ARM-Inst Summary

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Abbreviated ARM Instruction Set Summary (version 3.

Mnemonics Operands Description Operation
Data Movement Instructions
MOV{S} Rd,Rm Copy value from Rm to Rd Rd  Rm
MOVW Rd,#K Copy 16-bit constant K to Rd (Zero Ext) Rd  #K
MOVT Rd,#K Copy 16-bit constant K to Rd[31:16] Rd[31:16]  #K
STR{B|H} Rt,[Rn,#+/-K] Store: Regular Immediate Offset [Rn + #+/-K]  Rt
Addressing (8-bit K)
STR{B|H} Rt,[Rn,# K]! Store: Pre-index Immediate Offset [Rn + #+/-K]  Rt
Addressing (8-bit K) Rn  Rn + #+/-K
STR{B|H} Rt,[Rn],# K Store: Post-index Immediate Offset [Rn]  Rt
Addressing (8-bit K) Rn  Rn + #+/-K
STR{B|H} Rt,[Rn,Rm Store: Register Offset Addressing [Rn+ (Rm<< #s)]Rt
{,LSL #s}] (2-bit s: i.e. max shift of 3)
LDR{B|H| Rt,[Rn,#+/-K] Load: Regular Immediate Offset Rt  [Rn + #+/-K]
SB|SH} Addressing (8-bit K)
LDR{B|H| Rt,[Rn,#+/-K]! Load: Pre-index Immediate Offset Rt  [Rn + #+/-K]
SB|SH} Addressing (8-bit K) Rn  Rn + #+/-K
LDR{B|H| Rt,[Rn],#+/-K Load: Post-index Immediate Offset Rt  [Rn]
SB|SH} Addressing (8-bit K) Rn  Rn + #+/-K
LDR{B|H| Rt,[Rn,Rm Load: Register Offset Addressing Rt[Rn+ (Rm<< #s)]
SB|SH} {,LSL #s}] (2-bit s: i.e. max shift of 3))
PUSH Rn Place Rn on top of the Stack [SP]  Rn
SP  SP – 4
POP Rn Place the top of Stack into Rn SP  SP + 4
Rn  [SP]
Branch Instructions
Mnemonics Operands Description Operation Condition
B label Unconditional branch PC  label -
BEQ label Branch if EQual if condition, PClabel Z=1
BNE label Branch if Not Equal if condition, PClabel Z=0
BLT label Branch if Less Than (Signed) if condition, PClabel N!=V
BLE label Branch if Less than Equal (Signed) if condition, PClabel N!=V | Z=1
BGT label Branch if Greater Than (Signed) if condition, PClabel N=V & Z=0
BGE label Branch if Greater than Equal (Signed) if condition, PClabel N=V
BLO label Branch if LOwer (Unsigned) if condition, PClabel C=0
BLS label Branch if LOwer or Same (Unsigned) if condition, PClabel C=0 | Z=1
BHI label Branch if HIgher (Unsigned) if condition, PClabel C=1 & Z=0
BHS label Branch if Higher or Same (Unsigned) if condition, PClabel C=1
BL label Update Link Register and Branch LRPC+4; PClabel -
BX Rn Branch to address in Rn PC Rn -
Mnemonics Operands Description Operation
Compare and Test Instructions
CMP Rn,Rm Compare registers, Update Status Rn – Rm
CMP Rn,#K Compare 8-bit K, Update Status Rn – #K
TST Rn,Rm Test registers, Update Status Rn and Rm
TST Rn,#K Test with 8-bit K, Update Status Rn and #K
TEQ Rn,Rm Test Equivalent, Update Status Rn xor Rm
TEQ Rn,#K Test Equivalent 8-bit K, Update Status Rn xor #K
Logic and Arithmetic Instructions
ADD{S} {Rd,} Rn,Rm Add two registers Rdn  Rn + Rm
ADD{S} {Rd,} Rn,#K Add register with 8-bit constant K Rdn  Rn + #K
ADC{S} {Rd,} Rn,Rm Add two registers with Carry (C) Rdn  Rn + Rm + C
ADC{S} {Rd,} Rn,#K Add register with 8-bit K and Carry(C) Rdn  Rn + #K + C
SUB{S} {Rd,} Rn,Rm Subtract two registers Rdn  Rn - Rm
SUB{S} {Rd,} Rn,#K Subtract 8-bit constant K from register Rdn  Rn – #K
SBC{S} {Rd,} Rn,Rm Subtract two registers with Carry (C) Rdn  Rn - Rm - C
SBC{S} {Rd,} Rn,#K Subtract 8-bit K from reg with Carry(C) Rdn  Rn - #K - C
MUL {Rd,} Rn,Rm Multiple regs (Signed or Unsigned) Rdn  Rn * Rm
UMULL RdL,RdH,Rn,Rm Unsigned multiple (64-bit result) RdH:RdL Rn * Rm
SMULL RdL,RdH,Rn,Rm Signed multiple (64-bit result) RdH:RdL Rn * Rm
AND{S} {Rd,} Rn,(Rm|#K) AND registers or 8-bit constant K RdnRn and (Rm|#K)
ORR{S} {Rd,} Rn,(Rm|#K) OR registers or 8-bit constant K RdnRn or (Rm|#K)
EOR{S} {Rd,} Rn,(Rm|#K) Exclusive OR reg or 8-bit constant K RdnRn xor (Rm|#K)
NEG{S} {Rd,} Rn Negate a register Rdn -Rn
LSL{S} {Rd,} Rn,(Rm|#K) Logical Shift Left Rdn Rn << (Rm|#K)
LSR{S} {Rd,} Rn,(Rm|#K) Logical Shift Right Rdn Rn >> (Rm|#K)
ASR{S} {Rd,} Rn,(Rm|#K) Arithmetic Shift Right (sign bit shift in) Rdn Rn >> (Rm|#K)
ROR{S} {Rd,} Rn,(Rm|#K) ROtate Right (least sig bit shift in) Rdn Rn >> (Rm|#K)
Signed and Unsigned (Zero) Extension Instructions
SXTB Rd, Rm Sign extend the lower byte RdSignExt(Rm[7:0])
SXTH Rd, Rm Sign extend the lower half-word RdSignExt(Rm[15:0])
UXTB Rd, Rm Zero extend the lower byte RdZeroExt(Rm[7:0])
UXTH Rd, Rm Zero extend the lower half-word RdZeroExt(Rm[15:0])
Note 1: { } indicates optional parameters
Note 2: Rdn: means destination register is Rd or Rn, depending on if optional {Rd,}is specified
Note 3: { | } indicates alternative optional parameters
Note 4: ( | ) indicates alternative required parameters
Note 5: # indicates a constant
Note 6: Load/Store Suffixes: B (zero extended byte), H (zero extended half-word: 16-bits),
SB (sign extended byte), SH (sign extended half-word: 16-bits),
No suffix for Load/Store indicates 4 bytes are transferred.
Note 7: Specifying an optional S indicates version of instruction that updates the Status Register

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