Psychology XII All PYQs & Previous SQPs @CUET - CBSE - 12th

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Time – 3 Hours Max. Marks – 70

1 Monika has to be assessed for her abilities of creativity and original thinking.
The test to be used by the psychologist will involve
a. Convergent thinking
b. Divergent thinking 1
c. Both convergent and divergent thinking
d. Memory and logical thinking
Answer: b. Divergent thinking Page 20
2 Formal assessment is objective, standardized and organized. Based on this
information, choose the statements which are true for formal assessment.
i. Formal assessment uses systematic testing procedures.
ii. It is always open to subjective interpretations.
iii. Based on the assessment, predictions about behavior can be made.
iv. It varies from case to case and from one assessor to another. 1
a. ii, iii
b. i, ii
c. i, iii
d. ii, iv
Answer: c Page 3
3 Aanya's application for admission to the college of her choice got rejected.
When talking about the admission to the college with others, she tells everyone
that she was never interested in studying in that college. Identify the defence
mechanism used by Aanya.
a. Repression 1
b. Reaction formation
c. Denial
d. Rationalisation
Answer: d. Rationalisation Page 35
4 ___________ is a dynamic situation-specific reaction to stress.
a. Positive reaction
b. Coping
c. Conflict resolution
d. Meditation
Answer: b. Coping Page 61

5 Ritik uses imagery and imagination to reduce his stress levels. 1
Identify the technique being used by Ritik.
a. Relaxed visualisation
b. Meditation
c. Creative visualisation
d. Imagination and relaxation
Answer: c. Creative visualisation Page 63

6 In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) 1
and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.

Assertion (A): Psychological Stress is the stress that we generate for ourselves
in our minds.
Reason (R): These psychological stresses do not have any impact on our
physiological being.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true
Answer: c. A is true but R is false Page 55
7 While passing through the streets on her way to the office every day, Jaya feels 1
people are spying on her and the police are chasing her. Identify the type of
delusion Jaya is experiencing. (Half yearly qp)
a. Persecution
b. Control
c. Reference
d. Grandeur
Answer: a. Persecution Page 81, 82
8 Sonali spends hours reading about her favorite actor. She is preoccupied with 1
thinking and researching about him and when asked to study she gets violent.
To diagnose her disorder, a clinical psychologist would need to know:
a. The number of hours she spends studying about the actor each day.
b. The percentage of the population sharing her interest in the actor.
c. Whether friends and family members share her interest in the actor.
d. Whether she is dysfunctional and showing signs of distress.
Answer: d. Whether she is dysfunctional and showing signs of distress
Page 71

9 Which of the following statements are true about the diathesis-stress model? 1

i. A vulnerability factor and the presence of a pathogenic stressor results in

psychological disorder.
ii. The presence of biological aberration is enough to develop a psychologica l
iii. The presence of only pathogenic stressors may lead to psychopathology.
iv. The diathesis and the stressor lead to the development of a psychologica l
a. i and ii
b. ii and iii
c. iii and iv
d. i and iv
Answer: d. i and iv Page 75, 76
10 Harpreet’s mother ignores her when she throws tantrums if asked to keep her 1
room tidy. However, she appreciates Harpreet when she arranges her toys after
playtime. The method being used is known as
a. Positive reinforcement
b. Negative reinforcement
c. Differential reinforcement
d. Modelling
Answer: c. Differential Reinforcement Page 98
11 The centrality of an attitude reflects: 1
a. A person’s degree of negative or positive feelings about an object.
b. Whether an attitude is positive or negative towards an attitude object.
c. The extent to which an attitude would influence the other attitudes in
the system.
d. The attitude’s resistance to change.
Answer: c Page 109, 110
12 Sachin believes that one should always speak the truth. This is an example of: 1
a. Belief
b. Cognition
c. Value
d. Stereotype
Answer: Value Page 109

13 In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) 1
and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): According to balance theory, two elements of an attitude system
must be in the same direction.
Reason (R): An attitude system requires logical consistency else it will lead to
‘mental discomfort’.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true
Answer: a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Page 112, 113
14 A collection of people present at a place by chance is called a 1
a. Team
b. Audience
c. Mob
d. Crowd
Answer: d. Crowd Page 131
15 Which of the following is not a feature of a formal group? 1
a. Functions are stated explicitly and formally.
b. Formation is based on rules and laws.
c. There is a close relationship among members.
d. Members have definite roles.
Answer: c. There is a close relationship among members. Page 135, 136

16 How did Charles Spearman explain the concept of intelligence? 2
Answer: Charles Spearman proposed the two factor theory. He said that
intelligence consists of a general factor (g-factor) and some specific factors (s-
(Brief explanation of the two factors)
(1+1=2) Page 6
State the importance of emotional intelligence.
Answer: Emotional intelligence is a set of skills that helps in accurate appraisal,
expression, and regulation of emotions.
They encourage cooperative behavior and reduce antisocial activities.
(or any other relevant explanation)
(1+1=2) Page 17

17 The phenomena of student-teacher interactions in a classroom can be easily 2
studied by psychologists. Critically evaluate the assessment method that will be
used here.
Answer: Observation method
It involves employing systematic, organised, and objective procedures to record
behavioural phenomena occurring naturally in real time. 1mk
Limitation - Observer has little control over the situation and the reports may
suffer from subjective interpretations.
(1+1=2) Page 4

18 ‘Self-esteem shows a strong relationship with our everyday behavior’. 2

Justify this statement with the help of an example.
Answer: Children with high academic self-esteem perform better in schools
than those with low academic ones. High social self-esteem students are liked
by their peers.
Children with low self-esteem are found to display anxiety, depression and
increase in anti-social behaviour.
(1+1=2) Page 26, 27
19 Ramesh is admitted to a rehabilitation centre for alcohol addiction. His 2
treatment includes giving him a mild electric shock every time he is made to
smell the alcohol. Name and describe the therapy being used.
Answer: Ramesh is being treated using Aversive conditioning.
It refers to repeated association of undesired response with an aversive
consequence. With repeated pairings, the smell of alcohol becomes aversive as
the pain of the shock is associated with it and the person will give up alcohol.
(1+1=2) Page 97, 98

20 Imagine the following situation: 2

‘You auditioned for the school play but did not get selected’.
Using Ellis’ framework, suggest two contrasting interpretations and their
Interpretation 1
Antecedent-Belief -Consequence
I was not selected- I am not good enough-sadness
Interpretation 2
I was not selected-I must spend more time practicing my acting-Determina tio n
to improve

Any similar contrasting examples.
(1+1=2) Page 99
21 Ivaan never paid heed to his mother's advice of doing physical exercise daily in 2
the morning. But one day when he saw his favourite cricketer advocating the
importance of regular exercise, he started exercising daily. Identify the
characteristics of the source that brought about the attitude change.
Answer: Attractiveness and credibility.
Popularity of the cricketer and he being a credible source for Ivaan (the target).
(1+1=2 mark) Page 115

22 Shamin is a spiritual leader who possesses a particular type of intelligence as 3
explained by Howard Gardner. Identify the intelligence and give reasons for
your answer.
Answer: Intrapersonal intelligence- an ability to understand one's own feelings,
motives, and desires): This is because Shamin has the knowledge of his interna l
strengths and limitations and uses that knowledge to effectively relate to others.
Such people are high in this ability and have finer sensibilities regarding their
identity, human existence, and meaning of life.
(1+1+1=3 marks ) Page 7
Zarin is high in the ability to think analytically and performs well in academics.
With respect to Robert Sternberg's theory, which type of intelligence does Zarin
possess? Explain this type of intelligence.
Answer: Zarin possesses componential or analytical intelligence. It is the
analysis of information to solve problems.

This intelligence has three components-

1. Knowledge acquisition component, which is responsible for learning and
acquisition of the ways of doing things.
2. Meta or a higher order component, which involves planning concerning what
to do and how to do.
3. Performance component, which involves actually doing things.
(Any two sub-components to be explained.)
(1+2=3 marks) Page 8
23 Describe Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). 3
Answer: Gives importance to physiological factors in stress
GAS involves three stages: alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustio n
(explanation of all three)
(1+1+1=3) Page 59

24 The classification of psychological disorders is important. 3
Justify the statement and explain the two classification schemes.
Answer: Classifications are useful because they enable psychologis ts,
psychiatrists and social workers -
● to communicate with each other about the disorder
● to help in understanding the causes
● to know the processes involved in their development and maintenance.
DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual- The American Psychiatric
Association (APA) classifies various kinds of psychological disorders on the
basis of discrete clinical criteria which indicate the presence or absence of
ICD-International Classification of Behavioral and Mental Disorders
prepared by WHO
For each disorder, a description of the main clinical features or symptoms, and
of other associated features including diagnostic guidelines is provided in this
(1+1+1= 3) Page 73
25 Kyna and Kyra are identical twins. They were separated early in childhood. Will 4
they show similarities in their intellectual characteristics? Give reasons for your
Answer: Explain with reference to Kyna and Kyra
The evidence for hereditary influences on intelligence comes mainly from
studies on twins and adopted children. The intelligence of identical twins reared
together correlates almost 0.90. The intelligence of identical twins reared in
different environments correlated 0.72.
Environmental deprivation lowers intelligence while rich nutrition, good family
background, and quality schooling increases intelligence.
There is a general consensus among psychologists that intelligence is a product
of complex interaction of heredity (nature) and environment (nurture).
Page 10

26 Danish is trying to lose weight. During the festivities, he made sure not to eat 4
his favorite desserts. Identify and explain the aspect of self that Danish is
exhibiting. Suggest any three techniques he can apply to further achieve his
Answer: Danish is exhibiting Self-control/Self-regulation. Learning to delay or
defer the gratification of needs. (1)
A number of psychological techniques of self-control have also been suggested.
a. Observation of one's own behavior is one of them. This provides us with the
necessary information that may be used to change, modify, or strengthen certain
aspects of self.
b. Self-instruction is another important technique. We often instruct ourselves
to do something and behave as we want. Such instructions are quite effective in
c. Self-Reinforcement is the third technique. This involves rewarding behavio rs
that have pleasant outcomes.
(1+3=4) Page 27
27 Describe the importance of the therapeutic relationship in the process of 4
1. The special relationship between the client and the therapist.
2. It is a permanent and lasting relationship.
3. Two major components- contractual nature; limited duration of the
4. Trusting and confiding relationship. The therapist encourages this by being
accepting, empathic, genuine and warm to the client; s/he is not judging
the client even if the client is rude or confides all the ‘wrong’ things. This
is the unconditional positive regard which the therapist has for the client.
5. The therapist has empathy for the client - understanding things from the
other person’s perspective. Empathy enriches the therapeutic relations hip
and transforms it into a healing relationship.
6. The therapeutic alliance also requires that the therapist must keep strict
confidentiality. The therapist must not exploit the trust and the confid ence
of the client.
7. Finally, it is a professional relationship, and must remain so.
Any four points
(1+1+1+1=4) Page 91

28 Four friends are working together to develop a plan for their new start-up. After 4
some initial conflict, the group started to work together and became unified.
Now the group is very productive and the group goal is in the process of being
achieved. Identify the stage of group formation that the group has presently
reached. Explain the stages that the group has passed through to reach the
present stage.

Answer: The group is in the performing stage of group formation.

The group has passed through Tuckman's developmental sequences. These are
forming, storming, norming, performing and if the group disbands then
adjourning. (Brief explanation of the stages)
(1+3=4) Page 133
A group of 20 students was asked to complete the task of decorating the
classroom boards. However, it was brought to the notice of the teacher that not
everyone was participating and putting in effort. Identify and explain the
phenomenon being described above and give reasons why this occurs.
Answer: Social loafing. A participant puts in less effort as the group size
• Group members feel less responsible for the overall task being performed
and therefore exert less effort.
• Motivation of members decreases because they realize that their
contributions will not be evaluated on an individual basis.
• The performance of the group is not to be compared with other groups.
• There is improper coordination (or no coordination) among members.
• Belonging to the same group is not important for members. It is only an
aggregate of individuals.
(Any three points)
(1+3=4) Page 137
29 Differentiate between type and trait approaches to personality. Explain any four 6
type theories in detail.
Type- The type approach attempts to comprehend human personality by
examining certain broad patterns in the observed behavioral characteristics of
individuals. In contrast, the trait approach focuses on the specific
psychological attributes along which individuals tend to differ in consistent and
stable ways.

Type Approaches:
a. Hippocrates
b. Charak Samhita- Tridosha and trigunas
c. Sheldon- body type
d. Jung- Introverts and Extroverts
e. Friedman and Rosenman- Type A and B; Morris- Type C and D
Explanation of any four in detail
(2+4=6) Page 30, 31
Describe the humanistic approach to personality. What did Maslow mean by
self-actualisation? Explain.
Answer: Humanistic theories emphasize on personal responsibility and innate
tendencies towards personal growth.
 Human beings are fully functioning psychologically healthy persons who
live life to the fullest; live in the here and now.
 Rogers spoke of discrepancy between real self and ideal self -
maladjustment and adjustment.
 Rogers proposed two basic assumptions: a) Humans are goal-directed and
worthwhile; b) People choose adaptive and self-actualizing behavior.
 All human beings need unconditional positive regard, freedom of choice
and feeling of fulfilment for attainment of self-actualization.
 Maslow’s Self-Actualization- a state where people have reached their own
fullest potential. According to him, human beings are free to shape their
lives and to self-actualize.
(1+1+1+1+1+1=6) Page 41
30 All of us go through anxiety at some point in our lives. At what stage does 6
anxiety become a disorder? Explain its various types.
Answer: Anxiety is usually defined as a diffuse, vague, very unpleasant feeling
of fear and apprehension.
High levels of anxiety that are distressing and interfere with effective
functioning indicate the presence of an anxiety- disorder.

 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
 Panic Disorder
 Phobia
Explain the symptoms of four types.
(2+1+1+1+1=6) Page 76, 77

10 | P a g e
Describe the different psychological models used to explain mental disorders.
Answer: The psychological models include:
The Psychodynamic model -forces within the person not consciously aware,
determine behavior; three central forces that are dynamic; instinctual needs,
drives and impulses (id), rational thinking (ego), and moral standards
The Behavioral Model-learning maladaptive ways of behaving. Learned
through conditioning; what has been learned can be unlearned.
The Cognitive Model- Irrational beliefs, think in illogical ways and make
The Humanistic-existential model- natural tendency to be friend ly,
cooperative and constructive, driven to self-actualize.
Existentialists give meaning to our existence or to avoid that responsibility.
(1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5 = 6) Page 74, 75

Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

'My Story about Work-related Stress'
Looking back on my life, I recognize that I have always struggled with anxiety- in relationships,
friendships or at work.
However, I misunderstood those feelings for a long time, thinking that my hyper vigilance was
a positive thing which made me more productive and in-tune with others. I remember a badge I
bought for myself in my early 20s which I had on my desk at work. It said “I thrive on stress.
Please hassle me.”
I was always on the go, feeling like I had an edge that motivated me. The truth was that I felt
anxious almost all the time.
I worked in the same organization for over 20 years. I loved managing my small team of staff
and felt that I thrived on the stress of work. I was in a job which I perceived to be rewarding and
stressful in equal measure. I was the problem solver, the one to volunteer for any task. I worked
extra hours and felt a great sense of responsibility in my role.
However, in early 2012, I began to struggle to manage the stress of my job. Thoughts and worries
about work seeped into every part of my life. I would wake up at night with palpitatio ns,
worrying about a task I had not completed, or trying to remember if I had sent an urgent email.
I found that my mind wandered to work whilst I was spending time with my family. I withdrew
from friends as I didn’t have the headspace to switch off and relax.

11 | P a g e
31 “I thrive on stress. Please hassle me.” Explain the type of stress being referred 1
to here.
Answer: Eustress
Eustress is the term used to describe the level of stress that is good for you and
is one of a person’s best assets for achieving peak performance and managing
minor crises.
Page 51-52
32 “Thoughts and worries about work seeped into every part of my life. I would 2
wake up at night with palpitations, worrying about a task I had not completed,
or trying to remember if I had sent an urgent email. I found that my mind
wandered to work whilst I was spending time with my family.”
Suggest and explain two stress management techniques that the writer could
Answer: (Explanation of any two of the following)
● Relaxation Techniques
● Meditation Procedures
● Biofeedback
● Creative Visualization
● Cognitive Behavioral Techniques
● Exercise
Page 62-63
Read the case and answer the questions that follow.
The Pygmalion effect, or Rosenthal effect, is a psychological phenomenon in which high
expectations lead to improved performance in a given area. The hypothesis was that expectations
can influence performance. Robert Rosenthal chose an elementary school in California for his
study and having tested all the children’s IQ, the researchers selected a sample of children at
random. He informed the teachers that these were children of high academic potential.
Following the test, the teachers were given the names of the ‘intellectual bloomers,’ but no
scores were disclosed. At the end of the school year, all the students retook the test. While the
overall scores had risen, the so called ‘intellectual bloomers’ had improved the most because of
the teachers' efforts and the attention they got from them. The evidence seemed to indicate that
the teachers’ expectations had an impact on the student outcomes, especially in the younger
students. A similar process works in the opposite direction in the case of low expectations. The
idea of the Pygmalion effect can be applied in many situations. Our beliefs about others can lead
us to treat them in such a way that they subsequently start behaving in accordance with our
33 Identify and explain the source of prejudice which leads students to perform 1
Answer: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy-Brief explanation

12 | P a g e
The target group may behave in ways that justify the prejudice.
(½ +½ = 1) Page 119

34 Explain the cognitive and behavioral components of the teachers’ attitude 2

towards the ‘intellectual bloomers’ in the Rosenthal study.
Answer: Cognitive component- Teachers’ expectations and belief that the
students are highly intelligent and can understand easily.
Behavioral components- the teachers’ attention and effort
Page 108

13 | P a g e
Time – 3 Hours Maximum Marks – 70


1. Jasleen is high on critical thinking and can manipulate symbols to solve numerical
problems. She is also high on the ability to understand one’s own feelings, motives and
desires. Which of the following intelligences are displayed by Jasleen?
i. Spatial
ii. Logical-mathematical
iii. Interpersonal
iv. Intrapersonal
a. i and ii
b. ii and iii
c. i and iii
d. ii and iv
Ans.: d. ii and iv Pg. 7

2. Ryan believes that he is very good at football. Therefore, he has a high ___ as far as sports
is concerned.
a. Self -esteem
b. Self - efficacy
c. Self- motivation
d. Self- control

Ans.: a. self –esteem Page 26-27

According to the behaviourists, personality of an individual is the result of ___.
3. 1
a. Unconscious motives and conflicts
b. Response of an individual to the environment
c. Early childhood experiences
d. A relationship of the individual to her/his environment
Ans.: b. Pg no 39

Which of the following would a humanistic psychologist not use to explain an individual’s
4. 1
a. Innately good
b. Goal-directed and adaptive
c. Self - actualised
d. Balance among three competing forces
Ans.: d. Balance among three competing forces Page 40-41

Which of the following are the dimensions of stress?
5. 1
i. Intensity
ii. Duration
iii. Predictability
iv. Vulnerability
a. i , ii and iv
b. i, iii and iv
c. ii, iii and iv
d. i, ii and iii
Ans.: d. i, ii and iii Page 53-54

Imran feels disappointed when he is not able to do everything perfectly, leading him to
6. 1
push himself to achieve unrealistically high standards. Identify the cause of his stress.
a. Social pressure
b. Conflict
c. Frustration
d. Internal pressure
Ans.: d. Internal pressure Page 55

Sonali was questioned by her senior when her performance started to decline. She
7. 1
admitted that she was not eating regularly and her sleep was disturbed. Moreover, she
could not concentrate on work and felt overburdened. Identify the effects of stress being
indicated here.
i. Emotional
ii. Behavioural
iii. Cognitive
iv. Physiological
a. i and ii
b. ii and iii
c. iii and iv
d. i and iv
Ans.: b. ii and iii Page 57-58

Which of the following is/are true about psychological disorders in the middle ages?
8. 1
i. Demonology and superstition were used as explanations of psychological disorders.
ii. Mental anguish and conflict were considered as reasons for psychological disorders.
iii. Disturbed interpersonal relationships were emphasised to explain mental disorders.
iv. There was emphasis on deinstitutionalisation for people with psychological
a. Only i is true
b. i and ii are true
c. Only iii is true
d. ii and iv are true

Ans.: b. i and ii are true Page 72

9. While paying bills, Sanjana was suddenly overwhelmed by anxiety. Her heart pounded, 1
she felt like she couldn’t breathe, and she became dizzy. This was most likely to be
______________ .

a. A panic attack
b. A dissociative episode
c. A manic episode
d. A generalized anxiety episode
Ans.: a. A panic attack Page 76

Brijesh, an accountant, went on a work trip and never returned home. Years later, he was
10. 1
found by a friend in another city, where he was working as a labourer. He was living with
a new identity and had no memory of his past. Brijesh’s symptoms are indicative of

a. Dissociative fugue
b. Dissociative identity disorder
c. Schizophrenia
d. Depersonalisation
Ans.: a. Dissociative fugue Page 79

In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of

11. 1
Reason (R). Mark the correct choice.
Assertion (A): The principle of reciprocal inhibition states that the presence of two
mutually opposing forces at the same time will lead to the stronger force inhibiting the
weaker one.
Reason (R): The principle of reciprocal inhibition is a procedure wherein the client learns
to behave in a certain way by observing the behaviour of the therapist.

a. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
b. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
c. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d. Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
Ans.: c. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false. Page 98

Amit throws temper tantrums every time he goes to the market with his parents. He insists
12. 1
that they buy him a new toy every time. Identify the most suitable behavioural technique
to modify this unwanted behaviour.
a. Token economy

b. Aversive conditioning
c. Differential reinforcement
d. Systematic desensitisation
Ans.: c. Differential reinforcement Page 98

What is the chief benefit to the client in cognitive therapy?

13. 1
a. Emotional insight is gained and the client is able to change his emotions towards
the conflict.
b. The client is able to change maladaptive behaviour to adaptive ones.
c. The client is able to replace irrational thoughts with rational ones.
d. The client is able to achieve personal growth which leads to understanding
Ans.: c. The client is able to replace irrational thoughts with rational ones. Page 99

In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of

14. 1
Reason (R). Mark the correct choice.
Assertion (A): We assign causes to the behaviour shown in specific social situations. This
process is called attribution.
Reason (R): We are also interested in why people behave in ways they do. Therefore, we
assign a cause to a behaviour.

a. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
b. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
c. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d. Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
Ans.: a. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A). Page 107

Anna, the head girl of a school, gives more opportunities to the members of Red House
15. 1
than those of Blue or Green House. This is because she feels they are less capable. She
even ignores the advice of her teachers to give equal opportunities to all the Houses.
Which strategy will help in handling this prejudice?
a. Highlighting group identity rather than individual identity.
b. Increasing her interaction with the members of all the Houses.
c. Keeping the Red House members higher in power or status.
d. Creating an environment for all the Houses to meet in a competitive rather than
cooperative context.
Ans.: b. Increasing her interaction with the members of all the Houses. Page 119

Which one of the following is a feature of an attitude?

16. 1
a. Centrality
b. Behavioural

c. Cognitive
d. Affective
Ans.: a. Centrality Page 108-109

A working group was formed to organise the annual sports competition in a school. At a
17. 1
particular stage, there was a lot of conflict in the group. Identify this stage and the stage
that is likely to follow it.
a. The group was at the storming stage followed by the norming stage.
b. The group was at the norming stage followed by the forming stage.
c. The group was at the storming stage followed by the performing stage.
d. The group was at the forming stage followed by the norming stage.
Ans.: a. The group was at the storming stage followed by the norming stage. Page
In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
18. 1
Reason (R). Mark the correct choice.

Assertion (A): Situation and circumstances in which one is placed influence one’s
Reason (R): The situational influences are so powerful that individuals with similar
personality traits respond to them in almost the same ways.
a. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
b. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
c. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d. Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
Ans.: c. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false. Page 2

Section B

Ivaan experiences distress and is constantly complaining of snakes crawling inside his
19. 2
stomach. Identify the disorder and the symptom that Ivaan is experiencing. Explain any
one negative symptom of this disorder.

● Schizophrenia- Positive symptom, Somatic hallucination

● Negative symptom- any one
(1+1) Page 82

Fatima communicates her feelings and views clearly with confidence. She could say ‘no’
20. 2
to a request or state an opinion without being self-conscious. Which life skill is she using?
Suggest two more life skills that can help Fatima meet the challenges of life successfully.
● Fatima was using assertiveness
● Any two life skills (Time management, Self-care, improving relationships,
overcoming unhelpful habit etc.)
(1+1) Page 64
Resham has been overwhelmed by the quantum of work in her office. She has been
advised some stress management techniques by her counsellor. What are the two
techniques that you think would be helpful for her to manage stress?
A brief description of any two of the following stress management techniques:
● Relaxation Techniques
● Meditation Procedures
● Biofeedback
● Creative Visualisation
● Cognitive Behavioural Techniques
● Exercise
(1+1) Page 62-63
21. State any two ethical standards that need to be practiced by professional psychotherapists. 2
Two ethical standards that need to be practiced by professional psychotherapists are
(any 2 of the following ) :
● Informed consent needs to be taken
● Confidentiality of the client should be maintained
● Alleviating personal distress and suffering should be the goal of all attempts of
the therapist
● Integrity of the practitioner -client relationship is important
● Respect for human rights and dignity
● Professional competence and skills are essential
(1+1) Page 103

22. Vinita holds a negative attitude towards individuals of a particular community. She avoids 2
interacting or helping them in college. Identify and explain the behaviour being exhibited
by Vinita.
● Discrimination
● Prejudice may also get translated into discrimination, the behavioural component,
whereby people behave in a less positive way towards a particular target group
compared to another group which they favour.

(1+1) Page 118

23. Explain any two elements of a group structure? 2

(Any two points)
The four elements of a group structure are
● Roles are socially defined expectations that individuals in a given situation are
expected to fulfil.
● Norms are expected standards of behaviour and beliefs established, agreed upon,
and enforced by group members.
● Status refers to the relative social position given to group members by others.
● Cohesiveness refers to togetherness, binding, or mutual attraction among group
members. As the group becomes more cohesive, group members start to think,
feel and act as a social unit.
(1+1) Page 134,135

Section C

Kirti is of average intelligence but is high on ability to appraise, express and regulate her
24. 3
emotions. Identify the intelligence that she exhibits and why it is receiving so much
attention these days. Suggest some ways to enhance this kind of intelligence of students
in schools.
● Emotional Intelligence
● Receiving attention at it helps students to deal with the stresses and challenges of
the outside world; benefits their academic achievements. Reduces anti-social
● Ways: Programmes that involve cooperative behaviour in school.

(1+1+1) Page 17

Explain major depressive disorder. State the factors which predispose an individual to
25. 3

A period of depressed mood/ or loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, change in

body weight, constant sleep problems, tiredness, inability to think clearly, agitation,
greatly slowed behaviour, thoughts of suicide and death.

● Genetic make-up, or heredity

● Age: women are particularly at risk during young adulthood, while for men the
risk is highest in early middle age.
● Gender also plays a great role in this differential risk addition. For example,
women in comparison to men are more likely to report a depressive disorder.
● Negative life events and lack of social support.

(1+2=3) Page 79-80

An attitude towards recycling and reuse needs to be encouraged to conserve the

26. 3
environment. Examine the factors that will influence attitude change towards this.
Factors that influence Attitude Change (explanation of any 3 points)
● Characteristics of the existing attitude
● Source characteristics
● Message characteristics
● Target characteristics
(1+1+1) Page 114-117
An individual’s attitude may not always be exhibited through behaviour. When would
there be consistency between attitude and behaviour? Explain.
Psychologists have found that there would be consistency between attitudes and behaviour
when : (any three of the following points)
● the attitude is strong, and occupies a central place in the attitude system
● there is very little or no external pressure for the person to behave in a particular
way. For example, when there is no group pressure to follow a particular norm
● the person’s behaviour is not being watched or evaluated by others
● the person thinks that the behaviour would have a positive consequence, and
therefore, intends to engage in that behaviour.
(1+1+1) Page 117-118

27. Ananya had been trying to learn a new form of dance to win a competition. She decided 3
to join a dance group which was also practicing the same dance form. Identify the reason
for Ananya wanting to join the dance group. Explain some of the other reasons that make
people join groups.
● Ananya’s reason for joining the group - Goal achievement
● Any 2 reasons other than the above with explanation
(1+2) Page 132

Section D

Explain the role of assessment in understanding psychological attributes. Describe the key
28. 4
features of any two methods used for psychological assessment.
● Assessment is the measurement of psychological attributes of an individual which
often uses methods in terms of certain comparisons. An attribute of an individual
will be said to exist if it can be measured by using scientific procedures.
● There are various methods of assessment. (any two)
o Psychological Test: It is an objective and standardized measure of an
individual’s mental and/or behavioral characteristics. It is commonly used
for the purposes of clinical diagnosis, guidance, personnel selection,
placement, and training.
o Self-Report: It is a method in which a person provides factual information
about themselves. Such information may be obtained by using an interview
schedule or a questionnaire, a psychological test, or a personal diary.
o Interview
o Case Study
o Observation
(1+1 ½ +1 ½= 4) Page 2

Explain the term intelligence. Describe the PASS model of intelligence.

● Intelligence is a psychological attribute that involves the usage of cognitive
elements to perceive the environment and solve problems.
(Any definition)
● PASS model-J.P. Das, Jack Naglieri, and Kirby, intellectual activity involves the
interdependent functioning of three neurological systems, called the functional

units of the brain. These units are responsible for arousal/attention, coding or
processing, and planning respectively.
o Arousal/Attention – State of arousal is basic to any behavior as it helps us
in attending to stimuli.
o Simultaneous/Successive Processing – Simultaneous processing takes
place when you perceive the relations among various concepts and
integrate them into a meaningful pattern for comprehension. Successive
processing takes place when you remember all the information in a serial
o Planning – Planning comes after the information is attended to and
processed- allows us to think of the possible courses of action, implement
them to reach a target, and evaluate their effectiveness.
(1+3 ) Page 9

29. Mother Teresa believed that she had a mission to fulfil and did what came natural to her, 4
loving others and serving them. Identify the trait being referred to here by Gordon Allport
and how it affects a person's behaviour. Distinguish it from other traits given by him.
● Traits being referred to here are Cardinal traits
● They are highly generalised dispositions. They indicate the goal around which a
person's entire life seems to revolve. In this case Mother Teresa’s helping and
loving nature could be seen in her work and all other areas.
● Other traits proposed by Allport are Central traits (explain)
● Secondary traits (explain)
(1+1+1+1) Page 32
Individuals differ in the coping strategies that they use to deal with stressful situations.
30. 4
Justify this statement highlighting various coping strategies.
Individuals differ in the coping strategies they use to cope with the same stressful situation as they
use different coping strategies as given by Endler & Parker
● Task-Oriented Strategy: This involves obtaining information about the stressful situation
and about alternative courses of action and their probable outcome; it also involves
deciding priorities and acting so as to deal directly with the stressful situation.
● Emotion-oriented Strategy: This can involve efforts to maintain hope and to control one’s
emotions; it can also involve venting feelings of anger and frustration
● Avoidance-oriented Strategy: This involves denying or minimising the seriousness of the
situation; it also involves conscious suppression of stressful thoughts and their
replacement by self-protective thoughts. Examples of this are watching TV, phoning a
friend, or trying to be with other people
● Examples (carry weightage)


Coping Strategies by Lazarus and Folkman
● Problem Focused Strategies with example
● Emotion Focused Strategies with example

(2+2) Page - 61, 62

31. Shahid showed a reduction in symptoms after he received treatment for schizophrenia. He 4
was sent to the rehabilitation centre to improve his quality of life. What steps would be
taken in the rehabilitation centre to help him become a productive member of the
community? Explain.
● In occupational therapy, the patients are taught skills such as candle making, paper
bag making and weaving to help them to form a work discipline.
● Social skills training helps the patients to develop interpersonal skills through role
play, imitation and instruction. The objective is to teach the patient to function in
a social group.
● Cognitive retraining is given to improve the basic cognitive functions of attention,
memory and executive functions
● After the patient improves sufficiently, vocational training is given wherein the
patient is helped to gain skills necessary to undertake productive employment.
(1+1+1+1) Page 103-104

Mukesh was given therapy that encouraged him to seek personal growth and actualise his
potential. Based on these principles, explain the therapy that is being applied here.
Any 4 points
● The humanistic-existential therapies postulate that psychological distress arises
from feelings of loneliness, alienation, and an inability to find meaning and
genuine fulfilment in life.
● Human beings are motivated by the desire for personal growth and self-
actualisation, and an innate need to grow emotionally.
● Healing occurs when the client is able to perceive the obstacles to self-
actualisation in her/his life and is able to remove them. Self-actualisation requires
free emotional expression.
● The therapy creates a permissive, non-judgmental and accepting atmosphere in
which the client’s emotions can be freely expressed and the complexity, balance
and integration could be achieved.
● Healing takes place by a process of understanding the unique personal experience
of the client by herself/himself. The client initiates the process of self-growth
through which healing takes place.
(1+1+1+1) Page 100-101

Section E

Describe Freud’s psychosexual stages of personality development.

32. 6
Freud proposed five stages of personality development(also called psychosexual stages of
● Oral- Seen in a new born where the mouth is the primary pleasure seeking centre.
● Anal- anal area of the body becomes the focus of certain pleasurable feelings.
● Phallic- focus on genitals. Children realise the difference between males and
females. Oedipus and Electra complex.
● Latency-child grows physically and energy is channelized into various activities.
● Genital - maturity attained in psychosexual development.
(Explanation of each stage)
● Concepts of fixation and regression to be explained

(1+1+1+1+1+½ +½ ) Page 36-37


Explain the characteristics of indirect techniques that are used to assess personality.
Describe any two such tests.
Indirect techniques/ projective techniques are methods of assessment based on the
psychoanalytic theory.
These were developed to assess the unconscious motives and feelings.
A less structured stimulus material is used onto which the subject projects his feelings and
desires. These projections are interpreted by trained experts.
The person being assessed is usually not told about the purpose of the test.
Scoring and interpretation may sometimes be subjective. (explanation of above)
Description of any two tests - Ink blot, TAT, Sentence completion test, Draw a Person
Test, PF Test.
(3+1 ½ +1 ½ ) Page 43-46

Section F

Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Malay, a student of class IX, was referred to a mental health clinic with complaints of
stealing money, excessive lying, setting fire to household items, teasing young girls of the
locality, and passing lewd remarks and making obscene gestures. The onset was about
three years ago and has increased over the past eight months. Of late, he has started using
alcohol and spending more time outdoors with friends of similar interest. School reports

suggested gradual development of inappropriate behaviours such as openly defying rules
in school, playing truant, instigating fellow students to pass silly remarks in class,
disrespectful attitude towards elders ultimately resulting in frequent school absenteeism,
mixing with local goons and excessive aggression. Further investigation revealed that
family history is disturbed, relationship with father was extremely hostile and there were
frequent conflicts amongst the family members. Birth and developmental milestones are

Identify the disorder Malay is exhibiting. Distinguish it from Attention-

33. 2
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Conduct Disorder: Age inappropriate actions, violate family expectations and social
norms, any other relevant point ADHD-Neurodevelopmental disorder, Hyperactivity,
inattentiveness, impulsiveness, any other relevant point
(½ +1½ ) Page 83-84

The symptoms that Malay is exhibiting are different from the symptoms of Oppositional
Defiant Disorder. Justify this statement.
● Conduct Disorder-Age inappropriate actions, violate family expectations and
social norms, any other relevant point
● ODD - Age inappropriate stubbornness, irritable, disobedience, justify their
behaviour as reaction to circumstances or any relevant point
(1+1 =2) Page 84

How would the socio-cultural model help us to understand Malay’s disorder?

34. 2

Social and cultural forces, family structure and communication, family system , lack of
support and fulfilling relationships (elaborate on these ) Any two points
(1+1) Page 75

Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Alfred Binet, in 1905, was requested by the French government to devise a method by
which students who experienced difficulty in school could be identified. Binet and his
colleague, Theodore Simon, began developing questions that focused on areas not
explicitly taught in schools those days, such as memory, attention skills related to problem
solving. Using these questions, Binet determined which were the ones that served as the
best predictors of school success.

Binet quickly realised that some children were able to answer more advanced questions
than older children were generally able to answer and vice versa. Based on this
observation, Binet suggested the concept of mental age or a measure of intelligence based
on the average abilities of children of a certain age group. This first intelligence test
referred to as the Binet-Simon Scale. He insisted that intelligence is influenced by many
factors, it changes over time, and it can only be compared in children with similar

Identify the approach on which the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale is based. Discuss its
35. 2


● It is based on the psychometric approach.

● It considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities or on the structure of
intelligence. It expresses an individual's performance in terms of a single index of
cognitive abilities.
(1+1) Page 5

‘Binet quickly realised that some children were able to answer more advanced questions
36. than older children were generally able to answer and vice versa’. Why do individuals
differ in intelligence? Using examples, give reasons for your answer.

● Interplay of nature and nurture- Intelligence is a product of both nature and

● A brief description of both with examples

(1+½ +½ ) Page 10

Psychology (037)
Class- XII
Sample Question Paper with Marking Scheme
Term II
Time – 2 Hours Max Marks – 35

General instructions:
● There are 12 Questions in this paper.
● The paper is divided into 4 sections, Section A, B, C and D.
● Section A has 3 questions, from Question No. 1 to 3 carrying 2 marks each.
Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words.
● Section B has 3 questions, from Question No. 4 to 6, carrying 3 marks each.
Answer to these questions should not exceed 80 words.
● Section C has 4 questions, from Question No. 7 to 10, carrying 4 marks each.
Answer to these questions should not exceed 120 words.
● Section D has one case study. There are 2 questions based on this case study,
Question No. 11 and 12. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer to these
questions should not exceed 40 words. Answer both questions.

SECTION A Marks Chapter

1. State any two differences between somatic symptom and illness 2 4

anxiety disorder.

Somatic symptom disorder Illness anxiety disorder
persistent body-related persistent preoccupation about
symptoms which may or may developing a serious illness
not be related to any serious
medical condition.
overly preoccupied with their overly concerned about
symptoms undiagnosed disease,
expression is in terms of it is the anxiety which is the
physical complaints. main concern.

Any 2 Points (1+1=2)

Page: 78
2 Explain any two factors that influence attitude formation. 2 6
Explanation of any two of the following
1. Reference Groups
2. Personal Experiences
3. Media-related Influences
Page: 111-112
Explain any two components of attitudes. 2 6
Explanation of any two of the A-B-C components (Affective-
Behavioral-Cognitive components).
Page: 108
3. What is cognitive dissonance? Give an example. 2 6
 It emphasizes that the cognitive components of an attitude must
be ‘consonant’ (opposite of ‘dissonant’), i.e., they should be
logically in line with each other.
 If an individual finds that two cognitions in an attitude are
dissonant, then one of them will be changed in the direction of
 (Or explained with the help of an example)

4. Radhika has been diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder. 3 4

Explain the development of this disorder with the help of the
diathesis-stress model.
Explain diathesis stress model.
Diathesis Stress Model
 presence of some biological aberration
 Presence of pathological stressor
 their predisposition may actually evolve into a disorder.
This model can be applied to explain Radhika’s GAD. According to
the model, Radhika has genetic predisposition to develop anxiety
disorders which she may have inherited. Due to external stressors,
generalized anxiety disorder may get triggered.
(1.5 marks for explaining the model and 1.5 mark for explaining
Radhika’s GAD through the model
Page: 75-76
5. A client approaches a therapist to overcome her/his phobia for 3 5
heights. Describe a behavioral technique that the therapist might
choose to help her/him to overcome this phobia for heights.
 Systematic Desensitization: the therapist prepares a hierarchy of
anxiety-provoking stimuli with the least anxiety-provoking
stimuli at the bottom of the hierarchy. E.g., the fear of lifts.
 Each session is accompanied by relaxation exercises. Reciprocal
inhibition principle -Wolpe.
 Over sessions, the client is able to imagine more severe fear-
provoking situations while maintaining the relaxation. The client
gets systematically desensitized to the fear.
Page: 98
6 We are members of a number of groups at any given time. Explain 3 7
the reasons that make people join groups.
Answer –Reasons:
 Security
 Status
 Self -esteem
 Satisfaction of one’s psychological and social needs
 Goal achievement
 Provide knowledge and information
Explanation of any 3 Reasons
Groups differ in many respects. Identify the characteristics that 3 7
distinguish primary groups from secondary groups.
Primary group:
 pre-existing formations
 face-to-face interaction and members have close physical
 central to individual’s functioning
 boundaries are less permeable.
Secondary groups:
 individuals join by choice,
 impersonal, indirect,
 and less frequent relationships among members;
 easy to leave and join.

7 Describe the defining symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder and 4 4
conduct disorder.
Defining symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
 age-inappropriate amounts of stubbornness, irritable, defiant,
disobedient, hostile
 oppositional, or defiant and often justify their behavior,
problems interacting with others.
Defining symptoms of Conduct Disorder
 age-inappropriate actions and attitudes that violate family
expectations, societal norms, and the personal or property
rights of others.
 aggressive actions that cause or threaten harm to people or
animals, non-aggressive conduct that causes property damage,
major deceitfulness or theft, and serious rule violations. State
types of aggression- verbal aggression physical aggression,
hostile aggression and proactive aggression
Page: 84
What are dissociative disorders? Describe some of the identifying 4 4
symptoms of different types of dissociative disorders.

Dissociative Disorders:
 severance (divisions, separation) of the connections between
ideas and emotions, feelings of unreality, estrangement,
depersonalization, temporary alterations of consciousness and
sometimes a loss or shift of identity.
Types of Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Amnesia
 unable to tell important, personal information often related to a
stressful and traumatic report; extent of forgetting beyond
normal, associated with overwhelming stress
 Dissociative fugue- traveling away from a stressful
environment, assumption of a new identity, and the inability to
recall the previous identity, when fugue ends no recall of fugue
Dissociative Identity Disorder
 person assumes alternate personalities that are contrasting
from each other, may or may not be aware of each other.
 associated with traumatic experiences ( physical abuse) in
 a dreamlike state in which the person has a sense of being
separated both from self and from reality
 a change of self-perception,

Page: 78-79
8 Explain the alternative treatment possibilities to psychotherapy. How 4 5
does rehabilitation of the mentally ill improve the quality of their life?
There are many alternative therapies such as yoga, meditation,
acupuncture, herbal remedies and so on.
1. Yoga - today refers to only the asanas or body posture component
or to breathing practices or pranayama, or to a combination of the
2. Meditation refers to the practice of focusing attention on breath or
on an object or thought or a mantra.
3. In Vipassana meditation, also known as mindfulness-based
meditation, passively observes the various bodily sensations and
thoughts that are passing through in her or his awareness.
4. Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) is found to be beneficial for stress,
anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, stress-
related medical illnesses, substance abuse etc.
5. Kundalini Yoga is effective in treatment of mental disorders like
obsessive- compulsive disorder. Kundalini Yoga combines
pranayama or breathing techniques with chanting of mantras help
the patients to process emotional stimuli better.
Explanation of any three alternate treatment- 3marks
 The aim of rehabilitation is to empower the patient to become a
productive member of society to the extent possible and be self-
 Occupational therapy, vocational therapy and social skills
(3+1 = 4)
Page 103, 104
Explain the different cognitive therapies that are used to reduce 4 5
Cognitive therapies locate the cause of psychological distress in
irrational thoughts and beliefs.
 Rational Emotive therapy- Albert Ellis- ABC analysis
 Irrational beliefs assessed through questionnaires and
interviews, nondirective questioning.
 The rational belief system replaces the irrational belief system
and there is a reduction in psychological distress
Cognitive therapy- Aaron Beck- core schema; dysfunctional
cognitive structures.
 The therapist uses questioning, which is gentle, nonthreatening
disputation of the client’s beliefs and thoughts.
 whereby she gains insight into the nature of her dysfunctional
schemas. Cognitive restructuring.
(2 + 2 = 4)
9 Anshu feels that assertive and successful women might become too 4 6
powerful and neglect their family responsibilities. Explain the factors
that will help in changing Anshu’s attitude towards assertive and
successful women.
Explanation of the following with respect to Anshu’s attitude.

 Characteristics of the existing attitude,

 Source characteristics,
 Message characteristics
 Target characteristics
Page 114-118
10 A person ‘X’ was caught taking a bribe and her/his colleagues were 4 7
asked to decide on what punishment she/he should be given. They
could either let her/him go with just a warning or decide to terminate
her/his services. After a discussion with other employees of the
organisation, an extreme decision was taken to terminate this person’s
services. Identify this phenomenon and explain why it occurs.

 Group polarization
 Groups are more likely to take extreme decisions than individuals
 This strengthening of the group’s initial position is referred to as
group polarization and may sometimes have dangerous
repercussions as groups may take extreme positions.
 Explanation of reasons with reference to X
 Company of like -minded people
 Band-wagon effect
 Ingroup perception with like-minded people and consequent

(1/2 +1/2+ 1+1+1=4)

Page 137, 138
Mental health professionals have attempted to understand
psychological disorders using different approaches through the ages.
Today, we have sophisticated facilities and hospitals dedicated to the
treatment of the mentally ill. While studying the history of
psychological disorders it is interesting to note that some practices
from ancient times are still in use. Take the case of Lakshmi and her
daughter, Maya. Maya exhibits abnormal behaviours and Lakshmi
believes that this is because of evil spirits that have possessed her. She
has been taking her daughter to a self-proclaimed healer, who uses
counter-magic and prayer to cure her. Stigma and lack of awareness
prevents Lakshmi from using the modern facilities and hospitals that
provide quality mental health care.

On the other hand, when young Rita reported seeing people and
hearing voices, mental health professionals at a modern facility were
able to understand her hallucinations using a convergence of three
approaches. Psychologists use official manuals like the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5th Edition (DSM-5) and
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) to indicate presence
or absence of disorders. Today there is increased compassion for
people who suffer from disorders and a lot of emphasis is placed on
providing community care.

11. Identify the method used by the healer to cure Maya’s illness. How 2 4
does this theory from ancient times explain Maya’s treatment?
Method used: Exorcism - removing the evil that resides in the
individual through counter magic and prayer
Abnormal behavior can be explained by the operation of supernatural
and magical forces such as bhoot-pret or shaitan.
(1+1=2), Page: 72
12 Which approach do you think would best explain Rita’s 2 4
treatment? How do you think DSM - 5 and ICD -10 help mental
health professionals in indicating the presence or absence of
Interactional Approach, which is a bio-psycho-social approach

DSM -5 /ICD-10 have criteria that indicate presence or absence of

disorders - for each disorder there is a description of the main clinical
features or symptoms and of other associate features including
diagnostic guidelines
(1+1), Page 73
Time – 90 Minutes Max Marks – 35

General instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains three sections.

2. Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
4. Section C has 12 questions. Attempt any 10 questions.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

Section A has 24 questions (from question no. 1 to 24). Answer any 20 questions from this
____ and performance tests help reduce the cultural bias usually associated with intelligence

a. Non-verbal
b. Group
c. Individual
d. Verbal
Ans: a. Non-verbal
Pg. 15
Q2 ____ involves seeking information from a person on a one-to-one basis.
a. Case study
b. Self -Report
c. Interview
d. Psychological test
Ans: c. Interview
Pg. 4
Q3 In Jensen’s model, Level II represents ____ .
a. emotional competence
b. social competence
c. cognitive competence
d. associative learning
Ans: c. cognitive competence
Pg. 6
Q4 Giftedness from the teachers’ point of view depends on a combination of ________.
a. high ability, high creativity, high commitment
b. high ability, high creativity, high cooperation
c. high ability, high commitment, high talent
d. high ability, high creativity, high dependence
Ans: a. high ability, high creativity, high commitment
Pg. 13
Q5 Some societies adopt child rearing practices that foster skills of speed, minimal moves, and
mental manipulation, promoting a type of behavior called____ .

a. integral intelligence
b. technological intelligence
c. emotional intelligence
d. contextual intelligence
Ans: b. technological intelligence
Pg. 16
Q6 Hippocrates proposed a typology of personality based on ____ .

a. trigunas
b. humour
c. tridosha
d. body build and temperament
Ans: (b) humour
Pg. 30
Q7 Which of the following lists presents Freud’s psychosexual stages in the order in which they

a. anal, oral, genital, phallic and latency

b. genital, latency anal, oral and phallic
c. oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital
d. oral, anal, latency, phallic and genital
Ans: c, oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital
Amit lacks motivation in life and has an overly complacent attitude. He remains relaxed and
deals patiently with others. Which type of personality does Amit have according to Friedman
and Rosenman?
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. Type C
d. Type D
Ans: (b) Type B
Pg. 31
Q9 Sanjana loves to have burgers every day. Being aware of its ill effects on her body, she promised
herself that she would buy a book of her choice if she managed to restrain herself from eating
burgers for a month. This is an example of _____ .

a. observation of own behavior

b. self-instruction
c. self-reinforcement
d. self esteem
Ans: (c) self-reinforcement
Pg. 27
Q10 Anjani just found a gold bracelet inside a movie theatre. Which part of her personality would
urge her to deposit it at the manager’s office?

a. id
b. ego
c. superego
d. libido
Ans: c, superego
Pg. 35
Q11 Cultures are characterized as collectivistic when ________ .
a. each member of the group maintains his/her individuality
b. there is a clear dichotomy between self and others
c. self and group remain at a distance
d. self and group have a harmonious co-existence
Ans: (d) Self and group have a harmonious co-existence
Pg. 28
Q12 The school counsellor told Simran that people are happiest and perform their best when their
personal traits and characteristics match their occupation. To assess this, she has to go through
a psychological test. Her counsellor is most likely to use the ______test.
a. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
b. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
c. Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
d. Draw a person test
Ans: (c) Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
Pg. 43
Q13 Collective unconscious consists of _____ that are not individually acquired but are inherited.
a. traits
b. archetypes
c. conflicts
d. dreams
Ans: (b) archetype
Pg. 37
Q14 The stresses which people experience vary in terms of intensity, duration, complexity and

a. personality
b. predictability
c. temperament
d. intelligence
Ans: b. predictability
Q15. __________ is the term used to describe the level of stress that is good for a person as it enhances
a. Distress
b. Eustress
c. Social Stress
d. Strain
Ans: b. Eustress
Pg. 51-52
Q16 __________ stem from beliefs based upon expectations from inside us, such as, ‘I must do
everything perfectly’.
a. Conflicts
b. Frustrations
c. Social stresses
d. Internal pressures
Ans: d. Internal pressures
Pg. 55
Q17 As per the General Adaptation Syndrome, the individual is ready for fight or flight in the
_____________ stage.
a. resistance
b. burnout
c. alarm reaction
d. exhaustion
Ans: c. alarm reaction
Q18 ___________ is a dynamic situation-specific reaction to stress.
a. Appraisal
b. Coping
c. Situational support
d. Assertiveness
Ans: b. Coping
Pg. 61
Q19. Howard Gardner has proposed many types of intelligences except____ .

a. linguistic
b. creative
c. intrapersonal
d. interpersonal
Ans: b. creative
Pg. 7-8
Q20 The IQ range for individuals with mild intellectual deficiency is ______________ .
a. 55-69
b. 40-54
c. 25-39
d. below 25
Ans: a.55-69
Pg. 12
Q21 Supportive friends and family provide ____________ by reassuring the individual that she/he is
loved, valued, and cared for.
a. emotional support
b. tangible support
c. informational support
d. financial support
Ans: a. emotional support
Pg. 66
Q22 _____________ is a behavior or skill that helps to communicate clearly and confidently, our
feelings, needs, wants and thoughts.
a. Positive attitude
b. Perfectionism
c. Assertiveness
d. Rational thinking
Ans: c. Assertiveness
Pg. 64
Q23 The study that focuses on the link between the brain, mind and immune system is called

a. Psychoneuroimmunology
b. Psychoimmunology
c. Psychoneurology
d. Immunoneurology
Ans: a. Psychoneuroimmunology
Pg. 59
Q24 ___________ are enduring beliefs about an ideal mode of behavior.
a. Preferences
b. Interest
c. Attitudes
d. Values
Ans: d, Values
Pg. 4
Section B has 24 questions (from question no. 25 to 48). Answer any 20 questions from this

Q25 Helen took a/an __________ test which indicated that she could excel in typing and highlighted
it in her resume while looking for jobs.
a. multiple aptitude
b. specialized aptitude
c. interest
d. achievement
Ans: b, specialized aptitude
Pg. 18
Q26 ___________ is identified as a facet of intelligence in Indian tradition that explains qualities like
self-regulation, self-monitoring of emotions, honesty, good conduct and politeness.
a. Emotional Competence
b. Social Competence
c. Cognitive Capacity
d. Entrepreneurial Competence
Ans: a, Emotional Competence
Pg. 16
Q27 The correlation between intelligence test scores of identical twins is ____________.
i. higher when they are raised together than when they are raised apart.
ii. greater than that for fraternal twins raised together.
iii. lower than that for any other blood relatives.
iv. the same whether they are reared together or apart.
Choose the correct option
a. i and iii
b. i and ii
c. iii and iv
d. i and iv
Ans: b, i and ii,
Pg. 10
Q28 Tanisha works at night in a call center, travels amidst heavy traffic to reach her work place and
sleeps during the daytime. This is challenging and is a/an _____________.

a. hassle
b. traumatic event
c. life event
d. environmental stress
Ans: a. Hassle
Pg. 57
Q29 The distribution of IQ scores _____________.
i. is approximately normal or bell-shaped.
ii. falls off abruptly above 100.
iii. reveals a difference in the average for men and women.
iv. shows that most people score between 90 and 109.
Choose the correct option
a. i ,iii
b. i , ii
c. i , iv
d. ii , iv
Ans: c. i and iv
Pg. 11
Q30 A teacher might assume that a well-behaved student is also bright and motivated before they
have objectively evaluated the student's capacity in these areas. Identify the phenomenon.
a. Middle Category Bias
b. Social Desirability
c. Halo effect
d. Extreme Response Bias
Ans: (c) Halo effect
Pg. 47
Q31 The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory helps to diagnose ____________ .
i. Neuroticism, psychoticism
ii. Sociability, PTSD
iii. Psychasthenia, schizophrenia
iv. Paranoia, depression
Choose the correct option
a. i, iii
b. ii, i
c. iii, iv
d. ii, iv
Ans: (c) iii , iv
Pg. 42
Q32 Which factor is TRUE of people who are low in self-efficacy?
i. They feel less fearful and do not shy away from taking risks.
ii. They avoid challenges and allow people to select and shape their environment.
iii. They don’t believe that luck and fate control their life’s outcome.
iv. It can be enhanced by presenting weak role models.
Choose the correct option
a. i, iii
b. ii, i
c. iii, iv
d. ii, iv
Ans: (d) ii , iv
Q33 Which of the following statements are TRUE about self as an object?
i. Self is an entity that does something.
ii. Self is being described as a knower.
iii. Self gets observed and comes to be known.
iv. Self is an entity on which something is being done.
Choose the correct option
a. i, iii
b. ii, i
c. i, iv
d. iii, iv
Ans: d. iii , iv
Pg. 25
Q34 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): There may be many people who are academically talented but are unsuccessful
in their own lives.

Reason(R): The source of their difficulty is lack of emotional intelligence.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true
Ans: (a) Both A & R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
Pg. 17
Q35 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): PASS processes operate on a knowledge base developed either formally (through
reading and writing and experimenting) or informally from the environment.

Reason (R): The functioning of these processes are not interdependent on each other.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true

Ans: c. A is true, R is false

Pg. 9
Q36 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): A strong sense of self efficacy allows people to select, influence and construct
the circumstances of their own life.

Reason (R): People’s expectations of mastery or achievement and their convictions about their
own effectiveness determine the types of behaviors they engage in.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true

Ans: a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

Q37 Latika overthinks and worries about achieving her goals. Thus, the stress that she generates for
herself in her mind is most likely to be _________.

a. environmental stress
b. physical stress
c. psychological stress
d. social stress
Ans: c. psychological stress
Pg. 55
Q38 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): Neurotic people have control over their feelings.

Reason (R): Neurotic people are anxious, moody, touchy, restless and are quick to lose control.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true

Ans: d. A is false, R is true

Pg. 32-33

Q39 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): A person who has strong aggressive tendencies may see other people as being
excessively aggressive towards him/her.

Reason (R): People adopt an ego defense mechanism called projection in which they attribute
their own traits to others.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true

Ans: a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

Pg. 35

Q40 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): Behavioral ratings suffer from major limitations like acquiescence.

Reason (R): Raters have a tendency to place individuals in the middle of a scale by avoiding
extreme positions.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true

Ans: d A is false, R is true.

Pg. 47

Q41 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): Self-concept is the way we perceive ourselves and the ideas we hold about our
competencies and attributes.

Reasoning(R): Parents who make decisions for their children when they do not need assistance
often suffer from low self-esteem.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. A is true, but R is false
c. A is false, but R is true
d. Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A
Ans: d. Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A
Pg. 26
Q42 Dilip experiences mood swings, and erratic feelings due to the stress he is facing. This refers to
the _________ effect of stress.

a. physiological
b. behavioral
c. cognitive
d. emotional
Ans: d. Emotional
Pg. 57
Q43 Ayesha focuses on her priorities, plans her work and schedules her time effectively. This is
suggestive of the _________ coping strategy.

a. emotion focused
b. avoidance oriented
c. task oriented
d. emotion oriented
Ans: c Task oriented
Pg. 61
Q44 Which of the following statement/s is/are a part of the stress process, as explained by Lazarus’
Cognitive theory?
i. An individual’s response to a stressful situation largely depends upon the perceived events
and how they are interpreted.
ii. Regardless of the cause of the threat, the individual will respond with the same
physiological pattern of reactions.
iii. When we perceive an event as negative, we are likely to make a secondary appraisal.
iv. Primary appraisal refers to the perception of a new or changing environment as positive,
neutral or negative in its consequences.
Choose the correct option:
a. ii, iii, iv
b. ii, iii
c. i, iii, iv
d. ii
Ans: c. i, iii, iv
Pg. 52-53
Q45 The following is/are true about stress and the immune system:
i. Stress can cause illness by impairing the workings of the immune system.
ii. The immune system functions to guard the body against attackers, both from within and
iii. Increased levels of natural killer cell cytotoxicity have been found in people who are
highly stressed.
iv. Studies reveal that immune functioning is better in individuals who do not receive social
Choose the correct option:
a. i
b. ii, iii
c. i, iii, iv
d. i, ii
Ans: d. i, ii
Pg. 59-60
Q46 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.

Assertion (A): Many of us drive ourselves ruthlessly towards achieving unrealistic and high
standards in achieving our goals. This is a source of psychological stress.

Reason (R): Conflicts stem from beliefs based on expectations from inside us to ourselves.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true
Ans: c. A is true, R is false
Pg. 55

Q47 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.

Assertion (A): People with high levels of stress but low levels of illness share three
characteristics, which are referred to as the personality traits of hardiness.

Reason (R): Hardiness consists of ‘the three Cs’, i.e., commitment, control, and challenge.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true
Ans: (a) Both A & R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
Pg. 63
Q48 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.

Assertion (A): Overcoming unhelpful habits like procrastination is a life skill that enables
individuals to deal effectively with challenges of everyday life.

Reason (R): Factors that act as stress buffers and facilitate positive health are diet, exercise,
positive attitude & positive thinking.


a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true

Ans: b. Both A & R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
Pg. 64-65


Section C has 12 questions (from question no. 49 to 60). A total of 10 questions are to be
answered in this section.
 Question no 49-54 are case based questions.
 Question no 55-60 are based on the picture provided.
Read the case given below and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate

This is a story of three students Ruby, Radhika and Shankar who were enrolled in an
Undergraduate Psychology Program in a University. Ruby was the admission officer’s dream.
She was selected for the program as she had perfect entrance test scores, outstanding grades and
excellent letters of recommendation. But when it was time for Ruby to start coming up with
ideas of her own, she disappointed her professors.

On the other hand, Radhika did not meet the admission officer’s expectations. She had good
grades but low entrance exam scores. However, her letters of recommendation described her as
a creative young woman. She could design and implement research work with minimal guidance
at college.

Shankar ranked somewhere in between the two students. He was satisfactory on almost every
traditional measure of success. But rather than falling somewhere in the middle of his class at
college, Shankar proved to be an outstanding student. His strength lay in the ability to not only
adapt well to the demands of his new environment but also to modify the environment to suit
his needs.

Q49 Identify the theory of intelligence which best explains the intelligence of all the three students
in the story:
a. One Factor Theory
b. Theory of Primary Mental Abilities
c. Hierarchical Model of Intelligence
d. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Ans: d, Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Pg. 8,9
Q 50 Identify the type of intelligence Ruby possesses.
a. Practical
b. Componential
c. Linguistic
d. Experiential
Ans: b, Componential
Pg. 8
Q51 Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about Radhika’s intelligence?
a. People high on this quickly find out which information is crucial in a given situation.
b. It is also called experiential intelligence.
c. It involves modifying the environment to suit the needs.
d. It reflects in creative performances.
Ans: (c) It involves modifying the environment to fit your needs
Pg. 8,9
Q52 Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option.

Assertion (A): Shankar is not high in contextual intelligence.

Reason (R): Shankar was good at adapting well to the demands of his new environment and
modifying the environment to suit his needs.


a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true, but R is false.
d. A is false, but R is true.
Ans: d. (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Pg. 8,9
Q53 Out of the three students mentioned in the story, who are/is more likely to be a successful
a. Radhika and Shankar
b. Ruby
c. Ruby and Radhika
d. Shankar
Ans: d. Shankar
Pg. 8,9
Q 54 Identify the three components of intelligence that Ruby is high on

a. Knowledge acquisition, Meta, creativity

b. Knowledge acquisition, Meta, performance
c. Knowledge acquisition, Meta, planning
d. Planning, performance, adaptability

Ans: b, Knowledge acquisition, Meta, performance

Pg. 8
Refer the picture given below and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate

Q55 Which type of personality assessment is being depicted in the above picture?

a. Projective Technique
b. Psychometric Tests
c. Behavioural Analysis
d. Self-report Measures

Answer: a. Projective Technique

Pg 42
Q56 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of this test?
a. It reveals the unconscious mind.
b. It can be conducted only on an individual basis.
c. Its interpretation is objective.
d. The stimuli are unstructured.
Answer c. Its interpretation is objective.
Pg 43-45
Q57 Identify the name of the test from the options given below.
a. Thematic Appreciation Test
b. Thematic Apperception Test
c. Theatre Apperception Test
d. Theatre Appreciation Test
Answer: b. Thematic Apperception test
Pg 44
Q58 Which of the following statements are NOT true of this test?
i. In the first phase, called performance proper, the subjects are shown the cards and are
asked to tell what they see in each of them.
ii. The second phase is called inquiry.
iii. Each picture card depicts one or more people in a variety of situations.
iv. The subject is asked to tell a story describing the situation presented in the picture.
Choose the correct option:
a. i, ii
b. iii, iv
c. i, ii, iii
d. ii, iv
Answer a. i,ii
Pg 44
Q59 Which of the following is NOT a drawback of this test?

a. It requires sophisticated skills and specialised training

b. It has problems associated with reliability of scoring
c. It has problems associated with validity of interpretations
d. It is an indirect measure of assessment.
Answer: d. It is an indirect measure of assessment.
Pg 43-45
Q60 Identify the stimuli that are used in such kinds of tests as given in the above picture.

a. Stories
b. Cartoons
c. Ink blots
d. Picture cards
Answer: d. Picture Cards
Pg 44

NOTE- The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates in lieu of questions 55 to
60. Answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
55. Nafisa feels that she is liked by her peers in class. This reflects that she

a. is high on self-efficacy
b. is high on social self-esteem
c. possesses a high IQ
d. is an introvert
Answer: b. is high on social self-esteem
Pg 26-27

56. Discrepancy between the real self and ideal self often results in _______________.

a. self-actualisation
b. self-regulation
c. unhappiness and dissatisfaction
d. intrapsychic conflicts

Ans: c. unhappiness and dissatisfaction

Pg 40-41
57. If an individual is fat, soft and round along with a temperament that is relaxed and
sociable, then he/she is said to have the characteristics of an:

a. Endomorph
b. Extrovert
c. Ectomorph
d. Mesomorph

Ans: a. Endomorph
Pg 30-31
58. Gurmeet was given a personality test to assess how he expresses aggression in the face of a
frustrating situation. Identify the test most suitable for this.

a. Rosenzweig Picture Frustration test

b. Eysenck Personality questionnaire
c. Thematic Apperception Test
d. 16 Personality Factors Test

Ans : a. Rosenzweig Picture Frustration test

Pg 45
59. According to Karen Horney the origin of maladjustment can be traced to.........

a. the inferiority feelings of childhood.

b. basic anxiety resulting from disturbed interpersonal relations.
c. overindulgence of the child at early stages of development.
d. failure to deal with intrapsychic conflicts.

Ans: b. basic anxiety resulting from disturbed interpersonal relations.

Pg 38
60. An individual’s sole concern with the satisfaction of _____________ needs would reduce
him/her to the level of animals.

a. survival
b. esteem
c. security
d. belongingness
Ans a. survival
Pg 41
Psychology (037)
Class- XII
Sample Question Paper 2020-2021
Marking Scheme
Time – 3 Hours Max Marks – 70


● All questions are compulsory except where internal choice has been given.
● Answers should be brief and to the point. Marks for each question are indicated against it.
● Question No. 1- 14 in Section I are objective type questions carrying 1 mark each. You are
expected to answer them as directed.
● Question No. 15-16 in Section II are case based with objective type questions. Question
No. 15 has three questions carrying 1 mark each. Question No. 16 has four questions
carrying 1 mark each. You are expected to answer each one of them.
● Question No. 17-22 in Section III are very short answer type questions carrying 2 marks
each. Answers to each question should not exceed 30 words.
● Question No. 23-25 in Section IV are short answer type-I questions carrying 3 marks each.
Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
● Question No. 26-29 in Section V are short answer type-II questions carrying 4 marks each.
Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.
● Question No. 30 and 31 in Section VI are long answer type questions carrying 6 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.

Section I Marks
Q1 A) __________ is an individual’s preference for engaging in one or more 1
specific activities relative to others.
Ans: Interest, Pg. 4

Q1 B) …………………………….. tests involve divergent thinking and assess 1

such abilities as ability to produce a variety of ideas.
Ans: Creativity, Pg. 20
Q2) The notion of self-esteem is based on Bandura's social learning theory. 1
Ans: False, Pg.27

Q3) The state of physical, emotional, and psychological exhaustion is known 1

Ans: c. Burnout, Pg.59

Q4) Which of the following is true of depression? 1

a. It affects men more frequently than women.

b. It is a component of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
c. It is caused by low activity of serotonin.
d. It is more prevalent among the wealthy than the poor.
Ans: c. It is caused by low activity of serotonin, Pg.74

Q5A) Which one of the following best describes a crowd? 1

a. Collection of people
b. Collection of people by chance
c. Feeling of interdependence amongst members.
d. Positive synergy amongst the members.
Ans: b. Collection of people by chance, Pg.131
Q5 B) A _________is a cluster of ideas regarding the characteristics of a specific 1
a. Prejudice
b. Discrimination
c. Scapegoating
d. Stereotype
Ans: d. Stereotype, Pg.118

Q6) Bindu is a remarkable singer and has won many accolades. She is known 1
as a child prodigy. Which of the following terms best describe Bindu’s
a. Talent
b. Giftedness
c. Naturalistic intelligence
d. Interest
Ans: a. Talent, Pg.12

Q7) If 16 PF questionnaire is used for vocational exploration, then _______ is 1

a self-report measure used to identify varieties of psychopathology.
Ans: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory/MMPI, Pg.42

Q8A) Mir had no recollection of the bicycle he received as a gift on his tenth 1
birthday. But when Nita reminded him about the same, he was able to recall
it. This is because memories of his birthday were lying in
the______________ level.
a. Unconscious
b. Preconscious

c. Conscious
d. Superconscious
Ans: b. Preconscious, Pg.34
Anupam lacks patience, exhibits high motivation, feels burdened with work
and always seems to be in a hurry. He needs to take care of himself as such
people are prone to ailments like:
a. Cancer
b. Depression
c. Coronary Heart Disease
d. None of the above
Ans: c. Coronary Heart Disease, Pg.31

Q9) Ritu was unable to decide about the topic of the project she had to submit 1
for the final examination. She, therefore, did not complete the work before
the deadline, was unable to concentrate on the task at hand and seemed to
suffer from mental overload. The above signs are exhibiting ________
effect of stress.
Ans: cognitive, Pg.57

Q10A) After several years of living and working in a small town in Gujarat, Harsh 1
wakes up one morning insisting that his name is Dhruv and that he has to
report to his job in Mumbai. He does not recognise the furniture in his
apartment or the clothing hanging in his closet. He is completely confused
about his current life. He may be experiencing …………………………...
a. Dissociative fugue
b. Depersonalisation
c. Generalised anxiety disorder
d. Post-traumatic stress disorder
Ans: a. Dissociative fugue, Pg.79

Q10B) Neha, a 17-year old girl, has been binging on large quantity of food, more
than what most people of her age would eat. She, then, engages in purging 1
behaviour as often as 3 or 4 times a week. She feels, as if, she has no control
over it. She is most likely to be suffering from:
a. Anorexia Nervosa
b. Bulimia Nervosa
c. Binge Eating
d. Eating disorder not otherwise specified

Ans: b. Bulimia Nervosa, Pg.84

Q11 A) A particular therapist teaches clients in a group setting to recognise bodily 1

processes and emotions that they have blocked from their awareness. The
therapist is using client-centred therapy. True/ False
Ans: False, Pg.101


Q11 B) When a behaviourist praises the client for using kind words during their 1
conversation and ignores when the client is rude; she/he is employing
positive reinforcement: True /False
Ans: False, Pg.98

Q12) Ritesh sees his parents achieve financial success through hard work. He 1
considers his mother to be his role model. As a result, Ritesh develops a
strong attitude towards success and hard work. This is an example of
a. Learning attitude through exposure to information
b. Learning attitude through observation
c. Learning attitude through group or cultural norms
d. Learning attitude through rewards and punishment
Ans: b. Learning attitude through observation Pg.110

Q13) On being assessed for intelligence, Vivan scored high in aspects such as 1
attention, observation, analysis, achievement orientation and Ajay scored
high in social and emotional skills, self-reflection, and collectivistic
orientation. Which of the following statements reflect these differences
seen in Ajay and Vivan?
a. Ajay is high in technological intelligence.
b. Vivan is not high in integral intelligence.
c. Vivan lacks technological intelligence and Ajay lacks integral
d. Vivan is high in technological intelligence and Ajay is high in integral
Ans: d. Vivan is high in technological intelligence and Ajay is high in
integral intelligence, Pg.16

Q14) Choose the correct match for each behaviour with the aspects related to 1
structure of personality:

I) grabbing the candy and eating it i) reality principle

II) asking for permission to eat the ii) moral principle


III) eating the candy is ethically right iii) pleasure principle

a. I i, II ii, III iii

b. I iii, II ii, III i

c. I iii, II i, III ii

d. I ii, II i, III iii

Ans: c. I iii, II i, III ii Pg.34, 35

Section II
Q15) Read the case and answer the questions that follow. 1x3=3
Mr. John is a twenty-seven year old man who consulted a psychologist to
discuss what he calls his ‘silly habits’. He reports that for several years he
had to check and recheck electrical appliances, as well as doors and
windows, before leaving home each morning and again before going to bed.
At times, the checking has made him late for work and has disturbed his
sleep such that he had to get up to check everything several times yet again.
When questioned about the reasons for this behaviour, Mr. John reported
that he could not stop thinking that electrical appliances may short circuit
and cause a disastrous fire or that his house may be broken into and he will
lose all valuables. He recognises these concerns and the resulting checking
as excessive and unreasonable yet feels compelled to do something to
alleviate the anxiety associated with the thoughts. During counselling, the
psychologist found out that some time before the checking rituals started, a
major fire had broken in Mr. John’s office and all important papers were
Q15 i) Identify Mr. John’s disorder.
a. Generalised anxiety disorder
b. Major depressive disorders

c. Obsessive -compulsive disorder
d. Somatic symptom disorder
Ans: c. Obsessive -Compulsive Disorder, Pg.77
Q15 ii) Which of the following statements represents his repetitive thoughts?
a. For a number of years, he had to check and recheck electrical
b. He had to get up to check everything a number of times.
c. The checking has made him late for work.
d. He could not stop thinking that electrical appliances may short circuit
and cause a disastrous fire.
Ans: d. He could not stop thinking that electrical appliances may short
circuit and cause a disastrous fire. Pg.77
Q15 iii) Which disorder also comes under the category of obsessive-compulsive and
related disorders?
a. Excoriation disorder
b. Acute stress disorder
c. Adjustment disorder
d. Cyclothymic disorder
Ans: a. Excoriation disorder, Pg. 78
Q16 A) Read the case and answer the questions that follow. 1x4=4
On November 26, 2008, about 35 employees of Taj Hotel Mumbai, led by
a 24-year old banquet manager, Mallika, were assigned to manage the event
in a second-floor banquet room. As they served the main course, they heard
what they thought were fireworks at a nearby wedding. In reality, these
were the first gunshots from terrorists who were storming the Taj Hotel,
The staff quickly realised something was wrong. Mallika locked the doors
and turned off the lights. She asked everyone to lie down quietly under
tables and refrain from using cell phones. The group stayed there all night,
listening to the terrorists rampaging through the hotel, hurling grenades,
firing automatic weapons, and tearing the place apart. During the onslaught
on the Taj Mumbai, 31 people died and 28 were hurt, but the very next day
the hotel received praise. Its guests were overwhelmed by employees’
dedication to duty, their desire to protect guests without considering their
own personal safety, and their quick thinking. As many as 11 Taj Mumbai
employees—a third of the hotel’s casualties—laid down their lives while
helping around 1,200 to 1,500 guests escape.

With reference to the above case, answer the following questions:

Q16A In reality, these were the first gunshots from terrorists who were storming
i) the Taj Hotel, Mumbai. The staff quickly realized something was wrong.
Which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome model were the staff in?
a. Resistance
b. Alarm reaction
c. Exhaustion
d. Burnout
Ans: b. Alarm Reaction, Pg. 59
Q16 A ‘Mallika locked the doors and turned off the lights. She asked everyone to
ii) lie down quietly under tables and refrain from using cell phones.’ From
these lines, identify the coping strategy used by Mallika.
a. Task-oriented
b. Avoidance-oriented
c. Emotion-oriented
d. Biofeedback
Ans: a. Task-oriented, Pg. 61
Q16 A Which of the following set of words best describe Mallika’s hardiness?
iii) a. Commitment, confidence, control
b. Challenge, control, calmness
c. Commitment, control, challenge
d. Control, commitment, conviction
Ans: c. Commitment, control, challenge, Pg.63
Q16 A Selye’s GAS model has been criticised largely for assigning limited role
iv) to ………...factors.
a. Biological
b. Physical
c. Physiological
d. Psychological
Ans: d. Psychological, Pg.59
Q16 B) Read the case and answer the questions that follow. 1x4=4
In the Army, one cannot sit back and relax. A few years after the Kargil
War, Deepchand’s regiment was posted to Rajasthan. While setting up an
ammunition store, a bomb was accidentally detonated. In the explosion,
Deepchand lost his fingers. Later both his legs and right arm were
amputated. After 24 hours and 17 bottles of blood, he finally gained

After the accident, lying on the hospital bed, Deepchand mulled over why
he met with an accident. Being an athlete, he felt bad about not being able
to run for the state again. But as they say, once a soldier, always a soldier.
“I trained myself to walk with the help of prosthetics. I learnt to ride a
scooter and use a computer. And there has been no looking back,” he said.
Deepchand has worked for the country without flinching even an eyelid.
And in doing so, in an unfortunate event, he met with an accident and lost
his limbs. Does he regret his childhood dream to become an army jawan?
The proud man who stands on his prosthetic feet says he does not.
“The accident could have happened to me in any profession. At least it
happened in the line of fire. I want to be reborn a soldier. There’s nothing
greater than serving your country,” he said.

Q16 B Identify the phenomenon that Deepchand is experiencing immediately after

i) regaining consciousness in the hospital.
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Social Pressure
d. Hassles
Ans: b. Distress, Pg.52

Q16 B Deepchand’s secondary appraisal of the event would be ____________.

ii) a. Appraisal of the threat
b. Appraisal of the harm
c. Appraisal of his coping abilities and resources
d. Appraisal of the challenges ahead
Ans: c. Appraisal of his coping abilities and resources, Pg.53

Q16 B Based on the below given statement, what will determine Deepchand’s
iii) cognitive appraisal of the event:
“The accident could have happened to me in any profession. At least it
happened in the line of fire. I want to be reborn a soldier. There’s nothing
greater than serving your country,” he said.
a. Controllability only
b. Past and present experiences
c. Present situation only
d. Past experiences and controllability
Ans: d. Past experiences and controllability, Pg.53

Q16 B What was the source of Deepchand’s stress?
iv) a. Life events
b. Traumatic events
c. Hassles
d. Environmental
Ans: b. Traumatic events, Pg. 55

Q17) Distinguish between social pressures and social stress. 2
 Social pressures are brought about from people who make excessive
demands on us. It is the stress that we generate in our minds and is
an internal source of stress.
 Social stress is induced externally and result from our interaction
with people.
Pg. 55-56 (1 + 1)
Q18) Fatima is experiencing generalised anxiety disorder. Enumerate any two 2
causes with reference to diathesis stress model which may have led to the
 presence of biological aberration
 person may carry a vulnerability
 presence of pathogenic stressors
(explain any two relating to the case provided, 1 mark each:1+1=2)
Pg. 75
Q19) Differentiate between hostile aggression and proactive aggression. 2
 Hostile aggression: directed at inflicting injury; 1 mark
 Proactive aggression: dominating and bullying others without
provocation; 1 mark, Pg. 84
Q20A) What are life skills? List any two life skills. 2
 Life skills – abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable
individuals to deal effectively with challenges of everyday life – 1

 Assertiveness, Time Management, Rational Thinking, Improving
Relationships, Self-care, Overcoming Unhelpful Habits (any 2) – ½
+ ½ mark, Pg. 64
OR 2
What is psychoneuroimmunology?
• It focuses on the links between the mind, the brain and the immune
system. -1 ½ marks
• It studies the effects of stress on the immune system.-1/2 mark
Pg. 59
Q 21) What is group polarisation? 2
 Extreme decisions taken by the group than when individuals do it
alone - 1 mark
 Initialposition gets strengthened due to discussions and interaction
- 1 mark
Pg. 38
Q22 A) A client experiences irrational thoughts that are self-defeating in nature. 2
Suggest a suitable therapy that will help her/him to reduce her/his distress.
Also provide the rationale for selecting this therapy.
 Cognitive therapy – 1 mark
 Rationale– faulty or irrational thoughts – 1 mark
Pg. 99
Q22 B) Analyse the chief benefit to the client in both behaviour and humanistic 2
 Behaviour therapies: Changing faulty behaviours and cognitions to
adaptive ones – 1 mark
 Humanistic therapies: Achieving personal growth, i.e. increasing
understanding of oneself and one’s aspirations, emotions and
motives – 1 mark
Pg. 93
Q23) Ananya is a good dancer who is well adjusted in school as she cooperates 3
with her teachers and classmates in all school related activities. She is also

liked by friends and family. Identify and explain the types of intelligences
that Ananya is exhibiting.
 Bodily - Kinaesthetic Intelligence – Identification – ½ mark
 explanation – 1 mark
 Interpersonal Intelligence - Identification – ½ mark
 explanation – 1 mark
Q24) What is a trait? Describe Cattell’s trait theory. 3
 Building blocks of personality – 1 mark
Components of personality
Relatively enduring attribute or quality on which one individual
differs from another
 Source traits: Stable and are the building blocks of personality – 1
 Surface traits: Result out of interaction of source traits – 1 mark
Q25 A) Explain the processes involved in the learning of attitudes. 3
 Learning of attitudes usually takes place by association
 through rewards and punishments
 through modelling
 through group and cultural norms
 through exposure to information
Explanation of any 3 points (1x3)
Pg. 110
Q25 B) Explain the relationship between attitude and behaviour. 3
 We usually expect behaviour to follow logically from attitudes.
However, an individual’s attitudes may not always be exhibited through
behaviour. Likewise, one’s actual behaviour may be contrary to one’s
attitude towards a particular topic.

It is found that there would be consistency between attitudes and behaviour
• the attitude is strong, and occupies a central place in the attitude system,
• the person is aware of her/his attitude,
• there is little or no external pressure for the person to behave in a particular
way. For example, when there is no group pressure to follow a particular
• the person’s behaviour is not being watched or evaluated by others, and
• the person thinks that the behaviour would have a positive consequence,
and therefore, intends to engage in that behaviour.
Any 3 points (1x3=3), Pg. 117
Q26 A) Raj would often be seen talking to himself. On questioning, he would state 4
that there were people around him whom he could see and hear when there
was no one else around. Identify and describe this symptom of
 Positive symptom – ½ mark
 Hallucinations are perceptions that occur in the absence of external
stimuli, positive symptoms of schizophrenia – 1 mark
 Auditory and visual hallucination – ½ mark
 Listing and description of other types of hallucinations – 2 marks
Q26 B) Aman is an eight year old who has profound difficulty in relating to other 4
people. Often, he is found to be unresponsive to other people’s feelings and
exhibits stereotypical patterns of behaviour. Identify this disorder and
describe its features.
 Autism Spectrum Disorder under the category of
Neurodevelopmental disorders – 1 mark
 Children with autism spectrum disorder have marked difficulties in
social interaction and communication.
 They have restricted range of interests.
 They have strong desire for routine.
 They are unable to share experiences and emotions.
 They show serious abnormalities in communication and language
that persist over time.

 Many never develop speech, those who do have repetitive deviant
 They show narrow patterns of interests and repetitive behaviours
such as lining up objects or stereotyped body movements.
(any 3 points from above other than the ones mentioned in the question – 3
marks) Pg. 83
Q27) Robin is terribly afraid of snakes. His phobia has made him so 4
dysfunctional that he had to take a long leave from his job at the local zoo.
This happened when he heard that a new snake enclosure would soon open.
Identify the therapeutic technique that would help Robin deal with this
problem and explain its process.
 Systematic desensitisation (1 mark)
Explain any three points from below:
 Establishing hierarchy (1 mark)
 Relaxation procedure (1mark)
 Thinking of least anxiety-provoking situation to most (1 mark)
 Principle of reciprocal inhibition (1 mark)
Pg. 98
Q28) Radhika was fond of junk food and ate it too often. However, she always 4
felt guilty as she knew junk food was harmful for her health and wanted to
give it up. Explain the process that will lead to change in her attitude.
 The concept of cognitive dissonance was proposed by Leon
The cognitive components of an attitude must be ‘consonant’
(opposite of ‘dissonant’), i.e. they should be logically in line with
each other.
 If an individual finds that two cognitions in an attitude are
dissonant, then one of them will be changed in the direction of
 Explanation of cognitive consistency to reduce mental discomfort.
 Explanation by referring to Radhika
(1x4=4) Pg. 112
Q29) Explain the reasons that make people join groups. 4
 Security
 Status

 Self-esteem
 Goal achievement
 Knowledge and information
 Satisfaction of psychological and social needs
A brief description of any four of the above (1x4). Pg. 132
Q30 A) Explain the concept of personality. Describe the cultural approach to 6
understand personality.
 Personality refers to our characteristic ways of responding to
individuals and situations.
Personality is characterised by the following features:
 It has both physical and psychological components.
 Its expression in terms of behaviour is fairly unique.
 Its main features do not easily change with time.
 It is dynamic.
(Any 2 points from above)
(Any 4 points from the points given below)
It proposes:
 Group’s ‘economic maintenance system’
 The climatic conditions, the nature of terrain, flora and fauna,
settlement patterns, social structures, division of labour, and other
features such as child-rearing practices
 People’s skills, abilities, behavioural styles, and values
 Rituals, ceremonies, religious practices, arts, recreational activities,
games and play
 Any one example
(2+4=6) Pg. 39-40
Q 30 B) How does behavioural analysis help us in assessing personality? Explain 6
any two methods of behavioural analysis with their limitations.
● Observation of behaviour serves as the basis of behavioural analysis. An
observer’s report may contain data obtained from interview,
observation, ratings, nomination, and situational tests.

Explanation of any 2 of the following:
 Interview
 Observation
 Behavioural ratings
 Nomination
 Situational Tests
(2+2 +2=6), Pg. 46, 47
Q31 A) Raj and Raghu are exceptionally intelligent children of highly successful 6
doctor parents. While Raj is their biological child, Raghu is an adopted one.
How can you explain the similarities in their intelligence with their doctor
parents? What type of test would you suggest to assess their intelligence?
● Intelligence is an interplay of nature and nurture - 1 mark
● Influence of heredity explained through table with correlational
values - 1.5 marks
● Influence of environment explained to bring out how IQ moves
closer to that of adoptive parents - 1.5 marks
● Linking these concepts to Raj and Raghu - 1 mark
● Any one type of intelligence test - 1 mark
(1+1.5+1.5 + 1+ 1= 6), Pg. 10, 13

Q31 B) As a student of Class XII, you wish to score very high marks in your Board 6
examination. You start planning for the same by attending classes regularly,
taking notes, setting study targets, etc. Identify and explain the theory of
intelligence which includes planning as an essential feature.
 Brief introduction to PASS model of intelligence -1 mark
 Explanation of
 Planning - 1 mark
 Attention /Arousal - 1 mark
 Simultaneous and Successive processing - 2 marks
 Linking this theory to the given situation - 1 mark
(1+1+1+2+1 =6) Pg. 9
Marks can also be awarded if student writes about Triarchic Theory of
❖ Brief introduction to Triarchic Theory of Intelligence - 1 mark

❖ Explanation of
● Componential intelligence - 1 mark
● Knowledge Acquisition, Meta/higher order planning
component/ Performance - 1 mark
● Experiential intelligence - 1 mark
● Contextual intelligence - 1 mark
❖ Linking this theory to the given situation - 1 mark
(1+4+1=6), Pg. 8, 9

Time – 3 Hours Max Marks – 70

General instructions

 All questions are compulsory and answers should be brief and to the point.
 Marks for each question are indicated against it.
 Question Nos. 1-17 in Part A are objective type questions carrying one mark each. You
are requested to answer them as directed.
 Question Nos. 18-21 in Part B are very short answer type questions carrying two marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
 Question Nos. 22-24 in Part C are short answer type I questions carrying three marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
 Question Nos. 25-30 in Part D are short answer type II questions carrying four marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.
 Question Nos. 31-32 in Part E are long answer type questions carrying six marks each.
Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.

Q1 Learning alphabets and digits is an example of simultaneous processing. 1

pg. 9
Q2. Calculate the MA of a 10-year-old boy who has an IQ of 120. 1
MA= 12
pg. 10
Q3. Ramesh is aspiring to head his company. He is very motivated and works hard. 1
However, he is unable to relax and feels he is always short on time. This is an
example of______ personality.

a. a) Type B
b. b) Type A, pg. 31
c. c) Type D
d. d) Type C

Q4. Children with high _________ self-esteem are more liked by their peers. 1

a) academic
b) athletic
c) physical appearance
d) social, pg. 27

Q5. __________ are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable 1
individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.
Life skills, pg.64

Q6. Ramya is being provided with books and uniforms by the school. Identify the 1
kind of support that she is receiving.

a) Informational Support
b) Tangible Support, pg. 66
c) Emotional Support
d) Positive Support

Q7. A soldier from the army reported paralysis of his right hand. On investigation, no 1
neurological cause could be identified. Name the disorder he is suffering from.
Conversion Disorder, pg. 78
Q8. Rohit believes he is a secret agent and that a network of spies communicates with 1
him through messages sent directly into his head. Identify the type of delusion he
is experiencing.

(a) Delusion of reference

(b)Delusion of control, pg..82
(c) Delusion of grandeur
(d) Delusion of persecution

Q9. Choose the features of attitudes from the options given below: 1

a) Extremeness and Centrality, pg. 109

b) A-B-C Components
c) Schemas and Stereotypes
d) Values and Beliefs
Q10. The Nazis committed atrocities against the Jews. This is an example of _______. 1

a) Prejudice
b) Discrimination, pg. 118
c) Stereotype
d) Scapegoating
Q11. ________ and __________ are two alternative therapies. 1
yoga, meditation, pranayam, vipassana, asanas, SKY, kundalini yoga
(any two) pg. 103

Q12. A collection of people who may be present at a place by chance is called 1


pg. 131
Q13. The school dramatics team is in the final stage of presenting their play. Identify 1
the stage of group formation the team is at.

a) Forming
b) Storming
c) Norming
d) Performing
pg. 133

Q14. The minimalistic perspective suggests that the physical environment exists 1
mainly for use by human beings. True/False
pg. 154
Q15. You were interviewed by your school selection team for the post of head 1
boy/head girl. Identify the interpersonal distance in this situation.

a) Intimate distance
b) Public distance
c) Personal distance
d) Social Distance
pg. 161
Q16. _____________ means that your behavioural expressions are consistent with 1
what you value, the way you feel and relate to your inner self-image.

(a) empathy
(b) positive regard
(c) self-concept
(d) authenticity, pg.192
Q17 A major advantage of the observation method is that the events being observed 1
are subject to bias due to the feelings of the observer involved. True/False
pg. 181,182
Q18. Discuss the main limitation of Hans Selye’s model of stress. 2
Selye’s model has been criticized for assigning limited role to psychological
Emphasis on physiological & biological factors
pg. 59
Q19 A) Describe the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

 Unable to control their preoccupation with specific ideas (obsessive (1 +1)
 unable to prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a
particular act or series of acts that affect their ability to carry out
normal activity (compulsive behavior)
If only example is given – 1 mark
pg. 77,78
B) What is separation anxiety disorder? List any 2 symptoms.
Separation anxiety disorder is an anxiety disorder in which individuals are
fearful and anxious about separation from attachment figures.
Explanation as given above and any two of the following points
(1 + ½
 children with SAD may have difficulty in being in a room by +½)
 they have difficulty in going to school alone
 fearful of entering new situations
 cling to and shadow their parents every move
 to avoid separation, children with SAD may fuss and scream
 throw severe tantrums
 make suicidal gestures
pg. 77,78
Q20. How can faulty behavior be modified with token economy? Elucidate with the
help of an example.
Token economy is a form of positive reinforcement.
Every time a desired behavior occurs the individual is given a token and (½+1+
these tokens are collected and exchanged for a reward ½)

For eg. if five tokens are collected for using the dustbin; then it is exchanged
for a reward like going to the park or any other relevant example
Pg. 98

Q21. Why do people obey? Give any two reasons for obedience to take place.
 because they feel they are not responsible for their own actions
 authority possesses symbols of status which people find difficult to
 authority increases commands from lesser to greater levels and initial
obedience binds the followers for commitment.
 Events are moving at such a fast speed that one has no time to think
(any two of the above)
Any other relevant points to be considered pg. 143,144


Q22. Why is emotional intelligence receiving increasing attention of educators?

 Definition of emotional intelligence/ any two characteristics of
emotional intelligence
 beneficial effects on academic achievement (1+1+1)
 encourages cooperative behaviour and reduces antisocial activities
 very useful in preparing students to face the challenges of life
outside the classroom
(any three points)
Any other relevant points to be considered pg. 17

Q23. Ankita’s job requires her to shift cities very frequently. With reference to (1+1+1)
secondary appraisal, suggest ways in which she will interpret the situation?
 Explanation of secondary appraisal, which is the assessment of one’s
coping abilities and resources and whether they will be sufficient to
meet the harm, threat or challenge of the event.
 These resources may be mental, physical, personal or social. If one
thinks one has a positive attitude, health, skills and social support to
deal with the crises s/he will feel less stressed.
 Appraisals are subjective and depend upon past experience and
pg. 53,54
Q24.A) Two sections of Class XII of your school are at conflict over shared resources
such as activity room, football ground and audio-visual center. Suggest possible
solutions to reduce and resolve this conflict.
 introduction of super-ordinate goals
 altering perceptions
 increasing intergroup contacts
 redrawing group boundaries
 negotiations
 respect for other group’s norms
(explanation of any three points and all explanations should be related to the
given situation)
pg 148,149

B) Your school is organizing a picnic. Using techniques of compliance, suggest a

plan to get your parents to agree to send you for this picnic.
 Concept of compliance
 The foot –in- the –door technique
 The deadline technique

 The door- in- the –face technique (1+1+1)
(Explanation of any three in relation to the given situation)
pg. 142,143


Q 25. Describe Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of intelligence.

Componential Intelligence
• Componential or analytical intelligence is the analysis of information
to solve problems. (OR) Persons high on this ability think analytically (2+1+1)
and critically and succeed in schools.
• This intelligence has three components, each serving a different
function- Knowledge, meta/higher order and performance.

Experiential Intelligence
Experiential or creative intelligence is involved in using past experiences
creatively to solve novel problems. It is reflected in creative performance.
Persons high on this aspect integrate different experiences in an original way
to make new discoveries and inventions. They quickly find out which
information is crucial in a given situation.

Contextual Intelligence
Contextual or practical intelligence involves the ability to deal with
environmental demands encountered on a daily basis.
It may be called ‘street smartness’ or ‘business sense’.
Persons high on this aspect easily adapt to their present environment or
select a more favourable environment than the existing one, or modify the
environment to fit their needs.
pg. 8

Q26. What are the features of indirect techniques of personality assessment? Describe
any one such test.
Any 5 of the following points: (2.5+1.5)
 Indirect techniques of personality assessment are those that assess
unconscious motives and feelings.
 These are also called projective techniques.
 The stimuli are relatively or fully unstructured and poorly defined.
 The person being assessed is usually not told about the purpose of
assessment and the method of scoring and interpretation.
 The person is informed that there are no correct or incorrect

 Each response is considered to reveal a significant aspect of
 Scoring and interpretation are lengthy and sometimes subjective.
Briefly explain any one test –Rorschach ink blot test, TAT, Draw-a -person
test, Sentence completion test, P-F study
pg. 43-45

Q27. Explain any two of Freud’s psychosexual stages of development. How did Freud
explain the concept of fixation and regression?
Any two of the following stages to be described briefly. (2+1+1)
Oral Stage / Anal Stage / Phallic Stage / Latency Stage / Genital Stage
Fixation – Failure of a child to pass successfully through a stage leads to
fixation to that stage.
Regression – It occurs when a person’s resolution of problems at any stage
of development is less than adequate and they exhibit behaviors typical of a
less mature stage.
Pg. 36, 37
Q28.A) In the last few years, Monica had to face many difficult circumstances. Quite
often, she finds herself asking questions about the meaning of life. How will
existential therapy alleviate her distress and help her achieve a sense of
(1 + 3)
Linking Logotherapy to Monica’s situation:
As Monica faces difficult circumstances (existential anxiety) and is looking
for meaning in her life, logotherapy will help alleviate her distress.
Any 3 points from below:
 Logos is the Greek word for soul and logotherapy means treatment
for the soul.
 Frankl calls this process of finding meaning even in life-threatening
circumstances as the process of meaning making.
 The basis of meaning making is a person’s quest for finding the
spiritual truth of one’s existence.
 The goal of logotherapy is to help the patients to find meaning and
responsibility in their life irrespective of their life circumstances.
 The therapist emphasizes the unique nature of the patient’s life and
encourages them to find meaning in their life.
 In logotherapy, the therapist is open and shares her/his feelings,
values and his/her own existence with the client. The emphasis is on
here and now.
 Transference is actively discouraged and the therapist reminds the
client about the immediacy of the present. The goal is to facilitate the
client to find the meaning of her/his being.
pg. 101

Ayesha has been feeling anxious and depressed. She is convinced that no one
loves her and it would be very difficult for her to succeed. How will Beck’s
cognitive therapy help her deal with her negative thoughts?

Explanation of Core Schemas, cognitive distortions

Therapy Description:
 The therapist uses questioning, which is gentle, non-threatening
disputation of the Ayesha’s beliefs and thoughts.
 Questions such as “why should everyone love me” will make
Ayesha thinks in a direction opposite to that of her existing
negative thoughts.
 This helps her gain insight into her dysfunctional schemas, and
she is able to alter her cognitive structures.
 Achieving this cognitive restructuring reduces anxiety and

page 99,100

Q29. A big percentage of the population lives below the poverty line in India. As a
responsible student, suggest steps to reduce poverty.

Brief explanation of any 4 of the points given below: (1+1+1+

 breaking poverty cycle by helping attain self-sufficiency
 helping poor take responsibility
 providing educational and employment opportunities
 measures for improving mental health
 steps for empowering the poor
 any other relevant point
pg. 167,168
Q30.A) You are a career counsellor. Design an interview format to help Ahmed select an
appropriate career.

 Interview format to have stages of the interview (1+1+1+

 Each stage to have at least 2 appropriate questions 1)
pg. 189, 190


B) You are acting in a school play. How can you communicate your part most
effectively to the audience?

Marks to be allotted for creatively touching on following aspects of (1+2+1)

 Verbal Communication
 Non – Verbal Communication

 Paralanguage
Any other relevant points to be considered
pg. 182-187


Q31.A) What are some of the measures suggested by WHO to prevent suicide? What are
the approaches that are useful in strengthening positive self-esteem in children?
Some measures suggested by WHO include:

• limiting access to the means of suicide (3+3)

• reporting of suicide by media in a responsible way
• bringing in alcohol-related policies
• early identification, treatment and care of people at risk
• training health workers in assessing and managing for suicide
• care for people who attempted suicide and providing community support
To foster positive self-esteem in children the following approaches can be
• accentuating positive life experiences to develop positive identity. This
increases confidence in self.
• providing opportunities for development of physical, social and vocational
• establishing a trustful communication.
• goals for the students should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant.
(all six WHO measures and any three ways of fostering self-esteem to be
Any other relevant points to be considered
pg. 80,81
B) What is addictive behavior? Name any two frequently abused substances and
describe their consequences.
Any two points mentioned below:
 Addictive behaviour involves excessive intake of high calorie food (2+2+2)
resulting in extreme obesity or involving the abuse of substances such
as alcohol or cocaine.
 Disorders relating to maladaptive behaviours resulting from regular
and consistent use of the substance involved are included under
substance related and addictive disorders
 These alter the way people think, feel and behave.
Name any two of the following:
 Alcohol
 Heroin
 Cocaine
explanation of consequences
Any other relevant points to be considered (pg. 84-86)

Q32.A) Is there a consistency between attitude and behavior? Explain.
Attitude and behaviour are consistent when
• the attitude is strong, and occupies a central place in the attitude system,
• the person is aware of her/his attitude,
• there is very little or no external pressure for the person to behave in a
particular way. For example, when there is no group pressure to follow a
particular norm,
• the person’s behaviour is not being watched or evaluated by others, and
• the person thinks that the behaviour would have a positive consequence,
and therefore, intends to engage in that behaviour.
• when behaviour decides the attitude. For example, when somebody
indulges in a behaviour, it may lead to change in attitude.
(Any five points)
Example: Experiment by Richard LaPiere / Festinger and Smith or any
other relevant example
Pg.117, 118

B) What do you understand by social facilitation? Discuss the factors that influence
this phenomenon.
 Social facilitation implies that individuals show better and improved
performance in the presence of others, than when they are
performing the same task alone.
 Example of social facilitation
 Reasons for social facilitation (1+1+4)
- arousal
- evaluation apprehension
- nature of the task- simple or complex
- co -action
Brief explanation of each of the 4 reasons
Any other relevant points to be considered
pg. 123

Series /C àíZ-nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code 63
amob Z§. narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
Roll No. _wI-n¥ð >na Adí` {bIo§ &
Candidates must write the Q.P. Code on
the title page of the answer-book.

H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV n¥ð> 7 h¢ &

àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS H$mo narjmWu CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥>ð> na
{bI| &
H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| >12 àíZ h¢ &
H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí`
{bI| &
Bg àíZ-nÌ 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-
10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-
Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo &
Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages.
Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written
on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
Please check that this question paper contains 12 questions.
Please write down the serial number of the question in the
answer-book before attempting it.
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on
the answer-book during this period.


:2 : 35

Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 35

63 Page 1 P.T.O.

(i) 12


(iii) 1 3 2

(iv) 4 6 3

(v) 7 10 4

(vi) 2
11 12 2 40


1. EH$ `wdH$ AmH«$m_H$ ì`dhma H$aVm h¡, Omo _Zwî`m| `m newAm| H$mo ZwH$gmZ nhþ±MmZo dmbo `m
ZwH$gmZ H$s Y_H$s XoZo dmbo hmoVo h¢ Am¡a dh {Z`_m|
g§Ho$V H$aVo h¢ ? 2

2. (H$) A{^d¥{Îm n[adV©Z H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbr Xmo òmoV {deofVmE± H$m¡Z-gr h¢ ? 2

(I) {ÛñVar` g§àË`` Ho$ AZwgma A{^d¥{Îm _| n[adV©Z {H$Z ñVam| `m MaUm| _| hmoVm
h¡ ? 2

3. _yë` Am¡a {dídmg A{^d¥{Îm go {H$g àH$ma {^Þ hmoVo h¢ ? 2

63 Page 2
General Instructions :

Please read the instructions carefully.

(i) There are 12 questions in this question paper.

(ii) This question paper is divided into four sections Section A, B, C and D.

(iii) Section A has three questions, from Questions No. 1 to 3, carrying

2 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words.

(iv) Section B has three questions, from Questions No. 4 to 6, carrying

3 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 80 words.

(v) Section C has four questions, from Questions No. 7 to 10, carrying
4 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 120 words.

(vi) Section D has one case study. There are 2 questions based on this case
study, Questions No. 11 and 12. Each question carries 2 marks. Answers
to these questions should not exceed 40 words. Answer both questions.


1. A young man shows aggressive actions that cause or threaten harm to

people or animals and indulges in serious rule violations. What are these
symptoms indicative of ? Mention two other types of aggressive
behaviour. 2

2. (a) What are the two source characteristics that affect attitude change ? 2

(b) What are the steps in which attitude change takes place according
to the two-step concept ? 2

3. How do values and beliefs differ from attitudes ? 2

63 Page 3 P.T.O.

4. AnZo OrdZ _| AmB© dV©_mZ MwZm¡{V`m| Ho$ H$maU, Abdram AH$ga AnZo Amn go àíZ nyN>Vr
? dh EH$
-dV©_mZ OrdZ AW©hrZ Am¡a Aàm_m{UH$
bJVm h¡ & ñnï> H$s{OE {H$ _mZdVmdmXr-ApñVËdnaH$ {M{H$ËgH$ CgHo$ H$ï> H$mo H¡$go H$_
H$aoJm Am¡a Cgo nyU©Vm H$s ^mdZm àmá H$aZo _| H¡$go _XX H$aoJm & 3

5. em{hX EH$ Xþ~bm-nVbm

g_PVm h¡ & dh ImZo go _Zm H$a XoVm h¡ Am¡a H$B©-H$B© {XZ ^yIm ahVm h¡ & `o {H$g {dH$ma
Ho$ {d{eï> bjU h¢ ? BgHo$ AÝ` àH$mam| H$mo ñnï> H$s{OE & 3

6. (H$) O~ g_yhm| H$m {Z_m©U hmoVm h¡, do Hw$N> {dH$mgmË_H$ AZwH«$_m| `m AdñWmAm| go
JwµOaVo h¢ & {H$gr CXmhaU H$s ghm`Vm go BZ AdñWmAm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 3

(I) o$ H$maU g_yh
^r EH$ g§aMZm {dH${gV H$aVo h¢ & CXmhaUm| H$s ghm`Vm go g_yh g§aMZm Ho$
_hÎdnyU© VÎdm| H$s MMm© H$s{OE & 3

7. (H$)
ahm h¡ & CgHo$ AÜ`mnH$ CgH$m ì`dhma gwYmaZo Ho$ {bE {H$Z VH$ZrH$m| H$m Cn`moJ
H$a gH$Vo h¢ ? MMm© H$s{OE & 4

(I) {M{H$ËgmË_H$ g§~§Y H$s _w»` {deofVmAm| Am¡a {deof JwUm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 4

8. (H$) gm_mÝ` XþpíM¨Vm {dH$ma _| H$~ ~Xb OmVr h¡ ? Angm_mÝ` ì`dhma H$s ì`m»`m
H$aZo dmbo {H$Ýht VrZ _Zmod¡km{ZH$ _m°S>bm| H$s MMm© H$s{OE & 4

(I) h¢ ? ñdbrZVm ñno Q´>_ {dH$ma go g§~§{YV bjUm| H$s
ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 4

63 Page 4

4. Due to the present challenges in her life, Alvira finds herself quite often
asking questions like What is her aim in life or the purpose of her life ?
She consults a therapist as she finds her present life meaningless and
inauthentic. How will the humanistic-existential therapist alleviate her
distress and help her to achieve a sense of wholeness ? Explain. 3

5. Shahid is a thin boy but he sees himself as fat and overweight. He refuses
to eat and starves himself for days. These symptoms are typical of which
disorder ? Explain its other types. 3

6. (a) When groups are formed, they pass through some developmental
sequences or stages. Explain these stages with the help of an
example. 3

(b) During the process of group formation, groups also develop a

structure as members interact. Discuss the important elements of
group structure with the help of examples. 3

7. (a) A seven-year-old child is showing disruptive and aggressive

behaviour in the class. What techniques can her/his teachers use to
help modify the child s behaviour ? Discuss. 4

(b) Explain the main characteristics and unique properties of a

therapeutic relationship. 4

8. (a) When does normal anxiety turn into a disorder ? Discuss any three
psychological models to explain abnormal behaviour. 4
(b) What are neurodevelopmental disorders ? Explain the symptoms
associated with Autism spectrum disorder. 4

63 Page 5 P.T.O.
9. EH$ ì`{º$ {d{^Þ àH$ma Ho$ g_yhm| H$m gXñ` hmo gH$Vm h¡ & CXmhaUm| H$s ghm`Vm go, bmoJm|
go g§~§{YV BZ g_yhm| Ho$ à_wI àH$mam| H$s MMm© H$s{OE & 4

10. AãXþb H$m _mZZm h¡ {H$ ~mhar bmoH$ Ho$ Hw$N> àm{U`m| (E{b`§g) Ûmam CgHo$ _pñVîH$ _| EH$
{Mn àË`mamo{nV H$a EH$ CnJ«h Ûmam CgH$s J{V{d{Y`m| H$mo {Z`§{ÌV {H$`m Om ahm h¡ & Bg
{dH$ma H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE Am¡a BgHo$ AÝ` bjUm| H$m ñnï>rH$aU H$s{OE & 4


m¡a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 4

dhm± ~go g^r ^maVr`m| H$mo Ad_mZZm Ho$ gmW {~Zm ^oX Ho$ Hw$br H$hm OmVm Wm Am¡a do
\w$Q>nmW na Zht Mb gH$Vo Wo `m amV _| {~Zm na{_Q> Ho$ ~mha Zht ah gH$Vo Wo &
_hmË_m Jm±Yr Zo OëX hr X{jU A\«$sH$m _| nZn aho a§J-^oX H$mo OmZ {b`m Am¡a g_P JE

AmXoe {X`m & `mÌm Ho$ AJbo MaU _| ~½Kr Ho$ ídoV H$moMdmZ Zo CZH$s H$ZnQ>r na _ma
{X`m & OmohoÝg~J© Ho$ EH$ hmoQ>b Zo CÝh| AnZo `hm± R>haZo Zht {X`m & ^maVr`m| H$mo Am_Vm¡a
na ZmQ>mb _| O_rZ Ho$ _m{bH$ hmoZo H$s _Zmhr Wr, O~{H$ _yb {Zdmgr bmoJm| Ho$ {bE
ñdm{_Ëd A{YH$ Om`µO Wm &
gZ² 1894 _| ZmQ>mb ~ma Egmo{gEeZ Zo Om{V Ho$ AmYma na Jm±Yr H$mo AñdrH$ma H$aZo H$m
à`mg {H$`m & gZ² 1897 _| ^maV go bm¡Q>Vo hþE Cg g_` S>a~Z _| OhmµO go CVaVo hþE CÝh|
nrQ>-nrQ>H$a bJ^J _ma S>mbm J`m Wm, O~ CÝh|, CZHo$ n[adma d 600 AÝ` ^maVr`m| H$mo
H${WV Vm¡a na ßboJ H$sQ>mUwJ«ñV hmoZo Ho$ {M{H$Ëgm-^` Ho$ H$maU ~bnyd©H$ AbJ-WbJ aIm
J`m Wm &
11. nydm©J«h Am¡a ^oX^md ? Cn`w©º$ ì`{º$ AÜ``Z _| d{U©V KQ>ZmAm| Ho$ AmYma
na, nydm©J«h Am¡a ^oX^md H$m CXmhaU XoZo dmbr EH$-EH$ pñW{V H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE & 2

12. Amn ? {H$Ýht Xmo òmoVm| H$s ì`m»`m

H$s{OE & 2

63 Page 6
9. A person may be a member of different types of groups. With the help of
examples, discuss the major types of these groups that people belong to. 4

10. Abdul believes that his actions are being controlled by a satellite through
a chip implanted in his brain by some aliens. Identify the disorder and
explain its other symptoms. 4

Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow : 4

All the Indian settlers were contemptuously and without distinction

without permits.

Mahatma Gandhi quickly discovered colour discrimination in South

Africa and confronted the realisation that being Indian subjected him to
it as well. At a particular train station, railway employees ordered him
out of the carriage despite his possessing a first-class ticket. Then on the
stagecoach for the next leg of his journey, the coachman, who was white,
boxed his ears. A Johannesburg hotel also barred him from lodging there.
Indians were commonly forbidden to own land in Natal, while ownership
was more permissible for native-born people.

In 1894, the Natal Bar Association tried to reject Gandhi on the basis of
race. He was nearly lynched in 1897 upon returning from India while
disembarking from a ship moored at Durban after he, his family, and 600
other Indians had been forcibly quarantined, allegedly due to medical
fears that they carried plague germs.

11. What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination ? On the

basis of the incidents in the above case study, identify a situation for each
which are examples of prejudice and discrimination. 2

12. What do you think could have been a source of these prejudices ? Explain
any two sources. 2

63 Page 7 P.T.O.
Series àíZ-nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code 63
amob Z§. narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
Roll No. _wI-n¥ð >na Adí` {bIo§ &
Candidates must write the Q.P. Code on
the title page of the answer-book.

H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV n¥ð> 7 h¢ &

àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS H$mo narjmWu CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥>ð> na
{bI| &
H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| >12 àíZ h¢ &
H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí`
{bI| &
Bg àíZ-nÌ 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-
10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-
Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo &
Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages.
Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written
on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
Please check that this question paper contains 12 questions.
Please write down the serial number of the question in the
answer-book before attempting it.
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on
the answer-book during this period.


:2 : 35

Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 35

63 Page 1 P.T.O.

(i) 12


(iii) 1 3 2

(iv) 4 6 3

(v) 7 10 4

(vi) 2
11 12 2 40


1. (H$) Hw$eb-jo_ `m H$ë`mU ? 2

(I) _ZmoJ«pñV Am¡a ~mÜ`Vm _| A§Va ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 2

2. O{Q>bVm Am¡a H|${ÐH$Vm Ho$ g§~§Y _| A{^d¥{Îm H$s {deofVmAm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2

3. ñdV: gmYH$ ^{dî`mo{º$ nydm©J«hm| H$mo à~b H$aZo _| H¡$go _XX H$aVr h¡ ? AnZo CÎma Ho$
g_W©Z _| EH$ CXmhaU Xr{OE & 2

63 Page 2
General Instructions :

Please read the instructions carefully.

(i) There are 12 questions in this question paper.

(ii) This question paper is divided into four sections Section A, B, C and D.

(iii) Section A has three questions, from Question Nos. 1 to 3, carrying

2 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words.

(iv) Section B has three questions, from Question Nos. 4 to 6, carrying

3 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 80 words.

(v) Section C has four questions, from Question Nos. 7 to 10, carrying
4 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 120 words.

(vi) Section D has one case study. There are 2 questions based on this case
study, Question Nos. 11 and 12. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer to
these questions should not exceed 40 words. Answer both questions.


1. (a) What is well-being ? 2


(b) Differentiate between obsession and compulsion. 2

2. Explain the characteristics of an attitude in terms of complexity and

centrality. 2

3. How does self-fulfilling prophecy help in strengthening prejudices ? Give

an example to support your answer. 2

63 Page 3 P.T.O.
4. (H$) B_amZ 40 df© H$m EH$ nwéf h¡, Omo gm±g boZo _| H${R>ZmB© Am¡a eara -g§~§Yr AÝ`

bjUm| Ho$ {bE H$moB© {M{H$Ëgr` ñnîQ>rH$aU Zht {_bm & Bg {dH$ma H$s ì`m»`m
H$s{OE Am¡a BgHo$ {d{^Þ àH$mam| na MMm© H$s{OE & 3
(I) G$Mm EH$ g§JR>Z
AMmZH$ eha go Jm`~ hmo JB© Am¡a Xmo gmb ~mX dh EH$ ZXr Ho$ VQ> na {_br &
dhm± H$moB© Zht OmZVm Wm {H$ dh H$m¡Z Wr Am¡a H$hm± go AmB© Wr & bo{H$Z, EH$ {XZ
dh AMmZH$ hmoe _| AmB© Am¡a CgZo OmZZm Mmhm {H$ dh ZXr Ho$ VQ> na H¡$go
nhþ±Mr & Bg {dH$ma H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE Am¡a Bg loUr Ho$ AÝ` {dH$mam| H$s gyMr
~ZmBE & 3

5. í`m_ H$m {dídmg h¡ {H$ Cgo ha EH$ H$m ß`ma ha g_` {_bZm Mm{hE & CgHo$ A{YH$m§e
{dídmgm| _| A{Zdm`© AWdm Mm{hE KQ>H$ hmoVm h¡ & O~ MrµO| CgHo$ AZwgma Zht hmoVt,
Vmo dh ì`{WV _hgyg H$aVm h¡ & EH$ Cn`wº$ {M{H$Ëgm H$m gwPmd Xr{OE Omo í`m_ H$mo
CgHo$ A{ddoH$s {dídmg V§Ì Ho$ {df` _| JhamB© go gmoMZo na _O~ya H$ao Am¡a Cgo ~ohVa
_hgyg H$aZo _| _XX H$ao & 3

6. O~ _¡ar Zo EH$ ZE _hm{dÚmb` _| àdoe {b`m Vmo CgZo IwX H$mo ~hþV AHo$bm _hgyg
{H$`m & bo{H$Z, m¡a EH$ hm°~r
g_yh H$s gXñ` ^r ~Z JB© & Bg CXmhaU H$s ghm`Vm go , CZ XemAm| H$s MMm© H$s{OE
{OZHo$ H$maU g_yh H$m {Z_m©U hmoVm h¡ & 3

7. (H$) H$maH$m| na MMm© H$s{OE & do H$m¡Z-go bjU h¢, Omo ì`Wm
_| ahZo dmbo {dÚm{W©`m| H$s nhMmZ H$aZo _| _XX H$aVo h¢ ? N>mÌm| _| gH$mamË_H$
AmË_- H$s Om±M H$s{OE & 4
(I) V§{ÌH$mOÝ` h¢ ? {H$Ýht VrZ V§{ÌH$mOÝ` {dH$mam| H$m dU©Z
H$s{OE & 4

63 Page 4

4. (a) Imran is a forty-year-old male who complains of difficulty in

breathing and other body-related symptoms. On being examined, the
doctors were unable to find any medical explanation for his reported
symptoms. Explain this disorder and discuss its various types. 3

(b) Richa is a young girl working as an officer in an organisation. One

day she just disappeared from the city and after two years she was
found on the banks of a river. Nobody there knew who she was and
where she
wanted to know how she had reached the banks of the river. Explain
this disorder and list the other disorders in the same category. 3

5. Shyam believes that he should be loved by everybody, all the time. Most

his way, he feels distressed. Suggest a suitable therapy that will make
Shyam think deeper into his irrational belief system and help him to feel
better. 3

6. Mary found herself very lonely when she joined a new college, but soon
felt at ease when she made friends and became a member of a hobby
group too. With the help of this example, discuss the conditions that lead
to group formation. 3


7. (a) Discuss the risk factors associated with suicides. What are the
symptoms that help in identifying students in distress ? Examine
some ways to foster positive self-esteem in students. 4

(b) What are the characteristics of neurodevelopmental disorders ?

Describe any three neurodevelopmental disorders. 4
63 Page 5 P.T.O.
8. (H$) _mZ{gH$ amo{J`m| Ho$ nwZ:ñWmnZ H$s à{H«$`m H$m {dñVma go dU©Z H$s{OE & 4

(I) XmofnyU© ì`dhma H$mo Xÿa H$aZo Ho$ {bE ì`dhma {M{H$Ëgm _| à`wº$ {d{^Þ VH$ZrH$m|
H$s MMm© H$s{OE & 4

9. AH$ga h_ XoIVo h¢ {H$ bmoJ Xÿgam| H$s ghm`Vm H$aVo hþE `m µOê$aV_§Xm| H$mo XmZ XoVo g_`
^r AnZr Vñdra| ItMVo/ {^d¥{Îm H$s
nhMmZ H$a gH$Vo h¢ ? A{^d¥{Îm Am¡a ì`dhma _| g§J{V H$~ hmoJr ? ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 4

10. EH$ {ejH$ Zo `h nm`m {H$ CgHo$ Ûmam N>mÌm| Ho$ EH$ g_yh H$mo {XE JE n[a`moOZm H$m`©
H$s JwUdÎmm ì`{º$JV N>mÌm| Ûmam {XE JE n[a`moOZm H$m`© go H$_ Wr & Bg KQ>Zm H$m
H$maU h¡ Am¡a Bgo H¡$go H$_ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ ? MMm© H$s{OE & 4


{ZåZ{b{IV ì`{º$ AÜ``Z CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 4

gw§Xa _hm{dÚmb` OmZo dmbm EH$ ~rg-

_| ahZo Am`m h¡ & Cgo {Za§Va Agwajm H$m ^` ~Zm ahVm h¡ Am¡a bJVm h¡ {H$ Xþí_Z g¡{ZH$
CgH$m nrN>m H$a aho h¢ & O~ dh {H$gr H$mo dXu _| XoIVm h¡, Vmo VZmd _| Am OmVm h¡ Am¡a
§Vm CgHo$ H$m`© Am¡a g§~§Ym| _|
hñVjon H$a ahr h¡ Am¡a CgHo$ XmoñV BZ g~H$m _Vb~ Z g_P nmZo Ho$ H$maU ~ohX qM{VV
h¢ & gw§Xa H$^r-H$^r AMmZH$ Am¡a AZw{MV VarHo$ go h±gZo bJVm h¡

ahm hmo & dh H$_ao _| aIo Q>obr{dµOZ Am¡a ao{S>`mo H$mo boH$a qMVm ì`º$ H$aVm h¡ {H$ BZH$s
g§^m{dV ê$n go eÌw Ûmam {ZJamZr H$s Om ahr h¡ & CgHo$ {dídmg pñWa h¢ Am¡a `{X CÝh|
MwZm¡Vr Xr OmVr h¡, Vmo CgH$m ñda/bhµOm eÌwVmnyU© hmo OmVm h¡ &
11. àX{e©V bjUm| Ho$ AmYma na {dH$ma H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE & Bg {dH$ma _| {XImB© XoZo dmbo
AÝ` bjUm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2

12. ^«_mg{º$ Am¡a AZwn`wº$ ^md H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & Cn`w©º$ ì`{º$ AÜ``Z _| {XE JE
bjUm| go BgH$s nw{îQ> H$s{OE & 2

63 Page 6
8. (a) Describe the process of rehabilitation of the mentally ill in detail. 4

(b) Discuss the various techniques used in behaviour therapy to

eliminate faulty behaviours. 4

9. Quite often we see people getting themselves photographed while helping

others or even when they are offering donations to the needy. Can we
identify the attitudes of these people through their behaviour ? When
would there be consistency between attitude and behaviour ? Explain. 4

10. /he gave to a group of

students, when submitted to her/him, lacked quality as compared to the
ones submitted by individual students. What is the reason for this
phenomenon and how can it be reduced ? Discuss. 4


Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow : 4

Sundar, a college going 20-year-old male, has moved from his home town
to live in a big city. He has continuous fear of insecurity and feels that
the enemy soldiers are following him. He gets very tense when he spots
anyone in a uniform and feels that they are coming to catch him. This
intense anxiety is interfering with his work and relationship, and his
friends are extremely concerned as it does not make any sense to them.
Sundar occasionally laughs abruptly and inappropriately, and sometimes
stops speaking mid-sentence, scanning off in the distance as though he
sees or hears something. He expresses concern about television and radio
in the room potentially being monitored by the enemies. His beliefs are
fixed and if they are challenged, his tone becomes hostile.

11. Based on the symptoms being exhibited, identify the disorder. Explain
the other symptoms that can be seen in this disorder. 2

12. Define delusion and inappropriate affect. Support it with the symptoms
given in the above case study. 2

63 Page 7 P.T.O.
Series àíZ-nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code 63
amob Z§. narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
Roll No. _wI-n¥ð >na Adí` {bIo§ &
Candidates must write the Q.P. Code on
the title page of the answer-book.

H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV n¥ð> 7 h¢ &

àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS H$mo narjmWu CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥>ð> na
{bI| &
H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| >12 àíZ h¢ &
H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí`
{bI| &
Bg àíZ-nÌ 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-
10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-
Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo &
Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages.
Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written
on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
Please check that this question paper contains 12 questions.
Please write down the serial number of the question in the
answer-book before attempting it.
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on
the answer-book during this period.


:2 : 35

Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 35

63 Page 1 P.T.O.

(i) 12


(iii) 1 3 2

(iv) 4 6 3

(v) 7 10 4

(vi) 2
11 12 2 40


1. (H$) Hw$eb-jo_ `m H$ë`mU ? 2

(I) _ZmoJ«pñV Am¡a ~mÜ`Vm _| A§Va ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 2

2. O{Q>bVm Am¡a H|${ÐH$Vm Ho$ g§~§Y _| A{^d¥{Îm H$s {deofVmAm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2

3. ñdV: gmYH$ ^{dî`mo{º$ nydm©J«hm| H$mo à~b H$aZo _| H¡$go _XX H$aVr h¡ ? AnZo CÎma Ho$
g_W©Z _| EH$ CXmhaU Xr{OE & 2

63 Page 2
General Instructions :

Please read the instructions carefully.

(i) There are 12 questions in this question paper.

(ii) This question paper is divided into four sections Section A, B, C and D.

(iii) Section A has three questions, from Question Nos. 1 to 3, carrying

2 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words.

(iv) Section B has three questions, from Question Nos. 4 to 6, carrying

3 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 80 words.

(v) Section C has four questions, from Question Nos. 7 to 10, carrying
4 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 120 words.

(vi) Section D has one case study. There are 2 questions based on this case
study, Question Nos. 11 and 12. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer to
these questions should not exceed 40 words. Answer both questions.


1. (a) What is well-being ? 2


(b) Differentiate between obsession and compulsion. 2

2. Explain the characteristics of an attitude in terms of complexity and

centrality. 2

3. How does self-fulfilling prophecy help in strengthening prejudices ? Give

an example to support your answer. 2

63 Page 3 P.T.O.
4. (H$) B_amZ 40 df© H$m EH$ nwéf h¡, Omo gm±g boZo _| H${R>ZmB© Am¡a eara -g§~§Yr AÝ`

bjUm| Ho$ {bE H$moB© {M{H$Ëgr` ñnîQ>rH$aU Zht {_bm & Bg {dH$ma H$s ì`m»`m
H$s{OE Am¡a BgHo$ {d{^Þ àH$mam| na MMm© H$s{OE & 3
(I) G$Mm EH$ g§JR>Z
AMmZH$ eha go Jm`~ hmo JB© Am¡a Xmo gmb ~mX dh EH$ ZXr Ho$ VQ> na {_br &
dhm± H$moB© Zht OmZVm Wm {H$ dh H$m¡Z Wr Am¡a H$hm± go AmB© Wr & bo{H$Z, EH$ {XZ
dh AMmZH$ hmoe _| AmB© Am¡a CgZo OmZZm Mmhm {H$ dh ZXr Ho$ VQ> na H¡$go
nhþ±Mr & Bg {dH$ma H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE Am¡a Bg loUr Ho$ AÝ` {dH$mam| H$s gyMr
~ZmBE & 3

5. í`m_ H$m {dídmg h¡ {H$ Cgo ha EH$ H$m ß`ma ha g_` {_bZm Mm{hE & CgHo$ A{YH$m§e
{dídmgm| _| A{Zdm`© AWdm Mm{hE KQ>H$ hmoVm h¡ & O~ MrµO| CgHo$ AZwgma Zht hmoVt,
Vmo dh ì`{WV _hgyg H$aVm h¡ & EH$ Cn`wº$ {M{H$Ëgm H$m gwPmd Xr{OE Omo í`m_ H$mo
CgHo$ A{ddoH$s {dídmg V§Ì Ho$ {df` _| JhamB© go gmoMZo na _O~ya H$ao Am¡a Cgo ~ohVa
_hgyg H$aZo _| _XX H$ao & 3

6. O~ _¡ar Zo EH$ ZE _hm{dÚmb` _| àdoe {b`m Vmo CgZo IwX H$mo ~hþV AHo$bm _hgyg
{H$`m & bo{H$Z, m¡a EH$ hm°~r
g_yh H$s gXñ` ^r ~Z JB© & Bg CXmhaU H$s ghm`Vm go , CZ XemAm| H$s MMm© H$s{OE
{OZHo$ H$maU g_yh H$m {Z_m©U hmoVm h¡ & 3

7. (H$) H$maH$m| na MMm© H$s{OE & do H$m¡Z-go bjU h¢, Omo ì`Wm
_| ahZo dmbo {dÚm{W©`m| H$s nhMmZ H$aZo _| _XX H$aVo h¢ ? N>mÌm| _| gH$mamË_H$
AmË_- H$s Om±M H$s{OE & 4
(I) V§{ÌH$mOÝ` h¢ ? {H$Ýht VrZ V§{ÌH$mOÝ` {dH$mam| H$m dU©Z
H$s{OE & 4

63 Page 4

4. (a) Imran is a forty-year-old male who complains of difficulty in

breathing and other body-related symptoms. On being examined, the
doctors were unable to find any medical explanation for his reported
symptoms. Explain this disorder and discuss its various types. 3

(b) Richa is a young girl working as an officer in an organisation. One

day she just disappeared from the city and after two years she was
found on the banks of a river. Nobody there knew who she was and
where she
wanted to know how she had reached the banks of the river. Explain
this disorder and list the other disorders in the same category. 3

5. Shyam believes that he should be loved by everybody, all the time. Most

his way, he feels distressed. Suggest a suitable therapy that will make
Shyam think deeper into his irrational belief system and help him to feel
better. 3

6. Mary found herself very lonely when she joined a new college, but soon
felt at ease when she made friends and became a member of a hobby
group too. With the help of this example, discuss the conditions that lead
to group formation. 3


7. (a) Discuss the risk factors associated with suicides. What are the
symptoms that help in identifying students in distress ? Examine
some ways to foster positive self-esteem in students. 4

(b) What are the characteristics of neurodevelopmental disorders ?

Describe any three neurodevelopmental disorders. 4
63 Page 5 P.T.O.
8. (H$) _mZ{gH$ amo{J`m| Ho$ nwZ:ñWmnZ H$s à{H«$`m H$m {dñVma go dU©Z H$s{OE & 4

(I) XmofnyU© ì`dhma H$mo Xÿa H$aZo Ho$ {bE ì`dhma {M{H$Ëgm _| à`wº$ {d{^Þ VH$ZrH$m|
H$s MMm© H$s{OE & 4

9. AH$ga h_ XoIVo h¢ {H$ bmoJ Xÿgam| H$s ghm`Vm H$aVo hþE `m µOê$aV_§Xm| H$mo XmZ XoVo g_`
^r AnZr Vñdra| ItMVo/ {^d¥{Îm H$s
nhMmZ H$a gH$Vo h¢ ? A{^d¥{Îm Am¡a ì`dhma _| g§J{V H$~ hmoJr ? ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 4

10. EH$ {ejH$ Zo `h nm`m {H$ CgHo$ Ûmam N>mÌm| Ho$ EH$ g_yh H$mo {XE JE n[a`moOZm H$m`©
H$s JwUdÎmm ì`{º$JV N>mÌm| Ûmam {XE JE n[a`moOZm H$m`© go H$_ Wr & Bg KQ>Zm H$m
H$maU h¡ Am¡a Bgo H¡$go H$_ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ ? MMm© H$s{OE & 4


{ZåZ{b{IV ì`{º$ AÜ``Z CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 4

gw§Xa _hm{dÚmb` OmZo dmbm EH$ ~rg-

_| ahZo Am`m h¡ & Cgo {Za§Va Agwajm H$m ^` ~Zm ahVm h¡ Am¡a bJVm h¡ {H$ Xþí_Z g¡{ZH$
CgH$m nrN>m H$a aho h¢ & O~ dh {H$gr H$mo dXu _| XoIVm h¡, Vmo VZmd _| Am OmVm h¡ Am¡a
§Vm CgHo$ H$m`© Am¡a g§~§Ym| _|
hñVjon H$a ahr h¡ Am¡a CgHo$ XmoñV BZ g~H$m _Vb~ Z g_P nmZo Ho$ H$maU ~ohX qM{VV
h¢ & gw§Xa H$^r-H$^r AMmZH$ Am¡a AZw{MV VarHo$ go h±gZo bJVm h¡

ahm hmo & dh H$_ao _| aIo Q>obr{dµOZ Am¡a ao{S>`mo H$mo boH$a qMVm ì`º$ H$aVm h¡ {H$ BZH$s
g§^m{dV ê$n go eÌw Ûmam {ZJamZr H$s Om ahr h¡ & CgHo$ {dídmg pñWa h¢ Am¡a `{X CÝh|
MwZm¡Vr Xr OmVr h¡, Vmo CgH$m ñda/bhµOm eÌwVmnyU© hmo OmVm h¡ &
11. àX{e©V bjUm| Ho$ AmYma na {dH$ma H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE & Bg {dH$ma _| {XImB© XoZo dmbo
AÝ` bjUm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 2

12. ^«_mg{º$ Am¡a AZwn`wº$ ^md H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & Cn`w©º$ ì`{º$ AÜ``Z _| {XE JE
bjUm| go BgH$s nw{îQ> H$s{OE & 2

63 Page 6
8. (a) Describe the process of rehabilitation of the mentally ill in detail. 4

(b) Discuss the various techniques used in behaviour therapy to

eliminate faulty behaviours. 4

9. Quite often we see people getting themselves photographed while helping

others or even when they are offering donations to the needy. Can we
identify the attitudes of these people through their behaviour ? When
would there be consistency between attitude and behaviour ? Explain. 4

10. /he gave to a group of

students, when submitted to her/him, lacked quality as compared to the
ones submitted by individual students. What is the reason for this
phenomenon and how can it be reduced ? Discuss. 4


Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow : 4

Sundar, a college going 20-year-old male, has moved from his home town
to live in a big city. He has continuous fear of insecurity and feels that
the enemy soldiers are following him. He gets very tense when he spots
anyone in a uniform and feels that they are coming to catch him. This
intense anxiety is interfering with his work and relationship, and his
friends are extremely concerned as it does not make any sense to them.
Sundar occasionally laughs abruptly and inappropriately, and sometimes
stops speaking mid-sentence, scanning off in the distance as though he
sees or hears something. He expresses concern about television and radio
in the room potentially being monitored by the enemies. His beliefs are
fixed and if they are challenged, his tone becomes hostile.

11. Based on the symptoms being exhibited, identify the disorder. Explain
the other symptoms that can be seen in this disorder. 2

12. Define delusion and inappropriate affect. Support it with the symptoms
given in the above case study. 2

63 Page 7 P.T.O.

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