An Analysis of The Value Chains of The Petrochemical Industry With A Focus On The New Approach of Petro-Refinery

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Petroleum Research Article‐Oil & Gas Economics & Management

Review Petroleum Business Review, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 115–132, October 2022

An Analysis of the Value Chains of the

Petrochemical Industry With a Focus on the
New Approach of Petro-Refinery
Abdolhosein Bayata, Farhad Rahbarb*, Ali Vatanic, and Seyyed Abdollah Razavid
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Economics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Email:
[email protected]
Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Email:
[email protected], [email protected]
Professor, Professor, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Professor, Assistant Professor, Energy Economics and Management Department, Petroleum Faculty of Tehran,
Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


As one of the mother industries, the petrochemical industry is one of
Petrochemical industry the essential pillars of development and the driving engine of various
Petro refinery sectors of the country’s economy. This industry will achieve several
important goals, such as increasing export income, expanding
Value chain downstream sectors, creating jobs, and increasing GDP. This importance
Received: 16 October 2022 has been emphasized in the country’s upstream documents, such as the
Revised: 05 January 2022 general policies of the resistance economy, focusing on developing
Accepted: 27 November 2022 petroleum refineries to prevent the vulnerability of oil and gas revenues
by extending the value chain and increasing the export of these products.
How To Cite: The current work aims to investigate the value chain of the petrochemical
Abdolhosein Bayata, Farhad industry with the new approach of petrochemical refineries, as well as the
Rahbar, Ali Vatani, Seyyed pathology and evaluation of the current state of the chains mentioned
Abdollah Razavi (An Analysis above in the country with the descriptive research method and the library
of the Value Chains of the method using policy research. The research results show that the chain of
Petrochemical Industry with a petrochemical products with the approach of creating petrochemical
Focus on the New Approach of refineries has relatively high advantages compared to focusing on chains
the Petro-Refinery); Vol. 6, No. with the traditional method.
4, pp. 115–132, October 2022

natural gas from the country’s known oil and gas fields.
1. Introduction The country’s crude oil and gas production capacity in
Iran has about 160 billion barrels of extractable crude 2018 was equal to 4.07 million barrels per day and 1079
oil and 34 trillion normal cubic meters of extractable million cubic meters per day, respectively, of which the

Corresponding Author


average export of crude oil and gas in non-sanctioned this context, about 63% of the feed of basic (semi-crude)
conditions is equal to 2.5 million barrels per day and 48 products is gas, including natural gas (methane), ethane,
million cubic meters per day. The easiest way to earn and rich gas, and about 38% of the feed of these products
money in a country rich in oil and gas is to sell these is related to liquid petroleum and gas products.
valuable materials. Nevertheless, “uncertainty about the Increasing the added value through completing the value
security of fuel supply and demand”, “possible sanctions chain of the oil and gas industry, developing and
in the field of crude oil sales”, “fluctuations in global producing products with optimal efficiency, and
crude oil prices”, “necessity of diversity in sales methods increasing the export of petrochemical products and
with the help of product production”, and “creating more artifacts to prevent crude sales (oil and natural gas) and
added value in the macroeconomy” point out the need to semi-crude sales (petrochemical base products) are
develop the downstream value chain of the oil and gas emphasized in the upstream documents, such as the
industry. Therefore, according to the approach of general policies of the resistance economy, especially
sustainable development based on using finite resources, paragraph (15). This importance can be realized through
with an emphasis on securing the benefits of the next the development of the value chain of the petrochemical
generation, avoiding raw materials and converting industry.
natural hydrocarbons into products with high added
From the importance of developing the value chain of
value have always been one of the primary and
the petrochemical industry, we can mention the role and
emphasized strategies in the country because raw
place of this new approach in risk reduction. Since crude
materials such as oil, gas, and gas condensates in the
oil export can be traced worldwide according to its
chain of the downstream part of the oil industry can
technical characteristics and the specific and limited
create added value and more national wealth compared
number of oil refineries suitable for the type of Iranian
to their crude exports. The value chain includes activities
crude oil, the United States of America may sanction the
that have added value for the economic enterprise and
company buying Iranian oil. Therefore, the country’s
can facilitate the process of production and supply of the
risk of selling raw materials is very high, and with natural
product and make the final product competitive in terms
materials being placed in the value chain of the
of price. The value chain is a set of activities that cause
petrochemical industry, it can manage the mentioned
the actual value of a product to be scientifically analyzed
risks to a large extent. In this context, it is essential to
in the process of supply, production, and distribution. It
explain the new approach of the industry to the
helps add value to the stakeholders, especially the
development of the value chain. This research tries to
customers, and ensures the survival of the economic
answer the question of the country's value chains of the
enterprise in a competitive environment.
petrochemical industry. The first part is the background
According to their conditions and requirements, of the study, and the second part presents the theoretical
different countries have followed various competitive foundations. The research method is given in the third
models to develop the value chain of the oil and gas part, and the fourth part examines the findings and an
industry, thereby creating more added value. Based on overview of petrochemical chains. The final part
the experience of other countries, in line with the presents the conclusions and policy recommendations.
implementation of the value-added chain development
strategy, Iran faces four models of “integration of 2. Background research
different levels of the oil and gas industry”, “relying on
In an article titled “Refinery Change Perspective
advanced technologies and license design”,
from Conventional to Integrated: An Opportunity for
“encouraging and creating competition in the industries
Sustainable Investment in the Petrochemical Industry”,
related to oil and gas”, and “combined look at refining
Al-Samahan et al. (2022) critically examined current
and petrochemical industries and creating more added
changes in oil prices, heavy oil production, and technical
value”. In this regard, in 2018, in the downstream part
challenges for converting heavy crude oil into chemicals.
and the value chain of the Iranian petrochemical
(c-t-c) or petrochemical (c-t-p) were discussed, and the
industry, there was 25 million tons of production
remarkable flexibility as a comprehensive approach to
capacity for essential products, of which 36% was related
dealing with unconventional feedstocks (using thermal
to methanol production, 29% was related to ethylene
and catalytic methods) to produce sustainable feedstocks
production, 20% was associated with the production of
for chemicals and petrochemicals was emphasized.
ammonia, and 9% was related to the production of
aromatics, including benzene, toluene, and xylene. In

Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2022
In an article titled “Sustainable Development between variables. The tool should also use the built
Management Model of Petrochemical Industry model to provide practical solutions to various
Enterprises”, Ponikarova et al. (2022) examined the set stakeholders and policymakers. For this purpose, the
of management measures in the public management system dynamics (SD) approach was used. The obtained
system in the process of introducing innovations in results pointed out the policy solution of program
conditions of uncertainty and risk. At the same time, the improvement and budget allocation as the most effective
state of the level of sustainable, innovative development solution to achieving the development of the
of the petrochemical complex is investigated. The petrochemical industry.
relationship between the components of the company’s
In an article entitled “Dynamic Model for Effective
sustainable development and the role of the internal state
Capacity Development in the Petrochemical Industry to
of the economic system in this process is determined to
Complete the Value Chain”, Haji Ebrahimi Farashah et
achieve these goals, and the limitations that inhibit the
al. (2018) modeled the dynamics of capacity
transition to new innovative quality are determined.
development budget formation using the system
Finally, based on the results of the study, a model for the
dynamics approach. In this regard, the budget allocation
evaluation of sustainable development management of a
structures between petrochemical production complexes
company is proposed considering its innovative nature.
with the ability to produce different products were
In an article entitled “Evaluation of the Financial modeled, and other vital matters such as the amount of
Situation and Optimization of the Performance of the production capacity, the amount of production, the
Petrochemical Industry Organization in the Context of income from domestic sales, and the export of
Increasing Financial Risks”, Oksana et al. (2021) petrochemical products were modeled. The results show
analyzed the financial situation, evaluated the that the modeling in the primary state, the petrochemical
development prospects, and optimized the activity of one industry, in 2025, has a production capacity of over 104
of the largest systemically important organizations of the million tons, including 10.2 million tons of methanol,
petrochemical industry in Russia, PJSC. SIBUR Holding 20.6 million tons of ammonia and urea, and 11 million
has paid in the conditions of macroeconomic instability. tons of ethylene. Moreover, there will be 2.2 million tons
To carry out the research, the authors have collected of polypropylene and 59.6 million tons of other products,
financial data from the company’s financial results report which will be significantly less than the target in the
and balance sheet. They have chosen the key indicators vision document for 2025 countries. Further, the income
of performance and solvency, especially liquidity, from the domestic sale and export of petrochemical
business activity, profitability, solvency, and investment products will reach about 30 billion dollars in 2025,
attractiveness. Further, financial risk factors affecting based on the dollar price in 2010. According to the third
business expansion opportunities have received policy, which is the most effective policy proposed by
particular attention. Econometric modeling methods this research, on the one hand, increasing the share of
were used to determine the company’s development petrochemicals from the development budgets of the oil
prospects, which depend on the internal policy of cash and gas industry and the National Development Fund
flow management, accounts receivable, debt, and the should be on the agenda. On the other hand, the
external impact of inflation risk. The research results allocation of the desired capital to produce a portfolio of
indicate that continuous cash flow, that is, the formation more value-added products should be done so that,
of a policy for managing accounts payable in crisis finally, with the development and progress of the
conditions, significantly impacts the company’s further petrochemical industry, the country will be freed from
development. selling semi-crude products forever.

In an article entitled “A Dynamic Model for 3. Theoretical framework

Formulating Effective Policies to Increase Capacity in
Iran’s Petrochemical Industry to Complete the Value There are two general approaches to the development
Chain”, Haji Ebrahimi et al. (2021) investigated the of the petrochemical industry.
determination of factors affecting the development of the
The first approach is the same as the traditional
petrochemical industry and modeling the mechanism of
approach (the existing state of the industry) to the current
creating capacity increase using a dynamic approach.
development conditions, which is based on the value
This research needed a tool to analyze the complexities,
chain of its stages after exploration and extraction and on
model the industry structure to an acceptable level of
the separation of refining and petrochemical industries.
detail, and include nonlinear and feedback relationships


 Refining crude oil and gas in oil and gas additional costs such as value-added tax, performance
refineries and converting them into main tax, repeated installation of equipment and goods, and
consumer products (gasoline, oil, and gas), repetition of parallel organizational, administrative,
petrochemical industry feed (light and heavy financial, and technical structures. It has been
naphtha, LPG, propylene, and kerosene), gas institutionalized in many countries, such as China, Japan,
products (methane and gas condensate), South Korea, Turkey, Germany, India, and Russia, and
petrochemical industry feed (methane, ethane, has been favored as an efficient economic approach. The
LPG, and gas condensate), and export gas. steps of this approach are based on an integrated and
These stages are structurally separate and continuous look at the value chain of oil and gas and its
independent, and with the production of products and a wide range of fuel and chemicals. It
products, they have a different status provides the means to create more added value by
economically; oil and gas refineries are built combining the current traditional separate steps, in the
separately from themselves and petrochemical first approach, by reducing additional costs, developing
units. the product chain, and producing more diverse products.
 Complexes for the production of essential
petrochemical products (ethylene, methanol, 4. Basic concepts
ammonia, aromatics, and propylene), which are The petrochemical industry refers to sectors in which
mainly built in a separate and isolated form in hydrocarbons in crude oil, gas condensates, gas liquids,
terms of structure and economy and unbalanced ethane gas, natural gas, light and heavy naphtha, and
(such as the Kavian, Sadaf, and Gachsaran refined products are transformed into petrochemical
olefin units, the Zagros methanol unit, and the products after being processed in a series of chemical
Aromatic Nouri unit) or sometimes together processes (Bayat, 2016).
with production units of intermediate
petrochemical products (polyethylenes, Value chain: Porter (1985) believes that the value
polypropylenes, polyvinyl chloride, mono chain is a systematic way to consider the series of
ethylene glycol, ethylene oxide, and vinyl activities that the organization performs to provide
acetate). products for customers. Organizations must define their
 Production complexes of intermediate value chain to recognize competitive advantages to enter
petrochemical products mainly built in a competitive markets.
separate form in terms of structure and
The value-added chain of the petrochemical industry
economy, such as Mehr, Isfahan, Golpayegan,
includes primary industries (upstream), intermediate
Lorestan, Mahabad, Kurdistan, and Urmia
industries (intermediate), and complementary industries
petrochemical companies.
(downstream), which consist of an extensive range of
 Few production units of downstream
essential products and primary feeds to intermediate and
(complementary) petrochemical industries,
final products. It includes the meaning of the
which are very small and scattered and can only
petrochemical industry in this research: all the state-
convert about 30% of the products produced in
owned petrochemical companies transferred (privatized)
the middle and essential sectors of
or remained in government ownership (Bayat, 2016).
petrochemicals into final consumer goods with
higher added value. The value chain of the oil industry: Iran’s oil industry
includes six layers of exploration, production, refining,
The second approach (the new value chain
petrochemical, international transactions, and
development approach) focuses on creating more added
distribution, as shown in Figure 1 (Bayat, 2016).
value and higher profitability and even reducing

Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2022

Figure 1: The oil industry value chain Bayat (2016)

4.1. An overview of the state of Iran’s Methanol, Bushehr Petrochemical, and polybutadiene in
petrochemical industry Takht Jamshid, with a total production capacity of 6.5
million tons in 2013. As a result of the activity of these
Currently, 67 active petrochemical units (26 complexes, this industry currently has a share of 2.9% of
communities in the Mahshahr economic zone, 17 gross domestic production, 18.2% of industrial value-
communities in the Asaluyeh region, and 20 added, and 48.2% of industrial exports (Business Studies
communities in other areas) with a production capacity and Research Institute, 2019).
of 90 million tons per year are engaged in production.
Petrochemical industries consume a part of these According to Figure 2, Iran’s petrochemical industry
products as inter-complex feed, and the rest is sold. ranks first among Iran’s manufacturing industries in
Currently, there are 55 development projects (with a total terms of foreign exchange income generation and value-
capacity of 70.2 million tons) in the petrochemical added creation.
industry. Among them are three projects of Kaveh

Figure 1: The share of petrochemical industries in generating foreign exchange income and creating added value
(Business Studies and Research Institute, 2019)


4.2. The production capacity of Iran’s and aromatics (benzene, toluene, para-xylene, ortho-
petrochemical industry xylene, ethylbenzene, and styrene) are considered the
main base products. In 1999, with 30 million tons of
Basic products production capacity for primary products, Iran ranked
The horizontal and vertical development of the value second in the region after Saudi Arabia and had a share
chain of the Iranian petrochemical industry requires the of 3.5% of the world. The production capacity of basic
production and use of essential products. Methanol, products in 2020 in China, America, and Saudi Arabia
ammonia, olefins (ethylene, propylene, and butadiene), was 260, 104, and 44 million tons, respectively
(Petrochemical Industry Year Book, 2019).

Figure 3: The production capacity of the basic products of Iran’s petrochemical industry (Petrochemical Industry
Yearbook, 2019)

According to Figure 4, the largest production industry is related to methanol (41%), ethylene (26%),
capacity of the base product of Iran’s petrochemical and ammonia (20%).

Figure 4: The production capacity of the basic products of Iran and the countries of the region (2020) (unit: million
tons) (Petrochemical Industry Yearbook, 2019)

Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2022
5. Methodology fuel made from natural gas, wood, coal, and other natural
resources. Since the production of methanol from natural
The research method in this study is to investigate the and renewable sources is economically more expensive
development of the value chain in the petrochemical than gas, most of it has been obtained from natural gas in
industry in the new model and the completion of the recent years, so it can be said that after ammonia, the
value chain in comparison with the traditional approach, product is the second substance that has the most
using the descriptive analytical method, and the production from natural gas. Therefore, the competitive
proposed policies will be presented using the policy advantage in methanol production is from regions rich in
research method. these resources, especially natural gas (methane). The
Policy analysis is the process of conducting research Middle East region, China, and recently North America
with analysis about a fundamental problem of society, (due to the development of shale gases) are the leading
which provides policymakers with realistic and practical players in the global methanol production market in this
suggestions to reduce the issues. In other words, policy regard. In 2018, out of 680 million tons of petrochemical
analysis begins with a social problem such as products produced by petrochemical industries
malnutrition, poverty, or inflation. It is completed worldwide, 78 million tons, equivalent to 12% of these
through an analytical process, through which alternative products, belonged to methanol production. According
policy measures are presented to reduce the pain and to the IEA forecast, methanol production capacity will
provide them for the policymakers (Majchrzak, 1948). grow by 50% by 2030 and by 100% by 2050. Two-thirds
of this growth will be in the Asian continent (led by
China) (Mirnizami, 2019).
6. Research findings
The cost curve of methanol production in different
6.1. Iran’s petrochemical industry value chains:
regions of the world shows that it is economical except
methanol value chain in the Middle East and Africa due to cheap food. The
Methanol is one of the essential basic products of only change in this diagram in recent years is the
chemical industries in the world, which has a high movement of North America to the left side of the
consumption in chemical industries, and many materials representation and the increase in the efficiency of
and goods are derived from it; its price fluctuation often methanol production in this region (IHS, 2018).
affects many manufacturing industries. It is an alcohol

Figure 5: Methanol production cost curve in different regions of the world (HIS, 2018)

Since methanol is vital in the feed basket of produces more than 90% of the world’s methanol. They
petrochemical units, the production of methanol is high- produce 90% of methanol from coal and only about 10%
ranking. The Middle East region, with a production from natural gas. Like the Middle East, North America
capacity of about one-fifth of the methanol production in obtains 96% of its methanol from natural gas. The trend
the world, uses 100% of the natural gas feed. In contrast, of changes in the share of different feedstocks for
the Northeast Asia region (China, Japan, South Korea, methanol production shows that due to the presence of
and Taiwan), with a production capacity of about 50%, China in the methanol production market, the portion of


coal feedstock increased from 15% in 2005 to 35% in the production of methanol based on natural gas, as well
2015. The share of natural gas has experienced a 30% as the reduction in gas price, the share of natural gas is
decrease, but again due to the increase in investment in expected to increase (IHS, 2018).

Figure 6: The trend of changes in the share of different feedstocks for world methanol production (HIS, 2018)

Methanol as a primary product is divided into three in fact, one of the main drivers of the demand for this
general categories: the first category is the traditional product in the future includes fuels and MTO/P. The
methanol derivatives: the chief demand for methanol was chief methanol derivative division and its production
formed based on their development in the past few percentage in 2018 are given in Figure 7 (Mirnizami,
decades. The second and third categories are derivatives 2019).
that have faced an increase in production in recent years;

Figure 7: The general diagram of methanol production and its leading derivatives in 2018 (Mirnizami, 2019)

The methanol industrial applications are very agents, plastics, plywood, paint, explosives, laminates,
diverse: industrial adhesives, solvents, antifreezing varnishes, kitchen utensils and equipment, resins,

Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2022
cameras, formaldehyde (formalin) for household use, 3% of the total capacity of 9 million tons of methanol
preparation of methylated butyl ether (MTBE) to produced by the petrochemical industry in that year
increase gasoline octane, dimethyl ether (DME) for use (Baghban and Narimannejad, 2019).
in atomizers, production of hydrogen used in fuel cells,
In the following, we will describe the application of
production of acetic acid and especially its replacement
some methanol derivatives (Study and Review of
as a clean fuel instead of fossil fuel (Kohzadi, 2015)
Methanol Market, 2019).
Further, in some countries such as South America,
methanol is used to produce biodiesel which is  Formaldehyde is produced from the catalytic
implemented in cars, trucks, buses, and even electricity oxidation of methanol. Formaldehyde is used as a
generation turbines. Most methanol is used to prepare disinfectant solution because it kills most bacteria
fuel, a combination of 85% methanol and 15% unleaded and is used to store biological samples. The
super gasoline, and is produced in many countries, primary use of formaldehyde is in producing
including the United States. The largest share of polymers and other chemical compounds.
methanol consumption is formaldehyde, and about 27%  Acetic acid (ethanoic acid, COOH3CH, C2O2H4)
of methanol is converted into this substance (Study and or vinegar essence is used to prepare materials
Review of Methanol Market, 2019). such as acetanilide, ethyl acetate, isopropyl
Iran, due to the lack of development of the methanol acetate, butyl acetate, acetyl chloride,
value chain, the current approach to this semi-raw monochloroacetic acid, and ketone.
product is to export it. It can be considered one of the  Products from the downstream industries of
most effective products to provide the currency needed methanol, including MTBE, ethylene, propylene,
by the country, especially during sanctions, with the methyl acetate, methyl amine, dimethyl ether
development of future investments to build new similar (DME), methyl bromide (methyl bromide),
units and complete and develop the chain. Its value and dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfate, dimethyl
the role of this strategic and essential product in the carbonate, nitro anisole, methyl acrylate,
country’s economy will become more serious and dimethyl aniline, methyl formate, dimethyl
effective. Moreover, the lack of complexity of the terephthalate, methyl chloride, and antifreeze. It
methanol production process compared to the production should be noted that each of these derivatives is
of products such as ethylene and ammonia and the low an agent for producing other materials and
influence of the producing units on other products of the derivatives.
petrochemical industry have made the production of this  Due to the predictable lack of energy sources over
product more sustainable. According to the information time, the direct consumption of methanol as a
from the exchange, about 276 thousand tons of methanol clean fuel or the primary hydrogen used in fuel
products were registered in the internal transactions of cells is vitally important.
the country’s energy exchange in 2018, which is about

Figure 8: The process of increasing the nominal capacity of methanol production until 2025 (Petrochemical
Industry Year Book, 2019)


Methanol has a special place in the portfolio of the million tons (Petrochemical Industry Year Book, 2019).
Iranian petrochemical industry. Of the nominal According to Figure 9, it is expected that the nominal
production capacity of 83.5 million tons of capacity of methanol production in the world will reach
petrochemical products, 10% is dedicated to methanol, 163 million tons by 2025, of which 23.8 million tons will
and capacity development programs show an increase in be Iran’s production share (Petrochemical Industry Year
the share of methanol in Iran’s production portfolio. Book, 2019).
Until the end of 1999, nine petrochemical complexes
Figure 9 shows Iran’s progress in the methanol value
with a total capacity of 12.3 million tons were active in
chain: green means total production, yellow means
Iran. With the plans for increasing the methanol
production less than the domestic requirement, and red
production capacity, the overall nominal capacity of this
means no production.
product in 2025 with nine complexes will be about 23.8

Figure 9: Iran’s progress in the methanol value chain (Business Studies and Research Institute, 2019)

Iran produces acetic acid, ethyl acetate, vinyl acetate petrochemical industries and has countless applications
monomer, formalin, and melamine resin, but the comprising the polymerization industry, synthetic fibers,
production volume is less than the domestic demand. In softening solvents, antifreeze, and alcohol (Kianfar,
other products of the methanol value chain, it meets its 2015).
needs through imports (Business Studies and Research Steam cracking produces ethylene in the
Institute, 2019). petrochemical industry and is a vital raw material for
creating many organic compounds. Ethylene
6.2. Ethylene value chain polymerizes to produce polyethylene, an essential
Ethylene is the simplest unsaturated hydrocarbon and plastic; repetition makes the polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
the first member of the group of alkenes. C2H4 has a precursor. The ethylene combination with benzene
double bond between its two carbon atoms, which causes creates ethylbenzene, the main ingredient of polyesters
the ethylene isomer to be unstructured, even rotating (Baghban and Narimannejad, 2019).
around the double bond. The structure of ethylene is flat. Due to the large size of the ethylene market and its
The angle between carbon and hydrogen is 117 degrees, extensive applications in other industries, this product is
which is suitable for hybridization closer to the 120- mainly used as a benchmark to measure the performance
degree sp2 angle. Ethylene is a colorless and flammable of petrochemical industries worldwide. A study
gas found in the combination of oil and natural gas. conducted in 2019 by the IHS on the perspective of
Ethylene is one of the most important basic materials in chemical raw materials shows that ethylene has

Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2022
experienced the highest production capacity growth rate China). Figure 10 summarizes olefin production routes
among raw materials during 10 years (2009–2018) in the from primary sources (Mirnizami, 2019).
course span, with the highest utilization rate of 8%. It has
been considered one of the basic chemistry units (IHS 6.3. Ethylene derivatives
Markit Chemical and Energy, 2019). Despite the relatively wide range of ethylene
The primary process of ethylene production is steam products and derivatives, more than 60% of the ethylene
cracking units. The unit feed is ethane, naphtha, and produced worldwide is the input for polyethylene units
liquid gas, respectively. According to statistics, about (including high-density polyethylene, low-density
99% of global ethane production is used in steam cracker polyethylene, and linear low-density polyethylene);
complexes to produce ethylene. Of course, it is worth therefore, the global market of ethylene and polyethylene
mentioning that there are different methods for are highly correlated. This correlation with ethylene is
producing ethylene or olefins in general, and the lower in downstream products of the ethylene value
production of propylene and ethylene from coal has a chain than in polyethylene (Mirnizami, 2019).
long history in the petrochemical industry (especially in

Figure 10: The general picture of ethylene production and its leading derivatives in 2018 (Mirnizami, 2019)

6.4. Ethylene in the petrochemical industry of past 15 years. Until the end of 1997, a total of 9
Iran petrochemical plants with a capacity of 340.7 million
tons were active in Iran. According to the fifth plan for
Ethylene and its derivatives have a special place in developing the petrochemical industry, if programs are
the portfolio of products of the petrochemical industry of accomplished entirely, Iran’s ethylene production
Iran. More than 10% of about 67 million tons of the capacity will reach 12.9 million tons annually.
nominal capacity for producing petrochemical products
is dedicated to ethylene. Taking into account the Furthermore, it will be in third place among the main
production of ethylene derivatives, such as different petrochemical products of Iran. The main reason for the
grades of polyethylene (which are often produced in one development of ethylene units has been the access to
complex), the contribution of the ethylene chain in the cheap ethane feed in the South Pars region during the last
petrochemical industry will be more substantial. The decade. Figure 11 shows the contribution of different
development of different phases of South Pars and access petrochemicals to the country’s ethylene production
to cheap ethane feed, along with the proximity of capacity (Petrochemical Industry Year Book, 2019).
established complexes to this region, have caused the According to Figure 11, Iran has produced ethylene
spurt capacity of the country’s ethylene production in the glycols and types of polyethylene products more than the


domestic demand. It does not produce glycol ether, oxide, ethylene dichloride, or acetaldehyde. The amount
ethylene, propylene, and other products such as ethylene of production has been less than the domestic demand.

Figure 11: Iran’s progress in the ethylene value chain (Business Studies and Research Institute, 2019)

6.5. Propylene value chain advantage as a petrochemical feed has led to the use of
ethane in cracking units, which has turned these areas
Propylene (or methyl ethylene) is one of the critical into massive production areas of ethylene and its
petrochemical products conventionally obtained from derivatives. On the other hand, these regions are less
steam cracking (production of propylene as a by-product effective in terms of propylene and its derivatives
of ethylene production) and recycling of refinery FCC production (Mahdavipour, 2016).
streams (which contain little propylene). It is used as a
feedstock for the production of various polymers. The 6.6. Propylene derivatives
most important derivatives of propylene are
Propylene demand for chemical derivatives is heavily
polypropylene, acrylonitrile, propylene oxide, phenol,
dominated by polypropylene production, which
oxo alcohol, acrylic acid, isopropyl alcohol, oligomers,
accounted for about 67% of the total market in 2021.
and other intermediate materials, which are used in the
Other significant uses are propylene oxide, acrylonitrile,
form of materials needed in electronics, automotive,
cumene, and acrylic acid. After conversion, propylene is
construction, packaging, and similar industries. The
mainly found in durable goods (cars and furniture),
global demand for propylene is still growing due to the
packaging, and infrastructure (buildings and houses).
need for its derivatives, especially polypropylene; the
Thus, its demand is broadly linked to the general
price of propylene has the potential to increase further.
economy. Propylene consumption has become
Figure 12 shows the value chain of this valuable
increasingly associated with emerging regions
material. Currently, the propylene production industry in
(especially mainland China), where improving living
the Middle East is small due to the low-efficiency
standards and growing urbanization are increasing the
technologies. Luckily, due to access to cheap natural gas
use of a wide range of polymers and chemicals. Over the
sources and suitable geographical features, it has a high
past five years, propylene demand growth has averaged
potential to expand the production of this valuable and
3.4% per year, with Northeast Asia accounting for nearly
necessary petrochemical material. Most propylene in the
70% of new demand (IHS Markit petrochemical Industry
Middle East is made through the steam cracking process,
Overview, 2021).
which produces excess ethylene. The natural gas

Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2022
Iran has devoted about 830 thousand tons of its import is zero (Business Studies and Research Institute,
production to producing propylene, which is only to meet 2019).
the domestic demand, and the amount of export and

Figure 12: Propylene derivatives in the petrochemical industry of Iran

Figure 13: Iran’s progress in the propylene chain (Business Studies and Research Institute, 2019)

According to Figure 13, no products in Iran’s identify the priority areas for investment in the
propylene chain could fully meet domestic demand. petrochemical industries of the country. This issue will
Regarding the number of products whose production is necessarily improve the value chain balance of the
less than the country’s need or is zero, it is necessary to


petrochemical industry and the development of Petro-refineries consume raw oil feed with gas
downstream (complementary) petrochemical industries. condensates; their final products are fuel and chemicals
(Saidi, 2021). Petro-refineries are responsible for the
6.7. Petro-refinery production and conversion of methane, ethane, liquefied
The lack of a single policy approach to completing gas (propane and butane), naphtha, and heating oil
and developing the country’s refining and petrochemical feedstocks into ammonia, methanol, olefins (ethylene,
industries has caused the development of these industries propylene, butadiene, and butylene), and aromatics
to be unbalanced. Due to various reasons, the refining (benzene, toluene, and xylenes). Thus, in the future,
industry has low profitability because of inadequate polymer and chemical complexes will be able to produce
technology levels. The current small profit is also due to dozens of different products by receiving such feeds
the allocation of cheap feed and the granting of subsidies. (Mahdavipour and Mirjalili, 2017).
On the other hand, the plans for the petrochemical
7. Review of petroleum refinery models
industry are often developed based on gas feed, and the
goal is to produce and export basic petrochemical. In normal refineries, the focus is on fuel products
Meanwhile, combining, completing, and improving the such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and fuel oil for the
refining and petrochemical industries will enjoy a better consumption of the transportation sector. According to
economy (Hosseini, 2019). Nowadays, one of the most Figure 14, the higher we move, the higher refinery and
important new approaches to the world’s oil industry is petrochemical correlate, the higher the share of chemical
integrating petrochemical and refining units (Nemati, production in the product portfolio increases, the higher
2015). the percentage of fuel decreases, and the higher the
complexity factor increases (Saidi, 2021).

Figure 14: The degree of the integration of the refinery and petrochemicals

According to the above figure, we classify the degree 1. A refinery

of integration of the refinery and petrochemicals based 2. A refinery with aromatic products separation unit
on five levels. COTC can be considered the final and FCC unit for propylene production
integration of the refinery and petrochemical operations 3. A refinery in addition to a steam cracker
to produce maximum chemicals (more than 70%) petrochemical unit or refinery plus aromatic
compared to level one, which is the typical nonintegrated production petrochemical unit
refinery (less production from 10% of chemicals) (IHS, 4. A refinery plus steam cracker petrochemical unit
2019). plus aromatic production petrochemical unit

Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2022
5. A unit for converting crude oil into COTC diesel, and atmospheric residues. Light naphtha is
chemicals consumed in the isomerization unit, and heavy naphtha
is consumed in the reforming catalytic conversion unit.
7.1. Refinery It is poured into the gasoline pool to improve the quality
In normal refineries, crude oil or gas condensations of gasoline. Currently, the general structure of refineries
entering to distillation tower unit cause different in Tehran, Bandar Abbas, Lawan, Shiraz, and
fractions. These different parts are divided from each Kermanshah is shown in Figure 15. The main output
other, producing various products such as ethane, liquid products are fuel, and no specific chemical products are
gas, light naphtha, heavy naphtha, gasoline, kerosene, produced in these units (Saidi, 2021).

Figure 15: The refinery procedural structure (Saidi, 2021)


7.2. Refinery with aromatics separation unit and The primary olefins produced in steam cracker units
FCC unit form the value chain of ethylene and propylene, which
includes a wide range of chemicals and polymeric
In these refinery units, a part of the aromatic products materials, including polyethylene, mono ethylene glycol,
produced in the reforming catalytic conversion unit is polyvinyl chloride, ethylene oxide, polypropylene,
separated for petrochemical use. Furthermore, acrylonitrile, acrylic acid, cumene, and propylene oxide.
atmospheric residual materials enter the vacuum Moreover, suppose aromatic petrochemicals are built
distillation tower and the FCC unit, producing olefinic downstream of the refinery. In that case, it is possible to
chemical products such as propylene and ethylene. produce a benzene value chain, including styrene,
Currently, Shazand Arak and Abadan refineries in the nitrobenzene, cyclohexane, maleic acid, and materials
country have FCC units. Units are designed and launched such as polyethylene terephthalate and phthalic
to produce gasoline fuel, and less than 3% of the output anhydride in the xylenes value chain. Currently, there is
mass is converted into olefins (Saidi, 2021). a production exchange between refineries and
petrochemicals in the country, and these units are
7.3. Petro-refinery (refinery plus steam cracker
independent. An example is the light and heavy naphtha
petrochemical or aromatic petrochemical) feed of Shazand Olefin Petrochemical Unit (former Arak
The naphtha produced in the refinery can be used as Petrochemical) from Imam Khomeini Arak Refinery and
the main feed of the steam cracker unit to produce olefins Isfahan Refinery (Saidi, 2021).
or aromatics in the aromatic petrochemical unit. In these
units, 40% of the products will be chemicals and


Figure 15: Petrorefinery (refinery plus steam cracker petrochemical or aromatic petrochemical) (Saidi, 2021)

7.4. Petrorefinery (refinery plus steam cracker ABS polymer, and SAN polymer, require the supply of
petrochemical plus aromatic petrochemical) both aromatic and olefinic chains. Currently, there are
steam and aromatic cracker units in Imam Khomeini Port
In this structure, the steam cracker and aromatic units Petrochemical, which produce olefins and aromatics
are built simultaneously after the refinery unit, and the simultaneously. In this petrochemical, the naphtha feed
products are exchanged between these trial sets. The of the aromatic module is provided by the Abadan
advantage of these units is the simultaneous production refinery, and the feed of the steam cracker unit is served
of olefins and aromatics because some polymeric and by gas liquids produced in oil fields (Saidi, 2021).
chemical materials, such as polyethylene terephthalate,

Figure 16: Petro refinery (refinery plus steam cracker petrochemical plus aromatic petrochemical) (Saidi, 2021)

Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2022
7.5. Petro refinery (unit for converting crude oil significantly reduced. It can change the future of
into chemicals, COTC). conventional petrochemical units in the world. Four
main ways of converting crude oil into COTC chemicals
This set of petrol refineries is a new approach to the are mentioned below (Saidi, 2021):
correlation and integration of petrochemical units and
refineries, including a new generation of technology in  Process of using refinery and petrochemical steam
the refinery and petrochemical industry. These units are cracker with crude oil feed (usual process);
configured to produce the most chemical and polymer  ExxonMobil company’s technology in using light
products (more than 40%) to create more added value crude oil in steam cracker units;
instead of fuel. Due to the large scale of these units  Petrorefineries based on the production of para-
(between 10 and 20 million tons per year of input feed) xylene products using crude oil in China;
and the high-scale production of products in the output  The technology of Aramco company in converting
of the unit, the cost price of products in COTC units is crude oil into olefinic materials

Figure 17: Petrorefinery (unit for converting crude oil into chemicals (COTC) (Saidi, 2021)

8. Conclusions integration of the refining and petrochemical industry

and the completion and development of the value chain,
By processing the production chains and creating higher both industries will enjoy a better economy, while
added value, the country’s petrochemical industry can today’s world is developing the oil and gas industry from
invent a high potential to accelerate the growth of the upstream to downstream industries and maximizing the
country’s economy and various economic sectors and benefits of the products. Hydrocarbons have taken a big
play a vital role in Iran’s non-oil economy, preventing step in building and completing their value chain. One of
the impact of oil and gas revenues. The existence of a the most important strategies adopted has been
policy approach to completing and developing the integrating refining and petrochemical units for
country’s refining and petrochemical industries has optimization.
caused the development of these industries to be
unbalanced. An optimal state can be achieved in a petroleum refinery
by sharing human resources, reducing feed supply costs,
Therefore, the refining industry has low profitability for using integrated management and coordination between
various reasons. On the other hand, the plans for the units, and reducing environmental pollution, thereby
petrochemical industry are often based on gas feed, and increasing profit margins, optimizing energy costs, and
the goal is to produce rudimentary petrochemical improving the economy. It will be a petrochemical
products and export them. Meanwhile, with the


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under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


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