Data and Predictive Analytics Use For Logistics and Supply Chain

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Management Faculty Research and Management, Department of



Data and Predictive Analytics Use for Logistics and Supply Chain
Anníbal C. Sodero
The Ohio State University

Yao Henry Jin

Miami University - Oxford

Mark A. Barratt
Marquette University, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation
Sodero, Anníbal C.; Jin, Yao Henry; and Barratt, Mark A., "Data and Predictive Analytics Use for Logistics
and Supply Chain Management" (2019). Management Faculty Research and Publications. 336.
Marquette University


Management Faculty Research and Publications/College of Business


This paper is NOT THE PUBLISHED VERSION; but the author’s final, peer-reviewed manuscript. The
published version may be accessed by following the link in the citation below.

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 49, No. 7 (2019): 706-726.
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Data and Predictive Analytics Use for Logistics

and Supply Chain Management
Annibal Sodero
Department of Marketing and Logistics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Yao Henry Jin
Department of Management, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Mark Barratt
Department of Management, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The purpose of this paper is to explore the social process of Big Data and predictive analytics (BDPA) use for
logistics and supply chain management (LSCM), focusing on interactions among technology, human behavior
and organizational context that occur at the technology’s post-adoption phases in retail supply chain (RSC)
The authors follow a grounded theory approach for theory building based on interviews with senior managers of
15 organizations positioned across multiple echelons in the RSC.

Findings reveal how user involvement shapes BDPA to fit organizational structures and how changes made to
the technology retroactively affect its design and institutional properties. Findings also reveal previously
unreported aspects of BDPA use for LSCM. These include the presence of temporal and spatial discontinuities in
the technology use across RSC organizations.

Practical implications
This study unveils that it is impossible to design a BDPA technology ready for immediate use. The emergent
process framework shows that institutional and social factors require BDPA use specific to the organization, as
the technology comes to reflect the properties of the organization and the wider social environment for which
its designers originally intended. BDPA is, thus, not easily transferrable among collaborating RSC organizations
and requires managerial attention to the institutional context within which its usage takes place.

The literature describes why organizations will use BDPA but fails to provide adequate insight into how BDPA
use occurs. The authors address the “how” and bring a social perspective into a technology-centric area.

Big Data, Supply chain management, Grounded theory, Predictive analytics, Retail supply chain

Technology use is of considerable interest in the logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) discipline
(Daugherty, 2011). LSCM studies identify technology use as a social process involving significant learning,
through which both technology and organization adapt to each other (Swanson et al., 2017). Operational
excellence only ensues when users achieve a workable degree of compatibility between technology and
organization (Premkumar et al., 2005). However, it may be challenging to achieve such compatibility. Successful
technology use hinges on the critical role of people and organizational structures within and through which they
operate (Williams and Edge, 1996). Without this relationship among technology, people and organization, the
technology’s potential will be underused or adoption may not even lead to its use (Orlikowski, 1992).

We aim to address this shortcoming in the literature by investigating the social process of technology use for
LSCM. We focus on a specific technology – Big Data and predictive analytics (BDPA). BDPA use concerns
voluminous and numerous flows of data capture, storage, aggregation, analysis and visualization, and the
application of techniques to gain insight from them with timeliness and trustworthiness (LaValle et al., 2011).
BDPA use can fundamentally transform supply chain and logistics functions and lead to value creation
(Gunasekaran et al., 2017). Organizations, however, will need to overcome organizational, human and technical
challenges for its effective use (Arunachalam et al., 2017).

Studies on BDPA-related initiatives for LSCM predominantly resort to the diffusion of innovations literature to
describe organizational evolution through discrete stages of BDPA adoption toward use and to predict its
outcomes (Gunasekaran et al., 2017). They describe why organizations strive to adopt and implement BDPA but
provide limited insight into how organizations use the technology. In particular, they do not incorporate salient
social issues that occur post-adoption, when the technology diffuses across and becomes routinized in
organizational projects and processes.

We address the following research question:

RQ1. How do organizations use BDPA for LSCM?

We focus on the social process through which technology, people and organizational context interact as their
organization uses BDPA. Focusing on the social process of post-adoption technology use is important for two
reasons. First, the technology may embed different organizational practices and become incompatible with the
organizational context. Thus, organizations need to understand the nature of forces and actors involved in the
social process that shapes BDPA. Second, technologies possess malleable components. Our focus offers an
opportunity for a human-centered investigation of skills required to learn, adjust and adapt BDPA to achieve a
desired level of compatibility with an LSCM context.

We use an inductive, interpretive and qualitative approach to theory building. We focus on retail supply chain
(RSC) organizations, thereby adopting a network perspective, which provides nuanced insight into our
phenomenon of interest. We chose this focus because of numerous specialized media announcements about
BDPA-related initiatives for LSCM in this setting.

Our findings reveal the social process through which user involvement shapes BDPA to become compatible with
organizational structures and how modifications to the technology retroactively affect its design and
institutional properties. They also reveal the presence of temporal and spatial discontinuities in BDPA use across
organizations. Our study contributes to the emerging stream of research on BDPA use for LSCM and answers
calls for more investigation of BDPA-related phenomena in the discipline (e.g. Hazen et al., 2014; Richey et al.,
2016; Waller and Fawcett, 2013; Arunachalam et al., 2017; Papadopoulos et al., 2017).

A priori sensitizing literature

Technology use
Technology use studies have developed along two perspectives: the decision-making and the institutional
(DeSanctis and Poole, 1994). The decision-making perspective adopts a positivist approach aiming to measure
effects of technology use on organizational outcomes. It conceives technology as structures (i.e. data and
decision models) designed to overcome managerial bounded rationality. Thus, it assumes that technology can
shape human cognition and behavior. Within this perspective, the task-technology fit model (Jarvenpaa and
Ives, 1993) posits that successful implementation of new technology depends on how well a technology’s
characteristics are compatible with both task-specific requirements and users’ individual abilities (Drazin and
Van de Ven, 1985).

In contrast, the institutional perspective focuses more on the evolution of socio-technical systems than on
effects of technology use (Markus and Robey, 1988) and characterizes technology as “interpretively flexible.”
The interpretive analysis becomes “the process of looking beneath the obvious surface of technology’s role in
organizational change to uncover the layers of meaning brought to technology by social systems” (DeSanctis and
Poole, 1994). That is, the institutional perspective posits that a combination of user influence, decision makers
and context shapes technology into a final product of human action, design and appropriation (Orlikowski,
1992). Under this perspective, an organization’s socio-technical systems determine technology compatibility
(Bostrom and Heinen, 1977). Successfully aligning an organization’s social (e.g. employees and values), technical
(e.g. devices and tools) and environmental (e.g. customers, rules and regulations) systems is essential for
optimal organizational performance (Trist, 1981).
The concept of BDPA use and its applicability in the RSC
BDPA use comprises two dimensions: “Big Data” and “predictive analytics” (Wamba et al., 2017; Gunasekaran et
al., 2017). “Big Data” involves the ability to capture, store, aggregate and analyze high-volume, high-variety and
high-velocity information assets with high veracity. In turn, “predictive analytics” involves the ability to gain
insight from Big Data (Chen et al., 2012; LaValle et al., 2011). BDPA use refers to an organization’s ability to
integrate, build and reconfigure internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing environments;
thus, it is a dynamic capability (Wamba et al., 2017; Richey et al., 2016). Creating and sustaining dynamic
capabilities require costly investments and can lead to superior performance (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000).

BDPA use is pivotal in retailing. For example, Walmart collects every hour, from customer transactions, a volume
of data exceeding 2.5 petabytes (Marr, 2017). Moreover, RSC organizations have increased the variety of data
they use in unstructured, non-tabular format. Furthermore, the rapid velocity of BDPA use can provide agility
and responsiveness (LaValle et al., 2011) for RSC organizations to gain significant competitive advantage (Pagell
and Krause, 2004). Rapid insights become possible as RSC organizations use continuous flows of data
(Davenport et al., 2012), such as those on changes in consumer sentiments, to treat the market as a
“conversation” between their business and consumers, instead of traditional business-to-customer one-way
interactions (Chen et al., 2012).

The validity of such insights, however, hinges on veracity, or the spuriousness of data and results (McAfee et al.,
2012). BDPA use leverages an overwhelming level of statistical power to overcome potential measurement
inconsistencies in the voluminous data quickly accumulating in real-time from many sources (Davenport et al.,
2012) and supplements intuition-based decision making with a data-driven approach (McAfee et al., 2012). This
approach may help to overcome managerial bounded rationality and pre-conceived perceptions and judgments
that lead to sub-optimal decisions. Ultimately, BDPA use allows RSC organizations to explore new opportunities
and innovations, execute their current business models and decommission parts of their business that are not
working (Fisher and Raman, 2018).

BDPA use for LSCM

The extant literature on BDPA adoption and implementation has focused more on pre-adoption intentions than
on post-adoption behavior and has produced insights mostly at the individual level (e.g. Hazen et al., 2014).
There is a scant research on actual post-adoption BDPA use – i.e., the extent to which the technology “diffuses
across the organizational projects or work processes and becomes routinized in the activities of those projects
and processes” (Purvis et al., 2001, p. 121).

Existing LSCM studies (summarized in Table I) identify key drivers of BDPA use, such as managerial commitment,
organizational readiness, resource dedication, technological capability and talent availability. Ultimately, BDPA
use enables organizations to reap potential benefits associated with value creation and competitive advantage
(Schoenherr and Speier-Pero, 2015; Sanders, 2016; Gunasekaran et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2015; Richey et al.,
2016; Arunachalam et al., 2017). Research in the LSCM domain uses a variety of methodologies (e.g. case studies
and surveys) and theoretical perspectives (e.g. dynamic capabilities and contingency) to advance the literature.
For instance, Schoenherr and Speier-Pero (2015) provide recommendations for training data scientists, Sanders
(2016) develops a maturity model for BDPA implementation, and Richey et al. (2016) identify key strategic
factors in an international setting.

The extant LSCM literature thus predominantly adopts either a deterministic view (i.e. adoption inevitably leads
to certain outcomes) or a contingency view (i.e. situational factors interact with usage to cause outcomes) to
predict outcomes for organizations at various stages of BDPA assimilation. It assumes that BDPA use becomes
“stabilized” by focusing mainly on short periods immediately following adoption. Such an assumption fails to
acknowledge that technology users tend to redefine and modify BDPA’s properties and purpose post-adoption,
as they harness BDPA’s high degree of configurability, programmability and interconnectedness within and
across organizations in the supply chain. Gaining insight into the process by which BDPA use becomes
institutionalized and the active role played by users on organizational and technological changes can provide a
deeper theoretical understanding of how BDPA use and organizations co-evolve.

We employed a grounded theory approach to theory building. This approach is appropriate because it enables
deep and rich theoretical descriptions of the social nature of a phenomenon (Glaser and Strauss, 2017; Randall
and Mello, 2012; Denk et al., 2012). Grounded theory’s interpretive approach gives voice to interpretations of
those who are living the experience (Walsham, 2006), which is particularly suited in novel empirical contexts
(Mello and Flint, 2009). Emergent theory derived from grounded theory is descriptive, rather than functional or
causal, and provides in-depth understanding of a phenomenon by emphasizing metaphors derived from the field
and constructed by the researcher (Van Maanen, 1979).

We followed the Gioia method (Gioia et al., 2013) to implement grounded theory. In contrast to case study-
based approaches to theory building, which embrace a prescriptive purpose and aim to derive propositions that
link together constructs, the Gioia method focuses on “processes by which organizing and organization unfold”
by capturing “experiences of knowledgeable agents to scientifically theorize the social construction underlying
organizational processes” (Gehman et al., 2018, p. 286). This method’s primary aim is descriptive in nature, as it
seeks to systematically describe dynamic relationships through transitioning informant-centric terms to
researcher-centric concepts among emerging constructs (Gioia et al., 2013; Langley and Abdallah, 2011).

This section first reports sampling and data collection. Then, it details data coding and starts the presentation of
findings by describing emerging concepts. The next section continues the presentation of findings in the form of
a grounded theoretical framework. The framework connects concepts to capture the meaning of the social
process of BDPA use for LSCM. Table II presents a summary of validity and reliability establishment through
recommended practices in qualitative exploratory research and grounded theory methodology (Mello and Flint,
2009; Gioia et al., 2013; Gammelgaard and Flint, 2012; Manuj and Pohlen, 2012).

BDPA use for LSCM remained elusive (Papadopoulos et al., 2017). Thus, gaining insight into the social process
underlying BDPA use in the RSC required recruiting organizations that had ongoing attempts at incorporating
BDPA use and viewed it with heightened salience. We generated the potential pool of participants through
“planned opportunism” (Pettigrew, 1990, p. 274). We recruited from member organizations in one of the largest
LSCM academic research centers in the USA, with whom we had opportunities for informal interaction during
long-standing relationships. In this way, we were familiar with the organizations and their contexts, which
allowed us to interpret their organizational realities to capture and establish meaning.

We identified organizations where users both accepted BDPA and considered it technically feasible, and whose
efforts at implementing BDPA had yielded obvious and meaningful changes to both the technology itself and
organizational processes. Finally, we sought to capture spatial and temporal differences in the social process of
BDPA use for LSCM by recruiting retailers, vendors and third-party logistics (3PL) providers.

We used purposeful sampling to determine which organizations to interview first. Purposeful sampling involves
choosing informants having the best knowledge about the phenomenon in question (Lincoln and Guba, 1985). In
addition, we used theoretical sampling. We pursued data relevant to the grounded theory emerging from the
ongoing analysis. We constantly compared data across informants over time. As we oscillated between data
collection and data analysis, we kept adding interviews until we achieved theoretical saturation, when further
data collection and analysis yielded no further explication of a given category or concept (Glaser and Strauss,
2017). In total, we conducted 15 interviews, a number consistent with extant interpretive research in LSCM and
exceeding the minimum suggested by McCracken (1988) for exploratory qualitative research. Table III describes
the selected organizations and their application of BDPA use[1].

Data collection
We conducted semi-structured interviews with senior managers, who are the most appropriate source of
information for technology-related initiatives (Tallon et al., 2000). We asked informants to speak as the
representative voice of the collective (i.e. RSC). All interviews lasted between 1 and 2 h. We guided each
informant beyond prompts for each question with follow-up questions to stimulate the conversation and derive
additional insights (see “Initial Semi-Structured Interview Protocol”). Progressively, we restructured our
interviews to reflect emergent concepts. We recorded and transcribed all interviews. To improve construct
validity, informants reviewed transcripts.

Initial semi-structured interview protocol.

1. Big Data and predictive analytics (in general).
Q1: What does BDPA mean to you? How would you define BDPA?
Q2: What do you think that BDPA has to offer to your organization?
Q3: Do you think that BDPA is the most important supply chain technology currently on the horizon?
Follow-up: why is that?
Q4: Do you think Big Data will spur a broad range of industries to develop and shift toward innovative
physical capabilities?
Q5: Specifically, to what extent and how will “Big Data” impact your organization?
2. Assimilation of Big Data and predictive analytics.
Q6: What is your organization’s approach to BDPA (not assimilated; routinized; fully assimilated and
Follow-up: why is that?
Q7: What are you using BDPA for (marketing and sales; after-sales services; procurement; supply chain
design; planning and coordination; human resources management; finances; security and fraud)?
Follow-up: how are you using it?
3. Information technology in the organization.
Q8: To what extent does your organization use ERP, APO, EDI, TMS and WMS?
Q9: Do you believe that your organization has enough people with extensive data analysis skills to fully
utilize BDPA?
Q10: Do you believe that your organization has enough storage capacity to effectively use/test BDPA?
Q11: Do you believe that your organization effectively uses currently available data?
Q12: To what extent does your organization work closely with IT service providers?
Q13: What types of data (consumer; transactional; environmental) does your organization collect on a
daily basis?
Follow-up: What are their sources?
Follow-up: What is the nature of these data (qualitative vs quantitative; structured vs unstructured)?
Q14: To what extent does your organization have difficulty in collecting and analyzing large amounts of
Follow-up: why is that?
Q15: How regularly does your organization have to expand storage capacity for data?
Follow-up: is the frequency of this expansion increasing?
Q16: How close to real-time does your organization make decisions based on the data you collect and
Q17: To what extent is the data you collect trustworthy?
4. Operating environment and organizational design
Q18: How predictable is the operating environment in which you trade?
Q19: How would you describe your organization’s operational processes in terms of complexity?
Q20: To what extent does your organization use cross-functional teams?
Q21: How much visibility do you have both internally and externally (both suppliers and customers)?
Q22: How much collaboration have you pursued with customers and suppliers?

Data analysis
Following established guidelines (Glaser and Strauss, 2017; Suddaby, 2006; Gioia et al., 2013), two researchers
coded transcripts immediately after each interview and a third researcher reviewed coding. We reconciled
notable differences through iterative discussions. We assembled all statements of interest into a database
comprising sentences, which conveyed a coherent point about the social process of BDPA use in the RSC. We
coded statements into categories and further lifted them to the conceptual level. Finally, we aggregated similar
concepts into overarching dimensions. Such a recursive, process-oriented and non-linear analytical procedure
continued until we had a clear grasp of underlying theoretical relationships, and additional interviews failed to
reveal new data relationships to achieve theoretical saturation.

Figure 1 illustrates our final data structure and Table IV presents supporting data. Below, we present the three
aggregate dimensions that emerged from our data analysis: organizational context, BDPA itself and human

Organizational context
Three institutional properties related to the organizational context: operational complexity, supply chain
integration (SCI) and top management involvement.

Operational complexity
As retailing transitions to multichannel operations, operational complexity in the RSC becomes more prominent.
Operational complexity in the RSC represents the uncertainty degree associated with managing dynamic
variations, in time or quantity, across information and material flows (Flynn et al., 2016). Proliferation in product
lines and assortment generally increased demand unpredictability (Germain et al., 2008). That, in turn,
exacerbated forecasting difficulties, even when the organization was customer-centric and had a clear market
orientation to generate, disseminate and respond to market intelligence (Fugate et al., 2008). As the informant
from VENCO#4 stated, “For the supply chain, there are lots of different nodes, so [BDPA] will be a huge enabler
to all elements of the supply chain.”

Supply chain integration

Echoing extant research (e.g. Richey et al., 2016), informants expressed that BDPA-related initiatives and SCI
were intertwined. SCI is complex and multifaceted both within and across organizational boundaries (Jin,
Williams, Tokar and Waller, 2015; Jin,Williams, Waller and Hofer, 2015) and vulnerable to operational
complexity (Flynn et al., 2016). In particular, informants reported that engaging in BDPA-related initiatives
depended on both inter-functional and interorganizational collaboration, for instance, to capture data and
proactively respond to uncertainty. A comment from VENCO#6 about customer resistance to both technological
and behavioral changes necessary to shift away from a “big batching environment,” which carries the time delay
that hinders the effectiveness of real-time analytics to improve speed of delivery, exemplifies such dynamic.

Top management involvement

Also consistent with extant research (Gunasekaran et al., 2017), the analysis demonstrated that top
management involvement establishes priorities and goals. Informants suggested that tangible BDPA-related
initiatives were at play only when top management provided explicit directives of engagement and allocated
resources (e.g. for data collection, hiring, and systems update).

BDPA itself
We identified three concepts that offered insight into the technology itself: technological capabilities, data pools
and validation tools.

Technological capabilities
Technological capabilities increasingly have become enablers of LSCM (Grover and Kohli, 2012). Technological
capabilities enable RSC organizations to improve performance outcomes such as production efficiency
(Devaraj et al., 2007), targeted marketing promotions (Aloysius et al., 2016) and reverse logistics (Daugherty et
al., 2005). More recent developments (e.g. radio-frequency identification) further help retailers to capture fine-
grained data to improve inventory management outcomes such as on-shelf availability and inventory record
inaccuracy (Hardgrave et al., 2013).

Most importantly, technological capabilities may serve as indicators of an organization’s readiness to effectively
use emerging technologies (Kurnia et al., 2015). This readiness hinges on the role of data scientists (Waller and
Fawcett, 2013), who possess technical skills and business acumen to utilize the technology. Our informants
indicated a shortage of such professionals in the RSC and the marketplace at large. They implied that this
shortage is a major deterrent for them to leverage BDPA use’s potential.

Data pools
Organizations have increasingly leveraged technologies to amass data to glean actionable business intelligence
(Mukhopadhyay et al., 1995). In the RSC, unstructured data increasingly joined data pools created through
collection of conventional transaction data (LaValle et al., 2011). In general, organizations knew the kind of data
they were interested in collecting (Brown et al., 2011). To make these data pools more manageable and suitable
for manipulation and visualization on individual workstations, organizations tended to rely on various forms of
data aggregation techniques (Jin, Williams, Tokar and Waller, 2015). According to the informant from 3PLCO#1:
“[BDPA use comprises a] lot of variables from different sources and something you can’t calculate easily

Validation tools
The reliability of data and results of data analysis remained highly questionable and required validation (Jin,
Williams, Waller and Hofer, 2015). Our informants frequently expressed concerns over trustworthiness. This was
because information systems managers, who may lack understanding of the data’s intended use, often designed
and implemented validation tools (Wang and Strong, 1996). These validation tools will remain an important area
of concern for BDPA use, as illustrated by the following quote: “So, there is still that question, there always
seems to be a question around data, as to whether it is valid or not, and I think that is the biggest obstacle that
we have to overcome” (VENCO#1).

Human behavior
We identified behaviors that contributed to the social process of BDPA use for LSCM: decision making for value
creation, technology design and redesign, and inaction.

Decision making for value creation

Value creation is an expected outcome of technology use, generally (Purvis et al., 2001), and of BDPA use for
LSCM, specifically (Chen et al., 2015). The literature highlights the impact of information technology use on
customer experience (Bowersox and Daugherty, 1995) as a key tenet of the evolution of retail to multichannel
operations (Waller and Fawcett, 2013). It also highlights how retailers sharing demand planning and inventory
management information with suppliers can create value (Jin, Williams, Tokar and Waller, 2015). Because
organizations in our sample had been leveraging information technology for their LSCM decision making
increasingly, our informants expected BDPA use to yield similarly positive results.

Technology design and redesign

Parameters for technology customization tend to be user driven (Eason, 2014). Moreover, technology use
requires an iterative process, in which input from users is expected to drive additional changes by information
system managers (Karahanna et al., 1999). Informants indicated great dependence on third parties, both
internally and externally to their organization, to make changes to existing technology. In some instances, they
had to resort to using temporary patches while waiting for the implementation of changes.

When facing financial constraints, managers often choose to act conservatively and make no capital investments
perceived as risky (Hambrick and Schecter, 1983). Such managerial inaction, in turn, may be interpreted as
indifference or indecisiveness (Garud and Van De Ven, 1992). Specific to information technology use, managerial
inaction is not isolated to pre-adoption. During post-adoption, perceived socioeconomic and political threats
from a newly adopted technology may yield user resistance acts ranging from neutrality to aggressive resistance
(Swanson et al., 2017). Our informants described inaction regarding BDPA use resulting from managerial
attention shifting to other organizational priorities or to daily routines. There was also a general sense of
confusion regarding what it took to make effective use of technology, as the following quote from VENCO#3
illustrates: “And there is a consistent message that it was great for that initial flood of what is [BDPA], but I
found very little on what do you do with it!”

The social process of BDPA use for LSCM

Our grounded theoretical framework (Figure 2) describes dynamic relationships among organizational context,
human behavior and BDPA itself. Table V provides evidence of relationships.

Organizational context of BDPA use

The organizational context shapes BDPA use. People draw on existing resources, knowledge, norms and rules to
perform their work (Williams and Edge, 1996). By invoking these structures that convey meaning, legitimacy and
power (Zucker, 1987), actors were able to justify behavior concerning BDPA use.

Although most informants expressed awareness of BDPA-related initiatives taking place within their
organizations, their actual attention to them and their organizations’ effort levels toward effective use differed,
depending on top management’s endorsement of BDPA use as a priority. We detected inaction when there was
a lack of top management involvement; managers’ attention was dispersed, diffused or even elsewhere. We
found that managers did commit to BDPA use when it was a priority or at least an important initiative,
particularly for the formation of data pools.

Without the support from top management, decision making for value creation continued reflecting existing,
pre-established goals. Designers and programmers performed limited technological modifications aimed toward
the improvement of performance metrics. This finding shows how actors’ perceptions about top management’s
expectations constrained and encapsulated BDPA use’s transformative power.

SCI was paramount in determining behavior. SCI stipulated the scope, level and degree to which people within
the RSC engaged in BDPA use. Most informants reported dependence and reliance on their partners to be able
to take action. Interestingly, confusion ensued among many informants, as increasing amounts of data flowing
upstream in the RSC overwhelmed them. “It’s not that we can’t store it but that we don’t know what to do with
it,” argued the informant from 3PLCO#2, while others claimed they could only use data that had already passed
a “cleaning process.” Moreover, the lack of knowledge of what happened beyond the supply chain function,
particularly in marketing (in most cases considered responsible for dealing with social media data), was also a
factor that influenced actors’ approaches to BDPA use. In general, informants were unable to use unstructured
data. In addition, they were incapable to direct developers to modify the systems to make effective use of them.

Confusion and lack of awareness were not the only drivers of inaction, though. For those informants whose
perceived levels of SCI were high, BDPA use was less pressing. The sense of achieving pre-stipulated
performance levels through SCI precluded managers from engaging in new activities. That included requesting
technological changes, which might affect the status quo.

Finally, informants also underscored that operational complexity was driving inaction because of their inability
to deal with the highly uncertain and movable operational landscape. At the same time, managers were pushing
for technological modifications to cope with operational complexity, including the need for decision-making
tools in the new scenario.

BDPA as an outcome
When architects and developers view technology merely as a tool (i.e. hardware and software), they design
technology that reflects their biases, assumptions and beliefs. Further, users – like system engineers and
software developers – will continuously modify and reshape a technology based on their preferences. The
eventual value created by both technology and subsequent modifications is largely dependent on users
completing their tasks (DeSanctis and Poole, 1994). That is, people design and build a technology, which also co-
evolves with its users and their purpose.

Influenced by the institutional properties of RSC organizations, developers constructed and modeled BDPA to
meet managerial goals. Thus, BDPA became inherently limited. Informants reported that efforts to increase
BDPA use had centered on building data pools, validating such data through triangulation and cleaning, and
relying on data analysts to glean useful insights from such efforts. To retrieve these data for analytical use,
managers tended to rely on technicians to extract desired information. The outcome of this process depended
on managers’ understanding of business questions and ability to communicate them to technicians clearly. It
also depended on technicians’ interpretations of managers’ requests, their ability to manipulate data pools, and
the subsequent transmission back to the managers.

Because of human inaction, BDPA itself was clearly not changing and, although not claimed by any informant
explicitly, was becoming outdated and possibly obsolete quickly. Conversely, for those taking action, BDPA was
in a constant state of flux. Decision makers transformed BDPA as they generated organizational knowledge using
multiple tools.

BDPA as a conduit
Although the emerging literature on BDPA use for LSCM seeks to identify whether a technology has an effect on
various performance measures, results from our study highlighted that BDPA itself is a tool and not a process or
strategy that can influence firm outcomes directly. That is, simply investing in BDPA use will not determine
performance per se. In general, respondents indicated that BDPA use both empowers and hinders an
organization’s ability to accomplish its goals based on how it deploys and uses the technology.

BDPA use had multiple purposes (e.g. forecasting, optimization, planning and control), ultimately leading to
performance improvements. BDPA use allowed managers to focus on customer needs more effectively.
Customer insights gleaned from BDPA use allowed managers to direct their attention to improving customer
experience, particularly by stocking products according to customers’ needs. As the informant from VENCO#2
said: “[Demand is] certain when [consumers] buy a product, and that’s the piece that we have never properly
translated.” The value of BDPA use is particularly evident when environmental uncertainty due to intense
market competition requires organizations to be strategically nimble (Jin et al., 2017).

Moreover, upstream informants pointed to EDI as the dominant form of information gathering from outside the
organization. BDPA offered ancillary streams of information that required no customer collaboration to gain
insight into end users’ attitudes and behaviors. The informant from VENCO#3 reflected this sentiment: “We use
[EDI data] a lot as an organization in the marketing sense […] it helps us to [manage] supply chain differently as a
manufacturer.” Most suppliers believed that customer collaboration via information sharing remained the most
important resource for effective planning. However, their expectation was that BDPA use might further assist in
improving on-shelf availability and new product development.

BDPA use was hindered when actors were unable to uncover how to deploy the technology upon
implementation and scrambled to maximize its use. As the informant from VENCO#5 stated: “I have to deliver
cases to the business and I have not figured out yet how to apply [BDPA], how to leverage [BDPA]!”
Furthermore, BDPA’s role as a conduit for achieving organizational goals may not be effective without cross-
functional and top management buy-in. Finally, users must be willing to understand BDPA’s differences from
conventional systems (e.g. business intelligence) to take advantage of its use.

BDPA as a catalyst
When actors interact with a technology, they typically reinforce institutional properties or, to a lesser extent,
transform them, even though they may be unaware of their role in doing so. Actors who conform to embedded
norms, rules and procedures in a technology contribute to maintaining the status quo. In turn, actors who do
not use the technology as intended may undermine or even transform the norms, rules and procedures that
form the institutional context in which the technology was developed. In this way, BDPA may transform
organizational processes or strengthen their inertia.

BDPA use fundamentally transformed the way RSC organizations approached issues, ranging from operational
considerations to strategic goals. At the micro-foundation level, RSC organizations that sought to expand BDPA
use changed the way their managers approached decision making. In this transformation, data-driven insights
supplemented or even supplanted, with statistical support, intuition-driven decisions within the confines of
existing processes. This transformation was particularly impactful, as organizations that had long relied upon
intuitive decision making also viewed traditional data-driven insights with skepticism. For instance, the
informant from VENCO#6 argued: “[BDPA use helped to lessen] generalization and intuition and it is more about
being specific and listening to what the data says.”

Improvements that resulted in process effectiveness also led to reassessment and reevaluation of organizational
goals and strategies. As organizations initiate BDPA use, incremental improvements through initial pilot projects
often become the basis for expanded deployment in other aspects of their processes to allow managers to
reimagine their potential capabilities. Along with this change in vision, new products, services and even business
models encourage organizations and their RSC partners to reconsider their overall competitive position relative
to peers. As described by the informant from 3PLCO#4, BDPA use was instrumental in their ability to
communicate necessary changes to a major manufacturer that contracted them for direct-to-consumer
deliveries. Since the manufacturer focused on building better products, 3PLCO#4 needed to convince the
manufacturer to invest more in delivery and installation. BDPA use was pivotal in 3PLCO#4’s ability to answer:
“How can we work with our customers to create a more positive customer experience for our customer’s

Within each RSC organization, BDPA use favored structural changes. This was because BDPA use altered
institutional roles, as insights gleaned from it trumped the value of institutional and process knowledge.
Paradoxically, the transformational power of BDPA use served as a catalyst for social processes that both
preserved and reinforced existing institutional properties. To successfully access the technology, users were
subject to existing power structures within their firms. However, these determined investments toward BDPA
use. To further deploy the technology and gain access to the insights it offered, users depended on those with
technical expertise in BDPA use, including how to modify the technology. The following quotation from
VENCO#2 illustrates this: “Well, [we need] just to have the people with the technical expertise to be able to
manipulate the data and understand it, format it, publish it, and tell people what it means.”

Discussion and conclusion

As RSC organizations face the challenge of operating multiple channels, BDPA use provides an opportunity for
them to gain deeper market insight and improve performance. Given the exploratory nature of our research, the
findings provide a springboard for more investigation into phenomena in the realm of BDPA use, not only in the
RSC context, but also in the LSCM discipline, more generally. We uncovered previously overlooked relationships
among BDPA, human behavior and the organizational context in which BDPA use occurs. Thus, we provide a
more nuanced approach to the phenomenon under inquiry.

Academic contribution
The interplay between BDPA and the social structures where it operates, by which each shape the other, form
the crux of the social process of BDPA use for LSCM. That helps explain why it is so difficult to predict the
outcome of engagement in BDPA adoption. BDPA use is full of dualities. First, BDPA use requires vast amounts of
resources, which require top management involvement. Top management, however, may neither understand
the technology nor anticipate payoffs of its adoption. Second, BDPA use motivates organizations to engage in
customer micro-segmentation, which has the potential to increase operational complexity, thereby posing a
barrier to BDPA use. Third, BDPA use both requires and demotivates collaboration, in that effective use requires
cross-functional teams. A paradigmatic shift from institutional knowledge-driven decisions to data-driven
decisions may create rifts among functions, which also hinder BDPA use.

Moreover, an important aspect of this study is its network perspective – i.e., the RSC, not the individual
organization. This approach permitted the observation of a critical element otherwise overlooked – that BDPA
use is discontinuous in time and space. If the supply chain must act as a whole in the pursuit of a common goal,
then the obvious mismatch across RSC organizations regarding BDPA use may become a recipe for disaster. Our
analysis captured a clear dependence among supply chain partners for data integration and process alignment,
even though each had a different goal in mind (e.g. better forecasting for suppliers, route optimization for 3PLs
or on-shelf availability for retailers). Our framework suggests that differences in needs, goals and objectives,
which are part of different organizational contexts and social structures, pose a challenge to BDPA use efficacy.

Managerial implications
Managerial implications are threefold. First, we unveil that it is impossible to design a BDPA technology ready
for immediate use. The social process makes BDPA use specific to the using organization, as the technology
comes to reflect organizational properties and the wider social environment. Therefore, RSC organizations must
devote at least as much attention and resources to the post-adoption phase as they do to assess the potential of
BDPA at pre-adoption.

Second, our framework allows managers to conceive and examine the interaction among technology,
organization and human behavior at multiple levels of analysis. It suggests that organizations too focused on one
aspect of BDPA use may be overlooking other aspects that can influence its success considerably. In particular,
the institutional environment and its actors determine how an organization will use BDPA significantly.
Finally, by moving across levels of analysis and boundaries of time and space in the RSC, the framework affords
an examination of BDPA transfer across organizations. It is not because BDPA use has succeeded or failed in one
organization that it will achieve the same outcome at another organization in the same RSC. Managers must
devote efforts to assisting partnering organizations to achieve same levels of success in BDPA use or to avoid
causes of failure otherwise.

Future research directions

Interview-based research, particularly when using a grounded theory approach, often raises concerns about
generalizability. Although the use of 15 organizations is consistent with extant inductively oriented research in
the LSCM field, it is possible that we have missed additional insight by not including additional representative
organizations. For instance, including those that generate content on the web (e.g. Ignite Social Media), analyze
social media data (e.g. Inmar), research the market (e.g. Nielsen) and provide consulting services (e.g. Deloitte)
might add to our inquiry. Nevertheless, there is nothing unusual in the RSC context. BDPA use for LSCM is
increasingly common across other product-oriented industries. Such stakeholders left out by our inquiry are
present there. This lends confidence that similar processes are likely in other settings.

Our methodological approach provides a basis for developing formal theory about BDPA use for LSCM. However,
the focus on USA-based organizations may have left out important factors that vary according to the
institutional environment. For instance, organizational culture is one important property in the organizational
context (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1994). Future studies could focus on establishing whether concepts and
relationships that constitute our conceptual framework remain consistent across contexts. For instance, studies
could investigate BDPA use for LSCM in emerging economies, where cultural forces are likely to shape
technology use differently (Saldanha et al., 2015).

Moreover, data collection at functions beyond LSCM, both internal and external to RSC organizations, could
determine potential differences in BDPA use patterns. This is because our conceptual framework relies on
meanings of reality conveyed by the interviewees, whose responsibilities are confined to a limited set.

Furthermore, research could focus on outcomes of BDPA use. Specifically, a natural extension of this study
might be an investigation into performance implications of BDPA use. Research should be careful, however, to
address inherent endogeneity. Better-performing organizations are, in general, more capable to invest in BDPA
use and to reap its benefits because of their resource endowments.

Finally, research could investigate BDPA use from different theoretical perspectives. In particular, the resource
dependence theory (Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978) from organizational studies and the technology acceptance
model (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000) from information systems are competing viewpoints. They could provide
alternative explanations for our findings inasmuch as they focus on different levels of analysis.

Figure 1 Data structure

Figure 2 The social process of BDPA use for LSCM

Table I Studies of BDPA use for LSCM

Study Comments
Schoenherr and An assessment of the current state and potential of BDPA use for LSCM. The authors
Speier-Pero (2015) conducted a survey and interviews and used their own expertise in the field
Chen et al. (2015) An empirical assessment of antecedents and outcomes of BDPA use for LSCM using
survey data. The theory-based study relies on the technology-organization-
environment framework
Sanders (2016) Use of case studies and interviews to examine how leading organizations use BDPA
for LSCM. The study offers a framework for implementation based on a maturity
Richey et al. (2016) A qualitative study using a native categories methodology based on interviews. The
focus is on the key strategic determinants of BDPA use for LSCM
Wamba et al. (2017) Use of survey data and structural equation modeling to test the resource-based view
of the firm and propose a BDPA capability model
Arunachalam et A systematic literature review to propose a BDPA capabilities maturity model
al. (2017)
Gunasekaran et Use of survey data and multiple regression analyses to test the resource-based view
al. (2017) of the firm. The authors propose a model of the impact of BDPA assimilation on
supply chain and organizational performance

Table II Assessment of the validity of the qualitative analysis

Validity criteria Means to address criteria

Objectivity and confirmability: establish Appropriate research design and detailed and explicit data
relative neutrality and reasonable collection approach
freedom from unacknowledged
researcher biases
Reliability, dependability and auditability: Appropriate selection of informants according to the research
establish whether the study’s approach is question, crafting of instruments and protocols, transcription of
consistent and reasonably stable over all interviews, development of interviews’ database, coding
time and across researchers checks to ensure agreement among coders, and informants’
reviews of transcripts and codes
Internal and construct validity: establish Use of theoretical framework, use of multiple sources of
chain of evidence evidence and context-rich data collection
External validity: establishes a domain in Clear description of the organizational context and the specific
which the study’s findings can be environmental and organizational considerations for the studied
generalized organizations
Utilization, application and action In-depth analysis, which provides practical information for
orientation: establish what the study does practitioners and academics alike
to participants as well as the academic
and practice communities

Table III Company information

Title Organization Type Sector Net revenue BDPA’s application

(billion $)
Associate Director of VENCO#1 Vendor Food & 15–20 Employing structured
Supply Chain Beverage use: inventory
Using BDPA for
Building a business plan
for use
Driving supply chain
Associate Director VENCO#2 Vendor Snack 30–34 Increasing consumer
Customer Development awareness
Waiting for customers
Using BDPA for
Associate Director VENCO#3 Vendor Consumer 80–90 Analyzing consumer
Business Intelligence goods sentiments
Using data warehouse
(structured only)
Using BDPA for
Senior Customer Supply VENCO#4 Vendor Household 1–2 Exploring BDPA use
Chain Leader care Using BDPA for
marketing purposes
Manager: Customer VENCO#5 Vendor Packaged 15–20 Internal sharing of
Supply Chain Foods structured data
Using structured data for
Team Leader–SC VENCO#6 Vendor Household 7–10 Mapping available
Business Process & care structured data
Innovation Making most of small
Supply Chain Strategy VENCO#7 Vendor Cabinet 3–5 Playing with data sets
Manager products
Regional Sales 3PLCO#1 3PL Logistics 5–10 Optimizing transport
Manager, Business services Focusing more on
Development segmentation
Director: Retail Sales 3PLCO#2 3PL Logistics 5–10 Optimizing transport
and Services services Focusing more on
Global Director Retail 3PLCO#3 3PL Logistics 0.20–0.30 Using massive amounts
Solutions services of structured data
Analyzing traffic patterns
Strategic Account 3PLCO#4 3PL Transport 0.5–1 Driving supply chain
Manager services response
Using structured data
Chief Strategy and 3PLCO#5 3PL Logistics 0.5–1 Using structured data
Marketing Officer services only
Supply Chain Analyst RETCO#1 Retailer Department 5–10 Using mostly structured
store data
Claiming marketing
department looking at
Vice-President of RETCO#2 Retailer Department 5–10 Using mostly structured
Supply Chain store data
Difficulty integrating
data across its RSC
Senior Director of RETCO#3 Retailer General Over 100 Leading BDPA initiatives
Information merchandise in its RSC
Management Involving cross-
functional teams in the

Table IV Representative quotes for concepts

Concept Representative Quotations

Organizational context
Operational “We need to be able to optimize across a complex landscape”
complexity “I’d say we are unnecessarily complex. I think we have too many, I think there could be
a lot of ways to our organizations, I think we have procedures for procedures’ sake”
Supply chain “One other thing that we all need to better understand is when to share this data and
integration getting everyone to share it”
“[A] part of it is that because of demand on the supply chain for using that information
internally to optimize product flow at a level that it’s never been done before”
“We see more of a convergence of all of the supply chain systems and tie them
“We are very siloed, with very little integration insofar as what other people do in the
company. There is not a lot of visibility”
Top management “[…]so I in the meantime was bringing this up to the VP of Digital Marketing to say
involvement “Hey, do we have interest?” “We need to evaluate cost, opportunities, what would the
life opportunity be, what’s the ROI opportunities?”
“We do things based on what executive management says, and the data may not
support it at all.”
“We do not make any decisions without data to back it up! So even for me, making
inventory decisions, if it goes that far, I have to present it to my boss!”
Human behavior
Decision making for “It is getting harder and harder to grow our business, so BDPA could help us to identify
value creation variations and remove these variations. We really hope it can help us to better
understand the root causes of these variations and then be able to do something about
Technology design “We are attempting to work on unstructured data using social media and […] see if we
and redesign can make it into more of a structured type of data”
“[We] need to have somebody that has a technology background and […] enough
business sense to identify the plan of how we’re going to use the data”
Inaction “Personally, I am still struggling with that as a [BDPA] source”
“[Our customers] have not worked out what it means to them. And at the end of the
day, they are the ones who have to change first”
BDPA itself
Technological “We haven’t made that decision to hire people in that area. [W]e have really three
capabilities people that are tied to WP that are in charge of it. And they’re technically very good,
but [not adept at] creating and interpreting material that is easy for a layperson to
“[Data analysis] expertise is very new; it is very limited”
Data pools “So, to me, it is just a ton of data that you have to process through”
“We go and acquire the data with an objective in mind”
“We are not thinking about unstructured data yet; we are just thinking about how to
bring in all these data”
Triangulation and “I would define [BDPA] as data from multiple sources that validate each other, that
validation would be either many years of history, multiple levels of hierarchy”
“No validation, no clear understanding of how we are going to use it, just that we need
to store it. Now we are tapping into the data, and finding a ton of issues with the

Table V Representative quotes for dynamics of the social process of BDPA Use

Organization Organizational context affects human behavior

(RETCO#1) “[We] do things based on what executive management says, and the data may not support it
at all; we have to do it because that is what they have said”
(VENCO#3) “[C]orporate defines what the strategic choices are from a technology perspective, so they are
responsive to me, because [customer name] is very big, so they are responsive to us. If you
think of it from a company perspective, the central group, you know, gathers information from
a lot of different places and make a strategic decision for the technology. [W]e then deploy it
and scaled to all the users”
Organization Human behavior affects BDPA
(3PLCO#1) “So, I got with Deloitte people and we ran huge data batches to kind of overlay manufacturers,
retailers, all these kind of variables, and said, if we put them here at the top, we’ll get them
where we need them at the bottom to see that view”
(VENCO#3) “I am an old programmer, so I am fine, but it should be easy for me to write some code to get
to the data. But it is obviously not that simple because […] there is a level of complexity that I
believe will be wiped away”
(VENCO#4) “We’ve also brought in an architect to develop a strategy to synthesize all of our data, so that
we didn’t have that before, and it was basically a limiter for us”
(3PLCO#1) “It also has unintended consequences […] we do a lot of things that are ad hoc”
Organization BDPA affects human behavior
(#PLCO#3) “[…] we can’t afford to wait for a system to process [a specific BDPA application] for [a long
time]. What we’ve done is to [either] work with our customers […] so that [we] have more
time to complete this or remove this step from the process. Circumnavigating the burdens of
batch system […] continue to pose challenges [for us] to live in a real-time world”
(VENCO#4) “So, it can offer a lot of opportunity to do some hypothesis testing. I preface that with saying
that our company needs to get a lot better with medium data before we even look at BDPA”
(VENCO#6) “As an organization starts to dive deeper into the data and become more analytical, it’s
essential for the organization not to lose sight of the basics, where the tactical execution
meets the customer”
(VENCO#1) “We have become much smarter and more consumer aware because of [BDPA] and
(RETCO#2) “How do I go about tackling it? How do I ensure I’m working with it, my information
technology group, to ensure it’s arranged or stored in a manner that I can take advantage of
(3PLCO#1) “[I]n my business, a lot of people sit in an office building and look at a two-dimensional world
and then make lots of bold statements about what our customers are doing. Well, a customer-
facing person can explain that data in two seconds, and it’s completely different”
Organization BDPA affects the organizational context
(VENCO#2) “[The] challenge is getting everyone on board to think [differently]. In my opinion, [BDPA] is
about changing management and getting people to think about how to use the data and how
to use multiple data sources differently”
(VENCO#6) “[We] have had a huge shift from being very operational and tactical to very analytical [driven
by data], and that has become a much bigger focus of the corporation”
(VENCO#1) “I think that the effectiveness of our aftermarket outweighs the efficiency play in the minds of
our senior leaders”
(3PLCO#5) “We need to change our approach from a process-based one to a data-driven one”
(3PLCO#2) “[We] have a fairly standardized system and historically we’ve added a lot of value to the
supply chain [by imposing our system]. I think we are beginning to be more responsive to the
customer now”

1. At informants’ request, we disguised organizational names.

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Further reading
Hazen, B.T., Overstreet, R.E. and Cegielski, C.G. (2012), “Supply chain innovation diffusion: going beyond
adoption”, The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 119-134.
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supply chain integration and performance: a meta-analytic evaluation and implications for supply chain
management research”, Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 71-96.
Supplementary materials
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Publishers Note: The publisher would like to inform readers that the following special issue paper was
mistakenly published as part of a regular issue. This error was introduced as part of the editorial process,
and the publisher sincerely apologises for this error. The paper will remain in its current issue. The
affected paper is as follows.
Sodero, A., Jin, Y. and Barratt, M. (2019), “The social process of Big Data and predictive analytics use for logistics
and supply chain management”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,
Vol. 49 No. 7, pp. 706-726, doi: 10.1108/IJPDLM-01-2018-0041.

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