Chapter 9 SOIL

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Chapter 9 SOIL

1. What do you mean by

a. weathering
Ans. The breaking down of rocks by the action of sun’s heat , wind , water and climate is called weathering of
b. Soil Profile
Ans. It is a vertical section through different layers of soil .
c. Humus
Ans. The organic matter formed by the rotting of dead plants and animals in soil is called humus .
d. Soil
Ans. The mixture of rock particles and humus is called soil .

2. We should not throw polythene bags and plastic in the soil . Why ?
Ans. Polythene bags and plastic pollute the soil and kill organisms living in the soil. They can also choke the
cattle grazing in that area.

3. Soil is an inseparable part of life . Explain.

Ans. i) It supports the growth of plants by holding the roots firmly and by supplying the water and nutrients.
ii) It is a home for many organisms.
iii) It is essential for agriculture which provides food , shelter and clothing for all.
iv) It is used to make bricks for building houses .
v) It is used to make earthenware , crockery , toys statues etc.

4. Give a short description of different layers of soil .

Ans. A- Horizon or top soil : (i) It is dark in colour as it is rich in humus and minerals.
(ii) This layer is soft , porous and can retain more water .
(iii) This layer provides shelter for living organisms like worms & rodents.
B- Horizon or sub soil : (i) This layer is harder and more compact .
(ii) This layer has lesser amount of humus but more of minerals.
C-Horizon or sub – stratum : This layer is made out of small lumps of rocks with cracks and crevices.
Bed rock or parent rock : This layer is hard and difficult to dig.

5. State the properties of soil .

Ans. (i) Soil contains air .
(ii) Soil contains water .
(iii) Soil can absorb water.
(iv) Soil allows water to percolate .

6. List the features of different types of soil .

Sandy soil Clayey soil Loamy soil
Particles are quite large Particles are much smaller Has the mixture of sand , clay , silt
and humus in the right proportion.
Light , well aerated and dry Heavy , less aerated and wet Has adequate air space between it’s
Percolation rate is high Percolation rate is least Percolation rate is adequate
Water can drain quickly They hold more water They hold right amount of water.
Less fertile More fertile than sandy soil Most fertile soil

7. The air above the farmland is shimmering during the hot summer. Why ?
Ans. On a hot summer day , the water vapour coming out of the soil reflects the sunlight and the air above the
soil seems to shimmer .

8. What is soil erosion ? How can we prevent it ?

Ans. The removal of top soil by wind and water is called soil erosion. It can be prevented by
(i)Prevent deforestation
(ii)Encourage afforestation

9. Sketch the cross section of the soil and label the various layers .

1. Name the pollutants in the soil .
2. What are the factors that decides the type of vegetation and crops that can be grown in any region ?
3. Give reasons :
(i) Loamy soil is best suited for lentils.
(ii) Wheat is grown in clayey soil .
4. Name the climatic factors that affect the soil profile .

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