Cas Unit-2

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Definition 1: Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual representation or simulation of
computer resources, such as servers, storage devices, or networks, enabling multiple
operating systems or applications to run independently on a single physical hardware
Definition 2: Virtualization is like creating a virtual version of a computer or its parts,
allowing multiple things to run on one physical machine.
Definition 3: Virtualization is making one computer do the job of many by creating virtual
copies of its parts.
Traditional Environment Challenges:Resource underutilization, limited flexibility, and high
hardware costs.
Need for Virtualization: Efficient resource optimization, increased flexibility, and cost

Fig: Introduction to virtualization

Key Concepts:
● Hardware vs. Software Virtualization:
○ Hardware:Virtualizing physical hardware.
○ Software:Virtualizing operating systems and applications.
● Hypervisor: Manages virtualized environments.
○ Types: Type 1 (bare-metal) and Type 2 (hosted).
● Virtualization Stack: Layers include hardware, hypervisor, virtual machines, and
guest operating systems.

Benefits of Virtualization:
● Resource Optimization: Efficient use of hardware resources.
● Cost Savings: Reduced hardware expenses, energy consumption.
● Scalability: Easily scale up or down based on needs.
● Disaster Recovery: Enhanced backup and recovery options.
● Environmental Impact: Reduced energy consumption and hardware waste.

Practical Applications:
● Server Virtualization:Consolidating multiple servers on one physical machine.
● Desktop Virtualization:Running multiple desktop instances on a single device.
● Network Virtualization:Creating virtual networks for flexibility.
● Storage Virtualization:Abstracting physical storage resources for easier
● Platforms: VMware, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, etc.

Characteristics of virtual environment

Virtual environments in virtualization possess several key characteristics that contribute to
their functionality and significance. Here are some essential characteristics:

Fig: Characteristics of VE

1. Emulation
Guest programs run within a controlled virtualization layer, allowing the emulation of
diverse environments. This enables the execution of guest programs with specific
characteristics not present in the physical host.

2. Sharing
Virtualization enables the creation of separate computing environments within the
same host, reducing the number of active servers and limiting power consumption.

3. Aggregation
Virtualization allows the grouping of separate hosts, presented to guests as a single
virtual host. Cluster management software facilitates this, utilizing the resources of
multiple machines as a unified entity.

4. Isolation
Virtualization provides guests with a separate environment, interacting through an
abstraction layer. The virtual machine filters and prevents harmful operations,
ensuring secure execution.

5. Increased Security
Virtualization enhances security by providing a controlled execution environment for
guest programs. Operations performed by guest programs are filtered and translated
by the virtual machine manager, preventing harmful actions. This is crucial for
handling untrusted code, as seen in examples like Cuckoo sandboxes and
sandboxed versions of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

6. Managed Execution
Managed execution encompasses sharing, aggregation, emulation, and isolation as
significant features.

7. Performance Tuning
Virtualization enables effective performance tuning by adjusting resource properties.
Advances in hardware and software support make it easier to control guest
performance and implement a quality-of-service (QoS) infrastructure.

8. Portability
Portability varies based on virtualization type. Hardware virtualization allows safe
movement of virtual images between machines. Programming-level virtualization, like
JVM or .NET runtime, enables binary code to run without recompilation on different
virtual machines.

9. Resource Sharing
Multiple virtual machines share physical resources, enhancing hardware utilization,
and reducing the need for additional physical servers.

10. Flexibility
IT administrators can quickly create, modify, or delete virtual machines without
requiring additional physical hardware, improving agility.

11. Hardware Independence

Virtual machines are hardware-independent, allowing them to run on different
physical hardware and be easily moved between servers without reconfiguration.

12. Scalability
Organizations can scale computing resources based on changing business
requirements, optimizing flexibility.

13. Management
Centralized management tools ease monitoring and maintenance of multiple virtual
machines, streamlining IT operations.

14. Disaster Recovery

Virtualization facilitates cost-effective disaster recovery by replicating virtual
machines to remote sites.

15. Testing and Development

Virtualization simplifies the creation of test environments, enabling developers to test
applications before deployment, without additional hardware.

16. Energy Efficiency

Consolidating servers onto a single machine reduces energy consumption, resulting
in lower electricity bills and a smaller carbon footprint.

17. Increased Uptime

Virtualization improves system uptime by migrating virtual machines to different hosts
in case of hardware failure, minimizing downtime.

18. Cost Savings

Virtualization reduces the need for physical hardware, lowers electricity bills, and
streamlines operations, resulting in significant cost savings.

19. Improved Security Management

By isolating applications, virtualization enhances security, preventing breaches from
spreading and reducing the attack surface.

20. Cloud Migration:

Virtualization serves as a stepping stone for cloud migration, making it easier to move
workloads to the cloud and leverage cloud-based services.

Classification of Virtual techniques

Virtualization encompasses various techniques that can be classified based on the aspects
of computing they address. Here is a classification of virtualization techniques:

Fig types of Virtualization

1. Hardware Virtualization:
a. Full Virtualization: Allows running multiple operating systems on a single
physical machine without modifications. Examples include VMware,
b. Para-virtualization: Requires modifications to the guest operating system for
improved performance and efficiency. Examples include Xen.

2. Software Virtualization:
a. Application Virtualization: Isolates applications from the underlying
operating system, allowing them to run on different operating systems without
modification. Examples include Wine (for running Windows applications on
Linux) and Crossover.
b. Containerization:*Lightweight form of virtualization, where applications and
their dependencies are encapsulated in containers. Examples include Docker
and Kubernetes.

3. Network Virtualization:
a. Virtual LANs (VLANs):* Divides a physical network into multiple logical
networks, providing isolation and segmentation.
b. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs):* Creates secure, encrypted connections
over public networks, allowing remote access or connecting geographically
distributed networks.

4. Storage Virtualization:
a. Storage Area Network (SAN) Virtualization: Combines multiple physical
storage devices into a single virtualized storage pool for more efficient
b. File-level Virtualization: Abstracts the physical location of files, allowing
them to be accessed transparently from different locations.

5. Memory Virtualization:
a. Memory Overcommitment: Allows allocating more virtual memory to virtual
machines than physically available, optimizing memory usage.
b. Memory Ballooning: Adjusts the memory allocated to virtual machines
dynamically based on demand.

6. Desktop Virtualization:
a. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI): Hosts desktop operating systems on a
centralized server, allowing users to access their desktop environments
b. Application Virtualization for Desktops: Isolates and runs applications on
user desktops without installation, simplifying management and reducing

7. Operating System-level Virtualization/Container-based Virtualization:

Enables multiple isolated user-space instances (containers) on a single operating
system kernel. Examples include LXC and Docker.

8. Data Virtualization:
a. Data Abstraction: Provides a unified view of data from multiple sources,
regardless of the data's physical location or format.
b. Data Federation: Combines data from different databases into a single,
virtual database.

9. Server Virtualization:
a. Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM): Manages the execution of multiple virtual
machines on a single physical machine.
b. Dynamic Resource Allocation: Adjusts the allocation of CPU, memory, and
other resources based on the workload.

10. Desktop Virtualization:

a. Hosted Desktop Virtualization: Provides users with a virtualized desktop
environment hosted on a remote server.
b. Local Desktop Virtualization: Runs a virtualized desktop environment
directly on the user's local machine.

These classifications demonstrate the diverse applications and functionalities of

virtualization techniques across different layers of the computing stack. The choice of
virtualization technique depends on specific use cases, performance requirements, and the
level of isolation or abstraction needed.

Virtualization and Cloud computing

While cloud computing and virtualization appear to be synonymous, there are some
basic differences between the two. At the same time, they are intricately related to each
other to the extent that these terms have often been used interchangeably. It is necessary to
understand the scope of the two technologies to identify where they are distinct from each

● Cloud computing and virtualization are distinct yet interrelated concepts in IT

infrastructure. Cloud computing is a service-oriented solution that provides real-time
computing resources over the Internet. In contrast, virtualization is a technology
enabling the creation of virtual environments, allowing multiple operating systems on
a single computer.

● Cloud computing depends on virtualization, but they are not synonymous. Cloud
computing is a service, while virtualization is a technology. Key differences include
the scalability of cloud resources, wide network access, and user self-service.
Virtualization abstracts workloads, pooling resources for dynamic allocation to clients.

Fig: cloud vs Virtualization

● While virtualization alone doesn't constitute cloud computing, essential features like
resource pooling and a pay-as-you-go model are necessary. Both technologies are
valuable for creating private clouds, with virtualization being deployable
independently and cloud hosting requiring virtualization.

● Cloud computing provides accessible Internet resources, allowing businesses to

choose plans and vendors. Virtualization optimizes server efficiency, reduces costs,
and minimizes redundancy by running multiple operating systems on a single server.

● Cloud computing offers flexible backup, rapid deployment, and scalable solutions,
making it ideal for outsourced IT. It frees up internal resources for core business
areas, limiting server numbers for a streamlined solution. In summary, virtualization
enables a single computer to function as multiple computers, while the cloud allows
multiple businesses to access a single application. Cloud technology is a service,
and virtualization is a local deployment technology.

To understand whether your business needs cloud computing or virtualization, you must
analyze your business needs first.. Cloud computing is more of an evolution of virtualization

Pros and cons of Virtualization
Benefits of Virtualization

Fig: Benefits of Virtualization

1. Security:
a. During the process of virtualization security is one of the important concerns.
The security can be provided with the help of firewalls, which will help to
prevent unauthorized access and will keep the data confidential.
b. Moreover, with the help of firewalls and security, the data can protect from
harmful viruses, malware and other cyber threats. Encryption process also
takes place with protocols which will protect the data from other threads.
c. So, the customer can virtualize all the data stores and can create a backup on
a server in which the data can store.

2. Flexible operations
a. With the help of a virtual network, the work of its professionals is becoming
more efficient and agile. The network switch implemented today is very easy
to use, flexible and saves time.
b. With the help of virtualization in Cloud Computing, technical problems can be
solved in physical systems. It eliminates the problem of recovering the data
from crashed or corrupted devices and hence saves time.

3. Economical
a. Virtualization in Cloud Computing, save the cost for a physical system such
as hardware and servers. It stores all the data in the virtual server, which is
quite economical.
b. It reduces the wastage, decreases the electricity bills along with the
maintenance cost. Due to this, the business can run multiple operating
systems and apps on a particular server.

4. Eliminates the risk of system failure
a. While performing some task there are chances that the system might crash
down at the wrong time. This failure can cause damage to the company but
the virtualizations help you to perform the same task on multiple devices at
the same time.
b. The data can be stored in the cloud it can retrieve anytime and with the help
of any device. Moreover, there are two working servers side by side which
makes the data accessible every time. Even if a server crashes with the help
of the second server the customer can access the data.

5. Flexible transfer of data

a. The data can transfer to the virtual server and be retrieved anytime. The
customers or cloud providers don’t have to waste time finding hard drives to
find data. With the help of virtualization, it will be very easy to locate the
required data and transfer them to the allotted authorities.
b. This transfer of data has no limit and can transfer to a long distance with the
minimum charge possible. Additional storage can also be provided and the
cost will be as low as possible.

The Challenges Of Virtualization

Fig:challenges of virtualization

1. Performance Monitoring:
Monitoring virtual server performance differs from physical servers due to shared
resources. Traditional metrics like CPU and memory utilization may not suffice.
Metrics such as CPU ready, memory ready, memory balloon, and swapped memory
need real-time monitoring across all virtual machines (VMs). Live migration adds

2. Security Challenges:
Virtualization's single point of failure, the hypervisor, poses security risks.
Hyper-jacking involves rogue hypervisors taking control, demanding proactive
measures like hardware-rooted trust. VM jumping exploits vulnerabilities to
compromise VM separation, posing serious threats. Security must extend beyond
traditional measures.

3. VM Sprawl Management:
Easily allocated storage space in virtualization led to uncontrolled VM growth and
resource overallocation. VM sprawl, the Achilles’ heel of virtualization, wastes
resources. Continuous monitoring is vital to identify idle, overprovisioned, or unused
VMs. Removing or optimizing such VMs minimizes sprawl and avoids unnecessary
hardware purchases.

4. Attacks on Virtualization Features:

Virtualization features like VM migration and virtual networking are common
exploitation targets. Insecure VM migration exposes VMs to passive sniffing and
manipulation attacks. Security measures should address potential vulnerabilities in
these features to safeguard the virtualized environment.
5. Compliance and Management Challenges:
Compliance auditing and day-to-day management become complex in virtualized
systems. VM sprawl and dormant VMs challenge accurate vulnerability assessments,
patching, and auditing. Addressing these challenges requires robust management
strategies for effective compliance enforcement and system maintenance.

6. Capacity Planning:
As the backbone of data centers, virtual infrastructure needs proper capacity
planning. Scaling infrastructure to meet business demands requires constant
monitoring of resource consumption trends by VMs. Identifying these trends helps
administrators project future resource needs, ensuring the infrastructure scales

7. Licensing Complexity:
Software licensing for virtualization lacks industry standards, leading to complexity.
Vendors adopt varying metrics, creating challenges. Organizations may require
different licenses for the same virtual setup based on the software used. Addressing
licensing issues necessitates understanding and navigating diverse licensing models
in the virtualization landscape.

Technology examples- VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V.

Fig: Hyper-V and VMware

What Is Hyper-V and How Does It Work?

● Hyper-V, a Microsoft product, is a native hypervisor offered as an optional add-on to
Windows Server since its debut in 2008. Besides being integrated with Windows
Server, it is available with the Enterprise editions of Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11, as
well as the x64-bit Pro.

● Recently, Microsoft introduced a standalone Hyper-V server, available for free but
with limited functionalities. Hyper-V operates as a type-1 hypervisor, running directly
on computer hardware beneath both guest and host virtual machines. Its reliability is
backed by Microsoft's extensive market presence and support.

● In a Hyper-V-supported infrastructure, the host operating system hosts the Hyper-V

as the parent VM, while guest VMs, operating on different systems, are considered
child VMs. The parent VM efficiently allocates computing resources to the guest VMs,
creating a versatile and well-supported virtualization environment.

● Hyper-V utilizes VMBs as a seamless transmission route between the Virtualization

Service Providers of the parent and guest VMs. This transmission occurs
independently, streamlining communication without requiring IT intervention on either
the guest or parent VMs.

What Is VMWare and How Does It Work?

● Unlike Hyper-V, vSphere by VMware is an all-in-one virtualization platform. It means

vSphere comprises various virtualization products, including the VMware ESXi
hypervisor. It is a type-1 or bare-metal hypervisor that can compete against Hyper-V.
vSphere 7, the latest vSphere version, is a virtualization platform that can efficiently

manage complex Kubernetes workloads. It’ll make it an excellent choice for software
developers to test-run code.

● The hypervisor component in vSphere 7 is VMware ESXi. This hypervisor can also
directly access the computing resources of single hardware and split it across
multiple guest virtual machines. In vSphere 7, host VMs run on a highly specialized
cluster file system. It is called Virtual Machine File System.

Hyper-V VMware
Has a dedicated management tool Boasts a reliable management tool
ReFS, or Resilient File System, for storage Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) has
deployment, is complex and challenging to enviable clustering capability and is much
manage simpler

Better snapshot capability. Can efficiently run

snapshots while still in production with Has snapshot technology (32 snapshots per
persistent checkpoints with migration VM) that allows point-in-time copies of VMs
capabilities. Allows 64 images per VM to prevent data loss
Has a complex and less efficient memory
management system that relies on various
It has a simpler and more efficient memory memory management techniques like
management system. Uses a single memory oversubscription, page sharing, and memory
management technique called Dynamic compression to ensure optimal RAM usage
Memory to boost RAM usage in VMs in VMs
Supports more operating systems than
Supports only Windows and just a few more Hyper-V. These include macOS, Linux, Unix,
operating systems like FreeBSD and Linux and Windows

Accommodates more physical memory and Can handle more logical and virtual CPUs
virtual CPUs per host, per VM per host

Has extensive security protocols, such as Implements data encryption during storage
Active Directory, that manage overall security and motion. Has a less extensive security
concerns suite as compared to Hyper-V
Pricing is based on the number of cores per
host Pricing per processor


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