Upgrading The Future of Consciousness The RASHA Dome and The Power of Base 12 Harmonization

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Upgrading the Future of Consciousness: The

RASHA Dome and the Power of Base-12

Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D.

Abstract - This document offers an in-depth exploration into the utilization of The RASHA Dome Technology. This innovative technology, created by Dr.
Rivera-Dugenio, aims to accomplish a state of Base-12 harmonization in the brain, potentially opening doors to enhanced human performance and
heightened mental abilities. At the heart of The RASHA Dome Technology is the use of Base-12 scalar energy sound frequency patterns, known for their
potential to enhance consciousness coherence. This document presents the evidence that through this increased consciousness coherence, we can 12x
harmonize the brain's left and right hemispheres. The resultant state is an upgraded state of consciousness coherence fostering improved human
performance and enhanced mental capabilities. To elucidate the workings of The RASHA Dome technology, we first delve into the theoretical foundations
of brain function and consciousness. Complex concepts of holography, the time-space dimension, quantum mechanics, and the consciousness matrix are
discussed, providing a robust framework for understanding this groundbreaking technology. Dr. Rivera-Dugenio contemplates the potential uses of The
RASHA Dome technology for enhancing sports performance and addressing mental health issues. Potential benefits include elevated cognition, faster
recovery, and possible improvements in speed, agility, and strength. However, he cautions that we are only beginning to understand the complexity of this
process. Further research is needed to fully understand and harness the revolutionary potential of The RASHA Dome Technology.

Index Terms – Base-12 hemisphere harmonization, Consciousness enhancement, Fundamental dynamics

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Introduction reimagined within the framework of Dr. Jere Rivera-

Dugenio's research [3].
In order to meaningfully illuminate the unique
technology created by Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D., Focused consciousness, in this context, presents a
known as "The RASHA Dome " – a process characterized by means of tapping into the sensory-motor cortex, pleasure
Base-12 brain harmonization – it is beneficial to start with an centers, and the emotional components of the right
exploration of the fundamental dynamics underpinning hemisphere of the brain. The key lies in disengaging the
associated techniques such as focused consciousness, DNA stimulus-filtering function of the left hemisphere.
activation and consciousness coherence.
The left hemisphere, known as the self-aware,
By outlining brief interpretations of these verbal, and linear reasoning aspect of the mind, evaluates
complementary techniques, each with their shared facets incoming stimuli and assigns meaning before allowing them
and unique characteristics, we lay a solid foundation for to reach the right hemisphere. In contrast, the right
understanding the specifics of The RASHA Dome hemisphere operates holistically, non-critically, and in a
technology. In this way, we establish an initial frame of pattern-oriented manner, accepting information from the left
reference that allows us to progressively comprehend The hemisphere without opposition.
RASHA Dome technology through a comparative lens,
serving as a touchstone as we delve deeper into its workings. By diverting the left hemisphere's focus through
methods such as deep concentration or trance-like states,
external stimuli, including suggestions, can be directed
Focused Consciousness unhindered to the right hemisphere, where they are
embraced and acted upon. This process can elicit emotional
Borrowing insights from cognitive neuroscientist responses originating from the lower cerebral region, as well
Michael Gazzaniga [1] and incorporating the as sensory and motor responses that involve the cortex's
bioelectromagnetic models put forth by researcher James engagement.
Oschman [2], the concept of focused consciousness can be
Within the right cerebral portion of the brain, both
———————————————— the sensory and motor cortices feature points known as the
• Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D. received his masters and PhD degree in "homunculus," corresponding to specific body parts.
natural medicine at the International Quantum University for Integrative Stimulation of these corresponding areas triggers responses
Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. He studied the Genetics and Genomics in the related parts of the body. For example, if a suggestion
Program, Stanford University, USA. PH-+1-310-266-1986. E-mail: of numbness in the left leg reaches the right hemisphere
[email protected] unopposed and is referred to the relevant area of the sensory
cortex, an electrical reaction occurs, inducing the sensation

of numbness. impact of these vibrations may spontaneously trigger a
physio-DNA activation sequence in individuals who possess
Similarly, suggestions aimed at inducing feelings of a highly sensitive nervous system [6].
happiness and well-being would direct input to the pleasure
centers located in the lower cerebral region or the cortex of
the right hemisphere, thereby evoking the suggested state of Consciousness Coherence
euphoria. Additionally, suggestions involving enhanced
concentration or memory capabilities would tap into the The third technique we will explore, Consciousness
unused information storage capacity typically reserved due Coherence, offers a unique approach to modifying
to the left hemisphere's selection and control processes. consciousness. It leverages the self-awareness capabilities of
the left hemisphere to access specific areas in the right brain,
Understanding the interplay between focused including the lower cerebral, motor and sensory cortices, as
consciousness and The RASHA Dome technology becomes well as pain or pleasure centers. Unlike other techniques
particularly significant. Focused consciousness can be such as Focused Consciousness or DNA activation,
utilized to expedite progress during the initial stages of The Consciousness Coherence trains the left hemisphere to
RASHA Dome technology, leveraging its potential to visualize the desired outcome first and then recognize the
accelerate the journey towards heightened consciousness associated feelings that result from successful access to the
and self-discovery. relevant areas in the right hemisphere.

To facilitate this process, advanced neurofeedback

DNA Activation systems serve as self-monitoring tools. They provide
feedback to the left hemisphere when it successfully enables
Contrarily, the process of DNA activation operates the right hemisphere to access the desired area. Once this
in a fundamentally distinct manner, drawing from the access is achieved, the left hemisphere can guide the right
advanced understanding put forth by Dr. Jere Rivera- hemisphere to recreate the pathways involved, reinforcing
Dugenio. This transformative method involves intense and and strengthening them. In a conscious and intentional
prolonged focused attention on stimulating the flow of manner, the left brain can access suitable areas in the right
energy up the spinal cord. Through this practice, resonant brain using this demand mode.
standing waves appear to be generated within the cerebral
ventricles, subsequently propagating to the grey matter in For instance, let's consider an individual who wants
the right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex. to enhance mindfulness for improved mental well-being.
They would concentrate on achieving this outcome using
According to the research and interpretations of their left brain while monitoring a neurofeedback system
renowned neurologist Richard Davidson [4], as elucidated in attached to their head. As they make progress, the
the comprehensive work of modern neuroscientist Andrew neurofeedback system will indicate changes in brain activity.
Newberg in his book "How Enlightenment Changes Your At this point, the individual can mentally associate the
Brain," these standing waves are likely a consequence of the experienced sensations with the achieved result, reinforcing
altered rhythm of heart sounds [5]. This shift in rhythm, the process through memory recall, affirmation, and
stemming from the extensive practice of DNA activation, repetition. This strengthens the desired outcome and can
initiates sympathetic vibrations within the fluid-filled lead to stress reduction, improved mental wellness,
cavities of the third and lateral ventricles in the brain. suppression and elimination of unwanted habits,
stimulation of the brain's pleasure centers, and various
Expanding on this concept, Davidson proposes that cognitive enhancements.
the states of bliss reported by individuals who have
undergone a complete DNA activation sequence may arise Consciousness Coherence can also greatly expedite
from self-stimulation of the pleasure centers in the brain. the attainment of deep meditative states, particularly for
This phenomenon is believed to be facilitated by the beginners with no prior experience in meditation techniques.
circulation of a distinct current along the sensory cortex. Through effective visualization and external confirmation,
Additionally, Davidson highlights an intriguing such as observing their own brainwave patterns through
observation: most of the observed symptoms associated with advanced EEG technology, [6] individuals can quickly learn
DNA activation tend to manifest initially on the left side of to enter profoundly relaxed states. These states exhibit the
the body, indicating a predominant occurrence in the right tranquility and singular focus associated with advanced
hemisphere. meditation practices [7].
Traditionally, a dedicated period of approximately
five years, characterized by intense concentration and The RASHA Dome technology and Base-12
consistent DNA activation practices, is considered necessary Harmonization
to fully activate the DNA. However, Davidson suggests that
exposure to mechanical or acoustical vibrations within the Now that we have explored the fundamental
frequency range of 4-7 Hertz (cycles per second) for mechanics of consciousness alteration and expansion
extended durations can potentially induce similar effects. techniques that share objectives and methods employed in
Examples provided by Davidson include regular travel in a the RASHA Dome technology, we can delve into the
car equipped with a suspension and seat combination that specifics of this technique. The RASHA Dome technology is
generates vibrations within this range or long-term exposure a Base-12 scalar communication system specifically
to such frequencies, such as those emitted by an air designed to enhance strength, focus, and coherence
conditioning duct. He further proposes that the cumulative between the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output
in both the left and right hemispheres. Through this process, Radio Waves vs Scalar Waves
consciousness is transformed, transcending the limitations
of the physical realm and opening pathways to intuitive Cognitive scientist Dr. Linda Williams presents a
knowledge from the universe. compelling analogy to illustrate the process of employing
Base-12 harmonization within the RASHA Dome
What sets the RASHA Dome technology apart from technology. She suggests that the conventional human mind
traditional meditation practices is its utilization of Base-12 can be likened to radio waves, dispersing energy in all
harmonization. Japanese biological dentist and author Dr. directions without a coherent pattern, resulting in a gradual
Isso Kimura, Ph.D. states Base-12 harmonization as "a state decline in intensity as the waves propagate outward.
of consciousness characterized by simultaneous However, when influenced by Base-12 harmonization, the
equivalence in amplitude and frequency of the EEG human mind begins to exhibit properties similar to scalar
patterns in both hemispheres. [8]" waves, which transmit a highly organized and coherent flux
of information [11].

Figure 2. The 3 Different Waveforms

Figure 1. The RASHA Dome
In this transformed state, the mind broadcasts an
While Base-12 harmonization is typically rare and organized signal with Source Consciousness Field
of brief duration in ordinary human consciousness, Dr. coherence in terms of both frequency and amplitude. This
Kimura suggests that "magnetic scalar energy frequencies establishes a mental "hotspot" characterized by a significant
developed for the RASHA Dome technology can induce and concentration of energy. This can be understood by
maintain Base-12 harmonization with the RASHA's basic comparing it to scalar waves, which possess a substantial
modules." He further highlights studies conducted by amount of energy confined within a well-defined field,
researchers like Dr. Richard Davidson at the University of unlike the wider and less focused distribution of radio
Wisconsin-Madison's Center for Healthy Minds, which waves.
have demonstrated that individuals with 20 years of
advanced meditation training could consistently achieve The RASHA Dome technology postulates that once
Base-12 harmonization at will and sustain it for over 15 the frequency and amplitude of the human brain achieve
minutes [9]. this state of coherence, it becomes possible to accelerate both
factors, causing the mind to resonate at progressively higher
Dr. Kimura, a leading authority in Japan research vibrational levels. In doing so, the mind aligns itself with
related to the RASHA technology, reveals findings from more refined and intricate energy levels present in the
brainwave studies using the RASHA system. These studies universe.
indicate that the RASHA modules facilitate the
concentration of brain energy, measurable in watts, into a When operating at these heightened levels of
progressively narrower "frequency band." This focused consciousness, the mind is believed to process received
energy aligns with the concept of one-pointedness in yoga information through the same fundamental matrix it
and can be understood in Western terms as "single- utilizes for understanding ordinary sensory input from the
mindedness." As individuals advance with the RASHA physical world. This results in a cognitive context and
modules beyond the basic levels, there is a gradual increase comprehension of the information. Such understanding is
in brainwave size, which is a measure of brain energy or often experienced in visual symbolic form, but it may also
power, as observed by Dr. Kimura [10]. manifest as extraordinary flashes of holistic intuition or
scenarios involving a combination of visual and auditory
perception. Further exploration of the mechanisms through
which the mind engages in consciousness function will be
presented later in this document.

Neural Entrainment Function of Harmonic Oscillation
To accomplish the harmonization of brain The harmonization of the brain through
hemispheres, the Base-12 Sync technique utilizes the entrainment to Base-12 frequencies delivered via stereo
phenomenon of neural entrainment, which is supported by headphones is just one aspect of the comprehensive RASHA
scientific research. Neural entrainment refers to the brain's system, which aims to induce a state of physical tranquility
tendency to synchronize its own oscillations with external and profound meditative states. This process involves a
rhythmic stimuli. When exposed to a rhythmic pattern that fundamental shift in the harmonic oscillation of the body's
corresponds to a specific brainwave activity, the brain scalar magnetic sound frequencies.
adjusts its own brainwave output to match the external
rhythm. In line with the research of ancient wisdom
traditions and corroborated by modern research, practices
Research conducted by Simon Hanslmayr, Nikolai such as Yoga, Zen, and Transcendental Meditation have
Axmacher and Cory S Inman has demonstrated the brain's been found to influence the sound frequency of the human
capacity for neural entrainment. Their studies have shown heart resonating throughout the body. Dr. Jere Rivera-
brain oscillations in various frequency bands have been Dugenio explains that this shift in resonance is attributed to
linked to memory processes. Oscillatory entrainment refers the elimination of the bifurcation echo, a phenomenon
to the modulation of neural oscillations that in the human observed in the circulatory system.
brain can be achieved via three rhythmic stimulation
approaches: sensory stimulation, noninvasive Dr. Rivera-Dugenio clarifies the role of the
electric/magnetic stimulation, and invasive electrical bifurcation echo, stating that when the heart propels blood,
stimulation. Studies using different techniques of the pressure pulse created in the aorta can rebound and
entrainment lend support to the idea that brain oscillations move in the opposite direction due to the elasticity of the
can modulate human memory, and suggest that oscillations aorta. This creates interference patterns along the aorta,
are causally relevant for memory processes [12]. which can disrupt the rhythmic flow of blood and sound.

In the context of the RASHA Dome technology, the By inducing a sleep-like state, the RASHA
Base-12 Sync technique harnesses the power of neural frequencies utilized in the Bioregenesis Academy facilitate
entrainment by using binaural beats. Binaural beats occur deep relaxation, gradually dissipating the bifurcation echo.
when the brain is exposed to two different frequencies, one As a result, the heart reduces the force and frequency of its
in each ear, resulting in the perception of a third frequency blood ejections, leading to a regular and rhythmic sine wave
that is the difference between the two inputs. pattern of sound that resonates throughout the body.
Measurements conducted by sensitive instruments show
Research conducted by Dr. Gerald Oster, a that the amplitude of this sine wave pattern is
prominent auditory scientist, has provided scientific approximately three times the average sound volume
evidence for the effectiveness of binaural beats in generated by the heart during normal functioning. Several
modulating brainwave activity. His experiments have neuroscientists have contributed to the understanding and
shown that binaural beats can induce desired brainwave exploration of principles and techniques related to
states, such as relaxation or deep focus, by entraining the brainwave harmonization, meditation, and consciousness.
brain to specific frequencies [13]. Some notable researchers in this field include:

The RASHA Dome technology incorporates Base-12 Dr. Richard Davidson: As the founder of the Center
scalar frequencies and other infrasound frequencies based for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
on neural entrainment to introduce a range of frequencies Dr. Davidson has conducted extensive research on the
that are played at an almost inaudible level. This approach effects of meditation and mindfulness on the brain. His
aims to relax the left hemisphere of the brain, induce a state studies have provided valuable insights into the neural
resembling sleep in the physical body, and synchronize the mechanisms underlying meditation practices and their
left and right hemispheres to encourage the production of impact on emotional well-being [14].
higher amplitude and frequency brainwave output.
Dr. Andrew Newberg: A prominent neuroscientist
Additionally, the upgrade sessions in the RASHA and author, Dr. Newberg has focused his research on the
Dome technology may include auditory instructions relationship between brain activity, spirituality, and
provided by Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio to effectively guide meditation. His work, including the book "How
individuals out of the upgrade sessions. Enlightenment Changes Your Brain," explores the
neurological changes that occur during meditation and their
In summary, the RASHA Dome technology draws potential effects on consciousness [15].
upon real scientific principles of neural entrainment and
binaural beats, supported by research conducted by experts Dr. Sara Lazar: Dr. Lazar's research at Harvard
such as Simon Hanslmayr, Nikolai Axmacher and Cory S Medical School has investigated the effects of meditation on
Inman, and Dr. Gerald Oster. The integration of these brain structure and function. Her studies have shown that
techniques aims to empower individuals to voluntarily alter regular meditation practice can lead to structural changes in
their consciousness over time and access new realms of regions of the brain associated with attention, compassion,
information through intuitive means. and emotional regulation [16].

Dr. Antoine Lutz: Dr. Lutz's research has explored Source Consciousness Field and E-TH-UR
the neural correlates of mindfulness meditation and the
impact of long-term meditation practice on attention and To deepen our understanding, it's pivotal to elucidate
self-awareness. His work has shed light on the plasticity of the mechanism through which the human mind exercises the
the brain and the potential benefits of meditation in function known as the Source Consciousness Field, and
promoting well-being [17]. delineate how this field operates to extract meaning from the
stimuli it receives. To achieve this, we must initially ponder
These are just a few examples of the neuroscientists the fundamental nature of the material world in which our
who have made significant contributions to the physical existence resides, in order to accurately
understanding of principles and techniques related to comprehend the raw material our consciousness has to
brainwave harmonization and meditation. Their research interact with.
has advanced our knowledge of the brain's capacity for
change and the potential benefits of contemplative practices Firstly, it is important to recognize that the terms
in promoting mental health and well-being. 'matter' and 'energy' can create confusion if they are taken to
represent two distinctly separate states of existence in the
Dr. Rivera-Dugenio further explains that this physical world as we perceive it. Indeed, if 'matter' is seen as
resonance occurs at an extremely long wavelength, solid substance as opposed to 'energy', which is understood
approximately 40,000 kilometers, which is roughly the to mean a force of some sort, then the use of 'matter' becomes
circumference of the planet. The signal generated by the entirely misleading. Contemporary science now
body's movement travels through the electrostatic field in acknowledges that both the electrons, which spin in the
which we exist and can propagate globally in about one energy field located around the nucleus of the atom, and the
seventh of a second. This long wavelength possesses the nucleus itself, are composed of nothing more than oscillating
ability to permeate various substances and obstacles, energy grids. Strictly speaking, solid matter does not exist.
making it an ideal medium for transmitting telepathic Instead, atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy
signals. grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids, which
orbit at extraordinarily high speeds.
Thus, the RASHA procedure aims to swiftly induce
a state of profound calm within the nervous system, The point to be made is that the entire human being, the
resulting in reduced blood pressure and the harmonious brain, the Source Consciousness Field, and all, just like the
vibration of the circulatory system, skeleton, and other universe that surrounds them, is nothing more or less than
physical organ systems at a frequency of around 7-7.5 cycles an extraordinarily complex system of energy fields. The so-
per second. The resonance established in this state aligns called states of matter are in fact variations in the state of
with the earth's electrostatic field, creating a consistent and energy, and human consciousness is a function of the
repeating sound wave that resonates in harmony with the interaction of energy in two opposing states (motion vs. rest)
planet. in a manner described as follows. The Source Consciousness
Field can be defined as Eternal creation and all existence
Morphogenetic Field Amplification residing within it, which is made of an unquantifiable,
conscious pre-substance called E-TH-UR. This is the first
As the body undergoes a transformative process, it original state of pre-substance that is indelibly encoded with
becomes an oscillating system that resonates in harmony the original Base-12 mathematical encryption of the eternal-
with the ambient scalar electromagnetic field. The life 12-sphere SOURCE fractal grid radiation signature.
incorporation of specific Base-12 frequencies within the
RASHA program facilitates the amplification of the Holographic Projection
participant's personal morphogenetic energy field. In theory,
this draws upon the non-distorted parts of Earth's Energy conceptualizes, retains, and retrieves
electromagnetic field, to which the body is now attuned, significance in the universe by projecting or expanding at
resulting in a merging of the body's personal morphogenetic particular frequencies in a three-dimensional mode that
energy field with its surrounding environment. This engenders a dynamic pattern, known as a holographic
alignment creates a seamless integration between the two projection. The holographic projection is a profound concept
scalar electromagnetic fields, forming a unified energy that can be best comprehended through an analogy given by
continuum. Dr. Rivera-Dugenio. He prompts the reader to imagine a
spherical tank filled with gelatin where three small spheres
This unified state not only facilitates the brain's are embedded. As waves are created by the simultaneous
progression into focused coherence at progressively higher agitation of the three spheres, Rivera-Dugenio further
frequencies and amplitudes, enabling the harmonization of encourages the reader to imagine that the gelatin is instantly
corresponding frequencies in the cosmos for data preserved, encapsulating the wave pattern. The gelatin is
acquisition, but it also enhances the body's energy levels to a then subjected to a powerful, coherent source of light, such
threshold that allows for the potential experience of an as a laser. The outcome is a three-dimensional representation
extracorporeal transition. Further exploration of this topic of the positions of the three spheres, suspended as if in mid-
will be provided in subsequent discussions. Additionally, air.
through resonance with the Earth's electromagnetic sphere,
the human body generates a surprisingly robust carrier Holographic projections are capable of encoding an
wave that enhances the mind's capacity for communication immense level of detail. For instance, it is possible to
with other individuals whose minds are similarly attuned. examine a holographic projection of a glass of ocean water

under magnification to see microscopic organisms that were "Another characteristic of a holographic projection is its
not visible to the naked eye when the glass of water itself was efficiency. Millions of bits of information can be conserved
observed. The whole idea of holographic projection, despite in a minuscule space. The pattern of the holographic
its profound scientific implications, has only been known to projection is stored ubiquitously on the plate."
physicists since the underlying mathematical principles
were worked out by Dennis Gabor in 1947 (he later won a In the grander scope of the Source Consciousness Field,
Nobel Prize for his work). Laboratory demonstrations of every individual expression of consciousness, regardless of
Gabor's work only occurred years later, following the scale, carries within it the information of the whole field. As
invention of the laser [18]. such, all of creation and existence within this Source
Consciousness Field mirrors this characteristic of
The process of the Source Consciousness Field holographic projection - every part reflects the whole, and
expressing itself as smaller and smaller units of the whole is encoded within each part. As with holographic
consciousness leads to all creation taking place within the projections, the information may be less precise or more
Source Consciousness Field itself in the same space and same distorted in smaller fragments, but the complete information
time. The perception of being contained within a confined 3- is nonetheless present.
dimensional density and the perception of linear time and
space are results of the structure and function of what is The Source Consciousness Field Matrix
known as the 3-Dimensional Holographic Projection.

While we, as humans and expressions of the Source The cosmos consists of interrelating energy fields,
Consciousness Field, often experience that we are separate some static and some dynamic. In its totality, it manifests as
from the Source Consciousness Field, this is only an illusion one expansive holographic projection of unfathomable
created by the phenomenon of the Holographic Projection. intricacy. According to Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, the human
Time and space are also results of the Holographic Projection cognition is likewise a holographic projection that aligns
and allow for conscious entities to experience motion and itself with the universal holographic projection through
linearity surrounding their holographic experiences. energy interchange, consequently deciphering meaning and
Although, in Source Consciousness Field terms, Time-Space achieving what we term as consciousness. With regard to
is an illusion, the creation process, which includes the states of expanded or altered consciousness, such as those
experience of Time-Space, will be experienced as 'real' facilitated by advanced consciousness technology, the
within the constraints of the structure of the Time Matrix, as process unfolds as follows:
long as that individual consciousness is stationed within a
Time Matrix System. The Source Consciousness Field's As energy traverses various dimensions of the
original intention in experiencing itself was to allow for universal holographic projection and is sensed by the
individuated expression, and to know and experience itself bioelectric fields which constitute the human cognition, the
directly as both the creator and the creation. holographic images conveyed are projected onto these
bioelectric fields of cognition. These are then perceived or
understood to the degree that the bioelectric field is
The Whole is Encoded in the Fragment operating at a frequency and amplitude that can resonate
with and therefore "interpret" the energy carrier wave
It's crucial to acknowledge that even if our frozen pattern passing through it.
holographic projection of the wave pattern were to shatter
into numerous fragments, each individual fragment would Alterations in the frequency and amplitude of the
independently reconstruct the complete holographic bioelectric field, which shapes human cognition, determine
projection. The smaller the fragment, the less precise and the structure and thus the essence of the holographic energy
more distorted the resultant holographic projection would matrix which cognition projects to directly apprehend
be, yet it would nonetheless manifest a comprehensive meaning from the holographic transmissions of the universe.
projection. The integral factor in forming any holographic Then, to decipher what the holographic image is
projection is the interaction of energy in motion with energy "communicating" to it, cognition proceeds to juxtapose the
in a state of stillness. In the preceding analogy, the spheres image just received with its own self. Specifically, it
symbolize energy in motion while the gelatin (prior to its accomplishes this by comparing the received image with
agitation by the spheres) signifies energy in a state of that segment of its own holographic projection that
stillness. embodies memory.
To awaken, or in other words, to "perceive" the meaning By recognizing variations in geometric form and
of a holographic projection, energy (in this case, a coherent energy frequency, consciousness perceives. From the
light source such as a laser beam) must be transmitted perspective of Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's research, this
through the interference pattern engendered by the consciousness isn't just confined to the brain but is an aspect
interaction between the moving energy and the energy at of the Source Consciousness Field expressed through each
rest. individual. It's the interplay of this individuated
consciousness with the holographic nature of the universe
In the straightforward example given by Dr. Rivera- that gives rise to our experience of reality.
Dugenio, this prerequisite was met by situating the frozen
interference pattern in front of the coherent light to project
the three-dimensional holographic image (its "meaning")
into space. As Dr. Rivera-Dugenio, notes:

Consciousness in Coherence
Much like some of the unusual discoveries of
The process of consciousness can be more quantum physics, this radical shift in theory suddenly makes
comprehensibly visualized if we envisage the holographic paradoxical mystical statements through the ages seem
input with a three-dimensional coordinate system logical. In the context of Rivera-Dugenio's work, these
superimposed on it. This permits all of the energy patterns mystical statements are reframed as descriptions of the
contained within to be delineated in terms of three- complex interplay between individual units of
dimensional geometry, with mathematics used to streamline consciousness and the larger Source Consciousness Field.
the data into two-dimensional form. Quantum physicist Dr. This framework helps to explain the vast range of human
Jacob Barandes posits that researchers suspect the human experiences, from the mundane to the mystical, in a unified
cognition operates on a rudimentary binary "proceed/stop" and coherent manner.
system, akin to all quantum computers.
Transdimensional Continuum
So, once cognition overlays a three-dimensional
matrix on the holographic information it seeks to interpret Until now, our exploration of the RASHA
and simplifies that information mathematically into two- technology has been reasonably direct and easy to
comprehend. We now venture into more intricate territory.
dimensional form, it can fully process it using its essential The RASHA not only involves perception of those facets of
binary system. Just as a state-of-the-art quantum computer the universal holographic projection that can be accessed
can process substantial amounts of data and make various within the time-space continuum as we understand it, but it
comparisons between the data and information stored in its also delves into the potential to exceed the constraints of
quantum memory, our cognition operates in a similar time-space. To comprehend how and why human
manner, perceiving by comparison solely. consciousness can surpass these restrictions, we first need to
comprehend the true nature of time and space.
In states of expanded consciousness, the right
hemisphere of the human brain, with its integrative, Modern quantum physicists define time as a
nonlinear, and nonverbal mode of functioning, acts as the measure of energy or force in flux; fundamentally, it's an
primary matrix or receptor for this holographic input. indicator of change. For energy to be in flux, though, it must
Simultaneously, by operating in coherence or harmonization initially be restricted within a certain vibratory pattern. This
with the right brain, the left hemisphere provides the confinement bestows energy with the capacity to be
secondary matrix through its binary, computer-like mode of contained at a specific location distinguishable from other
functioning to further screen the data by comparison and locations (space). Energy that is not confined is boundless
simplify it to a clear, two-dimensional form. force, dimensionless, formless. It is infinite, it cannot move
because there is nothing beyond infinity, and thus, is beyond
In the context of Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's work, the dimension of time. It also transcends space, because
this binary operation is part of the process by which space implies that a certain energy form is confined to a
individuated units of consciousness within the Source specific location and absent from others.
Consciousness Field interact with the holographic nature of
reality. This interaction is what gives rise to our individual If energy is in a state of infinity, there are no
experiences of reality, shaped by our consciousness and boundaries, no 'here' to distinguish from 'there', and no
influenced by the larger Source Consciousness Field. sense of area. Energy in infinity implies energy uniformly
extended without limit. It has no inception, no termination,
Interpretation and no location. It is conscious force, the fundamental,
original power of existence devoid of form, a state of infinite
Technology like the RASHA, to the extent that it being. Quantum physicists propose that energy in infinity,
refines the energy framework of the mind, can effectively though entirely at rest, preserves its intrinsic potential for
expand or alter human consciousness. This enables consciousness as it can receive and passively perceive
perception beyond the constraints of the physical senses, holographic projections generated by energy in motion
implying a more extensive portion of the universal within the diverse dimensions that constitute the created
holographic projection, which is typically inaccessible cosmos. However, it cannot be perceived by consciousness
through sensory perception, can ultimately be perceived and operating in the active universe. Energy in this state of
comprehended. inactive infinity is referred to by physicists as energy in its
Source Consciousness Field state, or simply the "Source
Building on the theories of Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Consciousness Field."
this "holistic approach appears to explain all transcendental
experiences, anomalous events, and even 'ordinary' Between the Source Consciousness Field and the
perceptual inconsistencies." Rivera-Dugenio’s "holographic material universe, where we experience our physical
paradigm" is causing significant enthusiasm among those existence, various intermediary dimensions exist. Human
interested in the enigmas of human consciousness. This consciousness, in altered states of existence, may potentially
paradigm forms a bridge between neuroscience research and access these dimensions. In theory, human consciousness
theoretical physics. It provides an explanation for ordinary may continue to broaden its perceptual capacity until it
perception and also brings paranormal and transcendental reaches the dimension of the Source Consciousness Field.
experiences from the domain of the supernatural to being an Perception ceases at this point, as the Source Consciousness
integral part of nature. Field does not generate holographic projections of itself or
about itself. This mirrors the research of Dr. Jere Rivera-
Dugenio, where he talks about the journeys of consciousness This communication is theorized to occur during
that we can undertake to experience different realities the "out phase" in the oscillation of the energy fields
beyond our material existence. composing the Source Particles. This mechanism accounts
for the seemingly instantaneous cross-communication at
Intermediary Dimensions what, in terms of time-space velocities, would seem to
involve speeds in excess of light. Importantly, this does not
According to the research of Dr. Jere Rivera- invalidate Einstein's Theory of Relativity but rather suggests
Dugenio, the Source Consciousness Field encompasses all that the communication takes place outside the dimension of
dimensions, including the time-space dimension of our time-space, to which the Theory of Relativity is strictly
physical existence. However, perceiving this field requires confined.
intense coherence and altered states of consciousness
facilitated by techniques like Consciousness Coherence. Dr. Rivera-Dugenio states, "Quantum theory
When the brainwave output reaches a heightened frequency, proposes a kind of long-range twin effect whenever two
approaching a solid line on an oscilloscope, it prepares the Source Particles in-phase and out-phase. Even when the
stage for perceiving non-time-space dimensions. particles are halfway across the universe from each other,
they instantaneously respond to each other's actions. In
Planck's Distance, a concept in quantum mechanics, doing so, they seem to violate relativity's ban on faster-than-
plays a role in this process. It states that any oscillating light velocities."
frequency has two points of complete rest, marking the
Indeed, in trying to quantify what is known about
boundaries of each oscillation. When the energy reaches one the behavior of energy in dimensions seemingly outside of
of these rest points, it briefly "phases out" of time-space and time-space, we can refer to the work of physicists such as
enters a new world. This transition occurs when the Nassim Haramein, who considers the hypothetical particles
oscillation speed drops below 10^-33 centimeters per called "tachyons", which can move at speeds higher than
second. light. According to Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, tachyons carry
the finite-life Metatronic, Fibonacci Code, while TaKeyOns
In the RASHA Dome technology, the Consciousness are eternal, super-luminal units and carriers of the original
Coherence technique aims to empower human Base-12 encryption of consciousness.
consciousness to establish a coherent pattern of perception
in the dimensions between time-space and the Source However, Rivera-Dugenio explains these concepts
Consciousness Field. This applies whether the individual is with a twist, suggesting that the speed of such particles starts
within their physical body or in an out-of-body state. Dr. Jere just above the speed of light and ranges all the way to infinite
Rivera-Dugenio's research align with the idea of velocities. The RASHA Dome technology, combined with
consciousness navigating various dimensions. the Consciousness Coherence technique, provides the
potential for humans to interact with these Source Particles
While these concepts are presented in the context of Dr. Jere and perhaps even these super-luminal tachyons and
Rivera-Dugenio's research, it is important to note that their TaKeyOns, opening up unimaginable realms of
scientific validity and acceptance within the broader consciousness exploration.
scientific community may vary.
Interdimensional Realms
Source Particles
Now that we have postulated the legitimacy of the
The conduct of Source Particles, formerly known as assertion that the energy forms which compose
subatomic particles, provides a fascinating example of the consciousness can move beyond the time-space dimension,
phenomenon of "phasing out" discussed in the preceding as suggested by Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, we need to turn
paragraphs. In a peer-reviewed paper in the International our attention to the energy forms which inhabit those realms
Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Dr. Jere Rivera- between time-space and the Source Consciousness Field. In
Dugenio describes how Source Particles communicate with so doing, we may better perceive the form that "reality"
each other once their energy fields phase in and out. assumes when we encounter it in these inter-dimensional

In this context, contemporary scientist Dr. Nassim

Haramein, a theoretical physicist, has conducted research on
unified field theory and explored the nature of space, time,
and gravity. His work suggests that the conventional
understanding of the causal relationship between events
may break down, and movements can become
discontinuous rather than fluid. Additionally, Haramein's
research proposes that time and space could be "quantized"
or "segmented," implying a discrete and granular nature to
these fundamental aspects of reality [19].

Haramein suggests that within the framework of

Figure 3. Source Particle Phasing time-space, there exists a proportional relationship between

space and energy. This relationship implies that a specific multidimensional state may be regarded as an extremely
amount of space can be traversed by energy, whether in the effective way of accelerating the process of enhancing
form of particles or waves, within a certain timeframe, consciousness and of interfacing with dimensions beyond
assuming a consistent velocity. According to Haramein, this time-space.
relationship follows an orderly and predictable pattern
within the time-space universe. So, if the practitioner of the RASHA Dome
technology has a choice of concentrating on achieving and
However, in the inter-dimensional realms beyond exploiting the multidimensional consciousness experience
time-space, the limitations imposed on energy to put it into as opposed to concentrating their full efforts on expanding
a state of oscillating motion are not uniform as they are in their consciousness exclusively from a physical base, the
our physical universe. A myriad of various distortions and former would appear to promise much faster and more
incongruities are thus likely to be encountered such that our impressive successes than does the latter.
orderly assumptions concerning the relationship between
Source Consciousness Field Explored
time and space as we know it in this dimension do not apply.

But even more important, access is opened to both It may be beneficial at this juncture to take a
the past and the future when the dimension of current time- moment and recap the main stages of our intellectual
space is left behind. This is in line with Rivera-Dugenio's journey from time-space to the domain of the Source
conception of multi-dimensional reality where our linear Consciousness Field, as per Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's
understanding of time and space do not constrain understanding. We have spoken at some length concerning
consciousness. In these realms, one can access information the incredibly intricate hologram that is created by the
across the timeline and move in non-linear patterns, intersection of energy patterns generated by the totality of all
providing a wholly different perspective on existence and dimensions of the universe, time-space included.
We have observed that our minds constitute energy
fields which interact with various aspects of this hologram
Augmented Consciousness and to infer information that is ultimately processed through the
Multidimensional Experience left hemisphere of our brains to convert it to a form that we
use for the process we call cognition. We have suggested that
While human consciousness can, with enough this hologram is the finite manifestation in active, energy
practice, move beyond the dimension of time-space and form of the infinite consciousness of the Source
interface with other energy systems in other dimensions, as Consciousness Field. It is the title we assigned to that
per Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's work, the entire process is immense pool of energy in a state of perfect rest over which
appreciably amplified if that consciousness can be the physical universe is layered, and from whence it
significantly detached from the physical body before such emerges.
interface is attempted.
In describing this concept, we might use an analogy
Once an individual becomes proficient in the akin to the one employed by modern consciousness
technique of multidimensional consciousness movement researchers like Dr. Julia Mossbridge, who compares the
and then reaches the point where they are able to transcend dimension of the Source Consciousness Field to a very deep
time-space while in this multidimensional state, they gain sea [20]. The still depths of the sea represent the Source
the advantage of shifting their enhanced consciousness into Consciousness Field, while the turbulent waves on the
out-phase, starting from a base located much closer to the surface represent the physical universe with which we are
dimensions with which they wish to communicate. In other familiar. The slightly agitated currents of the sea found in
words, since they are initiating from a point much "higher between the stormy surface and the completely calm depths
up" in a multidimensional sense, that part of their represent energy in the process of either moving into rest
consciousness involved in out-phasing will have much more (i.e., approaching infinity) or emerging from rest. This
"time" to interact in dimensions beyond time-space, as less analogy aptly encapsulates Rivera-Dugenio's understanding
"time" is required to traverse the intervening layers. of the energetic flow within the universe and the inherent
interplay between the physical and the metaphysical.
Moreover, once the individual is able to project their
consciousness beyond time-space, that consciousness would Sequential “Pops” to Self-Feeding Spiral
logically tend to entrain its frequency output with the new
energy environment to which it is exposed, thereby greatly In keeping with Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's nuanced
enhancing the extent to which the individual's altered perspective on the origins and evolution of our universe, we
consciousness may achieve a much heightened point of can present an alternative model to the widely accepted "Big
focus and a much refined oscillating pattern. Bang" theory. Drawing from Rivera-Dugenio's research, the
initial burst of Manifest Creation was not a singular event
As a result, a self-reinforcing process should ensue but rather a series of smaller "pops" leading up to what has
whereby the farther consciousness in the multidimensional been widely acknowledged as the "Big Bang".
state can be projected beyond the time-space dimension, the
more its level of energy output would be enhanced, thus Rivera-Dugenio's representation of the universe,
promoting the potential for still further travel. The tentative contrary to the traditional "Torus" model - the finite closed-
conclusion drawn from Rivera-Dugenio's work is that the loop spiral - depicted by Bentov, does not conform to the
idea of a finite-life closed-loop energy system that eventually recognized that our universe's location and its movement are
feeds upon itself and implodes. He instead advocates for a integral to a dynamic and intricate energy dance. This
much more dynamic, evolving process of energy process entails a continual transformation and evolution of
transformation. cosmic phenomena. Dr. Ivanova's research focuses on
studying galactic formations, investigating the large-scale
Based on modern astronomical observations, such structure of the universe, and unraveling the processes that
as the study of quasars (quasi-stellar objects) and their drive its ongoing evolution. Her contributions shed light on
extraordinary capacity to emit concentrated beams of matter, the complex dynamics that shape the cosmic landscape [22].
a similar process is suggested to have played out on the
cosmic stage during the creation of our universe. Observing In Dr. Rivera-Dugenio's model, this spiral dance of
that galaxies to the north of our own are receding faster than energy doesn't merely circulate in an ovoid trajectory, but
those to the south, and those to the east and west appear undergoes a far more involved process of transmutation,
more distant, we could argue, as Dr. Chiara Mingarelli and spurred on by the Source Consciousness Field. As the energy
other modern astrophysicists might, that this indicates a progresses, what we perceive as time manifests, not as a
complex energy flow, rather than a simple outward-and- simple measure of this progression, but as an expression of
return journey. the dynamic spiraling energy metamorphosis happening at
every moment.
Research by Mingarelli et al. explores the local
nanohertz gravitational-wave landscape and specifically Consequently, the "Quantum Source spiral" isn't
discusses the nature of supermassive black hole binaries. It merely an echo of matter in all its phases of time, but a
is relevant to understanding complex energy flows in the spiraling energy field constantly interacting with the
universe [21]. In this model, the "matter" in our universe quantum landscape. This expanded view allows for a
does not just move in a simple ovoid pattern, but in a far comprehension of past, present, and future as integrated
more intricate dance of energy transformation. Our universe elements within this field. Indeed, with sufficient
could be seen as a dynamic field of energy, emerging from a Consciousness Coherence, one could glean information from
"white hole" series of smaller pops, as proposed by Rivera- all these timeframes, as they exist simultaneously within this
Dugenio. quantum spiral.

As energy, expelled from the Source Consciousness Reflecting on this model, we start to grasp the
Field and confined within limits by the consciousness of the profound complexity of the universe's evolution and how
same, takes on form and motion, time begins as a measure of our consciousness can interact with it. Each shift in the
this evolution, this shifting dance of energy, not simply a trip energy that comprises our universe etches a mark, a story of
around the shell of a cosmic egg to a black hole. the cosmic dance that unfolds throughout time. These
stories, these energy transformations, do not merely 'fall
In this more complex view, time is not just a back' on themselves but continuously evolve, always
measure of the cadence of evolutionary movement, but also shaping and reshaping the cosmic narrative in this grand
a reflection of the dynamic, intricate and ongoing quantum Source spiral.
transformations of energy, from the moment of those first
"pops" to the present and beyond, within the expansive The Spectrum of Consciousness
tapestry of our universe.
Echoing Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's profound
Charting our Position in the Quantum Source insights, the exploration of consciousness transcends the
Spiral mere understanding of the out-of-body state. It extends to
the comprehension of how a significant part of the human
In alignment with Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's energy pattern can navigate across the terrestrial sphere for
multifaceted interpretations of cosmic origins and evolution, acquiring knowledge or traverse into dimensions beyond
our understanding of our universe's position and its flow of time-space, potentially interacting with various
energy is reshaped. Rather than being rooted in the singular consciousness forms throughout the cosmos.
"Big Bang" event, Rivera-Dugenio points to a sequence of
smaller "pops" that set the stage for what we understand as Consciousness, as described by Rivera-Dugenio,
the "Big Bang", reshaping our understanding of the cosmic acts as the governing and sustaining principle that impels
theater. and orchestrates energy's movement within specified
parameters to craft a specific reality. It signifies a level of
Rejecting the classic "Torus" model – a closed-loop, sophistication where consciousness can perceive its own
finite spiral which eventually implodes as it feeds upon itself hologram - a stage of self-cognition. Humans, much like the
– Dr. Rivera-Dugenio offers a more intricate portrayal of our Source Consciousness Field, possess this elevated
universe, one which is an open, perpetual energy spiral that consciousness. Yet, in the latter's case, it is the merging of
transcends the concept of a finite-life closed-loop energy. omniscience and omnipotence in an infinite perceptual
Galactic distributions suggest that our universe is
not merely positioned near the 'top of the egg' where matter When energy returns to its tranquil state within the
falls back onto itself, as the classic model suggests. Instead, Source Consciousness Field, it reconnects with the
building on contemporary cosmological research, such as boundless, timeless perception inherent within this space.
the work of Dr. Natasha Ivanova on galactic formations, it is Therefore, the more intricate an energy system in its

"material" state, the more consciousness it requires to sustain period of existence.
its reality. Thus, our consciousness is that differentiated
fragment of universal consciousness residing within the Drawing upon the pioneering work of
Source Consciousness Field. consciousness researchers such as Dr. Dean Radin [24], this
perspective further illuminates the nuanced understanding
This consciousness is responsible for organizing the of human consciousness in its ability to interact, learn, and
energy patterns comprising our physical body. Yet, it is finally, merge with the Source Consciousness Field,
distinctly separate from and superior to it. As it exists preserving its unique identity through memory.
beyond reality, transcending the constraints of time-space,
our consciousness, much like the Source Consciousness Functionality of The RASHA Dome
Field, has no beginning or end. Reality, bound within time-
space, possesses both a start and a conclusion, while the
fundamental quantum of energy and its associated Grounded in the complex yet comprehensible
consciousness are eternal. When reality concludes, its principles of scalar physics, quantum biology, and
constituent energy simply phases out, returning to infinity consciousness research, The RASHA Dome and its
within the Source Consciousness Field. application constitute a remarkable stride forward in our
understanding of the human potential and wellness
Drawing on the works of modern scholars like Dr. practices. Now, let's delve into the specifics of how this
Julia Mossbridge, whose research delves into in the field of pioneering system operates and how to maximize its
cognitive neuroscience, which is the nature of time and benefits.
consciousness, this perspective illuminates the
interconnectedness of our individual consciousness with the The RASHA Dome's primary design intends to
vast, infinite expanse of Source Consciousness. [23] The guide users in harnessing the high energy states achievable
intricate dance of energy, consciousness, and reality unfolds through continual use of its technology over time. The time
continuously, revealing our eternal nature in the grand required to reach these heightened states and fully utilize the
cosmic theatre. Dome's potential varies among individuals. Influencing
factors include an individual's nervous system sensitivity,
their overall mental state, and any pre-existing proficiency
in related methods, such as transcendental meditation or
Consciousness Interwoven other forms of Consciousness Coherence practices.

The exploration of human consciousness uncovers

its capacity to detach from physical reality, engage with
different intelligences across other dimensions, and
understand its eternal nature destined to ultimately re-
merge with the Source Consciousness Field. A query
naturally arises: "What transpires then?"

Memory, being an attribute of consciousness,

partakes in the same eternal nature as the consciousness that
allows its existence. It is plausible to assert that as
consciousness reverts to the Source Consciousness Field, it
carries with it all the memories procured through
experiences in reality. The return of consciousness to the
Source does not signify an obliteration of the distinct entity
that consciousness organized and maintained in reality.
Instead, it suggests a differentiated consciousness merging
with and partaking in the universal consciousness and
infinity of the Source Consciousness Field, without losing
the separate identity and accrued self-knowledge bestowed
upon it by its memories. Figure 4. Interior of The RASHA Dome

However, it forfeits the ability to generate Initially, each participant gets comfortable in The
independent thought holograms, as this ability necessitates RASHA Zero Point gravity sound chair inside the RASHA
energy in motion. In simpler terms, it maintains the Dome. Then each participant is tasked to set their intention
capability to perceive but loses the power of will or choice. to whatever it is they choose to materialize. This practice
Yet, in this exchange, consciousness participates in the all- facilitates mental clarity and focus, essential for the
knowing infinite continuum of consciousness, a subsequent stages.
characteristic of energy in a constant 'now'. Thus, it is precise
to note that when a person undergoes an out-of-body state, Next, the participant, through headphones and The
they are, in essence, projecting the eternal spark of advanced RASHA Zero Point gravity sound chair, is
consciousness and memory, which forms the crux of their transmitted Base-12 frequencies that travel through sound
identity. It allows them to navigate and learn from and the scalar energy field. This method involves creating a
dimensions both within and beyond the time-space world multi-layered sets of Base-12 frequencies, designed to
where their physical component currently enjoys a brief stimulate a sensation of vibration-oscillation, particularly

within the head. These multi-layered frequencies immune system, better equipped to ward off diseases.
harmonizes with a chorus of similar sounds produced by the
advanced RASHA Zero Point gravity sound chair, assisting 4. Stress Reduction: Shifting into the parasympathetic
the mind and body to strive for a state of Consciousness state reduces the production of stress hormones such as
Coherence. cortisol. This not only helps the individual feel more relaxed
but can also promote better sleep, improved mood, and
The RASHA and The RASHA Dome represent more overall well-being.
than just advanced technology. They are gateways—
conduits towards an evolved vision of human potential. 5. Enhanced Mental Clarity: As stress levels decrease
They operate on the cellular resonance level and quantum and the mind enters a state of calm, participants often report
communication within the body, enabling an elevated state improved mental clarity and cognitive function. This can
of health, well-being, and performance potential. These enhance problem-solving abilities, boost creativity, and
breakthroughs not only promise to revolutionize personal improve focus and attention.
wellness but also have far-reaching implications for scientific
understanding, much like the groundbreaking experiments 6. Emotional Balance: The parasympathetic state also
of quantum physicists such as Anton Zeilinger [25]. supports emotional regulation, promoting a greater sense of
balance and wellbeing. Participants may experience a
Introduction of Consciousness Coherence decrease in anxiety and depression symptoms, and an
increase in feelings of calm and contentment.
Upon beginning their journey with The RASHA The RASHA Dome, through its advanced scalar-
Dome, users first encounter the unique Base-12 plasma-crystalline sound technology, offers a conduit to
Consciousness Coherence frequencies. Users are instructed access these restorative effects of the parasympathetic state,
to focus on their original intention and the feeling of promoting a holistic sense of wellness and vitality.
gratitude for the sensations accompanying the
harmonization of brainwaves, a result of this unique Base-12 This serves a precautionary function, especially
scalar energy sound technology. relevant in the rare event that a user's initial out-of-phase
experience involves direct projection outside the terrestrial
This first step is then followed by a process of sphere. The RASHA Dome, as a scalar-plasma-crystalline
progressive and systematic Base-12 Consciousness sound technology, facilitates this multidimensional
Coherence frequencies that translates into a deep physical exploration while ensuring the safety and wellness of the
relaxation. Here, the set of Consciousness Coherence user, similar to the pioneering research into quantum
frequencies are designed to bring the physical body to the teleportation conducted by the likes of Anton Zeilinger.
brink of sleep-like tranquility and to balance the mind's
hemispheres - soothing the left hemisphere while
heightening the right hemisphere's attentiveness. Accessing Higher-Dimensional Realities

Once this state of balanced Consciousness Upon reaching a state of Consciousness Coherence
Coherence is achieved within The RASHA Dome, a shift through the RASHA Dome, the participant is now prepared
occurs within the participant's Autonomic Nervous System to expand their awareness further, aiming to engage with
(ANS). The ANS comprises two key subsystems: the dimensions that go beyond the conventional confines of
Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS), which governs the their physical reality. This evolved state, referred to as the
body's 'fight or flight' response, and the Parasympathetic Base-12 At-One-ment, calls for an intentional and mindful
Nervous System (PNS), responsible for the 'rest and digest' engagement on the participant's part as additional Base-12
or 'feed and breed' activities. infrasound frequencies seamlessly merge into the scalar
energy sound stream, delivered into the participant's
As the participant enters a balanced Consciousness auditory system via the RASHA Dome technology. The
Coherence state, their ANS transitions predominantly to the specific strategies implicated in this process are enumerated
PNS, signaling the body to enter a state of rest and as follows:
restoration. The physical effects of this shift are both
profound and multifaceted. A. Navigating Challenges from a Higher Perspective. In Dr.
Jere Rivera-Dugenio's framework, this approach requires the
1. Decreased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: The heart participant to identify core challenges they wish to
rate slows, and blood pressure decreases as the body enters overcome, filling their heightened state of awareness with
a state of deep relaxation. This supports heart health and these issues and subsequently projecting them out into the
reduces the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease. multiverse. In doing so, the individual taps into the wisdom
of their "higher self"—their expanded consciousness—to
2. Enhanced Digestion: The body redirects energy interact with the Source Consciousness Field (the universal
towards the digestive system, improving digestion and hologram) to derive insights and solutions to the posed
nutrient absorption. This can lead to an overall improvement challenge. This strategy can be employed to unravel
in metabolic functions and general health. personal dilemmas, address intricate problems in scientific
fields like physics or mathematics, tackle complex
3. Boosted Immune System: As the body enters a state administrative issues, and so forth.
of rest, energy resources can be devoted to healing and
immune response. This could potentially result in a stronger Responses to employing this higher-dimensional

problem-solving technique can be immediate, but often they connection with this entrainment and the subsequent
manifest through intensifying intuition over the subsequent alterations in bodily energy flow patterns.
two to three days. Frequently, the answer arrives in the form
of an instantaneous, holistic perception where the individual The capacity of frequency, analogous to color, to
suddenly realizes they inherently know the solution in all its influence the human mind is well established, and the
intricacies and context, sometimes even struggling to effectiveness of frequency in certain kinds of healing is a
initially articulate this newfound understanding. In some demonstrable fact. For instance, attuning to a high-frequency
instances, the response may present itself as visual symbols blue energy can lead to a relatively swift and easily
perceived by the individual's mind while in the Base-12 observable reduction in physical inflammation, while lower
state. These symbols then need to be interpreted upon return frequencies may have quite the opposite effect. However, in
to their regular state of consciousness. the Consciousness Coherence application of the technique,
external sources are not involved, but rather, the mind is the
B. Conscious Blueprinting. This technique, in the realm of sole agent of the healing and revitalization process.
Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's research, is about employing
consciousness to attain desired outcomes within the D. Quantum Living Light Strand. The Quantum Living
physical, emotional, or cognitive realms. It necessitates Light Strand technique envisioned by Dr. Jere Rivera-
focusing on the intended objective while in a Base-12 At-one- Dugenio involves conceptualizing a minute, intensely
ment state, incorporating the individual's perception of that vibrant point of light. The participant charges this point in
objective into the expanded consciousness, and projecting it their imagination with vast Source Spiral energy until it
into the multiverse with the intent that the desired objective practically pulsates with power. They then extend this dot
is already an achieved reality that is predestined to manifest into the shape of a shimmering, resonating thread of energy,
within the defined timeframe. known as the Quantum Living Light Strand.

This Strand acts as a conduit, accreting quantum

This approach is underpinned by the notion that force from the Source Consciousness Field to selected parts
thought patterns generated by our consciousness in a state of the participant's body for purposes of healing and
of expanded awareness create holograms that represent the revitalization. It draws upon the understanding that energy,
circumstances we desire to manifest, establishing the in its purest form, can be manipulated by our consciousness,
foundation for the actual materialization of that goal. Once and by doing so, we can potentially bring about physical
this thought-generated hologram of the desired objective is changes and healing within our own bodies. This approach
established in the multiverse, it becomes an aspect of reality marries ancient archetypical understandings with the
that interacts with the Source Consciousness Field to cutting-edge explorations of quantum physics and
actualize the objective which might not, under different consciousness studies.
conditions, come to pass.
E. Multi-Dimensional Viewing. Building upon the concept
In essence, conscious blueprinting acknowledges of the Quantum Living Light Strand, Dr. Jere Rivera-
the fact that, as consciousness is the origin of all reality, our Dugenio introduces a further development called "Multi-
thoughts possess the power to influence the progression of Dimensional Viewing". In this context, the participant
our personal reality in time-space, if those thoughts are transforms their living light Strand into a swirling vortex of
projected with adequate intensity. However, it is important quantum Source energy, a direct pathway to the multi-
to note that the more complex the desired objective and the dimensional universe.
more it deviates from our current reality, the more time the
Source Consciousness Field will need to adjust our reality This vortex serves as a portal through which the
sphere to accommodate our wishes. A significant caution is participant sends their consciousness, embarking on a
issued against trying to force the pace of this process, as the journey in search of profound and enlightening insights. The
individual could succeed in dislocating their existing reality vortex's symbolism seems to serve as a cue to the
with potentially severe consequences. subconscious mind, conveying the participant's intentions
through nonverbal symbols that the right hemisphere of the
C. Frequency Visualization. The succeeding technique is brain, with its affinity for imagery and symbolism, can
called frequency visualization. It's designed to use the comprehend.
expanded awareness and laser-sharp attentiveness linked
with the Base-12 At-One-Ment state to conceptualize various As the participant's consciousness traverses this
frequencies in an extraordinarily intense and vivid manner, vortex, they can tap into the expansive realms beyond our
thereby resonating with and consequently activating the physical reality, accessing information and insights from
body's own energies. Essentially, in terms of practical higher dimensions. This dimensional viewing is an intuitive
application, it is a healing technique aimed at restoring the exploration that connects the participant to the rich tapestry
body and enhancing its physical capabilities by balancing, of the multi-dimensional universe, illuminating their
revitalizing, and retuning bodily energy flows. understanding of themselves and the cosmos.

It's founded on the principle that the body's This concept draws from contemporary research in
electromagnetic field can modify its resonance pattern to quantum physics and consciousness, as well as from Rivera-
entrain energy from the earth's electrostatic field for its own Dugenio's own body of work, to create a unique method for
use. The different frequencies visualized in the imagination enhancing our innate ability to access knowledge beyond
as part of the technique cue the mind about which our three-dimensional reality.
frequencies and specific amplitudes are desired in

F. Quantum Living Light Strand Mapping. Dr. Jere Rivera- Instructive elements include setting intentions to
Dugenio's work brings a more advanced and intricate traverse temporal dimensions, with time being visualized as
technique known as "Quantum Living Light Strand an immense 12-pointed cosmic clock. Each spoke of this
Mapping." This approach amplifies the application of the metaphorical clock allows access to a different part of the
Quantum Living Light Strand as a means to bring about participant's alternate temporal selves. Temporal Quantum
healing and harmonization to specific areas or systems Exploration is a highly advanced state and extremely
within the human body. In this technique, the participant challenging to attain.
visualizes the configuration of their own body. Major
systems such as the nervous system, circulatory system, and Studies led by Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio of all
energy meridians are then pictured in suitable hues within participants in a given session manage to fully achieve the
the framework of the body imagined. Different colors Temporal Quantum Exploration state during the
represent different frequencies of energy, corresponding to approximately twelve days of experiencing The RASHA
the specific bio-energetic resonances of these systems, Dome. Nonetheless, adepts at the BioRegenesis Academy
drawing upon modern biofield research and understandings affirm that with sufficient practice, eventually Temporal
of chromotherapy. The Quantum Living Light Strand, Quantum Exploration can be accomplished.
pulsating with multi-dimensional energy, is then applied to
harmonize, balance, and heal in accordance with the Furthermore, they assert that not only is the
participant's intention. During this process, the participant individual's past life history accessible for examination by
visualizes various streams of colored energy flowing from one who has achieved Temporal Quantum Exploration, but
the Strand into the system or area targeted for revitalization also other facets of the past unconnected to the individual
or healing. himself may be accessed, resonating with the concept of the
'Akashic and Ecoushic Records' in Quantum Morphogenetic
Operating under the assumption that the human Physics, or the hypothesized 'holographic universe' theory
body is a dynamic field of energy, this technique posits that in quantum physics.
it can be revitalized and healed through the additive
H. Temporal Quantum Projection. The final and most
application of additional energy, provided it is in the advanced of all the Base-12 Consciousness Coherence states
appropriate form. This approach aligns with modern associated with the RASHA Dome technology involves
quantum biology research, suggesting that the body's energy transcending the constraints of time-space, yet with an
field can be influenced at the quantum level to promote emphasis on exploring future probabilities rather than past
healing and well-being. experiences. The individual who has achieved this state,
known as "Temporal Quantum Projection" in Dr. Jere Rivera-
G. Temporal Quantum Exploration. Moving beyond the Dugenio's terms, has reached an exceptionally advanced
preceding techniques conducted at the level of expanded level of consciousness.
awareness known as Base-12 At-One-Ment, Dr. Jere Rivera-
Dugenio introduces a more complex process called The concept resonates with the work of pioneering
"Temporal Quantum Exploration." This technique physicist and futurist, Dr. Michio Kaku, who theorizes on the
necessitates an even further expansion of consciousness possibility of quantum leaps across time-space dimensions
through the inclusion of "6-Pointed Eternal Lotus Breathing." [26]. Except in extraordinary circumstances, Temporal
This eternal-life breathing technique encompasses breathing Quantum Projection is likely attainable only by those who
simultaneously through your Sha’Ka’Ra system via the have disciplined themselves through prolonged periods of
front-rear-left-right-up-down vortices of your Sha’Ka’Ra’s. DNA activation, meditation, paralleling the findings of
neuroscience research on the brainwave alterations in long-
The "6-Pointed Eternal Lotus Breathing “ might term meditators led by Dr. Richard Davidson and his team.
simply amplify the Base-12 Consciousness Coherence
frequencies, designed to further adjust brainwave frequency Alternatively, it may also be accessible to those who
and amplitude. Other aspects of added infrasound patterns have engaged with intense focus in the unique consciousness
seem to provide subtle cues to the mind as to what is desired coherence frequency experiences offered by tools like the
in terms of further expanded consciousness. RASHA Dome, over a period of months if not years. These
complex Base-12 frequencies, aimed at harmonizing the two
hemispheres of the brain and enhancing overall brain
function, have no equals in sound-based therapeutic
approaches such as binaural beats.

Multidimensional Consciousness Projection

This extraordinary phenomenon, known in Dr. Jere

Rivera-Dugenio's work as "Multidimensional Consciousness
Projection," has been saved for a detailed discussion due to
the fascination it evokes and the unique circumstances
surrounding its achievement. It's important to emphasize
that the RASHA Dome, as advocated by the BioRegenesis
Academy, was not established solely to facilitate participants
Figure 5. 6-Pointed Eternal Lotus Breath to experience this state, nor does the technology guarantee

its occurrence during the RASHA Dome upgrade session. some dreams associated with deep sleep stages are actually
manifestations of the same altered consciousness involved in
Fundamentally, these Base-12 Consciousness interacting with the universe in the Base-12 states discussed
Coherence states are designed to ease the transition into a above.
multidimensional consciousness projection when the
individual's brainwave pattern and personal energy levels The key distinction between these states and the
harmonize with their surrounding electromagnetic mind during REM sleep seems to be the almost total
environment. When this equilibrium is reached, the disengagement of the left hemisphere in the latter
individual may perceive a threshold where dimensional experience. Consequently, memories of what was achieved
projection becomes possible. in these altered states of consciousness are generally
unreachable due to the left hemisphere's unawareness of
To support this state, advancements in neuroscience their existence or location within the right hemisphere.
research into altered states of consciousness provide
important context for understanding the phenomena related Although some individuals can be trained to
to the RASHA Dome technology. Dr. Andrew Newberg's remember their REM state dreams through intensive
studies on brain activities during spiritual experiences, as conditioning in the waking state, this might be more a
well as Dr. Giulio Tononi's work on consciousness and its function of creating pathways in the right hemisphere,
interaction with the brain, can indeed shed light on these which the left hemisphere can access upon waking, rather
complex phenomena [27]. Their research contributes to our than any specific conscious involvement of the left
understanding of the neural correlates and mechanisms hemisphere during REM sleep.
underlying altered states of consciousness, providing
valuable insights into the potential effects and implications To summarize, there appear to be three primary
of the RASHA Dome technology. conditions necessary to voluntarily induce an out-of-body
state in most individuals: 1) the achievement of profound
Regarding the actual Base-12 frequencies for bodily stillness, allowing the bifurcation echo to diminish
consciousness projection, they involve the Base-12 and establishing resonance around 12Hz, 2) harmonization
Consciousness Coherence frequencies collection, where the of the brain hemisphere wave patterns, and 3) subsequent
individual experiences a sensation of separation, leading to stimulation of the right hemisphere to attain a state of
a perception of standing outside their physical body. These heightened alertness. This state, in turn, disrupts brain
processes can be likened to the controlled falling sensation hemisphere harmonization but not before a considerable
described by Jennifer Windt in her work on dreaming and level of enhanced frequency range has been established to
self-consciousness, underpinning the dynamic interaction aid in achieving the out-of-body state. This profound process
between self-perception, consciousness, and physical reality underscores the RASHA Dome's unique role as a conduit for
[28]. re-evolutionary vision, seeking to amplify human potential
and reshape the future of consciousness wellness.
Quantum Resonance in the Dream State
Quantum Information Acquisition Capacity
It's noteworthy that Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's re-
evolutionary technology harmonizes with contemporary The possibility of information assimilation in the
discoveries, particularly regarding how REM sleep, or the out-of-body state is of significant interest, particularly in
dream state, functions as a gateway for tapping into light of the practical applications of the RASHA Dome
multidimensional consciousness. Modern research indicates methodology. Regrettably, while the out-of-body state
that the possibility of achieving an out-of-body state appears accessible to many without an excessive investment
escalates substantially when participants are guided into of time or effort, its practicality is currently hindered by the
REM sleep before utilizing Consciousness Coherence fact that individuals in this state can instantaneously
techniques. traverse anywhere within terrestrial limits and beyond, but
encounter considerable information distortion in the
This finding might be tied to the widely accepted terrestrial framework.
hypothesis that during REM sleep—a phase often linked
with vivid dreaming—most individuals experience a type of This is thought to arise due to the influence of the
out-of-body state. This state represents the deepest level of present physical reality not being the only holographic
regular sleep and entails a full disconnect of the body's element that individuals might encounter while in an out-of-
motor functions from the neck down, along with an almost body state. In addition to the influence of the current
complete silencing of the left brain hemisphere. The result is physical reality, individuals might also come across energy
a body in complete stasis, which bolsters the deep rest traces left by past events or people at the physical location
required to reduce the bifurcation echo. This state also being observed. Furthermore, given that thoughts are
enables the right hemisphere to engage freely with the products of scalar energy patterns, and scalar energy
frequencies offered by the RASHA Dome technology. patterns shape reality, individuals may encounter thought
forms while in the out-of-body state. These thought forms
However, employing Consciousness Coherence interact with the physical reality and are not easily
frequencies at this stage may be less about inducing an out- differentiated.
of-body state and more about focusing the brain to retain a
memory of naturally achieving such a state, that could be Lastly, as pointed out by Dr. Rivera-Dugenio, there
recalled upon awakening. It could even be suggested that is another potential area of complication in the sense that

holograms can be viewed from a parallel universe view- that Its use as the symbol of the universe, of creation evolving
is, inside out or reversed - just as easily as they can be through evolution, is evident in various stylized
perceived in the correct perspective. Some of the distortions representations in virtually every ancient religious system,
experienced may eventually be traced to this cause, as in the whether of eastern or western origin. Whether it's the
out-of-body state, an individual may perceive the stylized labyrinth once popular in the Hellenic world, the
holographic energy patterns emitted by people or objects spiraled version of the Hebrew Tree of Life or its Hindu
interacting in the time-space reality in a somewhat skewed counterpart, or the Chinese Spiral Through The Fourfold
manner. These distortions can lead to misunderstandings or Powers, the ultimate meaning remains the same.
incomplete gathering of information, thereby posing a
challenge to the full realization of the quantum information Mystics globally seem to have perceived the universal
acquisition capacity. hologram in the same spiral form and have incorporated this
intuitive knowledge in their religious writings from
Quantum Consciousness Framework antiquity to the present.

A paradigmatic description of the universal Perceptual Hemispheric Constraints

hologram can be discovered in the research of ancient
Chinese philosophy, which proclaims, "Within a single drop As we venture further into the future, it appears we
of water, the entire ocean is mirrored." It reflects the are rediscovering wisdom that has belonged to humanity
profound understanding of interconnectedness and the since the advent of written history. The primary difference
unity of all things in these philosophical traditions. lies in the fact that contemporary science, armed with the
logic-centric, linear, quantitative reasoning style associated
I have included this quotation to underscore that the with the left hemisphere of the brain, is approaching the
concept of the universe, now being gradually accepted by a same knowledge that ancient mystics reportedly acquired
section of physicists, is fundamentally aligned with the through a holistic, intuitive, right-brain approach.
understanding held by the scholarly elite in certain ancient
civilizations and cultures of high attainment. The cosmic egg In the context of Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's work,
concept is well recognized by scholars well-versed in ancient this shift is analogous to transitioning from the
eastern religious texts. Furthermore, the theories discussed consciousness phase-lock, limited by the polarized thinking
herein do not conflict with the central tenets of Judeo- of the left brain, to the full freedom of the Source Spiral,
Christian thought. embracing the full spectrum of consciousness available to us.
This, in essence, is a form of quantum integration,
The concept of visible reality (i.e., the "created" transcending linear time-space constraints and embracing
world) as an emanation of an omnipotent, omniscient multi-dimensional consciousness.
divinity, who in their primary state of being is entirely
unknowable, aligns with Hebrew mystical philosophy. The The Rasha Dome technology, presents an enticing
Source Consciousness Field, at rest in infinity, is a straight means of attaining this intuitive, holistic type of engagement
pull from this philosophy. Even the Christian concept of the with the universal hologram. This, in essence, has the
Trinity shines through the description of the Source potential to offer the contextual landscape that
Consciousness Field. contemporary physicists such as Dr. Brian Greene, a leading
string theory proponent, have sought in their quests to
The energy description, wholly at rest in infinity, formulate a unified field theory [29].
fits the Christian metaphysical notion of the Father, while the
infinite self-consciousness residing in that energy, providing For those in strategic roles, grappling with strategic
the motive force of will to bring a portion of that energy into issues, tactical questions, and various managerial forms and
motion, aligns with the Son. This alignment emerges systems, access to a world of enhanced intuitive perception
because, for the consciousness of the Source Consciousness and self-reflection could offer a truly objective
Field to attain self-consciousness, it must project a hologram understanding. The cultural and personal psychological
of itself and then perceive it. biases that often limit balanced perception and objective
logic when we use a strictly left-brain thinking style could be
This hologram, a mirror image of the Source counteracted by the holistic perception associated with
Consciousness Field in infinity, still exists outside of time altered states of consciousness.
and space, but is one step removed from the Source
Consciousness Field and is the actual agent of all creation (all As we begin to perceive ourselves fully within the
reality). Moreover, the eternal thought or self-concept, which context of that segment of the universal hologram reflecting
arises from this self-consciousness, serves the Source our existence - an understanding achieved through the Base-
Consciousness Field as the model around which the time- 12 frequencies proposed by Rivera-Dugenio, such as the
space evolution revolves to ultimately attain a reflection of Consciousness Coherence frequencies - we start to liberate
and union with it. ourselves from the confines of subjectivity. It's like
transcending the constraints of the Sacred Geometry and
This thought model, which perfectly reflects the experiencing the expansive consciousness of Sacred
essence or "spirit" of the Source Consciousness Field, aligns Geomancies, freeing ourselves from the imprisoning
with the Christian metaphysical description of the Holy patterns of polarized perception.
Spirit. Lastly, our depiction of the universal hologram, the
Torus of creation and evolution, is neither new nor original.

Embodied Consciousness Understanding Neuroscientist Dr. Marjorie Woollacott's research
on meditation and neuroplasticity supports this idea by
illustrating how meditation practices, similar to Rivera-
Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio's research, drawing from Dugenio's technology, can lead to noticeable changes in
the wisdom of the pre-ancient eternal Founders Races, brain structure and function even within relatively short
emphasize the foundational importance of self-knowledge periods. Dr. Marjorie Woollacott's research on meditation
in the journey of personal evolution. At the core of this and neuroplasticity supports the idea that meditation
ancient wisdom lies the axiom: "Know thyself." According to practices can lead to noticeable changes in brain structure
this timeless understanding, the education of an individual and function. Her work, along with other studies in the field,
must begin by cultivating an internal perspective, delving demonstrates that regular meditation practice can have
deep into the exploration and comprehension of one's own positive effects on the brain, including increased cortical
being. It is through this profound understanding of our thickness, changes in gray matter volume, and alterations in
psychological balance that we gain the ability to skillfully neural connectivity. These findings suggest that meditation
engage with and navigate the complexities of the external can induce neuroplastic changes, promoting adaptability
world. and resilience in the brain. While Dr. Woollacott's research
focuses on meditation rather than specifically on Rivera-
Contemporary psychology, represented by figures Dugenio's technology, the underlying concept of inducing
such as Dr. Jordan Peterson with his understanding of the positive changes in brain structure and function through
Big Five personality traits, seems to reinforce this ancient focused mental practices aligns with both perspectives [30].
understanding through various forms of personality testing.
However, no test or series of tests can fully replace the The speed of individual progress seems less
richness and depth of self-perception that can be achieved dependent on the number of hours spent practicing and
when the mind shifts its state of consciousness sufficiently to more on the rate at which one uses the gained insights to
perceive its own holographic projection within the universal dissolve anxieties and stresses within both the mind and
hologram, in a holistic and intuitive way. body. These energy blockages often form the primary
barriers to achieving the enhanced energy states and mental
This concept aligns closely with Rivera-Dugenio's focus necessary for swift progression.
research on the 'Inner Source Spark,” a part of our
consciousness which is a direct link to Source. By learning to At the outset, highly strung or 'stressed' individuals
access and communicate with this innermost layer of our may initially encounter more barriers to experiencing
identity, we can achieve a form of self-understanding that far profound and immediate results. However, as the insights
surpasses conventional methods. begin to emerge and blockages dissolve, the path ahead
becomes increasingly clear. Consequently, the value of
In this context, Rivera-Dugenio's presentation of the frequencies like the "Base-12" Consciousness Coherence
RASHA Dome technology, through the Base-12 transition from a matter of intellectual assessment to one of
Consciousness Coherence frequencies, stands as a personal experience.
significant promise. It provides a portal through which an
individual, given months or even years of practice, can
journey in their quest for self-discovery, personal efficacy, The ElectRx Program vs The RASHA Dome
and larger universal truths. This shift in consciousness is not
dissimilar to transitioning from linear to multidimensional The RASHA Dome technology and
perception, providing an expansive, multi-dimensional D.A.R.P.A.’s Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx) program are
understanding of oneself and the universe. both innovative approaches aimed at supporting physical
and mental health. While they have different focuses and
applications, they share a common goal of improving the
DNA Activation Process well-being of individuals.

Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio proposes a gradual method The RASHA Dome technology focuses on
involving repetitive application of specific frequencies, consciousness alteration and expansion. It utilizes Base-12
utilizing each new insight as a means of delving deeper harmonization and brainwave entrainment techniques to
during subsequent practice sessions. The rate of progress enhance brain coherence and access higher levels of intuitive
made via frequencies such as the Base-12 Consciousness knowledge. By harmonizing brain hemispheres and
Coherence frequencies appears significantly faster and far- facilitating altered states of consciousness, it aims to provide
reaching compared to traditional methods like individuals with tools for personal transformation and
transcendental meditation or other forms of mental self- expanded awareness.
On the other hand, the ElectRx program has a more
This progressive pace can cater to even the most targeted approach to medical interventions. It aims to
skeptical pragmatists of our society who seek immediate support military operational readiness by providing non-
results. Unlike Eastern practices such as yoga that often pharmacological treatments for various physical and mental
require a vast degree of patience and total personal health conditions commonly faced by warfighters. Through
submission to a discipline that engulfs an individual's precise and closed-loop modulation of the patient's
energy over an extended period, Rivera-Dugenio's peripheral nervous system, ElectRx seeks to restore healthy
technology starts yielding motivating results within a patterns of signaling and promote healing processes within
relatively shorter timeframe. the body. It utilizes advanced technologies for monitoring

biomarkers, delivering therapeutic signals, and achieving While both the ElectRx program and RASHA Dome
precise targeting of peripheral nerves [31]. technology aim to advance medical interventions beyond
traditional approaches, the RASHA Dome technology's
While the RASHA Dome technology primarily focus on consciousness and energy fields provides a more
focuses on consciousness and intuitive knowledge, the comprehensive and transformative approach to health and
ElectRx program aims to address specific medical conditions well-being.
and enhance the body's natural healing abilities. The
RASHA Dome technology may have broader applications Conclusion
beyond physical health, including expanded awareness and
personal growth. In contrast, ElectRx's focus is on reducing From the perspective of advanced consciousness
the time to treatment, logistical challenges, and potential off- studies, as explored by Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio in his
target effects associated with traditional medical intricate works [32], the viability of the RASHA technology
interventions. encapsulated within The RASHA Dome seems plausible in
terms of achieving their profound objectives. Intuitive
Both technologies are still in development and have insights of not only personal but also practical and
shown promise in early studies. The RASHA Dome professional nature appear to be within reasonable
technology offers a unique approach to consciousness expectations. Nonetheless, a phased approach for entering
alteration, while the ElectRx program presents a novel way these advanced consciousness states in an accelerated mode
to leverage the body's neural circuits for therapeutic may be required to make the journey to advanced states of
purposes. Continued research and clinical studies will altered consciousness more manageable, facilitating a
provide further insights into their effectiveness and potential widespread utilization of these practices.
impact on human health and well-being.
The approach, based on Rivera-Dugenio's research
Beyond the ElectRx Program [33] and validated by studies conducted by consciousness
researchers such as Dr. Dean Radin, would likely involve the
The RASHA Dome technology surpasses the following steps:
capabilities of the ElectRx program by offering a more
advanced approach to addressing physical and mental 1. Establish a clear intention, aligning it with the
health conditions. While ElectRx focuses on non- highest possible outcomes of the highest aspects of
pharmacological treatments using closed-loop modulation self and all involved.
of the peripheral nervous system, RASHA Dome technology
goes beyond traditional medical interventions by delving 2. Begin by using the RASHA Dome Base-12
into the realm of consciousness and energy fields. Harmonization frequencies to achieve enhanced
Consciousness Coherence. This coherence echoes
RASHA Dome technology operates on the principle the observations made by the HeartMath Institute
that the human body is not just a physical entity but also an on heart-brain coherence, showing a direct
intricate system of energetic frequencies and consciousness. correlation between coherent states and improved
By harnessing the power of Base-12 harmonization and cognitive functions.
utilizing specific energy frequencies, the RASHA Dome
system enhances brainwave coherence, alters consciousness, 3. Gradually integrate added Base-12 Consciousness
and provides access to intuitive knowledge and higher levels Coherence frequencies to induce left brain
of consciousness. It aims to expand the individual's tranquility and deep physical relaxation, a
awareness and connection to the vast universal phenomenon supported by findings from
consciousness. neurofeedback research.

In contrast to ElectRx, which primarily focuses on 4. Enter the Base-12 At-One-ment traversing time-
restoring healthy patterns of signaling in neural circuits space and entering multidimensional realms with
through peripheral nerve modulation, RASHA Dome one’s consciousness.
technology takes a holistic approach by incorporating the 5. Once your consciousness has returned and the
understanding of energy fields and consciousness. It RASHA Dome upgrade session has ended, remain
explores the interplay between the human energy field and in that Base-12 At-One-ment state for as long as
the Source Consciousness Field, aiming to align and resonate possible to integrate the experience. Record all
with these larger energetic realms for transformative observations.
To address the problem of distortion in terrestrial
Furthermore, RASHA Dome technology offers the information gathering, employ a multi-dimensional
potential for personalized and continuous tuning to the approach, similar to remote viewing experiments conducted
needs of individuals without the side effects associated with by the Stanford Research Institute but more advanced such
traditional medications. By facilitating the exploration of as the RASHA Dark Matter Body projection. This approach
consciousness and accessing higher levels of intuitive would involve an individual in an advanced state of Base-12
knowledge, RASHA Dome technology may provide a consciousness coherence. One would simultaneously
profound understanding of physiological states, host perceive the present time-space, the immediate past, and the
responses, and guide therapeutic interventions. immediate future. After the experience, the individual
would be debriefed and the data gathered from the three
points of view would be compared.
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