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A Quick Recapitulation of the Chapter
1. In every atom, the positive charge is densely 8. Nuclides with different atomic number Z and
concentrated at the centre of the atom forming its different mass number A but same neutron number
nucleus. are called isotones.
2. A nucleus has a structure of its own. It consists of 3 4 198 199
1 H, 2He and 80 Hg, 79 Au are examples of isotones.
protons and neutrons. Electrons revolve around the 9. The radius of a nucleus depends only on its mass
nucleus. number A according to the relation R = R 0 A1/ 3 ,
3. The unit to express atomic masses is called atomic where R 0 is a constant having a value 1. 2 × 10−15 m
mass unit. Atomic mass unit is defined as th of the or 1.2 fm.
mass of carbon atom (C12 ). 10. The difference in mass of a nucleus and its
i.e., 1u = 1. 660539 × 10−27 kg constituent nucleons is called the mass defect of
that nucleus. Thus, mass defect,
(i) Mass of proton (m p ) = 100727
. u
(ii) Mass of neutron (mn ) = 100866
. u ∆M = Zm p + ( A + Z ) mn − M
(iii) Mass of electron (me ) = 0000549
. u where, M is the mass of given nucleus.
11. The energy equivalent of the mass defect of a
Relation between amu and MeV
nucleus is called its binding energy.
1 amu ≈ 931 MeV
Thus, binding energy
4. Number of proton ( Z ) inside the nucleus of an atom is
exactly equal to the number of electrons revolving ∆Eb = ∆Mc 2
round the nucleus of that atom. This number is called = [ ZM p + ( A − Z ) M n − M ] c 2
the atomic number or charge number. 12. In the mass number range A = 30 to 170, the binding
5. The number of neutron in the nucleus of an atom is energy per nucleon is nearly constant, about
called the neutron number N. The sum of the number 8 MeV/nucleon.
of protons and neutrons is called the mass number A. 13. Binding energy per nucleon
Thus, A=N + Z Total binding energy
6. Isotopes of an element are nuclides having same Mass number (i.e., total number of nucleon)
atomic number Z but different mass number A (or ∆m × 931 MeV
different neutron number N). =
1 2 3
A Nucleon
1H , 1H , 1 H and 6C11, 6C12, 6C14 etc., are isotopes.
Binding energy per nucleon ∝ Stability of nucleus.
7. Nuclides having same mass number A but different 14. Radioactivity is the phenomenon of spontaneous
atomic number Z are called isobars. Isobars disintegration of the nucleus of an atom with
represent different chemical properties. emission of one or more radiations like α-particle,
3 3 14 14
1H , 2He and 6C , 7C are examples of isobars. β-particle or γ-rays.
15. Radioactive decay is a nuclear transformation 22. In α-decay, the mass number of the product nucleus
process in which the radioactive rays are emitted is four less than that of decaying nucleus while the
from the nucleus of the atom. atomic number decreases by two.
16. According to Radioactivity Decay Law, the rate of A
Z X → Z − 2Y + 42He + ν
decay of radioactive atom at any instant is 23. (i) The Q -value of a nuclear process is
proportional to the number of atoms present at that
instant. Q = final kinetic energy-initial kinetic energy.
dN dN Due to conservation of mass-energy this can also
(i) ∝ N, = − λN be given by
dt dt
Q = (sum of initial masses – sum of final masses) c 2
where, λ = decay constant and N = number of
Active nucleus present in the sample at any (ii) For the above α-decay in point 22
instant t. Q = (m x − m y − mHe) c 2
(ii) N = N 0e − λt , where N 0 = Number of atoms present 24. In β -decay, the mass number of product nucleus
initially. remains same but atomic number increases or
decreases by one. In beta-minus decay (β − ), an
17. The SI unit of radioactivity is Becquerel (Bq).
electron and an anti-neutrino are created and emitted
1 Becquerel (Bq) = 1 disintegration/second from the nucleus via the reaction given below
1 Curie (Ci) = 3.7 × 1010 decays/second n → p + e− + ν
1 Rutherford (Rd) = 10 decays/second
X→ A
+ 0

Z Z +1Y −1 e
18. Half-life period of a radioactive sample is the time in +
In beta-plus decay (β ), a positron and a neutrino are
which half of the quantity of the sample initially
created and emitted from the nucleus via the reaction
present gets disintegrated. The half-life period is
given below
related to decay constant λ as,
. p → n + e+ + ν
T1/ 2 =
Z X→ A
Z –1Y + 0
+1e +ν
19. After n half-lives, the quantity of a radioactive 25. A γ-ray is emitted when α or β-decay results in a
substance left intact (undecayed) is given by daughter nucleus in an excited state. Atom then
t returns to ground state by a single photon transition
 1  1  T1/ 2
N = N0   = N0   or successive transitions involving more than one
2 2 photon.
20. Average life of a radioactive element is total life time A
Z X→ A
ZX +γ
of all the atoms of the radioactive element and
26. Nuclear fission is the process of splitting of a heavy
divided by the total number of atoms present initially
nucleus ( 92U235 or 94 U239) into two lighter nuclei of
in the sample of the element.
comparable masses alongwith the release of a large
τ = = 144
. T1/ 2 ⇒ T1/ 2 = 0693
. τ amount of energy after bombarded by slow neutrons.
27. Nuclear fusion is the process in which two or more
21. Time required to decay from N 0 to N light nuclei combine to form a single larger nucleus,
2.303 N  with emission of energy.
t = log10  0 
λ N
Objective Questions Based on NCERT Text

Topic 1
Composition of Nucleus
1. Ratio of radius of an atom to the radius of its nucleus 11. Masses of nuclei of deuterium and tritium are not
is around same because
(a) 10−2 (b) 104 (c) 1012 (d) 1015 (a) they contain different number of protons
(b) they contain some other neutral matter in different
2. Volume of a nucleus to the volume of its atom is amounts
around (c) they contain protons of different masses
(a) 102 (b) 10−2 (c) 10−12 (d) 10−15 (d) their nuclear densities are different
3. Ratio of mass of nucleus with mass of atom is 12. Least stable particle is
approximately (a) electron (b) proton
(a) 1 (b) 10 (c) 103 (d) 1010 (c) neutron (d) meuon
4. Nucleus of an atom has a 13. A free neutron decays into
(a) boundary that diffuses into atom like atmosphere of
earth diffuses into vacuum (a) an electron and a proton
(b) boundary that keeps on changing due to interaction of (b) a proton, an electron and a anti-neutrino
protons and neutrons (c) an electron and a positron
(c) sharply defined boundary that remains unaltered in (d) free neutrons are stable
ordinary conditions 14. As compared to 12
C atom, 14
C atom has
(d) uneven boundary (a) two extra protons and two extra electrons
5. Atomic mass unit (1 u) is (b) two extra protons but no extra electrons
(a) 1/ 12 of mass of 12 C atom (c) two extra neutrons and no extra electrons
(d) two extra neutrons and two extra electrons
(b) 1/ 14 of mass of 14 C atom
(c) 1/ 12 of mass of 14 C atom 15. If an element has 3 isotopes with atomic masses
m1 , m2 and m3 with percentage abundances of n1 ,
(d) 1/ 6 of mass of 12 C atom
n2 and n3 respectively, then average atomic mass of
6. Chlorine has two isotopes having masses 34.98 u and element is
36.98 u with relative abundance of 75.4% and m1 n1 + m2 n2 + m3 n3
(a) m1 n1 + m2 n2 + m3 n3 (b)
24.6 %, respectively. The average atomic mass of m1 + m2 + m3
chlorine is m1 + m2 + m3 m1 n1 + m2 n2 + m3 n3
(c) (d)
(a) 34.98 (b) 36.98 (c) 35.47 (d) 35 n1 + n2 + n3 n1 + n3 + n3
7. The lightest element hydrogen has 16. Two stable isotopes of lithium 63 Li and and 73 Li have
(a) only one isotope (b) two isotopes
(c) three isotopes (d) four isotopes respective abundances of 7.5% and 92.5%. These
isotopes have masses of 6.01512u and 7.01600u,
8. Unstable isotope of hydrogen is respectively. The atomic mass of lithium is
(a) hydrogen (b) deuterium (c) helium (d) tritium (a) 6.940934 u (b) 6.849325 u
9. Which of the following is not true about the nucleus? (c) 6.01512 u (d) 6.01600 u
(a) Positive charge of nucleus is due to the protons 17. Boron has two stable isotopes 5 B10 and 5 B11 . Their
(b) All the electrons of an atom are outside the nucleus respective masses are10.01294 u and11.00931 u and
(c) Charge of nucleus is +Ze the atomic mass of boron is10.811 u. The abundance
(d) Charge of electrons may be greater than −Ze in an atom
of 5 B10 and 5 B11 are respectively nearing to
10. Masses of nuclei of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium (a) 50%, 50% (b) 20%, 80%
are in ratio (c) 25%, 75% (d) 5%, 95%
(a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 2 : 4
18. The mass number of a nucleus is equal to the 22. Two nuclei have their mass numbers in the ratio of 1 : 3.
number of K A K . In 226
88 Ra nucleus, there are
The ratio of their nuclear densities would be
K B K and K C K . Here A, B and C refer to (a) ( 3 )1 / 3 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 3 : 1
(a) electrons it contains, 138 protons and 88 neutrons 197
23. The ratio of the nuclear radii of the gold isotope 79 Au
(b) protons it contains, 226 neutrons and 88 electrons 107
(c) neutrons it contains, 226 protons and 88 electrons and silver isotope 47 Au is
(d) nucleons it contains, 138 neutrons and 88 protons (a) 1.23 (b) 0.216
14 (c) 2.13 (d) 3.46
19. In 14g of 6 C isotope
of carbon, the number of
protons, neutrons and electrons are 24. Density of a nucleus is
(a) 48 × 10 , 48 × 10 , 36 × 10
23 23 21 (a) more for lighter elements and less for heavier elements
(b) more for heavier elements and less for lighter elements
(b) 36 × 1023 , 36 × 1023 , 36 × 1021 (c) very less compared to ordinary matter
(c) 36 × 1023 , 48 × 1023 , 36 × 1023 (d) a constant
(d) 48 × 1023 , 36 × 1023 , 48 × 1023 25. If the nuclear radius of Al is 3.6 Fermi, the 27

20. The nuclei 13 14 approximate nuclear radius of 64 Cu in Fermi is

6 C and 7 N may be described as
(a) isobars
(a) 2.4 (b) 1.2
(b) isotopes of C
(c) 4.8 (d) 3.6
(c) isotones
(d) isotopes of N 26. If R is the radius and A is the mass number, then log R
versus log A graph will be
21. If α-particles of higher energies are targeted over
(a) a straight line (b) a parabola
gold foil, then distance of closest approach will be
(c) an ellipse (d) None of these
(a) smaller
(b) larger 27. Surface area of a nucleus (assuming it to be a perfect
(c) remains same sphere), is (where, A = mass number)
(d) zero, as an α-particle of high energy strikes the (a) (1.8 × 10−29 ) A1 / 3 (b) (1.8 × 10−29 ) A 2
nucleus −29
(c) (1.8 × 10 )A 2/ 3
(d) (1.8 × 10−29 ) A 3

Topic 2
Mass-Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy
28. Energy equivalent of 2 g of a substance is (c) 1.49 × 10−10 J
(a) 18 × 1013 mJ (b) 18 × 1013 J (d) 127.5 MeV
(c) 9 × 1013 mJ (d) 9 × 1013 J 32. Binding energy ( E b ) is
(a) energy required to separate nucleus from its atoms
29. How much mass has to converted into energy to (b) energy required to break a nucleus into its nucleons
produce electric power of 200 MW for one hour? (c) energy required to remove all electrons of the atom
(a) 2 × 10− 6 kg (b) 8 × 10− 6 kg (d) energy required to break an atom into electrons, protons
(c) 1 × 10− 6 kg (d) 3 × 10− 6 kg and neutrons
30. Mass of nucleus is 33. Correct plot of binding energy per nucleon ( E bn ) with
(a) equal to mass of nucleons the mass number ( A ) is shown in
(b) more than mass of nucleons 10 Fe
BE per nucleon (in MeV)

(c) less than mass of nucleons 8.75

(d) may be more or less, depends on size of nucleus
31. Given, mass of a neutron = 1.00866 u, mass of a proton (a)
= 1.00727 u, mass of 16
8 O = 15.99053 u Then, the
energy required to separate 16
8 O into its constituents is 56
(a) 12.7 MeV 50 100 150 200 250
Mass number (A)
(b) Cannot be estimated from given data
10 36. The binding energy per nucleon of and 42 He nulcei3 Li
BE per nucleon (in MeV)

8 are 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV, respectively. In the

nuclear reaction 73 Li +11 H → 42 He + 42 He + Q, the value
(b) 6
of energy Q released is [CBSE AIPMT 2014]
(a) 19.6 MeV (b) – 2.4 MeV
2 (c) 8.4 MeV (d) 17.3 MeV
0 37. Correct order is
50 75 100 150 200 250
Mass number (A) (a) Fgravitation > Felectrostatic > F nuclear
(b) F nuclear > Fgravitation > Felectrostatic
BE per nucleon (in MeV)

10 (c) F nuclear > Felectrostatic > Fgravitation

8 (d) Fgravitation > F nuclear > Felectrostatic
6 38. Which of the following is a correct graph of potential
(c) energy (U ) of a pair of nucleons as a function of their
separation ( r )?

Potential energy
50 100 150 200 250
Mass number (A) (a) (b)
r0 r0
r r
BE per nucleon (in MeV)


Distance between nucleons
6 U U
(c) (d)
0 r0 r0 r
50 100 150 200 250
Mass number (A)
39. Nuclear force is
34. A gamma ray photon creates an electron-positron (a) larger for proton-proton pair
pair (pair creation). If the rest mass energy of an (b) larger for neutron-neutron pair
electron is 0.5 MeV and the total KE of (c) larger for proton-neutron pair
electron-positron pair is 0.78 MeV, then the energy (d) same for neutron-neutron, proton-proton or neutron-proton
of the γ-ray photon must be pairs
(a) 0.78 MeV 40. Two protons are attracting each other, then separation
(b) 1.78 MeV between them is
(c) 1.28 MeV (a) 10− 10 m (b) 10− 2 m (c) 10−8 m (d) 10− 15 m
(d) 0.28 MeV
41. Nuclear forces show saturation property, this can be
26 Fe) = 55.934939 u and m ( 83 Bi)
35. Given, m ( 56 209
explained by the fact that
= 208.980388 u (a) binding energy per nucleon versus mass number curve
m proton = 1.007825 u, m neutron = 1.008665 u. rises sharply with increase in mass number for ware mass
Then, BE per nucleon of Fe and Bi are respectively
(b) binding energy per nucleon versus mass number curve
(a) 8.790 MeV, 7.848 MeV falls for heavier masses
(b) 7.75 MeV, 6.84 MeV
(c) binding energy per nucleon versus mass number curve is
(c) 7.5 MeV, 6.5 MeV flat for mass numbers 50 to 100
(d) Data insufficient (d) binding energy per nucleon versus mass number curve has
a maxima for A = 56
384 Master The NCERT PHYSICS Vol-II

Topic 3
42. Emission of radiation from a salt of uranium 50. Tritium has a half-life of 12.5 yr undergoing β-decay.
potassium sulphate (irradiated by sunlight is) Fraction of sample remaining undecayed after 25 yr
(a) stopped by using a thin metal foil will be
(b) stopped by few centimetres of air 1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(c) stopped by using a thin metal plate wrapped by a thick 8 2 4 16
(d) Cannot be stopped by any of above methods 51. In the α-decay of 238
92 U → X + He
43. For any radioactive sample number of nuclei The nucleus X is
undergoing the decay per unit time is proportional to (a) 234
(b) 235
90 Th 90 U
(a) reciprocal of activity of sample 237
(c) 91 Pa (d) Cannot be determined
(b) mass of 1 mole of sample
(c) number of decayed nuclei in sample 52. Select the correct statement.
(d) number of undecayed nuclei present at that time in the (a) β radioactivity is the process in which an electron is
sample emitted from an unstable atom whose atomic number Z
dN remains unchanged
44. Decay rate, R = − , is the number of nuclei (b) γ radioactivity is the process in which daughter nucleus
has atomic number one unit more than the parent
decaying in one second. It is also called as nucleus
(a) activity of sample (b) disintegration constant (c) α radioactivity is the process in which an unstable atom
(c) half-life of sample (d) mean life of sample emits helium atom
45. SI unit for activity is (d) α emission is the process in which a heavy atom emits
(a) Curie (b) Rutherford electromagnetic radiation of very high frequency
(c) Pascal (d) Becquerel 53. Complete the reaction
46. The counting rate observed from a radioactive source
Z X → …P… + 42He. Here, P refers to
at t = 0 s was 1600 count/s −1 and at t = 8 s, it was (a) A− 4
Y (b) A
2 Y (c) A −2
Z −4
Y (d) A−4
Z −2
100 count/s −1 . The counting rate observed at t = 6 s was
92 U → Z Th
238 A
54. In a nuclear reaction + 42 He, the value of
(a) 400 (b) 300
A and Z are
(c) 200 (d) 150
(a) A = 234 , Z = 94 (b) A = 238, Z = 94
47. For a radioactive sample half-life T1/ 2 and (c) A = 234 , Z = 90 (d) A = 238, Z = 90
disintegration constant λ are related as 55. Q value of α-decay is
log 2 (a) ∆ M ⋅ c2 , where ∆M = mass defect
(a) T1 / 2 = log 2 ⋅ λ (b) T1 / 2 = (b) amount of heat required for disintegration
(c) T1 / 2 × log 2 = λ (d) None of these (c) amount of heat released in reaction
(d) energy shared by daughter nucleus
48. In the earth, only those radioactive elements are
found naturally which 56. Energy released in α-decay is
(a) dissipated completely in form of heat in the atmosphere
(a) have less half-life time
(b) carried completely by helium nuclei emitted
(b) have more half-life time
(c) carried completely by daughter nucleus
(c) lie deep inside earth
(d) shared by daughter nucleus and the α-particles
(d) lie on the surface of earth
57. Given, atomic masses are 92 U = 238.05079u
49. Out of the following radioactive substances which are
4 234
not found in naturally on earth? 2 He = 4.00260u, 90 Th = 234.04363u,
(i) Tritium (ii) Deuterium 1 H = 1.00783u. The energy released during the
(iii) Uranium (iv) Plutonium α-decay of 238
92 U is
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(a) 4.25 MeV (b) 4.5 MeV
(c) (i) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iii)
(c) 6 MeV (d) 5 MeV
58. Using data of previous problem, we can conclude that 67. A sample of Ga with a half-life of 78 h has a mass
(a) 238 237
92 U can decay into 91 Pa
of 3.4 g. Initial decay rate of sample is
238 234 (a) 8.00 × 1016 s −1 (b) 6.27 × 1016 s −1
(b) 92 U can decay into 90 Th
238 234 237
(c) 7.53 × 1016 s −1 (d) 8.53 × 1015 s −1
(c) 92 U can decay into either 90 Th or into 91 Pa
(d) Data not sufficient to analyse 68. Activity of a radioactive sample reduces from
8 counts to 1 count in 3 h. Half-life of sample is
59. In beta (β − ) decay, emission consists of (a) 2 h (b) 1 h (c) 3 h (d) 4 h
4 0 0
(a) 2 He (b) −1 e (c) +1 e (d) 11 H
69. Two radioactive substances A and B have decay
60. In beta (β + ) decay, emission consists of constants 5λ and λ, respectively. At t = 0, they have the
4 0 0
(a) 2 He (b) −1 e (c) +1 e (d) 11 H same number of nuclei. The ratio of number of nuclei
61. In case of beta minus (β − ) decay an electron is  1
of A to those of B will be   after a time interval
emitted by the nucleus alongwith  e
(a) a neutrino (b) an anti-neutrino (a) 1/ 4 λ (b) 4λ (c) 2λ (d) 1 / 2λ
(c) a positron (d) a neutron
70. If half-life of a radioactive substance is 1 month, then
62. In case of beta positive (β + ) decay, a positron is which of these are true?
emitted alongwith (a) 7/8th part of substance disintegrate in 3 months
(a) an electron (b) a neutrino (b) 1/8th part of substance disintegrate in 4 months
(c) an anti-neutrino (d) a positron
(c) Substance disintegrates completely in 4 months
63. In β + -decay, process occurring inside the nucleus is (d) The substance disintegrates completely in 2 months
(a) n → p + e+ + ν (b) p → n + e+ + ν 71. A radioactive isotope has a half-life of T years. It
(c) e → n + p + ν (d) p → n + e+ + ν reduces to 3.125% of its original value in
(a) 2T (b) 3T (c) 5T (d) 15T
64. When a nucleus is in an excited state
(a) it can stay in excited state 72. The half-life of a radioactive substance is 20 s, the
(b) it gives excess energy to surrounding electrons and time taken for the sample to decay by 7/8th of its
comes to a lower energy state
intitial value is
(c) it can make a transition to a lower energy state by
emission of electromagnetic radiation (a) 20 s (b) 40 s (c) 60 s (d) 80 s
(d) it can emit a proton or neutron with excess kinetic . × 10 9 yr decays
73. A radio isotope X with a half life 14
energy and so achieves a lower energy state
to Y which is stable. A sample of the rock from a cave
65. Energy level diagram shown depicts
was found to contain X and Y in the ratio 1 : 7. The
age of the rock is [CBSE AIPMT 2014]
(a) 1.96 × 109 yr (b) 3.92 × 109 yr
(c) 4.20 × 109 yr (d) 8.40 × 109 yr
E = 1.17 MeV
74. The half-life of a radioactive isotope X is 20 yr. It
E = 1.33 MeV decays to another element Y which is stable. The two
elements X and Y were found to be in the ratio 1 : 7
28 Ni in a sample of a given rock. The age of the rock is
(a) emission of only one β − -particle estimated to be [NEET 2013]
(b) emission of one β − -particle and two γ-ray photons of (a) 40 yr (b) 60 yr
equal frequencies (c) 80 yr (d) 100 yr
(c) emission of one β − -particle and two γ-photons of
different frequencies 75. A mixture consists of two radioactive materials
(d) emission of two γ-ray photons A1 and A2 with half-lives of 20 s and 10 s
respectively. Initially the mixture has 40 g of
66. Out of 80 kg of a radioactive substance 10 kg decays
A1 and 160 g of A2 . The amount of the two in the
in 1 h. The decay constant of material is
mixture will become equal after [CBSE AIPMT 2012]
(a) 5.80 × 10−4 s −1 (b) 1.16 × 10−3 s −1
(a) 60 s (b) 80 s
(c) 2.32 × 10−3 s −1 (d) 4.64 × 10−3 s −1 (c) 20 s (d) 40 s
386 Master The NCERT PHYSICS Vol-II

Topic 4
Nuclear Energy
76. Binding energy per nucleon ( E bn ) is nearly constant 86. On bombarding U 235 by slow neutron, 200 MeV
( ≥ 8.0 MeV) for elements whose mass number range is energy is released. If the power output of atomic
(a) A < 30 (b) 30 ≤ A ≤ 170 reactor is 1.6 MW, then the rate of fission will be
(c) A ≥ 170 (d) 0 < A ≤ 56 (a) 5 × 1022 s −1 (b) 5 × 1016 s −1
77. If a nucleus with mass number A = 240 with (c) 8 × 1016 s −1 (d) 20 × 1016 s −1
E bn = 7.6 MeV breaks into two fragments of A =120 87. In any fission process, ratio of mass of daughter
and E bn = 8.5 MeV, then released energy is around nucleus to mass of parent nucleus is
(a) 216 MeV (a) less than 1
(b) 200 MeV (b) greater than 1
(c) 100 MeV (c) equal to 1
(d) Cannot be estimated from given data (d) depends on the mass of parent nucleus
78. In the fission reaction of 235
on an average number 88. For a nuclear to be in critical condition, the value of
92 U,
of neutrons (per fission) released is neutron multiplication factor ( K ) must be
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 2.5 (a) K > 1 (b) K < 1 (c) K = 1 (d) K = 0
235 89. Heavy water is used in a nuclear reactor to
79. In fission reaction of a 92 U sample, chain reaction is
(a) absorb the neutrons (b) slow down the neutrons
possible because
(c) act as coolant (d) None of these
(a) released energy is of order 200 MeV
(b) fissionable nucleus 236 90. An atomic power nuclear reactor can deliver
92 U is formed
300 MW. The energy released due to fission of each
(c) more neutrons are released then consumed
(d) excessive amount of heat is released nucleus of uranium atoms U 238 is 170 MeV. The
number of uranium atoms fissioned per hour will be
80. For sustaining the chain reaction in a sample (of small
(a) 30 × 1025 (b) 4 × 1022
size) of 235
92 U, it is desirable to slow down fast
(c) 10 × 1020 (d) 5 × 1015
neutrons by
(a) friction (b) elastic damping/scattering 91. In a nuclear reactor, the fuel is consumed at the rate
(c) absorption (d) None of these of 1 mgs −1 . The power generate (in kW) is
81. For maintaining sustained chain reaction, the (a) 9 × 1014 (b) 9 × 107 (c) 9 × 108 (d) 9 × 1012
following is required 92. A nucleus of uranium decays at rest into nuclei of
(a) protons (b) electrons (c) neutrons (d) positrons thorium and helium. Then, [CBSE AIPMT 2015]
82. Operation of a reactor is said to be critical when K, (a) the helium nucleus has more kinetic energy than the
the multiplication factor becomes thorium nucleus
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) ∞ (d) 1 (b) the helium nucleus has less momentum than the
thorium nucleus
83. A sample of uranium U contains (c) the helium nucleus has more momentum than the
235 238 thorium nucleus
(a) more of isotope 92 U and less of 92 U
238 (d) the helium nucleus has less kinetic energy than the
(b) more of impurities alongwith a small amount of 92 U thorium nucleus
235 238
(c) equal amounts of isotopes 92 U and 92 U 93. Thermonuclear fusion is
(d) more of isotope 92 U and less of 235
92 U
(a) fusion due to high temperatures
(b) fusion due to high pressures
84. The abundant 92 U isotope
is non-fissionable but (c) fusion due to high volumes
produces which radioactive element when captures (d) fusion due to high velocities
neutron 94. For thermonuclear fusion to occur between two
(a) Thorium (b) produces plutonium protons at rest,
(c) absorbs fast neutrons (d) rejects slow neutrons (a) temperature on the surface of sun is sufficient
85. In any nuclear reactor amount of a radioactive (b) temperature inside the core of sun is sufficient
substance required as a fuel is (c) temperature much higher than the core temperature of
sun is required
(a) very less (b) very large
(d) room temperature is sufficient
(c) of moderate amounts (d) None of these
95. In fusion reaction occurring in the sun, 97. The fusion process is possible at high temperature,
(a) hydrogen is converted into carbon because at higher temperatures
(b) hydrogen and helium are converted into carbon and other (a) the nucleus disintegrates
heavier metals/elements (b) the molecules disintegrates
(c) helium is converted into hydrogen (c) atoms become ionised
(d) hydrogen is converted into helium (d) the nucleus get sufficient energy to overcome the
strong force of repulsion
96. Which of the following are suitable for the fusion
process? 98. Nuclear winter is
(a) winter caused by absorption of heat energy by a
(a) Light nuclei
fusion reaction on earth’s surface
(b) Heavy nuclei (b) winter caused by radioactive waste blocking sunlight
(c) Elements lying in the middle of periodic table to reach earth’s surface
(d) Elements lying in the middle of binding energy curve (c) winter caused due to cooling of sun’s core
(d) winter caused due to collapse of sun’s core

Special Format Questions

I. Assertion and Reason Reason For thermonuclear fusion to take place,
extreme condition of temperature and pressure are
Directions (Q. Nos. 99-103) In the following required.
questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a
corresponding statement of reason. Of the following
statements, choose the correct one. II. Statement Based Questions Type I
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is Directions (Q. Nos. 104-110) In the following
the correct explanation of Assertion. questions, a statement I is followed by a
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is corresponding statement II. Of the following
not the correct explanation of Assertion. statements, choose the correct one.
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct. Statement II is the correct explanation of
Statement I
99. Assertion Nuclear force between neutron-neutron,
(b) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct but
proton-neutron and proton-proton is approximately the Statement II is not the correct explanation of
same. Statement I
Reason The nuclear force does not depend on the (c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
electric charge. (d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
100. Assertion The detection of neutrinos is extremely 104. Statement I Kilogram is not a convenient unit to
difficult. measure mass of an atom.
Reason Neutrinos interact only very weakly with matter. Statement II The mass of an atom is very small.
101. Assertion A free neutron is unstable. 105. Statement I Mass and energy are separately
Reason Free neutron disintegrates into proton, conserved in a reaction.
electron and an anti-neutrino i.e., n → p + e − + v Statement II Law of conservation of mass and
law of conservation of energy are valid for every
102. Assertion An α-particle is emitted when uranium 238 reaction.
decays into thorium.
Reason The decay of uranium 238 to thorium is 106. Statement I Binding energy per nucleon is a
92 U → 90 Th + 2 He
represented by 238 234 4 constant for average mass numbers.
Statement II Nuclear forces are short range forces
The helium nuclei is called an alpha particle.
and so they are saturated for a medium or large sized
103. Assertion Naturally, thermonuclear fusion reaction is nucleus.
not possible on earth.
107. Statement I Energy always releases in fission 114. Plot of binding energy per nucleon E bn against the
(splitting of a heavy nucleus into lighter nuclei), nuclear mass M is
( A >170). Ebn
Statement II Nucleons of lighter nuclei are more C D
tightly bound, (30 < A < 170). B E
108. Statement I On an average 2 neutrons are
2 M
liberated per fission of 235
92 U but a chain reaction in a
sample of 235 For masses A, B , C , D, E and F corresponding to
92 U is still not possible.
different nuclei. Consider reactions
Statement II Neutrons liberated are readily absorbed I. A + B → C + ε
by other 235
92 U atoms present in the sample. II. C → A + B + ε
III. D + E → F + ε
109. Statement I Energy is released when two lighter
IV. F → D + E + ε
nuclei are fused together ( A < 30).
Statement II Binding energy per nucleon of heavy where, ε is the energy released.
nuclei is less than that of lighter nuclei. (30 < A < 170). In which reaction ε is positive?
(a) I and IV (b) I and III
110. Statement I In a fusion reaction, two lighter nuclei (c) II and IV (d) II and III
combine to form a single nucleus with release of energy.
Statement II Elements more heavier than iron are 115. In one half-life time duration
not produced by fusion. I. activity of a sample reduced to half of its initial value.
II. total number of nuclei present are reduced to half of its
Statement Based Questions Type II initial value.
III. number of radio active nuclei present is reduced to half
111. Which of the following statements are correct?
of its initial value.
I. Atomsofisotopeshavesameelectronicstructure.
IV. mass of sample is reduced to half of its initial value.
II. Atoms of isotopes occupies same place in periodic table.
III. Atoms of isotopes have same number of protons. Out of these, correct statements are
IV. Atoms of isotopes have same number of neutrons. (a) I and II (b) I and III
(a) I and II (b) I, II and III (c) II and IV (d) II and III
(c) I, II, III and IV (d) II and IV 116. Which of the following are fission reactions?
112. Which of the following are correct? I. 10 n + 235
92 U→ 92 U → 56 Ba + 36 Kr + 3 0 n
236 144 89 1

0 n + 92 U→ 92 U → 51 Sb + 41 Nb + 410 n
I. Nuclear density is a constant for all matter. 1 235 236 133 99
II. Nuclear density is around 2.3 × 1017 kg/m 3 .
0 n + 92 U → 54 Xe + 38 Sr + 2 0 n
1 235 1.40 94 1
III. Nuclear density is very large compared to ordinary
1 H + 1 H → 2 He + n
2 2 3
matter. IV.
IV. Mass of ordinary matter is mainly due to nucleus. (a) I , II and IV (b) III and IV
(a) I, II and III (b) II and III (c) II, III and IV (d) I, II and III
(c) I and II (d) I, II, III and IV 117. In α-decay which of these are true?
113. For binding energy per nucleon versus mass number I. 42 Heis emitted.
curve, which of the following are correct? II. Mass number of daughter nucleus decreases by 4.
I. Binding energy per nucleon E bn is independent of III. Atomic number of daughter nucleus decreases by 2.
mass number in range 30 < A < 170.
IV. 42 Heis electrically neutral.
II. Binding energy is lower for both light nuclei ( A < 30)
and heavy nuclei ( A > 170). (a) I and II (b) I, II and IV
III. Binding energy is maximum of about (c) I, II and III (d) I, II, III and IV
8.75 MeV for A = 56. 118. Nuclear force is a strong attractive force which
IV. In region 0 < A < 80, binding energy increases with I. is responsible for high value of binding energy per
mass number. nucleon.
(a) I, II, III and IV (b) I, II and IV
II. overcomes the repulsive force of proton and proton.
(c) II, III and IV (d) I, II and III
III. binds protons and neutrons into the nucleus. A B C D A B C D
IV. is very short range. (a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 4 1 3 2
Which of the above statements are correct? (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 3 4 2 1
(a) I and II (b) II and IV 123. Potential energy for a pair of nucleons versus
(c) II, III and IV (d) I, II, III and IV separation between the nucleons is plotted below.
119. For a fusion reaction to takes place, conditions required
I. large amount of fusing material.
II. high temperature. r0 ≈ 0.8 fm 2 fm
III. large nucleus sizes of fusing material. fm
IV. small nuclear sizes of fusing material.
(a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV
(c) I, III and IV (d) I, II and IV Match the following columns.
120. β-decay of 198
79 Au is shown Column I Column II

198 A. Force between nucleons is zero. 1. r > 0.8 fm

79 Au
B. Force between nucleons is attractive. 2. r < 0.8 fm
1.088 MeV C. Force between nucleons is repulsive. 3. r = 0.8 fm
D. Potential energy is minimum. 4. r=0
0.412 MeV
0 MeV A B C D A B C D
80 Hg (a) 3 1 2 4 (b) 3 2 1 4
Frequency of γ-ray photons emitted will be (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 3 1 2 3
I. 2.626 × 1020 Hz II. 0.944 × 1020 Hz 124. Match the following columns with type of decay and
III. 1.631 × 1020 Hz IV. 0.564 × 1020 Hz their products.
(a) I, II and IV (b) II, III and IV
Column I Column II
(c) II and III (d) I, II and III
A. α-decay 1. X-rays
121. If a nuclear power reactor is highly polluting, why +
B. β -decay 2. Electromagnetic waves
then they are built
I. they produce lots of stable elements for a small amount C. γ-decay 3. Electrons
of fuel. D. K-electron-capture 4. 4
He2 , Helium nucleus
II. they reduce green house effect by producing steam.
III. they reduce green house effect by saving fossil fuels. A B C D A B C D
IV. they produce power to meet our growing demands. (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 4 2 3 1
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 2 1 3
(c) I and III (d) III and IV 125. Match the following columns.

III. Matching Type Column I Column II

94 Pu → 92 U
242 238
122. Match the following nuclei with the type of A. + 42 He 1. K-electron capture
characteristic shown.
B. 83 Bi → 84 Po
210 210
+ e− + ν 2. β + -decay
Column I Column II
7 7
C. 43 Te → 42 Mo
97 97
+ e+ + ν 3. β − -decay
A. Isotopes 1. 3 Li, 4 Be

B. Isobars 2. 18 19 D. 54 Xe +
e− → 120
53 I+ν 4. α-decay
8O ,9F
17 17
C. Isotones 3. 8O , 9F A B C D A B C D
D. Mirror nuclei 4. 235 238 (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 1 4 3 2
92 U , 92 U
(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 4 3 1 2
126. Match the nuclear processes given in Column I with the 130. Activity of second isotope is
appropriate option (s) in Column II. [JEE Advanced 2015] 1 1 1 1
(a) µCi (b) µCi (c) µCi (d) µCi
Column I Column II 8 32 2 48
A. Nuclear fusion P. Absorption of thermal neutrons ■ Directions (Q. Nos. 131-132) These questions are
by 235
92 U based on the following situation. Choose the correct
B. Fission in a nuclear Q. 27 Co nucleus options from those given below.
A nucleus of mass M + ∆m is at rest and decays into
C. β-decay R. Energy production in stars via
hydrogen conversion to helium two daughter nuclei of equal mass M/ 2 each. Speed of
D. γ-ray emission S. Heavy water light is c.
T. Neutrino emission 131. The speed of daughter nuclei is
A B C D ∆m ∆m
(a) c (b) c
(a) PT QR RT SQ M + ∆m M + ∆m
(b) RS PT QR S 2∆m ∆m
(c) R PS QT Q (c) c (d) c
(d) S RT QP RS
127. Match Column I of the nuclear processes with 132. The binding energy per nucleon for the parent nucleus
Column II containing parent nucleus and one of the is E1 and that for daughter nuclei is E 2 . Then
end products of each process and then select the (a) E1 = 2E2 (b) E2 = 2E2 (c) E1 > E2 (d) E2 > E1
correct answer using the codes given below the ■ Directions (Q. Nos. 133-135) These questions are
based on the following situation. Choose the correct
Column I Column II options from those given below.
A. α-decay 1. 8 O → 7 O+K
15 15 Suppose that a reactor using uranium -235 has an
output of 700 MW and is 20% efficient. An atom of U 235
B. β + -decay 2. 92 U → 90 Th +K
238 234
undergoes fission in a reactor liberated 200 MeV energy.
C. Fission 3. 185
83 Bi → 184
82 Pb+K
133. Energy generated from the reactor per fission is
D. Proton emission 4. 94 Pu → 57 La +K
239 140
(a) 3.2 × 10−11 J (b) 6.4 × 10−11 J
(c) 3.2 × 10−12 J (d) 6.4 × 10−12 J
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 4 2 3 1 134. How many uranium atoms does it consume in 24 h?
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 2 1 3 (a) 9.5 × 1021 (b) 9.5 × 1022 (c) 9.5 × 1023 (d) 9.5 × 1024
135. What mass of uranium does it consume during 24 h?
IV. Passage Based Questions (a) 2.5 kg (b) 3.7 kg (c) 2.5 g (d) 3.7 g
■ Directions (Q. Nos. 128-130) These questions are
based on the following situation. Choose the correct V. More than One Option Correct
options from those given below. 136. If the binding energy per nucleon in and 2 He 4 3 Li
In an experiment on two radioactive isotopes of an nuclei are respectively 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV
element (which do not decay into one another), their mass respectively, then
ratio at a given instant was formed to be 3. The decaying (a) the energy of proton in the reaction
3 Li + p → 2 2 He is 18.3 MeV
isotope has a large mass and activity of 1.0 curie initially. 7 4

The half-lives of the two radioactive isotopes are known to

(b) total BE of nucleons in 3 Li 7 is 39.20 MeV
be 12 h and 16 h. Activity of the each isotope and their
mass ratio after 2 days was studied. (c) total BE of nucleons in 2 ( 2 He4 ) is 56.48 MeV
(d) Both (a) and (b) are correct
128. Ratio of number of atoms of first isotope to that of the
137. Consider the following reaction
other isotope is
A −4 A −4
(a) 2 (b) 1.5 (c) 1 (d) 1.75 Z X A
→ Z +1Y
→ Z −1 K → Z −1 K

129. Activity of first isotope is Radioactive radiations emitted is/are

3 1 1 1 (a) α and β (b) α and γ
(a) µCi (b) µCi (c) µCi (d) µCi (c) α , β and γ (d) Only α and β
2 4 8 16
138. The variation of decay rate (a) Decay constant of A is greater than that of B, hence A
always decays faster than B
of two radioactive samples
(b) Decay constant of B is greater than that of A but its decay
A and B with time is rate is always smaller than that of A
shown in figure. dN
(c) Decay constant of A is greater than that of B but it does
Which of the following dt
P B not always decay faster than B
statements are true? (d) Decay constant of B is smaller than that of A but still its
t decay rate becomes equal to that of A at a later instant

NCERT & NCERT Exemplar Questions

NCERT 145. Calculate the height of the potential barrier for a head
139. The three stable isotopes of neon, 20
and 21 on collision of two deuterons. [Hint : The height of the
10 Ne, 10 Ne
22 potential barrier is given by the Coulomb repulsion
10 Ne have respective abundances of 90.51%, 0.27%
between the two deuterons when they just touch each
and 9.22%. The atomic masses of the three isotopes other. Assume that they can be taken as hard spheres of
are 19.99 u, 20.99 u and 21.99 u, respectively.
radius 2.0 fm.]
Obtain the average atomic mass of neon.
(a) 215 kV (b) 360 kV
(a) 20.18 u (b) 12.5 u (c) 8.55 u (d) 1.257 u
(c) 120 kV (d) 450 kV
140. Obtain the binding energy (in MeV) of a nitrogen 10 11
146. Boron has two stable isotopes Their
5 Band 5 B.
nucleus (147 N ), given m(147 N ) = 14.00307 u.
respective masses are 10.01294 u and 11.00931 u and
(a) 210 (b) 104.67 (c) 83.5 (d) 75.25 the atomic mass of boron is 10.811 u. Then, the
141. A given coin has a mass of 3.0 g. Calculate the abundances of 10 11
5 Band 5 Bare
nuclear energy that would be required to separate (a) 19.9, 80.1 (b) 80.1, 19.9
all the neutrons and protons from each other. For (c) 92.5, 7.5 (d) 7.5, 92.5
simplicity, assume that the coin is entirely made of 56
63 147. The binding energy of the nuclei 26 Fe in units of MeV
29 Cu atoms (of mass 62.92960 u).
(a) 2.5 × 1025 MeV (b) 0.5 × 1012 MeV is [m ( 56
26 Fe ) = 55.934939 u]
(a) 7.20 MeV
(c) 1.58 × 1025 MeV (d) 7.5 × 1012 MeV
(b) 8.79 MeV
142. Obtain the amount of 27 Co necessary
to provide a (c) 10.2 MeV
radioactive source of 8.0 mCi strength. The half-life (d) 13.6 MeV
of 60
27 Co is 5.3 yr.
148. A 1000 MW fission reactor consumes half of its fuel in
(a) 7.12 × 10 − 6 g (b) 1.2 × 10− 5 g
5 yr. The reactor operates 80% of the time that all the
energy generated arises from the fission of 235
92 U and
(c) 4.5 × 10− 6 g (d) 3.5 × 10 − 5 g
this nuclide is consumed only by the fission
143. The half-life of 90
is 28 yr. What is the
38 Sr
process.The power of reactor P =1000 MW. How much
disintegration rate of 15 mg of this isotope? 92 U did it contain initially?
(a) 2050 kg
(a) 5.7 × 10 10 Bq (b) 7.877 × 10 10 Bq
(b) 3070 kg
(c) 4.3 × 10 10 Bq (d) 2.34 × 10 10 Bq (c) 4000 kg
144. The fission properties of 239
are very similar to (d) 5000 kg
94 Pu
235 149. How long can an electric lamp of 100 W be kept
those of 92 U. The average energy released per
fission is 180 MeV. How much energy, in MeV is glowing by fusion of 2.0 kg of deuterium? Take the
released if all the atoms in 1 kg of pure 239 fusion reaction as
94 Pu
1 H + 1 H → 1 He + n + 3.27 MeV
2 2 3
undergo fission?
(a) 4.53 × 10 26 eV (b) 1.25 × 10 26 eV (a) 6 × 103 yr (b) 5 × 104 yr
(c) 8.06 × 10 26 eV (d) 3.75 × 10 26 eV (c) 7 × 10 yr
(d) 10 × 10 yr
150. Suppose India had a target of producing by 2020 AD, 154. Heavy stable nuclei have more neutrons than protons.
200000 MW of electric power, ten percent of which This is because of the fact that
was to be obtained from nuclear power plants. (a) neutrons are heavier than protons
Suppose we are given that, on an average, the (b) electrostatic force between protons is repulsive
efficiency of utilization (i. e., conversion to electric (c) neutrons decay into protons by beta decay
energy) of thermal energy produced in a reactor was (d) nuclear force between neutrons is weaker than protons
25%. How much amount of fissionable uranium
155. In a nuclear reactor, moderator slow down the
would our country need per year by 2020? Take the
neutrons which come out in a fission process. The
heat energy per fission of 235 U to be about 200 MeV. moderator have light nuclei. Heavy nucleus will not
(a) 2 × 102 kg serve the purpose because
(b) 3 × 102 kg (a) they will break up
(b) elastic collision with neutrons with heavy nuclei will
(c) 2 × 103 kg not slow them down
(d) 3 × 104 kg (c) weight of reactor is appreciably high
(d) substances with heavy nuclei are not liquids or gases at
NCERT Exemplar room temperature

151. Suppose we have a large number of containers each 156. Fusion processes like combining two deuterons to
containing initially 10000 atoms of a radioactive form a He nucleus are impossible at ordinary
material with a half-life of 1 yr. After 1 yr temperatures and pressures.
(a) all containers will have 5000 atoms of the material The reason for this can be traced to the fact that
(b) all containers will contains same number of atoms of (a) nuclear forces are long-range
the material but that number will only be (b) nuclei are positively charged
approximately 5000 (c) the original nuclei must be completely ionised before
(c) the containers will general have different number of the fusion can takes place
atoms but their average is around 5000 (d) the original nuclei must break up from combining with
each other
(d) None of the containers have more than 5000 atoms
157. Samples of two radioactive nuclides A and B are
152. When nucleus in an atom undergoes a radioactive taken. λ A and λ B are the disintegration constants of
decay, the electronic energy level of the atom A and B, respectively. In which of the following
(a) do not change for any type of radioactivity cases, the two samples can simultaneously have the
(b) change for α and β-radioactivity but not for same decay rate at any time?
γ-radioactivity (a) Initial rate of decay of A is twice the initial rate of
(c) change for α-radioactivity but not for others decay of B and λ A = λ B
(d) change for β-radioactivity but not for others (b) Initial rate of decay of A is twice the initial rate of
153. M X and M Y denote the atomic masses of the parent decay of B and λ A > λ B
and the daughter nuclei, respectively in a radioactive (c) Initial rate of decay of B is twice the initial rate of
decay of A and λ A > λ B
decay. The Q value for a β − -decay is Q1 and that for a λA NB
β + decay is Q2 . If me denotes the mass of an electron, (d) =
then which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Q1 = ( M X − M Y ) c2 158. The gravitational force between a H-atom and another
particle of mass m will be given by Newton’s law
and Q2 = ( M X − M Y − 2M e ) c2 M.m
F= G , where r is in km and
(b) Q1 = ( M X − M Y ) c2 and Q2 = ( M X − M Y ) c2 r2
(a) M = mproton + melectron
(c) Q1 = ( M X − M Y − 2M e ) c2
and Q2 = ( M X − M Y + 2M e ) c2 (b) M = mproton + melectron − ( B = 13.6 eV).
(d) Q1 = ( M X − M Y + 2M e ) c2 (c) M is not related to the mass of the hydrogen atom.
and Q2 = ( M X − M Y + 2M e ) c2 (d) M = mproton + melectron − 2 (|V | = magnitude of the
potential energy of electron in the H-atom.
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (d)
16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (c) 21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24 (d) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (d) 41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (d)
46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (b) 49. (c) 50. (c) 51. (a) 52. (c) 53. (d) 54. (c) 55. (a) 56. (d) 57. (a) 58. (b) 59. (b) 60. (c)
61. (b) 62. (b) 63. (b) 64. (c) 65. (c) 66. (a) 67. (c) 68. (b) 69. (d) 70. (a) 71. (c) 72. (c) 73. (c) 74. (b) 75. (d)
76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (d) 79. (c) 80. (b) 81. (c) 82. (d) 83. (d) 84. (b) 85. (a) 86. (b) 87. (a) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (b)
91. (b) 92. (a) 93. (a) 94. (c) 95. (d) 96. (a) 97. (d) 98. (b) 99. (a) 100. (a) 101. (a) 102. (a) 103. (a) 104. (a) 105. (b)
106. (a) 107. (a) 108. (a) 109. (c) 110. (a) 111. (b) 112. (d) 113. (d) 114. (a) 115. (b) 116. (d) 117. (c) 118. (d) 119. (d) 120. (d)
121. (d) 122. (c) 123. (d) 124. (a) 125. (a) 126. (c) 127. (a) 128. (b) 129. (d) 130. (b) 131. (c) 132. (d) 133. (d) 134. (d) 135. (b)
136. (b,c 137. (c) 138. (c,d 139. (a) 140. (b) 141. (c) 142. (a) 143. (b) 144. (a) 145. (b) 146. (a) 147. (b) 148. (b) 149. (b) 150. (d)
) )
151. (c) 152. (b) 153. (a) 154. (b) 155. (b) 156. (b) 157. (d) 158. (b)

Hints and Explanations

~ 10−10
1. (b) Radius of atom − 17. (b) Let the percentage of 10
5 B in sample be x. Then,
~ 10−14
Radius of nucleus − 5 B is (100 − x ). So, using formula of average
percentage of 11
Radius of atom 10−10 ~ 4 atomic masses of isotopes,
∴ = −14 − 10
Radius of nucleus 10 10.01294 × x + 11.00931 (100 − x )
10.811 =
2. (c) Volume of a nucleus is about 10−12 times volume of an
⇒ 1081.1 = 1100.931 − 0.99637 x
⇒ 0.99637x = 19.831
3. (a) As nearly 99.9% mass of atom is in nucleus. 19.831
∴ x= = 19.3 ≈ 20%
Mass of nucleus 99.9 0.99637
∴ = = 0.99 ≈ 1
Mass of atom 100 19. (c) Protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom of 14 6 C are 6,
6. (c) The average mass of a chlorine atom is obtained by the 8 and 6, respectively. 14 g of 6 C contains 6 × 10
14 23

weighted average of the masses of the two isotopes, which is (1 mole) atoms, number of protons, neutrons and electrons
75.4 × 34.98 + 24.6 × 36.98 in 14 g of 14
6 C are 6 × 6 × 1023 = 36 × 1023 = number of
= = 35.47u
100 protons.
10. (a) Since, the nuclei of deuterium and tritium are isotopes of 8 × 6 × 1023 = 48 × 1023 = number of neutrons
hydrogen, they must contain only one proton each. But the and 6 × 6 × 1023 = 36 × 1023 = number of electrons.
masses of the nuclei of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium are 20. (c) As, we know both have same number of neutrons, so
in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3, because of presence of neutral matter they described as isotones.
in deuterium and tritium nuclei. 21. (a) When a more energetic particle is used, it can penetrate
13. (b) A free neutron, unlike a free proton, is unstable. It decays more against Coulomb’s repulsion.
into a proton, an electron and a anti-neutron (another 22. (b) A1 : A2 = 1 : 3
elementary particle). Their radii will be in the ratio
→ p + e− + ν
n R0 A11 / 3 : R0 A12 / 3 = 1 : 31 / 3
6 C, A = 12 = N + Z , Z = 6 ⇒
14. (c) For 12 N =6 A
Density ρ =
For 14
A = 14 = N + Z , Z = 6 ⇒ N = 8 4 / 3 πR 3
6 C;
1 3
Also, number of electrons in both atoms ∴ ρA 1 : ρA 2 = : =1:1
4 3 3 4 3 1/ 3 3
= number of protons = Z = 6. πR0 ⋅ 1 πR0 ( 3 )
3 3
16. (a) As we know that,
23. (a) Here A1 = 197, A2 = 107
m1 n1 + m2 n2 6.01512 × 7.5 + 7.01600 × 92.5
m= = 1/ 3
R1  A1 
1/ 3
n1 + n2 100  197
∴ =  =  = 1.225
= 6.940934 u R2  A2   107
Mass mA 3m 36. (d) The binding energy for 1 H1 is around zero and also not
24. (d) Density = = = , m = mp = mN
Volume 4 πR 3 A 4 πR03 given in the question so we can ignore it
3 Q = 2 ( 4 × 7.06 ) − 7 × ( 5.60 )
≈ 2.3 × 10 kgm , which is a constant.
= ( 8 × 7.60 ) − ( 7 × 5.60 )
25. (c) Nuclear radius r ∝ A1 / 3 , where A is mass number
= ( 56.48 − 39.2 ) MeV
= 17.28 MeV ~ − 17.3 MeV
r = r0 A1 / 3 = r0 ( 27 )1 / 3 = 3r0
3.6 38. (b) Potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of
r0 = = 1.2 fm their separation. For a separation greater than r0 , the force is
For 64 Cu , r = r0 A1 / 3 = 12 . fm ( 64 )1 / 3 = 4.8 fm attractive and for separations less than r0 , the force is
strongly repulsive. For potential energy U, force
26. (a) R = R0 A1 / 3 log R = log R0 + log A
1 F = − dU / dr.
3 40. (d) Nuclear force is attractive in nature and exists only for a
Which is equation of a straight line with variables log A and short distance ~ 10−15 m. It becomes repulsive when nucleons
log R.
come very close.
27. (c) Surface area = 4 πR 2 = 4 π ( R0 A1 / 3 )2
46. (c) Number of half-lives
= 4 π R02 ⋅ A 2 / 3 1600
n = 100 =
= 4 (3.14)(1.2 × 10−15 )2 A 2 / 3 2n
= (1.8 × 10−29 ) A 2 / 3 or n = 4 ⇒ 4 t1 / 2 = 8 s ⇒ t1 / 2 = 2s
N 1600
28. (b) Energy, E = 2 × 10−3 × ( 3 × 108 )2 J N = 30 = = 200 (Q 6s = 3 t1 / 2 )
2 8
E = 2 × 10−3 × 9 × 1016 = 18 × 1013 J 48. (b) Those radioactive elements whose half-life is short
Thus, if one gram of matter is converted to energy, there is a compared to the age of the universe (13.7 billion years) are
release of enormous amount of energy. not found in observable quantities in nature today. They
have, however, been seen in the laboratory in nuclear
29. (b) We have, P = 200 MW = 2 × 108 W
reactions. Tritium and plutonium belong to this category.
t = 1h = 3600 s n
N  1
E = P × t = 2 × 108 × 3600 J 50. (c) Fraction of radioactive substance left = = 
N 0  2
as E = mc2 t
 1 T N
E 2 × 10 × 3600
⇒ N = N 0   1/ 2 = 0
m= = = 8 × 10−6 kg  2 4
c 2
( 3 × 10 )
8 2

92 U undergoes α-decay,
238 234
51. (a) When it transforms to 90 Th
31. (d) Mass of 8 neutrons = 8 × 1.00866 u
92 U → 90 Th + 2 He
238 234 4
Mass of 8 protons = 8 × 1.00727 u
92 U → 90 Th
238 234
Therefore, the expected mass of 16
8 O nucleus.
54. (c) + 42 He
= 8 × 2.01593 u = 16.12744 u. When a α -particle is emitted mass number decreases by 4
The atomic mass of 16 and atomic number by 2.
8 O found from mass spectroscopy
A −4
experiments is seen to be 15.99493 u. 56. (d) This energy is shared by the daughter nucleus Z −2
Thus, ∆M = 1612744
. u − 15.99493 u = 0.13691 u and the α-particle, 42 He in the form of kinetic energy.
34. (b) Energy of γ-ray photon
57. (a) The α-decay of 238
92 U is given by equation.
= KE of electron positron pair + Mass energy
92 U → 90 Th + 2 He + Q
238 234 4

= 0.78 + 0.5 × 2 (an e− and e+ are created)

The energy released in this process is given by
= 1.78 MeV
Q = ( M U − M Th − M He ) c2
35. (a) 26 Fe nucleus has 26 protons and 30 neutrons.
Substituting the atomic masses as given in the data, we find
∴ Mass defect = ( 26 mp + 30 mn ) − m ( 56
26 Fe) Q = (238.05079 − 234.04363 − 4.00260)u × c2
= 56.46340 − 55.934939 = 0.528461 amu = (0.00456 u)c2
Total BE = 0.528461 × 931.5 MeV = 492.26 MeV
= (0.00456 u) (931.5 MeV / u) = 4.25 MeV
∴ Binding energy per nucleon 238
492.26 58. (b) If 92 U spontaneously emits a proton, the decay process
= = 8.790 MeV would be
Similarly for Bi, E bn = 7.848 MeV
92 U → 237
91 Pa + 11 H
The Q for this process to happen is 2
N 1  1 1
Given, =  = 2
= ( M U − M Pa − M H ) c2 N 2  e e
= (238.05079 − 237.05121 − 1.00783)u × c2 1 1 1
∴ = ⇒ t=
= ( − 0.00825 u)c2 = (0.00825 u) (931.5 MeV/ u) e 2 e 4 λt 2λ
= − 7.68 MeV N  1
 1 T  1
t /1

Thus, the Q of the process is negative and therefore it cannot 70. (a) =   =   1/ 2 =  
N 0  2  2  2
proceed spontaneously. We will have to supply an energy of
7.68 MeV to a 238
92 U nucleus to make it emit a proton.  N   1 1
For t = 3 months,   =   =
Hence, 92 U → 90 Th
238 234
+ 42 He + Q  N 0   2 8
is more feasible/probable reaction. 1 7
∴ Disintegrated part in 3 months = 1 − = part
+ 8 8
63. (b) In β -decay, a proton transforms into neutron (inside the
. 1
nucleus) by reaction 71. (c) N = N0 = N 0 ⇒ N = N 0 e − λt
100 32
p → n + e+ + ν …
65. (c) By beta emission, the 60
nucleus transforms into 60 ⇒ N 0 = N 0 e − λt
27 Co 28 Ni 32
nucleus in its excited state. The excited 60
28 Ni nucleus so ⇒ eλt = 32 = 25
formed, then de-excites to its ground state by successive
⇒ λt = 5 log e 2
emission of 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV gamma rays.
 0.693
66. (a) Fraction of material that remains undecayed ⇒   t = 5 × 0.693
− λt − t ln 2 / T1/ 2
 T 
N = N 0e ⇒ N = N0 e
∴ t = 5T yr
t / T1 / 2
N  1 10  1 T1 / 2 72. (c) After three half-lives, the fraction of undecayed nuclei
⇒ =  ⇒ = 
N 0  2 80  2
 1 1
=  =
1h  2 8
⇒ T1 / 2 = = 20 min = 1200 s
3  1 7
∴ Time taken for the sample of decay by 1 −  th or th of
and λ=
0.693 0.693
= = 5.8 × 10−4 s −1  8 8
T1 / 2 1200 initial value.
67. (c) Decay rate, R = λN = 3T1 = 3 × 20 = 60 s
R 0 = λN 0 73. (c) Ratio of X : Y is given = 1 : 7
log2 log2 mx 1
λ= = = ⇒ 7mx = my
T1 / 2 78 h my 7
= 8.89 × 10−3 (h −1 ) = 2.47 × 10−6 s −1 ⇒ Let the initial total mass is m.
3.4 my
N0 = × 6 × 1023 = 3.05 × 1022 ⇒ mx + my = m ⇒ + my = m
67 7
∴ R0 = (2.47 × 10−6 ) (3.05 × 1022 ) 8my 7
⇒ = m ⇒ my = m
= 7.53 × 1016 s −1 7 8
68. (b) A 0 = 8, A = 1, time = 3 h only part remains
 A   1
n n 1 1 1
 1  1 ⇒ 1 T→ T
1/ 2
→ T
1/ 2
1/ 2
  =  ⇒   =  ⇒ n=3 2 4 8
 A 0   2  8  2
t t 3 So, time taken to become unstable part
n= or T1 / 2 = = = 1 h 8
T1 / 2 n 3 . × 109 = 4.2 × 109 yr
= 3 × T1 / 2 = 3 × 14
n 3
69. (d) Number of nuclei after time t , N  1 N  1 1
− λt 74. (b) As =  , =  =
N = N0 e N 0  2 N 0  2 8
Now, N 1 = N 0 e −5 λt Number of half-lives = 3
N2 = N0 e − λt ⇒ T = 20 yr
N1 1
= e (− 5 λ + λ ) t = e − 4 λ t = 4 λ t ∴ T= or t = T × n = 20 × 3 yr = 60 yr
⇒ n
N2 e
20 s 20 s Number of atoms fissioned per second
75. (d) For 40 g amount 40 g → 20 g → 10 g
half -life 3 × 108 3 × 1020
= =
10 s
For 160 g amount 160 g → 80 g → 40 g
10 s
27.2 × 10−12 27.2
half -life Number of atoms fissioned per hour
10 s
→ 20 g → 10 g
10 s
3 × 1020 × 3600 3 × 36
= = × 1022
27.2 27.2
So, after 40s, A1 and A2 remains same. = 4 × 1022 m
77. (a) The energy released (i. e.,Q value) in the fission reaction
of nuclei like uranium is of the order of 200 MeV per 91. (b) From Einstein’s mass energy relation the energy
fissioning nucleus. This is estimated as follows. releases is
Let us take a nucleus with A = 240 breaking into two ∆E = ∆ mc2
fragments each of A = 120. Then, where, ∆ m is mass and c is speed of light.
Ebn for A = 240 nucleus is about 7.6 MeV. Given, ∆ m = 1 mg = 1 × 10−6 kg, c = 3 × 108 ms −1
Ebn for the two A = 120 fragment nuclei is about 8.5 MeV.
∴ ∆ E = 1 × 10−6 × ( 3 × 108 )2 = 9 × 1010 J
So, gain in binding energy for nucleon is about 0.9 MeV.
Hence, the total gain in binding energy is 240 × 0.9 or The rate at which energy is dissipated is known as power,
216 MeV. ∆ E 9 × 1010
i. e., P= = = 9 × 1010 W
80. (b) Fast neutrons are slowed down by elastic scattering with t 1
light nuclei each collision takes away nearly 50% of energy. ∴ P = 9 × 107 kW
82. (d) For K = 1, the operation of the reactor is said to be
92. (a) 92 U

→ 92 Th 238 + 2 He4
critical, which is what we wish it to be for steady power
operation. If K becomes greater than one, the reaction rate According to law of conservation of linear momentum,
and the reactor power increases exponentially. Unless the we have.
factor K is brought down very close to unity, the reactor will | pTh | = | pHe | = p
become supercritical and can even explode. ⇒ As, kinetic energy of an element,
83. (d) Uranium are obtained naturally from earth contains only p2
a very small part (0.01%) of U235 and remaining (99.9%) is KE =
U238 . 2m
84. (b) The abundant 238 where, m is mass of an element.
92 U isotope, which does not fission, on
capturing a neutron leads to the formation of plutonium. 1
Thus, KE ∝
The series of reactions involved is M
92 U + n → 92 U → 93 Np + e + ν
238 239 239 − So, M He < M Th ⇒ K He > K Th

93 Np → 94 Pu
239 239
+ e− + ν 98. (b) High temperature conditions for fusion reactions can be
created by exploding a fission bomb. Super-explosions
Plutonium is highly radioactive and can also undergo fission equivalent to 10 megatons of explosive power of TNT were
under bombardment by slow neutrons. tested in 1954. Such bombs which involve fusion of isotopes of
86. (b) Energy released on bombarding U235 by neutron hydrogen, deuterium and tritium are called hydrogen bombs.
= 200 MeV It is estimated that a nuclear arsenal sufficient to destroy
Power output of atomic reactor = 1.6 MW every form of life on this planet several times over is in
1.6 × 106 position to be triggered by the press of a button. Such a
∴ Rate of fission = = 5 × 1016 s −1 nuclear holocaust will not only destroy the life that exists
200 × 106 × 1.6 × 10−19
now but its radioactive fallout will make this planet unfit for
87. (a) In fission process, when a parent nucleus breaks into life for all times.
daughter products, then some mass is lost in the form of Scenarios based on theoretical calculations predict a long
energy. Thus, mass of fission products < mass of parent nuclear winter, as the radioactive waste will hang like a
nucleus. cloud in the earth’s atmosphere and will absorb the sun’s
Mass of fission products radiation.
⇒ <1
Mass of parent nucleus 100. (a) Neutrinos interact only very weakly with matter, they
88. (c) In critical condition, K = 1. The chain reaction will be can even penetrate the earth without being absorbed. It is for
this reason that their detection is extremely difficult and
steady. The size of the fissionable material used is said to be their presence went unnoticed for long.
critical size and its mass the critical mass.
Energy 105. (b) It was presumed that mass and energy were conserved
90. (b) Power = = 300 × 106 W = 3 × 108 Js −1 separately in a reaction. However, Einstein showed that
Time mass is another form of energy and one can convert
170 MeV = 170 × 106 × 16 . × 10−19 = 27.2 × 10−12 J mass-energy into other forms.
92 U and 92 U Z = 92; Number of protons equal are
235 238
106. (a) The constancy of binding energy per nucleon can be 122. (c) For
understood in terms of its short-range. The nuclear force isotopes. In 8 O and 179 F, A = 17, Mass number are same
between two nucleons falls rapidly to zero as their distance
is more than a few femtometres. This leads to saturation of ⇒ Isobars. In 8 O and 19
9 F, N = A − Z = 10 for both
forces in a medium or a large-sized nucleus, which is the Since, number of neutrons are same, so there are isotones.
reason for the constancy of the binding energy per nucleon.
In 73 Li A = 7, Z = 3 ⇒ N = 4 of in 74 Be; A = 7, Z = 4
109. (c) Two very light nuclei ( A ≤ 10 ) joining to form a heavier ⇒ N = 3.
nucleus. The binding energy per nucleon of the fused As in both N and Z values are interchanged (lateral
heavier nuclei is more than the binding energy per nucleon inversion of image of a plane mirror).
of the lighter nuclei. This means that the final system is So, they are mirror nuclei.
more tightly bound than the initial system.
123. (d) A rough plot of the potential energy between two
110. (a) Heavier elements are formed by fusion but elements
nucleons as a function of distance shows that the potential
massive than iron cannot be produced by fusion, because
energy is a minimum at a distance r0 of about 0.8 fm.
iron has highest E bn .
This means that the force is attractive for distances larger
111. (b) The chemical properties of elements depend on their than 0.8 fm and repulsive if they are separated by distances
electronic structure. As the atoms of isotopes have identical less than 0.8 fm.
electronic structure they have identical chemical behaviour 124. (a) α -decay in which a helium nucleus 42 He is emitted.
and are placed in the same location in the periodic table. β-decay in which electrons or positrons are emitted.
114. (a) In reaction I, A + B → C + ε γ-decay in which high energy photons are emitted, k
electrons capture, high energy radiations are emitted.
It is a fusion reaction and reaction e. g .,
125. (a) 242
94 Pu → 238
92 U + 42 He (α-decay)
F → D + E + ε

So, it is a fission reaction.
83 Bi → 210
84 Po +e +ν (β − -decay)
Hence, energy is released in both. 97
43 Te → 97
42 Mo + e+ + ν (β + -decay)
119. (d) To generate useful amount of energy, nuclear fusion 120
+ e − → 120
I+ ν (K-electron capture)
54 Xe 53
must occur in bulk matter. Heat is needed is to raise the
temperature of the material until the particles have enough 128. (b) As, A1 = λ 1 N 1 and A2 = λ 2 N 2
energy - due to their thermal motions alone - to penetrate the λ 1N1 = λ 2N 2 …(i)
Coulomb barrier. This process is called thermonuclear N1
fusion. Fusion occurs among small size nuclei. ⇒ =3 (Q N 1 > N 2 )
120. (d) 79 Au T1 = 12 h and T2 = 16 h
β1 After 2 days, i.e., 2 × 24 = 48 h
 1  t 48 
1.088 MeV N1 ′ = N1    But = = 4
β2  2  T 12 
γ1 γ3 4
 1
∴ N1 ′ = N1  
 2
0.412 MeV
γ2 3
 1
Also, N2′ = N2   …(iii)
0  2
80 Hg
E2 − E1  1
Frequency of emitted γ-rays, ν =  
h N 1 ′ N 1  2 8 3
∴ = = 3 × = = 1. 5
(1.088) × 1.6 × 10−13 N 2 ′ N 2  1 3 16 2
∴ ν( γ 1 ) =  
6.63 × 10−34  2
= 2.626 ×1020 Hz 129. (d) Activity of rapidly decaying isotope after 2 days
(0.412 – 0) × 1.6 × 10 −13  1 1 µC
ν( γ 2 ) = A1 ′ = λ 1 N 1 ′ = λ 1 N 1   =
6.63 × 10−34  2 16

= 0.994 × 1020 Hz 130. (b) Activity of the other isotope after 2 days A2 ′ = λ 2 N 2 ′
0.6931 0.6931
(1.088 − 0.412) × 1.6 × 10−13 Now, T1 = and T2 =
ν (γ 3 ) = λ2 λ2
6.63 × 10−34
λ 1 T2 16 4
= 1.631 × 1020 Hz ∴ = = =
λ 2 T1 12 3
3 dN
∴ λ2 =λ1 138. (c,d) = Initial decay rate of A is more than that of
4 dt t =0
N ′ 3 2
After 1 = or N 2 ′ = N 1 B but B finally have a decay rate more than that of A..Also,
N2′ 2 3 decay rate of B is equal to that of A at a later instant
3 2 1 (Intersection point). A has smaller half-life which imply A
Equation becomes A2 ′ = λ 1 × N 1 ′ = λ × N 1 ′
4 3 2 has greater decay constant.
1 1 1 139. (a) Average atomic mass ( m ) = Weighted average of all isotopes
= × µCi = µCi
2 16 32 90.51 × 19.99 + 0.27 × 20.99 + 9.22 × 21.99
131. (c) Total kinetic energy of products = Total energy released 90.51 + 0.27 + 9.22
p2 p2  M  1809.29 + 5.67 + 202.75
+ = (mass defect )c2  where, m = given  =
2m 2m  2  100
 p2   2017.7
 M M  = = 20.18 u
⇒ 2   = ( M + ∆m ) −  +   c 2 100
 2m   2 2 
Thus, the average atomic mass of neon is 20.18 u.
  140. (b) Given, mass of proton, mp = 1.007834,
 p2 
⇒ 2×   = ( ∆m )c2 Mass of neutron, mn = 1.00867 u
 2  M   14
7N nucleus contains 7 protons and 7 neutrons.
  2  
2 Mass defect ( ∆m ) = mass of nucleons – mass of nucleus
M 
2  v = 7mp + 7mn − mN
 2 
⇒ = ( ∆m )c2 = 7 × 1.00783 + 7 × 1.00867 − 14.00307
M = 7.05481 + 7.06069 − 14.00307 = 0.11243 u
⇒ v=c
2∆m Binding energy of nitrogen nucleus = ∆m × 931MeV
M = 0.11243 × 931 MeV
132. (d) Because energy is releasing. = 104.67 MeV
Binding energy per nucleon of product > that of parent. Thus, the binding energy is 104.67 MeV.
⇒ E2 > E1 141. (c) Given, mass of coin = 3 g

133. (d) Energy released in each fission of U235 = 200 MeV 6.023 × 1023
Number of atoms in 1 g of Cu =
= 200 × 106 × 16. × 10−19 J = 3.2 × 10−11 J 63
Since, only 20% of this is utilized efficiently, therefore 6.023 × 1023
Number of atoms in 3 g of Cu = ×3
energy generated from the reactor per fission. 63
= 3.2 × 10−11 × 0.20 = 6.4 × 10−12 J = 2.868 × 1022
134. (d) Since, the output of the reactor is 700 × 10 Js , the
Number of protons in Cu atom, = 29
number of fission required per second is Number of neutrons in Cu atom = 63 − 29 = 34
700 × 106 Mass defect in each atom, ∆m = 29 × mp + 34 × mn − mCu
= . × 1020 s −1
= 11
6.4 × 10−12 J = 29 × 1.00783 + 34 × 1.00867 − 62.9260 = 0.59225 u
The number of uranium – 235 atoms consumed in 24 hours. ∴ Total mass defect in all atoms = 0.59225 × 2.868 × 1022
= 24 × 60 × 60 × 1.1 × 1020 = 9.5 × 1024 = 1.6985 × 1022 u
135. (b) There are 6.02 × 1026 atoms in 235 kg of U-235. Binding energy = Mass defect × 931MeV
Therefore, the mass of U-235 consumed during 24 hours is
= 1.6985 × 1022 × 931 = 1.58 × 1025 MeV
9.5 × 1024
× 235 kg = 3.7 kg Thus, the energy required to separate all the neutrons and
6.02 × 1026 protons is 1.58 × 1025 MeV i.e., equal to binding energy.
136. (b,c) Total BE of nucleons in 3 Li 7 = 7 × 5.60 = 39.20 MeV dN
142. (a) Activity, = 8 mCi = 8 ×10− 3 × 3.7 × 1010
Total BE of nucleons in 2 ( 2 He4 ) = ( 4 × 7.06 ) × 2 dt
= 56.48 MeV = 8 × 3.7 × 107 disintegration/s
Therefore, energy of protons in the reaction (Q 1 Ci = 3.7 × 1010 disintegration/s)
= difference of BE’s Half-life of 60
27 Co, T1 / 2 = 5.3 yr
= 56.48 − 39.20 = 5.3 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60
= 17.3 MeV = 1.67 × 108 s
We know that 146. (a) Given, mass of 10 B = 10.01294 u
0.693 0.693
λ= = = 4.14 × 10−9 /s Mass of 11 B = 11.00931 u
T1 / 2 1.67 × 108
dN Atomic mass of boron = 10.811 u
Activity, = λN Let the abundance of 10 B be x%.
dN / dt 8 × 3.7 × 107 So, the abundance of 11 B be (100 − x )%.
or N = = = 7.133 × 1016
λ 4.14 × 10−9 Atomic mass = Weighted average of the isotopes
By using the concept of Avogadro number, x × 10.01294 + (100 − x ) × 11.00931
10.811 =
Mass of 6.023 × 1023 atoms of 60 27 Co = 60 g
( x + 100 − x )
60 × 7.133 × 1016 Abundance of 10 B, x = 19.9%
Mass of 7.133 × 1016 atoms of 60
27 Co =
6.023 × 1023 Abundance of 11 B, (100 − x ) = 100 − 19.9 = 80.1%
Mass m = 7.12 × 10−6 g
147. (b) Given, mass of proton mp = 1.00783 u
Thus, the required mass of 60
27 Co is 7.12 × 10−6 g.
Mass of neutron, mn = 1.00867 u
143. (b) Given, half-life of 90
38 Sr, T1 / 2 = 28 yr
For 56
26 Fe,
= 28 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 s 56
26 Fe contains 26 protons and ( 56 − 26 ) = 30 neutrons
According to Avogadro number concept,
90 g of Sr contains = 6.023 × 1023 atom Mass defect ( ∆m ) = mass of nucleons – mass of nucleus of
6.023 × 1023 × 15 × 10−3 26 Fe
15 mg of Sr contains = Mass defect ( ∆m ) = 26 × mp + 30 × mn − mN
Number of atoms, N = 1.0038 × 1020 = 26 × 1.00783 + 30 × 1.00867 − 55.934939
= 26.20345 + 30.25995 − 55.934939
dN dN  0.6931 
Activity, = λN or = ⋅ N = 0.528461 u
dt dt  T1 / 2  Total binding energy = ∆m × 931MeV
0.6931 × 1.0038 × 1020  0.693 = 0.528461 × 931.5 = 492.26 MeV
= Q λ = 
28 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60  T1 / 2  Average binding energy per nucleon of 56
26 Fe
dN Binding energy
⇒ = 7.877 × 1010 disintegration/s =
dt Total number of nucleons
= 7.877 × 1010 Bq =
= 8.790 MeV
144. (a) According to the concept of Avogadro number
148. (b) Use the concept that the energy generated in one fission
The number of atoms in 239 g of 239
94 Pu = 6.023 × 1023
of 235
92 U is 200 MeV.
6.023 × 1023 × 1000 Let x kg of 235 U is used.
Number of atoms in 1 kg of 239
94 Pu =
239 According to Avogadro number concept
= 2.52 × 1024 235 g of 235 U contains = 6.023 × 1023 atoms
The average energy released in one fission = 180 MeV 6.023 × 1023
∴ x kg of 235 U contains = × x atoms
So, total energy released in fission of 1 kg of 239
94 Pu
235 × 10−3
As half fuel is used in 5 yr and each atoms gives energy of
= 180 × 2.52 × 1024 = 4.53 × 1026 MeV
200 MeV, so energy given by fuel is
145. (b) Given, radius r = 2 fm = 2 × 10−15 m 6.023 × 1023 × x × 200 × 1.6 × 10−13
= J …(i)
For head on collision, the distance between the centres of 235 × 2 × 10−3
two deuterons
d = 2r ⇒ d = 4 × 10−15 = 4 × 10−15 m Energy produced in reactor in 5 yr as 80%
Charge on each deuteron, e = 1.6 × 10−19 C = 1000 × 106 × 5 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 ×
Potential energy =
1 q1 q2
⋅ (From formula E = Pt ) …(ii)
4 πε 0 d Equate Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
9 × 109 × 1.6 × 10−19 × 1.6 × 10−19  1  6.023 × 1023 × 200 × 1.6 × 10−13 x
= Q = 9 × 109  =
4 × 10−15  4 πε 0  235 × 2 × 10−3
5.76 × 10−14 109 × 5 × 365 × 24 × 3600 × 80
= −19
= 360 keV =
1.6 × 10 100
5 × 365 × 24 × 36 × 80 × 235 × 2 × 10−3 × 109 Number of fission in one year,
⇒ x=
6.023 × 10 × 200 × 1.6
10 2 × 1010 × 60 × 60 × 24 × 365
= 3071.5 kg . × 10− 13
50 × 16
The initial amount of 235 2 × 36 × 24 × 365
92 U is 3071.5 kg. n= × 1024
149. (b) Let t be the time.
Mass of 6.023 × 1023 atoms of 235 U = 235 g = 235 × 10− 3 kg
According to the Avogadro number concept
Number of atoms in 2 g of deuterium = 6.023 × 1023 2 × 36 × 24 × 365
Mass of 235
92 U required to produce × 1024
Number of atoms in 2 kg of deuterium atom
6.023 × 1023 × 2 × 103 235 × 10− 3 × 2 × 36 × 24 × 365 × 1024
= = 6.023 × 1026 nuclei =
6.023 × 1023 × 8
From given equation, energy released during fusion of two
deuterium = 3.27 MeV = 3.08 × 104 kg
∴ Energy released by one deuterium = = 1.635 MeV 151. (c) Disintegration laws are based on an statistical model and
2 give average values.
Energy released in 6.023 × 1026 deuterium atoms 152. (b) γ-decay occurs due to de-excitation of a nucleus and
= 1635
. × 6.023 × 10 26
= 9.848 × 10 MeV
26 energies involves is essentially in MeV.
Electronic energy levels have values only in eV.
= 9.848 × 1026 × 1.6 × 10−13 = 15.75 × 1013 J
Energy used by bulb in 1s = 100 J 153. (a) For a β − -decay, A
Z X → A
Z + 1Y1 + 0
−1 e + ν−
1 × 15.75 × 1013 ∴ Q1 value of decay
15.75 × 1013 J energy used in time =
100 = [( M X − Z M e ) − {M Y − ( Z + 1) M e } − M e ] c2
= 15.75 × 1011 s
= ( M X − MY ) c2
(Q We know that 1 yr = 60 × 24 × 60 × 365 s)
For β + -decay, A
X → A
Z −1Y 2 + 10 e + ν
15.75 × 1011 Z
= yr = 4.99 × 104 yr ∴ Q2 value of decay
60 × 24 × 60 × 365
= [( M X − Z M e ) − {M Y − ( Z − 1) M e } − M e ] c2
Thus, the bulbs glow for 4.99 × 104 yr.
= ( M X − M Y − 2M e ) c2
150. (d) Total target power = 200000 = 2 × 105 MW
154. (b) Force between neutrons is only attractive. Nuclear force
Total nuclear power = 10% of total
which is short range force.
= × 2 × 105 N N
100 ∴ For stable nuclides, either = 1 or >1
= 2 × 104 MW N
Nuclides with < 1are least stable.
Energy produced/fission = 200 MeV Z
Efficiency of power plant = 25% 155. (b) For efficient energy transfer between 2 bodies, both
Energy converted into electrical energy per fission must be of comparable masses.
25 If a heavy nucleus is taken, then neutron rebounds with
= × 200 = 50 MeV
100 nearly same energy.
. × 10− 13 J
= 50 × 16 157. (d) λ A N OA = λ A N OB
Total electrical energy to be produced in per year GMm
158. (b) Given, F =
= 2 × 104 MW = 2 × 104 × 106 W r2
= 2 × 1010 W = 2 × 1010 J/s M = effective mass of hydrogen atom
= 2 × 1010 × 60 × 60 × 24 × 365 J/yr. = mass of electron + mass of proton −
where, B is BE of hydrogen atom = 13.6 eV.

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