05 Jakarta, February 2000
05 Jakarta, February 2000
05 Jakarta, February 2000
Hall A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C3, D1, D2 – stand height = 4 M
Hall C2,C1 - stand height = 2.5 M (ESVES), 3.5 M (PEAK)
PT Pamerindo Indonesia
Menara Jamsostek, Menara Utara, 12th Floor, Unit TA-12-04
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 38, Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
T +62(0) 21 2525 320 F +62 (0) 21 2525 032
All exhibitors must book any additional services required using order forms in the exhibitor’s manual in
advance of the exhibition. Supplies of certain items are limited and a 50% surcharge will be imposed for
To ensure that the operation of any sound device does not interfere with, or be an annoyance to
neighboring stands, there will be a sound volume/level inspection conducted on 24 July 2023 at 3 pm
The Organizers will perform random checks on sound levels and sound equipment before and during the
show days strictly. Those exhibitors exceeding a sound level of 80 dB for 3 times during the show or more
will forfeit their deposit.
Please make your bookings for freight forwarding and forklifts etc. immediately. Only three freight
forwarders are permitted to work on the FOOD & HOTEL INDONESIA exhibition. Please do not plan to
use your own equipment or alternative contractors as these will be refused to entry.
Contact details:
It is not permitted to cut any timber or create excess garbage or dirt inside the exhibition halls. All stands
of timber construction must be pre – fabricated outside the hall. Please instruct your contractor to follow
this rule strictly.
Please book all services required such as electricity, furniture, water & waste, compressed air, internet &
telephones well in advance of the exhibition. You will be required to pay your contractor in advance for
these services. Kindly note that a late order surcharge of 30% will apply for bookings after 4 July
2023. For bookings onsite, a 50% surcharge on the hire rates quoted in the Exhibitors Order Book
will apply. Do note some items may not be available for late bookings made onsite.
Many thanks for your kind cooperation with this important preparation schedule.
The show closes at 5 PM on Friday, 28 July 2023. Dismantling of Pameran akan di tutup jam 17.00 pada hari Jum’at, 28 July 2023
stands or removal of exhibits from the halls is strictly prohibited Peserta tidak diperbolehkan membongkar stand dan memindahkan
before the show closes at 5 PM. For the safety of exhibitors and barang pameran sebelum pameran ditutup jam 17.00. Peti kemas
visitors no packing cases are allowed on stands before closing tidak diijinkan berada di dalam stand sebelum pameran tutup.
Harap mempersiapkan formulir pemasukan barang yang sudah
Kindly prepare the signed form to be showed to the security ditandatangani sebelumnya, untuk diserahkan kepada petugas
officer on duty upon removing your exhibits/products. security yang sedang bertugas di pintu keluar.
Listrik akan dimatikan pada hari Jum’at, 28 July 2023 Jam 18.00.
Electricity will be switched off promptly on Friday, 28 July 2023 Bagi peserta pameran yang masih membutuhkan listrik diatas jam
at 6.00 PM. In any case you need supply after 6.00 PM, please tersebut harap lapor ke pihak penyelenggara 1 (satu) jam sebelum
inform the organizer at least one hour prior to coordinate. listrik dan angin di matikan.
Booth dismantling and equipment removal will start on Friday, 28 Bongkaran booth dan pengeluaran barang dimulai pada hari Jum’at,
July 2023 at 5 PM OVERNIGHT Until Saturday, 29 July 2023 at 28 July 2023 pukul 17.00 sampai dengan Besok Sabtu, 29 July 2023
8 am. Any exhibitor who leaves exhibits or stand building pukul 8 Pagi.
materials in the halls after this period will automatically, we are Apabila ada peserta yang meninggalkan barang atau masih
not responsible for any loss. membongkar setelah jam tersebut kami tidak bertanggung jawab
atas barang yang ditinggalkan.
For goods which have been specially imported for the show BARANG-BARANG IMPOR
(DUTY NOT YET PAID) you must contact one of the shipping Barang yang sudah di impor khusus untuk pameran ini mohon
contractors on site who will advise you of the procedure which dilaporkan kepada pihak kontraktor expedisi/pelayaran yang
must be followed. memberikan tata cara yang harus diikuti oleh para peserta.
The organizer will continue to provide security until Saturday, 29
July 2023. However, exhibitors are advised to ensure that their Penyelenggara pameran akan melanjutkan pengamanan sampai
exhibits and stands are properly insured and that a member of Sabtu, 30 Juli 2022. Para peserta disarankan untuk memastikan
their staff is present during dismantling periods whilst the halls bahwa barang pameran dan stand telah diasuransikan dan juga agar
are open and until the doors are locked by the organiser each salah satu staf dari perusahaan masing-masing peserta hadir selama
evening. masa pembongkaran stand.
As contractors for the above stand at the Food & Hotel Indonesia 2023.
a) Follow all rules and regulations as specified in the Exhibitors Manual.
b) Submit the design of booth for approval by the organizer on 25th May 2023 and we understand that no
preparation work may commence before this design has been approved by the organizer.
c) All stand structures within the boundary of the stand dimensions specified on the exhibitors contract to exhibit and
no part of the stand structure or decoration of any kind will exceed a maximum height for : Hall A1, A2, A3, B1, B2,
B3, C3, D1, D2 – stand height = 4 M
Hall C2,C1 - stand height = 2.5 M (ESVES), 3.5 M (PEAK)
d) Cover the back wall facing the other exhibitor with a black or white cloth.
e) Ensure that we will not create any excessive dirt or garbage inside the halls and all cutting of timber and spray
painting must be carried out outside the halls.
f) Start work promptly on 22 July 2023 and to work only within the hours specified in the attached preparation
schedule. We undertake that we shall complete all preparations by the final deadline of 10 pm on 24 July 2023
and our staff will leave the halls at this time.
g) Overtime will be charged IDR 150.000,-/m2 + VAT 10% per hour starting from 10.00 pm – 02.00 am (max 4 hours).
h) Place a deposit made payable directly to Jakarta International Expo. Please kindly refer to the attach document for
further details.
i) After the show closes, we agree to remove all construction materials and garbage and leave the hall in a clean
j) Pay IDR 610.500 should we use the temporary electricity provided by the venue during build up and/or breakdown
periods to supervisor hall
k) Electricity will only provide at the last day of build up from 12 PM to 10 PM (except for 24 hours electricity).
l) All the contractor should be wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) ; safety shoes, vest, harness,
helmet/hard hat, safety gloves, mask/ disposable respirator, safety glasses, and or hearing protection (See below
for the details)
m) Submit the Swab PCR or Antigen result, fill in the self assessment, show the ID card and submit the fotocopy of ID
card/ KTP
n) For contractor who will standby in the booth during show, they must do the same and give to our security in front
of the entrance queline venue.
Organizer are not responsible for any obligations undelivered by non-official contractors to exhibitors.
Mobile : ……………………………………………………...……………….…………………………..
E-mail : ……………………………..……………………………………....….…………………………
❑ We require* to install sound device during Food & Hotel Indonesia 2023 exhibition and we are
agree to follow below regulations :
1) Exhibitors must lodge a deposit of IDR 10,000,000 per stand with the organizer, PT
Pamerindo Indonesia, to serve as a performance bond (Please kindly make payment with
cheque latest by 25 May 2023)
2) Exhibitors must set up the sound levels no exceeds than 80 dB (max 200 watts)
3) Exhibitors will forfeit their deposit if their sound levels are exceeding 80 dB for 3 times
during the show
❑ We do not require* to install sound device during Food & Hotel Indonesia 2023 exhibition.
( )
*) Please tick one option
An original copy of this form must be returned to the organiser by no later than 25 May 2023.
Menara Jamsostek
Menara Utara, Lantai 12, Unit TA-12-04
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.38
Jakarta 12710 - Indonesia
Tel. +62 21 2525 320
Fax +62 21 2525 482 / 5229268
Email : [email protected]