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GOAL Learners should be able to present the initial Draft of their Capstone project written report
ROLE Students will present the initial draft of their Capstone Project written report
SITUATION The initial draft of the Capstone Project written report of learners will be presented
STANDARDS AND CRITERIA Grading of the Performance Task will be in accordance with the rubrics below.
Components 10 9 8
Review of Related Literature • Used 5-10 sources • Used 4 sources • Used 3 sources
• All sources were cited using the • Most sources were cited using • Few sources were cited using
APA formatting style-7th the APA formatting style-7th the APA formatting style-7th
edition edition edition
• All sections were organized, • Most sections were organized, • Some sections were organized,
complete and with accurate complete and with accurate complete and with accurate
summaries summaries summaries
Research Based criteria • Is written in paragraph form • Is written in paragraph form • Is written in paragraph form
5 points • Describes how the experiment • Describes how the experiment • Describes how the experiment
was performed with sufficient was performed was performed with some critical
detail to enable another scientist with sufficient detail to enable details are lacking
to repeat the experiment and another scientist to repeat the • Most steps are understandable
obtain the same results experiment and obtain the same but some lack
• Presents easy-to-follow steps results detail or are confusing
which are logical and adequately • Most steps are understandable • Most specific chemicals and
detailed without including but some lack detail or are equipment are mentioned along
standard procedures that all confusing with their source (not as a list)
scientists know how to do • Most specific chemicals and
• Specific chemicals and equipment are mentioned along
equipment are mentioned along with their source (not as a list)
with their source
(not as a list)
Project/Results of Tests and • All pertinent data is • All pertinent data is described • Most pertinent data is
Evaluation described • Raw unprocessed data is absent described
5 points • Raw unprocessed data is absent • Most results presented as both • Raw unprocessed data is absent
• Results presented as both narrative text and in figures and • Most results presented as both
narrative text and in figures and tables narrative text and in figures and
tables • Most data presented in a logical tables
• Data presented in a logical manner to enable the reader to • Most data presented in a logical
manner to enable the reader to draw conclusions manner to enable the
draw conclusions • Most important data is reader to draw conclusions
• Important data is highlighted highlighted • Most important data is
• All tables and figures have • All tables and figures have highlighted
appropriate legends appropriate legends • Most of the tables and figures
• All tables and figures are • All tables and figures are have appropriate legends
described in the narrative text described in the narrative text • Most tables and figures are
• Statistical Analysis of Data are • Statistical Analysis of Data described in the narrative text
correct are mostly correct • Statistical Analysis of Data
• Interpretation of Statistical • Interpretation of Statistical are not correct
Results are correct Results are mostly correct • Interpretation of Statistical
Results are not correct
Discussion/ • Question and hypothesis • Conclusions are stated clearly • Conclusions are stated clearly
Conclusions/Recommendations restated with explicit reference to the with reference to the data that
5 points • Conclusions are stated clearly data that support a conclusion support a conclusion
with explicit reference to the • Argument for conclusions is • Argument for the conclusions
data that support a conclusion generally well organized can be understood but difficult
• Argument for conclusions • Importance of conclusions to follow
well organized discussed • Final paragraph states the
• Importance of conclusions • Conclusions related to other major finding of the study (the
discussed studies and put into a context take home message)
• Conclusions related to other of current knowledge
studies and put into a context of • Final paragraph states the
current knowledge major finding of the study (the
• Clear differentiation take home message)
between speculations
and conclusions
• Final paragraph states the
major finding of the study
(the take home message)
References • All cited sources present • All cited sources present • Most cited sources present
5 points • No references not cited in the • In required Format •Generally, in required format
body present • References relevant and • References relevant and
• In the required appropriate appropriate
• References all highly relevant
Grammar and mechanics • Some required components for Most paragraphs well organized • Many paragraphs well
5 points the paper are present • Sections with logical organized
• An attempt made to follow organization of paragraphs • Several grammatical errors,
required format (especially introduction, results typos, and misspelling may be
• Has 15-19 pages and conclusions) present
• Some grammatical errors,
typos, and misspelling may be
• Some misappropriate word
usage errors (effect vs. affect)
• Some misuse of scientific terms
Format • All required components for • Most required components for • Some required components for
5 points the paper are present the paper are present the paper are present
• All components in the • Most components of the • An attempt made to follow
appropriate required format followed required format
Format • Has 20-24 pages • Has 15-19 pages
• Latin scientific name italicized
with genus Capitalized and
species in lower case
• Has 25-30 pages
Total 100
DIRECTIONS. Write the Initial Draft of your Capstone Project Written Report in accordance with the
format presented. Your Written Report should contain the following parts:
A Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of
Capstone Project
STEM 12 - Bell
July 2022
Table of Figures ii
Table of Tables iv
Purpose Statement 3
Guiding Questions 3
Definition of Terms 4
Related Literatures 5
Materials 10
Design 12
Project Description 15
Conclusion 18
Recommendation 19
Parents, students, journalists, and the general public are likely to be looking for
information about an institution they are considering on the internet. In this regard, the lack of
information about a school, as well as the education and services it ought to offer, may often be
considered one of the major flaws that an institution must resolve. With these issues at hand, one
of the most effective solutions would be the construction of a website devoted to exhibiting
The internet has a magical appeal for everyone who lives in the digital age. According to
Johnson in his online article Worldwide Digital Population, as of January 2021, there were 4.66
billion active internet users worldwide - accounting for 59.5% of the global population. This
satisfies the doubt that the website will not attract visitors. Given that internet connection and
dealing with content from the internet are now commonplace in schools, developing and
maintaining a school website is something that an institution should put an eye on. The school
website is an excellent platform for students and staff to demonstrate their skills while also
presenting the school in an easily accessible and comprehensive manner to a larger audience.
School websites serve as an e-manual for the visitors; it will be convenient for them as the
A school's website is one of the most powerful tools it has for improving communication,
engaging parents and interactive students, and establishing a trustworthy reputation in the
community. Aside from these, the website School Webmasters (2018) cited in their article that
school websites also create an opportunity for an institution to advertise its strengths. All of these
advantages improve education for students; hence achieving them is worthwhile. School
websites usually serve three goals. First, to provide current students, parents, employees, and the
community with timely, engaging, and current information about the school. Second, to recruit
competent staff and attract students and their parents. Lastly, to give visitors an overview of the
type of school an institution is and the kind of graduates the school produces.
An informative website that is "open to everybody" and covers all of the essential data
about an institution is an objective that an institution itself should focus on. With the launch of
the school website, the school will be able to demonstrate its competence and qualities to a
Therefore, the researchers of this study came up with ideas for creating a school website
inspired by the facts stated above. The website that the researchers will create will not only limit
showcasing all the achievements and events of Honorato C. Perez Sr. Memorial Science High
School (HCPSMSHS) but also exhibit the uniqueness of and the beauty within the campus. The
school website will be made available for public access on the internet at any time.
The internet is one of the primary sources of information, especially during this pandemic
where even education had to find its way online. It is used by teachers, parents, staff, and
students to attain the updates that they need. This project aims to create a website that will allow
the community to learn more about the school, Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Memorial Science High
School, by showcasing its achievements and attributes in a safe and accessible way, even in the
comfort of their homes. Furthermore, the website aims to exhibit the school's alumni profiles and
allow former and current students, staff, parents, and other users interested in the school to
Purpose Statement
information about the institution and the graduates of HCPSMSHS by developing a school
website and alumni tracking system. The main objective of WebSci is to create a platform where
users can explore a meaningful experience that HCPSMSHS offers while also extending beyond
its potential by allowing a space where students, teachers, alumni, and future Scielinians can
The research and data collection processes are conducted online via a Google Forms
survey, with Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Memorial Science High School alumni from Batch
2020-2021 participating. Section Alexander Graham Bell former students are asked to
voluntarily participate and respond to the survey questions involving their current career path.
Guiding Questions
This study determines the effects and practicality of WebSci. In order to complete the
1. What are the following contents that can be found inside the website?
4. How accommodating are the website's features to new students, parents, and staff?
Definition of Terms
The following terminology was used and defined throughout this research report to
Flaws. Errors or defects in a strategy, hypothesis, or legal document that causes it to fail or lose
Google forms. A free web-based app that is used to create forms for data collection purposes.
WebSci. A website created by the researchers to provide parents, students, staff, and the
community with timely, engaging, and up-to-date information and to serve as a platform for
Website. A collection of web pages and related material that has been published on at least one
Website builder. A program or platform which allows business owners to easily combine
different features to create a fully functional website without manual code editing.
Review of Related Literature
This section entails relevant material and studies directly related to this topic. It has
included a description of the study's relevance to existing literature. The content of this section
was compiled from a variety of sources, including online articles and numerous thesis projects.
Over the past few decades, the widespread use of the internet has significantly impacted
the general public (McCamey et al., 2013). The internet has become a new mode of
communication that allows users to access a large amount of information on a broad range of
technology and access to information gave students more available resources to expand their
knowledge. In his study, Shaw (2009) proved that students usually have positive impressions of
the internet and the use of technology in online and blended learning environments. Moreover, in
an exploratory study administered by Anderson in 2001, among the 1,300 respondents from eight
In a local setting, the usage of the internet and its services has already become a
significant part of student life, primarily intended for academic and research purposes (Conti et
al., 2019). With societal modernization causing teenagers and the youth to have relatively easier
access to various electronic devices and the web, the number of technology- and
internet-dependent people and learners continue to increase. Dr. Conti et al. (2019) found that the
majority of the 196 respondents aged 16-18 use the internet for more than six hours per day
(75%) and seven times per week (77.5%) in their study to examine the impact of internet
dependency among Senior High School (SHS) students at Batangas State University. This may
imply the growing dependence of learners on the advances in technology and the internet alike.
The advancement of our technology and its tools has completely changed the interactions
between organizations and people. Nowadays, a website is used to inform a large audience about
the school's mission, vision, and values (Ganiyu et al., 2017). It facilitates the completion of
various tasks such as school registration, purchase, and payment, which is far more convenient
given that many people are too busy to attend school in some instances. It also gives the user the
ability to find what they are looking for at an incomparable speed and control what they are
doing wherever they are at any given moment. (Bairamzadeh et al., 2012).
The pandemic made drastic changes in our lives. Online and modality learning was
implemented, which resulted in great adjustment for the students. For that reason, it has become
more convenient to check the web than go to the actual location. According to Hartshorne,
Friedman, Algozzone & Isibor (2006), a high school website can comprehensively illustrate a
school's curriculum. Its development can be a collaborative effort, addressing the goals and
needs of different elements within the school. With technology, parents are becoming more
involved in their children's education since the internet allows them to communicate globally.
Because of its easy access, the internet is an appealing source of knowledge for parents.
(Martland & Rothbaum, 2008). The website promotes family involvement, education, and
School websites are becoming more necessary along with the growth of internet
technology accessible to all people. Websites can give a number of benefits with the goal of
optimizing the internet in the school environment, improving school quality, expanding
education modules, and popularizing the internet. Firstly, this may serve as a medium to promote
the school and highlight its advantages. It will also provide a platform for electronic
communication among schools, agencies, and institutions through interactive features for
gathering among the whole community. Lastly, real-time information delivery will also be sped
Due to the lack of technology, management of such systems was difficult and dynamic in
the early days; thus, the implementation of a website has come to address the earlier
disadvantages. The primary goal of a school website is to make it easier for users to access
valuable resources such as a digital library, admission form, admission requirements, and
admission results. The system is web-based, which provides the users with numerous benefits.
Communication is not the only advantage, but many other advantages are considered, such as
system availability and flexibility for users to interact with the system at any time and from any
location, easy access to vast information, easy application process, and security. In the eyes of a
user, a website is a sign of viability and stability; this is why having a website for the institution
is essential. Another great reason to have a website for an institution is that it is one of the most
cost-effective ways to build a reputation. Furthermore, having a website allows current and
potential users to assess the value concerning their needs without having to visit the institutions
Before the pandemic, school websites only featured basic information such as a welcome
page, significant dates, and a short description of the institution. The COVID-19 restrictions have
necessitated adapting to online means of communication, which has evolved the websites into a
repository of all information regarding the school's students, employees, and parents, both
current and former (Kemp, 2021). A parent's initial stop for research is now a school website,
rather than going to the school and viewing the facility in person.
According to Bennett (2019), parents and students physically entered a school building
before. Due to the pandemic, changes were applied to the usual. School websites allow the
parents, students, and staff applicants to have a virtual tour around the school. Virtual tours take
place on a school's website, and the content on that website provides a significant initial
impression. First impressions are an opportunity to highlight the school's greatest attributes and
demonstrate how inviting the school community is to all stakeholders, including parents,
students, staff, and community members. After making a great first impression, the website can
dismissal due to poor weather. To each of these stakeholders, the website can successfully
explain the school's vision and mission, as well as its strengths and offerings. In effect, the school
The proper design has become a critical element needed to engage website and mobile
application users. However, little research has been done to determine the exact aspects that go
into creating a successful website or mobile application. According to Larry Ludwig (2022)
Using Wix, like other popular website builders, is similar to leasing and personalizing an
apartment in a gated community rather than purchasing and owning your own home. You have
authority over the decor, cleaning, and other aspects of living, but the property owner is in charge
of the construction, plumbing, security, and infrastructure. That notion is crucial since
convenience and control are frequently mutually exclusive. Wix is a publicly listed firm that
works globally with well-established legal, privacy, payments, and product standards. There are
numerous fly-by-night or amateur-run website builders to choose from. Wix, on the other hand,
is not one of them. They have drawbacks and costs, but their safety and reputation are strong
assets. Wix's servers host all of Wix's websites. This means a couple of things. Of course, this
means that the servers have been optimized for Wix websites. Wix experts are in charge of
keeping your site running smoothly. It also implies that the security of your website is in the
hands of professionals.
measures on their campuses (Friedland, 1999). These security measures were intended to provide
programs for their particular situation. Using a planned approach to implementing security
measures by conducting an assessment may give schools a more balanced and rational array of
security measures. Hylton (1998) indicated his belief in this concept when he said, “Effective
school planning begins with a commitment to make safety/security a top priority, and integrate
security programs and systems into the school infrastructure” (p. 1). Schools that make the
decision to plan for security using an assessment tool must then decide what the assessment will
include. Trump (1999) said, “Assessment methods should include structured interviews with
members of the school staff and community, analysis of policies and procedures, review of crime
and discipline trends, examination of physical facilities, and an analysis of other school and
community information sources” (p. 22). These assessments should be comprehensive and
provide insights that can be used now and in the future. Trump recommended that assessments
should be comprehensive when he maintained, “The final assessment report should provide
findings and recommendations that can be used in both short and long-term planning” (p. 23).
Hylton (1998) believes that these plans should include ways to integrate security measures into
schools in a subtle way that minimizes the negativity associated with the implementation.
Research Based Criteria
This section will go over the project's criteria that were taken into account. It will also
serve as a guide for the researchers as they work on their project. The researchers will follow
several methods as they create their devices. The materials to be used, the design and framework,
The materials and their use/importance that the researchers will utilize in making the
Materials Use
Google Docs Used to list the following contents needed for the
creation of the school website and ideas
The design for the proposed project can be seen below. During the construction phase,
Figure 1 illustrates the first-page design of the website project, WebSci. The Home
section of the website is on the first page. Tabs consisting of the name of every page will be
available on the home page. Also, it includes a header, section of the researcher, website title,
categorized as the About section, which consists of the facilities pictures, school events, clubs
and organizations, milestones, and uniqueness of HCPSMSHS. Tabs consisting of the title of
Figure 3 presents the last page of the website, the Campus Life section. It is divided
into two sections: Resources and Alumni Tracing. The school's contact information is available
under the Resources section, while Alumni Tracing consists of featured alumni and a Google
Form link. Website Inquiry and Website Rating components have been added as additional
content. Tabs consisting of the title of every page will still be available in this section.
The data acquired by the researchers and the results of the analysis and interpretations
of the findings are presented in this section. This section also includes the project's final
design, as well as the materials used and their cost. The data will be analyzed based on the
Project Description
advertise the school and its facilities. The website is divided into three major categories: the
Home section, About section, and Campus Life. The Home section welcomes the viewer with
the title and logo of WebSci and the logo and short description of the school. The About
section describes the school's facilities, events, clubs and organizations, and accomplishments.
It also includes images of the stated items for the viewer's convenience, as well as a summary
of why the institution is the greatest option for aspiring students and employees. Lastly, the
Campus Life page shows the contact information of the school, a featured alumni section, and
Because of the recent lockdowns and restrictions, there has been a significant shift in a
school website's purpose, significance, and value. The heavy reliance on technology resulted in
school websites being the first visited by parents and students compared to the past when
schools were usually visited in person. In light of this, the researchers have developed the
website in such a way that makes it navigable and appealing to the user. The website will also
have a "virtual tour" to imitate an in-person visit to the school grounds, giving parents and
The materials used to create the school website "WebSci" are enlisted in this section to
provide an estimate of the project's cost. As this website is created entirely online, there are no
Materials Cost
Wix Free
IG Library Free
Shows the number of Alumni that participated in the online survey and their Senior High School
Exit. Among the twenty-seven (27) responders, 7.4% or two (2) out of twenty-seven 27 answered that
they are currently not studying. The remaining 92.6 % or twenty-five (25) out of twenty-seven (27)
The researchers surveyed the Alumni of HCPSMSHS's section 12-Bell, Batch 2020-2021
via Google form. Thirty-seven (37) respondents were expected to fill up the survey form, but the
researchers only obtained twenty-seven (27) responses (27). The remaining ten (10) Alumni did
not respond to the researchers' questions. In the area wherein the participants were asked about
their Senior High School Exit, only two (2) answered that they were currently not in school due
to financial problems and other unspecified factors, while twenty-five (25) were taking Higher
Among the 25 graduates who selected "Higher Education" as their Senior High School Exit,
the majority of the respondents (16%) pursued BS in Civil Engineering for their college
education. On the other hand, three responses were recorded to each of the following college
Pharmacy. Lastly, the remaining nine answers were divided individually among BS in
The expected result from the researcher's school website entitled "WebSci" was fulfilled as it
performed as a creative and informative learning material as well as being a guide to aspiring
Scielinians. Moreover, the "WebSci" was a big part of alumni tracing, performing its duty to
promote the fruits of being a Scielinian. Because of prior events in creating websites online from
The study entitled "WebSci: A Research Study featuring HCPSMSHS" aimed to form a
bridge between the alumni and students of HCPSMSHS through an educational website. The
educational background, communication, and teaching and learning are available on the school
website. The project's primary goal is to allow users (alumni and students) to connect even over the
internet. It is also a more convenient way to visit the inside of the school because it can be done by
The website was created using WiX or, and the researchers chose a simple design to
view and understand. Non-students interested in HCPSMSHS can use this to learn about what is
available in their respective schools. Due to the pandemic, the researchers were only able to collect
data from alumni via Google Forms, and through this approach, they were able to acquire 27
In accordance with the study's discussion and conclusion, the following recommendations
are thus made for further exploration and enhancement of the project as a result of this research:
1. Future researchers may improve data gathering by reaching out to the respondents on
other social media platforms to increase the confidence level for complete and accurate
2. Future researchers may improve the accessibility of the website by editing and fixing the
5. Future researchers may improve the inclusivity of the website by adding language options
The focus of this project is to create a webpage featuring Honorato C. Perez Sr. Memorial
Science High School. The researchers will mention and explain a variety of significant details
about the school. The website has three major sections. The Home section where the School's
logo and short history will be tackled. The About section where the School's uniqueness,
facilities, clubs and organizations, School's and student's milestones will be featured. And the
Campus life section which will be divided into two subsections, Resources and Alumni Tracing.
The respondents of the Alumni tracing part have to deal with the scope of questionnaires
provided by the teachers. This project estimated time of completion is in between the third and
fourth quarter of this semester, School year 2021-2022.
The research tool that will be used by the researchers to conduct the Alumni Tracing is
questionnaire (via google forms). The researchers will gather the data from the people who are
associated with the given batch and section via online surveys. This study is limited to be
conducted online for the reason that this pandemic still occurs. The research will not cover the
respondents from other batches and sections aside from the ones given by the research adviser.
This project aims to create an informative website about Honorato C. Perez Sr. Memorial
Science High School.
Anderson, K. J. (2001). Internet use among college students: An exploratory study. Journal of
Bennett, C. (2019, January 30). A school's website makes an important first impression.
Conti, T. O., Bagsit, T. J. N., Claveria, R. T. D., Escalona, J. P., & Ramos, R. B. (2019). The
impact of internet dependency among senior high school students in Batangas State
Ganiyu, A. A., Mishra, A., Elijah, J., & Gana, U. M. (2017). The importance of usability of a
Kemp, R. (2021, June 15). UK’s Leading School Website Design & Branding Agency - View Our
School Design Portfolio. Cleverbox Works With Schools To Deliver Stunning Website
Laugi, S. (2020b). Use of Websites in School Management: An Effort to Build School Readiness
McCamey, R., Wilson, B., & Shaw, J. (2013). Internet dependency and academic performance.
Muhammad, A., Gonah, A. H., & Mansoor, A. (2014, September). Nigerian International School
Rezaeean, A., Bairamzadeh, S., & Bolhari, A. (2012). The importance of Website Innovation on
Stuker, K. C. (2002). Student perceptions of the impact security measures have on their high
school experience. Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers, 9447.