For Guild and Glory A The Quiet Year Free Variant

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For Guild and Glory

(“The Quiet Year” Variant)

What is this? This is a minor rules variant to be used with the game “The Quiet Year” by Buried Without Ceremony. To
use this variant, you will need the full rulebook of The Quiet Year, which can be purchased on the publisher’s website Below is the original description of the game.

“The Quiet Year is a map game. You define the struggles of a post-apocalyptic community and attempt to build
something good within their quiet year. Every decision and every action is set against a backdrop of dwindling
time and rising concern. The game is played using a deck of cards – each of the 52 cards corresponds to a week
during the quiet year. Each card triggers certain events – bringing bad news, good omens, project delays and
sudden changes in luck.”
What this Variant is about: Instead of a post-apocalyptic setting, this setting will focus on a classic medieval fantasy
style setting. Players will look over members of a new adventurer’s guild establishing their presence in a brand-new
thriving settlement to ensure it prospers. The area around the settlement is mostly unknown and presents new
opportunities (resources, magical items, etc.), but also new problems (monsters, rival settlements, etc.). After a year, a
Dark Lord will arrive in the land and the group will have to decide if their town of heroes can stand up to this
insurmountable force, or if they fall. In this version of “The Quiet Year”, you will be acting primarily as the group of
adventurers and their leaders rather than the entire community. The focus of this version is to tell stories of how heroes
work together to better the community. Some changes regarding how a group should think of the basic elements of the
original game are as followed.

Sketching Terrain – In addition to the players going around and taking turns sketching the terrain, the group will also
sketch what type of settlement they reside in. This could be a castle, a fort, a town, or a village. Go around the table and
add one specific part of the settlement. Also, add a building or encampment for the Guild.

Resources – These rules can stay the same as related to the original game. (See the Game Rules)

• Discover Something New – These situations could be beneficial or a new dilemma. Think of introducing these in
terms of how they might affect the guild or the town.
o Examples:
▪ A magical forest has been found on the outskirts of town
▪ A witch has been seen kidnapping children
▪ A group of elves show up and offer a trade for service
▪ An old dwarven mine has been discovered in the mountains

• Hold a Discussion – These rules will not change from the original concept of the game. (See the Game Rules)

• Start a Quest (replaces Project) – Replacing Projects with Quests will help spark interesting storytelling
elements to the game. Instead of particularly building things for the community as in the regular “The Quiet
Year”, we assume that the community is already taking care of those things. Instead, we will think of how our
heroes will complete Quests and how these actions will better the community overall. If the group feels that a
particular “project” is needed, they can still create a Quest and treat it the same. All other rules around Quests
will stay the same as the original rules, such as determining how long a quest takes to complete and who gets to
discuss how a quest goes (good or bad).
o Examples:
▪ We send a party out to explore the magical forest and find out what resides within
▪ A party sets out to locate the witch and bring her back for justice
▪ A party escorts a group of miners to the dwarven mine to make sure they are safe.

Card Option 1 Option 2

Is your guild hiring locals from the community? What Are there distinct religious orders attached to the guild?
A criteria do people have to gain inclusion into the If so, what orders provide financial backing or work
guild? within the guild?

There’s a large body of water on the map. Where is it?

2 There’s a giant, man-made structure on the map. Where
What does it look like?
is it? Why is it abandoned?

Someone new is admitted into the guild. Who are

Two of the guild’s younger members get into a fight.
3 they and what accomplishments have they done in
What provoked them? What is the outcome?
their previous adventures?

Where is your guild’s treasure held? Why is this a risky

4 What important and basic tools does the guild lack?
place to store things?

There is a disquieting legend about this place. What is A monster (or group of monsters) destroys something in
it? the community. How and what?

Are there other non-human races in your guild? If so,

How old are the eldest members of the guild? What
6 what race (or races) are they? Do they hold any
special goals do they have in mind for the guild?
special role within the guild?

A very dangerous and powerful monster resides not What natural predators roam this area? Is the
7 too far from the settlement. What is it and what does community safe? If not, how does the guild plan to keep
it live in? people safe?

An old magical item is discovered, broken but perhaps An old magical item is discovered, cursed and dangerous.
repairable. What is it? What would it be useful for? How does the guild destroy it?

A charismatic young girl convinces the guild leaders to

A charismatic young girl tries to tempt the guild leaders
help her with an elaborate scheme. What is it? Who
9 into sinful or dangerous activity. Why does she do this?
else from the community joins this endeavor?
How does the guild respond?
Start a Quest to reflect this.

There’s another community somewhere on the map.

10 What belief or practice helps to unify your guild?
Where are they? What are they? Are they a threat?

J You see a good omen. What is it? You see a bad omen. What is it?

Q What’s the most beautiful thing in this area? What’s the most hideous thing in this area?

A group of adventurers discover something buried in A guild leader confesses to past crimes and atrocities.
the ground. What is it? What has he done? What does the guild do?
Card Option 1 Option 2
A contingent within the community has acted on their
A contingent within the community demand to be
A frustrations. What have they damaged, and why did they
heard. Who are they? What are they asking for?
damage it? Is it permanent?

Someone new arrives. Who? Why are they in

2 Someone leaves the guild. Who? Why did they leave?

Summer is a time for conquest and the gathering of

Summer is a time for exploration. Start a Quest
3 might. Start a Quest related to military readiness and
related to finding new resources.
An elder guild member is very sick. Caring for them and
4 An elder guild member dies. What caused the death? searching for a cure requires the help of the entire guild.
Do not reduce Quest dice this week.

A Quest finishes early. What led to its early The weather is nice and the heroes can feel the potential
completion? all around them. Start a new Quest.

Outsiders arrive in the area. Who or what are they? Outsiders arrive in the area. Who or what are they? How
Why are they a threat? How are they vulnerable? many? How are they greeted?

An unattended situation becomes problematic and scary.

7 Introduce a mystery at the edge of the map.
What is it? How does it go awry?

Someone tries to take control of the community by A headstrong guild member decides to put one of their
force. Do they succeed? Why do they do this? ideas in motion. Start a foolish Quest

Something goes foul and supplies are ruined. Add a new

9 A Quest fails. Which one? Why?

You discover a cache of supplies, treasure, or A Scarcity has gone unaddressed for too long! Start a
resources. Add a new Abundance. Quest that will alleviate that Scarcity.

Monsters and bad omens are afoot. You are careless, Monsters and bad omens are afoot. What measures do
J and someone goes missing under ominous you take to keep everyone safe and under surveillance?
circumstances. Who? Do not reduce Quest dice this week.

A Quest finishes early. Which one? Why?

Q If there are no quests underway, boredom leads to a quarrel. A fight breaks out between two people. What is it

K Summer is fleeting. Discard the top two cards off the top of the deck and take two actions this week.
Card Option 1 Option 2
The guild becomes obsessed with a single project. Which one? Why? Choose one:

• They decide to take more time to ensure that it is perfect. Add 3 weeks to the Quest die.
• They drop everything else to work on it. All other Quests fail.

If there are no quests underway, the guild becomes obsessed with a grandiose vision. Hold a discussion about
this vision, in addition to your regular action for the week.

Someone returns to the guild. Who? Where were You find a body. Do people recognize who it is? What
they? happened?

Someone issues a dire warning, and the guild leaps into

Someone leaves the guild after issuing a dire warning.
3 action to avoid disaster. What is the warning?
Who? What is the warning?
Start a contentious Quest that relates to it.

The strongest warrior among you dies. The weakest guild member among you dies.
What caused the death? Who’s to blame for their death?
The Chosen arrives. Who are they? A small gang of marauders is making its way through the
5 Why have they chosen to come to your community, local terrain. How many are there? What weapons do
and for what? they carry?
Introduce a dark mystery among the members of the Conflict flares up among guild members, and as a result,
guild or the entire community. a Quest fails.
A Quest just isn’t working out as expected.
Radically change the nature of this Quest
Something goes foul, and supplies are ruined.
7 (don’t modify the Quest die). When it resolves,
Add a new Scarcity.
you’ll be responsible for telling the community how
it went.
Someone sabotages a Quest and the Quest fails as a Someone is caught trying to sabotage the efforts of the
8 result. guild.
Who did this? Why? How does the guild respond?
A group goes out to explore the map more thoroughly
The guild works constantly and as a result, a Quest
9 and finds something that had been previously
finishes early.
Cold autumn winds drive out your enemies.
10 Harvest is here and plentiful. Add an Abundance. Remove a threatening force from the map and the

A Quest finishes early. Which one? Why?

J If there are no Quests underway, restlessness creates animosity, and animosity leads to violence.
Who gets hurt or dies as a result?

Disease spreads through the guild Choose one:

Q • You spend the week quarantining and treating the disease. Quest dice are not reduced this week.
• Nobody knows what to do about it. Start a Quest to find a cure.

A natural disaster strikes the area. What is it? Choose one:

• You focus on getting everyone to safety. Remove an Abundance and a Quest fails.
• You focus on protecting your supplies and hard work at any cost. Several important people in the community
die as a result, who are they?
Card Option 1 Option 2
Now is the time to conserve energy and resources.
Now is the time for hurried labor and final efforts.
A Quest finishes early, but gain a Scarcity.
A Quest fails, but gain an Abundance
A headstrong guild member takes charge of the guild's A headstrong guild member tries to take control of the
2 work efforts. A Quest fails, and then a different guild. How are they prevented from doing this? Due to
Quest finishes early. the conflict, Quest dice are not reduced this week.
Someone comes up with a plan to ensure
Someone comes up with an ingenious solution to a big
safety and comfort during the coldest months.
3 problem and as a result, a Quest finishes early. What
was their idea?
Start a Quest related to this.
All the animals and young children are crying in the
community and won’t stop.
4 A great atrocity is revealed. What is it? Who uncovers it?
Hold a discussion about this, in addition to your
regular action for the week.
Winter elements leave everyone cold, tired, and
Winter elements destroy a resource.
5 miserable.
Add a Scarcity.
Quest dice are not reduced this week.
The time has come to consolidate your efforts and
Someone finds a curious opportunity on the edge of the
your borders.
6 map.
Quests located outside the settlement fail, and all
Start a Quest related to this discovery.
remaining projects are reduced by 2 this week.

7 What is winter like in this area? How does the entire community react to the weather?

Winter is harsh, and desperation gives rise to fear mongering. Choose one:
8 • Spend the week calming the masses and dispelling their violent sentiments. The week ends immediately.
• Declare war on someone or something. This counts as starting a Quest
Someone goes missing. They’re alone in the winter elements. Choose one:
• The guild organizes constant search parties and eventually the person is found. Quest dice are not reduced this
• No one ever hears from that person again.

In preparation for the coming year, the guild begins a huge undertaking.
Start a Quest that will take at least 5 weeks to complete.

An infected outsider arrives at the guild, seeking amnesty and a cure. They have some much-needed resources
with them. Choose one:
J • Welcome them into the guild hall. Remove a Scarcity, but also introduce an infection into the entire community.
• Bar them from entry into the settlement. What Scarcity could they have addressed? How does its need become
more dire this week?
Q You see a good omen. What is it?
An Evil Leader arrives with a vast army. Who leads them, and what is this army made up of?
The guild sends out all of its best heroes and resources in a battle against insurmountable odds. Choose one:

•The heroes win the battle. Each person contributes a short narrative about how a specific hero or group of
heroes succeed in battle.
•The heroes lose the battle. Each person contributes a short story about how a specific hero or group of heroes
fall in battle.

The Game Is Over

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