!welcome To Stonetop

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Welcome to Stonetop

The village and the region are somewhat pre-defined. You’ll find
maps and almanacs for the nearby regions, steadings, dungeon start-
ers, and some notable NPCs, monsters, and treasures, but there are
still plenty of blanks to fill in during play. Many of the details—such
What is this? as historical events, the most pressing threats, and even the nature of
Stonetop is a campaign playset for Dungeon World. It focuses the the gods—are specifically determined by the playbooks and choices
game around a small, isolated town and sets the PCs up as the made by the players.
heroes of that town. It’s less about murderhobos looting tombs and
more about PCs fighting on behalf of their homes. There are some other minor tweaks to the standard rules, including:

Why? Slower character advancement

I’ve found that Dungeon World played as-written can easily end up A resource management mini-game for the steading itself
with disjointed, somewhat gonzo game worlds. Which is awesome! Follower rules from The Perilous Wilds
But it’s not always what you’re looking for. A different take on the Aid/Interfere moves and bonds, which
incorporates bonds between PCs and NPCs
I’ve also found that the standard rules encourage (or just assume) a A setting-specific gear list, reflecting Iron Age technology
fair amount of wandering and rootlessness. The PCs are often out- Rules for outfitting before adventures based on the prosperity
siders. They have some ties to each other but not necessarily to the and current fortunes of the village
wider world. If things get bad, they have the option to walk away
and let the world burn. Sometimes, you find yourself asking why What else is special about the setting?
these misfits trust each other at all. All the characters are humans. Fantastic peoples are heard of but
mysterious. No one on in living memory has actually met one of
The pacing of Dungeon World can also be rather intense. After all, the bronze-skinned Ustrina. The Forest Folk haven’t been seen in a
part of the GM’s agenda is to fill the character’s lives with adven- decade. The horrid little crinwin plague the village but no one really
ture. You might get some downtime when you undertake a journey, knows what they want.
but often you’re just go-go-going. I’ve had games of Dungeon World
were the characters went from level 1 to level 7 in about three weeks There is no government, no empire, no kings or queens—at least,
of in-game time! not around here. The village is on its own, with only a handful of
neighboring steadings. Far to the south are more civilized lands, but
Stonetop is an attempt to slow the pace down and to give the char- they have little interest in this northern backwater—for now,
acters some roots. It’s the kind of setting where months, even years at least.
might pass between adventures. Where heroes might retire and raise
families. Where their children might become heroes themselves. The village is built on ancient, giant-sized ruins of the Makers, and
other ruins dot the landscape. Magic is not easy, or common, or pre-
What does it do differently? dictable. Or safe. The past lies buried all around, but it rests unquietly.
First and foremost, play is centered on the character’s home town,
the village of Stonetop. The class playbooks are all unique to the set- Why play Stonetop?
ting. Each one is designed to be tied directly to the village by bonds Because maybe you want to be a local hero instead of some wander-
of blood, loyalty, friendship, and duty. ing murderhobo. Because you want to build a place up rather than
burn it down.
The village of Stonetop itself has a playbook, with stats based on the
Steading rules from Dungeon World and moves for mobilizing and Because there’s a world full of mystery out there, and buried se-
managing the village’s resources and generating threats and oppor- crets—who knows what you might find?
tunities for the town’s heroes to deal with. The Stonetop playbook
also has a set of improvements that can be achieved in play. Because the world is darkening, like the sky before a late-summer
storm. And these are good people here in Stonetop, your kith and kin.

If you don’t step up to protect them, who will?


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