9 Inlis (6 Yash) - IV

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Secondary school N Date:

The name of the subject: English Grade: IX

The theme of the lesson: Famous sports and sportsmen in the world. (1)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Famous sports and sportsmen in the world”, to
develop pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text; to teach pupils to understand English oral
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual love
to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of love to the
English language, respect to national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional cards with words, papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board),
material: vocabulary, pictures of famous sports in the world, papers with descriptions
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters
(six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Talk about spring holidays.
b) Answer the questions:
1. What months does March come between? 2. What the season of the year begins with March?
3. What holidays do we celebrate in March?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘Talk about spring holidays’ and introducing
the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new material:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading or retelling the text; - The tae kwon do uniform sentences
‘Famous sports and sportsmen in the symbolizes - read or retell the text (to know
world’ - the three colours of the belt pronunciation of the words)
3. The tae kwon do uniform. - to express an opinion about - describe uniform and belt of the tae
4. The colour of the belt famous sports of the world- the kwon do
5. Doing exercises. tae kwon do - identify the main idea of the text
- understand English oral speech;
Learn the new words.
New vocabulary: 1. Develop [dɪ'veləp] ösdürmek 6. Ripen ['raɪp(ə)n]ýetişmek
2. Innocence ['ɪnəs(ə)n(t)s]päklik 7. Root [ruːt]kök
3. Rank [ræŋk]hatar 8. Symbolize ['sɪmb(ə)laɪz] şekilendirmek
4. Represent [ˌreprɪ'zent]görkezmek 9. Wisdom ['wɪzdəm]paýhas
5. Respect [rɪ'spekt]sylamak 10. Treat [triːt]çemeleşmek
Ex 5 on pg. 132. Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle your answers
Famous sports in the world. The tae kwon do.
The tae kwon do uniform symbolizes the tradition of the sport, and the belt symbolizes the hard work and
accomplishments of the student. The belt colors represent the growth of the students as they move through
the ranks and develop their skills.
The belt color for the lowest rank is white. This color represents innocence. The student knows nothing
about tae kwon do. The orange belt represents autumn, which is a season of changes.This shows that the
student begins to change as she or he learns about tae kwon do. Yellow represents the earth. Just as a plant
has roots in the earth, the student at this level is creating roots from which to grow and represents growth.
The student's skills and knowledge are growing like green plant Blue represents the sky and means that the
student continues to grow upward. Brown means that the student's skills are ripening like a fruit. Red
represents danger. It is a warning to the student to use her or his skills and knowledge with wisdom. Black is
the opposite of white. It is a combination of all the colors. It shows that the student has reached a high level
of skill and knowledge.
The tae kwon do belt and uniform should always be treated with respect. This means that, in addition to
keeping them neat and clean, students should only wear their belts and uniforms while practicing or
performing the sport. Treating the belt and uniform with respect is an important part of the practice of tae
kwon do.
1. What is this passage mainly about?
A. The history of tae kwon do B. The different levels of tae kwon do
C. The origin of the tae kwon do belt system D. The meaning of tae kwon do belts and uniforms
2. Which color belt represents the highest rank?
A. Black B. Brown C. Green D. Orange
3. What does a yellow belt symbolize?
A. Change B. Roots C. Growth D. Sky
4. How do students show respect for their uniforms?
A. By wearing them all the time B. By earning as many belts as possible
C. By taking good care of them D. By practicing the sport often
5. Which color belt gives the student a warning?
A. White B. Blue C. Brown D. Red
6. In line 3, as they move through the ranks, what does the word they refer to?
A. Belts B. Accomplishments C. Students D. Levels
Key: 1 c 2a 3b 4c 5d 6c
5. Consolidation of new material: Ex 4. on pg.132. Match the words with their definitions.
1. Develop a) honor Key: 1b
2. Innocence b) grow and improve 2d
3. Rank c) a level 3c
4. Represent d) inexperience 4e
5. Respect e) mean 5a
6. Ripen f) be a sign of 6h
7. Root g) part of a plant that is underground 7g
8. Symbolize h) become ready over time 8f
9. Wisdom i) understanding and knowledge 9i
10. Treat j) act in a certain way with people or things 10j
Ex 14. on pg.130. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
Allyson Felix
At only 20 years old, Allyson Felix was already the FAST female athlete on the planet. FAST
She won gold at the 2005 Helsinki World Athletic CHAMPION for the 200 meters, CHAMPION
completing the race in 22.16 seconds – a new world junior record.
In the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, she finished as silver MEDAL MEDAL
in the 200 meters and won gold as a member of women's 400 meters relay team.
Allyson is 1.68cm tall and WEIGHT only 57 kilos. WEIGHT
She has continued to improve her personal MUCH and has broken a number of world records. GOOD
She has been featured on the front pages of famous sports magazines and her website VISITOR
registers one of the highest number of VISITOR of any site on the Internet.
Allyson is a real “golden girl” in all senses – she recently SIGNATURE a million-dollar SIGNATURE
advertising contract for a famous brand of sportswear.
Allyson won three gold medals at the 2012 Summer Olympics which are the GOOD a MUCH
female track athlete has won since 1988.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “The tae kwon do”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘Famous sports and
sportsmen in the world’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Famous sports and sportsmen in Turkmenistan (2)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Famous sports and sportsmen in Turkmenistan”, to
develop pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text; to teach pupils to understand English oral
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual love
to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of love to the
English language, respect to national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional cards with words, papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board),
material: vocabulary, pictures of famous sports in in Turkmenistan, papers with
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters
(six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “The tae kwon do”.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What is this passage mainly about? 2. Which color belt represents the highest rank?
3. What does a yellow belt symbolize? 4. How do students show respect for their uniforms?
5. Which color belt gives the student a warning?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘Famous sports in the world. The tae kwon do’
and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new material:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading the dialogue by the roles - aspects of tennis sentences
3. More about tennis. - differences between tennis - read or retell the text (to know
4. a conjunction with comma and badminton pronunciation of the words)
5. a semicolon, a colon and a dash - to express an opinion about - describe famous sports
6. Doing exercises. famous sports of Turkmenistan - identify the main idea of the text
- understand English oral speech;
Learn the new words.
New vocabulary: to notice ['nəutɪs]üns bermek To join [ʤɔɪn]goşulmak
To wave [weɪv]galgatmak similar ['sɪmɪlə]meňzeş
aim [eɪm]maksady instead [ɪn'sted]ýerine, derek
shuttlecock ['ʃʌtlkɔk] волан, badminton topy net [net]tor
to tag [tæg]goşulmak court [kɔːt]sport meýdança
Ex 3. on pg.131. Listen to the conversation between two friends. Who is the badminton enthusiast?
Shemshat: Hey! What's up?
Selbi: Hi! Not much.
Shemshat: Right. Saw you at the sporting goods store yesterday. You were so busy looking at sporting
equipment that you hardly noticed me waving hello.
Selbi: Oh, yeah, sorry! A few weeks ago, I tried my hand at playing badminton and liked it. So now
that the summer break is on the horizon, I am thinking of joining a badminton club at the sports center next
to my place.
Shemshat: That's interesting. Badminton, it's like tennis, right?
Selbi: Well, yes and no. It is similar to tennis but we don't play outside, we play it inside on a small
Shemshat: What equipment do you need?
Selbi: You need a racket and net, like tennis, but in badminton the racket is small and light and the
net is high, not low.
Shemshat: And instead of the tennis ball…
Selbi: It's a shuttlecock. It is made of plastic and is very light.
Shemshat: Okay, so far so good. Tell me about the aim of the game.
Selbi: Basically, the aim of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net into the other side of the court.
The other player tries to hit it back. You score points when he doesn't hit the shuttlecock.
Shemshat: Interesting. Would you mind if I tagged along next time?
Selbi: Not at all! You'll like it, I promise!
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 1. on pg.130. Work in teams to complete the table with as many popular Turkmen sports as you can.
You have 10 minutes to complete the challenge.
Team sports Individual sports Summer sports Winter sports

Ex 2. on pg.131. Pair up with a partner. Discuss the questions below.

1. Do you do any sports?
2. Are you a member of any sports team?
3. What sports are you good at?
4. Do you keep fit? How?
5. Do you know how to play any unusual sports?
6. What is the most popular sport in your country? Why?
7. Who is the most successful sportsman in your country?
8. What new sports would you like to try?
9. Who is your favorite professional Turkmen athlete or sportsman?
10. Would you like to try an extreme sport? Why?
Ex 6. on pg.134. Listen to the conversation between two friends.
Shirin: Hey! How's it going? We missed you at Aly's Birthday party last night.
Kerim: Oh, yeah. I felt bad about not being able to make it but my dressage coach insisted that I squeeze in
a few extra practice sessions before the national equestrian championship.
Shirin: Wow! That's fascinating, Kerim! I know that you are an avid cybersports fan, but I didn't know
about your interest in equestrian sports. I am guessing you are not a newcomer if you're training for the
Kerim: Haha, no. My brother is a professional jockey, so all this started when my family and I went to
cheer for him during one of his races. After the race, my brother took me on a short tour of the International
Equestrian Sports Complex. Right then and there I realized that I shared my brother's fascination with horses
and wanted to follow in his footsteps. My parents weren't surprised when I announced my desire to do
equestrian sports. After all, Ahalteke horses are a national pride.
Shirin: Incredible! Remind me again when's the championship? I'll tell everyone to come and cheer for you.
Kerim: It's next Sunday. Thank you!
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Famous sports and sportsmen in Turkmenistan”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘Famous sports and
sportsmen in Turkmenistan’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Grammar: Gerund (ing-forms) (3)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Gerund (ing-forms)”, to develop pupils’ skills of
speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding an
unfamiliar text; to teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual love
to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of love to the
English language, respect to national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional thematic tables, cards with words, papers with exercises, black-board
material: (interactive board), vocabulary, pictures of grammar, papers with
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters
(six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Famous sports and sportsmen in Turkmenistan”.
c) Answer the questions:
1. Do you do any sports? 2. Are you a member of any sports team?
3. What sports are you good at? 4. Do you keep fit? How?
5. Do you know how to play any unusual sports? 6. What is the most popular sport in your country? Why?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘Famous sports and sportsmen in
Turkmenistan’ and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new material:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
grammar. - the usage of gerund - use gerund in own sentences
2. Usage of ‘gerund’ - making sentences with gerund - distinguish the sentences with
3.Gerund- as the subject of a - different meanings of gerund ‘gerund’
sentence a) as the subject of a sentence - difference between gerund and
4. Gerund-after certain verbs b) after certain verbs infinitive
5. Gerund- after adjectives c) in certain phrases with the verb - understand English oral speech;
that are followed by d) after adjectives that are followed
prepositions by prepositions
5. Doing exercises.
Ex 7 on pg.135. Study the table below. Gerund
• We form the gerund by adding –ing to a verb.
• We use the gerund:
• as the subject of a sentence. In this case, it acts like a noun and usually goes at the beginning of the
sentence. Watching too much TV is bad for you.
• after certain verbs, such as can't stand, enjoy, finish, hate, like, love, miss.
We enjoy going to the cinema.
• after adjectives that are followed by prepositions, such as afraid of, bad at, fond of, good at, interested in,
tired of.
Are you good at drawing?
• in certain phrases with the verb go which refer to activities, such as go fishing, go sailing, go shopping, go
skiing, go swimming.
Dad went fishing last weekend.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 8. on pg.135. Write Gerund or Infinitive.
1. Swimming is a good exercise. Gerund.
2. I want to be a scientist when I grow up. Infinitive.
3. Are you good at dancing? Gerund.
4. Dan hates cooking. Gerund.
5. I'd love to come with you on Sunday. Infinitive.
6. We decided to stay at home and watch TV. Infinitive.
Ex 9. on pg.136. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box.
Go Argue Play Get up
Tidy Wait Watch Write
1. Jason loves to ___________ movies.
2. My brother doesn't like ___________ early in the morning.
3. Don't worry, I don't mind ___________. I'm not in a hurry.
4. I really hate ___________ my room.
5. Have you finished ___________ that article for the school magazine?
6. I can't stand ___________ with my friends.
Key: 1 watch 2 getting up 3waiting 4 tidying 5 writing 6 argueing
Ex 10.on pg.136. Put the verbs into the correct form.
A few days ago I went with my sister to buy (buy) something for her birthday. She didn't really know what
to get (get) but she seemed to like (like) the idea of a pet, so she went to the nearest pet shop. She started to
look around (look around) at all the animals. The man in the shop let her to pick up (pick up) the rabbits and
stroke the hamsters, but when she saw some puppies playing (play) in a box, she said she would like having
(have) one of them. I didn't know if we had enough money to buy (buy) one and I hoped my mother
wouldn't object to having (have) a dog in the house, but my sister promised to look after (look after) it
properly and we did have enough money, so we bought a little black dog. The man gave us a special brush
for brushing (brush) him and some special food.
Ex 12.on pg.136. Find the mistakes and write sentences correctly.
1. I don't remember to lock the door this morning.
I don't remember locking the door this morning.
2. It's lovely to seeing you again so soon.
It's lovely seeing you again so soon.
3. I offered going with him to the dentist, but he said “no”.
I offered to go with him to the dentist, but he said “no”.
4. Mum can't afford buy herself a new car at the moment.
Mum can't afford buying herself a new car at the moment.
5. They stopped to talk when the teacher came in.
6. I need practicing writing compositions so I can pass my English exam.
I need to practice writing compositions so I can pass my English exam.
7. We've arranged meeting at nine o'clock in the library.
We've arranged to meet at nine o'clock in the library.
Ex 13.on pg.137. Write about your favorite sport. Use the questions below to help you.
1. How long have you been interested in this sport?
2. Do you do it? If so, how long have you been doing it? If not, would like to do it?
3. Why? / Why not?
4. What equipment do you need to do it?
5. Where do you do this sport?
6. Homework:
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with Gerund.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘Grammar: Gerund (ing-
forms)’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Tips for travelers. (4)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Tips for travelers”, to develop pupils’
skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board), pictures of
material: the countries; the map of the world, vocabulary; thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying
two meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with Gerund.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What is the gerund?
2. What is structure of gerund?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘Grammar: Gerund (ing-forms)’ and
introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - The first thing that should - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Tips for Travelling on the do for traveling sentences
“Tube” - usage of a map of the tube - read or retell the text correctly (to
3. 5 things for travelling on the - how find your platform know pronunciation of the words)
“Tube” - how watch the lighted - describe consistently going on the
4. Answer the questions. indicator board “Tube”
5. Doing exercises. - understand English oral speech;
Ex 3. on pg.138. Learn the words with their definitions.
the tube – underground, a railway system under the ground, Subway
fare – the amount of money you pay to travel by bus, train, taxi, etc
platform – the place where you get on or off at a railway station
direction – a course of movement
indicator– something that gives information or shows sth
line – a section of railway track
New vocabulary: the tube [t(j)uːb, ʧuːb] direction [dɪ'rekʃ(ə)n, daɪ-]ugur
метро (в Лондоне) indicator ['ɪndɪkeɪtə]görkeziji
fare [feə]ýol tölgi line [laɪn] линия
platform ['plætfɔːm]otly duralgasy mark [mɑːk]bellemek
to change [ʧeɪnʤ]üýtgetmek route [ruːt]ýol, ugur
indicator ['ɪndɪkeɪtə]görkeziji to serve [sɜːv]hyzmat etmek
Ex 5. on pg.139. Read the text and make sure you can use the tube.
Tips for Travelling on the “Tube”
If you don't know London very well, the easiest way to travel is “by tube”.
1. The first thing to do is to find one of the 279 tube stations. All of them are clearly marked in the
streets with the Underground symbol (on the right).
2. Next, study a map of the tube, to choose your route. There is a large map in every station. The
man in the ticket-office will give you a small map of the tube, if you ask him.
There are eight lines. Each line is a different colour on the map. Decide which line you have to
take and remember if you have to change from one line to another.
3. Now you ready to buy your ticket. If you know the fare and have the exact change, you can get a
ticket from a machine. If not, you must get it from the ticket office. Tell the man where you want to
go, and he will tell you the fare.
4. There are several platforms at most tube stations. You have now got to make sure that you go to
the right one – or else you will catch the wrong train. First look for the platforms which serve the
line on which you want to travel: there are usually two platforms for each line. They are marked, for
example, Central Line, East-bound or Central Line, West-bound. If you don't know in which
direction you are going, look at the list of stations on the platform.
5. You are now on the right platform. Now you must catch the right train. Watch the lighted
indicator board: it tells you where each train is going.
Have a nice trip!
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 4. on pg.139. Complete the sentences with words from exercise 3. (the tube, fare, platform,
direction, indicator, line)
1. We came by the tube.
2. Which platform does the train to York leave from?
3. What's the direction to Leeds?
4. Adults pay full fare, children pay half fare.
5. The accident was caused by a cow on the line
6. The indicator showed that the car had plenty of petrol.
Ex 2. on pg.138. Holidays in Switzerland.
Mary : Hello, George! I haven't seen you for several weeks. You've been away from home,
haven't you?
George: Yeah, I've been in Switzerland. I got back yesterday.
Mary : I hope you had a good holiday. You must have seen lots of interesting places. Did you
enjoy yourself?
George : Very much. Shall I show you some of my photographs?
Mary : Oh, do, please. I like looking at photographs.
George : Here they are. I spent most of my time in the Swiss Alps. I went climbing every day.
Mary : Wow! It's fascinating. I hope I shall be able to visit Switzerland someday.
Ex 1. on p.138. Answer the questions:
1. Do you like to travel? 2. How do you travel?
3. Who do you travel with?
4. What's your favourite means of travelling? Why?
5. Are there any tourist attractions in your region?
6. Some people prefer to travel light. Do you?
7. What is the first thing any tourist must do before starting on a trip?
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Tips for Travelling on the “Tube”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Tips for Travelling on the “Tube’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary.
c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Social English: asking for and giving directions. (5)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Social English: asking for and giving
directions”, to develop pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’
abilities in reading and understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional https://7esl.com/asking-for-and-giving-directions/, papers with
material: exercises, black-board (interactive board), pictures of the directions;
thematic tables, vocabulary of direction phrases;.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Tips for Travelling on the “Tube”.
c) Answer the questions:
1. Do you like to travel? 2. How do you travel?
3. Who do you travel with?
4. What's your favourite means of travelling? Why?
5. Are there any tourist attractions in your region?
6. Some people prefer to travel light. Do you?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘The country I wish to visit’ and
introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Asking for Directions. - how asking for Directions sentences
3. Giving Directions. - how giving Directions - Asking for Directions
4. Answer the questions. - how to use the direction phrases - Giving Directions.
5. Doing exercises. - understand English oral speech;
Learn the direction phrases.
• to get the map; • kartany almak;
• not to forget the tickets; • biletleri ýatdan çykarmazlyk;
• planning the trip; • syýahaty meýilleşdirmek;
• to travel light; • ýeňil syýahat etmek;
• being on time, being behind time; • wagtynda bolmak, gijä galmak
• having baggage checked; • goşlaryň barlagdan geçirmek;
• consider carefully what will be most suitable to wear. • geýmek üçin rahat boljak eşige üns beriň.
Asking for Directions Giving Directions
1. Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the 1. It’s this way. 2. It’s that way.
museum? 3. You’re going the wrong way.
2. Excuse me! How do I get to the post office? 4. You’re going in the wrong direction.
3. Pardon me! I’m lost. How do I get to the cafe? 5. Take the first left.
4. Please tell me how I get to your apartment? 6. Take the second right.
5. Excuse me! Is there a hospital near here? 7. Turn right at the crossroads.
6. What’s the best way to supermarket? 8. Continue straight ahead for about a mile.
7. Excuse me! Could you tell me how to get to 9. Continue past the primary school.
bookstore? 10. You’ll pass a museum on your left.
8. Excuse me! Do you know where the church? 11. It’ll be on your left.
9. Could you help me, please? I’m looking for the bank 12. It’ll be on your right.
10. Are we on the right road to Louis Hotel? 13. Take this road.
Ex 7. on pg.140. Pair off with a classmate who is going travelling soon. Give him/her a few practical
hints on what to take on the trip. Use the following:
• to get the map; • being on time, being behind time;
• not to forget the tickets; • having baggage checked;
• planning the trip; • consider carefully what will be most suitable to wear.
• to travel light;
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 8. on pg.141. Asking for and giving directions.
Ex 9. on pg.141.Pair off with a classmate and ask for and give directions using the map. Role play.
Direct someone from B's house to the shops along Railway Avenue. Use the words below.
Walk along the road until …
Continue on your way until… on your left…
on your right… opposite… towards …
Ex 2. on pg.142. Transcribe and learn the pronunciation of the names of cultural sights of London.
British Museum, ['brɪtɪʃ] [mjuː'ziːəm] Madame Tussaud's [mə'dɑːm] [tussauds], Tate Gallery [teɪt
ˈgælərɪ], National Gallery of Art, ['næʃ(ə)n(ə)l] ['gæl(ə)rɪ] [ɔv] [ɑːt] Victoria and Albert Museum,
[vɪk'tɔːrɪə] [ænd] ['ælbət] [mjuː'ziːəm] Buckingham Palace [ˈbʌkɪŋəm ˈpælɪs], Windsor Castle,
[ˈwɪnzə kɑːsl] St. Paul's Cathedral, [striːt. pɔːl'es kəˈθiːdrəl] the Houses of Parliament [ðiː] [hausis]
[ɔv] ['pɑːləmənt], Westminster. [ˌwes(t)'mɪn(t)stə]
5. Consolidation moment:
Ex 6. on pg.140. Answer the questions. Ex 1. on pg.141. Answer the questions.
1. How do you find the underground in London? 1. Have you been to Great Britain?
2. Where do you get the map of the tube? 2. What's the capital of Great Britain?
3. How many lines are there in the tube? 3. What sites of London do you know?
4. How do you pay for the travel by the tube? 4. What are the parts of Great Britain?
5. What's a platform? How do you choose the right 5. Who is your favourite English writer/ poet?
platform? 6. How do you get the right train?
Ex 3. on pg.142. Check in the dictionary the pronunciation of the names of the following countries.
Make sure where these countries are located.
Greece [griːs] a country in SE Europe;
Italy ['ɪt(ə)lɪ] a country in southern Europe;
France [frɑːn(t)s] a country in western Europe;
India ['ɪndɪə] a country in southern Asia occupying the greater part of the Indian subcontinent;
China ['ʧaɪnə] a country in East Asia, the third largest and most populous in the world;
Ex 5. on pg.142. Complete the sentences using the words from exercise 4. (twofold, column, gallery,
cathedral,Oxbridge, improve)
1. There is a famous art gallery in the Archabil Avenue in Ashgabat.
2. I hope the weather will twofold later on.
3. Your work has greatly improve.
4. Most of the British statesmen are usually educated in Oxbridge.
5. Nelson column is a famous monument in London.
6. The problem was cathedral.
6. Homework: a) Learn the direction phrases. b) Use the direction phrases and make up 5
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘Social English: asking
for and giving directions’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: The country I wish to visit (6)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “The country I wish to visit”, to develop
pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text; to teach pupils to understand English
oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language, respect to national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board), vocabulary,
material: pictures of different countries; the map of the world, thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters
(six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the direction phrases. b) Use the direction phrases and make up 5
sentences. c) Answer the questions:
1. How do you find the underground in London? 2. Where do you get the map of the tube?
3. How many lines are there in the tube? 4. How do you pay for the travel by the tube?
5. What's a platform? How do you choose the right platform? 6. How do you get the right train?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘Social English: asking for and giving
directions’ and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own sentences
2. Read or retell the text - how to talk about dreamland - read or retell the text (to know
3. Main points of the text. - to express an opinion about a pronunciation of the words)
4. Answer the questions. country they want to visit. - identify the main idea of the text
5. Doing exercises. - understand English oral speech;
The country I wish to visit
New vocabulary: fascinating ['fæsɪneɪtɪŋ] täsir ediji To improve [ɪm'pruːv]gowulandyrmak
mind [maɪnd]akyl, pikir To practice ['præktɪs]tejribe geçmek
twofold ['tuːfəuld]goşa, jübüt regularly ['regjələlɪ]wagtly-wagtyna
aim [eɪm]maksat perform [pə'fɔːm]ýerine ýetirmek
official [ə'fɪʃ(ə)l]resmi to hope [həup]umyt etmek
Ex 6. on pg.142. Read the text and say if you share the author's opinion.
The country I wish to visit
There are a few fascinating countries in the world to visit. Very often countries like Greece, Italy,
France, China and India come to my mind. I've read a lot about the Seven Wonders of the world. But what's
the country I'd like to visit first? It is, of course, … Great Britain. My aim to visit this country is twofold.
First, I'd like to visit famous cultural sights of this country like the British Museum, Madame Tussaud's,
Tate Gallery, National Gallery of Art, Victoria and Albert Museum, Buckingham Palace (the official home
of the British royal family), Windsor Castle (one of the official homes of the British royal family), St. Paul's
Cathedral, Big Ben (the large bell in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament in Westminster which has
become the symbol of London and Britain), Trafalgar Square (a square in central London where Nelson's
Column stands) and many others.
Second, being an English language student, I would like to practice my English and improve my
speaking skills. I would like to visit the Oxbridge, the famous university towns of Great Britain and
Stratford-upon-Avon, hometown of the great English playwright William Shakespeare. I wish to visit there
the famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre where his plays are regularly performed.
I really hope some day my wish would come true.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 7. on pg.143. Say true or false.
1. The Houses of Parliament is located in Buckingham Palace. TF
2. Madame Tussaud's is an art gallery. TF
3. Tate Gallery is located in Scotland. TF
4. National Gallery of Art is a famous cultural sight in London. TF
5. Big Ben is a large clock tower in Westminster. TF
6. Stratford-upon Avon is the hometown of the great English playwright William Shakespeare. T F
7. Shakespeare's plays are seldom performed at famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre. TF
Ex 8. on pg.143. Answer the questions.
1. Do you happen to know what “Seven Wonders” of the world are?
2. What famous sights of London are mentioned in the text?
3. Have you visited any of them?
4. Who is William Shakespeare?
5. What's his hometown?
6. What was Admiral Nelson famous for?
7. What is Oxbridge?
Ex 9. on pg.144. Match the stories with the pictures of the London sights.
1. The Queen's official residence in London. It attracts a
very large crowd each day for the ceremony of
Changing the Guard at 11.30 a.m. daily.

Trafalgar Square
2. London's most popular tourist spot with Nelson's
Column, lions and fountains in the square.

St. Paul's Cathedral

3. The cathedral is famous for its size and dome.

m Palace
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “The country I wish to visit”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘The country I wish to
visit’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Grammar: Phrasal verb to take (7)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Phrasal verb to take”, to develop pupils’
skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional https://autoenglish.org/phrasals/, Test master. Over 16 questions
material: (Atalay Oguz Baskent Education Publication), papers with exercises,
black-board (interactive board), vocabulary, thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “The country I wish to visit”.
c) Answer the questions:
1. Do you happen to know what “Seven Wonders” of the world are?
2. What famous sights of London are mentioned in the text? 3. Have you visited any of them?
4. Who is William Shakespeare? 5. What's his hometown?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘The country I wish to visit’ and
introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
grammar. - the usage of phrasal verb ‘to - make up sentences with modal verbs
2. Usage of ‘to take’ take’ - distinguish the sentences with ‘to
3. Prepositions used with verb ‘to - making sentences with take’
take’ phrasal verb ‘to take’ - understand English oral speech;
4. Main points of the grammar. - different meanings of
5. Doing exercises. phrasal verb ‘to take’
Phrasal verb to take
New vocabulary: fascinating ['fæsɪneɪtɪŋ] täsir ediji To improve [ɪm'pruːv]gowulandyrmak
mind [maɪnd]akyl, pikir To practice ['præktɪs]tejribe geçmek
twofold ['tuːfəuld]goşa, jübüt regularly ['regjələlɪ]wagtly-wagtyna
aim [eɪm]maksat perform [pə'fɔːm]ýerine ýetirmek
official [ə'fɪʃ(ə)l]resmi to hope [həup]umyt etmek
Ex 10. on pg.145. Learn the usage of the phrasal verb “take”.
take along ['teɪkə'lɔŋ] ýanyň bilen To cause someone or something to go with:
äkitmek I took my little sister along with me.
take after sb['teɪk'ɑːftə] birine To look or behave like an older member of your family,
meňzemek especially a parent: The boy takes after his father, he has red
hair and big feet.
take down['teɪkdaun]belläp almak To record sth in writing: Go to the meeting and take
down everything that the chairman says.
take sth off['teɪk ɔf] eşigiňi çykarmak To remove something, especially clothes:
Come in and take your coat off.
take someone or something out ['teɪk To lead or carry sth outside a room, building etc.:
'sʌmwʌn aut] daşyna äkitmek Please take the children out of this room.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 11. on pg.145. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb 'take'.
1. Why don't you take your mother along to the concert?
2. I can't take my boots off my feet, they are too tight.
3. I must warn you that everything you say may be take down.
4. The firemen take the horses out of the burning house very quickly.
5. All the furniture was taken out of the house and left in the road.
6. I took my guitar along, but no one asked me to sing.
Ex 12. on pg.145. Tell the class why you are/ you aren't keen on travelling.
Ex 13. on pg.145. Make a list of “Do's and Don’ts” of your own to suit the present-day traveler.
Ex 14. on pg.145. Comment on the English proverb.
Travel makes a wise man better, but a fool worse.
Phrasal Verb. Match the phrasal verbs with their meaning.
1- To take after a - start a new hobby Key: 1-e
2- To take back b - take control of a company ; 2-f
3- To take in c - remove . 3-d
4- To take off (1) d - absorb information . 4-c
5- To take off (2) e - resemble a relative 5-g
6- To take over f - return to the shop 6-b
7- To take up g - leave the ground 7-a
Fill the gaps. Answers:
1I've just taken … karate. 1 I've just taken up karate.
2 The lesson was complicated but I managed to 2 The lesson was complicated but I managed to take
take…most of it in most of it.
3 My brother has a short temper. My father says he 3 My brother has a short temper. My father says he
takes … our mother. takes after our mother.
4 She normally takes … her shoes before lying on 4 She normally takes off her shoes before lying on
the bed. the bed.
5 The new director will be taking … next month. 5 The new director will be taking over next month.
6 He took … his hat before he entered her house. 6 He took off his hat before he entered her house.
7 Many people take … English to help their careers. 7 Many people take up English to help their careers.
8 He spoke so fast that I couldn't take … a word of 8 He spoke so fast that I couldn't take in a word of
what he said. what he said.
9 He's not academic. He takes … his father. 9 He's not academic. He takes after his father.
10 Companies are always taking each other …. 10 Companies are always taking each other over I
11What time does your plane take… 11 My time does your plane take off?
12 My girlfriend and I have taken… ballroom 12 My girlfriend and I have taken up ballroom
dancing. It’s difficult but great. dancing. It’s difficult but great.
13 They spoke so fast in that film that I couldn't take 13 They spoke so fast in that film that I couldn’t take
very much…. very much in.
14 I'm going to take this dress … because it’s not 14 I’m going to take this dress back because it’s not
the right size. the right size.
15 If it's faulty, well take it … and exchange it for 15 If it’s faulty we’ll take it back and exchange it for
another one. another one.

6. Homework: a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with phrasal verb to take.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Phrasal verb to take’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Canada (8)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Canada”, to develop pupils’ skills of
speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding an
unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board), pictures of
material: Canada; thematic tables, vocabulary.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with phrasal verb to take.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What sentences can we use phrasal verb ‘to take’?
2. What does mean phrasal verb ‘take after’?
3. What does mean phrasal verb ‘take along’?
4. What does mean phrasal verb ‘take down’?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘‘Phrasal verb to take’’ and introducing
the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading or retelling the text; - official languages of the sentences
‘Canada’ country - read the text correctly (to know
3. The main regions of Canada - geographical position of the pronunciation of the words)
4. The capital city of the country country - make up or retell 10-15 sentences
5. Famous lakes and mountains of - natural resources of the about Canada
Canada country - understand English oral speech;
Ex 3. on pg.146. Learn the words with their definitions.
Province – one of the main parts into which some countries are divided
population – the number of people who live in a particular area, city or country
affect – to influence sb/sth
coastal – on or near a coast
inland – away from the coast or borders of a country
charm – to please and attract sb
New vocabulary: province ['prɔvɪn(t)s]welaýat charm [ʧɑːm]özüne çekiji
population [ˌpɔpjə'leɪʃ(ə)n, -ju-]ilat navigator ['nævɪgeɪtə]deňiz ýüzüjisi
affect ['æfekt]täsiri westernmost ['westənməust]iň günbatar
coastal ['kəust(ə)l]kenarýaka simply ['sɪmplɪ]ýeňil, sada
inland ['ɪnlənd] şäheriň içki bölegi official [ə'fɪʃ(ə)l]resmi
Ex 5. on pg.146. Read the text and say where Canada is located.
Canada at a glance
The second largest country in the world Canada was discovered by French navigator Jacques Cartier
in 1534. It is a Federal State and is now divided into twelve regions called provinces. The capital city is
Ottawa and the largest city is Montreal. More than a million people live there. The country's official
languages are a million people live there. The country's official languages are French and English. 60 %
of the population speak English. The country's name comes from Indian word “Kanata”, which means
On the East the territory of Canada affected by the Atlantic Ocean. The region of Vancouver is
affected by warm coastal air that comes from the Pacific Ocean. The inland provinces of Quebec and
Ontario are the largest regions of Canada: 62 percent of Canadians live here. The Prairie Provinces
(Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta) are rich in natural resources like oil, gas and wheat. British
Columbia is Canada's westernmost and third largest province.
The country has got lots of fantastic sights. Niagara Falls in Ontario – the world's greatest waterfall are
visited by millions of people a year.
So Canada is a country that simply must be seen for its beauty and friendly people that will charm you.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 1. on pg.146. Answer the questions.
1. What do we call the country to the north of the USA?
2. What is the official language of this country?
3. Do you know what languages are spoken in this country?
4. Do you know where Niagara Falls located?
5. What's the famous sport in this country?
Ex 2. on pg.146. Transcribe and read the following geographical names.
Canada ['kænədə], Ottawa ['ɔtəwə],
Montreal [ˌmɔntrɪ'ɔːl], Atlantic Ocean [ət'læntɪk] ['əuʃ(ə)n],
Quebec [k(w)ɪ'bek, k(w)ə-], Ontario [ɔn'teərɪəu],
Manitoba [ˌmænɪ'təubə], Pacific Ocean [pə'sɪfɪk] ['əuʃ(ə)n],
Province ['prɔvɪn(t)s].
Ex 4. on pg.146. Complete the sentences using the words from ex. 3. ( province, population, affect,
coastal, inland, charm)
1. The weather in this country is affect by the ocean.
2. The weather of the neighboring coastal countries have much in common.
3. Her drawings have charm children all over the world.
4. The village lies seventy miles inland.
5. What is the population of your country?
Ex 6. on pg.147. Say true or false.
1. Canada was discovered by Jacques Cartier in 1534. TF
2. The capital city of Canada is Montreal. TF
3. The country's official language is French. TF
4. Niagara Falls in Ontario is a small waterfall. TF
5. Canada is rich in natural resources like oil, gas and wheat. TF
6. The Canadians are very friendly people. TF
Ex 7. on pg.148. Answer the questions.
1. How big is Canada? 2. When was it discovered?
3. Who discovered Canada? 4. What does the word “Canada” mean?
5. What is the capital of Canada? 6. What languages are spoken in Canada?
7. What are the biggest cities of Canada? 8. How many provinces does Canada consist of?
9. Name the natural resources of Canada. 10 . Where are Niagara Falls?
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Canada’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Grammar: Verbs to do/to make (9)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Australia”, to develop pupils’ skills of
speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding an
unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional https://7esl.com/do-vs-make/, /http://grammar-tei.com/, papers with
material: exercises, black-board (interactive board), thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: ‘Canada’.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What do we call the country to the north of the USA? 2. What is the official language of this country?
3. Do you know what languages are spoken in this country?
4. Do you know where Niagara Falls located? 5. What's the famous sport in this country?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘Canada’ and introducing the new theme
of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
grammar. - the usage of ‘to make’ - make up sentences with verbs ‘to make’
2. Usage of ‘to make’ - the usage of ‘to do’ and ‘to do’
3. Usage of ‘to do’ - Difference of ‘to make’ and - distinguish the sentences of ‘to make’
4. Main points of the grammar. ‘to do’ and ‘to do’
5. Doing exercises. - understand English oral speech;
Grammar: Verbs to do/to make
a) DO-We use it: Do your homework-öý işini ýerine ýetirmek
1) When we talk about an activity in general. Do the housework-öý işini ýerine ýetirmek
2) When we refer a job. Do some work-biraz iş etmek
Do an exam-synaga taýýarlanmak Do the shopping-bazarlamak
Do an exercise- gönükme işlemek Do the ironing-ütük etmek
Do a good job-işi ýerine ýetirmek Do the dusting-gumlary üpürmek
Do a favour-goldamak Do the washing up-kir ýuwmak
Do a lot of damage-köp weýrançylyk etmek Do the dishes-gaplary ýuwmak
Do your best-eliňde baryny etmek Do research-gözleg geçirmek
Do business-söwda bilen meşgullanmak Do it yourself-özüň et
Do for a living-ýaşaýyş üçin işlemek Do well / badly-gowy/erbet ýerine ýetirmek
Do exercise-gönükme işlemek Do harm- zeper ýetirmek
it has sth to do-ol bir zatlar etmeli.
MAKE-It generally expresses the idea of creation. MAKE an impression-täsir galdyrmak
MAKE an appointment-görkezme bermek MAKE a journey-syýahat etmek
MAKE a cake / pizza-tort , pizza taýýarlamak MAKE a mistake-ýalňyş goýbermek
MAKE a choice-saýlamak MAKE a mess-bulam-bujar etmek
MAKE a fortune-bagtyňy synamak MAKE a noise-goh etmek
MAKE a deal-şertnama baglanyşmak, MAKE an offer-hödür etmek
MAKE a decision-çözgüt etmek MAKE a promise-söz bermek
MAKE an effort-güýç bermek MAKE a phone call-jaň etmek
MAKE fun of someone-birini şatlandyrmak MAKE a speech-tost aýtmak
MAKE money-pul gazanmak MAKE a suggestion-maslahat etmek
MAKE no difference-tapawut etmelik MAKE coffee / tea-kofe/çaý etmek
MAKE plans –meýil etmek MAKE your duty-borjuňy ýerine ýetirmek
MAKE progress-ösüş etmek MAKE excuses-ötünç soramak
MAKE sense-many aňlatmak MAKE friends-dost edinmek
MAKE sure-arkaýyn etmek MAKE the most of.-eliňde baryny etmek
MAKE trouble-azar bermek MAKE up your mind-öz pikiriňi aýtmak
MAKE the bed-ýeriňi düzetmek MAKE war / love –uruş etmek, söýmek
Ex 8. on pg.148. Learn the usage of the verbs “do” and “make”.
do make
means “to perform an action, activity or job” means “to produce or to create sth”
do home work do the bed make bread made of ( wood)
do exercise do a course ( in French) make a decision made in (China)
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 9. on pg.148. Complete the sentences using “do” or “make”.
1. The knife is made of stainless steel. 5. She hasn't do made a decision yet.
2. Children should make the bed when 6. Turkmen students do two or more foreign languages at
they get up. school.
3. They make bread in the bakery. 7. Our homework was to do exercise 4 on page 12.
4. Toyota cars are made in Japan. 8. The math teacher wants us to do the sums in the afternoon.
Ex 10. on pg.149. Learn the proverbs and sayings with 'do' and 'make'. Think of their Turkmen and
Russian equivalents.
Make hay, while the sun shines. Коси коса, пока роса. Куй железо, пока горячо.
Tamdyra gyzanda ýap.
Practice makes perfect. Практика — путь к совершенству.
Hünäriň puly – ojaryň küli. Hünärli – zor, hünärsiz – hor.
Do as I say, not as I do. Не подражай мне, но выполняй мои указания.
Mollanyň diýenini et, edenini etme.
Complete the sentences with Do or Make in the correct tense.
1. Mr Jones made a lot of money last year. 8. I’d like to know how he make so much money.
2. Have you done your English exam yet? 9. Do something. Don’t just stand there watching
3. Excuse me. I have to make a phone call. me.
4. Tom always makes his bed before having 10. He will make a speech at the university
breakfast. tomorrow.
5. I hate do the housework every day. 11. Everyone make fun of you if you go to school
6. You must be careful. You ………….. a lot of dressed like that
spelling mistakes. 12. I ‘m sure she doesn’t make (not) trouble for you.
7. Don’t make any noise Everybody is sleeping. 13. He crashed his car and did a lot of damage to it
6. Homework:
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with do/make.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Verbs to do/to make’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Australia (10)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Australia”, to develop pupils’ skills of
speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding an
unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board), thematic
material: tables, the map of the world, pictures of Australia, vocabulary.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with do/make.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What does mean the verb ‘to make’?
2. What sentences can we use the verb ‘to make’?
3. What does mean the modal verb ‘to do’?
4. What sentences can we use the verb ‘to do’?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “Verbs to do/to make” and introducing
the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading or retelling the text; - official languages of the sentences
‘Australia’ country - read the text correctly (to know
3. The main regions of Australia - geographical position of the pronunciation of the words)
4. The capital city of the country country - make up or retell 10-15 sentences
5. Famous lakes and mountains of - natural resources of the about Australia
Australia country - understand English oral speech;
New vocabulary: continent['kɔntɪnənt]materik discover [dɪ'skʌvə]tapmak
multicultural [ˌmʌltɪ'kʌlʧ(ə)r(ə)l]dürli medeniýetli captain ['kæptɪn]kapitan
mainland ['meɪnlənd, -lænd]materik quarter ['kwɔːtə]çärýek
oversea(s) [ˌəuvə'siː(z)]deňziň aňarsy migrate [maɪ'greɪt]göçmek
surround [sə'raund]gurşap almak ocean ['əuʃ(ə)n]umman
citizen ['sɪtɪz(ə)n]raýat host [həust]myhman kabul etmek
Ex 5. on pg.150. Read the text and say what you liked most about this country.
A Glimpse of Australia
Australia is a continent, a country and an island all at the same time. It is the sixth largest country
and the smallest continent in the world. It is situated in the south of Asia, between the Pacific and the
Indian Oceans.
Australia was discovered in 1770 by captain James Cook. The country's name comes from Latin
meaning “unknown south land”. Australia is a federation of five mainland states (New South Wales,
Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia) and one island state (Tasmania), as well as
two territories (Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory).
It's an English-speaking country. Population is about 18 million people. Over 200 nationalities live
there. About a quarter of Australian citizens were born overseas and migrated to Australia. The capital
city is Canberra. Sidney and Melbourne are the largest cities.
Sidney is surrounded by national parks. Melbourne is a very multicultural city. It is a home to many
cultural groups, speaking 170 languages. Melbourne is the cultural capital of Australia.
Australia is believed to be a country of kangaroos and koalas which are symbols of beautiful
Australian wildlife. The emu and the kookaburra are the most interesting Australian birds. The emu is
big and cannot fly, while the kookaburra cannot sing, but laughs like a human!
Australia twice hosted the Olympic Games.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 1. on pg.149. Transcribe and read the following:
Australia [ɔs'treɪlɪə], Tasmania [tæz'meɪnɪə], Sidney ['sɪdnɪ],
Melbourne ['melbən], continent ['kɔntɪnənt], ocean ['əuʃ(ə)n],
mainland ['meɪnlənd, -lænd], overseas [ˌəuvə'siː(z)], surrounded [sə'raundɪd],
citizen ['sɪtɪz(ə)n].
Ex 2. on pg.149. Remember some interesting names from the Australian wildlife:
Koala Kangaroo Emu Dingo Kookaburra
Ex 3. on pg.149.Match the words with their definitions.
continent the main part of a country or continent
ocean the mass of salt water that covers most of the surface of the earth
mainland to go all around sb/sth
overseas a person who is legally accepted as a member of a particular country
surround one of the seven areas of land on the Earth
citizen from another country that you have to cross the sea to get to
Ex 4. on pg.150. Complete the sentences using words from ex. 3. (continent, ocean, mainland, overseas,
surround, citizen)
1. Asia and Europe are big continents.
2. I am a citizen of Turkmenistan.
3. Asia, Africa and Antarctica are mainland.
4. The garden is surrounded by a high wall.
5. Frank has gone to live overseas.
6. Australia is between the Pacific and Indian oceans.
Ex 6. on pg.151. Say true or false.
1. Australia is an English-speaking country. TF
2. Australia is a federation of three mainland states. TF
3. Australia was discovered by captain James Cook. TF
4. About a half of Australian citizens were born overseas. TF
5. Australians speak 70 different languages. TF
6. The emu and the kookaburra are not interesting birds. TF
7. The kookaburra laughs like a human. TF
Ex 7. on pg.151. Answer the questions.
1. What is Australia's official language? 2. How big is Australia?
3. What is the capital city of Australia? 4. Can you name the largest cities of this country?
5. Is Australia a multicultural country? 6. What do you know about the Australian wildlife?
7. How many Olympic Games did this country host?
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “A Glimpse of Australia”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Australia’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Grammar: Modal verbs: to be (to)/need (11)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Modal verbs: to be (to)/need”, to develop
pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in
the spirit of love to the English language, respect to national
traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional Test master. Over 16 questions (Atalay Oguz Baskent Education
material: Publication), papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board),
pictures to the grammar; thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “A Glimpse of Australia”.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What is Australia's official language? 2. How big is Australia?
3. What is the capital city of Australia? 4. Can you name the largest cities of this country?
5. Is Australia a multicultural country? 6. What do you know about the Australian wildlife?
7. How many Olympic Games did this country host?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘‘Australia’’ and introducing the new
theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
grammar. - the usage of ‘to be (to)’ - make up sentences with modal verbs
2. Usage of ‘to be (to)’ - the usage of ‘need’ - distinguish the sentences of ‘to be to’
3. Usage of ‘need’ - Difference of ‘to be to’ and and ‘need’
4. Main points of the grammar. ‘need’ - understand English oral speech;
5. Doing exercises.
Ex 8. on pg.152. Learn the usage of the modal verb “to be (to)”.
to be (to) usage
Modal verb “to be to” is used to express planned I am to hand in the paper by 5 o'clock.
actions (Present)
Modal verb “to be to” is used to express planned I was to hand in the paper by 5 o'clock.
actions (Past)
Ex 9. on pg.152. Learn the use of the modal verb 'need.'
need usage
We generally use “need” with “to” as any regular He needs to have a visa to go to Britain.
(full) verb. Does he need to have a visa to go to Britain?
We use need as a modal verb in the negative Must I water the flowers while you are away? –
(needn't ) to mean “It isn't necessary”. No, you needn't. Your brother will do it.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 10. on pg.152. Complete the sentences using modal verbs “to be” (to) or “need”.
1. After the winter, the garden is a lot of work.
2. There is always something that is to be done around the house if you are a homeowner.
3. Alex and Jenifer are to meet early in the morning. Let's see what happens.
4. The Browns need to visit the Great Thorpe Park, Britain's favourite family leisure park during the
school recess.
5. You needn’t attend the meeting tomorrow. It's not important.
Choose the best alternative.
1. _____ you speak Spanish?
A) May B) Are C) Can D) Is
2. A: _____ I go? B: Yes, you can.
A) Could B) Am C) Need D) Did
3. _____ you help me with my homework?
A) Are B) May C) Can D) Need
4. You _____ enter without a tie.
A) aren’t B) can’t C) ought not D) weren’t
5. Cigarettes _____ seriously damage your health.
A) are B) do C) can D) were
6. _____ you post this letter for me?
A) Will B) Shall C) May D) Are
7. _____ I open the window?
A) Will B) Shall C) Am D) Do
8. We _____ leave now or we’ll be late.
A) has to B) must C) can D) will
9. If you had video, you _____ record it yourself tonight.
A) could B) can C) must D) may
10. Please _____ make noise.
A) didn’t B) don’t C) can’t D) may not
11. _____ open the windows. I’m cold.
A) Don’t B) Can’t C) Mustn’t D) Needn’t
12. Shoes _____ be either black or brown.
A) don’t B) are C) may D) need
13. He _____ read faster a few years ago.
A) can B) could C) might D) must
14. _____ you pass the salt, please?
A) Do B) Are C) Should D) Could
15. _____ you remember which shoe you put on first this morning?
A) May B) Can C) Should D) Were
16. You _____ be hungry. You’ve just had dinner.
A) aren’t B) can’t C) may D) must
Key: 1-C 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-C 6-A 7-B 8-B 9-A 10-B 11-A 12-C 13-B
14-D 15-B 16-B
6. Homework:
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with “to be (to), need”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘Modal verbs: to be
(to)/need’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson. (12)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Revision lesson”, to develop pupils’ skills of
speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding an
unfamiliar text; to teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of love
to the English language, respect to national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional thematic tables, cards with words, papers with exercises, black-board
material: (interactive board), papers with descriptions
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters (six
feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with “to be (to), need”.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What does mean the modal verb ‘to be to’? 2. What sentences can we use this modal verb?
3. What does mean the modal verb ‘need’? 4. What sentences can we use this modal verb?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘The country I wish to visit’ and introducing the
new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Revise all grammar materials. pupils should know: should be able to:
2. Revise about famous sports of -vocabulary to the theme - use the vocabulary in own sentences
Turkmenistan - famous sports of - make up dialogue about sport (to know
3. Introduction of new vocabulary Turkmenistan pronunciation of the words)
to the revising theme - that sport helps to be healthy. - tell opinion about sport.
4. Revise different kinds of sport. - make up sentences about - understand English oral speech;
Revision lesson
New vocabulary: assignment [ə'saɪnmənt]ýumuş unbelievable [ˌʌnbɪ'liːvəbl]ynanyp bolmajak
seemingly ['siːmɪŋlɪ]daşky keşbi to impress ['ɪmpres]haýran galdyrmak
triple ['trɪpl]üçem sensational [sen'seɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l]ajaýyp
previous ['priːvɪəs]geçenki to claim [kleɪm]talap etmek
include [ɪn'kluːd]düzümine girmek demolish [dɪ'mɔlɪʃ]döwmek
Ex 12 on pg.128. Listen to the conversation between two friends.
Serdar: Hey, are you coming to football later today?
Didar: No, not tonight. I need to finish my assignment.
Serdar: What are you working on?
Didar: The PowerPoint presentation about my favorite Olympic athlete.
Serdar: What have you got so far?
Didar: I am reading this newspaper article about Usain Bolthow he broke the 200m record in Beijing in 2008.
It's unbelievable! With a world record-breaking run of 19.30 seconds, he added the 200m title to the 100m gold
he had won earlier. I am so impressed! He achieved the seemingly impossible and broke Michael Johnson's
“unbreakable” 200m world record with a sensational 19.30 seconds. In doing so, he has not only become the
first man to achieve the Olympic double, but has also become the first man to break the world record in both
Serdar: You don't say!
Didar: That's not the end of it. A year later triple Olympic champion Bolt set a new world record in the 100m at
the World Championships in Berlin. He recorded a time of 9.58 seconds to take 0.11 off the mark he set the
previous year when winning the gold at the Beijing Olympics. He then claimed another yet another world record
in the 200m, by setting a time of 19.19 seconds to demolish his previous record.
Serdar: You're right! He's extraordinary! However, my favorite Olympic athlete is no less impressive.
Didar: Let me guess… Michael Phelps?
Serdar: Good guess, but no. It's Allyson Felix.
Didar: Doesn't ring a bell.
Serdar: You'll have to wait until tomorrow to learn more. I included a video from Summer Olympics as well as
pictures to make my presentation outstanding.
Didar: I guess it's going to be a really interesting lesson. Already can't wait to see other students' presentations.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 13. on pg.129. Pair up with a partner. Read the quotes below and choose the one that you like the most.
Ex 11. on pg.153. Project work: The Australian wildlife.
Australian wildlife Lots of deserts
55 species of parrots 400 rare Species of birds
50 species of kangaroos Koala – the best loved animal
The biggest island
Ex 12. on pg.153. Puzzle. Name the Cities
The traveler visited four capital cities of Central Asia. See if you can find the names of those cities by putting
the jumbled word pieces together correctly in pairs.
Ex 7. on pg.125. Listen and read the interviews (1-4). Fill in the blanks with the names of the sports. Number the
1. Interviewer: How long have you been skiing? 2. Interviewer: Have you been playing water
Sportsman: I've been skiing ever since I was 12. My mum polo long?
and dad taught me. Sportsman: We've been playing for ten years.
Interviewer: Do you also enjoy watching skiing Interviewer: You've won the Cup many times:
competitions? how did you do that?
Sportsman: Yeah, I've just been watching the final on TV, Sportsman: We get the most balls into the net!
but I prefer to do it, you know, to get on the slopes and feel And we've been practicing water polo for years,
the wind in my face. you know, we train in a pool every day. We're
Interviewer: When did people in Norway begin the sport? good swimmers! It's been an Olympic sport for
Sportsman: Well, people in Norway have been skiing for over 100 years. It started in England in 1900.
centuries, because of the snow.
4. Interviewer: How long have you been managing 3. Interviewer: Why is Moto racing so popular in
basketball teams? France?
Trainer: Well, I retired as a player ten years ago and I've Sportsman: Well, we've been organizing Moto
been training teams since then… racing competitions since 1894. It's been
Interviewer: What do you look for in a good basketball getting more popular but competition has also
player? been getting tougher. Interviewer: Has the sport
Trainer: Well, height is important; basketball players have been getting faster?
been getting taller and taller. Interviewer: And faster? Sportsman: Yes, speeds now reach over 300
Trainer: Yes, of course, speed in the court is important: km an hour at some circuits. This makes it more
players have been getting faster and they are better at getting dangerous.
the ball in the basket – scores have been getting higher and
Ex 14. on pg.137. The Project Work. Famous sports and sportsmen in Turkmenistan.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Ex15. on pg.130. Find as much information about your favorite
Olympic athlete as you can and make a PowerPoint presentation.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Revision lesson’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Achievements in the life. (13)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Achievements in the life”, to develop
pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional vocabulary, papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board),
material: thematic tables, pictures of technology.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Ex15. on pg.130. Find as much information
about your favorite Olympic athlete as you can and make a PowerPoint presentation.
c) Answer the questions.
1. Do you like to go in sport? 2. What kind of sport do you like?
3. What famous sportsmen of Turkmenistan do you know?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘Project Work’ and introducing the new
theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading or retelling the text; - about most popular way of sentences
‘Achievements in the life’ getting and sending information. - read the text correctly (to know
3. Retell about Pele. - about the advantages and pronunciation of the words)
4. Achievements in technology disadvantages of technology. - make up or retell 10-15 sentences
5. Answer the questions about Pele
- understand English oral speech;
Achievements in the life
New vocabulary: compose [kəm'pəuz]düzmek invent [ɪn'vent] oýlap tapmak
popularize ['pɔpjəl(ə)raɪz, -ju-]meşhur etmek wheel [(h)wiːl] teker
appear [ə'pɪə]ýüze çykmak imagine [ɪ'mæʤɪn] göz öňüne getirmek
point [pɔɪnt] nokat; künjek vacuum cleaner ['vækjuːmˌkliːnə] polesos
wage [weɪʤ]aýlyk, заработная плата reserve [rɪ'zɜːv] ätiýaçlyk,
Ex 2. on pg.154. Read about a high achiever. Do you know him?
Pele (Edson Arantes do Nascimento)
Born Oct. 23, 1940 in Brazil was the greatest of all footballers in the history of football. He won his
first World Cup on the national team in 1958 when he was only 17 years old. Brazil won the World Cup
again in 1962 and 1970 with Pele on the team. Pele helped popularize football all over the world.
Ex 7. on pg.155. Read the text and think of importance of achievements in our life.
Achievements in technology and our everyday life
Over the history people used to invent things to make our life easier. They say that technological
progress began with the invention of the wheel by the Sumerians.
Nowadays we cannot imagine our life without such inventions like lamps, ovens, central heating and
many others. We use at home vacuum cleaners to clean the flat, ovens to cook, lifts to walk down in
our houses, lamps to make our flats light. We use a lot of other things of technology at home. Actually
we live surrounded by machines and other inventions.
A great invention such as transport plays one of the most important roles in our life. We can appear in
different point of earth within a day, can say hello to people who live in another point of the world. All
those things are a product of technical progress and it doesn't stop to grow and develop.
It is time of developing informational connection. Faxes, TV, Internet, and Telephone became the
most popular way of getting and sending information. One of the greatest inventions of the century is
computer. Computer programming became one of the most useful and popular professions. Nowadays
computers can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, control sputniks, compose music. It became a usual
thing to be connected to Internet. The Internet is a network to get information, to communicate with
people, to find everything you need. You can chat there, find job, pay bills, get music, buy something
and know the latest news, exchange information with other people in each point of earth by e-mail and a
lot of other functions.
There are a lot of such things like this, and we even don't think about when and where and who
invented it. And it's so simple to us. Everything is handy. And it's so dear to us that we can-not even live
without it.
Today we don't think about how the first inventions were created. The only thing we know that we
never will return to the life which people lived a lot of centuries ago because there is no way back.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 5. on pg.154. Learn the words with their definition.
technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ]tehnologiýa the scientific knowledge or equipment that is needed for a
particular industry
achievement [ə'ʧiːvmənt]üstünlik something that you have done successfully, especially
through hard work or skill
wheel [(h)wiːl] teker one of the round objects under a car, bicycle, etc. that turns
when it moves
control [kən'trəul]ýolbaşçylyk etmek to have power and ability to make sb/sth do what you want
connect [kə'nekt]baglanyşdyrmak to join sth to sth
function ['fʌŋkʃ(ə)n] funksiýa the purpose or special duty of a person or thing
handy ['hændɪ]rahat, ýakyn easy to use, within easy reach of sth
Ex 6. on pg.155. Complete the sentences with the words from ex.5. (technology, achievement,
wheel, control, connect, function, handy)
1. The baby's favourite toy is a dog on wheel.
2. She felt that winning the gold medal was her greatest achievement.
3. One family handy the company.
4. Is the printer connected to the computer?
5. The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.
6. Always keep a first-aid kit control for emergencies.
7. Recent developments in computer technology are amazing.
Ex 8. on pg.156. Answer the questions.
1. Who invented the wheel?
2. Who were the Sumerians?
3. What technology do we use at home?
4. What's the role of transport in our life?
5. What means of informational connection do we enjoy?
6. What is the role of computer in our life?
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words.
b) Retell the text: “Achievements in technology and our everyday life”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Achievements in the life’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: How to achieve a goal (14)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Adjective + infinitive”, to develop
pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading
and understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional Cambridge English Grammar In Use (Intermediate incl Answers),
material: papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board), thematic
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying
two meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Achievements in the life”.
c) Answer the questions:
1. Who invented the wheel? 2. Who were the Sumerians?
3. What technology do we use at home? 4. What's the role of transport in our life?
5. What means of informational connection do we enjoy?6. What is the role of computer in our life?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “Achievements in the life” and
introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading or retelling the - how to use new vocabulary in sentences
text; ‘How to achieve a goal’ own sentences. - read the text correctly (to know
3. Open the main idea of the - How to give an opinion on a pronunciation of the words)
text. familiar topic - make up or retell 5-10 sentences
4. Answer the questions about how to achieve his/her goal
5. Doing exercises - understand English oral speech;
How to achieve a goal
New vocabulary: allow [ə'lau] rugsat etmek specific [spə'sɪfɪk]aýratyn
goal [gəul]maksat step [step]ädim
sure [ʃuə, ʃɔː]ynamly bolmak to achieve [ə'ʧiːv]üstünlik gazanmak
behind [bɪ'haɪnd]yzy exactly [ɪg'zæktlɪ, eg-]anyk
reason ['riːz(ə)n]sebäp persistent [pə'sɪst(ə)nt]tutanýerli
Ex 11. on pg.157. Here are some general suggestions on setting goals.
How to achieve your goal?
The goal in life can be what you want, which allows you to develop.
How to set a goal? First, you need to be sure in what you want. Your goal should be realistic and
have a good reason behind it. The goal should have a specific name. Then you need to think about
the steps how to achieve it. You must know exactly what to do at each step. So think of your main
steps how to achieve your goal.
Your goal should be a plan for the future, not just for gaming. So it is not always easy to achieve a
goal. Remember, that you should be persistent enough to achieve your goal.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 3.on pg.154. Pair work. Who are three people from Turkmenistan who have made a significant
impact. Make a brief class presentation about one of them.
Name Field Brief information about his/her Major achievement and impact

Ex 4. on pg.154. Transcribe the following.

Technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ], achievement [ə'ʧiːvmənt],
wheel [(h)wiːl], control [kən'trəul],
connect [kə'nekt], brain [breɪn],
function ['fʌŋkʃ(ə)n], handy ['hændɪ].
Ex 9. on pg.156. Why do inventors invent new things? Read the list of reasons, and add two more
of your own.
• To make daily life better _______________________________
• To help protect people's health _________________________
• To save lives _________________________________________
• To protect the environment____________________________
• _______________________________________________
• _______________________________________________
Ex 10. on pg.157. Why do you think these things were invented?
1. Air bags for cars
2. Fax machines
3. Internet
4. TV
5. Radio
6. VCR
Ex 12. on pg.157. Pair work. Talk about your experience of how you achieved a goal. Use some
of the expressions below:
Once I decided to ………..
There were the following reasons ……..
I never thought that ………….
Ex 13. on pg.157. A person who can do a lot of things well is called “JACK OF ALL TRADES”.
Can you think of your relatives or friends who might be called “JACK OF ALL TRADES”. Share
your reasons with the class.
Complete the sentences with do and make.
1 John didn’t get the job because he ______ a mistake on his application.
2 The hikers decide to ______ a fire at the side of the lake.
3 Students can ______ research in the library.
4 The company ______ a profit last year, thankfully.
5 When their parents were away, the children _______ a mess.
6 Kate ______her friend a favour yesterday. She drove her to the airport.
Key: 1 made, 2 make, 3 do, 4 made, 5 made, 6 did.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “How to achieve your goal?”
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘How to achieve
your goal?’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: My personal achievements (15)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “My personal achievements”, to develop
pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading
and understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional vocabulary, papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board),
material: thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying
two meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a
2. Checking up homework. a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “How to achieve your goal?”
c) Answer the questions:
1. How can we achieve the goal?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “How to achieve your goal?” and
introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading or retelling the theme sentences
text; ‘My Achievements’ - exact goals and how to - read the text correctly (to know
3. Open the main idea of the achieve it. pronunciation of the words)
text. - retelling about his/her - make up or retell 5-10 sentences
4. Answer the questions achievements about his/her achievements
5. Doing exercises - understand English oral speech;
Ex 5.on pg.158. Learn the new vocabulary.
management – control or organization of sth
participate – to take part in sth
district – a part of a town or country
certificate – an official document that students gain by successfully completing a course of study
competition – an organized event in which people try to win sth
New vocabulary: management ['mænɪʤmənt] ýolbaşçlyk motivate ['məutɪveɪt]ruhlandyrýar
participate [pɑː'tɪsɪpeɪt]gatnaşmak worry ['wʌrɪ]alada etmek
district ['dɪstrɪkt]etrap hurry ['hʌrɪ] howlukmaklyk
certificate [sə'tɪfɪkət]şahadatnama, сертификат regularly ['regjələlɪ]wagtly-wagtyna
competition [ˌkɔmpə'tɪʃ(ə)n]ýaryş level ['lev(ə)l]dereje
Ex 1. on pg.158. Read the poem.
If we could know which road to take,
If we were told which choice to make,
We wouldn't need to hurry,
And nobody would worry,
Life would be just a piece of cake.
Ex 7. on pg.159. Read about Altyn's personal achievements at school.
My Achievements
Hi! My name is Altyn. I am a ninth grader. I get high marks for all school subjects. I also help my
class teacher in class management. My favourite subjects are Mathematics and History. I regularly
participate in subject competitions “Altyn asyryn Altyn zehinleri” (Gifted youth of the Golden Age).
So last year I participated in Math competition at school and this year I took part in the competition
at district level and got a certificate. Competitions like this motivate you and make you improve.
My achievements are the best moments in my life. I like setting goals for myself and trying to
achieve them.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 2. on pg.158. Answer the questions.
1. Is there a goal you wish you could achieve? 2. Why do you want to achieve this goal?
3. How can you achieve this goal? 4. What is your greatest achievement so far?
5. Do you achieve all the goals you set?
Ex 3. on pg.158. Read these suggestions on how to achieve your personal goals. Check the
suggestions you find helpful, and add some more of your own.
• Set short-term and long-term goals that you can realistically achieve.
• Make a step-by-step list of things you will have to do to achieve your goals.
• Identify possible obstacles and make a plan for overcoming them.
• Talk about your goals with others.
• _________________________________ •
Ex 4. on pg.158. Write three of your short-term and three of your long-term terms and share them
with your partner.
Ex 6.on pg.159. Fill in the vocabulary from exercise 5. ( management, participate, district
certificate, competition)
1. Good classroom management is important with large groups of children.
2. The school of art holds a competition every year to find the best young artist.
3. All school-leavers get a certificate of completing full course of study.
4. Our town is divided into several districts.
5. Students are encouraged to participate in the running of the school.
Ex 9.on pg.159. Read the dialogue.
A: – Hey, how is it going?
B: – Thanks. Not bad. I am worried about my test results in English. I wish I could do much better.
A: – Why don't you take courses in English. It helps a lot.
B: – I'm afraid I'm not diligent enough to learn a foreign language thoroughly.
A: – But you should try. Hard work helps you achieve your goal.
B: – Right. I have to improve my proficiency in English.
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 8. on pg.159. What about your achievements at school? Write a
short essay about it.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘My personal achievements’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Grammar: Adjective + infinitive (16)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Adjective + infinitive”, to develop
pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading
and understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional Cambridge English Grammar In Use (Intermediate incl Answers),
material: papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board), thematic
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying
two meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a
2. Checking up homework: a a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 8. on pg.159. What about your
achievements at school? Write a short essay about it.
c) Answer the questions:
1. Is there a goal you wish you could achieve? 2. Why do you want to achieve this goal?
3. How can you achieve this goal? 4. What is your greatest achievement so far?
5. Do you achieve all the goals you set?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “My personal achievements” and
introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials: Adjective + infinitive.
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme,
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: pupils should be able to:
grammar. - The usage of adjective with - make up sentences with
2. Adjective with infinitive infinitive adjective + infinitive
3. Adjectives which we can use - structure adjective with - distinguish the sentences of
with infinitive infinitive adjective + infinitive
4. Main points of the grammar. - The usage of adjective + - understand English oral speech;
5. Doing exercises. infinitive in sentences.
Difficult to understand etc.
Compare sentences a and b:
* Jim doesn't speak very clearly. It is difficult to understand him. (a)
* Jim doesn't speak very clearly. He is difficult to understand. (b)
Sentences a and b have the same meaning. But note that we say:
* He is difficult to understand. (not 'He is difficult to understand him.')
You can use the structures in the box with:
difficult easy hard impossible dangerous safe expensive cheap and a number of other
adjectives (for example, nice/interesting/exciting):
* Do you think it is safe to drink this water?
Do you think this water is safe to drink? (not 'to drink it')
* Your writing is awful. It is impossible to read it. (= to read your writing)
Your writing is impossible to read. (not 'to read it')
* I like being with Jill. It's very interesting to talk to her.
Jill is very interesting to talk to. (not 'to talk to her')
You can also use this structure with an adjective + noun:
* This is a difficult question (for me) to answer. (not 'to answer it')
B. (It's) nice (of you) to...
You can use this structure to say what you think of what somebody does:
* It was nice of you to take me to the station. Thank you very much.
You can use many other adjectives in this way. For example:
kind clever sensible mean silly stupid careless unfair considerate:
* It's silly of Mary to give up her job when she needs the money.
* I think it was very unfair of him to criticise me.
C. (I'm) sorry to ...
You can use this structure to say how somebody reacts to something:
* I was sorry to hear that your father is ill.
You can use many other adjectives in this way. For example:
happy glad pleased delighted sad disappointed surprised amazed astonished relieved:
* Was Tom surprised to see you when you went to see him?
* We were delighted to get your letter last week.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 11. on pg.160. Complete the sentences with adjectives in the box. Note the structure Adjective +
easy, hard, safe, silly, interesting, difficult, kind, necessary
1. It is interesting to play with Toyly.
2. It is kind of Merdan to share his piece of cake with his friend.
3. It is hard to answer all these questions right away.
4. He doesn't speak clearly. It is difficult to understand him.
5. It is not easy to stand on that chair.
6. It is hard for Leyla to study well.
7. It is silly of him to give up his dream.
Ex 12. on pg.161. Complete the second sentence. Use the adjectives in brackets and the infinitive as
shown in the example.
1. I couldn't answer the question. (difficult)
It was a difficult question to answer.
2. Jemal helped my friend and me with the task. (kind)
It was kind of her to help my friend and me with the task.
3. You make the same mistake again and again. (careless)
It is careless to make the same mistake again and again.
4. Derya and Mergen invited me to have dinner. (nice)
It was nice of Derya and Mergen to invite me to have dinner.
5. I like living in this place. (nice)
It's a nice to live in this place.
6. We enjoyed watching the game. (interesting)
It was an interesting game to watch.
6. Homework:
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with adjective + infinitive.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘adjective + infinitive’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Test (17)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: checkup the pupils’ knowledge, to activate pupil`s reading, writing
skills, to teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in
the spirit of love to the English language, respect to national
traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of checking up and control of knowledge.
Visual aids and additional Test master. Over 16 questions (Atalay Oguz Baskent Education
material: Publication), cards with words, papers with exercises, black-board
(interactive board)
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with adjective + infinitive.
c) Answer the questions:
1. How can we use adjective + infinitive?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “Adjective + infinitive” and introducing
the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. To explain students pupils should know: should be able to:
how to write control work - usage of phrasal verbs - use the phrasal verbs in own sentences
2. To check up students` - usage of phrasal verb “to - distinguish the sentences with phrasal
knowledge take” verbs
3. To check up students` - usage of phrasal verb “to - make up sentences with phrasal verbs
control work. make” “make” and “take”
- understand English oral speech;
I. Expressions with Take
1. Don’t forget to take ______ notes of everything he says at the conference.
A) down B) over C) on
2. The shop owner decided to take US$5.00 ______ the price.
A) out B) off C) away
3. John did not accept the job, for he did not want to take ______ a those responsibilities.
A) on B) out C) for
4. How can I take all these stains ______ from my tablecloth?
A) apart B) away C) out
5. I know you are tired and disappointed, but don’t take it _____on me.
A) off B) out C) after
6. Have the children taken ______ their new teacher?
A) up B) to C) over
7. You should take your brother ______ on his offer to help you do it.
A) up B) in C) at
8. The plane will take ______ in ten minutes.
A) out B) in C) off
9. These big books shouldn’t be taken ______ from the library.
A) after B) in C) away
10. Take ______ account everything he’s done for us.
A) into B) for C) after
11. Don’t let yourself be taken ______ by anyone.
A) into B) in C) on
II. Expressions with Make
1. If there is an earthquake, you should make ______ the park.
A) out B) up C) for
2. It was so foggy that she couldn’t make ______ the road ahead.
A) out B) over C) up
3. It took 20 years for them to make ______ after their fight.
A) up B) over C) out
4. The man made ______ with all her money.
A) for B) off C) up
5. I wish she wouldn’t make ______ stories like that.
A) for B) up C) over
6. The room was big, so they made it ______ a conference room.
A) into B) of C) on
7. The police don’t know who made ______ with the money of that big company.
A) for B) out C) off
8. I have already made ______ my mind about it.
A) over B) into C) up
9. Nothing will make ______ for their inefficiency.
A) in B) out C) up
10. Before going to the supermarket, make ______ a list of items you want to buy.
A) into B) out C) for
11. How is he making ______ with his new girlfriend?
A) out B) off C) away
12. Don’t trust him. He always makes ______ stories.
A) up B) out C) after
13. The thief ran but the police made ______ him and caught him.
A) up B) off C) after
14. Only good employer-employee relationships can make ______ good production.
A) at B) for C) after
15. I can hardly make ______ the letters on that sign. They are too small.
A) in B) off C) out
5. Consolidation of new material:
I KEY: 1-A 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-B 7-A 8-C 9-C 10-A 11-B
II Key: 1-C 2-A 3-A 4-B 5-B 6-A 7-C 8-C 9-C 10-B 11-A 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-C
6. Homework:
a) Revise all grammar materials.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Control work’ b) Checkup the test and sign in grades pupil’s diary.
c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Grammar: Nouns + Infinitive. (18)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Nouns + Infinitive”, to develop pupils’ skills
of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding an
unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional https://www.englishpractice.com/, https: //www.langust.ru/, papers with
material: exercises, black-board (interactive board), thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters
(six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with adjective + infinitive.
c) Answer the questions:
1. How can we use adjective + infinitive?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “Adjective + infinitive” and introducing
the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
grammar. - The usage of nouns with - make up sentences with nouns +
2. Nouns with infinitive infinitive infinitive
3. Nouns are followed by ‘to’ - the structure of nouns + - distinguish the sentences of ‘nouns
4. Main points of the infinitive. + infinitive’
grammar. - difference between infinitive - understand English oral speech;
5. Doing exercises. and nouns + infinitive
Grammar: Nouns + Infinitive.
Nouns are followed by ‘to’-infinitive clauses that indicate the aim, purpose, or necessity of
something, or that give extra information.
a). You can often give more information about a noun, or an indefinite pronoun such as ‘someone’
or ‘something’, by adding a clause beginning with a ‘to’-infinitive.
She wanted someone to talk to.
b) You use a ‘to’-infinitive clause after a noun to indicate the aim of an action or the purpose of
physical object.
We arranged a meeting to discuss the new rules.
He had nothing to write with.
c) You also use a ‘to’-infinitive clause after a noun to say that something needs to be done.
I gave him several things to mend.
‘What's this?’-‘A list of things to remember.’
d) You use a ‘to’-infinitive clause after a noun group that includes an ordinal number, a superlative,
or a word like ‘next’, ‘last’, or ‘only’.
She was the first woman to be elected to the council.
Mr Holmes was the oldest person to be chosen.
The only person to speak was James.
e) You use a ‘to’-infinitive clause after abstract nouns to give more specific information about them.
All it takes is a willingness to learn.
He'd lost the ability to communicate with people.
The following abstract nouns are often followed by a ‘to’-infinitive clause:
Ability, attempt, chance, desire, failure, inability, need, opportunity, unwillingness, willingness
Note that the verbs or adjectives which are related to these nouns can also be followed by a ‘to’-
infinitive clause. For example, you can say ‘I attempted to find them’, and ‘He was willing to learn’.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 13. on pg.161. Complete the sentences with nouns in the box. Note the structure Noun +
customers, something, e-mails, work, students, offer, mistake, pleasure
1. I have some e-mails to send.
2. There are two more customers to talk to right now.
3. Let's get something to eat. It is dinner time!
4. It would be a mistake to let him go.
5. There is a lot of work to do around the house.
6. It's a pleasure to have you here.
7. Teachers teach students to enjoy poetry.
8. We weren't surprised at his offer to give us a ride. He is such a kind person.
Join each pair of sentences by using infinitives.
1. He did not have even a penny with him. He could not buy a loaf of bread.
2. Every cricket team has a captain. He leads other players.
3. You must part with your belongings. Only on this condition you can save your life.
4. He went to England. He wanted to learn English.
5. The robber took out a knife. He wanted to frighten the traveler.
6. I speak the truth. I am not afraid of it.
7. He wants to be a millionaire. He works hard for that reason.
8. He has five children. He must provide for them.
9. He collects old stamps. It is his hobby.
10. That young man has squandered away all his wealth. He must have been foolish.
1. He did not have even a penny with him to buy a loaf of bread.
2. Every cricket team has a captain to lead other players.
3. You must part with your belongings to save your life.
4. He went to England to learn English.
5. The robber took out a knife to frighten the traveler.
6. I am not afraid to speak the truth.
7. He works hard to be a millionaire.
8. He has five children to provide for.
9. It is his hobby to collect stamps.
10. That young man must have been foolish to squander away all his wealth.
6. Homework:
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with nouns + infinitive.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘Nouns +Infinitive’
b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Grammar: Modal verbs with Perfect Infinitive. (19)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Modal verbs with Perfect Infinitive”, to
develop pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading
and understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional https://www.eslbuzz.com/, https://www.englishpractice.com/,
material: papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board), thematic
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters (six feet)
or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework. a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with nouns + infinitive.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What nouns are followed by ‘to’?
2. What does mean sentences with noun+ infinitive?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “Nouns +Infinitive” and introducing the new
theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
grammar. - The usage of modal verbs - make up sentences with modal verbs
2. MUST + PERFECT with Perfect Infinitive in Perfect Infinitive
INFINITIVE - structure of modal verbs - distinguish the sentences with
3. CAN´T/COULDN´T + with Perfect Infinitive Perfect Infinitive
PERFECT INFINITIVE - make up sentences with - understand English oral speech;
4. Main points of the grammar. modal verb OUGHT TO
5. Doing exercises.
- modal verbs + PERFECT INFINITIVE are often used:
- to refer to the past
- to refer to unreal situations
- to show that the activity was different from what we wanted
- to say how confident we are that something has happened
1. MUST + PERFECT INFINITIVE: expresses deduction, a logical conclusion, probability:
It is very cold; it must have snowed in the mountains. I saw him leave; he must have followed him.
X He had to see him off.
2. CAN´T/COULDN´T + PERFECT INFINITIVE: expresses negative deduction:
She can´t have passed such a difficult exam.
CAN + PERFECT INFINITIVE: expresses impossibility or disbelief:
The boy can´t have given a better answer than this one.
X He couldn´t give..., X He wasn´t able to give...
She can´t have missed the bus.
You could have done it. (past reference: didn´t do it)
X You could do it. (future reference: possibility)
4. MAY + PERFECT INFINITIVE: expresses the possibility that an action took place in the past:
The little girl may have lost the key. (It is possible that she lost the key.) (with may – action is more
probable than with might)
5. MIGHT + PERFECT INFINITIVE: expresses a past possibility
Our neighbours might have heard some noises when our car was stolen.
MIGHT + PERFECT INFINITIVE continuous: expresses a possible action wh. was continuing at a
certain moment in the past:
The kids might have been watching a cartoon at that time.
6. NEEDN´T + PERFECT INFINITIVE: expresses an unnecessary action, which was, nevertheless,
I needn´t have knocked at the door since, in this way, I awoke the baby. (but I knocked)
You needn´t have bought the flowers.
X didn´t need to: show that the action was not necessary but it wasn´t performed either:
I didn´t need to knock at the door since it was open. (so I didn´t knock)
7. SHOULD + PERFECT INFINITIVE: indicates that the past obligation was not fulfilled or carried
out: You should have locked the door before leaving the house. (But you didn´t lock it.)
8. OUGHT TO + PERFECT INFINITIVE: expresses an unfulfilled duty or obligation:
Paul ought to have waited until the lights were green before he crossed the street. (But he didn´t wait.)
9. WOULD + PERFECT INFINITIVE: 3rd conditional
I would have gone to university if my parents had had more money. (The speaker didn´t go to
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 14. on pg.161. Complete the sentences below. Use the verbs in brackets. Note the structure Modal
verbs with Perfect Infinitive.
1. She can't (oversleep) __________. She is never late.
2. I don't think he could (do) ___________ it. He is too weak.
3. We could (go) ___________, but we didn't. We decided to wait 10 more minutes.
4. I'm not sure but he may (be)_____________ here.
5. Don't be angry with her. She might not (know)___________ about it.
6. I can't find the key. I may (loose)____________ it.
7. He needn't (be) _________ present all the time. There was a nurse there to help.
8. You shouldn't (eat) ____________so much. You are putting on weight.
9. They must (go) ______________ home. It is too late.
10. Meryem has good manners. She can't (behave)_____ like that.
Key: 1. have overslept. 2. have done 3. have gone 4. have been 5. have known 6. have lost
7. have been 8. have eaten 9. have gone 10. have behaved
Put the sentences in Perfect Infinitive.
1. I am glad (to find) a good job. 2. She was sorry (to miss) the first prize.
3. We hope (to finish) the job by next Sunday. 4. You seem (to annoy) him yesterday.
5. I meant (to send) the letter, but I forgot. 6. You should (to call). I was getting worried.
7. I needn’t (to water) the plants. 8. You shouldn’t (to say) those words to grandma.
Key: 1 to have found 2 to have missed 3 to have finished 4 to have annoyed 5 to have sent 6 should
have called 7 needn’t have watered 8 shouldn’t have said
6. Homework:
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with MODAL VERBS + PERFECT INFINITIVE.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘MODAL VERBS +
PERFECT INFINITIVE’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Hopes and plans. (20)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “Hopes and plans”, to develop pupils’ skills
of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding
an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional https://www.sochinyashka.ru/, vocabulary, papers with exercises,
material: black-board (interactive board), thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework. a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with MODAL VERBS +
PERFECT INFINITIVE. c) Answer the questions:
1. When can we use modal verbs with Perfect infinitive?
2. What is the structure of modal verbs with Perfect infinitive?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “MODAL VERBS + PERFECT
INFINITIVE” and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading or retelling the text; theme sentences
‘Hopes and plans’ - importance of making plans. - read the text correctly (to know
3. Open the main idea of the - how to retell about his/her pronunciation of the words)
text. hopes and opinion about - make up or retell 5-10 sentences
4. Answer the questions future about hopes and opinion
5. Doing exercises - understand English oral speech;
Ex 4. on pg. 163. Learn the words with their definitions.
New words: grateful ['greɪtf(ə)l, -ful]minnetdarlyk internal [ɪn'tɜːn(ə)l]içki
rewarding [rɪ'wɔːdɪŋ]peýdaly surgery ['sɜːʤ(ə)rɪ] хирургия
caring ['keə(r)ɪŋ]ünsli, aladaçyl trait [treɪt, treɪ]häsiýetli aýratynlyk
patient ['peɪʃ(ə)nt]çydamly battle ['bætl]söweş
require [rɪ'kwaɪə]talap etmek beyond [bɪ'jɔnd]daşda
Ex 1. on pg. 162. Read the poem. I Wish I Knew
When the ships go sailing by, Maybe in the years to be
I watch their smoke across the sky. I shall sail across the sea,
When do they go beyond the blue? And find what lies beyond the blue
I wish I knew I wish I knew. I wish I knew I wish I knew!
Hopes and plans.
So we've covered making choices and decisions. Let's look at your hopes and dreams and how they
might become a reality.
Everyone has hopes and dreams. We refer to hopes and dreams as aspirations. Aspirations are
something you would like to have happen in your future. Some aspirations might be big and long term
and maybe seem impossible while others might be smaller and achievable sooner. As part of any
recovery journey it is important to have aspirations to work towards. There are many areas in your life
that you might have aspirations for. In your reimagine we are going to explore some of your hopes and
dreams. There are many different areas of your life that you might have hopes and dreams about. Here
are some areas of everyday life that you might have hopes and dreams for:
Choice and control - This is about having people you love and support and people who love and
support you. This could be friends, family, children, a partner or spouse.
Daily activities - These are the day-to-day things you do in your life like cooking, shopping and
cleaning and going places.
Relationships - This is about the people in your life and whether you want them in your life.
Home - This is about the place that you live and if this accommodation and location is yoking for you.
Health and wellbeing-This is about how physically and mentally well you are and want to be.
Lifelong learning - This is about the things you want to learn throughout your life. This learning can
occur in many ways in your life, not just in a classroom.
Work - This could include volunteering or paid employment, (other meaningful activities would "go in
social and community participation.
Social and community participation - This is about you taking a part in, and sharing with others, the
different things you do in your life that you enjoy and make you feel like you belong. Before you start
thinking about your hopes and dreams, why don't you explore some of your reimagine.
Ex 3. on pg.163. Read the dialogue and answer: Does a hobby help to choose a profession?
Maya: Durdy, do you think about your future profession?
Durdy: Yes, but it is hard to choose. There are many useful professions.
Maya: Like what?
Durdy: Well, profession's like lawyer's, doctor's, teacher's, a pilot's…
Maya: What do you think is the best way to choose a profession?
Durdy: I think it is necessary to choose the profession according to one's character and taste.
Maya: True, but hobbies also help us to choose our future profession.
Durdy: You know we should also follow our parent's advice. Maya: Sure. That's a great idea.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 2. on pg.162. Answer the questions.
1. When do young people understand that the time to choose a profession has already come?
2. Do children choose their future professions on their own?
3. Why do some parents help their children to choose a profession?
4. What is important in choosing a profession?
5. Where should people go if they want to get a professional training?
6. Have you made up your mind what to be in future?
7. What traits are necessary for your future profession?
8. Knowledge of what subjects are important for it?
Ex 5. on pg.163. Complete the sentences with words from ex. 4.(grateful, rewarding, caring, patient,
require, internal, surgery, traits, battle) To work with children you must be patient and caring.
1. On board a plane passengers are _______to wear seat belts.
2. The patient had to undergo __________.
3. The British people remember well the ______ of Trafalgar.
4. The job of a nurse requires more ________ about patients.
5. We are very _______ to you for all your help.
Key: 1. required, 2. surgery, 3. The battle, 4. requires, 5. grateful.
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell about your hopes and plans.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Hopes and plans’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: My future achievements. (21)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “My future achievements”, to develop pupils’
skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional vocabulary, papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board),
material: thematic tables.
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters
(six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework. a) Learn the new words. b) Retell about your hopes and plans.
c) Answer the questions:
1. When do young people understand that the time to choose a profession has already come?
2. Do children choose their future professions on their own?
3. Why do some parents help their children to choose a profession?
4. What is important in choosing a profession?
5. Where should people go if they want to get a professional training?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “Hopes and plans” and introducing the new
theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new - use the new vocabulary in own
2. Reading or retelling the text; theme sentences
‘My future achievements’ - getting the future - read the text correctly (to know
3. Open the main idea of the achievements in his/her life pronunciation of the words)
text. - to give an opinion on a - make up or retell 5-10 sentences about
4. Answer the questions familiar topic how to achieve his/her goal
5. Doing exercises - understand English oral speech;
My future achievements
New words: profitable ['prɔfɪtəbl]peýdaly quality ['kwɔlətɪ]hili
facilities [fə'sɪlətɪz]şert effort ['efət]yhlas
aware [ə'weə]bilýän, habarly nurse [nɜːs]şepagat uýasy
view [vjuː]garaýyş seriously ['sɪərɪəslɪ]çynlakaý
graduate ['grædjuət, -ʤu-]tamamlamak useful ['juːsf(ə)l, -ful]peýdaly
Ex 6. on pg. 164. Read the text and think about your future.
My future achievements: my hopes and plans
Choosing a profession takes time, and there are a lot of things we have to think about as we try to
decide what we would like to do. Some children make their choice still in primary school. Others
make up their mind only in higher grades. Sometimes we may need a good piece of advice from our
parents, teachers and friends.
My name is Shirin. I am in 9-th grade now and so I should be thinking of what job to choose
when I graduate from school. When I think of my future profession I often think how grateful we
should be to the education system of our country. We children have fantastic facilities to get a
quality education. In view of this, I am thinking seriously of choosing a profession that would be
useful for my people, for my country. As they say, of a profession that would be rewarding.
They say that I am a caring and patient person with good communication skills. My childhood
dream job is to be either a nurse or a doctor. I am aware that these professions require further
education, deep knowledge of medicine and practice. I could specialize in the fields like internal
medicine or surgery. These fields, I guess, require lots of effort, but I hope my personal traits will
back up the goal I had set in my early childhood.
So, you have seen that my goal is to be useful for my people, to protect their health. But how am I
going to achieve my goal? That's the question. I believe that good dreams very often come true.
Perhaps, the best way to prepare for any job is to get a good education – to do well at school. “Good
beginning is half the battle”.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 7. on pg.165. Say true or false.
1. Some children make their choice still in primary school. TF
2. Shirin is thinking of a profession that would be profitable. TF
3. They say she is a caring person. TF
4. Her childhood dream job is to be a cook. TF
5. Becoming a doctor or nurse does not require lots of effort. TF
6. Her goal is to be useful for my people. TF
Ex 8. on pg.165. Answer the questions.
1. Are you thinking of choosing your future profession?
2. Do you find it difficult?
3. When is the right time for making the decision?
4. What are the facilities for getting quality education in our country like?
5. Do you share Shirin's reasons for getting future profession?
6. Could you describe Shirin? What are her personal traits like?
7. What are the requirements for doctors?
8. Does Shirin know how to achieve her goal?
Ex 9. on pg.165. Which of the following can mostly influence your choice of a future profession?
Put them in the order of importance.
The job I'd like to have should be:
1- satisfying 6- creative
2- interesting 7- exciting
3- useful 8- pleasant
4- easy to do 9- unusual
5- respected 10- popular
Ex 10. on pg.160. Read what these students say about themselves. Which job should they do?
Write two sentences, giving reasons for your answers.
Hi, my name is Arslan. I am fourteen. I do sport and I am good at indoor games. I play chess and
I've won some chess tournaments. Be-sides I play table-tennis.
Hello! My name is Shemshat. I love kids. I always remember the fantastic years I spent in
kindergarten. We had very kind nurses there.
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell about your future achievements.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘My future
achievements’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: The Subjunctive Mood. (22)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme: “The Subjunctive Mood”, to develop pupils’
skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional Cambridge English Grammar In Use (Intermediate incl Answers),
material: papers with exercises, black-board (interactive board), thematic
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two
meters (six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework. a) Learn the new words. b) Retell about your future achievements.
c) Answer the questions:
1. Are you thinking of choosing your future profession? 2. Do you find it difficult?
3. When is the right time for making the decision?
4. What are the facilities for getting quality education in our country like?
5. Do you share Shirin's reasons for getting future profession?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “My future achievements” and introducing the
new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: should be able to:
grammar. - The structure of - make up sentences with the
2. Expresses something desired Subjunctive Mood Subjunctive Mood
or imagined - The usage of Subjunctive - distinguish the sentences of ‘the
3. Were instead of was in Mood in sentences. Subjunctive Mood’
Subjunctive Mood - Notes of Subjunctive Mood - understand English oral speech;
4. Main points of the grammar.
5. Doing exercises.
Ex 10. on pg. 166. Learn more about Subjunctive Mood.
Subjunctive Mood expresses something desired or imagined.
We use it mainly when talking about events that are not certain to happen.
 If I were a bird I would fly around the garden.
 I wish I lived near my school.
 If only he were here now, he would know what to do
a) A verb is in the subjunctive mood when it expresses a condition which is doubtful or not factual.
It is most often found in a clause beginning with the word if. It is also found in clauses following a
verb that expresses a doubt, a wish, regret, request, demand, or proposal.
A. We use the past in the same way after wish (I wish I knew/I wish you were etc.). We use wish
to say that we regret something, that something is not as we would like it to be:
* I wish I knew Paul's phone number. (= I don't know it and I regret this)
* Do you ever wish you could fly? (you can't fly)
* It rains a lot here. I wish it didn't rain so Often.
* It's very crowded here. I wish there weren't so many people. (but there are a lot of people)
* I wish I didn't have to work. (but I have to work)
B. After if and wish, you can use were instead of was (if I were I wish it were etc.). So you can
* If I were you, I wouldn't buy that coat. or If I was you...
* I'd go out if it weren't raining. or if it wasn't raining.
* I wish it were possible. or I wish it was possible.
C. We do not normally use would in the if-part of the sentence or after wish:
* If I were rich, I would have a yacht. (not 'If I would be rich')
* I wish I had something to read. (not 'I wish I would have')
Sometimes wish ... would is possible ('I wish you would listen'). See Unit 40C.
D. Note that could sometimes means 'would be able to' and sometimes 'was/were able to':
* You could get a job more easily. (you could get = you would be able to get)
if you could speak a foreign language. (you could speak = you were able to speak)
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 11. on pg.166. Complete the sentences with verbs in brackets using Past Simple.
1. If only they (have) ______more time!
2. I would tell her if I (be)________ you.
3. I wish you (come)_______to my birthday party!
4. If only the weather (be) _______ a little better!
5. I wish they (live/not)_____that far away! I want to see them more often.
6. My mom was a great baker, and I wish I (be)________ more like her.
7. I would play with you if I (be)_______ younger.
8. I like swimming. I wish I (live) _____near the sea!
9. I wish I (be)________ older. I really want my own car.
10. If only I (be) ______able to read Chinese!
Key: 1. had 2. were 3. came 4. were 5. didn't live 6. were 7. were 8. lived 9. were 10.
Ex 12. on pg.166. Paraphrase sentences using the structure I wish....
Example: I'm sorry I haven't got a car. – I wish I had a car.
1. I'm sorry I don't know Spanish. – I wish knew Spanish.
2. I'm sorry I haven't got a car. – I wish I had a car.
3. I'm sorry I can't drive. – I wish could to drive.
4. I would like you to keep quiet. – I wish you kept quiet.
5. It's a pity he didn't study harder during the term. – I wish he studied harder during the term.
6. I would like it to stop raining. – I wish it stopped raining.
7. I would like you to wait for me. – I wish you waited for me.
8. I'm sorry he goes to bed so late. – I wish he went to bed early.
9. I'm sorry you aren't coming with us. – I wish you came with us.
10. I would like Wepa to drive more slowly. – I wish Wepa drove more slowly.
Ex 13. on pg.166. Do you have any regrets about the past? Complete these sentences using
Subjunctive Mood.
1. I wish that I had …. 2. I wish that I hadn't …
3. I wish that I didn't …. 4. I wish I could ….
6. Homework: a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences in The Subjunctive Mood.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. a) Summarizing the theme ‘The Subjunctive
Mood’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Project Work. (23)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme of project work: “I Want to be …”, to develop
pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text; to teach pupils to understand English
oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language, respect to national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional https://www.interactive-english.ru/, Test master. Over 16 questions
material: (Atalay Oguz Baskent Education Publication), papers with exercises,
black-board (interactive board), vocabulary, thematic tables, picture of
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters
(six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework. a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences in The
Subjunctive Mood.
c) Answer the questions:
1. What does mean the Subjunctive Mood?
2. What sentences do we use it?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: “The Subjunctive Mood” and
introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils should
1. Introduction of the new pupils should know: be able to:
vocabulary. - Vocabulary on the new theme - use the new vocabulary in own sentences
2. Purpose of the project - About main professions. - make up or write project work (to know
3. Main points of the project. - expresses his/her opinion pronunciation of the words)
4. Answer the questions. about professions. - identify the main idea of the project work
5. Conclusion of the project work. - understand English oral speech;
Project Work: “I Want to be …”
New vocabulary: complaint [kəm'pleɪnt]arzy, decision [dɪ'sɪʒn]çözgüt
prescription [prɪs'krɪpʃ(ə)n]bejergi listi, рецепт (врача) undergo [ˌʌndə'gəu]barlagdan geçmek
emergency [ɪ'mɜːʤ(ə)n(t)sɪ, iː-] garaşylmadyk ýagdaý neglect [nɪ'glekt]ähmiýet bermezlik
indisposition [ˌɪndɪspə'zɪʃ(ə)n]sähel sowuklama available [ə'veɪləbl]elýeterli
demand [dɪ'mɑːndtalap etmek patient ['peɪʃ(ə)nt]hassa
I want to be a doctor.
Choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions one has to make. I want to be a doctor. This
profession is one of the oldest in the world. This job requires a lot of skills and knowledge. In my opinion, only
those ones who truly want to help people can become good doctors.
They do not just listen to the patient complaints. A doctor has to make a diagnosis and give a prescription.
And this cannot be done without an appropriate training and high level of professionalism.
Advantages and disadvantages
There are both advantages and disadvantages in being a doctor. First of all, you do not have weekends or
holidays. You have to work at nights and change your plans because of an emergency call. Another disadvantage
is that sometimes you have to deal with fatal illnesses. It can be very stressful.
However, there are more advantages than disadvantages. Everyone treats doctors with great respect. There are
no limits for improvement in this profession. And the last, but not the least is joy and gratitude of a recovered
Role of medicine in our life
The role of medicine has greatly increased. Nowadays people try to stay healthy. They undergo regular
medical examinations and do not neglect any indisposition.
With the development of new technologies new methods of treatment become available. And all that means
that profession of a doctor will remain in high demand for many years to come.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Answer the questions:
1. Are there many opportunities to choose a profession?
2. What prospects open before the school-leaver?
3. Can people choose any profession they like?
4. What professions can you get in the university?
5. Who had influenced your choice of profession?
6. Do you find this profession interesting (important)?
7. What is your favourite subject at school?
8. Do you know much about your future profession?
9. What other professions do you know?
1. Someone who plays piano is a/an ______.
A) pianist B) architect C) singer D) painter
2. Someone whose job is to make bread, cakes is a/an ______.
A) baker B) butcher C) barber D) dentist
3. Someone who works in a shop that sell meat is a/an ______.
A) baker B) butcher C) fireman D) teacher
4. Someone whose job is to cut men’s hair is a/an ______.
A) singer B) doctor C) pharmacist D) barber
5. Someone whose job is to treat people’s teeth is a/an ______.
A) grocer B) doctor C) dentist D) singer
6. Someone whose job is to treat people who are ill is a/an ______.
A) dentist B) doctor C) singer D) painter
7. Someone whose job is to stop fires is a/an ______.
A) repairman B) electrician C) fireman D) architect
8. Someone whose job is to deliver letters and packages to people’s houses is a/an______.
A) butcher B) pharmacist C) house painter D) mailman
9. Someone whose job is to fix things is a/an______.
A) repairman B) fireman C) house painter D) pianist
10. Someone whose job is to prepare drugs and medicines is a/an______.
A) pharmacist B) doctor C) dentist D) scientist
11. The______ painted the house into blue color.
A) house B) painter C) baker D) architect
12. Someone whose job is to design buildings is ______.
A) teacher B) architect C) singer D) mailman
13. Math ______ gave us a lot of homework.
A) singer B) doctor C) teacher D) student
14. Historical paintings of famous ______ will be sold for million dollars.
A) painters B) singers C) architects D) people
15. Someone who sells food, cleaning products in a small shop is a/an______.
A) grocer B) baker C) butcher D) barber
Key: 1-A 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-D 9-A 10-A 11-B 12-B 13-C 14-A 15-A
6. Homework:
a) Ex 14.on pg.167. In groups prepare the Project Work: “I Want to be …”
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Project work’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson. (24)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with theme of project work: “Revision lesson”, to develop
pupils’ skills of speaking; to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and
understanding an unfamiliar text; to teach pupils to understand English
oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language, respect to national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge.
Visual aids and additional https://www.interactive-english.ru/, Test master. Over 16 questions
material: (Atalay Oguz Baskent Education Publication), papers with exercises,
black-board (interactive board), vocabulary, thematic tables, picture of
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson.
Greetings, date, day, duty. Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
c) Health minute: It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep physical distance by staying two meters
(six feet) or more away from others, wash your hands from time to time, and wear a mask.
2. Checking up homework: a) Ex 14.on pg.167. In groups prepare the Project Work: “I Want to be …”
c) Answer the questions:
1. Are there many opportunities to choose a profession?
2. What prospects open before the school-leaver?
3. Can people choose any profession they like?
4. What professions can you get in the university?
5. Who had influenced your choice of profession?
3. Summary of the homework: a) Consolidation the theme: ‘Project Work: “I Want to be …’ and
introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining the new materials:
Plan of the lesson: Learning of the new theme, Learning of the new theme, pupils
1. Revise all grammar materials. pupils should know: should be able to:
2. Revise modal verbs can, could - different between infinitive - use the modal verbs in own sentences
and able to and gerund - make up sentences with must, have got
3. Revise modal verbs may, will - usage of modal verbs can, to, have to (to know pronunciation of the
be allowed to. could and able to. words)
4. Revise modal verbs must and - usage of modal verbs have - make up sentences with infinitive or
have to. to, must. gerund.
5. Doing exercises. - understand English oral speech;
5. Consolidation of new material:
Choose the best answer.
1. You can/could buy the present yesterday.
2. I think we could/will be able to buy the tickets beforehand.
3. Eddy must/had to return me this book yesterday.
4. The students must/mustn’t make a noise in the classroom.
5. The children may/will be allowed to play in the park today.
6. My mother may not/won’t allow me to take her camera.
7. Your cousin can/may play guitar very well.
8. All the students had to/will have to pass the exams at the end of the year.
9. Last year Ben could/couldn’t speak English, but now he can/can’t speak English rather well.
10. I think they can/will be able to take part in this festival next year.
Answers: 1. could 2. will be able to 3. had to 4. mustn’t 5. may 6. won’t allow 7. can 8. will have to 9.
couldn’t, can 10. will be able to.
Complete the sentences with must or have to.
1 I am very tired. I … go to bed earlier today.
2 My parents think I … go to bed early to have a good sleep.
3 I … buy bread. My mother asked me about it.
4 I have got a terrible headache. I … take an aspirin.
5 My teacher says I … pay more attention to my pronunciation.
6 We have nothing to eat. We … go shopping.
7 Paul’s coach says he … exercise more to get good results at the competition.
8 Vicky’s room is in mess. She … tidy it.
9 The weather is so wonderful today! We … go out for a picnic.
10 Jane’s boss thinks she … speak to the clients more politely.
Answers: 1. must 2. have to 3. have to 4. must 5. have to 6. must 7. has to 8. must 9. must 10. has to
5. Consolidation moment:
Open the brackets following the rules for constructing infinitive constructions in English.
1 I like (play) video games 1 I like to play video games
2 She may (come) tomorrow morning 2 She may come tomorrow morning
3 He wants (go) home 3 He wants to go home
4 We should (do) better than that 4 We should do better than that
5 You need (concentrate) 5 You need to concentrate
6 Mike ought (finish) the project in time 6 Mike ought to finish the project in time
7 I can (dance) 7 I can dance
8 We may not (come) next week 8 We may not come next week
9 To love is (suffer) 9 To love is to suffer
10 She is too old (walk) 10 She is too old to walk
11 He is smart enough (study) well 11 He is smart enough to study well
12 (Tell) the truth, he's a good guy 12 To tell the truth, he's a good guy
13 I am glad (see) you 13 I am glad to see you
14 I have (do) it 14 I have to do it
15 I must (go) 15 I must go
Choose the correct answer.
1 Are you sure I can’t (convince / make) you to come with us?
2 Evan’s friends (made /persuaded) him to jump into the pool.
3 Mum, will you let me go to the party? – Elli asked her mum (to let / let) her go to the party.
4 She felt unable (to speak /speaking) to her father after the divorce.
5 I am always ready (to eat /to do) blueberry pie with whipped cream.
6 Would you like (to have /having) dinner with us on Friday?
7 They fulfilled their promise (to buy / buying) their daughter a pony.
8 He locked the door (to keep / to take) everyone out.
9 They decided (to start / starting) a business together.
10 Were you surprised (to see / seeing) her again so soon?
11 The question is easy (to answer / to speak).
12 The man asked me how (to get / to land) to the airport.
13 I warned him (not to drive / not driving) too quickly because of the bad weather.
14 We showed how (to use / using) the new equipment.
15 You should (ask / to ask) your parents.
Key: 1 convince 2 persuaded 3 to let 4 to speak 5 to eat 6 to have 7 to buy 8 to keep 9 to start 10 to see
11 to answer 12 to get 13 not to drive 14 to use 15 ask
6. Homework: a) Revise all grammar materials.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.
a) Summarizing the theme ‘Project work’ b) Sign in grades pupil’s diary. c) Say good-bye.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:

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