AFRONEX G2 Report and Project

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Industrial Internship Report and Project
Hosting Company: Afronex Tech Hub
Project Title: Dire News Portal
Prepared By:
1. Abdullahi Mahamud………....DDU1204526
2. Hamza Ahmed……………….DDU1200539
3. Neima Mohammed…………...DDU1204196
4. Ubeyi Mustefa………………..DDU1206015
5. Yeabsira Asaminew…………..DDU1104615

Advisor: Mr. Haftu Meresa

Duration of the Internship: Two Months
Submission Date: Oct 2016 E.C
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

We, 4th year Electrical and Computer Engineering students completed our internship experience
at Afronex Tech Hub from 1/11/2015 to 5/13/2015 E.C under the supervision of Mr. Haftu
Meresa. We state unequivocally that our work is original and adhered to the institute's guidelines
for preparing internship reports.

Name of the students Signature Date

Abdullahi Mahamud _____________ ________________

Hamza Ahmed _____________ ________________
Neima Mohammed _____________ ________________
Ubeyi Mustefa _____________ ________________
Yeabsira Asaminew ______________ ________________

Name of the Academic Advisor Signature Date

Mr. Haftu Meresa ____________ _______________


First and foremost, we thank the Almighty God for giving us life and providing us with the
strength to carry out our obligations and finish the internship report on time.
It is also up to our adviser, Mr. Haftu Meresa, to develop a time frame for its proper
implementation. We are grateful to him for starting the conversation, directing our ideas, and
giving timely suggestions. We appreciate his input and participation in the creation of this report.
We would also like to thank the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering for allowing us
to complete this internship program.

Finally, we would like to thank Afronex Tech Hub for admitting us as interns and providing us
with real experience. We are thankful to the employees of Plan and Economy Development
Commission, Ethio-Italy Polytechnic and Afronex Tech Hub for their assistance and devotion
during our internship time. We have obtained a great deal of job experience, professional ethics,
technical abilities, and the guts to explore new advances in our field of study.


This paper examines our internship experience in the Afronex Tech Hub, focusing on the
development of technical skills, professional networking opportunities, and new insight into the
field. Our program spent two months as part of a diverse team assigned to a specific project.
During this period, we developed expertise in software engineering techniques and technologies,
gained access to professional networks and advisors from within the organization, and gleaned
deeper insights into the industry as a whole. It highlights the importance of communication,
negotiation, and technical aptitude in order to successfully accomplish an internship that delivers
tangible results. Ultimately, this paper serves to demonstrate how we can use such experiences to
expand our horizons. Lastly, it outlines strategies for us to develop our skills while on the job
and leverage those experiences later when seeking professional employment.


NGO = Non Governmental Organizations

CI = CodeIgniter
HTML = HyperText Markup Language
CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
JS = Java Script
SaaS = Software as a Service
VS Code = Visual Studio Code
UML = Unified Modeling Language
UC = Use Case

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................................................ii
EXCLUSIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................iii
ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. iv
1. BACKGROUND OF AFRONEX TECH HUB ..........................................................................1
1.1. Brief History of Afronex Tech Hub ......................................................................................1
1.2. Main Services of Afronex Tech Hub ....................................................................................2
1.3. End Users of Its Products or Services ...................................................................................2
1.4. Mission, and Vision of Afronex ........................................................................................... 2
1.4.1. Mission ...........................................................................................................................2
1.4.2. Vision ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.5. Overall Structure of Afronex Tech Hub ............................................................................... 3
1.6. Workflow of Section .............................................................................................................3
2. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE .................................................................................4
2.1. How Did We Get Into Afronex ............................................................................................ 4
2.2. Tasks We Had Executed and its Procedures .........................................................................4
2.3. Performance of Our Work Tasks ..........................................................................................7
2.4. Challenges During Our Tasks ...............................................................................................8
2.5. Solutions For Our Challenges ...............................................................................................8
2.6. Overall Benefits of The Internship ....................................................................................... 8
3.1. Practical Skill ......................................................................................................................10
3.2. Interpersonal Communication Skills .................................................................................. 10
3.3. Teamwork skills ..................................................................................................................10
3.4. Leadership Skills ................................................................................................................ 11
3.4.1. Goal setting .................................................................................................................. 11

3.4.2. Decision making .......................................................................................................... 12
3.4.3. Time management ........................................................................................................12
3.4.4. Problem solving ........................................................................................................... 12
3.5. Work Ethics Related Issues ................................................................................................ 12
3.5.1. Reliability .....................................................................................................................13
3.5.2. Dedication .................................................................................................................... 13
3.5.3. Discipline ..................................................................................................................... 13
3.5.4. Productivity ..................................................................................................................14
3.6. Entrepreneurship Skills .......................................................................................................14
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. 15
1.1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................16
1.2. Background .........................................................................................................................16
1.3. Statement of The Problem .................................................................................................. 17
1.4. Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 17
1.4.1. General objective ......................................................................................................... 17
1.4.2. Specific objectives ....................................................................................................... 17
1.5. Significance of Dire News Portal ....................................................................................... 18
1.6. Limitation of Dire News .....................................................................................................18
1.7. Feasibility Study ................................................................................................................. 19
1.7.1. Economical feasibility ..................................................................................................19
1.7.2. Technical feasibility .....................................................................................................19
1.7.3. Operational feasibility ..................................................................................................19
2. LITRATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 20
3. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................22
3.1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................22
3.2. Method of Development ..................................................................................................... 22
3.3. The Reasons Why We Chose Scrum Methodology? ..........................................................23
3.4. Life Cycle of a Dire News Portal Project ........................................................................... 24

3.4.1. Requirement collection and analysis ............................................................................24
3.4.2. Planning phase ............................................................................................................. 24
3.4.3. Design phase ................................................................................................................ 24
3.4.4. Implement phase .......................................................................................................... 25
3.4.5. Testing ..........................................................................................................................25
3.5. System Requirement and Tools .......................................................................................... 25
3.5.1. Hardware requirement ..................................................................................................25
3.5.2. Software requirement ...................................................................................................25
3.6. Programming Language ......................................................................................................26
3.7. Requirement Specification ..................................................................................................26
3.7.1. Functional requirement ................................................................................................ 26
3.7.2. Non-functional requirements ....................................................................................... 26
3.8. Database ..............................................................................................................................27
3.9. UML ................................................................................................................................... 28
3.9.1. Actor identification ...................................................................................................... 28
3.9.2. Use case description .....................................................................................................28
3.9.3. Use case diagram ......................................................................................................... 29
3.9.4. Use case documentation ...............................................................................................30
3.10. Class Diagram ...................................................................................................................39
3.11. Sequence Diagram ............................................................................................................ 39
4. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION .............................................................................................. 42
4.1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................42
4.2. Overview of the Programming Languages Used ................................................................42
5. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................43
6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................ 47
6.1. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 47
6.2. Recommendation ................................................................................................................ 47
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................49

Figure 1 : Overall organizational structure of Afronex Tech Hub ...........................................3
Figure 2 : Photo taken while we were on training ................................................................... 5
Figure 3 : Chocolate Cafe Home page ..................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 : Chocolate Cafe Contact Us page ............................................................................6
Figure 5 : Ras Hotel Home Page ..............................................................................................7
Figure 6 : Ras Hotel Services page .......................................................................................... 7
Figure 7 : Scrum Diagram 1 ...................................................................................................22
Figure 8 : Scrum Diagram 2 ...................................................................................................23
Figure 9 : Final database for Dire News portal ......................................................................28
Figure 10 : Use case for Dire News portal .............................................................................30
Figure 11 : Reader’s sequence diagram ................................................................................. 40
Figure 12 : Admin’s sequence diagram ................................................................................. 40
Figure 13 : Sub-admin’s sequene diagram .............................................................................41
Figure 14 : Journalist’s sequence diagram .............................................................................41
Figure 15 : Screenshot of Dire News portal Home page ....................................................... 43
Figure 16 : Screenshot of Dire News portal Contact Us ........................................................44
Figure 17 :Screenshot of Dire News portal Sub-admin dashboard .......................................44
Figure 18 : Screenshot of Dire News portal Sub-admin dashboard ......................................45
Figure 19 : Screenshot of Dire News portal Login page ........................................................45
Figure 20 : Screenshot of Dire News portal Forget password page .......................................46

Table 1 : Description for UC Read News .............................................................................. 30
Table 2 : Description for UC Give Comment ........................................................................ 30
Table 3 :Description for UC Register Admins .......................................................................31
Table 4 : Description for UC Manage Admins ...................................................................... 32
Table 5 : Description for UC Login ....................................................................................... 32
Table 6 : Description for UC Forget Password ......................................................................33
Table 7 : Description for UC Category ..................................................................................34
Table 8 : Description for UC Manage Category .................................................................... 35
Table 9 : Description for UC Create Sub-category ................................................................35
Table 10 : Description for UC Manage Sub-category ........................................................... 36
Table 11 : Description for UC Manage User Comment ........................................................ 37
Table 12 : Description for UC for Post News ........................................................................38
Table 13 : Description for UC for Mange News ....................................................................38




1.1. Brief History of Afronex Tech Hub

Afronex is a well-known firm in Dire Dawa that is a Tech Company focused to offering
transcending technology solutions and consultation services for over 8 years .Their primary
mission is to dedicate themselves to be in the frontiers of scientific and technological innovations,
be a center for innovators and entrepreneurs and create positive social impacts. To provide
transcending technology solutions and consultancy services to its clients.

Their main business activities and services include Website and Mobile Applications Design and
Development, Software Development, Business Automation and Intelligence, Enterprise
Network Services, Multimedia Advertising, Training and Consultancy. It worked and trusted
with regional renowned Private, NGOs and Government organization such as Dire Dawa
Panning and Economy Development Commission, Dire Dawa Investment Office, Positive
Action for Development and Dire Dawa Civil Society Network has allowed it to provide the best
enterprises products and services at the highest standards with international certification and
professionalism making it a first class technology company operating in the region. They deliver
dependable and professional service, rapid delivery and response, and comprehensive support
and proper follow up to all clients’ needs, maintained by their high standard professionals.

The company is also working with local startups and techies in Dire Dawa offering the
Communities with the infrastructure to support and promote home-grown innovations. They
provide training, access to fast internet, and technical support to startups and young tech
enthusiasts through different programs so that they can utilize the best of their potential and
technology. Also, they are offering social and professional networking through which tech
entrepreneurs can thrive. This hub brings people together through social spaces, events, shared
workspaces, and digital networks. It promotes collaborations among educational institutes,

industries, impact investors, tech companies, social entrepreneurs, and technologists in and
around Dire Dawa, Ethiopia.

1.2. Main Services of Afronex Tech Hub

Afronex’s services include:

Web Application Development,
Mobile Applications,
Software Development (SaaS), and
ICT Support,
Infrastructure Design,
Maintenance and Multimedia

1.3. End Users of Its Products or Services

We offer the best-fit technology and professional services to corporations, governments, non-
profit organizations, and small and medium-sized enterprises. Among the services we provide
are web application development, mobile application development, software development (SaaS),
ICT support, infrastructure design, installation, and maintenance, as well as multimedia.

1.4. Mission, and Vision of Afronex

1.4.1. Mission
“Be in the frontiers of scientific and technological innovations, center for innovators and
entrepreneurs and create socioeconomic impacts”

1.4.2. Vision
“To see AFRONEX TECH HUB quickly rise as one of the top reliable Tech Company in Africa
by 2020,”

1.5. Overall Structure of Afronex Tech Hub

Figure 1: Overall organizational structure of Afronex Tech Hub

1.6. Workflow of Section

The workflow from the top section looks like there is the general manager of the company who
is responsible to control activities of the subsection’s team leaders and review each section’s
progress and activities in all aspects (speed, quality), to make decisions and also responsible to
have a big network around these industries to make.



2.1. How Did We Get Into Afronex

As fourth-year students at the Dire Dawa University School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering in the Computer stream, we were seeking for a firm with similar sectors that might
assist us integrate the theoretical knowledge we have when doing practical work and that would
embrace us with open arms.

So, we applied to a few firms, one of which being Afronex. The approval letter was presented to
us by Afronex Tech Hub, who demonstrated their desire to welcome us. We arrived at the
workplace on the planned day and began working there after a brief orientation.

2.2. Tasks We Had Executed and its Procedures

The following actions were carried out by us:

 We encoded data in OnePlan, which is one of Afronex’s projects for Dire Dawa
Administration Planning and Economy Development Commission.
 We created pages and forms using HTML/CSS.
 We practiced CRUD and other operations using CodeIgniter 3.
 We had 2 weeks training on how to work on git/git-hub and website development using
 We developed portfolio website for service giving companies using React.JS.
When we began our internship program, Afronex Tech Hub was implementing the OnePlan for
Dire Dawa Administration Planning and Economy Development Commision. When we start the
internship program, the implementation was in the middle of data encoding. So, we began to
figure out how the system works and after that we began data encoding. Then we gave some
training to the personnel to familiarize them with the program on our way of encoding the data.
During the data encoding process, Mr. Tsega E, the CEO of Afronex, dedicated his valuable time
to mentor us and assign coding tasks on CodeIgniter, a PHP framework, despite his busy
schedule. The assignments were gradually increasing in side and complexity. At the fist week,

we were instructed to make our selves familiarize with CI. He gave us two weeks to develop a CI
program that can operate Create, Read, Update, and Delete functions. A program that sends
email and a notification program were also given to us as assignments.
During our last two weeks at Afronex Tech Hub, we had the privilege to be a part of Git/GitHub
and React.JS training hosted by Afronex and Ethio-Italy Polytechnic. The trainees were from
ASTU, AASTU, BDU, GU, and JJU including our own DDU. Our trainer, Dawit S. was a 5th
year Information System student at AAU. He has done ashtoning portfolio in his name.

Figure 2: Photo taken while we were on training

At the beginning of the training, we were paired randomly for the final project which will be
evaluated at the end of the training. The project was to develop a portfolio website for some
service giving company found in Dire Dawa. Both peers had to collaborate and contribute to the
main repository created by one of them in github. For example, we have developed a portfolio
for Chocolate Cafe and Ras Hotel Dire Dawa.

Figure 3: Chocolate Cafe Home page

Figure 4: Chocolate Cafe Contact Us page

Figure 5: Ras Hotel Home Page

Figure 6: Ras Hotel Services page

2.3. Performance of Our Work Tasks

We efficiently and successfully completed all of the duties assigned to us over the period of our
internship. When a new assignment is assigned to us, the due date is also specified. So, we had to

complete the project on the designated day. The team leader monitors our productivity and
production while we are working. Overall, we produced a lot of work, worked quickly, and
punctually. During the course of their training, we had developed wonderful relationships with
the staff.

Both Afronex’s CEO and a representative from the Dire Dawa Planning and Economy
Development Commission have both expressed their respect and support for the diligence we
have demonstrated during the internship.

2.4. Challenges During Our Tasks

During our internship period we have faced different challenges that we did not expect. It offers
us the chance to learn new things and improves our problem-solving abilities when they do.
Some of them are as follows:
 Most of the data provided were out of scale and some data were absent
 A lack of Schedules
 Inadequately arranged information
 A lack of trained labor for the technology
 Unable to contact the concerned workers at any moment for assistance
 Unable to find Taxi at lunch time and the afternoon schedule

2.5. Solutions For Our Challenges

The OnePlan system is a system that calculates government sectors’ report by grading it out of
100. The total sum of plans should be weighted 100 and the report can be slightly more than 100
sit is their action towards their plan. Our main problem was most of the plans had weight more
than 100. The system rejects the last plans during the insertion process as their combined weight
exceeds the maximum limit of 100. We had to convert each plan with its key performance
indicators to make the total weight 100.

2.6. Overall Benefits of The Internship

We have benefited much from the internship experience during the course of the two months we
spent at Afronex. We collaborate with many specialists in their fields.We were then able to speak
with several staff as a result of this. We met Computer Science and Software Engineering
students who were working not only on PHP but also in Flutter, JavaScript, and other languages.
Additionally, the internship provided us with the chance to interact with employees at all levels
of the organization's structure, and such developments enable us to get useful job experience.
The total advantages we have obtained are divided into many categories.
 Enhancing practical abilities
 Enhancing theoretical understanding
 Interpersonal communication skills improvement
 Enhancing cooperative abilities
 Enhancing leadership abilities
 Understanding difficulties relating to work ethics
 Entrepreneurial abilities
 Self-confidence
 Self-thought

The motivational speeches given by Mr. Tsega E were not only extraordinary but also deeply
impactful. Throughout the entire internship period, he generously shared his life experiences and
academic journey, leaving a lasting impression on all of us.

Moreover, Mr. Tsega E's speeches were not just about his personal journey; he also imparted
valuable life lessons and practical advice. He emphasized the importance of setting goals,
maintaining a positive mindset, and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. His words
served as a constant reminder that with determination and hard work, we can overcome any
obstacle that comes our way.

Beyond his motivational speeches, Mr. Tsega E also took the time to mentor and guide each
intern individually. He provided valuable insights and personalized advice, helping us navigate
our own entrepreneurial paths. His dedication to our growth and development was truly




3.1. Practical Skill

We most likely understand the theoretical concepts during the past four years. But, the practical
phase is of vital importance. Having the new environment of practical activities makes it possible
to transform the theoretical knowledge to practical skill with the real world challenges.

The practical activities we are involved in this internship program is connected with the
theoretical concepts we have, but in addition to this, we acquire other skills that are related to
real world challenges like problem solving. The practical knowledge we gained in this program:-
 Website development using CI
 Data encoding
 How software developers work together collaborating using github
 How react js work,
 How to relate the front-end and back-end plus MySQL.

3.2. Interpersonal Communication Skills

Interpersonal communication skills are behaviors that help us interact with others effectively in
the workplace, school and so on or it refers to the entire process and practice of exchanging ideas,
information and even emotional experiences that can be shared between people.

During the internship program, we have been observing closely how the directors, managers,
staff and our coach communicate with each other in a formal way. That gives us a huge
experience and we are now able to send critical information to the right target group member at
the right time in the right way.

3.3. Teamwork skills

Teamwork is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a
goal and it is often a crucial part of a business as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well
together, trying their best in any circumstance. Having good team working skills is also very
crucial to share ideas, to give comments to make better products, to cooperate with the staff
members effectively.

During our internship,

 We understood how to create enthusiasm and initiative to make things happen,
 We had highlights the working environment of the tech developers might be different
from the formal working environment and it might mostly be remotely working.
 We had clear, logical objectives and supportive, informal group atmosphere and use
of humor.
 We had been listening to others & giving constructive feedback if needed.
 We also understand how to be comfortable with disagreement & seeing it as useful
 How to use people with different skills: e.g. creative, organizer and delegating tasks
to those people with the right skills.

3.4. Leadership Skills

Leadership, as a practical skill, encompasses the ability of an individual, group or organization to

"lead", influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. Here is the list of
leadership skills we learned during the internship program.

3.4.1. Goal setting

The ability to set goals is one of the core competencies of an effective leader. Primarily, goals
give you a sense of direction but the benefits go much further than knowing how to direct your
team. As a leader, goals offer the answer as to what to do next, allows you to assess your team’s
performance against agreed targets, and enables you to increase your own and your worker’s
efficiency. As we have been observing our coach setting daily goals, weekly goals, monthly
goals, it makes it easier for us to complete our task for the day, for the week and for the month.

In, addition to that, it gives us a great opportunity to understand how to set goals and what
procedures we need to follow to set goals.

3.4.2. Decision making

The ability to make a decision is often considered to be the cornerstone of effective leadership.
As a leader, those working underneath you and those above you who have asked you to improve
the organization’s bottom line trust you to take charge and make important decisions. You may
not always make the right decision but it is important that you are able to make one anyway; a
leader can always decide to take a different path. As we practicing in the internship program, we
observed our coach making decisions and what measurement he takes to make those decisions.

3.4.3. Time management

From managing a team to looking for new sales and marketing opportunities and securing new
vendors, leaders often find themselves having to spin many plates. If you fail to manage your
time effectively, those plates will soon come crashing down, so it is easy to see why time
management is a core skill of leadership. By making better use of your time, you will likely
inspire your team to do the same. When it comes to us, we get an amazing experience in time
management in the process of working with staff, communicating, and planning with our coach:
we absorb techniques that help us in time management.

3.4.4. Problem solving

Your ability to solve problems will have a significant impact on your success as a leader. While
it is important that you permit your team to solve their own problems, the buck typically stops
with you. Most problems can be solved by applying a simple four-step approach: defining the
problem, identifying potential solutions, evaluating and selecting from the possible solutions, and
implementing your chosen approach. In our case, we have seen those simple four-step
approaches used in practice and how it works on the real world challenge.

3.5. Work Ethics Related Issues

Workplace ethics are the moral guidelines that an organization as a whole and the individuals
who comprise it follow to comply with state and federal laws. Ethics are also the basis of a
cohesive, supportive company culture and an important way for a company to build a strong
relationship with its customers. Workplace ethics are important because they keep all members
of an organization accountable for their actions. Maintaining a strong, ethical code creates a
sense of security through clear
Boundaries for employees. It also enables management to make decisions that benefit the
company as a whole while meeting consumer and employee needs.

3.5.1. Reliability

A dependable employee is an excellent teammate. The person you hire will be dependable if they
have a high work ethic, and they'll deliver to the best of their ability on every project they work
on. On our internship stay, we observed that those employees knew how to prioritize tasks and
make sure that everything was completed on time and correctly.

3.5.2. Dedication

Commitment and dedication are important parts of a good work ethic. These employees are
focused on the tasks at hand, even when they're interrupted. They stay on task and work until
they finish their duties. The host company’s employees we have been working with usually don't
leave one company for long periods of time, but they're usually loyal to one company for years
or decades as well.

3.5.3. Discipline

Discipline is an essential part of a good work ethic. Highly disciplined employees show
Determination and commitment to the job. They strive to meet or exceed expectations, seeking
opportunities to learn new skills that will help them perform better.
We have been lucky that we can observe and get more experience with highly disciplined
employees, who meet or exceed expectations, seek opportunities to learn skills and improve their
performance, and do not take the job for granted.

3.5.4. Productivity

Outstanding productivity is the result of a strong work ethic. Employees that are productive
generally outperform their peers. They finish tasks ahead of schedule and go above and beyond
the call of duty. That is what we have been observing from different staff, plus we have been
practicing by finishing our tasks and focusing on our project.

3.6. Entrepreneurship Skills

Entrepreneurial skills are skills needed for the process of designing, launching, and running a
new business, which is often initially a small business. Entrepreneurship is an individual's ability
to turn ideas into action. Entrepreneur skills include a variety of skill sets, including
 Leadership
 Business management,
 Time management,
 Creative thinking,
 Problem-solving and
 Communication skills.



Dire News portal project aims to develop an online news platform that serves as a centralized
hub for news consumption and dissemination for Dire Dawa and its surrounding community. The
platform will cater to the needs of diverse user groups, including readers and journalists. Its
primary objective is to provide readers with a user-friendly interface for easy access to a wide
range of news articles. It will employ advanced search functionality. It will also facilitate
opportunity to the Dire Dawa community to participate and give their opinion on news articles.
Additionally, Dire News portal will incorporate language options of English, Amharic, Afaan
Oromo and Somali. The project will be developed using better technologies, prioritizing security
measures to protect authorities data with their respective role. Overall, Dire News portal project
is dedicated to transforming the way news is consumed and shared and aims to greatly impact the
way news is accessed in in Dire Dawa, its surrounding community and beyond.


1.1. Introduction

Dire News portal aims to develop an online platform that serves as main news source for the
Dire Dawa and its surrounding community. The portal is designed to cater to the needs of diverse
ethnic groups. The primary objective of the News Portal is to provide readers with a user-
friendly and intuitive interface that allows for easy access to a wide range of news articles,
especially about Dire Dawa.
Furthermore, Dire News portal will offer tools for post management, edit and accountability to
ensure the accuracy and reliability of the published content.

In addition it will serve as a sense of community engagement by providing a platform for

individuals to actively participate in discussions, share their opinions and comments, and
contribute their own news tips or stories. This will foster a sense of community and promote
active participation among readers. The project is developed using modern web technologies,
ensuring compatibility across different devices and browsers. The News Portal will prioritize
security measures to protect authorities data and prevent unauthorized access.

1.2. Background

The rapid advancement of technology and the widespread use of the internet have significantly
transformed the way people consume news. Traditional print media has gradually given way to
online news portals, which offer a more convenient and accessible platform for news
dissemination. In light of this shift, our organization has recognized the need to establish a news
portal project to cater to the evolving needs of the digital age.
Dire News portal project aims to provide a comprehensive and reliable source of Dire Dawa and
the surroundings news for our community. We recognize the importance of staying informed
about events, developments, and issues that directly impact our daily lives. By focusing on local
news, we aim to foster a sense of community engagement and empower individuals with
knowledge and understanding.

The purpose of Dire News Portal is to automate the existing manual system by the help of
computerized equipment and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so
that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and
manipulation of the same. The required software and hardware are easily available and easy to
work with.Dire News Portal, as described above, can lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast
management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their other activities rather to
concentrate on the record keeping.

1.3. Statement of The Problem

As Dire Dawa born, and raised, it aches our heart to see Dire Dawa Mass Media being short hand
to reach it’s audience as the old days. The means of news broadcasting used by Dire Dawa Mass
Media is antenna and satellite Tv broadcast, FM radio, and “Dire Gazata” which is a news
magazine printed once every week. Most homes neither have antenna nor their satellite is not
setted up for Dire Tv. Dire Gazeta does not have the multi-language options and it does not reach
out to the people as it should. FM radio also considered old schooled, so many youngsters leave
this option out of their choice. Thus, Dire Dawa dwellers does not have the information they
should know about their Dire Dawa and its surroundings. We believe that this problem can be
solved by simple solution as Dire News Portal.

1.4. Objectives

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of a Dire News portal is to provide timely, accurate, and relevant news and
information to the Dire Dawa community. It aims to serve as a trusted source of local news,
covering a wide range of topics that are of interest and importance to the local audience. It aims
to create a sense of community engagement by providing a platform for individuals to actively
participate in discussions, share their opinions and comments, and contribute their own news tips
or stories.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

The following are the particular objectives of this project that serve to satisfy (achieve) the
overall goals of the project.
 to ensure that citizens have easy and convenient access to reliable and up-to-date news and
information about Dire Dawa and its surrounding events, developments, and issues.
 to provide news for Dire Dawa and its surrounding using their mother tongues like Amharic,
Afaan Oromo and Af Somali languages
 to provide information and promote Dire Dawa for people around the world
 to encourage active citizen participation and engagement in local affairs by their opinions
and comments on the platform
 to support and empower local journalists
 to digitalize Dire Gazeta

1.5. Significance of Dire News Portal

 It minimizes the paper cost being wasted on magazine

 It will give multiple language access for the readers.
 It ensures that people stay informed about the latest events, developments, and issues mostly
in Dire Dawa and its surrounding
 To make announcements from government offices like Dire Dawa Electric power.

1.6. Limitation of Dire News

Even if the function of this system can solve the problem of Dire Dawa’s lack of news portal, it
has certain limitations. This project's limitations are as follows:
 The news can only be supported using a single image. No other images or file types are

 It will only replace the functionality of Dire Gazeta. Live broadcasting of Dire Tv and Dire
FM still is not applied on the portal.

 Readers might not get the same depth and breadth of news as the Dire Gazeta

1.7. Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is a means to assess the viability of your project plan and the likelihood of its
success. To determine the possibility of a project being successfully completed, it takes into
account all pertinent economic, technical, legal, and scheduling concerns. The analysis is also
intended to pinpoint every difficulty and issue that could develop as a result of moving forward
with the project.

1.7.1. Economical feasibility

Before allocating financial resources, it incorporates project cost analysis to assist companies
analyze the feasibility, cost, and advantages of a project According to our cost estimates, this
idea will require the following. First off, since this project requires extremely little labor time,
everyone involved in it may complete other, more expensive tasks. Second, the price of the
necessary gear, such as computer and internet cables, was already owned before the project.
There might be a per diem cost for Dire Dawa Mass Media Agency’s employees for the training
session on how to utilize the system.

1.7.2. Technical feasibility

Factors such as number of journalist, number of readers visiting the site and number of
comments, security protocols, and integration with other systems need to be considered when
assessing technical feasibility. A detailed assessment of these factors should be conducted in
order to determine the system’s technical feasibility for the organization.

1.7.3. Operational feasibility

Studies of this kind look at how a project plan fulfills the criteria found during the system
development process' requirements analysis phase. It is a gauge of how effectively a suggested
solution addresses the issues. Due to the software's efficient utilization, the suggested solution is
operationally practicable. After it has been created, it can be maintained and supported, and the
system will lead to a decrease in the workforce, indicating that it has a high operational
feasibility and a rise in use.



There was a time when news travelled at a pace that was so slow that when one country heard of
an event taking place in another country the news was literally hours old or even in some cases
days old. The telephone transformed the way in which we communicate and played a vital role in
the evolution of the newspaper as a way of distributing news.Television gave the next major
change in the way that news was dispersed.

The concept of news portal originated in the late 1990s when internet technology began to
advance rapidly. Initially, they were simple websites offering text-based news articles. However,
with the advent of multimedia elements, such as images, videos, and interactive features, news
portals evolved into more immersive platforms.

One of the key advantages of news portals is their ability to deliver real-time updates and
breaking news to users. With constant updates, news portals ensure that users are promptly
informed about the latest events and developments across the globe. News portals have
transcended geographical boundaries, enabling users from any corner of the world to access news
from various regions.
News portals have paved the way for citizen journalism, empowering individuals to share their
perspectives and contribute to the news ecosystem. Users can actively participate by commenting
on articles, sharing their opinions, and even submitting their own news stories. This user
participation enhances the democratic nature of news portals, creating an interactive space for
discussions and debates.

While news portals have revolutionized the way we consume news, they also face challenges and
ethical considerations. Paradoxically, while the print newspaper sector might be struggling,
individuals are nonetheless confronted with an ever-increasing availability of diverse news.
In terms of time spent, Internet users report a large increase in reading online newspapers.
The way news is consumed is radically different online. Online news readers get a variety of

news from different sources, allowing them to mix and compile their own personalized
information. However, it is unclear whether online readers obtain the same depth and
breadth of news as traditional readers. Furthermore, a significant proportion of young
people are not reading conventional news at all, or irregularly.

The other concern which is brought by readers is that news portals are accused to be
controlled by the government and being the voice for government propaganda. We are going
to leave the concern for the readers.

One concern is the issue of misinformation and fake news. The ease of publishing content
online has led to an influx of unreliable sources, making it crucial for users to critically
evaluate the credibility of the information they encounter. Moreover, the overwhelming
amount of information available on online news portals can lead to information overload.
Users may find it challenging to navigate through the vast amount of content and may
struggle to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources.



3.1. Introduction

The term "methodology" describes the process and technology used to create a software system,
including the techniques used to collect data, the strategy used to design the system, and the
software and hardware requirements used to put the system into operation. In this chapter, we've
discussed the methodology we've been employing for project analysis and development based on
the study's objectives.

3.2. Method of Development

For the analysis and design of the system, many approaches are employed. For this project, we
choose an Scrum process from among several available. The Scrum is a widely used agile
methodology in software engineering. It is an project management framework that helps teams
structure and manage their work through a set of values, principles, and practices. Scrum
encourages teams to learn through experiences, self-organize while working on a problem, and
reflect on their wins and losses to continuously improve.

Figure 7: Scrum Diagram 1

Figure 8: Scrum Diagram 2

3.3. The Reasons Why We Chose Scrum Methodology?

 Its Flexibility. Scrum promotes adaptability and flexibility, allowing the team to respond to
changing requirements, user feedback, and market dynamics effectively.
 It lets collaboration and communication: Scrum emphasizes frequent collaboration and
communication within the team, enhancing teamwork, knowledge sharing, and problem-
 Its incremental delivery. By delivering usable increments at the end of each sprint, the team
can gather feedback early, validate assumptions, and make necessary adjustments, reducing
the risk of building a product that does not meet user needs.
 It allows transparency and accountability. Scrum provides transparency into the progress of
the project through regular meetings and reviews, ensuring that everyone is aware of the
status and challenges faced. This fosters accountability and helps to identify and address
issues promptly.
 Its factor to permit continuous improvement to the project. The sprint retrospective allows
the team to reflect on their processes, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments
in subsequent sprints, resulting in a more efficient and effective development process over

3.4. Life Cycle of a Dire News Portal Project

3.4.1. Requirement collection and analysis

We first gathered data or information before we started designing the system. We gathered data
using the following techniques:

 Document analysis(I.e. reviewing Dire Gazeta)

 The internet

Following the completion of our data collection, we combine the information provided by our
adviser with the information we have collected to determine who the system's users are and what
features should be included in the system. Then, we've established a set of specs that our project
must adhere to. These include:
i. Functional requirement
ii. Non-functional requirement

3.4.2. Planning phase

One of the crucial stages in software development is software development, which is done
iteratively when the complete program specification is broken down into smaller required chunks
and created. To advance in the specific iteration, this iteration needs to be obtained and
thoroughly examined. This criterion may be brand-new or an addition to an existing requirement.
At the beginning of each sprint (typically 1-4 weeks framed iteration time), our group
collaboratively identifies and prioritizes the user requirements to be implemented in the
upcoming sprint.

3.4.3. Design phase

The design phase must be put into action after the requirements have been figured out. We
focused on delivering a potentially product increment at the end of each sprint. This means that

at the end of every iteration, there is a functional and usable portion of the news portal that can
be demonstrated to stakeholders.

3.4.4. Implement phase

The developer will put the chosen design into practice using the chosen code and measurement
standards. Our group holds a short daily telegram meeting to discuss progress, challenges, and
plans for the day. Each team member provides updates on what they have accomplished, what
they plan to work on next, and any obstacles they are facing. This promotes transparency,
communication, and accountability within the team. While writing the code, the developer must
incorporate a unit test at each stage of the process.

3.4.5. Testing

After the code has been implemented, this testing process is carried out to find any bugs in the
code, and if any are found, they must be reported. Testing is a priority since any errors will have
an influence on the software's specification.

3.5. System Requirement and Tools

System requirements are the standards that a piece of hardware or software must meet in order
to function.
3.5.1. Hardware requirement

Hardware requirements are a set of specifications that outline the observable, tangible physical
parts that will be needed to create the system.
Laptop/ desktop computers: we utilized it for all of our tasks, including writing documentation,
from project concept and development until completion. It is preferred to be at least 8G RAM.

3.5.2. Software requirement

MySQL server: aided in the creation of our database. We mostly used Xampp and Wamp.

Web Browser: a web browser such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or another one for viewing local
or global websites
Text Editor: VS Code, Notepad++

3.6. Programming Language

There are programming languages that were utilized to create the website. For the user interface,
we used HTML/CSS supported by Bootstrap and JQuery frameworks. For the back-end, we used
CI 3, which is a powerful, elegant and simple PHP framework.

3.7. Requirement Specification

3.7.1. Functional requirement

These are the criteria that the end user directly requests as fundamental system facilities. All of
these features must be implemented into the system. They are the user-specified criteria that can
be seen directly in the end product, as opposed to non-functional requirements.
i. The system allows the admin to create accounts and log in to access personalized features.
ii. The system enables administrators to create, edit, and post news articles.
iii. The system provides a user-friendly interface for content creation, including image insertion
and supports categorization and tagging of articles for easy navigation and search.
iv. The system implements a search functionality that allows readers to search for articles
based on keywords.
v. The system allows users to comment on articles and engage in discussions. If the comment
is believed to be inappropriate, the administrators can disapprove it so that it will not show
up on the news article.
vi. The system ensure the news portal is accessible and optimized for various devices, including
desktops, tablets, and mobile phones as it has responsive design.
vii. The system grants readers the option to switch between English and local languages like
Amharic, Afaan Oromo, or Af Somali.
3.7.2. Non-functional requirements

i. Usability: The system should be easy to use and provide user-friendly controls.
ii. Security: the system has a login page that enables only the person with the privilege to
access the system; therefore, unauthorized people cannot access it. When a user wants to use
the system, the administrator must register them and have them sign in. Each user has access
to the system depending on their access privileges. In addition, the system makes use of a
local area network to improve security.
iii. Availability: the system is constantly available to the user for access to linked local networks.
The system must always be operational.
iv. Performance: The system must respond quickly to user actions and queries, as well as
operate smoothly at peak time periods.
v. Scalability: The system must be able to handle expanding data sets and growing user base
with minimal disruption.
vi. Maintenance and Support: It should be designed and developed using modular and well-
documented code to facilitate future maintenance and updates
vii. Compatibility: Dire News portal should be compatible with a wide range of web browsers,
operating systems, and devices.

3.8. Database

A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored

electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management
system (DBMS). The data pieces' relationships with one another are decided by the foreign key
constraints. Dire News portal uses MySQL DBMS. The final database for Dire News portal
looks like the following.

Figure 9: Final database for Dire News portal

3.9. UML

3.9.1. Actor identification

Identifying actors includes the actor's area of duty as well as the goals that the actor will strive to
achieve while utilizing the system. Candidates for actors who have no ambitions should be
eliminated. In the use cases, an actor interacts with the system to accomplish meaningful work
that assists them in achieving a goal, and they have access to define their overall position in the
system and the extent of their activity. Based on the previous explanation, we have identified the
following actors for the proposed system:
 Actors with authority are differentiated base on their role as: Admin, Sub-admin and
 User: Readers

3.9.2. Use case description

An interaction between the actor and the system is described in detail, step-by-step, in a use case
description, which is a text-based narrative. By specifying primary, alternate, and exception
flows, it also describes several routes that can be taken.

 Read: Reader read news articles with their preferable language

 Give Comment: Readers can leave an opinion or comment to news articles

 Login: Authorities must log in to their account

 Forget Password: An authority who forgot his/her password can request the system for new

 Register: Admin can register new authorities

 Manage admins: Admin can edit authority’s information, or delete authorities

 Create Category: Admin and sub-admins can create new categories if needed

 Manage category: Admin and sub-admin can delete category

 Create Sub-category: Admin and sub-admins can create new sub-categories if needed

 Manage Sub-category: Admin and sub-admin can delete sub-category

 Manage user comment: Admin and sub-admin can approve or disapprove comments

 Post news: Journalist can post news articles

 Manage news: Journalists can edit or delete news

3.9.3. Use case diagram

A graphical representation of a user's potential interactions with a system is called a use case
diagram. It incorporates use cases, actors, and their interactions to encapsulate the functionality
of the system. It simulates the duties.

Actor: A person, group, or external system that communicates with the system. They have to be
outside entities that generate or consume data.

Use case: ovals with a horizontal form that stand in for the various purposes a user could have.
Associations: is the distinction between use cases and actors, which is utilized to determine
which actors.

System Boundary: with which use cases they are related. A checkbox that aligns the system's
scope with use cases. All instances of usage outside of the box would be seen as not belonging in
that system.

Figure 10: Use case for Dire News portal

3.9.4. Use case documentation

Based on the above use case diagram and the identifications made earlier we now will proceed to
the use case description part. In this subsection each use case will be described and clarified

Table 1: Description for UC Read News

Use case Name: Read News
Use case Id: UC01
Actor(s): Readers
Description: Reader visit the website to read news
Flow of action: Step 1:Reader visit Dire News portal
Welcome page
Step 2: Read news based on the language
the reader refers

Table 2: Description for UC Give Comment

Use case Name: Give Comment
Use case Id: UC02

Actor(s) Readers
Description: Readers comment what they feel on the
Flow of action: Step 1: They enter their their full name,
email(both are optional) and comment.
Step 2: Hit the Submit Request button
and wait for their comment to be

Table 3:Description for UC Register Admins

Use case Name: Register Admins
Use case Id: UC03
Actor(s): Admin
Description: Required for registering the administrators
of the system based on roles(Admin, Sub-
admin and Journalist)

Flow of action: Step 1:Admin logs into his/her account

Step 2: Select the register link
Step 3:Fills registration form
Step 4:Submits the form
Step 5:The system sends email with
password to the newly registered
Alternate course of action:(If the
registration form is not filled correctly) ● The system displays the error input
message and redirects to the same page
● Use case ends

Precondition: The information of the user to be registered

has to fulfill registration form requirements
and it needs to be the registration done by

the admin only
Post condition: Only the registered user can now log into
the account

Table 4: Description for UC Manage Admins

Use case Name: Manage Admins
Use case Id: UC04
Actor(s): Admin
Description: Required for edit information about other
administrators or delete them from the

Flow of action: Step 1:Select authorities button

Step 2: Select the Manage Users button
Step 3:If he/she wants to delete admin
select delete button
Step 4: Else he/she selects edit button then
edit the information on the forms
Step 5: Use case ends
Alternate course of action:(If the
registration form is not filled correctly) ● The system displays the success massage
if the delete or edit is successful and
redirects to the same page
● Use case ends

Table 5: Description for UC Login

Use case Name: Login
Use case Id: UC05
Actor(s): Admin, Sub-admin, Journalist
Description: Required for authentication

Flow of action: Step 1:Fills login form(Email and
Step 2:Select the login button
Step 3: System authenticates and if the
authenticate is successful based on role it
redirects to admin dashboard, sub-admin
dashboard or journalist dashboard
Step 4: Use case ends.
Alternate course of action:(If the
registration form is not filled correctly) ● If authenticate fails, system redirects to
the login page with error message
● Use case ends

Precondition: The information of the user to be registered

has to fulfill registration form requirements
and it needs to be the registration done by
the admin only
Post condition: Only the registered user can now log into
the account

Table 6: Description for UC Forget Password

Use case Name: Forget Password
Use case Id: UC06
Actor(s): Admin, Sub-admin, Journalist
Description: Required for authentication

Flow of action: Step 1: Click on Forget password
Step 2: Fill the form with the registered
email on the system
Step 3: Click Reset button
Step 4: System sends email with new
password and replaces the new password in
the row of the database where the email
Step 5: System redirects to login page with
success message
Step 5: Use case ends.
Alternate course of action:(If the
registration form is not filled correctly) ● If email send fails, system redirects to
the login page with error message
● Use case ends

Precondition: The email should only be the registered

Post condition: the user can now log into the account with
the new password

Table 7: Description for UC Category

Use case Name: Create Category
Use case Id: UC07
Actor(s): Admin, Sub-admin
Description: Creates new category

Flow of action: Step 1:Select the category button

Step 2: Select add category button
Step 3: Fill the form and click add button
Step 4: System redirects to the same page

with success message
Step 4: Use case ends.

Alternate course of action:(If the

registration form is not filled correctly) ● If authenticate fails, system redirects to
the same page with error message
● Use case ends

Precondition: Role can only be admin or sub-admin

Post condition: The new category can be used to create

Table 8: Description for UC Manage Category

Use case Name: Manage Category
Use case Id: UC08
Actor(s): Admin, Sub-admin
Description: Deletes category

Flow of action: Step 1:Select the category button

Step 2: Select manage category button
Step 3:Select delete category select delete
Step 4: Use case ends
Alternate course of action:(If the
registration form is not filled correctly) ● If authenticate fails, system redirects to
the same page with error message
● Use case ends

Precondition: Role can only be admin or sub-admin

Table 9: Description for UC Create Sub-category

Use case Name: Create Sub-category
Use case Id: UC09
Actor(s): Admin, Sub-admin
Description: Creates new sub-category

Flow of action: Step 1:Select the sub-category button

Step 2: Select add sub-category button
Step 3: Select category to which the sub-
category belongs
Step 4: Fill the form and click add button
Step 5: System redirects to the same page
with success message
Step 6: Use case ends.
Alternate course of action:(If the
registration form is not filled correctly) ● If authenticate fails, system redirects to
the same page with error message
● Use case ends

Precondition:  At least 1 category should be created

 Role can only be admin or sub-admin

Table 10: Description for UC Manage Sub-category

Use case Name: Manage Sub-category
Use case Id: UC10
Actor(s): Admin, Sub-admin
Description: Deletes sub-category

Flow of action: Step 1:Select the sub-category button

Step 2: Select manage sub-category button
Step 3:Select delete sub-category select
delete button

Step 4: Use case ends

Alternate course of action:(If the

registration form is not filled correctly) ● If authenticate fails, system redirects to
the same page with error message
● Use case ends

Precondition: Role can only be admin or sub-admin

Table 11: Description for UC Manage User Comment

Use case Name: Manage User Comment
Use case Id: UC11
Actor(s): Admin, Sub-admin
Description: Required for to approve or disapprove
user’s comment

Flow of action: Step 1:Select Manage User Comment

Step 2:If the comment is appropriate, click
approve button. The system make it appear
on the news section.
Step 3: If the comment is inappropriate,
select disapprove button.
Step 4: Use case ends

Table 12: Description for UC for Post News
Use case Name: Post News
Use case Id: UC12
Actor(s): Journalist
Description: Required for posting news

Flow of action: Step 1:Journalist logs into his/her account

Step 2: Select the News button
Step 3: Select add news button
Step 3: Fills form and choose image
Step 4: select Post button
Step 5:Use case ends
Alternate course of action:(If the
registration form is not filled correctly) ● The system displays the error input
message and redirects to the same page
● Use case ends

Precondition: Can only done by the Journalist

Table 13: Description for UC for Mange News

Use case Name: Manage News
Use case Id: UC13
Actor(s): Admin
Description: Required for edit news

Flow of action: Step 1:Select News button

Step 2: Select the Manage news button
Step 3:If he/she wants to delete news select
delete button
Step 4: Else he/she selects edit button then
edit the information on the forms

Step 5: Use case ends

Alternate course of action:(If the

registration form is not filled correctly) ● The system displays the success massage
if the delete or edit is successful and
redirects to the same page
● Use case ends

3.10. Class Diagram

The class diagram is the primary building component of object-oriented modeling. It is used for
both overall conceptual modeling of the application's structure and detailed modeling, which
includes turning the models into computer code. It is a static diagram that depicts a collection of
classes, interfaces, affiliations, collaborations, and limitations placed on the system. It is used not
only for visualizing, describing, and documenting many parts of a system, but also for creating
executable code for a software application.

3.11. Sequence Diagram

A Sequence Diagram is a visual representation of the messages exchanged between objects

related to developing a website. It displays the sequence of steps that each object performs and
shows which objects are involved in an interaction. Sequence diagrams can be used to document
existing web development processes, analyze potential improvements, or design new systems.
The sequence diagram typically starts with the user requesting access to the website. The request
is then sent to the web server, which locates and serves up the requested page. If there is
authentication required, such as when logging into an account, this will also be performed and a
successful log-in will be validated. Next, all assets needed to render the page (such as CSS style
sheets, images, icons) are retrieved from the server and processed by the browser. When this step

is complete, the page content and assets are combined by the browser at runtime to produce a
page that can be rendered on screen for viewing by the user.

Figure 11: Reader’s sequence diagram

Figure 12: Admin’s sequence diagram

Figure 13: Sub-admin’s sequene diagram

Figure 14: Journalist’s sequence diagram



4.1. Introduction

System implementation is the last stage of system development where all the planned work is put
into action to establish a new system or improve an existing one so that the design may be
implemented in coding or the real world. Therefore, it is just as significant as its production. The
system might easily come to a stop during implementation and undo all of the progress made

4.2. Overview of the Programming Languages Used

This project was created using CI 3, which is an open-source, elegant, and simple PHP
framework for developing fast and scalable server-side and networking programs, as well as
interactive web pages linked with the database using MySQL, as well as HTML/CSS, Bootstrap
and JQuery. The primary factors that led us to use CI 3 are
 It is simple to learn and apply.
 It is open source, free, and user-friendly.
 Lightweight and Fast
 It follows the Model-View-Controller
 It is compatible with various operating systems, web servers, and databases, making it
versatile for deployment



The end result of Dire News portal project has a simple and user-friendly UI with a strong
security system. The combination of HTML/CSS with Bootstrap created a responsive UI that can
be used starting from mobile browser, to computers with big screens. The JQuery, JavaScript
scripts played undeniable role as being front-end. The CI 3 worked really well as the back-end
language for Dire News portal. After the implementation of the system, we expect to get the
following interfaces.

Figure 15: Screenshot of Dire News portal Home page

Figure 16: Screenshot of Dire News portal Contact Us

Figure 17:Screenshot of Dire News portal Sub-admin dashboard

Figure 18: Screenshot of Dire News portal Journalist dashboard

Figure 19: Screenshot of Dire News portal Login page

Figure 20: Screenshot of Dire News portal Forget password page



6.1. Conclusion

This internship term enabled us to get practical understanding and technology solutions to real-
world challenges. We obtained a lot of experience by working at the Afronex Tech Hub during
the testing period of the Dire News portal. The internship program served as an introduction to
professional life.

6.2. Recommendation

Because of various constraints, we have left out several functionalities that should be included in
the system. As a result, it may be improved by including new features into this system. As a
result, we have suggested that future development on this comparable project include the
following features: -
 To make the portal to be able post videos and more than one image supporting a single news

 To include cookies so that readers can read their favorite news categories and sub-categories

 To include extra security measures

 To include the Dire Tv, and Dire FM programs into the news portal and be able to stream the
programs live.

We strongly recommend Afronex Tech Hub to consider and attempt to resolve the following
 Afronex should boost the number of its employees

 Increase the amount of equipment

 It is preferred to produce documented data that details the organization's whole operations,
organizational structure, and workflow, as well as to improve the system for recording
previous and present activities.

 To improve the mechanism for managing time


[1] ANUJ KUMAR, "News Portal Using CodeIgniter", [Online]. Available:
[2] Abkash Khatua, “News Portal Project Report”, [Online]. Available:
[3] D. Thakur, " "What is Feasibility Study? Types of Feasibility. Explain Feasibility Study
Process,"," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2022].
[4] "Simplilearn, "feasibility-study-article,"," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 January 2022].


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