Achebe Biography

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Rhett Anderson

7 July, 2023

Ms. Parker

English 10B

Achebe Biography Summary

Chinua Achebe was a Nigerian author who is vastly regarded as one of Africa’s most

influential writers. Achebe was born on November 16, 1930, in Ogidi, Nigeria. His childhood

was filled with traditional Igbo culture and the British who came and colonized their town.

Chinua attended missionary schools, which gave him an insight on Western literature and ideas.

He was able to learn about those ideas and still be able to maintain the tradition and heritage of

the Igbo. Achebe’s most famous book, “Things Fall Apart,” explains the difference and clash of

African traditions and the influence of European colonialism. The novel’s protagonist, Okonkwo,

represents the struggle to maintain cultural identity when outside forces oppose that identity.

Achebe’s writing gave a voice for African perspectives and challenged European stereotypes

about Africa, which in this time was basically degrading and hurtful. In addition to his

achievements in literature, Achebe was also politically engaged. He served as an advocate for

Nigerian independence and held numerous academic positions.

Works Cited: Editors. "Chinua Achebe.", A&E Networks Television, 9 Apr.


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