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Creating forms out of basic geometric shapes

saiki k
Denji from chainsaw man
Morty from rick and morty
I quite liked doing this because I’ve tried to start thinking in shapes, and this makes it much
more literal. So it was a fun exercise.

SHAPE EXERCISES (group work)

Chess inspired forms with basic geometric shapes

The king
The pawn
The knight
The bishop
The queen
This exercise was really fun for me as well, i took charge during the group assignment (too
much, as i do) and cutting down the amount of shapes while trying to keep the form
recognisable was a good challenge. I think we did quite well.

Cutouts and shadows

(I had another but my mother threw it away rip 😭)

I enjoyed doing the other one more than this one cause it included a human form and i love
playing with the human form, so i’m quite sad i lost it.


The colour red and what it can represent

Specific words and their specific hues

Red’s place in art and its significance
Red is one of my favourite colours, it can be edgy it can be striking, warm, mysterious or
menacing. And as colours are not my strong suit, i tend to go towards red or warm colours in my
own art. I tend to be drawn to characters with red in their designs, or gore art which has tons of
red. So this was a noce little exercise.
ok to be honest i hate hippos and adobe illustrator so this was a nightmare for me, i’m someone
who loves details and I’m supposed to completely get rid of them for this. But i will do almost
anything for you ms preethi (almost) <3

How colours are used in advertising in media

500 days of summer

The overall muted tan colour represents the dullness of the real world and the coloured accents
on the characters heads represent their motivation and way they view reality. These colours are
represented in the film as well.

Warm, orange with blue accents

The warm colours of this movie are used to offset the dystopian stereotype linked to our idea of
the future. It depicts the future as chic and romantic but still keeps much of the dystopian

Warm, red with yellow accents

Perks of being a wallflower
This one is slightly misleading as it’s such a bright colour, though the green represents the main
characters innocence. The movie is actually more angsty and sad than the poster depicts.

Cool, green
The contrast between cecilia’s dress and the black void behind her shows us the loneliness of
this film. It quite accurately depicts how the movie makes you feel after 💀
Panic! At the disco’s debut album, a fever you cant sweat out

A lustful mysterious red. Very scandalous, awooga.

Warm, red with yellow accents

The beach boys album, pet sounds

Like the sound of the entire album, very nature and rustic

Warm, orange yellow x green

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