power Failure........................................................ 7-4
Vacuum Leak ................................................................. 7-5
Failure of UHV Chamber Heating Control ................... 7-7
Turbomolecular Pump is Not Running ......................... 7-8

Chapter 8 Maintenance ..........................................................................8-1

Safety Guidelines for Maintenance................................. 8-2
General Advice for Maintenance .................................... 8-4
Inspection- and Servicing Plan ....................................... 8-5
Returning Parts ........................................................... 8-6
Cleaning the Surface of the Instrument ....................... 8-6
Checking Warning Labels ........................................... 8-6
Leak-Checking Gas Lines............................................ 8-7
Maintaining the Vacuum System ................................... 8-8
Pumps Maintenance.................................................... 8-8
Baking Out the System ............................................. 8-11
Maintenance of the Fan Filters..................................... 8-13
EI/CI Source Maintenance........................................... 8-15
Removing the Ion Source Cartridge from the
Q Exactive GC System.............................................. 8-15
Reinserting the Q Exactive GC Ion Source Cartridge 8-31
Cleaning the Q Exactive GC Ion Source Cartridge
and Durable Components......................................... 8-38
Refilling the Calibrant Reservoir in the
Q Exactive GC Mass Spectrometer ........................... 8-42
Replacing a Dual Filament in the Q Exactive GC
Mass Spectrometer .................................................... 8-44
Maintaining GCs or Autosamplers............................... 8-50
Consumables................................................................ 8-51
Thermo Fisher Scientific Service .................................. 8-52
Services to be Performed by Thermo Fisher
Scientific Service Only .............................................. 8-53

Chapter 9 Replaceable Parts .................................................................9-1

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) v


Ion Source Components ................................................ 9-2

Filament Components ................................................... 9-2
Vacuum Interlock Components ..................................... 9-3
Tools.............................................................................. 9-4
Pump Components........................................................ 9-4
Calibration Gas Components......................................... 9-5
Other Parts .................................................................... 9-5

Legal Documents.................................................................. D-1

Index......................................................................................... I-1

vi Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Chapter 1 Using this Manual

Welcome to the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ GC system! The

Q Exactive GC system is a member of the Thermo Scientific family of
mass spectrometer (MS) detectors that are powered by Orbitrap™

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC instruments are designed to be placed

on a bench in the laboratory and come with an ExtractaBrite™
removable ion source cartridge, a quadrupole mass filter for precursor
ion selection, and a collision cell for performing MS/MS experiments.


• “About This Manual” on page 1-2

• “Typographical Conventions” on page 1-3

• “Reference Documentation” on page 1-5

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 1-1

Using this Manual
About This Manual

About This Manual

This Q Exactive GC Operating Manual contains precautionary
statements that can prevent personal injury, instrument damage, and
loss of data if properly followed. It also describes the modes of operation
and principle hardware components of your Exactive Series instrument.
In addition, this manual provides step-by-step instructions for cleaning
and maintaining your instrument.

Designed, manufactured and tested in an ISO9001 registered facility,

this instrument has been shipped to you from our manufacturing facility
in a safe condition.

This instrument must be used as described in this manual. Any use of

this instrument in a manner other than described here may result in
instrument damage and/or operator injury.

1-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Using this Manual
Typographical Conventions

Typographical Conventions
This section describes typographical conventions that have been
established for Thermo Fisher Scientific manuals.

Signal Word
Make sure that you follow the precautionary statements presented in
this manual. The special notices appear different from the main flow of

NOTICE Points out possible material damage and other important

information in connection with the instrument. ▲

Viewpoint Orientation
The expressions left and right used in this manual always refer to the
viewpoint of a person that is facing the front side of the instrument.

Data Input
Throughout this manual, the following conventions indicate data input
and output with the computer:

• Messages displayed on the screen are represented by capitalizing the

initial letter of each word and by italicizing each word.

• Input that you enter by keyboard is identified by quotation marks:

single quotes for single characters, double quotes for strings.

• For brevity, expressions such as “choose File > Directories” are used
rather than “pull down the File menu and choose Directories.”

• Any command enclosed in angle brackets < > represents a single

keystroke. For example, “press <F1>” means press the key labeled

• Any command that requires pressing two or more keys

simultaneously is shown with a plus sign connecting the keys. For
example, “press <Shift> + <F1>” means press and hold the <Shift>
key and then press the <F1> key.

• Any button that you click on the screen is represented in bold face
letters. For example, “click Close”.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 1-3

Using this Manual
Typographical Conventions

Topic Headings
The following headings are used to show the organization of topics
within a chapter:

Chapter 1 Chapter Name

Second Level Topics

Third Level Topics

Fourth Level Topics

1-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Using this Manual
Reference Documentation

Reference Documentation
This Q Exactive GC Operating Manual represents the Original
Operating Instructions. In addition to this manual, Thermo Fisher
Scientific provides other documents for the Q Exactive GC mass
spectrometer that are not part of the Original Operating Instructions.
Reference documentation for the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers
includes the following:

• Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide

• Q Exactive GC Software Manual

• Q Exactive GC QuickStart Guide

You can access PDF files of the documents listed above and of this
manual from the data system computer. The software also provides

❖ To view product manuals

Go to Start > All Programs > Thermo Exactive Series > Manuals.

A printed version of this Q Exactive GC Operating Manual is shipped

with the instrument. A printed version of the Q Exactive GC
Preinstallation Requirements Guide is part of the Preinstallation Kit. This
kit is sent to your laboratory before the arrival of the Exactive Series
mass spectrometer.

NOTICE If this manual is in a language other than English: Translations

of the above documents that are available in this language are shown
with their titles translated and the English title in parentheses. See
“Contacting Us” at the beginning of this manual for information about
obtaining current manuals. ▲

Refer also to the user documentation provided by the manufacturers of

third-party components:

• Forepump

• Turbomolecular pumps

• Data system computer and monitor

• Safety data sheets

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 1-5

Chapter 2 Scope of Delivery
This chapter lists she standard components of your Q Exactive GC
GC/MS system and optional components.


• “Standard System Components” on page 2-1

• “Optional System Components” on page 2-2

Standard System Components

The Q Exactive GC standard system comprises the following

• Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer

• Thermo Scientific™ TRACE™ 1310 gas chromatograph (GC)

• Data system computer with monitor

• Forepump and drip pan for forepump

• Installation Kit including

- Equipment for connecting the above components (hoses, cables)

- Computer equipment

- Tools for installation and maintenance

- Spare parts

• Printed manual

- Q Exactive GC Operating Manual

In addition to this printed manual, other documents for the

Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer are available as PDF files on the
data system computer. See “Reference Documentation” on page 1-5
for a list.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 2-1

Scope of Delivery
Optional System Components

Optional System Components

For reference, the following list contains components that are frequently
shipped with the standard Q Exactive GC GC/MS system. They are not
part of the standard system and may therefore not be present in your

• Thermo Scientific™ TriPlus™ RSH autosampler

2-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Chapter 3 Functional Description

This chapter provides an overview of the functional elements of the

Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer.


• “General Description” on page 3-2

• “Control Elements” on page 3-5

• “Ion Optics” on page 3-12

• “Curved Linear Trap” on page 3-18

• “Orbitrap Analyzer” on page 3-19

• “HCD Cell” on page 3-22

• “Vacuum System” on page 3-23

• “Cooling Fans” on page 3-26

• “Gas Supply” on page 3-27

• “Printed Circuit Boards” on page 3-29

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-1

Functional Description
General Description

General Description
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers are stand-alone Orbitrap™
instruments with an extractable ion source for gas chromatography
(GC) mass spectrometry (MS) high-throughput applications. The
instruments are designed to be placed on a bench in the laboratory. This
chapter describes the principal components of Q Exactive GC systems
and their respective functions.

Layout of the Q Exactive GC Mass Spectrometers

The Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer consists of the main components
listed here:

• Ion source that is removable under vacuum

• Quadrupole mass filter for precursor ion selection

• Intermediate storage device (C-Trap) for short pulse injection

• Collision cell for performing HCD (Higher Energy Collisional

Dissociation) experiments

• Orbitrap analyzer for Fourier transform mass analysis

3-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
General Description

Figure 3-1 shows a front view of the Q Exactive GC MS. For a

schematic view of the instrument layout, see Figure 3-6 on page 3-12.

System Status LEDs TRACE 1310 GC

Vacuum Interlock Status LED

Figure 3-1. Q Exactive GC MS front view

Operating Modes of the Q Exactive GC MS

Samples can be introduced into the TRACE 1310 GC manually or by

using an autosampler. See the GC and autosampler user manuals for
instructions on injecting samples.

The quadrupole rod assembly operates as ion transmission device with

the possibility to filter the transmitted ions according to their
mass-to-charge ratios. By applying RF and DC voltages to the rods, the
filter characteristic is configured. See “Quadrupole Mass Filter” on
page 3-15 for details.

The ions are transferred into the C-Trap through three stages of
differential pumping. See “Ion Optics” on page 3-12 for details. In the
C-Trap, the ions are accumulated and their energy is dampened using a
bath gas (nitrogen). The ions are then injected through three further
stages of differential pumping using a lens system (Z-lens) into the
Orbitrap analyzer where mass spectra are acquired by image current
detection. The vacuum inside the Orbitrap analyzer is maintained below
1E-9 mbar. See “Orbitrap Analyzer” on page 3-19 for details.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-3

Functional Description
General Description

Ions are passed through the C-Trap into the HCD cell. The HCD cell
adds a Higher Energy Collision Induced Dissociation capability to the
instrument. In combination with the quadrupole mass filter this allows
MS/MS experiments or all-ion fragmentation (AIF) in case of a broad
range of selected mass-to-charge ratios. After the ions have been
fragmented in the HCD cell, the HCD cell voltages are ramped up and
the ions are transferred back into the C-Trap from where they are
injected into the Orbitrap analyzer for detection. See page 3-22 for a
description of the HCD cell.

Table 3-1. Measuring properties of the Q Exactive_GC

Mass Range for Full Scans m/z 50–3000 (Scan range: last mass ≤ 15 × first mass)
Precursor Ion Selection
50 < m/z ≤ 400 Any isolation widths between 0.4 amu and full scan
400 < m/z ≤ 700 Any isolation widths between 0.7 amu and full scan
700 < m/z ≤ 1000 Any isolation widths between 1.0 amu and full scan
1000 < m/z ≤ 2000 Any isolation widths between 2.0 amu and full scan
2000 < m/z ≤ 2500 Any isolation widths between 3.0 amu and full scan
2500 < m/z No precursor ion isolation
Mass Resolution 15000 at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 18 Hz
30000 at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 12 Hz
60000 at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 7 Hz
120000 at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 3 Hz
Mass Accuracy <3 ppm with external calibration (under defined conditions)
<1 ppm using internal standard, lock masses (under defined conditions)
Polarity Switching One full cycle in < 1 sec (one full scan positive mode and one full scan
negative mode at resolution setting of 60000)
Dynamic Range >5000 within a single scan

3-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Control Elements

Control Elements
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers are mainly operated from the
desktop computer (data system). LEDs at the front side of the
instrument give general information about the system status. Switches
and ports for other devices of the GC/MS system are located at the
power panel on the left side of the instrument. The mains inlet and the
Ethernet port are located at the rear side of the instrument. This section
describes the control elements for important system functions.

System Status LEDs

Five system status LEDs at the front side (See Figure 3-2.) indicate main
functions of the system. They are controlled by the source board (See
page 3-30.). Table 3-2 explains the function of the LEDs.

Figure 3-2. System status LEDs

Table 3-2. System status LEDs of the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer

LED Status Information
Power Green Main power circuit breaker switch on
Off Main power circuit breaker switch off
Vacuum Green Operating vacuum reached
Yellow Vacuum insufficient for measurements, RF can be switched ona
Green/Yellow flashing System bakeout in progress
Off Vacuum insufficient for measurements, RF cannot be switched ona
Status Green Instrument in operating mode
Yellow Warn status, does not prevent measurement, however proper
operation could be affecteda
Off Grave failure detected that does prevent measurementa
System Green System on
Yellow System in Standby mode
Off System off
Scanning Blue flashing Instrument scanning
Off Instrument not scanning
Refer to the Tune software for detailed information about malfunctions of system components.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-5

Functional Description
Control Elements

NOTICE The system status LEDs give a quick overview of the general
system status; they do not have any function for the safety status of the
instrument. Before performing any maintenance on the instrument,
make sure that the main power circuit breaker switch (labeled Main
Power) is in the Off (O) position and that the power cords of mass
spectrometer and forepump are disconnected. It is not sufficient that the
Power LED is off because it might be defective. All system status LEDs
are off, when the electronics service switch is in the Service Mode
position. ▲

Power Panel
Figure 3-3 shows the rear side of the instrument. Visible are the power
panel, power column, forevacuum port, and ventilation slots.

Power Column

Ventilation Forevacuum Port Power Panel


Figure 3-3. Rear side of instrument (partial view)

The main power circuit breaker switch (labeled Main Power) is located on
the power panel at the left side of the mass spectrometer. See Figure 3-4.
In the Off (O) position, the circuit breaker removes all power to the
mass spectrometer, including the vacuum pumps. In the On (|) position,
power is supplied to the mass spectrometer. In the standard operational
mode, the circuit breaker is kept in the On (|) position.

NOTICE Power is to remain on. The mass spectrometer should remain

on and pumping continuously for optimum performance. ▲

3-6 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Control Elements

The electronics service switch is located on the power panel. See

Figure 3-4. In the Service Mode position, the switch removes power to
all components of the mass spectrometer except the vacuum system. In
the Operating Mode position, power is supplied to all components of
the mass spectrometer.

NOTICE The service mode switch does not disable the EI/CI
electronics. The EI/CI electronics have a separate switch on the rear.
The EI/CI electronics are powered through the power column and will
not have power when the main circuit breaker is in the OFF position. ▲

USB Port

Main Power switch Electronics service switch Output Input System Reset Syringe Pump Port
(Not Used on
Q Exactive GC)

Figure 3-4. Power panel

Both switches contain circuit breakers that protect the electrical wiring
of the instrument from an overloaded (overcurrent) condition when it is
exposed to more electrical current than it is designed to handle. In case
of a thermal overload they interrupt the power supply to the instrument.
After cooling down (and removal of the overload), the circuit breakers
close and both switches can be used again. If you cannot reset the
instrument to the operating mode despite repeated attempts, the circuit
breaker inside the switch is blown. In this case, call a Thermo Fisher
Scientific field service engineer to replace it.

Peripheral Control

The peripheral control output connection allows transmitting digital

contact closure signals from the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer to
other devices of the GC/MS system:

• The Ready Out port allows the mass spectrometer to provide ready
status through contact closure for an external receiving device.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-7

Functional Description
Control Elements

• The Start Out port allows the mass spectrometer to provide a

programmable contact closure output signal to the inputs of an
external receiving device.

NOTICE Refer to the Software Manual or the Tune Help of your

instrument for information about setting up contact closure signals. ▲

The contact closure signals are transmitted through a trigger cable that
connects the respective port to the external device. A suitable plug
connector (P/N 2087270) for the peripheral control output connection
is provided with the Installation Kit. See “User I/O Connections” on
page 5-16 for specifications of the peripheral control output connection

The peripheral control input connection allows transmitting signals from

other devices of the GC/MS system to the mass spectrometer:

• The Start In port allows the mass spectrometer to start data

acquisition upon receiving a digital contact closure signal from an
external device.

The contact closure signals are transmitted through a trigger cable that
connects the respective port to the external device. A suitable plug
connector (P/N 2098690) for the peripheral control input connection is
provided with the Installation Kit. See “User I/O Connections” on
page 5-16 for specifications of the peripheral control input connection

The reset button is also located on the power panel. When you press the
reset button, the instrument software is reloaded from the data system.
See “Resetting the System” on page 6-13 for information on resetting
the mass spectrometer.

The USB port allows the internal computer to communicate with other
devices of the GC/MS system. Do not connect any device to this port
other than dedicated Thermo Fisher Scientific devices.

3-8 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Control Elements

Power Column
The power column at the rear side of the instrument provides external
connections for mains supply, gas, and Ethernet communication. See
Figure 3-5.

Ethernet connector

Power supply for


Power supply for EI/CI

electronics and auxiliary
Mains supply connector temperature module

Ground bolt for GC/MS

system components
Inlets for nitrogen gas

Figure 3-5. Power column

Located at the top left side is the Ethernet port for connecting the mass
spectrometer to the data system computer.

NOTICE For Q Exactive GC GC/MS systems, a cable is provided to

power the forepump from the topmost power outlet. ▲

The power connector for the mains supply is located below the two
power outlets. The Q Exactive GC instrument is designed to operate at
a nominal voltage of 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Line voltages can vary
between a minimum of 207 V AC and a maximum of 253 V AC.
Connect the power cord of the instrument to a wall receptacle that is
fused with 15 A or 16 A.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-9

Functional Description
Control Elements

Above the gas ports, a ground bolt provides a protected earth connection
for the ground wires of other devices of the GC/MS system.

The ports for nitrogen gas allow connecting a Teflon™ hose from the gas
supply of the laboratory to the instrument. (See also “Gas Supply” on
page 3-27.) The required gas pressure is 800 ± 30 kPa (8 ± 0.3 bar,
116 ± 4 psi).

3-10 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Control Elements

Vacuum System Controls

An interface for RS-485 data connects the TMPs to the vacuum control
board. The vacuum gauges of the mass spectrometer are controlled by
the same board. (See “Vacuum Control Board” on page 3-31.)

Vacuum Gauges

As shown in Table 3-3, vacuum in the mass spectrometer is measured in

two regions.

Table 3-3. Vacuum measurement regions in Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers

Region Typical values Gauge type Name in Tune software
Quadrupole region 3E-05 mbar Cold
High Vacuum
Orbitrap analyzer < 8E-10 mbar Cold
Ultra High Vacuum

The vacuum is monitored by two vacuum gauges:

• The vacuum in the quadrupole region is monitored by a Compact

Cold Cathode Gauge (IKR 251, manufacturer: Pfeiffer Vacuum).

• The vacuum in the Orbitrap analyzer chamber is monitored by a

Compact Cold Gauge (IKR 270, manufacturer: Pfeiffer Vacuum).

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-11

Functional Description
Ion Optics

Ion Optics
Figure 3-6 shows the schematic view of the Q Exactive GC mass
spectrometers. With the exception of the quadrupole, voltages for the
elements of the ion optics are provided by the ion optic supply
DC board (See page 3-30.) and the ion optics supply RF board. (See
page 3-30.) The quadrupole voltages are supplied by a dedicated PCB.
See page 3-30.

Collector C-trap Exit Lens C-Trap Entrance Lens

HCD Collision Cell C-Trap Split Lens Quad Exit Lens Quadrupole TK Lens Bent Flatapole

Transfer Multipole

Z Lens Inter-flatapole Lens

Injection Flatapole
Lens 3/RF Lens Lens 1
Lens 2

Orbitrap Transfer
Mass Analyzer Filament Ion Volume Line

Figure 3-6. Schematic of the Q Exactive GC MS

Ion Source of the Q Exactive GC

There are three types of ion sources available for the Q Exactive GC: an
electron ionization (EI) source, a chemical ionization (CI) source that
enables that enables positive ion chemical ionization (PCI) and negative
ion chemical ionization (NCI), and a combination EI/PCI/NCI source.

3-12 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Ion Optics

All available ion sources include an ion volume, repeller, source lenses,
an RF lens, and dual filaments and are programmable from 50 °C to
350 °C. Figure 3-7 provides images of the three available ion volumes.

EI Ion Volume CI Ion Volume EI/CI Ion Volume

Figure 3-7. Available Q Exactive GC Ion Sources

The ion source parts are contained in an ion source cartridge. See
Figure 3-8.

Lens 3/RF Lens

Lens 1
Repeller Ion Cartridge Sleeve
Lens 2
Ion Volume
Locking Ring EI Ion Volume

Ion Volume-Repeller
Repeller Insulator

Figure 3-8. Components of the Q Exactive GC Ion Source

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-13

Functional Description
Ion Optics

The ion source cartridge is removable while the Q Exactive GC is under

vacuum. For removal instructions see “Removing the Ion Source
Cartridge from the Q Exactive GC System” on page 8-15. For cleaning
instructions see “Cleaning the Q Exactive GC Ion Source Cartridge and
Durable Components” on page 8-38.

The injection flatapole is a square array of flat metal electrodes that acts
as an ion focusing and as an ion pre-filtering device (Figure 3-9). An
RF voltage that is applied to the electrodes (injection flatapole RF) gives
rise to an electric field that focuses the ions along the axis of the lens. A
DC offset voltage is applied to the injection flatapole (injection
flatapole DC).

Figure 3-9. Injection flatapole

The inter-flatapole lens is a metal plate with a small hole through which
the ion beam can pass. A DC potential is applied to the lens to aid in
ion transmission. The lens also acts as a vacuum baffle between the
source and analyzer ion optics chambers.

Analyzer Ion Optics of the Q Exactive GC Mass Spectrometer

The bent flatapole always acts as an ion transmission device. It guides the
ions through a 90° arc from the injection flatapole to the quadrupole
and removes the neutral gas jet and passing through the injection
flatapole. Because of the bent shape of the flatapole, the neutral particles
cannot follow the bent path of the flatapole. The region around the bent
flatapole is pumped by the interstage inlet IS1 of the source TMP.

An RF voltage is supplied through a separate RF vacuum feedthrough to

the bent flatapole electrodes. A common mode DC offset voltage (bent
flatapole DC) can be set.

3-14 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Ion Optics

The combination of inner and outer TK lens (Turner-Kruger lens)

focuses the ion beam into the quadrupole. It also shields the bent
flatapole from the RF voltage applied to the quadrupole and vice versa.
Additionally, the TK lens acts as vacuum baffle between bent flatapole
and quadrupole. Furthermore, the lens assembly ensures the accurate
and automatic alignment of bent flatapole and quadrupole.

The quadrupole is described in the next topic.

The quad exit lens focuses the ions coming from the quadrupole into the
transfer multipole.

The split lens is used to start and stop the injection of ions into the mass
analyzer. It provides a high deflection voltage most of the time so that
ions are deflected into a baffle except when they are to be allowed into
the C-Trap. The fast switching of the ion beam ensures the precise
determination of the ion injection time that is required for Automatic
Gain Control (AGC).

After passing the RF-only transfer multipole, which acts as another

transmission device, the ions enter the C-Trap through its entrance lens.

Quadrupole Mass Filter

The quadrupole is a square array of precision-machined and

precision-aligned hyperbolic-profile round rods. See Figure 3-10.
Quartz spacers act as electrical insulators between adjacent rods.

Figure 3-10. Quadrupole

The quadrupole assembly is located in the source chamber between the

TK lens and the transfer multipole. In addition to the quadrupole, the
assembly includes the exit lens and the split lens.

In a quadrupole rod assembly, rods opposite each other in the array are
connected electrically. Thus, the four rods can be considered as two pairs
of two rods each. RF and DC voltages are applied to the rods and these
voltages are ramped during the scan. Voltages of the same amplitude and
sign are applied to the rods of each pair. However, the voltages applied
to the different rod pairs are equal in amplitude but opposite in sign. See
Figure 3-11.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-15

Functional Description
Ion Optics

The quadrupole board provides the voltages for operating the

quadrupole. See page 3-30. The RF voltage applied to the quadrupole
rods is of constant frequency (between 825–845 kHz) and varies from 0
to 6700 V peak-to-peak amplitude. The DC voltage varies from 0 to
±500 V.

RF voltage
+ DC

RF voltage 180° out of phase

– DC voltage

Figure 3-11. Polarity of the RF and DC voltages applied to the rods of the
quadrupole mass filter

3-16 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Ion Optics

In Figure 3-12, the solid line represents the combined RF and

DC voltage applied to one rod pair, and the dashed line represents the
combined RF and DC voltage applied to the other rod pair. The
RF-to-DC-voltage ratios and their values determine the range of
mass-to-charge ratios to be transmitted through the quadrupole mass

RF voltage
6700 V P/P
500 V DC voltage
Voltage (V)

Atomic mass units (u)

Figure 3-12. Magnitude of the RF and DC voltages applied between the

rods of the quadrupole mass filter

In the mass spectrometer, the rods of the quadrupole are supplied with a
variable ratio of RF voltage and DC voltage (Figure 3-12). For each
injection, controlled by the split lens, the quad RF amplitude and
DC voltage are set to fixed values. Under these conditions, only ions of a
certain range of m/z ratios are maintained within bounded oscillations as
their velocity carries them through the mass filter. At the same time, all
other ions undergo unbounded oscillations. These ions strike one of the
rod surfaces, become neutralized, and are pumped away, or they are
ejected from the rod assembly.

The quadrupole offset voltage is a DC potential applied to the

quadrupole rods in addition to the filtering DC voltage. The offset
voltage applied to the two rod pairs of the assembly is equal in
amplitude and equal in sign. The quadrupole offset voltage accelerates
or decelerates ions and, therefore, sets the translational kinetic energy of
the ions as they enter the quadrupole rod assembly.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-17

Functional Description
Curved Linear Trap

Curved Linear Trap

On their way from the ion source to the Orbitrap analyzer, ions move
through the gas-free RF transfer multipole into the gas-filled curved
linear trap (C-Trap). See Figure 3-6 on page 3-12. Ions entering the
C-Trap lose their kinetic energy in collisions with nitrogen bath gas and
get collected near the middle part of the C-Trap. The nitrogen collision
gas (bath gas) is used for dissipating the kinetic energy of injected ions
and for cooling them down to the axis of the C-Trap.

Voltages on the end apertures of the C-Trap (entrance and exit

apertures) are elevated to provide a potential well along its axis. These
voltages may be later ramped up to squeeze ions into a shorter thread
along this axis. The RF to the C-Trap (Main RF) as well as the entrance
and exit DC voltages are provided by the C-Trap RF main board. (See
page 3-32.) High voltages to the lens system are provided by the central
electrode high-voltage power supply board. (See page 3-32.)

A collector is mounted behind the HCD collision cell. This collector is

used for an independent C-Trap charge detection, which periodically
(every 5–10 seconds) checks and adjusts the accuracy of the Automatic
Gain Control. The collector is also used in some of the diagnostic
procedures of the instrument.

3-18 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Orbitrap Analyzer

Orbitrap Analyzer
The heart of the Orbitrap™ analyzer is an axially-symmetrical mass
analyzer. It consists of a spindle-shape central electrode surrounded by a
pair of bell-shaped outer electrodes. See Figure 3-13. The Orbitrap
analyzer employs electric fields to capture and confine ions.

Figure 3-13. Schematic of Orbitrap cell and example of stable ion trajectory

Extraction of Ion Packets

For ion extraction, the RF on the rods of the C-Trap is ramped off and
extracting voltage pulses are applied to the electrodes, pushing ions
orthogonally to the curved axis through a slot in the inner electrode.
Because of the initial curvature of the C-Trap and the subsequent lenses,
the ion beam converges on the entrance into the Orbitrap analyzer. The
lenses that follow the C-Trap (Z-lens) also act as differential pumping
slots and cause spatial focusing of the ion beam into the entrance of the
Orbitrap analyzer. Ions are electrostatically deflected away from the gas
jet, thereby eliminating gas carryover into the Orbitrap analyzer.

Owing to the fast pulsing of ions from the C-Trap, ions of each
mass-to-charge ratio arrive at the entrance of the Orbitrap analyzer as
short packets that are only a few millimeters long. For each
mass-to-charge population, this corresponds to a spread of flight times
of only a few hundred nanoseconds for mass-to-charge ratios of a few
hundred Daltons per charge. Such durations are considerably shorter
than a half-period of axial ion oscillation in the C-Trap. When ions are
injected into the Orbitrap analyzer at a position offset from its equator
(See Figure 3-14.), these packets start coherent axial oscillations without
the need for any additional excitation cycle.

The evolution of an ion packet during the increase of the electric field is
shown schematically in Figure 3-14. When the injected ions approach
the opposite electrode for the first time, the increased electric field
(owing to the change of the voltage on the central electrode) contracts
the radius of the ion cloud by a few percent. The applied voltages are

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-19

Functional Description
Orbitrap Analyzer

adjusted to prevent collision of the ions with the electrode. A further

increase of the field continues to squeeze the trajectory closer to the axis,
meanwhile allowing for newly arriving ions (normally, with higher m/z)
to enter the C-Trap as well. After ions of all m/z have entered the
Orbitrap analyzer and moved far enough from the outer electrodes, the
voltage on the central electrode is kept constant and image current
detection takes place.

Figure 3-14. Principle of electrodynamic squeezing of ions in the Orbitrap

analyzer as the field strength is increased

NOTICE Q Exactive GC instruments can fill the C-Trap in parallel to

acquisition of the transient in the Orbitrap analyzer. ▲

Measuring Principle
In the mass analyzer shown in Figure 3-13 on page 3-19, stable ion
trajectories combine rotation around an axial central electrode with
harmonic oscillations along it. The frequency w of these harmonic
oscillations along the z-axis depends only on the ion’s mass-to-charge
ratio m/z and the instrumental constant k:

 = m-  k

Two split halves of the outer electrode of the Orbitrap analyzer detect
the image current produced by the oscillating ions. By Fast Fourier
Transformation (FFT) of the amplified image current, the instrument
obtains the frequencies of these axial oscillations and therefore the
mass-to-charge ratios of the ions.

3-20 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Orbitrap Analyzer

Ion Detection
During ion detection, the central electrode and the additional electrode,
which deflects ions during injection and compensates electric field
imperfections during the measurement (See Figure 3-14 on page 3-20.),
are maintained at very stable voltages so that no mass drift can take
place. The outer electrode is split in half at z=0, allowing the ion image
current in the axial direction to be collected. The image current on each
half of the outer electrode is differentially amplified and then undergoes
analog-to-digital conversion before processing using the fast Fourier
transform algorithm.

Lower m/z Higher m/z

Figure 3-15. Approximate shape of ion packets of different m/z after

stabilization of voltages

As mentioned above, stable ion trajectories within the Orbitrap analyzer

combine axial oscillations along the z-axis with rotation around the
central electrode and vibrations in the radial direction. (See Figure 3-13
on page 3-19.) For any given m/z, only the frequency of axial oscillations
is completely independent of initial ion parameters, whereas rotational
and radial frequencies exhibit strong dependence on initial radius and
energy. Therefore, ions of the same mass-to-charge ratio continue to
oscillate along z together, remaining in-phase for many thousands of

In contrast to the axial oscillations, the frequencies of radial and

rotational motion will vary for ions with slightly different initial
parameters. This means that in the radial direction, ions dephase orders
of magnitude faster than in the axial direction, and the process occurs in

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-21

Functional Description
HCD Cell

a period of only 50–100 oscillations. After this, the ion packet of a given
m/z assumes the shape of a thin ring, with ions uniformly distributed
along its circumference. See Figure 3-15. Because of this angular and
radial smearing, radial and rotational frequencies cannot appear in the
measured spectrum. Meanwhile, axial oscillations will persist, with axial
thickness of the ion ring remaining small compared with the axial
amplitude. Moving from one half outer electrode to the other, this ring
will induce opposite currents on these halves, thus creating a signal to be
detected by differential amplification.

HCD Cell
The HCD cell consists of a straight multipole mounted inside a metal
tube, which is connected in direct line-of-sight to the C-Trap. It is
supplied with a collision gas to provide increased gas pressure inside the
multipole. The C-Trap is directly attached to the HCD cell, so part of
the collision gas flows into the C-Trap to serve as bath gas. See “Gas
Supply” on page 3-27 for details. The ion optic supply DC board
provides all RF and DC voltages necessary for operating the HCD cell.
(See page 3-30.)

For HCD (Higher Energy Collisional Dissociation), ions are passed

through the C-Trap into the HCD cell. The offset between the C-Trap
and HCD is used to accelerate the precursor ions into the gas-filled cell.
A potential gradient is applied to the HCD cell to provide fast
extraction of ions, such that it returns ions at a reliable rate.

The spectra of fragments generated in the HCD cell and detected in the
Orbitrap analyzer are comparable to the typical fragmentations patterns
obtained on triple-quadrupole instruments. Refer to the QuickStart
Guide for your instrument for more information.

3-22 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Vacuum System

Vacuum System
The vacuum manifold encloses the ion source interface, ion guides,
C-Trap, and the Orbitrap analyzer. The vacuum manifold consists of
thick-walled aluminum chambers with machined flanges on the front,
sides, and bottom, and various electrical feedthroughs and gas inlets.
The vacuum manifold is divided into three chambers. The region inside
the first chamber is evacuated by a rotary-vane pump (forepump). The
region inside the second chamber, called the source chamber, is
evacuated by a turbomolecular pump (source TMP). The region inside
the third chamber, called the analyzer chamber, is evacuated by another
turbomolecular pump (analyzer TMP). Figure 3-16 shows a schematic
overview of the vacuum system, Table 3-4 shows the vacuum regions of
the mass spectrometer.

Ion Gauge 2 (IKR 270) Ion Gauge 1 (IKR 251) Vent Valve (N2) Pirani Gauge (TPR 280)

5e-10 mbar 3.2e-5 mbar ~2e-5 mbar

HV = High Vacuum

FV = Forevacuum

Analyzer TMP Source TMP Forepump IS = Interstage

Figure 3-16. Schematic of vacuum system in Q Exactive GC MS

Table 3-4. Vacuum regions overview

Region in instrument Vacuum [mbar] applied by
EI/CI ion source
Injection flatapole < 2E-5a Source TMP IS1
Bent flatapole
Transfer multipole
< 3.2E-05 Source TMP HV
Z-lens Analyzer TMP IS2
Region between Z-lens and Orbitrap analyzer Analyzer TMP IS1
Orbitrap analyzer < 6E-10 Analyzer TMP HV
Pressure will vary with helium carrier gas flow and CI reagent gas flow.

See page 3-11 for information about the vacuum gauges in the
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-23

Functional Description
Vacuum System

Turbomolecular Pumps
Two turbomolecular pumps (TMPs) provide the vacuum for the mass
spectrometer. The TMPs are controlled by individual controllers and
powered by +24 V DC (480 W) power supplies. Power for the TMPs is
turned off by the main power circuit breaker switch, but not by the
electronics service switch. The TMPs are air cooled by fans that are
mounted in fan inserts on the bottom of the instrument.

Pump controllers provide power to and control of the TMPs. The status
of each TMP (such as temperature or rotational speed) is sent from the
TMP controller to the vacuum control board. See page 3-31.

Analyzer TMP

The vacuum in the analyzer chamber is created by a second three-stage

split flow TMP (TURBOVAC TW 290/20/20-UHV, manufacturer:
Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum). The pump mounts onto the bottom of the
vacuum manifold. The analyzer TMP has three pumping inlets (see
Figure 3-16 on page 3-23):

• A 20 L/s interstage inlet (IS2) in the molecular drag section of the

pump, which evacuates the Z-lens region.

• An 20 L/s interstage inlet (IS1) about half way down the rotor stack,
which evacuates the region between Z-lens and Orbitrap analyzer.

• A 250 L/s high-vacuum (HV) inlet at the top of the rotor stack,
which evacuates the UHV (Orbitrap analyzer) chamber.

The interstage inlet IS1 of the source TMP provides the forevacuum for
the analyzer TMP.

For a detailed description of the analyzer TMP and for instructions on

user maintenance, refer to the handbook for the pump. See also
“Maintenance of the Analyzer TMP” on page 8-10.

Vent Valve

The vent valve is a solenoid-operated valve that allows the vacuum

manifold to be vented. The vent valve is closed when the solenoid is
energized. The vacuum control board switches the vent valve.

The vacuum manifold is vented when external power is removed from

the instrument. (Power is removed from the instrument by a power
failure or by placing the main power circuit breaker in the Off (O)
position.) Power is provided to the vent valve for a short time after the
external power is removed. If external power is not restored to the
instrument within this time, power to the vent valve solenoid is shut off.
When power to the vent valve solenoid is shut off, the vent valve opens

3-24 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Vacuum System

and the manifold is vented with nitrogen. See Figure 3-16 on page 3-23
and Figure 3-17 on page 3-27. The vent valve closes after power is
restored to the instrument.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-25

Functional Description
Cooling Fans

System Bakeout
After the system has been open to the atmosphere (for example, during
maintenance work or a power outage), the vacuum deteriorates due to
contaminations of the inner parts of the vacuum system caused by
moisture. These contaminations must be removed by heating the
vacuum system by a system bakeout. See “Baking Out the System” on
page 8-11 for instructions on performing a system bakeout.

Bakeout Devices

To provide the high temperatures required for performing a system

bakeout, the mass spectrometer is equipped with two halogen bulbs
inside the vacuum chamber. Furthermore, two heating cartridges are
built into the block that serves as housing for the analyzer TMP.

Bakeout Control

For a system bakeout, the instrument software simultaneously switches

all heaters by relays. The vacuum control board controls the bakeout
procedure. For example, the heaters are switched off in case of a failure
of the fan below the analyzer TMP.

NOTICE Individual printed circuit boards also have devices for checking
the actual temperature. ▲

Cooling Fans
Six fans provide cooling for the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers. On
the right instrument side, a fan insert with four fans cools the electronic
boards. On the left instrument side, a second insert with two fans cools
the analyzer chamber and the analyzer TMP. From the rear of the mass
spectrometer, air is drawn in through fan filters. The exhaust air is
expelled from the ventilation slots on the sides of the mass spectrometer.

The vacuum control board monitors all fans within the instrument.
During a system bakeout, it switches off one of the two fans below the
analyzer TMP. In case of a fan failure, the board triggers an alert in the
Tune software. In case of a failure of the fans below the analyzer TMP,
no bakeout procedure is possible.

NOTICE In addition to the fans described in this topic, various printed

circuit boards are equipped with individual fans. ▲

3-26 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Gas Supply

Gas Supply
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers require ultra high-purity
(>99.999%) nitrogen for the collision gas (bath gas) of the C-Trap and
for the collision gas for the HCD cell. Nitrogen is also used to vent the
vacuum manifold with the vent valve if the system is shut down. The
required pressure is 800 ± 30 kPa (8 ± 0.3 bar, 116 ± 4 psi). The vented
vacuum manifold is protected against overpressure by pressure relief
valves and a glass manifold cover over the ion source. Figure 3-6 shows a
schematic of the gas supply in the instrument.


HCD Cell & C-Trap Venting Source Board

HCD Cell

Vacuum Manifold

Vent Valve

Pressure Regulator

CI Gases
Calibration Gas

Figure 3-17. Schematic of gas supply

NOTICE Calibration gas is composed of perfluorotributylamine vapor

introduced with atmospheric air at very low flow. ▲

Gas Distribution Within the Instrument

Nitrogen from the gas supply in the laboratory enters the instrument
through a y-piece that is connected to both nitrogen ports on the power
column at the rear side of the instrument. See also Figure 3-5 on
page 3-9.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-27

Functional Description
Gas Supply

The gas flow from the left nitrogen port is directed through Teflon™
tubing to the vent valve

The gas flow from the right nitrogen port is directed through Teflon
tubing to a pressure regulator, which keeps the gas pressure to C-Trap
and HCD cell constant. From the regulator, the collision gas is led to
the HCD cell next to the C-Trap (flow rate: ~0.5 mL/min). In the
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers, an electronic pressure regulator sets
the nitrogen pressure according to the operating mode of the instrument
and the chosen user setting. The nitrogen gas leaking from the
HCD cell is used for ion trapping and cooling in the C-Trap.

3-28 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Printed Circuit Boards

Printed Circuit Boards

The Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer is controlled by a PC running
the Xcalibur™ software suite. The software controls all aspects of the
instrument. The main software elements are the control of ion detection
and the control of the Orbitrap analyzer. The following pages contain a
short overview of the various electronic boards of the mass spectrometer.

The electronics of the mass spectrometer contains complicated and

numerous circuits. Therefore, only qualified and skilled electronics
engineers should perform servicing.

A Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer should be called if

servicing is required. It is further recommended to use Thermo Fisher
Scientific spare parts only. Before calling a service engineer, try to
localize the defect by means of errors indicated in the Tune software. A
precise description of the defect will ease the repair and reduce the costs.

The preamplifier board is a broadband amplifier with high-resistive
differential inputs. It converts the image current, which is induced by
the ions oscillating in the Orbitrap analyzer, to a proportional output
voltage. The preamplifier interfaces through coaxial cables directly to
the data acquisition board, which also provides the electric power for the
preamplifier. After analog-to-digital conversion on the data acquisition
board, the output voltage undergoes further Fourier transformation on
the internal computer.

Data Acquisition Board (DAQ Board)

The data acquisition (DAQ) board converts detected ion signals coming
from the preamplifier to digital form. Then it sends the digital signals
through a USB connection to the main board of the internal computer.
The SPI bus is used for transmitting set commands and readbacks. A
trigger input is used for synchronizing the DAQ board with the
FT adapter board. By means of a relay, the DAQ board provides the
electric power for the preamplifier.

Internal Computer (Data Acquisition Unit)

The internal computer controls the instrument's electronics and runs
software that is downloaded from the data system computer. The
internal computer performs the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) of
the image current after it has been converted by the DAQ board.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-29

Functional Description
Printed Circuit Boards

The internal computer communicates with the data system computer

through a 1 Gbit Ethernet switch. Internal USB connections connect it
to vacuum control board, data acquisition board, and FT adapter board.
An external USB port on the power panel (See Figure 3-4 on page 3-7.)
enables the internal computer to communicate with dedicated devices of
the GC/MS system.

Source Board
In the Q Exactive GC system, the source board controls the CI gas flow

The source board distributes power to the ion gauges and the nitrogen
gas valves—including the vent valve. Two connections to the I/O board
allow the source board to communicate with other devices of the
GC/MS system.

The system status LEDs on the front side of the instrument (See
Figure 3-2 on page 3-5.) are controlled by the source board. The
displayed status information partially comes from other boards. The
board communicates through the SPI bus.

Ion Optic Supply DC Board

With the exception of the quadrupole, the ion optic supply DC board
provides the DC voltages for all ion-optical components in front of the
C-Trap as well as the HCD voltages. The ion optic supply DC board,
however, does not provide voltages for the EI/CI ion source

Ion Optic Supply RF Board

With the exception of the quadrupole, the ion optic supply RF board
provides the RF voltages for all ion-optical components in front of the
C-Trap as well as the HCD voltages. It has an RF detector for the
RF output control. Furthermore, the board provides the DC voltages for
the split lens and the injection flatapole.

Quadrupole Board
The quadrupole board (quad board) supplies RF voltages and
DC voltages for the quadrupole. See “Quadrupole Mass Filter” on
page 3-15. Set values and readbacks of voltages, currents, and
temperatures are communicated through the SPI bus.

3-30 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Printed Circuit Boards

FT Adapter Board
The FT adapter board links the internal computer to the various system
components. Its main function is the control of scan events within the
instrument. The board contains a micro controller, an FPGA (Field
Programmable Gate Array), and serial port connectors.

Through the USB interface, the internal computer transmits set

commands for system components to the FT adapter board. By the
same interface, the internal computer requests readback values. The
FT adapter board converts the set commands during the scan and sends
the readback data through USB to the internal computer. The master
interface of the Extended Orbitrap SPI bus of the FT adapter board
serves for transmitting the set commands and readbacks.


Various boards communicate system parameters and monitor readbacks

over the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus. The master interface of the
SPI bus is located on the FT adapter board.

Vacuum Control Board

The vacuum control board controls the vacuum system. Depending on
the quality of the vacuum and the status of the TMPs, it switches the
vacuum gauges, the pumps, and the 230 V relays. When the vacuum
measured by the Ion Gauge 2 is better than 1E-8 mbar, the vacuum
control board switches on the power supply of the high voltage

On the vacuum control board, analog signals from vacuum gauges are
converted to digital signals and passed to the internal computer through
a USB connection. TMPs are attached to a serial port connector and
this is connected by the signal lines to the vacuum control board. (See
“Vacuum System” on page 3-23.)

The board controls external relays with 24 V DC connections. In

addition to the vent valve, the board also switches the valve that controls
the flow of the HCD collision gas. The vacuum control board controls
the bakeout heaters. It also monitors six fans within the instrument; it
switches off the two fans below the analyzer TMP during a system
bakeout. In case of a fan failure, the board triggers an alert in the Tune

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-31

Functional Description
Printed Circuit Boards

C-Trap RF Board
The C-Trap RF board operates the C-Trap with four phases of
RF voltage (Main RF) and three pulsed DC voltages (PUSH, PULL,
and OFFSET). It allows simultaneous switching off the RF and pulsing
of each C-Trap electrode. See “Orbitrap Analyzer” on page 3-19 for
further information. The board also provides the entrance voltage and
the exit voltage to the C-Trap. The board communicates with the other
boards through the SPI bus.

CE HV Supply Board
The central electrode high-voltage supply board provides five voltages
for the ion optics of Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers:

• Two high voltages supply lenses that follow the C-Trap.

• Two DC voltages and one AC voltage are applied to the

RF C-Trap main board to be used as focusing potentials for the

Furthermore, the board supplies six DC voltages to the Orbitrap


• Four central electrode (CE) voltages: CE POS, CE NEG,

CE LOW+, and CE LOW-

• Two deflector electrode (DE) voltages: DE HIGH and DE LOW

For positive ions, the CE voltages are negative and the DE voltages are
positive. The maximum CE voltage is 5 kV and the maximum
DE voltage is 1.25 kV. See “Orbitrap Analyzer” on page 3-19 for further

Also, the analog-to-digital (AD) conversion of the PT-100 signal takes

place on this board.

The board communicates through the SPI bus. A Peltier element on the
rear side of the board serves as means of heat dissipation.

CE Pulser Board
The central electrode pulser board switches the injection and
measurement voltages for the central electrode and the deflector
electrode of the Orbitrap analyzer. Resistor-capacitor circuits on the
board convert the switching pulse into a smooth transition between the
voltages. Furthermore, the board switches the polarity of the central
Orbitrap electrode.

3-32 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Functional Description
Printed Circuit Boards

The temperature of the Orbitrap analyzer is measured by the

PT-100 temperature probe. The signal of the probe is converted and
analyzed on the CE pulser board. Then it is sent to the CE HV supply
board where analog-to-digital conversion takes place.

Power Supply DAQ Board

The power supply DAQ board provides the voltages that are required by
the data acquisition board. The board is equipped with a fan for heat

I/O Board
The input/output (I/O) board provides the interfaces for data exchange
between the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer and other devices of the
GC/MS system. It contains a reset switch, four relay outputs and a
digital inlet port. (See “Peripheral Control” on page 3-7.) It is connected
to the FT adapter board and to the source board.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 3-33

Chapter 4 Safety

This chapter provides information about machine safety.


• “Safety Symbols and Signal Words in This Manual” on page 4-2

• “Safety Symbols on the Instrument” on page 4-3

• “Intended Use” on page 4-5

• “Electric Safety Precautions” on page 4-7

• “In Case of Emergency” on page 4-8

• “Residual Hazards” on page 4-10

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 4-1

Safety Symbols and Signal Words in This Manual

Safety Symbols and Signal Words in This Manual

Notices concerning the safety of the personnel operating the Q Exactive
GC mass spectrometer appear different from the main flow of text.
Safety notices include the following:

! Always be aware of what to do with, and the effect of, safety


! CAUTION Points out a hazardous situation that can lead to minor or medium
injury if not avoided.

! WARNING Points out a hazardous situation that can lead to severe injury or death
if not avoided.

! DANGER Points out a hazardous situation that will lead to severe injury or death
if not avoided.

Observing This Manual

This manual must always be kept near the instrument to be available for
quick reference.

! Be sure to read and comply with all precautions described in this


System configurations and specifications in this manual supersede all

previous information received by the purchaser.

4-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Safety Symbols on the Instrument

Safety Symbols on the Instrument

Table 4-1 lists all safety labels on the instrument and their respective
positions. See the indicated safety notices to prevent risk of harm to the
operator and to protect the instrument against damage. If present, read
and follow the instructions on the labels.

Table 4-1. Safety labels on the instrument

Label Label description Label position
Four labels of this type are attached to
the power panel on the left side of the
instrument. See red circles in figure.

The label indicates the presence of

electric current at the switches or contact
This label is attached to the right panel
on the rear side of the instrument.

The label indicates the presence of

electric current and moving parts inside
the instrument. See page 5-12 for details.

This label is attached to the power

column at the rear side of the
instrument, below the power outlets. See
white circle in figure.

The label indicates the presence of

electric current at the ports at the power
column. See page 5-8 for details.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 4-3

Safety Symbols on the Instrument

Rating Plate
To correctly identify the instrument when communicating with Thermo
Fisher Scientific, always have the information from the rating plate
available. The rating plate is attached to the power column at the rear
side of the instrument. See Figure 4-1.

Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, 28199 Bremen, Germany


AC VOLTAGE 1~ 230 V ± 10 %
year of manufacture 2012 Made in Germany


Mass Spectrometer

Figure 4-1. Rating plate

4-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Intended Use

Intended Use
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers are stand-alone Orbitrap™
instruments with an ExtractaBrite™ removable ion source for gas
chromatography (GC) mass spectrometry (MS) high-throughput

! Observe the following usage guidelines when you operate your

Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer:

• The instrument is designed to be placed on a bench in the

laboratory. It is not designed for use outdoors.

• The bench must be rated to support the weight of the instrument as

outlined in the Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide.

• The instrument is designed to be used exclusively with the

TRACE 1310 GC and probes produced by Thermo Fisher

• The instrument is designed for laboratory research use only. It is not

designed for use in diagnostic or medical therapeutic procedures.
If the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer is used in a manner not
specified by Thermo Fisher Scientific, the protection provided by the
instrument could be impaired. Thermo Fisher Scientific assumes no
responsibility and will not be liable for instrument damage and/or
operator injury that might result from using the instrument with other
GC systems and probes.

Notice on the Susceptibility to Electromagnetic Transmissions

Your instrument is designed to work in a controlled electromagnetic

environment. Do not use radio frequency transmitters, such as mobile
phones, in close proximity to the instrument.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 4-5

Intended Use

Qualification of the Personnel

! Only employees of Thermo Fisher Scientific or personnel acting on

behalf of Thermo Fisher Scientific are allowed to install Q Exactive GC
mass spectrometers.
Personnel that install or operate Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers
must have the following qualifications:

• Electrical Connections

The electrical installation must be carried out by qualified and

skilled personnel (electrician) according to the appropriate
regulations (for example, cable cross-sections, fuses, grounding
connection). Refer to the Q Exactive Preinstallation Requirements
Guide for the specifications.

• General Operation

Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers are designed to be operated by

qualified laboratory personnel. Before starting, all users must be
instructed about the hazards presented by the instrument and the
used chemicals. The users must be advised to read the relevant
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs).

Permitted Materials
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers are designed to be operated with the
following materials:

• Nitrogen gas: Used for the C-Trap bath gas and HCD collision gas

• Forepump oil: Used for cooling, lubrication, and sealing of the


• Optional reagent gases including: methane, isobutane, and


NOTICE Use only the forepump oil indicated on the name plate and
pump. In case other oils are used, the manufacturer (Oerlikon Leybold
Vacuum) rejects all responsibility should any trouble occur. ▲

4-6 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Electric Safety Precautions

Electric Safety Precautions

! WARNING High Voltage. High voltages (up to 8 kV) capable of causing an

electric shock are used in the instrument.
Observe the following safety precautions when you operate or perform
service on your instrument:

• The instrument is properly grounded in accordance with regulations

when shipped. You do not need to make any changes to the
electrical connections or to the instrument’s chassis to ensure safe

• There are no customer serviceable parts inside. Never remove any

housing or protective cover except were elsewhere permitted in this
manual. When leaving the system, make sure that all protective
covers and doors are properly connected and closed, and that heated
areas are separated and marked to protect unqualified personnel.

• Do not turn on the instrument if you suspect that it has incurred

any kind of electrical damage. Instead, disconnect the power cords
of the mass spectrometer and contact a Thermo Fisher Scientific
field service engineer for a product evaluation. Do not attempt to
use the instrument until it has been evaluated. Electrical damage
may have occurred if the system shows visible signs of damage, or
has been transported under severe stress.

• Do not place any objects on top of the instrument—especially not

containers with liquids—unless it is requested by the user
documentation. Leaking liquids might get into contact with
electronic components and cause a short circuit.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 4-7

In Case of Emergency

In Case of Emergency
❖ To shut down the system in case of emergency

1. Disconnect the power cord of the mass spectrometer to ensure that

the instrument is free from all electric current. All power to the mass
spectrometer, including the internal vacuum pumps, is shut off.

NOTICE Placing the main power circuit breaker switch (labeled

Mainpower) on the power panel (Figure 4-2) in the Off (O) position
may not be sufficient. ▲

! WARNING Electric Current. Electric shock hazard. Do not use the electronics
service switch to shut down the instrument. The electric components of
the vacuum system will still be connected to the electric power supply
and the pumps will remain running.

Main Power Circuit Breaker Switch

Figure 4-2. Power panel, showing main power circuit breaker switch and reset button

Power Panel

Figure 4-3. Rear side view of instrument

4-8 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

In Case of Emergency

2. The Q Exactive GC GC/MS forepump has an on/off switch that

should remain in the on position so that the power to the GC/MS
forepump can be maintained by the 230V power output of the MS.

3. Turn off the computer with its On/Off switch.

! WARNING Electric Current. Electric shock hazard. Capacitors inside the

instrument might still be charged even if the instrument is turned off.
Wait for sufficient time before you remove the instrument housing.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 4-9

Residual Hazards

Residual Hazards
Users of Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers must pay attention to the
following residual hazards.

! WARNING Hazardous Chemicals. The effluent of the forepump might contain

noxious chemicals. The forepump eventually exhausts much of what is
introduced into the mass spectrometer, including the small amount of
oil vapor that mechanical pumps can emit. The connection of the
forepump to an adequate exhaust system is mandatory!

! WARNING Suffocation Hazard. Accumulation of nitrogen gas could displace

sufficient oxygen to suffocate personnel in the laboratory. Ensure that
the laboratory is well ventilated. Local regulations may require a risk
assessment for the workplace.

! CAUTION Hazardous Chemicals. Samples and solvents might contain toxic,

carcinogenic, mutagenic, or corrosive/irritant chemicals. Avoid
exposure to potentially harmful materials. Always wear protective
clothing, gloves, and safety glasses when you handle solvents or
samples. Also contain waste streams and use proper ventilation. Refer
to your supplier's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for proper
handling of a particular compound.

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching parts of the forepump might cause burns. The
forepump in function is hot and some surfaces could reach a
temperature higher than 70 °C (158 °F). Switch off the pump and let it
cool down before any intervention or take appropriate precautions.
Always wear heat protective gloves when working on a pump that is
“still warm from operation”.

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching hot parts of the ion source interface might
cause severe burns. During operation of the mass spectrometer, the
ExtractaBrite removable ion source might reach temperatures of up to
350 °C, while the GC column transfer line might reach temperatures of
up to 400 °C. To let the ion source interface cool down, set the ion
source and transfer line temperatures to 25 °C. Wait until the ion
source has cooled down to room temperature (for approximately
60 minutes) before you begin working on it. Do not leave the
instrument unattended when the covers and front door are removed,
exposing the hot source parts. Hot ion source parts might ignite
combustible material. Keep combustible materials away from the ion
source mount.

4-10 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Residual Hazards

Personal Protective Equipment

This manual can only give general suggestions for personal protective
equipment (PPE), which protects the wearer from hazardous substances.
Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) of the chemicals
handled in your laboratory for advice on specific hazards or additional

Eye Protection

The type of eye protection required depends on the hazard. For most
situations, safety glasses with side shields are adequate. Where there is a
risk of splashing chemicals, goggles are required.

Protective Clothing

When the possibility of chemical contamination exists, protective

clothing that resists physical and chemical hazards should be worn over
street clothes. Lab coats are appropriate for minor chemical splashes and
solids contamination, while plastic or rubber aprons are best for
protection from corrosive or irritating liquids.


For handling chemical compounds and organic solvents, Thermo Fisher

Scientific recommends the following gloves: white nitrile clean room
gloves (Fisher Scientific P/N 19-120-2947B [size medium] or
P/N 19-120-2947C [size large]; Thermo Scientific P/N 23827-0008
[size medium] or P/N 23827-0009 [size large]).

For handling hot objects, gloves made of heat-resistant materials (for

example, leather) should be available.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 4-11

Chapter 5 Installation

This chapter describes the conditions for an operating environment that

will ensure continued high performance of your Q Exactive GC system.


• “Safety Guidelines for Installation” on page 5-2

• “Placing the Instrument” on page 5-3

• “Laboratory Conditions” on page 5-8

• “Connecting the Instrument to the Gas Supply” on page 5-11

• “Setting Up Instrument Hardware and Adjusting System

Parameters” on page 5-15

To be sure that your laboratory is ready for the installation of the

Exactive Series system, you have to meet all requirements specified in
the Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide. This guide also
provides comprehensive information to assist in planning and preparing
your lab site. A printed version of the Q Exactive GC Preinstallation
Requirements Guide is part of the Preinstallation Kit. This kit is sent to
your laboratory before the arrival of the Q Exactive GC mass

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-1

Safety Guidelines for Installation

Safety Guidelines for Installation

When installing the Q Exactive GC system, pay attention to the
following general safety guidelines.

! WARNING Suffocation Hazard. Accumulation of nitrogen gas could displace

sufficient oxygen to suffocate personnel in the laboratory. Ensure that
the laboratory is well ventilated. Local regulations may require a risk
assessment for the workplace.

! WARNING Hazardous Chemicals. The effluent of the forepump might contain

noxious chemicals. The forepump eventually exhausts much of what is
introduced into the mass spectrometer, including the small amount of
oil vapor that mechanical pumps can emit. The connection of the
forepump to an adequate exhaust system is mandatory!

! CAUTION Hazardous Chemicals. Samples and solvents might contain toxic,

carcinogenic, mutagenic, or corrosive/irritant chemicals. Avoid
exposure to potentially harmful materials. Always wear protective
clothing, gloves, and safety glasses when you handle solvents or
samples. Also contain waste streams and use proper ventilation. Refer
to your supplier's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for proper
handling of a particular compound.

5-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Placing the Instrument

Placing the Instrument

This section provides information that helps you positioning the
instrument in the laboratory.

Instrument Dimensions
The Q Exactive GC system always includes the TRACE 1310 GC and
has maximum dimensions of h 95 cm (37 in.), w 91 cm (36 in.),
l 148 cm (58 in.). Figure 5-1 shows a schematic view of the instrument
with important instrument dimensions.

Additional clearance should be maintained above and to the right of the

GC for samplers. The AS 1310 autosampler requires an additional 22
cm to the right of the GC. The TriPlus RSH autosampler requires and
additional 32 cm to the right of the GC.

Front View Left View

148 91


Top View


All dimensions in cm.

Figure 5-1. Dimensions of the Q Exactive GC MS

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-3

Placing the Instrument

Workbench for Instrument

The workbench for the Q Exactive GC system must be capable of
supporting approximately 250-280 kg, which includes the weight of the
mass spectrometer plus the weight of the GC and any options such as an
autosampler. The workbench surface must remain in a secure and level
position when loaded.

! CAUTION Only workbenches with at least four legs provide sufficient stability for
the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer. The workbench top must be
dry and clean (free of grease). Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends
using a workbench with a skidproof top.

Minimum Clearance

Allow at least 15 cm (6 in.) of clear space behind the system for proper
air circulation and for clearance of the gas lines and electrical
connections. This also provides sufficient space for accessing the fan
filters on the rear side of the mass spectrometer. In addition, allow at
least 92 cm (36 in.) of vertical clearance between the top of the mass
spectrometer and any shelves above it.

To allow shutting off the mass spectrometer in an emergency, free access

to the power panel on the left side and to the power column on the rear
side of the instrument must be possible at any time.

NOTICE Avoid blocking the ventilation slots at the rear side of the mass
spectrometer. Items might fall behind the instrument, inhibit airflow,
and cause the system to overheat. Depending on the circumstances,
either the Tune software will switch off the instrument and display an
error message or the turbomolecular pump control will shut down the
instrument and vent it. ▲

Moving the Instrument

NOTICE Before moving the instrument from one place to another, all
participating personnel must carefully read and follow the instructions
given in this manual. ▲

Q Exactive GC instruments are provided with four retractable handles.

Each instrument is shipped on a pallet with the handles pulled out and
fixed on the pallet. See Figure 5-2. Safety catches prevent the handles
from unintentionally being retracted after they have been pulled out.
Inspect the handles to verify that their safety catches are engaged before
you start lifting the instrument. Push down the safety catch on a handle
to slide it into the instrument.

5-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Placing the Instrument

Figure 5-2. Handles, fixed on the transport pallet

! CAUTION Heavy Load. Because of its weight of about 220 kg, handling the
instrument alone might cause muscle strain and back injury. Lifting
and moving the instrument requires the effort of at least six persons to
keep the individual load within acceptable limits (maximum 40 kg for
men or 15 kg for women for a duration of 5 seconds). The carriers
must be trained in how to carry loads properly (for example, by rising
from the knees with a straight back). Thermo Fisher Scientific
recommends using a pallet jack to lift the mass spectrometer to the
height of the workbench.

! CAUTION Heavy Objects. Mass spectrometer and forepump might move

uncontrollably and cause injuries. Wear steel-reinforced safety shoes
and gloves during installation or maintenance.

The instrument is shipped with two lifting devices, each providing

sufficient space for three persons that are standing side by side. An
instrument with attached lifting devices does not fit through a door with
a width of 80 cm (32 in.), in contrast to the unpacked instrument alone.
Furthermore, the six persons that carry the instrument require
considerable space for maneuvering. Therefore, Thermo Fisher
Scientific recommends using a pallet jack when moving the instrument
into another room.

The following instructions assume that the instrument has been moved
to the installation site with a pallet jack and the top cover of the
transport crate has been removed.

❖ To move the instrument onto the workbench

1. Gather six persons and appoint one person that takes command and
gives instructions to the remaining people.

2. Lift the instrument to the height of the working bench by using the
pallet jack.

3. Remove the four clamps that fix the instrument to the transport
pallet. See Figure 5-2.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-5

Placing the Instrument

4. Each lifting device consists of a folded metal sheet with holes and a
twice bent tube. It comes with four hexagon screws, four washers,
and two clamps. Mount each device onto the handles at one
instrument side:

a. Place a clamp (pos. 2 in Figure 5-3) below each handle.



toward mass

Labeled Components: 1=Lifting device; 2=clamp; 3=hexagonal screw;

Figure 5-3. Lifting device

b. Two diamond-shaped holes in the metal sheet of the lifting

device indicate the place where the handles of the instrument
shall be mounted to the device. Hold the device so that the
yellow label on the lifting device is visible, which advises users to
read the manual. Place the device on top of the handles, with the
two ends of the twice bent tube pointing toward the instrument.

c. Insert two screws (pos. 3 in Figure 5-3) with washers (pos. 4) at

each side of a diamond-shaped hole and fasten the clamp with
them. Repeat this for the other diamond-shaped hole.
Make sure that the device is aligned parallel to the side of the
instrument, and not twisted. Check that the lifting device is
tightly attached to the handles.
d. At the opposite side of the
instrument, repeat the above
steps with the other lifting
device. The figure on the right
shows a closeup view of a handle
that is mounted to the lifting
device. Note the
diamond-shaped hole between
the hexagonal screws.

5-6 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Placing the Instrument

The ends of the lifting devices must be aligned flush with each other
as shown in Figure 5-4. Red circles in the figure indicate the
positions of the diamond-shaped holes in the lifting devices.

Transport pallet

Mass spectrometer

Lifting devices

Figure 5-4. Lifting devices attached to instrument (top view)

! CAUTION Top Heavy Load. The mass spectrometer might tip over while being
moved in the laboratory and cause bodily injury or instrument damage.
The instrument’s center of gravity is at the top of the front side: the
instrument has a tendency to tilt forward. When lifting the instrument,
support the top of the instrument and keep the tilt angle below 5°;
never exceed 10°.

5. On command, all six carriers lift off the instrument

simultaneously—to prevent them from experiencing an uneven load
distribution. Using the lifting devices, place the instrument onto the

6. Remove the lifting devices from the handles.

7. The rear pair of the four support points for the instrument consists
of wheels. Thus, only two persons are necessary for moving the
instrument into its final position on a bench, while holding the two
front handles. See Figure 5-2 on page 5-5 for information about the
position of the support points.

❖ To store away the handles

Push down the spring (safety catch) of the handle by using a screw
driver and shove the handle into its housing.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-7

Laboratory Conditions

Laboratory Conditions
This section gives an overview of important requirements for the
laboratory where the Exactive Series mass spectrometer is placed. For
details, refer to the Exactive Series Preinstallation Requirements Guide.

Power and Gas Supply

The Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer requires a dedicated wall outlets
providing a nominal voltage of 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, single phase. The
forepump receives its power from the MS. A dedicated wall outlet is
required for the GC and is required to be the same nominal voltage and
phase as the mass spectrometer.

The components of the data system (computer, monitor, and Ethernet

switch) require wall outlets at a nominal voltage of 230 V AC or
120 V AC, 50/60 Hz.

Power to GC/MS forepump

Power supply for EI/CI

Mains supply connector

Ground bolt for EI/CI

Inlets for nitrogen gas

Figure 5-5. Power and gas connections of Exactive Series MS

! WARNING Electric Current. Electric shock hazard. Wrong usage of these ports
might endanger personnel. Read and understand the Operating
Manual to prevent risk of harm to the operator and to protect
equipment against damage. To ensure that the instrument is free from
all electric current, always disconnect the power cords of mass
spectrometer and forepump before attempting any type of maintenance.

NOTICE Do not connect other gases than nitrogen to the nitrogen inlets
of the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer! This might affect instrument
performance. The maximum pressure for the gas inlet is 830 kPa
(8.3 bar, 120 psi). ▲

5-8 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Laboratory Conditions

Laboratory Temperature
The mass spectrometer is designed to operate at a laboratory room
temperature between 15 and 26 °C (59 and 78 °F).

NOTICE Do not put the mass spectrometer under an air duct, near
windows, or near heating and cooling sources. Temperature fluctuations
of 1 °C or more over a 10 minutes period can affect instrument
performance. ▲

The relative humidity of the operating environment must be between
40 and 70%, with no condensation. It is recommended that your
laboratory be equipped with a temperature/humidity monitor to ensure
that your laboratory is always within the required temperature and
humidity specifications.

NOTICE Operating the mass spectrometer at very low humidity might

cause the accumulation and discharge of static electricity, which can
shorten the life of electronic components. Operating the mass
spectrometer at high humidity might cause condensation, oxidation,
and short circuits, and will also block the filters on the cooling fans. ▲

NOTICE A significant change of the humidity in the laboratory can

affect the mass accuracy. If the humidity in the laboratory has changed
significantly since the last mass calibration, Thermo Fisher Scientific
recommends refreshing the mass calibration. ▲

Ventilation and Fume Exhaust

Consider the following safety guidelines for ventilation and exhaust.

! WARNING Suffocation Hazard. Accumulation of nitrogen gas could displace

sufficient oxygen to suffocate personnel in the laboratory. Ensure that
the laboratory is well ventilated. Local regulations may require a risk
assessment for the workplace.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-9

Laboratory Conditions

Floors must be free of vibration caused, for example, by equipment in
adjoining locations.

NOTICE Because of the natural vibration of the forepump during

operation, it must not have any mechanical contact to the mass
spectrometer with the exception of the vacuum hose. Otherwise, the
vibration might affect instrument performance. Therefore, install the
pump on the floor beneath the mass spectrometer and not near the
system on the workbench. ▲

Airborne Noise Emission

The A-weighted emission sound pressure level created by the
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer at work stations does not exceed
70 dB(A).

5-10 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Connecting the Instrument to the Gas Supply

Connecting the Instrument to the Gas Supply

NOTICE Do not connect other gases than nitrogen to the nitrogen inlets
of the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer! This might affect instrument
performance. The maximum pressure for the gas inlet is 830 kPa
(8.3 bar, 120 psi). ▲

❖ To connect the nitrogen source to the mass spectrometer

1. Connect an appropriate length of Teflon™ tubing to the nitrogen

source in the laboratory. The Installation Kit contains 10 m (33 ft)
of suitable Teflon tubing (OD 6 mm, see Chapter 9: “Replaceable
Parts”). The connection for the Teflon hose to the nitrogen gas
supply is not provided in the kit; you have to supply this part.

2. Insert the opposite end of the Teflon tubing into the press-in fitting
of the y-piece that is attached to the gas ports at the rear side of the
instrument. See Figure 5-6. To connect the tubing, align the Teflon
tubing with the opening in the fitting and firmly push the tubing
into the fitting until the tubing is secure.

3. For optimal performance, and to protect against interruption by any

air admitted into the nitrogen gas when a shared dewar or laboratory
gas supply is changed, use a dedicated ultra high purity nitrogen
cylinder to directly supply the C-Trap and HCD gas. The gas usage
is less than 10 atm-mL/min in normal operation, so a compressed
gas cylinder will last a long time. Attach the shared laboratory gas
supply to the vent inlet, which has much higher usage, but only
when the system is powered off and venting/purging.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-11

Connecting the Instrument to the Gas Supply

NOTICE If air is not properly purged from gas supply lines, the
instrument leak check will report an oxygen leak until the air is
removed. ▲

Inlet for nitrogen gas


Figure 5-6. Connecting the gas supply

! WARNING Moving Parts and High Voltage. Risk of injury or electric shock. The
interior of the instrument contains parts that are moving or that are at
high voltages. When opening the instrument housing is necessary, call a
Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer.

! WARNING Suffocation Hazard. Accumulation of nitrogen gas could displace

sufficient oxygen to suffocate personnel in the laboratory. Ensure that
the laboratory is well ventilated. Local regulations may require a risk
assessment for the workplace.

Connecting the Q Exactive GC CI Gas Supply

If you are using chemical ionization on the Q Exactive GC, follow the
steps below to connect the CI gas supply to the mass spectrometer.

1. Power off the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer and the TRACE

1310 GC. See “Shutting Down the System” on page 6-7 for
instruction to shut down the mass spectrometer. Refer to the
TRACE 1310 user documentation for instructions to shut down the

5-12 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Connecting the Instrument to the Gas Supply

2. Remove the screws on the front cover as shown below.


Figure 5-7. Removing the Top Cover

3. Attach the CI reagent gas to either port A or port B.

Figure 5-8. Connecting the CI gas supply

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-13

Connecting the Instrument to the Gas Supply

! CAUTION Hazardous Chemicals. Some CI gases, such as ammonia, are toxic.

Make sure that supply tubing and fittings are rated for the gas being
plumbed. Make sure these gases are properly exhausted and all gas
fittings on the system are leak-free. Check for leaks by pressurizing the
gas lines, shutting off the gas supply, and ensuring that the pressure
does not drop. If you have an electronic leak detector available, use it to
detect leaks as well. Consult your local Environmental and Safety
Regulations for information about how to properly exhaust fumes from
your laboratory. Use stainless steel tubing, which is not supplied with
the system, for corrosive gases.

! WARNING Fire Hazard. Some CI gases, such as methane and isobutane, are
flammable. Make sure these gases are properly exhausted and all gas
fittings on the system are leak-free. Check for leaks by pressurizing the
gas lines, shutting off the gas supply, and ensuring that the pressure
does not drop. If you have an electronic leak detector available, use it to
detect leaks as well. Consult your local Environmental and Safety
Regulations for information about how to properly exhaust fumes from
your laboratory.

5-14 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Setting Up Instrument Hardware and Adjusting System Parameters

Setting Up Instrument Hardware and Adjusting System Parameters

! Only employees of Thermo Fisher Scientific or personnel acting on

behalf of Thermo Fisher Scientific are allowed to install the
Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer.

The Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer and other devices shipped with

it are installed by a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer.
During the installation, the service engineer will demonstrate the basics
of equipment operation and routine maintenance.

When you want to connect the mass spectrometer to other equipment,

refer to the manuals that came with the additional equipment.

The QuickStart Guide for your instrument gives an introduction on

setting up and using the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer. For detailed
information about changing the instrument parameters and developing
experiments for the instrument, refer to the Software Manual or the
Tune Help.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-15

Setting Up Instrument Hardware and Adjusting System Parameters

User I/O Connections

This section describes the specifications for the peripheral control
connections. It contains the following topics:

• “Output Specifications” on page 5-16

• “Input Specifications” on page 5-17

Location and function of the peripheral control connections are

described in “Peripheral Control” on page 3-7.

Output Specifications

The Exactive Series mass spectrometer outputs correspond to the status

functions listed below. The outputs are potential-free relay contacts,
which are closed when the status indicated by the name is true.

The following outputs are available:

• Ready Out (Pins 1 and 2)

• Start Out (Pins 3 and 4)

• Valve 1 (Pins 5 and 6)

• Valve 2 (Pins 7 and 8)

Location and function of the peripheral control outputs are described

on page 3-7. Figure 5-9 shows the circuit diagram and Table 5-1 lists the
specifications of the peripheral control output.

1 of 4 outputs

Figure 5-9. Output equivalent schematic

Table 5-1. Output circuit specifications

Contact closed Ron < 0.2 Ω
Contact open Roff > 1 GΩ
Current Imax = 0.5 A
Voltage Vmax = 30 V
Power Pmax = 10 W

5-16 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Setting Up Instrument Hardware and Adjusting System Parameters

Input Specifications

The Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer provides one digital input to

connect external devices.

The following input is available:

• Start In port (Pins 1 and 2)

Start In Input Specification

The Start In input is an input with internal pull-up resistor for

connecting external relays contacts or open collector transistors. Start is
triggered with the falling edge of input voltage.

Location and function of the Start In input are described on page 3-8.
Figure 5-10 shows the circuit diagram and Table 5-2 lists the
specifications of the peripheral control output.

Figure 5-10. Start In input equivalent schematic

Table 5-2. Start In input circuit specifications

Low level input voltage Uin < 0.8 V @ 0.75 mA
High level input voltage Uin > 2.0 V

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 5-17

Chapter 6 Operation

This chapter outlines the checks and cleaning procedures of the

Q Exactive GC system that should be performed every day to ensure the
proper operation of your system.


• “Safety Guidelines for Operation” on page 6-2

• “Before Operating the System” on page 6-3

• “Setting the System in Standby Condition” on page 6-6

• “Shutting Down the System” on page 6-7

• “Starting Up the System after a Shutdown” on page 6-9

• “Resetting the System” on page 6-13

• “Installing the Column” on page 6-14

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-1

Safety Guidelines for Operation

Safety Guidelines for Operation

When operating the Exactive Series system, pay attention to the
following general safety guidelines.

! WARNING Suffocation Hazard. Accumulation of nitrogen gas could displace

sufficient oxygen to suffocate personnel in the laboratory. Ensure that
the laboratory is well ventilated. Local regulations may require a risk
assessment for the workplace.

! CAUTION Hazardous Chemicals. Samples and solvents might contain toxic,

carcinogenic, mutagenic, or corrosive/irritant chemicals. Avoid
exposure to potentially harmful materials. Always wear protective
clothing, gloves, and safety glasses when you handle solvents or
samples. Also contain waste streams and use proper ventilation. Refer
to your supplier's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for proper
handling of a particular compound.

! CAUTION Hot Surface. The external surface of the ion source housing can
become hot enough to burn your skin. Avoid touching the ion source
housing when the mass spectrometer is in operation. Allow the ion
source to cool to room temperature (approximately 60 minutes) before
touching the ExtractaBrite removable ion source.

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching hot parts of the ion source interface might
cause severe burns. During operation of the mass spectrometer, the
ExtractaBrite removable ion source might reach temperatures of up to
350 °C, while the GC column transfer line might reach temperatures of
up to 400 °C. To let the ion source interface cool down, set the ion
source and transfer line temperatures to 25 °C. Wait until the ion
source has cooled down to room temperature (for approximately
60 minutes) before you begin working on it. Do not leave the
instrument unattended when the covers and front door are removed,
exposing the hot source parts. Hot ion source parts might ignite
combustible material. Keep combustible materials away from the ion
source mount.

6-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Before Operating the System

Before Operating the System

Every day before starting analyses, verify that the instrument is ready for
operation by doing the following:

• Checking the Forepump

• Checking the System Vacuum Levels

• Checking the Disk Space on the Data System

• Checking the Mass Accuracy of the Instrument

NOTICE Accurate results can be obtained only if the system is properly

calibrated. ▲

Checking the Forepump

❖ To check the forepump before use

Make sure that the following conditions are met:

• The forepump is filled with oil.

• It is connected to the power supply.

• The gas ballast is shut.

Checking the Nitrogen Supply

Check the nitrogen supply on the regulator of the nitrogen gas tank or
liquid nitrogen boil-off tank. Make sure that you have sufficient gas for
your analysis. Based on 24 hour per day operation, typical nitrogen
consumption is 1 L (0.035 ft3) per day. If necessary, replace the tank.
Verify that the pressure of nitrogen reaching the mass spectrometer is at
800 ± 30 kPa (8 ± 0.3 bar, 116 ± 4 psi). If necessary, adjust the pressure
with the tank pressure regulator.

Continue with “Checking the System Vacuum Levels”.

Checking the System Vacuum Levels

For proper performance, your Q Exactive GC system must operate at
the acceptable vacuum levels. Operating the system at poor vacuum
levels can cause reduced sensitivity and tuning problems. Check your
system for air leaks by checking the system vacuum levels before you
begin your first acquisition.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-3

Before Operating the System

You can check the current pressure values in the Vacuum / Bakeout
window of the Tune software. To display the Tune software window,
choose Start > Programs > Thermo Exactive Series > Tune. The
Instrument status LED in the toolbar (see image in margin) turns green
when the vacuum levels are sufficient for operating your Exactive Series
system. If the LED is not green, you might have an air leak; see
“Vacuum Leak” on page 7-5 for instructions.

Continue with “Checking the Disk Space on the Data System”.

Checking the Disk Space on the Data System

Periodically verify that your hard disk drive has enough free space for
data acquisition. The amount of available disk space is shown in the
Disk Space dialog box.

❖ To determine the amount of available disk space

1. From the Home Page window (which is available by choosing Start

> Programs > Thermo Xcalibur > Xcalibur), choose Actions >
Check Disk Space to open the Disk Space dialog box. The Disk
Space dialog box lists the following:

• Current drive and directory (for example,


• Number of Mb that are available (free) on the current drive

• Percentage of the current drive that is available

• Total capacity of the current drive

2. To select another disk drive so that you can determine its disk space,
click Directory.

3. When you have completed this procedure, choose OK to close the

dialog box.

If necessary, you can free space on the hard disk by deleting obsolete files
and by moving files from the hard disk drive to a backup medium. First,
copy files to the backup medium. After you have copied the files, you
can delete them from the hard disk.

Continue with “Checking the Mass Accuracy of the Instrument”.

Checking the Mass Accuracy of the Instrument

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends checking the mass accuracy
before you start working. Follow the procedure described in the
QuickStart Guide for your instrument.

6-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Before Operating the System

If the instrument indicates that the tune parameters and calibration

parameters are not optimal, Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends
tuning and calibrating the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer. Follow
the procedure described in the QuickStart Guide or Software Manual.

NOTICE Calibration parameters are instrument parameters that affect

the mass accuracy and resolution. Tune parameters are instrument
parameters that affect the intensity of the ion signal. ▲

You need to optimize the tune parameters (or change the Tune Method)
whenever you change the type of experiment. Refer to the QuickStart
Guide for a procedure for optimizing the tune parameters for your

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-5

Setting the System in Standby Condition

Setting the System in Standby Condition

The Q Exactive GC system should not be shut down completely if you
are not going to use it for a short period of time, such as overnight or
over the weekend. In that case, you can leave the system in Standby

NOTICE Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends leaving the mass

spectrometer in Standby overnight to provide the best mass accuracy
next day. ▲

❖ To place the Q Exactive GC system in the Standby condition

1. Wait until data acquisition, if any, is complete.

2. In the Tune software window, click the On/Standby button to put

the instrument in Standby condition. The System LED on the front
panel of the mass spectrometer turns yellow when the system is in
Standby condition.

3. Leave the GC power On.

4. Leave the autosampler power On.

5. Leave the data system power On.

6. Leave the Q Exactive GC main power circuit breaker switch in the

On position.

6-6 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Shutting Down the System

Shutting Down the System

The Q Exactive GC system does not need to be shut down completely if
you are not going to use it for a short period of time, such as overnight
or over a weekend. See “Setting the System in Standby Condition” on
page 6-6. This section describes how to shut down the system for a
maintenance or service procedure.

NOTICE Although removing power abruptly by placing the main power

circuit breaker switch (see Figure 3-4 on page 3-7) in the Off (O)
position will not harm any component within the system, this not the
recommended shutdown procedure to follow. ▲

❖ To shut down the Q Exactive GC system

1. Wait until data acquisition, if any, is complete.

2. Set heated zones to room temperature on the GC transfer line and

the MS transfer line.

3. In the Tune software window, click the On/Standby button to put

the instrument in Off condition. (See image in margin.) All high
voltages are shut off, as is the C-Trap and HCD gas.

4. Place the electronics service switch, located on the power panel (See
Figure 3-4 on page 3-7.), in the Service Mode position.

5. Put the main power circuit breaker switch of the mass spectrometer
in the Off position.

6. Shut down the TRACE 1310 GC. See the GC user documentation
for instructions.

! WARNING High Voltage. Hazardous electric voltage capable of causing an electric

shock is used in the instrument. To ensure that the instrument is free
from all electric current, always disconnect the power cords of mass
spectrometer and forepump before attempting any type of maintenance.

If you are planning to perform routine or preventive system

maintenance on the mass spectrometer only, you do not need to turn off
the autosampler or data system. In this case, the shutdown procedure is
completed. However, if you do not plan to operate your system for an
extended period of time, you might want to turn off the autosampler
and data system.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-7

Shutting Down the System

NOTICE An instrument that is shut down still consumes nitrogen

because the vent valve is connected to the nitrogen supply of the
laboratory. Keeping the nitrogen flow on prevents humidity from
contaminating the vacuum system of the mass spectrometer. You may
however switch off the nitrogen if your supply is limited. ▲

6-8 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Starting Up the System after a Shutdown

Starting Up the System after a Shutdown

To start up the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer after it has been shut
down (and vented), you need to do the following:

1. Start up the instrument

2. Set up conditions for operation

Starting Up the Instrument

❖ To start up the Q Exactive GC system

1. Start up the GC and autosampler as is described in the manual that

came with the GC and autosampler.

2. Switch on data system and monitor as described in the manuals that

came with them. Wait until the operating system of the computer is
completely loaded.

3. To start the Tune software on the data system computer, choose

Start > Programs > Thermo Exactive Series > Tune.

NOTICE The data system must be running before you start up the
instrument. The instrument will not operate until software is received
from the data system. ▲

4. Turn on the nitrogen flow at the tank, if it is off.

5. Make sure that the main power circuit breaker switch is in the
Off (O) position and that the electronics service switch is in the
Service Mode position.

6. Place the main power circuit breaker switch in the On (|) position.
When you place the main power circuit breaker switch in the On (|)
position, the forepump and the turbomolecular pumps are started.
All LEDs on the mass spectrometer front panel are off.

7. Set the power to the GC to On after the mass spectrometer. This

allows the GC to properly identify the auxiliary temperature module
controlling the GC transfer line.

When the vacuum system is switched on, the following occurs:

a. After the main switch is switched On, the pumps of the mass
spectrometer are run up. To monitor the vacuum readings in the
Tune software, it is necessary to switch on the electronics switch,
too. The Pirani gauge (see “Vacuum Gauges” on page 3-11)
monitors the pressure at the forepump. Within a short time, a
significant pressure decrease must be observed. The quality of

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-9

Starting Up the System after a Shutdown

the vacuum can be estimated by means of the rotation speed of

the TMPs (for example, 80% after 15 minutes).

b. If the working pressure is not reached after a preset time, the

complete system is switched off.

NOTICE The vacuum control board triggers an alert in the Tune

software when a vacuum failure has occurred. ▲

c. The Ion Gauge 1 (IKR 251) is switched on only after the

source TMP has exceeded 90% of its maximum rotation speed
for five minutes. To extend its life time, this ion gauge is
switched off automatically after 30 minutes.

NOTICE For diagnostic purposes, the ion gauge can be switched on

manually in the instrument status view of the Tune software. ▲

If the pressure exceeds 1E-4 mbar for more than 10 seconds, the
ion gauge is switched off. After five minutes, the ion gauge is
switched on again. After three failed attempts, it is only possible
to switch on Ion Gauge 1 manually in the Tune software.

d. The Ion Gauge 2 (IKR 270) is switched on only after both

TMPs have exceeded 90% of their maximum rotation speed for
five minutes. It is then used to monitor the vacuum in the
Orbitrap analyzer.

If the pressure exceeds 1E-4 mbar for more than 10 seconds, the
ion gauge is switched off. After five minutes, the ion gauge is
switched on again. After three failed attempts, it is only possible
to switch on Ion Gauge 2 manually in the Tune software.

e. The Vacuum LED on the system panel turns green when all the
following conditions are met:

• In the Tune software, all LEDs are green. (The Ion Gauge 1
is allowed to be off ).

• Analyzer temperature is below 45 °C.

• Both TMP frequencies have exceeded 90% of their

maximum rotation speed.

f. When the vacuum measured by the Ion Gauge 2 is better than

1E-8 mbar, the power supplies of the high voltage electronics
and the capillary heater are switched on.

NOTICE If both ion gauges are defective, it is not possible to switch on

the RF voltage and the high voltages. ▲

6-10 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Starting Up the System after a Shutdown

8. Allow the mass spectrometer to pump down for 5 minutes.

9. Place the electronics service switch in the Operating Mode position.

See Figure 3-4 on page 3-7. When the electronics service switch is in
the Operating Mode position, the following occurs:

a. Power is provided to all electronic boards. (The main RF voltage

and transfer multipole RF voltage remain off.)

b. The internal computer reboots. After several seconds, the Status

LED on the front panel turns yellow to indicate that the data
system has started to establish a communication link.

c. After several more seconds, the Status LED turns green to

indicate that the data system has established a communication
link. Software for the operation of the instrument is then
transferred from the data system to the instrument.

d. After approximately 3 minutes, the System LED turns yellow to

indicate that the software transfer from the data system is

Start the GC or autosampler (if present) it as is described in the manual

that came with the GC or autosampler. After the GC and autosampler
are powered on, go to “Setting Up Conditions for Operation” below.

Setting Up Conditions for Operation

❖ To set up your Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer for operation

1. Operation of the system with excessive air and water in the vacuum
manifold can cause reduced sensitivity and tuning problems. Before
you begin data acquisition with your Q Exactive GC system, you
need to bake out the system for at least twelve hours plus a cooling
period of three hours. See “Baking Out the System” on page 8-11.

2. After having performed a system bakeout, make sure in the

Vacuum/Bakeout window of the Tune software that the
UHV pressure is < 1E-8 mbar. Also make sure that the FV pressure
is in the < 6E-2 mbar region. Compare the values of the other
parameters in the instrument status window with values that you
recorded previously.

3. Make sure that the gas pressure is within the operational limits:

Nitrogen: 800 ± 30 kPa (8 ± 0.3 bar, 116 ± 4 psi)

See also “Before Operating the System” on page 6-3 for additional

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-11

Starting Up the System after a Shutdown

Introducing Sample into the Exactive Series Mass Spectrometer

The Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer, the GC, and the autosampler (if
present) have been installed by a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service

The QuickStart Guide for your instrument gives an introduction on

setting up and using the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer.

Consider the following safety guideline when introducing sample into

the Exactive Series mass spectrometer.

! CAUTION Hazardous Chemicals. Samples and solvents might contain toxic,

carcinogenic, mutagenic, or corrosive/irritant chemicals. Avoid
exposure to potentially harmful materials. Always wear protective
clothing, gloves, and safety glasses when you handle solvents or
samples. Also contain waste streams and use proper ventilation. Refer
to your supplier's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for proper
handling of a particular compound.

Performing Mass Spectrum Measurements

The QuickStart Guide gives an introduction on performing mass

spectrum measurements with the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer.

Consider the following safety guidelines when performing

measurements with the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer.

! WARNING Suffocation Hazard. Accumulation of nitrogen gas could displace

sufficient oxygen to suffocate personnel in the laboratory. Ensure that
the laboratory is well ventilated. Local regulations may require a risk
assessment for the workplace.

6-12 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Resetting the System

Resetting the System

If communication between the mass spectrometer and data system
computer is lost, it may be necessary to reset the system using the Reset
button of the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer.

❖ To reset the system

1. Ensure that mass spectrometer and data system computer are both
powered on and the mass spectrometer is in Standby condition. See
page 6-6 for instructions about placing the instrument to Standby

2. To reset the mass spectrometer, press the Reset button located on the
power panel. See Figure 3-4 on page 3-7. Make sure the Status LED
is extinguished before releasing the Reset button. When you press
the Reset button, the following occurs:

a. An interruption of the embedded computer causes the CPU to

reboot. All LEDs on the front panel are off except the Power

b. After several seconds, the Status LED turns yellow to indicate

that the data system and the instrument are starting to establish
a communication link.

c. After several more seconds, the Status LED turns green to

indicate that the data system and the instrument have
established a communication link. Software for the operation of
the instrument is then transferred from the data system to the

After 3 minutes, the software transfer is complete. The System LED

turns either green to indicate that the instrument is functional and the
high voltages are on, or yellow to indicate that the instrument is
functional and it is in Standby condition.

NOTICE If resetting the system does not resolve the failure: Put the
electronics switch in the Service Mode position for about one minute.
Afterwards, place the electronics service switch back in the Operating
Mode position. ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-13

Installing the Column

Installing the Column

Check the column for leaks and perform a column evaluation if needed
before inserting it into the MS transfer line.

❖ To check the column for leaks

1. On the TRACE 1310, select the Leak Check icon in the

Maintenance menu. Otherwise, perform the leak check through the
Chromatography Data System. Refer to the TRACE 1300 and
TRACE 1310 Series GC User Guide for instructions.

2. Start the leak check:

The split and purge valves of the selected channel are automatically
closed, and the channel is pressurized with carrier gas to the leak
check set point.

The system monitors the pressure for one minute. If the pressure
does not drop more than the maximum allowed sensitivity value,
then the leak check will pass. If the leak check does not pass, use the
leak detector to find and fix any leaks.

NOTICE Leaks can be caused by not tightening the fitting on the

column flowmeter connector. Check the fitting before looking for the
leak elsewhere. ▲

NOTICE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE: Do not allow the column flowmeter

connector to exceed 80 °C (176 °F). Otherwise, it will melt and damage
the instrument. ▲

3. Repeat the leak check until no leaks are indicated.

4. Calibrate the carrier gas flow (column evaluation):

6-14 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Installing the Column

a. Carefully push the capillary column end into the flowmeter

section of the column flowmeter connector.

To flowmeter

Figure 6-1. Connecting the Column to the Flowmeter

b. Connect the flowmeter to the dedicated fitting on the column

flowmeter connector.

c. If you have a TRACE 1310, select the Back or Front Column

icon in the Configuration menu. Otherwise, perform the
column evaluation through the Chromatography Data System.
See the TRACE 1300 and TRACE 1310 User Guide for

d. Select Column and input the column’s physical characteristics.

e. If a pre-/post column is present, set the length and nominal

internal diameter of the pre-/post column in the same valid
ranges for the column. The following two lines are added to the

NOTICE For the most reproducible results, you should conduct a more
detailed column evaluation. However, the following steps, while
recommended, are not required. ▲

f. Start the column evaluation. According to the physical

characteristics of the column, the system calculates and displays
the relevant column K-factor. At the end of the routine, a
message will indicate that the evaluation was successful.

g. Expect a K-factor of approximately 0.7–0.9 for a 15 m, 0.25

mm i.d. column (1.3–2.0 for a 30 m, 0.25 mm i.d. column). If
the column does not report a K-factor within this range or
within 0.1 units of the previous stored value, check for a leak or
broken column using the leak detector. The K-factor is a

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-15

Installing the Column

measured resistance for the column. A K-factor that is too low

may indicate a leak in the system, while a K-factor that is too
high may indicate a blockage.

Fix any issues found and rerun column evaluation until an

appropriate K-factor is achieved.

5. Disconnect the column flowmeter.

6. Disconnect the column from the column flowmeter connector.

7. Remove the clear plastic component, including its fittings, from the
oven and set them aside.

❖ To install the column in the Q Exactive GC system

1. In Tune, place the instrument in the Off state.

2. Cool the oven, transfer line and source:

a. On the GC, set the Oven to Off.
b. On the GC, in the Auxiliary Temperature Control, set Transfer
Line 1 and Transfer Line 2 to Off.
c. In Tune Instrument Control – EI/CI source, set the:
i. MS transfer line temp to 40 °C.
ii. Ion source temp to 175 °C (to avoid excessive oxidation of
source parts or contamination from the source plug).
3. Using the source removal tool and vacuum interlock, remove the ion
source. (See “Removing the Ion Source Cartridge from the
Q Exactive GC System” on page 8-15 for correct use of the vacuum
interlock and source insertion/removal tool.)

6-16 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Installing the Column

4. Place the ion source cartridge on the source holder and set aside.

Figure 6-2. Storing the Ion Source Cartridge in the Source Holder

5. Place the source plug in the source plug holder.

Figure 6-3. Attaching the Source Plug to the Source Plug Holder

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-17

Installing the Column

6. Attach the source exchange tool to the source plug in the source plug

Figure 6-4. Attaching the Source Plug to the Source Exchange Tool

7. Twist the plug until it aligns securely in the grooves in the source
exchange tool and remove the plug from the holder
Alignment Grooves

Figure 6-5. Attaching the Source Plug to the Source Exchange Tool

NOTICE IMPORTANT Use compressed air to blow all the dust off the
source plug before inserting it into the mass spectrometer. ▲

8. Once the ion source temperature has dropped below 200 °C, insert
the barrel end of the source exchange tool into the vacuum interlock

6-18 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Installing the Column

and twist it clockwise to lock it into position. Be sure the black

handle remains fully extended and locked.

Figure 6-6. Inserting the Source Plug into the Vacuum Interlock

9. Evacuate the VPI.

a. Confirm that the source removal tool is properly engaged in the
b. Press the blue Evacuate button on the front of the instrument.
c. The Evacuate light will begin to flash green, and should
continue to flash green for approximately 20 seconds.
d. If the pressure has returned to an acceptable value after the
20-30 second wait, the evacuate light will turn off and the Ready
to Open light will be solid green. At that point, the air has been
evacuated from the instrument and it is safe to open the vacuum
interlock valve.
10. Pull the vacuum interlock handle up when the Ready to Open light
is a solid green.
11. Twist the handle of the tool slightly to the left until it is feels like it is
lodged into the left-most track.
12. Push the handle toward the instrument until the end of the handle
aligns with the engraved line at the end of the barrel. When you
reach this line, the tool is all the way in and the source plug is
securely placed in the instrument.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-19

Installing the Column

NOTICE IMPORTANT The source plug should remain attached to the

source exchange tool. Do not rotate the source exchange tool handle to
attempt to disengage the source plug. ▲

Figure 6-7. Raising the Vacuum Interlock Handle

13. Wait for oven and transfer line temperatures to drop below 50 °C to
avoid burns before proceeding to touch the column and nut.
14. Use the GC transfer line handle to slide the GC transfer line away
from the MS transfer line.
GC Transfer
Line Handle

Figure 6-8. Separating the GC and MS Transfer Lines

15. Remove the current column and nut if present.

6-20 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Installing the Column

NOTICE Monitor the foreline pressure when removing the column and
nut to confirm that the source plug is properly sealing the transfer line.
If the pressure exceeds 3 mbar, the leak is excessive, and the source plug
should be reseated or inspected for damage. If the turbomolecular pump
is forced off by the vacuum protection and the pump speed drops below
80% speed, cycling power will not restart the turbomolecular pump.
The pump speed must further drop below 25% before cycling the power
to reset the pump and allow it to spin up to 100%. Be careful not to
have the circuit breaker off for more than 5 seconds or there is a risk that
the system will vent and must be pumped down overnight. ▲

16. Unwind an appropriate column length to insert into the transfer line
along the front of the instrument. Leaving about an inch gap
between the column and the left side of the front panel will usually
give you an appropriate length of column for installation.
Column Gap

Figure 6-9. Measuring the Column Length

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-21

Installing the Column

17. Insert the new column through the GC transfer line.

Figure 6-10. Inserting the New Column through the GC Transfer Line

18. Carefully extend the column out the front to allow application of
the nut and ferrule.


Figure 6-11. Extending the Column to the Front of the Instrument

6-22 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Installing the Column

19. Insert the column through the nut and ferrule (flat side of the nut
faces the MS).

Figure 6-12. Inserting the Column through the Nut and Ferrule

20. Use a scoring wafer to score and then remove the last 10 mm of
column to provide a clean, well-cut end.
21. Wipe the column with an alcohol soaked-wipe after inserting
through the ferrule.

Figure 6-13. Scoring and Cutting the Column

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-23

Installing the Column

22. Carefully push the column back into the GC transfer line while
keeping the nut and ferrule on the column.

Figure 6-14. Proper Placement of the Column in the GC Transfer Line

23. Insert the column into the MS transfer line and tighten the nut until
the column just resists sliding through the ferrule.

Figure 6-15. Inserting the Column into the MS Transfer Line

24. Loosen the nut ¼ turn and push the column into the MS transfer
line until it just touches the source plug.
25. Pull the column ½ to 1 mm away from the source plug and tighten
the nut ½ turn.

6-24 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Installing the Column

NOTICE To avoid forcing the column into the source plug when
tightening the nut, the column can be pulled back approximately 1 mm
before tightening the nut. ▲

Figure 6-16. Tightening the Nut

26. Ensure the column and nut are correctly installed in the MS transfer

Figure 6-17. Correctly Installed Column in MS Transfer Line

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-25

Installing the Column

27. Pull the GC transfer line handle to the left to close it.

Figure 6-18. Closed MS Transfer Line

28. Remove the source plug with the insertion/removal tool.

29. Lower the handle to close the vacuum interlock.
30. Remove the source exchange tool.
31. Allow the source plug to cool.
32. Carefully remove the source plug from the insertion/removal tool
using the source plug holder.

NOTICE Tip To avoid collecting dust on the source plug, store it in a

closed container when not in use. ▲

33. Using the source holder, place the ion source on the
insertion/removal tool and install the ion source using the vacuum
34. In Tune Instrument Control – EI/CI source, set the:
a. MS transfer line temp to the method temperature.
b. Ion source temp to the method temperature.
35. In Tune, place the instrument in the On state.
36. Leak check at the nut with tetrafluoroethane spray and tighten with
a 1/4” wrench as needed. Perform leak checking by scanning in full
scan and looking for +CF3 (68.99466) and +CH2CF3 (83.01031)
peaks while spraying potential leak spots with tetrafluoroethane
(dusting spray or refrigerant R-134A).)

6-26 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Installing the Column

37. Confirm the GC transfer line is covering the nut to prevent a cold
zone on the column.
38. If vacuum compensation was set to Off for any reason (such as
conditioning a new column), set vacuum compensation to On.
39. On the GC, set the Oven to On.
40. On the GC, in the Auxiliary Temperature Control, set Transfer Line
1 and Transfer Line 2 to On.
41. If necessary, reinsert the ion source to assure good electrical contacts
using the insertion/removal tool and vacuum interlock once all
temperatures have stabilized for 30 minutes and the source has
thermally expanded.
42. Replace the vacuum interlock knob and evacuate the inlet valve
chamber to remove the remaining air between the ball valve and
interlock plug.
43. Confirm there are no leaks before beginning any tuning or analyses.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 6-27

Chapter 7 Troubleshooting

This chapter provides information about identifying and solving

common problems with Q Exactive GC mass spectrometers.


• “Safety Guidelines for Troubleshooting” on page 7-2

• “Fault Table” on page 7-3

• “Main Power Failure” on page 7-4

• “Vacuum Leak” on page 7-5

• “Failure of UHV Chamber Heating Control” on page 7-7

• “Turbomolecular Pump is Not Running” on page 7-8

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 7-1

Safety Guidelines for Troubleshooting

Safety Guidelines for Troubleshooting

When performing troubleshooting on the Q Exactive GC system, pay
attention to the following general safety guidelines.

! WARNING High Voltage. High voltages capable of creating an electric shock are
used in the instrument. Do not remove protective covers from PCBs.
Opening the instrument housing is only allowed for maintenance
purposes by Thermo Fisher Scientific personnel. To ensure that the
instrument is free from all electric current, always disconnect the power
cords of mass spectrometer and forepump before attempting any type of

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching hot parts of the ion source interface might
cause severe burns. During operation of the mass spectrometer, the
ExtractaBrite removable ion source might reach temperatures of up to
350 °C, while the GC column transfer line might reach temperatures of
up to 400 °C. To let the ion source interface cool down, set the ion
source and transfer line temperatures to 25 °C. Wait until the ion
source has cooled down to room temperature (for approximately
60 minutes) before you begin working on it. Do not leave the
instrument unattended when the covers and front door are removed,
exposing the hot source parts. Hot ion source parts might ignite
combustible material. Keep combustible materials away from the ion
source mount.

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching hot parts of the forepump might cause burns.
The forepump in function is hot and some surfaces could reach a
temperature higher than 70 °C (158 °F). Switch off the pump and let it
cool down before any intervention or take appropriate precautions.
Always wear heat protective gloves when working on a pump that is
“still warm from operation”.

! Service by the customer must be performed by trained qualified

personnel only and is restricted to servicing mechanical parts. Service
on electronic parts must be performed by Thermo Fisher Scientific
field service engineers only.
Never try to repair or replace any component of the system that is not
described in this manual without the assistance of your Thermo Fisher
Scientific field service engineer.

7-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Fault Table

Fault Table
If malfunctions on the mass spectrometer occur, you will find possible
causes and instructions for repair in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1. Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Causes Remedy
Tune software shows bad vacuum System was vented because of a mains page 7-4
Vacuum leak page 7-5
Temperature of UHV chamber is UHV chamber heating control has page 7-7
higher than expected failed
Turbomolecular pump is not TMP is switched off because of page 7-8
running overheating

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 7-3

Main Power Failure

Main Power Failure

A main power failure has the same consequence as switching off with the
main power circuit breaker switch. If the power is available again, the
system is started up automatically: the pumps are switched on and the
vacuum is created. If the system has been vented during the mains
failure, it is necessary to bake out the system to obtain the operating
vacuum. See “Baking Out the System” on page 8-11.

If the log file of the data system shows a reboot of the system and the
pressure reading in the Tune software shows a bad vacuum, this
indicates that the system was vented. In case of frequent but short power
failures we recommend installing an uninterruptible power supply
(UPS). If main power failures occur frequently while the system is not
attended (for example, in the night), we recommend installing a power
fail detector.

7-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Vacuum Leak

Vacuum Leak
For proper performance, your Q Exactive GC system must operate at
acceptable vacuum levels. You can check the current pressure values in
the Vacuum / Bakeout window of the Tune software window.

❖ To check the vacuum levels

1. To display the Tune software window, choose Start > Programs >
Thermo Exactive Series > Tune. The Instrument status LED in the
toolbar (see image in margin) turns green when the vacuum levels of
the instrument are sufficient for operating your Q Exactive GC

2. In the Tasks panel of the Tune software window, click

to display the Vacuum / Bakeout

window. See Figure 7-1. Green LEDs indicate that the readback
values are sufficient for operating the Q Exactive GC mass

Figure 7-1. Vacuum / Bakeout window

3. Compare the current values of the pressures in the vacuum manifold

with the values listed in Table 7-2. If the current values are higher
than normal, there might be an air leak.

Table 7-2. Typical pressure readings

Gauge type Name in Tune software Typical values
Pirani Fore Vacuum about 5E-02 mbar
Cold cathode High Vacuum about 3E-05 mbar
Cold cathode Ultra High Vacuum < 8E-10 mbar
This parameter is visible only when the ion gauge in the high-vacuum chamber is switched on. Refer to the Tune Help for details.

4. If the pressure in the Ultra High Vacuum region is high (above

1E-9 mbar), the instrument needs to be baked out for about
10 hours or more. See “Baking Out the System” on page 8-11 for
instructions on performing a system bakeout.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 7-5

Vacuum Leak

If the pressure remains high, the system might have an air leak. See
below for instructions.

❖ To check the system for major air leaks

Listen for a rush of air or a hissing sound inside the mass


Possible causes of a major leak might be a loose or disconnected

fitting, an improperly positioned O-ring, or an open valve. If you
suspect an air leak in the forevacuum region, check the vacuum tube
for holes. Also check the clamp that fixes the vacuum tube to the
forevacuum port (elbow) of the mass spectrometer. See Figure 3-5
on page 3-9. It might be loose because the forepump was shifted or
the vacuum tube is twisted.

❖ To fix an air leak

1. Shut down the system; see “Shutting Down the System” on

page 6-7.

2. Make a visual inspection of the vacuum system and vacuum lines for

3. Check each fitting and flange on the system for tightness, and
tighten the fittings or flanges that are loose.

Do not tighten fittings indiscriminately. Pay particular attention to

fittings that have been changed recently or to fittings that have been
subjected to heating and cooling.

4. Ensure that the o-rings and the cover plates of the vacuum manifold
are properly positioned.

5. Ensure the MS transfer line nut is secure. A leak can develop at this
seal when the GC transfer line temperature is reduced significantly.

6. Confirm the GC capillary column is not broken or that the vacuum

interlock is properly sealed.

7. Ensure that the glass cover of the ion source is properly seated on the
o-ring if source maintenance has been performed with the covers off

If you cannot find the location of the leak or tighten the leak yourself,
contact your Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer.

7-6 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Failure of UHV Chamber Heating Control

Failure of UHV Chamber Heating Control

During general operation of the mass spectrometer, the temperature of
the UHV chamber is not regulated. Only during a system bakeout,
electric power is supplied to the heating elements of the UHV chamber.
The heating always operates at maximum power. Thus, failure of the
heating control does not lead to a dangerous overheating of the mass

If the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer does not work as expected, use

the Tune software for error diagnosis:

• The messages window displays real-time information about the

statuses of the instrument, the control service, or other programs. If
the heating was terminated, the window displays a corresponding
error message.

In case of a failure of the UHV chamber heating control, shut down the
mass spectrometer as described on page 6-7. To prevent permanent
damage to components of the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer,
Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends calling a Thermo Fisher
Scientific field service engineer.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 7-7

Turbomolecular Pump is Not Running

Turbomolecular Pump is Not Running

A turbomolecular pump may be switched off because of one of the
following reasons:

• Turbomolecular pump is blocked

• Failure of fans in turbomolecular pump

Each of the above reasons might lead to an overheating of the pump.

When overheated, a turbomolecular pump switches off automatically to
prevent its destruction. This overheating protection prevents the
outbreak of a fire and minimizes the risk of destroying the pump.

If the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer does not work as expected, use

the Tune software for error diagnosis:

• The instrument status window displays real-time status information

for the instrument components. All parameters are arranged in a tree
view. In addition to showing numerical values of parameters (for
example, pump speeds or component temperatures), the instrument
status window uses icons to indicate the statuses of system

• The messages window displays real-time information about the

statuses of the instrument, the control service, or other programs. It
might display additional information.

In case of an overheated turbomolecular pump, shut down the mass

spectrometer as described on page 6-7. To prevent permanent damage to
components of the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer, Thermo Fisher
Scientific recommends calling a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service

7-8 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Chapter 8 Maintenance

This chapter describes routine maintenance procedures that must be

performed to ensure optimum performance of the Q Exactive GC mass


• “Safety Guidelines for Maintenance” on page 8-2

• “General Advice for Maintenance” on page 8-4

• “Inspection- and Servicing Plan” on page 8-5

• “Maintaining the Vacuum System” on page 8-8

• “Maintenance of the Fan Filters” on page 8-13

• “EI/CI Source Maintenance” on page 8-15

• “Maintaining GCs or Autosamplers” on page 8-50

• “Consumables” on page 8-51

• “Thermo Fisher Scientific Service” on page 8-52

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-1

Safety Guidelines for Maintenance

Safety Guidelines for Maintenance

When performing maintenance on the Q Exactive GC system, pay
attention to the following general safety guidelines.

! WARNING High Voltage. High voltages capable of causing an electric shock are
used in the instrument. Do not remove protective covers from PCBs.
Opening the instrument housing is only allowed for maintenance
purposes by Thermo Fisher Scientific personnel. To ensure that the
instrument is free from all electric current, always disconnect the power
cords of mass spectrometer and forepump before attempting any type of

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching parts of the forepump might cause burns. The
forepump in function is hot and some surfaces could reach a
temperature higher than 70 °C (158 °F). Switch off the pump and let it
cool down before any intervention or take appropriate precautions.
Always wear heat protective gloves when working on a pump that is
“still warm from operation”. Take note of the warning labels on the

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching hot parts of the ion source interface might
cause severe burns. During operation of the mass spectrometer, the
ExtractaBrite removable ion source might reach temperatures of up to
350 °C, while the GC column transfer line might reach temperatures of
up to 400 °C. To let the ion source interface cool down, set the ion
source and transfer line temperatures to 25 °C. Wait until the ion
source has cooled down to room temperature (for approximately
60 minutes) before you begin working on it. Do not leave the
instrument unattended when the covers and front door are removed,
exposing the hot source parts. Hot ion source parts might ignite
combustible material. Keep combustible materials away from the ion
source mount.

! CAUTION Hazardous Chemicals. Samples and solvents might contain toxic,

carcinogenic, mutagenic, or corrosive/irritant chemicals. Avoid
exposure to potentially harmful materials. Always wear protective
clothing, gloves, and safety glasses when you handle solvents or
samples. Also contain waste streams and use proper ventilation. Refer
to your supplier's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for proper
handling of a particular compound.

8-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Safety Guidelines for Maintenance

! It is the user’s responsibility to maintain the system properly by

performing the system maintenance procedures on a regular basis.
Service by the customer must be performed by trained qualified
personnel only and is restricted to servicing mechanical parts. Service
on electronic parts must be performed by Thermo Fisher Scientific
field service engineers only.
Never try to repair or replace any component of the system that is not
described in this manual without the assistance of your Thermo Fisher
Scientific field service engineer.
Only use fuses of the type and current rating specified. Do not use
repaired fuses and do not short-circuit the fuse holder.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-3

General Advice for Maintenance

General Advice for Maintenance

When performing maintenance on the Q Exactive GC mass
spectrometer, observe the following advice:

• Accurate results can be obtained only if the system is in good

condition and properly calibrated.

• Preventive maintenance must commence with installation, and must

continue during the warranty period to maintain the warranty.
Thermo Fisher Scientific offers maintenance and service contracts.
Contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office for more
information. Routine and infrequent maintenance procedures are
listed in Table 8-1.

• The user maintenance procedures described in this manual do not

require removing the instrument housing. Thermo Fisher Scientific
assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for instrument
damage and/or operator injury that might result from using the
instrument without the housing attached. Therefore, a Thermo
Fisher Scientific field service engineer must be called if removal of
the instrument housing is required.

• To successfully carry out the procedures listed in this chapter,

observe the following rules:

- Proceed methodically

- Always wear clean, talc-free, and lint-free gloves when handling

internal components of the Q Exactive GC system. See
“Personal Protective Equipment” on page 4-11 for a
specification for the required gloves.

- Always place the components on a clean, lint-free surface.

- Never overtighten a screw or use excessive force.

- Dirty tools can contaminate your system. Keep the tools clean
and use them exclusively for maintenance and service work at
the mass spectrometer.

- Never insert a test probe (for example, an oscilloscope probe)

into the sockets of female cable connectors on PCBs.

8-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Inspection- and Servicing Plan

Inspection- and Servicing Plan

Routine and infrequent maintenance procedures to be performed by the
user are listed in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1. User maintenance procedures

MS Component Procedure Frequency Procedure Location
Instrument System bakeout If necessary (for example, after page 8-11
performing maintenance work on
the vacuum system)
Check warning labels on Annually page 8-6
Leak check gas lines Annually page 8-7
Cooling fans Check fan filters Every 4 weeks page 8-13
Clean fan filters If necessary
Forepump Purge (decontaminate) oil As needed See manufacturer’s
Check oil level Monthly page 8-9, see also
Check oil condition Depends on process
Add oil If oil level is low
Check gas ballast valve Monthly
Clean dirt trap Monthly
Change oil Every 3000 h (~4 months) of
Replace exhaust filter If oil mist appears at exhaust or
Check anti-suckback valve Annually
Clean fan guard Annually
The forepump oil may be changed less frequently depending on sample throughput and type.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-5

Inspection- and Servicing Plan

Returning Parts
To protect our employees, we ask you for some special precautions when
returning parts to the factory for exchange or repair. Your signature on
Health and Safety Form confirms that the returned parts have been
de-contaminated and are free of hazardous materials. See “Safety Advice
for Possible Contamination” on page 8-52 for further information.

Cleaning the Surface of the Instrument

Clean the outside of the instrument with a dry cloth. For removing
stains or fingerprints on the surface of the instrument (panels, for
example), slightly dampen the cloth (preferably made of microfiber)
with distilled water.

NOTICE Prevent any liquids from entering the inside of the instrument.
Leaking liquids might get into contact with electronic components and
cause a short circuit. ▲

Checking Warning Labels

Safety warnings on mass spectrometer and other devices of the
GC/MS system must always be complete, clearly visible and legible.

In addition to the safety instructions that can be found throughout this

manual, various warning labels on the instrument inform the user about
possible hazards (for example, caused by hot surfaces or high voltage).
See “Safety Symbols on the Instrument” on page 4-3 for an overview. To
protect all personnel coming near the instrument, annually make sure
that all warning labels on the instrument are still present. If warning
labels are missing or unreadable, contact a Thermo Fisher Scientific field
service engineer for replacements. Also check the warning labels on
forepump and other devices of the GC/MS system.

8-6 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Inspection- and Servicing Plan

Leak-Checking Gas Lines

Regularly leak check each gas line from the gas supply in the laboratory
to the instrument.

❖ To perform a leak check for a gas line

1. After closing all valves in the instrument, monitor the manometer of

the gas regulator for some minutes.

2. If the pressure falls significantly (for example, the nitrogen pressure

falls by more than 10 psi / 690 mbar within two minutes), you
should search for leaks in the gas line. This nitrogen pressure test
cannot be performed when the instrument is powered off because
the nitrogen is freely flowing through the vent valve.

3. Search for leaks in the gas line, for example, by using a conventional
thermal conductivity-based leak detector, such as is widely used to
check leaks in gas chromatography equipment.

NOTICE These leak detectors will not detect nitrogen levels. ▲

NOTICE When the Q Exactive GC is in the On or Standby state,

nitrogen is consumed at approximately 6 mL/min. The system should
be placed in the Off state for pressure checks. ▲

4. If you detect a leak (which is usually at a connection), verify the

tightness of the connection. In case of doubt, replace it.

5. When you cannot find a leak in the gas line, we recommend calling
a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer to check for gas
leaks within the instrument.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-7

Maintaining the Vacuum System

Maintaining the Vacuum System

This section describes maintenance procedures for the vacuum pumps
and the vacuum manifold of the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer.

Pumps Maintenance
This section only outlines the maintenance procedures for the forepump
and the turbomolecular pumps (TMPs) of the mass spectrometer. The
manuals of the pump manufacturers give detailed advice regarding
safety, operation, maintenance, and installation. Note the warnings and
precautions contained in these manuals!

Maintenance of the Forepump

The foreline (roughing) pump is usually located on the floor behind the
Q Exactive GC instrument and occasionally requires maintenance. It
establishes the vacuum needed to run the turbomolecular pump inside
the instrument. Typically, the foreline pump oil needs to be replaced
every four months. However, depending on your sample type and
frequency of use, your maintenance interval will be different. Refer to
the foreline pump documentation for information. The forepump
requires several maintenance procedures to be performed by the user.
Table 8-2 outlines the maintenance schedule for the forepump as
recommended by the pump manufacturer. To simplify the maintenance
work, the pump manufacturer recommends combining several jobs. For
maintenance instructions, refer to the forepump manual.

8-8 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Maintaining the Vacuum System

Table 8-2. Maintenance schedule of the forepump

Maintenance job Frequency
Check oil level Monthly
Check oil condition Depends on process
Check gas ballast valve Monthly
Change oil Every 3000 h of operation
Replace exhaust filter If oil mist appears at exhaust or annually
Check anti-suckback valve Annually
Clean fan cover Annually

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching hot parts of the forepump might cause burns.
The forepump in function is hot and some surfaces could reach a
temperature higher than 70 °C (158 °F) for GC/MS systems. Switch off
the pump and let it cool down before any intervention or take
appropriate precautions. Always wear heat protective gloves when
working on a pump that is “still warm from operation”. Take note of
the warning labels on the pump.

! CAUTION Hot Liquid. Touching hot forepump oil might cause burns. Always
wear protective gloves and protective goggles when you handle the
forepump oil.

! CAUTION Hazardous Chemicals. The forepump oil might cause skin or eye
irritation and it might contain toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or
corrosive/irritant chemicals. Avoid exposure to potentially harmful
materials. Always wear protective clothing, gloves, and safety glasses
when you handle the forepump oil.

! When disposing of used oil, observe the relevant environmental

regulations! For instructions about proper handling, refer to the
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the forepump oil.

Forepump oil and exhaust filters are available from Thermo Fisher
Scientific (see Chapter 9: “Replaceable Parts”). If you want to order
other spare parts, contact the pump manufacturer (Edwards for GC/MS

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-9

Maintaining the Vacuum System

Maintenance of the Turbomolecular Pumps

This topic outlines the maintenance work for the TMPs. These
procedures require removing the housing of the instrument and partially
disassembling it. Therefore, a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service
engineer must be called if servicing is required. See also page 8-53.

Maintenance of the Source TMP

The pump manufacturer (Pfeiffer Vacuum) recommends changing the

operating fluid reservoir every three years at the latest. Depending on
the operating conditions, changing in two-year intervals might be
necessary. Changing of the TMP bearing is recommended every four
years, at least.

Maintenance of the Analyzer TMP

The pump manufacturer (Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum) recommends

changing the standard bearing every 45000 operating hours at the latest,
and exchanging the rotor assembly every 80000 operating hours.

8-10 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Maintaining the Vacuum System

Baking Out the System

The system bakeout of the mass spectrometer removes unwanted gases
or molecules (collected or remaining) from the high-vacuum region of
the instrument. Ions can collide with those gases or molecules resulting
in lower overall sensitivity. Therefore, Thermo Fisher Scientific
recommends baking out the instrument if the high vacuum decreases
noticeably during routine operation.

Bakeout is mandatory after the system has been vented for maintenance
or service work in the analyzer region. You should bake out an
instrument that has been vented for at least twelve hours (12 hours)
before you can start using it again.

If the system has vented during a power failure and it not at the correct
pressure and you need to use the system within 24 hours, it is necessary
to bake out the system to attain the operating vacuum. See “Starting Up
the System after a Shutdown” on page 6-9.

NOTICE Before you start the bakeout, ensure that the pumps are up and
running at their operating speed. If you have just switched on the mass
spectrometer, this will take about 10 minutes. See “Starting Up the
Instrument” on page 6-9. To check the pump speed, open the
Instrument Status window of the Tune software and expand the
Vacuum System node of the Instrument tree. ▲

❖ To perform a system bakeout

1. In the Tune software window, click the On/Standby button to put

the instrument in Off condition. (See image in margin.)

2. In the Tasks panel of the Tune software window, click

to display the Vacuum / Bakeout
window. See Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1. Vacuum / Bakeout window

3. Enter the desired baking duration (in hours) into the spin box. The
available range is 4 to 100 hours.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-11

Maintaining the Vacuum System

4. Click Bake out. A dialog box shows the duration of the baking
procedure. See Figure 8-2. Click Yes to confirm the message.

Figure 8-2. Bakeout dialog box

5. The dialog box disappears and the baking procedure starts. The
instrument indicates the active bakeout procedure by a flashing
Vacuum LED. (See Figure 3-2 on page 3-5.) Additionally, the Tune
software displays a corresponding message box. See Figure 8-3.

Figure 8-3. Message box: Vacuum Bakeout active

6. The baking of the instrument stops after the preset duration. The
Vacuum LED keeps flashing until the cooling and stabilization time
(of about 3 hours) is finished.

Click Stop in the Vacuum / Bakeout window to abort the baking

routine before the preset time.

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching hot parts of the instrument immediately after a
bakeout might cause burns. If you abort a system bakeout, parts of the
instrument can be hot. Allow the instrument to cool for at least three
hours before you start operating it again.

8-12 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Maintenance of the Fan Filters

Maintenance of the Fan Filters

Each of the two ventilation slots at the rear side of the mass spectrometer
is equipped with a fan filter. See Figure 8-4.

Pull here to open Pull here to open

Figure 8-4. Ventilation slots at the rear side of the instrument

NOTICE Avoid blocking the ventilation slots at the rear of the mass
spectrometer. Items might fall behind the instrument, inhibit airflow,
and cause the system to overheat. Depending on the circumstances,
either the Tune software will switch off the instrument and display an
error message or the turbomolecular pump control will shut down the
instrument and vent it. ▲

Checking the Fan Filters

Check the fan filters every four weeks.

❖ To check the fan filters

1. Each fan filter bracket is mounted on hinges. Insert a finger into the
recess in the instrument frame and pull at the fan filter bracket to
open it. See Figure 8-4 and Figure 8-5.

2. Remove each fan filter from the rear of the mass spectrometer by
pulling it out of the filter bracket. See Figure 8-5.

Figure 8-5. Removing fan filters from the filter bracket

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-13

Maintenance of the Fan Filters

If the fan filters are covered with dust, proceed as described in “Cleaning
the Fan Filters” below. Replacements for the fan filters are available from
Thermo Fisher Scientific (see Chapter 9: “Replaceable Parts”).

Cleaning the Fan Filters

❖ To clean the fan filters

1. Remove the fan filters as described in “Checking the Fan Filters”


2. Wash the fan filters in a solution of soap and water.

3. Rinse the fan filters with tap water.

4. Squeeze the water from the fan filters and allow them to air dry.

5. Reinstall the fan filters in the fan filter brackets.

8-14 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

EI/CI Source Maintenance

Removing the Ion Source Cartridge from the Q Exactive GC System

1. Twist off the round vacuum interlock knob located on the interior
front panel and set it aside. There is a vacuum feedthrough with a
ball valve that allows access to the ion source without venting the

NOTICE To prevent leaks through the vacuum interlock, the vacuum

interlock knob must be attached to the instrument, except when you are
removing or inserting the ion source cartridge. After you reattach the
knob, press the Evacuate button to remove any air inside the vacuum
interlock. ▲

Vacuum Interlock Knob Evacuate Button

Figure 8-6. Locating the Vacuum Interlock Knob and Evacuate Button

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-15

EI/CI Source Maintenance

2. Get the source exchange tool that shipped with your instrument. It
is used to remove and insert the ion source cartridge through the
vacuum interlock. The tool has a large black handle on one end and
a stainless steel barrel at the other. On the black handle is a diagram
describing how to insert and remove the ion source cartridge from
the instrument using the tool. The stainless steel barrel is cut with a
track and the black handle moves up and over the track, depending
on whether you are removing or installing an ion source cartridge.
Left Track Groove
Handle of Barrel

Right Track
of Barrel
Usage Diagram

Figure 8-7. Locating the Vacuum Interlock Knob and Evacuate Button

3. Grasp the handle of the source exchange tool in one hand and use
your other hand to pull the metal barrel out and away from the
handle so that tool is fully extended.
4. Attach the source exchange tool to the front of the instrument.
a. With your hand around the stainless steel barrel, twist the tool
until the alignment groove at the end of the barrel aligns with

8-16 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

the left screw around the slot vacated by the vacuum interlock

Figure 8-8. Inserting the Ion Volume Tool

b. Twist and push the stainless steel barrel to the right until it clicks
into place under the screw at the top of the slot.

Figure 8-9. Twisting the Tool into Place

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-17

EI/CI Source Maintenance

5. Evacuate the vacuum probe interlock (VPI). The VPI is located

behind the vacuum interlock knob and is accessed by removing the
a. Confirm that the source removal tool is properly engaged in the
b. Press the blue Evacuate button on the front of the instrument.
c. The Evacuate light will begin to flash amber and then green as
the inlet evacuates and should continue to flash green for
approximately 20 seconds.
d. If the pressure has returned to an acceptable value after the
20-30 second wait, the evacuate light will turn off and the
Ready to Open light will be solid green. At that point, the air
has been evacuated from the ball valve and it is safe to open the
vacuum interlock valve.

NOTICE If the evacuate light flashes for only a short time then returns
to a solid light without the Ready to Open light turning green, there is a
leak in the VPI seal. The source removal tool connection should be
checked or field service contacted. ▲

Vacuum Interlock Knob Evacuate Button

Figure 8-10. Evacuating the System

6. Twist, then loosen the top part of the vacuum interlock handle to
allow the entire handle to swing up and down. This handle controls
the interior ball valve, which seals the vacuum chamber.

8-18 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

7. Swing the handle down and then twist the top of it in the opposite
direction to lock it into place.

NOTICE Be sure the source exchange tool handle is locked securely

before proceeding to the next step (opening the interior ball valve). The
locking function is designed to prevent the source exchange tool from
being sucked into the manifold when the ball valve is opened. ▲

8. Lift the handle up to open the interior ball valve.

NOTICE If more than 60 seconds have passed since the Ready to Open
indicator light has come on, it will turn off. You should press the
Evacuate button and wait until the Ready to Open light is lit again
before opening the valve. Do not open the valve if the Ready to Open
light is not on. This may indicate a leak in the valve region. When a leak
is detected during the evacuate sequence, the amber evacuate LED will
flash on and off. ▲

9. Slowly push the ion cartridge tool into the instrument. Because you
are removing the ion volume in this step, you will go down the right
side of the metal track on the barrel

NOTICE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE: Make sure the vacuum interlock

handle is all the way up. Otherwise if you insert the tool with the handle
down, you can damage the instrument. ▲

Figure 8-11. Pushing the Tool into the Instrument

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-19

EI/CI Source Maintenance

10. Once the tool is all the way in (when the groove at the end of the
barrel is covered by the black handle) twist the handle to the left to
engage the ion source cartridge and move it onto the end of the
barrel. You are essentially disconnecting the ion source cartridge
from the ion source block and moving it onto the tool.
11. Pull the tool toward you and down the left side of the metal track on
the barrel. As you keep pulling it toward you, more and more of the
barrel will be exposed. You may encounter resistance while removing
the source. To release the source from the spring contacts make
small repeated rotations (vibrations) of the handle to the left and
right quickly.

Figure 8-12. Pulling the Tool Down the Left Track

8-20 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

12. Once you reach the end of the track (when the back line at the end
of the barrel is uncovered by the black handle), twist the handle to
the left to lock it into place.

Figure 8-13. Locking the Tool in Place. Note: Tool is Rotated Left.

13. Pull the vacuum interlock handle down to close the interior ball

Figure 8-14. Pulling Down the Vacuum Interlock Handle

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-21

EI/CI Source Maintenance

14. Twist the end of the vacuum interlock handle and flip the swing
handle up so that it rests next to the vacuum interlock knob
location. Then twist the end again to hold it in place.
15. Replace the plug in the VPI to prevent accidental venting and
excessive leaks.

NOTICE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE: Do not move the main interlock

handle when you move the swing handle to the up position or you will
open the interior ball valve, which might cause you to lose vacuum and
possibly damage the instrument. ▲

16. Remove the tool from the instrument.

Figure 8-15. Removing the Tool from the Instrument

8-22 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

17. Let the ion source cartridge cool.

! CAUTION Hot Surface. Touching hot parts of the ion source interface might
cause severe burns. During operation of the mass spectrometer, the ion
source can reach temperatures up to 350 °C. Wait until the ion source
has cooled down to room temperature before you begin working on it.

18. Hold the handle of the source exchange tool with one hand and use
the other hand to pull the barrel toward you and into the handle.

Ion Source

Figure 8-16. Exposing the Ion Source Cartridge

19. Invert the source exchange tool so that the barrel is pointed toward
the floor.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-23

EI/CI Source Maintenance

20. Slide the source holder, which is in the Q Exactive GC toolkit, onto
the end of the ion source cartridge. The opening of the source
holder is designed to accommodate the handles of the ion volume.

Wing of Ion
Filament Hole

Flat surface lines

up with Filament

Source Holder

Ion Volume
Handles Fit Here

Figure 8-17. Attaching the Source Holder

21. Twist the holder to disengage the ion source cartridge from the tool.

NOTICE The repeller locking nut is now loose on the repeller spring. Be
careful not to tip the source or the components will fall out. ▲

8-24 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

22. Set the ion source cartridge and holder on a clean surface

Figure 8-18. Removing the Ion Source Cartridge

! CAUTION Hot Surface. The ion source parts might be hot, so use caution when

23. Let the ion source cartridge cool down before removing it from the
source holder.
24. Disassemble the ion source cartridge by removing the locking ring
first, then the repeller spring, then the nut, insulator, and repeller
(which comes out in one piece), ion volume, lens 1, lens 2, and lens
3/RF lens.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-25

EI/CI Source Maintenance

NOTICE IMPORTANT Many nitrile and latex gloves not certified for
clean room use contain silicone mold releasing agents that will
contaminate the instrument. For this reason, clean room gloves are
strongly recommended when handling the ion source cartridge. We
recommend Cardinal Health CP100 Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves. ▲

Lens 3/RF Lens

Lens 1
Repeller Ion Cartridge Sleeve
Lens 2
Ion Volume
Locking Ring Ion Volume

Ion Volume-Repeller
Repeller Insulator

Figure 8-19. Components of the Q Exactive GC Ion Source

25. Set the components on a clean work surface.

26. Replace the ion source cartridge or any individual component.

Reassembling the Q Exactive GC Ion Source Cartridge

❖ To reassemble the ion source cartridge.

1. Place the ion volume-repeller insulator on the repeller and hold it in

place with the repeller nut. Set it aside for now.

8-26 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

2. Insert the ion cartridge sleeve into the source holder.

Figure 8-20. Inserting the Sleeve into the Source Holder

3. Align the long tooth of lens 3/RF lens with the notch on the bottom
of the sleeve and drop the lens into the sleeve.

Long Tooth on Lens 3/RF Lens

Tooth Fits Here

Figure 8-21. Inserting Lens 3/RF Lens into the Source Sleeve

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-27

EI/CI Source Maintenance

4. Place lens 2 on top of lens 3/RF lens with the small hole facing
down. It should fit snugly and sit evenly on top of lens 3/RF lens.

Small Hole of
Lens 2

Figure 8-22. Inserting Lens 2 into the Source Sleeve

5. With the longer teeth of lens 1 facing down toward lens 2, align the
larger metal section of lens 1 with the sleeve window and let it fall
into place.

Larger Metal
Section Longer Teeth
of Lens 1


Figure 8-23. Inserting Lens 1into the Source Sleeve

6. Insert the ion volume with the handles fitting into the notches of the
sleeve. Make sure the ion volume is firmly seated into the gap on

8-28 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

lens 1. You may need to rotate lens 1 slightly to make the ion
volume fit correctly.

Handles Fit
Here Ion Volume

Lens 1 Gap

Figure 8-24. Inserting the Ion Volume into the Source Sleeve

NOTICE The ion volume handles are different sizes and will only fit into
the sleeve one way. ▲

7. Insert the ion volume repeller insulator onto the repeller.

8. Tighten the repeller nut.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-29

EI/CI Source Maintenance

9. Insert the large flat end of the repeller so that it rests on top of the
ion volume.

Large Flat
End of

Figure 8-25. Inserting the Repeller

10. Slide the repeller spring onto the repeller.


Figure 8-26. Inserting the Repeller Spring into the Sleeve

8-30 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

11. Place the locking ring on top of the repeller spring so that the
repeller protrudes through the center hole on the locking ring. The
hooks on the sleeve fit between the larger gaps on the locking ring.

Larger Gaps on
Locking Ring

Hooks on Sleeve

Figure 8-27. Inserting the Locking Ring into the Sleeve

NOTICE Do not twist and lock the locking ring on the sleeve at this
time. ▲

Reinserting the Q Exactive GC Ion Source Cartridge

NOTICE When inserting a cold ion source cartridge such as after

cleaning or when switching between EI and CI modes, the ion source
and lens stack will expand as the source cartridge heats, often pushing
the ion volume and lenses away from the rear of the instrument where
they are firmly held by the RF Lens spring contacts. To avoid
intermittent electrical contacts to the lenses, you should insert the ion
source cartridge, wait 30 minutes for it to get to temperature, then
remove and reinsert it. ▲

❖ To reinsert the ion source cartridge

1. Hold the source holder and ion source cartridge in one hand and use
the other hand to hold the ion cartridge tool so that the barrel is
facing toward the floor. The diagram on the tool should be facing

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-31

EI/CI Source Maintenance

NOTICE If you try to attach the ion source cartridge to the tool by
inverting it, the components will likely fall, so make sure you are
working over a table. Otherwise, you may have to stop and clean the
components again. ▲

2. Look for a small vertical 3mm line engraved on the end of the
barrel. This line always matches up with the picture on the handle.
There is a similar engraved line on the sleeve of the ion source
cartridge. This line matches up with the filament.

Line on

Line on

Figure 8-28. Aligning the Tool with the Ion Source Cartridge

3. Position the engraved line on the tool with the open end of the hook
on the sleeve. There is a pin the source exchange tool that will latch
under the hook.

8-32 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

4. Push the ion source cartridge up into the barrel of the tool and twist
it until the engraved lines are aligned. The ion source cartridge
should easily slide into place with very little force.

NOTICE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE: If you push the ion source cartridge

into the barrel and it will not slide easily into position, make sure the
components are assembled correctly and have not slid out of place inside
the sleeve. Using too much force when inserting the ion source cartridge
into the barrel can cause damage. ▲

NOTICE The ion volume and lenses have keying features to assure the
lens spring contacts will align with the metal parts of the lenses. ▲

5. Gently pull the source holder away from the ion source cartridge.

Figure 8-29. Removing the Source Holder

NOTICE When the source exchange tool is inverted, the source should
stay attached. If this does not happen, the source will not insert correctly
into the instrument. ▲

6. Turn the source exchange tool around so that the ion source
cartridge is furthest away from you.
7. Firmly grasp the black handle of the ion cartridge tool in one hand
and use your other hand to pull the metal barrel out and away from
the handle so that tool is fully extended.The ion source cartridge is
now hidden inside the barrel.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-33

EI/CI Source Maintenance

8. When the barrel can go no further, twist the handle to the left to
lock it into position.
9. Insert the barrel end of the ion cartridge tool into the vacuum
interlock and twist it to the right to lock it into position. Be sure the
black handle remains in the locked position.

Figure 8-30. Evacuating the Instrument

8-34 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

10. Evacuate the VPI.

a. Confirm that the source removal tool is properly engaged in the
b. Press the blue Evacuate button on the front of the instrument.
c. The Evacuate light will begin to flash amber then green as the
inlet evacuates, and should continue to flash green for
approximately 20 seconds.
d. If the pressure has returned to an acceptable value after the
20-30 second wait, the evacuate light will turn off and the
Ready to Open light will solid green. At that point, the air has
been evacuated from the instrument and it is safe to open the
vacuum interlock valve.
11. Pull the vacuum interlock handle up when the Ready to Open light
is a solid green.
12. Twist the handle of the tool slightly to the left until it is feels like it is
lodged into the left-most track.

NOTICE Make sure you take the correct track on the tool or the ion
volume will disassemble inside the instrument. If that happens, the tool
will get stuck and you will have to shut down, vent the instrument, and
manually remove the source cartridge through the top of the
instrument. ▲

Figure 8-31. Pushing the Tool into the Instrument

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-35

EI/CI Source Maintenance

13. Push the handle toward the instrument until the end of the handle
aligns with the engraved line at the end of the barrel. When you
reach this line, the tool is all the way in and the ion source cartridge
has been placed back onto the ion source block. You may notice
slight resistance when the handle is approximately 2 cm from the
engraved line. This is normal. Do not force the cartridge into the
instrument. To release the source from the spring contacts make
small repeated rotations of the handle to the left and right quickly.
Gently apply pressure to the back of the handle.

NOTICE Do not push down on the handle of the source exchange tool
while inserting the ion source cartridge. This could result in opening an
air leak that may cause your instrument to shut itself down to protect
the vacuum pumps. ▲

NOTICE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE: Make sure the vacuum interlock

handle is all the way up. Otherwise if you insert the tool with the handle
down, you can damage the instrument. ▲

14. Twist the handle of the source exchange tool to the right and pull it
back toward you and down the right side of the barrel’s metal track
until the line at the end of the track appears.

Figure 8-32. Pulling the Tool Down the Right Track

8-36 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

15. Pull the vacuum interlock handle down to close the interior ball

Figure 8-33. Pulling Down the Vacuum Interlock Handle

16. Twist the end of the vacuum interlock handle and flip the swing
handle up so that it rests next to the vacuum interlock knob
location. Then twist the end again to hold it in place.

NOTICE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE: Make sure the vacuum interlock

handle is all the way up. Otherwise if you insert the tool with the handle
down, you can damage the instrument. Do not move the main interlock
handle when you move the swing handle to the up position or you will
open the interior ball valve, which might cause you to lose vacuum and
possibly damage the instrument. ▲

17. Remove the tool from the instrument.

18. Reattach the vacuum interlock knob.

NOTICE Tip To prevent leaks in the vacuum interlock, we recommend

that you leave the vacuum interlock knob attached to the instrument,
except when you are removing or inserting the ion source cartridge.
After you reattach the knob, press the Evacuate button will also
eliminate any air inside the vacuum interlock. ▲

19. For optimal performance, wait at least 30 minutes for the ion source
to heat up to the same temperature as the inside of the instrument.
Otherwise, the masses or intensities may drift during operation.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-37

EI/CI Source Maintenance

Cleaning the Q Exactive GC Ion Source Cartridge and Durable Components

NOTICE IMPORTANT If there is any doubt about a compatibility of

decontamination of cleaning agents with parts of the equipment or
material contained in it, the responsible party must contact Thermo
Fisher Scientific product support personnel. ▲

You can ONLY clean the following durable components inside the
vacuum manifold:
• Repeller
• Ion volume
• Lens 1
• Lens 2
• Lens 3/RF lens
• Ion cartridge sleeve
• Heat shield for the source interface board
• Screws

NOTICE You only need to clean the repeller, ion volume and all the
lenses most frequently. Cleaning the other components are not part of
the expected maintenance. ▲

To clean durable components of the Q Exactive GC instrument, you

will need the following cleaning supplies:
• Acetone, reagent grade (or other suitable polar solvent)
• Aluminum oxide abrasive powder, number 600
• Applicators, cotton-tipped
• Beaker
• Deionized water
• Detergent (Alconox, Micro, or equivalent)
• Dremel rotary tool or equivalent (recommended)
• Forceps
• Gas, clean and dry (Nitrogen, Helium or equivalent)
• Gloves, clean, lint- and powder-free, latex or nitrile
• Glycerol, reagent grade
• Toothbrush
• Cotton swab with wood handle
• Razor blade
• Ultrasonic cleaner

! CAUTION Material and Eye Hazard. Wear impermeable laboratory gloves and
eye protection when cleaning components.

❖ To clean the durable components:

1. Remove contaminants from all the components you are cleaning.

8-38 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

a. Use a slurry of #600 aluminum oxide in glycerol on a

cotton-tipped applicator to clean each component.
Contamination can be indicated by a dark or discolored area,
but it is often invisible. The heaviest contamination is usually
found around the apertures, such as the electron entrance hole
of the ion volume.

NOTICE Clean only the metal pieces of the repeller, lens 1 and lens
3/RF lens with aluminum oxide. ▲

b. Clean each component thoroughly, even if no contamination is

visible. To clean components faster, use a Dremel™ tool and
polishing swab at its lowest speed.

! WARNING Electric Current. Electric shock hazard. Exposing the Dremel tool to
standing water may cause an electrical shock.

! WARNING Fire Hazard. Using the Dremel tool near flammable vapors may cause
a fire.

c. Clean the crevices of a component using a non-metal tool. It is

very important to make sure you remove all of the debris or
discoloration found in small edges of each component, in
particular the ion volume. Otherwise, the debris or discoloration
might affect the quality of your data.
d. If you are cleaning the CI ion volume, use a razor blade to
sharpen the wooden end of a wooden cotton swab to a 45°
e. Twist the sharpened end of the swab into the electron entrance
hole on the CI ion volume to clean out debris. You may need to

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-39

EI/CI Source Maintenance

use several swabs before the electron entrance hole is clear of


Entrance Hole

Figure 8-34. Cleaning the CI Ion Volume

NOTICE Tip Clean the CI ion volume under a microscope to verify that
you removed all debris. ▲

f. If you notice any deep scratches on the components, you may

need to replace the component. Scratches can affect the
performance of your instrument.
2. Rinse the components with clean tap water. Use a toothbrush under
a stream of water to remove the aluminum oxide slurry. Do not let
the slurry dry on the components because it is difficult to remove. If
the components still look dirty, repeat step 1.
3. Sonicate the components in warm detergent.
a. Use forceps to place the components in a beaker of warm
b. Place the beaker and its contents in an ultrasonic bath for five
c. Rinse the components with tap water to remove the detergent.
4. Sonicate the components in deionized water.
a. Use forceps to place the components in a beaker of deionized
b. Place the beaker and its contents in an ultrasonic bath for five
minutes. If water is cloudy after sonicating, replace the water

8-40 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

with fresh water, and put the beaker and contents in a ultrasonic
bath again for five minutes. Repeat until the water is clear.
5. Use forceps to immediately transfer the components to a clean
beaker of acetone.

6. Sonicate the components in acetone.

! WARNING Fire Hazard. Acetone is flammable and volatile, so make sure the
ultrasonic bath is properly ventilated to prevent the buildup of vapors.

a. Place the beaker and its contents in an ultrasonic bath for one
b. Use forceps to transfer the components to a beaker of fresh
c. Place the beaker and its contents in an ultrasonic bath for one
7. Wearing gloves, blow clean, dry gas on the components to remove
the acetone.

Acetone should not be allowed to dry on the part. It will leave a residue
that may affect instrument performance.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-41

EI/CI Source Maintenance

Refilling the Calibrant Reservoir in the Q Exactive GC Mass Spectrometer

The calibrant reservoir should be refilled yearly or as needed.

❖ To refill the calibrant reservoir

1. Remove the small center panel in the front of the Q Exactive GC

mass spectrometer.

Figure 8-35. Opening the front panel

8-42 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

2. The calibration reservoir is located under the manifold. Twist the

calibrant reservoir cover counter-clockwise and remove it from the
calibration gas controller.


Figure 8-36. Locating the Calibrant Reservoir

3. Fill a syringe with 200 µL of the FC 43 calibration compound,

which contains perfluorotributylamine (PFTBA), and insert it into
the calibrant reservoir.



Figure 8-37. Locating the Calibrant Reservoir

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-43

EI/CI Source Maintenance

4. Inject the FC 43. If you see liquid pooled on top of the white frit,
remove the excess liquid according to local environmental

NOTICE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE: Adding more than 300 µL of

calibration compound can damage the calibration gas controller. Be
sure liquid does not get into the controller when you reattach the
reservoir. ▲
5. Reattach the cover to the calibration gas controller.

6. Reattach the front panel to the instrument.

Replacing a Dual Filament in the Q Exactive GC Mass Spectrometer

The number of ions produced in the ion source is proportional to the
filament emission current. If the measured emission current is
substantially less than the set emission current value, or if the measured
emission current is decreasing, you may need to replace the dual
filament because it has failed or is failing. Also, if one of the filaments
has burned out, it may be time to replace it.

You can increase the life of your dual filament by:

• Setting the solvent delay so that the analyzer will not turn on
while the solvent peak is eluting.

• Not overriding the solvent delay at the beginning of a run.

• Selecting a lower emission current.

Click the Instrument Control button in the Xcalibur Status panel to

switch between filaments A and B.

❖ To replace a dual filament

1. Shut down the Q Exactive GC system by following the steps in

“Shutting Down the System” on page 6-7.

8-44 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

1. Use a T20 Torxhead screwdriver to remove the screws on the middle



Figure 8-38. Locating the Screws on the Front Panel

2. Open the small center panel and remove the screw at the back of the
panel using a flat-head screwdriver.


Figure 8-39. Locating the Back Screw

3. Carefully pull the entire central panel back to remove it. Set it aside.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-45

EI/CI Source Maintenance

4. Use a T20 Torxhead screwdriver to remove the four screws around

the manifold door. The bottom two screws are behind the vacuum
interlock panel


Screws (Bottom two

screws behind panel)

Figure 8-40. Locating the Manifold Screws

5. Pull the manifold door out to open. Once the alignment pins are
clear of the thumbscrews, swing the manifold door open.

8-46 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

6. Remove the glass manifold cover from the top of the manifold

Glass Manifold Cover

Figure 8-41. Locating the Glass Manifold Cover

NOTICE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE: Many nitrile and latex gloves not

certified for clean room use contain silicone mold releasing agents that
will contaminate the instrument. For this reason, clean room gloves are
strongly recommended when touching components inside the vacuum
manifold. We recommend Cardinal Health CP100 Nitrile Cleanroom
Gloves. ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-47

EI/CI Source Maintenance

7. Look through the top of the instrument and use a clean T10
Torxhead screwdriver to loosen the screw holding the filament
retaining clip in place. Then rotate the clip away from the filament.




Figure 8-42. Loosening the Filament Retaining Clip Screw

8. Disconnect the filament board and wires from the source interface

9. Remove the filament.

10. Insert the replacement filament into its slot, rotate the spring into
position, and slightly tighten the screw holding the filament
retaining clip in place.

11. Bend the filament wires so they do not touch any metal component.
You may want the old filament as a model.

12. Attach the connector of the replacement filament to the source

interface board.

13. Return the glass manifold cover to the top of the instrument.

14. Swing the manifold door so that it is parallel to the opening. Guide
the alignment pins into the thumbscrews.

NOTICE The manifold door will not swing closed. There will be a 1 cm
gap. You must push the door to close it completely. Do not apply excess
force to the thumbscrews or components may be damaged. ▲

8-48 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

EI/CI Source Maintenance

NOTICE Once the manifold door is closed, ensure the filament wires do
not contact the metal surface of the door. ▲

15. Use a T20 Torxhead screwdriver to replace the four screws around
the manifold door. Do not overtighten the screws.

16. Reattach the front panel of the Q Exactive GC.

17. Start up the instrument by following the steps in “Starting Up the

System after a Shutdown” on page 6-9.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-49

Maintaining GCs or Autosamplers

Maintaining GCs or Autosamplers

For instructions on maintaining GCs or autosamplers, refer to the
manual that comes with the GC or autosampler.

8-50 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific


For information on consumables such as fittings, nitrogen gas, or
cleaning agents, refer to the Consumables chapter in the Q Exactive GC
Preinstallation Requirements Guide.

The forepump oil is used for cooling, lubrication, and sealing of the
forepump. See “Maintenance of the Forepump” on page 8-8 for
information about forepump oil disposal. Also refer to the Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the forepump oil.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-51

Thermo Fisher Scientific Service

Thermo Fisher Scientific Service

This section contains information concerning maintenance work that
must be performed by Thermo Fisher Scientific personnel.

Safety Advice for Possible Contamination

! CAUTION Hazardous Chemicals. Hazardous material might contaminate certain

parts of your system during analysis. To protect our employees, we ask
you to adhere to special precautions when returning parts to the factory
for exchange or repair.
If hazardous materials have contaminated mass spectrometer parts,
Thermo Fisher Scientific can only accept these parts for repair if they
have been properly decontaminated.
Materials that due to their structure and the applied concentration
might be toxic or which are reported in publications to be toxic are
regarded as hazardous. Materials that will generate synergetic hazardous
effects in combination with other materials present are also considered
Parts contaminated by radioisotopes must not be returned to Thermo
Fisher Scientific—neither under warranty nor within the exchange part
program. If unsure about parts of the system possibly being
contaminated by hazardous material, make sure the Thermo Fisher
Scientific field service engineer is informed before the engineer starts
working on the system.

Your signature on the Health and Safety Form confirms that the
returned parts have been decontaminated and are free of hazardous
materials. You can order the form from a Thermo Fisher Scientific field
service engineer.

8-52 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific Service

Services to be Performed by Thermo Fisher Scientific Service Only

Table 8-3 lists services that must be performed by a Thermo Fisher
Scientific field service engineer only. Depending on the actual workload
of your Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer, you might increase the
maintenance frequency.

Table 8-3. Thermo Fisher Scientific service procedures

MS Component Procedure Frequency
Source TMP Change operating fluid Every three years
Change TMP bearing Every four years
Analyzer TMP Change standard bearing Every 45000 operating
Exchange rotor assembly Every 80000 operating

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 8-53

Chapter 9 Replaceable Parts

This chapter contains part numbers for replaceable and consumable

parts for the mass spectrometer, data system, and kits. To ensure proper
results in servicing the Q Exactive GC system, order only the parts listed
or their equivalent.

For information on how to order parts, see the contact information at

the beginning of this manual.


• “Ion Source Components” on page 9-2

• “Filament Components” on page 9-2

• “Vacuum Interlock Components” on page 9-3

• “Tools” on page 9-4

• “Pump Components” on page 9-4

• “Calibration Gas Components” on page 9-5

• “Other Parts” on page 9-5

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 9-1

Replaceable Parts
Ion Source Components

Ion Source Components

EI Ion Source Cartridge (Low Activity), includes below: . 1R120404-4100
Ion Cartridge Sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-1105
EI Ion Volume (Low Activity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-4111
Ion Volume-Repeller Insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-1114
Repeller (Low Activity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-1161
Ion Volume Locking Ring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-1118
Repeller Spring (pkg of 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76485-1000K
Repeller Nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-1120
Lens 3/RF Lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120574-0103
Lens 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120574-0139
Lens 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-1140
CI Reagent Gas Flow Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R123331-0092
CI Ion Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-4112
CI Ion Source Cartridge Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-4500
EI/CI Ion Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-4113

Filament Components
Dual Filament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-1940
Filament Retaining Spring Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-1405
Screw for Filament Retaining Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76913-0305

9-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Replaceable Parts
Vacuum Interlock Components

Vacuum Interlock Components

Inner Ball Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-1008
Valve Axle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-1003
Axle Seal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-2204
Axle Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-1005
Sealing Ball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-1004
Outer Ball Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-1002
Handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-1200
Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76461-5002
Valve Spring (Pkg of 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76485-1000K
Vacuum Interlock Knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-3000
Vacuum Interlock Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120403-0001
Tubing (cm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76433-0107
Barb Fitting—“L” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76256-1332
Barb Fitting—Straight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76256-0040
Vacuum Interlock Microswitch Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120406-1030
Interior O-ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R3814-127
Exterior O-ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R3815-320
Clip (Pkg of 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76483-2102

Figure 9-1. Replaceable Components of the Vacuum Interlock Assembly

Vacuum Interlock
(Metal block is
shown for
purposes only. Not
available for

Valve Axle Exterior

Axle Seal O-Ring

Valve Spring


Inner Ball Seal

Axle Bearing
Sealing Ball
Outer Ball Seal

Interior O-Ring

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 9-3

Replaceable Parts

Bushing in the Source Exchange Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120406-2203
Seal in the Source Exchange Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120406-2204
Clip in the Source Exchange Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76483-2102
Source Exchange Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120406-2000
VPI Toolkit, which includes*: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120467-0003
Source Holder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120471-0001
Source Removal Tool (Small) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120406-2250
Source Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120589-1000
Source Plug Holder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120589-1050
CI Ion Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-4112
EI/CI Ion Volume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120404-4113
T10 Torxhead Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R3812-5T10
T20 Torxhead Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R3812-5T20
T30 Torxhead Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R3812-5T30
Forceps, 8 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76360-0008
Wrench, Open-Ended, 1/4-in., 5/16-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76360-0109
Wrench, Open-Ended, 3/8 in., 7/16-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76360-0108
Wrench, Open-Ended, 1/2-in., 9/16-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76360-0110
Wrench, Open-Ended, 1/2 in., 7/16-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76360-0111
*The VPI tool kit also includes the Source Exchange Tool (P/N 1R120406-2000)

Pump Components
Turbomolecular Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R119268-0002
Rough Pump (RV3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76505-3007
Vacuum Hose (Order 10 ft). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76505-0625
Claw Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76505-0017
Centering Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76505-2001
Convectron Gauge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A0105-00501
Oil Mist Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R76505-0036
Foreline Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R119244-0025
Vacuum Pump Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A0301-15101

9-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Replaceable Parts
Calibration Gas Components

Calibration Gas Components

Dual Flow Calibration Gas Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R119246-0003
Calibrant Reservoir Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120433-0001
MS Transfer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120705-0016
GC Transfer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120705-0017
O-ring for Transfer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R3814-223
Screws for Transfer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76913-0410
Gas Mixing Chamber Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120574-KIT
Gas Mixing Chamber (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120574-0054
Source Gas Tube (2 in Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1R120574-0055 (PN orders 1)
M3 × 8 mm Screw (2 in Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R76913-0308
Calibration Gas Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120438-0010
Delivery Tube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1R120404-1202

Other Parts
Gas Supply Parts
Teflon hose 10 m (length); 6 mm o.d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0690280

Ethernet Switch and Cables

Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2108640
Patch cord, RJ45 SFTP, 5 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2066750
Patch cord, RJ45 SFTP, 1m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2064990

Additional Power Components

Power cord; 16A/230V, C19, 5M UL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2112490
Power strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2129880

Fan Filter
Fan Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1234880

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) 9-5

Legal Documents


• “FCC Compliance Statement” on page D-2

• “WEEE Compliance” on page D-3

• “Declaration of Conformity for Q Exactive GC MS” on

page D-4

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) D-1

Legal Documents
FCC Compliance Statement

FCC Compliance Statement


D-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Legal Documents
WEEE Compliance

WEEE Compliance
This product is required to comply with the European Union’s Waste
Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC. It is
marked with the following symbol:

Thermo Fisher Scientific is registered with B2B Compliance

(B2Bcompliance.org.uk) in the UK and with the European Recycling
Platform (ERP-recycling.org) in all other countries of the European
Union and in Norway.

If this product is located in Europe and you want to participate in the

Thermo Fisher Scientific Business-to-Business (B2B) Recycling
Program, send an email request to [email protected] with
the following information:

• WEEE product class

• Name of the manufacturer or distributor (where you purchased the


• Number of product pieces, and the estimated total weight and


• Pick-up address and contact person (include contact information)

• Appropriate pick-up time

• Declaration of decontamination, stating that all hazardous fluids or

material have been removed from the product

For additional information about the Restriction on Hazardous

Substances (RoHS) Directive for the European Union, search for RoHS
on the Thermo Fisher Scientific European language websites.

NOTICE This recycling program is not for biological hazard products or

for products that have been medically contaminated. You must treat
these types of products as biohazard waste and dispose of them in
accordance with your local regulations. ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) D-3

Legal Documents
Declaration of Conformity for Q Exactive GC MS

Declaration of Conformity for Q Exactive GC MS

D-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Numerics function 3-18
location 3-12
90° flatapole 3-12
collision gas, for HCD 3-18
Compact Cold Gauge 3-11
consumables 8-51
A contact closure 3-8
air contaminants, removing, 8-38
circulation 5-4 control elements 3-11
duct 5-9 C-Trap
leaks 6-3, 7-6 connection to HCD cell 3-22
alert 3-26, 6-10 function 3-18–3-19, 3-22
analog signals 3-31 gas supply 3-28
analyzer chamber 3-23 schematics 3-12
analyzer gauge 3-23 C-Trap RF main board 3-18, 3-32
analyzer TMP C-Trap RF voltage 3-18
cooling 3-26, 3-31
forevacuum 3-24
function 3-23
housing 3-26
inlets 3-24 data acquisition (DAQ) board 3-29–3-30
maintenance 8-10 data system
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) 3-15, 3-18 communication 3-9, 6-13
autosampler 6-7, 6-9 log file 7-4
axial oscillations 3-20–3-21 startup 6-9
wall outlets 5-8
Declaration of Conformity D-4
deflector electrode voltages 3-32
B dimensions, of instrument 5-3
bakeout 3-26, 8-11 distilled water 8-6
bath gas 3-3, 3-18, 3-27 documentation survey 0-i
bent flatapole 3-12, 3-14 dynamic range 3-4

calibration parameters 6-5 electrodynamic squeezing, of ions 3-20
central electrode electronic components 5-9
schematics 3-19 electronics service switch
voltages 3-20, 3-32 function 3-6
central electrode pulser board 3-32 location 3-7
checking leaks, in gas lines 8-7 usage 6-7, 6-9, 6-11
circuit breakers 3-7 emergency shutdown 4-8, 5-4
cleaning emission sound pressure level 5-10
drying durable components, 8-41 entrance lens 3-12, 3-15
fan filters 8-14 entrance voltage 3-18, 3-32
instrument surface 8-6 error diagnosis 7-7–7-8
sonicating durable components, 8-40 Ethernet
supplies, 8-38 port 3-9
clothing 4-11 replaceable parts 9-5
collector switch 3-30

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) I-1

Index: F–I

Evacuate light/button, 8-18, 8-35 H

exit lens 3-12
halogen bulbs 3-26
exit voltage 3-18, 3-32
handles, at the instrument 5-4–5-5
extracting voltage 3-19
harmonic oscillations 3-20
extraction, of ion packets 3-19
collision gas valve 3-31
flow rate, of collision gas 3-28
F fragment spectra 3-22
fan filters HCD cell
access 5-4 description 3-22
checking frequency 8-13 location 3-12, 3-27
location 8-13 Health and Safety Form 8-6, 8-52
replacement 8-14, 9-5 heaters 3-26
fans heating cartridges 3-26
failure 3-26, 3-31 high voltage electronics 3-31, 6-10
inserts 3-24 high voltage power supply board 3-18, 3-32
power supply DAQ board 3-33 high-vacuum chamber 7-5
Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) 3-29 humidity 5-9
FCC Compliance D-2
fingerprints, removing 8-6
flow rates I
HCD collision gas 3-28
focusing potentials 3-32 I/O board 3-33
IKR 251 3-11, 6-10
exhaust filter 8-9 IKR 270 3-11, 3-23, 6-10
function 3-23 image current 3-20–3-21, 3-29
location 5-10 injection flatapole 3-14
maintenance 8-8 input connection 3-7
MSDS for oil 8-9, 8-51 Installation Kit 3-8, 5-11
oil 4-6, 8-9 instrument
oil level 6-3 dimensions 5-3
power supply 6-3 high-vacuum measurement 3-11
vibration 5-10 lifting 5-7
warning labels 8-6, 8-9 moving 5-5, 5-7
forevacuum port 3-6 operating voltage 3-9
front side, LEDs 3-5 performance 5-10
FT adapter board 3-31, 3-33 power cord 3-9, 9-5
rear side 3-9
software 3-26
warning labels 8-6
G weight 5-5
gas instrument status window 6-11, 7-8, 8-11
pressure 3-27, 6-11 interflatapole lens 3-14
pressure regulator 3-27 internal computer 3-29
gas ballast 6-3 internal standard 3-4
gas supply ion cartridge tool
C-Trap 3-28 components, 8-16
leak check 8-7 ion dephasing 3-21
nitrogen 3-10 ion optic supply DC board 3-30
replaceable parts 9-5
ion optic supply RF board 3-30
schematics 3-27
ion oscillation 3-19
gloves 4-11, 8-4
ion packets 3-19
goggles 4-11
shape 3-21
ground bolt, for peripherals 3-9–3-10, 5-8
ion source cartridge
inserting onto the tool, 8-32

I-2 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Index: L–P

ion trajectory 3-19 supply 3-10, 6-3

ions noise emission 5-10
detection 3-21
electrodynamic squeezing 3-19
image current 3-21
packet shape 3-21–3-22
oil level, of forepump 6-3
oil vapor 4-10, 5-2
operating fluid reservoir, of TMP 8-10
L operating vacuum 3-5
lab coat 4-11 Orbitrap analyzer
laboratory central electrode 3-32
gas supplies 3-10 detection electrodes 3-32
room temperature 5-9 differential pumping 3-19
leak check, in gas lines 8-7 electrodes 3-20
LEDs ion extraction 3-19
system status 3-5 ion trajectories 3-21
vacuum 3-5 lenses 3-19
lens system 3-18 measuring principle 3-20
lifting, the instrument 5-7 principle 3-19
lights schematics 3-12
Evacuate, 8-18 temperature 3-33
lock masses 3-4 voltages 3-21
log file 7-4 ordering
replaceable parts 9-1
output connection 3-7
overheat, avoiding 5-4, 8-13
main power circuit breaker switch
function 3-24
location 3-6–3-7, 4-8, 7-4 P
status 3-5 pallet jack 5-5
usage 3-6, 6-6–6-7, 6-9 part numbers 9-1
main RF supply 3-32 Peltier element 3-32
mains failure 7-4, 8-11 performance, of instrument 5-10
mains supply connector 3-9, 5-8 peripherals
maintenance grounding 3-10
procedures 8-5 personal protective equipment (PPE) 4-11
vacuum system 8-8 Pirani gauge 3-23, 6-9
mass accuracy 3-4, 6-4–6-6 placing, the instrument 5-9
mass calibration 5-9 polarity switching 3-4
messages window 7-7–7-8 polarity, of central Orbitrap electrode 3-32
micro controller 3-31 power
mobile phones 4-5 failure 3-24, 7-4
moving fuses 3-9
instrument 5-5 power column 3-6
power cords
instrument 3-9, 8-2, 9-5
N power fail detector 7-4
Power LED 6-11, 6-13
power panel 3-6
connection to source 5-11
power supply 1 board 3-31
consumption 6-3
gas flow 3-28 power supply DAQ board 3-33
inlet 3-9, 5-8, 5-12 power supply, for forepump 3-9, 5-8
inlet port 3-27 preamplifier 3-29
pressure 3-28 Preinstallation Kit 1-5, 5-1

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) I-3

Index: Q–T

pressure relief valves 3-27 source TMP

pressure, of nitrogen 6-3 cooling 3-26
printed circuit boards 3-29 function 3-23
PT-100 3-32–3-33 inlets 3-24
pumping inlets 3-24 maintenance 8-10
pumping, the system 8-11 spectrum 3-22
pumps, manuals 8-8 SPI bus 3-30–3-32
split lens 3-12, 3-15, 3-30
stains, removing 8-6
standby condition 6-6
Q Start In input 5-17
quad exit lens 3-15 Start Out port 3-8
quadrupole starting up, instrument 6-9
board 3-30 static electricity 5-9
function 3-15
Status LED 6-13
location 3-12
support points, of instrument 5-7
offset voltage 3-17
survey link 0-i
quality, of vacuum 3-31
sweep gas
inlet 8-15, 8-18
switching on, the vacuum system 3-11
R switching valve 3-30
rating plate 4-4 system
Ready Out port 3-7 bakeout 3-5, 3-26, 8-11
rebooting, of instrument 7-4 rebooting 7-4
receptacles 3-9 reset button 3-7
removing resetting 6-13
gases 8-11 shutdown 6-7
stains 8-6 standby 6-6
starting up 6-9
replaceable parts
Ethernet 9-5 status LEDs 3-5, 3-30
venting 7-4
fan filter 8-14, 9-5
gas supply 9-5 System LED 6-11, 6-13
reset button 3-8, 4-8
reset switch 3-33
resetting, the instrument 6-13 T
resolution 3-4, 6-5 temperature
RF C-Trap main board 3-32 checks 3-26
RF output control 3-30 fluctuations 5-9
RF voltage supply 3-32 monitor 5-9
room temperature 5-9 probe 3-33
rotor assembly 8-10 thermal overload 3-7
third-party manuals 1-5
tilt angle, of instrument 5-7
TK lens 3-15
TPR 280 3-23
safety glasses 4-11
transfer multipole 3-12, 3-15
safety labels 4-3
transport pallet 5-4–5-5
setting up, conditions for operation 6-11 trigger cable 3-8
short circuits 5-9
tune parameters 6-5
shutdown 6-7, 6-9
turbomolecular pumps
shutting off, power 3-6 bearing 8-10
software 3-29, 6-9 communication 3-31
source board 3-5, 3-27, 3-30 maintenance 8-10
source chamber 3-23 status 3-24
source holder, using, 8-24

I-4 Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) Thermo Scientific

Index: U–Z

U valve, for HCD collision gas 3-31

vent valve
UHV chamber 3-24
function 3-24
uninterruptible power supply 7-4
location 3-23, 3-27
USB interface 3-29–3-31
switching 3-31
USB port 3-8
ventilation slots 3-6, 5-4, 8-13
user maintenance 8-1, 8-5
vertical clearance, of instrument 5-4
vibration 5-10

vacuum W
analyzer chamber 3-24
warning labels
compartments 3-23
forepump 8-9
control 3-11
instrument 4-3
deterioration 3-26
location 8-6
establishing 6-9
WEEE Compliance D-3
failure 6-10
gauges 3-11, 3-31 wheels, of the instrument 5-7
manifold 3-23 workbench, for instrument 5-4
quality 3-31
Vacuum / Bakeout window 6-11
vacuum control board 3-26 X
vacuum interlock handle, purpose of, 8-18 Xcalibur 3-29
Vacuum LED 3-5, 6-10
vacuum system
controls 3-24
maintenance 8-10 Z
moisture 3-26 Z-lens 3-3, 3-12, 3-24
schematics 3-23

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Operating Manual (P/N 1R120706-0002, Revision A) I-5

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